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(Company No. 271809 K)


LEG/i-048 DOA(CP)(01/19)
WHEREAS: ...............................................................................................................................1
1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION .......................................................................1
1.1 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 DEFINITIONS IN THE FACILITY AGREEMENT .................................................................. 4
1.3 INTERPRETATIONS......................................................................................................... 4
2. COVENANT TO PAY ......................................................................................................4
3. FURTHER ADVANCES ..................................................................................................5
4. ASSIGNMENT AND CHARGE ......................................................................................5
6. CONTINUING SECURITY ..............................................................................................9
7. RESTRICTION AGAINST OTHER CHARGES ............................................................9
8. COVENANT TO PROVIDE FURTHER SECURITY .....................................................9
9. ASSIGNOR’S ADDITIONAL COVENANTS ...............................................................10
10. PAYMENTS BY THE BANK ....................................................................................12
11. ASSIGNOR AS PRINCIPAL DEBTOR ...................................................................12
12. UNINCORPORATED BODY....................................................................................12
13. EVENT OF DEFAULT ..............................................................................................12
14. POWERS ON DEFAULT .........................................................................................15
15. THIRD PARTY PROTECTION ................................................................................17
16. NO LIABILITY ON THE PART OF THE BANK .....................................................17
17. PERSONAL LIABILITY............................................................................................17
18. INDEMNITY ...............................................................................................................17
19. FURTHER ASSURANCE .........................................................................................18
20. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES ..........................................................18
21. REASSIGNMENT .....................................................................................................20
22. VALIDITY OF THE ASSIGNMENT .........................................................................20
23. RIGHT OF CONSOLIDATION AND SET-OFF ......................................................20
24. WAIVER .....................................................................................................................21
25. CHANGE IN THE BANK ..........................................................................................21
26. CHANGE IN CUSTOMER AND/OR ASSIGNOR ...................................................21
27. MODIFICATION AND INDULGENCE .....................................................................21
28. LIENS AND OTHER SECURITY NOT AFFECTED...............................................22
29. THE BANK MAY OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS...........................................................22
30. ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER ..............................................................................23

31. NO PROOF IN COMPETITION ...............................................................................23
32. COSTS .......................................................................................................................23
33. LAW APPLICABLE ..................................................................................................23
35.1 NOTICES ...................................................................................................................... 24
35.2 LEGAL PROCESS ......................................................................................................... 25
36. SUCCESSORS BOUND ..........................................................................................26
37. SEVERABILITY ........................................................................................................26
38. IRREVOCABLE RIGHT TO DEBIT ACCOUNT .....................................................26
39. RIGHT TO CONCURRENT REMEDIES .................................................................26
40. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................................26
41. STATEMENT BY THE BANK ..................................................................................27
42. COMPLIANCE WITH COURT ORDERS ................................................................27
43. SEARCHES ...............................................................................................................27
44. TAXES, DUTIES OR LEVIES ..................................................................................27
45. RETENTION OF RECORDS....................................................................................27
46. INCORPORATION OF THE FACILITY AGREEMENT .........................................28
47. STAMPING TO SECURE ADDITIONAL FACILITIES...........................................28
THIRD SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................... 34

THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT PROCEEDS (hereinafter referred to as “this
Assignment”) is made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto BETWEEN
UNITED OVERSEAS BANK (MALAYSIA) BHD. (Company No. 271809 K) a company incorporated with
limited liability in Malaysia and having a place of business at

(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) of the one part AND the party whose name and description are
stated in Section 2(a) of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Assignor”) of the other


I. By the Contracts (as hereinafter defined), which expression includes all amendments and
supplements that may be agreed upon or entered into between the parties thereto from time to
time (if made after this Assignment, shall have first been approved by the Bank at its absolute
discretion), the Assignor has contracted with or has been awarded or has granted or let to on
rent, lease or license by or to the Paying Parties (as hereinafter defined) in respect of the
subject matters which is/are more particularly described in Section 5 of the First Schedule
hereto upon the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the respective Contracts.

II. At the request of inter alia, the Customer and/or the Assignor, the Bank agrees or has agreed
under the Principal Instruments ((as hereinafter defined), including the Facility Agreement (as
hereinafter defined) to grant or to continue to grant or make available to or for the benefit of the
Customer (as hereinafter defined) and/or the Assignor from time to time the Facilities (as
hereinafter defined). The Indebtedness (as hereinafter defined) together with all other monies
covenanted to be paid under the Facilities are to be secured by an assignment by the Assignor
of all the Assignor’s benefits, rights, title and interest in and to and under the Contract Proceeds
(as defined hereunder) and a first fixed charge over all monies from time to time standing to the
credit of each and every one of the Proceeds Accounts (as defined hereunder).



1.1 Definitions

In this Assignment, unless the context herein otherwise requires or otherwise expressly
provided herein, the following expressions shall have the meanings given below:-

1.1.1 “Contract Proceeds” means the full and entire of the Assignor’s present or future
benefits, rights, title and interest in and to and under the Contracts and any and all
contract sums, advance payments, fees, charges, rentals, license fees and other
proceeds of any other payments which may at any time and from time to time be
received by or payable to the Assignor from the respective Paying Parties under or in
connection with or arising out of any and all of the Contracts, whether on account of
any claims, awards and judgments made or given under or in connection with the
Contracts or any one of them or otherwise howsoever.

1.1.2 “Contracts” means all such letters of award, letters of acceptance, tenancy/lease
agreements in respect of Tenancies, contract(s) or agreement(s) which is / are more

particularly described in Section 4 of the First Schedule hereto which are or at any
time may be:-
(i) awarded, accepted or to be awarded or accepted by the Paying Parties in
respect of the Assignor’s tenders submitted or to be submitted for or in
respect of the Subject Matters; and/or
(ii) accepted or to be accepted by the Paying Parties for or in respect of the
Subject Matters,

including all amendments and supplements that may be agreed upon or entered into
between the parties thereto from time to time and, if such amendments and
supplements are made after this Assignment, the same shall have first been approved
by the Bank at its absolute discretion; and the term “Contract” shall be construed

1.1.3 “Customer” means all the persons described in Section 2(b) of the First Schedule
and as the case may be, shall include any one or more of them (including their
successors-in-title), whom the Bank agrees to grant or has granted or continues to
make available the Facilities from time to time, of which obligations and liabilities
under the Facilities are to be secured by this Assignment.

1.1.4 "Events of Default" means the collective reference to all the events and states of
affairs specified or referred to in Clause 13 hereof or any event or state of affairs
which, with the giving of any notice and/or lapse of any period of time and/or the non-
fulfilment provided for in Clause 13 hereof, could become one of the events or state
of affairs specified or referred to therein; and the term "Event of Default" means any
one of them.

1.1.5 “Facilities” means all Islamic financing facilities, advances credit or the financing
facility or facilities offered, granted or agree to be offered or granted by the Bank to
the Customer or for the benefit of the Customer and/or the Assignor under or
pursuant to the Facility Agreement including the other Principal Instruments or if any
further financing facilities is/are offered or granted to the Customer or for the benefit
of the Customer and/or the Assignor or if any of the Facilities is varied, restructured
by the Bank, “ Facilities” shall also refer to and include such further or other
financing facilities accepted by the Customer and to the Facilities as varied and
“facility” means each or any or some of the Facilities.

1.1.6 “Facility Agreement” means the agreement bearing the date stated in item 2(a) of
the Third Schedule made between the Bank and the Customer relating to such of the
Facilities and includes any variations, and supplements thereto.

1.1.7 “Legal Process” include, but is not limited to, any originating process including writ
of summons and originating summons as well as any other forms of originating
process, pleadings, interlocutory applications, affidavits, orders, judgments and any
other documents which are required to be served under any written law.

1.1.8 “Indebtedness” includes all sums and monies whatsoever advanced or paid to or
on behalf of the Customer and/or the Assignor by the Bank or otherwise howsoever
payable by the Customer and/or the Assignor to the Bank pursuant to this
Assignment (whether or not the same shall form part of the Facilities) (whether the
Deferred Sale Price as defined in the Letter of Offer, principal, purchase price, profit,
compensation (Ta’widh), commission, fees, costs or charges) outstanding or payable
or agreed to be payable by the Customer and/or any other Security Party to the Bank
whether present or future, actual or contingent, alone or jointly with any other person
and in whatever style or name, and whether as principal or surety.

1.1.9 “Principal Instruments” means the original of the documents or agreements more
particularly described in the Third Schedule

1.1.10 “Paying Parties” means collectively all parties whose names and descriptions are
stated in Section 3 of the First Schedule hereto who has/have at any time or from
time to time:-
(i) awarded or accepted or will be awarding or accepting the Assignor’s tender
submitted or to be submitted for or in respect of the Subject Matters; and/or
(ii) accepted from the Assignor a tenancy or a lease or license of a property
under or pursuant to the Contracts,
and include their respective successors-in-title, permitted assigns and persons
deriving title thereunder; and the term “Paying Party” shall be construed accordingly.

1.1.11 “Proceeds Accounts” means an account or accounts prescribed by the Bank and
opened and maintained or to be opened and maintained by the Assignor with the
Bank into which all the Contract Proceeds payable under or relating to the respective
Contracts shall be paid and credited as soon as the same or any part thereof shall
be or become payable to the Assignor or received by or on behalf of the Assignor
under the terms of the respective Contracts; and the term “Proceeds Account” shall
be construed accordingly.

1.1.12 “Process Service Agent” means an agent appointed by the Assignor and who has
accepted appointment by the Assignor, to accept service on behalf of the Assignor of
all Legal Process arising out of or connected to this Assignment.

1.1.13 “Secured Property” means collectively:-

(i) the Contract Proceeds; and
(ii) all monies from time to time standing to the credit of each and every one of
the Proceeds Accounts, whether in addition to or by way of renewal,
extension or replacement of any monies previously deposited in or credited
to all or any of the Proceeds Accounts or otherwise collectively.

1.1.14 “Security Party” means all or any third parties who now or hereafter have
guaranteed or provided security or given indemnity for the Banking Facilities or part

1.1.15 “Subject Matter” means the subject matter under the Contract which includes all
those works and/or tenancy, lease or license over the property(ies) as more
particularly described in Section 5 of the First Schedule.

1.1.16 “Tenancies” means all agreements to lease, leases registered under the provisions
of the Land Code, tenancies, licences, letting arrangements, options, reservations,
rights of first refusal and any other agreements which are or at any time may be
entered into by or on behalf of the Assignor for the occupation, use, or possession of
any part of the Property, whether in writing or by oral agreement or otherwise. This
includes any renewal and/or extension, and all amendments and supplements that
may be agreed upon or entered into by the parties from time to time. Where the
amendments would have a material adverse effect on the Assignor or would
adversely affect the Bank’s interest under this Assignment, the term “Tenancies” only
includes such amendments which have been approved by the Bank. The term
“Tenancy” will be interpreted accordingly.

1.1.17 “the Bank” means United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd. (Company No. 271809 K)
and its successors-in-title and assigns.

1.2 Definitions in the Facility Agreement

Except as otherwise defined in this Assignment or where the context otherwise requires, all
expressions used in this Assignment shall have the same meanings as those assigned to such
expressions by the Facility Agreement with such modifications as shall render the same
applicable to the Assignor.

1.3 Interpretations

Save for the following additional interpretation provisions, the provisions of Clause 1.2 of the
Facility Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Assignment:-

1.3.1 where the term “the Customer and/or the Assignor” is used or where there are two
(2) or more persons or parties included or comprised in the terms “the Customer” or
“the Assignor” or “the Customer and the Assignor”, agreements, covenants, terms,
stipulations, undertakings, representations and warranties expressed to be made by
and on the part of the Customer and/or the Assignor, as the case may be, shall be
deemed to be made by and binding upon such persons or parties jointly and

1.3.2 the expressions “the Customer” and “the Security Party” in this Assignment includes
persons for the time being deriving title under the Customer and/or the Security Party
respectively, and no change of any sort in relation to or affecting the Customer
and/or the Security Party will in any way affect the security, liabilities, and/or
obligations created by this Assignment in relation to any transaction, whether past,
present, or future;

1.3.3 a reference to “this Assignment” or other similar reference refers to this Assignment
as a whole, and not to any particular provision of this Assignment but shall include
any supplemental agreements, amendments, variations and changes made to this

1.3.4 where the Customer and/or the Assignor is a company, any references relating to
insolvency / bankruptcy will be read as references relating to the winding-up,
liquidation, amalgamation or reconstruction of the Customer and/or the Assignor;

1.3.5 where the expression “the Customer and/or the Assignor” is used, all agreements
and other matters expressed to be made by or on the part of the Customer and/or
the Assignor are deemed to be made by or binding upon the Borrower and/or the
Assignor jointly and severally.


2.1 In consideration of the Bank agreeing to grant or continuing to grant or make available to and for
the benefit of the Customer and/or the Assignor the Facilities to such an extent and for so long
as the Bank may think fit, each of the Customer and the Assignor hereby covenants and
undertakes that it/he will ON DEMAND pay to the Bank the Indebtedness together with:-

2.1.1 late payment charges (as well after as before any demand or judgment and
irrespective of whether or not the banker-customer relationship between the Bank
and the Customer has ceased or been terminated) for the failure of the Customer
and/or the Assignor to make payment of any amount due to the date of full payment
to the Bank at the rate and in the manner as stated in the Letter of Offer and/or the
Facility Agreement or such other rate and manner as may be prescribed by the
Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia;

2.1.2 commission, discount and other banking charges and all costs, charges and other
expenses which the Bank may charge in respect of any of the matters aforesaid or
which the Bank may pay or incur in registering this Assignment or in perfecting the
present security or in enforcing or obtaining payment of such monies (including but
not limited to legal fees on a solicitor and client basis) or in paying any costs or
expenses whatsoever in respect of or in defending, prosecuting or otherwise
howsoever taking part in or attending at (whether on a watching brief as observer or
otherwise howsoever) any action, enquiry, hearing, suit or other proceedings
whatsoever affecting any of the benefits, rights, title and interest in, to and under the
Secured Property (as defined hereunder); and

2.1.3 all other payments and sums hereinafter mentioned or stipulated on a full indemnity
basis and other usual banker’s charges.


3.1 The Bank may from time to time at the request of the Customer and at the Bank’s absolute
discretion, grant additional or further financing facilities to the Customer without any reference
to the Assignor such further sum or sums of money beyond the limit approved by the Bank as
the Bank may deem fit and the Customer and as applicable, the Assignor shall pay such sum at
such rate or rates as the Bank may prescribe on such further sum or sums granted and such
further sum or sums so granted shall form part of the Indebtedness and hereby secured by this

3.2 The Facilities granted or to be granted to the Customer may be reviewed from time to time and
at any time by the Bank and nothing in this Assignment will be deemed to impose on the Bank
any obligation either in law or in equity to make or continue to make any further additional
financing or to afford any other accommodation or facility whatsoever to the Customer.


4.1 For the consideration aforesaid, the Assignor as beneficial owner hereby:-

4.1.1 absolutely assigns to the Bank:-

(i) the full and entire of the Assignor’s present and future benefits, rights, title
and interest in, to and under any and all rentals, contract sums, advance
payments, fees, charges and any other proceeds, monies and/or other
payments in whatsoever name called (hereinafter collectively referred to as
“the Contract Proceeds”) which may at any time and from time to time be
received by or payable to the Assignor from the Paying Parties under or in
connection with or arising out of any and all of the Contracts, whether such
proceeds and/or other payments are receivable by or payable to the
Assignor on account of any claims, awards and judgments made or given
under or in connection with the Contracts or any one of them or otherwise
howsoever; and
(ii) all the Assignor’s present or future powers and remedies for enforcing
payment of and recovery of the Contract Proceeds,

PROVIDED ALWAYS that notwithstanding the Assignment hereinbefore contained or

any other provision of this Assignment, the Assignor shall and hereby undertakes to
continue to observe, discharge, perform and be bound by all whatsoever terms,

obligations, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein on the part of the Assignor
expressed and contained in each of the Contracts; and

4.1.2 charges by way of a first fixed charge in favour of the Bank, all monies from time to
time standing to the credit of each and every one of the Proceeds Accounts (as
defined hereunder), whether in addition to or by way of renewal, extension or
replacement of any monies previously deposited in or credited to all or any of the
Proceeds Accounts or otherwise.

4.2 The Assignor shall forthwith upon the execution of this Assignment or the relevant Contract,
whichever shall be the later, give to each of the relevant Paying Party a notice of this
Assignment in the form set out in the Second Schedule hereto and shall procure the relevant
Paying Party to acknowledge receipt of such Notice of Assignment and to promptly deliver to
the Bank the acknowledged copy of such notice.

4.3 The Bank shall not be under any obligation of any kind whatsoever under any of the Contracts
or be under any liability whatsoever in the event of any failure by the Assignor to perform or
discharge all or any of its obligations thereunder, and the Bank shall not be obliged to assume
or be under any obligation in any manner to perform, discharge or fulfil any obligations of the
Assignor under or pursuant to any of the Contracts, to make payment thereunder, to enforce
any term, covenant or condition of any of the Contracts, or to make any inquiry as to the nature
or sufficiency of any payment received under or pursuant to any of the Contracts.


5.1 The Assignor hereby covenants with and undertakes to the Bank that so long as the Facilities or
any part thereof shall remain available to the Customer and/or the Assignor or so long as any
monies remain unpaid or owing to the Bank by the Customer and/or the Assignor, whether
alone or jointly and severally with another or others and whether as principal or surety, the
Assignor shall:-

5.1.1 open, maintain and continue to maintain with the Bank an account or accounts as
required by the Bank (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Proceeds

5.1.2 instruct and cause each of the Paying Parties to pay and credit all the Contract
Proceeds payable under or relating to a particular Contract into the relevant
Proceeds Account designated by the Bank for the purpose of the relevant Contract
as soon as the same or any part thereof shall be or become payable to the Assignor
or received by or on behalf of the Assignor under the terms of the relevant Contract;

5.1.3 in the event any of the Contract Proceeds or any part(s) thereof is paid to or received
by the Assignor, the Assignor shall within three (3) days from the date of receipt of
each such payment remit and credit each such payment into the relevant Proceeds
Account designated by the Bank for the purpose of the relevant Contract, and until
so paid, the Assignor shall hold each such payment in trust for the Bank.

5.2 Notwithstanding that no Event of Default shall have occurred, the Assignor hereby agrees that
all payment sums credited from time to time into the respective Proceeds Accounts be applied
in any manner and for any purpose as prescribed by the Bank from time to time subject to
compliance with Shariah principles. Unless otherwise prescribed by the Bank, all Contract
Proceeds in the Proceeds Account shall be applied in the order of priority and in the manner as

5.2.1 firstly, as sinking fund as continuing security for:-
(i) the contingent liabilities assumed by the Bank under those Facilities utilised
by the Customer and/or the Assignor, including but not limited for the
purpose of financing the working capital requirements of the relevant
Contract and/or facilitating the issuance of documentary or other credits,
guarantee(s), indemnity(ies), undertaking(s) and/or any instruments
whatsoever as required under the relevant Contract; and/or
(ii) the due and punctual payment of Indebtedness and/or any other amounts
due or owing under or relating to those Facilities utilised by the Customer
and/or the Assignor for the purpose of financing the working capital
requirements of the relevant Contract and/or any other amounts due or
owing by the Customer and/or the Assignor to the Bank,
until the aggregate amount constituted by such sinking fund gradually accumulated
in and standing to the credit of the relevant Proceeds Account is built up to an
amount equivalent to the aggregate amount of the contingent liabilities so assumed
by the Bank under the relevant Contract and/or such amount or amounts as may
from time to time be prescribed by the Bank. Such monies progressively retained in
the relevant Proceeds Account as sinking fund and the Assignor hereby agrees that
it shall be applied by the Bank to honour or settle any liabilities assumed by the Bank
under any of the Facilities and/or in the manner as specified in Clauses 5.3 and 5.4
below, in each case in such order of priority and such manner as the Bank may in its
absolute discretion determine from time to time; and

5.2.2 secondly, in or towards payment of Indebtedness and/or any other amounts due or
owing under or relating to those Facilities utilised by the Customer and/or the
Assignor for the purpose of financing the working capital requirements of the relevant
Contract and/or any other amounts due or owing by the Customer and/or the
Assignor to the Bank as and when such amounts are due and payable to such extent
and in such manner and order of priority as the Bank may in its absolute discretion
determine from time to time.

5.3 Without prejudice and in addition to any general lien or right of set-off or other right which the
Bank may have or be entitled in this Assignment or by law, the Assignor hereby agrees that the
Bank shall have a continuing right at any time and from time to time at its sole discretion and
without any prior notice or demand to the Customer and/or the Assignor:-

5.3.1 to retain and keep the Contract Proceeds and credit balances in the Proceeds
Accounts held for the time being or may from time to time be held by the Bank;

5.3.2 if (as may be permitted by the Bank) any of the Contract Proceeds is placed in a
term deposit account:-
(i) subject to adherence to Shariah principles on renewal to renew or redeposit
from time to time with the Bank, the Contract Proceeds or such part/balance
thereof for such periods and upon such terms as you deem fit including the
payment of profit, if any on the Contract Proceeds at such rate as may be
payable by the Bank from time to time; and
(ii) to terminate or uplift any deposit of such of the Contract Proceeds prior to its
maturity date of such deposit (upon such terms then applicable to the
termination prior to maturity) with the Bank without being liable to the
Assignor and the Customer for any loss arising from such termination or

5.3.3 to set-off and transfer the Contract Proceeds then held in the Bank’s possession and
apply the same in or towards satisfaction of any Indebtedness and/or any other
amounts due or owing under or relating to those Facilities notwithstanding that:-
(i) no Event of Default shall have occurred;
(ii) the Bank has not resort to any remedies against any other party and/or that
the Contract Proceeds may not have matured and whatever may be the
currency of the sums payable;
(iii) all or any of the sums payable is/are in a currency which is different from the
Contract Proceeds; and/or
(iv) any part of the sums payable is contingent, the Bank is still entitled to utilise
all or any part of the Contract Proceeds towards satisfaction of the
contingent liabilities provided that if the actual sums payable is less than the
amount satisfied, the Bank will refund such surplus amount to the Assignor.

5.4 In addition to and without derogation of any of the other provisions of this Clause 5, at any time
after the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Assignor hereby agrees that the Bank shall be
irrevocably authorized and instructed by the Assignor (but is not obliged) to apply all Contract
Proceeds and all monies then standing to the credit of each of the Proceeds Accounts strictly in
or towards settlement of the Indebtedness or such part thereof and/or any other amounts due or
owing by the Customer and/or the Assignor to the Bank in such manner and order of priority and
at such time(s) as the Bank at its absolute discretion considers appropriate.

5.5 The Assignor hereby further agrees and undertakes to the Bank that it/he will not withdraw (or
attempt to withdraw), or deal with (or agree, conditionally or unconditionally, to deal with) any of
the monies from time to time standing to the credit of any of the Proceeds Accounts other than
strictly in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 5 or any instructions from time to time
issued by the Bank nor purport or attempt to do any other act or thing which may in any way
delay or prejudice the right of the Bank to receive payment of such monies.

5.6 In the event that the placement and application of the monies comprised in the Contract
Proceeds as specified in the foregoing provision of this Clause 5 are not strictly adhered to, the
Bank shall be entitled at its absolute discretion to withhold further utilisation or drawdown of the
Facilities or any part thereof and/or to vary, amend or modify any of the terms and conditions of
or applicable to the Facilities or of this Assignment and/or any of the other Security Documents
and/or impose additional terms and conditions thereto upon such terms and conditions as the
Bank may at its absolute discretion deem fit by giving to the Customer notice to the effect.

5.7 The Bank shall have the power either in its own name or in the name of the Assignor, and
without notice to any of the Customer and the Assignor or any other person, to withdraw or
convert into any currency any monies from time to time standing to the credit of any one or more
of the Proceeds Accounts and apply such monies in or towards the matters and in the manner
set out in the foregoing provisions of this Clause 5.

5.8 Any Contract Proceeds received by the Assignor shall be held by the Assignor in trust for the
Bank and shall forthwith be paid by the Assignor to the Bank to be applied in the manner set out
in the foregoing provisions of this Clause 5.


The security created by this Assignment is expressly intended to be and shall be a continuing security for
all monies whatsoever now or hereafter from time to time owing to the Bank by the Customer and/or the
Assignor whether alone or jointly and severally with another or others and whether as principal or surety
notwithstanding that the Customer and/or the Assignor may at any time or times cease to be indebted to
the Bank for any period or periods and notwithstanding:-

6.1 any account or accounts ceasing to be current or any settlement or closure of account or
accounts or otherwise;

6.2 the death, insanity, insolvency or bankruptcy of the Customer and/or the Assignor;

6.3 the liquidation of the Customer and/or the Assignor whether voluntary or compulsory;

6.4 any change by amalgamation consolidation or otherwise which may be made in the constitution
of the company by which the business of the Customer and/or the Assignor is for the time being
carried on;

6.5 any change in the constitution or composition of the firm by which the business of the Customer
is for the time being carried on whether by death retirement or admission of partners or other


The Assignor hereby agrees, covenant and declares that:-

7.1 there is no assignment, mortgage, charge or debenture upon the Secured Property or any part
thereof secured by this Assignment having priority to this Assignment;

7.2 the Assignor shall not during the continuance of this Assignment sell, charge, mortgage, assign,
execute any form of debenture (whether fixed or floating), pledge or lien over, or raise money on
the security of, any of its/his present or future benefits, rights, title and interest in and to and
under the Secured Property or any part thereof or deal with the same in any manner whatsoever
without the written consent of the Bank first had and obtained, such consent may be given or
withheld at the absolute discretion of the Bank; and

7.3 this Assignment is without prejudice to any collateral security which may hereafter be given to
the Bank whether the same be for securing the full payment of the Indebtedness hereby
secured or any part thereof or any other monies covenanted to be paid herein and whether such
security is taken as additional or collateral security or otherwise howsoever.


The Assignor shall at any time if and when required by the Bank so to do execute in favour of the Bank or
as the Bank shall direct such legal or other mortgages, charges, assignments, transfers or agreements as
the Bank shall require of and on all the Assignor’s estate assets or business now belonging to or which
may hereafter be acquired by or belonging to the Assignor (including any vendor’s lien) and the benefit of
all licences held in connection therewith to secure all monies and liabilities hereby agreed to be paid or
intended to be hereby secured, such mortgages charges assignments transfers or agreements to be
prepared by or on behalf of the Bank at the cost of the Assignor and to contain all such terms and
conditions for the benefit of the Bank as the Bank may require.


The Assignor further covenants with the Bank that it/he will so long as the Facilities or any part thereof
shall remain available to the Customer and/or the Assignor or so long as the Indebtedness or any part
thereof remains unpaid or owing to the Bank by the Customer and/or the Assignor, whether alone or
jointly and severally with another or others and whether as principal or surety:-

9.1 take all steps necessary or advisable to procure the due performance by each of the Paying
Parties of its/his obligations under the respective Contracts;

9.2 sign, do and execute or cause to be signed, done or executed all documents, acts and things
(including all such transfers, assurances and/or instructions as the Bank may require or
stipulate) as the Bank may from time to time require for assuring and/or vesting full legal title in
and to the Contract Proceeds to and in favour of the Bank, as the Bank may prescribe in its
absolute discretion from time to time;

9.3 diligently and properly:-

9.3.1 perform and discharge all the covenants and obligations on its/his part contained in
the respective Contracts;

9.3.2 notify the Bank of any breach or default by itself/himself or by any of the Paying
Parties under any of the Contracts; and

9.3.3 institute and maintain all such proceedings as the Bank may consider to be
reasonably necessary or advisable to preserve or protect its/his interests and the
interests of the Bank in the Secured Property and this Assignment respectively;

9.4 ensure that all sums comprising part of the Contract Proceeds shall be dealt with in the manner
set out in Clause 5 or in such other manner as the Bank may from time to time direct;

9.5 ensure that each of the Paying Parties shall continue in all other aspects (other than the
payment of the Contract Proceeds, which shall be remitted to the respective Proceeds Accounts
directly and be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Clause 5 hereof) to give or
receive instructions to or from the Assignor and deal with and look to the Assignor as its/his
contracting party under the respective Contracts;

9.6 deliver a written request (together with such documents as may be necessary) for payment
pursuant to all or any of the Contracts as and when reasonably required to do so by the Bank;

9.7 from time to time on the request of the Bank, execute and deliver promptly to the Bank any such
further instruments or documents as the Bank may reasonably require or which are required by
law, for the purpose of obtaining the full benefit of this Assignment and/or of the rights and
powers hereby granted;

9.8 not, except as approved by the Bank in writing, make or agree to any variation, cancellation or
termination of any of the Contracts or release any of the Paying Parties from any of the Paying
Party’s obligations under any of the Contracts or waive any of the Assignor’s rights under any of
the Contracts or any breach of the same;

9.9 not, without the prior written consent of the Bank, make or agree to any claim that any of the
Contracts is frustrated, invalid, void or voidable;

9.10 not take or omit to take any action the taking or omission of which may result in any alteration or
impairment of any of the Contracts or this Assignment or of any of the rights created hereby or

9.11 at no time exercise any right or power conferred on it/him by any of the Contracts in any manner
which is in the opinion of the Bank adverse to or inconsistent with the interests of the Bank
under this Assignment;

9.12 do or permit to be done each and every act or thing which the Bank may from time to time
require to be done for the purpose of enforcing the Bank's rights under this Assignment and will
allow its/his name to be used as and when required by the Bank for that purpose;

9.13 immediately upon execution by the Assignor and the relevant Paying Party of any Contract(s),
deliver the signed original of such Contract(s) to the Bank for its safe-keeping throughout the
subsistence of this Assignment;

9.14 maintain proper and adequate records in accordance with consistently maintained and sound
accounting practices to reflect the Assignor's affairs and operations and financial condition
(including but not limited to the implementation of the Contracts) and permit the Bank by its
agents and/or servants at all reasonable times to enter upon and inspect all financial records
and computer systems at any of its offices branches offices or places of business or elsewhere
and all records kept by any authorities or persons so far as such records relate to or affect all
the foregoing and/or all or any of the Assignor's properties, assets and undertaking and give
such written authorities as may be required to enable the Bank, by its servants and/or agents to
inspect the same;

9.15 send to the Bank copies of all invoices, claims, certificates and all other relevant documents
submitted by the Assignor to each of the Paying Parties for payment of the Contract Proceeds
payable to the Assignor under or in relation to the respective Contracts which are issued or
given by it/him under the respective Contracts as and when such invoices, claims, certificates
and all other relevant documents are submitted by the Assignor to the relevant Paying Party;

9.16 in addition to and without derogation of the provisions of Clause 9.15, furnish to the Bank, on a
monthly basis or within such other period as may be prescribed by the Bank, copies of the
following documents:-

9.16.1 all letters of intent, delivery notes/orders, certificates of acceptance, variation orders,
tenancy agreements, lease or licenses and other documents issued by each of the
Paying Parties to the Assignor or signed by the Assignor with each of the relevant
Paying Party under or in relation to or in connection with each of the Contracts; and

9.16.2 all notifications of dispute of any of the amount of any part of the Contract Proceeds
payable to the Assignor under each of the Contracts issued by the Assignor to each
of the Paying Parties or by each of the Paying Parties to the Assignor;

all issued or executed within the immediately preceding calendar month or such other period as
may be prescribed by the Bank, as the case may be;

9.17 obtain and maintain all necessary permits, licences, consents, approvals, waivers, exemptions
and authorisations as are or may be necessary or desirable for the carrying on of its business
and operations (including but not limited to the implementation of the Contracts) and comply
with all laws and regulations relating to the same and all the terms and conditions of such
permits, licences, consents, approvals, waivers, exemptions and authorisations, and forthwith
notify the Bank if any of such licences, consents, approvals, waivers and authorisations or any
of them is withdrawn or expires or is not renewed or is otherwise not in full force or effect;

9.18 contemporaneously with the execution of this Assignment and for the consideration aforesaid,
execute and deliver to the Bank an irrevocable Power of Attorney in such form and substance
as prescribed by the Bank appointing the Manager or Acting Manager or any authorised officer
of the Bank and its/his substitute or substitutes the attorney or attorneys of the Assignor; and

9.19 observe, perform and discharge all the covenants, undertakings, obligations and stipulations
contained in the Contracts on the part of the Assignor to be observed, performed and


All costs, charges and expenses incurred hereunder and/or pursuant to the Power of Attorney referred to
in Clause 9.18 by the Bank including any expenditure incurred in the creation, enforcement and/or
preparation of this Assignment or in the giving of any notice or in the making of any demand for any
monies secured by this Assignment and all other monies whatsoever paid by the Bank in respect of the
said costs, charges, expenses and expenditure or otherwise howsoever and all or any other sums and
monies paid or expended by the Bank under or pursuant to the provisions of this Assignment, whether
express or implied shall be payable by the Customer and/or the Assignor to the Bank and until full
payment, compensation thereon at the rate specified in the Facility Agreement, as the case may be, (as
well after as before any demand or judgment and irrespective of whether or not the banker customer
relationship between the Bank and the Customer has ceased or been terminated) from the date of the
sums having been paid or expended to the date of full payment and the said sums together with
compensation shall be debited to the Customer’s account and shall be deemed to be secured hereunder
in addition to the sum hereby granted and shall form part of the first payment due under this


Although as between the Customer and the Assignor, the Assignor is a surety for the Customer, between
the Assignor and the Bank, whenever the Customer fails to pay the Indebtedness, the Assignor shall
immediately on demand pay that amount as if the Assignor is a principal debtor. The Assignor and the
Secured Property will not be released at any time by any indulgence given to the Customer or by any act,
omission, matter or thing whereby the Assignor as a surety only or the Secured Property might have been
released and reassigned unto the Assignor or discharged by the Bank.


In amplification and not in derogation of any other provision contained in this Assignment it is expressly
agreed that notwithstanding that the Customer is a committee or association or other unincorporated
body which has no legal existence or which is under no legal liability to discharge the obligations
undertaken or purported to be undertaken by it/him or on its/his behalf, this security shall be valid and
have effect as though the Assignor was the principal debtor and all sums of money which may not be
recoverable from the Customer shall nevertheless be recoverable from the Assignor as sole or principal


13.1 The Bank may at its absolute discretion and at any time suspend or cancel its commitment to
make available to the Customer the Facilities or any part thereof and demand for the immediate
payment of the Indebtedness.

13.2 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 13.1, on the occurrence of any of the Events of
Default in Clause 13.3, the Bank may (without any legal obligation so to do) by written notice to
the Customer declare that the Facilities shall be cancelled whereupon:-

13.2.1 the Bank’s commitment to make available to the Customer the Facilities or any part
thereof shall cease and the Indebtedness payable under this Assignment shall
immediately become due and payable on demand; and

13.2.2 the Customer and/or the Assignor shall provide cash cover on demand:-
(i) for all contingent liabilities of the Customer to the Bank; and
(ii) for all notes or bills accepted, endorsed or discounted and all sukuk,
guarantees, indemnities documentary or other credits or any instruments
whatsoever from time to time entered into by the Bank for or at the request
of the Customer on the occurrence of any of the Events of Default.

13.3 The occurrence of any one or more of following will constitute an Event of Default:-

13.3.1 if the Customer and/or the Assignor shall fail to pay on the due date any money or to
discharge any obligation or liability payable by the Customer and/or the Assignor
from time to time due to the Bank or if the Customer shall fail to comply with any
term or condition of any financing facility from the Bank or if any representation
warranty or undertaking from time to time made to the Bank by the Customer and/or
the Assignor and/or any Security Party is or shall become incorrect or misleading in
a material respect; or

13.3.2 if the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party shall fail to observe or
perform any of the agreements covenants stipulations terms and conditions on the
part of the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party herein this
Assignment contained or under any other charge or security documents; or

13.3.3 if the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party shall cease or
threaten to cease to carry on its/his business; or

13.3.4 the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party shall die, or a petition
shall be presented or an order be made or a resolution be passed for the winding up
of the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party; or

13.3.5 if a Receiver and/or Manager is appointed to receive and/or manage the assets
undertaking or property of the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security
Party or any part thereof pursuant to any charge or debenture or any security
document or otherwise; or

13.3.6 if the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party shall become bankrupt
or allow any judgment against the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security
Party to remain unsatisfied for a period of twenty-one (21) days; or

13.3.7 if the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party shall commit an act of
bankruptcy or shall be unable to pay its/his debts or shall suspend the payment of
its/his debts or shall enter into any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit
of the creditors of the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party; or

13.3.8 if the Bank decides in its sole and absolute discretion that the continuation of the
Facilities would be likely to be detrimental to its own position or otherwise
undesirable or that its security hereunder or under any other security documents is in
jeopardy which opinion of the Bank shall be final and binding upon the Customer and
the Assignor and all the Security Party; or

13.3.9 if by reason of any change after the date of this Assignment in applicable law
regulation or regulatory requirement or in the interpretation or application thereof or
of any governmental or other authority charged with the administration thereof it shall
become unlawful for the Bank to comply with its obligations hereunder or to continue
to make available the Facilities granted to the Customer; or

13.3.10 if any indebtedness of the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party
shall become capable, in accordance with the relevant terms thereof, of being
declared due prematurely by reason of a default by the Customer and/or the
Assignor and/or any Security Party in its/his respective obligations in respect of the
same, or the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party shall fail to
make any payment in respect thereof on the due date for such payment or if due on
demand when demanded or the security for such indebtedness shall become
enforceable; or

13.3.11 if the Assignor or any of the Paying Parties shall be in breach of any terms and
conditions of any of the Contracts for any reason whatsoever; or

13.3.12 if any of the Contracts ceases for any reason whatsoever to be valid or binding upon
or enforceable against the Assignor or any of the Paying Parties in accordance with
the respective terms thereof; or

13.3.13 if an event or events has or have occurred or a situation exists which could or may in
the opinion of the Bank either:-
(i) jeopardise any of the Assignor’s rights, title, interest or benefit in and to the
Contracts, the Contract Proceeds and the monies in the Proceeds Accounts
or any part thereof; or
(ii) prejudice or affect the ability or willingness of any of the Paying Parties or
the Assignor to perform or comply with its obligations under or in relation to
any of the Contracts, or otherwise materially or adversely affect the financial
condition of any of the Paying Parties or the performance of any of the
Contracts or the payment of the Contract Proceeds or any part thereof under
any of the Contracts; or

13.3.14 if for any reason whatsoever any of the Contracts is repudiated, rescinded or
terminated by any party thereto; or

13.3.15 if the Assignor fails to remit and credit into the relevant Proceeds Accounts any
payment of the Contract Proceeds which is, for any reason whatsoever and at any
time after the date hereof, paid to or received by the Assignor within three (3) days
from the date of receipt of each such payment by the Assignor; or

13.3.16 if the security hereby created or any guarantee, indemnity or other security for the
Indebtedness or part thereof fails or ceases in any respect to have full force and
effect or to be continuing or is terminated or disputed or jeopardised or invalidated or
is unenforceable; or

13.3.17 if any licence, permit, order, authorisation, approval, covenant or exemption referred
or contemplated in this Assignment is revoked or withheld or not granted or fails to
remain in full force and effect or modified in such manner as the Bank considers to
be prejudicial to or may materially and/or adversely affect the Bank's interests under
this Assignment; or

13.3.18 if any other event or series of events whether related or not (including but not limited
to any adverse change in the financial condition of the Customer and/or the Assignor
and/or any Security Party) could or might affect the ability or willingness of the

Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party to comply with all or any of
its/his obligations hereunder or under any other security documents.


In addition to and without derogation of any of the other rights, powers and remedies as provided herein
whether before or after the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Bank may at any time after an Event of
Default or in making demand be entitled, either in its own name or as agent for the Assignor, to do and/or
exercise all or any of the following rights, powers and remedies:-

14.1 to perform and enforce any or all of the Contracts, whether by the Bank or by such other
persons as the Bank may in its absolute discretion, have employed or engaged, including but
not limited to builder(s), architect(s), contractor(s), consultant(s), engineer(s), designer(s),
project manager(s), agent(s), workmen, servants of the Bank;

14.2 to employ or engage builder(s), architect(s), contractor(s), consultant(s), engineer(s),

designer(s), project manager(s), agent(s), workmen, servants and/or any other persons as may
be necessary or expedient to carry out and complete the implementation of the Contracts or any
part thereof and/or to purchase or otherwise acquire such materials, equipment, machinery,
computers, products, tools and/or other things required or to be delivered or used thereunder or
for any of the purposes thereof, in each case at such price or consideration and on such terms
and conditions to be determined by the Bank in its absolute discretion;

14.3 to agree to the amendment, variation, termination or repudiation of any or all of the Contracts;

14.4 to sell, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the Secured Property or any
interest therein or thereunder in such manner, and at such time(s) at or for such price or
consideration (whether payable or deliverable immediately or by instalments) and upon such
other terms and conditions as the Bank may at its absolute discretion deems fit Provided That
no assignee, purchaser or transferee from the Bank shall be concerned to ascertain whether or
not any such default has actually arisen so as to entitle the Bank to exercise its powers and
remedies hereunder;

14.5 to claim, demand, sue for and receive from the Paying Parties and/or any other person,
registered company, corporation, government or other body politic any sum represented by or
comprised in any part of the Contract Proceeds and all other sums, rights or property that may
become due to the Assignor in respect of any or all of the Contracts as and when the same shall
respectively be due or payable or exercisable, and to give a good and sufficient receipt for any
such sum received;

14.6 to enforce and exercise all or any of the covenants, agreements and other rights and remedies
in and under any or all of the Contracts, including but without limitation, to commence legal
proceedings to recover any sum represented by or comprised in any part of the Contract
Proceeds and all other sums, rights or property that may become due to the Assignor in respect
of any or all of the Contracts;

14.7 in all other respects to deal with and enjoy the Secured Property and any of benefits rights title
and interest therein and thereto as if it were the unencumbered beneficial owner thereto;

14.8 to put into force and effect all rights, powers and remedies available to it at law or otherwise as
assignee or chargee of the Secured Property or any part thereof or any interest therein or

14.9 for any such purpose to issue, sign, indorse, execute and deliver all receipts, cheques, releases,
discharges, reassignments, reconveyances, or other deeds or documents whatsoever that may
be necessary or usual in the circumstances;

14.10 to do all such acts and things and make, execute and sign all such documents and applications
as may be necessary or expedient to any relevant authority, corporation, registered company,
government or other body politic or person for such approvals and consents, if any, as may be
required or deemed expedient by the Bank for perfecting or in enforcing all or any of the
Contracts and/or the security created under this Assignment or otherwise;

14.11 to operate the Proceeds Accounts and withdraw or convert into any currency any monies from
time to time standing to the credit of all or any of the Proceeds Accounts and apply such monies
in or towards the manner set out in the foregoing provisions of Clauses 5.5 and 5.8;

14.12 to exercise the rights and powers provided in the provisions of Clause 5 and in addition thereto,
out of the Contract Proceeds received by the Bank or the Assignor's monies in the respective
Proceeds Accounts or in the Bank's hands or under the control of the Bank to pay all costs and
other expenses that may lawfully be made upon the Assignor or that may otherwise be payable
or incurred in respect of or in relation to the operation and/or management of the Contracts
and/or the enforcement of this Assignment and to give security for the payment of the same;

14.13 to assent (if it seems to the Bank necessary or desirable) to any arrangement modifying the
Assignor's rights, privileges or duties in relation to any part of the Secured Property and to agree
to any scheme or arrangement for the increase or reduction of the value or amount of the same
and for any such purpose to pay any contribution to incur any other necessary expense in
connection with any such scheme or arrangement;

14.14 to do all such other acts and things as it may consider necessary or desirable for the realisation
of the Secured Property or any part thereof or incidental or conducive to any of the matters,
powers or authorities conferred on it under or by virtue of this Assignment;

14.15 generally to exercise all rights and privileges and perform all duties which now or hereafter may
appertain to the Assignor as beneficial owner in relation to any part of the Secured Property and
any of benefits rights title and interest therein and thereto;

14.16 to disclose to any person or party who may be concerned with the exercise of the powers
hereby conferred, including any purchaser or potential purchaser of any part of the Secured
Property or any of benefits rights title and interest therein and thereto, the terms of this
Assignment and such other documents or information as may be related thereto or to the
exercise of the Bank's rights and powers thereunder or to the Secured Property where such
disclosure is deemed by the Bank to be necessary for or expedient to the exercise of the power
herein contained;

14.17 to apply any monies and/or other proceeds received or recovered by the Bank under or
pursuant to this Assignment (including but not limited to the monies from time to time standing
to the credit of each and every Proceeds Accounts) in or towards the satisfaction of the
indebtedness or any part thereof due to the Bank hereunder, the payment of all stamp duties,
costs, expenses, dues and fees including solicitor’s costs on a solicitor and client basis, and the
residue, if any, only shall be payable to the Assignor or to such other person as the Assignor
shall direct in writing;

AND the Assignor shall hereby expressly agree, covenant and undertake to do and execute all acts,
deeds, instruments and things which the Bank may require or stipulate for the purposes of effecting
and/or completing anything and/or any transaction mentioned in this Clause.


The Assignor hereby expressly agrees and confirms that all persons dealing with the Bank shall not be
required or concerned to enquire whether any event has occurred upon which any of the powers
contained herein are or may be exercisable by the Bank or otherwise as to the propriety or regularity of
any exercise thereof or of any act purporting or intended to be an exercise thereof or whether any
amounts or liabilities secured or intended to be secured hereunder are due or owing or payable.


16.1 The Assignor hereby expressly agrees and confirms that the Bank shall not be liable to account
as assignee or chargee in possession in respect of all or any part of the Secured Property
subject hereto and shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever resulting
upon realisation, preservation or enforcement of the security hereby created or for any neglect
or default or failure in respect of any offer or to notify the Assignor of any such matter or for any
other loss of any nature whatsoever in connection with or arising from the Secured Property or
any part thereof or the exercise by the Bank of any of its rights and powers under this

16.2 The Assignor hereby waives any right whatsoever (which the Assignor may have) to make any
claim or counterclaim against the Bank in respect of the manner in which and/or the time(s) at
which and/or the price/consideration (including the manner of payment or delivery thereof) at
which the Bank may sell, assign, transfer or otherwise or dispose of the benefits rights title and
interest in and to and under the Secured Property or any part thereof and/or employ or engage
builder(s), architect(s), contractor(s), consultant(s), engineer(s), designer(s), project manager(s),
agent(s), workmen, servants and/or any other persons as may be necessary or expedient to
carry out and complete the implementation of the Contracts or any part thereof and/or purchase
or otherwise acquire such materials, equipment, machinery, computers, products, tools and/or
other things required or to be delivered or used thereunder or for any of the purposes thereof
pursuant to this Assignment.


If the amount realised by the Bank under the provisions of this Assignment after deduction and payment
of all fees and costs incurred by the Bank is less than the amount due to the Bank the Customer and the
Assignor shall pay to the Bank the difference between the amount due and the amount so realised and
until full payment will also pay compensation (Ta’widh) on such balance (both after as well as before any
demand or judgment and irrespective of whether or not the banker-customer relationship between the
Bank and the Customer has ceased or been terminated).


18.1 The Bank shall be indemnified and kept indemnified at all times by the Assignor from and
against all actions, damages, losses, penalties, claims, proceedings, costs, expenses, demands
and liabilities whatsoever which may be suffered or incurred by or brought or made against the
Bank by reason or on account of any failure of the Assignor to perform any of its obligations
under any of the Contracts or this Assignment or in the execution or purported execution of any
of the rights, powers, remedies, authorities or discretion vested in the Bank under or pursuant to
this Assignment.

18.2 The Assignor hereby agrees with and undertakes to the Bank that the Bank shall not be liable
for any losses, costs and liabilities incurred or sustained by the Assignor arising out of or in
connection with the exercise of the rights, powers, remedies, authorities or discretion vested in
the Bank under or pursuant to this Assignment.

18.3 In addition and without prejudice to the powers, rights and remedies conferred on the Bank
herein, the Assignor shall indemnify the Bank against any loss or expense (including but not
limited to legal fees and expenses on a solicitor and client basis) which the Bank may sustain or
incur as a consequence of:-

18.3.1 any default in payment by the Customer and/or the Assignor of any sum due
hereunder, including (but not limited to) any profit fees paid or payable on account of,
or in respect of, any funds financed or deposits from third parties in order to maintain
the amount in default or in liquidating or re-employing such funds or deposits; and/or

18.3.2 the occurrence of any Event of Default and/or the termination of the Facilities and/or
the acceleration of payment of the amounts secured hereunder including (but not
limited to) Indebtedness or fees paid or payable on account of or in respect of any
funds financed or deposits from third parties in order to maintain the amount in
default and/or the Facilities or in liquidating or re-employing such funds or deposits.

18.4 A certificate as to the amount of such loss, claim, cost, expense and liability by the Bank or
signed by the Manager or Acting Manager or any authorised officer of the Bank shall, save for
manifest error, be final, conclusive and binding on the Assignor for all purposes, including for
purposes of legal proceedings.


The Assignor shall at its own expense execute and do all such assurances, acts and things as the Bank
may reasonably require for perfecting or protecting the security over the benefits rights title and interest in
and to and under the Secured Property or any part thereof or for facilitating the realisation of such
property and the exercise of all powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Bank or its delegate or
sub-delegate and shall in particular give all notices, orders and directions which the Bank may think
expedient. For the purposes of this Clause, a certificate in writing by the Bank to the effect that any
particular assurance, act or thing required by it is reasonably required shall be conclusive evidence of
such fact.


Each of the Customer and the Assignor hereby repeats and confirms all the representations and
warranties made by the Customer in the Facility Agreement and all the representations and warranties
made by the Customer and Security Parties therein shall continue to apply to the Customer and the
Assignor as one of the Security Parties with full force and effect with such modifications as may be
necessary under this Assignment. Further, each of the Customer and Assignor further represents and
warrants to the Bank as follows:-

20.1 that this Assignment constitutes or when executed will constitute the legal, valid and binding
obligations of the Assignor and the Customer in accordance with its terms;

20.2 that the Assignor’s benefits rights title and interest in and to the Secured Property are regular
and that the Assignor’s beneficial interests therein are free from all defects and encumbrances
whatsoever, save and except for the security created hereunder;

20.3 that no Event of Default referred to in Clause 13 herein has occurred or is continuing or will
occur as a result of the Bank making any advance or continuing to make available the Facilities
to the Customer;

20.4 that all information furnished by the Assignor, the Customer and all Security Party in connection
with the application of the Facilities do not contain any untrue statement or omit to state any fact
the omission of which makes any statement made therein in the light of their circumstances
under which they are made, misleading and that the Assignor, the Customer and the Security
Party are not aware of any material facts or circumstances that have not been disclosed to the
Bank which might, if disclosed, adversely affect the decision of the Bank to grant the Facilities or
part thereof or to take the security;

20.5 in the case where the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party is a corporation,
that neither the execution and delivery of this Assignment by the Assignor nor the performance
or observance of any of the Assignor’s obligations under this Assignment or of the Customer’s
obligations under the Facilities nor the execution and delivery of the security document by the
Customer or the Assignor or the Security Party nor the performance or observance of any of the
Customer’s or the Assignor’s or the Security Party’s obligations under any security document

20.5.1 conflict with or result in any breach of its Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of
Association any law statute regulation judgment order mortgage contract agreement
trust deed or other instrument arrangement obligation or duty by which they are
bound; or

20.5.2 cause any limitation on any of its powers whatsoever, howsoever imposed, or on the
right or ability of its directors to exercise such powers, to be exceeded;

20.6 in the case where the Customer is a corporation, that the accounts of the Customer delivered to
the Bank:

20.6.1 were prepared in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally
accepted in Malaysia and consistently applied and have been prepared examined
reported on and approved in accordance with all procedures required by law, the
Constitution or the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Customer;

20.6.2 together with the notes thereto, give a true and fair view of the financial condition and
operations of the Customer as at the date of such accounts and for the period then
ended; and

20.6.3 together with those notes, disclose or reserve against the liabilities (contingent or
otherwise) of the Customer as at the date of the said accounts and all material
unrealised or anticipated losses from any commitment entered into by it and which
existed on such date;

20.7 that the Assignor and the relevant Paying Party have the power or capacity to execute deliver
and perform the terms of the relevant Contract made between them and that all necessary
actions have been taken to authorise the execution delivery and performance of each of the

20.8 that each of the Contracts constitutes or when executed will constitute the legal valid and
binding obligations of the Assignor and the relevant Paying Party in accordance with its terms;

20.9 in the case where the Assignor is a corporation, that neither the execution and delivery of any of
the Contracts by the Assignor nor the performance or observance of any of the Assignor’s
obligations under any of the Contracts will:-

20.9.1 conflict with or result in any breach of its constitution or Memorandum and Articles of
Association any law statute regulation judgment order mortgage contract agreement
trust deed or other instrument arrangement obligation or duty by which they are
bound; or

20.9.2 cause any limitation on any of its powers whatsoever, howsoever imposed, or on the
right or ability of its directors to exercise such powers, to be exceeded; and

20.10 that prior to and on each of the dates of the utilisation of the Facilities, the representations and
warranties mentioned above are true and accurate in all respects as if made on each such date
and as if repeated by reference to the then existing circumstances except that each reference to
accounts in Clause 20.6 shall be construed as a reference to the then latest available annual
accounts of the Customer.


Upon full payment to the Bank of the Indebtedness to the Bank, the Assignor shall be entitled, at its/his
entire costs and expenses (including the costs of the solicitors acting for the Bank on a solicitor and client
basis), to obtain a release and reassignment or discharge of the Secured Property from the Bank, such
release and reassignment or discharge to be in such form and substance as the Bank shall in the
circumstances consider appropriate and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared that the Bank’s right
of consolidation shall apply to this security. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby expressly agreed and
declared that unless the Bank otherwise agrees, the Assignor shall not be entitled to a release and
reassignment or discharge of the Secured Property from the Bank except on full payment by the
Customer and/or the Assignor of not only the Indebtedness secured herein but also all other monies
payable to the Bank arising from any other financings and/or facilities granted to the Customer and/or the
Assignor and/or any third parties by the Bank from time to time (whether such liabilities be present future
actual contingent primary collateral several or joint) and whether secured by any other charge or security
created or hereafter or from time to time secured by the Assignor (or by any person through whom the
Assignor claims in favour of or vested in the Bank) or otherwise.


This Assignment shall remain in full force until and unless the Indebtedness secured by this Assignment
together with all other monies, if any payable to the Bank hereunder are paid in full.


The Customer and the Assignor hereby agree and consent that the Bank may at any time without notice
after the occurrence of an Event of Default or in making demand notwithstanding any settlement of
account or other matter whatsoever:-

23.1 combine or consolidate all or any of the then existing accounts of the Customer and/or the
Assignor singularly or jointly including accounts in the name of the Bank or of the Customer or
the Assignor jointly with others (whether current deposit financing or of any other nature
whatsoever whether subject to notice or not and whether in Ringgit Malaysia or in any other
currency, and including but not limited to the Proceeds Accounts) wheresoever situate; and

23.2 set-off or transfer any sum standing to the credit of any one or more such accounts in or
towards satisfaction of any of the Indebtedness the Bank. If any monies in the Indebtedness
is/are contingent, the Bank shall be entitled to set-off and transfer any sum standing to the credit
of any account or accounts of the Customer and/or the Assignor, as the case may be, towards

satisfaction of such contingent liabilities and in the event that the Customer’s actual liabilities
shall be less than the amount set-off by the Bank, the Bank shall refund such surplus amount to
the Customer and/or the Assignor, as the case may be. Where such combination set-off or
transfer requires the conversion of one currency into another, such conversion shall be
calculated at the then prevailing spot rate of exchange of the Bank (as conclusively determined
by the Bank) for purchasing the currency for which the Customer and/or the Assignor is liable
with the existing currency so converted.


Time shall be the essence of this Assignment but no failure or delay on the part of the Bank in exercising
nor any omission to exercise any right power privilege or remedy accruing to the Bank upon any default
on the part of the Customer and/or the Assignor shall affect impair any such right power privilege or
remedy or be construed to be a waiver thereof or an acquiescence in such default nor shall any waiver or
action by the Bank in respect of any default or any acquiescence to any such default affect or impair any
right power privilege or remedy of the Bank in respect of any other or subsequent default.


The security liabilities and/or obligations created by this Assignment shall continue to be valid and binding
for all purposes notwithstanding any transfer or assignment of the business or operations or assets or
liabilities of the Bank or any change by amalgamation consolidation reconstruction or otherwise which
may be made in the constitution of the Bank or of any company by which the business of the Bank may
for the time being be carried on and shall be available by the company carrying on that business for the
time being.


The security liabilities and/or obligations created by this Assignment shall continue to be valid and binding
for all purposes whatsoever notwithstanding any change whether by reason of bankruptcy death
incorporation amalgamation liquidation reconstruction or otherwise howsoever in the name style
constitution or composition of the Customer and/or the Assignor and the expressions “the Customer” and
“the Assignor” in this Assignment include the persons for the time being deriving title under the Customer
and the Assignor respectively and it is expressly declared that no change of any sort whatsoever in
relation to or affecting the Customer and/or the Assignor shall in any way affect the security liabilities
and/or obligations created by this Assignment in relation to any transaction whatsoever whether past
present or future.


The Customer and the Assignor expressly consent and agree that the Bank may at any time and without
in any way affecting the validity of the security liabilities and obligations hereby created:-

27.1 determine vary or increase the Facilities granted to the Customer and may open and/or continue
any account or accounts current or otherwise with the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any
Security Party at any branch or branches of the Bank;

27.2 grant to the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party any time or indulgence;

27.3 renew any Islamic bills/bills, Islamic notes/notes or other Islamic negotiable securities/negotiable

27.4 deal with exchange release or modify or abstain from perfecting or enforcing any securities or
other guarantees or rights it may now or at any time hereafter or from time to time have from or
against the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party and/or any other person;

27.5 compound with the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party and/or any other

27.6 at the request of the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party accept payment of
any monies due or becoming due hereunder by such increased or reduced instalments as may
be agreed or agree to suspend payments in reduction of principal or give such further time for
payment or grant such indulgences as may be agreed;

27.7 grant further facilities to the Customer, reinstate, vary, interchange, substitute or convert the
Facilities or any of them or any of the principal limits or sub-principal limits of the Facility;

27.8 review revise amend or vary the Facilities granted to the Customer or the terms and conditions

27.9 have recourse to all or any remedies or means for recovering the monies hereby secured which
may be available for such purpose at such time and in such order and manner as the Bank may
think fit.


Nothing herein contained shall prejudice or affect any lien to which the Bank is entitled or any other
security which the Bank may at any time or from time to time hold for or on account of the monies hereby
secured nor shall anything herein contained operate so as to merge or otherwise prejudice or affect any
bill, note guarantee mortgage or other security which the Bank may for the time being have for any money
intended to be hereby or otherwise secured or any right or remedy of the Bank thereunder.


It is hereby agreed that if the Assignor shall execute or create any further or subsequent charge mortgage
or encumbrance over the Secured Property hereby assigned or charged in favour of any other
corporation person or persons of which the Bank shall receive notice either actual or constructive:-

29.1 the Bank may on receiving such notice forthwith open a new or separate account with the
Customer in its books and if the Bank does not in fact open such new or separate account, the
Bank shall nevertheless be deemed to have done so at the time when the Bank received or was
deemed to have received such notice (hereinafter called “the time of notice”); and

29.2 as from and after the time of notice, all payments in made by the Customer and/or the Assignor
and/or any party to the Bank shall (notwithstanding any legal or equitable rule of presumption to
the contrary) be placed or deemed to have been placed to the credit of the new or separate
account so opened or deemed to have been opened as aforesaid and shall not go in reduction
of the amount due by the Customer to the Bank at the time of notice,

PROVIDED ALWAYS that nothing in this Clause contained shall prejudice the security which the Bank
otherwise would have had hereunder for the payment of the monies, costs, charges and expenses herein
this Assignment referred to notwithstanding that the same may become due or owing or be incurred after
the time of notice.


30.1 The Bank shall be at liberty at any time with or without the concurrence of and with or without
notice to the Customer and/or the Assignor to assign all its rights, interest and obligations in this
Assignment and/or transfer the benefit of this Assignment to any person or corporation. Following
such assignment or transfer:-
(i) the costs and expenses of the Bank and the assignee or transferee of and incidental to
such assignment or transfer shall be paid by the Assignor;
(ii) the assignee or transferee shall assume and be entitled to rights, interest and obligations
of the Bank comprised in this Assignment as if the assignee or transferee had been a
party to this Assignment in place of the Bank; and
(iii) any recital or statement in this Assignment of the amount due to the Bank under or by
virtue of this Assignment shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and
binding for all purposes against the Customer and the Assignor.

30.2 The Assignor cannot assign its rights or obligations under this Assignment.


Until the Indebtedness due or incurred by the Customer to the Bank shall have been paid or discharged in
full, the Assignor will not by paying off any sum recoverable hereunder or by any other means or on any
other ground claim any set-off or counterclaim against the Customer in respect of any liability from the
Customer to the Assignor or claim or prove in competition with the Bank in respect of any payment by the
Assignor hereunder or be entitled to claim or have the benefit of any set-off counterclaim or proof against
or dividend composition or payment by the Customer or its/his estate or the benefit of any other security
which the Bank may now or hereafter hold for any money or liabilities due or incurred by the Customer to
it/him or to have any share therein.


The Customer and the Assignor shall be liable to pay all fees and expenses in connection with or
incidental to this Assignment, including solicitors’ fees in connection with the preparation and execution of
this Assignment and all documents related thereto. If any money payable by the Customer and/or the
Assignor under this Assignment and/or any part of the Contract Proceeds payable by any of the Paying
Parties under any of the Contracts shall be required to be recovered by any process of law or if any
monies payable hereunder and/or any part of the Contract Proceeds payable under any of the Contracts
shall be placed in the hands of solicitors for collection, the Customer and the Assignor shall pay (in
addition to the monies then due and payable hereunder) solicitors fees (on a full indemnity basis) and any
other fees and expenses incurred in respect of such recovery and/or collection.


This Assignment shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and the
Customer and the Assignor hereby irrevocably:-

33.1 submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Malaysia;

33.2 waive any objections on the ground of venue or forum non convenience or any similar grounds;

33.3 consent to service of process by registered mail or in any other manner permitted by the
relevant law; and

33.4 be bound by any decision or conclusion related to Shariah matters pronounced or made by the
Bank’s Shariah Committee in respect of the Facilities.


If the name of the Customer and/or the Assignor is that of either of a firm or of a limited company or other
corporation or committee or association or other unincorporated body any of the provisions herein
contained which are primarily and literally applicable to the case of a single and individual person only
shall be construed and take effect so as to give the Bank herein a security for the monies owing from that
firm and every member thereof or from the limited company or corporation or committee or association or
other unincorporated body as identical or analogous as may be with or to that which would have been
given for the monies owing from a single individual if the Customer and/or the Assignor had been a single
individual and all monies shall be deemed to be so owing notwithstanding any defect informality
insufficiency in the borrowing powers of the Customer or in the exercise thereof which might be a defence
as between the Customer and/or the Assignor and the Bank. In the case of a limited company or other
corporation any reference to bankruptcy shall be deemed to be a reference to liquidation or other
analogous proceedings and the monies owing as aforesaid and hereby secured shall be deemed to
include any monies owing in respect of debentures or debenture stock of the limited company or other
corporation held by or on behalf of the Bank.


35.1 Notices

35.1.1 Notice by the Bank

(i) Any demand, request, notice (including a notice or statement generated by
the Bank’s computer which need not be signed) or communication
(collectively the “Notices”) by or on behalf of the Assignor or the Bank must
be in writing in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
(ii) Any Notices that the Bank send to the Assignor may be delivered, sent or
made in such manner as provided in the Facility Agreement to the Assignor
at the Assignor’s address, facsimile, electronic mail or mobile phone as
stated in Section 2(a) of the First Schedule hereto or at the usual or last
known place of business of the Assignor, as the case may be may be and
shall also include such Notice being delivered, sent or made to the Customer
in the manner as stated in the Facility Agreement.
(iii) The Notices will be deemed to have been received by the Assignor at the
time as stipulated in the Facility Agreement.

35.1.2 Notice by the Assignor

(i) Notices by the Assignor to the Bank must be duly signed by the Assignor or,
if permitted by the Bank, the Assignor’s authorized signatories. The Notices
must be served on the Bank at the address specified by the Bank from time
to time. Notices are deemed received by the Bank upon actual receipt of the
Notices and any additional documents or information which the Bank may
require to verify the source of the Notice. Notices from the Assignor to the
Bank may be sent by personal delivery or ordinary mail.

(ii) The Assignor must notify the Bank in writing immediately on any change in
the address, facsimile number, electronic mail address or mobile phone
number of the Assignor.
(iii) If the Assignor do not inform the Bank of any change in the address,
facsimile number, electronic mail address or mobile phone number of the
Assignor, the Assignor agrees that the Bank may at its absolute discretion
rely on:-
(a) any address as stated in this Assignment; or
(b) any address, facsimile number, electronic mail address or mobile
phone number the Bank obtain from any communication
purportedly issued by the Customer to the Bank or last known to
the Bank.

35.1.3 The Bank’s rights under this Assignment are not to be affected by any failure on the
part of the Assignor to notify the Bank of any change in the address, facsimile
number, electronic mail address or mobile phone number of the Assignor.

35.2 Legal Process

In addition to and not in substitution of any mode of service that may be permitted or prescribed
by any written law in force for the time being, any service of Legal Process by or on behalf of the
Bank can be effected on the Assignor:-

35.2.1 by leaving a copy at the address as stated in this Assignment or in any communication
purportedly issued by the Assignor to the Bank or last known to the Bank and it shall
be deemed to have been duly received by the Assignor on the day it was left at the
address; or
34.2.2 by sending a copy via prepaid registered or ordinary post to the address as stated in
this Assignment or in any communication purportedly issued by the Assignor to the
Bank or last known to the Bank and it shall be deemed to have been duly received by
the Assignor on the third (3rd) day (including the day of posting) from the date it is
posted, even if it is undelivered or returned.

35.3 Agent for Service of Legal Process

35.3.1 If the Assignor resides outside Malaysia or does not have a permanent address in
Malaysia (for individuals) or primarily conduct your business outside Malaysia or is a
company incorporated outside Malaysia, the Customer is required at all times to
appoint and maintain a Process Service Agent in Malaysia to accept service of all
Legal Process on behalf of the Assignor arising out of or connected to this
Assignment. The Assignor shall not revoke, cancel or withdraw the authority of the
Process Service Agent without having first appointed a new Process Service Agent
and notified the Bank in writing of such appointment and promptly delivering a copy
of the acceptance by the new Process Service Agent of its appointment.

35.3.2 If for any reason whatsoever the Process Service Agent no longer serves as the
Assignor’s Process Service Agent, the Assignor shall be required to immediately
appoint another Process Service Agent and notify the Bank in writing of such
appointment and promptly delivering a copy of the acceptance by the new Process
Service Agent of its appointment.

35.3.3 Service on the Process Service Agent shall be effected in the same manner
specified in Clause 35.1.


This Assignment shall be binding upon the heirs liquidators receivers personal representatives and
successors-in-title of the Assignor and on the successors-in-title and assigns of the Bank except that the
Assignor may not assign its/his rights or obligations herein.


Each of the provisions of this Assignment is severable and distinct from the others and if at any time one
or more of such provision is or becomes invalid illegal or unenforceable, the validity legality and
enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.


It is hereby expressly agreed that without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Bank, the
Bank shall have the right (without being obliged to) at any time without prior notice to debit the
Customer’s and/or the Assignor’s current or other account or accounts with the Bank with all accrued
profit, unpaid instalments of purchase price or principal and profit, overdue trust receipts terms bills,
accepted bills, outstanding in respect of performance guarantees, indemnities, sukuk/bonds, valuation
fees, takaful contribution, fees, commission, charges, taxes, duties, levies, the costs and expenses
referred to in Clauses 2.1 and 10 herein and all other monies due on the Facilities PROVIDED THAT no
such debiting shall be deemed to be a payment of the amount due (except to the extent of any amount in
credit in the Customer’s and/or the Assignor’s current or other account or accounts) or a waiver of any
Event of Default under this Assignment or any other agreement relating to the Facilities. If such debiting
causes the Customer’s account or accounts to be overdrawn and the Customer and/or the Assignor fail to
regularise the accounts within the period as determined by the Bank, such amount shall be payable to the
Bank upon demand.


Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, it is hereby expressly agreed that upon the
occurrence of an Event of Default or breach of any of the provisions in this Assignment or other security
documents by the Customer and/or the Assignor and/or any Security Party, the Bank shall have the right
to exercise concurrently all or any of the remedies available whether by this Assignment or other security
documents or by statute or otherwise, including but not limited to pursuing all remedies and powers
pursuant to this Assignment or other security documents and civil suit to recover Indebtedness, monies
and liabilities outstanding due payable or agreed to be payable by the Customer and/or the Assignor
and/or any Security Party from time to time under or pursuant to this Assignment and/or any of the other
security documents or otherwise in respect of or arising from the Facilities.


The Customer and the Assignor hereby agree that the terms and conditions herein stated shall be in
addition to and not in derogation of any specific agreement or arrangement with regard to each financing
facility now or hereafter from time to time subsisting between the Bank and the Customer or any terms
and conditions that may be specified in any letter(s) (including any letter(s) of offer) given by the Bank to
the Customer from time to time.


A certificate signed by the Manager Acting Manager or any other officer of the Bank as to the monies or
liabilities for the time being due or owing to or incurred by the Bank on account of the Customer and/or
the Assignor shall be conclusive evidence that the balance or amount thereby appearing is due or owing
by the Customer and/or the Assignor for all purposes whatsoever including for purposes of any legal


The Bank and the Group can act in any way they see fit, without consulting the Customer and/or the
Assignor beforehand, if they are served with a court order issued by a court of any jurisdiction. The
Customer and/or the Assignor agree not to hold the Bank or the Group liable for any loss or damage in
connection with their actions.


43.1 The Bank may but is not obliged to conduct bankruptcy/winding up searches or credit related
searches from any credit reference agencies, database or system on any person before and at
any time after the disbursement of any of the Facilities.

43.2 The Customer and the Assignor consent to the Bank carrying out such searches on the
Customer and the Assignor to the extent permitted by law.

43.3 All charges incurred in connection with the above searches will be borne by the Customer
and/or the Assignor.


44.1 The Customer and/or the Assignor are liable to pay for any sales and services tax or any other
taxes or levies which as at the date of this Assignment or at any date subsequent to the date of
this Assignment, is imposed, levied or is required by law to be paid to any body or authority
having jurisdiction over the Bank, in respect of any moneys charged or incurred by the Bank,
during the continuation of the Facilities so long as the Facilities or any part of it remains
outstanding and unpaid.

44.2 Any taxes or levies incurred by the Bank in relation to the Facilities and any other goods or
services provided under the Facilities shall be borne by and charged to the Customer and/or the
Assignor and in the event that the Bank shall effect payment on the Customer and/or the
Assignor’s behalf, the Customer and/or the Assignor shall be liable to reimburse the Bank for
such amounts paid.


The Customer and the Assignor agree that the Bank is not obligated to maintain any records of the
Customer’s account, including but not limited to the Security Documents, transaction documents,
statements of account, correspondences or documents provided to the Bank by the Customer, the
Assignor or any other third party, exceeding any retention period as set out under the Bank’s internal
policies, guidelines and procedures and/or as provided under any applicable laws or regulations of any
country having jurisdiction over the Bank.


The terms and conditions therein the Facility Agreement are hereby incorporated into this Assignment
(with such modifications as are required to render the same applicable to the Assignor) as though set
forth herein at length and shall apply mutatis mutandis hereto. In the event of any conflict between the
provisions of the Facility Agreement and the provisions of this Assignment, the provisions of this
Assignment shall prevail.


This Assignment shall secure the payment by the Customer and/or the Assignor to the Bank of the
Indebtedness in such sum for principal as the aggregate ad valorem stamp duty at any time and from
time to time paid and/or endorsed on the original of the Principal Instrument(s) more particularly
described in the Third Schedule together with all other monies payable by the Customer and/or the
Assignor to the Bank hereunder and the Customer and the Assignor hereby undertake to pay all fees and
expenses incurred in connection with or incidental to the further stamping of this Assignment including
solicitors’ fees (on a solicitor and client basis).

- End of Page –


1) By signing this document you may be liable instead of as well as the Customer for all monies due
and payable by the Customer to the Bank from time to time.
2) You are advised to seek independent legal advice before signing this document.

AS WITNESS WHEREOF both parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year stated in Section
1 of the First Schedule.

*Signed by the Assignor )

in the presence of: )

*The Common Seal of the )

Assignor was hereto affixed )
in the presence of: )

………………………… ……………………………………..
Director Director / Secretary

Signed for and on behalf )

of the Bank by its Attorney )
in the presence of: )

*Delete wherever inappropriate


SECTION 1 : Date of this Assignment

Dated this day of , 20

SECTION 2 : (a) Particulars of the Assignor

(b) Particulars of the Customer

SECTION 3 : Particulars of the Paying Parties

* [For specific contracts]

(please specify)

* [For blanket assignment]

such Government Departments or Ministries, statutory bodies or such other
established and reputable companies or corporations now or from time to time
hereafter acceptable to the Bank.

* Delete wherever inappropriate

SECTION 4 : Particulars of the Contracts

[For specific contract(s)]

The contract constituted by:-
* (a) the issuance by the Paying Party and the acceptance by the Assignor of the
letter of dated the day of , 20 vide Reference No:
, including all appendices and attachments thereto and all other
documents and correspondence incorporated by reference therein issued by
the Paying Party to and duly accepted by the Assignor and including the
formal contract agreement relating thereto to be executed between the
Paying Party and the Assignor subsequent thereto;
* (b) the tenancy/lease/license agreement dated 20 made
between the Assignor and the Paying Party.

* Delete wherever inappropriate

FIRST SCHEDULE – cont’d - Page 2

* (c) The contract dated the day of , 20 vide *Contract/Agreement No:

made between the Paying Party and the Assignor,

including all appendices and attachments thereto and all other documents
and correspondence incorporated by reference therein;

(including any variation, supplement, amendments agreed by parties)

[For blanket assignment]

* Such contract or contracts now or from time to time hereafter in respect of such
works and/or projects now or from time to time hereafter acceptable to the Bank
and/or the tenancy, lease and/or license of such premises or property as is/are
owned or belong to the Company:-
(i) awarded by the respective Paying Party to the Assignor and acceptable to
the Bank, including the letters of award/acceptance constituting such
contracts together with including all appendices and attachments thereto and
all other documents and correspondence incorporated by reference therein
and including the formal contract agreements relating thereto to be executed
by the respective Paying Party and the Assignor subsequent thereto; or
(ii) executed and to be executed between the Assignor and the respective
Paying Party

including all amendments and supplements that may be agreed upon or entered into
between the parties thereto from time to time.

SECTION 5 : Particulars of the Subject Matters of the Contracts

* (To specify the works/tenancy/lease over property)

*@ Such works and/or projects now or from time to time hereafter acceptable to the
Bank and/or the tenancy, lease and/or license of such premises or property as
is/are owned or belong to the Assignor.

Delete wherever inappropriate

@Applicable to a blanket assignment

(Pursuant to Clause 4.2 of the Assignment)

(On the letterhead of the Assignor)


To: [Name and address of the relevant Principal]

Dear Sirs,

Re: Notice of Assignment relating to the [ ] (“the Contract”) in respect of the [


I/We refer to the abovecaptioned Contract.

2. I/We hereby give you notice that by a Deed of Assignment of Contract Proceeds (the
"Assignment") dated the day of , 20 made between me/us and UNITED OVERSEAS BANK
(MALAYSIA) BHD. (Company No. 271809 K) of [place of business of the Bank] ("the Bank"), I/we
assigned absolutely unto the Bank the full and entire of my/our present or future benefits rights title and
interest in and to and under any and all contract sums, advance payments, fees, charges and any other
proceeds and/or other payments (collectively “the Contract Proceeds”) which may at any time and from
time to time be receivable by or payable to me/us from you under or in connection with the Contract,
whether on account of any claims, awards and judgments made or given under or in connection with the
Contract or otherwise howsoever as security for certain financing facilities granted by the Bank to
*{me/us/[name of Customer]}.

3. Under the provisions of the Assignment and I/we hereby irrevocably instruct you as follows:-

(i) you are hereby directed to pay and remit all the Contract Proceeds as referred to in Paragraph 2
above (as and when they become due and payable) falling due and payable to me/us under the
Contract into my/our account vide Account No. [ ] with UNITED OVERSEAS BANK
(MALAYSIA) BHD. (Company No. 271809 K) or such other account prescribed by the Bank (the
“said Account”) on the basis that I/we shall have no further rights to any such payment once it is
duly credited into the said Account; and

(ii) notwithstanding the Assignment, I/we am/are to remain liable to perform all my/our obligations
assumed under the Contract and the Bank is under no liability whatsoever in the event of any
failure by me/us to perform my/our obligations thereunder.

SECOND SCHEDULE – cont’d - Page 2

4. The instructions contained in this Notice are irrevocable and cannot be altered without the prior
written consent in writing of the Bank.

5. Would you please acknowledge receipt of this notice and confirm your agreement to the terms of
the Assignment by signing the Acknowledgement Clause on the duplicate copy of this Notice which is
enclosed herewith and returning the same to me/us for my/our onwards transmission to the Bank.

Yours faithfully,
*[For and on behalf of [ ]]

*[Authorised Signatory(ies)]



(Company No. 271809 K)

I/We hereby acknowledge receipt of the foregoing Notice of Assignment and agree to the terms and
conditions contained above.

Signed *[by/for and on behalf of]

[Name of Principal]

Rubber Stamp:]

* Delete wherever inappropriate


(Pursuant to Clause 47 of the Assignment)


1. For the purpose of Section 4(3) of the Stamp Act, 1949, this Assignment shall be deemed to be
the *Subsidiary and Substitute Instrument.

*2. The following instruments:-

(a) The Facility Agreement dated the day of 20 made between the Bank
and the Customer; and


together with all other charges, documents and agreements created/ executed or to be
created/executed in favour of the Bank to secure the Facilities granted or to be granted to the
Customer by the Bank from time to time and at any time on which ad valorem stamp duty has
been paid and will be paid on the aforesaid instruments or the other charges, documents and
agreements, shall for the purpose of Section 4(3) of the Stamp Act, 1949, be deemed to be the
Principal Instrument(s).

*3 For the purpose of Section 4(3) of the Stamp Act, 1949, the following Facility Agreement/ Deed of
Assignment *is/are the *principal Instrument(s)/Subsidiary Instrument(s):

(hereinafter referred to as “the Existing Assignments”) and it is hereby agreed and declared by
the Customer and the Assignor that the Facilities are granted by the Bank to the Customer upon
the terms and subject to the conditions, stipulations, covenants, undertakings, representations
and warranties contained in this Assignment in lieu of the terms and conditions in the Existing
Assignments and that this Assignment shall be the substituted instrument.

* Delete wherever inappropriate


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