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Department of Justice
Office of the City Prosecutor
Pasay City

NPS Docket No. _________
For: PERJURY; and




I, MONICA C. YEKE, of legal age, Filipino, married and with

address at No. 17 Arnold Street, Tondo, Manila, after having been
duly sworn to in accordance with Law do hereby depose and state

I. THE PARTIES: The parties to this COMPLAINT are:

1. Complainant MONICA C. YEKE, of legal age, Filipino,

married may be served with legal processes of the
Honorable Office on the above-given address;

2. Respondent ALFREDO Q. DAVID, of legal age, Filipino and

with address at No. 240 Libertad St., Pasay City, where he
may be served with summons and other legal processes of
the Honorable Office;


and FALSIFICATION UNDER ARTICLE 171 in relation to
III. JURISDICTION/VENUE: This is a complaint for
Perjury and Falsification, which is committed within the
jurisdiction of Pasay City Philippines, and is proper subject of a
Criminal Complaint. These cases are under the Jurisdiction of
the City Prosecutor of Pasay City for the determination of
probable cause and is within the Jurisdiction of the regular
Courts of Pasay City for purposes of trial;


1. On November 26, 2020, the respondent filed a Criminal

Complaint for Estafa before the office of the City Prosecutor of Pasay
City and docketed as I.S. XV-13-INV-20J-01139, duly subscribe
before the Asst. City Prosecutor. The Copy of the Complaint-Affidavit
with annexes is hereto attached as Annex “A” and made an integral
part hereof;

2. In the said Complaint Affidavit of respondent ALFREDO

Q. DAVID, he alleged among others that:

“3. On April 15, 2017, in my business address in Libertad,

Pasay City, respondent MONICA YEKI whom I personally
know, obtained from me set of jewelries ONE (1) SET OF RING
diamond) which is worth the amount of One Million Eight
Hundred Ninety Thousand Pesos (Php 1,890,000.00);

4. Respondent upon receipt pf the said jewelry undertook to sell

said items on commission basis of 5% within Sixty (60) days,
proceeds of which will be paid to the complainant as soon as
the same is sold and if respondent will not be able to sell the
said item, she will return the same to the complainant within the
same period. (Copy of the Acknowledgment Receipt is hereto
attached as Annex “A”)

5. Up to date, respondent has neither paid the amount nor

return the subject jewelries to the complainant despite the lapse
of more than two (2) months;

6. On June 15, 2017, which is after the agreed period has

expired to sell the item, complainant wrote a demand letter to
the respondent to settle her obligations. Copy of the Demand
Letter dated June 16, 2017, Registry Receipt and Return Card
is hereto attached as Annex “B”, “C” and “D”;

7. Despite repeated demands, respondent failed and still failt to

retrun the said jewelries in the amount of One Million Eight
Hundred Ninety Thousand Pesos (Php 1,890,000.00) of the
said item;

X x x

3. It is noteworthy to stress that the entirety of the said

Complaint-Affidavit, more particularly the statements narrated above
are complete and utter lies;

4. To sure, I had never obtained and/or received any pieces

of jewelry from the respondent. On the contrary, it was him thru his
pawn shop known by his initials as AQD PAWNSHOP, who had
obtained pieces of jewelries from me, as pawned;

5. The transactions I had with respondent refers only to a

civil obligation of loan, as evidenced by the attached Pawn Tickets as
Annexes “B” to “B-18”;

6. I deny in the strongest possible terms having received the

alleged pieces of jewelry (One (1) set of ring and earings with 3 solo
diamonds two carat each). The truth of the matter is that the alleged
evidence in the perjured complaint affidavit referring to “Annex A” is a
clear fabrication and an absolutely falsified document;

7. The supposed Acknowledgement receipt or “Annex-A” is

not my handwriting. I believed that it was entirely written by the
respondent himself;

8. Noteworthy is the fact the date appearing on the

purported agreement is April 15, 2017, while my supposed signature
as indicated is dated 3/20/15 of March 20, 2015. If that is the case
how come that the signature came first more than two years before
the alleged agreement was made?

9. Moreover, though the signature appearing over the name

Monica C. Yeke appears to be my signature, a further examination of
the same will show that the same signature was qualified by the entry
worded this way “adjust loan from 200k to 250k;

10. After examining the said Annex “A” it is therefore clear

that the same is a mere fabrication. The respondent falsified the
document by inserting the supposed agreement of “sale of jewelry on
commission” on top of my signature to make it appear that I agreed to
such terms when in truth and in fact I had never transacted or agreed
to sell any of such jewelry to begin with, and that the only transaction
warranted by my signature refers to an adjustment of a loan from
Two Hundred Thousand Pesos to Two Hundred Fifty Thousand
Pesos nothing more, nothing less;

11. For these reasons the respondent should be prosecuted

for falsification, use of falsified document and perjury, as the entirety
of his garbage complaint-affidavit mentioned-above is littered with
absolute falsehood;

12. What is glaring is the fact that respondent with malicious

intent had falsified the said Acknowledgment receipt by causing it to
appear that I participated in an act or proceeding when I did not so

13. Worse, in respondent’s attempt to defraud me by filing the

said malicious complaint, it obviously exposed the fact that his
complaint-affidavit is littered with absolute falsehood. It is pristine
clear, that the respondents herein made a statement under oath on a
material matter. Moreover, the statements were made before
someone, who appears to be a competent officer, who is authorized
to receive and administer oath in the person of Asst. City Prosecutor
of Pasay City;

14. Surely, the respondent made willful and deliberate

assertions of falsehood in the aforesaid Complaint Affidavit and that
the sworn statement containing the falsity is required by law in filing
the said Complaint-Affidavit, during Preliminary Investigation before
the City Prosecutor’s Office of Pasay City and definitely made for
legal purposes;

15. Without a doubt, the assertions made by Respondent as

above-stated constitute the crime of Perjury when the statements are
taken against the elements of the crime;

16. Moreover, respondent’s falsification and use of the

falsified acknowledgment receipt identified in his perjured statement
as “Annex A” constitute the crime of Falsification;

17. All told, there is definitely probable cause to warrant the

prosecution of Respondent for Perjury under Article 183and
Falsification under Article 171 in relation to Article 172 of the Revised
Penal Code;

33. Complainant is executing this Complaint-Affidavit to

prosecute and establish a prima facie case against respondent for
PERJURY and FALSIFICATION and to attest to the truth of the
foregoing facts;
34. Complainant further attest that she have read and
understood the contents of the Complaint-Affidavit and that the same
are true and correct of based on her personal knowledge and
authentic records made available to her.


___ December 2020; Pasay City Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ___ day

of December 2020, in Pasay City.

Asst. City Prosecutor


I hereby certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I

am satisfied that she voluntarily executed this affidavit.

Asst. City Prosecutor

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