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Page 1 Sample Paper 9 Geography Class 12

Sample Paper 9
Class XII Session 2023-24
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
(i) Question paper is divided into 4 sections A, B, C and D
(ii) In section A question number 1 to 17 are MCQ type questions.
(iii)In section B question number 18-23 are SA type questions (80-100 words). Question 18 and 19 are
Source based questions.
(iv) In section C question number 24 to 28 are Long Answer based questions (120-150 words).
(v) In section D question number 29 and 30 are Map based questions having 5 sub parts.

Section A
1. Which one of the following is a source of noise pollution at harbour?
(a) Heavy traffic at harbour
(b) Noise of aircraft etc., passing over harbour
(c) Loading and unloading activities being carried at harbour
(d) All of the above

2. Arrange the steps followed in ‘slash and burn agriculture’.

(i) The farmers move to a new patch of land and clear it by slashing and burning.
(ii) Vegetation is cut, cleared and set on fire.
(iii) Ashes add to soil fertility and the cleared patch of land is cultivated.
(iv) After harvesting the crop for a few years, the field is abandoned.
Choose the correct option:
(a) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i) (b) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
(c) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii) (d) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)

3. Which one of the following is not a type of wasteland?

(a) Oceans (b) Marshy areas
(c) Barren rocky areas (d) Gullies

4. Which one of the following pairs is not matched correctly regarding land degradation?
Activities Agents of degradation
(a) Land with scrub Both natural and human Agents
(b) Degraded forests Natural Agents
(c) Glaciers Natural Agent
(d) Industrial Wastelands Human Agents

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5. Which one of the following is not included in Bharatmala, which is a proposed umbrella scheme for the
development of roads and highways?
(a) State Roads (b) Longest road of the world
(c) District headquarter connectivity (d) Backward areas, religious and tourist places

6. Basis of International Trade can be categorized into:

(a) Difference in national resources, Population factors, Stage of economic development
(b) Difference in national resources, National boundary, Stage of economic development
(c) National boundary, Population factors, Stage of economic development
(d) Difference in national resources, Population factors, National boundary

7. Which of the following is correctly matched?

Port Location
(a) Ennore kerala
(b) Kandla port Gulf of Kuchchh
(c) Marmagao Port Karnataka
(d) Jawarharlal Nehru port Goa

8. Intensive subsistence agriculture is largely found in______regions of monsoon Asia.

(a) unevenly populated (b) densely populated
(c) thinly populated (d) sparsely populated

9. Which objective of watershed management given below is correct?

I. To create a balance among natural elements as well as in society.
II. To enable the villagers to conserve water for various uses such as drinking, irrigation, fisheries and
(a) Only I (b) Both I and II
(c) Only II (d) None of the above

10. Which of the following is a person who works for atleast 183 days (or six months) in a year?
(a) Marginal worker (b) Cultivator
(c) Agricultural labourer (d) Main worker

11. Which of the following is not an approach in human geography?

(a) Exploration and description (b) Spatial organisation
(c) Quantitative revolution (d) Areal differentiation

12. Assured and speedy transportation, along with efficient communication, promote______.
(a) unity among scattered people in urban areas
(b) cooperation among scattered people in rural areas
(c) cooperation and unity among scattered people

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(d) socialisation among scattered people

13. Assertion (A): The beginning of human geography did not start with the interaction of environment
and human beings.
Reason (R): The concerns of human geography have a long temporal though the approaches to articulate
them have changed over time.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(d) Assertion is true but reason is false.

14. Assertion (A): Water transport is the cheapest means of transport.

Reason (R): It is a fuel efficient and eco-friendly mode of transport.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(d) Assertion is true but reason is false.
Direction : Read the following graph and answer the question no. 15 to 17.

15. What does the map depicts?

(a) Area of nomadic herding (b) Area of commercial livestock rearing
(c) Area of subsistence gathering (d) Area of mixed farming

16. In Arctic, which of the following is the most important livestock?

(a) Yak
(b) Cattle
(c) Reindeer
(d) llamas

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17. Which of the following is the reason for decreasing in the number of pastoral nomads and the area
operated by them?
(a) Imposition of political boundries (b) New settlement plans
(c) Industrial development (d) Both (a) and (b)

Section B
18. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Nuclear energy has emerged as a viable source in recent times. Important minerals used for the
generation of nuclear energy are uranium and thorium. Uranium deposits occur in the Dharwar rocks.
Geographically, uranium ores are known to occur in several locations along the Singbhum Copper belt.
It is also found in Udaipur, Alwar and Jhunjhunu districts of Rajasthan, Durg district of Chhattisgarh,
Bhandara district of Maharashtra and Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Thorium is mainly obtained
from monazite and ilmenite in the beach sands along the coast of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. World’s richest
monazite deposits occur in Palakkad and Kollam districts of Kerala, near Vishakhapatnam in Andhra
Pradesh and Mahanadi river delta in Odisha.
Atomic Energy Commission was established in 1948, progress could be made only after the establishment
of the Atomic Energy Institute at Trombay in 1954 which was renamed as the Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre in 1967. The important nuclear power projects are Tarapur. (Maharashtra), Rawatbhata near
Kota (Rajasthan), Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu), Narora (Uttar Pradesh), Kaiga (Karnataka) and Kakrapar
When the magma from the interior of Earth, comes out on the surface, tremendous heat is released. This
heat energy can successfully be tapped and converted to electrical energy. Apart from this, the hot water
that gushes out through the geyser wells is also used in the generation of thermal energy. It is popularly
known as geothermal energy.
This energy is now considered to be one of the key energy sources which can be developed as an
alternate source. The hot springs and geysers are being used since Medieval period.
In India, a geothermal energy plant has been commissioned at Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh.
Question :
(i) Thorium is obtained from which mineral?
(ii) Which source of energy is renewable in nature?
(iii) In which region, the deposits of copper were found?

19. Observe the given graph and answer the following questions.

(i) Which category of land has recorded maximum increase in area from 1950 to 2015?
(ii) Which category of land has recorded maximum decline in area from 1950 to 2015?
(iii) What could be reason behind decrease in area and wasteland ?
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20. What are the major problems associated with road transport in the world?

21. What is possibilism? Describe with examples.

22. Discuss major components of population growth in India and its features.
What were the reason behind slow growth rate of population at phase IV in India?

23. What is slash and burn agriculture? Write any three harmful effects of this type of agriculture.
“Human beings have loosened the shackles of nature and nature has been humanised”. Explain.
Section C
24. Why does 90% of world population lives in about 10% of its total area, whereas 10% population reside
in 90% of land area?

25. Discuss two major ferrous minerals found in India and describe their major characteristics.
How is non-conventional source of energy a viable alternative for India’s energy needs?

26. What are the major characteristics of subsistence agriculture?

27. What is the reason for inter-state water disputes? Give some examples of such disputes.
“Punjab and Haryana states have adequate water resources, but ground water table has gone lower.”
Analyse this statement.

28. Briefly explain importance of ‘water shed management and rainwater harvesting’ in India.

Section D
29. On the political map of India, locate and label any five of the following with appropriate symbols.
(i) A bauxite mine in MP
(ii) A city with more than 10 million population in Tamil Nadu
(iii) A leading producer of jute
(iv) An oil refinery
(v) An iron-ore mine in Chhattisgarh
(vi) A coal mine in Tamil Nadu
(vii) State with highest population density

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30. On the given political map of the world, the following seven features are shown. Identify any five of
these features and write their correct names on the lines marked near each feature.
(i) Largest country in Asia (ii) An area of extensive commercial grain farming
(iii) An area under nomadic herding (iv) An area of mixed farming
(v) An area of nomadic herding (vi) A major seaport
(vii) A major seaport in South America


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