Web Content Management System

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Back in the early 90s, the first step for managing content online was through the Server Side.
Whatthis means is that it allows you to keep certain sections of your website distinct from the
primarycontent, for instance, the site menu or the footer of the page. This was also the time
when CommonGateway Interface came into existence that allowed developers to build
interactive web forms intothe website.Today, content is delivered dynamically through Web
2.0, where companies are using the modern,agile and flexible web content management

1 Web content management system (WCMS):

1.1 Definition:

A web content management system is a platform that allows organizations to manage

differenttypes of digital information on their website, by creating and managing dynamic
content withoutany knowledge of programming or any mark-up languages.By implementing
dynamically managed web content, businesses can take informed decisionsbased on insights
delivered through the platform.2. A web content management system (WCMS) is a type of
content management system(CMS )that provides an organization with a way to manage
digital information on a website throughcreating and maintaining content without prior
knowledge of web programming or markuplanguages.Managing web content effectively can
have useful business applications in the enterprise,producing insights for decision-making
and delivering results, as well as value.

1.2 How does a WCMS work?

A web content management system, also known as WCMS helps in maintaining and
controllingthe content on a website. The content is stored in a central database and the same
is recalled usingvarious programming or markup languages such as XML or. NET. Those
who want to access theweb page can do so through a web browser. For editing the content,
the same can be done through a web browser-based control panel that not only controls the
content part, but also the layout andother elements of a web page.
A typical web content management system has two parts:
1. A content management application (known as CMA)
that helps creators, such as contentwriters, designers, developers to create the layout of the
web page and further modify it to suittheir requirements. This does not require any support
from the IT department.

2. A content delivery application (also known as CDA)

that transforms the content created byusers at the backend into a visible format for the
visitors in the front end.There is a lot of flexibility when it comes to hosting the WCMS
application. IT can be either hostedon the own data center of the organization or on a third-
party cloud server.

1.3 Why use a WCMS?

Websites are a very important marketing channel for promoting business. In fact,
modernbusiness thrives heavily on websites because it is an important channel for creating
inboundinterests. A very critical aspect of maintaining a website is the constant update in its
content. This can’t be done on a manual basis, which is why the need for a web content
management system isinevitable.If we look at the various digital marketing activities such as
emails, social media, print, and othermodes of advertisement and promotion, they all route to
the website of the company. Hence, it isimportant for businesses to maintain their website for
an effective online presence. . A WCMS isthe technology that powers websites that focus on
content creation and sharing -- such as blogsand portfolios. Thus, a WCMS serves as a
catalyst to propel a com
pany’s web presence through
the creation of a variety of content and sharing the same. However, we can also see other use
casesof WCMS where companies create e-commerce websites or online stores.

1.4 Capabilities & Features

If we look at the capability and features of a typical web content management system, there
arethreemain types such as:
1.Flexibility to create personalized content for a website, which can be easily designed,
created,and maintained through a WCMS.

2.Editors can easily review and approve content before it is published online

.3.A fully automated process for publishing the content.

Over and above these main features, there are a few additional features that a WCMs will
have.These are:
1.Standard and automated templates: Provide users with standard templates that they can
used to create content instantly

2.Access: Empowers administrators to control access to the page of the website who has

3.Scalability: WCMS are scalable systems, thereby making it easy for organizations to
implementthem across the board

4.Ease-of-use plugins: Allows users to further extend the functionality of the website through
theusage of plugins or add-on modules

5.Workflow: This allows users to set up review mechanisms for publishing their content6.

Document Management: Allows users to store multiple versions of documents and maintain
aproper archive of the same

7. Editing tools.Enables users to create and customize content, such as adding titles and
headersto improvecontent structure, or designing webpages with drag-and-drop tools

8. Multilingual.Enables the display of content in various language

.9.Versioning. Enables editors to retrieve previous versions of content

10. Software updates.Keeps the WCMS up to current web standards by updating software

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