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Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts

Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx

Test Script Summary Test Results

ID # Test Script Name Sites Date Tested Test Owner Test Status Steps Passed Failed To Be Done Defects? Notes
1 Price change on Standard PO In Progress 7 2 0 5 0
2 Price change on Blanket PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
3 Add new line to Standard PO Not Started 4 0 0 4 0
4 Add new line to Blanket PO In Progress 6 1 0 5 0
5 Copy line on Standard PO Not Started 6 0 0 6 0
6 Copy line on Blanket PO Not Started 5 0 0 5 0
7 Copy line on Standard PO & update details Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
8 Copy price from line above on Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
9 Increase quantity on Standard PO Line Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
10 Decrease quantity on Standard PO Line Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
11 Increase quantity on one line and reduce quantity on another line on Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
12 Increase quantity on Blanket Release Line Not Started 4 0 0 4 0
13 Decrease quantity on Blanket Release Line Not Started 4 0 0 4 0
14 Increase quantity on one line and reduce quantity on another line on Blanket Release Not Started 4 0 0 4 0
15 Update description on Standard PO Line Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
16 Update description on Blanket Release Line In Progress 7 0 0 5 0
17 Update description on Standard PO Line after receipt Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
18 Extend end date on Blanket PO In Progress 7 0 0 5 0
19 Change payment terms on a Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
20 Change payment terms on a Blanket PO Not Started 3 0 0 3 0
21 Close Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
22 Close Standard PO Line Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
23 Re-open Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
24 Re-open Standard PO Line Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
25 Cancel Standard PO Line Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
26 Change Supplier Site on Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
27 Copy existing Standard PO Not Started 7 0 0 7 0
28 Create Standard PO with purchase price in different currency than functional currency Not Started 6 0 0 6 0 Specify PO currency for each location testing this scenario
28 Create Blanket Purchase Order (Inventory Items)
29 Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)
30 Copy Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)
31 Add Line to Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)
32 Create Blanket Purchase Order (Services)
33 Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)
34 Copy Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)
35 Add Line to Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)

Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts Thumbnail

Number of Scripts 0 SAPULPA
Number of Scripts Not Started 0
Number of Scripts In Progress 0 Estimated Total Time to Complete: 0 Hours
Number of Scripts Passed 0 Estimated Remaining Time to Complete: 0 Hours
Number of Scripts Failed 0
Number of Defects Logged: 0
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Price change on Standard PO
Return to Summary Page Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Price change on Standard PO
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Price change on Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Price change on Blanket PO

Test Script Instruction Test Results

ID # Action Navigation Steps Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
1.1 Log into Oracle Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID To Be Done
Click in Password field. Enter your Password User Name and User is Logged Into
Click the Sign In button Password Oracle

1.2 Navigation Select Purchase Agreements Icon To Be Done

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
OR Buyer Workcenter is
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Add new line to Standard PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase Order

1.4 Update Purchase Order

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
ne to Standard PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number to be updated
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (only for approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (only for approved POs)
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods but can be changed. Select the appropriate line type
Item: Enter Item Number
Quantity: Add quantity
Requested Delivery Date: Enter Date
Promised Delivery Date: Enter Date
Requester: Enter Requester Name
Click on Edit (Pencil Icon) on the line
Scroll to the top of the Page
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Rebuild Accounts
NOTE: Scroll to the Billing region and notice that the charge account field is now populated.
Click the OK button
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes in the PO header and line
Click the Details of the line by Clicking Line, Schedules and Distributions Tab
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Aprrove the PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify PO header and newly added line
Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Add new line to Standard PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done No

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #: 1211609


Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #: 1211609


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No
To Be Done No
PO interfaces
correctly and is in
Approved status
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Add new line to Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an Agreement

1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
ne to Blanket PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods but can be changed. Select the appropriate line type
Item: Enter Item Number
Price: Enter the Unit Price for the item
Click the Pencil Icon under Edit in the Agreement Line
Price Breaks
Click + under to add Price Breaks
Enter the Ship-to Organization, Location, Quantity, UOM, Price & Discount Percent if applicable
If Ship-to Organization is not showing up, the inventory organization assignment is missing
Click the OK button


Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes made to the agreement
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the Save Button
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Banked will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Add new line to Blanket PO

Test Results

Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
To Be Done No
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done No

Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:

Data for the Change

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No
Blanket interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy line on Standard PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase Order

1.4 Update Purchase Order

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
on Standard PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number to be updated
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (only for approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (only for approved POs)
Select the line that need to be copied
Click on Duplicate Icon on the line
Line is copied
Change appropriate values
Click on Edit (Pencil Icon) on the line
Scroll to the top of the Page
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Rebuild Accounts
NOTE: Scroll to the Billing region and notice that the charge account field is now populated. Modify the
A/C number if needed
Click the OK button
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes in to the PO header and line
Click the Details of the line by Clicking Line, Schedules and Distributions Tab
Review the change and click the Done button
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Aprrove the PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify PO header and newly added line
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Copy line on Standard PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information Agreements are


To Be Done No

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly and is in
Approved status
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy line on Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an


1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
al Integration Test Scripts
on Blanket PO
Summary Page

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Select the line you want to copy
Click on Duplicate Icon or Actions > Duplicate. Notice new line is created
Select the newly copied line and make appropriate changes Ex: Item, Price, etc.
Click the Pencil Icon under Edit in the Agreement Line
Price Breaks
Click + under to add Price Breaks
Enter the Ship-to Organization, Location, Quantity, UOM, Price & Discount Percent if applicable
If Ship-to Organization is not showing up, the inventory organization assignment is missing
Click the OK button


Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes made to the agreement
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the Save Button
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Blanket will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Copy line on Blanket PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
To Be Done No
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done No

Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy line on Standard PO & update details
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Copy line on Standard PO & update details
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy price from line above on Standard PO
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Copy price from line above on Standard PO
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Increase quantity on Standard PO Line
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase


1.4 Update Purchase


1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
al Integration Test Scripts
quantity on Standard PO Line
Summary Page

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number to be updated
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (Applicable to Approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (Applicable to Approved POs)
Quntity : Increase Quantity
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes made to the PO header and line
Click the Details Icon on the Modified Line
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the OK button
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Aprrove the PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify Price changes at PO and line level
Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Increase quantity on Standard PO Line

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
User Name and To Be Done
User is Logged Into

To Be Done

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?




Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Decrease quantity on Standard PO Line
Return to Summary Page Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Decrease quantity on Standard PO Line
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Increase quantity on one line and reduce quantity on an
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase Order

1.4 Update Purchase Order

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
uantity on one line and reduce quantity on another line on Sta

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order with 2 lines

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs

Click the Search button

All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number to be updated
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (Applicable to Approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (Applicable to Approved POs)
Select Line 1 and INCREASE quantity
Select Line 1 and DECRESE quantity
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes made to the PO header and line
Check the Details of the lines by Clicking Line, Schedules and Distributions Tab
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the OK button
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Aprrove the PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify Price changes at PO and line level
nother line on Standard PO
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Increase quantity on one line and reduce quantity on another line on Standard

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
User Name and To Be Done
User is Logged Into

To Be Done

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?




Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Price change on Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an Agreement

1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
ge on Blanket PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Select appropriate line and increase quantity
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Blanket will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO and line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Price change on Blanket PO

Test Results

Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
To Be Done No
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done No

Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
Blanket interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Price change on Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase Order

1.4 Update Purchase Order

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
ge on Blanket PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchase Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number to be updated
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (Applicable to Approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (Applicable to Approved POs)
Quantity : Decrease Quantity
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes made to the PO header and line
Check the Details of the lines by Clicking Line, Schedules and Distributions Tab
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the OK button
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Approve the PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO and line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Price change on Blanket PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done No

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #: 3020225 Re-
tested with PO 45


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Price change on Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an Agreement

1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
ge on Blanket PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Select appropriate line and decrease quantity
Select appropriate line and increase quantity
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Banked will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO and line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Price change on Blanket PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Logged?
To Be Done No
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done No

Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
Blanket interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Update description on Standard PO Line
Return to Summary Page Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Update description on Standard PO Line
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Update description on Blanket Release Line
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an Agreement

1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS

Integration Test Scripts
scription on Blanket Release Line

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password

Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon


Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon


In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon

Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region

Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information

Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs

Click the Search button

All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list

Select Edit

A warning message will display. Click the YES button


Enter a description for the change


Select appropriate line and click on Edit icon

Edit Description

Click OK button

Click Save Button


Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu

Review the change and click the Done button

Click Done

Click the Submit button

A confirmation message will display. Click OK

Click the Done button

Blanket will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password

Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes

Navigate to PO Summary

Verify changes at PO and line level

Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Update description on Blanket Release Line

Test Results

Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
To Be Done No

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done No
Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No

To Be Done No
Blanket interfaces
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Update description on Standard PO Line after receipt
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Update description on Standard PO Line after receipt
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Extend end date on Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release
Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an Agreement

1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
d date on Blanket PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
End Date: extend the end date
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu at the top of the screen
Review the changes
Click Done
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Blanket will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO and line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Extend end date on Blanket PO
Test Results

Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
To Be Done No
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done No

Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No
Blanket interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Change payment terms on a Standard PO
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Change payment terms on a Standard PO

Test Script Instruction Test Results

ID # Action Navigation Steps Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
1.1 Log into Oracle Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID User Name and To Be Done No
Click in Password field. Enter your Password Password
User is Logged Into
Click the Sign In button Oracle

1.2 Navigation Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon To Be Done No
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon Buyer Workcenter is
Procurement > Purchase Orders

1.3 Search for Purchase Order Prerequisite: Purchase Order To Be Done No

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information Search Information POs are displayed
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
1.4 Update Purchase Order Click the PO number to be updated To Be Done No
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (Applicable to Approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (Applicable to Approved POs)
PO is Updated and
Payment Terms: Select Correct Payment Terms Approved
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu Change Description
Review the changes made to the PO header Data for the Change
Review the change and click the Done button PO #:
Click Done
Click the OK button
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Aprrove the PO
1.5 Log into Oracle EBS Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Click in Password field. Enter your Password Password Oracle
Click the Sign In button

1.6 Wait for 5 min Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes To Be Done No
1.7 Verify PO In EBS Navigate to PO Summary PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Verify Price changes at PO and line level information
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Change payment terms on a Blanket PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for an Agreement

1.4 Update Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
yment terms on a Blanket PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

From the Task List Select Manage Agreements

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the Agreement number of the Agreement to be updated

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Payment Terms: Change Payment Terms
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu at the top right
Review the changes
Click Done
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Blanket will be routed for approval. Approve the blanket

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO and line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Change payment terms on a Blanket PO

Test Results

Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

To Be Done
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done

Agreements are
Search Information displayed

To Be Done

Agreement is
Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change

Agreement #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done
Blanket interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?




Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Close Standard PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase


1.4 Close PO

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
al Integration Test Scripts
ndard PO
Summary Page

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click on the line that you want to cancel PO
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Close - Close Document window opens
Action: Close
Reason: Enter reason
Click OK button
Click OK button on Confirmation message
Notice Status changed to Close
Click on Done button
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify PO Status
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Close Standard PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information POs are displayed

PO is Updated and To Be Done No


Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Close Standard PO Line
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase Order

1.4 Close PO Line

1.6 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
dard PO Line

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs

Click the Search button

All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number - PO will open
Select Line that need to closed
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Close
Close Line Window will Display
Action: Close
Reason: Enter Reason
Click OK button
Click OK button on confirmation page
Click on Done button
Notice that the Line Status is Closed
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify PO Line status
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Close Standard PO Line

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
User Name and To Be Done
User is Logged Into

To Be Done

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?





Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Re-open Standard PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase


1.4 Reopen PO

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
al Integration Test Scripts
Standard PO
Summary Page

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order in Closes Status

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Change Include Closed Documents option to Yes
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click on the line that you want to cancel PO
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Reopen - Reopen Document window opens
Action: Reopen
Reason: Enter reason
Click OK button
Click OK button on Confirmation message
Notice Status changed to Open
Click on Done Button
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify PO Status
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Re-open Standard PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done No
PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Re-open Standard PO Line
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Re-open Standard PO Line

Test Script Instruction Test Results

ID # Action Navigation Steps Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
1.1 Log into Oracle Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID User Name and To Be Done No
Click in Password field. Enter your Password Password
User is Logged Into
Click the Sign In button Oracle

1.2 Navigation Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon To Be Done No
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon Buyer Workcenter is
Procurement > Purchase Orders

1.3 Search for Purchase Order Prerequisite: Purchase Order To Be Done No

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Search Information POs are displayed
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs

Click the Search button

All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
1.4 Open PO Line Click the PO number - PO will open To Be Done No
Select Line that need to closed PO is Updated and
Click the Actions drop-down list Approved
Select Reopen
Reopen Line Window will Display
Action: Reopen Change Description
Data for the Change
Reason: Enter Reason
PO #:
Click OK button
Click OK button on confirmation page
Click on Done button _________________
Notice that the Line Status is Closed
1.5 Log into Oracle EBS Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Click in Password field. Enter your Password Password Oracle
Click the Sign In button

1.6 Wait for 5 min Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes To Be Done No
1.7 Verify PO In EBS Navigate to PO Summary PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Verify PO Line status information
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Cancel Standard PO Line
Return to Summary Page Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Overview Test Script Specification
Software / Release ERP Cloud/Release xx Test Script Name Cancel Standard PO Line

Test Script Instruction Test Results

ID # Action Navigation Steps Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
1.1 Log into Oracle Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID User Name and To Be Done No
Click in Password field. Enter your Password Password
User is Logged Into
Click the Sign In button Oracle

1.2 Navigation Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon To Be Done No
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon Buyer Workcenter is
Procurement > Purchase Orders

1.3 Search for Purchase Order Prerequisite: Purchase Order To Be Done No

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Search Information POs are displayed
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs

Click the Search button

All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
1.4 Cancel PO Line Click the PO number - PO will open To Be Done No
Select Line that need to closed PO is Updated and
Click the Actions drop-down list Approved
Select Cancel Line
Warning message will display. Click on Yes button
Cancel Line Window will Display Change Description
Data for the Change
Reason: Enter Reason
PO #:
Communication Method: Select appropriate value
Required Acknowledgement: Select appropriate value
Click OK button _________________
Click OK button on confirmation page
Click on Done button
1.5 Log into Oracle EBS Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Click in Password field. Enter your Password Password Oracle
Click the Sign In button

1.6 Wait for 5 min Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes To Be Done No
1.7 Verify PO In EBS Navigate to PO Summary PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Verify PO Line status information
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Change Supplier Site on Standard PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase Order

1.4 Update Purchase Order

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
Integration Test Scripts
pplier Site on Standard PO

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click the PO number to be updated
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button (Applicable to Approved POs)
Enter a description for the change (Applicable to Approved POs)
Supplier Site: Select Supplier Site
Supplier Contact: Select appropriate if available
Bill-to Location: Select Locatioin
Default Ship-to Location: Select location
Click Save Button
Select Review Changes from the Action drop-down menu
Review the changes made to the PO header
Review the change and click the Done button
Click Done
Click the OK button
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Click OK
Click the Done button
Buyer of the PO will get notification for Approval
Aprrove the PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify Price changes at PO and line level
Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Change Supplier Site on Standard PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done No

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy existing Standard PO
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for Purchase


1.4 Copy PO

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
al Integration Test Scripts
sting Standard PO
Summary Page

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon

In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

Prerequisite: Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders
In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Purchase Order, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All Purchsse Orders that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.
Click on the line that you want to copy PO
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Duplicate - Edit Document page opens for new PO
Edit appropriate information at Header and Line level
Click Save button
Click Submit button
Click OK button on Confirmation message
Click on Done button
PO will be routed for approval.
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify PO Status
Test Owner: Terry Lytle
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Copy existing Standard PO

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
User Name and To Be Done No
User is Logged Into

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Search Information POs are displayed

PO is Updated and To Be Done No


Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No
Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Create Standard PO with purchase price in different curr
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Create Purchase Order

price in different currency
than functional currency
1.4 Log into Oracle EBS

1.5 Wait for 5 min

1.6 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
ndard PO with purchase price in different currency than functio

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Orders Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchasing Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchasing

On the Task List, Select Create Order

Procurement BU: CA CAD BU
Requisitioning BU: CA CAD BU
Enter or Select the Supplier and Site for the Order
Alternately: Click the Magnifying Glass; Enter part of the Supplier Name and click Search
Select the Supplier and click the OK button
Default Ship-To Location: Select the Ship-To Location
Currency: USD
Click the Create button.
Description: Enter a Description for the Purchase
Bill-to Location: Select location
Review and Update the terms of the PO as needed
Enter any notes or attachments for the PO
Additional Information
CONTEXT: Non Metal
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods but can be changed. Select the appropriate line type
Item: Enter Item Number
Description: Optionally Change Description
Quantity: Enter the quantity to be purchased
UOM: Enter or Select the UOM
Price: Enter the Unit Price for the item
Click the Pencil 'edit' icon
Location: Enter the Location for delivery or keep the default
Note: This information may required to generate the PO Charge Account
Requested Delivery Date: Enter the date the requester would like the goods delivered
Promised Delivery Date: Enter the date the Supplier has committed to deliver the goods
Requester: Enter the Last name of the Requester.
Scroll to the top of the Page
Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Rebuild Accounts
NOTE: Scroll to the Billing region and notice that the charge account field is now populated,
Click the OK button
Click the Submit button
A Confirmation message will display. Click the OK button
Click the Done button
PO will be routed for approval
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify Price changes at PO and line level
rency than functional currency
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Create Standard PO with purchase price in different currency than functional c

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail Defect Logged?
To Be Done No
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done No

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done No

Supplier Name
Supplier Address
Deliver-To Location

Purchase Order is
created and
Unit Price, Unit of

Purchase Order:

Expected Delivery _________________

Expected Delivery _________________

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done No

Password Oracle

To Be Done No
PO interfaces To Be Done No
correctly updated the
Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Create Blanket Purchase Order (Inventory Items)
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Create a Blanket Agreement

1.4 Approve Blanket Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
ket Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

On the Task List, Select Create Agreement

Style: Blanket Purchase Agreement will default
Procurement BU: Select the BU for the Agreement
Enter or Select the Supplier and Site for the Agreement
Alternately: Click the Magnifying Glass; Enter part of the Supplier Name and click Search
Select the Supplier and click the OK button
Click the Create button.
Start Date: Enter the date the will start
End Date: Enter the end date of the agreement
Agreement Amount: Optionally Enter the total amount of the agreement
Minimum Release Amount: Optionally Enter the minimum amount for an order against this agreement
Description: Enter a Description for the Agreement
Review and Update the terms of the PO as needed
Additional Information
CONTEXT: Select Non Metal
Enter any notes or attachments for the PO
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods but can be changed. Select the appropriate line type
Item: Enter Item Number
Description: Optionally Change Item Description
Category: Category will default
UOM: Enter or Select the UOM
Price: Enter the Unit Price for the item
Click the Pencil Icon under Edit in the Agreement Line
Price Breaks
Click + under to add Price Breaks
Enter the Ship-to Organization, Location, Quantity, UOM, Price & Discount Percent if applicable
If Ship-to Organization is not showing up, the inventory organization assignment is missing
Click the OK button

Repeat for above steps to add additional lines

Review the controls and update as needed.
Order Processing:
Check or uncheck Automatically generate orders and Automatically submit for approval as appropriate for
the agreement.
Scroll to the top of the Page
Click the Save button
Optionally click the View PDF button to view the Agreement
Optionally click the Manage Approvals button
Click the Submit button
A Confirmation message will display. Click the OK button

BPA will be routed for approval. Approve BPA

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Create Blanket Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

Buyer Workcenter is

Agreement is created
and approved

Supplier Name,
Supplier Address,
Items, Descriptions,
Start and End Dates,
Agreement Amount
Agreement #:

Start and End Dates,
Agreement Amount
Agreement #:


BPA Approved

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?




Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Create Purchase Order for

1.4 Approve PO
1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
ket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

ERP Cloud/Release xx


Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Orders Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchasing Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchasing

On the Task List, Select Create Order

Procurement BU: Select Procurement BU
Enter or Select the Supplier and Site for the Order
Alternately: Click the Magnifying Glass; Enter part of the Supplier Name and click Search
Select the Supplier and click the OK button
Default Ship-To Location: Select the Ship-To Location
Click the Create button.
Description: Enter a Description for the Purchase
Bill-to Location: Enter Bill-to location
Review and Update the terms of the PO as needed
Enter any notes or attachments for the PO
Additional Information
CONTEXT: Non Metals
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods but can be changed. Select the appropriate line type
Item: Enter Item Number
Description: Optionally Change Description
Note that Agreement Number is displayed at the header and in Source Document field at line level
Quantity: Enter the quantity to be purchased
UOM: Defaults
Price: Defaults
Organization: Defaults
Requested Delivery Date: Enter date
Promised Delivery Date: Enter date
Requester: Enter Requester
Repeat above steps to add additional lines
click SAVE button
Click the Submit button
A Confirmation message will display. Note down PO number. Click the OK button

PO will be routed for approval. Approve PO

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

Test Script Specification

Test Script Name Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

Buyer Workcenter is

Supplier Name
Supplier Address
Deliver-To Location

Purchase Order is
created and
Unit Price, Unit of

Purchase Order:

Expected Delivery _________________

Expected Delivery _________________

PO approved
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?



Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for PO

1.4 Copy PO

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
1.7 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
t Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Order Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Order Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Select PO you want to copy (Don't Open the PO)

Click the Duplicate Icon
Edit Document page for ne PO will be displayed
Make necessity changes
Make necessity changes.
Ex: Increasing or Decreasing quantities. Changing Dates, Requester,
adding new lines by clicking + icon or deleting line(s) by clicking X icon
Click the Save Button
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Note down PO number. Click OK
Click the Done button
PO will be routed for approval. Approve the PO

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Copy Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
To Be Done
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done

PO copied and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?





Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Add Line to Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for PO

1.4 Update PO
1.5 Approve PO

1.6 Log into Oracle EBS

1.7 Wait for 5 min

1.8 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Orders Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

From the Task List Select Manage Orders

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, PO number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All PO that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the PO number to be updated - Purchase Orders details displayed

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Enter the change
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods but can be changed.
Item: Select the category for the Purchase
Description: Description will default
Qty: Enter Quantity
Requested Delivery Date: Enter Date
Promised Delivery Date: Enter Date
Requester - Enter Requester
Click the Save Button
Notice that the Change Order field now displays an updated number.
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Note down PO number. Click OK
Click the Done button
BPA will be routed for approval. Approve BPA

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Add Line to Blanket Release Purchase Order (Inventory Items)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

Buyer Workcenter is

Search Information PO are displayed

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:

PO Approved

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?





Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Create Blanket Purchase Order (Services)
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Create a Blanket Agreement

1.4 Approve Blanket Agreement

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
ket Purchase Order (Services)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Agreements Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Agreements Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Agreements

On the Task List, Select Create Agreement

Style: Blanket Purchase Agreement will default
Procurement BU: Select the BU for the Agreement
Enter or Select the Supplier and Site for the Agreement
Alternately: Click the Magnifying Glass; Enter part of the Supplier Name and click Search
Select the Supplier and click the OK button
Click the Create button.
Start Date: Enter the date the will start
End Date: Enter the end date of the agreement
Agreement Amount: Optionally Enter the total amount of the agreement
Minimum Release Amount: Optionally Enter the minimum amount for an order against this agreement
Description: Enter a Description for the Agreement
Review and Update the terms of the PO as needed
Additional Information
CONTEXT: Select Non Metal
Enter any notes or attachments for the PO
Click the +
Type: Will default to Goods . Change to Service
Description: Enter Description
Category: Enter Category number
UOM: UOM will default
Price: Enter the Unit Price for the item
Click the Pencil Icon under Edit in the Agreement Line
Price Breaks
Click + under to add Price Breaks
Enter the Ship-to Organization, Location, Quantity, UOM, Price & Discount Percent if applicable
If Ship-to Organization is not showing up, the inventory organization assignment is missing
Click the OK button

Repeat for above steps to add additional lines

Review the controls and update as needed.
Order Processing:
Check or uncheck Automatically generate orders and Automatically submit for approval as appropriate for
the agreement.
Scroll to the top of the Page
Click the Save button
Click the Submit button
A Confirmation message will display. Note down BPA #. Click the OK button

BPA will be routed for approval. Approve BPA

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Create Blanket Purchase Order (Services)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

Buyer Workcenter is

Agreement is created
and approved

Supplier Name,
Supplier Address,
Items, Descriptions,
Start and End Dates,
Agreement Amount
Agreement #:

Start and End Dates,
Agreement Amount
Agreement #:


BPA Approved

User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?




Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Create Purchase Order for

1.4 Approve PO
1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
ket Release Purchase Order (Services)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Orders Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchasing Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchasing

On the Task List, Select Create Order

Procurement BU: Select Procurement BU
Enter or Select the Supplier and Site for the Order
Alternately: Click the Magnifying Glass; Enter part of the Supplier Name and click Search
Select the Supplier and click the OK button
Default Ship-To Location: Select the Ship-To Location
Click the Create button.
Description: Enter a Description for the Purchase
Bill-to Location: Enter Bill-to location
Review and Update the terms of the PO as needed
Enter any notes or attachments for the PO
Additional Information
CONTEXT: Non Metals
Actions> Add from Catalog - Catalog Page will open
Shop by Category: enter Category and click search
Lines on BPA for this category will be displayed
Enter Quantity for line and click on + button next to qty
Note: added item will be displayed in the 'Recently Added Lines' list on the top right
Add the remaining required lines by Entering quantity and clicking + button
Click on Complete button below 'Recently Added Lines' -Edit Document page will open
Scroll Down to the lines region and see the lines added in previous steps will be displayed
Optionally Change the qty
click SAVE button
Click the Submit button
A Confirmation message will display. Note down PO number. Click the OK button
PO will be routed for approval. Approve PO
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button
Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Create Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

Buyer Workcenter is

Supplier Name
Supplier Address
Deliver-To Location

Purchase Order is
created and
Unit Price, Unit of

Purchase Order:

Expected Delivery _________________

PO approved
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?



Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Copy Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for PO

1.4 Copy PO

1.5 Log into Oracle EBS

1.6 Wait for 5 min

1.7 Verify PO In EBS
1.7 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
t Release Purchase Order (Services)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Order Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Order Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Order

From the Task List Select Manage Orders

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, Agreement number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All agreements that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Select PO you want to copy (Don't Open the PO)

Click the Duplicate Icon
Edit Document page for ne PO will be displayed
Make necessity changes
Make necessity changes.
Ex: Increasing or Decreasing quantities. Changing Dates, Requester,
adding new lines by clicking + icon or deleting line(s) by clicking X icon
Click the Save Button
Click the Submit button
A confirmation message will display. Note down PO number. Click OK
Click the Done button
PO will be routed for approval. Approve the PO

Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID

Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Copy Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
To Be Done
User Name and User is Logged Into
Password Oracle

To Be Done

Buyer Workcenter is

To Be Done

Search Information POs are displayed

To Be Done

PO copied and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:


User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done

Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?





Non-Metal Integration Test Scripts
Add Line to Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)
Return to Summary Page

Software / Release

Test Script Instruction

ID # Action
1.1 Log into Oracle

1.2 Navigation

1.3 Search for PO

1.4 Update PO

1.5 Approve PO
1.5 Approve PO

1.6 Log into Oracle EBS

1.7 Wait for 5 min

1.8 Verify PO In EBS
ntegration Test Scripts
Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)

ERP Cloud/Release xx

Navigation Steps
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Select Purchase Orders Icon

Select the Procurement Icon > Select Purchase Orders Icon
In the upper left hand corner beside the company logo, click the Navigator icon
Procurement > Purchase Orders

From the Task List Select Manage Orders

In the Search Region
Enter the Supplier, PO number, Buyer or other known information
Buyer will default, If you are searching for another Buyer's agreement replace your name with theirs
Click the Search button
All PO that meet your search criteria will display in the Search Results region.

Click the PO number to be updated - Purchase Orders details displayed

Click the Actions drop-down list
Select Edit
A warning message will display. Click the YES button
Enter a description for the change
Enter the change
Actions> Add from Catalog - Catalog Page will open
Shop by Category: enter Category and click search
Lines on BPA for this category will be displayed
Enter Quantity for line and click on + button next to qty
Note: added item will be displayed in the 'Recently Added Lines' list on the top right
Add the remaining required lines by Entering quantity and clicking + button
Click on Complete button below 'Recently Added Lines' -Edit Document page will open
Scroll Down to the lines region and see the lines added in previous steps will be displayed
Optionally Change the qty or delete appropriate lines
click SAVE button
Click the Submit button
A Confirmation message will display. Note down PO number. Click the OK button
BPA will be routed for approval. Approve BPA
Click in the User ID field. Enter your User ID
Click in Password field. Enter your Password
Click the Sign In button

Wait till the Interface program completes. Scheduled to run every 5 minutes
Navigate to PO Summary
Verify changes at PO/Line level
Test Owner:
Date Tested:
Test Script Specification
Test Script Name Add Line to Blanket Release Purchase Order (Services)

Test Results
Key Data Elements Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail

User Name and User is Logged Into

Password Oracle

Buyer Workcenter is

Search Information PO are displayed

PO is Updated and

Change Description
Data for the Change
PO #:


PO Approved
User Name and User is Logged Into To Be Done
Password Oracle

To Be Done
PO interfaces To Be Done
correctly updated the
Defect Logged?






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