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SPE/IADC 125644

Bearing Wear Model for Roller Cone Bits

G. Hareland, SPE, and A. Wu, University of Calgary; J. James, Husky Energy

Copyright 2009, SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference & Exhibition

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference & Exhibition held in Manama, Bahrain, 26-28 October 2009.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE/IADC program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have
not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers or the International Association of Drilling Contractors and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not
necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers or the International Association of Drilling Contractors, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or
storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers or the International Association of Drilling Contractors is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE/IADC copyright.

Bearing failure of roller cone bits may result in a time-consuming fishing job, and lead to significant increase in drilling
costs. The bearing failure generally comes from over wear of frictional pairs (surfaces between the journal and bearing of the
cone). A bearing wear model has been developed to predict the wear status through multi-variable nonlinear regression
analysis based on field data. The wear model considers four variables including weight on bit (WOB), revolution per minute
(RPM), diameter of bit and hours drilled as a function of IADC bit bearing wear. Some abnormal bit run field reported
bearing failures were removed in order to acquire the best regression of the field data. A bearing failure probability model is
then introduced to predict the survival probability of the bit, the parameter of which is obtained through statistics of more
than 500 bit runs.

The wear status, including instantaneous and cumulative wear, for different roller cone bits and different wells drilled in
Western Canada is simulated respectively with the wear model.

A good correlation coefficient was obtained for different IADC bit types including both milled tooth and insert roller cone
bits. The cumulative wear values from the model match close those from the field.

The wear model and the failure probability model can help drilling engineers evaluate bearing wear status during real time
drilling operations through simulation, and make a decision on when to pull out the bit in time to avoid bearing failures and
the possibly lost cones. Better bearing wear predictability will result in better drilling results and effect the total drilling cost.

Wear is very common in operation of mechanical products, especially to those with frictional pairs. There exist two main
reported bit wears of rollercone bits during oil drilling operation with roller cone bits: cutting structure wear and bearing
wear. Bearing failure wear should be paid more attention because bearing failure may in some cases produce catastrophic
event whose consequences interrupt well progress and lead to significant remedial operations and costs.

The failure of a bearing is not necessarily the catastrophic event sometimes described. It takes typically several hours after
the damage to the bearing for the cone to fall off. With the use of normalised down-hole mechanical parameters and simple
logic, the torque created by the excess friction in the bearing and the torque caused by the locked cone dragging on the
bottom of the hole can be differentiated from changes in lithology or drilling parametors (Lesage, M.L.G., 1988). Neural
network have been successfully used in different fields due to their capability to identify complex relationship when
sufficient data exist. A new model was successful in predicting the condition of the bit. Input: lithology, torque, ROP, WOB,
RPM, HSI. Output: bit wear, including bearing wear and tooth wear (Bilgesu, H.I., 1997, 1988).

Some researchers have put forward emipricle formulae about bearing wear of roller cone bits since more than half century.
The prediction of bearing wear is much more difficult than prediction of tooth wear. A bearing wear formula used to estimate
bearing life is given by (Bourgoyne, 1991)
2 SPE/IADC 125644

b b2
db 1 ⎛ v ⎞ 1 ⎛ w ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ Eq.1
dt τ B ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ 4d ⎠
Insert breakage rather than tooth wear is the primary cutting structure concern at high mechanical horsepower 1evels. Field
experimentation yields data on allowable WOB and RPM to avoid insert breakage. Below these WOB and RPM restrictions,
insert wear is negligible, so the remaining unknown in WOB and RPM optimization is bearing life (Doiron, H.H., 1987).
Journal bearing insert bit runs without excessive insert breakage or gauge wear typically fail due to seal/bearing wear. The
factors affecting seal and bearing surface wear are numerous and complex. A well known wear equation was selected to
characterize generalized wear in a journal bearing (Doiron, H.H., 1987)

V= Eq.2
When a critical volume of material has been removed, the bearing failure will occur. After modification, the fomula is
changed to:

V = K ⋅ WOB ⋅ RPM ⋅ Hours Eq.3

The bearing wear is proportional the frictional work, which mainly depends on the travel distance and contact pressure
between two surfaces of cone and journal. The travel distance and contact pressure are related to rotary speed of bit and
weight on bit. The maximum contact pressure pmax can be calculated according to Hertzian contact theory.

⎛ W
− 1

=⎜ ⎟
1 Rj Rc
p max ⋅ ⋅ Eq.4
⎜ π (1 − μ ) L
2 1
− 1 ⎟
⎝ Ej Ec ⎠
Because Rj, Rc and L are proportional to Db, the diameter of the bit, pmax can be expressed as (Kelly J.L. Jr, 1990):

(WOB) 0.5
p max ∝ Eq.5
The bearing life parameter is given as:

lb = 60 ⋅ RPM ⋅ T ⋅ (WOB)0.5 Eq.6

Bearing wear model

From the above it can be seen that the bearing wear of a roller cone bit is mainly related to the two important drilling
parameters, WOB and RPM. In fact bearing wear is a complex process, concerning with many factors, such as bit type,
formation, BHA, and down hole conditions. Therefore the two independent variables WOB and RPM are selected to model
bearing wear.

In addition, the wear is related to bit diameter Db as well as time which should be in the model. In order to make the model
more flexible, each variable is assigned a power. A synthetic coefficient K is introduced, so the final model is assumed as

Bw = K ⋅ ( Db ) a ⋅ T b ⋅ (WOB) c ⋅ ( RPM ) d Eq.7

If we know the depth drilled or Hout-Hin, and the interval of measureing is one meter, the instantaneous accumulative
bearing wear is:

H out − H in ⎛ ⎛ 1 ⎞b ⎞
⎜⎜ d ⎟
Bwa = Bw0 + K ⋅ ∑ ⎟
⎜ ⎜⎝ ROPi ⎟⎠
⋅ ( Db ) a
⋅ (WOBi ) c
⋅ ( RPM i )

i =1
⎝ ⎠

Field data collection

The data are obtained from a database of drilling parameters records, and a total number of 500 bit runs are extracted. These
drilling data were measured in hundreds of western Canada wells.
SPE/IADC 125644 3

Coefficients of bearing wear model

Among the 500 sets of bit runs only selective runs were used to do the regression analysis (Figure 1). According to some of
the field data (Table 1), multiple variables nonlinear regression is applied. The analysis coefficients and coefficient of
multiple determination are shown in Table2. When some of coefficents are assigned fixed values, the model becomes other
researchers’ models (for examples by Kelly and Doiron).

From Table2 it can be seen that the coefficient of multiple determination of both Kelly and Doiron model has a low value.
However, this doesn’t always mean the higher the value of coefficient of multiple determination, the better the final bearing

Application of bearing wear model

After the coefficients in the model are obtained, it can be used to predict the bearing wear under certain conditions (Figure 2,
Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6). The different models reported in the litherature to predict the bearing wear were
compared to the results from the new model with field data.

Two groups of field data are used to verify the bearing models. Table 3, Figure 7 and Table 4, Figure 8 reflect the
prediction results of different models respectively.

We find that the authors’ model can make a better prediction than other models in calculating both the instantaneous and
cumulative wear. Although the model without any assignment has the best prediction for cumulative wear, it couldn’t be used
to predict instantaneous wear. We also assigned different coefficients to form Bourgoyne’s model, but couldn’t get good
results. Therefore each model has its own application conditions or application limits. The practicity of these empirical
formulae mainly depends on the accuracy of original data. Through comparison of different models, the bearing wear model
obtained by the authors of this paper has a better prediction than other models (Table 5). However it could be improved by
using more and better drilling data. If possible the bearing model can be modified for roller cone bits with different IADC
code, which means each IADC class has its own set of coefficients.

In addition, the model can be used to total hours if given other parameters. For example, assume that the used bits will
continue to be used till totally worn out, then the left hours can be predicted. Figure 9 can show clearly the additional hours
(hatched parts)

⎛ Bw ⎞b
T = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ Eq.9
⎝ K ⋅ ( Db ) ⋅ (WOB) ⋅ ( RPM )
a c d

The left hours can be used for drilling engineers to make decision on when to pull out the bits.

Bearing failure probability

The life of a roller cone bit bearing mainly depends on the seal, so if the seal fails the bearing will fail quickly. The survival
probability of the bit bearing after L hours can be expressed as the following (Kelly, 1988):

Ps ( L) = e ∫0
− hdl
The failure probability is:

Pf ( L) = 1 − Ps ( L) Eq.11

1 dF
h= ⋅ Eq.12
Q dl
We used the 500 bit runs to make statistical analysis for the bearing seal, and calculated the h of roller cone bits with
different IADC codes. The analysis results are shown in Table 6.

Take an IADC517 bit as example, after the bit runs 30, 70, 120 hours respectively, its survival probability is:

Ps (30) = e ∫0
− hdl
= e −30*0.003833 = 89.14% ; Ps (70) = 76.47% ; Ps (120) = 63.13%
4 SPE/IADC 125644

And its failure probability correspondingly is:

Pf (30) = 1 − Ps (30) = 1 - 89.14% = 10.86% ; Pf (70) = 23.53% ; Pf (120) = 36.87%

So, the survival or failure probability of a roller cone bit can also be used for drilling engineers to make decision on when
to pull out the bits.

• A bearing wear model for roller cone bits has been developed to predict the wear status, including instantaneous and
cumulative wear. The cumulative wear values from the model match those from the field. The model can also be
used to predict the left hours of the used bit under certain conditions.

• A bearing failure probability model is introduced to predict the survival probability a certain amount of hours after a
roller cone bit runs.

• The wear model and the failure probability model can help drilling engineers evaluate bearing wear status during
real time drilling operations through simulation, and make a decision on when to pull out the bit in time to avoid
bearing failures and the possibly lost cones.

• The authors’ model has a better prediction compared to other researchers’. The performance of the bearing wear
models and bearing failure probability in this paper depends on the quality and quantity of the collected drilling data.

The authors would like to give thanks to Husky Energy for providing field data for this paper.

a =coefficient
b =fractional bearing life that has been consumed, Eq.1
b =coefficient, Eq.7
b1 =bearing wear constant
b2 =bearing wear constant
B1 =bearing wear exponent
B2 = bearing wear exponent
Bw =bearing dull grade, (0-8)
Bwa =instantaneous accumulative bearing dull grade (0-8)
Bw0 =initial dull grade. if new bit, it is 0
c =coefficient, Eq.7
c =wear coefficient, Eq.2
c =coefficient of wear
d =coefficient
db =bit diameter, inches
Db = bit diameter, inches
Ej, Ec=modulus of elasticity for journal and cone
F =number of bit with bearing failure
Hin =depth put in, m
Hou t=depth pulled out,m
K =coefficient, obtained by regression according to the field data as shown in Table 1.
l =life parameter
L =load on sliding surface, Eq.1
L =length of the bearing, Eq.4
lb = bearing life parameter
N =rotary speed, rpm
p =hardness of material
pmax = maximum contact pressure
pf =failure probability
ps =survival probability
Q =number of bit in service
SPE/IADC 125644 5

Rj, Rc=radii for journal and cone

RPM = bit rotary speed, rpm
ROPi=instantaneous ROP corresponding to drilled depth Hi
RPMi=instantaneous RPM corresponding to drilled depth Hi
t =time, hours
T =Hours drilled
V =rotary speed, rpm, Eq.1
v =volume of seal/bearing , Eq.2
w =weight on bit
W = bit weight, 1000 lbf, Eq.1
W =force applied on the journal, close to 1/3 of WOB
WOB = weight on bit
WOBi=instantaneous WOB corresponding to drilled depth Hi
x =distance traveled
µ =Poisson's ratio for the two materials
τB =bearing wear constant, hours

1. Bilgesu, H.I., Altmis, U., Ameri, S., Mohaghegh, S. and Aminian, K.: “A New Approach to Predict Bit Life Based on Tooth or Bearing
Failures,” SPE 51082, presented at the 1998 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting held in Pittsburgh, PA, 9-11 November 1998, pp253-257
2. Bilgesu, H.I., Tetrick, L.T., Altmis, U., Mohaghegh, S., Ameri, S.: “A New Approach for the prediction of rate of penetration (ROP)
values,” SPE 39231, presented at the 1997 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting held in Lexington, KY, 22-24 October 1997, pp175-179
3. Bourgoyne, A T., Millheim, K.K., Chenevert, M. E. and Young, F.S.: “Applied Drilling Engineering,” Society of Petroleum Engineers,
Richardson, TX, 1991, pp219-220
4. Doiron, H. H., Tompkins, L.B. and Watts, T.: “Optimizing Journal Bearing Insert Bit Runs Using a Bearing Life Model,” SPE 16697,
presented at the 62nd Annual Techicall conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, TX, September 27-30, 1987, pp433-438
5. Kelly, J. L. Jr.: “Forecasting the Life of the Rock-Bit Journal Bearings,” SPEDE 17565, SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1990, pp165-
6. Kelly, J. L. Jr. and Ledgerwood, L. W. III: “Performance Evaluation of a New Rock Bit Bearing Seal,” IADC/SPE 17186, presented al
the 1988 lADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Texas, February 28-March 2, 1988, pp79-85
7. Langford, J.W. and Kalsi, M.S.: “Field performance of a Hydro dynamically Lubricated Bearing Seal for Rock Bits,” SPEDE19911,
SPE Drilling Engineering, March 1992, pp25-31
8. M.L.G. Lesage, I.G. Falconer, P.A. Wand and D.P. McCann: “An Analysis of Bit Bearing Failures With Field and Laboratory Data,”
SPE 17187, presented al the 1988 lADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Texas, February 28-March 2, 1988, pp87-96:
6 SPE/IADC 125644

Table 1 Selected bit runs for regression analysis

Depth Distance Pump MUD Bearing
Size(mm) Make IADC Hours ROP(m/hr) Weight(klb) RPM 3
out(m) drilled(m) press.(psi) WT(kg/m ) Dull
222 REED 447 2561 181 41 4.41 15.83 105.83 6861 1092 2

200 HUGHES C 117 1100 147 6 24.5 13.00 160.00 3079 1046 1

222 HUGHES 517 1435 416 91.75 4.53 13.11 75.83 6546 1066 4

222 HUGHES 537 1519 84 27.25 3.08 14.71 66.43 5041 1094 1

222 HUGHES 517 1058 694 76.75 9.04 12.00 86.39 4398 1010 4

222 HUGHES 517 1103 737 82.25 8.96 10.89 81.05 3542 1003 4

159 VAREL 517 1368 132 59.25 2.23 10.00 93.57 6198 1183 3

159 REED 437 1404 36 22.75 1.58 10.00 103.75 6075 1187 2

222 HUGHES 517 1180 484 64.25 7.53 10.67 80.00 3722 1008 4

200 SECURITY 537 2610 78 35.5 2.20 16.00 65.83 6448 1141 2

200 D.B.S. 537 2221 271 77 3.52 17.29 67.14 5532 1038 3

200 HUGHES/C 537 2345 59 16 3.69 14.33 75.00 7013 1065 1

222 REED 527 2081 163 23.5 6.94 13.13 61.88 5619 992 2

155.6 REED 537 3162 206 64.5 3.19 7.43 60.57 8575 1023 3

200 H.C. 517 1597 1099 80 13.74 14.67 99.17 4329 1054 4

349 RUSSIAN 117 129 129 4.25 30.35 4 142.67 4333 1211 1

311 SMITH 616 84 27.25 3.08 5.5 175 6437 1185 3

311 J&L 158 158 19.00 8.32 6.5 137.5 6000 1048 2

311 J&L 620 295 27.25 10.83 10.75 171.7 14799 1096 2

222 SMITH 517 1890 40 10.00 4.00 17.75 87.5 15810 995 1

251 KINGDREA 117 617 248 51.75 4.79 6.35 181.5 9865 1100 6

311 KINGDREA 169 151 15.00 10.07 6 130 6252 1042 2

Table 2 Coefficients in the models

K a b c d R^2
Assign b
0.00073151 -0.20000 1.00000 0.15000 1.1158 0.76309
(Author’s Model )
Assign a, b, c and d
0.00017894 0.00000 1.00000 0.50000 1.00000 0.57886
(Kelly model)
Assign a, b, c and d
4.91411E-5 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.18570
(Doiron model)

Table 3 Comparison of the field data to the estimated from the wear model
Depth Distance Bearing
Size(mm) Make IADC Hours Weight(klb) RPM Estimation Error
out(m) drilled(m) Dull
251 KINGDREA 117 617 248 51.75 6.35 181.5 6 5.01 16.50%

159 REED 437 1404 36 22.75 10.00 103.75 2 1.85 7.50%

222 HUGHES 517 1058 694 76.75 12.00 86.39 4 3.61 9.75%

222 HUGHES 517 1103 737 82.25 10.89 81.05 4 3.92 2.00%

222 HUGHES 517 1180 484 64.25 10.67 80.00 4 3.00 25.00%
SPE/IADC 125644 7

200 H.C. 517 1597 1099 80 14.67 99.17 4 4.71 17.75%

222 HUGHES 517 1435 416 91.75 13.11 75.83 4 4.24 6.00%

222 HUGHES 537 1519 84 27.25 14.71 66.43 1 1.17 17.00%

200 HUGHES 617 1517 182 49.5 12.88 89.38 3 2.65 11.67%

Table 4 Comparison of the field data to the estimated from the wear models
Depth Bearing Author’s Kelly’s Doiron’s
Size(mm) Hours Weight(klb) RPM
out(m) Dull Model Model Model
222 158 27 5.33 114.17 3 1.71858 1.26 0.81

222 240 72 9.90 79.00 5 3.315363 3.21 2.78

159 329 102.25 9.93 90.00 5 5.80386 5.19 4.49

311 428 31.25 11.00 161.25 3 3.019152 2.99 2.72

222 944 74.25 15.17 89.44 3 4.171956 4.63 4.95

311 324 42.25 10.00 179.00 3 4.521251 4.28 3.72

200 455 87.25 14.56 82.22 3 4.5291 4.90 5.13

200 182 49.5 12.88 89.38 3 2.769028 2.84 2.80

311 153 15.25 5.3 150 2 1.219155 0.95 0.60

222 387 12.00 5.5 142 1 0.969924 0.72 0.46

Table 5 Comparison of relative error of the wear models

Relative Error
Author’s Model Kelly’s Model Doiron’s Model
First Group 12.11% 18.89% 25.71%
Second Group 28.36% 34.37% 42.73%

Table6 Bearing Failure Statistic Results of Different IADC Roller Cone Bits
Total Effective Failure Average
IADC Failure Seal 0-8 h
Number Seal Percentage Hours
114- 24.00
21 8 1 12 11.11%
227 0.00462963
417 9 5 0 4 0.00%
427 8 2 0 6 0.00%
437 46 22 5 19 18.52%
447 51 31 1 19 3.13%
517 129 54 15 60 21.74%
527 57 32 10 15 23.81%
537 89 41 13 35 24.07%
547 1 1 0 0 0.00%
547 16 8 3 5 27.27%
617 57 34 4 19 10.53%
627 12 7 1 4 12.50%
637 4 3 0 1 0.00%
8 SPE/IADC 125644

6 Model

Bearing Wear

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Figure1. Regression analysis results

0.009 4.5
0.008 4
0.007 3.5
B earing W ear

Bearing Wear

366 566 766 966 1166
366 566 766 966 1166
H ole D epth(m )
Hole Depth(m)

A: Instantaneous wear B: Cumulative wear

Figure 2 Wear estimation of Hughes 517 bit

0.07 2
0.05 1.4
B earing W ear
B earing W ear

0.03 0.8
0.02 0.6
0 0
1368 1388 1408 1368 1388 1408
H ole D epth(m ) H ole D epth(m )

A: Instantaneous wear B: Cumulative wear

Figure 3 Wear estimation of Reed 437 bit
SPE/IADC 125644 9

0.018 6

Bearing Wear

Bearing Wear
0.012 4
0.006 2
0 0
369 469 569 669 369 469 569 669
Hole Depth(m) Hole Depth(m)

A: Instantaneous wear B: Cumulative wear

Figure 4 Wear estimation of Reed 117 bit
0.009 1.4
0.008 1.2
Bearing Wear

Bearing Wear
0.005 0.8

0.004 0.6
0.001 0.2

0 0
1435 1485 1535 1435 1485 1535
Hole Depth(m) Hole Depth(m)

A: Instantaneous wear B: Cumulative wear

Figure 5 Wear estimation of Reed 537 bit


0.02 2.5
Bearing Wear

Bearing Wear


0.005 0.5

1335 1435 1535
1335 1385 1435 1485 1535
Hole Depth(m)
Hole Depth(m)

A: Instantaneous wear B: Accumulative wear

Figure 6 Wear estimation of Reed 617 bit
10 SPE/IADC 125644

Bearing Wear

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 7 Comparison of field data to values from bearing wear models (First Group Data)

Kelly Model
Doiron Model
Bearing Wear

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 8. Comparison of field data to values from bearing wear models (Second Group Data)
Hours Drilled

250 Final Hours Predicted





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41
Figure 9 Left hours prediction of used roller cone bits

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