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the tartan
Our Opinion pieces are written collectively by members of The Tartan Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is comprised of the editing sta , Insights writers and other Radford University students. These undergraduate and graduate students represent multiple class levels and di erent political, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Members may or may not belong to a variety of student organizations. The Editorial Board is open to all RU students who apply. To join The Tartan Editorial Board, please contact us at [email protected] or (540) 831-5474 to schedule an interview.

OUR OPINION | The Tartan

anksgiving should be honored not skipped

or all those who forgot the order of the major fall and winter holidays, it goes a little something like: Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December. So why do people each year seem to forget about Thanksgiving and move straight onto decorating the outside of their houses with lights and other Christmas decorations when its barely November? As kids back in the elementary school, we were taught facts about the holiday. We learned about the pilgrims and Indians and how they shared this special day together and celebrated the peace. Embarrassed ourselves by dressing up with the paper hats or paper vests with Indian cave symbols. We slowly associated certain foods with the holiday, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, stuffing, rolls and of course the turkey. And you cant forget about dessert where the pie family spreads itself out on the table: pumpkin pie, apple pie and pecan pie, all on display. Its almost a tradition for the patriarchal man in the family to carve the bird. We at the Tartan think that the one day that youre reminded to be thankful for things and people in your life should be acknowledged and celebrated in the full 24 hours of the day. On the day after Thanksgiving, go ahead and start your Christmas shopping with the morning madness of Black Friday. What isnt there to be excited about when it comes to Thanksgiving? You spend an entire day just stuffing your face and surrounding yourself with family and friends. Some men spend the day watching the football game,

Laura Enderson Editor-in-Chief Meghan McNeice Managing Editor Insights Editor Rachael Smith Assistant Insights Editor Rachael Wilkins Head Copy Editor Francis Smith Assistant Copy Editor Christian Stephens Arts Director Brittany LaTempa Assistant Arts Director Courtney Earll Photography Editor AJ Schrantz Assistant Photography Editor Jennifer Werner News Editor Brittany Jeglum Assistant News Editor Calvin James Pynn The Scene Editor Matt Halberg Sports Editor AJ Neuharth-Keusch Assistant Sports Editor

and some women tune in to watch the Thanksgiving parade held each year. It is a wonderful day for over eating and simply relaxing. Although we feel like this day should be honored and not skipped over, Christmas is still on the minds of many people ready to begin holiday shopping. The television advertisements are just as bad as the stores. Before Halloween was here, there were commercials for phone deals through multiple companies coming up for the holiday season. Layaway options were being publicized urging people to start thinking about holiday shopping before its too late! Whatre you supposed to start putting on layaway when Halloween hadnt even passed yet. Candy and costumes for next year? Table cloths, green beans and frozen turkey, so youre set for Thanksgiving? Let one thing happen at a time! Few of us have vowed to not start listening to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving just to be fair to the November holiday. Others cant help but listen to all the new artists remaking of Christmas albums and start getting amped for the holiday season. This week Tyler Ave has strung the lights on few of its trees giving campus a bit of some winter wonderland feel. Headed toward Radford High School, the town is slowly decorating for the upcoming holidays as well. Soon the university will have majority of the light posts wrapped in lights. RU does wait a little longer to start the decoration process, but its respectful and we appreciate it.

Two month marriage ends

CLASS: Junior MAJOR: Journalism

Kims fairy tale wedding turned out to be happily never after


on the street

Radford has been experiencing assaults on students occuring on and off-campus. How do you keep yourself protected while assaults keep occuring ?

What you are saying...

Sarah ODonnell Sophomore
I avoid walking anywhere by myself at night and I had to change my running schedule to an earlier hour so I wouldnt be running around in the dark. I also want to take a self defense class to protect myself.

Ashley Holup Junior

Walk in groups and always keep pepper spray on you. And I like to have people drive me home at night.

m sure by now everyone must be bored up to their ears with the recent Kim Kardashian drama. Yes, I have to admit, I am surprised her marriage to Kris Humphries ended after 72 days, but I think the whole Kardashian familys just looking to stir up some good television gossip. Im a college girl and yes, I do watch E! and it is entertaining, but its sad to think that a family could get so tied up into a reality show. In the end, the tabloids will blow up the story for a few weeks, paparazzi will follow them around and shoot pictures of Kim looking sad, and people around the nation will talk about either how sad it was or how pathetic it was. However, Kim will have to remember this for the rest of her life and no one wants to end like Ross Geller in Friends and be the laughing stock for having the most marriages. This trend runs in the Kardashian family though. Kims mother and manager, Kris Jenner, met husband Bruce and ve months later they were married. Sister, Khloe married basketball player Lamar Odom after dating for less than a month. The difference between all three of these courtshipsKhloe and Kris marriages have lasted longer than 72 days. Rumors are ablaze everywhere saying Humphries never saw it coming and wants his wife back, Kim will pay $2 million to keep the engagement ring, and even that she is having second thoughts. Some may not know, but Kim and Kris received $18 million dollars from magazines, TV and endorsements. This causes people to believe she may have just done it for either the money or the fame. When your family has been on a hit reality show for four years, you are bound to slide into that kind of lifestyle. The Kardashians are known for letting loose and starting ghts on the show and really dont care about manners. Dont get me wrong, its hilarious but it must be hard to divide on-screen life to off-screen life. Kim Kardashian wanted an extravagant, beautiful and expensive weddingnot a marriage. Claims report she and Humphries ran into differences, like she wanted to keep working (soaking up the limelight) and he wanted to stay in hometown Minnesota. This is why you date someone longer than a few months! I dont understand how these facts didnt come up during a date between the two of them. Most engaged couples discuss their plans for the future before wasting time and money on a wedding lled with friends, family anda national telecast crew lming it! I have hope in our generation, but what happened to guys courting girls and all the little things that couples experience while dating. Like a rst kiss or a surprise gift, these are the things that happen in the real world and Kim Kardashian is causing us to believe it merely doesnt exist or the magic in love has been replaced with money or fame. Email:[email protected]

Zack Christovitch Freshman

Brass knuckles.


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