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1. Which is the most wonderful ancient building in the State pf Bhopal?

A. Stupa at sanchi
B. Gopurams
C. Sanchi Kanakhera
D. None of the above

2. A Buddhist sect who was also defined as fatalists is called

A. Materialists
B. Relic
C. Ajivikas
D. Lokayatas

3. The followers of old tradition of Buddhism called themselves _______.

A. Moksha
B. Bhikus
C. Theravardins
D. Bhodisattas

4. Which of these statements is correct?

A. Ashoka distributed relics of Buddha in important towns and ordered to construct shapes
over them.
B. Stupa in Sanskrit means an umbrella.
C. Agra is a place associated with Buddha.
D. Colin Mackenzie discovered the remains of Stupa at Amravati and concluded that it was the
largest decorated Stupa.

5. From the given pairs, which one is correctly matched?

(a) Colin Mackenzie: Sanskrit and Dravidian Inscriptions
(b) Alexander Cunningham: Ashokan Inscriptions
(c) D. C. Sircar: Indian Epigraphy
(d) William Bentick: Buddhist Texts

6. Consider the following statements

A. The rulers of Bhopal, Shahjehan Begum and her successor Sultan Jehan Begum,
provided money for the preservation of the ancient site.
B. When Sanchi was"discovered" in 1818, three of its four gateways were still standing
C. Art historians who have carefully studied the sculpture at Sanchi identify it as a scene
from Vessantara Jataka.
D. Sanchi was discovered before Amravati.

State which of the above statements are NOT correct:

(i)Only (c)
(ii) (a) and (b)
(iii) (a), (b) and (d)
(iv) Only (d)

7. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Teaching of Vinaya Pitaka
These are some of the rules laid down in the Vinaya Pitaka:
When a new felt (blanket/rug) has been made by a bhikkhu, it is to be kept for (at least) six
years, If after less than six years he should have another new felt (blanket/rug) made
regardless of whether or not he has disposed off the first, then-unless he has been
authorised by the bhikkhus it is to be
forfeited and confessed. In case a bhikkhu arriving at a family residence is presented with
cakes or cooked grain-meal, he may
accept two or three bowlfuls if he desires. If he should accept more than that, it is to be
confessed. Having accepted the two or three bowlfuls and having them from there, he has
to share them among the bhikkhus. This is the proper course here. Should any bhikkhu,
having set out bedding in a accommodation belonging to the Sangha or having
had it set out and then on departing neither put it away nor have it put away or should he go
without taking leave, it is to be confessed.

(i) Who was the first bhikkuni in the sangha

A. Maya
B. Karaikal Ammiyar
C Mahapajapati Gotami
D. Gotamiputta sri satkarni

(ii) Bhikkus were allowed to take home cooked food ______

A. Once
B. As much as they want
C. twice or thrice
D. None of the above

(iii)How Vinaya Pitaka describes the teachings of Buddha.

A. Magical preview
B. Stories
C. Metaphors
D. All of the above

(iv) ______ contains philosophical matters.

A. Sutta pitaka
B. Vinaya pitaka
C. Abhidhamma Pitaka
D. Vessantra Jataka

8. The stupa at Sanchi’s ________ gateway is not standing.

A. Eastern
B. Southern
C. Northern
D. Western

9. Rigveda was compiled between

A. 1000 and 200 BCE
B. 1500 and 1000 BCE
C. 1600 and 1000 BCE
D. 1300 and 900 BCE

10. ______ were the elaborate sacrifices

A. Ashwamedha
B. Penance
C. Rajasuya
D. Both A and C

11. ____ contains all the questions related to Hinduism.

A. Puranas
B. Adi granth sahib
C. Upnishad
D. Rigveda

12. Teachings of Mahavira were compiled by ____

A. Mahavira
B. Theras
C. Disciples
D. None of the above

13. Which is the text in which a story of a queen is described in which she tries to persuade her
husband to renounce the world
A. Sutta pitaka
B. Abhidhamma pitaka
C. Vinay pitaka
D. Uttaradhyayana sutta

14. Buddha’s birth name was ______

A. Vinay
B. Siddhartha
C. Sakya
D. None of the above

15. One can free oneself from the cycle pf karma by ______
A. Renouncing the world
B. Asceticism and penance
C. Self agency
D. Moderating a path between severe penance and self indulgence

16. An image of a tirthankara was found in Mathura in _______.

A. 5th century CE
B. 2nd century BCE
C. 3rd century CE
D. 6th century CE

17. Sidhartha saw ________

A. A corpse, a sick man, a homeless mendicant
B. An old man, a sick man and a corpse
C. An old man, a corpse and a sick man
D. A homeless mendicant

18. Buddha taught ________ for the rest of his life

A. Nibanna
B. The path of righteous living
C. The path of righteous action
D. All of the above

19. _____ is intrinsic to human existence.

A. Soulless
B. Sorrow
C. Death
D. Decay

20. Buddha regarded the social world as the creation of _______.

A. God
B. Nature
C. Humans
D. Himself

21. Nibanna literally means

A. Attaining enlargement
B. Salvation
C. Extinguishing of the ego and desire
D. None of the above

22. People regarded certain places as sacred, they were called ______z
A. Shrines
B. Temples
C. Chaityas
D. Suttas

23. ______ was the dearest disciple of Buddha.

A. Andal
B. Alvar
C. Ananda
D. None of the above

24. The treasure of love act was passed in _____

A. 1989
B. 1988
C. 1888
D. 1889

25. The Monuments of Sanchi was published in _____

A. 1880
B. 1888
C. 1900
D. 1914

26. Sanchi was declared as a world Heritage site in _____.

A. 1920
B. 1989
C. 1988
D. 1940
27. The government museum was established in _____
A. Mathura
B. Madras
C. Pune
D. Gujarat

28. Who published Buddha Gaya: the heritage of Sakya Muni

A. Alexander Cunningham
B. James Fergusson
C. John Marshall
D. R L Mitra

29. The sculpture associated with Mahabharata and Ganga is located un _____.
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Pune
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Kerala

30. Paintings at Ajanta depict stories from ______z

A. Sutta pitaka
B. Abhidhamma pitaka
C. Vinaya pitaka
D. Jataka

31. Mention the symbols and their relevance.

A. ______________
B. ______________
C. ______________
D. ______________

32. Given below are two statements, one labelled as

Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The mid-first millennium BCE saw
the emergence of new religions in India.
Reason (R): People began speculating on the
significance of the sacrificial tradition and
authority of the Vedas.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(d) (R) is correct but (A) is not correct.

33. Consider the Following statements regarding the structure of the stupa.
(i) Harmika is a balcony-like structure that represented the abode of gods.
(il) A mast called the anda arose from the harmika.
(iii) A yashti was often surmounted by a chhatri or umbrella.
(iv) Yashti arose from the harmika.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) I, ll and Ill
(b) Il, Ill and IV
(c) l and IV
(d) I, Ill and IV
34. Consider the following statements regarding
(i) Mahapajapati Gotami persuaded Buddha to
allow women into the sangha.
(ii) Many women who entered the sangha became
teachers of Dhamma and went on to become
(ili) Once within the sangha, all were regarded as
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) land il
(b) ll and Ill
(c) land Ill
(d) Il only

34. What was the balcony-like structure in a stupa called?

(a) Anda
(b) Harmika
(c) Yashti
(d) Chhatri

35. Who provided money for the preservation of the

Sanchi Stupa?
(a) John Marshall
(b) Begums of Bhopal
(c) Alexander Cunningham
(d) None of the above

36. Read the following extract ‘Buddhism in Practice’ and answer the question number 39 to 43.
This is an excerpt from the Sutta Pittaka and contains the advice given by Buddha to a
wealthy householder named singala :
In 5 ways should a master look after his servants and employees .,.by assigning them work
according to their strength , by supplying them with food and wages ,by pending then in
sickness ; by sharing delicacies with them and by granting leave at times. ...In five ways
should the clansman look after the needs of Samanas(those who have renounced the world)
and brahmans ; by a reflection in act and speech and mind, by keeping open house to them
and supplying their worldly needs .There are similar instructions to Singala about how to
behave with his parents teacher and wife.
1. Which of these advices was given by Buddha to Singala regarding relationship between
a master and his servants/ employees ?
A) tending them in sickness.
B) sharing delicacies with them
C) Granting leave at times
D) All of the above

2. Which of these were instructions given by Buddha to the clansman for Samanas
and Brahmanas ?
A) Being affectionate in act and speech towards the master
B) Being regular in payment of salaries.
C) By assigning them work according to their strength.
D) All of these.
3. What did Buddha advocate regarding duties towards parents and teachers?
Which of these is an aspect of Buddhist philosophy ?
A) Assigning work according to their strength .
B) Being regular in payment of salaries .
C)Love and care for them.
D) None of these.

4. Which of these is an aspect of Buddhist Philosophy

A)Righteous actions
B)Follow caste system diligently .
C)Penance is essential .
D)All of these.

5. The Buddhist text which included rules and regulations for those who joined the
Sangha or monastic order is called---
1)Sutta Pittaka
2) Abhidhanam Pitaka
3) Mahavamsa
4) Vinay Pitaka

37. According to which Buddhist text Asoka

distributed portions of the Buddha's relics to every important town and ordered the
construction of stupas over them?
(a) Ashokavadana
(b) Mahaparinibbana Sutta
(c) Sutta Pitaka
(d) Vessantara Jataka

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