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Upgrade Installation Guide

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing


Part No. F53373-01

March 2022
Upgrade Installation Guide
March 2022
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Table of Contents
1. Preface ...................................................................................................... 1-1
2. Upgrading Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Database 2-1
2.1 Pre-requisites .......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Audience.................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.3 Conventions Used ................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Upgrading Application Database ............................................................................. 2-1
2.4.1 Upgrade to 2-2
2.4.2 Upgrade Application ................................................................................... 2-4
1. Preface
For recommendations on security configuration, refer Security Configuration Guide.

This document contains notes and installation steps needed to install an upgrade for Oracle
Financial Services Lending and Leasing.

2. Upgrading Oracle Financial Services Lending and
Leasing Database
2.1 Pre-requisites
 It is assumed that an earlier version of Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing
is installed.

2.2 Audience
This document is intended for system administrators or application developers who are
upgrading Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application.

2.3 Conventions Used

Term Refers to

Home Directory/ Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Home Directory

Application Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing

2.4 Upgrading Application Database

An upgrade is a process of updating an existing version to its higher version. For example,
upgrading Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing from to

Before you start with the upgrade process, execute the following grants as sys user. This
facilitates to have materialized view to be created in OFSLL:


2.4.1 Upgrade to

Choose ‘2’ as the installer option at the ‘Selecting the Install Type’ stage, then the script runs
the upgrade installer.

Respond to the prompts and continue. For more details, refer to ‘Installing Upgrade’ section
in Database Installation Guide.

While installing the upgrade, the installer performs the following tasks:

1. Stop the running services, if any.

2. In case you see the below prompt to stop the queue for loading objects, press ‘Y’ and
press Enter to confirm.

3. In case the Schema is EBR (Edition based Redefinition) enabled,

– You will be prompted as below. Press 'Y' and enter to continue.

– Enter the Edition name and press enter. Confirm 'Y' when prompted.

4. Install the upgrade

5. Recompile the invalid objects and complete installation.

6. Install the database object of web services by referring to the instructions detailed in
chapter 2 ‘Installing WebServices Database Objects’ of WebServices Installation Guide.
7. Grant access/permission by doing the following:
 Grant java file permissions for the directory objects created by executing the script
‘set_java_perms.sql’ available in dba_utils folder. For more information, refer to the
process detailed in section 2.5 of Database installation guide.
 Post upgrade, you need to execute the following db script available in dba_utils folder.
– To provide access to all the new ‘Screens’ and/or ‘Web Services’ for a specific
responsibility, execute set_screen_access.sql
– To provide access to all the new Reports, Transactions, Correspondence for a
specific responsibility, execute set_rpt_txn_cor_access.sql

In the prompt, enter the user responsibility. You can also specify ‘ALL’ to provide screen
access to all the users in bulk.

Further, you can customized the access through Setup > User > Access screen as detailed
in setup guide.

– Post upgrade, if there are any invalid java stored procedures noticed, please
recompile the respective units manually.
– In case where ‘Edition based Redefinition’ (EBR) is enabled, the default edition of
database is to be modified/switched to the new edition. This is to be done by system
administrator only after both Database Patch and Webservices Patch objects are
installed as mentioned in chapter 2 and chapter 4.2 and when all the database ob-
jects are in valid state.

2.4.2 Upgrade Application

Perform the below steps to upgrade Oracle JET:

1. Copy the latest OfsllCommonCSF.jar from OfsllQueueApp.ear/lib/ available in the staging
area to $DOMAIN_HOME/lib
2. (Optional) Install and configure Oracle JET by referring to section ‘10.2 Deploy Oracle
JET’ in Application Installation guide.


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