UFMFKS-30-1 Module Handbook 23-24

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Module Handbook 2023/24

Module Name: Engineering Practice 1

Module Code: UFMFKS-30-1

Module Leader Name: Dr Marianthi Leon and Dr Shwe Soe

This module provides a broad comprehension of the competencies and social responsibilities
required in order to be a professional engineer in the workplace.

The module will develop the engineering habits of mind of:

 Problem-finding
 Creative problem-solving
 Visualising
 Systems Thinking
 Improving
 Adapting
Holistic design thinking is important for systems engineering, and so particular focus will be placed
on the role of a creative skilled practitioner to develop sustainable solutions to problems in today’s
world, with reference to the Sustainable Development Goals. As well as module learning materials,
students will be expected to demonstrate this through module projects involving locally relevant
problems, and with a consideration for sustainability issues and civic responsibility.

The module will focus on the Engineering Design Cycle stages of:
 Discover
 Empathise
 Define
 Ideate
 Prototype
 Test
 Communicate
Engineers typically spend most of their careers working in project teams. Managing projects is a
critical skill for career development. To be effective you need to understand the tools and
techniques available to engineers and the issues associated with meeting business and personnel
needs. Project management training includes time and budget planning, communication between
peers and with clients, teamwork skills, and leadership opportunities.

Communication skills are therefore essential both within a professional work context, and also to
engage with communities and groups that are impacted by engineering projects and
developments. Students will learn about and experience a variety of communication methods such
as academic reports, laboratory reports, oral presentations, posters, and digital media. You will
also experience public engagement strategies utilised by professional organisations, as well as the
variety of audiences with which these skills can be practiced and explored.
Please note that this electronic version of the handbook will be kept up to date and you will be
notified of any significant changes. If you have taken a hard copy of any information please
remember to refer back to the electronic version to ensure that you are working with the most up
to date information.

Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Module team information...........................................................................................................4
2. Module enhancement.................................................................................................................4
3. Module specific information.......................................................................................................4
4. Assessment(s)............................................................................................................................. 7
5. Feedback..................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Reading and resources list(s)...................................................................................................... 9
7. Communication...........................................................................................................................9
8. Advice and support..................................................................................................................... 9

1. Module team information

Module Leader(s) name(s) Dr Marianthi Leon & Dr Shwe Soe

Module Team for Term 1:

Maryam Atoofi [email protected]

Maryam Lamere [email protected]
Wendy Fowles-Sweet [email protected]
Nnamdi Maduka [email protected]
Iwona Gajda [email protected]
Disi Chen [email protected]
Dan Withey [email protected]
Matthew Studley [email protected]
Zeyad Al-Shibaany [email protected]
Venkat Bakthavatchaalam [email protected]
Faizan Khalid [email protected]
John Kamalu [email protected]
Tushar Dhavale [email protected]
James Whiting [email protected]

Module Team for Term 2:

Dr Shwe Soe (Module leader & 3D Printing lead)

Dr Tushar Dhavale (CAD modelling lead)
Dr Eleanor O'Hara (Electronic and Robotic lead)
Dr Joe Butcher (CAD modelling tutor)
Dr Faizan Khalid (CAD modelling tutor)
Dr David Fisher (CAD modelling tutor)
Dr Deepthi Shanmugam (CAD modelling tutor)
Benedict Starling (CAD modelling tutor)
Luke Bedford (CAD modelling tutor)
Ernie Maltby (CAD modelling and 3D Printing tutor)
Lucy Corfield (3D Printing technician)
Drew Williams-Hicks (3D Printing technician)
Patrick Thornhill (CAD modelling and 3D Printing support)

External examiners from other institutions are appointed to each module to act independently and
work with the module team in the management of threshold academic standards. Information is
available about the external examiner appointed to this module

2. Module enhancement
According to student feedback, the module has been adapted to clearly group the different
assessment components. Furthermore, the Blackboard area and the learning materials have been
re-organised, including session study plans for each week.

3. Module specific information

Successful completion of this module will establish students ready for future learning in your
degrees, ahead of being student professionals in your chosen career. This enables you to work
towards achieving the UWE graduate attributes of being Self-Reliant and Connected, Ready and
Able, Enterprising, Globally Responsible and Future-Facing. You will also begin working towards
Engineering Competencies for the UK SPEC EngTech Matrix.

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

Reference Outcome Assessed In

LO1 Reflect on the roles and responsibilities within a team Group Poster,
delivering a project outcome. Reflective Report
LO2 Communicate accurately and reliably in a variety of Group Poster,
forms, demonstrating coherent argument Reflective Report
LO3 Apply design thinking and modelling skills including Technical
through relevant software Portfolio
LO4 Reflect on personal strengths, developmental needs, Reflective Report,
and competencies in both an academic and Professional
professional context and engage in appropriate Portfolio
development activities
LO5 Identify environmental issues and sustainability Reflective Report
considerations in engineering environments

This module will combine online recorded lectures, live online tutorials and peer-group projects.

Students are expected to engage with the online recorded lectures before the weekly tutorials.

The module also includes time spent in simulated workplace environments (such as laboratories or
workshops) in order to demonstrate technical and safe conduct in the workplace as well as
professional conduct with peers.


The module Schedule, and expected student engagement, is the following:
Term 1
Week (week
Session Topic Teaching
5 (18/09/23) Starting Block 1 – Welcome to Programme
6 (25/09/23) Starting Block 1 – Introduction to module
 Engineering Design Process
 Design Thinking
7 (02/10/23)  Strengthsfinder
 Lean Thinking
 Assignments overview
 User-centred design
8 (9/10/23)
 Diversity and Inclusion
 Workbook and Library Skills
Discover and Empathise
 Engineering for Sustainability
9 (16/10/23)  Being a Globally Responsible UK)
 Design and Product Life Cycle: end Blackboard Learning Materials
in mind Pre-recorded lectures and self-
directed learning
Empathise and Define
 Project and Scope Management
10 (23/10/23) On-Campus
 Problem statement/Project
Two hour on-campus tutorial
Ideation Skills
 Communication skills
11 (30/10/23)
Define Success
 Risk Assessment
Component A Presentations

Define Success
12 (06/11/23)  Benchmarking and definition of
 Factors and Key Indicators

Project Week briefing

Project Week 1
13 (13/11/23)
Posters presentation on 17/11/23
Engineering Design Process
 Project Week debrief
14 (20/11/23)
 Moving onto to Develop Blackboard Learning Materials
 Preparation for Project Pre-recorded lectures and self-
Report Writing directed learning
15 (27/11/23)  Ethics Research on a company
Engineering in the real world Two hour on-campus tutorial
16 (04/12/23)  Corporate Social Responsibility
 UK Spec
Report Writing Support Session On-Campus
17 (11/12/23)
Two hour on-campus tutorial
Submission deadline of the Reflective report
12/12/23 on professional development and engineering ethics
18 (18/12/23) Winter Vacation
19 (25/12/23)

20 (01/01/24)
21 (08/01/24) Careers Input
Two hour on-campus tutorial

22 (15/01/24) Assessments Week

Term 2

Week (week Session Topic (Aero, Session Topic

commencing) Mech, Auto) (EE, Robotics)
24 (29/01/24) Introduction to Digital Digital Design Basics
Design& 3D printing Lab tour (Part 1)
Detailed Look into SolidWorks Digital Design Basics
25 (05/02/24) Sketcher& 3D printing Lab (Part 2)
Making your first 3D model & Digital Design Basics
26 (12/02/24)
2D sketch for 3D printing (Part 3)
Perfecting your 3D Skills & Intro to EE and ROBO CAD Blackboard
Create 3D model and submit  Schematics Learning
27 (19/02/24)
for 3D printing  Multisim Materials
"instrumentation" Pre-recorded
Detailed Look into SolidWorks Multisim sweeps lectures and self-
28 (26/02/24) Bosses & Create 3D model  Parameter sweeps and directed learning
and submit for 3D printing AC Sweeps in multisim.
Hole Wizard and Global 555 timer and it's On-Campus
Variables & Submission applications Two hour on-
29 (04/03/24)
deadline for 3D printing and campus tutorial
inclass assessment
SolidWorks Assembly & 3D Printed Circuit Boards
30 (11/03/24)
printing inclass assessment (PCBs)
31(18/03/24) Project Week 2
Understanding the theory How to make PCBs in
behind drawing standards & Eagle
32 (25/03/24)
Final 3D printing inclass
33 (01/04/24)
Spring Break
34 (08/04/24)
SolidWorks Assignment Eagle Custom Parts
35 (15/04/24) Briefing How to make custom parts
(CSWA exam)
Two hour on-
SolidWorks Assignment Assembly
campus tutorial
36 (22/04/24) support session
(CSWA exam)
SolidWorks Assignment Portfolio development support
37 (29/04/24) support session session
(CSWA exam)
02/05/23 Final Portfolio Submission

38 (06/05/23) Assessments Week

4. Assessment(s)

The assessments in this module enable students to demonstrate their understanding of the
engineering habits of mind, and the engineering design cycle, while reflecting on becoming socially
responsible engineers in appropriate professional formats.

Formative feedback takes place during the module and considers the development of the
student’s progress and reflective thinking. Formative feedback will consist of:
 Discussion between peers within tutorial workshops
 Discussing between peers within the project group
 Formative deadlines for work
 Project week feedback from professionals within the community contexts

Summative Assessment
The assessment portfolio builds over the term and enables feed forward to develop to each assessment component.

Task Description Assessment Element Module Assessment Submission Via

Assessment Submission Deadline
Week commencing the 6
November 2023 (within
1. Project Week PowerPoint and Presentation (pass – fail)
the planned tutorials Project Week
Poster (Group
sessions) Blackboard page
Project Week Posters 17 November 2023

Evidence of completion of Library Skills

2. Professional Evidence of completion of Workshop practice and Engineering Practice 1
Portfolio of Activities training (pass – fail) 2nd May 2024 Blackboard page
(individual) Evidence of completion of Assessment Offences (Assignment tab)

3. Ethical and Reflective report on professional development and

reflective report 35%
engineering ethics (1500 words) 12 December 2023 Blackboard page

Aerospace, Mechanical and Auto

 Design for Manufacturing & assembly
4. Technical Portfolio Engineering Practice 1
of Activities 40% 2 May 2024 Blackboard page
(individual) (Assignment tab)
Electronics and Robotics
 Printed Circuit Board Design Portfolio

Please access the Assessment Brief(s) which is a/are separate document(s) on Blackboard
where you will find all essential details regarding submission requirements and relevant

5. Feedback

You will receive feedback in a variety of forms throughout the module, therefore it is
important to attend timetabled sessions to ensure you do not miss out on these

You will also receive feedback on assessed work; this may be individually or as a
group/cohort, which will enable you to understand how you have met the assessment
criteria and identify areas for your further improvement.

MyUWE is used to communicate unconfirmed marks, provide cover sheets for assessments
and to submit work. Further information on all aspects of your myUWE portal is available on
the website.

6. Reading and resources list(s)

Your module reading list can be accessed online, either directly through the link or through
the module’s Blackboard page.

The short video available on the library’s website will introduce you to some of the key
features of the online reading list system.

7. Communication
Throughout your time with us, you will receive regular communications; the main
communication channels used are Blackboard sites and your UWE email address. It is your
responsibility to read everything that you are sent and act upon it where appropriate.

8. Advice and support
There are a range of facilities and services available to go to for advice and support
depending on what the issue is. Remember - asking for help at the earliest possible stage
will help you in the long run.
Please contact Information Point who may signpost you to other professional services such
Student Support Advisers
Disability Service
Health and Wellbeing Services
Money and Finance
Immigration Advice Service


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