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Introduction to Database

Management system
Module I: Part A
• Data Vs. Information
• Database and its need
• Database Management System (DBMS)
• Users of DBMS
• Basic Data Models
• File Vs. Database System
• Features of Database System
• Limitation of Database System
Data Vs. Information
Data is a raw and unorganized fact that required to be processed to
make it meaningful. Data are individual units of information.

• Data is always interpreted, by a human or machine, to derive

meaning. So, data only itself is meaningless by nature.
• Data contains numbers, statements, and characters in a raw form.
• Data suggests that raw facts and figures regarding individuals,
places, or the other issue, that is expressed within the type of
numbers, letters or symbols.

Information is the processed data. It is delineate as the structured,
organized and processed data, conferred inside context, that makes it
relevant and helpful to the one who desires it.
Data Vs. Information Contd…

Data are the variables which help to
1 Information is the meaningful form of data.
develop ideas/conclusions.
2 Data are text and numerical values. Information is refined form of actual data.
3 Data doesn’t rely on Information. While Information relies on Data.
Bits and Bytes are the measuring unit Information is measured in meaningful
of data. units like time, quantity, etc.
Data can be easily structured as the Information can also be structured as the
following: following:
5 1.Tabular data 1.Language
2.Graph 2.Ideas
3.Data tree 3.Thoughts
Data does not have any specific Information carries a meaning that has
purpose been assigned by interpreting data.
7 It is low-level knowledge. It is the second level of knowledge.
Data does not directly helps in Information directly helps in decision
decision making. making.
A database is an organized collection of data, so that it can be easily
accessed and managed.
• We can organize data into tables, rows, columns, and index it to make it
easier to find relevant information.
 The main purpose of the database is to operate a large amount of
information by storing, retrieving, and managing data.

Database Management System

Database Management System (DBMS) is a software for storing and retrieving

users' data while considering appropriate security measures. It consists of a group
of programs which manipulate the database.
 The DBMS accepts the request for data from an application and instructs the
operating system to provide the specific data.
 DBMS allows users to create their own databases as per their requirement. It
provides an interface between the data and the software application.

DBMS Flat File Management System

Multi-user access It does not support multi-user access
Design to fulfill the need for small and It is only limited to smaller DBMS
large businesses system.
Remove redundancy and Integrity Redundancy and Integrity issues
Expensive. But in the long term Total Cost
It's cheaper
of Ownership is cheap
Easy to implement complicated
No support for complicated transactions
DBMS: Examples
Popular DBMS Software
 Microsoft Access
 Oracle
 PostgreSQL
 FoxPro
 SQLite
 MariaDB
 Microsoft SQL Server etc.
Users in a DBMS environment

The Application programmers write

Application Programmers programs in various programming
languages to interact with databases.

Database Administrator is responsible

Database Administrators for managing the entire DBMS system.
referred to as DBA.

The end users are the people who

interact with the database management
End-Users system. They conduct various operations
on database like retrieving, updating,
deleting, etc.
DBMS: Advantages
 DBMS serves as an efficient handler to balance the needs of multiple
applications using the same data

 Uniform administration procedures for data

 Application programmers never exposed to details of data representation and


 A DBMS provides various techniques to store and retrieve data efficiently

 Offers Data Integrity and Security

 The DBMS implies integrity constraints to get a high level of protection

against prohibited access to data.

 A DBMS schedules concurrent access to the data in such a manner that only
one user can access the same data at a time

 Reduced Application Development Time

DBMS: Disadvantages

 Cost of Hardware and Software of a DBMS is quite high which

increases the budget of your organization.
 Most database management systems are often complex systems, so the
training for users to use the DBMS is required.
 In some organizations, all data is integrated into a single database which
can be damaged because of electric failure or database is corrupted on
the storage media
 Use of the same program at a time by many users sometimes lead to the
loss of some data.
Evolution of Databases
• File-Based

1968 was the year when File-Based system introduced. Here, data was
maintained in a flat file. Though files have many advantages, there are
several limitations.

 One of the major advantages is that the file system has various access methods,
e.g., sequential, indexed, and random.

 It requires extensive programming in a third-generation language such as

Hierarchical Data Model
1968-1980 was the era of the Hierarchical Database. Prominent hierarchical database
model was IBM's first DBMS called IMS (Information Management System). Like file
system, this model also had some limitations like complex implementation, lack
structural independence, can't easily handle a many-many relationship, etc.
 In this model, files are related in a parent/child manner.

Network data model

Charles Bachman developed the first DBMS at Honeywell called Integrated Data
Store (IDS). It was developed in the early 1960s, but it was standardized in 1971 by
the CODASYL group (Conference on Data Systems Languages). In this model, files
are related as owners and members, like to the common network model. Network
data model identified the following components:

1. Network schema (Database organization)

2. Sub-schema (views of database per user)
3. Data management language (procedural)
This model also had some limitations like system complexity and difficult to design and
• Relational Database Model

1970 - Present: It is the era of Relational Database and Database Management. In

1970, the relational model was proposed by E.F. Codd. Relational database model
has two main terminologies called instance and schema.

 The instance is a table with rows or columns

 Schema specifies the structure like name of the relation, type of each column
and name.
 This model uses some mathematical concept like set theory and predicate logic.
 During the era of the relational database, many more models had introduced like
object-oriented model, object-relational model, etc.
• Object-Oriented Model
In Object-oriented Model data stored in the form of objects. The structure which is
called classes which display data within it. It defines a database as a collection of objects
which stores both data members values and operations.

• Cloud database
Cloud database facilitates you to store, manage, and retrieve their structured,
unstructured data via a cloud platform. This data is accessible over the Internet.
Cloud databases are also called a DataBase as service (DBaaS) because they are
offered as a managed service. Some best cloud options are:
 AWS (Amazon Web Services)
 Snowflake Computing
 Oracle Database Cloud Services
 Microsoft SQL server
 Google cloud spanner

Some advantages of cloud databases are lower costs, automated, and increased
File System Vs. Database System: ELABORATED
S.NO. File System DBMS
File system is software that manages and
DBMS is software for managing the
1. organizes the files in a storage medium within a
2. Redundant data can be present in a file system. In DBMS there is no redundant data.
It doesn’t provide backup and recovery of data if It provides backup and recovery of
it is lost. data even if it is lost.
There is no efficient query processing in file Efficient query processing is there in
system. DBMS.
There is more data consistency
5. There is less data consistency in file system. because of the process of
It has more complexity in handling as
6. It is less complex as compared to DBMS.
compared to file system.
File systems provide less security in comparison DBMS has more security mechanisms
to DBMS. as compared to file system.
It has a comparatively higher cost than
8. It is less expensive than DBMS.
a file system.

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