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 Learning Outcome: E9.5.R1. Students will be able to scan a text for specific information.
A-Read the text below and answer the questions.(5x3=15pts.)

1-What does she look like?_____________________________________________________________________.

2-What does she do?__________________________________________________________________________.
3-What is she like?____________________________________________________________________________.
4-How old is she?_____________________________________________________________________________.
5-Can she speak different languages?_____________________________________________________________.
 Learning Outcome: E9.5.R2. Students will be able to guess the meanings of unknown words from the contexts.
B-Complete the sentences with the correct personal traits.(4x4=16pts.)
My roommate, Nelly, is a 1____________ woman because she always makes jokes and makes me laugh.
She is very 2____________ because whenever she sees a needy person, she wants to help her/him.
However, she doesn't change her mind easily, so she is a little 3____________. She is always on time so she is
 Learning Outcome: E9.6.R1.Students will able to scan short texts describing some famous cities in the world for specific information.
C-Complete the table according to the text.(6x4=24pts.)
I visited London, in the UK. It's bigger than İstanbul. There are a lot of tourist attractions. If you go to London, I
strongly advise to see the London Eye. It is a giant ferris wheel. It will take you 30 minutes to complete one round.
The view is incredible. You can see the whole city lying in front of you. Also, I strongly advise you to see the
famous clock tower, Big Ben. To be honest, I was very impressed with the Tower Bridge. It's very georgeous. I
advise you to visit it at sunset. Believe me, it's amazing. London has one of the largest public transport networks in
the world. People speak English there. They are serious and quiet.

1-What country is it in?

2-Which language do people speak there?
3-What are the tourists attractions there?
4-What are the people like there?
5-How big is the city?(small/big)
6-How do people transport there?
 Learning Outcome: E9.6.R2. Students will be able to get the main points of the informative texts related to intercultural differences.
D- Read the text below and answer the questions.(5x3=15pts.)
In Italy,people prefer a light breakfast. It consists of a cup of cappuccino or coffee and biscuits. For them,
cappuccino is a breakfast drink and most of them don’t drink it after eleven. They usually prefer pasta, lasagna or
pizza for lunch. Depending on the person, there may be a lighter meal for dinner like salad. Many of them prefer
eating pizza or pasta.
In The USA,people eat more fast food and do less exercise. Two thirds of the adults are overweight and half of
them are obese. For lunch, many of them have a hamburger or a sandwich. When they come home in the evenings,
they put their ready-made dinner into the microwave before sitting down in front of the TV. Meals are no longer
family occasions.
1-Where do people eat light breakfast?___________________________________________________________.
2-What do they prefer for lunch in Italy?___________________________________________________________.
3-Why are people obese in The USA?_____________________________________________________________.
4-What do they prefer for lunch in The USA?_______________________________________________________.
5-Do people give importance to meals in The USA?_________________________________________________.
 Learning Outcome: E9.6.W1. Students will be able to write a short message to leave at the reception desk for their parents.
E- Imagine that you are at a hotel and you go out with frieands. Leave a short message for your parents at the
reception desk (write 5 sentences.)(5x3=15)

 1
 2
 3
 4
 5

 Learning Outcome: E9.7.R1.Students will be able to ask and answer the questions about a text related to the world heritage.
F-Read the text below and answer the questions.(5x3=15pts.)
Chichen-Itza is in UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It’s an ancient city in Mexico, and it dates back to the 5th
century. It’s one of the most important examples of the Mayan-Toltec civilization. its importance comes from the
monuments there; the whole site is among the masterpieces of Meso-American architecture.
The other UNESCO world site is Petra, an ancient caravan city in modern-day Jordan. It’s over 2,300 years
old; this makes it one of the oldest cities in the world. The builders of Petra were the Nabataeans.They built it in
312 BC, and the city has a unique architecture with excellent tombs and temples.

1-What makes Chichen-Itza so important?_________________________________________________________.

2-When did they build Petra?____________________________________________________________________.

3-Where is Chichen-Itza?______________________________________________________________________.

4-Who built Petra?_________________________________________________________________________.

Sınav süresi 40 dakikadır. Başarılar Dilerim 

NOT BAREMİ: Her sorunun yanında puanı yazmaktadır.

Ders Öğretmenleri: Melike Şükriye SİNANOĞLU/Şerife ARAN KARAMAN

Adı-Soyadı/İmza: Selçuk ALTUNEL
Okul Müdür V.
5-Is Chichen-Itza in UNESCO World heritage sites?_________________________________________________.

 Learning Outcome: E9.6.L2.Students will be able to identify the most frequently used expressions to order food in a restaurant.

1. Listen to the recording and complete the missing words / phrases.(10.5=50p)

Waiter: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant.
Martin: Good evening. Could we have the (1) ___________________, please?
Waiter: Of course, (2) ___________________.
>>>>>>>>A few minutes later.<<<<<<<<<
Waiter: Are you ready to (3) ___________________?
Nancy: I think we’re ready. I’d like tomato(4) ___________________. andthen grilled salmon, please.
Waiter: (5) ___________________, madam?
Nancy: Yes. I’d like a glass of orange juice, please.
Waiter: Sure. Can I get you anythingelse?
Nancy: No, thank you. That’s all for now.
Waiter: All right. And you, sir?
Martin: (6) ___________________lentil soup and green salad, please?
Waiter: Of course! What would you like to drink,sir?
Martin: A cup of coffee for me, please.
Waiter: Sure, sir. Do you want me to bring it with the meal or (7) ___________________.?
Martin: After the meal, please.
Waiter: (8) ___________________. I’ll be back with your orders shortly.
Martin: Thank you.
>>>>>>After the meal<<<<<<<<
Martin: Can we get the (9) ___________________, please?
Waiter: Of course. How would you like topay? In cash or (10) ___________________.?
Martin: In cash, please.
Waiter: That’s forty-seven euros,please.
Martin: Here’s fifty euros. Keep the change.
Waiter: Thank you. Have a nice day.
Nancy: Thank you so much.
 Learning Outcome: E9.6.L1.Students will be able to detect specific information in public announcements at the airport/train
station etc.

2. Listen to the announcements at the airport and complete the missing words.(5.10=50p)

Announcement 1

Attention please! Passengers on Turkish Airlines (1) ______________ number TK1936 from Barcelona to

İstanbul! The (2) _____________ has been changed to 209E, and there is a half-hour (3) ____________ in

departure. Boarding is at half past nine. Thank you for your patience.

Announcement 2

Attention please! This is the final (4) _______________ call for passengers on flight number B4927 to New York.

Please (5) _______________ to Gate D09 immediately. Thank you.

Sınav süresi 40 dakikadır. Başarılar Dilerim 

NOT BAREMİ: Her sorunun yanında puanı yazmaktadır.

Ders Öğretmenleri: Melike Şükriye SİNANOĞLU/Şerife ARAN KARAMAN

Adı-Soyadı/İmza: Selçuk ALTUNEL
Okul Müdür V.
1 2 3 4
(5pts.) (10pts.) (15pts.) (20pts.)
Informatıon Informatıon provided ADEQUATE EXTENSIVE
Completion of provided was was LIMITED. information information
Task INADEQUTE. provided. provided.
Multiple mistakes Frequent mistakes that Some mistakes that Very accurate, few
Grammatical that take away make it somewhat do not interfere with mistakes.
Accuracy meaning. difficult to understand. meaning .
Largely Somewhat difficult to Easy to understand. Sounds almost like
Pronunciation incomprehensible. understand. a native speaker.
Does not flow. Frequent pauses. Occasional pauses. Natural pattern of
Fluency speech.
Lack of effort and Lack of effort or Good effort and Outstanding effort
Effort attention to detail. attention to detail. attention to detail. and attention to

E9.6.S4. Students will be able to talk about some basic cultural differences of places they have visited
E9.5.S1. Students will be able to compare characteristics of different well-known people by expressing opinions.

1-The places where you want to visit. Why?

2-Who is your heroine/hero? Say reasons Why?

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