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Forge Group Australia

Ground Floor, 377 Little Lonsdale

Melbourne, VIC 3000

P: 0466399131
E: [email protected]
ABN: 31626977651

Residential Rental Agreement


3307/60 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

This agreement is between Linyu Liao

and Yixuan Lyu, Peijun Xiong.

Copyright in this document and the concepts it represents are strictly reserved to iProperty Express Pty Ltd - 2024.
No unauthorised use or copying permitted. All rights reserved.

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Residential Rental Agreement of no more than 5 years
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 Section 26(1)
Regulation 10(1)

Part A - General
This agreement is between the residential rental provider (rental provider) and the renter listed on this form.

1. Date of agreement

This is the date the agreement is signed

Wed 31/01/2024

If the agreement is signed by the parties on different days, the date of the agreement is the date the last person
signs the agreement.

2. Premises let by the rental provider

Address of premises

3307/60 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne VIC Postcode 3000

3. Rental provider details

Full name or company

Linyu Liao
name of rental

Address (if no agent is

acting for the rental Postcode

Phone number

ACN (if applicable)

Email address

Rental provider's agent details (if applicable)

Full name Forge Group Australia

Address Ground Floor, 377 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC Postcode 3000

Phone number 0466399131

ACN (if applicable)

Email address [email protected]

Note: The rental provider must notify the renter within 7 days if any of this information changes.

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4. Renter details

Each renter that is a party to the agreement must provide their details here.

Full name of renter 1 Yixuan Lyu

Current Address: 3307/60 A'Beckett Street Postcode

Phone number: 0415765746

Email: [email protected]

Full name of renter 2 Peijun Xiong

Current Address: 3307/60 A'Beckett Street Postcode

Phone number: 0422702267

Email: [email protected]

Full name of renter 3

Current Address: Postcode

Phone number:


Full name of renter 4

Current Address: Postcode

Phone number:


5. Length of the agreement

(this is the date the agreement starts

✔ Fixed term agreement Start date Fri 01/03/2024
and you may move in)

End date Fri 28/02/2025

Periodic agreement
Start date

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Note: If a fixed term agreement ends and the renter and rental provider do not enter into a new fixed term
agreement, and the renter continues to occupy the premises, a periodic (e.g. month by month) residential rental
agreement will be formed.

6. Rent
Rent amount($)
(payable in advance)

To be paid per week fortnight ✔ calendar month

Day rent is to be paid (e.g. each

Thursday or the 11th of each 1st day of each month

Date first rent payment due Thu 01/02/2024

7. Bond

The renter has been asked to pay the bond specified below.

Unless the rent is greater than $900 (per week), the maximum bond is one month's rent. In some cases, the rental
provider may ask the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to increase this limit. The rental provider
or their agent must lodge the bond with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA). The bond must be
lodged within 10 business days after receiving payment. The RTBA will send the renter a receipt for the bond.

If the renter does not receive a receipt within 15 business days from when they paid the bond, they may —
email [email protected], or
call the RTBA on 1300 13 71 64

Rental bond amount($) 3476

Date bond payment due Thu 01/02/2024

Part B – Standard terms

8. Rental provider's preferred method of rent payment

Note: The rental provider must permit a fee-free (other than the renter's own bank fees) payment method and
must allow the renter to use Centrepay or another form of electronic funds transfer.

Note: The renter is entitled to receive a receipt from the rental provider confirming payment of rent.

(Rental provider to tick permitted methods of rent payment)

direct debit bank deposit cash cheque money order ✔ BPay

other electronic form of payment, including Centrepay

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Payment details (if applicable)

* Biller Code – 412601 * Biller Name – FORGE GROUP AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
BPAY REF: 569688

9. Service of notices and other documents by electronic methods

Electronic service of documents must be in accordance with the requirements of the Electronic Transactions
(Victoria) Act 2000.

Just because someone responds to an email or other electronic communications does not mean they have
consented to the service of notices and other documents by electronic methods.

The rental provider and renter must notify the other party in writing if they no longer wish to receive notices or
other documents by electronic methods.

The rental provider and renter must immediately notify the other party in writing if their contact details change.
9.1 Does the rental provider agree to the service of notices and other documents by electronic methods
such as email?

The rental provider must complete this section before giving the agreement to the renter.
(Rental provider to tick as appropriate)

✔ Yes Alan Lun: [email protected]

9.2 Does the renter agree to the service of notices and other documents by electronic methods such as

(Renter to tick as appropriate)

Renter 1 ✔ Yes Yixuan Lyu: [email protected]


Renter 2 ✔ Yes Peijun Xiong: [email protected]


Renter 3 Yes


Renter 4 Yes


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10. Urgent repairs

The rental provider must ensure that the rental property is provided and maintained in good repair.
If there is a need for an urgent repair, the renter should notify the rental provider in writing.

For further information on seeking repairs see Part D (below).

Details of person the renter should contact for an urgent repair

(rental provider to insert details)

Emergency contact name Wayne Deng

Emergency phone number 0466399131

Emergency email address [email protected]

11. Professional cleaning

The rental provider must not require the renter to arrange professional cleaning or cleaning to a professional
standard at the end of the tenancy unless —

professional cleaning or cleaning to a professional standard was carried out to the rented premises
immediately before the start of the tenancy and the renter was advised that professional cleaning or
cleaning to a professional standard had been carried out to those premises immediately before the start of
the tenancy; or
professional cleaning or cleaning to a professional standard is required to restore the rented premises to
the same condition they were in immediately before the start of the tenancy, having regard to the condition
report and taking into account fair wear and tear.

The renter must have all or part of the rented premises professionally cleaned, or pay the cost of having all or part
of the rented premises professional cleaned, if professional cleaning becomes required to restore the premises to
the condition they were in immediately before the start of the tenancy, having regard to the condition report and
taking into account fair wear and tear.

12. Owners corporation

Do owners corporation rules apply to the premises?

If yes, the rental provider must attach a copy of the rules to this agreement.
(Rental provider to tick as appropriate)

✔ Yes

13. Condition report

The renter must be given 2 copies of the condition report (or one emailed copy) on or before the date the renter
moves into the rented premises.
(rental provider to tick as appropriate)

The condition report has been provided

✔ The condition report will be provided to the renter on or before the date the agreement starts

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Part C – Safety related activities

14 Electrical safety activities

(a) The rental provider must ensure an electrical safety check of all electrical installations, appliances and fittings
provided by a rental provider in the rented premises is conducted every 2 years by a licensed or registered
electrician and must provide the renter with the date of the most recent safety check, in writing, on request of
the renter.
(b) If an electrical safety check of the rented premises has not been conducted within the last two years at the
time the renter occupies the premises, the rental provider must arrange an electrical safety check as soon as

15 Gas safety activities

This safety-related activity only applies if the rented premises contains any appliances, fixtures or fittings which
use or supply gas.

(a) The rental provider must ensure that a gas safety check of all gas installations and fittings in the rented
premises is conducted every 2 years by a licensed or registered gasfitter and must provide the renter with the
date of the most recent safety check, in writing, on request of the renter.

(b) If a gas safety check has not been conducted within the last two years at the time the renter occupies the
premises, the rental provider must arrange a gas safety check as soon as practicable.

16 Smoke alarm safety activities

(a) The rental provider must ensure that:

i. any smoke alarm is correctly installed and in working condition; and
ii. any smoke alarm is tested according to the manufacturer's instructions at least once every 12 months,
iii. the batteries in each smoke alarm are replaced as required.
(b) The rental provider must immediately arrange for a smoke alarm to be repaired or replaced as an urgent
repair if they are notified by the renter that it is not in working order.
Note: Repair or replacement of a hard-wired smoke alarm must be undertaken by a suitably qualified person.

(c) The rental provider, on or before the occupation date, must provide the renter with the following information in
i. information about how each smoke alarm in the rented premises operates;
ii. information about how to test each smoke alarm in the rented premises;
iii. information about the renter's obligations to not tamper with any smoke alarms and to report if a smoke
alarm in the rented premises is not in working order.

(d) The renter must give written notice to the rental provider as soon as practicable after becoming aware that a
smoke alarm in the rented premises is not in working order.
Note: Regulations made under the Building Act 1993 require smoke alarms to be installed in all residential

17 Swimming pool barrier safety activities

These safety-related activities only apply if the rented premises contains a swimming pool.

(a) The rental provider must ensure that the swimming pool barrier is maintained in good repair.

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(b) The renter must give written notice to the rental provider as soon as practicable after becoming aware that
the swimming pool barrier is not in working order.

(c) The rental provider must arrange for a swimming pool barrier to be immediately repaired or replaced as an
urgent repair if they are notified by the renter that it is not in working order.

(d) The rental provider must provide the renter with a copy of the most recent certificate of swimming pool barrier
compliance issued under the Building Act 1993 on the request of the renter.

18 Relocatable pool safety activities

These safety-related activities only apply if a relocatable swimming pool is erected, or is intended to be erected,
on the rented premises.

(a) The renter must not erect a relocatable swimming pool without giving written notice to the rental provider
before erecting the pool.

(b) The renter must obtain any necessary approvals before erecting a relocatable swimming pool.

Note: Regulations made under Building Act 1993 apply to any person erecting a relocatable swimming pool.
This safety-related activity only applies to swimming pools or spas that hold water deeper than 300 mm.

19 Bushfire prone area activities

This safety-related activity only applies if the rented premises is in a bushfire prone area and is required to have a
water tank for bushfire safety.

If the rented premises is in a designated bushfire prone area under section 192A of the Building Act 1993 and a
water tank is required for firefighting purposes, the rental provider must ensure the water tank and any connected
infrastructure is maintained in good repair as required.

The water tank must be full and clean at the commencement of the agreement.

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Part D – Rights and obligations
This is a summary of selected rights and obligations of renters and rental providers under the Act.

Any reference to VCAT refers to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

For more information, visit

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20. Use of the premises 23. Locks
The renter: The rental provider must ensure the premises has:
is entitled to quiet enjoyment of the premises. The rental locks to secure all windows capable of having a lock,
provider may only enter the premises in accordance with the and
Act; and has deadlocks (a deadlock is a deadlatch with at
must not use the premises for illegal purposes; and least one cylinder) for external doors that are able to
must not cause a nuisance or interfere with the reasonable be secured with a functioning deadlock; and
peace, comfort or privacy of neighbours; and meets the rental minimum standards for locks and
must avoid damaging the premises and common areas. window locks.
Common areas include hallways, driveways, gardens and External doors which are not able to be secured with a
stairwells. Where damage occurs, the renter must notify the functioning deadlock must at least be fitted with a locking
rental provider in writing; and device that—
must keep the premises reasonably clean. is operated by a key from the outside; and
may be unlocked from the inside with or without a
21. Condition of the premises key
The rental provider: The renter must obtain consent from the rental provider to
must ensure that the premises comply with the rental change a lock in the master key system.
minimum standards, and is vacant and reasonably clean The rental provider must not unreasonably refuse consent
when the renter moves in; and for a renter seeking to change a lock in the master key
must maintain the premises in good repair and in a fit system.
condition for occupation; and The rental provider must not give a key to a person
agrees to do all the safety-related maintenance and repair excluded from the premises under a:
activities set out in Part C of the agreement. a family violence intervention order; or
a family violence safety notice; or
The renter: a recognised non-local DVO; or
The renter must follow all safety-related activities set out in personal safety intervention order.
Part C of the agreement and not remove, deactivate or
24. Repairs
otherwise interfere with the operation of prescribed safety
devices on the premises. Only a suitably qualified person may do repairs—both
urgent and non-urgent
22. Modifications
The renter: 25. Urgent repairs
may make some modifications without seeking the rental Section 3(1) of the Act defines urgent repairs. Refer to the
provider's consent. These modifications are listed on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website for the full list of urgent repairs
Consumer Affairs Victoria website; and and for more information, visit
must seek the rental provider's consent before installing any Urgent repairs include failure or breakdown of any essential service
other fixtures or additions; and or appliance provided for hot water, cooking, heating or laundering
may apply to VCAT if they believe that the rental provider supplied by the rental provider.
has unreasonably refused consent for a modification The rental provider must carry out urgent repairs after being
mentioned in the Act; and notified. A renter may arrange for urgent repairs to be done if the
at the end of the agreement, must restore the premises to renter has taken reasonable steps to arrange for the rental provider
the condition it was in before they moved in (excluding fair to immediately do the repairs and the rental provider has not carried
wear and tear). This includes removing all modifications, out the repairs.
unless the parties agree they do not need to be removed. If the renter has arranged for urgent repairs, the renter may be

The rental provider: reimbursed directly by the rental provider for the reasonable cost of
repairs up to $2500.
must not unreasonably refuse consent for certain
modifications. The renter may apply to VCAT for an order requiring the rental
provider to carry out urgent repairs if—
A list of the modifications that the rental provider cannot
unreasonably refuse consent for is available on the Consumer (a) the renter cannot meet the cost of the repairs; or
Affairs Victoria website
(b) the cost of repairs is more than $2500; or

(c) the rental provider refuses to pay the cost of repairs if it is

carried out by the renter.

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26. Non-urgent repairs 29. Access and entry
The renter must notify the rental provider, in writing, as soon The rental provider may enter the premises—
as practicable of — at any time, if the renter has agreed within the last 7
damage to the premises; and days; and
a breakdown of facilities, fixtures, furniture or to do an inspection, but not more than once every 6
equipment supplied by the rental provider. months; and
The rental provider must carry out non-urgent repairs in to comply with the rental provider's duties under the
reasonable time. Act; and
The renter may apply to VCAT for an order requiring the to show the premises or conduct an open inspection
rental provider to do the repairs if the rental provider has not to sell, rent or value the premises; and
carried out the repairs within 14 days of receiving notice of to take images or video for advertising a property
the need for repair. that is for sale or rent; and
if they believe the renter has failed to follow their
27. Assignment or sub-letting
duties under the Act; and
The renter: to do a pre-termination inspection where the renter
The renter must not assign (transfer to another person) or has applied to have the agreement terminated
sub-let the whole or any part of the premises without the because of family violence or personal violence.
written consent of the rental provider. The rental provider The renter must allow entry to the premises where the rental
may give the renter notice to vacate if the renter assigns or provider has followed proper procedure.
sub-lets the premises without consent. The renter is entitled to a set amount of compensation for
each sales inspection.
The rental provider:
cannot unreasonably withhold consent to assign or sub-let 30. Pets
the premises; and The renter must seek consent from the rental provider
must not demand or receive a fee or payment for consent, before keeping a pet on the premises.
other than any reasonable expenses incurred by the The rental provider must not unreasonably refuse a request
assignment. to keep a pet.

28. Rent
The rental provider must give the renter at least 60 days
written notice of a proposed rent increase
Rent cannot be increased more than once every 12 months.
If the rental provider or agent does not provide a receipt for
rent, then renter may request a receipt.
The rental provider must not increase the rent under a fixed
term agreement unless the agreement provides for an
increase by specifying the amount of increase or the method
of calculating the rent increase.

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Part E - Additional terms

31. Additional terms (if any)

List any additional terms to this agreement. The terms listed must not exclude, restrict or modify any of the rights
and duties included in the Act.
Additional terms must also comply with the Australian Consumer Law (Victoria). For example, they cannot be unfair
terms, which will have no effect. Contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 558 181 for further information or visit

32. Residential Tenancy Database

In accord with Section 439 (I) of the Act Forge Group Australia will, within 14 days of receipt of a written
request, provide a copy of any listing located on a residential tenancy database used by Forge Group
Australia subject to the Act.
33. Rental Provider Obligations
The Rental Provider may issue a notice to vacate in accord with the Act during the term of this Agreement
and the Renter must vacate the Premises at the expiration of the notice period given in the notice to vacate.
The Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia may during the last month of the term of this Agreement place
a 'to let' notice on the Premises. The Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia may put on the Premises a
notice or notices 'for sale' or 'auction' at any time during the term of this Agreement.
The Rental Provider must not increase the Rental more than once in every 12 months.
Unless this Agreement is specified in Item 5 of Part A to be for a fixed term the Rental Provider may, in
accord with the provisions of Section 44 of the Act, increase the Rental by giving the Renter at least 60 day's
notice of the increase.
This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by the Rental Provider and the Renter.
Where the Premises form part of a building, the Rental Provider has the right to make and/or alter rules and
regulations for the Premises and the Renter will be bound by such rules and regulations of the Act.
34. Availability of Premises
Forge Group Australia will use its best endeavours so that the Premises are available on the Commencement
35. Payment of Services
The Renter shall pay all charges in respect of the consumption of water, electricity, gas, oil, national
broadband network ("NBN") and telephone where the Premises are separately metered for these services as
stipulated in the Act.
It is the Renter's responsibility to turn the main switch off to allow the power to be connected as required by
the electricity provider. No claim shall be made against the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia should
the power not be connected at the commencement of this Agreement.
The Renter acknowledges that all arrangements for connection of a telephone line or national broadband
network ("NBN") connection to the Premises shall be at the cost of the Rental Provider.
36. Contents Insurance
The Renter is not required to take out any insurance. Notwithstanding this, the Renter acknowledges that any
insurance policy of the Rental Provider does not provide cover for the personal possessions of the Renter. It
is strongly recommended that the Renter should take out contents insurance to adequately cover those
37. Use of Premises
The Renter shall only use the Premises for residential purposes unless the prior written consent of the Rental
Provider has been obtained for any other use. The Rental Provider may impose reasonable terms and
conditions on giving any consent. Any other use may be subject to council or other approval and any costs
associated with such approvals will be the responsibility of the Renter. The Renter must not permit any short
term or long term letting or licencing the use and/or occupation of any part of the Premises without the prior

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written consent of the Rental Provider. Any request for consent must be made in writing to Forge Group
38. No Representations
The Renter acknowledges that no promise, representation, warranty or undertaking has been given by the
Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia in relation to the suitability of the Premises for the purposes of the
Renter otherwise than as provided in this Agreement. Without limiting Item 21 of Part D of this Agreement,
the Rental Provider must ensure that the Premises comply with the rental minimum standards (as set out in
Schedule 4 of the Residential Tenancies Regulations 2021), and further that the Premises are vacant and
reasonably clean when the Renter moves in.
39. Condition Report
The Renter must be given 2 copies of the Condition Report (or one emailed copy) on or before the date the
Renter moves into the Premises.
The Renter acknowledges having received before entering into occupation of the Premises two copies of the
Condition Report signed by or on behalf of the Rental Provider as well as a written statement setting out the
rights and duties of the Rental Provider and Renter under a tenancy agreement ('Renting a Home - A Guide
for Renters'). The Renter acknowledges that the Condition Report provided at the commencement of the
tenancy must be signed and returned to Forge Group Australia within 5 business days after entering into
occupation of the Premises. If the Condition Report is not returned, the copy held by Forge Group Australia
will be accepted as conclusive evidence of the state of repair or general condition of the Premises, at the
commencement of this Agreement.
40. No Promise of Renewal
The Renter acknowledges that no promise, representation or warranty has been given by the Rental Provider
or Forge Group Australia in relation to any further renewal of this Agreement. Without limiting the generality
of clause 5 in Part A of this Agreement, the Renter acknowledges that if this Agreement is specificed in Part
A, Item 5 of this Agreement as being for a fixed period, then it shall commence on the Commencement Date
and end on the Expiry Date.
41. Rental Provider Termination
The Renter acknowledges that the Rental Provider may require possession of the Premises at the
termination of this Agreement and may issue a notice to vacate in accord with the Act requiring vacant
possession on the expiry of this Agreement.
42. Lost Keys
The Renter is responsible for the replacement of any lost key, auto remote control and the provision of any
additional key and any locksmith's charge where any key is mislaid or lost. Forge Group Australia does not
guarantee that it holds a spare set of keys to the Premises at its offices.
43. Extra Keys
The Renter acknowledges that should the Renter wish to order any extra key, auto remote control or other
access device for the Premises it will be at the expense of the Renter. The Renter acknowledges that copies
of all keys/auto remote controls and access devices must be returned to Forge Group Australia at the end of
the tenancy without reimbursement.
44. Floor Protection
If the Premises include polished floorboards/floating floor, it shall be the responsibility of the Renter to fit floor
protectors to all items of furniture to protect the floorboards from scratching. Stiletto shoes must not be worn
at any time by any occupant and/or invitee of the Renter throughout the tenancy to prevent indentation being
caused to the floors.
45. Changing Locks
The Renter may change any lock security alarm code and/or other security device at the Premises. If the
Renter changes any lock security alarm code and/or other security device, the Renter must give the Rental
Provider or Forge Group Australia a duplicate key and/or new security alarm code and/or other access device
as soon as practicable.
46. Comply with Insurance
Subject to the Renter having been provided with a copy of any insurance policy maintained by the Rental

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Provider, the Renter must not knowingly do or allow anything to be done at the Premises that may invalidate
any insurance policy or result in the premium being increased above the normal rate. For the avoidance of
doubt the Rental Provider is responsible for payment of insurance, and nothing in this clause requires the
Renter to take out or pay for any insurance.
47. No Invalidating Insurance
The Renter shall not do or allow anything to be done which would invalidate any insurance policy on the
Premises or increase the premium including (but not limited to) the storage of flammable liquids or the use of
any kerosene or oil burning heater at the Premises. For the avoidance of doubt the Rental Provider is
responsible for payment of insurance, and nothing in this clause requires the Renter to take out or pay for
any insurance.
48. Protection Against Damage
The Renter must take reasonable measures so that anyone that the Renter has allowed or permitted to be at
the Premises does not cause damage to the Premises. This obligation shall not extend to the Rental Provider
or Forge Group Australia or their respective contractors.
49. Shared Services
The Renter shall not do or allow to be done anything at the Premises that will cause the shared service
facilities including (but not limited to) any driveway, lift or stairwell to become obstructed, untidy, damaged or
used for any purpose other than for which it may be intended.
50. No Servicing Vehicles
The Renter must not service or repair or allow the service or repair of any motor vehicle, motorcycle, boat or
caravan at the Premises except minor routine maintenance and cleaning, other than greasing and changing
51. Report Damage or Injury
The Renter shall notify Forge Group Australia immediately in writing on becoming aware of any damage to or
defects in the Premises or breakdown of facilities, whether or not it might injure a person or cause damage to
the Premises.
52. Notify Blockages
The Renter must as soon as practicable notify the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia of any blockage
or defect in any drain, water service or sanitary system. No item that could cause a blockage including (but
not limited to) any feminine hygiene product, disposable nappy or excessive amounts of toilet paper may be
flushed down the sewerage septic stormwater or drainage systems. The Renter must pay the Rental Provider
all reasonable expenses that are incurred in rectifying any defect or blockage that may be caused by the
Renter or a person that the Renter has allowed or permitted to be at the Premises. This obligation shall not
extend to any defect or blockage caused by the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia or their respective
53. Alterations
The Renter shall not paint or affix any sign or any antenna or cabling onto the Premises without the prior
written consent of the Rental Provider. The consent of the Rental Provider will not be unreasonably withheld.
The consent of the Rental Provider may be made subject to any reasonable condition including (but not
limited to) removal of the thing affixed when the tenancy is terminated. The Renter's rights and obligations in
relation to modifications are set out in Part D, Item 22 of this Agreement. The Rental Provider may require the
Renter to remove such items affixed and make good any damage caused by such removal.
54. Rubbish
The Renter shall deposit all rubbish including any carton and newspaper in a proper rubbish receptacle with a
close fitting lid as required by the local council. Such rubbish receptacle shall be kept only in the place
provided and placed out by the Renter for collection and returned to its allotted place in accord with local
council by-laws and/or good practice.
55. Pests
The extermination of all pests including (but not limited to) any rat, cockroach, mouse, flea, ant or other pest
that may infest the Premises is considered an urgent repair and shall be dealt with in accordance with Part D,
Item 25 of this Agreement.

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56. Hanging Clothes
The Renter shall not hang any clothes outside the Premises other than where provision for the hanging of
clothes has been provided. The Renter must use any clothes drying facilities in the manner required by the
Rental Provider or any owner's corporation.
57. Replace Light Globes
The Renter shall, at the Renter's expense, replace with a similar type style and feature/attribute any lighting
tube, globe and down-light (including any starter ballast or transformer) at the Premises which become
defective during the term or any extension of this Agreement unless the defect is proven to be caused by
faulty wiring or a defective fitting.
58. Smoke Free Zone
The Renter acknowledges that the Premises are a 'Smoke Free Zone' and the Renter will ensure that the
Renter and any invitees do not smoke inside the Premises.
59. Payment of Rental
All payments of Rental shall be made without demand by or on behalf of the Rental Provider and on time. No
part payment will be accepted. All payments of Rental are to be made by the method advised in Item 8 in
Part B of this Agreement or as notified in writing by Forge Group Australia from time to time.
60. Rental Increase
If the Renter disagrees with a Rental increase sought by the Rental Provider, the Renter may apply to the
Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria for an investigation, provided the application to the Director of
Consumer Affairs Victoria is made within 30 days after the notice of the Rental increase is given by or on
behalf of the Rental Provider.
61. Maintain Garden
The Renter must maintain any garden at or adjacent to the Premises including the mowing and edging of any
lawn, light trimming/pruning of small trees, shrubs and taking care of plants. Garden beds, paths and paving
are to be maintained by the Renter in a neat and tidy condition, free of weeds and so far as is reasonably
possible, free of garden pests and properly watered. When watering any garden, the Renter must comply
with any government watering restrictions in place, from time to time. It is the responsibility of the Renter to
maintain any water feature/fountain or pond at the Premises. The Renter must maintain the water quality and
keep the water feature/fountain or pond clean as per the Condition Report at the commencement of the
tenancy and taking into account fair wear and tear.
62. Watering System
If any garden is watered by a watering system and/or via any tank water, the Renter must maintain the
system and/or tank in the state of repair and condition it was in at the start of this Agreement (fair wear and
tear excepted). The Renter is not required to repair damage to the watering system caused by the Rental
Provider, Forge Group Australia or their contractors.
63. Rental Provider Repairs
The Renter acknowledges that the Premises may require maintenance during the tenancy due to unforeseen
acts of nature, wear and tear or other causes. Should this occur, the Rental Provider will use best
endeavours to rectify any damage in a timely manner and in conjunction with any insurer and/or tradespeople
appointed by any insurer. The Renter agrees to allow the Rental Provider or any tradespeople reasonable
access to carry out any such repairs.
The Rental Provider must ensure that the Premises are provided and maintained in good repair. If there is a
need for an urgent repair the Renter must notify Forge Group Australia in writing.
64. Urgent Repairs
The Renter acknowledges that Forge Group Australia is authorised to attend to urgent repairs to a maximum
of $2,500.00 (including GST) and the Renter agrees to use all reasonable efforts to contact Forge Group
Australia during business hours or after hours information service on 0466399131 or Forge Group Australia
approved after hours emergency tradespeople before any urgent repairs are completed. Please refer to the
booklet 'Renting a Home - A guide for Renters' as provided for classification of urgent repairs.
65. Vehicle Parking
The Renter shall not park or allow any vehicle to be parked on the Premises or in any garage facilities made

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available for use by the Renter as part of this Agreement which leaks oil unless a suitable oil drip tray is
provided. No visitor cars are permitted to be parked at the Premises unless any dedicated visitor parking is
provided by the Rental Provider or any owner's corporation. The Renter acknowledges that if the Premises
are advertised without any off-street parking being made available, it shall be the responsibility of the Renter
to enquire with the local council whether any parking permit is required for on-street parking in the vicinity of
the Premises and/or otherwise make independent arrangements for the parking of any motor vehicle.
66. Pets
The Renter must not keep any animal, bird, or other pet at the Premises without first obtaining the written
permission of the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld. In
giving permission, the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia may impose reasonable conditions. It is not
unreasonable for the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia to withhold permission if the rules of an
owner's corporation prohibit pets being on common property or kept on the Premises. If an occupant of the
Premises is blind, permission will not be required for the occupant to have a trained guide dog at the
Premises (unless permission must be obtained from an owner's corporation). To seek the written permission
of the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia to keep a pet at the Premises the Renter must complete and
provide a pet request form.
67. Pools and Water Features
The Renter must not install any pool, spa, pond or any other water retaining device (either inflatable or
constructed) at the Premises without the express written permission of the Rental Provider. The Renter also
agrees that should any such permission be granted it will be conditional on the Renter obtaining and
providing evidence to the Rental Provider, of compliance with Council or any other regulations relating to pool
installation or pool fencing requirements prior to the installation taking place.
68. Rental Provider Entry
Subject to compliance with the Act, the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia has the right to enter the
To carry out duties specified in this Agreement, or the Act or any other legislation or law;
To value the Premises or any property of which the Premises form part, provided that at least 7 days'
written notice has been given to the Renter;
At any time between 8am and 6pm on any day (except a public holiday), for the purposes of showing
prospective buyers or financial lenders through the Premises, provided that at least 48 hours' written
notice has been given to the Renter;
At any time between 8am and 6pm on any day (except a public holiday), for the purposes of showing
prospective new renters through the Premises provided that at least 48 hours' written notice has been
given to the Renter (and provided that such entry occurs in the period that is within 21 days before the
termination date specified in the notice to vacate or notice of intention to vacate and otherwise subject
to the requirements of the Act);
To verify a reasonable belief that the Renter or any occupier may not have met any duties as a Renter
of the Premises, provided that at least 24 hours' written notice has been given to the Renter;
To make one general inspection provided that entry for that purpose has not been made within the last
6 months, and provider further that at least 7 days' written notice has been given to the Renter.
69. Assignment and Sub-Letting
If during the term of the tenancy the people in occupation of the Premises change -
The Renter must as soon as practicable notify the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia in writing and
comply with clause 27 in Part D of this Agreement.
The Renter acknowledges that the Renter will be required to reimburse the Rental Provider or Forge Group
Australia for any cost or charge incurred in preparing a written transfer of this Agreement in accord with the
fees within the Rental Provider's appointment of Forge Group Australia as agent to manage the Premises.
70. Rental Provider Notice
If the Rental Provider requires possession of the Premises when the tenancy ends, the Rental Provider will
give the Renter the notice required by and in the manner prescribed by the Act.

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71. Renter Notice
If the Renter wishes to vacate the Premises at the expiration of this Agreement the Renter must give the
Rental Provider written notice of the intention of the Renter to vacate at least 28 days prior to the expiration of
this Agreement.
72. Periodic Tenancy
If the Renter remains in occupation of the Premises after the expiration of this Agreement and does not enter
into a new fixed term Agreement the tenancy reverts to a periodic tenancy such that the Renter must give
written notice of the intention of the Renter to vacate the Premises specifying a termination date that is not
earlier than 28 days after the day on which the Renter gives written notice.
73. Rental Provider Expenses
If the Renter decides to vacate the Premises during the term of this Agreement for whatever reason, the
Renter shall be responsible for reimbursing to the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia the following
1. 2 Week Plus GST Pro Rata Calculation Method Applies
2. Marketing costs as incurred by Forge Group Australia;
$350 Plus GST
3. National tenancy database checks on each applicant or as required;
4. The continued payment of Rental until the first to occur of the Premises being relet or the current term
of this Agreement expiring;
5. If the Premises are relet at a lower Rental, the Renter must pay to the Rental Provider any difference
or shortfall as required for the unexpired portion of the term of this agreement subject to legal
74. Return Keys
The Renter acknowledges that it is the responsibility of the Renter on the termination of this Agreement to
deliver all keys and any auto remote controls for the Premises to Forge Group Australia during business
hours and to continue paying Rental until such time as all keys and auto remote controls are delivered.
75. No Set-Off
The Renter acknowledges that pursuant to the Act, the Renter cannot refuse to pay Rental on the grounds
that the Renter intends to regard any part of the Bond as rent paid by the Renter. The Renter acknowledges
that failure to comply with the Act may render the Renter liable to a penalty.
76. Remove Personal Property
The Renter shall be responsible for the removal of any furniture, fitting, personal property, motorcycle, car or
boat spare parts or any other equipment at the termination of the tenancy, and shall reinstate the Premises or
the land on which it is situated to the condition which existed at the commencement of the tenancy subject
only to fair wear and tear.
77. Window Cleaning
If required in order to return the Premises to the state evidenced in the condition report or if otherwise
required due to the size, location or inaccessibility of the windows at the Premises, the Renter agrees to have
all windows at the Premises cleaned (both internally and externally) in a professional manner at the Renter's
own cost immediately prior to vacating the Premises and taking into account fair wear and tear.
78. Carpet Cleaning
If required in order to return the Premises to the state evidenced in the condition report, the Renter will at the
termination of the tenancy (whatever the cause of the termination might be) arrange for the carpet or rugs in
the Premises to be professionally steam cleaned or dry cleaned (at the direction of the Rental Provider) by a
reputable carpet cleaning contractor at the Renter's own cost and provide Forge Group Australia with an
invoice/receipt for such work. The cleanliness of the carpet as stated on the ingoing condition report
completed at the commencement of the tenancy will be taken into consideration in assessing the quality or
outcome of such cleaning and taking into account fair wear and tear.
79. Definitions and Interpretation
All terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings given to them in the Schedule which shall form part
of this Agreement and Act means Residential Tenancies Act 1997 including any subordinate regulations and

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Schedule means the schedule to this Agreement and Agreement means this document incorporating the
Schedule and all attachments to this document.
80. Electronic Notices
The Renter acknowledges that the Renter is entering into a binding Agreement if this Agreement is signed
utilising an electronic signature. Unless indicated to the contrary in the Item 9 of Part B of this Agreement, the
Renter consents to the electronic service of notices and other documents in accord with the requirements of
the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000. The Rental Provider consents to the electronic service of
notices and other documents in accord with the requirements of the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act
2000 at the email address of Forge Group Australia. If the Renter has not consented to the electronic service
of notices and other documents in accord with the requirements of the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act
2000 the Rental Provider shall not infer consent to the electronic service from the receipt or response to
emails or other electronic communications.
81. Change of Electronic Address
The Rental Provider and the Renter must give immediate written notice to the Other Party and Forge Group
Australia if the email address for the electronic service of Notices or other documents is changed or any other
contact details are changed.
82. Withdraw Consent
The Renter may withdraw consent to the electronic service of notices or other documents by giving written
notice to the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia but such notice shall only become effective on receipt
by the Rental Provider or Forge Group Australia.
83. Furnishings
If the Premises are let fully furnished or semi-furnished the Renter acknowledges that any furniture, fittings
and chattels included in the Premises are listed in an attachment to this Agreement or in the Condition Report
and the Renter further acknowledges that all such items are in good condition as at the date of this
Agreement unless specifically noted to the contrary.
84. Care for Furnishings
The Renter agrees to care for and maintain any items of furniture, fittings and chattels leased with the
Premises during the tenancy and deliver them to the Rental Provider at the end of the tenancy in the same
condition as at the Commencement Date (fair wear and tear excepted). The Renter must follow any care or
manufacturer's instruction manuals provided to properly care for any such furniture fittings and chattels
leased with the Premises.
85. Repair/Replacement of Furnishings
At the end of the tenancy, the Renter must replace with items of equivalent quality features functionality and
condition any of the items of furniture fittings and chattels leased with the Premises which have been
damaged destroyed or rendered inoperable/useful during the term of this Agreement (fair wear and tear
86. Cost of Repairs/Replacements
The Renter acknowledges that the Renter may be liable for any repairs or maintenance costs to any furniture
fittings and chattels leased with the Premises if the Renter has failed to comply with any manufacturer's
recommendations if it results in loss or damage to any item of furniture fittings or chattels leased with the
87. Owners Corporation
A copy of the rules of any Owner's Corporation affecting the Premises are attached to this Agreement. The
Renter must comply with the rules of the owner's corporation or any amending/superseding rules, a copy of
which are provided to the Renter. The Renter is not obliged to contribute to owner's corporation capital costs
or other owner's corporation expenses that would but for this clause be payable by the Rental Provider.

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Privacy Collection Notice Premises.
Pay / release rental bonds to / from Rental Bond
As professional property managers Forge Group
Authorities (where applicable).
Australia collects personal information about you. To
Refer to Tribunals, Courts and Statutory
ascertain what personal information we have about you,
Authorities (where necessary).
you can contact us on: 0466399131
Refer to Collection Agent / Lawyers (where
Primary Purpose default / enforcement action is required).
Provide confirmation details for organisations
As professional property managers, Forge Group
contacting us on your behalf i.e. Banks, Utilities
Australia collect your personal information to assess
(Gas, Electricity, Water, Phone), Employers, etc.
the risk in providing you with the lease / tenancy of the
Premises you have requested, and if the risk is If your personal information is not provided to us and
considered acceptable, to provide you with the lease / you do not consent to the uses to which we put your
tenancy of the Premises. personal information, Forge Group Australia cannot
properly assess the risk to our client, or carry out our
To carry out this role, and during the term of your
duties as professional property managers.
tenancy, we usually disclose your personal information
Consequently, we then cannot provide you with the
lease / tenancy of the Premises. You also acknowledge
The Rental Provider that our related financial services company may contact
The Rental Provider's lawyers you from time to time to explain other services that this
The Rental Provider's mortgagee company may be able to provide.
Referees you have nominated
Our privacy policy contains information about how you
Organisations / Tradespeople required to carry
may access the personal information we hold about
out maintenance to the Premises
you, including information about how to seek correction
Third party organisations required to provide
of such information. We are unlikely to disclose any of
Forge Group Australia services
your personal information to overseas recipients.
Rental Bond Authorities
Residential Tenancy Tribunals / Courts The Forge Group Australia privacy policy contains
Collection Agents information about how you may complain about an
National Tenancy Database (National Tenancy alleged breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, and
Database is a division of Equifax Pty Ltd) for how we will deal with such a complaint.
purposes of checking an applicant's tenancy
The Forge Group Australia privacy policy can be
viewed without charge on the Forge Group Australia
The database operator can be contacted for
website; or contact your local Forge Group Australia
information on the service or to request a copy of
office and we will send or email you a free copy.
the data held via email at
[email protected] or by submitting Disclaimer
the request form on their website at the following
Forge Group Australia its directors partners
employees and related entities responsible for
preparing this Agreement believe that the information
Other Real Estate Agents, Rental Providers and
contained in this Agreement is up to date and correct.
However no representation or warranty of any nature
Secondary Purpose can be given intended or implied and the Rental
Provider and the Renter should rely on their own
Forge Group Australia also collect your personal
enquiries as to the accuracy of any information or
information to:
material incorporated in this Agreement. The law is
Enable us, or the Rental Provider's lawyers, to subject to change without notice and terms and
prepare the lease / tenancy documents for the conditions in this Agreement may be amended as a
Premises. result. Forge Group Australia disclaims all liability and
Allow organisations / tradespeople to contact you responsibility including for negligence for any direct or
in relation to maintenance matters relating to the

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indirect loss or damage suffered by any person arising
out of any use and/or reliance on this Agreement or
any information incorporated in it.

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This agreement is made under the Act.

Before signing you must read Part D – Rights and obligations of this form.

Rental Provider's Agent

Rental Provider's Agent : Alan Lun on behalf of Linyu Liao (Rental Provider)

Signed at Tue, 30/01/2024 11:32 , from device: Windows 10 Other Chrome 121.0.0


Renter 1: Yixuan Lyu

Signed at Tue, 30/01/2024 16:10 , from device: iOS 17.1.2 iPhone Mobile Safari

Renter 2: Peijun Xiong

Signed at Wed, 31/01/2024 11:36 , from device: iOS 15.6.1 iPhone Mobile Safari 15.6.1


Alan Lun (Rental Provider's Agent)

Tue, 30/01/2024 11:32 - Alan Lun stamped saved signature the Residential Rental Agreement
Tue, 30/01/2024 11:32 - Alan Lun submitted the Residential Rental Agreement

Yixuan Lyu (Renter)

Tue, 30/01/2024 16:07 - Yixuan Lyu clicked 'start' button to view the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 17.1.2
iPhone Mobile Safari, IP:
Tue, 30/01/2024 16:09 - Yixuan Lyu clicked 'start' button to view the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 17.1.2
iPhone Mobile Safari, IP:

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Tue, 30/01/2024 16:10 - Yixuan Lyu stamped saved signature the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 17.1.2
iPhone Mobile Safari, IP:
Tue, 30/01/2024 16:10 - Yixuan Lyu submitted the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 17.1.2 iPhone Mobile
Safari, IP:

Peijun Xiong (Renter)

Wed, 31/01/2024 11:34 - Peijun Xiong clicked 'start' button to view the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 15.6.1
iPhone Mobile Safari 15.6.1, IP:
Wed, 31/01/2024 11:36 - Peijun Xiong stamped saved signature the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 15.6.1
iPhone Mobile Safari 15.6.1, IP:
Wed, 31/01/2024 11:36 - Peijun Xiong submitted the Residential Rental Agreement (iOS 15.6.1 iPhone Mobile
Safari 15.6.1, IP:


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