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Introduction to

tropical fish
stock assessment
Part 1: Manual

Introduction to FAO
tropical fish PAPER

stock assessment 306/1

Part I: Manual Rev. 2

Per Sparre
Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
Charlottenlund, Denmark
Siebren C. Venema
Project Manager
FAO Fisheries Department


Rome, 1998
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this
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ISBN 92-5-103996-8

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

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00100 Rome, Italy.

© FAO 1998

The first edition of the manual "Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment" was prepared
by the FAO/DANIDA project "Training in fish stock assessment and fisheries research
planning" (GCP/INT/392/DEN) for use in a series of regional and national training courses
on fish stock assessment.

In 1984 the author, Per Sparre, was asked to write it on the basis of lecture notes and case
studies prepared by the team of lecturers engaged in the courses. The first edition was printed
in July 1985 in Manila, the Philippines, and distributed by the project through the Network
of Tropical Fisheries Scientists of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources
Management (ICLARM) and training courses.

In 1989 the manual underwent a thorough revision by Mr. P. Sparre, Dr. E. Ursin, former
Director of the Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research, and Mr. S.C. Venema.
This version was published in 1989 as FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 306.1 (Manual) and
306.2 (Exercises).

In 1991, when the stock was nearly exhausted, it was decided to undertake another thorough
revision, placing emphasis on didactical aspects, correction of errors and at the same time,
cross referencing with the computer program FiSAT (F AO/ICLARM Stock Assessment
Tools) that had been developed in the meantime.

In 1994 Dr. Ursin prepared new texts to replace sections that had proven to be inadequate
and partly to add new examples and some extensions to the methods contained in the manual.
These new texts can be found in Section 2.6: Bhattacharya method, Section 3.4: Comparison
of growth curves, phi prime, Section 5.2: Cohort analysis with several fleets, Section 6.2:
Estimation of gill net selection, Section 8.3: Mean age and size in the yield, Section 8.6:
Short and long-term prediction and parts of Section 8.7: Length-based Thompson and Bell

The opportunity was used to revise the documents again, at the same time correcting errors
pointed out by translators and users, whose contributions are gratefu11y acknowledged.

It should be noted that new figures, tables and formulas have been assigned new unique
numbers, which do not overlap with any of the deleted numbers used in previous versions.
The figures were partly revised in Chile by Messrs. P. Arana and A. Nunez. Typing and
word processing was taken care of by Ms. Jane Ugilt in Denmark.

Similar versions have already appeared in Portuguese and Spanish and will appear in
Indonesian and Thai.

Earlier versions have been translated into Chinese, French and Vietnamese.

- III -
Sparre, P.; Venema, S.C.
Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part 1. Manual.
FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 306.1, Rev. 2.
Rome, FAO. 1998. 407p.


In Part 1, Manual, a selection of methods on fish stock assessment is described in

detail, with examples of calculations. Special emphasis is placed on methods based
on the analysis of length-frequencies. After a short introduction to statistics, it covers
the estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates, virtual population methods,
including age-based and length-based cohort analysis, gear selectivity, sampling,
prediction models, including Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model and
Thompson and Bell's model, surplus production models, multi species and multifleet
problems, the assessment of migratory stocks, a discussion on stock/recruitment rela-
tionships and demersal trawl surveys, including the swept-area method. The manual
is completed with a review of stock assessment, where an indication is given of
methods to be applied at different levels of availability of input data, a review of
relevant computer programs produced by or in cooperation with FAO, and a list of
references, including material for further reading.

In Part 2, Exercises, a number of exercises is given with solutions. The exercises

are directly related to the various chapters and sections of the manual.


Participants at courses on Fish Stock Assessment organized by projects GCP/INT/392/DEN
and GCP/INT/575/DEN

New members of ICLARM's Network of Tropical Fisheries Scientists

Institutes specialised in Tropical Fish Stock Assessment
Institutes of Fisheries Education
Marine and Inland Selectors
FAO Regional Offices and Representatives

- iv -



1.3 MODELS 5
1.3.1 Analytical models 7
1.3.2 Holistic models 9



3.1.1 Variability and applicability of growth parameters51
3.1.2 The weight-based von Bertalanffy growth equation 52
3.2.1 Data from age readings and length measurements 53
3.2.2 Length composition data (without age compositions) 60
3.2.3 Data from commercial catches 60
3.3.1 The Gulland and Holt plot 62
3.3.2 The Ford-Walford plot and Chapman's method 64
3.3.3 The von Bertalanffy plot 66
3.3.4 The least squares method 68
3.4.1 Bhattacharya's method 80
3.4.2 Modal progression analysis 94
3.4.3 The probability paper and parabola methods 102
3.5.1 ELEFAN I 105
3.5.2 The seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth equation 109

-v -

3.5.3 Maximum likelihood methods 110

3.5.4 Limitations of length-frequency analysis 114


4.3. 1 Heincke' s method 130
4.3.2 Robson and Chapman's method 131
4.4.1 The constant parameter system 132
4.4.2 The linearized catch curve equation 133
4.4.3 The linearized catch curve based on age composition data 134
4.4.4 The linearized catch curve based on age compositions with
variable time intervals 137
4.4.5 The linearized catch curve based on length composition data 138
4.4.6 The cumulated catch curve based on length composition data
(The Jones and van Zalinge method) 142
4.4.7 Summary of the linearized catch curve methods 144
4.5.1 Beverton and Holt's Z-equation based on length data 148
4.5.2 Beverton and Holt's Z-equation based on age data 149
4.5.3 Beverton and Holt's Z-equation based on length-at-first-capture 150
4.5.4 The Powell-Wetherall method 150
OF F AND M 153
4.7.1 Natural mortality and longevity 156
4.7.2 Pauly's empirical formula 157
4.7.3 Rikhter and Efanov's formula 158




6.2.1 Symmetrical selection curves 188
6.2.2 The product of two logistic curves 196
6.4.1 Knife-edge selection 201
6.4.2 Recruitment and selectivity 202
6.4.3 Selectivity as a function of age 203

- VI -


6.6.1 Gear selectivity and fishing mortality 209
6.6.2 Estimation of selection curves from cohort analysis 210





9.4.1 Validation of estimates of MSY based on empirical formulas 290



10.4.1 A yield per recruit model for mixed fisheries 302
10.4.2 Assessment of mixed fisheries based on length-frequency data 304
10.4.3 Multifleet mixed fisheries 306

- VII -


11.3.1 Estimation of growth parameters by the annual-return
matched samples method 318








15.1.1 Length-frequency (LF) programs 357
15.1.2 Age/length analysis: estimation of growth parameters from
age/length data 361
15.1.3 Miscellaneous programs 361
BY FAO 365
15.4.1 The ANACO package 365
15.4.2 The ANALEN package 365
15.4.3 BEAM 1 and BEAM 2 365
15.4.4 BEAM 3 365
15.4.5 BEAM 4 366
15.4.6 The NAN-SIS package 366
15.4.7 CLIMPROD 366

- Vlll -

16. REFERENCES....................................... 367

SUBJECT INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393









- ix -

1: Length-weight relationship 38
2: Linearization of a normal distribution 41
3: Age/length composition data from a single survey . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4: Age/length composition data from multiple surveys 57
5: The use of age/length keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6: Estimating K and Loo with the Gulland and Holt plot 62
7: Estimating K and to with the von Bertalanffy plot 67
8: Estimating the age of species from temperate waters 69
9: Estimating the age of coral trout, a tropical species 70
10: A Bhattacharya analysis of a constructed data set 81
11: Modal progression analysis, based on the data of Example 4 94
12: The application of ELEFAN I to the coral trout data (Ex. 9) 105
13: Catch curve with constant time intervals, North Sea whiting . . . . . . . . . . .. 134
14: Catch curve based on length composition data, Upeneus vittatus . . . . . . . . .. 141
15: The Jones and van Zalinge method, Upeneus viuatus 143
16: The Powell-Wetherall method 151
17: Estimation of M and q of a"tropical fish 153
18: Virtual population analysis (VPA), North Sea whiting " 160
19: Pope's cohort analysis, North Sea whiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168
19a: Cohort analysis for successive year classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 170
20: Jones' length-based cohort analysis, hake, Senegal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 173
20a: Slicing technique applied to the same data on hake from
Senegal as used in Example 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 183
21: Covered codend experiment, Nemipterus japonicus, South China Sea 185
22: Selection curves for tilapia in Lake Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 190
22a: Estimation of combined selection of several gillnets for a cichlid in Lake Kariba 194
23: Estimation of the resultant selection ogive from a catch curve, hypothetical data 205
24: Using a selection curve to adjust the length-frequency sample of Table 6.5.1 . . 213
25: Stratified random sampling 221
26: Stratified random sampling, considering costs 222
27: Sampling scheme for a tropical demersal fishery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
28: Y/R as a function of F, for a tropical species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
29: Age-based Thompson and Bell analysis, tropical shrimp 256
29a: Short-term and long-term predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
30: Length-based Thompson and Bell analysis, hake, Senegal 273
31: Schaefer and Fox models, demersal fish, Java Sea 281
32: Summation of effort for different effort units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

-x -


A. Symbols used in formulas for fish stock assessment

A attrition rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.5

a swept area (effective path swept by a trawl) 13.5
ASP available sum of peaks (ELEFAN) .. . . . . . . . . . .. 3.5
b constant in length-weight relationship W = q*Lb 2.6
B biomass 8.6
Bv virgin (unexploited) biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.3, 9.1
B/R biomass per recruit 8.2
C catch in numbers (VPA) 5.0
C(t, 00) cumulated catch (from age t to maximum age) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.4
C amplitude (0-1) (ELEFAN) 3.5
Co fixed costs of a sampling programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.2
CPDA catch per unit of area .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13.6
CPUE catch per unit of effort 4.3, 9.0, 9.5
D number of natural deaths (VPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.0
D50% deselection, length at which 50% is nor caught. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.2
dL interval size of length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.1
E fishing effort 7.4
E exploitation rate (F/Z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4
ESP explained sum of peaks (ELEFAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5
f fishing effort 4.3
F fishing mortality coefficient or instantaneous rate (per time unit) 4.2
Fm maximum fishing mortality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6
F-array array of F-at-age, fishing pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1
F-factor multiplication factor of F (Thompson and Bell), X 8.6
G natural mortality factor in Pope's cohort analysis 5.2
H natural mortality factor in Jones' length-based cohort analysis. 5.3
I separation index . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.5
K curvature parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3. 1
KO index of metabolic rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.4
L length general
L1-L2 length class '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . general
L1,L2 from length L1 to length L2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . general
Loo or Loo L infinity, asymptotic length (mean length of very old fish) . . . . .. 3.1
L' some length for which all fish of that length and larger are under
full exploitation (lower limit of corresponding length interval) 4.5
Lc average length of the entire catch . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4.5
Lc or L50% length at which 50% of the fish is retained by the gear
and 50 % escape . 4.5
L75% or L75 length at which 75 % of the fish is retained in the gear 6.1
Lm optimum length for being caught . 6.2
m = K/Z . 8.4
M natural mortality coefficient or instantaneous rate of natural
mortality or natural mortality rate (per time unit) 4.1, 4.7
MSE Maximum Sustainable Economic Yield 8.7
MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield 1.1,4.5,8.2,9.1-9.7,13.7

- Xl -

N number of survivors (VPA) . 4.1, 5.0

N(t) number of survivors of a cohort attaining age t . 4.1
N(Tr) number of recruits to the fishery ..... 4.1
N average numbers of survivors of a cohort . 4.2
4>' (Phi prime), In K + 2*ln LCXl . 3.4
q condition factor, constant in length-weight relationship 2.6, 3.1
q catchability coefficient . 4.3, 4.6, 9.2
R recruitment, number of recruits, N(Tr) 4.1
S survival rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4.2
SF selection factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1
SL or S(L) logistic curve (length-based gear selectivity) 6.1
St or Set) logistic curve (age-based gear selectivity) .. 6.4
SI and S2 constants in the formula for the length-based logistic curve 6.1
SR reversed logistic curve .... . . . . . . . . 6.2
SIR stock recruitment relationship . 12.0
t time (usually in years) . general
t' some age for which all fish of that age and older are under
full exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5
t mean age of all fish of age t' and older . 4.5
T ambient temperature in °C . 4.7
Tc age-at-first-capture (start of exploited phase) 4.1
Tm longevity (maximum age) . 4.7
Tm50% age of massive maturation (50% of population mature) 4.7
to t-zero, initial condition parameter (in years) 3.1
Tr age-at-recruitment to the fishery .. 4.1
ts summerpoint (0-1) (ELEFAN) . 3.5
tw winterpoint (0-1) (ELEFAN) . 3.5
tSO% age at which 50 % of the fish is retained in the gear
(Thompson and Bell) . 6.4
Tl and T2 constants in the formula for the age-based logistic curve 6.4
U l-Lc/LCXl . . 8.4
v average price (Thompson and Bell) . . . . . 8.6
V value (Thompson and Bell) . 8.6
VPA Virtual Population Analysis . 5.0
w weight (usually of one specimen) . general
W CXlor WCXl weight infinity, asymptotic weight
(W infinity, mean weight of very old fish) 3.1
x multiplication factor of F (Thompson and Bell) 8.6
y year (usually as an index) . 8.6
Y yield (catch in weight) . 8.2, 8.6
Y/R yield per recruit (Beverton and Holt) . 8.2
(Y/R)' relative yield per recruit (Beverton and Holt) 8.4
Z total mortality coefficient, instantaneous rate of total mortality
or total mortality rate (per time unit) . 4.2

- xii -
B: Mathematical notation (general)

* multiplication sign

/ division sign

In natural logarithm (base e = 2.7182818)

log 10 based logarithm

exp(x) or eX exponential function, exp(x) = eX

L: X(i) sum of all values of XCi), for i from 1 to n; the sum
i=l X(I) + X(2) + ...+ X(n)
J or ~ square root

00 infinity

delta x, a small increment of the variable X

MAX{X(j)} maximum value among the elements in the set

j {X(j)} = {X(1),X(2), ... X(j), ... }

X mean value of x

x(i,j) i,j indices of x (usually printed as Xi)

7r pi = 3.14159

a < b a smaller than b

a > b a greater than b

a=> b a greater than or equal to b

tanh hyperbolic tangent

- XIII -
c. Statistical notation

y = a+b*x linear regression

a intercept of ordinary regression
a' intercept of functional regression
b slope of ordinary regression
b' slope of functional regression
E (epsilon) maximum relative error
f degrees of freedom
F observed frequency
Fc calculated or theoretical frequency
n number of observation
r correlation coefficient
sNn standard error
s standard deviation
s2 variance
sa standard deviation of the intercept (a)
sa2 variance of the intercept (a)
sb standard deviation of the slope (b)
sb2 variance of the slope (b)
sx standard deviation of the independent variable (x)
sx2 variance of the independent variable (x)
sxy covariance
six relative standard deviation or coefficient of variation
sy standard deviation of the dependent variable (y)
sy2 variance deviation of the dependent variable (y)
tf quantil of t distribution (Student's) for f degrees of freedom
x independent variable
x mean value of x
y dependent variable

- xiv -

Several excellent textbooks and manuals dealing with fish stock assessment explain the theory
behind the various models and methods, including the mathematical derivation of formulas
(see for example Gulland, 1969 and 1983 and Csirke, 1980a). The problem is that from such
manuals the novice fishery scientists can usually not derive the precise instructions needed
to perform each analysis. Where experienced scientists are available such instructions can
easily be provided on-the-job and through participation in working group meetings. However,
there are still many countries where such a transfer is not possible. This manual is an attempt
to document that part of the instructions that is usually transferred through on-the-job
training. It concentrates on the application of methods, while less attention is given to detailed
explanations of the theory behind them.

With the help of this manual the fishery scientist should be able to make a start with data
analyses and building up the necessary skills and insight in solving stock assessment
problems. After this initial step it should be easier to access more complex textbooks.

Stock assessment of tropical resources has developed rapidly in the last decade in particular
through the work of Pauly (1979, 1980, 1984), Saila and Roedel (1980), Pauly and David
(1981), Garcia and Le Reste (1981) and Munro (1983), but also because of the rapid
development of microcomputer hard- and software. This manual is intended to further
contribute to this development and for that reason emphasis has been placed on those methods
which are particularly useful in tropical areas, while most of the examples given are based
on tropical stocks.

The rapid introduction of special software for fish stock assessment, in particular that based
on length-frequency data, such as the packages FiSAT (Gayanilo et al., 1995), COMPLEAT
ELEFAN (Gayanilo, Soriano and Pauly, 1988) and LFSA (Sparre , 1987) also means that
inexperienced fishery scientists may be placed in a position where they are using methods and
models without fully realising the limitations of each method. The present manual should
provide the necessary background knowledge on the methods to the users of the software
mentioned above. This does not mean that this manual is directly related to computers. On
the contrary, every method and exercise can be applied with the help of a good,
programmable scientific pocket calculator. Further details on the use of this manual in
training courses can be found in Venema, Christensen and Pauly (1988a).


The basic purpose of fish stock assessment is to provide advice on the optimum exploitation
of aquatic living resources such as fish and shrimp. Living resources are limited but
renewable, and fish stock assessment may be described as the search for the exploitation level
which in the long run gives the maximum yield in weight from the fishery.

Fig. 1.1.1 illustrates this basic objective of fish stock assessment. On the horizontal axis is
the fishing effort measured, for example, in number of boat days fished. On the other axis
is the yield, i.e. the landings in weight. (If the landings consist of different groups of animals,
for example shrimp, finfish and squid, it may be more appropriate to express the yield in
terms of value.) It shows that up to a certain level we gain by increasing the fishing effort,
but after that level the renewal of the resource (the reproduction and the body growth) cannot
keep pace with the removal caused by fishing, and a further increase in exploitation level
leads to a reduction in yield.

- (-
The fishing effort level which in the long term gives the highest yield is indicated by FMSY
and the corresponding yield is indicated by "MSY", which stands for "Maximum Sustainable
Yield". The phrase "in the long term" is used because one may achieve a high yield in one
year by suddenly increasing the effort, but then meager years will follow, because the
resource has been fished down. Normally, we are not aiming at such single years with
maximum yield, but at a fishing strategy which gives the highest steady yield year after year.


Fig. 1.1.1 The basic objective of fish stock assessment


When describing the dynamics of an exploited aquatic resource, a fundamental concept is that
of the "stock".

A stock is a sub-set of a "species", which is generally considered as the basic taxonomic unit.
A prerequisite for the identification of stocks is the ability to distinguish between different
species. Because of the great number of different, but often similar, species observed in
tropical fisheries their identification can be problematic. The fishery scientist, however, must
master the techniques of species identification if any meaningful fish stock assessment is to
come out of the data collected. An aid to solve problems in species identification is provided
by the "FAD species identification sheets for fishery purposes" (Fischer, 1978; Fischer and
Bianchi, 1984; Fischer, Bianchi and Scott, 1981; Fischer and Hureau, 1985; Fischer,
Schneider and Bauchot, 1987; Fischer and Whitehead, 1974) and in the uFAO species
catalogues" (Allen, 1985; Carpenter, 1988; Carpenter and Allen, 1989; Cohen et al., 1990;
Colette and Nauen, 1983; Compagno, 1984 and 1984a; Holthuis, 1980 and 1990; Marquez,
1990; Nakamura, 1985; Roper, Sweeney and Nauen, 1984; Russell, 1990; Whitehead, 1985,
Whitehead, Nelson and Wongratana, 1988).

By a "stock" we mean a sub-set of one species having the same growth and mortality
parameters, and inhabiting a particular geographical area.

To this definition we can add that stocks are discrete groups of animals which show little
mixing with the adjacent groups. One essential feature is that the growth and mortality

- 2 -
parameters remain constant over the distribution area of a stock, so that we can use them for
making assessments.

This definition may be too superficial for the taste of many biologists, and in the following
paragraphs a few more aspects of the stock concept are mentioned.

A group of animals for which the geographical limits can be defined may be considered a
"stock" in terms of fish stock assessment. Such a group of animals should belong to the same
race within the species, i.e., share a common gene pool. For species showing little migratory
behaviour (mainly demersal species) it is easier to identify a stock than for highly migratory
species, such as tunas.

A definition of the term "stock" acceptable to everyone with an interest in intraspecific

grouping may be unattainable. For reviews of the stock concept see Booke (1981), Ihssen ei
al. (1981) and MacLean and Evans (1981).

Cushing (1968) defines a fish stock as one that has a single spawning ground to which the
adults return year after year. Larkin (1972) defines a stock as "a population of organisms
which, sharing a common gene pool, is sufficiently discrete to warrant consideration as a self-
perpetuating system which can be managed" , while Ihssen et al. (1981) define a stock as "an
intraspecific group of randomly mating individuals with temporal or spatial integrity".

Ricker (1975) defines a fish stock as "the part of a fish population which is under
consideration from the point of view of actual or potential utilization". This definition reflects
a completely different approach to the stock concept. In this manual we will not follow this
definition at all, but will adhere to the biological approach given above.

Perhaps the most suitable definition in the context of fish stock assessment was given by
Gulland (1983) who stated that for fisheries management purposes the definition of a "unit
stock" is an operational matter, i.e., a sub-group of a species can be treated as a stock if
possible differences within the group and interchanges with other groups can be ignored
without making the conclusions reached invalid.

This means that it is preferable to start by making stock assessments over the entire area of
distribution of a species, as long as there are no indications that separate unit stocks exist in
that area. If it becomes clear that the growth and mortality parameters differ significantly in
various parts of the area of distribution of the species, then it will be necessary to assess the
species on a stock by stock basis. The identification of separate stocks is a complex matter,
which usually requires many years of data collection and analysis.

Fish stock assessment should be made for each stock separately. The results may (or may not)
subsequently be pooled into an assessment of a multispecies fishery. Therefore, the input data
must be available for each stock of each species considered. The stock concept is closely
related to the concepts of growth and mortality parameters. The "growth parameters" are
numerical values in an equation by which we can predict the body size of a fish when it
reaches a certain age. The "mortality parameters" reflect the rate at which the animals die,
i.e., the number of deaths per time unit. The mortality parameters considered in this manual
are the "fishing mortality", which reflects the deaths created by fishing and the "natural
mortality", which accounts for all other causes of death (predation, disease, etc.).

An essential characteristic of a stock is that its growth and mortality parameters remain
constant throughout its area of distribution. Let us, as an example, partition that area into two
parts, sub-areas A and B:

Sub-area <-------- Sub-area
A ------------> B

The growth and mortality parameters must be the same in sub-areas A and B, or in other

1) The animals in sub-area A must have the same body growth rate as the animals in
sub-area B

2) The animals in sub-area A must have the same probability of death as the animals
in sub-area B

If fishing takes place only in sub-area A, it is assumed that each individual fish in the stock
has the same probability of being encountered in sub-area A and thereby also that it has the
same probability of being caught. The individuals are supposed to move freely between the
two sub-areas.

In order to determine whether a species forms one or more distinct stocks, we should
examine its spawning areas, growth and mortality parameters and morphological and genetic
characteristics. We should also compare the fishing patterns in various areas and carry out
tagging studies. The process is complicated, and often it is not possible with the knowledge
in hand to determine whether there are several stocks of that species or not. There are two
main reasons for failing to define a stock properly:

1) The full distribution area of the stock is not covered, so that only a part of the stock
is considered, or the opposite

2) Several independent stocks are lumped together, for example because their areas of
distribution overlap

Several countries may exploit the same stock. This is the case for many migratory stocks,
e.g. tunas. It sometimes happens that a country assesses such a "shared stock" as if it were
a national stock only exploited by that country. On the other hand, a fishery of a single
country may exploit several independent stocks. Coral reef fish stocks may fall in this cate-

Fig. 1.2.1 illustrates those two cases. In part I, we consider a fish stock, of which the
distribution area is indicated by a full line. It is exploited by three countries, A, Band C, and
we look at the stock definition from the point of view of the island country C. The broken
lines show the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) of each country, i.e. the national jurisdiction
over fisheries. The dotted area indicates the fishing area of country C and the hatched areas
those of countries A and B. From this it can be seen that if country C would base its
assessment on the assumption that the unit stock is limited to its own fishing area, thus
ignoring the fisheries of countries A and B, it is likely to draw wrong conclusions. If, for
example, countries A and B have intensive fisheries on the stock in question so that it is over-
exploited (i.e. a reduction of the fishing intensity would increase the yield) there is little
country C can do on its own to improve the situation. From the assessment based on the
assumption of a stock limited to country C's waters, country C may conclude that the stock
is over-exploited and it may introduce management measures to reduce fishing. However, the
expected effect of the management measures will not materialize, if countries A and B do not
follow country C.

-4 -


... '"

--- EEZ

Fig. 1.2.1 Distributions of stocks related to management problems

Part II of Fig. 1.2.1 illustrates the case where one fishery exploits several stocks. In this case
the assessment becomes that of the average stock, since it will be impossible to separate the
catches by stocks. If the fishing effort expended is similar for each stock, the result of the
assessment should come out correctly. However, there may also be difficulties in this case.
Suppose that the three stocks currently fished (1, 2 and 3) are heavily overfished, and that
the fishery is expanded to include the unexploited stock 4. In that case the average catch rate
will increase and this might lead to wrong conclusions regarding the status of stocks 1, 2 and 3.

Nearly all exploited marine organisms undertake migrations, for example to their spawning
grounds. A basic key to an understanding of stock structures is the knowledge of migration
routes. This can be obtained from tagging experiments, but also from data and information
provided by the commercial fisheries. Often the fishermen know where the spawning grounds
are and they know where the high concentrations of fish are found at different times of the

Some general conclusions may be drawn from the above. Firstly it is usually safer to assume
that species in neighbouring fishing areas form one unit stock than to consider each separate
fishery to exploit its own unit stock. Further, it is evident that proper assessments can only
be carried out when the biology of the species, including its migrations, spawning habits etc. ,
is fully understood. Fish stocks are not bound by human geographical limits and this means
that proper assessments can only be made when such limits can be ignored through interstate
or international cooperation.

1.3 MODElS

A description of a fishery consists of three basic elements:

1) the input (the fishing effort, e.g. the number of fishing days)

2) the output (the fish landed) and

3) the processes which link input and output (the biological processes and the fishing

Fish stock assessment aims at describing those processes, the link between input and output
and the tools used for that are called "models". A model is a simplified description of the
links between input data and output data. It consists of a series of instructions on how to
.perform calculations and it is constructed on the basis of what we can observe or measure,
such as for example fishing effort and landings.

The actual processes which go from a certain number of days fishing with a certain number
of boats to a certain number of fish being landed are extremely complicated. However, the
basic principles are usually well understood, so that by processing the input data by aid of
models we can predict the output.


observation model observation

A model is a good one if it can predict the output with a reasonable precision. However,
since it is a simplification of reality it will rarely (and only by chance) be exact.

The instructions for the calculations that make up the model are given in the form of
mathematical equations. These are composed of three elements: "variables", "parameters"
and "operators". For example, the mathematical equation:

y = 2.5 + 3*x

has the variables y and x, the parameters 2.5 and 3 and the operators "+" and "*" The
equation is used to predict the value of y for some value of x.




Analyses of historical data

PROCESS: Predictions of yield for a range of
alternative exploitation levels


Fig. General flow-chart for fish stock assessment

Fish stock assessment involves five basic steps as illustrated in Fig. The first step
is to collect data on the fishery, the INPUT to the assessment, which often have to be
supplemented by assumptions or qualified guesses. Then we process the data by applying a
model to estimate the growth and mortality parameters, the OUTPUT from the processing
of "the historical data". (The term "historical" is used to distinguish it from the subsequent
process, the prediction of future yield.) This prediction is based on the previous OUTPUT
(= INPUT) and on a model, and the prediction is repeated for a series of alternative options.
(Such options could be, for example, a fishing effort reduction of 10%,20% and 30%, no
change in fishing effort or a fishing effort increase of 10%, 20% and 30%.) Among the
alternative assumptions the best one is eventually selected as the final OUTPUT. The original
INPUT data may be research survey data, data from samples drawn from the commercial
fisheries or a combination of both.

Two main groups of fish stock assessment models are covered in this manual: "holistic
models" and "analytical models". The simple holistic models use fewer population parameters
than the analytical models. They consider a fish stock as a homogeneous biomass and do not
take into account, for example, the length or age-structure of the stock. The analytical models
are based on a more detailed description of the stock and they are more demanding in terms
of quality and quantity of the input data. On the other hand, as a compensation, they are also
believed to give more reliable predictions.

The type of model to be used depends on the quality and quantity of input data. If data are
available for an advanced analytical model then such a model should be used, while the
simple models should be reserved for situations when data are limited. We are often in the
situation where a complete set of input data for an analytical approach is not available, but
where the available data exceed the demand of the simple models. As an alternative to using
simple models in this case, the lacking input data can be replaced by assumptions or qualified
guesswork. Often, the lacking parameter for a particular stock can be replaced by known
parameters from another, similar stock.

1.3.1 Analytical models

A basic feature of analytical models as developed by, among others, Baranov (1914),
Thompson and Bell (1934) and Beverton and Holt (1956), is that they require the age
composition of catches to be known. For example, the number of one year old fish caught,
the number of two year old fish caught, etc. may form the input data.

The basic ideas behind the analytical models may be expressed as follows:

1) If there are "too few old fish" the stock is overfished and the fishing pressure on
the stock should be reduced

2) If there are "very many old fish" the stock is underfished and more fish should be
caught in order to maximize the yield

(Some suggestions for more exact definitions of the term "overfishing" are given in Chapter 8).

The analytical models are "age-structured models" working with concepts such as mortality
rates and individual body growth rates.

The basic concept in age-structured models is that of a "cohort". To put it simply, a "cohort"
of fish is a group of fish all of the same age belonging to the same stock. (We shall further

-7 -
elaborate on the definition of a cohort in Chapter 4.) For example, a cohort of the threadfin
bream, (Nemipterus marginatusy could be all the fish of that species that hatched from June
to August in 1976 near Tanjung Pinang in the South China Sea. Suppose there were one
million specimens in that cohort. After August 1976 the original one million fish would
gradually decrease in number because of deaths due to natural causes (predation, diseases,
etc.) or fishing. However, while the number of survivors of the cohort decreases with time
the average individual body length and body weight increase.

Fig. shows an (hypothetical) example of the dynamics of a cohort, in the form of
plots against age of the number of survivors (A), body length (B), body weight (C) and total
biomass (D). Curve A shows the decay in the number of survivors as a function of the age
of the cohort. Curve B shows how the average body length increases as the cohort grows
older. Curve C shows the corresponding body weight, while curve D is a plot of the total
biomass of the cohort, i.e. the number of survivors times the average body weight against the
age of the cohort.

Note that curve D has a maximum (at age AI). Thus, to get the (hypothetical) maximum
yield in weight from that cohort all fish should be caught exactly when the cohort has reached
age AI. This, of course, is not possible in practice. However, you may say that the goal of
fish stock assessment is to manage fisheries in such a way that catches come as close as
possible to this theoretical maximum.

number of survivors
N (thousands)

body length
L (em)


body wei~t
W = q*L (kg) i ;w:!;/>:rltccc<~ii(

biomass 10

N*W (tonnes) 4Q


o 13456 71t

age or cohort

Fig. The dynamics or a cohort

The implication is that the fish should neither be caught too young nor too old. If the fish are
caught too young there is "growth overfishing" of the stock.

There are thus two major elements in describing the dynamics of a cohort:

1) The average body growth in length and weight

2) The death process

Both elements will be dealt with in greater detail in Chapters 3 and 4 respectively.

1.3.2 Holistic models

In situations where data are limited, for example, when starting up the exploitation of an
hitherto unexploited resource, or in cases of limited capability of sampling, one may not have
input data of the quality and in the quantity required for an analytical model. One solution
would be to start up the collection of the data types required for the analytical approach and
then wait until a sufficient amount is available. This approach is, of course, recommendable,
because it solves the problem in the long run, but that may take years, while often advice on
an exploitation or development strategy may be needed now. The approach taken in this
manual is that no matter which type of data you have, there is always some information to
be extracted from it, and that advice based on an analysis of a limited data set is usually
better than complete guesswork.

In order to cover such data-limited situations, some simple holistic, less data demanding
methods have been included in the manual. These methods disregard many of the details of
the analytical models. They do not use age or length structures in the description of the
stocks, but consider a stock as a homogeneous biomass.

Two types of simple methods are presented, namely the "swept area method" (in Chapter 13)
and the "surplus production model" (in Chapter 9).

The swept area method is based on research trawl survey catches per unit of area. From the
densities of fish observed (the weight of the fish caught in the area swept by the trawl) we
obtain an estimate of the biomass in the sea from which an estimate of the MSY is obtained.
This method is rather imprecise and it predicts only the order of magnitude of MSY.




Fig. Surplus production model

-9 -
The surplus production methods use catch per unit of effort (for example kg of fish caught
per hour trawling) as input. The data usually represent a time series of years and usually stem
from sampling the commercial fishery. The models are based on the assumption that the
biomass of fish in the sea is proportional to the catch per unit of effort as shown in Fig. An estimate of the yield is obtained by multiplying effort by catch per unit of effort.


The literature on fishery biology dealing with species in temperate zones is extensive
compared to that on tropical fisheries. The major part of the literature on tropical fish stock
assessment was published recently. As will appear in the following chapters of the manual,
this can partly be attributed to the fact that tropical resources are somewhat more complex
than those of temperate waters.

The present manual has the word "tropical" in its title. Although the methods described in
the manual resemble those used in temperate waters, there are special features which justify
the use of the word "tropical". Perhaps the most conspicuous difference between fish stock
assessment in tropical waters and temperate waters lies in the nature of the basic input data
rather than in the models.

For the analytical models we need the number of fish caught of each age group as input. In
temperate waters stock assessment methods used are heavily dependent on the fortunate fact
that ages of fish can be readily determined by "ageing" them. Ageing is most often done by
counting rings in hard parts of the fish body, such as ear-bones (otoliths) or scales. The so-
called year-rings are formed through a daily addition (daily-ring) to the size of the scale or
otolith. The chemical composition and thereby the transparency of the addition depends
(among other things) on the amount of food available and is therefore seasonal. The
difference in deposits made in the winter and in the summer can be detected and one year-
ring, composed of a summer and a winter part, can be distinguished from the next.
Moreover, temperate fish species usually spawn once per year in a relatively short time-span,
which makes it easy to distinguish year-classes or cohorts.

Also in tropical fish material is added daily to hard parts, which can be distinguished as daily
growth rings. However, the lack of a strong seasonality makes the distinction of seasonal
rings and therefore also of year-rings problematic for many tropical species. Moreover, the
same absence of strong seasons results in less distinct spawning periods for most species.
Many tropical species spawn at least twice per year and often over long periods. Fortunately,
due to periodic changes in winds (monsoons) and shifts in oceanographic conditions
(upwelling) in many tropical areas, a certain level of seasonality can still be detected. This
seasonality may be reflected in the spawning patterns and growth of tropical fish species
albeit less pronounced and much more difficult to detect than in temperate waters. These
seasonal differences make it possible to detect also in tropical species the existence of
different cohorts (often two per year), through the analyses of length-frequency samples.

In recent years) techniques have been developed to read daily rings in the otoliths of many
fish species. This has enabled the development of age reading on tropical species, in
particular of fish with short life spans, or young fish. These techniques are still very time
consuming and will be difficult to apply on a routine basis. They may however, serve to
validate the results obtained from the analyses of length-frequencies.

A further complication of tropical fish stock assessment vis-a.-vis that in temperate waters is
that the number of species caught in some important gears, in particular the bottom trawl, is

- 10 -
very high. This does not only affect sampling and data collection procedures, it also makes
it more difficult to apply the models. For a further discussion of differences and similarities
between exploited stocks in arctic, temperate and tropical waters, see Ursin (1984).

The above-mentioned differences can easily explain the slow rate of development of fish stock
assessment in the tropics compared to that in temperate areas. The present manual works with
methods which are the length-based parallels to the traditional age-based methods of
temperate waters.

Clearly, there is a relationship between age and length, and if the relationship is known we
can convert length-frequencies into age frequencies. Fig. 1.4.1 shows a resolution of a length-
frequency sample into age groups (cohorts). There are several techniques available for the
separation of length groups and conversion into age groups, most of which are computerized.
Several of these are discussed in the manual and one of them, the Bhattacharya method, is
illustrated by examples and exercises. This method, although applicable in several
computerized versions, can also be performed by using simply paper, pencil and a (scientific)
pocket calculator.

In this manual, when explaining the theory behind the various methods we often start with
the age-based version, because it is easier to explain and consequently also easier to
understand. The next step is then to convert the age-based method into a length-based method
by using the relationship between age and length.

Number of
specimens AGE AGE
in frequency
o ,



Fig. 1.4.1 Length-frequency sample resolved into age groups

- 11 -

In the present context, "body length" means the average body length of a cohort. Individual
fish are not considered in the models. When talking about "the length of an animal" in
connection with a model it is always tacitly assumed that it is the "average length of the
animals of a cohort". The estimate of average length, however, is derived from averaging the
length measurements of individual specimens. The actual measure used for body length is not
important as far as the theory behind the growth model is concerned. It is common practice
to use the "total length" measured to the "nearest unit below" unless anatomical details make
it not practicable (see Fig. 1.5.1). "Fork length" may be used for fish with stiff caudal fins
(tunas) or special fin shapes (Nemipteridae). The "standard length" is not recommended for
length -freq uency sampling. .

The most accurate measure for shrimps and lobsters is the "carapace length" (see Fig. 1.5.1).
However, in many cases either total length or tail length is used. In such cases it is necessary
to establish the relationship between the various measurements .


I '0
len!Jlh I
,~t~ total length _..,


Fig. 1.5.1 Definitions of body length

- 12 -
A really important thing is to specify exactly what kind of length measurement has been used,
as one may otherwise run into difficulties when comparing results with those of other

Other examples given in Fig. 1.5.1 are squid, octopus, abalone, scallop and sea cucumber.
For animals with a hard shell or skeleton it is not a problem to define a suitable length
measure (fish, crustaceans and molluscs with shell). Also molluscs with a relatively constant
body form (e.g. squid) create no major problem, but animals with a plastic body (e.g.
octopus, sea cucumber or jellyfish) are problematic. It may in certain cases be preferable to
work with body weight rather than length, as the former is obviously measureable with
greater accuracy.

It is easy to transform one type of length measurement into another type for a single
individual. In cases where a sample is grouped into length classes it is more cumbersome to
change from one measurement to another as far as the computational aspects are concerned.
One simple way of doing it by microcomputer is given in Sparre (1987).


When working with analytical models we need to define the concept of "age". As was said
above in connection with body length, we do not operate at the individual specimen's level,
so "age" means the average age of a cohort. To define age we must start with a definition
of "birthday". The obvious biological definition of the day of birth is the day the larva
hatches from the egg. We say that a newly hatched fish has age zero.

In the first part of their life the larvae (or juveniles) are usually little influenced by the
fishery. We say that the fish is then in the unexploited phase of life. Because we are
interested in the exploited phase of its life the unexploited phase is not important in the
present context.

Let Tr be the youngest age at which the fish may be vulnerable to fishing gears. A fish of
age Tr is called a "recruit". By "recruitment" we mean the number of recruits, i.e. the
number of fish that have attained age Tr during a "recruitment season". The" recruitment
intensity" is the number of recruits per time unit. The "recruitment pattern" of a temperate
species could be as shown in Fig. 1.6.1A, where each line represents the recruitment intensity
in one week. In most tropical fish stocks recruitment continues (more or less) all year round,
but with seasonal oscillations, for example where monsoons occur (Pauly and Navaluna,
1983) (see Fig. 1.6.1B).

Let us tentatively define the recruitment season of a tropical fish stock by the dates (fractions
of the year) trl and tr2 which correspond to the dates of minimum recruitment (see Fig.
1.6.1B). With 0 < = trl < tr2 < = 1.0 we define the "spring cohort" as the fish recruited
from time trl to tr2 and the "autumn cohort" as the fish recruited from time tr2 to trl.
("Spring" and "autumn" refer here to the northern hemisphere).

In general, the recruitment patterns of tropical fish stocks are not very well understood at
present. However, as will appear from the following chapters, the seasonality in recruitment
is a very important prerequisite for the methods suggested.

- 13 -
Recruitment intensity
(= number of fish attaining
age Tr per time unit)



11.1 [
IJ 1111111
II" Tbl tr2 Tb2 tr 1
f-"spring" cohort "autumn" cOhort--1

Fig. 1.6.1 Recruitment intensity during the year of typical temperate and tropical stocks


All the basic versions of the methods dealt with in the manual assume the input data to be
derived from "random samples". A sample of fish, for example a length-frequency sample
representing the stock, is a random sample if any fish in the entire stock has the same
probability of being drawn as any other.

Usually, it is difficult or even impossible to obtain pure random samples. If, for example, the
juvenile fish are located in certain nursery areas, which do not coincide with the fishing
grounds from which our samples originate, the juvenile fish will be under-represented in the
samples. A similar problem is created by the selectivity of fishing gears. Often the small fish
are under-represented because they escape through the meshes, whereas the larger fish are
retained. Samples which are not random samples are called "biased samples".

A feature of fish behaviour which is believed to create the most serious bias is "migration".
Almost all marine animals perform systematic movements. Pelagic fish such as mackerels,
scads and tunas undertake long migrations between feeding grounds and spawning grounds.
Most penaeid shrimps start their life cycle in the open sea and migrate to shallow waters
(lagoons and mangroves) and when sexually mature they migrate back to the open sea for

- 14 -
The implication of the migratory behaviour is that a large sea area must be covered in order
to obtain random samples from the entire population. Often samples can be obtained only
from the commercial fishery which concentrates on those grounds where the resources are
easiest to catch in large quantities. Thus, we are often in the situation that random samples
of the population are not available. This bias must be accounted for in the analysis and the
basic methods have to be modified to account for it. Some types of bias are easier to deal
with than others. Bias created by migration can only be handled properly when the migration
routes are known. When they are not we have to make certain assumptions about them in
order to get on with the analysis. There are many serious problems in connection with bias.
A few suggestions on how to get around them are presented, but the manual also leaves a
number of relevant questions open, either because the author does not know the answer or
the method is so complicated that it falls outside the scope of this manual. Unfortunately, one
often comes across cases in practice, which are so heavily influenced by bias that they cannot
be handled by the methods described here (see Chapter 11).


The complexity of fish stock assessment is reflected in the contents table of this manual. The
various elements cannot be dealt with simultaneously and it has often been necessary to refer
to earlier or later sections and chapters. In order to assist the reader (and teacher) a flow-
chart for fish stock assessment as presented in this manual is given in Fig. 1.8.1. The flow-
chart does not present the methods in the same sequence as they appear in the manual, but
rather in the natural chronological order of a fish stock assessment. The numbers of the
relevant chapters are given in brackets.

Before starting as a fish stock assessment worker there are a few general basic statistical
techniques (for example linear regression analysis) one must master. These are dealt with in
Chapter 2. They have been placed outside the proper flow-chart, because the methods are
general and appJied in many other scientific fields. Chapter 2 contains only a small selection
of statistical methods and only those which are needed to follow the text in the subsequent

The flow-chart is divided into two parts. Part A deals with analytical methods and Part B
deals with holistic methods. As the sizes of the two parts indicate, the main emphasis has
been placed on the analytical methods. Both approaches follow the same main lines, namely
the set-up given in Fig.

Part A, the analytical methods

The first row shows the input to the estimation of growth parameters (the parameters by
which we can predict the length of an animal for a given age). Although collection of data
comes first chronologically, it is not dealt with in the beginning of the manual, because one
cannot deal with data collection in a meaningful way before the objectives of the sampling
scheme have been defined. To define the objectives we need the models used for the analysis
of historical data, therefore, the main text on data collection is deferred to Chapter 7. The
assumptions indicated as input are not dealt with in a particular chapter.

The theory behind the model for body growth and the estimation of growth parameters is
dealt with in Chapter 3. Handling of bias problems is as mentioned above extremely
complicated and only partly covered by the present manual. It has therefore been placed in
Chapter 11 after the chapters dealing with the analytical methods in their basic versions.

- ]5 -

assumptions based TIME SERIES OF LENGTH assumptions based on

on general FREQUENCY DATA OR knowledge of similar
knowledge AGE FREQUENCY DATA stocks in similar areas ~

1 ~,
...... estimation of growth
nararneters (3)
II nroblcrus
handling of bias
(c.z. migration
~I estimation of natural mortality (4)


I"" ...


catch curve analysis (4) ... 1 cohort analysis or VPA (5)

estimation of selectivity (G) ,-..
I"" ..
.. L
estimation of selectivity (6)
.,,. 1
Beverton and Holt yield per recruit ....... Thompson and Bell yield and biomass
analysis (8) ""
~ prediction (8)


(relative MSY) (absolute MSY)

Fig l.S.lA The organization of the manual

- 16 -


(no size composition (13)
data) (7)

surplus production swept area analysis

models (9) (13)




*) The following symbols have been used:

Input data or assumptions

Processing of data using a model

text not framed in Output from a data processing stage; an output from one CAPITAL
LEITERS processing stage acts as an input for the subsequent processing

(n) Figures in brackets refer to the Chapter with the relevant theory

Flow of data

Fig. l.S.lB The organization of the manual

- 17 -
Although we should start the analysis with an evaluation of the bias, it has not been
considered appropriate to start the manual with one of the most complicated subjects. Also
the estimation or rather the qualified guessing on natural mortality is a tricky subject. It has
been placed in Section 4.7.

The following chapters on analytical methods contain the theory for both age-based methods
and length-based methods. The estimates of growth parameters are in fact only used for the
length-based versions of the models, but in order to reduce the complexity of the flow-chart,
no distinction has been made between length-based and age-based methods.

After the growth part (Chapter 3) the flow-chart branches. The two branches represent a
grouping of methods according to their data requirements. Some analytical methods are based
exclusively on samples from the commercial fishery, while the total catch is not known. In
theory these methods could be used also on a single sample consisting of one bucket of fish
sampled in the local fish market (although, of course, extensive sampling schemes are
recommended). Such methods are called "catch curve methods".

Other methods are based on estimates of the total catch, i.e. on estimates of the total number
landed in each length group from the entire stock. Such numbers are derived from length-
frequency samples by raising them to account for the entire catch using data on total landings.
These methods are called "cohort analysis" or Virtual Population Analysis" (VPA). Com-

pared to the catch curve methods, they give more dependable estimates of the parameters and
more reliable predictions of the future fishery. The sampling procedures to obtain the input
data are discussed in Chapter 7 as mentioned above in connection with growth.

The general theory of the death process, the "exponential decay model", the "catch curve
methods" and some other methods with similar or limited data requirements is dealt with in
Chapter 4. From the catch curve analysis we obtain an estimate of the total mortality, which
combined with growth parameters and natural mortality, allows us to arrive at some con-
clusions on the current state of the stock and its potential. This analysis is performed by the
"Beverton and Holt yield per recruit model", which is presented in Chapter 8. The ultimate
result is the "maximum sustainable yield per recruit" (MSY/R).

The methods based on the size composition of the total catch, the cohort analysis and the
VPA are covered in Chapter 5. The results obtained from cohort analysis (or VPA) are
estimates of absolute stock size and fishing mortality for each size group. These results are
used for the prediction of stock biomass and yield levels using the "Thompson and Bell
methods" which are described in Chapter 8. The final result is an estimate of the (absolute)

In the discussion presented above only the regulation of fishing effort has been considered as
an instrument for fisheries management. However, there are other instruments, one of which
is the size selectivity of the fishing gear. For example, by using larger mesh sizes in the
codend of a trawl, the mortality on young fish is reduced, which subsequently will increase
the catch of older, larger and more valuable specimens. The effects of "gear selectivity" are
discussed in Chapter 6.

In all the chapters mentioned so far, the theory has been presented in its most simple form,
i.e. only one stock of fish and only one type of fishing boat are considered. In reality there
hardly exists any fishery where only one species is caught by only one type of boat. In most
cases we have to deal with multispecies catches made by a variety of different boats. In
theory it does not create any major problems to extend the analytical models to deal with the
multispecies/multitleet case, and this has been demonstrated for the Thompson and Bell model

- l8 -
in Chapter 10. Some other aspects of multispecies assessment are also briefly discussed in this
chapter. With this we have reached the end of Part A of the flow-chart.

Part B, the holistic methods

This part of the flow-chart is less complicated, because it describes simpler methods. The
"surplus production models" are presented in Chapter 9 and the "swept area method" In
Chapter 13.

Chapters 12, 14 and 15 have not been included in the flow-chart. Chapter 12 deals with the
stock/recruitment relationship - the question of a possible relationship between recruitment
and the size of the parent stock. The problem is discussed in essay form and Chapter 12 does
not suggest any models for practical application. Chapter 14 provides an overview of fish
stock assessment, based among other things on the same flow-chart (Fig. 1.8.1). Chapter 15
describes briefly some microcomputer program packages, the LFSA (Length-based Fish Stock
Assessment) package (Sparre, 1987), which matches the analytical models of this manual
(Part A of the flow-chart), the COMPLEAT ELEFAN package (Gayanilo, Soriano and Pauly,
1988) and the FiSAT (F AO/ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools) package (in press) which also
covers all the models. Some other programs developed by or in close cooperation with FAO
have also been briefly described.


Since the scope of this manual is mainly limited to methods and their applications, it is
advisable to supplement the knowledge derived from it, by reading additional textbooks and
manuals on stock assessment and on the biology of the most important resources. Chapter 16
contains references to several recent publications, which will be of great use in providing a
better insight to stock assessment problems, for example

1) The relationship between stock assessment and management (Pauly, 1979 and
Gulland, 1988)

2) The biology and assessment of shrimps (Garcia and Le Reste, 1981; Gulland and
Rothschild, 1984; Penn, 1984; Garcia, 1985; Rothlisberg, Hill and Staples, 1985, the
Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1987 and Dall et al., 1990)

3) The biology and assessment of cephalopods and other invertebrates (Caddy, 1983,
1983a and 1989)

4) Resource mapping (Caddy and Garcia, 1986 and Butler et al., 1986)

5) Tunas (Sharp and Dizon, 1978; Kleiber, Argue and Kearney, 1983;
I-A TIC , 1984 and Hunter et al., 1986)

6) Migration (Harden Jones, 1968, 1984 and Oxenford and Hunte, 1986)

7) Marine population regulation and speciation (Sinclair, 1988)

The various methods presented in this manual were used either directly or through the LFSA
and COMPLEAT ELEFAN packages at FAO/DANIDA follow-up training courses, where
participants processed their own data. The results of the analyses and the input data were

- 19 -
published (Venema, Christensen and Pauly, 1988), with the aim of providing additional
examples of the application of stock assessment methods on tropical resources. In some cases
the papers demonstrate clearly the limitations of the data sets and of the methods used, but
there are also several examples of successful applications of methods hitherto seldom used
in tropical areas,

New text books on fish stock assessment are rare, and we are therefore pleased to draw your
attention to recent books by Hilborn and Walters (1992) and Brethes and O'Boyle
(eds.)(1990). The latter is partly based on an earlier version of this manual.

A comprehensive overview of the several approaches on the use of length-frequency data for
stock assessment purposes was prepared by I.A. Gulland and A.A. Rosenberg (1992). This
document, John Gulland's last contribution to fisheries science, should be used in conjunction
with or as a follow-up to this manual.

- 20 -

This chapter contains a brief description of some statistical methods in common use in
tropical fishery biology and introduces the statistical notation adopted in the manual. It serves
as a refresher and reference point, but is not intended as a textbook in its own right.

The amount of literature on statistical methods is staggering, so there is no problem if you

want to do further studies in biostatistics. Only two references are given here. The book
"Biometry" by Sokal and Rohlf (1981) deals with the theory in a rather accessible way, while
"Sampling techniques" by Cochran (1977) is perhaps a bit more complicated, but still
recommended as an introduction. However, there are many other textbooks which may be
equally useful.


Let us consider a sample of n fish all of one species caught in one trawl haul and let x(i) be
the length of fish no. i, i = 1,2, ... ,n. The "mean length" (in general the "mean value") of
the sample is defined:

1. n
x = (x(l) + x(2) + •.• + x(n»)/n n *dh x t L) (2.1.1)

The two first columns of Table 2.1.1 show an example for n = 27.

The variance, which is a measure of the variability about the mean value is defined as

2 _1_ -2 -2 -2
s n-1 * (x(l)-x) + (x(2)-x) + ••• + (x(n)-x) )

1 n _ 2
n-1 *i~l(X(i)-x) (2.1.2)

Thus, the variance, s2, is the sum of the squares of the deviations from the mean divided by
the number, n, minus one. The third and fourth column of Table 2.1.1 illustrate the
calculation of the variance. Note that if all fish in the sample had the same length this would
equal the mean length and the variance would be zero. The sum of the deviations (not
squared) is always zero. The larger the deviations from the mean value, the larger the
variance will be. The two largest values of the square of the deviations from the mean in
Table 2.1.1 occurred for the smallest and the largest observations.

The square root of the variance, s, is called the "standard deviation". Often one is interested
in the variance relative to the size of the mean length, and for that purpose s is the relevant
quantity as it has the same unit as the mean. This leads to the relative standard deviation, six,
also called the" coefficient of variation".

When doing the calculations by hand it is easier to work with a rearranged form of Eq. 2.1.2,
which is equivalent to

- 21 -

However, as most scientific pocket calculators contain an option for auto-matic calculation
of mean and variance the calculations here are illustrated by Eq. 2.1.2, which is conceptually
easier to understand.

For many purposes, e.g. for graphical representation, it is convenient to arrange the sample
in the form of a ''frequency table" by dividing the length range into a number of length
intervals. The length range for the sample in Table 2.1.1 goes from 11.2 to 19.0 em. With
length groups of 1 cm we need nine length groups to cover the range. Using 10.5 as the
lower limit of the first length interval, the intervals and the frequencies of lengths become
those shown in the first four columns of Table 2.1.2, which is a so-called length-frequency

Table 2.1.1 Mean value, variance and standard deviation of a length-frequency sample

fish no. length deviation square of devi-

(cm) from mean ation from mean
- 2
L x (i) x(i)-x (x(i)-x)

1 14.2 -0.87 0.75

2 16.3 1.23 1. 52
3 14.8 -0.27 0.07
4 13.2 -1.87 3.48
5 16.9 1.83 3.36
6 12.4 -2.67 7.11
7 14.3 -0.77 0.59
8 15.7 0.63 0.40
9 15.3 0.23 0.05
10 11.2 (min. ) -3.87 14.95
11 12.9 -2.17 4.69
12 13.5 -1. 57 2.45
13 18.2 3.13 9.82
14 11.6 -3.47 12.02
15 18.5 3.43 11. 79
16 16.3 1.23 1. 52
17 15.5 0.43 0.19
18 15.8 0.73 0.54
19 13.2 -1.87 3.48
20 19.0 (max. ) 3.93 15.47
21 12.0 -3.07 9.40
22 17.1 2.03 4.13
23 15.4 0.33 0.11
24 14.6 -0.47 0.22
25 14.0 -1.07 1.14
26 18.1 3.03 9.20
27 = n 16.8 1. 73 3.00

Total 406.8 0.00 121. 48

- 2
= E x(i) = E(x(i)-x) = E(x(i)-x)

mea~ length~ x
- : 406.8/27 = 15.07
var~ance, s : 121.48/(27-1) = 4.67
standard deviation, s : "1/4.67= 2.16
relative standard deviation, six : 2.16/15.07 = 0.14
standard error, sNn : 2.16/"1/27= 0.41

(The concept of standard error is introduced in Section 2.3)

- 22 -
Table 2.1.2 Mean and variance from a length-frequency sample. (The sample is derived
from Table 2.1.1 with a class interval, dL of 1 cm)

index interval midpoint fre-

(cm) (cm) quency
. -. - 2
j L(j)-L(j)+dL L (j ) F(j) F(j)*L(j) (L(j) -x) F () )* (L (] )-x)

1 10.5-11.5 11 1 11 -4.074 16.60

2 11. 5-12.5 12 3 36 -3.074 28.35
3 12.5-13.5 13 3 39 -2.074 12.91
4 13.5-14.5 14 4 56 -1. 074 4.61
5 14.5-15.5 15 4 60 -0.074 0.02
6 15.5-16.5 16 5 80 0.926 4.29
7 16.5-17.5 17 3 51 1.926 11.13
8 17.5-18.5 18 2 36 2.926 17.12
9 18.5-19.5 19 2 38 3.926 30.83

total 27 401 125.86

mean length, x : 407/27 = 15.074, say 15.07

variance, 82 : 125.86/26 = 4.84

standard deviation, s : >/4.84 = 2.20
relative standard deviation, s/x : 2.20/15.07 = 0.15

Let j be the index of a length group, and let the lower and upper class limit of length group
no. j be denoted by respectively:

L(j) = L(l) + (j-1)*dL and L(j+1) L(l) + j*dL,

or L(j+1) = L(j) + dL

where dL is the "interval size". A fish of length x(j) then belongs to length group j when

L(j) <= x(j) < L(j) + dL

Let F(j) be th_efrequency of length group j, that is the number of fish observed in length
group j. Let L(j) = L(j) + dLl2 be the midpoint of length group no. j. The calculation of
mean value and variance from a frequency table is then performed in the usual way using
midpoints to represent the intervals:

n = 1: F (j ) is the total number of observations,
where m is the number of length groups,

- -
1 *,1: F(j)*L(j)
x is the mean value and
n J= 1

1 2
S2 = n_ 1 *; F(j)*(L(j)-XJ is the variance.

The calculation procedure is shown in Table 2.1.2. The class midpoint L(j), and the square
of the deviations from the mean are weighted by the number of fish in each class, i.e. the
frequency, F(j). The results of Table 2.1.2 deviate slightly from those of Table 2.1.1 because
a representation in cm groups produces less precise results than a representation in mm

- 23 -
5 -
'" 'I
a:i '3 -
:.. 2

= f
_I" -
z-zs x x+2s
J, class midpoint s
1+ ~1 ~
'P " I
1$ 1ft, L. (j) ~
1 3 q 5 6 j

Fig. 2.1.1 Length-frequency diagram. Graphical representation of the length-frequency

sample from Table 2.1.2

Fig. 2.1.1 shows a graphical representation of the frequency sample. Note that all
observations lie in the interval from

x- 2*6 to X + 2*9

For the so-called normal distribution (discussed in the next section) we expect about 95 % of
the observations to be contained in that interval.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


Table 2.1.2 and Fig. 2.1.1 show an example of a small set of length-frequency data that
approximately follows the so-called "normal distribution". The mathematical expression for
a normal distribution is:

- 2
Fc(x) n*dL
= ~ * exp [- 1.& ] (2.2.1)
s*v2n 282

where Fe = "calculatedjrequency" or "theoreticalfrequency", n = number of observations,

dL = interval size, s = standard deviation, x
= mean length and 1[" = 3.14159.
Using the values n = 27, dL = 1 em, s = 2.20, x= 15.07 em from Table 2.1.2 we get:
27*1 2
Fc (x) = * exp[-(x-15.07) /(2*4.84»)
4.896*exp(-(x-15.07) /9.68)

The values of Fe for a number of different x-values are given in Table 2.2.1. Note that the
notation is slightly modified as we now use the interval midpoint, x, as the argument in Fe
instead of the interval index, j, as used for argument in F in Table 2.1.2.

- 24 -
Table 2.2.1 Theoretical frequencies corresponding to Table 2.1.2, where x is the class

x 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Fc(x) 0.88 L85 3.14 4.35 4.89 4.48 3.33 2.02 0.99

II ndl.., e- 2s!l

(J 2
interval t
0 X

q flO 11
12 13 11( 15
17 18 19
90 2/I I
1 2 '3 I( S 7 e 9 J

Fig. 2.2.1 The theoretical frequency, Fe, (the normal distribution curve) and the observed
frequencies, F, (bars)

Fig. 2.2.1 shows the theoretical frequencies together with the bar diagram for F(j) from Fig.
2.1.1. As can be seen, Fc(x) gives a fair fit to the observed length-frequencies. This picture
is often observed when recording length-frequencies of fish originating from one cohort, i.e.
fish of the same age.

The normal distribution is observed in a great variety of different cases - hence the name.
There are other types of probability distributions observed in fishery science. Examples are
the "log-normal distribution", the "negative binomial distribution" and the "delta distribu-
tion". A conspicuous difference between these and the normal distribution is that they are
skewed, whereas the normal distribution is symmetric. The delta distribution for example,
is used to describe the probability distribution for the catch per hour by a trawl. It is
composed of a log-normal distribution, which describes the distribution of the non-zero trawl
catches and a special probability for zero catch (see Section 13.7, Fig. 13.7.2).

Perhaps the most important feature about normal distributions has to do with mean values.
If you take, say, 50 random samples out of a certain population each of, say, 25 single
observations, the 50 mean values will be (approximately) normally distributed. Thus, a mean
value has a probability distribution. A mean value of any set of observations, is (approxi-
mately) normally distributed. This result is also valid for the mean values of log-normal
distributions, delta distributions or any other type of distribution. This means that the mean
values of all distributions observed in fishery biology are approximately normally distributed.

If we divide both sides of Eq. 2.2.1 by n (= sample size) we get:

- 25 -
Fc(x)/n = ~ * exp [(X-X)2]
- , x = 1,2,3, ... (2.2.2)
V~7r 282

the new found values, Fc(x)/n, will add up to nearly 1.0. Each value indicates the probability
that a randomly drawn fish will belong to the corresponding length interval. That is, they can
be interpreted as the probability of a randomly drawn fish to belong to the length interval
from x-dLl2 to x +dLl2.

For the nine length intervals of Table 2.2.1 we find:

j interval probability

1 10.5-11. 5 0.033
2 11. 5-12.5 0.069 Thus for example, the odds are 181 to 1000
3 12.5-13.5 0.116
that a randomly drawn fish will be of a
4 13.5-14.5 0.161
5 14.5-15.5 0.181 length between 14.5 and 15.5 ern, If we had
6 15.5-16.5 0.166 included all length intervals and not only the
7 16.5-17.5 0.123
8 17.5-18.5 0.075 nine for which we had observations, the
9 18.5-19.5 0.037 probabilities would have added up to 1.000.
Total: 0.961

The normal distribution will be used in length-frequency analyses in the following chapters,
because the length distribution of a single cohort of fish can be described by a normal
distribution. As an introduction we shall study some of its aspects.

The procedures to calculate the mean and the standard deviation (Table 2.1.2) can be
performed on any length-frequency data set. However, if for some reason, the observed
frequency diagram does not represent the entire distribution, then the obtained values (from
Eqs. 2.1.1 and 2.1.2) for sample mean and variance will be biased, i.e. the sample mean and
variance may have no relation to the population mean and variance. The concept of "bias"
will be further discussed in Section 7.1. If, for example, only the frequencies in the length
interval from 10 to IS cm are available (i.e. only the data for the left hand side) we are in
a situation where Eq. 2.1.1 (mean value) and Eq. 2.1.2 (variance) do not represent the
population. As will appear in Chapter 3 this is often the case when analyzing length-frequen-
cies. However, there are a number of methods to overcome the problem.

(See Exercises(s) in Part 2.)


In this section we shall also use the example of a length composition sample of fish from one
cohort. We have estimated the mean length of the cohort, X, from the sample. Such an
estimate is usually different from the true population mean, the mean we would have obtained
if all fish of that cohort in the sea had been measured. Usually the true mean length is
unknown. If we were dealing with a population of cultured fish in a pond we might be able
to measure the true mean length of that population, but for a wild fish stock it is impossible
to measure the true value of any parameter. In practice this also applies to the population of
fish caught in a fishery, since we will not be in a position to measure all fish caught. We
shall deal with the precision of the estimate of the mean length, in other words how great the
deviation between the estimate and the true mean is likely to be. This uncertainty about the

- 26 -
true mean is expressed by the "confidence limits". In the case of a normal distribution, the
lower and upper confidence limits are given by respectively:

x- tn_1"'s/vn (2.3.1)

where n is the sample size, s the standard deviation and tn-I the so-called fractiles in the "(-
distribution" or "Student's distribution" (Table 2.3.1). The argument "f" in the t-distribution
(Table 2.3.1) is called the "number of degrees offreedom". In general the number of degrees
of freedom is the number of observations minus the number of parameters. In this case is x
the only parameter, so f = n-I and tf = tn-I (see Table 2.3.1).

The confidence limits can be calculated at different levels of precision, usually 90%, 95 % and
99 %, as indicated in Table 2.3.1. The higher the level (percentage), the higher the fractiles
and therefore the wider the interval between the lower and upper limits.

Returning to the example given in Section 2.1 (Table 2.1.2) we want to calculate, for
example, the 95% confidence limits for the mean length of fish in the population from which
the sample was drawn. We use the 95% fractile of the t-distribution (Table 2.3.1) with n-I
= 26 degrees of freedom and insert into Eq. 2.3 ..1:

tn_1"'s/vn = 2.06"'2.20/v27 = 0.87, while

x 15.07

the 95 % confidence limits are:

lower limit:
x - 0.87 15.07 - 0.87 14.20
upper limit: x + 0.87 15.07 + 0.87 15.94

Thus, we are "95% confident" that the true mean length lies somewhere between 14.20 and
15.94, or in other words, if sampling was repeated 100 times under the same conditions we
would expect the means to lie 95 times between 14.20 and 15.94. The interval between the
lower limit and the upper limit is called the "confidence interval".

Table 2.3.1 Fractiles of the t-distribution (Student's distribution) *)

fracti1es fracti1es
degrees 90% 95% 99% degrees 90% 95% 99%
of t t t of t t t
freedom f f f freedom f f f
f f
1 6.31 12.71 63.66 15 1.75 2.13 2.95
2 2.92 4.30 9.93 16 1. 75 2.12 2.92
4.60 • 17
1. 74
1. 73
5 2.02 2.57 4.03 19 1. 73 2.09 2.86
6 1.94 2.45 3.71 20 1. 73 2.09 2.85
7 1.90 2.37 3.50 25 1.71 2.06 2.79
8 1.86 2.31 3.36 30 1.70 2.04 2.75
9 1.83 2.26 3.25 40 1. 68 2.02 2.70
10 1.81 2.23 3.17 50 1.67 2.01 2.68
11 1.80 2.20 3.11 60 1.67 2.00 2.66
12 1.78 2.18 3.06 80 1.67 1.99 2.64
13 1. 77 2.16 3.01 100 1.66 1.98 2.63
14 1. 76 2.15 2.98 00 1.65 1.96 2.58

'" ) The use of the letter t in this context is universal. In this

manual t is also used to represent the age of a fish. This table
has been repeated on the last page of this volume for easy refer-

- 27 -
For the example used above the confidence intervals at the 90% and 99% levels are
respectively [14.35,15.79] and [13.89,16.25], of which the first is narrower and the second
wider than the 95 % interval.

The quantity st-J n is the standard deviation of the estimate of the mean length (also ca11ed the
"standard error") so that has the variance (see Table 2.1.1):
- 2
VAR(x) = s /n (2.3.2)

Thus, the larger the sample, the more precise is the estimate of x (this subject will be
discussed further in Section 2.8).

Eq. 2.3.2 follows from two general rules for random variables which are applied repeatedly
in this manual. They are:
VAR (Cx) = C *VAR(X) (2.3.3)

VAR ( l: x) = n*VAR(x) (2.3.4)

where C is a constant. For instance, when the variance of x is s2 then the variance of 3x is
9s2; or, when the original observations are summed three by three, then the variance of
Xl +x2+x3 is 3*s2.

The above statements about confidence limits apply only to "unbiased" estimates of the mean
value. In cases when samples are biased, no matter how many fish we sample and measure
we shall always get estimates of the mean value which are different from the true mean value.

Suppose we want to estimate the mean length of a certain fish species actually caught in a
commercial fishery (note: fish caught are the fish landed plus the fish discarded at sea). Thus,
if we sample only from the landings, and not the fish, usually below a certain size, which are
discarded at sea, we get a biased estimate of the mean length of the fish caught. The mean
length of the catch will be over-estimated, no matter how many fish we sample at the landing
site. We can only get an unbiased estimate of the mean length of the fish that has been

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


This method is used when we want to describe the variation of one quantity, e.g., the body
depth of a fish, as a linear function of another quantity, e.g., the total length. The theory
requires that the quantity on the horizontal axis (the independent variable) is measured with
absolute precision. The method is often applied, however, when this requirement is violated.
The effect of the inaccuracy of the values of the independent variable is that the slope of the
line becomes flatter (closer to zero).

Suppose we have measured both the total length and the body depth of a sample of 7 fish.

Table 2.4.1 shows the total lengths, x(i), and the corresponding body depths, y(i), i =
1,2, ... ,7.

- 28 -
Table 2.4.1 Sample or total lengths, x, and corresponding body depths, y

i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

x(i) 11.2 12.4 13.5 15.7 17.1 18.5 19.0

y(i) 3.0 3.2 4.0 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.6·

As can be expected, the body depth tends to increase when the total length increases. If the
body proportions of a fish would remain constant for all sizes, its body depth would be
directly proportional to its length, and this could be described by the model:

y(i) = b"'x(i) (2.4.1)

where b is a constant, also called a "parameter". The plot of this model always passes
through the origin, the point where the x-axis and y-axis meet. We may allow for a deviation
from proportionality between x and y by introducing a second parameter, a, and use instead
of Eq. 2.4.1 the model:

y(i) = a + b"'x(i) (2.4.2)


total length

where a indicates the intercept with the y-axis of the line that fits to the points. Fig. 2.4.1
shows the "plot" (or the "scatter diagram") of y(i) against x(i).




5 70 75 20 x(i)
a ,.In t ercet: t
total length

Fig. 2.4.1 Scatter diagram or body depth (y) against total length (x), also called the "plot
or yon x"

- 29 -
An implication of Eq. 2.4.2 is that a fish of zero length has depth a, which makes no sense
except when a is zero. However, if only lengths in a certain range are considered (e.g. only
lengths above 5 ern), the two-parameter model may give a better fit to the observations than
the one-parameter model, because the assumption of proportionality between length and depth
is not strictly fulfilled.

The mathematical model of Eq. 2.4.2 is called a "linear model" because pairs (x,y) which
conform to the model, lie on a straight line. With a = -0.32 and b = 0.30 we get the straight
line shown in Fig. 2.4.1. With these values of a and b the line in Fig. 2.4.1 fits well to the
observed pairs of (x,y).

We shall now look into the problem of determining the line, i.e. how to estimate the
parameters a and b. Just as we did for the mean value (cf. Section 2.3) we shall also show
how the confidence limits of the estimates of a and b are calculated. This procedure is called
"ordinary linear regression analysis". This method is probably the most commonly used
statistical technique in fishery biology. There are special names for the parameters: a is called
the "intercept" and b is called the "slope". The intercept is the distance from the point (0,0)
in the (x,y) diagram to the point where the" regression line"

y = a + b"'x

intersects with the y-axis (see Fig. 2.4.1). b 00

y b = 1.0

1 = 0.5
The slope, b, indicates how steep
b 0
the line is. If b = 0 the line is =

parallel to the x-axis. If b is posi- - 0.5

tive the slope is ascending. If b is
negative the slope is descending. -2 - 1. 0

b = - 1.5

b = - 00

The variable on the horizontal axis, x, is called the" independent variable" and the variable
on the vertical axis, y, is called the" dependent variable". The regression line is determined
as the line which minimizes the sum of squares of deviations between the line y = a + b*x
and the pairs of observations, (x(i),y(i)). We say that a and b are estimated by the" least
squares method", i.e. we search for the values of a and b which minimize:

n. b' 2
1: (y(l.) - a - "'x(l.)] (2.4.3)

where n is the number of pairs of observations (n = 7 in the example). The deviations

between the line and the observations are illustrated in Fig. 2.4.2. The assumption behind the
regression analysis is that each y(i) is normally distributed with mean value a + b*x(i), and
with a constant variance, i.e., a variance which is not dependent on the value of xCi). The
following formula to estimate this common variance differs only slightly from the one
introduced in Section 2.1. The so-called "variance about the regression line" is:

2 1 n 2
s = -2 '" ....
~ (Y(l.) - a - b'"'x(l.)] (2.4.4)
n- i=l

- 30 -

I \


\ lY(6}_O_ bXfV
\ '1(5)- Q- bX(5)

'. Y(2)-a-bx{2)
". Y(f1- a- bX(f)
11 f2 13 fl( 15" 16 17 18 fq xri)
total length
Fig. 2.4.2 Illustration of the assumptions behind ordinary linear regression analysis. Each
y(i) for a given x(i) is normally distributed with a common variance

There are n-2 degrees of freedom (the number by which the sum is divided) because we have
two parameters, a and b.

Estimates of the parameters a (intercept) and b (slope) are obtained by:



where yand x are the mean values of y and x as defined by Eq. 2.1.1.

In Table 2.4.2 the calculation procedures to estimate a and b are demonstra-ted using the data
from Table 2.4.1. Thus, the estimated regression line becomes:

y = -0.315 + 0.303*x (2.4.7)

To calculate the confidence limits of a and b we need the sum of squares of deviations of x
and y. The variances of x and y are defined by Eq. 2.1.3 as follows:

2 1 ,21 ,2
ax = n-1*(~x(~) - n*{~x(~)} 1 (2.4.8)

and a similar expression for sy2. For use in the next section we introduce the" covariance":

axy (2.4.9)

- 31 -
Table 2.4.2 The calculation procedure for ordinary linear regression analysis. Results
marked by If) are not used in the calculation of a and b, but are derived here for
subsequent use

total body
length 2 depth . 2
i x(i) x (i) y(i) y(~) x(i)*y(i)

1 11.2 125.44 3.0 9.00 33.60

2 12.4 153.76 3.2 10.24 39.68
3 13.5 1B2.25 4.0 16.00 54.00
4 15.7 246.49 4.8 23.04 75.36
5 17.1 292.41 4.8 23.04 82.08
6 18.5 342.25 4.9 24.01 90.65
7=n 19.0 361.00 5.6 31. 36 106.40

:E 107.4 1703.60 30.3 136.69 481. 77

. 2 . 2
:Ex(i) :Ex(~) :Ey(i) :Ey(~) :Ex(i)*y(i)
- Y
x = 15.343 = 4.329
1 2 1 . 2
n* (:Ex(L) = 1647.82 n*(:Ey(~» = 131.16 #)

. 2 1 . 2 . 2 = 5. 534 # )
. 2 - n*(:Ey(~»
:Ex(~) - n*(:EX(~» = 55.78 :Ey(~)

2 2
sx :;:9.296 #) sy = 0.922 #)
sx = 3.049 #) sy = 0.960 #)

:Ex(i)*y(i) - **:Ex(i)*:EY(i) = 16.88 sxy = 2.814 #)

:Ex(i)*y(i) - **:EX(i)*:Ey(i) 16.88

b = . 2 1 . 2 = 55.78 = 0.303
:Ex(~) - ;*(:EX(~»

a = y-x*b = 4.329-15.343*0.303 = -0.315

Table 2.4.3 Calculation of variance about the line from Eq. 2.4.4

i x(i) y(i) a+b*x(i) [y(i)-a-b*x(i) ]2

1 11.2 3.0 3.079 0.0062
2 12.4 3.2 3.442 0.0587
3 13.5 4.0 3.776 0.0504
4 15.7 4.8 4.442 0.1281
5 17.1 4.8 4.866 0.0044
6 18.5 4.9 5.291 0.1525
7 19.0 5.6 5.442 0.0250
s2 = 0.4252/(7-2) = 0.085 sum: 0.4252

- 32 -
The procedure for the calculation of variance about the regression line leading to Eq. 2.4.4
is demonstrated in Table 2.4.3. However, the variance about the line can be obtained more
easily from sy and sx:

2 n-1 2 2 2
s = n-2*(sy - b *sx I (2.4.10)

Given the results from Table 2.4.2, Eq. 2.4.10 becomes:

s = 5*(0.922 - 0.303 *9.297) = 0.085

The variances of the estimates of b and a are:

2 1 2 2
sb = n_2*(sy/sx) - b ) (2.4.11)

2 2 n-1 2 -2
sa = sb *(-n-*sx + x ) (2.4.12)

Given the results from Table 2.4.2 we get:

sb 0.038

sa 2 = 0.00147* [ -7--*9.297+15.343
7-1 2] = 0.3578, sa = 0.598

The confidence limits for the intercept a and the slope b are respectively:

a: (a - sa*tn_2 a + sa*t _ ) (2.4.13)

n 2
b: [b - sb*tn_2 ' b + sb*tn_2) (2.4.14)

The 95% confidence limits of a and b for the example with n = 7 fish and t7-2 = 2.57
(Table 2.3.1) become:

a: (-0.315 - 0.598*2.57 , -0.315 + 0.598*2.57) [-1.85,1.22)

b: (0.303 - 0.038*2.57 , 0.303 + 0.038*2.57) ( 0.21,0.40)

Note that the confidence interval for the intercept a contains zero. This means that the
hypothesis that body depth is directly proportional to length, (thus that "a = 0") cannot be
rejected by the 95% confidence limits. We say that a is not significantly different from 0 at
the 95 % level.

If we have a good reason to assume that a = 0 then the estimated value should be replaced
by 0 if the estimate is not significantly different from O. Then, however, b must be
recalculated as follows:

b = Ex ( i) *y (i)

- 33 -
Our present estimate is based on only seven fish. If we had measured 200 fish the estimate
of the standard deviation, sa, would be smaller (cf. Eqs. 2.4.11 and 2.4.12). Let us assume
for example, that X, y, sx, sy, a and b were the same for a sample size of n = 200 as those
estimated for a sample size of n = 7 (which might well happen). Although the estimates of
a and b turn out to have the same value, their standard deviations, sa and sb, will be

With n = 200 Eq. 2.4.11 gives sb = 0.006098, while Eq. 2.4.12 gives sa = 0.0091 and
t198 = 1.97 (Table 2.3.1). Thus, sa and sb become smaller, and consequently the confidence
interval of a becomes smaller:

a: [-0.315 - 0.0091*1.97 , -0.315 + 0.0091*1.97] = [-0.33,-0.30]

The estimate of a would now be significantly different from O. In that case we can conclude
that the odds are less than 5% that the true value of a is larger than -0.30 or smaller than -

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


The "correlation coefficient", r, is a measure of the linear association between two quantities,
both of which are subject to random variation. The total length and body depth sample from
Section 2.4 is an example of two such quantities. In this case seven fish were drawn at
random. By accident we could have drawn seven fish all of (nearly) the same length. In that
case the sample would not be suitable for estimation of the length/depth relationship because
the confidence limits of a and b would become very wide.

The correlation coefficient can be used only when both measurements are allowed to vary
randomly. If we had selected seven fish with predetermined lengths rather than random
lengths (e.g. had selected the lengths 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 cm for the length/depth
sample) the calculation of a correlation coefficient for this sample would be incorrect.

The correlation coefficient is defined as:


where sxy is defined by Eq. 2.4.9 and sx and sy are defined by Eq. 2.4.8.

Inserting the slope (b = sxy/sx2), Eq. 2.5.1 becomes:

r = b*sx/sy (2.5.2)

The range of r is: -1.0 ~ r ~ 1.0. r is negative if y tends to decrease when x increases and
r is positive if y tends to increase when x increases. This statement also holds for the slope
b and it follows from Eq. 2.5.2: As sx/sy is always positive (cf. the definition Eq. 2.4.8) r
has the same sign as the slope b. The extreme cases, r = 1 or r = -1 occur when all pairs
(x.y) lie exactly on a straight line. The closer r approaches zero the less pronounced is the
linear association between y and x. When r = 0, x and y are independent of each other.

- 34 -
y y
r = -1.00 o r = -0.95

o o
x o X

y y
r = -0.23 r = -0.05
o o
o o
o o o
X x

Fig. 2.5.1 Examples of correlation coefficients

Fig. 2.5.1 shows four examples of scatter diagrams with different values of r. For the
example of Table 2.4.2 we get:

r = 3.049*0.960 = 0.961

Let us call r1 (lower) and r2 (upper) the 95 % confidence limits for r. They can be calculated
from the expressions:

rl ;: tanh[O.5*ln(-1-) - 1.96/..,fn=lJ

r2 = tanh[O.5*ln(1_r) + 1.96/Vn-3) (2.5.3)

where "tanh" is the "hyperbolic tangent" which IS standard on many scientific pocket

With r from the example (r = 0.961, n = 7) the 95% confidence limits become: [rl,r2] =
[0.75,0.99]. The 99% confidence limits can be obtained by replacing the number 1.96 by
2.58 in Eq. 2.5.3.

Often we are interested in knowing whether zero lies in the confidence interval, viz. what the
odds are that the linear association is due to chance. In this example the odds are less than
5 % that the linear association is due to chance, because zero is not in the confidence interval.

In the example of regressing body depth on total length, the length was chosen as the
independent variable and the body depth as the dependent variable. However, there is no
special reason for this choice. Our sample consists of seven randomly chosen fish. We did
not control what their lengths and body depths would be, thus, we could as well have made
the opposite choice for dependent and independent variables.

- 35 -
One of the assumptions behind linear regression analysis is that the independent variable
cannot be a random variable. The independent variable must be something of which we can
determine the values beforehand. For example, if the independent variable is the time the
sample is taken, it can be determined beforehand. We could decide to collect a sample on the
first day of each month. If we measure time in units of years and start with time zero on the
first of January, the independent variable would take the values: 0, 1112,2/12, 3/12 ... etc.
These values are clearly not random variables.

In the case of the seven fish chosen at random in the example above the situation is that
because they were chosen at random out of a normal distribution of fish lengths a correlation
analysis can be performed on them. On the other hand, we are able to decide on the lengths
beforehand. We could choose the four smallest fish and the three biggest. We could also
decide, as we did, to take them as they come. Only in the latter case is it permissible to do
both kinds of analysis. In the former case only regression analysis will do. On the other hand,
it would probably be a more effective way of doing the regression analysis because of the
great distance between the observations on the horizontal axis. This would cause a small
variance of the slope. Choosing the fish at random, most of them are likely to be medium-
sized and contribute little to the determination of the slope which might show a large

Another question is whether we would have obtained a different result using the body depth
as the independent variable, thus plotting fish length as a function of body depth. First it must
be considered whether depth is as precisely measured as length. If it is not, the slope would
be biased (flattened) as already mentioned. However, there are problems even if the two
variables are measured with the same accuracy.

Taking now the body depth as the independent variable we get what is called an "inverse
regression". Only in the exceptional case that all observations lie on the regression line (i.e.
if r = 1 or r = -1) the same result would be obtained for the inverse regression as for the
ordinary regression. The equation y = a + b*x (Eq. 2.4.2) is mathematically equivalent to:

x = -alb + y/b

or x = A + B*y where A = -alb and B = l/b (2.5.4)

Carrying out the inverse regression (Eq. 2.5.4) we find that

A = 2.139 and B = 3.05

The equation: x = 2.139 + 3.05*y can be converted into:

y = -0.701 + 0.328*x

which can be compared with the result found for the original regression (Eq. 2.4.7: y =
-0.315 + 0.303*x). Thus, the inverse regression gives a result that differs from that of the
original regression analysis.

One way to circumvent the problem of choosing the independent variable when both variables
are random variables is to use the so-called "functional regression analysis" (see Ricker,
1973). This method estimates a slope (which we call b' to distinguish it from slope b of the
ordinary regression analysis) by the expressions:

b' sy /ax if r > 0 (2.5.5)

b' = -sx/sy if r < 0

- 36 -

-- ordin.ry rf!grf!ss/on
------ tunctions; rf!grf!ssion
_.-.lnvers« regrf!ss/on
;.., 4-
1 1..-

., .



-0.12 5 10 15 10 x(iJ
total length

Fig. 2.5.2 Functional and inverse regression lines compared to the original regression line

and the intercept:

a' = y - b'*x (2.5.6)

This type of analysis gives a result that may be considered a compromise between the original
ordinary regression and its inverse counterpart.

With the results from Table 2.4.2 we get:

b' = 0.960/3.049 = 0.315 and a' 4.329 - 0.315*15.343 -0.504

and y = -0.504 + 0.315*x

Functional regression analysis is mentioned here for the sake of completeness. There are
some rather intricate limitations to its applicability which we cannot go into here.

The following three regression lines have now been estimated:

I. Original ordinary regression analysis: y = -0.315 + 0.303*x

2. Functional regression analysis: y = -0.504 + 0.315*x
3. Inverse ordinary regression analysis: Y = -0.701 + 0.328*x

Fig. 2.5.2 shows the three regression lines. Note that all three lines pass through the point
(x,y) and that an increase in slope is partly balanced by a decrease of the intercept.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 37 -

Linear functions are mathematically easy and also have the advantage that they can be
graphically interpreted without any problem. However, many functional relationships
observed in fishery biology are not linear. Fortunately, such non-linear functions can often
be transformed into linear functions, which means that after transformation they can be dealt
with in the way described in the foregoing sections. Several examples are given below of the
application of transformations from non-linear functions to linear functions in fishery biology.

Example 1: Length-weight relationship

Here we consider a famous example, namely the functional relationship between total length
and body weight of fish. Fig. 2.6.1 shows a plot of weight on length of the threadfin bream,
Nemipterus marginatus. Clearly, this is not a linear relationship. The curve in Fig. 2.6.1 is
of the function:

. b
W( L) q*L(~) (2.6.1)

where Wei) is the body weight of fish no. i, L(i) is the total length and q and bare
parameters. Eq. 2.6.1 is usually called the "length-weight relationship". It can be transformed
into a linear equation by taking logarithms on both sides:

1n W(i) = 1n q + b*1n L(i) (2.6.2)

y(i) = a + b*x(i) (2.6.2a)


y(i) = In W(i), x(i) = In L(i) and a = 1n q.

With Eq. 2.6.2a we are now in a position to carry out the estimation of a and b by linear
regression analysis. Input data are shown in Table 2.6.1 and the corresponding scatter
diagram in Fig. 2.6.2. The results are:

a = -4.538, b = 3.057, ax = 0.3311, sy 1.0161, n = 16,

i = 2.727 and y = 3.799

Since a = In q we can obtain q of the original length-weight relationship (Eq. 2.6.1) by

taking the antilog of a:

q = exp a = exp(-4.538) = 0.0107

Thus, the estimated relationship between W (in g) and L (in ern) becomes:

3 057
W = 0.0107*L .

(The back-transformation from logarithms introduces a bias which we will not go into here.)

- 38 -
Table 2.6.1 Data for estimation of a length-weight relationship for the threadfin bream
(Nemipterus marginatus) from the South China Sea (from Pauly, 1983)

i L(i) W( i) In L(i) In W(i)

x (i) y( i)

1 8.1 6.3 2.092 1. 841

2 9.1 9.6 2.208 2.262
3 10.2 11.6 2.322 2.451
4 11.9 18.5 2.477 2.918
5 12.2 26.2 2.501 3.266
6 13.8 36.1 2.625 3.586
7 14.8 40.1 2.695 3.691
8 15.7 47.3 2.754 3.857
9 16.6 65.6 2.809 4.184
10 17.7 69.4 2.874 4.240
11 18.7 76.4 2.929 4.336
12 19.0 82.5 2.944 4.413
13 20.6 106.6 3.025 4.669
14 21.9 119.8 3.086 4.786
15 22.9 169.2 3.131 5.131
16 23.5 173.3 3.157 5.155

sum 43.629 60.786

mean 2.7268 3.7991
sx and sy 0.3311 1.0161

We can also calculate the 95% confidence limits ofb, using the values of sx, sy, nand t14
(see Table 2.3.1) in Eq. 2.4.11:

2 _1_ [11.0161)2 2J
sb = 16-2 * 0.3311 - 3.057 = 0.0052

sb 0.072 and sb*tn_2 = 0.072*2.15 = 0.155

The 95% confidence interval for b is [(3.057-0.155),(3.057+0.155)] or [2.90, 3.21]. These

confidence limits tell us that only the first decimal in the estimate of b is significant (compare
Section 2.3), thus the true value of b could just as well be 3.0.

Since the weight of a fish (in grammes) is approximately equal to its volume (in cubic em),
and since its volume is often proportional to the cube of its length, L3, we would expect that
the value of b in Eqs. 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 is close to 3.0.

Since the confidence interval calculated above supports this hypothesis we can simplify the
length-weight relationship by replacing the estimate b = 3.057 by b = 3.0. This implies that
a new estimate of the intercept a has to be obtained. Since the new straight line with b = 3.0
also passes through the point (x",y) we can calculate the new intercept a using Eq. 2.6.2a:

a = y - b*x = 3.799 - 3.0*2.727 = -4.382

From a we obtain the corresponding new value for q

q = exp(-4.382) = 0.0125

Thus, the new relationship becomes:

W = 0.0125*L3

- 39 -




....., 110
OJ) W·O.OI25 L ~
'-" 110
~ 100

~ '0









• 10 1% 14 1& .. to n 24
total length (em)

Fag. 2.6.1 Length-weight relationship or Nemipterus marginatus in the South China Sea.
(Based on data from Table 2.6.1)







2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2

In L

Fag. 2.6.2 The data from Fag. 2.6.1 converted to natural logarithms

- 40-
Example 2: Linearization of a normal distribution

In Section 2.2 (Eq. 2.2.1) the mathematical expression for a normal distribution is given as:

- 2
Fc(x) n*dL
: ~
* exp [ - ~]
This equation can be transformed into a linear regression in the following two stages:

Stage 1: Converting a normal distribution into a parabola

Taking the logarithms on both sides of Eq. 2.2.1 gives:

- 2
In Fc(x) = In [ ~
n*dL J - ~ 2 (2.6.3)
s*v.:rc 29

Considering In Fc(x) as the dependent variable, y, and x as the independent variable, we have
hereby obtained a functional relationship between y and x, which can graphically be
represented by a parabola which has the general formula:
y = a + b*x + c*x

Inserting the values used in the example of Table 2.1.2 we obtain:

y = 1n [ (2 7 * 1 ) / ( 2 • 2 *vTn ) J - (x -15 . 07 ) 2 / ( 2 *2 • 2 2) = 1. 59 - (x-IS • 07 ) 2 / 9 . 68

the graph of which is shown in Fig. 2.6.3.

Fig. 2.6.3 The ln-transformed normal distribution (y) together with the original distribu-
tion (Fe)

- 41 -
Stage 2: Converting a parabola into a straight line

When dealing with a parabola differences between points evenly spaced on the x-axis are
always found to be linear. Subtracting the functional value (in our case: In Fc(x)) for the
higher value of x from that of the lower value of x gives a series of differences which are
positive for the left half of the parabola and negative for the right half. The process and the
results of calculating differences are illustrated in Figs. 2.6.4aA and 2.6.4aB respectively.

To explain this process mathematically we introduce a new dependent variable, which is s:

the difference between the logarithm of the number in a certain length class and the logarithm
of the number in the preceding class.

y' = in Fc(x+dL) - in Fc(x) (2.6.4)

~ in Fe (14.5)
- - - - -- - -_
• I <;
l_._j- -_- ilinFc(15.5)

!.\ in Fe (16.5)
~ in Fe (13.5)

~ in Fe (12.5)


.x in Fe (18.5)
~ in Fe (11 .5)

12 13 14
x = 1:(j)




11 12 13 14 17 18 19
-0.2 = l[ + dL/2

->-11 -0.4



Fig.2.6.4a Estimation of mean and variance by Bhattacharya's method. A. The parabola

and the differences between equidistant points on the x-axls, B. The Bhattacha-
rya plot of differences against class midpoints. Data in Table 2.6.2

- 42 -
This can also be expressed as

y' = Aln Fc(x+dL/2)

where A (delta) designates a "small" difference between two function values. y' is to be plotted
against a new independent variable, z, which is equivalent to x plus half the length interval:

z = x + dL/2

We now have to insert Eq. 2.6.3 into Eq. 2.6.4 as follows:

y' = Aln Fc(x+dL/2) = Aln FC(z) =

- 2 - 2
In [n*dL ] - (x+dL-x) } - f In [n*dL ] - lK=tl}
f 9*v2rr 292 s*v2rr 26

After squaring and summing this can be converted into a relatively simple equation:

dL*x dL
y' ---2- - ~ * (x+dL/2) (2.6.5)
S 6

or v' = a + b* z , where z = x + dL/2

a = dL*x/9 2 an d b = -dL/s 2

From the slope, b, and the intercept, a, we get the variance and mean value, respectively,
9 = -dL/b (2.6.6)
x = -alb (2.6.7)

This regression is one of the main elements of the method described by Bhattacharya (1967)
for separating two or more normal distributions (Section 3.4.1). We call it the "Bhattacharya
plot". Table 2.6.2 and Fig. 2.6.4a show an example. In this case the theoretical frequencies,
Fe, and the class midpoints, x, from Table 2.2.1 have been used as "observations". These
conform exactly to the model. In this case the mean and variance estimated by the
Bhattacharya plot are almost the same as those obtained by the traditional method (as in Table
2.1.2). Any small difference will be due to the introduction of a regression analysis. Part B
of Fig. 2.6.4a shows the plot of the differences between the logarithms of two consecutive
frequences against the midpoints of the x-values,

The Bhattacharya plot also gives a clue to the number of observations in a normal distribution
of which only the frequencies in some size classes are known. Rewriting Eq. 2.2.1 with the
actual observations we get

- dL [-. - 2
F(L(j)) = n * ~ * exp _ [L(])-x]
6*v2rr 262 J (2.6.8)

Thus n can be estimated even for a single size class j once and s2 have been estimated.x
Accidents of sampling, however, cause inaccuracy because they influence the number of fish
in each class interval, cf. Fig. 2.2.1. When the numbers in several size classes are known the

- 43 -
frequencies can be summed smoothing the deviations from each of the expected frequencies.
Summing for i classes on both sides of the equality sign and rearranging gives

I: F(L(j»)
n = ----------~~----~----~- (2.6.9)
__ *
_.>:::d,=<L i [(L ej)-x ]2]
.'-2 I: exp - 2
e=v rr j==l 2s

Table 2.6.2 Estimation of mean value and variance of a normal distribution from the Bhattacha-
rya plot, illustrated by the theoretical frequencies, Fc(x), of Table 2.1.2, presented
in Table 2.2.1. Details of the table are illustrated in Figs. 2.6.3 and 2.6.4a

- interval
index L(j) x-dL/2,x+dL/2 Fc(x) In Fc(x)
j (x) (y) !In Fc(z) x+dL/2
(y' ) (z)
1 11 10.5-11. 5 0.88 -0.128
0.743 11. 5
2 12 11.5-12.5 1. 85 0.615
0.529 12.5
3 13 12.5-13.5 3.14 1.144
0.326 13.5
4 14 13.5-14.5 4.35 1.470
0.117 14.5
5 15 14.5-15.5 4.89 1.587
-0.088 15.5
6 16 15.5-16.5 4.48 1.500
-0.297 16.5
7 17 16.5-17.5 3.33 1.203
-0.500 17.5
8 18 17.5-18.5 2.02 0.703
-0.713 18.5
9 19 18.5-19.5 0.99 0.010
a == 3.1237 dL == 1
b -0.2073

x == -alb 15.07 s -dL/b 4.82 s == 2.20

Table 2.6.2a Estimation of the total number of observations with the Bhattacharya method

- - 2
- - (Lej)-xl ]
j L(j) F(L(j») exp[- 2

1 11 0.88 0.1802
2 12 1.85 0.3778
3 13 3.14 0.6433
4 14 4.35 0.8898
5 15 4.89 0.9996
sums 15.11 3.0907

n == 1 = 26.88
2.193 * v2rr *

- 44 -
Table 2.6.3 Bhattacharya plot corresponding to the length-frequency sample of Table 2.1.2

index x x-dL/2,x+dL/2 F(x) ln F(x) Un F(z) x+dL/2

(x) (y) (y' ) (z)

1-2 11.5 10.5-12.5 4 1.386

0.560 12.5
3-4 13.5 12.5-14.5 7 1.946
0.251 14.5
5-6 15.5 14.5-16.5 9 2.197
-0.588 16.5
7-8 17.5 16.5-18.5 5 1.609
-0.916 18.5
9 19.5 18.5-20.5 2 0.693
a = 3.909 dL = 2
b = -0.263
x -alb 14.8 B -dL/b 7.605 9 = 2.76





<l X + dLl2
- 0.'2


-0. "


Fig. 2.6.5 Bhattacharya plot corresponding to Table 2.6.3

The observations for fish larger than in Fig. 2.6.4a might not be reliable because their sizes
overlap with the smaller fish of an older age group such as illustrated in Fig. 1.4.1, age
groups I and 2. In that case we could use only the left hand observations of Fig. 2.6.4a
(x = II, 12, 13, 14, 15 ern) for the Bhattacharya plot which provides four points on the
straight line from which to estimate x
and s2. We find with data from Table 2.6.2:

a = 3.134; b = -0.2081; x = 15.06, 9

2 = 4.805, 9 = 2.193

The result is practically the same as for the entire normal distribution because the fit of the
straight line to the data is in this case almost perfect (see Fig. 2.6.2). The application of Eq.
2.6.9 is shown in Table 2.6.2a. We find n = 26.88 when the true value (known from Table
2.1.2) is 27.

- 45 -
Once n is known the numbers in each size class (the theoretical frequencies) can be estimated
from Eq. 2.6.8. These calculations are not carried out in Table 2.6.2a because in this exercise
the "observations" are actually the theoretical frequencies.

Table 2.6.3 shows the estimation of mean and variance by the Bhattacharya plot, but now
with the actual observations given in Table 2.1.2. Because of the small sample size the
observations have been grouped into 2 em intervals. Fig. 2.6.5 shows the corresponding plot.
The estimates of mean and variance obtained in Table 2.6.3 deviate from those calculated by
the traditional method (Table 2.1.2) because of 1) the small sample size, 2) the bias intro-
duced by large length intervals and 3) the use of a different statistical method (linear
regression analysis).

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 46 -

The study of growth means basically the determination of the body size as a function of age.
Therefore all stock assessment methods work essentially with age composition data. In
temperate waters such data can usually be obtained through the counting of year rings on hard
parts such as scales and otoliths. These rings are formed due to strong fluctuations in environ-
mental conditions from summer to winter and vice versa. In tropical areas such drastic
changes do not occur and it is therefore very difficult, if not impossible to use this kind of
seasonal rings for age determination.

Only recently methods have been developed to use much finer structures, so-called daily
rings, to count the age of the fish in number of days. These methods, however, require
special expensive equipment and a lot of manpower, and it is therefore not likely that they
will be applied on a routine basis in many places.

Fortunately several numerical methods have been developed which allow the conversion of
length-frequency data into age composition. Although these methods do not require the
reading of rings on hard parts, the final inter-pretation of the results becomes much more
reliable if at least some direct age readings are available. The best compromise for stock
assessment of tropical species is therefore an analysis of a large number of length-frequency
data combined with a small number of age readings on the basis of daily rings. This manual
does not deal with the techniques of age reading but references to special publications are
given (see Section 3.2.1).


Putter (1920) developed a growth model which can be considered the base of most other
models on growth including the one developed as a mathematical model for individual growth
by von Bertalanffy (1934), and which has been shown to conform to the observed growth of
most fish species. The theory behind various growth models is reviewed by for example
Beverton and Holt (1957), Ursin (1968), Ricker (1975), Gulland (1983), Pauly (1984) and
Pauly and Morgan (1987), but we shall deal here only with the von Bertalanffy growth model
of body length as a function of age. It has become one of the cornerstones in fishery biology
because it is used as a sub-model in more complex models describing the dynamics of fish
populations. Fig. illustrates the model in graphical as well as in mathematical form.

The mathematical model, B, expresses the length, L, as a function of the age of the fish, t:

( I
The right hand side of the equation contains the age, t, and some parameters. They are:
"Loo" (read "L-irfinityr>, "K" and "to" (read "t-zero"). Different growth curves will be
created for each different set of parameters, therefore it is possible to use the same basic
model to describe the growth of different species simply by using a special set of parameters
for each species.

To illustrate the use of the model, assume that the three parameters have been estimated for
some particular fish stock and that the values are:

Loo = 50 cm, K = 0.5 per year and to = -0.2 year

- 47 -
o f(age)

Fig. The von Bertalanffy growth equation


C 30



o 0 1 2 3 5

Fig. A family of growth curves with different curvature parameters, different K

Then we insert these parameter values into the von Bertalanffy growth equation (Eq.

L(t) = 50*[1 - exp(-0.5*(t+0.2))]

The length in cm at a given age of an average fish of the stock in question can now be
calculated by inserting a value for t, the age, e.g. t = 2 years:

L(2) = 50*[1 - exp(-0.5*(2+0.2))) = 33.4 em

. 48 -
Thus, knowing the parameters we can calculate the length at any age of the fish in the stock
in question:

age of fish body length of fish

(year) (cm)
0.5 14.8
1.0 22.6
1.5 28.6
2.0 33.4
3.0 39.9
5.0 46.3
... .. . etc .

From such a table a graph ("growth curve") can be produced for this set of parameters, as
in Fig.

The parameters can to some extent be interpreted biologically. Leo is interpreted as "the
mean length of very old (strictly: infinitely oldt fish", it is also called the "asymptotic length"
(see Fig. K is a "curvature parameter" which determines how fast the fish
approaches its Loo' Some species, most of them short-lived, almost reach their Leo in a year
or two and have a high value of K. Other species have a flat growth curve with a low K-
value and need many years to reach anything like their Loo' This is illustrated in Fig. The third parameter, to' sometimes called "the initial condition parameter",
determines the point in time when the fish has zero length. Biologically, this has no meaning,
because the growth begins at hatching when the larva already has a certain length, which may
be called L(O) when we put t = 0 at the day of birth. It is easily identified by inserting t =
o into Eq.

However, L(O) may not be a realistic estimate of the length at birth because fish larvae do
not always grow according to the von Bertalanffy model. The important point is that fish old
enough to be exploited usually do. Let us therefore tum the attention to the description of the
growth of larger (exploited) fish.

Fish increase in length as they grow older, but their "growth rate", that is the increment in
length per unit time, decreases when they get older, approaching zero when they become very
old. The growth rate can be defined by:

AL L(t+At)-L(t)
At At (

Time (or age), t, is usually expressed in units of years. If the growth rate is measured per
month then

At = 1/12 years 0.0833 years

or per day then,

At = 1/365 years = 0.00272 years.

In Table the ages (in years) and the lengths at the beginning of each year (in ern)
corresponding to the example given in Fig. are given in columns A and B,
respectively. The growth rate is given in column C. It is evident that the growth rate

- 49 -
decreases as the fish get older. The mathematical relationship between the length of a fish and
the growth rate at a given time is a linear function:
At = a + b1rL(t) (

This linear relationship can be derived from the von Bertaianffy growth equation, as follows:

At = K1r(Lw-L(t» em/year (

where K = -b and L 00 = -a/b

We shall not concern ourselves here with the mathematical proof. This linear relationship will
be used in subsequent sections to determine the growth parameters K and Loo' An example
is already given in Fig. w_here the growth rate ~L/ ~t, as dependent variable, is
plotted against the mean length, L(t) , over the corresponding year, as the independent
variable (see column D of Table

_ L(t+At)+L(t)
L(t) = 2

From Eq. it follows that if L(t) = Loo then ~L/ ~t = K*(Loo -Loo) = 0, that is to
say when the fish reaches length Loo the growth rate becomes zero and Loo is thus the
maximum average length of a fish. This is also illustrated in Fig, Where the
regression line reaches the x-axis, ~L/ ~t = 0 and the corresponding L(t) at the axis = Loo'
Further, K, can be derived from the slope (see Section 3.3.1).

Table Growth rate as a function of age corresponding to the growth curve in Fig. See also Fig.

A 8 C D

age length growth rate mean length

L(t+Atl-L(tl AL L(t+At)+L(tl
t L(t) 1 At L(t)
years em em/year em
(y) (x)
1 25.7
10.3 30.9
2 36.0
6.9 39.5
3 42.9
4.6 45.2
4 47.5
3.2 49.1
5 50.7
2.1 51.8
6 52.8
1.4 53.5
7 54.2

- 50 -
'<2 16
~ 11,



fO 15 20 ss '15 50
L (t) Loa = -alb

Fig. Plot of growth rate against mean length. From columns C and D of Table

3.1.1 Variability and applicability of growth parameters

Growth parameters, of course, differ from species to species, but they may also vary from
stock to stock within the same species, i.e. growth parameters of a particular species may
take different values in different parts of its range. Also successive cohorts may grow
differently depending on environmental conditions. Further growth parameters often take
different values for the two sexes. If there are pronounced differences between the sexes in
their growth parameters, the input data should be separated by sex and values of K, Loa and
to should be estimated for each sex separately.

-- ------

a verage growth curve of a cohort

growth curve of a part icula I' specimen


Fig. Individual growth curve and average cohort growth curve of crustaceans

- 51 -
- -- ---------- - --- ---- w
~ 250 wIt) = q*L(t)3 = O.012S*L(t)3 ""

§~ 200

, SO
~ 50
---~ 0 3 7
t (age)

30 ____________________ L""
...e Z5
..... 20
c: 15
,-.. 10
~ L(t) = L",,*[l-exp(-K*(t-t))]
= 2B.4*[l-eXp(-O.37~(t+O.2))]
0 1 2 3 5 7 t (age)

Fig. A length-based growth curve and corresponding weight-based growth curve

Although the physiology of crustaceans is very different from that of fishes, their average
body growth appears also to conform to the von Bertalanffy growth model (see Garcia and
Le Reste, 1981). An individual crustacean (a shrimp or lobster) does not conform to the von
Bertalanffy model, but to some "stepwise curve", with each step accounting for a moult (as
illustrated in Fig. However, members of a cohort moult at different times, and
therefore the average growth curve of a cohort of crustaceans becomes a smooth curve (dotted
line). For further discussion on the modelling of population dynamics of crustaceans see, for
example, Jamieson and Bourne (1986) and Caddy (1987).

3.1.2 The weight-based von Bertalanffy growth equation

Combining the von Bertalanffy growth equation (Eq.

L(t) = L *[1 - exp(-K*(t-t

co 0

with the length/weight relationship (Eq, 2.6.1):

gives the weight of a fish as a function of age:

3 3
W(t) = q*L *[1 - exp(-K*(t-t
co 0

The "asymptotic weight", WOO' corresponding to the asymptotic length is (according to Eq. 2.6.1):

W co = q *Lco

- 52 -
The parameter, q, is called the "condition/actor". (Note that the letter q is also used in this
manual to designate the catchability coefficient, Section 4.3.) Thus, "the weight-based von
Bertalanffy equation" can be written:

W(t) (

Fig., for example, shows the weight-based growth curve for the von Bertalanffy
parameters: Lao = 28.4 cm, K = 0.37 per year, to = -0.2 years and the condition factor
q = 0.0125 g per cubic em, of the threadfin bream, Nemipterus marglnatus in North Borneo
waters (Pauly, 1983).

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


There are several ways of obtaining input data for the methods used to derive the growth
parameters Lao, K and to. The methods may be categorized roughly into three groups:

1) Age reading and length measurements combined

a) data from resource surveys with a research vessel

b) data from samples taken from commercial catches

2) Length measurements only

a) data from resource surveys with a research vessel

b) data from samples taken from commercial catches

3) Mark-recapture (tagging) experiments, where two (or more) length measurements

are obtained, viz. at the time of marking (usually on a research vessel) and the time
of recovery (usually by the commercial fishery). This method is excellent from a
theoretical point of view but difficult and costly to implement. We shall not go
further into this method, except for Exercise 3.3.1. (See also Jones, 1977).

Below we shall first consider la) in Section 3.2.1 and then 2b) in Section 3.2.2.

3.2.1 Data from age readings and length measurements

As has been stated in the introduction to this chapter, age reading is a relatively simple
technique in the case of species from temperate waters, because their otoliths or scales show
seasonal rings, one for the summer and one for the winter, which together form an annual
ring. Sometimes such rings can be observed with the naked eye. In other cases simple techni-
ques, such as burning can make them visible. The annual rings give sufficient information
for most stock assessment purposes.

Unfortunately, tropical fish species seldom show clear annual rings in their otoliths or scales,
because the strong seasonality which characterizes temperate zones is lacking. Recent
discoveries, however, have created opportunities to also read ages of tropical fish, albeit

- 53 -
within limited ranges and at a high cost in terms of manpower and initial investment. By
going deeper into the formation of the rings in otoliths and scales it has been discovered that
daily increments (or even increments caused by a certain food intake) can be detected by
means of a strong microscope. The latest findings indicate that sometimes the daily rings are
so thin that they defeat the ordinary microscope whose detection power is limited by the
wavelength of the light. Such rings can be read only by a scanning electron microscope
(Morales-Nin, 1991).

A large amount of literature has been produced on this subject in recent years, for example:
Panella (1971), Bagenal (1974), Brothers (1980), Beamish and Me Farlane (1983), Gjesreter
et al. (1983), Dayaratne and Gjasreter (1986) and Williams (1986).

In a manual on tropical fish stock assessment it is necessary to concentrate on length

measurements and consequently place less emphasis on age data. However, we are dealing
with age here for two reasons. In the first place it may sometimes be possible to carry out
a small number of age readings, which can be used to calibrate the findings obtained from
length measurements alone. Secondly, it is easier to explain the concepts and theory on the
basis of age and length data than on the basis of length data only. Also we use data from
research vessels to avoid further complications at this stage. The first example deals with data
from a single survey, while the second example deals with data from a time series of surveys.

Example 3: Age/length composition data from a single survey

Suppose we have a random sample of fish from the stock of species A. This sample was
taken on a survey with a duration of, say, a fortnight, in which trawl hauls were made over
the entire distribution area of the stock in such a manner that the pooled data from all hauls
made up a random sample (see Section 7.1). Suppose that the survey took place in October
1983 and that pooled length-frequency data were obtained as presented in the last column of
Table (and also in Fig. Suppose also that we have observed two annual peak
recruitment seasons and therefore have decided to define two cohorts per year:

Spring cohort: Fish recruited from January to June

Autumn cohort: Fish recruited from July to December

A cohort was defined earlier as "a group of fish all of the same age belonging to the same
stock" (see Section 1.3.1).

Now, also suppose that we are able to read the age of each fish, so that we can determine the
day on which it was born. After having read the ages of all 439 fish of species A caught in
the October 1983 survey, we can assign each fish to a specific cohort. It is then possible to
make a length-frequency distribution for each cohort. Theoretically, these length distributions
are normal distributions for which we can determine the mean length and the standard

The complex length-frequency table obtained after the survey has thus been split into six
length-frequency tables for different cohorts, of which we also know the average age. The
type of information contained in the first seven columns of Table forms a so-called
"age/length key" (this concept will be further discussed in Example 7). The main data for
each cohort have been summarized in Table

If we further assume that all the six cohorts have the same growth parameters, we can use
the data contained in Table to estimate the common growth parameters. In other

- 54 -
words, we can determine the growth parameters which produce the growth curve that gives
the best fit to the pairs of data of mean length and corresponding mean age. Exactly how this
can be done is explained in subsequent sections.

Table Age/length composition (hypothetical example). Basic data for Table The
graph for the total length-frequency is shown in Fig. ("_" stands for a
zero observation)

recruitment season
length spring autumn spring autumn spring autumn October
interval 1983 1982 1982 1981 1981 1980 1983
cm total
of all

12-13 1 - - - - - 1
13-14 4 - - - - - 4
14-15 11 - - - - - 11
15-16 24 - - - - - 24
16-17 38 - - - - - 38
17-18 42 - - - - - 42
18-19 33 - - - - - 33
19-20 20 - - - - - 20
20-21 7 - - - - - 7
21-22 2 1 - - - - 3
22-23 - 3 - - - - 3
23-24 - 5 - - - - 5
24-25 - 8 - - - - 8
25-26 - 11 - - - - 11
-- 14
28-29 - 15 1 - - - 16
29-30 - 13 2 - - - 15
30-31 - 11 3 - - - 14
31-32 - 7 4 - - - 11
32-33 - 4 6 1 - - 11
33-34 - 2 7 1 - - 10
34-35 - 1 7 1 - - 9
35-36 - - 8 2 - - 10
36-37 - - 7 3 1 - 11
37-38 - - 6 3 1 - 10
38-39 - - 5 4 1 - 10
39-40 - - 4 4 2 1 11
40-41 - - 3 5 2 1 11
41-42 - - 2 4 2 1 9
42-43 - - 1 3 2 1 7
43-44 - - - 3 3 1 7
44-45 - - - 2 2 1 5
45-46 - - - 2 2 2 6
46-47 - - - 1 2 2 5
47-48 - - - 1 1 1 3
48-49 - - - - 1 1 2
49-50 - - - -
1 1 2
50-51 - - - 1 1 2
51-52 - - - - - 1 1

total 182 111 67 40 24 15 439

mean length 17.3 27.9 35.3 40.2 43.3 45.5
std. dev. 1.7 2.7 3.4 3.6 3.8 3.6
mean age (y) 0.64 1.16 1. 65 2.10 2.64 3.21

- 55 -
Please note that the data presented in Table are "hypothetical" or "faked" data. They
were actually computed from a set of growth parameters (which determine the mean lengths
for each cohort) and a set of standard deviations for the length distribution of each cohort.
The mean age of the youngest cohort is 0.64 year or 234 days, this means that the birth date
of this cohort was 234 days before 15 October 1983, or 23 February 1983 (northern spring).
The other two spring cohorts were born one and two years earlier respectively, while the
three autumn cohorts were born 6 months after each spring cohort. Due to random variations
the birth dates vary slightly from year to year. The advantage of using such hypothetical data
in the context of this manual is that the true parameters are known, which is not the case with
data taken from a real stock. That puts us in a position to compare the results of various
methods of parameter estimation with the real values. The data presented in Tables
and will also be used as examples in Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2.

Table Hypothetical example or age and length composition data of species A from one
research survey in October 1983 (derived from the "raw data" in Table


year season number mean age mean length

observed (year) (cm)

1983 spring 182 0.64 17.3

1982 autumn 111 1.16 27.9
1982 spring 67 1.65 35.3
1981 autumn 40 2.10 40.2
1981 spring 24 2.64 43.3
1980 autumn 15 3.21 45.5

total: 439


1982 1983 1984

time of sampling

Fig. Illustration of the data on age/length collected during a time series of surveys

. 56 •
Example 4: Age/length composition data from multiple surveys

If we now assume that the survey of Example 3 was only one of a series of 12 surveys
carried out during the years 1982-1984, in the months of January, April, July and October
each year, then such a survey programme would yield 12 tables like Table By
sampling the various cohorts regularly over a length of time, in this case three years, changes
in the mean lengths can be determined by plotting them against the time of sampling as shown
in Fig. With this data set we are able to estimate the growth parameters for some
of the cohorts individually. For the spring cohort in the recruitment year of 1982 for
example, there are 10 pairs of age and length data which can be used to estimate the
parameters for that particular cohort.

The difference between following one particular cohort in time as shown here, and the
determination of mean lengths of different cohorts at a certain moment, as presented in
Example 3, is illustrated in Fig., where the two different data types are indicated by
heavy lines. The curve starting July 1982 and running to October 1984 shows the "real"
growth of a cohort. The vertical line "October sample 1983" shows a "cross section" of the
stock at that date.

In case of a short-lived species (with a life span of, say, one to two years) we would have
to follow a cohort in time as described in Example 4. The method based on a single sample
would not be applicable because it would contain only one or two cohorts. Although there
may be differences in the growth of different cohorts this difference is usually so small that
it can be ignored. Data like those presented in Fig. therefore could all be pooled into
one data set and used in a way similar to the data of the October sample in 1983 (Table

It is likely that bias will be less if sampling is done all the year round. Thus, although we can
sometimes manage with a single sample, it is safer to use a time series of samples.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

Example 5: The use of age/length keys

An agellength key is a table showing, for each length class of fish of a particular stock, the
percentage or fractional age-frequency distribution, see Table Once such a key is
available, samples of fish which were only measured for length can be distributed over age
groups according to the key.

The agellength key of Table could be based on 182 randomly drawn fish with the
following length distribution:

Length group (ern) 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 Total

Frequency 110 40 22 10 182

The next step is to age the fish in each length group. Let us assume that the results are as
shown in Table Table is then derived from Table simply by dividing
each row entry by the row total for each length group.

- 57 -
Table can then be used to assign ages to a much larger length-frequency sample of
the same stock (for which the age composition is unknown), for example the length-frequency
sample of 21041 fish given below:

Length group (ern) 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 Total

Frequency 12088 7035 1788 130 21041

By distributing the numbers in each length group over the age groups according to the
proportions given in Table, we get the results presented in Table Length
group 10-15 ern, for example, is estimated to consist of 7035 *0. 25 = 1759 O-group fish and
7035*0.75 = 5276 l-group fish. By summing the column entries we finally arrive at the age
composition given in the bottom row of Table

Table Input data for estimation of an age/length key (hypothetical example)

length age group age group age group total

group 0 1 2

5-10 110 0 0 110

10-15 10 30 0 40
15-20 a 11 11 22
20-25 a 1 9 10

total 120 42 20 182

Table Hypothetical age/length key

length age group age group age group

group a 1 2
5-10 1.0 a a
10-15 0.25 0.75 a
15-20 a 0.5 0.5
20-25 a 0.1 0.9

Table Age composition of a large length-frequency sample estimated by use of the
age/length key in Table

length age group age group age group total

group a 1 2
5-10 12088 a a 12088
10-15 1759 5276 a 7035
15-20 a 894 894 1788
20-25 a 13 117 130
total 13847 6183 1011 21041

Thus in order to estimate the age composition of the catch from a particular stock we only
need to determine an age/length key based on a small sample of age readings and then we can
restrict further sampling to the collection of length-frequency data. These lengths are
converted to ages by means of the key. The same key may be used in consecutive years as
long as there is no suspicion of major changes in the age composition of the stock. In a

- 58 -
Table Age/length key for Scomberomorus brasiliensis based on otolith readings, in
percentages per 3-cm length groups. From Sturm, 1974

age group (year)

group 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

13-16 100 - - - - - - - - -
-- -
-- -
22-25 - 100 - - -
- -
- -
25-28 - 96 4 - -
28-31 - 55 45 - - - - - - -
31-34 - 5 95 - - - - - - -
34-37 - - 91 9 - - - - - -
37-40 - - 73 27 - - - - - -
40-43 - - 33 63 2 - - - - -
43-46 - - 15 77 8 - - - - -
46-49 - - 5 65 29 - - - -
49-52 - - 1 47 50 2 - -
52-55 - - - 38 51 11 - - - -
55-58 - - - 10 62 21 7 - - -
58-61 - - - 3 50 25 22 - - -
61-64 - - - - 19 44 31 6 - -
64-67 - - - - - 66 17 17 - -
67-70 - - - - - - 75 25 - -
70-73 - - - - - - - 33 33 33
> 73 - - - - - - - - 50 50

period of for instance, markedly increased effort the old fish may disappear from the catches
and then a new age/length key will have to be prepared.

Table shows an age/length key for a long-lived tropical fish, the Spanish mackerel
(Scomberomorus brasiliensis). To illustrate the limitations of an age/length key, consider the
percentage age distribution of fish of 61-64 em long, which are 4-7 years old. Now, if the
fishing mortality (effort) increases markedly, most fish older than 5 years may be extermi-
nated and the few fish of 61-64 ern still caught will be fast-growing 4-year-01ds and a few
remaining 5-year-olds, while the 6 and 7 years old fish have disappeared. Using the old key
on the new length-frequency distributions would give the impression that the 61-64 ern fish
are still 4-7 years old, with the 5-group dominating, when in fact they are only 4 years old.

When collecting samples for an age/length key it is important to include in the sample some
very small, and some very large specimens. Otherwise, when large numbers of length
measurements are to be distributed over age groups it will be found that some size classes
represented in such length samples are not in the key at all. When small and large fish are
deliberately over-represented in the key it is important to remember that the key data alone
cannot be used for estimation of growth or mortality parameters.

The methodology of fish stock assessment can in fact be entirely based on age/length
compositions alone. The application of mathematical growth models is not necessary. To a
certain degree this is the case with the assessments made by the International Council for
Exploration of the Sea (ICES) in the North Atlantic. However, since reliable age/length keys
are not likely to become available for most tropical species in the near future, as well as for
a number of other reasons which will be outlined in the following chapters, the highest prio-
rity has been given in this manual to the mathematical growth models.

- 59 -
3.2.2 Length composition data (without age compositions)

Assume that we have a data set consisting of length-frequencies of a certain species, but
without age readings. The basic data set for a given sampling date would then look like the
"total" (last) column of Table 3.2.l.1 or as drawn in Fig. 3.2.2.l. Is it possible to obtain a
separation of the various cohorts which have contributed to this sample without using age rea-
ding techniques? The answer is that under certain conditions it is possible, except for parts
where the ranges of length-frequencies of different cohorts overlap each other too much.

The hypothetical data set presented in Table was created from a number of normally
distributed components, representing cohorts, as shown in Fig.

In Fig. the youngest cohort, the spring cohort of 1983, can easily be distinguished
from the rest of the sample. The next cohort, further to the right, is somewhat more difficult
to see, while the remaining four cohorts may only be distinguished by using more
sophisticated methods than visual inspection, or it may not be possible to separate them at all.

In Section 3.4 methods will be introduced which can be used to split length-frequency
samples into normally distributed components, which are assumed to represent cohorts. It will
be demonstrated, on the basis of the same data set, that it is not feasible in practice to
separate more than three or four cohorts from the total data set. The overlap in the length
composition of the older cohorts, the largest fish, clearly limits the analysis. Therefore, the
conclusions that may be drawn from such a data set, compared to cases where the age of the
fish can be determined, are also limited.

3.2.3 Data from commercial catches

Data for estimation of growth parameters may also be obtained from sampling the commercial
catches. The basic principles in analysing samples from commercial landings are the same
as for research survey data. The major difference lies in the bias problems. Commercial boats
never attempt to collect a random sample of the stock, because they always go for the
marketable sizes and try to find the areas with the highest concentrations of fish. However,
keeping in mind sources of bias, and trying to stratify the sampling to minimize the bias, data
from commercial fisheries can also be used for the estimation of growth parameters.

The major advantage of sampling commercial catches is that such samples are much cheaper
to collect and thus sampling can be much more frequent than is possible with a single
research vessel. In Chapter 7 problems relating to sampling of commercial catches are further
elaborated .



In this section we assume that pairs of observations of age and length are available. They may
either be derived from readings of ring structures in hard parts or from length-frequency
analysis (Sections 3.4 and 3.5). Input data are either in the detailed form of an agellength
composition as in Table or in the processed form shown in Table They may
or may not be derived from a time series of samples (cf. Fig. 3.2.l.1). In the following we
use for simplicity the input data format illustrated by Table

- 60 -

u 30

~ 20

o +-..........,r-r"""T""-r--""
o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52

Lengt h (em)
Fig. The length-frequency sample, the only basic data in cases where age reading
from hard parts is not possible. (Frequencies from the "total column" of Table



~ 20

o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56

Lengt h (em)

Fig. The length-frequency sample of Fig., separated into normally distributed
components. (Frequencies from the "total" column of Table This
example is also used to illustrate the "Bhattacharya method" described in Section
3.4.1 and the "maximum likelihood method" discussed in Section 3.5.3

- 61 -
Growth parameters can be derived from such data by graphical methods or plots, which are
always based on a conversion to a linear equation, as discussed in Chapter 2. These plots are
named after the authors of the papers wherein they were first described, viz. Gulland and Holt
(1959), Chapman (1961), Ford-Walford (1933 and 1946 respectively) and von Bertalanffy
(1934). An other method that will be discussed is the "least squares method".

3.3.1 The Gulland and Holt plot

The Gulland and Holt (1959) plot was introduced in Section 3.1 by Eq., which can
also be written as:
AL/At = K*LOJ - K*L(t) (

The length "L(t)" in Eq. represents the length range from L(t) at age t to L(t+.6t)
at age t+.6t. Thus, the natural quantity to enter into Eq. is the mean length (cf. the
example in Table

L = L(t+At)+L(t)

Only if .6t is small L(t) may be a reasonable approximation to the mean length. However, .6t
does not need to be a constant, which is an important advantage over other methods.
Using L(t) as the independent variable and .6L1.6t as the dependent variable Eq.
becomes a linear regression:
AL/At = a + b*L(t)

The growth parameters K and Loo are obtained from:

K = -b and LOJ = -alb

Table contains an example of the input data (columns C and D) and Fig.
shows the corresponding plot. The length increment per year or growth rate is plotted against
the mean length during the corresponding year. The regression analysis gives:

a = 22.40 and b = -0.3923 from which we get

K -b = 0.39 say 0.4 per year, and L

= -alb 57.1 em

Example 6: Estimating K and Loo with the Gulland and Holt plot

Another example of the Gulland and Holt plot can be derived from Table as shown
in Table From the estimates of intercept and slope we get:

K = -b = 0.77 say 0.8 per year,

= -alb = -38.52/-0.7670 = 50.2 em

- 62 -
Table Input data for the Gulland and Holt plot and regression analysis (data derived
from Table

A1lll L(t+t.t)+L(t) -
t 4t L(t) 4L(t) 4t = L(t)
(y) (x)
0.64 17.3
0.52 10.6 20.4 22.6
1.16 27.9
0.49 7.4 15.1 31. 6
1.65 35.3
0.45 4.9 10.9 37.7
2.10 40.2
0.54 3.1 5.7 41.8
2.64 43.3
0.57 2.2 3.9 44.4
3.21 45.5
b (slope) = -0.7670, a (intercept) = 38.52, n = 5, x = 35.62

2 1 221 2 2
sb = n_2*[(sy/sX) -b 1 = 3*[(6.7727/8.7362) -0.7670 J = 0.004216

sb = 0.06493, tn-2 = 3.18, sb*tn_2 = 0.2065

95 % confidence limits for b: [-0.974 , -0.561J (cf. Section 2.4)

K = -b = 0.77 ± 0.21
sa = Sb*[ n~1*sx2+x21 = 0.004216*[ ~*8.73622+35.6221 = 5.607

sa = 2.368 sa*tn_2 = 7.53

95 % confidence limits for a: [31.0 , 46.0J

L = -alb = -38.52/-0.7670 = 50.2 cm



~ 20

15 e

S Loa = -alb

20 25 30 35 '10 1(5

L(t) = [L(t~t)+L(t)]/2

Fig. Gulland and Holt plot corresponding to Table (hypothetical example).
The intersection point between the regression line and the x-axis gives L 00

- 63 -
In Section 3.1 it was stated that it can be proved mathematically that Eq. .1L1.1t =
K*(Loo -Ltt) is equivalent to the von Bertalanffy growth equation (Eq.

L(t) = L *[1 - exp(-K*(t-t

00 0
This, however, is correct only ifthe time interval, .1t, is infinitesimal. Thus, the GulJand and
Holt plot, which is based on Eq., is an approximation which is reasonable only for
small values of .1t.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

3.3.2 The Ford-Walford plot and Chapman's method

The method introduced by Ford (1933) and Walford (1946) has gained wide application
because the plot could be used to obtain a quick estimate of Loo' without calculations.
Nowadays it is not used very much and it has been incorporated here mainly because it will
often be found in older papers.

From the von Bertalanffy growth equation (Eq. it follows from a series of algebraic
manipulations that:

L(t+At) = a + b*L(t) (


a = Lro*(l-b) and b = exp(-K*At)

Since K and L 00 are constants, a and also b become constants if 4t is a constant. The
growth parameters K and Loo are derived from:

1 a
K = - At*ln band Loo = 1-b

To illustrate the use of Eq. consider Table, where the figures in column A
represent lengths, L(t), for a series of ages with a constant time interval of one year, while
column B contains the lengths, L(t+.1t), the length one year later.

Carrying out the regression analysis we get

a = 18.70 and b = 0.6725

from which we derive

K = -(l/l)*ln 0.6725 = 0.3968, say 0.4 per year and

= 18.70/(1-0.6725) = 57.1 em

The actual Ford-Walford plot corresponding to these data is shown in Fig. Loo can
be estimated graphically from the intersection point of the 45° diagonal, where L(t) =
L(t+ .1t) and the regression line, because for very old fish, which have stopped growing L 00
= L(t) = L(t+ .1t).

- 64 -
Table Pairs of consecutive lengths, with 4t = 1 year, derived from Table
A and B: Input data for the Ford-Walford plot (see Fig.
A and C: Input data for Chapman's method (see Fig.

t L(t) L(t+At) L(t+At)-L(t)
(x ) (y) (y)

1 25.7 36.0 10.3

2 36.0 42.9 6.9
3 42.9 47.5 4.6
4 47.5 50.7 3.2
5 50.7 52.8 2.1
6 52.8 54.2 1.4

Also the method described by Chapman (1961) and later by Gulland (1969) is based on a
constant time interval ~t, that is to say the method is applicable if we have pairs of

(t,L (t», (t+At, L (t+At», (t+24, L( t+24t» , etc.

It can be shown that the von Bertalanffy growth equation (Eq. implies that:

L(t+At) - L(t) = e*Loo - e*L(t) (


c = 1 - exp(-K*At)

Thus, since K and Loo are constants, and if ~t remains constant, c will remain constant and
consequently Eq. becomes a linear regression

y = a + bx


y = L(t+At)-L(t), b = -e and x = L(t)

Note that the slope is negative and also that on the abscissa (x-axis) the smaller of the two
lengths is used, instead of the mean value (cf, Section 3.3.1).

The growth parameters are derived from

K = -(1/At)*1n(1+b) and Lro = -alb or ale

To illustrate the use of Eq. consider once again Table, where L(t) = x In
column A and L(t+ 1)-L(t) = y, in column C. A regression analysis gives

a = 18.70 and b = -0.3275 and hence c = 0.3275

K = -(I/1)*]n(I-0.3275) = 0.3968, say 0.4 per year
Loo = 18.70/0.3275 = 57.1 em

The plot is given in Fig.

The three methods described in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 give nearly the same results when
applied to the data in Table This is caused by the fact that the data conform exactly
to the von Bertalanffy equation because they were obtained from the equation through back

- 65 -
calculation. With real data one should expect to find some differences In the results. These
methods can be used to estimate K and Loa' A fourth method, the von Bertalanffy plot can
be used to obtain an estimate of K and to' However, this method requires an estimate of Loa
as input (see Section 3.3.3).

L can also be estimated by the "Powell- Wetherall method". Because this method can also
btfused to obtain an estimate of the total mortality coefficient, Z, it is presented in the next
chapter in Section 4.5.4.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

5"0 /

H /

lto /
~ 35 /
<] /
...... /
H 25 /

= L~*(l-eXp(-K*at)
/0 /

.5 // L~
/ ,
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 'f0 'i5 50 55
L (t)

Fig. Ford-Walford plot. Data from columns A and B of Table


8 slope = exp(-t.t~K) - 1

-::r.... 6

-<i I


L 00 = -a/b
o 10 20 30 40 50 so
Fig. Chapman's plot. Data from columns A and C of Table

3.3.3 The von Bertalanffy plot

The first method for estimating the von Bertalanffy growth parameters was suggested by von
Bertalanffy (1934). It can be used to estimate K and to from age/length data, while it requires
an estimate of Loa as input.

- 66 -
The von BertaIanffy growth equation (Eq, can be rewritten:

-In{l - L(t)/L 00
) = -K*t 0 + K*t (

With the age, t, as the independent variable (x) and the left-hand side as the dependent
variable (y) the equation defines a linear regression, where the slope b == K and the intercept
a = -K"t o'

Example 7: Estimating K and to with the von Bertalanffy plot

Table shows how to calculate the input data for the von Bertalanffy plot, based on
data from Table with Loo == 50 cm. The plot is shown in Fig. Compare the
K value (0.78 per year) with the estimate (K == 0.77 ± 0.21) obtained by the Gulland and
Holt plot with the same data.

The von BertaIanffy plot is a more robust method than the Gulland and Holt plot (and the
Ford-Walford plot) in the sense that it nearly always gives a reasonable estimate of K, given
that a reasonable estimate of Loo is used in the computations (as illustrated in Exercise
3.3.3). One must ascertain, however, that the plot (Fig. "looks" linear. On the other

Table Input data and regression for the von Bertalanffy plot
(data derived from Table, Loa = SOem)

t L(t) -In(l-L(t)/L )
(x) (y) 00

0.64 17.3 0.425

1.16 27.9 0.816
1. 65 35.3 1.224
2.10 40.2 1.630
2.64 43.3 2.010
3.21 45.5 2.408
a = -0.0680 b = 0.7825
K = b = 0.78 per year
= -a/b = 0.087 year


8 2.0
,.-.. ~

1.5 ~o~
....:l '=i
I to = -a/b
I 1.0


Fig. Von Bertalanffy plot for the data in Table

- 67 -
hand, one can say that the Gulland and Holt plot is stronger in the sense that it is better in
bringing out cases where the observations are in conflict with the von Bertalanffy model.

Recalling the interpretation of Lex>as the average length of a very old fish, there are various
short cut methods for estimating Lex>for use in the von Bertalanffy plot:

I) In small samples you may simply use the largest fish.

2) In a very large sample you may take the average of the lengths of, say, the ten
largest fish.

3) Perhaps the best way of estimating Lex>is the Powell-Wetherall method described
in Section 4.5.4.

It may not matter as much as one might think which estimate of Lex>is used. If you over-
estimate Lex>the K will be under-estimated, and together they will balance out, so that the
resulting growth curve remains nearly the same for the range of ages represented in the data
set. (This aspect will be further discussed in Section 3.4.)

There is, however, a problem in using the von Bertalanffy plot in connection with the
definition of Lex>' The argument of the logarithm in Eq., i.e. (l - L(t)/Lex» must be
positive as the logarithm would otherwise not be defined. Thus the von Bertalanffy plot
cannot accept a length greater than Lex>' whereas with the definition of Lex> as given in
Section 3.1.4 it may well happen that for the very old fish, L(t) > Lex> because the
observations (t, Lu) fluctuate at random about the line. The von Bertalanffy plot actually
uses the "inverse von Bertalanffy growth equation":

t(L) = t
- -K*ln(l - L/L
) (

which is Eq. solved for t. It may be necessary to omit the oldest fish to obtain that
1 - LlLex> > O.

The L ex>concept as applied in the von Bertalanffy plot is different from that applied in the
Gulland and Holt plot, for the same reasons as the parameters in the "inverse linear
regression" differ from those of the "original linear regression".

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

3.3.4 The least squares method

This method is assumed to be superior to the methods introduced in the foregoing sub-
sections from an estimation theory point of view. It is the non-linear parallel to the linear
regression analysis introduced in Section 2.4. However, the computational work involved is
considerable and in practice you need a computer to do the calculations.

Assume a series of pairs of observations (length, age) to be available. These may have been
obtained by age reading (cf. Section 3.2.1) or they may have been derived from modal
progression analysis (to be discussed in Section 3.4.2). Let there be n pairs of observations:

(L(i),t(i» = (length of fish no. i, age of fish no. i)

- 68 -

1= 1,2, ... ,n.

The method estimates the growth parameters in such a way that the sum of the squares of the
deviations between the model and the observations is minimized, i.e. it minimizes the sum
with respect to the parameters Loo' K and to:

n . 2
~ [L(i) - L *[1 - exp(-K*(t(~)-t »)) (
i=l OJ 0

Computer programs

The LFSA package of microcomputer programs for fish stock assessment (Sparre, 1987)
contains the program "VONBER" which can do the least square estimation of growth
parameters. The method used by this program is rather complicated and a full explanation
falls outside the scope of this manual. However, conceptually, non-linear regression analysis
is not more complex than linear regression, just as the square root of 3 is conceptually not
more complex than the square root of 4, but the latter is much easier to calculate. FiSA T too
contains such a program. Many other similar computer programs are available (see Chapter 15).


In Section 3.3 we have dealt with methods for the estimation of the growth parameters of the
von Bertalanffy growth equation. All these methods require input data on length and age. As
has been stated earlier, it is difficult to determine the ages of tropical fish so, in most cases,
only length-frequency data will be available. This section deals with the analysis of 1ength-
frequency data. The aim of the methods described below is to assign ages to certain length
groups. In other words, the aim is to separate a complex length-frequency distribution into
cohorts and to assign an arbitrary age to each of those cohorts. Since the mean length of each
cohort can also be determined, we have then obtained the combination of length and age data
which is necessary to determine the growth parameters using the methods described in Section
3.3. Before going into specific methods, the difficulties involved in this kind of analysis will
be illustrated on the basis of an example from the tropics, after a short introduction of the
first known application of these methods in Denmark.

Example 8: Estimating the age of species from temperate waters

The basic idea behind the techniques to be described in this section dates back to one of the
first works on fishery biology, a paper on the eel-pout (Zoarces viviparusi by Petersen
(1892). The length measurements of 156 fish are represented by dots in Fig.
Petersen divided the 156 fish into juveniles, males and females and he further divided the
adult fish into two size groups:

Medium sized: from 5 to 8 inches

Large sized: from 9 inches and upwards

From earlier observations Petersen knew that in the winter juveniles of about 1.5" could be
caught, while in summer the juveniles would all be from 3" to 5" long. Because certain
length groups, depending on the season, appeared to be absent, he concluded that the three
length groups in the July sample should be interpreted as follows:

- 69 -
I if
/3:-'- • ~
AOUL T 12" ..........

• I
I .....
II" .....
••••• I
I • .....• .


_ .._--
------- 9~' ._--- I •

..._...... I •..• .

I' ••


______ 5:
___ L _
- -



Z" •

Fig. Length-frequency sample of 156 eel-pout (Zoarces viviparus) in units of Danish
inches. Collected in Holbaek Fjord (Denmark) 10-11 July 1890.
(Redrawn from Petersen, 1892)

less than 5": O-group, born in winter 1889/90

from 5" to 8": l-group, born in winter 1888/89
from 9" and upwards: 2+-group, born in winter 1887/88 or earlier

(The symbol "2 +" stands for the "2-group plus older groups". We call it the "2 plus group".)

Petersen's findings indicated that Zoarces viviparus give birth once per year during a
restricted period. For most temperate species propagation takes place during 2-4 months in
winter or spring. Such a breeding pattern makes it relatively easy to define a cohort. In
temperate waters a cohort is simply a year-class of fish. Because all fish grow at approximate-
ly the same rate, a cohort can be followed during the first part of its life by tracing the peaks
in the length-frequency samples. But when they approach their maximum size this is no
longer possible, because by then fish of different ages have reached almost the same length.

Example 9: Estimating the age of coral trout, a tropical species

We shall now discuss a similar analysis with a species from a tropical area. Fig.
shows a length-frequency sample of the coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) obtained by
Goeden (1978), from Heron Island, Australia. This example appears easy to handle. There
are four distinct peaks (A,B,C and D) and it is tempting to interpret these as age groups 1,2,3
and 4, as was done by Goeden. However, a closer examination shows that this interpretation
does not conform to the von Bertalanffy model. The mean lengths of the peaks B, C and 0
are approximately 35 ern, 42 em and 50 ern respectively. When we interpret these peaks as
belonging to successive yearly age groups the growth rates become:

between peaks B and C: (42-35)/1 = 7 ern/year

between peaks C and 0: (50-42)/1 = 8 ern/year

- 70 -
This does not conform to the von BertaJanffy growth curve, since the growth rate between
peaks C and D is expected to be smaller than that between peaks B and C. Thus to give an
interpretation conforming to the von BertaJanffy model, peak D must be assigned an age two
years older than peak C, and an additional age group must be assumed to exist between peaks
C and D. A likely explanation is that peaks C and D represent strong year classes (large
number of cohort members), whereas the cohort represented by length groups between peaks
C and D stems from a poor year class.

The small solid bars shown on the length axis of Fig. are the lengths at age 1,2, ... ,7
corresponding to a von Bertalanffy growth curve with the parameters:

Loo = 57 em, K = 0.4 per year and to = -0.5 years

Table Length-at-age for alternative choices of growth parameters. Plots

with observed frequencies are shown in Fig. for columns a,
band c

a "') b c d

L 57.0 59.9 59.9 70.0

age KID 0.40 0.40 0.34 0.21
to -0.50 -0.50 -0.65 -1.15

0 10.3 10.8 11.8 15.1

1 25.7 26.8 25.5 ----- 25.5
2 36.0 37.6 35.3 33.9
3 42.9 44.8 42.3 40.8
4 47.5 49.7 47.3 46.3
5 50.7 52.9 50.8 ----- 50.8
6 52.8 55.1 53.3 54.5
7 54.2 56.5 55.1 57.4

'" ) see Table

The length corresponding to these bars were also used in Table, they have been
repeated in column a of Table These parameters interpret the peaks A,B,C and D
as the 1-,2-,3- and 5-group respectively and place the 4-group between peaks C and D. This
particular choice of growth parameters is not based on any fitting techniques or any other
rational method. They were derived by a short series of trials with different parameters until
a curve was obtained which placed the mean lengths of the various cohorts close to where the
peaks are, except for age group 4.

Most likely, this is not the only set of growth parameters which produces a growth curve that
gives a certain correspondence to the peaks of Fig. One could have used the
greatest length, 59.5 em, as the estimate of Loo' for example. (Note that considering the
definition of Loo as the average length of a very old fish, it would not in general be correct
to use the largest fish observed as an estimate of Loo' However, in this case with only 312
fish in the sample the largest fish may give a reasonable estimate of Loo') Using this L 00 =
59.5 em together with the same K value 0.4 and the same to value -0.5 gives the lengths-at-
age shown in column b of Table Fig. shows the corresponding mean
lengths-at-age together with the length-frequency sample. Obviously, this choice of growth
parameters produces a Jess convincing fit to the peaks than the one shown in Fig.

- 71 -
Length (em)

2,{ c
Lao = 59.5 em
K = 0.34 per year --

to = -0.65 year .0 fh
Z. fl.



Fig. Length-frequency sample of the coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) from
Goeden (1978). The small bars on the x-axis indicate the lengths-at-age corre-
sponding to the growth parameters given in columns a, band c of Table

Note: Mr. H. Weng, Brisbane, Australia, has drawn Our attention to the fact that the coral trout (Plectropomus
leopardus) changes sex, from male to female when reaching a length of 30 to 35 ern, This fact was mentioned
by Goeden (1978), but overlooked by us. Although the results obtained in this example may not be the "real
ones", the example still serves as an illustration of the method.

- 72 -
Reducing K to 0.34 and to to -0.65 gives a much better agreement between peaks and mean
lengths as shown in Fig. The corresponding mean lengths-at-age are given in
column c of Table Whether this fit is better than the fit shown in Fig. is
difficult to assess by visual inspection only.

In general, it is difficult to define a unique solution to this kind of problem. Different values
of the growth parameters Lao ,K,to may produce very similar growth curves. This becomes
obvious when one observes that for a given value of Lao one can always determine
corresponding values of the other two growth parameters K and to so that the curve passes
through two pre-specified points in the age/length coordinate system.

As an example let us give Lao the value 70 cm and let us determine K and to so that the
curve thus obtained comes close to the curve given in column c of Table We do that
by selecting K and to so that the length at age t = 1, L(l) = 25.5 cm and L(5) = 50.8 cm.

Formulas for K and to can be derived from Eq. as follows:

-In(l - 1.lll..l ) -K*t + K*t (a)

LCD 0 1

-In(l - 1.ill.l ) -K*t + K*t (b)

LCD 0 2

Subtract (b) from (a) .

Since In a-In b =bln ~ and after some rearranging, we get

In Loo-L(t1)
Loo-L(t2) K*(t -t ) or
2 1
1 LCD-Llt1)
K = t2-t1*ln LOO-L(t2) (

The formula for to is simply obtained by rearranging Eq. In the case of t = tl it
1 L/t1\
t t1 + K*ln(l - ~) (
o 00

Thus, for tl = 1 and t2 = 5 corresponding to L(l) and L(5) respectively we get:

1 70.0-25.5
K = 5_1*ln 70.0-50.8 = 0.21 per year and

1 25.5
t 1 + 0.21*ln(1 - 70.0) = -1.15 year

These growth parameters produced the lengths-at-age shown in column d of Table
The two growth curves corresponding to columns c and d of Table are shown in Fig. It appears, that it is difficult to decide which of the two growth curves gives the best
fit to the length-frequency sample in Fig.

It is often extremely difficult to obtain an unambiguous interpretation of a data set of length-

frequencies of tropical fish, in particular when there is only one complex length-frequency
sample available and not a time series (see Venema, Christensen and Pauly, 1988). Additional

- 73 -
___ Loo = 70 em, K = 0.2l/year, to = -1.15 year
60 ------L
= 59.5 em, K = 0.34/year, to = -0.65 year


-=.... lfO

..J 30



0 1 2 3 s

Fig. Example of two growth curves which are approximately equal, but have quite
different growth parameters. Derived from columns c and d of Table

to K
0.2 1.0
-0.'2. 0.8
- 0.(. o.~
-f.O 0.4
- I. '2
-{.I( 0.2
- (.~
55 60 b5 75 L 00 80

Fig. The growth parameters K and to as a function of Loo for growth curves
fulfilling the condition L(I) =
25.5 em and L(S) 50.8 em =

information on the biology of the species in question may help a lot in correctly interpreting
the data.

The interrelationship between the growth parameters, LOC K and to' is further demonstrated

in Fig. which shows K and to as a function of Loo for growth curves fulfilling the
condition L(1) = 25.5 cm and L(5) = 50.8 ern. Note that K and to decrease as Loo
increases. Thus, when comparing different estimates of K, Loo and to the comparison should
not be made on the basis of one individual parameter but on the basis of the resulting growth
curves. In the example of columns c and d in Table we would say that the two
parameter sets:

(L ,K,t
00 0
) = (59.5,0.34,-0.65) and

(L ,K,t ) (70.0,0.21,-1.15)
00 0

- 74 -
are approximately equal in the sense that they produce nearly the same growth curves within
the range of ages covered.

The more old fish in the sample, the better is the estimate of Loo and the estimate of K
becomes less dependent of the estimate of Loo.

The above discussion leads to a warning: do not always consider estimates of growth
parameters to be directly related to the physiology of the fish. Only when the sample is large
and unbiased can you expect the estimated parameters to reflect their physiological

Comparison of growth curves

The growth parameter K is related to the metabolic rate of the fish. Pelagic species are often
more active than demersal species and have a higher K. The metabolic rate is also a function
of temperature: tropical fishes have higher K values than cold-water fishes. These relations
are clouded, however, by a correlation of K and Loo such that small species have higher K
values than large species at the same level of activity. A further complication is the statistical
correlation of K and Loo described above: different combinations of K and Loo can give
almost the same fit to data except when a wide range of ages is represented. Again, a high
value of K combines with a low value of Loo and vice versa. These two types of correlation
are mixed up in the literature. We shall look into them separately.

The statistical correlation of K and Ls» within species

When the mean lengths of several age groups have been calculated from samples these means
have a variance. It is therefore not surprising if two samples of the same population provide
mean lengths differing by for instance 0.5 cm. We shall see what happens to the estimation
of K and Loo when the lengths-at-age are altered by that amount. Column B of Table
shows lengths at ages of 1-5 years of a fish with Loo = 60 cm, K = 0.24, to = O. Incre-
ments are calculated in column C. Loo and K are estimated from these by Chapman's method
(Section 3.3.2). Differences from the true values are due to rounding errors. Column D gives
the lengths with 0.5 em alternately added and subtracted as indicated by arrows. The ensuing
Loo is higher and K is lower. In column F the original lengths are again changed by 0.5 ern,
but in the opposite direction. Loo is lower and K higher.

We now have three estimates of Loo and K assumed to be based on three samples from the
same population. Fitting the equation

in K = a + b*in Lro

to the three "observations" of Loo and K gives

in K = 6.67 - 1.98*ln Lro

Resulting from such a small trial the estimate of a slope of about -2 is not reliable of course,
but Pauly (1979) did similar estimations for more than 100 species of fish for which at least
three pairs of Loo and K had been published. He calculated the slope for each species,
averaged and found a mean extremely close to -2. Woo in stead of Loo was used in the actual
estimation assuming Woo = q*L~ Also, base 10 logarithms were used which does not alter
the slope. Pauly found:

- 75 -
Table The effect of inaccurate determination of mean lengths at age upon the
estimation of K and Lao' Arrows indicate whether the original lengths are
changed upwards or downwards


mean length altered 0.5 em

age mean L(t+1)- 1st alteration 2nd alteration

years length L(t)

1 12.80 10.07 1 13.20 9.17 J. 12.30 11.07

2 22.87 7.92 J. 22.37 8.92 r 23.37 6.92
3 30.79 6.24 r 31. 29 5.24 J. 30.29 7.24
4 37.03 4.90 J. 36.53 5.90 r 37.53 3.90
5 41. 93 - r 42.43 - J. 41.43 -
Loo 60.16 67.46 53.82
K 0.2392 0.1931 0.3018

In K = 6.6731 - 1. 976 In Loo

log K ~ - 0.67*10g Woo (

log K ~'- 2*10g Loo (

in which

~' = ~ - 0.67*10g q (

</> and particularly </>' (phi-prime) are much used as the probably best means of averaging
growth parameters of a particular species. </>' is calculated for each data set and averaged.
Inserting a value of Loo' for instance the mean of all estimates, into Eq. gives a value
of K corresponding to the Loo inserted. Whenever Loo and K are estimated from a new set
of data for the same species a calculation of </>' indicates if the new pair of Loo and K is in
accordance with previous results. The new </>' should be close to the previous estimates,
because </>' is the constant in the regression of log K upon log Loo' If it is markedly different
there is reason to suspect the reliability of the new estimates of K and Loo'

Pauly's data material includes not only the statistical correlation illustrated in Table,
but also real differences between years and localities - perhaps mainly caused by differences
of temperature and food availability. The relation of Loo to K when differences of growth
curves are caused by environmental conditions might be investigated utilizing </>'. Several
pairs of Loo and K should be combined to one estimate for each environmental condition.
This would reduce or eliminate the effects of statistical correlation.

Inter-specific correlation of K and asymptotic size

Investigation of the correlation of K and asymptotic size between species requires data for
species of very different sizes, otherwise the statistical and environmental effects discussed
above may interfere with the analysis. Woo should be used unless the species investigated are
of almost the same shape, i.e., have the same q.

Fig. shows In K plotted against In Woo for 81 species of fish for which estimates of
Woo range from 0.8 g to 852 kg. The relationship is

In K = 0.071 - 0.200*ln Woo

- 76 -
The slope is about one third of the one found above for the statistical correlation within
species, Eq. The estimate has a high variance because fish of very different meta-
bolic level are included in the analysis. Pelagic fishes with a high metabolic rate are
responsible for most of the points above the line in Fig. Demersal and deep sea
fishes from cold water account for many points below the line.

. . ..

.......'... .. ' ..

. '..' . • •


o 4 6 10 12 14

In W

Fig. The relationship of K and Woo in 81 species of fish ranging from Woo = 0.8 g
to Woo = 852 kg. From Ursin (1968) redrawn

KS == -b == 0.2649


.' .

., f . "-




Fig. High level of K in pelagic species: Scombridae. The regression line from Fig. is inserted (drawn line), together with the regression line for the
Scombridae alone (dotted line). Data as in Table

- 77 -
Analysis by individual fish families reduces the variance because most families are either
predominantly pelagic or predominantly demersal. This is illustrated by a plot for Scombridae
(mackerel and tuna) in Fig., where the regression line from Fig. has also
been inserted.

The relationship described can be written as

In K = In KO - KS*ln Woo
K = KO*W-00KS (

in which In KO is comparable to 4> of the within-species correlation, Eq. For the
estimation of KO is used

In KO = In K + KS*ln Woo
KO = K*~S00 (

KO is an index of the metabolic rate of a fish moving normally, but not recently fed (Ursin,
1968). The metabolic rate can be expressed by, for instance, oxygen consumption or weight
loss during starvation. KO is independent of the size of the species: plotting In KO against In
Woo gives a regression line of slope zero, whereas plots of 4> or 4>' against In Woo (or log
Woo) have a steep slope as illustrated in Fig.

Fig. shows a plot of In K against In Woo for various species of the family
Scombridae. The slope of the regression line pertaining to the points is -0.26 (dotted line),
the corresponding value of KS = 0.26. This result and those of four other families are listed
in Table The average KS value is 0.22, which is one third of the value of the slope
in Pauly's 4> formula, 0.67 in Eq.

--I ----4-----~----~----_+-----1----~
l l.~ 15 '.5
109,0 WCJ:)
loglO Woo

0 0.5
~ '.'
.s 0


Fag. Plot of q, (top) and log KO (bottom) against log Woo for Serranidae. Data from
Munro, 1983a

- 78 -
Table Estimation or the parameters or Eq. for five families or fish. Data from
Ursin, 1968, Pauly, 1980b, and Munro, 1983a

no of pairs - slope mean of mean

family of K and Weo metabolic index
Myctophidae 5 0.28 -0.21 0.81
Pleuronectidae 7 0.17 0.31 1. 36
Gadidae 12 0.21 0.34 1.40
Scombridae 18 0.26 1.01 2.75
Serranidae 19 0.20 0.31 1. 36
mean 0.22

The mean metabolic index KO for these five families varies from 0.81 in the mesopelagic
Myctophidae to 2.75 in the epipelagic Scombridae.

KO is useful to get a first estimate of a growth curve for a species which has not been
satisfactorily investigated. Woo may be guessed from the size of the larger fish in the catch,
while K is determined from Eq. using the mean KO estimated for the family and the
over-all estimate of KS for all families combined (KS = 0.22 in Table,

As an example, consider a species of the family Serranidae for which q = 0.02 and Loo is
guessed to be 30 cm. Woo is then 0.02*303 = 540 g, which combined with KS = 0.22 and
KO = 1.36 (see Table gives
K = 1.36 * 540 = 0.34

Like the ¢ formula Eq. can be changed into a function of Lex>by inserting Woo =
q*L3, which gives

In K In KO' - 3*KS*ln Leo (


In KO' In KO - KS*ln g (

s = 0.15



-0.1 o 01 0'

logIO KO
Fig. Frequency distributions or estimates or ~ (bottom) and or log KO (top) for spe-
cies or Serranidae, cr. Fig.

- 79 -
Here, just like ¢', In KO' is a function of q and therefore dependent on the shape of the fish.
Whereas ¢' is used within a species, and consequently with q constant or nearly so, KO and
KO' are used for comparisons between different species where q will often be a variable. In
such cases, where q is not constant, Eq. should be used.

To emphasize the different uses of ¢ (for stocks of the same species) and KO (for species
within a family) consider Fig. in which ¢ and log KO are plotted against log Woo.
(Base 10 logarithms are used because ¢ is such defined.)

For log KO the slope is zero, because KO is independent of the size of the species, whereas
¢ has a slope of 0.47. This is approximately the difference between the slope 0.67 of the ¢
equation (Eq. and the slope of the KO equation KS = 0.22 (Eq. and Table

The standard deviations about the ¢ regression line in Fig. (top) and about the log
KO line (Fig., bottom) are the same. However, the full distribution of ¢ has a higher
standard deviation when the linear relationship with log Woo is ignored, see Fig.

Several authors have published histograms similar to Fig. (top) of the distribution of
¢ for certain families of fish. In those histograms one must expect that the low values
represent small species and the high values large species.

3.4.1 Bhattacharya's method

In Section 2.2 several means of graphical representation of a normal distribution were

introduced. One of these is the Bhattacharya (1967) method, which is useful for splitting a
composite distribution into separate normal distributions, i.e. when several age groups
(cohorts) of fish are contained in the same sample. This method will be discussed in detail
based on the hypothetical example of Table In this case we know the solution: the
set of normal distributions of which the total is composed. It is therefore possible to check
the validity of the result of the analysis.

Basis of the computation procedures of the Bhattacharya method

The Bhattacharya method consists basically of separating normal distributions, each

representing a cohort of fish, from the overall distribution, starting on the left-hand side of
the total distribution. Once the first normal distribution has been determined it is removed
from the total distribution and the same procedure is repeated as long as it is possible to sepa-
rate normal distributions from the total distribution. The whole process can be divided into
the following stages:

Stage 1: Determine an uncontaminated (clean) slope of a normal distribution on the left side
of the total distribution.

Stage 2: Determine the normal distribution of the first cohort by means of a transformation
into a straight line.

Stage 3: Determine the numbers of fish per length group belonging to that first cohort and
then subtract them from the total distribution.

- 80 -
Stage 4: Repeat the process for the next normal distribution from the left, until no more
clean normal distributions can be found.

Stage 5: Relate the mean lengths of the cohorts determined in stages 1 and 4 to the age
difference between the cohorts.

As has already been shown in Section 2.6, a normal distribution is transformed into a straight
line when: 1) numbers are replaced by their logarithms and 2) differences are calculated
between consecutive logarithmic values. Let N designate the number in a length-frequency
sample belonging to the length group:

[x - dL/2,x + dL/2]

where dL is the interval size, x is the interval midpoint, x - dL/2 is the lower and x + dL/2
is the upper limit of the interval.

If a certain length range in the sample contains only one cohort, this part of the frequency
sample should conform to a normal distribution (e.g. from 10 ern to 21 cm in the sample
shown in Fig. In that case the linear relationship (cf. Eq. 2.6.5):

dln N = a + b*(x + dL/2)

would hold between the difference of the logarithm of the number in a certain length class
and the logarithm of the number in the preceding class or

dln N = In N(x + dL/2,x + 3dL/2) - In N(x - dL/2,x + dL/2)

as the dependent variab Ie, y,

and the upper limit of the smallest length group:

x + dL/2

as the independent variable x (compare Figs. 2.6.4a and 2.6.5).

Recall that the standard deviation of the normal distribution and the mean are obtained by:

s = v-dL!b and x = -alb (compare Eqs. 2.6.6 and 2.6.7)

Example 10: A Bhattacharya analysis of a constructed data set

The computation procedures related to steps 1 to 5 in the previous section will be illustrated
below on the hand of the constructed data set presented earlier in Table and the
related graphical representation in Fig. This data set was created from 6 normally
distributed components, as shown in Fig.

We will now try to use the Bhattacharya method to analyse the "total" column of Table, trying to break it up into the six normal contributions from which is has been
composed. The advantage of using a constructed data set is that it is then possible to compare
the results of the Bhattacharya analyses with the exact input data. The possibilities and
limitations of the method can thus be illustrated. The computation procedure will be followed
step by step in general terms, with examples drawn from the data set of Table Unless
indicated otherwise, the examples refer to Table 3 .4.l.1, which is the first of a number of
work sheets.

- 81 -
Step 1: Create a work sheet like Table and complete column A, the length groups
and column B, the corresponding frequencies from the available data set.

Example: Columns A and B in Table, taken from Table Column
B is labelled "N 1+", because it contains the distribution of the first cohort (N I)
plus all the other cohorts. In general, the symbol "Na +" stands for the number in
the a'th plus older cohorts.

Step 2: Create column C by taking logarithms of the frequencies of NI + (column B).

Examples: ln 1 0
ln 4 = 1.386

Step 3: Column D contains the differences between the logarithms of two adjacent

Aln Nl+ = ln Nl+ of the current line minus

ln Nl+ of the previous line

Complete column D. Start on the second line, subtract the In value of the first line
of column C from that of the second line of column C and place it on the second
line of column D. The first place remains open, since a difference between the first
point and a foregoing point does not exist. Take care to use at least three decimal
points. Continue by determining the differences (zsln) between the third and the
second line, etc.

Step 4: Complete column E. Recall from Section 2.6 that ~ln Nl + should be plotted
against the upper limit of the smallest length group of the two from which ~ln
NI + is calculated. Insert the mid-point, the upper limit of the smallest of the two
classes, or the lower limit of the largest of the two at the same level as the corre-
sponding ~ln N.

See example Step 3.

Step 5: Make a complete plot of the length (column E, at the x-axis) against ~ln N 1+
(column D, at the y-axis).

Example: Fig.

Step 6: Inspect the plot and determine which points lie on a straight line. Mark these points
in column E. Do not include points that may be affected by the next distribution.
The further the points are lying to the right, the higher the chance is that they are
influenced by the next distribution.

Example: Visual inspection of Fig. shows that a straight line can be fitted
to the first seven points (indicated by n*" in Table Even the eighth point
lies on the same line, but because it may be influenced by the next distribution it
was not included in the subsequent calculations.

This straight line corresponds' to the first normally distributed component, N I,

which is interpreted as the 1983 spring cohort. That the straight line corresponding
to Nl comes out so nicely is not surprising, since the first component has very
little overlap with the next component, as can be observed in Figs. and

- 82 -
Table Bhattacharya method: Estimation of first cohort, Nl (the 1983 spring cohort).
# in columns B, C, G and H indicates where to start the calculations of Nl
(cf. Fig. Column I contains the remainder of the sample
(Nl + - Nl = N2 +)

A B C 0 E F G H I
L1-L2 N1+ 1n N1+ .11n N1+ L .1n N1 1n N1 N1 N2+
(y) (x)
12-13 1 0.000 - - - - 1 0
13-14 4 1.386 1.386 13* 1. 375 - 4 0
14-15 11 2.398 1.012 14* 1.059 - 11 0
15-16 24 3.178 0.780 15* 0.743 - 24 0
16-17 38# 3.638# 0.460 16* 0.427 3.638# 38# 0
17-18 42 3.738 0.100 17* 0.111 3.749 (42.48) (-0.48)
18-19 33 3.497 -0.241 18* -0.205 3.545 (34.61) (-1.61)
19-20 20 2.996 -0.501 19* -0.521 3.023 (20.55) (-0.55)
20-21 7 1.946 -1. 050 20 -0.837 2.186 (8.90) (-1.90)
21-22 3 1.099 -0.847 21 -1.153 1.033 2.81 0.19
22-23 3 1.099 0.000 22 -1. 469 -0.436 0.65 2.35
23-24 5 1.609 0.511 23 -1.785 -2.211 0.11 4.89
24-25 8 2.079 0.470 24 - - - 8
25-26 11 2.398 0.318 25 - - - 11
26-27 14 2.639 0.241 26 - - - 14
27-28 17 2.833 0.194 27 - - - 17
28-29 16 2.773 -0.060 28 - - - 16
29-30 15 2.708 -0.065 29 - - - 15
30-31 14 2.639 -0.069 30 - - - 14
31-32 11 2.398 -0.241 31 - - - 11
32-33 11 2.398 0.000 32 - - - 11
33-34 10 2.303 -0.095 33 - - - 10
34-35 9 2.197 -0.106 34 - - - 9
35-36 10 2.303 0.106 35 - - - 10
36-37 11 2.398 0.095 36 - - - 11
37-38 10 2.303 -0.095 37 - - - 10
38-39 10 2.303 0.000 38 - - - 10
39-40 11 2.398 0.095 39 - - - 11
40-41 11 2.398 0.000 40 - - - 11
41-42 9 2.197 -0.201 41 - - - 9
42-43 7 1.946 -0.251 42 - - - 7
43-44 7 1.946 0.000 43 - - - 7
44-45 5 1.609 -0.337 44 - - - 5
45-46 6 1. 792 0.183 45 - - - 6
46-47 5 1.609 -0.183 46 - - - 5
47-48 3 1.099 -0.510 47 - - - 3
48-49 2 0.693 -0.406 48 - - - 2
49-50 2 0.693 0.000 49 - - - 2
50-51 2 0.693 0.000 50 - - - 2
51-52 1 0.000 -0.693 51 - - - 1
Class interval, dL = 1. Total number in cohort Nl: 183.57
* ) points used in the regression analysis, with results:
a = 5.4834, b = -0.3160, L(N1) = -lib = 17.35,
s(N1) = v(-dL/b) = 1. 78


A B C 0 E

L1-L2 N1+ In N1+ .11n Nl+ L

12-13 1 0
13-14 4 1.386 1.386-0 = 1.386 13
14-15 11 2.398 2.398-1.386 = 1.013 14

- 83 -

10 •

~. 0.5- .
• ••
~ •
s •• •
~ • • •
0 -
••• •• ••
• • •• •

-05 • •


16 70 74 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Length (em)
Fig. Bhattacharya method: plot corresponding to columns D (y-axis) and E (x-axis)
of Table

Step 7: Calculate the straight line that fits to the points by regressing column E against
column D for the selected points (asterisks). Determine a (intercept) and b (slope)
and calculate the mean length

L(N I) = -alb and the standard deviation seN I) = .J-I/b

y a + b"'x

where y Aln N1+ (in column D) and x = L (in column E)

a (intercept) = 5.4834, b (slope) -0.3160

L(N1) = -alb = 17.35 cm and s(N1) v-=IJE = 1. 78

The regression line is shown in Fig.

We have now determined the line that represents a normal distribution , which
should to a large extent correspond with the left side of the actual distribution we
have in our sample. The line should represent the first cohort, N1. In order to
determine how far this is true we must first calculate the theoretical values of ~ln
N 1, those corresponding to the line we have just determined and then reverse the
process and convert the differences (~In N1) into In N1 and then into numbers
(N1). This process is illustrated in columns F, G and H of Table

The second part of the computation procedure consists of the following steps:

Step 8: The formula ~ln N = a + bL can now be used to calculate the theoretical value
~ln N 1. This is done for as many length groups as one can expect to find in the
first cohort (normal distribution).

- 84 -

..:lIn Nl for the length groups 12-13 and 13-14 with mid length 13 is determined

a + b*13 ~ 5.4834 - 0.3160*13 = 1.375,

which is the first value in column F, the next value is

a + b*14 ~ 1.059, etc.

Step 9: In order to be able to convert "a difference", ..:lInN, into its two components, In
N of a certain length group and In N of the length group above it, we need a
starting point. This starting point should be based on a frequency that is not
contaminated by overlap with the following cohort (normal distribution). Therefore
a frequency should be chosen on the left side of the first normal distribution. Prefe-
rably the frequency should also not be too low.


The frequency 38 of the length group 16-17 ern was chosen as the clean starting
point, as indicated by "#". It is placed in column H as the first entry for Nl, the
numbers in the length-frequency distribution of the first cohort. The real starting
point is actually the logarithm of 38, viz., 3.638 (see column C). This value is
inserted in column G. The choice of 38 as a "clean" frequency also implies that the
frequencies lying to its left, those above it in the table, viz., I, 4, 11 and 24, are
also considered to be clean. In other words none of these frequencies are supposed
to overlap with the next cohort, so they are all clean frequencies of the first normal
distribution N 1 (the 1983 spring cohort).

• _original point
o-used in regression analysis


05 ••

•• •
•• •
o +---~--+-------------~------~--~
••• •• •
• •• •

16 20 24 28 32 36 40 " 48 52 Length (em)

Fig. Bhattacharya method: regression line estimated for the first cohort (compare to
columns D and E in Table

- 85 .
Step 10: We now have .::lInNI corresponding to two adjacent length classes in column F
and the first In N I of the lower length class in column G, which permits us to
calculate the In N I of the next length class up using the formula

In NI (upper length class) = In NI (lower length class) +

the corresponding .::lInN I


in N1(17-18) in N1(16-17) + Aln N1(17-18 and 16-17)

in N1(17-18) = 3.638 + 0.111 = 3.749
in N1(18-19) 3.749 + (-0.205) = 3.544

The new values are entered in column G.

Step 11: By taking antilogs the numbers corresponding to In NI in column G can be found
and inserted in column H. This column is stopped when the number in column H
approaches zero.


for length group 17-18: NI(17-18) = exp(3.749) = 42.48

for length group 18-19: NI(18-19) = exp(3.544) = 34.61

The results (in column H) are not exactly the same as the observed frequencies
given in column B, because observations always deviate somewhat from the
theoretical values. In the present case of a hypothetical data set, the deviations are
due to rounding errors. With "real" data there are also deviations caused by
"random noise". Even if the sample is a perfect random sample the observations
will fluctuate around the true length distribution (the length distribution of the
popu lation).

Step 12: The numbers of fish per length group belonging to the youngest (1983 spring)
cohort or NI, in column G, can now be subtracted from the Total distribution, or
NI +, in column B. The new distribution obtained is placed in column I and called
N2 +. the frequency distribution of fish in the second cohort plus all the subsequent

N I + minus N 1 = N2 + or column B - column H = column I

In practice it may well happen that the figures in column I become negative
because of random variation of the observations. However, this can be adjusted.
Whenever the estimate of N2+ numbers becomes negative we assign the value
zero to N2+ (in column I) while the Nl is given the value of column B.


42-42.48 = -0.48, which is adjusted to 0 in column I, and to 42 in column H

33-34.61 = -1.61, which is adjusted to 0 in column I and to 33 in column H

- 86 -
The results of the whole analysis of the first normal distribution will be:


L1-L2 N1+ N1 N2+

12-13 1 1 0
13-14 4 4 0
14-15 11 11 0
15-16 24 24 0
16-17 38 38 0
17-18 42 42 0
18-19 33 33 0
19-20 20 20 0
20-21 7 7 0
21-22 3 2.81 0.19
22-23 3 0.65 2.35
23-24 5 0.11 4.89
24-25 8 0 8

Total number in cohort N1 = 183.57

L(Nl) = 17.35 and s(Nl) = 1.78

Since this is based on a constructed data set we can compare these results with the
real values, which are given in Table (spring 1983):
Total number (Nl) = 182, L(Nl) = 17.3 and s(Nl) = 1.7

In this case the results obtained from the analysis are very close to the real values.
What we have obtained are all the necessary elements to describe the first normal
distribution, viz.,
L(Nl), s(Nl) and n(Nl)

The whole process is now repeated in order to obtain those values for the next
normal distribution, the one pertaining to the cohort that was born in the autumn
of 1982 (see Table

We have come to the end of the use of Table By eliminating all values
pertaining to N 1 we create the next work sheet (Table with N2 + (column
I of Table as the new column B. The whole procedure can then be

Fig. shows the Bhattacharya plot for N2+ together with the estimated line for N1.
Only the points to the right of the dotted line of Fig. are used in the analysis now.
The Nl-line is shown for comparison only. Some points have been moved due to the
subtraction of N1. The "old" points (i.e. those from the Nl + plot) are indicated by "x" and
the "new" points by a triangle, in cases where the movement is visible. The two first points
(corresponding to lengths 21 and 22 ern) are disregarded, because they refer to very small
numbers of specimens.

The selection of points to fit a straight line is now a bit more difficult than in the case of the
first cohort. In Fig. the six points from lengths 23 to 28 cm were chosen. One can
question why these points were chosen in preference to the points, for example, from lengths
24 to 29 em or from lengths 24 to 28 ern. The choice is a subjective one. The results of the
Bhattacharya method may sometimes be dependent on the person who actually performs the
analysis. If, for example, only the points from lengths 24 to 27 cm were used the estimated
mean length would be 28.7 cm and the standard deviation 3.2 cm. The actual choice made

- 87 -
• - Original po;n'
" - "old po;nt". Ni» point b e I or e s olrtr oc t ion of N;
.& - "n~ point". i.e N,. p oln t e t t e c t e d by s ub tr s c t io n of Hi
(al ~ ..0 pO;(JI'~ nol lHf>.d In r"9ressio(l ;,o;,'ysi.J
<:) - Or;gin~' poinl us e d in r~9reJ~ion anlllysis
® - "ne ... point" used in re~ressiofJ an~/ys;s


o -
.. . •

•• •
•• •

-0.5- •


16 20 2' 28 31 36 (0 " (8 51 Length (em)

Fig. Bhattacharya method: regression line estimated for the second cohort (compare
columns D and E in Table

in Fig. gives a mean value of L(N2) = 27.77 ern and a standard deviation s(N2) of
2.66 cm which are both very close to the true values (see Tables and
However, this cannot be used as a justification for this choice, because in real life we would
not know what the true values should be. Also the selection of the "clean" value of In N2
from which N2 and N3 + are calculated is a SUbjective one. The more the observations
deviate from the calculated frequencies the more pronounced the element of subjectivity.

In summary, the results obtained so far are:

cohort N 1: mean length 17.35 ern, standard deviation 1.78 em


cohort N2: mean length 27.77 em, standard deviation 2.66 cm


Now that the first two mean lengths of cohorts have been estimated we are in a position to
obtain a first rough estimate of the von BertaIanffy parameter K, provided we also have an
estimate of the age difference between the two cohorts. We use Eqs. and with
a time difference between the two cohorts equal to t2-t1 = 0.5 year. Further a rough estimate
of Loo is obtained from the length-frequency sample, which tells us that the fish rarely get
longer than 50 em, so it is assumed that Loo = 50 ern. From Eq. we get:
1 Lro-L(t1) 1 50-17.35
K = t2-t1*ln _ o.s*ln 50-27.77 = 0.77

and from Eq.

1 11ill 1 17.35
tl + K*ln(l - L
) = 0.5 + 0.77*ln(1 - --so-) -0.05

- 88 -
Table Bhattacharya method: Estimation of the second cohort, N2 (the 1982 autumn
cohort). # in columns B, C, G and H indicates where to start the calculations of
N2 (compare Fig.

L1-L2 N2+ 1n N2+ 41n N2+ L 41n N2 1n N2 N2 N3+
(v) (x)
12-13 0 - - - - - 0 0
13-14 0 - 13 - - - 0 0
14-15 0 - 14 - - - 0 0
15-16 0 - 15 - - - 0 0
16-17 0 -- 16 - - 0 0
17-18 0 - 17 - -- -
0 0
18-19 0 - 18 - 0 0
19-20 0 - 19 - - - 0 0
20-21 0
0.19 -1. 661
- 20
22-23 2.35 0.854 2.515 22 - - 2.35 0
23-24 4.89 1.587 0.733 23* - - 4.89 0
24-25 8 2.079 0.492 24* - - 8 0
25-26 11 2.398 0.319 25* - - 11 0
26-27 14# 2.639# 0.241 26* 0.248 2.639# 14# 0
27-28 17 2.833 0.194 27* 0.107 2.746 15.58 1.42
28-29 16 2.773 -0.060 28* -0.034 2.712 15.06 0.94
29-30 15 2.708 -0.065 29 -0.175 2.537 12.64 2.36
30-31 14 2.639 -0.069 30 -0.316 2.221 9.22 4.78
31-32 11 2.398 -0.241 31 -0.457 1.764 5.84 5.16
32-33 11 2.398 0.000 32 -0.598 1.166 3.21 7.79
33-34 10 2.303 -0.095 33 -0.740 0.426 1. 53 8.47
34-35 9 2.197 -0.106 34 -0.881 -0.455 0.63 8.37
35-36 10 2.303 0.106 35 -1. 022 -1.477 0.23 9.77
36-37 11 2.398 0.095 36 -1.163 -2.640 0.07 10.93
37-38 10 2.303 -0.095 37 - - - 10
38-39 10 2.303 0.000 38 - - - 10
39-40 11 2.398 0.095 39 - - - 11
40-41 11 2.398 0.000 40 - - - 11
41-42 9 2.197 -0.201 41 - -
42-43 7 1.946 -0.251 42 - 7
43-44 7 1.946 0.000 43 - - - 7
44-45 5 1.609 -0.337 44 - - - 5
45-46 6 1.792 0.183 45 - - - 6
46-47 5 1.609 -0.183 46 - - - 5
47-48 3 1.099 -0.510 47 - - - 3
48-49 2 0.693 -0.406 48 - - - 2
49-50 2 0.693 0.000 49 - - -- 2
50-51 2 0.693 0.000 50 - - 2
51-52 1 0.000 -0.693 51 - - - 1
Total number in cohort N2: 104.44
* ) points used in the regression analysis, with results:
a = 3.9168, b = -0.1411, L(N2) = -alb = 27.77
s(N2) = v(-dL/b) = 2.66

where the value t l = 0.5 is an arbitrary age.

Thus, as a first rough estimate of the growth curve we have

L(t) = 50*[1 - exp(-0.77*(t+0.05»)

The estimation procedure presented above is not generally recommended. It has been given
here to demonstrate how little data are actually required to roughly estimate a growth curve.
Such a first estimate, however, may be used to predict the next mean length, i.e. the mean
length of cohort N3.

Assuming cohort N3 to be 1.5 years old we get:

L(1.5) = 50*[1 - exp(-0.77*(1.5+0.05») 34.8 cm

. 89 •
Table Bhattacharya method: Estimation of the third cohort, N3 (the 1982 spring
cohort). # in columns B, C, G and H indicates shere to start the calculations of
N3 (compare Fig.

A 8 C D E F G H I
L1-L2 N3+ 1n N3+ t:.1nN3+ L t:.lnN3 1n N3 N3 N4+
(y) (x) (x )
...... '" ..................
25-26 0 - - 25 -- - 0 0
26-27 0 - - 26 - 0 0
27-28 1.42 0.351 - 27 - - 1.42 0
28-29 0.94 -0.062 -0.413 28 - - 0.94 0
29-30 2.36 0.859 0.921 29 - - 2.36 0
30-31 4.78 1. 564 0.705 30* - - 4.78 0
31-32 5.16 1.641 0.077 31* - - 5.16 0
32-33 7.79# 2.053# 0.412 32* - 2.053# 7.79# 0
33-34 8.47 2.137 0.084 33* 0.111 2.164 8.71 0
34-35 8.37 2.125 -0.012 34* -0.032 2.132 8.43 0
35-36 9.77 2.279 0.154 35 -0.175 1. 957 7.08 2.69
36-37 10.93 2.392 0.113 36 -0.318 1.639 5.15 5.78
37-38 10 2.303 -0.089 37 -0.460 1.179 3.25 6.75
38-39 10 2.303 0.000 38 -0.603 0.576 1. 78 8.22
39-40 11 2.398 0.095 39 -0.746 -0.170 0.84 10.16
40-41 11 2.398 0.000 40 -0.888 -1. 058 0.35 10.65
41-42 9 2.197 -0.201 41 -1. 031 -2.089 0.12 8.88
42-43 7 1.946 -0.251 42 -1. 174 -3.263 0.04 6.96
43-44 7 1.946 0.000 43 - - - 7
44-45 5 1.609 -0.337 44 - - - 5
45-46 6 1.792 0.183 45 - - - 6
46-47 5 1.609 -0.183 46 - - - 5
47-48 3 1.099 -0.510 47 - - - 3
48-49 2 0.693 -0.406 48 - - - 2
49-50 2 0.693 0.000 49 - - - 2
50-51 2 0.693 0.000 50 - - - 2
51-52 1 0.000 -0.693 51 - - - 1
Total number in cohort N3: 58.20
* ) points used in the regression analysis, with results:
a = 4.8196, b = -0.1427, L(N3) = -a/b = 33.77,
s(N3) = v'(-dL/b) = 2.65

Table has been prepared for the analysis of N3+ and the related Bhattacharya plot
is shown in Fig. The selection of points used for the regression for N3 is now even
more questionable than the one made for cohort N2. However, the estimated mean value of
L(N3) = 33.8 em came out reasonably well compared to the value of 34.8 cm calculated
above and which we happen to know is close to the true value of 35.3 ern (Table

With three mean lengths we are now in a position to apply the von Bertalanffy plot (cf,
Section 3.3.3, Eq., again assuming the arbitrary age of 0.5 years for the first cohort.
The input data for the estimation of K and to from the von Bertalanffy plot are shown in
Table, together with the results of the regression analysis. The estimate of to = -0.13
year is an arbitrary value, since we used arbitrary ages. Nevertheless it puts us in a position
to calculate length at other arbitrary ages because the shape of the growth curve is
independent of to' With the new growth parameters estimated in Table the expected
mean length of cohort N4 with arbitrary age 2.0 years becomes:

L(2.0) = 50*[1 - exp(-0.7*(2.0+0.13»] = 38.7 cm

We now continue with the Bhattacharya method to estimate N4. Table and Fig. show the Bhattacharya analysis for N4+. It is difficult to see a straight line. Selecting
the five points corresponding to lengths 37 - 41 cm would give a mean length of 40.0 ern,

- 90 -
which is a reasonable value. (Actually, this value is very close to the true value of 40.2 em
(cf. Table, but we are not supposed to have that information.)

At this stage one should probably consider the fit of a straight line as being so poor that the
analysis should be terminated. When to stop is largely a matter of taste, although some
objective criteria for limitations of the Bhattacharya method can be devised as will be
discussed in Section 3.5.4. Anyway, we stop here to bring this example to an end.

Table Estimation of K and t by the von Bertalanffy plot using arbitrary input ages
and the mean lengths &timated in Tables to
(compare Table

-L(t) -
(x) (y)

0.5 17.4 0.428

1.0 27.8 0.812
1.5 33.8 1.127
a (intercept) = 0.09
b (slope) = 0.699, K = 0.7 per year
t = -alb = -0.13 year

1.5 • - Original point

x - "old point", Ni~ point before subtraction of Ni
A - rie point", i.e.Ni- point affected
.. by subtraction of Ni
(A) - .. ne point" not used in regression analysis
o - Original point used in regression analysis
o - .. ne .....point" used in regression analysis
1.0 I


2: •
..5 0

•• •

-05 •


24 28 32 36
51' Length (em)
16 20 1.0 H 48
Fig. Bhattacharya method: regression line estimated for the third cohort (compare
columns D and E in Table

- 91 -
Table Bhattacharya method: Attempt to estimate the fourth cohort, N4 (the 1981
autumn cohort), compare Fig.

A 8 C D E F G H I

L1-L2 N4+ In N4+ ~ln N4+ L ~ln N4 In N4 N4 N5+

(y) (x)
............... . .......
34-35 0 - - 34 - - 0 0
35-36 2.69 0.990 0.990 35 ? ? ? ?
36-37 5.78 1.754 0.764 36 ? ? ? ?
37-38 6.75 1.910 0.156 37 (* ) ? ? ? ?
38-39 8.22 2.107 0.197 38 (* ) ? ? ? ?
39-40 10.16 2.318 0.211 39 (* ) ? ? ? ?
40-41 10.65 2.366 0.048 40 (* ) ? ? ? ?
41-42 8.88 2.184 -0.184 41 (* ) ? ? ? ?
42-43 6.96 1.940 -0.244 42 ? ? ? ?
43-44 7 1.946 0.006 43 ? ? ? ?
44-45 5 1.609 -0.337 44 ? ? ? ?
45-46 6 1.792 0.183 45 ? ? ? ?
46-47 5 1.609 -0.183 46 ? ? ? ?
47-48 3 1.099 -0.510 47 ? ? ? ?
48-49 2 0.693 -0.406 48 ? ? ? ?
49-50 2 0.693 0.000 49 ? ? ? ?
50-51 2 0.693 0.000 50 ? ? ? ?
51-52 1 0.000 -0.693 51 ? ? ? ?

1.5 • - Ori9inal point

)( - "old pain!", Ni. point before subtraction of Ni
• - "new p oint ", i.e.Nl» point affected by subtraction of Ni
,.)- "new point" not us ed in regression analysis
o - Original point used in r eqr es sion analysis
o - "new point" used in r eqr es sior: analysis
1.0 I


Z •
o -
-o •• •

-0.5- •


10 11 J1 36 U 51 Length (em)
16 l' '0
Fig. Bhattacharya method: plot for estimation of the fourth cohort (compare columns
D and E in Table In this case the fit was considered too dubious


Input data for the Bhattacharya analysis are often biased due to gear selection and
recruitment, i.e. the small fish are under-represented in the frequency samples, either because
they escape through the meshes of the gear, or because they have not yet migrated from the
nursery grounds to the fishing grounds (cf. Section 7.1), Aspects connected with bias caused
by selection will be discussed in Chapter 6, where also a method to adjust length-frequency

- 92 -
samples for selection will be presented. In many cases the Bhattacharya analysis should be
preceded by an adjustment for selection.

Another source of bias is observed for migratory fish species. Sometimes components are
lacking because the cohort was not present in the area where the samples were taken. This
aspect will be discussed in Chapter 11.

Computer programs

As you may have noticed, the Bhattacharya exercise takes some time to do by "paper-and-
pencil". With the aid of a computer (which may be a microcomputer), however, the method
is not hard to work with in practice.

The program "BHATTAC" in the LFSA package of microcomputer programs (see Chapter
15) closely follows the set-up explained in the foregoing. With a little experience you can do
the exercise of Section 3.4.1 with BHATTAC in a few minutes. The program has a number
of additional features: Whenever you have estimated a component BHATT AC displays a
graph like Fig. on the screen, allowing you to evaluate the fit to the original data.
BHATTAC also checks whether your results are reasonable or not by calculating the "separa-
tion index", described in Section 3.5.4. Perhaps the most important feature of BHATIAC,
compared to the "paper-and-pencil-method", is that it allows you to do the analysis several
times, each time with a different set of input data. You may for example want to tryout a
range of alternative ways to fit the straight lines in the Bhattacharya plot.

One of the weak points of the "paper-and-pencil" version of the Bhattacharya method is the
estimation of the numbers of fish in each cohort, since it is based on the subjective selection
of one "clean point", from which the values of InNa+ are calculated. A more rigorous
statistical approach would be to apply all points used for the estimation of the regression line.
In fact this more correct procedure is applied in BHATIAC.

When doing the Bhattacharya analysis on the computer you should always, as a matter of
routine, tryout different length class intervals (cf. Exercise 3.4.1), since it often happens that
the structure of the points on the Bhattacharya plot emerges only for an optimal length class
interval, which you may find simply by trying out various alternatives. Similar improvements
may be obtained by pooling data over longer periods. In most cases you will be working with
time series of length-frequencies (to be dealt with in Section 3.4.2), for example in the form
of monthly length-frequency samples. You will then have the choice between, say, working
with samples representing one month or to pool the data of three months to represent a
quarter of the year. Such alternative aggregations of the basic data can easily be made by

The "COMPLEAT ELEFAN" package contains a program "MPA", which also does the
Bhattacharya exercise. FiSAT contains the same program.

Pauly and Caddy (1985), have developed a slightly different version of the Bhattacharya
method for use with a programmable calculator. In their version the lines are determined by
three successive points only, which are chosen so that they have the highest negative
correlation coefficient. Their version is an attempt to tum the Bhattacharya method into an
objective method, i.e. a method producing results independent of the person carrying out the

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 93 -
3.4.2 Modal progression analysis

Example 10 used in Section 3.4.1 was based on one length-frequency sample collected during
one survey. It was demonstrated that a somewhat rough estimate of the growth equation could
be obtained from such a data set. Loo and K could be estimated, whereas to could only be
determined relative to the arbitrary ages chosen for the cohorts.

Example 11: Modal progression analysis, based on the data of Example 4

Now suppose we had the type of data described in Example 4 in Section 3.2.1, i.e. length-
frequency samples from each month or quarter during one or several years. The example
illustrated in Fig. consists of 12 length-frequency samples collected during surveys carried
out in the months January, April, July and October during three years (1982 to 1984). Such a time
series puts us in a much better position to estimate growth parameters than in the case of a single
sample (October) as used in Example 10 to illustrate the Bhattacharya analysis.

)(' x ,.
)( ~ >< ,. )0(

)( x >< )(
)( )< ><
sc x )<
x x ><
)( ><

/0 >< )(

1982 1983 1984

Fig. Modal progression based on the results of the Bhattacharya analyses
A: Mean lengths of components from Bhattacharya plots
B: Mean lengths connected to represent growth curves of assumed cohorts

- 94 -
Table Resuhs of Bhattacharya analyses of the time series of length-frequency samples
illustrated in Fig.

date of third second first

sample component component component

JAN 82 27.9 23.5 9.8

APR 82 32.0 28.1 16.5
JUL 82 31.8 23.1 8.0
OCT 82 34.6 28.0 15.3
JAN 83 32.0 21.8 10.0
APR 83 35.1 27.0 16.5
JUL 83 30.9 23.5 9.2
OCT 83 *) 33.8 27.8 17.4
JAN 84 32.9 24.0 8.3
APR 84 - 28.2 16.8
JUL 84 - 22.9 9.0
OCT 84 - 27.9 18.0

*) from Table

Table The mean lengths from Table rearranged into cohorts (see Fig.

COHORTS, L(t) in em
1 2 3 4 5 6
date of spring autumn spring autumn spring autumn
sample 1981 1981 1982 1982 1983 1983

JAN 82 23.5 9.8 - - - -

APR 82 28.1 16.5 - - - -
JUL 82 31.8 23.1 8.0 - - -
OCT 82 34.6 28.0 15.3 - - -
JAN 83 - 32.0 21.8 10.0 - -
APR 83 - 35.1 27.0 16.5 - -
JUL 83 - - 30.9 23.5 9.2 -
OCT 83 - - 33.8 27.8 17.4 -
JAN 84 - - - 32.9 24.0 8.3
APR 84 - - - - 28.2 16.8
JUL 84 - - - - - 22.9
OCT 84 - - - - - 27.9

Suppose that each of the twelve samples of the time series is given the same treatment as the
single October 1983 sample. The results of the twelve Bhattacharya analyses could then be those
given in Table In each of the first nine samples three components have been found (as
was the case in Section 3.4.1), whereas the last three samples were more difficult to analyse so
that only two components could be identified. Please note that the number of components (cohorts)
that could be identified is much lower than the actual number present, which are represented by
dots in Fig.

We may assume that the various cohorts remain in the sea for some time and thus that they are
sampled at different stages of growth from the time of recruitment to the fishing (or sampling)
area to their extinction. We may also assume that a mean length of a cohort, as determined for
example by the Bhattacharya method, will correspond to a somewhat larger mean length in a
sample taken a few months later and so forth. By plotting those mean lengths from a series of
samples against a time axis and connecting them a growth curve can be obtained.

In Fig. the mean lengths of the components have been plotted against the sample date.
In Fig. those mean lengths which we believe to correspond to the same cohorts, have
been connected. Excluding the two first and the two last points we have thus identified six cohorts.

- 95 -
The connection of points to produce cohorts is a subjective process although in the present case
the choice appeared quite easy to make. In practice it may not always be so simple.

It appears from Fig. that there are two cohorts per year, for instance cohorts No.3 and
No. 4 which recruited in 1982. Assuming seasons of the northern hemisphere, No. 3 will be
called the 1982 spring cohort and NO.4 the autumn cohort. The various growth curves drawn for
each cohort enable us to interpret and rearrange the results of the twelve Bhattacharya analyses
(Table by cohorts as shown in Table

The estimation of K and Leo

The data in Table are of the type that make it possible to apply the Gulland and Holt plot
(cf. Section 3.3.1) by calculating:


L(t,t+At) = 2

The time difference At = 0.25 years, remains constant in this case, so it would also be possible
to apply Chapman's method (Eq.
The values of ALlAt and L (t,t+At) are shown in Table To illustrate the calculations we
consider cohort No.1, recruited in the spring of 1981 (see Fig. For the two first samples
we get:

AL L(Apr 82)-L(Jan 82) 28.1-23.5

At = t(Apr 82)-t(Jan 82) 0.25 18.4 and

- L(Jan 82)+L(Apr 82)

L(Jan 82,Apr 82) = 2 = (23.5+28.1)/2 = 25.8

It would be possible to make separate Gulland and Holt plots for each of the six cohorts, each
with three to five points only. However, under the assumption that the growth parameters remain
constant over the entire sampling period, all the 23 data pairs given in Table may be
combined into one single Gulland and Holt plot.
The regression of all 23 ALlAt values on L(t,t+At) values gives the following results:

a (intercept) = 4l.84 and b (slope) = -0.8740

from which we get

Lao = -a/b = 47.9 say 48 em and

K = -b = 0.87 per year with a 95% confidence interval [0.72, 1.02]

(see Table

The Gulland and Holt plot is shown in Fig. Estimates of Lao and K have thus been
obtained based on the entire time series.

- 96 -
Table Input data and regression analysis for Gulland and Holt plot derived from Table Note .At = 0.25 year

1 2 3 4 5 6
spring autumn spring autumn spring autumn
1981 1981 1982 1982 1983 1983
-L ~L -L ~L - ~L - ~L - ~L - ~L
date L L L L At
~t At At ~t At

JAN 82
25.8 18.4 13.2 26.8 - - - -
APR 82
30.0 14.8 19.8 26.4 - - - -
JUL 82
33.2 11.2 25.6 19.6 11.7 29.2 - - -
OCT 82
- 30.0 16.0 18.6 26.0 - - -
JAN 83
- 33.6 12.4 24.4 20.8 13.3 26.0 - -
APR 83
- - 29.0 15.6 20.0 28.0 - -
JUL 83
- - 32.4 11.6 25.7 17.2 13 .3 32.8 -
OCT 83
- - - 30.4 20.4 20.7 26.4 -
JAN 84
- - - - 26.1 16.8 12.6 34.0
APR 84
- - - - - 20.0 24.4
JUL 84
- - - - - 25.4 20.0
OCT 84
a = 41.84 b :: -0.8740
2 1 2 2
sb = n_2*«sy/sx) - b ) =
23_2*«6.62333/7.08467) - (-0.8740) ) = 0.005242

K = -b = 0.87 per year, L

= -alb = 47.9 cm

sb = 0.072, t21 = 2.09 (see Table 2.3.1)

95% confidence interval of b (= -K): [-1.02 , -0.72) and of K: [0.72,1.02)

- 97 -
The estimation of to

The next step is to estimate the arbitrary initial condition parameters tol for the spring cohorts and
t02 for the autumn cohorts using the von Bertalanffy plot. We allot an arbitrary age of one year
to the spring cohort of 1981 in January 1982, l.25 years in April 1982, etc. The spring cohort
of 1982 No.3 is similarly allotted an age of one year in January 1983, etc. the procedure is the
same for the autumn cohorts.

Table contains the arbitrary ages, t(i) of each cohort together with the dependent variable
of the von Bertalanffy plot:

y = -In(l - L(t)/L
Values of L(t) are taken from Table There are two regression analyses to be carried out:

Spring cohorts: y = -K*tol + K*t(i) , i = 1,3,5

Autumn cohorts: y = -K*t02 + K*t(i) , i = 2,4,6

where t(i), the independent variable, is the arbitrary age of cohort no. i, as defmed in Table In this case six cohorts are considered simultaneously, and we believe that there are three
spring cohorts and three autumn cohorts. As shown in Table the two regression analyses
gave the results:

a (intercept) b (slope) 101 = -a/b year K (per year)

Spring cohorts: -0.2055 0.8433 0.24 0.84

Autumn cohorts: -0.7305 0.9169 0.80 0.92

As expected, the difference between tol and t02 became close to half a year, as explained in
Section 3.2.1 (see Table 3.2.l.2) for this example. The mean of the two K-values is 0.88 (close
to the value of 0.87 estimated from the Gulland and Holt plot). A statistical test would show that
the two estimates are not significantly different and we would therefore use the common value K
= 0.88 per year. Thus the two equations:


.-. l2


.s I


0 0.25 0.50 UXJ 1.25 f.50 f. 75 2J)0 2.25


Fig. The two von Bertalanffy plots based on data from Table

- 98 -
Spring cohorts: L(t) = 48*[1 - exp(-O.88*(t-O.24»]
Autumn cohorts: L(t) = 48*[1 - exp(-O.88*(t-O.80»]

can be used to calculate the length of spring cohorts and autumn cohorts for different arbitrary
ages. We may stop the analysis at this stage, or we may continue trying to estimate the birthday
of the cohorts.

Table Input data anJi regression analysis for von Bertalanffy plot. Mean lengths of the
components, L(t) derived from Table, L 00 = 48 em

~: spring cohort
date of no. 1 no. 3 no.5 time of
sample spring 1981 spring 1982 spring 1983 sampling
t(l) y *) t(3) Y *) t(5) Y *) T = (x)
JAN 82 1.00 0.673 - - - - 1982.00
APR 82 1.25 0.880 - - - - 1982.25
JUL 82 1.50 1.086 0.50 0.182 - - 1982.50
OCT 92 1.75 1.276 0.75 0.384 - - 1982.75
JAN 83 - - 1.00 0.605 - - 1983.00
APR 83 - - 1.25 0.827 - - 1983.25
JUL 83 - - 1.50 1.032 0.50 0.213 1983.50
OCT 83 - - 1.75 1.218 0.75 0.450 1983.75
JAN 84 - - - - 1.00 0.693 1984.00
APR 84 - - - - 1.25 0.886 1984.25
JUL 84 - - - - - - 1984.50
OCT 84 - - - - - - 1984.75
spring cohorts: n = 14
a = -0.2055, b = 0.8433, so K = 0.84 per year
= -alb = 0.24 year
2 1 2 2 2
Sb = n_2*[(sy/sx) - b ) = 14:2*[(0.35016/0.41313)2 - 0.84332 ) = 0.0006005

sb = 0.0245, t12 = 2.18 (see Table 2.3.1)

95% confidence interval of b (= K) : [0.79 , 0.90)

B: autumn cohorts
date of no. 2 no. 4 no. 6 time of
sample autumn 1981 autumn 1982 autumn 1983 sampling
t(2) y *) t(4) Y *) t(6) Y *) T = (x)
JAN 82 1.00 0.228 - - - - 1982.00
APR 82 1.25 0.241 - - - - 1982.25
JUL 82 1. 50 0.656 - - - - 1982.50
OCT 92 1. 75 0.875 - - - - 1982.75
JAN 83 2.00 1.099 1.00 0.234 - - 1983.00
APR 83 2.25 1.314 1.25 0.421 - - 1983.25
JUL 83 - 1. 50 -
0.673 - - 1983.50
OCT 83 - 1. 75 -
0.866 - - 1983.75
JAN 84 - 2.00 -
1.157 1.00 0.190 1984.00
APR 84 - - - - 1. 25 0.431 1984.25
JUL 84 - - - - 1. 50 0.648 1984.50
OCT 84 - - - - 1. 75 0.870 1984.75
autumn cohorts: n = 15
a = -0.7305, b = 0.9169, so K = 0.92 per year
t = -alb = 0.80 year
2 1 2 2 1 2 2
Sb = n-2*[ (sy/sx) - b ) = 15_2*[(0.36593/0.39491) - 0.91692 ) = 0.0001375

sb = 0.037, t13 = 2.16 (see Table 2.3.1)

95% confidence interval of b (= K): [0.84 , 1.00)

*) y = -In(l - L(t)/L

- 99 -
Estimation of the birthday

To estimate the birthday, the idea is to extrapolate the growth curve beyond the first data
point and see where it intersects with the time axis as illustrated in Fig. This figure
shows cohort no. 3 as an example. The curve cuts the time axis at the point 1982.24. On the
arbitrary age axis the intersection point is to I = 0.24. The point 1982.24 (29th of March)
must be somewhere in the neighbourhood of the birthday. Because the von Bertalanffy growth
curve does not conform to the early life stages of fish (cf. Section 3.1) this is an approx-
imation. An alternative way of finding the approximate birthday is to use gonadal maturity
stage data.



20 approx.

tOI l"",
\ /0 O.IV 0.39 al.V aN /.IV l39 approx. absolute age, t
MB2 1'183
o 0.25 0.5 0.75 f.OO /.25 /.50, /.75 arbitrary age, t(3)

Fig. Illustration or how the approximate birthday is estimated

The use of data on gonadal maturity

Another method of estimating the birth day is to estimate the spawning season from maturity
stages of the adults. Fig. shows an example of maturity stage data (from Wyatt,
1983). In this case the percentages of the three main stages of gonadal maturity are presented.


Fig. Maturation stages observed for the squirrel fish Holocentrus rufus) from Wyatt
(1983). Based on samples of 1331 fish

- 100 -
From maturation stage data, e.g., a graph of the percentage of ripe fish, we can define one
(or two) mean spawning day(s), in the same way as the mean recruitment day was defined
in Chapter 1, if the graph is unimodal (or bimodal). The histogram for the percentage of ripe
fish in Fig. could be interpreted as two spawning seasons with peaks in February and
October. The mean spawning day may then be used as an estimate of the birth day (perhaps
corrected for a time lag). However, the results of such analyses should be treated with a
certain reservation as fluctuations in spawning are not the only factor which determine the
fluctuations of recruitment. The success of a larva to feed and grow into a recruit and at the
same time to avoid being eaten by predators is a complex process affected by a variety of
environmental (biotic and abiotic) factors. The survival rate could, for instance, be almost nil
for one spawning season and high for another. For a discussion of these matters see, for
example, Bakun et al. (1982).

The application of modal progression analysis

The estimates obtained by following the progression of the modes (= cohorts) in the length-
frequencies is considered superior to the method based on one single sample (Section 3.4.1).
Further, there are cases where the single sample approach is not applicable at all. This is the
case for short-lived species where there is only one (or only two) cohorts in a length-
frequency sample. Such an example is shown in Fig. It deals with commercial
catches of the shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus in Kuwait waters (from Mohamed et al., 1979).
This species has a life span of one to two years and there are two cohorts per year. Most of
the samples contain only one mode, so that the single sample approach is not applicable.
However, to follow the progression of the modes appears a simple thing in this case. Modal
progression analysis is especially useful for such short-lived species.

", - ..........
1978 H~r -» ••••••••••••






H~V .' .. ,,-.r· .' ••

\ \

Die 'r- __.~"~· ,\,-~..,..



~.~ 14 18 2Z 26 30 34 38 42 L6 50

carapace length (nun)

Fig. Example of modal progression analysis. Size distributions of catches of Penaeus
semisulcatus in the artisanal (-) and industrial (.... ) catches in Kuwait waters.
(From Mohamed et al., 1979)

- 101 -
Computer programs

The program "MODALPR" in the LFSA package can execute the modal progression analysis
as described above. The LFSA package also allows you to continue from the Bhattacharya
analysis (program "BHATTAC") with a least squares estimation of the growth parameters
(program "VONBER", cf. Section 3.3.4) instead of the Gulland and Holt plot. The
"COMPLEAT ELEFAN" package contains a program "MPA" to do the modal progression
analysis. A similar program has been incorporated in FiSAT. There are several other
computer programs available which attempt to solve the problem dealt with in this section,
some of which will be discussed in Section 3.5.

Data massage

Running the Bhattacharya analysis and the modal progression analysis on a computer, one
should always as a routine try out different aggregations of data, i.e. the so-called "data-
massage" or "data-squeezing". Table illustrates the process of data-massage. Part A
contains the original data, i.e. a time series of fourteen monthly length-frequency samples
grouped into sixteen l-cm groups. From part A to part B the data have been squeezed into
eight 2-cm length groups. From part B to part C data have been further squeezed into five
3-monthly groups. Sometimes a data-massage makes the structure of the data more apparent.
(With "structure" is meant the straight lines in the Bhattacharya plots and the modal

If the data are grouped in such small classes that the "random noise" within each cell of the
table hides the structure of the data one should massage the data. We may also observe the
opposite problem, namely that the data are grouped in class intervals which are too large so
that the structure becomes concealed behind the grouping. If your basic data are grouped in
such large class intervals (in length or in time) there is nothing you can do to solve the
problem. Therefore you should always record your basic data in as fine a grouping as
practical. For example, if you are in doubt whether to use l-cm groups or 2-cm groups, then
use l-cm groups. You can easily convert l-cm groups into 2-cm groups, whereas you cannot
do the opposite transformation. The grouping of data often simply has to be "just right"
before you can successfully carry out a combined Bhattacharya/Modal Progression Analysis.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

3.4.3 The probability paper and parabola methods

There are other ways of analysing composite normal distributions which, like the Bhattacha-
rya analysis, are basically paper-and-pencil methods and contain a certain amount of

One is the probability paper method introduced by Harding (1949) and further developed by
Cassie (1954). It is based on the fact that a normal distribution becomes linear when plotted
on probability paper. A mixture of several normal distributions provides a more complex line
with inflexion points. As with the Bhattacharya method the individual normal distributions
can be removed one by one.

Another approach is the parabola method introduced by Hald (1952) and used in fisheries
research by Tanaka (1953). The mathematical base is the transformation of a normal
distribution into a parabola by taking logarithms, see Section 2.6, Eq. 2.6.3. With this

- 102 -
method, parabolas are fitted to the log-transformed numbers of composite length-frequency
data. The procedure is otherwise as with the Bhattacharya method which is a more
sophisticated version based on the fact that differences between equi-distanced points on a
parabola form a straight line.

The Bhattacharya method seems to leave less to subjective decisions on the researcher's part
than the other methods do. However, persons skilled in the application of either the
probability paper method or the parabola method also seem to reach plausible results.

Table Illustration of the process of "data-massage", For further explanation, see text

A: BASIC DATA: l-cm length groups by month

Length :-------------- 1981 -------------------:---- 1982 -----:


4- 5
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
5- 6 1--1-- --1--'--1--'---1--1--'-- --1--1
, ,
,, --'-- --1--- --'--1---
6- 7
7- 8 ,, --'-- , ,
, ---'--
18 ....£il__ll
8- 9
,, _ll _2l 1 __l.§
,, ,
, -- , -- ,
---1-- ---1--,---
--,--- --,---,---,---,---
" --,---,--,--
15-16 -- ---1--,--1--:--1---:--- --:--:--:--,--,--
16-17 --,--1--1--1---1--:---1---,--1--1--:--1--1--1
17-18 --I---I--i--i---l--i--i---I---I--i---i--I--I--I
18-19 --i--l--i---i--i--I--i--i--l--i---i---i--i
, , , , , , , , , , , , , i,
19-20 ,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,---,--,---,---,---,--,--,

B: MASSAGED DATA: 2-cm length groups by month

i-------------- 1981 -------------------:---- 1982 -----:

4- 6
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
--i-- --1--1--1---1---)---1---1-- ---1---1---'---1
6- 8
8-10 --1--- --I, 39:, 751, 28:---:---
" ,
--,---,-- , --I

10-12 ---1-- , , , " --I ,

, , ---,---,--
,---,--- ,1 --,--

12-14 ---1-- --,--,--,--,---,--- ---,-- --1---1-- --I

14-16 ---1--
, --1--1---1---:---1---
, , , " --1--
, --1---1-- --I,
16-18 --,---
, --,--,---,---,---,--- --,-- " ---,---,-- --I

---,-- --1---1---:---1---:-----1-- --,--,--
" ,
--'-- --'--'---'---'---'--- --'--- --'---'--- ,

C: MASSAGED DATA: 2-cm length groups by 3 months

Length :--- 1981 --- 1982 -I


4- 6
, , , , , , , , ,
6- 8
--'--' , , ,
--I ,--,--,---,
12-14 --i--I--I--I--i
, , , , ,
14-16 --,--,---,--,--,
16-18 --1--1--1--1--:
, , , , ,
18-20 ,---,---,---,---,--,

- 103 -

The methods presented in Section 3.4, the "paper-and-pencil" methods and their computer-
based counterparts basically treat the data sample by sample. Often the tracing of the growth
curves becomes easier when the entire time series is considered. Some samples may be easy
to resolve into cohort components and to interpret in terms of growth in an unambiguous
way. By using the findings from the "easy" samples we may also be able to give unambigu-
ous interpretations of samples we would otherwise not be able to interpret.

Figs. and illustrate this feature. The January sample in Fig. seems
easy to resolve into two components as shown in Fig., whereas the September sample
shows no structure whatsoever. The May sample appears more problematic than the January
sample, but it is still possible to interpret. However, together the January and the May
samples show a clear picture from which a growth curve can be estimated. By extrapolating
the growth curve to the September sample we are now also in a position to split that into





Fig. Examples of an "easy" sample (January) and a "difficult" sample (September)



Fig. Hypothetical example of how an "easy" sample (January) is used to treat a
"difficult" sample (September)

- 104 -
This approach may be applied when using the "paper-and-pencil" method, especially when
aided by a computer. It is however possible to leave more work to the computer and to let
it do the analysis using a more sophisticated technique, such as a least squares estimation
technique, (cf. Section 3.3.4).

The computer-based methods to be dealt with here require so many computations that it is
almost impossible to do them by paper-and-pencil. We present two alternative approaches:

I. The "ELEFAN I" method (Electronic LEngth-Frequency ANalysis)

2. The "maximum-likelihood" method.

The first was introduced by Pauly and David (1981). The second may be considered a
computerized version of the Bhattacharya method. It is based on the traditional theory on
statistical analysis of frequency samples - a method which you may consider a generalized
version of linear regression analysis. The basic philosophies behind the two methods are

A detailed discussion of computer-based methods is considered outside the scope of the

manual. The main purpose is to present some basic features of the methods which hopefully
encourage the reader to go into further studies in this field.

3.5.1 ELEFAN I

The "ELEFAN I" program deals with estimation of growth parameters using length-frequency
analysis (Pauly and David, 1981; and Pauly, 1987). The most recent description of the entire
package will be found in Pauly (1987).

Example 12: The application of ELEFAN I to the coral trout data

To illustrate ELEFAN I we use the data on coral trout shown in Fig. ELEFAN I
consists of two major stages:

Stage 1: Restructuring of length-frequencies

Stage 2: Fitting of a growth curve

Stage 1, the restructuring process is illustrated in Fig. where part "a" shows the
original data as presented by Goeden (1978) in 0.5 cm length groups. To smooth out small
irregularities the data have been rearranged in 2 ern length groups as shown in part "b". The
curve in part "b" is the "moving average frequency" over 5 length groups. The method to
obtain a moving average is illustrated for the length interval 26-28 cm:
interval frequency

18-20 0 *
20-22 0 *
22-24 2
1> moving average =
28-30 6
30-32 10 J

- 105 -
.3 yea" ? 4 year, ?
.t:! 12
~ 8
Z 4

10 .


- 0.2
=0. -0.2

Z -06

I. I 11, J, I I ,! I ,I. I, I, I. ,! I I I , I ,I! I, I ,I. I, I,

22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 50 standard length (em)

Fig. Example of the ELEFAN I restructuring of a length-frequency sample

(from Pauly & David, 1981). Data from Goeden, (1978), on the coral trout
tPlectropomus leopardus)

The values, for the first length groups 22-24 and 24-26 cm are calculated by adding two
zeroes and one zero respectively as indicated by "*". (A similar procedure is applied to the
last length groups.) The curve that results from this procedure is used to emphasize peaks
(shaded bars above moving average) and intervening troughs. In part "c" the original fre-
quencies of part "b" have been divided by the moving average and 1 has been subtracted.
Consider again as an example length group 26-28 cm. Here we get:

15/8.8 - 1 = 0.7 "points"

Actually, some additional minor adjustments have also been made but we shall not go into
that. Using the restructuring process the peaks and the troughs became well-structured and
easy to identify by the "points" allotted. Note that clear peaks have been allotted a similar
number of points irrespective of the number of fish they represent.

Stage 2, the fitting of a growth curve is illustrated in Figs. and

In the present example for coral trout only one sample was used. To do the ELEFAN I type
of fitting growth curves we should preferably have a time series of samples. Basically,
ELEFAN I is a modal progression analysis. However, if a time series is not available we can
circumvent the problem by assuming one, simply by repeating the sample for a suitable range
of years, the assumption being that all cohorts follow the same growth curve. Thus, ELEFAN
I can be applied to both the single sample case and the time series case. If the constructed
time series over the ten years shown in Fig. had been a real time series we would
have got slightly different frequencies each year. Fig. shows eight repetitions of the
restructured sample arranged similarly to Fig. It is difficult to fit a curve to the

- 106 -

~ 4
..... 6

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

standard length (em)

Fig. The length-frequency samplc of Fig. 3.5.1.Ia repeated over 10 years for
simulation of time series of samples (compare Fig.

original frequencies in Fig. and it is not possible to give an objective criterion
whether one curve fits better than another if one uses an eye fit only. The restructured
samples in Fig. however, are easier to fit because peaks and troughs have been
exaggerated .

With the restructured data (the "points" shown in Fig. it has become possible to
define an objective measure for goodness of fit, for which Pauly and David (1981) suggested
the ratio "ESP/ASP", where "ESP" stands for "Explained Sum of Peaks" and "ASP" for
"Available Sum of Peaks".

To understand the concept of "ESP" consider Fig. The most convincing fit of a
growth curve is one which hits all the peaks indicated by arrows. However, there may not
exist such a von Bertalanffy growth curve, and therefore a "score" concept has been
introduced to measure how close a curve can come to the best fit. Whenever a curve hits a
bar at the axis, either positive or negative it scores "points" (cf. Fig. The total score
of a growth curve is the sum of the points scored from each sample as shown in Fig.

"ASP" (available sum of peaks) is the maximum score a curve can reach, i.e. the sum of the
positive peaks indicated with arrows. Such an arrow occurs whenever there is a sequence of
positive bars. (In this connection a "sequence" may be a single bar.) The ratio ESP/ASP thus
becomes a measure for how close a curve is to the best possible fit.

- 107 -
Loo = 60 em
K = 0.3 per year
to = 0.7 year

score: 0.77

score: 0.87

score,' 0.52

5!;~4-~~~~~9C~~~~~~~o~,~ score: -0,1,2

score: 0.70

score: -0.20

8 score: -0.38

tz 2" 30 'J1I se '12. 'I~ so 5'1

length total
scores: 1.86

ESP 1.86
ASP = 2.86 = 0.65
Fig. The restructured length-frequency sample of Fig. repeated over eight
years to simulate a time series of samples (compare Fig. A siogle
growth curve determined by the parameters Lao = 60 em, K = 0.3 per year is
tested for goodness of fit (ESP!ASP)

The computational procedure described so far may be carried out by paper and pencil for a
single growth curve within a reasonable time. But after that it is no longer possible (in
practice) to follow ELEFAN I by paper and pencil. One of the main features of ELEFAN I
is that many (say, thousands) of different growth curves are tested in the way described in
Fig. Among the thousands of possible growth curves the one that produces the
highest value of ESP! ASP is selected.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 108 -
3.5.2 The seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth equation

Fig. shows an application of ELEFAN I to a penaeid shrimp. This growth curve
estimated by ELEF AN I is clearly not a von Bertalanffy growth curve because ~L/ ~t does
not decrease linearly with age (cf. Section 3.1). The explanation is that ELEFAN I works
with the "seasonalized von Bertalarffy growth equation" (Pitcher and Macdonald, 1973;
Cloern and Nichols, 1978 and Pauly and Gaschutz, 1979):

L(t) = L *(1 - exp{-K*(t-t )-(CK/2n)*sin(2n*(t-ts»}] (

co 0

This is the usual von Bertalanffy equation (Eq. with an extra term:

(CK/2rr)*sin(2rr*(t-ts» (where rr = 3.14159 .. )




-- 10




Fig. Example of a seasonally oscillating growth curve estimated by ELEF AN I (from
Pauly, 1981). Data from Rodriguez (1977) on female shrimp (Penaeus kerathu-
rus) off Cadiz, Spain. Note that data were available for one year, and these have
been repeated to simulate two years of sampling. Estimated parameters are:
L qo = 21.0 em (total length), K = 0.8 per year, C = 0.9, tw = 0.8 (winter
point), ESP/ASP = 0.46

Ltt: ) = LO¢[f- ex.p{-K(t-to)- ~sin27L(t -ts) J]

1 I
t5 tw is t'CI ts tI is
I I ,I

1 2 3 it age

Fig. The seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth equation. Note that for C = 1 the
growth rate is zero at the winter points

- 109 -
This term produces seasonal oscillations of the rate, actually by changing to during
the year. The parameter "ts" is called the "summer point" and takes values between 0 and I.
At the time of the year when the fraction ts of the year has elapsed the growth rate is highest.
At time tw = ts+0.5, the "winter point", the growth rate is lowest. The parameter C, the
"amplitude", also usually takes values between 0 and 1. If C = 0 Eq. reduces to the
ordinary von Bertalanffy equation, that is C = 0 implies that there is no seasonality in the
growth rate. The higher the value of C the more pronounced are the seasonal oscillations. If
C = I the growth rate becomes zero at the winter point. Fig. shows a seasonalized
growth curve with C = I together with an ordinary von Bertalanffy curve (C = 0). All other
seasonalized curves with different C's (but with other parameters kept constant) will be in the
shaded area.

3.5.3 Maximum likelihood methods

The calculation of a mean value as described in Section 2. I and the least squares method
described in Section 3.3.4 are applications of the "maximum likelihood principle".

The method to be described in this section aims at solving the same problem as the ELEFAN
I method and some other problems. The main difference lies in the definition of the goodness
of fit. ELEFAN I uses the ratio ESP/ASP (cf. Section 3.5.1) whereas the "maximum
likelihood method" uses the (weighted) sum of the squares of the deviations between model
and observations (or measures with similar properties). In principle this measure of goodness
of fit is the same as the one used in linear regression analysis (cf. Eq. 2.4.3 and Fig. 2.4.2).

The full statistical theory behind this method is complicated and so is the computer program.
However, a fishery scientist running the program does not need to know all the technical
details. If the basic principles behind the method are understood, few difficulties in using the
program should be encountered.

The basic idea of ELEF AN I, to follow the progression of modes and test a large number of
alternative combinations of growth parameters, is also the basic idea behind the maximum
likelihood approach. The measure for goodness of fit used in the maximum likelihood method
is closely related to the so-called "chi-squared criterion" which is conceptually simple and
therefore used in the following explanation of the method.

In Fig. a length-frequency sample is presented that we assume to be composed of two

cohorts. When using the maximum likelihood computer program on that sample, we would
obtain a result as illustrated in Fig., where the dotted curves represent the two cohorts
and the full line the sum of the calculated frequencies of the two cohorts. The dots indicate
the original, observed frequencies, and the bars the differences between observed and
calculated frequencies.

In addition to the growth parameters the maximum likelihood method also works with the
following parameters (in the case of two cohorts):

Nl = total number of observations in first cohort

N2 = total number of observations in second cohort
sl = standard deviation of first cohort
s2 = standard deviation of second cohort
- -
The mean lengths, Ll and L2 follow from the growth parameters (cf. Fig., where
Ll and L2 corresponding to arbitrary ages t1 and t2 are shown as an example). From the

- ]]0 -
parameters the calculated (theoretical) frequency of each cohort, fc 1(L) and fC2(L) and the
total frequency

of each length group can be calculated as explained in Section 2.2.

The measure of goodness of fit, the "chi-squared criterion", is defined as:

X = E ---------------- (

which is the sum over all fCtota)(L) values > 0

e 00


o o
o o 0


Fig. The basic data from which the resolution into normally distributed components
in Fig. is derived

r, length

Fig. Illustration of the chi-squared criterion. Input data are from Fig. Also
the number of cohorts must be given as input

- III -
where fobs(L) stands for the observed frequency in length group L (= interval midpoint). It
is used to minimize the differences between observed and calculated frequencies over the
entire length range of the sample. The maximum likelihood program determines that set of
parameters (Lao, K, to' N 1, N2, sl and s2) which minimizes the chi-squared criterion. A
comparison with Eq. 2.4.3 ("fctota!" and "fobs" correspond to "a + b*x(i)" and "y(i)",
respectively) illustrates the relationship between the chi-squared criterion and linear
regression. Fig. shows another example of what the maximum likelihood method
would get out of a length-frequency sample if it were given that the number of cohorts was

As the chi-squared criterion is a standard measure for goodness of fit when dealing with
frequencies the list of references dealing with this concept is nearly endless. A good
introduction to the theory (written for biologists) is given in Sokal and Rohlf (1981, Chapter

In addition to the growth parameters the maximum likelihood method also gives numbers and
standard deviations. The program requires the same input as the ELEFAN I program, but it
also requires the number of cohorts in the sample as input. Often one has to guess that
number. However, this extra input appears not to create great practical problems.

The maximum likelihood program works as an "iterative process". That is, it must be fed an
initial guess on the solution which is then improved in a number of iterative steps. Thus, to
start the maximum likelihood estimation procedure we need an approximation to the solution
of the exercise. Such an initial solution can be obtained from, for example, the Bhattacharya
analysis and the modal progression analysis described in Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. The
maximum likelihood method does not make the "paper-and-pencil" methods superfluous. We
still need these methods to start the iteration process and, perhaps most important, to evaluate
the results. The search for an acceptable set of initial values often is the most time-consuming
part of the task.

Fig. illustrates the procedure of the maximum likelihood estimation. Usually, the
starting point is called the "initial guess" at the solution. However, calling it a "guess" might
not be appropriate, as it has to be rather close to the final solution to make the iterative
process converge. Therefore, it is important to have a simple and dependable method to get
a first "good guess" at the solution. For example the Bhattacharya method and the modal
progression analysis could be used.

Another feature of the maximum likelihood method is that it gives estimates of the confidence
limits of all the parameters, which the Bhattacharya method and the modal progression
analysis are unable to do. The confidence limits from the modal progression analysis given
in Table are based on the assumption that the estimates from the Bhattacharya ana-
lysis have zero variance. The maximum likelihood method does not require such (highly
unrealistic) assumptions.

We conclude this brief discussion of the maximum likelihood method with a few words on
its historical development. The first work in the field is nearly as old as Petersen's pioneering
work on length-frequencies of fish (cf. Section 3.4.) as Pearson in 1894 presented his work
on separation of frequencies into normally distributed components.

- 112 -
Make a guess at the number of cohorts, k ,
represented in the time series.

Make an initial guess at growth parameters (Loo , K

and to) using the Bhattacharya analysis and modal
progression analysis. Make a guess at the standard
deviation, Sj and the number of fish (Ni) in each cohort.

Calculate for each cohort (I = 1,2,......k)

LI = L", 1< [1- exp(- K 1< (t; - tJ)]

Calculate for each length group, L:

fcl(L)= N; *dL *[(L-~;Y]

Sl *fu 2s1
and the theoretical frequencies:

Calculate chi-squared:

2 L [fob (L)-fctota, (L)Y
= =------;-------


Change parameter values

(using a complicated numerical method).

Fig. The iterative process of the maximum likelihood estimation procedure
(see also Fig.

- 113 -
Computer programs

One of the first computer programs to separate frequencies into normally distributed
components using maximum likelihood techniques is the "NORMSEP" program by Hasselblad
and Tomlinson (1971). NORMSEP was based on the work by Hasselblad (1966). Another

important contribution on separation of fish length-frequencies into normally distributed

components was given by Macdonald and Pitcher (1979). This work was extended by Schnute
and Fournier (1980) to include estimation of growth parameters in the single sample case.
This contribution in tum was extended by Sparre (l987a) to deal with the time series case and
the seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth curve and a few other things, the theory of which
is dealt with in the following section. The NORMSEP program is included in the FiSAT

3.5.4 Limitations of length-frequency analysis

As appears from the examples (Sections 3.4 and 3.5) it is often difficult to resolve a mixed
distribution. The old fish (the longest fish) especially create problems. Intuitively, one expects
the separation into components to be troublesome when mean values of neighbouring
components are located close to each other compared to the size of the standard deviations.

Applying more rigorous statistical methods than those presented in this manual, Hasselblad
(1966), McNew and Summerfelt (1978) and Clark (1981) have shown that the "separation

_=L ",,-,Ia=-+;_:l
)'-----=L...._' ai,:--:-::-
I = [s(a+1) + s(a)J/2 (

is a relevant quantity to ~udy when assessing the possibility for a successful separation of two
neighbour components. L stands for the mean value and s for the standard deviation (see Fig. Without going into details the main findings of the three above-mentioned works
can be summarized by the rule of thumb: If the separation index is less than two, 1<2, it is
virtually Impossible to separate the components.

Table Separation indices calculated for the example of Section 3.4.1. The parameters
marked by 11.11 cannot be estimated from length-frequency data alone (cf. Table and Fig.

- -
- !:!(a)
a L(a) s(a) I = + s(a)

1 17.3 1.7
2 27.9 2.7
3 35.3 3.4
4 40.2 * 3.6 *
5 43.3 * 3.8 *
6 45.5 * 3.6 *

- 114 -
16 18-10 8
= -=2
14 1=(5+3)/2 4
;.., 10
~ 8
-..I- 6 s1=3
0 2 4 6 8

12 14 16 18 20
22 24 26 28 30

Fig. Example of two normally distributed components with the critical separation
index, I-value of 2

VAR (mean length)

VAR (std. deviation)

I= L(a+1)-L(a)
(s(a+ 1)+s(aJ)/2

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 I

Fig. General description of the functional relationship between separation index, I,
and variances of estimates

- 115 -
Fig. shows an example of two normally distributed components with I = 2. Fig. shows the typical functional relationship between separation index and variance of the
estimates. (For further details see, for example Hasselblad, 1966.)

As an example consider Table (i.e. the hypothetical data used to illustrate the paper
and pencil methods). In Table the separation indices have been calculated for the six
components. These are known because the data are hypothetical or constructed. Suppose the
data had been real data for which we did not know the true parameters. In that case there
would be hope for estimation of only three components with separation indices 4.82 and 2.43
respectively. This conclusion holds for all methods, including the most sophisticated
computerized ones.

Another way of exploring the limitations of length-frequency analysis is the "Monte Carlo
simulation technique". By this technique we simulate length-frequency samples using a
computer (cf, Section 3.2.1). The technique is called "Monte Carlo" because it includes a
component of "random variability", the principle of the "roulette", which is added to all the
simulated observations. By making assumptions about the parameter values and the magnitude
of the random component and by simulating the corresponding length-frequency samples we
are in a position to evaluate the various methods. The procedure works as follows:

Step 1: Make assumptions on parameter values and the magnitude of the stochastic

Step 2: Simulate a time series of length-frequencies according to step 1.

Step 3: Analyse the simulated data (assuming the parameters to be unknown) using for
example Bhattacharya analysis and modal progression analysis.

Step 4: Compare the results (if any) of step 3 to the "true" parameters from step 1.

Using this procedure we will be able to give statements like: If a fish stock has length
distributions with certain parameters then we are able or not able to estimate the growth
parameters with a certai n prespecified accuracy.

Also difficulties in obtaining unbiased samples should be mentioned in connection with the
limitations of length-frequency analysis. Probably the most important source of bias stems
from the migration of fish. Limitations of length-based methods applied to migratory fish
stocks are discussed in Chapter 11.

- 116 -

Chapter 3 dealt with growth, the positive aspects in the dynamics of a fish stock. This chapter
deals with its negative counterpart, the death process or mortality (cf. Fig. The
growth was described with the aid of a model and a number of parameters, and so is the
death process going to be. The key parameters used when describing death are called the
"mortality rates".

This chapter deals with the definition of mortality, and it introduces some of the methods to
estimate mortality rates which require input data from random samples representative of a
certain part of the population, namely the exploited part. These methods do not require
estimates of total catch from the population. On the other hand, they do not provide estimates
of population size. Methods dealing with those aspects will be introduced in Chapter 5.

The easiest way to describe the change in numbers in a fish stock is often to follow the fate
of fish spawned at approximately the same time, a cohort. We shall consider the mortality
of a cohort as composed of the mortality caused by fishing and that due to all other causes
lumped together as the "natural mortality". The latter covers events such as predation, disease
and deaths due to old age.


A "cohort" is a batch of fish all of approximately the same age and belonging to the same
stock (cf. Section 1.3.1). The concepts "day of recruitment of a cohort" and "recruitment"
were introduced in Section 1.6. In all the following derivations we assume (with Beverton and
Holt, 1957) that a cohort consists of "average fish" only. This means that all fish of a cohort
are assumed to have the same age at a given time so that they all attain the" recruitment age" ,
Tr, at the same time (cf. Section 1.6). In Chapter 3 we similarly used the average length of
a cohort to describe growth. In the context of mortality rates we are interested in the number
of survivors from a cohort as a function of time (cf. Fig. A).

The symbol "N(t)" is used to designate the "number of survivors from a cohort attaining age
t". The age is usually measured in units of years. Thus, N(Tr) is the" number of recruits" to
the fishery. Often the symbol "R" is used to designate the "recruitment", R = N(Tr). The
actual choice of Tr is not critical, since all calculations are based on relative ages (age
differences). In many applications we do not need to define the recruitment age. Tr is the
minimum age at which the fish can enter the fishery, i.e. become liable to encounter with
fishing gears (Beverton and Holt, 1957). The age at which they actually enter the fishery, Tc,
is dependent on the mesh size. Tc is called the "age atfirst capture" and marks the beginning
of the "exploited phase" .

Fig. 4.1.1 illustrates the basic features of cohort dynamics. Due to mortality (fishing or
natural causes) there is a continuous decrease in the number of survivors. At birth the cohort
has age zero. From age 0 to Tr the cohort is in the "pre-recruitment phase". In the present
context we are not concerned about what happens before age Tr. After age Tr the fish may
be caught if a suitable small meshed gear is used. At age Tc the fish start to be caught with
the mesh size actually in use. By definition we must have Tr ~ Tc.

In some applications we consider several cohorts at a time as illustrated by Fig. 4.1.2, where
a situation with two cohorts per year during a period of two years is depicted. Fig. 4.1.2 is

- 117 -
a parallel to the multi cohort case for growth which was illustrated in Fig. If more
than one cohort is considered at a time, the symbol N(t} is not sufficient, and some index to
indicate the cohort is then required. However, in the following only one cohort at a time is
usually considered, so the short symbol N(t) will do.

\ recruited phase

N(Tr) = R
, \
exploited phase

recruit- first
birth ment capture

o Tr Tc age of cohort, t

Fig. 4.1.1 Basic features of cohort dynamics

;} FH~M;]J II S OIll~TFHIII1J J 11.:5 0 ND

Fig. 4.1.2 Il1ustration of the situation with more than one cohort (compare Fig.

- 118 -

As an example, consider the number of survivors at age t = 0.5 year, N(0.5), and the
number of survivors one day later, N(0.50274) (1 day = 1/365 year = 0.00274 year). The
number of specimens lost during that day is: N(0.5) - N(0.50274)

To designate the change in numbers during a relatively short time period (say, I day) we use
the symbol ~N:

AN(0.5) = N(0.50274) - N(0.5)

Note that ~N is negative because it represents a loss from the cohort. The rate of change in
numbers is written:


where ~t is the length of the time period (I day in this case).

Suppose N(0.5) = 1000 and N(0.50274) = 997, then

AN(0.5) 997-1000
At 0.00274 = -1095 per year

Obviously, the rate of change in numbers per year, ~N/~t, depends on the number of
survivors, N. The more survivors there are, the more will die. The high number of deaths,
1095 per year, more than N(0.5), is due to the fact that it is calculated as if we started every
day with N(0.5) = 1000 fish. ~N/ ~t is not dependent on ~t, as a reduction of ~t will reduce
~N accordingly. Thus it is natural to assume ~N/~t to be proportional to N:

AN!~) = -Z*N(t) (4.2.1)

where Z is the coefficient of proportionality.

For the example above: AN!~. 5) = -Z*N (0.5) or = -1.095*1000,

Z, becomes 1.095 per year. Z is called the "instantaneous rate of total mortality"; the "total
mortality coefficient" or simply the "total mortality rate". The unit of Z is "per year", or in
general "per time unit". If Z remains constant throughout the life of the cohort it can be
shown that Eq. 4.2.1 is mathematically equivalent to:

N(t) = N(Tr)*exp[-Z*(t-Tr)] (4.2.2)

Eq. 4.2.2 is called the "exponential decay model" and (together with the growth equation) it
is a corner-stone of the theory of exploited fish stocks (cf. Baranov, 1918; Thompson and
Bell, 1934; Fry, 1949 and Beverton and Holt, 1957). Fig. 4.2.1 shows a family of expo-
nential decay curves for different Z-values. The higher the value of Z the faster the decrease
in numbers and the lower the maximum age.

- 119 -
It is usually easier to understand the concept of mortality and survival if the number of
survivors at a certain moment is expressed as a percentage of the original number. The
following table gives the percentages of survivors after one and two years respectively of two
populations subject to two different total mortality rates, Z = 0.5 and Z = 2.0.

total mortality percentage of survivors *)

Z after 1 year after 2 years
100*N(Tr+1)/N(Tr) 100*N(Tr+2)/N(Tr)
0.5 61% 37%
2.0 14% 2%

* ) Percentage of survivors = 100*exp(-Z*(t-Tr))

and t-Tr = 1 and 2 respectively

It is evident that Z = 2.0 represents a high mortality rate and that a cohort subjected to such
a high rate of total mortality will have been practically exterminated in two years.

Table 4.2.1 and Fig. 4.2.2 show an example of the exponential decay of a cohort subject to
a constant total motality Z = 1.5 per year. In order to simplify the example, it has been
assumed that the cohort starts to be caught as soon as it is recruited to the fishery, so that Tr
= Tc (cf. Fig. 4.1.1).

The number of survivors of the cohort of 100000 recruits, N(Tr), at a given time, t, can be
calculated from Eq. 4.2.2 as shown in the second column of Table 4.2.1, for example:

N(Tr+0.4) = 100000*exp(-1.5*(Tr+0.4-Tr)) = 100000*exp(-0.6) = 54881

,......., 900


N 700 -





2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

t- Tr
Fig. 4.2.1 Exponential decay curves, for Z = 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 per year,
with recruitment, N(Tr) = 1000 fish

- 120 -
Table 4.2.1 Exponential decay of a cohort with recruitment N(Tr) = 100000 and total
(constant) mortality Z = 1.5 per year. It is demonstrated that the equation
.:iN/.:it = -Z*N is fulfilled for various ages of the cohort (t). The corresponding
graph is shown in Fig. 4.2.2 . .:it is one day (= 11365 year)

age of cohort number of survivors change in numbers

- ~N 1
t years N(Tr)*exp(-Z*(t-Tr» during on day, AN At * N = Z

Tr 100000
Tr+O.O+~t 99590 -410 1.5
Tr+0.2 74081
Tr+0.4 54881
Tr+0.6 40657
Tr+0.6+~t 40490 -167 1.5
Tr+0.8 30119
Tr+1.0 22313
Tr+1.5 10540
Tr+1.5+~t 10497 -43 1.5
Tr+2.0 4978
Tr+2.5 2351
Tr+3.0 1111
Tr+3.5 524.75
Tr+3.5+~t 522.60 -2.15 1.5
Tr+4.0 247.88
Tr+5.0 55.31
Tr+8.0 0.61

As shown in the third column of Table 4.2.1, the decrease in numbers during one day
changes during the life span of a cohort, because the total number of surviving fish becomes
smaller every day. However, it can be demonstrated that Eq. 4.2.1

At = -Z*N(t)

is fulfilled for different ages of the cohort, throughout its life span.

Ricker (1975) defines the "survival rate", S, as "the number of fish alive after a specified
time interval, divided by the initial number, usually on a yearly basis".

The survival rate after one year is:

s = N(Tr+1) N(Tr)*exp(-Z*(Tr+1-Tr»
N(Tr) = N(Tr) = exp(-Z)

Let tl and t2 be two ages with t1 < t2. The total number of deaths during the time interval
from tl to t2 is


In Table 4.2.1 and Fig. 4.2.2, when tl = Tr+O.4 and t2 = Tr+0.8 years, the number of
deaths over this period is the difference between the number of survivors at tl, N(Tr+O.4)
and t2, N(Tr+0.8): 54881-30119 = 24762.

Of these 24762 fish some died due to fishing and the rest died due to other causes (natural

- 121 -

en .....
101 101
~ ~ 80000
Ij..j!l. 60000
o >:
Q) .....
N(Tr+O. 4) - - : - - -J-~~!:!r- - -} M/Z • [N( O. 4+Tr) -N( O. O+Tr) ]
='- 40000 : of deaths
I N(O.4+Tr)- }
, N(O S+T) F/Z ·[N(O.4+Tr)-N(O.S+Tr)]
N(Tr+O.8) 1__ __ :__! __
, I

20000 :

O~~~L- ~~==~=====-~ _.
Tr O. 4 O. S 2 3 ;,.
o tl t2 age of cohort-Tr

Fig. 4.2.2 Exponential decay curve with N(fr) = 100,000 recruits and Z = 1.5 (data from
Table 4.2.1). Z remains constant for all ages, t

Since we are interested in knowing the effect of fishing on fish stocks, we have to make a
clear distinction between mortalities caused by fishing and those caused by other factors. Z
is the coefficient of proportionality accounting for the total number of deaths. Similarly, the
coefficient of proportionality for deaths due to fishing, called F, and due to natural mortality,
M, can be assigned. F is called the "fishing monality coefficient" and M is called the "natural
mortality coefficient". These two coefficients can be added so that

Z = F+M (4.2.3)

The total number of deaths can thus be split into a number dying due to fishing, the catch (C)
and a number dying due to natural causes (0). The number dying due to fishing, the catch,
during the time period from tI to t2 is:

C(tl,t2) = f*[N(tl)-N(t2)) (4.2.4)

Eq. 4.2.4 is called the "catch equation" (also called "Baranov's equation"), under the
assumption of constant F and M (and thus constant Z) between ages t1 and t2 (Baranov,
1918). The fraction of deaths caused by fishing, F/Z, is called the "exploitation rate", E.

Correspondingly the number dying due to natural causes is:

D(tl,t2) i*[N(tl)-N(t2)) (4.2.5)

- 122 -
Note that N(t1)-N(t2) = C(t1,t2)+D(t1,t2) because F/Z+M/Z = 1.

In the example given above, based on Table 4.2.1 and Fig. 4.2.2, the total number of deaths
was 24762, at a constant total mortality rate of Z = 1.5.

Now, suppose that between the ages tl = Tr+O.4 and t2 = Tr+0.8 the fishing mortality
coefficient was F =
0.6, and the natural mortality coefficient M =
0.9. The numbers of
deaths due to fishing and due to natural causes can then be calculated as follows:

C(Tr+0.4,Tr+0.8) (0.6/1.5)*(54881-30119) 9905

D(Tr+0.4,Tr+0.8) = (0.9/1.5)*(54881-30119) 14857

N(Tr+0.4)-N(Tr+0.8) 54881-30119 24762

In real life the mortalities usually vary with the age of the cohort. Small (young) fish are
exposed to a greater natural mortality because more predators can eat them. On the other
hand small fish may suffer less fishing mortality than large (old) fish because they either have
not yet migrated to the fishing grounds or they escape through the meshes of the gear.
However, if the time span from tl to t2 is not too large it is considered a fair approximation
to assume F and M to remain constant within this period.

The "catch equation" (Eq. 4.2.4) is one of the most important mathematical expressions in
fisheries biology. For many applications, however, it is convenient to rearrange its terms,
where the catch is related to the number present at the beginning of the time span, N(tl). To
do so Eq. 4.2.2 is applied to N(t2):

N(t2) N(Tr)*exp[-Z*(t2-Tr)] which is equivalent to

N(t2) N(Tr)*exp[-Z*(t1-Tr)]*exp[-Z*(t2-t1)] and to

N(t2) N(t1)*exp[-Z*(t2-t1)] (4.2.6)

Inserting Eq. 4.2.6 into Eq. 4.2.4 gives:

C(t1,t2) = N(t1)*z*[1 - exp(-Z*(t2-t1»] (4.2.7)

Eq. 4.2.7 is the most commonly used version of the catch equation. Another is convenient
for special applications:

C(t1,t2) =
(t2-t1)*F*N(t1,t2) (4.2.8)
where N(tl,t2) is the "average number of survivors during the time period/rom tl to t2". To
get consistency between Eq. 4.2.7 and Eq. 4.2.8 we must have:

- N(t1) * 1 - exp(-Z*(t2-t1»
N(t1,t2) Z*(t2-t1) (4.2.9)

The mathematical proof of Eq. 4.2.9 is outside the scope of this manual. However, in Fig. 4.2.3
it is demonstrated that Eq. 4.2.9 conforms to the intuitive concept of "average number".

- 123 -
11 11
10.0 Z=0.5 Z=2.0
9 9

7 7-

6. t

5- _ 5
3- 3-

1- 1 .
0+--:-+------7'1----;,---;+---+---_.. 0
o 1/6 2;6 16 1,/6 5/6 1.0 t-t1 0 1/6 216 ]/6 ~/6 5/6 1.0 t-t 1

Z = 0.5 Approximation: ~ = (10.0+9.2+8.5+7.8+7.2+6.6+6.1)/7 = 7.9
Exact expression: ~ = 10.0.[1 - exp(-0.5)]/0.5 = 7.9
Z = 2.0 Approximation: ~ = (10.0+7.2+5.1 +3.7+2.6+ 1.9+ 1.4)/7 = 4.5
Exact expression: N = 10.0.[1 - exp(-2.0)]/2.0 = 4.3

Fig. 4.2.3 !!Iustration of Eq, 4.2.9:

N(tl,t2) = N(tl)·[1 - exp(-Z·(t2-tl))]/Z if t2-tl = 1 year and Z = 0.5 or 2.0.
Note that the larger the Z is the larger is the deviation between the approxima-
tion and the exact value

For the example used above (Fig. 4.2.2 and Table 4.2.1) we find:
- 1
N(Tr+0.4,Tr+0.8) S4881*1.S*(0.8-0.4f[1 - exp(-1.S*(0.8-0.4))) 41269

C(Tr+0.4,Tr+0.8) = (0.8-0.4)*0.6*41,269 = 9905

which is also the answer we got from applying Eq. 4.2.4.

Eq. 4.2.8 has the advantage of being easy to interpret. It says that the number caught during
the time period from t1 to t2 depends on:

1) The length of the time period

2) The fishing mortality
3) The average number of fish in the sea

and each of these statements is easy to accept.

If .1t = t2-tl is very small, it can be shown that

C(t,t+At) = At*F*N(t) (4.2.10)

is approximately correct. If .1t is small the number of survivors will change very little during
the period and Nand N will be approximately equal. Eq. 4.2.10 then follows from Eq. 4.2.8.
Eq. 4.2.10 is another version of the catch equation which is convenient for reasoning about
the fishing mortality created by a single fishing operation, one trawl haul, for example, as
will be demonstrated in Section 4.3.

- 124 -
Table 4.2.2 Example of the dynamics of a cohort with different mortality rates during its life

start of end of natural fishing total comments

period period mortality mortality mortality
tl t2 M F Z
Tr Tr+O.S 2.0 0 2.0 The cohort has been
recruited to the fi-
shing grounds but is
not yet exploited.
Exposed to great

Tr+O.S Tr+l.O 1.0 0.5 1.5 The cohort has

migrated to fishing
grounds, but 50%
escape through the
meshes. Predation
mortality reduced.

Tr+l. 0 Tr+7.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 The cohort under

full exploitation
(all fish are
retained by the
meshes. ) Predation
mortality further

To apply the exponential decay model (Eq. 4.2.2) and the catch equations, it is not necessary
to assume that M, F and Z remain constant during the entire life span of the cohort. The life
span may be divided into a number of shorter time periods within which mortalities are
assumed to remain constant whereas they may vary from period to period. As an example,
consider a cohort with a life span of seven years. The seven years may be divided into three
periods with different mortality rates as shown in Table 4.2.2. Suppose that N(Tr) = 100000
then, using Eq. 4.2.6:

N(t2) N(t1)*exp[-Z*(t2-t1)]
N(Tr+O.S) 100000*exp(-2.0*0.S) = 36788
N(Tr+1.0) 36788*exp(-1,S*0.S) = 17377
N(Tr+6.0) 17377*exp(-1.S*S.0) = 9.61
N(Tr+7.0) 9.61*exp(-1.S*1.0) 2.14 =
N(Tr+8.0) 2.14*exp(-1.S*1.0) = 0.48

Thus, after seven years the cohort has died out. The number caught in the first period (from
Tr to Tr+0.5) is zero because F = O. The number caught in the second period (from Tr+0.5
to Tr+ 1.0) is (using Eq. 4.2.7):

C(Tr+0.S,Tr+1) = N(Tr+O.S)*z*[l - exp(-Z*O.S)]

36788*~:~*[1 - exp(-l.S*O.S)] = 6470

Alternatively, Eq. 4.2.4 could have been used to calculate the number caught, C:

F 0.5
C(Tr+0.S,Tr+1.0) z*[N(Tr+0.S)-N(Tr+1.0)] 1.5*(36788-17377) 6470

- 125 -
The third period is treated in a similar way. The results may be summarized as follows:

t1 t2 t2-t1 Z N(t1) F C(t1,t2)

Tr Tr+O.s 0.5 2.0 100000 0 0

Tr+O.s Tr+1.0 0.5 1.5 36788 0.5 6470
Tr+l. 0 Tr+7.0 6.0 1.5 17377 1.0 11583

In the subsequent sections various methods for the estimation of Z, F and M will be

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)



The total mortality coefficient Z can be estimated when estimates of the number of fish in the
cohort are available for two different moments during its exploited phase, tl and t2. To
calculate Z from such data Eq. 4.2.6 may be rewritten:

1 N..Llll (
z = t2-t1*ln N(t2)

For the estimation of Z with this formula, it is not necessary to know the absolute values of
N(tl) and N(t2) , only their ratio is required. Thus, if only an estimate of some quantity
proportional to N(t) is available Eq. can still be applied.

The catch per unit of effort (CPUE), for example, the numbers caught per trawl hour, is a
quantity which can be assumed proportional to the number of fish in the sea, N. Intuitively,
it is not hard to accept that if there are twice as many fish in the sea, twice as many will be
caught per fishing operation. Let CPUE(t) be the number caught of a cohort per unit of effort
at time t, then mathematically, the assumption is expressed:

CPUE(t) = q*N(t) (

where q is a parameter called the "catchability coefficient". The more efficient the gear is,
the higher the value of q because q is a measure of the ability of the gear to catch fish.

CPUE data from research surveys

Assume that we have obtained CPUE data for a certain species with a research vessel during
a trawl survey in different periods, t1 and t2, using the same gear without any modifications
and thus with a constant catchability coefficient, q. In that case it follows from Eq.

N..Llll g*N(t1) CPUE(t1)

N(t2) = q*N(t2) CPUE(t2)

Inserting the above into Eq. gives:

- 126 -
1 CPUE(tl)
Z = t2-tl*ln CPUE(t2) (

Eq. can be used to obtain an estimate of Z from time series of CPUE data from
research surveys if age compositions have been obtained, either from reading ring structures
in hard parts or from length-frequency analysis. When age data are available, the numbers
of fish caught per unit of effort of each age group (cohort) can be determined directly. So
when such numbers are available for a time series the numbers of a certain cohort present at
different moments can be used in Eq. Recall that the results of a length-frequency
analysis, e.g. the Bhattacharya method (Section 3.4.1), also include estimates of the numbers
of fish belonging to each cohort. If such numbers are available for the same cohort at
different times, then the progressive decline in numbers represents the total mortality and Eq. can be applied to obtain an estimate of Z. An illustration of this method is provided
in Exercise 4.3, based on the data presented in Table

CPUE data from commercial flsheries

Sometimes CPUE is derived as the average value over a longer period. This is the case when
data are collected from a commercial fishery, where data are most often given on a quarterly
or yearly basis. The model to be used is mathematically equivalent to Eq., but
conceptually it is slightly different. The parallel to Eq. corresponding to a longer time
period is:
CPUE(tl,t2) q*N(tl,t2) (

This is the model relevant to data on commercial fisheries. The mean CPUE, CPDE(tl ,t2),
is usually calculated as th~ catch of a cohort during the period from tl to t2 divided by the
effort during that period. N(tl ,t2) is the average number of survivors during the period from
tl to t2.

The theory behind Eqs. and will be used several times in the following
chapters. We therefore will discuss the reasoning leading to these expressions.

Let f be the effort during one year (t2-tl = 1). Eq. may then be written:

C/f = q*N (

When t2-tl = 1 year we have a special version of Eq. 4.2.8:

C = F*N (

Inserting Eq. into Eq. gives

F = q*f (

Eq. can be shown to apply to any time period [t2,tl]. It is intuitively easy to accept.
It says that the more effort (e.g. boat days) goes into the fishery, the higher will be the
fishing mortality, or the fishing mortality is proportional to the effort. As Eq. is so
simple we could have taken that as the starting point for the derivation of Eq. or Eq.

- 127 -



o -l"---r--,.--,-------,--
o 1 2 3 "
trawling hours

Fig. Illustration or Eq, F .::::q·r, in the case or a catch, .dC, which is small
compared to the population, N

Fig. illustrates Eq. in a simplified system, consisung of 2 million fish
uniformly distributed over a coastal area. The figure shows only 200 fish (1110000 of the

The rectangle labelled "A" indicates the area swept by the trawl in, say, one hour = dt. The
catch in this short time, dC I, consists of six fish. For simplicity, we assume that no fish dies
due to natural causes during the towing period and that all fish encountered by the trawl are

The catch, dCI created by a tra~1 haul must depend on the duration of the haul, dt, and on
the abundance of fish in the sea, N. The simplest model reflecting these intuitive assumptions
is that of proportionality:


If we can accept this model for one haul there should be no problem in accepting it also for
two hauls (say haul A and haul B):

~C2 = q*~t*f*N (')

where the effort, f = 2 hauls. Extending the_model further with haul C to three hauls still
gives no problems, because the abundance, N, will remain approximately constant as the
three hauls will only remove a small part of the total population.

Combining Eq.' with Eq. 4.2.10 gives (when de is small):

- -
4C = q*4t*f*N = 4t*F*N (")

which implies that qll<f= F. Thus Eq. is intuitively acceptable when dC is small.

It is less clear how effort and fishing mortality are related when we consider a longer time
period during which the abundance cannot be assumed to remain approximately constant.

- 128 -
However, if a number of assumptions are me; the equation also applies to cases where the
catch, C, is large relative to the abundance, N, and where the time period, Llt, is long (say
one year). In reality we often assume that these assumptions are being met.

The above reasoning applies in the case where the fish are uniformly distributed over the
fishing grounds. However, this is rarely the case. For schooling fish (pelagics) the argument
is simply wrong. When shooting the net at random the catch of a schooling fish species might
be zero in nine out of ten tows, yet one tow might yield a very high catch. For demersal fish
species the reasoning may be approximately correct although demersal fish also tend to
aggregate in certain areas, which mayor may not also be the fishable areas. The reasoning
illustrated by Fig. is behind the "swept area method" described in Chapter 13. That
the reasoning is based on a relatively small catch and very few effort units, however, does
not limit its applicability.

Now consider a system during a longer period. Fig. shows such a (hypothetical)
example, where in total more than half of the original number of fish are removed by fishing.
Note that one unit of effort (one trawl haul) produces the same fishing mortality Llt*F,
independent of the number of survivors (cf. Eqs. 4.2.10 and 10 8 ....2 ___Q. 5 4

I1t*F = N(t) = 64 = 54 = 46 = 39 = 33 = 28 = 0.15

where = means "approximately equal to". One unit of effort (one trawl haul or tow) takes
the same fraction from the stock. The fishing mortality is independent of the number of
survivors, i.e., all hauls give equal Llt*F. Note also that Llt*F will remain constant only if
the fish redistribute uniformly over the area after each removal by fishing.

Figs. and B show an example in which Eq,, F = q*f, is not applicable, viz.
when an increase in numbers produces also an increase of the area occupied by the stock.
Then one effort unit (one trawl haul) would remove a smaller fraction of the stock and thus
produce a smaller fishing mortality. Figs. and C illustrate the way a stock must
behave to conform to Eq., namely that the area occupied remains constant for
different stock numbers.
1 2 3
•••• • • •• • • • • • •• • • •• • •
• • ••
• ••
• ••

• ••
•• • • • • • •• •• • • •
N0 =''1 Ae,: 10 Nt= 5'1 LlC2 = 8 N,,= ""

4 5 6
••• • • • • ~ • •
, • • •
• • •

• • •
• • • •
• • ••• • •• • • • • • • • •
N.,:r31 ~y=' Nil' 33 I1c5 =5 N,~2g 1JC, ='(
Fig. Illustration of Eq., F = q·f, applied several times to a system
during a longer time period. (For further explanation, see text)

- 129 -

. . ...
I.. 'I. 'I..
'......... 'I ...

" .

/ (

. .. .. . .... .
.. .. ..'I~ .... :.. .
... ~'.'

.. .. 'I ...

.. ..
.' .
.. 'I .." ..

.. "'I. .. .. 'I.. •
...~ : ..
. .. ..
.. .. .. .. " 'I ....

.. .. ..

N=60 N=60 ilC=12

assumption not fulfilled

Fig. Illustration of one of the assumptions behind Eq, F = q*f.
(For further explanation, see text)

4.3.1 Heincke's method

There are many ways of estimating Z from numbers in the catch. We shall describe one that
dates as far back as 1913. Several other methods are described in Ricker (1975).

To introduce the method we start with a formula from common algebra:

i~O a l=al which is valid if a < 1

If a = exp(-Z) then for Z > 0 it follows that a < 1 and consequently the following
expression is valid:
t~O exp(-Z*t) (

When we multiply Eq, by the same constant, N(O), on both sides of the equal sign
we get:

t~O N(O)*exp(-Z*t) = 1-exp(-Z) (

Assuming total mortality, Z, to remain constant we have (cf. Eq, 4.2.6):

N(t) = N(O)*exp(-z*t) and Eq, can be written as

t~O N(t) (

- 130 -
It can be shown that Eq. is equivalent to:

N(1) + N(2) + N(3) + N(4) +

z -In N(O) + N(l) + N(2) + N(3) + N(4) + ••••••••


Eq. is "Heincke'sformula" (Heincke, 1913, in Ricker, 1975).

Eq. should still hold if CPUE can be assumed proportional to the stock number so,
replacing the N's by CPUE(t), Eq. can be used in the form:

CPUE(l) + CPUE(2) + CPUE(age 3 and older)

Z = -In CPUE(O) + CPUE(l) + CPUE(2) + CPUE(age 3 and older)

where the CPUE of the oldest age groups is lumped. The reason for lumping them is that it
is often so that age groups can be relatively easily separated for the first two or three (or
perhaps four) age groups, whereas it is difficult to separate the older age groups (Ricker,
1975). Also it is sometimes neces-sary to exclude the youngest age group when it is not fully
exploited by the fishery. In that case CPUE(O) should not be included in the denominator and
CPUE(l) not in the numerator.

4.3.2 Robson and Chapman's method

Another method was introduced by Robson and Chapman, 1961 (in Ricker, 1975). They
showed that the best estimate of Z from age composition data i.e. the numbers caught per age
group, is:

Z = -In B+A-1 (


A = N(1)+2*N(2)+3*N(3)+ .••.
B = N(O)+N(1)+N(2)+N(3)+ .•••

The variance of the survival rate, S = exp(-Z), is

VAR(S) = s*{(S-(A-1»/(B+A-2)}


A "linearized catch curve" is a graphical representation of the logarithms of numbers caught

plotted against age.

The methods to be described in this section are essentially based on age composition data and
as such they have been applied to temperate fish stocks. Because direct age reading is
problematic for tropical fish stocks (see Section 3.2.1) the methods have to be converted into
versions which take length composition data as input. This is possible when growth para-
meters are available so that lengths can be converted into ages by using the inverse von
Bertalanffy equation (Eq. The theoretical derivations start by using the age

- 131 -
structured model, which will subsequently be converted into a corresponding length-structured

4.4.1 The constant parameter system

The linearized catch curve methods for estimating Z are based on the assumption of a
"constant parameter system". This section is therefore used to explain this concept.

Consider, as an example, a fish stock during the period 1971-1975 with a life span of five
years after recruitment. For simplicity we assume only one cohort per year, recruiting on

Table Illustration of the "constant parameter system" and the "variable parameter
system". Note that the column of numbers in boxes consists of five different
cohorts in the year 1971, whereas the diagonal of numbers in boxes consists
entirely of the 1971 cohort. (For further explanation, see text)


COHORTS, number of survivors

age*/year 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975
t N(71,t) N(72,t) N(73,t) N(74,t) N(75,t)

0 2105 1111 9560 1869 1236

1 1

1 G 405 3817 618

0 1097
G 142 1193

=0 58




COHORTS, number of survivors

age*/year 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975
t N(71,t) N(72,t) N(73,t) N(74,t) N(75,t)

0 2560 2560 2560 2560 2560

1 1

6 G 942 942 942

G 346
G 346 346

0 127 127
0 127

G 47 47 47
*) Age from recruitment data

- 132 -
I January. The figures in Table 4.4.I.IA are the numbers of survivors per cohort and per
age group on I January. Because we consider many cohorts simultaneously, an index to
specify the year of recruitment of a cohort, y, is needed. N(y,t) is the number of survivors
attaining age t from the cohort recruited at the start of year y-t. In this particular case t only
takes the values t = 0,1,2,3 or 4. Note that a specific cohort can be followed diagonally
across the Table. Every year the survivors of that cohort advance to a new age group. Each
column, on the other hand, contains the numbers of survivors of five different cohorts on 1
January of a particular year.

Table contains parts of nine different cohorts, of which only one is given for its
entire life span (the 1971 cohort). It appears that recruitment, N(y,O), where y = 1971, 1972,
1973, 1974 and 1975, has varied from year to year. The 1971 cohort and the 1973 cohort are
strong ones, whereas the 1972 cohort is a weak one ("strong" means that N(y,O) is
considerably greater than the average recruitment).

Now, suppose that the recruitment, N(y,O), remains constant every year, as is the case in
Table 4.4. 1. IB. Assume further that also F and M remain constant, then the number of
survivors and the numbers caught would be the same for all cohorts. An inspection of Table
B shows that in this case the number of survivors per year during the life span of a cohort
equals the number of survivors within a particular year for each age group. Thus, in the case
of constant recruitment it does not matter whether we consider one cohort over its entire life
span, or if we consider all the different cohorts (the entire stock) in one particular year. (The
major part of the theory of Beverton and Holt (1957) is based on the assumption of constant
recruitment. )

We know for sure that the assumption of a constant parameter system is never strictly
fulfilled in real life. However, we are often in a situation which forces us to make
assumptions, which are known to be crude approximations to reality. It often happens that
only by making such assumptions we are able to carry out an analysis of available data, and
it is better to do a crude analysis than none at all.

We speak of a "pseudo-cohort" when working with data from one year assuming these to
resemble those of a cohort during its life span. Thus, the numbers 2105, 2575, 155, 102 and
6 in Table form a pseudo-cohort, whereas the numbers 2105, 736, 281, 109 and
29 form a real cohort.

4.4.2 The linearized catch curve equation

Suppose that an estimate of the age composition of the catch during a year is available, i.e.
pairs of observations:

age interval numbers caught

tl-t2 C(tl,t2)
t2-t3 C(t2,t3)
t3-t4 C(t3,t4)
. .
. .
To develop a method to estimate Z from such data, the starting point is the catch equation
(Eq. 4.2.7):

C(tl,t2) = N(tl)*~*[l - exp(-Z*(t2-tl))]

- 133 -
Although the time interval from tl to t2 is the first interval it will also be used in the
following as the symbol for the general time interval, i.e. t2-t3, t3-t4, etc. Eq. 4.2.7 is not
linear in tl (or t2), so some transformation is required to make the analysis a linear regres-
sion (cf. Section 2.6). The first step is to replace N(tl) using Eq. 4.2.2 which gives:

C(tl,t2) = N(Tr)*exp[-Z*(tl-Tr»)*z*[l - exp(-Z*(t2-tl»)

The second step is to take logarithms on both sides. After rearranging the terms we get:

In C(tl,t2) = In N(Tr) + In Z + Z*Tr - Z*tl + In[l - exp(-Z*(t2-tl»)

At least tl now appears in one linear term (namely: -Z*t1). The terms In N(Tr) + In (F/Z)
+ Z*Tr form a constant, as N(Tr), Tr, F and Z are assumed to remain constant. To simplify
the notation, this constant is named "d", and the equation then reads:

In C(tl,t2) = d - Z*tl + In[l - exp(-Z*(t2-tl») (

A linear expression in t1 has been obtained, except for the last term. Various methods suggest
different ways of dealing with this term.

The first uses of this "linearized catch curve equation" date back to Edser (1908), Heincke
(1913) and Baranov (1918) as reviewed in Ricker (1975). In the remaining part of Section
4.4 we shall discuss various special applications of Eq.

4.4.3 The linearized catch curve based on age composition data

One of the methods commonly applied in temperate waters to estimate total mortality is the
"linearized catch curve method with constant time intervals", which has been reviewed in
Beverton and Holt (1956), Chapman and Robson (1960), Robson and Chapman (1961) and
Ricker (1975).

If t2-tl in Eq. remains constant (e.g. when age groups are considered, so that t2-tl
= t3-t2 = t4-t3 = ... = 1 year), the non-linear term becomes a constant, which can be
included in the intercept term. Thus, if the constant g is defined:

9 = d + In[l - exp(-Z*(t2-tl»)

then Eq. reads:

In C(tl,t2) = 9 - z*t or

In C(t,t+4t) = 9 - z*t (

Eq. is the "linearized catch curve equation with constant time intervals", where the
slope is -Z.

Example 13: Catch curve with constant time intervals, North Sea Whiting

Table shows an example of a linearized catch curve analysis based on age
composition data. Most often such examples come from temperate waters where direct age

- 134 -
reading is possible and where spawning is confined to a short period, once per year. This is
also the case in this example which deals with whiting (Merlangius merlangus) caught in the
North Sea.

Table gives the annual age composition of whiting catches during the period 1974-
1980 (from ICES, 1981a). The figures in Table are numbers caught per year per age
group (cohort), where

C (y, t, t + 1) = number caught in year y of age between t and t + 1 years

(in millions). For instance C(l976,3,4) = 159

For each year the total mortality, Z, (bottom row of Table has been calculated using
Eq. These are linear regressions where x = age, y = In C(y,t,t+ 1) and b = -Z.
Thus, recruitment and other parameters are assumed to have remained constant from 1974
to 1980.

Table Linearized catch curve analysis based on age composition data.
Number caught per year by age group (in millions caught per year) of North Sea
whiting. (From ICES, 1981a, see Fig.

year y 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 average

age t C(y,t,t+1) 1974-80

0 599 239 424 664 685 478 330 488 not

1 678 860 431 1004 418 607 288 612 used
2 1097 390 1071 532 335 464 323 601

3 275 298 159 269 203 211 243 237 used

4 40 54 75 32 69 86 80 62.3 in
5 6 9 13 18 8 25 31 15.7 ana-
6 1 8 3 5 5 3 ~ 4.7 ly-
7+ (6 ) (0) (1 ) (0 ) (1 ) (1) (1 ) 1.4 sis
Z 1.88 1.16 1.36 1.25 1.33 1.40 1.12 1.28

! ®


Z = 1.28 + 0.07
... 3

i not
0 1. 2 3 'I 5 (, 7
age of cohort, t

Fig. Linearized catch curve based on average age composition of North Sea whiting
catches 1974-80 (ICES, 1981a)

- 135 -
However, we could also calculate an overall estimate of Z for the seven year period by using
the average number caught per age group, as shown in the last column of Table By
doing so we (more or less) circumvent the problem of assuming parameters to remain
constant, as e.g. variation in recruitment is levelled out in the averaging process. Note that
in this particular case the assumption of constant recruitment is not crucial. Except for the
year 1974 the annual estimates of Z do not deviate much from the overall estimate.

Fig. shows the graph for the estimation of Z based on the average" age composition.
As appears from Table data for the three first age groups have been excluded from
all the regression analyses, since they do not conform to the straight line (see Fig.
The reason is that these age groups are not under full exploitation. The fishing mortality is
lower than that of the larger (older) fish because the fish of age groups 0 to 2 are so small
that they escape through the meshes of the trawl-net. (The major part of the North Sea
whiting are caught by trawls with codend mesh sizes from 70 mm to 110 mm.) Another
reason for expecting a reduced fishing mortality on the small fish is that all of these may not
yet have recruited to the fishing grounds and are still on the nursery grounds.

Thus total mortality, Z = M + F, does not remain constant for all age groups although this
was one of the assumptions behind the linearized catch curve analysis. One way to circumvent
the problem is to exclude those age groups we suspect not to be under full exploitation, as
was done in this example. Which age groups to exclude is a somewhat subjective choice.
Usually the points systematically deviating from the straight line are excluded. However, it
is hard to give a general rule to decide when this deviation is sufficiently large to justify the
exclusion of the point. As a rule of thumb: whenever you are in doubt about a point, exclude
it. In the case of Fig. it is easy to make the choice since the five points used provide
a very convincing fit to the model.

In the estimations of Z's for each year (bottom row of Table age group 7+ has been
excluded as well (indicated by brackets). The reason is that the number of specimens of age
7 or more (7 + groups) in each year has been estimated from small samples only. Because
few fish survive to age 7 these estimates are subject to great uncertainty. However, for the
overall estimate of Z the age group 7 + has been used, because in this case the samples cover
seven years and the sample size is accordingly larger.

Using the procedure described in Section 2.4 the 95 % confidence limits of Z can be

Z = -slope = -b 1.284 sy 2.0316 sx = 1.5811

variance of the slope:

sb2 = 1
n-2*((sy /sx)2- b2) 5=2*((2.0316/1.5811)2- 1.2842) 0.0005

sb = /0.0005 = 0.0227

sb*t5_2 = 0.0227*3.18 = 0.07, so that the confidence interval becomes

[1.21,1.351 or: Z = 1.28 ± 0.07

With the data of Table the calculations could have been made on a cohort basis as
well. Exercise 4.4.3 deals with this aspect.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 136 -
4.4.4 The linearized catch curve based on age compositions with variable time

Let us return to the general linearized catch curve model (Eq.

ln C(t1,t2) = d - Z*t1 + In[l - exp(-Z*(t2-t1»)

In case the time intervals t2-tl, t3-t2, t4-t3, ... are not constant the non-linear term, 1n[1 -
exp(-Z*(t2-t1»] takes different values for different values of the time interval. As will appear
from Section 4.4.5 this case is often relevant to tropical fish stocks. Two alternative ways of
getting rid of the non-linear term have been suggested.

Cumulated catch curve equation

Jones and van Zalinge (1981) suggested to let t2 take a very high value (actually t2 = 00
(infinity». With t2 very large, the term exp(-Z*(t2-tl» would be close to zero, consequently
In(l - exp(-Z*(t2-t1») = In 1 = O. Thus, if C(t, (0) designates all fish caught of age t and
older, a linear relationship is achieved by

ln C(t,m) = d - z*t (

C(t,oo) is called the "cumulated catch", and Eq. the "cumulated catch curve
equation" .

Linearized catch curve equation with variable time intervals

Van Sickle (1977) suggested a different approach which was further developed by Pauly
(1983a). It is based on the observation that for small values of x, (x < 1.0):

ln[ 1 - exp(-x)] = In(x) - x/2 (approximately)

If Z*(t2-t1) is small it follows that approximately:

In[l - exp(-z*(t2-tl»] = In[Z*(t2-tl)] - Z*(t2-tl)/2

Inserting this into Eq. and rearranging terms gives:

ln t2-tl = d + ln Z - Z*tl - Z*(t2-tl)/2

Because t2-tl must be small, it is called at. To simplify notation the constant c = d+ln Z
is introduced. Then the equation reads:

ln I1t = c - Z*(t+l1t/2) (

which is linear in the interval midpoint, (t+.1t/2). Eq. is the so-called "linearized
catch curve equation with variable time intervals". Note that only the slope has significance
to the present analysis. The intercept is not used.

- 137 -
The name of the equation might lead to the misunderstanding that the method is applicable
only when data for total catches are available. However, Eq. can still be used even
if only the percentage composition of the catches is known, because from these we get the
absolute catches by multiplying all the percentages by a constant. A multiplication of all the
values for C in Eq. by a constant, K, will change the intercept, c, but not the slope,
Z, since

In K*C(t,t+At) = c - Z*(t+At/2) is equivalent to:


In C(t,t+At)
c1 - Z*(t+At/2) where

c1 = c - In K

Thus, if you have a sample from a fish population (for instance from a research surveyor a
market), but the total catch is unknown, you can use Eq. Therefore the linearized
catch curve analysis is often used for survey data, whereas cohort analysis (introduced in
Chapter 5) is used for the analysis of total catch data. It should be noted that the example
used in the next section to illustrate a linearized catch curve analysis based on length
composition data (see Table is a sample of only 3816 fish, which was not raised to
the total catch.

4.4.5 The linearized catch curve based on length composition data

The method to be described here does not, as Eq., assume a direct age reading but
uses the von Bertalanffy growth equation to convert length into age. This model is discussed
in Pauly (l983a, 1984a and b). It is often referred to as the "length-converted catch curve"
or the "linearized length-converted catch curve".

To make the catch curve usable for length data it is in principle necessary to replace in Eq. the t's (ages) by L's (lengths):

1n At = c - z*(t+At/2)

However, what is actually done is to convert length data into age data, using the inverse von
Bertalanffy growth equation (Eq.

t(L) = t - l*ln(l _ 1-)

o K Loo

The conversion of lengths into ages is fairly complex, because the amount of time needed for
a fish to grow through a given length interval increases continuously as it gets older. Fig. shows the transformation of length groups into age intervals. The growth curve used
is the average growth curve for the entire cohort, from which large individual deviations can
occur. These deviations are relatively small for small fish, but may be relatively large for
large fish. In other words: the larger the fish, the longer time it will take to grow through a
length group and therefore the relationship between length and age becomes more inaccurate
for large fish. For example, it takes less than half a year for Upeneus vutatus to grow from
4 to 8 ern, but much more than a year to grow from 16 to 20 cm.

- 138 -


Q) 16 -t------------;~
- used
in analysis

- from analysis

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
age, t (L)
Fig. Conversion or l-cm length groups or Upeneus vittatus into age intervals, by the

(to = 0, K = 0.59 and L m = 23.1)

The biggest fish in the catch are often bigger because they grow faster, not because they are
older as we assume in the inverse von Bertalanffy equation.

As an example consider the resolution of the length-frequency sample in Fig. into
normally distributed cohorts. The length group 15-16 ern, consists only of members of the
1983 spring cohort (as appears from Table, whereas the length group 45-46 cm
contains three cohorts:

1. Fast growing members of the 1981 autumn cohort

2. Medium/fast growing members of the 1981 spring cohort
3. Medium growing members of the 1980 autumn cohort

The age corresponding to a certain length can be calculated, when to is ignored or assumed
to be O.

Let age t correspond to L1 and age t+..1t to L2:

L1 = L(t) and L2 = L(t+At)

With this one-to-one correspondence between the age interval [t.t +At] and the length interval
[Ll,L2] we can change the notation for the number caught:

c(t,t+At) = C(L1,L2)

In the present context ..1t is the time it takes for an average fish to grow from length LIto
length L2, so we obtain ..1t by subtracting the two inverse von Bertalanffy equations (Eq. corresponding to L2 and Ll respectively and obtain:

1 Loo-L1
At = t(L2) - t(L1) = K*ln Loo-L2 (

- 139 -
It is now possible to calculate ..1t directly from the growth parameters K and Lao and the
corresponding LI and L2, as well as, of course by subtracting teLl) from t(L2).

The term (t+..1tf2) of Eq. can also be converted into an expression in length (LI and
L2), based on a suggestion by Pauly, viz., that the age interval midpoint (t + ..1t/2) can be
converted into a length-based midpoint by assuming that

t(Ll) + !J.t/2is approximately equal to

Ll+L2 1 Ll+L2
t(-2-) = to - 'K*ln(l - 2L) (

From these equations the so-called "linearized length-convened catch curve" can be derived:

in C(Ll,L2)
!J.t(Ll,L2) (

This is a linear equation where

C(Ll,L2) Ll+L2
Y = in !J.t(Ll,L2) , x = t(---2---) and the slope (b) is -Z.

Thus, given a set of length-frequency data and the growth parameters K and Leo it is
possible to obtain an estimate of Z.


Z = 4.03 + 1.24
N b


not used, too close to L

- "
2 '--...-'" (G) I
not used I
t I 0
not under I

0 full

0 i 2 3 5 b t

Fig. Linearized catch curve based on length composition data for Upeneus vittatus
(from Ziegler, 1979) compare Table

- 140 -
Example 14: Catch curve based on length composition data, Upeneus vituuus

An example of an application of Eq, is given in Table based on data for
Upeneus vittatus (yellow-striped goatfish) from Manila Bay (Ziegler, 1979). The input data
are the catch in numbers by length group (columns A and B) as well as values for Loo and
K. Then t(Ll) (column C) is calculated by Eq. and dt (column D) either from column
C or by Eq., while t«LI + L2)/2) = x (column E) is derived from column C or
directly by Eq, and In(C(LI,L2)/dt) = y (column F) from columns B and D.

The next step is to plot x against y (Fig. and to decide which points should be used
for a regression analysis, of which the slope b corresponds to -Z.

The confidence limits are calculated for various numbers of observations, so as to determine
the best estimate of Z. (A similar procedure should be followed in Exercise 4.4.5.)

Table Linearized catch curve based on length composition data for Upeneus viuaius
from Manila Bay, Philippines (from Ziegler, 1979). L 00 = 23.1 em, K = 0.59
per year (see Fig.

A 8 C 0 E F G H

t(L1;L2) C(L1£L2}
L1-L2 C(L1-L2) t(L1) H In H Z remarks

a) b) c)
(x ) (y)

6- 7 3 0.510 0.102 0.56 3.38 - not used;

7- 8 143 0.612 0.109 0.67 7.18 - not under
8- 9 271 0.721 0.116 0.78 7.76 - full
9-10 318 0.837 0.125 0.90 7.86 - exploi-
10-11 416 0.961 0.134 1.03 8.04 - tat ion
11-12 488 1.096 0.146 1.17 8.11 -
12-13 614 1.242 0.160 1. 32 8.25 -
13-14 613 1.405 0.177 1.49 8.15 - portion
14-15 493 1. 579 0.197 1. 67 7.83 - used in
15-16 278 1. 776 0.223 1.88 7.13 2.64 the
16-17 93 2.000 0.257 2.12 5.89 3.61 regres-
17-18 73 2.257 0.303 2.40 5.48 3.20 sian
18-19 7 2.560 0.370 2.74 2.94 4.03 analysis
19-20 2 2.930 0.473 3.15 1.44 4.19

20-21 2 3.404 0.659 3.70 1.11 - not used;

21-22 0 4.064 1.094 4.53 - - too close
22-23 1 5.160 4.047 6.19 -1.40 - to L
23-24 1 - - - - -
Details of the five regression analysis
slope no. Student's variance confidence
b of distribution of slope limits
obs. 95%
L1-L2 Z tn-2 sb Z ± tn_2*sb

13-14 - 1 - - -
14-15 - 2 - - -
15-16 2.64 3 12.70 0.198 2.64 ± 5.65
16-17 3.61 4 4.30 0.283 3.61 ± 2.28
17-18 3.20 5 3.18 0.121 3.20 ± 1.11
18-19 4.03 6 2.78 1.198 4.03 ± 1. 24
19-20 4.19 7 2.57 0.087 4.19 ± 0.76

a) Eq.
b) Eq.
c) Eq.

- 141 -
As was the case for the age-based linearized catch curve (compare Table, some of
the observations have been excluded from the regression analysis in Table The first
seven length groups (6-13 ern) form the ascending part of the curve. These fish are
considered not yet fully recruited to the fishery. The last four length groups are excluded as
well, the reasons being:

I) Small numbers in the samples (as for the age-based linearized catch curve)

2) When approaching Lao the relationship between age, teL), and length, L, becomes
uncertain (compare with the problems with the von Bertalanffy plot discussed in
Section 3.3.3).

Point two above is an important one for length-based linearized catch curves. It is a good
reason for never using the largest length groups.

Let us go back to the example of Table Only the length groups 13-20 cm are used
in the analysis of the data. To assess the sensitivity due to the choice of points to be
excluded, the slope b = Z has been calculated from 3 points, 4 points, .... , and 7 points as
shown at the bottom of Table The first Z is calculated for the lengths 13-16 ern, the
next Z for lengths 13-17 ern, ... , etc. Confidence limits have been calculated using the
method described in Section 2.4. In the present case the conclusion is that Z is somewhere
between 4.03-1.24 = 2.8 and 4.03+ 1.24 = 5.2 per year, using the six intervals from 13 to
19 cm. For the length groups 16-20 ern, Z*..1t > I which is not small, therefore the ap-
proximation behind the linearized catch curve (In[l - exp(-x)] = In x - x/2, see Section 4.4.4)
is a crude one in this case.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

4.4.6 The cumulated catch curve based on length composition data.

(The Jones and van Zalinge method)

To convert the "cumulated catch curve" (Eq. into an equation that can be used for
a length-based analysis, the inverse von Bertalanffy equation (Eq.

1 L
t(L) = t
- K*ln(l - ~)

is inserted into the cumulated catch curve equation (Eq.

In C(t,oo) = d - z*t

which gives the following results:

In C(L,L )
= d - Z*[t
- K*ln( I-L/Lro)1

which can be converted into

In C(L,L )
= d - z*t

The first three terms are constants which can conveniently be renamed:

- 142 -
a = d - Z*to - K*ln Loo

The "Jones ami van Zalinge equation" has thus been derived:

In C(L,L 00 ) = a + -K*ln(L00 -L) (

where C(L,Loo) stands for the cumulated catch of fish of length L and above. The slope
estimated by the linear regression Eq. is Z/K so that an estimate of Z is obtained

Z K*slope

Example 15: The Jones and van Zalinge method, Upeneus viuatus

Table and Fig. show an application of Eq. to Upeneus vittatus (the
data used in the foregoing section). Note that the basic data also for this method is the sample
- not the total catch (compare Sections 4.4.4-4.4.5). The results of the Jones and van Zalinge
analysis using the length groups 13 and 19 ern are similar to the results from the linearized
catch curve analysis (Table

used in analysis
'1 ~ ~)l~ ~,
8 ®~


..J~ 6

u 5
slope = Z/K = 6.51

= l(

not used in analysis

(too close to L )
2 r A
i not used ina nalysis
(!) ® (not fully recruited)

°0 .2. .'1 2.2 2.'1 zc 2.8

In (L -L1)

Fig. Cumulated catch curve based on length composition data for Upeneus viuatus,
The line drawn is estimated from seven points. Data from Table

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 14) -
Table Cumulated catch curve based on length composition data for
Upeneus vittaius from Manila Bay, Philippines (from Ziegler, 1979).
= 23.1 em, K = 0.59 per year (see Fig.

catch cumulated cumulated
catch catch In(Loo-L1) slope
L1-L2 C(L1,L2) C(L1,Loo) In C(L1,Loo) Z/K remarks
(y) (x )

6-7 3 3816 8.25 2.84 - not used,

7-8 143 3813 8.25 2.78 - not under
8-9 271 3670 8.21 2.71 - full
9-10 318 3399 8.13 2.65 - exploi-
10-11 416 3081 8.03 2.57 - tation
11-12 488 2665 7.89 2.49 -
12-13 614 2177 7.69 2.41 -
13-14 613 1563 7.35 2.31 - portion
in the
16-17 93 179 5.19 1.96 6.20 regression
17-18 73 86 4.45 1.81 5.98 analysis
18-19 7 13 2.56 1.63 6.86
19-20 2 6 1. 79 1.41 6.51

20-21 2 4 1.39 1.13 - not used

21-22 0 2 0.69 0.74 - too close
22-23 1 2 0.69 0.10 - to Loo
23-24 I 1 0.00 -2.30 -
Details of the five regression analysis

slope*K number Student's variance confidence

of obs. distrib. of slope limits of Z
L1-L2 Z n tn-2 sb Z ± K*tn_2*sb

13-14 - 1 - - -
14-15 - 2 - - -
15-16 3.30 3 12.71 0.131 3.30 ± 2.71
16-17 3.66 4 4.30 0.118 3.66 ± 0.87
17-18 3.53 5 3.18 0.047 3.53 ± 0.41
18-19 4.05 6 2.78 0.202 4.05 ± 0.74
19-20 3.84 7 2.57 0.110 3.84 ± 0.50

4.4.7 Summary of the linearized catch curve methods

Fig. shows a summary of the versions of the linearized catch curve (Eq,
discussed in Section 4.4. These all originated from the catch equation (or Baranov's
equation), Eq. 4.2.7. The following five models were introduced, three based on age
composition data:

1) The linearized catch curve with constant time intervals.


2) The linearized catch curve with variable time intervals.

Eq. (generalizes Eq.

3) The cumulated catch curve. Eq.

and two based on length composition data:

- 144 -

In C(tl,t2) = d - Z*t1 + In(1 - exp(-Z*(t2-tl)))

(Eq . 4. 4 .2. 1 )

~t = t2-t1 is constant



Models In C(t,t+~t) = g - z*t

on (Eg.
compo- ~t = t2-t1 is variable

~t = small ~t = w



In at = c - Z*(t+~tj2) In C(t,w) = d - z*t

(Eq. (Eq.

1 LOJ-Ll
~t(L1,L2) = K*ln Lw-L2 teL)
sion of (Eq. (Eq.
into and
length t+Hj2 '"
1 Ll+L2
to - K*ln(l - ~)

on C(L1,L2) L1+L2
length In at(L1,L2) = c - z*t(-2-)
data (Eq. (Eq.

, /. .
" ••• slope = -Z /. slope = Z/K
•• <, -.J


"." -.J
l:J //

"<, .;/
t In (Lo<> - L)

Fig. Summary of models presented in Section 4.4

- 145 -
4) The linearized length-converted catch curve. Eq., derived from Eq.

5) The Jones and van Zalinge method. Eq., derived from Eq.

Sparre (1990) pointed out that there are problems with length-based stock assessment methods
when growth is seasonal, and in particular the length-converted catch curve method. In the
same issue of Fishbyte, Pauly (1990) describes a new method for the construction of length-
converted catch curves, which takes the seasonality of growth into account. The bias in the
estimation of Z for small short-lived species, which are exposed to strong seasonal
fluctuations in growth due to changing environmental conditions, is to a large extent removed
by this new method. It gives much lower values for Z than those obtained with the length-
converted methods described in Sections 4.4.5 and 4.4.6.


The first method dealt with in this section estimates Z from the mean length of the fish in the
catch and the von Bertalanffy parameters K and Leo. Thus, the data requirements are even
less than those for the length-based linearized catch curve methods, for which the relative (not
necessarily the abso-lute) size composition of the catch should be known (see Sections 4.4.4
to 4.4.6). The derivation of Beverton and Holt's Z equations, however, is somewhat more
complicated from a mathematical point of view. In the following we attempt to explain and
justify the methods by aid of a numerical example, skipping the mathematics. It is finally
shown that even Leo can be estimated together with an estimate of Z/K.

Assume that samples of length compositions of catches have been collected from a fishery in
1960, 1970 and 1980, and that the results are those shown in Table The example
used here is a hypothetical data set, that is, a data set for which the true parameters are
known. The length groups represent only that part of the stock which is under full exploita-
tion (cf. discussion in Section 4.4.5), the part for which Z is assumed to remain constant for
all length groups. Z may of course be different for the three years in question.

In addition, the von Bertalanffy parameters K and Leo must be known. For the example in
Table the parameters are:

K = 0.3 per year, Leo = 100 cm

Figs. to show the length distributions. The mean length L has a
decreasing trend in time. Thus in 1980 fewer fish survived to a certain length compared to
1970 and 1960. If this change in mean length is caused only by a change in the fishing
mortality on the stock it follows that:

(F in 1960) < (F in 1970) < (F in 1980)

In other words, the lower the mean length in the catch, the higher is F. Under the assumption
of a constant natural mortality, M, the same conclusion holds for the total mortality, Z =

- 146 -
A Length B Age

Light exploitation: Z= O.6y-1

A 1 1960 81 1960

n=1500 n=1500
L=63.44cm [=3.65y

o L--_

- go 90 100 length
Medium exploitation: Z= O.9y-1

A2 1970 82 1970
::J 200
QJ !l.= 1098 n=1098
'- L=58.90cm
u, roo t=3.11y

50 1 70 so 90 fOO length 8 q age
Heavy exploitation: Z= 1.y
2 -1

A3 1980 83 1980
~ 200
QJ n=680 n=680
u, 100 L=56.21cm f=2.84y

70 80 90 100 length o 1 If 5 6 7

Fig. Hypothetical example (0 illustrate Beverton and Holt's Z-equation (Eq.
K = 0.3, L' = 45 em and L00 = 100 em

- 147 -
4.5.1 Beverton and Holt's Z-equation based on length data

Beverton and Holt (1956) showed that the functional relationship between Z and Lis:

Z = K*=--- (
where L is the mean length of fish of length L' and longer, while L' is "some length for
which allfish of that length and longer are under full exploitation". Note that L' is the lower
limit of the corresponding length interval. For the choice of L' , the same comments as those
given in Section 4.4.2 and 4.4.6 can be applied. In the example the value of L' = 45 ern has
been chosen.

Table Length composition samples of catches (hypothetical example to illustrate the
method). Mean lengths are calculated as demonstrated in Section 2.1 (Table
2.1.2). L' is some length for which all fish of that length and longer are under
full exploitation


1960 1970 1980 1960 1970 1980

numbers caught number * mid1ength

length mid- L1+L2

group length C C * 2
L1-L2 L1+L2

L' = 45-50 47.5 256 268 212 12160.0 12730.0 10070.0

50-55 52.5 237 226 161 12442.0 11865.0 8452.5
55-60 57.5 211 180 116 12132.5 10350.0 6670.0
60-65 62.5 187 141 79 11687.5 8812.5 4937.5
65-70 67.5 161 105 52 10867.5 7087.5 3510.0
70-75 72.5 138 76 31 10005.0 5510.0 2247.5
75-80 77.5 113 50 17 8757.5 3875.0 1317.5
80-85 82.5 87 30 8 71 77.5 2475.0 660.0
85-90 87.5 62 15 3 5425.0 1312.5 262.5
90-95 92.5 36 6 1 3330.0 555.0 92.5
95-100 97.5 12 1 0 1170.0 97.5 0.0
Total, n 1500 1098 680

95154.5 64670.0 38220.0


- 63.44 58.90 56.21

L = (l:c*L1;L2)/n

The Z-values for the three years in the example become (compare Table and Fig.

Z(1960) 0.3*100.0-63.44
63.44-45.0 0.6 per year

Z(1970) 58.90-45.0 0.9 per year

Z(1980) 0.3*100.0-56.21
56.21-45.0 = 1.2 per year

The method is refined in Section 4.5.4.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 148 -
4.5.2 Beverton and Holt's Z-equation based on age data

As was the case for the linearized catch curve method the length-based Beverton and Holt
formula has an age-based parallel. It is mentioned here mainly because it illustrates a basic
feature about the Beverton and Holt theory (cf. Section 1.3).

The age compositions corresponding to the length compositions in Table are shown
in Table and Fig. The same reasoning as was used for the mean length_can
be used for the mean age: the larger the fishing mortality the smaller is the mean age, t, in
the catch, or, the higher the mean age the smaller is F. This may be considered an impli-
cation of the functional relationship between age and length. However, the exact relationship
between mean age and mean length is somewhat complicated. It should be noticed that the
von Bertalanffy equation does not transform the mean age into the mean length, because the
growth equation is not linear.

Table Age composition of the samples given in Table

age group 1960 1970 1980

2.0- 2.5 390 399 308
2.5- 3.0 289 255 169
3.0- 3.5 214 162 92
3.5- 4.0 150 103 52
4.0- 4.5 118 66 28
4.5- 5.0 97 42 15
5.0- 5.5 64 27 8
5.5- 6.0 48 17 6
6.0- 6.5 35 11 2
6.5- 7.0 26 7 -
7.0- 7.5 19 4 -
7.5- 8.0 14 3 -
8.0- 8.5 11 2 -
8.5- 9.0 8 - -
9.0- 9.5 6 - -
9.5-10.0 4 - -
10.0-10.5 3 - -
10.5-11.0 2 - -
11. 0-11. 5 2 - -
sample size 1500 1098 680
I: number*age 5475 3415 1931
mean age,
-t 3.65 3.11 2.84

The age-based parallel to Eq. is somewhat simpler. Beverton and Holt showed that:

Z =~ (

where t is the mean age of all fish of age t' and older, and where t' is "some age for which
all fish of that age and older are under full exploitation". For the example age, t',
corresponding to L' = 45 cm is

1 1
t'45 = to - K*ln(l-L/Loo) = 0 - 0.3*ln(1-45/100) 1. 99 years

Z(1960) 3.65-2.0 0.6 per year

- 149 -
Z(1970) 3.11-2.0 0.9 per year

Z(1980) 2.84-2.0 1.2 per year

4.5.3 Beverton and Holt's ZMequation based on length-at-first-capture

A third version of the equation exists which is mathematically equivalent to Eq., but
conceptually different. Consider a "gear selection curve" for, say, a trawl-net as shown in
Fig. The vertical axis shows the percentage of the fish entering the gear (trawl) that
is retained by the meshes. Le, or L50%, is the length at which 50% are retained and 50%
escape through the meshes. Note that Le < L'. (In Chapter 6 we shall further discuss
properties of selection curves.)

This version of the Beverton and Holt Z-equation reads:

Z = K*=- (

where Le is the" length at which 50% of the fish entering the gear are retained" and [C is
the "average length of the entire catch".

Eq. 4.5...:.3.1has proved useful in many cases where estimates of Lc and Lc are available, but
where Land L' are not known.

e more than

50% escape

.S 50% - - - _--- _-_- ..:"1~ -
u --.....r , -----y-
~ less than all fish entering the gear
50% escape I are retained
(under full exploitation

Lc = L50% length

Fig. Gear selection curve

4.5.4 The Powell-WetheraU method

Powell (1979), discussed in Wetherall et ale (1987), suggested a special application of Eq. by which Lao and Z/K can be estimated. As L' can take any value equal to and
above the smallest length under full exploitation, Eq. can give a series of estimates
of Z, namely one for each choice of L' . This makes it possible to tum Eq. into a
regression analysis with L' as the independent variable. A series of algebraic manipulations
shows that Eq. is equivalent to:
L-L' = a + b*L' (

- 150 -

Z/K = -(l+b)/b and L co = -alb

or b = -K/(Z+K) and a = -b*L


Thus, plotting L-L' against L' gives a linear regression from which a and b can be estimated
and hence Lao and ZIK (see Fig. Powell (1979) actually gave a whole suite of
different formulas for Z/K, of which Eq. represents the simplest approach. This
method is especially suitable for situations where little or nothing is known about the fish
stock in question. The estimation of Lao is especially useful (compare Section 3.3.2).

It should be remembered that like the Beverton and Holt formula (Eq. the method
is based on the assumption of a constant parameter system which reduces its applicability.


L = -a/b


Fig. Powell-Wetherall plot

Example 16: The Powell-Wetherall method

An example of_the Powell-Wetherall method is given in Table and Fig. The
calculation of L starts with the mid-length of the largest length class, in this case 46 cm.
The next value of L is calculated as follows: (46*3+44*10)/13 = 44.462. L' is the lower
limit of each length-class. The values for L-L' are obtained by subtracting the corresponding
value of L' from L, for example 46.000-45 = 1.000 and 44.462-43 = 1.462. These values
are then first plotted against L' , in order to be able to judge which points lie on the straight
line and should be included in the linear regression analysis. In this example the points
corresponding to the largest sizes were excluded, because they represent very few fish. (Note,
the same data set has been used to illustrate the estimation of the selection ogive from a catch
curve, see Section 6.5.)

Computer programs

The program "BHZWET" in the LFSA package of microcomputer programs (Sparre, 1987)
can execute the Powell-Wetherall analysis as well as the estimation of Z from Beverton and
Holt's Z-equation. The "COMPLEAT ELEFAN" package of microcomputer programs
(Gayanilo, Soriano and Pauly, 1988) and FiSAT also contain such programs.

- 151 -
Table Powell-Wetherall method (see Fig. The same data are used in Table

length interval number mean length

caught of fish longer
than L'
L1-L2 L-L'
(x) =' L1 C(L1,L2) L (y)

3-5 37 21.101 18.101

5-7 56 21.291 16.291
7-9 86 21.552 14.552 not
9-11 129 21.917 12.917 used
11-13 188 22.419 11.419 in
13-15 258 23.101 10.101 analysis
15-17 319 23.998 8.998
17-19 352 25.108 8.108
19-21 351 26.394 7.394
21-23 324 27.801 6.801

23-25 283 29.279 6.279

25-27 239 30.792 5.792
27-29 196 32.320 5.320
29-31 158 33.852 4.852 used
31-33 123 35.392 4.392 in
33-35 93 36.926 3.926 analysis
35-37 69 38.447 3.447
37-39 48 39.982 2.982
39-41 31 41.516 2.516
41-43 18 43.032 2.032

43-45 10 44.462 1. 462 not

45-47 3 46.000 1.000 used

intercept a: 11.671 confidence limits of a: [11.64 , 11.70]

slope b : -0.2349 confidence limits of b: [-0.2359 , -0.2340]

Leo = -alb = 49.7 Z/K = -(l+b)/b = 3.26



1..:1 }y





5 : not used
not used
3 I

Fig. Powell-Wetherall plot based on data from Table

- 152 -

The estimate of Z derived by the methods described in the foregoing section can sometimes
be used to obtain estimates of F, the fishing mortality and M, the natural mortality. This is
possible if pairs of estimates of Z and effort are available for a number of time periods
covering a wide range of efforts.

Let Z(y) and f(y) be the total mortality and the effort in year y. The method (Paloheimo,
1958, 1961 and 1980) is based on Eq. 4.2.3: Z = F+M, and the assumption that effort and
fishing mortality are related in the simple manner of Eq. F(y) = q*f(y), where q is
the catchability coefficient. Inserting Eq. into Eq. 4.2.3 gives:

Z(y) = M + q*f(y) (4.6.1)

With Z as the dependent variable and f as the independent variable Eq. 4.6.1 becomes a
linear regression with slope q and the natural mortality, M, as the intercept. The fishing
mortality for the time period y, F(y), is derived from:

F(y) = Z(y) - M

Example 17: Estimation of M and q of a tropical rash

Table 4.6.1 and Fig. 4.6.1 show an application of Eq. 4.6.1 to Selaroides leptolepis in the
Gulf of Thailand (from Boonyubol and Hongskul, 1978). In this case Z is calculated by Eq., i.e. the observations are Le, the 50% retention length, and ~ the mean length of
all fish in the catch. Effort is given in units of millions of trawling hours per year. Fig. 4.6.1
shows the plot of Z on effort.

Using linear regression we find:

slope q = 0.2532
intercept: M = 2.034 per year

Confidence limits are calculated as described in Section 2.4:

Table 4.6.1 Data for estimation of M and q for Selaroides leptolepis in the Gulf of Thailand
(from Boonyubol and Hongskul, 1978)
K = 1.16 per year, Le = 10.0 em, L co = 20.0 em

year effort a) mean length -

- Z = K*=-- (Eq.
y f(y) Le em Le-Le

1966 2.0B 13.25 2.41

1967 2.08 13.01 2.69
1968 3.50 12.99 2.72
1969 3.60 13.07 2.62
1970 3.80 12.37 3.73
1971 - - no data -
1972 7.19 12.30 3.BB
1973 9.94 12.01 4.61
1974 6.06 12.60 3.30

a) effort in units of millions of trawling hours

- 153 -
z q = 0.25 ± 0.1


1 M = 2.0 ± 0.7

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 f
effort (millions of trawling hours)

Fig. 4.6.1 Plot of total mortality, Z, on effort, f, for estimation of natural mortality,
M, and catchability coefficient, q. Based on data from Table 4.6.1
(from Boonyubol and Hongskul, 1978)


sq = 0.0503

2 2 [ n-l 2 -2]
sM = sq * -n-*sx + x =
0.002533*(~*2.74232+ 4.7813 ) = 0.07457 sM = 0.2731

The 95 % confidence limits for q and Mare

q: [q - sq*tn_2 ' q + sq*tn_2]

[0.253 - 0.0503*2.45 , 0.253 + 0.0503*2.45] [0.13,0.38]

M: [M - SM*tn_2 ' M + SM*tn_2]

[2.03 - 0.2731*2.45 2.03 + 0.2731*2.45] = [1.36,2.70]

The estimates of M and q obtained this way are not precise. For example, they are based on
the assumption that effort is proportional to fishing mortality, i.e, that q is constant - an
assumption which can always be questioned due to an increasing trend in fishing efficiency.
One trawling hour in 1970 may not create the same fishing mortality as a trawling hour in
1980 because fishing vessels in 1980 were often better equipped (more efficient gears, larger
engines, etc.) than the vessels in 1970. If this is the case in the example of Fig. 4.6.1 the
more recent observations should be moved to the right hand side to compensate for the
increased efficiency. This would correspond to expressing the effort in units of 1966 trawling
hours per year. The effect on the regression analysis would be a smaller slope and a larger
intercept, i.e. the estimate of M would be larger and that of q smaller.

- 154 -
Note also that the application of the method is only possible if there is a clear change in effort
during the period considered (cf. Exercise 4.6). If effort (the independent variable) remains
constant during the period we should not be able to fit a line to the points.

In Section 4.7 we shall continue the discussion of natural mortality, and two alternative
simple methods for estimation of M will be suggested. All simple methods for estimation of
natural mortality are questionable and it is recommended always to assess the reasonability
of any estimate by comparing results of alternative methods and estimates of M for similar

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


One method of estimating the natural mortality coefficient, M, was introduced in Section 4.6.
Many other procedures have been suggested in the literature. Most of them, perhaps all, rank
no higher than "guesstimates" or "qualified" guesses. Some of these methods are widely used
and others may be so in the future. They therefore merit discussion.

Recall that the natural mortality is the mortality created by all other causes than fishing, e.g.,
predation including cannibalism, diseases, spawning stress, starvation, and old age. Predation
and starvation mortalities and several others are linked to the ambient ecosystem. The same
species may have different natural mortality rates in different areas dependent on the density
of predators and competitors whose abundance is influenced by fishing activities.

As direct measurements of M are often impossible to obtain, it has been attempted to identify
quantities which can be assumed proportional to M and which are easier to measure (or estimate).

The von Bertalanffy curvature parameter, K, has been demonstrated to be linked to the
longevity of the fish (Beverton and Holt, 1959) and longevity is related to mortality (Tanaka,
1960; Holt, 1965 and Saville, 1977) (see Eq. Other methods involving longevity are
treated in Section 4.7.1.

As a rough generalization, fish species with a high K-value have a high Me-value, and species
with a low K-value have a low natural mortality. A slow growing species (low K) simply
cannot bear high natural mortality - if it did it would soon become extinct. Beverton and Holt
(1959) found that values of the ratio M/K mostly lie in the range of 1.5 to 2.5.

Natural mortality must also be linked to Loo or the maximum weight of the species, Woo,
since large fish have fewer predators than small fish. It has been suggested that M can be
predicted from the body size for certain groups of animals (Taylor, 1960, for bivalves and
Peterson and Wroblewski, 1984, for pelagic fish).

Rikhter and Efanov (1976) (Section 4.7.3) demonstrated that fish with a high natural mortality
mature early in life, compensating for the high M by starting to reproduce earlier. It can also
be mentioned that Gunderson and Dygert (1988) found a relationship of M with the ratio of
gonad weight to somatic weight. This is reasonable because fish with a high mortality may
compensate by producing more eggs.

Further, as most biological processes go faster at higher temperatures (of course within
certain limits) one could imagine the natural mortality to be related to the environmental
temperature. Pauly's empirical formula (Section 4.7.2) describes M as a function of K, Loo
and T, the ambient temperature.

- 155 -
4.7.1 Natural mortality and longevity

Intuitively, we would consider longevity as something more closely related to mortality than
K, Loo or ambient temperature. The basic concept of mortality coefficients was discussed in
Section 4.2 (e.g. Fig. 4.2.1). Alagaraja (1984) suggested another way of illustrating the
concept of the mortality coefficient. He tentatively defined the natural life span of fish species
(or the longevity) as the age at which 99% of a cohort had died if it had been exposed to
natural mortality only (i.e. if Z = M). If Tm stands for longevity and Ml % stands for the
natural mortality corresponding to a 1 % survival, then:

Ml % = -In(O.OI)/Tm (4.7·1.0

Table 4.7.1. 1 shows a collection of M-values defined by the 99 % life span as well as the
corresponding 99.9% life span.

Table can be used for a first rough evaluation of a mortality estimate in conjunction
with a modal progression analysis (in particular for tropical species). If, for example, from
the modal progression analysis (cf. Section 3.4.2) you find significant numbers (more than
1 %) of three year old fish in the catch samples you should not accept a total mortality Z
larger than 1.5. If you find very few (less than 1 per mille) you may accept a total mortality
up to 2.3.

Table M-values for various life spans

Tm (months) 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12

Ml% per year 18 14 11 9 8 6.9 5.5 4.6

MO.l% 28 21 17 14 12 10.4 8.3 6.9

Tm (years) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20
Ml% per year 2.3 1.5 1.2 0.92 0.77 0.58 0.46 0.31 0.23
MO.l% per year 3.5 2.3 1.7 1.38 1.15 0.86 0.77 0.69 0.63

As longevity is usually as difficult to observe as the natural mortality the relationship between
mortalities and life span does not provide any easier way to estimate M, but it presents the
concepts in a way which may be easier to grasp. How easy it is to estimate the longevity of
a certain species depends on how difficult it is to determine the age of the oldest specimens.
If the age of the oldest specimens can be read from the hard parts and if the stock is
unexploited it is relatively easy to get an estimate of Tm.

The above aspects were discussed by Hoenig (1983), who also developed a model for
estimation of Z from observations on longevity. This model is basically the same as the
Alagaraja (1984) model, but applies to Z rather than to M. Hoenig gave the following
equation based on observations of Z and Tm and linear regression analysis:

1n Z = a + b * 1n Tm wi th

a = 1. 46 and b = -1. 01 for fish

(based on 84 stocks of 53 species) and

a = 1.23 and b = -0.832 formolluscs

(based on 28 stocks of 13 species)

- 156 -
The above results were based mainly on data from unexploited stocks. Hoenig suggests Tm
to be estimated from the mean age of "the oldest specimens" in a sample. This approach,
however, is somewhat problematic as the estimate of Tm then depends on the sample size and
on the proportion of the sample that is considered to represent "the oldest specimens".

Finally it should be emphasized that the usual assumption, that natural mortality remains
constant for all age (size) groups within a species, is highly unrealistic for certain age (size)
groups. Naturally, a small fish is exposed to a larger predation mortality than a big fish,
simply because small animals have more predators than large animals. This difference in
predation mortality (which is perhaps the dominating source of natural mortality for small
fish) may be quite big.

When estimating predation mortalities from multispecies cohort analysis combined with work
on stomach contents, the ICES Multispecies Working Group (ICES, 1986; Gislason and
Sparre, 1987), found a factor of about 10 between the mortalities of O-group fish and 2-group
fish in the North Sea. (see also Section 10.2.)

4.7.2 Pauly's empirical formula

Pauly (1980b) made a regression analysis of M (per year) on K (per year), Loo (ern) and T
(average annual temperature at the surface in degrees centigrade), based on data from 175
different fish stocks, and estimated the empirical linear relationship:

In M -0.0152 - 0.279*ln L + 0.6543*ln K + 0.463*ln T ( )


Table shows values of M (per year) calculated by "Pauly's formula" for various
combinations of Loo, K and T. It should be kept in mind that Eq. gives an estimate
of M belonging to the category of "qualified guesses".

Eq. may be correct for the "average fish", but may be way off the mark for any
particular fish stock. The formula indicates that:

Table Natural mortality (per year) calculated by Pauly's formula for various
combinations of L ,K and T

T = 5 Co T = 25 Co
L K 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0
10 0.24 0.7 1.1 1.7 0.51 1.5 2.3 3.6
80 0.14 0.38 0.6 1.0 0.29 0.8 1.3 2.0
200 0.10 0.30 0.47 0.7 0.22 0.6 1.0 1.6

1. Small fish have high natural mortalities

2. Fast growing species have high natural mortalities
3. The warmer the ambient water the higher the natural mortality

The implication is that any other aspect which may influence the natural mortality is
considered "random noise around the regression line" (Eq. Other aspects are, for
example, the behaviour (schooling, pelagic/demersal), the reproduction physiology, the

- 157 -
ecosystem (abundance of predators). Pauly (1983) suggests to account for schooling in Eq. by multiplication by 0.8 so that for schooling species the estimate becomes 20% lower:

M = 0.8*exp[-0.0152 - 0.279*ln L
+ 0.6543*ln K + 0.463*ln TJ (

It should also be kept in mind that the quality of the input data to the regression analysis from
which Eq. was derived, can be questioned. To arrive at Eq. Pauly needed
"observations" of M, which as discussed in the foregoing are difficult to obtain. Any M value
which was used for the estimation of Eq. can be questioned. Therefore it is recom-
mended only to use one decimal when presenting the result of Eq. For some species
the result seems to be twice or half of what it should be. However, when no other
information on M is available as is most often the case one should not hesitate to apply Eq. or the Rikhter and Efanov formula discussed in Section 4.7.3. Usually, it is only for
unexploited stocks (M = Z) that we are able to estimate M.

Note that Pauly's formula is based on data for fish stocks only, and that the result depends
on how you measure the length of the fish (total length, fork length, standard length, etc.).
As Pauly's equation gives only a rough estimate of M we can ignore this detail. Do not use
Pauly's formula for crustaceans, molluscs or cephalopods or any other invertebrates, as the
formula does not cover these groups.

4.7.3 Rikhter and Efanov's formula

Beverton and Holt (1959) investigated a relationship between longevity, Tm, and the Lm/Lg,
ratio, where Lm is the length at first spawning. Holt (1962) noted that it was generally
accepted that the Lm/Lg, ratio was about 213 (average 0.64 with minimum and maximum
values of 0.3 and 0.9).

Continuing these investigations in comparative dynamics for high latitude stocks, Rikhter and
Efanov (1976) showed a close association between M and Tm50% the age when 50% of the
population is mature (also called "the age of massive maturation"):
M = 1.521/(Tm50% ) - 0.155 per year (

They also suggested that Tm50% should be equal to the "optimum age" defined as the age
at which the biomass of a cohort is maximal.

Eq. gives these values for Tm50%:

Tm50% 4 months 8 months 1 year 5 years 10 years

M 3.2 1.9 1.4 0.3 0.1

- 158 -

This chapter deals in principle with the same problems as Chapter 4. However, the analysis
and the data requirements are more detailed. The methods of Chapter 4 could be applied to
data sets originating from small samples of the commercial catch or from research vessel
catches, while the methods of Chapter 5 require estimates of the total numbers caught by
commercial fishing.

The methods (or models) described in this chapter are closely linked with those described in
Chapter 8. Chapter 5 deals with methods that can be used to analyse the effect that a fishery
has had on a particular year class of a stock and Chapter 8 deals with methods that can be
used to predict the effect of different levels of fishing effort in the future. The methods in the
second category are usually based on the findings of those of the first category. The methods
that look at the past, using "historic" data are called "virtual population analysis (VPA)" or
"cohort analysis", while those methods dealing with the future, are called "predictive
methods" or "Thompson and Bell methods".

VPA and cohort analysis were first developed as age-based methods. However, in recent
years also length-based methods have become available, which are of particular interest to
tropical fisheries. The age-based methods are discussed in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, while the
length-based methods are dealt with in Section 5.3.

Multispecies versions of VPA have also been developed, but they fall outside the scope of
this manual. An overview of these models is given by Sparre, 1991.

Information is required on how much was fished, in terms of numbers of fish. The total lan-
dings must be distributed over age groups (age-based methods) or length groups (length-based
methods). The totals are obtained by raising the age or length distributions of random samples
of the landings, using information on the total landings in tonnes. Tables of the total landings
in numbers, by age or length, per year or month, have to be prepared, before we can begin
an analysis.


Virtual population analysis or VPA is basically an analysis of the catches of commercial

fisheries, obtained through fishery statistics, combined with detailed information on the
contribution of each cohort to the catch, which is usually obtained through sampling
programmes and age readings. The word "virtual", introduced by Fry (1949) is based on the
analogy with the "virtual image", known from physics. The "virtual population" is a
population created by the method, based on real total catch data and assumptions of the level
of natural mortality and terminal fisheries mortality.

The idea behind the method is to analyse that what can be measured, the catch, in order to
calculate the population that must have been in the water to produce this catch (see Fig.

The total landings from a cohort in its lifetime is the first estimate of the numbers of recruits
from that cohort. It is however, an under-estimate because some fish must have died from
natural causes. Given an estimate of M we can do a backwards calculation and find out how
many fish belonging to the cohort were alive year by year and ultimately, how many recruits
there were. At the same time we learn the values of the fishing mortality coefficient F,

- 159 -
esttmeted number numbers caught
of survivors by cohort
by cohort (year class) ( year class)

__ _I

o 1 2 3
age of cohort
{year class}

Fig. S.I.1 The basic features of VPA. For further explanation, see text

because we have calculated the numbers alive and know from the beginning how many of
them were caught in any particular year.

VPA therefore looks at a population in an historic perspective. The advantage of doing a VPA
is that once the history is known it becomes easier to predict the future catches, which is
usually one of the most important tasks of fishery scientists.

A complete review of the development of VPA methods is given by Megrey (1989). The
method originated in the USSR, where Derzhavin (1922) was probably the first to combine
age data with catch statistics. The method was rediscovered by Fry (1949) and subsequently
modified by many authors, including Gulland (1965) and Pope (1972). The modification made
by Pope is usually referred to as "Pope's cohort analysis". It will be discussed separately in
Section 5.2.

Practical reviews of VPA methods are, among others, given by Pauly (1984) and Jones

The easiest way to explain the concepts of VPA is to follow an example based on real data.

Example 18: Virtual population analysis (VPA), North Sea whiting

The data given in Table are of the kind required for virtual population analysis, i.e.
the total number caught by age group by the entire commercial fishery. To explain the
concepts of VPA, consider the 1974 cohort of whiting, the underlined figures given in Table The annotation used is the same as in Section 4.4.3. C(y,t,t+ 1) = number caught
in year y of age between t and t+ 1 years (in millions).

- 160 -
The numbers caught (in units of millions) were:

C(1974,0,1) 599 number caught between age 0 and age 1

C(1975,1,2) = 860 number caught between age 1 and age 2
C(1976,2,3) 1071 number caught between age 2 and age 3
C(1977,3,4) = 269 number caught between age 3 and age 4
C(1978,4,5) = 69 number caught between age 4 and age 5
C(1979,5,6) = 25 number caught between age 5 and age 6
C(1980,6,7) = 8 number caught between age 6 and age 7

We start our calculations from the bottom, i.e. with the number caught between age 6 and
age 7, C(1980,6,7) = 8 million fish. Suppose that we know that the natural mortality was
M = 0.2 per year for all age groups. Then if we would know also the fishing mortality for
the age group between 6 and 7 years, the so-called 6-group, we could calculate how many
fish there must have been in the sea on 1 January 1980, N(1980,6) to account for a catch of
8 million whiting in 1980, by using the catch equation (Eq. 4.2.7):

C(1980,6,7) = N(1980,6)*f*[l - exp(-Z*(7-6)))

If we make an initial guess on F(l980,6,7) = 0.5 per year, then Z = 0.5 +0.2 = 0.7. The
catch equation then becomes:

8 N(1980,6)*g:;*[l - exp(-0.7*(7-6))) N(1980,6)*0.36


N(1980,6) = 0~36 22.2 million

Now, knowing that the number of survivors on 1 January, N(1980,6), which is equal to the
number at the end of 1979, we can calculate how many whiting there must have been in the
sea on 1 January 1979 to account for the catch (in numbers) during 1979: C(1979,5,6) = 25

However, it is not necessary to guess the value of F again, because we can now also calculate
which fishing mortality corresponds to this catch. For the calculation of F, Eq. 4.2.7 is used
again, but now in conjunction with the exponential decay model (Eq. 4.2.6). (In this example,
in both equations the term (t2-tl) = (t+1-t) has been omitted, because it is equal to 1.)

C(1979,5,6) N(1979,5)*~*[l - exp(-Z)) (5.1.1)


N(1980,6) = N(1979,5)*exp(-Z)

which is equivalent to:

N(1979,5) = N(1980,6)*exp(Z) (5.1.2)

Inserting the value for N(l980,6) = 22.2 million, calculated above gives:

N(1979,5) = 22.2*exp(Z)

- 161 -
Inserting this result and the number caught, C(1979,5,6) = 25 million into Eq. 5.1.1 gives:

25 = 22.2*exp(Z)*Z*(1 - exp(-Z»

which after multiplication and rearranging is equivalent to:

25 F
~ = z*(exp(Z) - 1J

M is assumed to be 0.2, then inserting Z = F+M = F +0.2 gives:

1.126 = ~*(exp(F+0.2) - 1J

We have thus obtained an equation with F as the only unknown variable. Solving it gives an
estimate of F. The equation above, however, is not the type of equation which can be solved
by algebraic manipulations. It must be solved by some trial and error method. We shall later
discuss how this minor technical problem can be circumvented, but for the time being we
forget about it and note that F = 0.696 is the solution, i.e.:

1.126 = 0.696+0.2*(exp(0.696+0.2) - 1J

From F = 0.696 and M = 0.2 we can derive

Z(1979,5,6) = M + F(1979,5,6) = 0.2+0.696 = 0.896

With the estimate of Z(1979,5,6) = 0.896 the number of fish of age group 5 on 1 January
1979 is easily found by means of the decay model (Eq. 5.1.2):

N(1979,5) N(19RO,6)*exp(Z(1979,5,6» or

N(1979,5) 22.2*exp(0.896) = 54.4 million

The results of the calculations made so far may be summarized as follows:

age year number caught fishing mortality no. surviving

group during year y during year y on 1 Jan, year y

t Y C(y,t,t+1) F(y,t,t+1) N(y,t)

0 1974 599 t t
1 1975 860
2 1976 1071 t t
3 1977 269
4 1978 69 t t
5 1979 25 0.70 54.4
6 1980 8 0.50 * ) 22.2
* ) terminal F, assumed value

The next pair N(1978,4) and F(1978,4,5) can be calculated exactly as those for the year
1979. In this way we can work backwards in time estimating numbers of survivors and
fishing mortalities for each age group (as indicated by the arrows).

Note that contrary to the catch curve methods, we do not assume F (and Z) to remain
constant. Each age group may have a different F-value. This method thus provides a more
detailed analysis of the population than any of the other methods presented so far. The two
VPA equations derived above read in a general form:

- 162 -
C(y,t,t+1) F(y,t,t+1) * [eXP[F(y,t,t+1)+M) - 1J (5.1.3)
N(y+1,t+1) = M+F(y,t,t+1)

N(y,t) = N(y+1,t+1) * exp[F(y,t,t+1)+M) (5.1.4)

For the year 1978 in the example we get:

C(1978,4,5) 69 . 0
N(1979,5) = 54.4 = 1.268, wh~le M ~ .2

Inserting these values into Eq. 5.1.3, we get by trial and error:

F(y,t,t+1) = F(1978,4,5) = 0.757

and by inserting this F-value and the number of survivors at 1 January 1979, in Eq. 5.1.4 we
get the number of survivors at 1 January 1978:

N(1978,4) = N(1979,5)*exp[F(1979,4,5)+M] = 54.4*exp[0.757+0.2) = 141.9

By repeating this procedure for the years 1977 to 1974 the estimates of fishing mortalities and
stock numbers are obtained as shown in Table 5.1.1.

Table 5.1.1 Results of VPA for the 1974 whiting cohort. (Catch data from Table,
numbers in millions)

age year number caught fishing mortality no. surviving

group during year y during year y on 1 Jan, year y
t Y C(y,t,t+1) F(y,t,t+1) N(y,t)
0 1974 599 0.16 4390
1 1975 860 0.37 3054
2 1976 1071 1.11 1729
3 1977 269 0.99 465
4 1978 69 0.76 142
5 1979 25 0.70 54.4
6 1980 8 0.50 * ) 22.2
* ) terminal F, assumed value

Fig. 5.1.2 illustrates the cohort dynamics as described by VPA for North Sea Whiting (Table
5.1.1). In this case M is relatively small compared to F, which can be seen by comparing the
number caught (Eq. 4.2.8 with t2-tl = 1):
C(y,t,t+1) = F(y,t,t+1) * N(y,t,t+1) (5.1.5)

to the number of natural deaths:

D(y,t,t+1) = M(y,t,t+1) * N(y,t,t+1) (5.1.6)

Fig. 5.1.2 presents the results as the number of survivors, N, but we could as well have
chosen the fishing mortality, F, as the basic result, because:

F and C determine Nand

N and C determine F

so that there is a one-to-one correspondence between N and F when C and M are known.

- 163 -
3000 -

" , 2)

:: C(t97t,,2,3)

l/ 5
197{, f?77 1?78 f'/79 (980 age group
Fig. 5.1.2 Number of survivors, N (black bars), number caught C = F*N and number of
natural deaths, D = M*N, as derived by VPA in Table 5.1.1 for North Sea whiting

VPA using a plus-group

In Example 18 we started with the calculation of N(l980,6), but we did not say anything
about the fish older than 6 years. This approach is correct, because it is not necessary to
account for the older age groups. However, there may be many fish older than 6 years and
we may want to account for all these older fish, which are difficult to separate into age
groups, by combining them in one so-called plus-group. If we account for these older fish,
the formulas must be modified accordingly.

Let us return to the example and replace C(1980,6,7) by the plus-group:

C(1980,6+) = C(1980,6,7) + C(1981,7,8) + C(1982,8,9) + ••••

where the sum contains all the non-zero numbers of old survivors, or the catch in numbers
of all fish of 6 years and older.

We further assume that the fishing mortalities are the same for all components of the plus-

F(1980,6+) = F(1980,6,7) = F(1981,7,8) = F(1982,8,9)

The catch equation for the oldest age group (see Example 18):

C(1980,6,7) = N(1980,6)*(F/Z)*(1-exp(-Z(7-6»)

should now be replaced by

- 164 -
C(1980,6+) = N(1980,6)*(FjZ)*(1-exp(-Z(00-6»)

and because [l-exp (-Z (00-6))] = 1-0 = 1 the last term disappears, so that

C(1980,6+) = N(1980,6)*(FjZ)

Thus in general, in cases where the first observation is a plus-group, the VPA is started by:

C(y,t+) = N(y,t)*F(y,t+)jZ(y,t+) (5.1.7)

Theoretically, the results should be the same whether or not the last age group is a plus-group.

The biomass concept

The biomass concept associated with Table 5.1.1 is rather straightforward when we consider
the weight of the cohort at a particular time. For example, the weight of the cohort in year
1979 is N(1979,5)*w(5), where w(5) is the body weight of a whiting of 5 years old. A
biomass concept which reflects the cohort during its entire life span is more difficult to grasp.

The average biomass on 1 of January during the first 6 years of life of the cohort is:

N(1974,0)*w(0) + N(1975,1)*w(1) + ••• + N(1974,6)*w(6)


The average annual biomass could be defined as:

N(1974,0)*w(0) + N(1975,1)*w(1) + .e. + N(1974,6)*w(6)


where N is defined by Eq. 4.2.9 with t2-t1 = 1 and w

is the average annual body weight.
The two biomass concepts are different, and it is not obvious how they should be used. The
same sort of problem emerges when trying to define the average number of survivors. We
shall come back to the biomass concept in the following sections.

Basic features of VPA

From observations on the numbers caught in each age group the VPA estimates how many
fish there must have been in the sea to account for that catch, under the assumption that
natural mortality is known (see Fig. 5.1.1). If the catch constitutes a small fraction of the
stock (i.e. if F is small) the estimation of the stock size becomes more uncertain. Thus, the
higher the fishing mortality the more dependable is the VPA.

Natural mortality, M, is assumed to be known from investigations independent of the VPA,

but is actually unknown in most cases. The reliability of VPA is also dependent on the size
of M relative to F. Often the estimate of M is rather a "guesstimate" (qualified guess), but
if M is small compared to F it may not matter so much that M is not well estimated. What
a "guesstimate of M" means was discussed in Section 4.7.

- 165 -
A set of equations can only have a unique solution, when the number of equations equals the
number of unknown variables. If there are more unknown variables than equations, there will
be infinitely many solutions.

The whole set of VPA equations consists of pairs of Eqs. 5. 1.3 and 5. 1.4 for each age group.
There are apparantly three unknown variables in each set of two equations, viz. Nty.t),
N(y+ 1,t+ 1) and F(y,t,t+ 1). However, in all cases except in the first set with the oldest age
group, N(y+ 1,t+ 1) is known from the solution of the preceding set of equations and we do
end up with two unknown variables in two equations and therefore with a unique solution.

The problem with the first set of equations pertaining to the oldest age group can be solved
by making a plausible assumption and formulating it as an additional equation. We can then
obtain a solution that is conditioned on this assumption. The solution in the case of a VPA
is to assume a value for the F of the oldest age group, the so-called "terminal F".

For example, we might assume that the terminal F is equal to the F of the second oldest age
group, so the additional equation would then be:

F7 = F6 (assuming that 7 is the oldest age group)

We then have four equations, two sets of Eqs. 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, with four unknown variables,
viz. F7, N7, N6 and N5.

If there are more equations than unknown variables there is (usually) no solution. In that case
we use regression analysis to find the best "fit" to the data to find a solution and we may
calculate confidence limits. In regression analysis the concept of "unknown variables" is
replaced by the concept of "parameters".

To calculate confidence intervals for estimates of parameters the number of observations must
be larger than the number of parameters. The number of parameters in VPA (the N's and the
F for the oldest age group) equals the number of observations (the C's) plus one. Therefore
it is not possible to calculate confidence limits for the estimates of the N's (or the F's of the
other age groups).

The data used in Example 18 to illustrate VPA were obtained from direct age reading (oto-
liths). However, input data could have been derived from time series of length-frequency data
which were resolved into cohort components by for example, the Bhattacharya method
(Section 3.4). This aspect is further discussed at the end of Section 5.3.

The VPA is a method to analyse historical data for estimation of population parameters. The
ultimate use of such parameters is to determine the optimum fishing strategy, i.e. the array
of F-at-age, or the so-called ''fishing pattern", which in the long term gives the highest yield
from the stock in question. To assess alternative (future) fishing strategies we require a
counterpart to the VPA, namely a model which can predict the stock and the catch for various
assumptions on the future fishing pattern. The "Thompson and Bell model" (Section 8.6) is
the predictive version of the VPA.

Computer programs

Mesnil (1988) presents a package of microcomputer programs, ANACO, ("ANAlysis of

COhorts") which can perform the VPA calculations as described above. The ANACO
package also offers a number of additional options, for example sensitivity analysis.

- 166 -

As derived from the catch equation, the VPA implied the solution of Eq. 5.1.3 by some
numerical techniques (some trial and error method). This is a minor technical problem when
one has access to a computer. However, the problem can be circumvented in an easy way,
so that VPA can also be carried out on a pocket calculator. The version of VPA suitable for
pocket calculators is the "cohort analysis" developed by Pope (1972), reviewed in Jones
(1984) and Pauly (1984).

Cohort analysis is conceptually identical to VPA, but the calculation technique is simpler. It
is based on an approximation, illustrated in Fig. 5.2.1, which shows the number of survivors
of a cohort during one year. The catch is taken continuously during the year, but in cohort
analysis the assumption is made that all fish are caught on one single day. This day is
chosen to be I July, i.e. when one half of the year has elapsed.

Consequently in the first half year the fish suffer only natural mortality so the number of
survivors on 1 July becomes:

N(y,t+O.5) = N(y,t)*exp(-M/2)

Then, instantaneously, the catch is taken and the number of survivors becomes:

N(y,t)*exp(-M/2) - C(y,t,t+l)

I. -HIt).
N(y,Oe -- --

N(joe -C{y,t,b/)
'lJ/, 1\ -H12 I. r)\ -H/2.
IY(lj,tJe -C(Y,t,t+//je ---------- ,N(rpf,f+!)
II --

s',F;:;;-t-' M-:-:-+'--:A~'-M--+-' J-t-=J~'t-A'-+-I 5=+1 s'»:-D-I-~

a N D :
I 1
1 JUly 1

t t-os t+ j age

Fig. S.2.1 Illustration of the approximation behind Pope's cohort analysis (for further
explanation, see text)

- 167 -
This number of survivors then suffers further only natural mortality in the second half year
and finally the number of survivors at the end of the year is:

N(y+1,t+1) = [N(y,t)*eXP(-M/2) - C(y,t,t+1)J*eXP(-M/2)

For convenience of calculation this equation is rearranged as:

N(y,t) = [N(Y+1,t+1)*eXP(M/2) + C(y,t,t+1)J*eXP(M/2) (5.2.1 )

Note that the F that caused computational problems in the VPA equation does not occur here.
Again we shall demonstrate the method on the basis of the same data set, the North Sea
whiting cohort of 1974.

Example 19: Pope's cohort analysis, North Sea whiting

To apply Eq. 5.2.1 to the whiting example we start the same way as for the VPA by
assuming the F for the oldest age group (the so-called "terminal F") to be known,
F(1980,6,7) = 0.5, while M = 0.2, and then start by calculating N(l980,6) from the catch

N(1980,6) = (F/Z)*[1 _ exp(-Z)] = 22.2

Then Eq. 5.2.1 is applied to calculate N(1979,5):

N(1979,5) = [N(1980,6)*eXP(M/2) + C(1979,5,6)J*eXP(M/2)

[22.2*1.1052 + 25J*1.1052 = 54.7

and we continue in the same way:

N(1978,4) = [N(1979,5)*eXP(M/2) + C(1978,4,5)J*eXP(M/2)

= [54.7*1.1052 + 69J*1.1052 = 143.1

N(1977,3) = [143.1*1.1052 + 269J*1.1052 = 472.1

••••• etc. .•..

Thus, as for the VPA we work backwards in time estimating a new stock number at each
step. The calculation procedure for the stock numbers, the N's, is given in the first half of
Table 5.2.1 (with a less extensive notation).

From the estimates of the N's the estimate of fishing mortalities are obtained from:

F(y,t,t+1) = N(y,t)
1n [N(y+1,t+1)
J - M (5.2.2)

- 168 -
Table 5.2.1 The computation procedure of Pope's age-based cohort analysis, illustrated by
the 1974 cohort of North Sea whiting (from Table


M = 0.2 per year


G = exp(M/2) =
exp(0.2/2) = 1.1052


STOCK NUMBERS: N(1980,6) [F6/Z6]*[1 - exp(-Z6))

N6 = [0.5/(0.5+0.2))*[1 - exp{-(0.5+0.2)}] = 22.2

N(1979,5) = N5 = (N6*G + C5,6)*G =

N5 (N6*G + C5)*G (22.2*G + 25)*G = 54.7

N4 = (N5*G + C4) *G = (54.7*G + 69) *G = 143.1

N3 (N4*G + C3)*G (143.1*G + 269)*G = 472.1

N2 = (N3*G + C2)*G = (472.1*G + 1071) *G 1760.3

N1 = (N2*G + C1) *G (1760.3*G + 860)*G 3100.4

NO = (N1*G + CO)*G (3100.4*G + 599)*G 4448.9


F6 = (initial guess of terminal F) 0.50

[N(1979 I 5 l] - M
F(1979,5,6) = F5 1n N(1980,6)

F5 = 1n(N5/N6) - M = 1n(54.7/22.2) - 0.2 = 0.70

F4 = 1n(N4/N5) - M 1n(143.1/54.7) - 0.2 = 0.76

F3 1n(N3/N4) - M 1n(472.1/143.1) - 0.2 = 0.99

F2 = In(N2/N3) - M = 1n(1760.3/472.1) - 0.2 = 1.12

F1 = 1n(N1/N2) - M 1n(3100.4/1760.3) 0.2 = 0.37

FO In(NO/N1) - M 1n(4448.9/3100.4) 0.2 = 0.16

- 169 -
which fo1Iows from the exponential decay model solved for F:

N(y+1,t+1) = N(y,t)*exp[-F(y,t,t+1) - M]

The estimated F's are presented in the second half of Table 5.2.1.

Comparing the VPA-results (Table 5.1.1) to the results of cohort analysis (Table 5.2.1) it
appears that they differ, but the differences are small. Taking into consideration all the
sources of uncertainty involved in this kind of calculation, one can say that the differences
between VPA and cohort analysis are insignificant. Pope (1972) has shown that for values
of F < 1.2 and M < 0.3 the differences will be small. The only advantage of the cohort
analysis compared to VPA is that it can easily be carried out with a pocket calculator. To do
the VPA on a pocket calculator requires the tedious trial and error way of calculating F
(unless the calculator is fully programmable).

Example 19a: Cohort analysis for successive year classes

The interpretation of fishing mortalities estimated for one year class during its lifetime
(Tables 5.1.1 and 5.2.1) is not clear. The changes with time and age may be due to
differences of effort between ages or between calendar years. The sampling, however, always
provides data for other year classes (see Table which can be treated in the same way.
The results for F and N are given in Table 5.2.2. Year classes 1969-80 are represented in
the data by one or several age groups. As terminal F was chosen 0.5 for all year classes in
which fish of age group 6 were sampled. The values of F for each age of year class 1974
estimated above were inserted as terminal F's for the year classes which did not yet reach age
6 in 1980. The mean values of F for each age group (last column) differ somewhat from the
terminal F values used. The analysis might be repeated with the averages as final F values.

Table 5.2.2 North Sea whiting. Estimation of fishing mortalities and population numbers for
all ages and year classes in the data material from which the data for the 1974
year class used above was selected. Estimates of F for year class 1974 (under-
lined) are adopted as terminal F values for all cohorts that have not yet reached
age 6 in 1980

fishing mortalities, F(y,t,t+1)

means of samples
age year taken in the
class 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 years 1974-79

0 (1974) 0.16 0.11 0.16 0.30 0.39 0.35 0.16 0.24

1 (1973) 0.61 0.37 0.30 0.70 0.31 0.72 0.37 0.50
2 (1972) 1.11 0.89 1.12 0.74 0.53 0.69 1.12 0.85
3 (1971) 1.26 1.13 1.24 0.99 0.71 0.77 0.99 1.02
4 (1970) 1.03 0.94 1.04 0.92 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.91
5 (1969) 0.22 0.68 0.61 0.78 0.62 0.70 0.70 0.60
6 (1968) 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
population numbers N(y,t)
0 (1974) 4449 2526 3166 2828 2351 1776 2456 2849
1 (1973) 1645 3100 1852 2208 1715 1305 1021 1971
2 (1972) 1806 733 1760 1126 899 1026 519 1225
3 (1971) 424 486 247 472 441 433 420 417
4 (1970) 69 98 128 59 143 177 164 112
5 (1969) 34 20 31 37 19 55 67 33
6 (1968) 3 22 8 14 14 8 22 12

- 170 -
Another possibility is to make use of the average catch by age group (Table, last
column). Such data form a "pseudo-cohort": it represents the average history of a cohort
instead of the history of a specific cohort of fishes all spawned at the same time. Table 5.2.3
shows the result. The estimates of fishing mortalities for the older fish are above the averages
of the individually estimated values of F in Table 5.2.2. This could be due to a change in
effort or in average mesh size over the years investigated. The oldest fish of 7 years and
older (the 7+ group) are included in Table 5.2.3 because the erratic catches of these in
individual years are now averaged. The number of fish entering the plus group at 7 years of
age is estimated from

N(7) = C(7+) * Z(7+)/F(7+)

which is another formulation of the equation

C(y,t+) = N(y,t)*F(y,t+)/Z(y,t+)

of Section 5. 1. F(7 +) is the guessed final F value.

The use of pseudocohorts is important for the length-based cohort analysis of Section 5.3.

Table 5.2.3 Analysis of a pseudo-cohort: the average catch of each age group in 1974-80.
North Sea whiting. Data from Table

age average No. in population F

catch at beginning of
1974-80 year

0 488 3059 0.19

1 612 2063 0.40
2 601 1135 0.88
3 237 385 1.14
4 62.3 101 1.13
5 15.7 26.6 1.05
6 4.7 7.6 1.15
7+ 1.4 2.0 0.50

The catch data of Table are not the original observations. These were the total catch
by weight, the length frequency distributions of weighed samples and otolith readings of
sub samples of these. Age/length keys (Section 3.2.1) were used to raise the otolith readings
to the numbers in the length frequency samples. Based on sample weights and the weight of
the total catch these were raised to give the total catch in numbers by age group.

There are many sources of error in such a process. It is therefore important to check the
realism of the estimated length frequency distribution of the total catch. This is done by
multiplying the numbers-at-age by the weight of the individual fish in each age group as
calculated from known parameter values of the growth equation or from mean weights of the
sampled fish of each age group. The total weights of each age group are summed and the
result compared to the known value of the total catch in weight. A major discrepancy should
cause a re-examination of data and procedures.

The biomass in each calendar year is calculated by multiplying the numbers in the population
(the N values of Table 5.1.1) by the body weight of the fish.

- 171 -

§ I

1.£-1.£1l) -VYI
#/1 ~i:
/}.I(l) e- ¥-c )e- i--- ----- -- - -

~--------- -L~ ~ ~

t bf t~t a~
Fig. 5.2.2 Derivation of the formulas for Pope's cohort analysis in the case of variable time
intervals (Eqs. 5.2.3 and 5.2.4)

Eq. 5.2.1 was derived for a time period of one year. As was the case with the catch curve
(cf. Section 4.4.4) we may consider the catch during any time period, from t to t+.1t. In that
case Eq. 5.2.1 should be replaced by the more general expression:

N(t) = [N(t+At)*eXP(M*At/2) + C(t,t+At)]*eXP(M*At/2) (5.2.3)

The derivation of Eq. 5.2.3 is similar to that of Eq. 5.2.1 and is shown in Fig. 5.2.2. The
parallel to Eq. 5.2.2 is:

1 [N(t) ] (5.2.4)
F(t,t+At) = At*ln N(t+At) - M

The year index, y, has disappeared in Eqs. 5.2.3 and 5.2.4, the main reason being that they
usually are applied under the assumption of a constant parameter system (cf. Section 4.4.4).
Further, when .1t varies it will not conform to the year intervals and the notation used for age
groups is not suitable any more.

Eqs. 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 applied under the assumption of constant parameters are typical
applications of cohort analysis for tropical fish stocks. They could be applied to all cohorts
during one year or to the average annual catch during a sequence of years. We shall return
to this in Section 5.3.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 172 -

In this section we deal with the situation when only length composition data for the total
fishery are available for one year (or the average length composition for a sequence of years).
The approach is basically the same as for the length-converted catch curve (see Section
4.4.5). The name "length-based cohort analysis" is somewhat misleading, as we are not
dealing with real cohorts in the present analysis. The real cohort is replaced by a "pseudo-
cohort" which is based on the assumption of a constant parameter system (see Section 4.4.1).
Thus, it is assumed that the picture presented by all length (or age) classes caught during one
year reflects that of a single cohort during its entire life span. We shall come back to this
aspect later on. Also this method will be explained based on an example.

Example 20: Jones' length-based cohort analysis, hake, Senegal

Table 5.3.1 shows a data set for the hake fishery off Senegal (CECAF, 1978), which can be
used as input for a length-based cohort analysis.

Table 5.3.1 Length composition of the total catch of hake (Merluccius merluccius) off Senegal
(from CECAF, 1978), input data for length-based cohort analysis

length group number caught

cm ('000)
L1-L2 C(L1-L2)
6-12 1823
12-18 14463
18-24 25227
24-30 8134
30-36 3889
36-42 2959
42-48 1871
48-54 653
54-60 322
60-66 228
66-72 181
72-78 96
78-84 16
84-00 46

As was the case for the catch curve analysis (cf. Section 4.4.5) the length groups can be
converted into age intervals by the inverse von Bertalanffy equation (Eq. and Eq. respectively):

(5.3.1 )

~t = t(L2)-t(L1) = 1
K*ln [LOO-L1]
Loo-L2 (5.3.2)

For the hake off Senegal (Table 5.3.1) the von Bertalanffy growth parameters and the natural
mortality factor have been estimated as:

K = 0.1 per year, Lao = 130 em and M = 0.28 per year.

- 173 -
Putting to = 0 (compare Section 4.4.5) and applying Eqs. 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 gives the relative
ages, t(L1) and ilt as shown in Table 5.3.2, columns B and C respectively.

To convert the cohort analysis equation (Eq. 5.2.3) into a length-based version, only the term
exp(M*ilt/2) has to be changed. This is easily done by substituting ilt with Eq. 5.3.2.

M [M 1 Loo-L1 ] [LOO_L1M/2K] [LOO-L1]M/2K

exp(2*At) = exp 2*K*ln(Loo-L2) = exp In(Loo-L2) = Loo-L2 (5.3.3)

It is convenient to use a symbol instead of this complicated term, therefore we introduce the

N(L1) N(t(L1)) the number of fish that attain length L1

the number of fish that attain age t(L1)
(also called the number of survivors)

N(L2) N(t(L1)+At) = the number of fish that attain length L2

the number of fish that attain age t(L2)
(= t(L1)+At)

C(L1,L2) C(t,t+At) the number of fish caught of lengths between

L1 and L2
the number of fish caught of ages between
t(L1) and t(L2)

LOO-L1]M/ 2K the fraction of N(L1) which survive ]-1

H(L1,L2) [Loo-L2 natural deaths during the time period
[from t(L1) to t(L1)+At/2

Now Eq. 5.2.3 can be rewritten using these length-based symbols, as:

N(L1) = [N(L2)*H(L1,L2) + C(L1,L2)]*H(L1,L2) (5.3.4)

The calculation procedure of Eq. 5.3.4 is similar to that of the age-based cohort analysis (Eq.
5.2.1). We start with the last group and use the length-based form of the catch equation:


In the case of the hake off Senegal the last group is the hake of length 84 cm and longer:

C(84,oo) = N(84)*z*[l - exp(-Z*At))

In this case ilt refers to all fish longer than 84 cm, so that ilt is very large. Theoretically, the
age corresponding to Loo is 00, so theoretically ilt = 00, and therefore:

exp(-Z*OO) = 0

The catch in numbers per length group is known (see Table 5.3.1), thus, approximately:

C(84,oo) = 46 N(84)*~*(1-0)

- 174 -
C(84,00) 46
N(84) = F/Z = F/Z

Here again it is necessary to make an initial guess, viz. of F/Z in this case (cf. Table 5.2.1).
If F/Z for the last length group is assumed to take the value 0.5 then the number of hake
attaining length 84 ern becomes:

N(84) = 46/0.5 = 92

Column D of Table 5.3.2 gives the values of H(LI ,L2) for hake off Senegal with M = 0.28
per year and K = 0.1 per year, i.e. M/2K = 0.28/(2*0.1) = 1.4.

The number of hake attaining length 78 ern can be obtained by inserting into Eq. 5.3.4 as
N(L2) the value of N(Ll) obtained for the larger length group and further the corresponding
value for H from Table 5.3.2. In this case N(L2) = N(84) = 92 and H(78,84) = 1.1873.

N(78) = [92*1.1873 + 16J*1.1873 = 148.7

Table 5.3.2 Length groups of the hake (Merluccius merluccius) orr Senegal, converted into
age intervals, and the factors H(LI,L2). K = 0.1 per year, Loo = 130 em, M
= 0.28 per year


length relative At natural

group age mortality
cm t(L1) factor
L1-L2 H(L1-L2)

6-12 0.473 0.496 1.0719

12-18 0.968 0.522 1. 0758
18-24 1.490 0.551 1. 0801
24-30 2.041 0.583 1.0850
30-36 2.624 0.619 1. 0905
36-42 3.242 0.660 1. 0967
42-48 3.902 0.706 1.1039
48-54 4.608 0.760 1.1122
54-60 5.368 0.822 1. 1220
60-66 6.190 0.890 1. 1337
66-72 7.087 0.984 1.1478
72-78 8.071 1.092 1.1652
78-84 9.163 1.226 1.1873
84-00 10.389
column contents

B (Eg. 5.3.1, with to = 0)

C At = t(L2)-t(L1) = ~*ln[~:=~~] (Eg. 5.3.2)

H* At [LOJ-L1]H/ 2K
D H(Ll,L2) = exp(-2---) = Loo-L2 (Eg. 5.3.3)

Note: In this case H(L1,L2) can be calculated on the basis of either the
age-based or the length-based formula. The results are the same, but the
length-based approach is much shorter, because it is not necessary to
calculate At.

- 175 -
Continuing to move backwards in length (and thus in time) the subsequent stock numbers are
calculated :

N(72) [148.7*1.1652 + 96)*1.1652 = 313.7

N(66) [313.7*1.1478 + 181]*1.1478 = 621.0

. . .. etc. . ...

The stock numbers for all length groups obtained in this way are given in column D of Table

Table 5.3.3 The calculation procedure of Jones' length cohort analysis illustrated by the hake
(Merluccius merluccius) off Senegal.

K = 0.1 per year, Loo = 130 em, M = 0.28 per year.

Terminal F/Z assumed to be 0.5000 (indicated by *)


length natural number number exploi- fishing total

group mortal- caught of sur- tation morta- morta-
cm ity vivors rate lity lity
factor ('000) (,000)

L1-L2 H(L1,L2) C(L1,L2) N(L1) F/Z F Z

6-12 1. 0719 1823 98919.3 0.1255 0.04 0.32

12-18 1. 0758 14463 84392.7 0.5805 0.39 0.67
18-24 1. 0801 25227 59475.8 0.7920 1.07 1.35
24-30 1.0850 8134 27623.0 0.6979 0.65 0.93
30-36 1. 0905 3889 15967.8 0.6369 0.49 0.77
36-42 1.0967 2959 9861. 5 0.6785 0.59 0.87
42-48 1.1039 1871 5500.5 0.6977 0.65 0.93
48-54 1.1122 653 2818.8 0.5792 0.39 0.67
54-60 1.1220 322 1691.5 0.5072 0.29 0.57
60-66 1.1337 228 1056.6 0.5234 0.31 0.59
66-72 1.1478 181 621.0 0.5890 0.40 0.68
72-78 1. 1652 96 313.7 0.5817 0.39 0.67
78-84 1.1873 16 148.7 0.2823 0.11 0.39
84-00 - 46 92.0** 0.5000* 0.28 0.56

column contents
[LOO-L1]M/2K [130-L1] 1.4
B H(L1,L2) = Loo-L2 = 130-L2

D N(L1) = [N(L2)*H(L1,L2) + C(L1,L2)]*H(L1,L2)

** N(84) = C(84,OO)/(F/Z) = 46/0.5 = 92

E F/Z = C(L1,L2)/[N(L1)-N(L2»)

F F = M*(F/Z)/(l-F/Z)

G Z = F+M

- 176 -
To estimate F we could use Eq. 5.2.4, but it is more convenient to calculate F by:

F(L1,L2) = M*1-[F(L1,L2)/Z(L1,L2)) (5.3.6)

where the exploitation rate F/Z is derived from:

F(L1,L2)/Z(L1,L2) = N(L1) - N(L2) (5.3.7)

For example, writing for simplicity F/Z for F(Ll,L2)/Z(Ll,L2), for the length group 72-78
cm we get:

C(72,78) 96
F/Z N(72)-N(78) 313.7-148.7 0.5818 and

.sls: 0.5818
M*l-F/Z 0.28*1-0.5818

The complete results of this calculation procedure for length cohort analysis are given in
Table 5.3.3.

Mean number and biomass

We now want to calculate the mean number of fish in the sea and their biomass. Summing
the column of N(Ll) values in Table 5.3.3 would not give the right number because changing
the class interval would give a different sum: The N(Ll) values are simply the number alive
at any length Ll. The procedure is to find the mean number in each class interval and weight
it by the time, ~t, spent in that class interval. The same problem was dealt with by Eqs.
4.2.6 and 4.2.9. Some manipulation of either of these equations leads to the result:
N(L1,L2)*h = [N(L1)-N(L2))/Z (5.3.8)

which is the annual mean number in each length class.

N(L2) = N(Loo) = 0 may be assumed for the last group. The total mean number of fish in
the sea of lengths above the first Ll (here 6 em) becomes in general:
~ N(Li,Li+1)*h (5.3.9)

Correspondingly, we find the annual mean biomass in each length group by multiplying by
the mean weight, w(Ll,L2), in the length group:


The body weight is calculated from

w(L1,L2) = q*[(L1+L2)/2]b (5.3.11 )

- 177 -
where q and b are the constants of the length-weight relationship described in Section 2.6.
The body weight of the last group may be calculated as w(Ll ,L 00) or better by Eq, 5.3.16.

The general sum

~ B(Li'Li+1)*At (5.3.12)

is an estimate of the average biomass during the life span of a cohort, or of all cohorts during
a year, and is independent of the length class interval.

The body weight may also be used to estimate the yield, i.e, the weight of the catch. The
weight of the catch belonging to length group i becomes


Table 5.3.4 shows the calculation of the yield and the average biomass during a year.

Table 5.3.4 The calculation procedure for yield and average biomass in Jones' length-based
cohort analysis iIIusjrated by the hake (Merluccius merluccius) off Senegal.
q = 0.00001 kg/cm , b = 3, K ::::0.1 per year, L = 130 em,
M = 0.28 per year

A 8 C D E F G H
length number number total mean mean N mean bio- yield
group caught of sur- morta- body *At mass*At tonnes
cm ('000) vivors lity weight ('000) tonnes
('000) rate kg
Ll-L2 C N(Ll) Z w(Ll,L2) N(Ll,L2)*At B*At Y(Ll,L2)
6-12 1823 98919.3 0.32 0.0073 45369 330.7 13.3
12-18 14463 84392.7 0.67 0.0338 37335 1260.1 488.1
18-24 25227 59475.8 1.35 0.0926 23664 2191. 5 2336.3
24-30 8134 27623.0 0.93 0.196 12575 2475.1 1601.0
30-36 3889 15967.8 0.77 0.359 7919 2845.9 1397.6
36-42 2959 9861. 5 0.87 0.593 5007 2970.1 1755.3
42-48 1871 5500.5 0.93 0.911 2895 2638.1 1704.9
48-54 653 2818.8 0.67 1.33 1694 2247.1 866.2
54-60 322 1691. 5 0.57 1.85 1117 2068.6 596.3
60-66 228 1056.6 0.59 2.50 741 1852.8 570.1
66-72 181 621.0 0.68 3.29 451.1 1481.9 594.6
72-78 96 313.7 0.67 4.22 246.5 1039.9 405.0
78-84 16 148.7 0.39 5.31 144.9 770.1 85.0
84-00 46 92.0 0.56 12.25 164.3* 2012.7 563.5
Total 26184.6 12977.2
column contents

E w(Ll,L2) = q*[(Ll+L2)/2]b

F N(Ll,L2)*At = [N(Ll)-N(L2)]/Z
G B*At = w(Ll,L2)*[N(Ll)-N(L2)]/Z

H Y(Ll,L2) = w(Ll,L2) * C(Ll,L2)

* N(Ll,oo)*At = N(84)/Z(84,oo»

- 178 -
Cohort analysis with several fleets

VPA and cohort analysis, age-based or length-based serve to estimate separately the fishing
mortalities created by each of several fleets. A fleet in this context is a group of fishing
vessels characterized by for instance their gear or nationality etc. Separate catch statistics for
each fleet are required as well as separate sampling and raising of length frequency distribu-

We have the catch equation, Eq. 5.1.5:

C = F*N

with N the annual mean number in the population of the age or size group specified. The
indices of age or length e.g. N(t), N(L) are omitted for convenience. Partitioning the catch
upon n fleets gives
C(l) = F(l)*H
C (2) = F (2)*N

C(n) F(n)*N (5.3.13a)
C = C(1)+C(2)+ .... +C(n); F = F(1)+F(2)+ .... +F(n)

Dividing Eq. 5.1.5 by Eq. 5.3.13a and rearranging gives the fishing mortalities created by
fleet i:

F(i) = F*C(i)/C (5.3.13b)

Table 5.3.5 illustrates this simple procedure applied to a constructed example of a length-
based cohort analysis with a trawl fleet and a gill net fleet each using one mesh size only.
The array of total F values for both fleets combined is not easily interpreted. Separation into
trawl mortality, F(l), and gill net mortality, F(2), discloses that F(l) increases toward an
asymptote indicating a gear selection curve such as in Fig. whereas the gill net array
is bell-shaped.

Basic features of length-based cohort analysis

The length cohort analysis defined by Eqs. 5.3.3 to 5.3.7 (see Table 5.3.3) is called "Jones'
length-based cohort analysis". (Jones, 1976, and Jones and van Zalinge, 1981, reviewed in
Jones, 1984 and Pauly, 1984). As already mentioned, the method is usually applied to
"pseudo-cohorts", i.e. we assume a constant parameter (equilibrium) system. In order to
simulate an equilibrium condition it is essential that the data pertain to a relatively long time
period (say a year or several years), preferably a number of full years.

A length-frequency sample collected during a relatively short time period is not applicable.
The September sample of shrimps shown in Fig. consisting of only one cohort is such
an example. The method assumes that a larger specimen is also older, but in this case we
assumed that all shrimps, irrespective of Jength, are of the same age. The descending slope
of that sample has something to do with the variation in individual growth rates - it is not
related to mortality.

It is possible to appJy Jones' length-based cohort analysis method to a real cohort, but that
implies that we are able to follow a cohort through time, i.e. that we know its age. If that is
the case, however, we might as well use Pope's age-based cohort analysis, as this does not
present problems in connection with the conversion of length into age.

- 179 -


..-I ..-I..-IrlNMr-'d'\D\DItlM'd'\D
~ I'd

. ..
oM ..-I ..-IrlrlNMItlItlN..-I'<:I'\DN\D


'<:I'M 0)..-1 M Oltl \D 0) 0)0 M..-I

41 o
c: -..
..-I N •
..-I ~ 0000000
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r-I ••••••••• ••
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I-l I'd \DO'<:l'Or-NO'IO'I\DItl\D..-IItlM
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\D0'<:l'0r-..-IM '<:I'
o NOO'l\Dr-ltlo)O'I..-I'<:I'rl
c: o ..-INNMMMN..-I..-I

- 180 -
As Jones' length-based cohort analysis is based on Pope's age-based cohort analysis (Section
5.2) it has the same limitations. The approximation to VPA is valid for values of F*dt up to
1.2 and of M*dt up to 0.3 (Pope, 1972).

The use of a length-based VPA without the approximation of the cohort analysis requires no
mere than a slight change in the formulation of Eq. 5.1.3 and Eq. 5.1.4. First, the time
interval of one year is changed to dt:

c(t,t+At) F(t,t+At) [ *
N(t+At) = M+F(t,t+At) * exp((F(t,t+At)+M) At)

N(t) = N(t+At) * exp((F(t,t+At)+M)*At)

Let age t correspond to L1 and age t+dt to L2:

C(L1,L2) F(L1,L2) [ ]
N(L2) = M+F(L1,L2) * exp((F(L1,L2)+M)*At(L1,L2») - 1 (5.3.14)

where, using Eq.

1 Loo-L1
At(L1,L2) = i*ln Loo-L2

N(L1) = N(L2) * exp[(F(L1,L2) + M)*At(L1,L2») (5.3.15)

With VPA as well as with cohort analysis the best estimate of the body weight in the plus
group is derived from Eq. 8.3.6:


in which

Z = F(L1,oo) + M and S = 1 - L1/Loo

The mean weight depends on Z because of the effect of mortality upon the size frequency
distribution of the stock: the higher mortality the smaller fish. This is of little consequence
when small length classes are used. Hence the simple approximative formula of Eq. 5.3.11.

Computer programs

The program "LCOHOR" in the LFSA package of microcomputer programs (Sparre, 1987)
can execute Jones' length-based cohort analysis as described above. Also the "COMPLEAT
ELEFAN" package (Gayanilo, Soriano and Pauly, 1988) and FiSAT (Gayanilo et al., 1995)
contain routines for a length-based analysis similar to LCOHOR.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 181 -

With the age-based methods of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 a cohort is easily followed year after
year through its lifetime such as illustrated in Table This is not the case for the
length-based methods because the time spent in a length group is not the same for all length
groups. The length-based cohort analysis and VPA handle this problem by analysing a
pseudocohort: an average length frequency distribution for a period in which neither effort
nor mesh size changed appreciably. The period has to be so long that all humps on the length
distribution curve are smoothed, those caused by seasonal recruitment as well as those caused
by annual variation of the number of recruits.

When length frequency data are sampled every year, it is desirable to be able to treat each
year's data separately, identifying recruitment variation and changes in fishing mortality. To
achieve this the fish must be referred to age groups of the same time span, usually one year,
when there is annual spawning. The length of the fish at one year of age, two years of age,
etc., is calculated from the growth parameters. Fish smaller than the length at one year of age
are referred to the a-group, those of lengths between the length at one year and the length
at two years to the l-group, and so on. Some length classes will have to be distributed
proportionally upon two age groups. If, for instance, the length class interval is 1 cm and
one-year-old fish are 12.6 em long, then six-tenths of the fish in the 12-13 cm class are
referred to age group 0 and four-tenths to age group 1. If the length interval is 6 cm with a
length class of 12-18 cm, then only a fraction of 0.6/6 = 0.1 of the fish goes to age group
zero, whereas nine-tenths end up in age group 1.

This technique which is known as "slicing" exists in a number of variations, the respective
merits of which are not yet clear. There are two major problems to be considered. One is that
the true age of the fish is usually not known. Length-based cohort analysis uses an arbitrary
value of to (often zero) because ages proper are not used, only the age differences, ilt. This
eliminates to' With the slicing technique, the choice of to affects the distribution by age
groups and the recruitment. This is a minor problem when a pseudocohort is analysed. When
annual samples over a series of years are being sliced it is important that all fish of one
cohort (year class) go into the same age group: age group 0 in one year becomes age group
1 in the next year, etc., and that such cohorts are not distributed over two age groups by the
slicing. Therefore, the value of to should be chosen such that a hump on the size distribution
curve caused by a strong year class goes as far as possible into just one age group each year.

Even with a careful choice of to some fish end up in a wrong age group because of the size
variation within a cohort, such as illustrated for instance in Fig. 1.4.1. The problem may
perhaps be partly overcome by making assumptions on the standard deviation of fish length
within a cohort, as estimated for the younger fish with the Bhattacharya method, Section 3.4.
Because of these problems it is difficult to say to which extent slicing is going to replace the
length-based cohort analysis.

- 182 -
Example 20a: Slicing technique applied to the same data on hake from Senegal as used
in Example 20

Tables 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 show a simple example of an ordinary, age-based cohort analysis
following a slicing process. The pseudocohort of hake already utilized as an example of
length-based cohort analysis (see Table 5.3.1) was used again. In the length-based analysis
the recruitment was defined as the number of fish entering the first length group at 6 cm long
and the choice of to was without consequence. It was put to zero. However, using to = 0 in
the slicing technique leads eventually to an estimate of recruitment at a nominal fish length
and age of zero which is not very useful. The estimated age at 6 cm (Table 5.3.2) was 0.473
years. Putting to = -0.473 years allots the age zero to fish of 6 cm. Thus, the age-based
cohort analysis which follows the slicing also gives the recruitment of fish 6 cm long. The
technique of distributing the catch over age groups by means of slicing is illustrated in Table
5.4.1 for the first three age groups. The ensuing age-based cohort analysis for all age groups
is given in Table 5.4.2. The recruitment at 6 ern, N(O), is now estimated to be 99.8 million
as against 98.9 million with the length-based cohort analysis: a fair agreement. The fishing
mortalities estimated by the two methods are compared in Fig. 5.4.1. The results are similar
except for the oldest fish which are few in the catch.

Table 5.4.1 Example of "slicing". The catch numbers ('000) in the first rows of Table 5.3.1
are referred to age groups. Cf. the application of the results in Table 5.4.2

age length length total catch by age group

at age class fraction in lower group catch

L (t) I) L1-L2 0 1 2
t C(L1-L2)

0 6.00 6-12 1.0000 1823 1823

1 17.81 12-18 (17.81-12)/6 = 0.9683 14463 l4005 458

18-24 1.0000 25227 25227

2 28.48 24-30 (28.48-24)/6 = 0.7467 8134 6073 2061

30-36 1.0000 3889 3889

3 38.14 36-42 (38.14-36)/6 = 0.3567 2559 1055

Total catch referred to age groups 0, 1 and 2 respectively 15828 31758 7005
1) L(t) = 130*[l-exp(-0.1*(t+0.473»)

Table 5.4.2 Age-based cohort analysis following a slicing procedure. The pseudocohort of
Senegal hake (fable 5.3.1). M = 0.28

nominal catch nos. at begin- fishing

age group ning of year mortality
( '000) ( '000)
t C(t,t+1) N(t) F(t,t+1)
0 15828 99818 0.20
1 31758 61680 0.91
2 7005 19008 0.55
3 3426 8276 0.65
4 1044 3276 0.46
5 354 1569 0.30
6 227 878 0.35
7 144 466 0.44
8 64 227 0.40
9+ 58 1161) 0.28

1) N(9) = C(9+)*Z(9+)/F(9+) (Eq. 5.1.7)

• 183 •


0,6 r

0,6 ~ ~


0,1 f I

°° 2 4 6 6 10 12

Nominal age in years

Fig. 5.4.1 Comparison of estimates of F as a function of age from length-based cohort

analysis (broken line) and the slicing technique (drawn line). Senegal hake
(see Tables 5.3.2, 5.3.3 and 5.4.1)

- 184 -

In several methods discussed in Chapter 4 it appeared that the complete length ranges (or age
ranges) of fish or shellfish are not always under full exploitation. Most fishing gears, for
example trawl gears, are selective for the larger sizes, while some gears (gill nets) are
selective for a certain length range only, thus excluding the capture of very small and very
large fish. This property of fishing gear is called "gear selectivity". It needs to be taken into
account when we want to estimate the real size (or age) composition of the fish in the fishing
area. At the same time, it is an important tool for fisheries managers who, by regulating the
minimum mesh sizes of a fishing fleet, can more or less determine the minimum sizes of the
target species of certain fisheries. Gear selectivity is strongly related to the estimation of the
total mortality, Z, the analysis of trawl survey data vis-a-vis commercial fisheries and
predictions of future yields (Thompson and Bell, see Chapter 8). A recent special issue of
Fisheries Research provides a useful overview of fishing gear selectivity (MacLennan, 1992).

Since it is conceptually easier, we will first discuss the selectivity of trawl gear and then that
of gill nets and similar gears.


A full description of a bottom trawl net is given in Section 13.1. The fine- meshed end of the
net where the catch is collected is called the codend. It appears that the "mesh size" of the
codend determines, to a large extent, the selectivity of trawl gear.

The "mesh size" is usually defined as the length of the

"stretched" whole mesh. The mesh size of the netting shown
here is 2*d, where d is the length between two knots.

For a detailed discussion of definitions of mesh size and mesh measuring techniques, see
FAO (1978b).

It is possible to determine the amount and sizes of fish that escape through the meshes of the
codend by covering the codend with a much larger bag with much finer meshes. The idea
behind the experiment is illustrated in Fig. 6.1.1. The selectivity of the gear can then be
determined by comparing the sizes of the fish in the codend with those of the fish in the
cover. The "covered codend method" has been described, among others, by Pope et al.,
1975, and Jones, 1976.

Example 21: Covered codend experiment, Nemipterus japonicus, South China Sea

The experiment deals with the threadfin bream, Nemipterus japonicus, which is caught with
a trawl net with a codend mesh size of 4 cm and a cover of much smaller meshes. The typical
catch of one trawl haul is given in Table 6.1.1 in the form of two length-frequency tables for
the codend and the cover respectively (columns B and C). The fraction of the total catch
which was retained in the codend can then be calculated. It is presented as the fraction (e.g.
117 = 0.14) retained of each length group. When the fraction retained is plotted against the
mid-length of the corresponding length group, it appears that the points are following a
sigmoid curve, which reaches 1.00 (100% retention) at a certain length and which approaches
0.00 (0% retention) at a certain small length. This sigmoid curve is called the "gear selection
ogive". It resembles a cumulative normal distribution.

- 185 -
Fig. 6.1.1 Covered codend experiment

The easiest mathematical expression to describe the gear selection ogive IS the so-called
"logistic curve":

SL = 1 + exp(Sl - S2*L) (6.1.1)

where 5 =
L number of fish of length L in the codend and in the cover

and L is the length interval midpoint (mid-length). S 1 and S2 are constants (Paloheimo and
Cadima, 1964; Kimura, 1977, and Hoydal et al., 1982).

Eq. 6.1.1 can be rewritten as

In(1/5L - 1) = 51 - 82*L (6.1.2)

which represents a straight line, where S 1 = a and S2 = b. So the observations of the

fractions retained (column E) can be used to determine the logistic curve that fits to the
observations. The estimated logistic curve (SLest) can then be used to calculate the fractions
that correspond to the curve (column H in Table 6.1.1).

It is seen that if SL = 0 or if SL = 1 the expression in Eq. 6.1.2 is not defined.

By applying a few algebraic manipulations it follows that there is a one-to-one correspondence

between Sl and S2 and L25%, L50% and L75%, the lengths at which respectively 25%,
50% and 75 % of the fish are retained in the codend. The length range from L25 % to L75 %,
which is symmetrical around L50%, is called the "selection range" (see Fig. The
formulas for calculating L25%, L50% and L75% are

L25% (51 - ln 3) /52 (6.1.3)

L50% 51/82 (6.1.4)

L75% = (81 + in 3)/52 (6.1.5)

- 186 -
S 1 and S2 can be derived from L75 % and L50% using the following formulas:

Sl = L50%*ln(3)/(L75%-L50%) (6.1.6)

S2 In(3)/(L75%-L50%) = Sl/L50% (6.1. 7)

The regression analysis is done over a length range between zero (0) and full (1) retention,
thus excluding those length intervals where no or full retention was obtained and all values
beyond those points, even if they are between 0 and 1.

For Nemipterus japonicus the regression gives the following results, as presented in Table
6.1.1 and Fig. 6.1.2:

a = Sl = 9.4875 and -b S2 = 0.7193

which gives

SLest 1/(1 + exp(9.4875 - 0.7193*L))

L25% (9.4875 - ln 3)/0.7193 = 11.7 cm

L50% 9.4875/0.7193 = 13.2 cm
L75% (9.4875 + ln 3)/0.7193 = 14.7 cm

As the probability that a fish will escape through a mesh depends on its shape, and in
particular on its body depth compared to the mesh size, it is natural to assume proportionality
between d50% (the body depth at which 50% of the fish are retained) and the mesh size:

d50% = A*(mesh size) (6.1.8)

where A is a constant. As body depth is approximately proportional to body length (cf.

Section 2.4) Eq. 6.1.8 implies that a similar expression holds for the length of a fish:

L50% = SF*(mesh size) (6.1.9)

where SF is called the "selection factor".

Table 6.1.1 Estimation of gear selection ogive for Nemipterus japonicus from a covered
codend experiment (from Jones, 1976, cf. Fig. 6.1.2)

A B C 0 E F G H
length number number total fraction In(1/S -1) midlength fraction
interval in in L
number retained (Ll+L2)/2 retained
L1-L2 codend cover SLObS S Lest
(y) (x)
9-10 0 1 1 -
------- ------- ------- --------- ------------ ----------- -
--------- -
10-11 1 6 7 0.14 1.82 10.5 0.13
11-12 2 7 9 0.22 1. 27 11.5 0.23
12-13 2 4 6 0.33 0.71 12.5 0.38
13-14 7 5 12 0.58 -0.32 13.5 0.56
14-15 30 13 43 0.70 -0.85 14.5 0.72
15-16 61 8 69 0.88 -1.99 15.4 0.84
16-17 27 3 30 0.90 -2.20 16.5 0.91
--------- ------- ------- ------- --------- ------------ ----------- ---------
17-18 7 0 7 1.00 - 17.5 0.96
18-19 4 1 5 0.80 - 18.5 0.98
intercept = a = Sl = 9.4875 -slope = -b = S2 = 0.7193
L50% = Sl/S2 = 13.2 cm L75% = (Sl + ln 3)/S2 = 14.7 cm
SLest = 1/(1 + exp(9.4875 O. 7193*L)) -
(used to calculate the curve in Fig. 6.1.2 )

- 187 -
1.0 ----------------------

"0 0.8


Q) 1

e 0.6 1 + exp(9.4875 - 0.7193.L)

~ 0.5 -- - - - - --



0.1 LSO\ L7S\

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 L

Fig. 6.1.2 Gear selection ogive for Nemipterus japonicus caught by a trawl with a codend
mesh size of 4 em (from Jones, 1976)

In the case of our example (Table 6.1.1) we found L50% = 13.2 ern for a mesh size of 4
ern, Thus, the selection factor is

SF = 13.2/4 = 3.3

This selection factor can now be used to determine L50% for different mesh sizes, for
instance, L50% of Nemipterus japonicus when using meshes of 3 ern would be:

LSO% = 3.3*3 = 9.9 em.

Further applications of L50% and SF will be discussed in Chapter 8.


6.2.1 Symmetrical selection curves

Gill nets are usually long rectangular nets where the upper edge, the head rope has floats
while the foot rope has sinkers. Often gill nets (drifting and set nets) are in the form of gangs
of nets with different mesh sizes. For further descriptions of gill nets, see FAa (1978b),
Nedelec (1982) or Karlsen and Bjarnason (1986).

The selection properties of gill nets are reviewed in Hamley (1975). Discussions on gill net
selectivity can be found in, for example, Baranov (1948); McCombie and Fry (1960), Gulland
and Harding (1961), Regier and Robson (1966), Hamley and Regier (1973) and Jensen

Gill nets are "passive gears", i. e. the fish have to swim into the net to get caught.
Theoretically, this implies that fish which move fast, have a larger probability of encounter

- 188 -
with the gear than slow moving fish. Further it is known that large fish move faster than
small fish of the same species. The swimming speed can be approximated by a constant times
a power function of length:

A*LB where A and B are constants (Yates, 1983).

Rudstam, Magnuson and Tonn (1984) included swimming speed (with B = 0.8 for the cisco,
Coregonus artedii, from Wisconsin, USA) into a model for gill net selection. They considered
the selection as the product of two probabilities:

(selection) = (probability of encounter)*(probability of being caught given encounter)

We shall, however, only deal with the last factor, the probability of being caught given

For simple gill nets the selection curve has (unlike trawl selection) a descending slope on the
right-hand side. Small fish can pass through the meshes as was the case for trawl nets, but
large fish may also avoid being caught in a gill net, because their heads are so large that they
cannot be "gilled". This is the simple theory behind gill net selection. The picture becomes
somewhat more complicated when other ways by which the fish can get stuck in a gill net are
also considered. Karlsen and Bjarnason (1986) distinguished four ways of getting caught as
illustrated in Fig.

a. Snagged, where the mesh is around the fish just behind the eye

b. Gilled, where the mesh is around the fish just behind the gill cover

c. Wedged, where the mesh is around the body as far as the dorsal fin

d. Entangled, where the fish is held in the net by teeth, maxillaries, fins or other
projections, without necessarily penetrating the mesh.

(mesh size 100 mrn)

B ~~~~T{; I) gilled
(mesh size 120 111m)

c Q1jt:~;:C:T-:'9V wedged
(mesh size 140 mill)

(mesh size 60-1 SO 10m)

Fig. Gill net selection (from Karlsen and Bjarnason, 1986)

- 189 -
Holt's model for two mesh sizes

For gilling and wedging Holt (1963) suggested a bell-shaped selection curve similar to the
normal distribution (cf. Section 2.2 and Fig. For these two types of getting stuck
in a gill net we use the model:

(L-Lm) ]
S = exp [ - 2 (
L 2*8

where Lm is the "optimum length for being caught" and s is the standard deviation of the
normal distribution. The factor "n*dL/(s*.J(2'lr)" which appears in the expression for a
normal distribution (Eq. 2.2.1) is not used here. Omitting this factor, SL becomes a fraction,
i.e. 0 < SL < = 1.

Holt (1963) suggested an experiment to estimate Lm and s by using two gill nets with
different mesh sizes, ma and mb. The two mesh sizes must be such that their selection curves
overlap. The two nets are set to fish in the same area at the same time and the observations
are numbers caught by length group. The assumptions behind this method are:

1. The optimum length Lm (the top of the bell-shaped selection curve) is proportional
to the mesh size (Lm = SF*m, where SF is the selection factor, cf. Section 6.1)

2. The two selection curves have the same standard deviation

3. The two gill nets have the same fishing power. This includes that when set, they
must have the same length and height and be made of the same material.

Example 22: Selection curves for tilapia in Lake Victoria

Table shows an example of an experiment with two mesh sizes on Tilapia esculenta
from Lake Victoria. The numbers caught, Ca, by length group for the smaller meshed gear
(ma = 8.1 em) and the corresponding numbers, Cb, for the larger meshed net (mb = 9.1
em) are given. The parameters to be estimated by means of Holt's model (Eq. are:

Lma: Optimum length for the smaller meshed net

Lmb: Optimum length for the larger meshed net

s: The common standard deviation

Input data for the analysis are the numbers caught by length group for each gear, Ca and Cb,
and the two mesh sizes ma and mb. The mathematical derivations are lengthy and are by-
passed here.

Step 1: Calculate the log ratios y = In(Cb/Ca) for each length group (see Table
Only the lengths where the frequencies overlap can be used.

Step 2: Do a regression analysis of the log ratios (y = In(Cb/Ca)) against the interval
midpoint for fish length (x = L), and determine a and b:

In(CbjCa) = a + b*L (

- 190 -
~ ()(l
I ()(l
z [-


-J --- 0
23 25 L (em)
~ - 1

-3 ~


Fig. Tilapia escuJenJa. The regression of In(Cb(L)/Ca(L» on fish length (Eq.

Step 3: The results are finally obtained by inserting the values of a, b, rna and mb in the
following expressions.

The selection factor is estimated from

SF = --:---:-,2=-*-=a,,--:--:-
b*(ma+mb) (

The optimum fish lengths for the small and large mesh size are respectively
Lma = SF*ma and Lmb = SF*mb.

The common standard deviation s is determined by the variance

2 -2*a*(mb-ma) mb-ma
6 = = SF*-b- (

Step 4: Points on the selection curves are found by inserting values of L into Eq.

Sa(L) = (L-Lm~) ]
Sb(L) = (L-Lm~) ]

Step 5: From these and the catches Ca(L) and Cb(L) an index of the numbers in the
population is estimated for each mesh size:

Na(L) = Ca(L)/Sa(L) (6.2.1. 6b)

Nb(L) = Cb(L)/Sb(L)

- 191 -
Table Estimation of gill net selection curves for Tilapia esculenta, Lake Victoria
(data from Garrod, 1961)

length number caught CbL selection population

interval ln estimates
midpoint caL
rna = 8.1 mb = 9.1
caL CbL saL SbL NaL NbL
(x) (y)

20.5 199 9 -3.096 0.9583 0.0443 208 203
21.5 182 53 -1. 234 0.8519 0.2611 214 203
22.5 119 290 0.891 0.3627 0.7373 328 393
23.5 29 357 2.510 0.0739 0.9970 392 358
24.5 17 225 2.583 0.0072 0.6458 (2492) 348
25.5 3 82 3.308 0.0003 0.2003 (8881) 409
26.5 0 19 - 0.0000 0.0304 (638)
27.5 0 10 - 0.0000 0.0021 (4721)

ln (CbL/caL) = a + b*L; a = -41.907; b = 1.894

-2*a -2*(-41.907}
SF = b*(ma+mb) = 1.894* (8.1+9.1) = 2.573

Lma = SF*ma = 20.84 cm

Lmb = SF*mb = 23.41 cm

2 = SF*mb~ma = 2 573*9.1-8.1
. 1.894 = 1.3584

8 = 1.1655


, 0

::l 200 0.1 ~
til til
Q.) 0.6 0
E (.)
::l ~I..
C 100 04 :;....


0 0
26 28
fish length (em)

Fig. Selection curves for Tilapia esculenta for gill nets of 8.1 and 9.1 ern mesh size
from Lake Victoria (from Garrod, 1961)

. 192 -
The indices Na and Nb are in principle the same for given L except for accidents of
sampling. They should be calculated only for length groups for which there is a fair number
of fish in the catch of the mesh size in question. If the basic assumption that the selection
curves are shaped like normal distributions is not fulfilled the estimation of the numbers in
the population must be restricted to the part of the curve for which the assumption is approx-
imately fulfilled.

The results are presented in Table and Figs. and The catch curves
are skew, probably an effect of entanglement: the big fish are over-represented in both. This
is seen when plotting data for the regression analysis, Fig. The estimation is
restricted to four points which are almost on a straight line and not based on very small
numbers of fish. Na(L) and Nb(L) are in fair agreement for the four points used in the
regression analysis. For the big fish they are unreliable because the catch curves are skew.
A larger number of mesh sizes is required to cover a wider range of the population size struc-

Model for various mesh sizes

When there are n mesh sizes, all used together in nets of the same size, there will be n-I esti-
mates of the intercept, a, and the slope, b, of Eq. Thus we have the results

[a(1),b(1»),[a(2),b(2»), •... ,[a(n-1),b(n-1»)

corresponding to the mesh sizes:

[m(l) ,m(2»), [m(2) ,m(3»), •... , [m(n-1) ,m(n»)

Each data set (each mesh size) was used twice to produce these estimates: set no. 2 was used
first with set no. 1 to estimate a(l) and b(l) and again with set no. 3 to estimate a(2), b(2)
and so on. This introduces a correlation between consecutive pairs a(i), b(i) whose effect is
difficult to ascertain, but may be important when data for only a few mesh sizes are available.
Bearing this in mind we continue by rearranging Eq. to give a straight line through
the origin:

-2*a(i)/b(i) = SF*[m(i)+m(i+1»), i = 1,2, ... ,n-1 (

from which the common selection factor, SF, is estimated as the slope, b.

With y(i) = -2*a(i)/b(i) and xCi) = m(i)+m(i+1) we have from Eq. 2.4.15:

SF = ~[x(i)*y(i»)/~x(i)2

The common variance is estimated as the mean of the individual estimates for each
consecutive pair of mesh sizes:

a2 c _1_ * n~ [ SF (i )* m (i +1 ) -m (i> 1 (
n-1 i=l b(~)

The optimum length for each mesh size i is obtained by

Lm(i) = SF*m(i) ( )

- 193 -
Subsequently, points on the selection curves SiL are calculated for each length group. Then
these values are summed for each length group and normalized to a maximum of one, in
order to get a composite selection curve. This is done by dividing the values of the sums by
the highest value amongst the sums.

A flat curve over a wide range of lengths indicates that all length groups within this range
were sampled evenly such that the sum of the catches for each length group CiL can be used
directly as an index of population numbers. If the composite selection curve has conspicuous
summits and valleys the population numbers must be estimated by dividing the catch of each
length class by the value (~ I) on the composite selection curve (Eq. There may
be length groups for which the population index cannot be calculated.

Example 22a: Estimation of combined selection of several gillnets for a cichlid in

Lake Kariba

Figs. and show selection curves for a cichlid in Lake Kariba. In an
experiment 21000 specimens of Serranochromis codringtoni were caught in a gang of 12
mesh sizes of gill nets ranging from 38-178 mm stretched mesh. The curves were estimated
as described above. After summation and normalisation to one it is seen that the resultant
composite selection eurve is flat-topped for fish lengths of II to 31 em. Thus, the total catch
in the nets of 12 mesh sizes gave an almost true index of the size composition in the popula-
tion for which was estimated Lao = 27 cm. The increase in the left-hand side of the broad
selection curve resembles a trawl selection curve such as Fig. 6.1.2. The decrease to the right
will not be observed because there was no fish that big. It should be remembered that the data
was from experimental fishery. The commercial fishery in the lake is mainly with gill nets
of one mesh size. The fishing mortality is therefore not expected to be the same from a cer-
tain size and up, as in a commercial trawl fishery.

mesh size (mm)

36 51 61, 76 69 102 111, 127 140 152 165 178

/\ r \ / -, p- \
• ." 0

/\ r" /\ .", "
r\ 0 \

\ / i/ 'l { ,~/
\/ I "\ I\, 6/
, V \{ \( 'I \; 'l.
1\ 'I ~\ ~ 1\ d\ ~
0.8 1\'\ A
r:: 0.7 1\ 1\1 /1/1/
i , I \ ~b
I 1\
/11 Ij~
r... 0.6
, \t \~ \, \1 /. 1\1 \1 \~ \/1 \
r:: / \ ~ V I \/ • Y '0 \

T ~ , ~ ~ ( .~ /1 ~ \

.....r... 0.4 ,
, I. I \
II I~ 1\ 1·\ ' I ~\

/ i \j
• / \ v
~/ II
Ij I
/ l \~' ~, \1 ~ \
\ Y v '\ \

/l)8' \.t/\ / ~./ / / l

J\ "\

./". /.\...p
j \
?, /\ \


0 I-ri*-'.- t.---l.- -. .J~-(_~el 6 4--l-l-::II--e_ ... -a__--'

5 10 15 20 Z5 oo 35 40
fish length (em)

Fig. Selection curves for the cichlid Serranoehromis codringtoni in Lake Kariba,
southeast Africa. Gill nets of 12 mesh sizes. Redrawn from
Zambia/Zimbabwe/SAne Fisheries Project, Project Report No 26, 1993

- 194 -
•t::: 0.9
u 0.6


c::: 0.6
N 0.5
co::: I
0.4 \I
0 I
'= 0.3 \
0.2 I
0.1 \
0 10 20 30 40 50

mid-length (em)

Fig. The selection curves of Fig. summed and adjusted to a maximum value
of one. Redrawn from the above mentioned report

Hanging ratio

Gill net selection is known to depend on a variety of factors besides mesh size: net
construction, visibility and stretchability of the net, net material and the shape and behaviour
of the fish (Hamley, 1975). Entangling more than wedging and gilling (cf. Fig. is
affected by net construction. The probability of a fish being entangled is believed to depend
on the so-called "hanging ratio" or "hanging coefficient" which is defined (FAO, 1978b) as:

length of the head rope

(number of meshes)*(mesh size)

or (see figure):

hanging ratio = _s_


Thus, for a square mesh (d = ctV2) we have the hanging ratio v2/2 = 0.707 which
represents the maximum opening. Hanging ratios are usually in the range of 0.2 to 0.7 (see
Fig. The smaller the hanging ratio the larger the probability of entangling. This is
demonstrated by Riedel (1963), who reported catches of Tilapia mossambica with 10 cm
mesh gill nets with three different hanging ratios:

- 195 -
Hanging ratio
0.90 0.80 067 0.50 0.40


FIg. Mesh shapes with various hanging ratios for gill nets (from FAO, 1978b)

hanging average number percent size range

ratio caught per day entangled of 95% of catch

0.707 9.3 0 18-23 cm

0.36 29.5 24 13-23 cm
0.24 81.0 80 8-22 cm

6.2.2 The product of two logistic curves

If entangling is an important factor, the normal distribution method described above is not
suitable. One way of estimating the selection curve would be to compare the catches of the
gill net to a non-selective gear, c.g. to trawl catches. The catches from the non-selective gear
would then play the same role as the total combined catch in the cover and the codend of a
trawl when operated as described in Section 6.1. The same procedure as used in Table 6.1.1
can be applied. In this case we need a non-symmetrical selection curve of the type shown in
Fig. A mathematical expression for this type of curve can be obtained by multiplying
two logistic curves (Hoydal et al., 1982). The ascending part of the curve is given by the
usual logistic curve (cf. Eq. 6.1.1), it reflects the probability of being gilled or wedged. We
call it "SL" where "L" stands for "left-hand side of the selection curve":

SLL = 1/(1 + exp(Sl - S2*L)) (

This type of selection is the dominating one up to length A (see Fig. For lengths
larger than B the selection is the combined effect of gilling, wedging and entangling. This
part of the curve is modelled by a "reversed logistic curve". We call it "SR" where "R"
stands for "right-hand side of the selection curve":

SRL = 1/(1 + exp(Ol - 02*L)) (

The parameters in the SR-function, D 1 and D2, are negative numbers, whereas the
parameters in the SL-function, Sl and S2, are positive numbers. The lengths corresponding
to the 50% and 75% de-selection, D50% and D75%, are related to D1 and D2 by the same
mathematical expressions as those used for Sl, S2, L50% and L75% (cf. Eqs. 6.1.4 to

050% = 01/02 and 075% = (01 + ln 3)/02

01 = 050%*ln(3)/(075%-050%) and 02 = 01/050%

- 196 -
~::::L -_~_._----.~---....;;:


:: 0.50
'';: ,,
0.25 - -:- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -~-- -
::: : not used
l' ,
~ ,
0.00 --------i-----l---:_,---- '-----J--~ . - ---.--.---.,.-
Lso% L75% A B 75% IJ JJSO% length

Fig. Asymmetric selection curve

By multiplying the ascending curve, SL, and the descending curve, SR, we obtain the desired
type of curve, S. When SL is ascending SR is "neutral" (i.e. approximately equal to 1.0), and
when SR is descending SL is "neutral":

______ ~l~_____ 1
SL = SLL*SRL = 1 + exp(Sl - S2*L) * 1 + exp(Dl - D2*L) (

The expression for SL is supposed to take the maximum value, 1.0, for at least one L-value.
Therefore, the expression Eq. (as well as the normal distribution in Eq.
should be normalized so that the maximum value equals 1.

In practice this is obtained in the following way. Let S(i) be the point on the selection curve
representing length class no. i (estimated by Eq. or Eq. and let MAX {SO)}
designate the maximum value of SO) among all length classes. We normalize by replacing
the value of S(i) by the value:

S l il

The parameters can be estimated in the same way as the parameters of the trawl selection
ogive (cf. Section 6.1). To estimate Sl and S2 we use only the length classes below A (see
Fig. and perform the regression analysis:

1n(1/S - 1) = S1 - S2*L (

where the dependent variable, y = In(lIS - 1), is derived from the comparison with the non-
selective gear:

S(i) Cglil/Cnlil
= MAX{Cg(j)/Cn(j)} (

- 197 -

QgLil = no. of length class i fish caught in gill net

Cn(i) no. of length class i fish caught in non-selective gear

The denominator in Eq., "MAX {Cg(j)/Cn(j)}", is the maximum value of the ratio

Eq. takes values between °

Cg/Cn among all length groups with non-zero values of Cg and en. Thus, S(i) as defined by
and I (including I).

Eq. is based on the assumption that the numbers Cn are caught by a gear which is
non-selective for all those length classes which are caught by the gill net. If this is not the
case Eq. should be replaced by:

5(i) MAX{(Cg(j)/Cn(j»*5n(j)} (

where Sn(i) is the selection curve for the "other gear".

The descending (right-hand side) of the selection curve is estimated using the same calculation
procedure and the corresponding observations as those used for the left-hand side. Thus we
use the data for the length classes above point B (see Fig. and perform the linear
regression analysis:

In(1/5 - 1) = 01 - 02*L (

The method based on the product of two logistic curves is a generalization which includes the

trawl selection ogive (Eq. 6.1.1) and the symmetric curve (Eq. as special cases.
Assigning the values Dl = -00 and D2 = makes the factor 1/(1 + exp(Dl - D2*L» in
Eq. take the value 1 for all values of L and then Eq. equals Eq. If
the curve is symmetrical we estimate parameters so that:

L50% + 050% = L75% + 075%

but we do not have to make assumptions beforehand.

The symmetrical curve created by the product of two logistic curves may not be the same as
the normal distribution curve. The product of two logistic curves may take the maximum
value (1) for a range of values (in Fig. A to B). It may also, however, come very
close to the normal distribution as shown by an example in Fig.

Thus, if data for a non-selective gear (or a gear with a known selection curve) are available,
there is really no need to use the traditional model, the normal distribution, since the same
curve can be obtained as a special case of the logistic product function (Eq.
Moreover, the latter is versatile and easy to handle from a computation point of view. Using
the product of two logistic curves we are not forced to make the questionable assumption that
the selection curves are normally distributed with a common standard deviation.

Finally, it should be mentioned that data collected from gill net catches are difficult to use
for the estimation of growth parameters or mortality rates. This is illustrated in Fig.
as a hypothetical example. We consider a length-frequency sample representing the population
(double line) i.e. a sample from a non-selective gear and a sample representing the gill net
catch (shaded line). The population contains four components or cohorts (normal distribu-
tions), whereas the gill net sample appears to contain only one component with mean value
Lm, which does not coincide with any of the four cohort mean lengths (LO,Ll ,L2 and L3).

- 198 -
1.0 __ Normal dis tribution
I ----- Product of two
I logis tic curves
0.8 ,I

_ 0.6 ,,


4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Fig. A product of two logistic curves which is nearly identical to a normal distribu-
tion. The parameters are:
Normal distribution: Lm =10 and s 2 =
Product of two logistic curves:
LSO% = 7.645 L75% = 8.483
DSO% = 2*Lm - LSO% D7S% = 2*Lm - L7S%

c.. Populohon


Fig. Hypothetical example to illustrate bias problems when using gill net data for
estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates

Thus, the gill net sample does not give any information which can be used for the separation
of cohorts and the estimation of length-at-age.

Also samples collected during a whole year would all give more or less the same picture.
Summing a time series over a year would therefore give a curve not very different from the
curve for the gill net catch in Fig. Using the descending slope of this curve to

- 199 -
estimate total mortality from the length-based catch curve analysis would lead to an over-
estimate of Z. Before using any gill net data for estimation of growth parameters or mortality
rates, they should be critically examined. The result of such an examination may be either
that the data cannot be used at all or that they can be used only after having been adjusted
for gear selection as described in Section 6.7.


The previous two sections dealt with the selectivity of trawl nets (active gears) and gill nets
(passive gears). The scientific literature on selectivity has been mainly concerned with these
gears, partly because it is relatively easy to conduct experiments for the estimation of their
selection curves. Other types of gear are also more or less selective and the pattern of
selection can usually be changed by suitable adjustments of the gear. The gear selection
model based on the logistic curve (Eq. 6.1.1) or the model based on the product of two
logistic curves (Eq. are believed versatile enough to describe the selection curve of
any gear.

Below is a brief discussion of the selection properties of two passive gear types: hooks and
traps, and of an active gear type: seine nets.

Much more appears to be known about trawl and gill net selection than about hook fisheries.
For hook-and-line fisheries some authors report that the selection curve is bell-shaped, of the
gill net type, dependent on hook size, whereas others find a trawl type selection. The idea
behind the use of the bell-shaped selection curve is that small fish cannot take a large hook
in their mouth and that large fish are not held securely by small hooks.

A discussion of hook selection can be found in Ralston (1982), who observed the trawl type
of selection for the Hawaiian deep-sea hand line fishery. From an experiment where four
hook sizes were used for catching snappers and groupers he found that small hooks were
nearly as efficient as large hooks at catching large fish. For the ascending left-hand selection
curve (the small fish) he found a sigmoid curve. Pope et al. (1975) suggested using the gill
net type of selection for hook fisheries, although they quote a number of works which show
the trawl type of selection.

Pope et al. (1975) suggested the trawl type of selection for traps arguing that traps behave
like codends in retaining fish. Munro (1974, 1983) discusses selectivity and other aspects of
the operation of portable Antillean fish traps. These 3 m long traps are made of chicken wire-
netting with two funnels whose bottoms are the entrance openings. They are used for catching
coral reef fish. Munro (1974) developed a model for the catchability of traps as a function
of the soak time (the time the trap is left on the fishing ground).

Trap selectivity is complicated because it relies on the fish to move actively into the trap. For
small traps (as the Antillean trap mentioned) only one specimen of a territorial fish species
can be expected to be caught, but the trapped fish may have been replaced by another before
the trap is pulled. As the other extreme we have the hunters, like the jacks (Carangidae) in
a coral reef fishery which cover a lot of ground in a short time and therefore become over-
represented in trap catches. If a large predator is caught in the trap it may keep potential prey
fish from entering the trap. If prey species are already in the trap they may act as live-bait
and attract the large predators, which in turn may eat the prey before the trap is pulled.

Trap catches depend on the duration of the soak (Munro, 1974). There is always a chance
that a trapped fish finds the entrance opening and leaves through it. There are considerable

- 200 -
differences between species. Some species leave the trap with great ease (Munro, 1983).
Thus, trap selectivity may not only be a function of the mesh size used in the trap. For
example, the size of the entrance opening and the soak time may be of importance. The
species composition on the ground where the trap is placed also may influence the selectivity.
For the escapement through the meshes, however, it appears reasonable to assume the trawl
selection type of ogive, When considering the average of a large number of trap catches some
of the above mentioned complications may disappear, i.e. they may tum out to be "random
noise" around the selection curve.

In principle a seine net should work like a trawl as far as selection is concerned. However,
it is more difficult to deal with the seines because this type of gear is usually used to catch
schooling species, such as sardines, mackerels and tunas. These species have a tendency to
form schools consisting of fish of the same size. Thus, we should consider a school to be a
sampling unit (instead of an individual fish).


6.4.1 Knife-edge selection

Fig. shows two selection curves. Curve A has a selection range of 3 cm and curve
B, the fat vertical line, has a: selection range of 0 cm. Curve B is a so-called "knife-edge
selection curve" (Beverton and Holt, 1957). Knife-edge selection should be considered a
hypothetical model since it will never describe a real situation. However, knife-edge selection
is often used as an approximation to the selection ogive. For lengths below L50% the
numbers selected are under-estimated and for lengths above L50% the numbers are over-
estimated. These two sources of bias nave opposite signs and as the two areas "a" and "b"
(see Fig. are the same size they balance out. However, the fish of area "a" will
weigh more than those of area "b", since the weight of a fish corresponds to the cube of the

"knife-edge" B
c 0.75 -----------


0 ----------
C'"I {
r.. I~\'
c- I~':\
0.25 -- ---- -- -- ~~~~\

~/.'1' o:
L'~ J

~<:~ I~~~:
5 7 9 11 L25% L75% 19 21 length
selection range

Fig. 6.4. t. t Trawl selection curve as a function of body length. An illustratinn of the
concepts of knife-edge selection and selection range

- 201 -
6.4.2 Recruitment and selectivity

The recruitment of fish to the fishing area, that is when they move away from the nursery
or spawning areas to the fishing grounds, is also size dependent, in the same way as a trawl
selection ogive. This means that every size of fish will not be fully represented at the fishing
grounds and, thus, when there is a fishery for the size ranges which are not yet fully recruited
the probability that a fish is retained by the fishing gear is in fact the product of two

1. The probability that the fish is present on (has recruited to) the fishing ground.

2. The probability that the fish is retained by the meshes once it has entered the gear.

Fig. illustrates these points. Curve R is the" recruitment curve", curve G is the "gear
selection curve" ,and curve S is the" resultant curve".

The probability that a certain size of fish will be caught is the product of the probabilities of
recruitment and selection. The probability can therefore be described by a "resultant curve",
S, where S = R*G (see Fig.

The L50% for the three curves, R, G and S, are different as indicated in Fig. The
probability of capture of a fish of length Q is the product of probability A, related to the
recruitment curve, and probability B related to the gear selection curve, and the result is
probability C.

In this example A *B = C or R(Q)*G(Q) = S(Q) or 0.62*0.42 = 0.26. At length X practi-

cally all fish have recruited to the fishing grounds while some are still small enough to escape
through the meshes. At length Y mesh retention is complete and no fish escape.

When the meshes are so large that there is no overlap of the recruitment curve with the
selection curve we can ignore recruitment. The resultant curve is then determined by selection
only, see Fig.

1.0 - -- --- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ......I_. _. -._. _.

- -
0.9 /" I

__ .__ .
L50% Q L50% L50% x length
(R) (6) (S)

Fig. Curves representing: recruitment to the fishing grounds (R), gear selection (G),
and the resultant (S = R·G) (see also text)

- 202 -
1 .0

~ 0.5


Fig. Example of equality (overlap) between the gear selection curve (G) and the
resultant curve (S)

6.4.3 Selectivity as a function of age

So far, selectivity has been considered a function of length. Another example of a selection
curve SL is given in Fig. The values of Sl, S2, L50% and L75% corresponding to
this curve are as follows:

51 = 15*ln(3)/(18-15) = 5.4930 and 52 In(3)/(18-15) 0.3662

L50% = 5.4930/0.3662 = 15 em and

L75% = (5.4930+1n 3)/0.3662 = 18 em

The selection range is 2 *(18-15) = 6 cm

Using the von Bertalanffy growth equation we can express length as a function of age, and
express S as a function of age, t:

1 (
5t = 1 + exp[51 - 52*L *(1 - exp(-K*(t-t
co 0


.50•75 -------------


'- 0.25

7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Lc length

Fig. The selection curve referred to in the text

- 203 -
The next, age-based expression is equivalent to Eq. 6.1.1 which is length-based.

1 + exp(T1 - T2*t)

and which can be rewritten in linear form as:

In(l/St - 1) = T1 - T2*t (


T1 t50%*ln(3)/(t75%-t50%) (

T2 In(3)/(t75%-t50%) = T1/t50% (

(cf. Eqs. 6.1.6 and 6.1. 7)

The formulas for tSO% and t75% are:

t50% = T1/T2 (

t75% = (Tl + In 3)/T2 (

(cf. Eqs. 6.1.4 and 6.1.5)

Fig. shows the two age-based selection ogives. Curve A is based on the exact
transformation according to Eq., while curve B is the approximate selection ogive
based on Eq. and the related equations to It can be observed that
both curves are almost identical.


1.00 --------------------
A :
1 + explSl - S2·Loo·(1-exp(-Klt-to»»

B: -------
"'C 1 + exp(Tl - T2·t)
~ 0.75

tJ 0.50 _


t25\ tsO\ t75\

0.5 1.0 age, t 2.0

Fig. A: Exact age-transformed selection ogive (Eq,

B: Approximated selection ogive (Eq.

- 204 -
It is also possible to express 150% and 05% in lengths and vice versa to express LSO% and
L75 % in ages, using the following formulas:

t50% = t
- (l/K)*ln(l - L50%/L )

t75% = t
- (l/K)*ln(l - L75%/Lco) (


L50% = L *[1 - exp(K*(to-t50%») (

L75% (
'" LC1J*[l- exp(K*(to-t75%»]
Assume that Lao = 50 ern, to = 0 years and K = 0.3 per year for the fish stock associated
with the length-based selection ogive in Fig., then:

t50% = 0 - (1/0.3)*ln(1 - 15/50) 1.1889

t75% = 0 - (1/0.3)*ln(1 - 18/50) 1. 4876

T1 = 4.3727 and T2 = 3.6779

The corresponding L50 % and L75 % are:

L50% = 50*[1 - exp(0.3*(0 - 1.1889»] = 15.0 em

L75% = 50*[1 - exp(0.3*(0 - 1.4876»] 18.0 em

which are the same as the results obtained for the length-based selection ogive.


When using a linearized catch curve to estimate mortality (e.g. Fig. it is usually
necessary to discard the left-hand side of the curve because the juvenile fish are not fully
exploited or not fully recruited. A conceptually simple way to estimate how many fish are
missing at each age is to extrapolate on the straight line from which the total mortality coeffi-
cient Z is estimated, in order to find the number of juveniles there "ought to be", (see Fig.
6.5.1). The differences between the "expected" numbers and the actual numbers should give
the ogive resulting from the combined effect of recruitment and mesh selection. As shown
below, the calculations are easily performed. The problem is that an important and probably
unrealistic assumption is made, namely that the total mortality rate, Z = F + M, is the same
for all ages. F alone is not constant because it must be smaller in the mesh selection phase.
M, on the other hand, is likely to be higher for small fish than for the adults. It is therefore
possible that Z remains approximately constant although so far, nobody has shown it to be.
Nevertheless, the method has achieved considerable popularity and is therefore mentioned here.

Example 23: Estimation of the resultant selection ogive from a catch curve, hypothetical

To explain this method (Pauly, 1984a) the example of Table 6.5.1 is used. Columns A-E
contain the input data and calculations for a length-converted catch curve analysis (cf. Section
4.4.5). In this case we calculate the total mortality Z = 1.0 per year from the growth
parameters, Lao = 50 ern, K = 0.3 per year (see Fig. 6.5.1). The result of the regression
analysis is:

- 205 -
in ~t = 9.208 - 1.0*t

In contrast to the example discussed in Section 4.4.5 we now have a use for the intercept (a
= 9.208).

Under the assumption of constant mortality we expect the values of In(C/ At) to be on the
regression line, In(C/ At) = a-Z*t. Thus, the hypothetical true frequency the total population
numbers in the sea, CT, is expected to fulfill the equation:

In(CT/~t) = a - z*t (6.5.1)

The idea behind this method is that the number in the sea is proportional to the number
caught, i.e.

C the number in the catch

CT = total population number in the sea

Let tl be the age corresponding to the first length group which is supposed to be fully
represented in the catch and therefore used in the catch curve regression (in the case of Table
6.5.1, we have tl = 2.180, see Fig. 6.5.1). For ages above tl, CTt should be approximately
equal to the observed frequencies, since the probability of capture is 1, because selection and
recruitment are supposed to have finished before that age. For the ages below tl we expect
that the population in the sea is higher than that represented in the catch, i.e:


7 •
.:9 •



used in
..5 4 regression
analysis to
3 estimate
2 ogive used in regression analysis to estimate Z

o~ __ ~~ __ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
o 1 2 '\ 3 <1 5 6 7
age, t

Fig. 6.5.1 Estimation of the resultant ogive from a length-converted catch curve analysis
based on Table 6.5.1

- 206 -
Table 6.5.1 Example to illustrate estimation of the selection ogive from a catch curve (cf.
Fig. 6.5.1). L = 50 em, K = 0.3 per year, t = O. (The same data were used
in Table 4.5.4~1.) 0

A B C 0 E F G H
length t At C(L1,L2) ln ln
interval (L1,L2) (C/At) (l/S-l)
(X) (y' ) (y)
3-5 0.278 0.145 37 5.54 0.034 3.35 0.03
5-7 0.426 0.151 56 5.92 0.057 2.81 0.06
7-9 0.581 0.159 86 6.29 0.097 2.23 0.10
9-11 0.744 0.167 129 6.65 0.163 1. 64 0.16
11-13 0.915 0.176 188 6.97 0.267 1.01 0.27
13-15 1.095 0.186 258 7.23 0.416 0.42 0.42
15-17 1.286 0.196 319 7.39 0.590 -0.37 0.59
17-19 1.487 0.208 352 7.43 0.750 -1.10 0.75
19-21 1.703 0.222 351 7.37 0.870 -1.90 0.87
21-23 1.933 0.238 324 7.22 0.943 -2.80 0.94
23-25 2.180 0.257 283 7.00 (0.976) 0.98
25-27 2.447 0.278 239 6.76 0.99
27-29 2.734 0.303 196 6.47 1.00
29-31 3.054 0.334 158 6.16 1.00
31-33 3.406 0.371 123 5.80 1.00
33-35 3.798 0.417 93 5.41 1.00
35-37 4.243 0.477 69 4.97 1.00
37-39 4.757 0.557 48 4.46 1.00
39-41 5.365 0.669 31 3.84 1. 00
41-43 6.109 0.838 18 3.04 1.00
43-45 7.068 1.122 10 2.19 1.00
45-47 8.419 1.702 3 0.57 1.00
column contents

A length group in cm

B t(L1+L2)/2, age corresponding to interval midlength (cf. Eq., (x) in both regressions
1 Loo-L1
C At(L1,L2) = t(L2)-t(L1) = i*ln Loo-L2 (Eq.

o C(L1,L2) = catch in numbers per length group

E In(c/At), dependent variable in catch curve regression analy-

sis (y')

F Stobs. = C/[At*exp(a - Z*t)], observed selection ogive

(a = 9.208, Z = 1.0, obtained from the linearized length-
converted catch curve (Eq., by linear regression of
columns B(x) and E(y'), for the length ranges 23 to 43 cm

G In(l/S - 1), dependent variable in regression analysis for

(the estimated) selection ogive (y). The linear regression of
x = t and y = In(l/S - 1) gives T1 = a and T2 = b

H Stest. = 1/[1 + exp(T1 - T2*t)], estimated (theoretical)

selection ogive

- 207 -
As CT t is supposed to be proportional to the population number the ratio Ct/CTt
is an estimate of the probability that a fish of age t will be on the fishing ground and be
retained if it encounters the gear, i.e. Ct/CTt can be used as an estimate of the resultant ogive St.

CT can be predicted by Eq. 6.5.1, modified into:

CTt = At*exp(a - z*t) (6. S. 2)

Thus, the ogive can be estimated by:

Ct ct
St = CTt = At*exp(a - z*t) (6.S.3)

The fractions retained of the observed selection ogive are presented in column F of Table
6.5.1. In order to obtain the theoretical (estimated) selection ogive the expression for St is
used in linear form (Eq.

in(l/St - 1) = T1 - T2*t

Eq. enables us to estimate the parameters Tl and T2 by linear regres-sion. Columns
B (x) and G (y) of Table 6.5.1 contain the inputs for this regression. (Columns C, D and E
contain the results of the catch curve analysis used to calculate the dependent variable, y,
column G.) Column H contains the estimated selection ogive. Only values of St less than 1
(column F) can be used in the expression In(l/S-l) (column G). Carrying out the regression
analysis we find:

a = T1 = 4.396 and -b = T2 = 3.701

which gives, using Eqs.,, and

tSO% T1/T2 = ~.1877 years

t7S% = (T1 + in 3)/T2 = 1.4846 years
LSO% SO*(l - exp(-0.3*(1.1877 - 0») = lS.0 em
L7S% SO*(l - exp(-0.3*(1.4846 - 0») = 18.0 em

The example of Table 6.5.1 is a hypothetical one constructed to give the results of Figs. and Because the data are ideal hypothetical data there is a perfect agreement
between the observed fractions retained (column F of Table 6.5.1) and the theoretical
fractions retained (column H).

The exercise provides a check on the adequacy of the choice of points used in the regression
analysis for the estimation of Z. The conclusion to be drawn from Table 6.5.1 is that the first
length group to be used in the estimation of Z should have been 27-29 em, as this group is
the first one under full exploitation. However, because the logistic curve never attains the
value 1 the concept of "full exploitation" is determined by the number of decimals in the
table. Taking into account that the logistic curve is an approximation to the real selection
curve one cannot expect to get a precise estimate for the first length under full exploitation.
If we are somewhere in the "near neighbourhood" of 1 the choice of first length group in the
catch curve regression is likely to be good enough.

As emphasized in the introduction to this section, the results of the method described should
be treated with a certain reservation.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 208 -

6.6.1 Gear selectivity and fishing mortality

Fishing mortality, F, is clearly related to the selection ogive. When SL = 0 fishing mortality
must be zero and when SL = I fishing mortality is at its highest level. The obvious
relationship between fishing mortality and selection is:


where Fm is the "maximum fishing mortality", Thus, F, as a-function of length has the same
shape as S, but it has a different level (see Fig. 6.6.1.IA).

In Eq. we consider F a continuous function of length, L. In practice, however, it is

often convenient to replace the continuous function by a step function as shown in Fig., where F is assumed to remain constant within each length group.

Fm - - - - - T -~ 1- - -
1.0 -----1--
I S(L)
0.5 (

S /0 (5 i .XJ 125 30 35 if 0 length, L

L50% L75%

Fm F(j)

1.0 S(j)

12. 3 LfS 678
index of length group, j

Fig. Relationship between selection ogive and fishing mortality

A: Continuous functions
B: The step-functions corresponding to A

The continuous selection curve SL may also be approximated by a step function, S(j), in
which the value for length group no. j is S«LI + L2)/2), where LI and L2 are the lower and
upper limits of length group no. j. When we use the length group index, j, as argument rather
than the length L, we may write a step-function model for total mortality, Z;

Z(j) = M + Fm*S(j) (

- 209 -
where M is the natural mortality coefficient (here assumed to remain con-stant for all length
groups), SO) is the step function of the selection ogive and Fm the maximum fishing

mortality. If Z, M and Fm are known the selection can be estimated by (Pope et al., 1975
and Hoydal et al., 1982):

S ( j) ee F ( j ) / Fm (


F(j) Z(j) - M

Fig. shows FO), ZO) and SO) as functions of length. When we work with a step
function rather than with a continuous logistic curve the selec-tion is given as an array of
S-values and this array can replace the mathematical expression (Eq. or the array
may be applied to estimate the parameters of the logistic curve. Actually, an array of S-values
is a more versatile way of presenting selection ogives as no assumptions have to be made
about the underlying mathematical expression. (cf. the discussion of age/length keys versus
growth equations in Section 3.2.1).

M + Fm LSO%L7S%
-- ------r-r- ---------
,, Z = M + Fm*S(j)

Fm - - - - - - - -,- F = M + Frn*S(j)



35 40 45 50 55
2 4
60 length, L
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

index of length gl'OUP, j

Fig. The relationship between mortality and the selection ogivc for further explana-
tion, see text)

6.6.2 Estimation of selection curves from cohort analysis

The various kinds of cohort analyses (cf. Chapter 5) produce an array of estimates of F-
values (the so-called "fishing pattern"), by age group or by length group. These F-values
supply data for a gear selectivity/recruitment curve which is obtained by:

S(i) MAX{F(j)}

- 210 -
where F(i) is the fishing mortality for age or size group i and MAX{F(j)} is the maximum
value of the fishing mortality among all age or size groups (cf. Eq. Eq.
applies to any gear or any combination of gears combined with any recruitment curve (Hoydal
et al., 1980 and 1982). The method makes no assumptions on the type of gear or on how the
fish are caught. Thus, the selection curve of a gear can be estimated from catch data only.
Eq. gives the actual results of fishing operations and is therefore called the "effective
mesh size", i.e. the observed selection/recruitment parameters. The concept of "effective
mesh size" also applies to gear without meshes, such as hook and lines.

This approach has a number of advantages over methods where selection curves are derived
from measurements of gear characteristics, e.g. mesh size. Let us, for example, consider the
trawl. If we assume (as is often done) that the gear selection curve is determined by the mesh
size in the codend only, then two fishing boats using gears with the same mesh size should
have the same gear selection ogive. However, this is likely to be the case only if the two
boats operate the gear in exactly the same way. For example, if one boat takes hauls of 5
hours duration and the other boat only uses one hour for a haul the selective properties may
be different because of clogging of the net by the catch. Also the towing speed may influence
the selectivity. Higher speed may make the meshes more elongated and cause a lower
selection factor.



When analysing a length-frequency sample, (e.g. when doing the Bhattacharya analysis,
Section 3.4.1) selection may create biased results. As an example we look at the first part of
Table The sample is shown in column B of Table 6.7.1. Actually column B is the
first component estimated by the Bhattacharya analysis as can be seen from column H of
Table, which was based on the same data. These hypothetical data were supposed to
represent a random sample of the population. Thus, in the case of Table we assumed
a non-selective gear. If the sample had been taken with a selective gear it would have been

Now, suppose that a gear with a trawl type selection curve with L50% = 15 em and L75%
= 18 cm had been used. In that case we would have observed the frequencies shown in
column C of Table 6.7. I and not those of column B. (Figures in column C are hypothetical
ones and are calculated as the product of columns B and D.) The frequencies of column C
yield a biased estimate of the mean length and the standard deviation as can be seen from the
last two rows of Table 6.7.1. However, if the selection ogive is known it is possible to
estimate the unbiased sample, i.e. to estimate column B. This is done by dividing the
observed frequencies (column C) by the fractions retained. This raising procedure gives column
E. As could be expected there are problems with small frequencies (lengths 12-14 ern), The
method cannot be used to raise a zero frequency and is not dependable for small frequencies.

In general, the effect of trawl selection is:

1. Over-estimation of mean length

2. Under-estimation of standard deviation
3. Under-estimation of cohort size

The bias caused by selection is illustrated by Fig. 6.7. I.

- 211 -
Table 6.7.1 Example to illustrate the estimation of a random sample from a sample biased
by selection (cf. Fig. 6.7.1)

A 8 C 0 E

length observed sample estimated estimated

interval unbiased biased by ogive unbiased
cm sample selection SL sample
(Table C/O

12-13 1 0 0.30 0
13-14 4 1 0.37 3
14-15 11 5 0.45 11
15-16 24 13 0.55 24
16-17 38 24 0.63 38
17-18 42 30 0.71 42
18-19 33 26 0.78 33
19-20 20 17 0.84 20
20-21 7 6 0.88 7
21-22 2 2 0.92 2

total 182 124 180

mean L 17.3 17.6 17.3
s 1.69 1.60 1. 64

Column contents

A length interval in cm

8 unbiased random sample of the population (from


C sample as it would have been obtained with a trawl

net with a selection curve with L50% = 15 cm and
L75% = 18 cm

D estimated selection ogiye (fraction retained)

SL = 1/(1 + exp(Sl - S2*L) Eq. 6.1.1 where

51 = L50%*ln(3)/(L75%-L50%) (Eq. 6.1.6) and

52 = 51/L50% (Eq. 6.1.7)

E estimated unbiased samples corrected for selection,

frequency of biased sample divided by fraction
retained (C/O) (compare with column 8)



Fig. 6.7.1 Bias created by selection

- 212 -
Correction for mesh selection should preferably be made by means of selection curves
determined by experiments like trawling with a covered codend (Section 6.1) or by analysis
of fishing mortality arrays from cohort analysis (Section 6.6). Sometimes, selection curves
for similarly shaped, closely related species can be used.

When no such data are available a selection curve may perhaps be estimated from a linearized
catch curve (Section 6.5). Doing this, however, we encounter a logical problem because the
estimation of selection is the last part of the catch curve analysis and therefore based on
parameter estimates which are biased by the effects of selection. We want to start with the
correction and fortunately, it is possible to do so. The sequence of analyses can be as follows:

Estimate Lao by the Powell-Wetherall method

Correct length-frequencies for selection using the value 1.0 for the curvature parameter,
K, and the estimate of Lao obtained by Stage 1

Separate normally-distributed components by the Bhattacharya method (Section 3.4.1)

from the corrected length-frequency distribution

Use the estimated mean lengths of the components in modal progression analysis to
estimate the growth parameters K and Leo (Section 3.4.2)

Estimate Z using length-converted catch curve analysis with the newly-estimated growth
parameters (Section 4.4.5).

This procedure is applicable because the estimation of a selection ogive is not very sensitive
to the choice of the curvature parameter, K.

Example 24: Using a selection curve to adjust the length-frequency sample of Table 6.5.1

We apply the Powell-Wetherall method to the data in Table 6.5.1 column D (the numbers
caught) and find Lao = 49.7 cm (cf. Table which uses the same input data to
estimate Lao by the Powell-Wetherall method). Redoing the calculations of Table 6.5.1 with
K = 1.0 gives the results presented in Table 6.7.2.

The estimated selection ogive Stest in Table 6.7.2 calculated with K = 1.0 per year and Lao
= 49.7 cm is almost identical to the one presented in Table 6.5.1, calculated with K = 0.3
per year and Lao = 50 cm. The values of L50% and L75% are 14.8 em and 17.8 em
respectively with K = 1.0, while they were 15.0 and 18.0 cm respectively with K = 0.3.

The last column of Table 6.7.2 contains the results of Step 2 of the process, viz. the length-
frequencies corrected for selectivity. A comparison with the observed data (column D) shows
immediately that large numbers of fish were not accounted for in the sample. The next step
(3), the Bhattacharya method will therefore be very different from the one on the original

In principle, the above-mentioned method can be applied to any type of gear selection curve,
but the narrower the selection range the more difficult it is to estimate the length-frequency
you would have got with a non-selective gear.

- 213 -
Table 6.7.2 Example to illustrate the use of a selection curve to adjust a length-frequency
sample for selectivity, using the same length-frequency data as presented in
Table 6.5.1, with Loo = 49.7 em (estimated by the Powell-Wetherall method),
K = 1.0 per year and to = 0

t H C In St In St C
LI-L2 (Ll+L2) (Ll,L2) (Ll,L2) (C/H) (l/S-l) (Ll,L2)
2 obs. obs. est. est.
(x) (y' ) (y)

3-5 0.084 0.044 37 6.74 0.03 3.35 0.03 1121

5-7 0.129 0.046 56 7.11 0.06 2.81 0.06 1000
7-9 0.176 0.048 86 7.49 0.10 2.22 0.10 887
9-11 0.225 0.050 129 7.85 0.17 1. 61 0.17 777
11-13 0.276 0.053 188 8.17 0.27 0.99 0.27 689
13-15 0.331 0.056 258 8.44 0.42 0.32 0.43 604
15-17 0.389 0.059 319 8.59 0.60 -0.40 0.61 526
17-19 0.450 0.063 352 8.63 0.76 -1.14 0.77 459
19-21 0.515 0.067 351 8.56 0.88 -1. 98 0.88 398
21-23 0.585 0.072 324 8.41 0.95 -2.97 0.95 342
--------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ----- --------
23-25 0.660 0.078 283 8.20 0.98 -3.94 0.98 289
25-27 0.741 0.084 239 7.95 1.00 0.99 241
27-29 0.829 0.092 196 7.66 1.00 197
29-31 0.925 0.102 158 7.35 1.00 158
31-33 1.032 0.113 123 6.99 1.00 123
33-35 1.152 0.128 93 6.59 1.00 93
35-37 1.289 0.146 69 6.16 1.00 69
37-39 1.446 0.171 48 5.64 1.00 48
39-41 1.934 0.207 31 5.01 1.00 31
41-43 1.865 0.261 18 4.23 1.00 18
--------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ----- --------
43-45 2.166 0.355 10 3.34 1.00 10
45-47 2.598 0.554 3 1. 69 1.00 3
Tl = 4.428 T2 = 12.492
t50% = Tl/T2 = 0.3545 years t75% = (Tl + In 3)/T2 = 0.4424 years
L50% = 49.7*(1 - exp(-1*(0.3545 - 0» ) = 14.8 em
L75% = 49.7*(1 - exp(-1*(0.4424 - 0» ) = 17.8 em

For gill nets or any other gear with a bell-shaped selection curve one has to be careful in the
interpretation of length-frequency samples. The mode observed (usually there is only one
mode for this type of gear) may have little to do with a cohort, but it may primarily reflect
the selection curve of the gear (cf. Section 6.2).

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 214 -

The ideal basis for fish stock assessment is data that fully represent a stock, at least from the
moment that it has recruited to the fishery, without any systematic errors or biases. Although
it may not be possible in practice to obtain data of such quality, it should be the aim of any
programme for the collection of data on a fishery, to obtain samples that fully represent the
population under investigation, to know the sources of bias and to find means to correct for
those biases.

The full theory of sampling is dealt with in many textbooks, which are widely available, such
as Raj (1968), Som (1973) or Cochran (1977).

In the first part of this Chapter, some basic aspects of sampling will be discussed, with
emphasis on random sampling. The second part deals with an example of a typical tropical
demersal fishery, where many species are landed, partly sorted, for human consumption and
partly mixed in the form of by-catch (for fish meal production or other purposes). The aim
of this example is to show how complex a sampling scheme may have to be in order to get
a representative sample of a particular fishery and how raising factors should be applied to
reflect the total fishery for a particular species.

This example was created on the basis of experience in FAO/DANIDA follow-up courses on
fish stock assessment, where many data sets on tropical fisheries turned out to be incomplete
or biased, due to errors in the design and/or execution of sampling schemes (see Venema et
aI., 1988).

Good sampling requires large and long-term investments in terms of manpower and general
expenses. Therefore, it is important that sampling programmes are designed in such a way
that they provide the data needed for the assessment and management of important species
and fisheries, and that these data meet the standards as formulated by international and
national working groups.

The sampling principles dealt with in this Chapter also apply to the procedures for sampling
catches on board of research vessels, for which additional specific details on deck-sampling
are given in Section 13.4.


Let us go back to the problem of estimating the mean length of a cohort as addressed already
in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. An estimate is said to be "unbiased" if replicate estimates deviate
from the true value in a random manner only. The "true value" is the parameter value we
would get from measuring all specimens in the total population (see Section 2.3). An estimate
is "biased" if it deviates from the true value in a systematic manner. With an unbiased
estimate we can approach the true value as closely as we want by increasing the sample size.
With a biased estimate there will always be a deviation between the true value and the
estimate, and the deviation is independent of the sample size.

To obtain an unbiased estimate of the mean length the sample should be a "random sample" ,
i.e. any fish from the stock considered should have exactly the same probability of being
sampled. Assuming that it is possible to obtain a random sample (this is usually very difficult
in practice), how many fish, n, would we need in the sample to obtain a pre-specified accuracy?

- 215 -
Suppose that we require an estimate of the mean length not deviating more than 7% from the
true mean length and that we want to be 95% certain of this. We then would require the
upper and lower 95 % confidence limits not to deviate more than 7 % from the estimated
mean, X. SO the deviation tn- I*sIVn should have a maximum value of 0.07*x, or

or more general:

where e stands for "maximum relative error" (in this case e = 0.07).

Solving this equation with respect to n gives:


In order to apply Eq. 7. 1.1 for estimating the required sample size we must already know the
standard deviation, s, from previous samples.

We can also solve Eq, 7.1.1 with respect to E, using, for example, the estimates of s = 2.20
and x
= 15.07 from Table 2.1.2.

t _ *2.20 tn-1
n 1
IE. = O.146*~

In Fig. 7. 1.1 the maximum relative error, e, is shown as a function of the sample size, n.
Note that we gain relatively little by increasing n when n > 50. An increase from n = 10
to n = 20, however, produces a reduction in relative error from 10.0% to 6.8%.

,... 0(5


....IIIGI 0.(0



0 20 J{o '0 ao 100 (20 11(0

sample size,n
Fig. 7.1.1 Maximum relative error (to) of the estimate of the mean length as a function of
sample size (n) (using data from Table 2.1.2)

• 216 .
~ Biased
~ sampLe
mmmmm1 Fish which have been
~in the trawL but have
escaped through
the meshes

of mean

Fig. 7.1.2 Example of bias: bias caused by gear selection

If unbiased random samples can be obtained, there is no problem in estimating the required
sample size for any pre-specified accuracy. However, samples are usually biased in one way
or another. If small fish can escape through the meshes of a trawl we get an over-estimate
of the mean length of the population of fish (see Fig. 7.1.2). This is one example of bias. If
the larger fish can swim faster than the trawl is towed and thereby avoid being caught we
have another type of bias.

However, once you are aware of the bias you can often adjust for it, and in the example of
mesh selection you can try to estimate how many fish there would have been if all had been
retained by the gear (see Chapter 6).

Another type of bias occurs if the spatial distribution of the population of fish is size-
dependent. For example, when juvenile fish concentrate in certain nursery grounds and
gradually migrate to the fishing grounds this may introduce a bias, if this migration pattern
is not well understood. Bias caused by migration will be discussed in Chapter 11.

Another case of possible bias concerns the situation where it would be inefficient to measure
the complete catch, for example from a large trawl haul. After sorting the catch by species
you would take a sub-sample of, say, 100 fish of one species. If you selected the 100 fish one
by one by simple "hand-picking" this would create a biased sample, since there always is a
tendency to select the larger specimens. The proper procedure would be to put the catch of
that species into boxes of approximately equal weight and then select some of these boxes at
random for the sub-sample.

So far we have considered a population consisting of a very large number of fish, so that the
sample formed an insignificant part of the population. Some "populations" in fisheries data
collection, however, consist of a small number of units, so that a sample constitutes a signi-
ficant part of it. This is the case when the sampled "population" is not fish, but for example
the landing places in a certain area.

- 217 -
Suppose the purpose of a sampling scheme is to estimate the mean landings per landing place
during a certain period, say, a month, and suppose that the total number of landing places is
100. If we sampled all 100 landing places then the variance of our estimate of the mean
landings would be zero. In that case we simply have the true population mean. If we have
personnel for sampling only 50 landing places there would be a certain variance in our
estimate. However, this variance would not be s2 (as defined by Eq. 2.1.2), since only 50%
of the population is left to produce the variance, as distinct from a length-frequency sample
where practically 100% of the population would still be left.

We allow for this by applying the so-called "finite population correction factor":

(1 - n/N)

where N is the population size (N = 100 in the example) and n the sample size. Let Y(i) be
the landings at landing place no. i of the sample, i = 1,2, ... n, and let Y be the mean landings
of all landing places, then the estimate of the mean landings is:

- 1 n
Y = n *i~l Y(i)

The variance of the estimate then becomes (see Eqs. 2.3.2 and 2.1.2):

- 1 - n/N 2
VAR(Y) n * s (7.1.2)

2 = __1__ n - 2
n-1 *i~l(Y(i)-Y)

The confidence interval of Y is (see Eq. 2.3.1):

[Y - tn_1*s* ~(l/n - l/N) , Y + tn_1*s* ~ (l/n - l/N)]

The estimate of the total landings is:

Y = N*Y (7.1.4)

and its variance is

2 -
VAR(Y) = N *VAR(Y) (7.1.5)

Y is usually the quantity we are interested in. Eq. 7.1.5 follows from the general rule for a
random variable, Eq. 2.3.3, where N is a constant.

Note that Eq. 7.1.2 is general in the sense that it also applies to large (in practice infinite)
populations as the finite population correction factor, (l-n/N), becomes 1.0 when N is

Often Eq. 7.1.4 is expressed as:

N n
Y = n * i~h Y (L) (7.1.6)

and we say that the sample has been raised to the total, Y, by application of the "raising
factor" N/n.

- 218 -

Consider again the problem of estimating the total landings, Y, from the 100 landing places
during a certain month, as dealt with in Section 7.1. Assume that a sampling programme has
been conducted in the previous years, based on which the 100 landing places have been
divided into three categories as shown in Table 7.2.1. Such a division of the total population
is called a "stratification" and the categories (large, medium, small) are called "strata". Table
7.2.2 shows a numerical example (from Gulland, 1966) corresponding to Table 7.2.1. To
obtain an estimate of the standard deviation within each stratum, s(j), j = 1,2,3, ... a survey
covering all landing places was carried out during one month.

The standard deviation, s(j), in Tables 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 is the square root of the corresponding

. 2 1 N(j) - 2
s(J) * i~l[Y(j,i)-Y(j)J
-N-(J~·)~--l (7.2.1)

where the stratum mean is:

- _1_ N(j)
Y(j) N(j) * i~l Y(j,i) (7.2.2)

Note that Eqs. 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 produce the true parameters for the particular month in which
the data were collected.

Table 7.2.1 An example of stratification (from Gulland, 1966)

landing place number of land- average landings standard devi-

category or ing places by by stratum ation within
stratum stratum each stratum
1 large N(l) 1.(1) s(l)
2 medium N(2) 1.(2) s(2)
3 small N(3) Y(3) s(3)

Table 7.2.2 Numerical example of a stratification based on samples from one month
(from Gulland, 1966)

Y(j,i) = landing at landing place no. i in stratum j


N(l) = 10 45 59 87 41 71 25 9 69 10 7
Y(l) = 42.3
s (1) = 28.91


N(2 ) = 30 17 13 19 26 1 8 27 11 12 26
Y(2) = 15.2 5 8 10 16 16 4 16 16 13 29
6(2) = 8.57 14 25 29 27 20 25 2 7 3 12
N(3 ) = 60 2 6 7 0 1 2 1 5 4 7
Y(3) = 4.2 8 9 3 2 5 4 2 0 2 8
6(3) = 2.81 5 3 8 9 8 9 1 6 5 3
3 4 7 5 5 3 2 4 6 1
6 2 5 1 0 3 8 0 4 3
3 5 5 0 7 0 9 7 9 0

- 219 -
Often we are not in a position to sample all landing places. Let us assume that we only have
manpower etc. available for a sample of n (n < 100) landing places. The sample size can be
written as the sum:

n = n(1)+n(2)+n(3)

where n(i) is the number of landing places sampled in stratum no. i. To "design a sampling
scheme" means to decide which sample sizes, n(1), n(2) and n(3), should be applied to each
of the three strata.

One could now ask why we should complicate the sampling by the introduction of strata. The
answer is that we (nearly) always obtain a more precise estimate of the population mean from
stratified sampling than from simple random sampling. How much we gain depends on the
choice of strata. If the observations within a stratum are approximately of the same size (as
is the case in Table 7.2.2) we are likely to gain from the stratification. The less variation
there is within a stratum, the more is gained by stratification. On the other hand, for practical
reasons there is a limit to the number of strata that can be selected.

The basic rules of stratified sampling are that the sample size per stratum, n(j), should be
large when:

I) The stratum is large (if N(j) is large)

2) The standard deviation s(j) is large

To these rules we can add for economic reasons that samples should be large when:

3) Sampling is inexpensive

Mathematically the first two conditions can be expressed as

n(j) proportional to N(j)*s(j) (7.2.3)

. N(j)*s(j)
n(J) = n * ~ N(j)*s(j) (7.2.4)

where n is the total sample size. This formula is called the "optimum stratified sampling
equation" (or "Neyman allocation").

The first two conditions will be dealt with below in Example 25 and the third condition in
Example 26.

- 220-
Example 25: Stratified random sampling

Let us assume that we have funds available to collect 100 observations, that there are two
strata and that their sizes, NO), and standard deviations, stj), are:

stratum 1 stratum 2
N( j) 1000 2000
s(j) SO 10

Then, the 100 observations should be allocated to the two strata according to Eq. 7.2.4 as
Stratum 1: 1000*50 + 2000*10 * 100 71.4 say 71

Stratum 2: 1000*50 + 2000*10 * 100 = 28.6 say 29

Usually the budget available for the execution of a sampling programme is limited. The cost
of taking a sample will differ from stratum to stratum and it is therefore possible also to take
the cost of sampling into account, when designing a sampling scheme.

Let ctj) be the cost of taking a sample unit in stratum j and let Co be the additional fixed cost
of the whole sampling programme. The total cost, C, for m strata then becomes:

C = Co +j~lc(j)*n(j) (7.2.5)

It can be shown that for an optimum allocation the sample size should be proportional to

An optimum use of the available resources is then achieved (see Eq. 7.2.3) when the sample
size is proportional to

N (j )*s (j)/v'c(j) , or if

. N(j)*s(j)/vC(j)
n(J) = n*~ N(j)*s(j)/vc(j) (7.2.6)

where n is the total sample size. Using the criterion Eq. 7.2.6, we minimize the variance of
the estimate of the total landings, Y.

If the total budget available is C and the fixed cost is Co then the total number of sample
units in all strata is given by:

~ N(j)*s(j)/vc(j)
n = (C-Col * ~ N(j)*s(j)*vc(j) (7.2.7)

and the number of units sampled in stratum j is given by:

n (j) = [C-Col * ~ N(j)*s(j)*vc(j) (7.2.8)

- 221 -
Example 26: Stratified random sampling, considering costs

Let the total budget for the sampling programme given in Example 25 be 1800 (money units)
while the fixed cost is 444 and the prices per sample unit are:

Stratum 1: 16
Stratum 2: 9

Then the total number of samples, n, that can be taken with the available budget is
determined by Eq. 7.2.7:

1000*50!v16 + 2000*10!v9
n = (1800-444)*1000*50*v16 + 2000*10*v9 = 99.96, say 100

These 100 sample units should then be allocated to stratum 1 and 2 respectively as follows:

n(l) = (1800-444)*1000*50*v16 + 2000*10*v9 65.19, say 65

n(2) = (1800-444)*1000*50*v16 + 2000*10*v9 = 34.77, say 35

Note that now 35 sample units are allocated to the inexpensive stratum 2, compared to 29 in
Example 25, where the price per sample unit was not taken into account (or assumed to be
the same for both strata).

Hereby we conclude the theory for optimum allocation and turn to the question of how the
estimates of mean values, the totals and their variances can be calculated. Although the theory
given below is general, you may again think of the example given in Table 7.2.2. Having
determined the sample sizes, ntj), we obtain an estimate of the mean landings of each
stratum, Y(j), by:

- 1 n(j)
Y(j) = n(j) * i~l Y(j,i) (7.2.9)

Let m be the total number of strata (j = 1,2, ... ,m), then the estimate of the total population
mean i.e. the mean landings in all strata, is:

Y (7.2.10)

and finally, the estimate of the total landings, Y, (see Eq. 7.1.4) is:
Y = N*Y

Let the symbol "V ARst" stand for the variance of an estimate obtained from stratified ("st")
random sampling. The estimate of the variance of the total population mean, Y, is:

VARst(Y) =
N2 *VAR(Y(j))
] (7.2.11)

- 222 -
where_the estimate of the variance of the estimate of the mean for each stratum Y,
VAR(Y(j», is defined by Eq. 7.1.2:

- . 1 - n(j)/N(j) . 2
VAR(Y()) = n(j) *s() (7.2.12)

Note the finite population correction factor: 1 - n(j)/N(j)

Eq. 7.2.11 follows from the general rules for the variance of a sum of independent random
variables given in Eqs. 2.3.3 and 2.3.4.

The variance within stratum j as defined by Eq. 7.1.3 is:

n(j )
. 2 1 . . -. 2
B() = n(j)-l * i~l [y(),~)-Y()J (7.2.13)

Inserting Eq. 7.2.12 into Eq. 7.2.11 the latter may also be written:

VAR t(y) = L * ~ N(j)*[N(j)-n(j)J* (.)2 (7.2.14)

8 N2 j=l n(j) S )

Eq. 7.2.14 is more convenient from a calculation point of view (see Exercise 7.2).

The variance of the total landings in stratum j is:


and the variance of the total catch (all strata) is:


In the examples given above the strata consisted of different sizes of landing places in terms
of landed weight. Stratifications can also be based on other criteria, for example:

Gear types
Boat types
Fishing seasons
Fishing grounds
Species or species groups
Commercial size categories

Usually one can take advantage of whatever stratification is available. Sometimes we are
forced to stratify the sampling, as might be the case when fish are landed already sorted into
commercial size categories. Sometimes we will have to do extra work to obtain the stratifi-
cation. This may apply to a stratification by boat type. If we sample from an auction hall at
the time the fish are sold, we may have to trace the boat which caught the sample. If we are
to invest extra resources (time, funds and manpower) in obtaining a stratification the
increased precision obtained from that stratification should be considered relative to the cost.

- 223 -

In some cases (e.g. when starting up) we may not know the variance within strata but only
the stratum size, NG). In that case it is recommended to use "proportional sampling", i.e. to
allocate samples in proportion to the stratum size. Applying proportional sampling to the 100
observations of Example 25 given above, the allocation to the two strata should be in the

Stratum 1: 1000+2000 * 100 33.3 say 33

stratum 2: 1000+2000 * 100 = 66.7 say 67

Compare with the values obtained by optimum allocation in Example 25, respectively, 71 for
stratum 1 and 29 for stratum 2.

Note that proportional sampling is only identical to optimum stratified sampling In the
exceptional case that the variances of all strata are equal.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


In order to be able to carry out assessments of exploited stocks we must have adequate data
for each species under investigation. We must know the total weight of the catch and the
length and/or age composition of the catch of each stock. In order to obtain this kind of data
it will be necessary to Sample the landings of the commercial fisheries, according to a pre-
determined scheme. Such a sampling scheme should take into account the following factors:

I) the total area of distribution of the stock of a species and

2) all the fishing activities taking place in that area, which are catching that particular
species. These may include different types of boats (fleets) and different gears. The
fleets may either be completely national, or include also those of other countries
exploiting the same stock.

Since stocks of fish may occupy areas across international boundaries, the data collection
should also be set up in such a way that merging of data collected by different countries is
possible. In such cases it is essential that agreements on data requirements are made between
countries, for example, through international fisheries bodies, and that these agreements are
put into practice through the creation of international working groups. The same criterion
applies in the case of large countries where several institutes or sub-institutes are covering
the landings of a particular stock.

The data collected should be verified and entered in a computerised data base, which should
be accessable to all scientists who have an interest in the data and who are authorised to use
them. Data collected through such sampling schemes should never be considered as the
private property of the scientists who were responsible for their collection.

- 224 -
Because of the complexity of many fisheries, in particular in the tropics, where many
different gears are used to catch a mixture of species and where the landings are often spread
over many different sites, it is important to design a sampling scheme that is based on an in-
depth knowledge of the fisheries on a particular species. When more than one species has
been selected for sampling, it may be possible to combine sampling schemes, if there is
sufficient overlap in landing sites, fleets etc.

Sampling schemes, once set up, and in particular when international agreements are involved,
should have secured funding over very long periods, in some cases practically forever.

Sampling for stock assessment purposes is very closely connected to sampling or total
enumeration systems set up by fishery statisticians. While the fishery statistician is mainly
interested in obtaining an estimate of the catches of all important species, usually by type of
gear and boat, the fishery scientist will usually concentrate on a smaller number of species.
Biological sampling is time-consuming and it is therefore not possible in most cases to sample
all the landings in a particular place. However, also for stock assessment purposes it is
necessary to estimate how much fish of a particular species has been landed by the vessels
that were not sampled, both in the landing places where biological sampling did take place
and in all other places. The above makes it obvious that the work of the fishery statisticians
is extremely important for the biologists, since the general statistics will be needed to
determine the so-called" raising factors", which consist of the ratio between the total number
of units and the sampled number of units. Raising factors are therefore used to raise the data
(e.g. length-frequencies) obtained from the sample to the level of the total catches. When the
samples are small relative to the total landings, the raising factor may become very large and
if the samples are biased for one reason or another this will be reflected at a larger scale in
the totals.

Therefore, it is very important that the samples are random samples and that they represent
a reasonable proportion of the total catch. Rather than thinking in terms of measuring
hundreds of fish, plans should be made to measure many thousands of fish. Only then the
data may provide a reliable basis for stock assessments. In the example of whiting given in
Table, the total catches of whiting of all year classes (cohorts) were estimated to be
2,021,800,000 fish, while the number of whiting otoliths sampled in all the countries
exploiting this resource and used by the international working group was approximately
10,000. The overall raising factor from samples to total catch was therefore approximately

In Table 5.1.1, the total estimated number of survivors from the 1974-cohort is
9,856,600,000 whiting, or about 3.4 times more than the numbers caught, so the number
actually sampled is only a very small fraction of the real population in the sea, despite
enormous efforts.

The basis for all sampling schemes is a decision on the species to be sampled. This decision
will usually be determined by the ecomomic importance of the species (or species groups) and
in the case of resources being exploited by more than one country, on the requirements of
international working groups.

Assuming that the general fishing pattern of the commercial fisheries is known for each of
the selected species, it will be possible to determine which landing places and fleets should
be sampled each season.

On that basis, and on that of the availability of funds and personnel, the system can be
designed and tested.

- 225 -
The complexity of sampling schemes and the various raising factors involved are illustrated
in the following theoretical example, which has many features of a tropical fishery for shrimp
and demersal fish.

Example 27: Sampling scheme for a tropical demersal fishery

The sampling scheme illustrated in the example has two major objectives:

1) To determine the total catch in weight of one species "s" (Section 7.5) and

2) To determine the length composition of the total catch of species "s" (Section 7.6).

It is assumed that all specimens of species "s" caught originate from one stock and that all
the landings from this stock are covered by the sampling scheme.

The physical features of the example are shown in Fig. 7.4.1. We assume the stock to be
confined to one fishing ground exploited only by the boats from three landing places denoted
by the index h and labelled, I, II and III. There are three different types of boats, for

a) large trawlers,
b) gill netters and
c) "baby"-trawlers

Each landing place is the home port to a number of boats of each type. A batch of similar
boats is called a fleet (index f). Because locations of landing places are factors of practical
importance in a sampling scheme, each fleet is also distinguished according to its landing
place, so that in this case we actually operate with nine sets of boats, which are distinguished
by combinations of f and h, for example, aI, bII, bIll etc. In Fig. 7.4.1 the fleets have been
assigned to their respective landing places, while in Table 7.4.1 they have been arranged by
type of boat in order to facilitate the calculation of catch per unit of effort (CPUE).

Table 7.4.1 The procedure for estimating total catch in weight for one species, s, during one
period, t (compare Fig. 7.4.1)

fleet landing effort observed CPUE estimated total catch total
place catch by catch by fleet catch
fleet and landing by fleet
E W place
f h (t,f,h) (s,t,f,h) l::W/EE CPUE*E W(s,t,f,h) W(s,t,f,*)

a I 15 57 57+83 - 57
a II 20 83 15+20 = 4 - 83 172
a III 8 - 4*8 = 32 32
b I 25 55 55+105 - 55
b II 55 105 25+55 = 2 - 105 184
b III 12 - 2*12 = 24 24
c I 20 - 25 1*20 = 20 20
c II 25 25 25 = 1 - 25 75
c III 30 - 1*30 = 30 30
estimated grand total catch: W(s,t,*,*) = 431

- 226 -
C. P. U. E.

1><-20= 20

?_x 12 = 2'-/

11-.30 = 30

Fig. 7.4.1 Hypothetical example to illustrate the estimation of the total catch in weight of
species, s, during a time period, t, say a quarter of a year

The next important assumption we make is that data are available on the total fishing effort,
E, of each fleet in each landing place. In the present example effort has been measured as the
number of boat-days during the period of time considered. (Note that a number of alternative
measures of effort could have been used. In the worst case only the number of boats in each
fleet is known. In that case one must assume an average number of effort units per boat per
time unit. If we know, for example, the average number of boat-days per fleet per month for
one landing place, then this figure can be applied also to landing places for which this
information is not available.)

The number of effort units expended during time period t by fleet f from landing place h is

E(t,f,h) = effort

The observed (or estimated) values of the effort E(t,f,h) of the nine sets of boats are shown
in Table 7.4.1 and Fig. 7.4.1. For the moment we confine the description of the sampling
scheme to a single time period, for example the second quarter of 1978, which makes the
index "t" a constant. Later, data from different time periods will be combined and then t
becomes a variable index.

- 227 -

Assume that due to shortage of funds and personnel the total catches have not been recorded
for I) any of the fleets of landing place III, 2) for fleet c of landing place I. The observed
total catches for the remaining components of the fishery are shown in Table 7.4.1 and Fig.
7.4.1. We denote by


the total weight of species "s" landed during period "t" by fleet "f" at landing place "h".

The available data on effort and catch can now be combined to calculate the mean CPUE per
boat type and these figures can then be used to make a complete estimate of the total catch
of all fleets. (Note that CPUE is measured in weight and not in numbers of fish, compare
Section 4.3.)

The formula is simple:

effort*CPUE = estimated catch

the calculations and the results are presented in Fig. 7.4.1 and Table 7.4.1.

To avoid too many summation signs in the following calculations we introduce a more
convenient notation. Whenever an index is replaced by "*" it means the sum over the index
in question. For example, the total weight of the three landing places "h" of species "s" in
period "t" by fleet "f" can be denoted as:

W(s,t,f,*) which is the same as ~ W(s,t,f,h)

3 3 3
and ~ E W(s,t,f,h) = ~ W(s,t,f,*) = W(s,t,*,*)
f=l h=l f=l

which is the total catch of species s during time period t landed by all fleets to all landing
places (Table 7.4.1).



We now tum to the main objective, the derivation of the length composition of species s, i.e.
the derivation of inputs to the age-based or length-based cohort analyses. First some general
features of sampling species s for length composition. Like in most sampling procedures we
have to raise the outcome of the sampling to the total catch of the boat and eventually to the
total catch of all the fleets. Therefore it is useful to introduce the suffix "m" for quantities
that have been sampled. Another useful thing is to distinguish quantities of the sample from
those of the total sampled catch. This is done by using capital letters for the total catch and
small letters for the sample, e.g.

W m = the total weight of the sampled catch

wm = the weight of the sample
Cm = the total number of fish in the sampled catch
cm = the number of fish in the sample.

- 228 -
A sampling procedure usually starts with sorting of the catch by species and weighing or
estimating the total weight caught of each species. The next step is to select a sample at
random, to weigh the sample, and after that to measure the length of all the fish in the

In some cases it will be necessary to take sub-samples before it is possible to measure the
length of a particular species. This is the case with the by-catch category as will be
demonstrated below.

In the present example the basic sample for estimation of length compositions is associated
with a "trip". Each fleet from each landing place makes a number of trips during the time
period considered. In Fig. 7.6.1 fleet a in landing place I is considered as an example.
During period ,t, 15 trips were carried out and at the end of four of those 15 trips samples
were collected on the jetty when the catch was landed. (Note, usually, it is impossible to take
samples from all trips, in this case only four out of the 15 trips were sampled. Care should
be taken that these are selected at random, see the discussion in Section 7.1.)

Let the number of samples be denoted:


In the example of Fig. 7.6.1: n(t,a,I) = 4. Each sample is given a number, or an index, j,
for our internal book-keeping:

j = 1,2, ••• ,n(t,f,h) (see Fig. 7.6.1)

_-- index:
-__ -- i=t lrip2
~-2 trip"
J-3 itip 8
j -" [rip III
somple stze = If trips rn(s,t,('h)
roisin9 rador 15/", '" 3.75

Fig. 7.6.1 Illustration of sampling for the estimation of the length composition of the catch
of one fleet from one landing place

- 229 -
The often complex situation of sampling a single vessel after a trip is illustrated in Fig. 7.6.2
In this case the catch is assumed to consist of two major categories:


This part is sorted into species (or species groups) and contains the marketable

2. BY-CATCH. This part is not sorted by the fishermen. It contains fish not used for
human consumption, including valuable fish species below marketable sizes. The
quantities refening to the by-catch category are distinguished from those of the
consumption fish category by the suffix "b". The total weight of all the by-catch of
a sampled trip is denoted by Wbm(*,t,f,h,j).

Of the species selected for a sampling programme, samples have to be taken from both
categories, since from a biological point of view they are of equal importance. We will first
deal with the sampling of the category consumption fish, then with the by-catch and then
combine the two sets of data. The whole procedure has been illustrated in Figs. 7.6.2, 7.6.3
and 7.6.4.

Sampling the catch for human consumption from one trip

The general sampling procedure for length-frequency data is given below,

based on the example of the consumption category of species s:

1) The weight of the total sampled catch of species s, of the consumption fish
category, is recorded:

Wm(s, t, f, h,j) = total weight of consumption catch of species s of sampled trip j.

sample sample sample

f t wm(s,t,f,h,j)
numbu' number = 4.7 kg f •.••• \.4 ••••
1&, lb~JA__
len91h l~glh length
Specres ]

~/Jmber number
• • • •



= 0.9 kg

Ir_~~ _" .. .It___1__

" "num er
lJl length
> .... frequency
Itn9!h length len9th samples

Fig. 7.6.2 Sampling from a single trip (for further explanation, see text)

- 230 -
Consumption fISh:

Total weight of sampled catch: Wm = 14.1 kg

Total weight of sample: wm = 4.7kg
Raising factor: Wm/wm = 14.1/4.7 = 3


Total weight of sampled by-catch: Wbm = 45 kg

Total weight of sample (all species): wbm = 9 kg
Raising factor: Wbm/wbm = 45/9 = 5

Consumption flsh (species s)

length-frequency sample raised length-frequency sample

cm(s,t,f,h,j,i) cm*Wm/wm = cm*3
sample size = 37 37*3 = 111

.50 '15


5 to 7 8 9 /0 If 12 13length

By-catch (species s)

length-frequency sample raised length-frequency sample

cbm(s,t,f,h,j ,i) cbm*Wbm/wbm = cbm*5
sample size = 24 24*5 = 120



5 ~ 7 g 9 10 length group

Total catch (species s)

estimated length- combined length-frequency sample

frequency of species s Cm = cm*3 + cbm*5 = 111+120 = 231
in the total catch of 58
the sampled trip

12 "
length group
Fig. 7.6.3 Combining length-frequency samples of species s encountered in the consumption
fish and by-catch categories of the landings of a single trip (see also Fig. 7.6.2)

- 231 -
2) A random sample is taken and the weight of the sample is recorded as follows:

wm(s,t,f,h,j) = weight of all specimens of species s in sample j.

3) The sample is then measured for length. Let i be the index of a length group, then
we denote by

cm(s, t,f,h ,j ,i)

the number of fish of species s in length group i, of sample j, from landing place
h, caught by fleet f, in time period t.

The total number of fish of all length groups in the sample is denoted by

cm(s,t,f,h,j, *)

In Fig. 7.6.2 is shown that of species s a sample of 4.7 kg = wm(s,t,f,h,j) was taken from
a total catch of 14.1 kg = Wm(s,t,f,h,j).

The sample was measured for length and frequencies were obtained as depicted in Fig. 7.6.3,
with a total sample size of 37 specimens = cm(s,t,f,h,j, *).

This length-frequency sample has to be raised to the total catch of the boat, by raising each
frequency by a "raising factor", which is simply the total weight of the catch of species s
divided by the weight of the sample

In the case of species s the total estimated number caught, in the consumption category, is

wm<s,t,f,h,j)* ( t f h . *) 14.1*37 -_ 111

wm(s,t,f,h,j) em s, , ,,], = ~

Sampling the by-catch from one trip

The sampling procedure for the by-catch includes an extra step, namely sorting into species.
Let the total weight of the by-catch be

Wbm(*,t,f,h,j) kg

(Index "s" is replaced by "*" because the by-catch is not sorted into species.)

From the Wbm kg a sample is taken of

wbm(*,t,f,h,j) kg

This sample is then separated into species (see Fig. 7.6.2). We are only interested in species
s. The weight of species s from the by-catch sample is

wbm(s,t,f,h,j) kg

(Note that this is not the weight to be used to raise the sample to the total catch.)

- 232 -
These fish are measured and the lengths are recorded (see Fig. 7.6.3). The number of fish
in length group i is denoted as:


and the total number of species s in the sample is


In this case the number is 24 (see Fig. 7.6.3).

These numbers are raised to account for the total by-catch of the boat trip by a raising factor,
consisting of the total weight of the by-catch and the weight of the total sample of by-catch
(and not the weight of species s only):

Wbm(*,t,f,h,jl ..

gives the length-frequencies of species s that represent the entire by-catch.

In the example (see Fig. 7.6.2) Wbm(*,t,f,h,j) = 45 kg and the sample weight wbm(*,t,f,h,j)
= 9 kg so that the raising factor becomes Wbmlwbm = 4519 = 5, and the total number of
specimens of species s in the by-catch category is 5*24 = 120.

Combining consumption rash sample and by-catch sample from one trip

We now have to combine the raised length-frequencies of the two categories, in order to
obtain a complete picture of the length-frequencies of species s in the catch of the sampled
trip. This is done by a simple summation of the two raised frequencies.

An estimate of the total catch in numbers by length group, C, is obtained by simple

addition of consumption and by-catch estimates:

Wm f ,h ,J,~)
.. Wbm f ,h ,J,~)
. .
Wffi*cm(s,t, + wbm*cbm(s,t, Cm(s,t,f,h,j,i)

(see Fig. 7.6.3).

For example, the estimated total number for length groups 8-9 cm becomes

14.7*2 + 45*3 __ 3*2 + 5*3 = 21

4:7 9

Summation of samples from several trips

Again a simple summation will do. The estimated number caught by length group in all
n(t,f,h) sampled trips is:

~ Cm(s,t,f,h,j,i) = Cm(s,t,f,h,*,i)

- 233 -
In Fig. 7.6.4, for example, the estimated total number of all four sampled trips for length
group 8-9 ern becomes:

21+22+20+26 = 89

Raising the sampled trips to the total catch of the fleet in one landing place

The total length distribution of the sampled trips Cm(s,t,f,h, *,i) can be raised to account for
the entire catch in period t, by fleet f in landing place h, by using a raising factor based on
the number of trips:

total number of trips

number of trips sampled * Cm(s,t,f,h,*,i) = CR(s,t,f,h,*,i)

where the suffix "R" stands for "raised". R has only been used here to indicate raising
procedures that include quantities that have not been sampled (in this case 11 out of the 15
trips). In the example (Fig. 7.6.1) the raising factor is 15/4 = 3.75 and the result is shown
in Table 7.6.1. The estimated total number of specimens in length group 8-9 cm for all trips
by fleet f in landing place h becomes:

89*3.75 = 333.75

This raising procedure is reasonable only if a "trip" is a well-defined unit of effort. If some
trips are of a duration of, say, one fishing day and others are of a duration of five fishing
days, it is better to use a "fishing day" as unit of effort. Either unit, "trip" or "fishing day"
makes sense only if the boats of a fleet are fairly similar, in the sense that they have the same
"fishing power". Other possible units of effort are "number of man days", "number of
trawling hours", "number of gill net sets", etc.

sample 1

.0 sample 2
sample 3

(,0 sample 4
1---+-<-_'___"__'__4-+.-,"","-... t

total of samples

Fig. 7.6.4 Adding up length compositions of species s of sampled trips. The sample used
in the example of Fig. 7.6.3 appears as sample no. 1

- 234 -
Table 7.6.1 Raising the sampled trips of fleet f, in landing place h to the total catch of all
trips that fleet (see Figs. 7.6.1 and 7.6.4)

length total sampled trips raised to total number of trips

group (from Fig. 7.6.4) trips in the sampled landing place
(i) Cm(s,t,f,h,*,i) CR(s,t,f,h,*,i)
5-6 57 213.75
6-7 148 555.00
7-8 216 810.00
8-9 89 333.75
9-10 63 236.25
10-11 176 660.00
11-12 122 457.50
12-13 58 217.50
13-14 15 56.25

total 944 3540.00

= Cm(s,t,f,h,*,*) = CR(s,t,f,h,*,*)

Summation of sampled landing places for one fleet and raising to all landing places

The total length distribution of all sampled landing places (see Fig. 7.4.1) is obtained by
simple addition:

~ CR(s,t,f,h,*,i) = CR(s,t,f,*,*,i)

This figure can be raised to the total for all landing places by applying a raising factor based
on the effort expended in all the landing places:
total effort of
all landing places
effort of sampled * CR(s,t,f,*,*,i) CRR(s,t,f,*,*,i)
landing places

C (5,1, .,0, 0 , t )
~~~~~~~~----~ L


,C(s,2.,o, 0,0, i)
III 0- " L

~ 1 rrn JUL-NJG-SEP
I UU I I h--, • i:


... L
~(S,lf, 0,0,0 ,i)
1 ~.i

Fig. 7.6.5 A: Total length-frequencies by quarter year.

B: Length-frequencies resolved into normally distributed cohort components
(input to Pope's cohort analysis)

- 235 -
.C (5, {, «, ., • Ii...)

riTJ I I h:=J .r::


~ .C(5,0/,.,.,.,(.)


C(5, •••• i)
t- input to Jones'
}h cohort analysis

Fig. 7.6.6 Summation of total length compositions of all time periods (total length
composition as input for Jones' length-based cohort analysis)

Summation of fleets

This too is a simple summation. The total length distribution of species s caught during time
period tis:

~ CRR(s,t,f,*,*,i) = CRR(s,t,*,*,*,i)

We have now obtained a complete picture of the length-frequency distribution of all the
landings of species s in one quarter of the year, t. Depending on the type of analysis required
we may stop the processing of catch data at this level. In that case the results after one year
are the four quarterly length-frequencies as shown in Fig. 7.6.5A. These may be resolved
into cohort components by, for example, the Bhattacharya method (Section 3.4) as shown in
Fig. 7.6.5B. The numbers caught from the same cohort in different quarters of the year (e.g.
the numbers CI,C2,C3 and C4 in Fig. 7.6.5B) form the inputs to Pope's cohort analysis
(compare Section 5.2).

Alternatively, we may choose to apply Jones' length-based cohort analysis (compare Section
5.3). In this case we do not separate the cohorts, but proceed as follows.

- 236 -
Summation of time periods

This is the final step, which gives the length-frequencies of species s for the whole year. The
summation is simple:

~ CRR(s,t,*,*,*,i) = CRR(s,*,*,*,*,i)

Fig. 7.6.6 shows an example in which quarterly length compositions are summed to an annual
length composition. These final C-values can be used as inputs to Jones' length-based cohort
analysis. We may also use the average values for a range of years (see Section 5.3).

Data analysis

The resolution of length-frequency samples into normally distributed components, as shown

in Fig. 7.6.5, becomes more problematic the longer the sampling period is. The quarterly
samples show a certain cohort structure, whereas in the length-frequency distribution for the
whole year the cohorts cannot be distinguished (see Fig. 7.6.6). This example illustrates that
for age-based cohort analyses we must work with relatively short time periods, otherwise we
are unable to identify the cohorts. Pope's age-based cohort analysis deals with the numbers
caught per cohort.

On the other hand, for a Jones' length-based cohort analysis we are interested in the right
hand slope of the combined length-frequency distribution, because this slope is a reflection
of total mortality. Therefore the combined length-frequencies should represent a long period,
so that the individual slopes of length-frequencies of single cohorts are levelled out.

Finally, it is emphasized that the procedure explained above is an example which may not fit
to all fisheries. Especially the definition of the effort unit ("trip") may be inappropriate for
many fisheries. Also the assumption that the samples are taken from the boats at the time the
catch is unloaded may not fit to all cases. In the example it has been assumed that the total
catch has been landed, in the form of consumption fish and unsorted by-catch. In this case
there were no "discards".

Discards are fish caught but not landed, that is, thrown back into the sea. Discards are
believed not to survive the encounter with the fishing gear. From a biological point of view,
discards are as important as landings, as the important biological point is that the fish were
killed by fishery. Some fisheries, notably shrimp trawling, discard up to 90% and sometimes
even more of the weight caught. The discards may well contain good fin fish for human
consumption, but which compared to shrimps are of relatively low value. Actually, one
should carefully distinguish between "landings" and "catches", the latter including both
landings and discards. Discards are difficult or expensive to sample, as reliable estimates
would require observers to be placed on board of the commercial vessels. However, if
discards are important quantities, attempts to sample them should be made.

Computer programs

The FiSA T and LFSA packages of microcomputer programs contain programs for data
manipulations as described in this chapter, i.e. various types of summations and raising
procedures for length-frequency samples.

- 237 -

Future yields and stock biomass levels can be predicted by means of mathematical models
which are similar to the ones behind the virtual population analysis, VPA, and the cohort
analysis (see Chapter 5). The mathematical formulas used for VPA and cohort analysis,
which analyse the history of a fishery, can be transformed in such a way that the knowledge
of the past can be used to predict future yields and biomass at different levels of fishing
effort. In other words, these models can be used to forecast the effects of development and
management measures, such as increases or reductions of fishing fleets, changes in minimum
mesh sizes, closed seasons, closed areas, etc. Therefore these models form a direct link
between fish stock assessment and fishery resource management.

The prediction models can also incorporate aspects of prices and value of the catch, which
make them suitable as a basis for bio-economic analyses, where biological and economic
inputs are used to predict future yields, biomass levels and value of the catch under all kinds
of assumptions. This chapter contains only a very basic introduction to bio-economic aspects,
and for further studies the reader is referred to Sparre and Willmann (1992).

The first prediction models were already developed in the thirties by Thompson and Bell
(1934). However, due to the large number of calculations required the so-called "Thompson
and Bell model" did not reach a high popularity until the introduction of computers.

In the meantime a simpler model, based on rigorous assumptions, but therefore requiring less
calculations was developed by Beverton and Holt (1957). Their "Yield per Recruit" model
was widely used, but now it has been replaced by the Thompson and Bell model in regions
where VPA and cohort analysis are being applied.

Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model can be regarded as a special application of the
Thompson and Bell model, which means that any general conclusion derived from it also
holds for the Thompson and Bell model.

Although it is not likely that the Beverton and Holt model will be much used in the future,
it has been incorporated in this chapter for historical and didactical reasons. The yield per
recruit model is suited for calculators and therefore for the demonstration of certain aspects
of fish stock assessment. The second part of this chapter (Sections 8.6 to 8.8) deals with the
Thompson and Bell model, age-based and length-based and with aspects of gear selectivity
related to the model.

The final purpose of the use of the predictive models is to provide those responsible for the
management of fishery resources with information on the biological and/or economical effect
of fishing on the stock. The managers are then expected to take measures that will lead to a
level of exploitation of the resources where the maximum yield is obtained, either in the
biological or in the economical sense, on a sustainable basis, i.e., without causing damage
to the stocks that would affect future yields.

The managers should try to prevent situations where the fishing pressure becomes too high
and where stocks are "overfished", An exact prediction of future yields is usually not
possible, because stocks are seldom in a "steady state" which is assumed to exist for the
application of many models. It has been demonstrated (Sharp and Csirke, 1984) that the
abundance of certain stocks, in particular small pelagic species occurring in upwelling areas,
usually depends very much on environmental factors which are beyond the control of any

- 239 -
human interference. In such cases the predictive value of the models described below is
practically nil. However, in the case of some pelagic and most demersal fisheries for fish and
shrimp the models have proved to be extremely useful.

Before going deeper into these two models, it is worthwhile to first consider a simpler model
and to discuss the concept of overfishing.

The classical model describing a fishery on a particular stock is the one given by Russell
(1931). The model is in the form of a "black box" that represents what Ricker (1975) has
defined as the "usable stock", the weight of all fish larger than a minimum useful size. The
inputs to the usable stock are the weight of the new recruits and the growth of the fish already
forming part of the stock. The outputs are the deaths by natural causes and the yield (catch
in weight) of the fishery.

In an unfished stock the combined inputs are, on the average, equal to the removal of biomass
by natural deaths. When a population is being fished it has an effect on all other factors, viz.,
there will be a greater rate of recruitment, a faster growth and reduced natural deaths. This
is because fishing creates "room" for more new recruits, it removes the large slow-growing
fish which are replaced by smaller fast-growing fish, and it removes fish before they can die
of old age or other natural causes. A fishery, therefore, has a stimulating effect on the
production of fish, as long as the stock is given enough time to adjust to the new situation and
as long as the fishing pressure does not become too heavy. When "overfishing" occurs, the
growth of individual fish cannot keep pace with the deaths caused by fishing and when it
becomes very severe it also affects recruitment. Therefore, there are two types of overfishing,
viz., "growth overfishing" and "recruitment overfishing" . Growth overfishing occurs when
the effort is so high that the total yield decreases with increasing effort. The fish are caught
before they can grow to a sufficiently large size to substantially contribute to the biomass. In
general, it is reasonable to say that a stock is growth overfished in the biological sense if F
exceeds FMSY (cf. Fig. 8.2.3). The term "biological" is used to indicate that only the yield
in terms of biomass measured in weight units is considered. Thus, the value of the yield and
the cost of fishing are being disregarded here.

?• a
? b

- c

? d

spa wning stock biomass

Fig. 8.0.1 The stock-recruitment relationship in connection with the concept of "recruit-
ment overfishing"

- 240 -
In order to understand the concept of recruitment overfishing, it is necessary to first consider
the relationship between recruitment and the spawning stock biomass as illustrated in Fig.
8.0.1. As indicated by the question-marks, this relationship is not well understood. The only
point that is known for sure is (0,0), i.e., when there is no parent stock there can be no
offspring. It is then reasonable to assume that at low levels of the parent stock there is a
direct positive linear relationship with the number of offspring or recruitment. Under normal
conditions such a direct "linear" relationship is not noted, but when it occurs, it means that
the parent stock has come down to a very low level and in that case we speak of recruitment



The yield per recruit model (Beverton and Holt, 1957) is in principle a "steady state model",
i.e., a model describing the state of the stock and the yield in a situation when the fishing
pattern has been the same for such a long time that all fish alive have been exposed to it since
they recruited. There are extensions to the model dealing with the transitory phase after a
change in the fishing pattern, but these are seldom used because models of the Thompson and
Bell type (Sections 8.6 to 8.8) provide a simpler description of non-steady state situations.

The rigorous assumptions underlying the Beverton and Holt approach are:

1. Recruitment is constant, yet not specified

2. All fish of a cohort are hatched on the same date

3. Recruitment and selection are "knife-edge" (see Chapter 6)

4. The fishing and natural mortalities are constant from the moment of entry to the
exploited phase

5. There is a complete mixing within the stock

6. The length-weight relationship (Eq. 2.6.1) has the exponent 3, i.e. W = q*L3

One of the models behind the Beverton and Holt model is the exponential decay model that
was introduced in Section 4.2, and mathematically expressed in Eq. 4.2.2. The definitions
and terminology introduced in Section 4.1 are also applicable to the Beverton and Holt model
(e.g. Tc,Tr,R = N(Tr)).

The assumed life history of a cohort in the Beverton and Holt model, as shown in Fig. 8.1.1
is as follows:

1) At age Tr all fish belonging to a given cohort recruit to the fishing grounds at the
same time: "knife-edge recruitment".

2) From age Tr to age Tc the cohort is not exposed to any fishing mortality. (It is
assumed that all fish of ages between Tr and Tc escape through the meshes if they
enter the gear.) Thus, in that period they suffer only from natural mortality, M,
which is assumed to remain constant throughout the life span of the cohort.

- 241 -
N(Tc) --+------
t... ClJ~
1 r-
:. ClJ,:::J
'~ ..... t...
t... c:,ClJ
:::J .Jc ,t...
..... I "b ~ F
o ,I III '-
I ......
t... I o_
..... Qj


Tr Tc
o ~g~ ~t .g~.t age of cohort t
recruitment first

Fig. 8.1.1 The life history of a cohort as assumed in the Beverton and Holt model

3} At age Tc, the "age-at-first-capture", the cohort is assumed to be suddenly exposed

to full fishing mortality, F, which is assumed to remain constant for the rest of the
cohort's life. The sigmoid shaped gear selection curve introduced in Chapter 6 is
approximated by the so-called "knife-edge selection" (see Fig. The catch
from the cohort is therefore assumed to be zero until the cohort has attained the age Tc.

The number of survivors at age Tr is the recruitment to the fishery:

R = N(Tr) (8.1.1)

The number of survivors at age Tc is:

N(Tc) = R*exp[-M*(TC-Tr)] (8.1.2)

The number of survivors at age t, where t > Tc, is:

N(t) = N(TC)*exp[-(M+F)*(t-TC)} = R*exp[-M*(Tc-Tr) - (M+F)*(t-Tc)]

The fraction of the total recruitment N(fr) or R surviving until age t is obtained by dividing
both sides of the equation by R and becomes:

N(t)jR = exp[-M*(Tc-Tr) - (M+F)*(t-Tc)] (8.1.3)

- 242 -
This means that Eq. 8.1.3 gives the number of fish at time t "per recruit", i.e. as the fraction
of each fish that recruited to the fishery.

The other model underlying the Beverton and Holt model is the "catch equation" in the form
of Eq. 4.2.10 as explained in the next section.


To derive the mathematical expression for Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model we
take (as usual) a starting point in the catch equation in the form of Eq. 4.2.10:

C(t,t+~t) = ~t*F*N(t) (8.2.1)

Eq. 8.2.1 gives the number of fish caught from a cohort, in the time period from t to t+~t
when ~t is small. To get the corresponding yield in weight, this number should be multiplied
by the individual weight of a fish. If ~t is small, then the body weight of a fish will remain
approximately constant during the time period from t to t + ~t, and the yield becomes:

Y(t,t+~t) = ~t*F*N(t)*w(t) (8.2.2)

where w(t) is the body weight of a t years old fish, as defined by the weight-based von
Bertalanffy equation (Eq. To get the yield per recruit for the time period from t to
t+~t Eq. 8.2.2 is divided by the number of recruits, R:


where N(t)/R is defined by Eq. 8.1.3.

Eq. 8.2.3 is the "Beverton and Holt model for a short time period". To get the total yield per
recruit for the entire life span of the cohort, Y/R, all the small contributions defined by Eq.
8.2.3 must be added up:

Y/R = Y(Tc,Tc+~t)/R + Y(Tc+~t,Tc+2~t)/R +

Y(Tc+2~t,Tc+3~t)/R + Y(Tc+3~t,Tc+4~t)/R +
Y(Tc+4~t,Tc+5~t)/R + Y(Tc+5~t,Tc+6~t)/R +

+ Y(Tc+(n-1)*~t,Tc+n*~t)/R

where "n" is some large number, so large that the number of fish older than Tc+n=zst, i.e.,
N(Tc+n*~t), is so small that it can be ignored.

The next step is to convert the sum written above into a form which can easily be calculated.
If the number of terms, n, in the sum is large (and it must be large to make the approxima-
tion for w(t) a reasonable one) it will take a long time to do this summation. However, by
using a long series of mathematical derivations of which an explanation is outside the scope
of this manual, one can show that the sum above can be written in a more convenient way
1 352
Y/R = F*exp[-M*(Tc-Tr))*Woo* [Z - 35
53 ]
+ Z+2K - Z+3K (8.2.4)

- 243 -

s =
exp[-K*(Tc-t )]
K = von Bertalan~fy growth parameter
to = von Bertalanffy growth parameter
Tc age at first capture
Tr = age at recruitment
Woo asymptotic body weight
F == fishing mortality
M == natural mortality
Z = F+M, total mortality

Eq. 8.2.4 is the "Beverton and Holt yield per recruit model" (1957), Y/R model, written in
the form suggested by Gulland (1969). Although the equation looks complicated, it is quite
easy to handle with a programmable pocket calculator.

Because Beverton and Holt express yields on a "per recruit basis", the yields are relative, i.e.
relative to the recruitment. If, say, a recruitment of 100 million fish gives a yield of 10 000
tonnes then 200 million recruits would yield 20 000 tonnes according to the model. This
assumption may appear trivial, but it is not, as one could well imagine that the more abundant
a species becomes the worse the conditions for the individuals will be, due to, for example,
food competition and cannibalism. The results of the model are expressed in units of yield
per recruit (grams per recruit). In the example above the yield per recruit becomes:

10 000 000 000

100 000 000 == 100 grams per recruit

The model allows us to calculate YIR with varying inputs of the different parameters, such
as F and Tc and then assess which effect the various input values have on the yield per
recruit of the species under investigation. It is important to note here that the two parameters
F and Tc are those which can be controlled by fishery managers, because:

1) F is proportional to effort (cf. Eq,

2) Tc is a function of gear selectivity



Q: 15

0 1 2 3 5 F

Fig. 8.2.1 Result of 8 yield assessment with the yield per recruit model

- 244 -
Therefore, Y/R is considered a function of F and Tc. Most often you wi1l see Y/R plotted
against F (or effort).

Fig. 8.2.1 shows the result of a yield assessment with the yield per recruit mode1. The age-at-
entry to the exploited phase, Tc, is kept constant. The independent variable is the effort as
expressed by the coefficient F of fishing mortality. The dependent variable is the annual yield
in grams per recruit. When the total annual yield is known in a steady state situation, for a
given value of F, then the number of recruits can be calculated by dividing the total yield by
the yield in grams per recruit.

The "yield per recruit curve" often has a maximum: the "maximum sustainable yield (MSY) ".
The position of the maximum depends on the age-at-first-capture, Tc, which in turn depends
on the mesh size used in the fishery.

A change of mesh size, Tc, leads to a different MSY. Fig. 8.2.2 shows three curves with
different Tc's. The highest MSY is reached for the highest value of Tc, at a slightly higher
level of effort, F. By combining a range of values of Tc with a range of values of F, the
highest maximum sustainable yield, valid for a certain combination of Tc and F, can be
determined. The term sustainable means that that yield can be maintained "forever" as long
as the conditions do not change. Higher yields may be obtained by a sudden increase in
effort, but cannot be maintained, and they will have to be followed by a period of much
lower yields. This is always on the assumption that nothing else has changed.

The Y/R model is originally an age-based model, but age is easily converted into length,
again using the principles of the conversion of the catch curve (see Sections 4.4.2 and 8.5).




o 1 2 3 F

Fig. 8.2.2 Yield per recruit curves with different ages of first capture (Tc)

Example 28: VIR as a function of F, for a tropical species

As an example we calculate the YIR for Nemipterus marginatus as a function of F, using the
following parameters:

K = 0.37 per year Tc = 1.0 year to = -0.2 year

M = 1.1 per year Tr = 0.4 year Wco = 286 grams

We start by calculating the terms in Eq. 8.2.4 which are independent of F:

8 = exp[-K*(Tc-to») = exp[-0.37*(1.0+0.2») = 0.6415

35 = 1.9244 , 382 = 1.2344 , 83 = 0.2639

M+K = 1.47 M+2K = 1. 84 M+3K = 2.21

exp[-M*(TC-Tr»)*Wro exp[-1.1*(1.0-0.4»)*286 147.8

Inserting these values into Eq. 8.2.4 we get:

1 1.9244 1.2344 _ 0.2639J

Y/R = F*147.8* [F+1.1 - F+1.47 + F+1.84 F+2.21

To produce a graph corresponding to Fig. 8.2.1 this expression must be evaluated for a range
of F-values, giving a sufficiently large number of points to fit the curve by eye.

For example, for F = 0.5:

1.9244 1.2344 0.2639 ]

Y/R = 0.5*147.8*[0.5~1.1 0.5+1.47 + 0.5+1.84 - 0.5+2.21

= 0.5*147.8*0.0785 5.8 grams per recruit

Table 8.2.1 Yield per recruit and average biomass per recruit of Nemipterus marginatus as
a function of F. Parameters as indicated in the legend of F1g. 8.2.3

F Y/R S/R S/R as F Y/R S/R S/R as

% of Sv % of Sv

0.0 0 22.4 = Sv 100 1.3 7.66 5.9 26

0.1 1.92 19.2 86 1.5 7.79 5.2 23

0.2 3.33 16.7 75 1.7 7.86 4.6 21

0.3 4.38 14.6 65 1.9 7.90 4.2 19
0.4 5.1B 13.0 58 2.1 7.92 3.8 17
0.5 5.79 11. 6 52 2.3 7.93 3.5 15

0.6 6.26 10.4 46 2.5 7.92 3.2 14

0.7 6.62 9.5 42 3.0 7.88 2.6 12
O.B 6.91 B.6 3B 4.0 7.77 1.9 B
0.9 7.14 7.9 35 5.0 7.66 1.5 7

1.0 7.32 7.3 33 6.0 7.57 1.3 6

1.1 7.46 6.B 30

- 246 -

growth over fishtng


0 1 2 t: 3 5 6 F

Fig. 8.2.3 Yield per recruit curve of Nemipterus marginatus as a function of F for the
K = 0.37 per year Tc = 1.0 year to = -0.2 year
M = 1.1 per year Tr = 0.4 year W 00 = 286 grams

2g I 0.2
- --- MSY R


-,L -----
M5YIR ,.,

I A M= t.t

o F,.,:/ 1 2 F.'"
MSY 3 4 r
Fig. 8.2.4 Yield per recruit curve as a function of F for the parameters:
A: M = 1.1 per year B: M = 0.2 per year
K = 0.37 per year Tc = 1.0 year to = -0.2 year
Tr = 0.4 year W 00 = 286 grams

- 247 -
Repeating this calculation for F values ranging from F = 0 to F = 6.0 produces the results
given in the first and fourth columns of Table 8.2.1, which have been used to produce the
graph shown in Fig. 8.2.3.

By testing various F-values it is found that F = 2.3 gives the maximum value of YIR, the
"Maximum Sustainable Yield per Recruit" (MSY/R):

MSY/R = 7.9 grams per recruit

which corresponds to the biologically optimum fishing mortality:

FMSY = 2.3 per year (see Table 8.2.1 and Fig. 8.2.3).

Because the YIR-model assumes a constant parameter system (cf. Section 4.4.1) the results
to be read from the curve only apply after the system has had constant parameters for a
while. When F is changed it takes some time before the YIR becomes the one predicted by
the curve. How long this transient period is depends on the longevity of the species in
question. From Table 8.2.1 and Fig. 8.2.3 it appears that the FMSy-level is not determined
with any great precision. Actually, for F > l.5 the YIR remains the same for a wide range
of effort.

Curve B in Fig. 8.2.4 is an example of a YIR-curve which differs in shape from the one in
Fig. 8.2.3 (which is reproduced as curve A). Curve B has a pronounced maximum, it has a
lower value of FMSY and a higher value of MSY IR compared to curve A. The only difference
in the input values of the two curves is the value of the natural mortality rate, M, viz. M =
0.2 per year for curve Band M = 1.1 per year for curve A. The conclusions that can be be
drawn from the differences between these two curves are:

1. A lower M produces a lower FMSY and a higher MSY IR, while fishing effort levels
above FMSY lead to a severe reduction of the total yield

2. If M is high it is difficult to estimate FMSY by the YIR curve

These conclusions are the logical consequences of the effect of the level of natural mortality,
M, on the production of biomass.

If M is high, the fish will soon reach the age where losses due to natural mortality exceed
the gain in biomass due to growth. Therefore, F has to be high to catch the fish before they
die of natural causes.

If M is low the gain in biomass due to growth will exceed the losses caused by natural
mortality for a large part of the cohort's life span. In that case, it pays to let the fish grow
to a large size and that means that for a biologically optimum exploitation F should be low.

In some cases (cf. Exercise 8.3) the Y/R-curve does not even have a maximum and an
inexperienced management might come to the wrong conclusion that effort should be
increased indefinitely. In such cases, which are common in tropical fisheries, it is
recommended to look also at the biomass per recruit (B/R) curve, which is introduced in the
next section. The two curves provide different information and it is therefore advisable to
always plot them together.

The YIR as a function of Tc, age-at-first-capture, is closely related to the estimation of the
optimum mesh size (cf. Fig. 8.2.2, see Exercises 8.3 and 8.4).

- 248 -

Beverton and Holt's biomass per recruit model expresses the annual average biomass of
survivors as a function of fishing mortality (or effort). The average biomass is related to the
catch per unit of effort (cf. Section 4.3). Eq. expresses the relationship between
CPUE and numbers caught, CPUE(t) = q*N(t), which multiplied by the body weight on both
sides gives:

CPUE(t)*w(t) q*N(t)*w(t)

or if

N (t )*w (t) is replaced by B (t), the symbol for biomass:

CPUEw(t) = q*B(t) (8.3.1)

where CPUEw is the "weight of the catch per unit of effort". Thus, the biomass is expected
to show the same decline with increasing fishing effort as the CPUEw curve shown in Fig.

The catch in numbers per year can be expressed as

C = F*N

(cf. Eq. 4.2.8 with t2-tl = 1 year). Bya similar argument it can be shown that the yield per
year is
Y = F*B
where B is the average biomass in the sea during a year. It follows that:

!! Y 1
R = 'R*'F



Fig. 8.3.1 Curve of CPUE (in weight) as a function of effort

- 249 -
Fig. 8.3.2 Biomass per recruit curve of Nemipterus marginatus corresponding to the
YIR-curve of Fig. 8.2.3 which is repeated here

Because of the assumption of a constant parameter system (see Section 4.4.1) the yield from
a stock during one year is equal to the yield from a single cohort during its life span.

Therefore we have th~ following simple relationship between Y/R, (Eq. 8.2.4) and average
biomass per recruit, B/R:

Y/R = F*S/R (8.3.2)

The formula used to calculate B/R is the same as Eq. 8.2.4, divided by F:

- [1 35 35 53 ]
SiR = exp[-M*(Tc-Tr))*woo* Z - Z+K + Z+2K - Z+3K (8.3.3)

It is recommended t_galways calculate Y IR and B/R together. The easiest way to do so is to
start by calculating ll/R by Eq. 8.3.3 and then use Eq. 8.3.2 to calculate Y/R. In the case of
F = 0, the value of B/R is the so-called virgin biomass per recruit, Bv/R, the biomass of the
unexploited stock.

The average biomass per recruit as defined by Eq. 8.3.2 or Eq. 8.3.3 is the average biomass
of the exploited part of the cohort, i.e. the biomass of fish of age Tc or older.

- 250-
The B/R values related to the Y/R values calculated in Section 8.2 are presented in Table
8.2.1, where also B/R is given as a percentage of the virgin biomass, Bv. It shows that for
Nemipterus marginatus the biomass corresponding to the biologically optimum F level, FMSY'
is only 15% of the virgin biomass, Bv. Fig. 8.3.2 shows the "biomass per recruit curve"
which is always decreasing with increasing effort. The curve is proportional to the catch per
unit of effort on the assumption underlying the model (see Eq. 8.3.1). This means that in any
fishery one should expect a decrease in the catch per unit effort and the biomass when effort
(e.g., the number of boats) increases. A decrease in the catch per unit effort is, therefore not
per se an indication that a stock is overfished. Overfishing occurs when the fishing effort
becomes so high that the growth cannot balance the death process.

Another, and sometimes more appropriate, way of using the B/R-curve is to interpret it as
a CPUEw-curve. When managing a fishery, considerations on the possible income per boat
are essential and this quantity of course is closely related to CPUEw (see Sparre and
Willmann, 1992).

Mean age and size in the yield

Mean age, mean length and mean weight in the annual yield are easily estimated under the
assumption of Beverton and Holt that Z is constant from a certain age Tc (Tr when Tr >
Tc). The mean age in the annual yield is

- 1 + Te
Ty Z

The formula is also applicable in a situation when Z varies in the exploited phase, but is
constant for the oldest fish. The mean age of the old fish is then liZ plus the age at which
Z becomes constant.

The mean length in the annual yield is

-Ly = [z*sJ
La> 1 - Z+K (8.3.5)

S = exp(-K*(Te-to)) = 1 - LeiLa>

Again Tc or Lc can be replaced by any age from which the fish have a constant mortality
rate, to give the mean length in that part of the population.

Similarly, the mean weight in the annual yield is


with S the same as in Eq. 8.3.5. The expression may be applied to the plus group in VPA
etc. by replacing Tc or Lc by the age or length at entry to the plus group, see Eq. 5.3.16.
- - -
Ty, Ly and Wy as well as the exploited biomass and the catch per unit effort always decrease
with increasing Z, i.e., with effort, see Fig. 8.3.3. The decrease is faster for low values of
F (i.e., effort) as found in the first stages of a new fishery. Tc (determined by the mesh size)
is a parameter in all three equations. A larger mesh gives a higher mean age and larger size
in the catch.

- 251 -
Ty Ly 'Ny
2,4 24 48

2,2 22 44

2,0 20 40

1,8 18 36 ~ -, <,
1,6 16 32 h','-...;::



~--------_ -------- ----
1,0 10 20

O,B 8 16

0,6, 6 12

0,4 4 8

0,2 2 4

o 0 0 '-------'----_-'--- ---L __l_ L- __

o 2 3 4 5 F

- - -
Fig. 8.3.3 Mean age (Ty), length (Ly) and weight (Wy) in the annual yield of Nemipterus
marginatus corresponding to the biomass (CPUE) curve of Fig. 8.3.2

Formerly, a decreasing catch per unit effort and a decreasing size of the landed fish were
often assumed to indicate overfishing, but, as is clearly shown in Figs. 8.3.2 and 8.3.3, these
decreases are a logical consequence of increasing the fishing effort. An important aspect,
however, is that the decreases are more pronounced at the lowest effort levels. This means
that a newly developed fishery on a virgin stock will almost immediately lead to lower catch
rates and smaller sizes of fish. These factors have often been overlooked in feasibility studies
for developing fisheries.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


For fisheries management purposes, it is important to be able to determine changes in the

YIR for different values of F, for example if F is increased by 20 % then the yield will
decrease by 15 %. The absolute values of YIR expressed in grams per recruit are not
important for this purpose. Therefore, Beverton and Holt (1966) also developed a "relative
yield per recruit model" which can provide the kind of information needed for management.
This model has the great advantage of requiring fewer parameters, while it is especially
suitable for assessing the effect of mesh size regulations. It belongs to the category of length-
based models, because it is based on lengths rather than ages.

- 252 -
The "relative Beverton and Holt yield per recruit model" is defined by:

(Y/R)' = E*U
M/K* [ 3U 3u
1 - l+m + 1+2m - 1+3m
-...!2_] (8.4.1)

m '" M/K = K/Z

u = 1 - Lc/Lro the fraction of growth to be completed after entry into the exploited

E = F/ z the exploitation rate or the fraction of deaths caused by fishing (cf.

Section 4.2).

(Y/R)' is considered a function of U and E and the only parameter is M/K. The equation
gives a quantity which is proportional to Y/R as defined by Eq. 8.2.4 as can be shown by a
number of algebraic manipulations. It can be shown that

(Y/R)' = (Y/R)*exp[-M*(Tr-t
»)/w ro

Note that a separate estimate of K is not required as input and that Eq. 8.4.1 is based on
lengths (Loo and Lc in U) rather than ages.

(Y /R)' can be calculated for given input values of M/K, L 00 and Lc for values of E ranging
from 0 to 1, corresponding to F values ranging from 0 to 00.

0.0140 I
0.0112 I
1 0
0.0084 I ~
I v
I tJ
0.0056 I ~
I .0
I '=

I R..
0 ·1 .2 .'3 .1( .5 ., .7 .8 .9 t.o E

. .12 jll .h .15 t.'f '
f.7 2.'
, ,
f.9 00
Fig. 8.4.1 Beverton and Holt's relative yield per recruit (VIR)' curve corresponding to the
Y/R-curve of Fig. 8.2.3 (I.e = 10.2 ern)

- 253 -
The plot of (Y IR)' against E gives a curve with a maximum value, ~SY' for a given value
of Le. Thus, when Le, F and M/K are known for a certain fishery the actual exploitation rate
can be compared with the ~Sy level and management measures be proposed as necessary.

Fig. 8.4.1 shows the (Y IR)' -curve corresponding to the YIR-curve of Nemipterus marginatus
(Fig. 8.2.3) in the case of:

Lc = L(TC) = L(1.0) = 28.4*[1 - exp(-0.37*(1+0.2») = 10.2 cm

where L 00 = 28.4 cm (see Section 3.1.2 and Fig.

U = 1 - Lc/L = 1 - 10.2/28.4 = 0.641


As an example we calculate (YIR) I for E = 0.5:

m = 1.1/0.37 = 0.168

2.973 [ 3*0.641 3*0.6412 0.6413 ]

(Y/R)' = 0.5*0.641 * 1 1+0.168 + 1+2*0.168 - 1+3*0.168 = 0.0135

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)


Almost the same algebra as referred to in Section 8.4 transforms the equation for Y IR (Eq.
8.2.4) into a length-based model. The original parameters and variables are F, M, Woo' K,
to' Tr and Tc. In the length-transformed model we have Loo' Lr and Le instead of to' Tr and
Tc. The new equation is



U 1 - LC/L as in Eq. 8.4.1 and


A = [LCXl-Lr

Recalling that several methods of parameter estimation described in the preceding chapters
give Z/K or M/K it may be of interest also to formulate Eq. 8.5.1 in such terms. Division
by K outside and multiplication by K inside the brackets, and substituting z for Z/K gives:

2 3
'f/R F
= -*A*W
K * [1
CXl -Z - -3U 3U U ]
z+l + -z+2 - -z+3 (8.5.2)

This equation contains F/K, M/K (in A) and Z/K (in z), has no reference to age and does not
require a separate estimate of K.

Marten (1978), using linear growth instead of the von Bertalanffy model presents a similar
length-based YIR model.

- 254 -

As stated in the introduction to this chapter the first predictive model was developed much
earlier than the Beverton and Holt model by Thompson and Bell (1934). The Thompson and
Bell model is the exact opposite of the models discussed in Chapter 5, VPA and cohort
analysis. It is used to predict the effects of changes in the fishing effort on future yields,
while VPA and cohort analysis are used to determine the numbers of fish that must have been
present in the sea, to account for a known sustained catch, and the fishing effort that must
have been expended on each age or length group to obtain the numbers caught (see Sections
5.1 and 5.2). Therefore, VPA and cohort analysis are called historic or retrospective
models, while the Thompson and Bell model is predictive.

The Thompson and Bell method consists of two main stages: I) Provision of essential and
optional inputs and 2) the calculation of outputs in the form of predictions of future yields,
biomass levels and even the value of the future yields.

1) Provision of inputs: The main input is a so-called "reference F-at-age-array", an

array of F-values per age group. In principle any F-array could be used as input,
but, of course, not just any F-array will produce results which are related to the
real situation of a fishery. Therefore, it is customary to use an F-array that has
been obtained from an analysis of historical data, in other words from a VPA or
a cohort analysis. However, the reference F-array may also originate from other
sources as is actually the case in Example 29, given below.

Another important input parameter is the number of recruits, which may also be
obtained from VPA or cohort analysis. This input is needed to obtain predictions
of yields etc. in absolute quantities. However, if this input is not available the
Thompson and Bell model can still be used to provide relative figures as output, for
example, in the form of units "per 1000 recruits" (see Example 29).

The model further requires a "weight-at-age-array", the weights of individual fish

per age group. For economic analyses the model also requires inputs of value,
usually in the form of the price per kg by age group. (For the length-based
Thompson and Bell model the same type of input is required per length group.)

2) Outputs: The output of the model is in the form of predictions of the catch in
numbers, the total number of deaths, the yield, the mean biomass and the value, all
per age group, related to values of F for each age group. New values of F can be
obtained by multiplying the reference F-array as a whole by a certain factor,
usually called X, or by applying such factors only to a part of the reference F-
array. The latter is applied, for example, in the case of a change in the minimum
mesh size, or to separate the effect of fleets with different characteristics (e.g.
artisanal and industrial) on a particular stock. By carrying out a whole series of
calculations with different values for X (F-factors), graphs can be drawn that
illustrate clearly the effects of changes in F on the yield, the average biomass and
the value of the catch.

The Thompson and Bell model is a very important tool for the fishery scientist to demonstrate the
effect that certain management measures, such as changes in the minimum mesh size, decreases
or increases of fishing effort, or closed seasons will have on the yield, the biomass and the value
of the catch. Since a large number of calculations is required, it is essential to use computers.

An important aspect of the Thompson and Bell model is that it allows for the incorporation
of the value of the catch. Therefore, the model has become the basis for the development of

- 255 -
so-called bio-economic models, which are extremely useful for the provision of predictions
needed for management decisions.

Computer programs

The LFSA package contains programs to carry out relatively simple Thompson and Bell
analyses, both length-based and age-based. Similar programs have been incorporated in the
FiSAT package. A series of computer programs for bio-economic analysis of fisheries has
been developed and published by FAO, the so-called BEAM (Bio-Economic Analytical
Model) programs (BEAM 1 and 2, Coppola et ai., 1992, BEAM 3, Cochet and Gilly, 1990
and BEAM 4, Sparre and Willmann, 1992).

Example 29: Age-based Thompson and Bell analysis, tropical shrimp


To illustrate the model we use data from the Kuwait shrimp fishery (from Garcia and van
Zalinge, 1982). Columns A to E in Table 8.6.1 contain the input data. In this case the fishing
mortalities, the F's, were estimated from catch data and estimates of the biomass obtained
by the swept area method (cf. Chapter 13). However, the F-array could also have been
estimated by cohort analysis or VPA.

The life span of the shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus is not much over one year so the age groups
in Column A of Table 8.6.1 are given in months. The species is recruited to the fishery at the age
of one month (Tr = 1). Column B gives the average weight per age group. Column C contains
a relative value, proportioned to the price per kg of unpeeled tails per age group.

Table 8.6.1 Age-based Thompson and Bell model illustrated by data from the Kuwait shrimp
fishery (from Garcia and van Zalinge, 1982). M = 3.0 per year for all ages

age mean value fish. total popu- deaths catch yield mean value
wght. per 9 mort. mort. lation biom.
*) - *) -
t w(t) v(t) F(t) Z(t) N(t) N(t)- C(t) Y(t) B(t) Y*v
months 9 money per per number number number 9 9 money
unit year year unit

l=Tr 5.7 0.73 1.20 4.20 1000.0 295.3 84.4 481 4809 351
2 9.3 0.93 1.32 4.32 704.7 213.0 65.1 605 5504 563
3 13.0 1.20 1.32 4.32 491. 6 148.6 45.4 590 5367 708
4 17.6 1. 45 1.44 4.44 343.0 106.1 34.4 606 5046 878
5 22.0 1. 70 1.92 4.92 236.9 79.7 31.1 684 4276 1163
6 26.1 1.90 1.20 4.20 157.2 46.4 13.3 346 3463 658
7 30.3 2.08 1. 56 4.56 110.8 35.0 12.0 363 2793 755
8 33.8 2.14 1.20 4.20 75.8 22.4 6.4 216 2161 462
9 37.0 2.18 1.20 4.20 53.4 15.8 4.5 167 1667 363
10 40.3 2.23 1.80 4.80 37.6 12.4 4.7 187 1250 418
11 43.1 2.24 2.76 5.76 25.2 9.6 4.6 199 863 445
12 44.7 2.27 2.52 5.52 15.6 5.8 2.6 117 559 267
13 - - - - 9.9 - - - - -
Totals 4561 37758 7031
Mean biomass: 37758/12 = 3146.5
* ) At beginning of period

- 256 -
Column D contains the fishing mortalities, the "reference F-at-age-array", and Column E the
total mortality per year per age group.

In Column F we start with 1000 recruits, which have an age of 1 month at the beginning of
the period. In other words, the population or stock number of age group 1 is 1000. All
subsequent calculations are relative to 1000 recruits. In case a cohort analysis had been
carried out and an estimate of the actual number of recruits obtained, the values obtained per
1000 recruits could be converted into actual yields and stock size (see Section 5.2).

Output based on reference F-at-age-array

On the basis of the input figures presented in Columns A to E and the number of recruits at
age 1 month (= 1000), the population per age group, ex pressed in numbers present at the
beginning of each month can be calculated (Column F). Also the following can be calculated:
the number of deaths per month (Column G), the catch in numbers, equivalent to the number
of deaths due to fishing (Column H), the yield in grams (Column I), the mean biomass in
grams (Column J), and the value expressed in money units (Column K).

The computation procedures will now be presented step-by-step, using as numerical examples
the calculations for the first three age groups.

Step 1: Calculate the population number at the beginning of each period (month):
N(l) = 1000, use
N(t+~t) = N(t)*exp(-Z*~t), where
~t = 1 month = 0.08333 year, to calculate subsequent numbers
N(2) = 1000*exp(-4.20*0.08333) = 704.7
N(3) = 704.7*exp(-4.32*0.08333) = 491.6
Step 2: Calculate the total number of deaths in each period:
Total number of deaths D(t) = N(t) - N(t+~t)
D(l) = 1000-704.7 = 295.3
D(2) = 704.7-491.6 = 213.1
D(3) = 491.6-343.0 = 148.6

Step 3: Calculate the numbers caught in each period:

C(t) = [N(t) - N(t+~t)]*F(t)/Z(t) = D(t)*F(t)/Z(t)
C(l) = 295.3*1.20/4.20 = 84.4
C(2) = 213.1 *1.32/4.32 = 65.1
C(3) = 148.6* 1.32/4.32 = 45.4

Step 4: Calculate the yield (= catch in weight) in each period:

Y(t) = C(t)*w(t)
Y(l) = 84.4*5.7 = 481
Y(2) = 65.1 *9.3 = 605
Y(3) = 45.4*13.0 = 590

Step 5: Calculate the mean biomass in each period:

.§(t) = Y(t)/[F(t)*~t]
.§(1) = 4811(1.20*0.08333) = 4810
.§(2) = 605/(1.32*0.08333) = 5500
B(3) = 5911(1.32*0.08333) = 5373

- 257 -
Note: This calculation of biomass is derived from Eq. 4.2.8, C = F*~t*N, which by
multiplication by w
on both sides becomes
- -
Y = F*~t*B and B = Y/(F*~t)

Step 6: Calculate the value of yield in each period:

V(t) = Y(t)*v(t)
V(1) = 481*0.73 = 351
V(2) = 605*0.93 = 563
V(3) = 590*1.20 = 708

Step 7: Calculate the total yield, the mean biomass over the whole period and the total
value (see last row of Table 8.6.1):

Total yield is the sum of all monthly yields.

Total value is the sum of all monthly values.

The approximate average biomass is (cf. Fig. 4.2.3):

_ 12 _ 12
B = :E (B(t)*At) / :EAt
t=1 t=1

As ~t = 1112 and the total period 12 months, in this case

- _ .mllll _ 37758 - 3146
B - 12 - 12 - .5

The mean biomass concept in the more complicated case where ~t does not remain constant
is discussed in Section 5.3.

The following block of equations summarizes the formulas for the age-based Thompson and
Bell model in a general form, including X (F-factor). The index i refers to the age interval
(ti,ti+~t). The index ~ refers to the start of the interval, while the index ~ +~t refers to the
end of it.

age interval: i = (ti,ti+At)

Zi = M + X*Fi

N(ti+At) = N(ti)*exp(-Zi*At)

Ci [N(ti)-N(ti+At)j*X*Fi/Zi
wi w(ti+At/2) (8.6.1)

s ~. c.*w.
~ ~
-Bi Yi/[Fi*At*Xj

- 258 -
Thompson and Bell using a plus-group

The last age group line in Table 8.6.1, age 13, contains only the number of survivors and
none of the other entries. That is because in Example 29 the number of survivors older than
12 months has been considered to be an insignificant number and has therefore been ignored.

In cases where the number is significant there is a way to account for it, even when taking
only 12 age groups into account. This is done by treating the age group 12 as a plus group,
i.e., replacing the number of deaths between ages 12 and 13, N(12)-N(13), by the total
number of deaths after age 12. Since all specimens will eventually die, this number is in
Example 29 N(12) = N(12+) = 15.6.

Assuming further that the older age groups have the same mortalities as age group 12, the
number of shrimp caught from the plus group becomes

C(12+) = Z(12)*N(12)

C(12+) = (2.52/5.52)*15.6 = 7.1

Thus, by leaving out the plus groups in Table 8.6.1 a catch of 7.1-2.6 = 4.5 has been

If growth has stopped at age 12 then w(12) is the maximum body weight and the yield
corresponding to C(12+) becomes 44.7*4.5 = 201 g. This yield corresponds to a value of
201 *2.27 = 456 money units, which constitutes some 6% of the total a significant amount.
Therefore, to be on the safe side with regard to ignoring significant catches, it is better to
always treat the last group as a plus-group.

Prediction, output based on different F-arrays

With the output based on the reference F-at-age-array calculated above all the basic data are
available to predict the effect of increases and decreases in fishing effort or fishing mortality.
New figures for total yield, total mean biomass and total value can be obtained by raising the
fishing mortalities in Column D of Table 8.6.1 by a certain percentage. The F-array
presented in Table 8.6.1 called the reference F-array is then replaced by a new one, by multi-
plying the reference F-array, or a part of it with the factor X = (new F)/(reference F).

If, for example, the effort is increased by 20 percent, the new fishing mortalities in Column
D would become

1.20*1.20 = 1.44, 1.32*1.20 = 1.58, etc.

By then going again through the whole procedure using the new F's the related total yield,
total mean biomass and total value are obtained.

An example of results of such a series of calculations with X = F-factors ranging from 0 to

3.0 is presented in Table 8.6.2. The reference F-array, where X = 1.0, gives a total yield
of 4560, a total mean biomass of 3146 and a total value of 7029. (These amounts were
obtained with the same input data as used in Table 8.6.1, however there are slight differences
with the results presented in that table due to the fact that the computer program used to
calculate Table 8.6.2 used the maximum number of digits for all calculations. Such small

- 259 -
Table 8.6.2 Yield, value of yield and biomass for various F-Ievels. The reference F-array is
given in column D of Table 8.6.1 (compare Fig. 8.6.1)

F-factor total total mean total

X yield biomass value

0 0 5382 0
0.4 2549 4271 4209
0.8 4055 3466 6396
1.0 4561*) 3146"') 7031*)
1.2 4954 2870 7465
1.5 5383 2522 7842
2.0 5814 2075 8025
3.0 6138 1497 7683

* ) cf. Table 8.6.1

and, from the stock assessment point of view, insignificant differences can also be found in
some other calculations presented in this manual.)

In Fig. 8.6.1 the total yield, total mean biomass and total value figures corresponding to
Table 8.6.2 have been plotted against X (F-factor) and the respective curves were drawn.
Note that the value curve has a maximum, whereas the yield curve has no maximum in the
range of F-Factors (X) considered. When the price per kg varies with the size of the shrimps
the two curves will have their maximum at different levels of F.

Recall that biomass is proportional to catch per unit of effort (Sections 4.3 and 8.3). Fig.
8.6.1 illustrates the important conflict between the desire to maximize the total yield from a
fishery, by weight or by value, and the need to give the fishermen and boat owners the
necessary income. The catch per boat decreases steadily as the effort increases and may in
practice become too small to make the fishery profitable, even at effort levels smaller than
those corresponding to the maximum on the curve for total value of the yield.

,-.. 8
o total value

_---- total yield


o 0.1( 0.8 '.0 ,.2. '05 'l.O 3.0

F-factor X

Fig. 8.6.1 Yield, biomass and value of yield per 1000 shrimps calculated by the age-based
Thompson and Bell model. Based on data in Table 8.6.2

- 260 -
Prediction by fleet

The shrimp fishery in Kuwait waters is composed of an "artisanal fishery" and an "industrial
fishery". Table 8.6.3 shows the results of a division of the total fishing mortality given in
Table 8.6.1 into an artisanal component and an industrial component (from Garcia and van
Zalinge, 1982). Such a division of fishing mortalities caused by different fleets is usually
based on the proportions of the numbers of shrimps (or fish) caught by each fleet.

The fishing mortality exerted by one fleet, say, fleet no. i, F(i), is

F(i) = F

where C(i) is the number of shrimps (or fish) caught by fleet no. i, and F(total) and C(total)
are the fishing mortality and the numbers caught by all fleets. F(total) may be derived from
cohort analysis. The split of the catch (column H in Table 8.6.1) into fleet components is ob-
tained by:

C(i) = C *F(i)/F (8.6.3)

total total
Thus, yield and value of yield are easily separated into fleet components. Table 8.6.4 shows
the split of total yield and value of yield given in Table 8.6.2 between the two fleets.

In this case the same factors, XA = XI are applied to the F-values of both fleets, i.e. in the
exercise demonstrated in Table 8.6.4 it has been assumed that the effort of the artisanal fleet
is always the same proportion of the total effort. Fig. 8.6.2 shows the graphs corresponding
to Table 8.6.4.

Table 8.6.5 and Fig. 8.6.3 show an example where the factor, XA, for the artisanal fleet is
kept constant whereas the factor XI' for the industrial fleet is varied. This corresponds to a
situation where the industrial fishery is changing, whereas the artisanal fishery is assumed to
remain at the same level. Note that the artisanal fleet gets a smaller share of the total catch
the higher the effort level of the industrial fleet. This is what may be expected as an increase
in the effort of the industrial fleet reduces the stock so that a smaller share is left for the
artisanal fleet.

It is possible to assess in a similar manner the effect of any regulatory measure for each fleet
component as long as one can convert the effort regulation into the proper fishing mortalities.
For example, Garcia and van Zalinge (1982) used the Thompson and Bell model to assess the
effect of a closed season.

The Thompson and Bell model may also be used to assess the effect of a change in mesh size.
In this case the selection curve for the current fishery should be estimated using one of the
methods described in Chapter 6. The method will be discussed in Section 8.8.

The application of the Thompson and Bell model described above (including the mesh
assessment described below) is essentially the method applied today to predict catches and to
set catch quotas in the ICES area (Northeast Atlantic) and in many other places.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 261 -
Table 8.6.3 Division of total fishing mortality from the Kuwait shrimp fishery into an
artisanal and an industrial component (from Garcia and van Zalinge, 1982)

Fishing mortality (F)

age FA FI Ftotal
months per year per year per year

1 0.720 0.480 1.20

2 0.960 0.360 1.32
3 0.840 0.480 1.32
4 0.480 0.960 1.44
5 0.600 1.320 1. 92
6 0.480 0.720 1.20
7 1.080 0.480 1. 56
8 0.480 0.720 1.20
9 0.084 1.116 1. 20
10 0.120 1.680 1. 80
11 0.240 2.520 2.76
12 0.240 2.280 2.52

Table 8.6.4 Division of yields and values of yield from Table 8.6.1 into an artisanal and an
industrial component (from Garcia and van Zalinge, 1982). The X-factors are
as in Table 8.6.2 (XA = XI) (see Fig. 8.6.2)

artisanal fleet industrial fleet

total total F-factor yield value F-factor yield value

yield value XA XI

9 unit per year 9 unit per year 9 9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2549 4209 0.4 1048 1531 0.4 1501 2678
4055 6396 0.8 1773 2486 0.8 2284 3910
4560 7029 1.0 2048 2815 1.0 2512 4216
4954 7465 1.2 2281 3073 1.2 2673 4392
5383 7842 1.5 2563 3354 1.5 2819 4488
5814 8025 2.0 2903 3627 2.0 2910 4398
6138 7683 3.0 3291 3783 3.0 2847 3900

Table 8.6.5 Assessment of the effect of varying the industrial effort (XI) while the artisanal
effort is kept constant (XA = 1.0) (see Fig. 8.6.3)

artisanal fleet industrial fleet

total total F-factor yield value F-factor yield value
yield value XA XI

2479 3603 1.0 2479 3603 0 0 0

3522 5403 1.0 2289 3250 0.4 1234 2154
4270 6598 1.0 2124 2950 0.8 2146 3648
4560 7029 1.0 2048 2815 1.0 2512 4216
4811 7383 1.0 1979 2691 1.2 2832 4692
5120 7783 1.0 1883 2530 1.5 3237 5263
5501 8203 1.0 1740 2271 2.0 3761 5932
5951 8499 1.0 1510 1880 3.0 4441 6619

- 262 -
total value

::::l "

o 5
................ -- ..........
• 0 •••• industrial value

_----------- artisanal value

,,,,... _- - - -' artisanal yield
".,,'" .:::::;~- «r: ············industrial yield
" ..-
..... "
,.". .,.. "'"
/ e' ,
/.' .>
/.... 4fI"

,f' '
,"'" ".
/ /'
, '" I "

,, "
o O.'{ «s '.0 1.2 (.s 2.0 3.0
F-factor X

Fig. 8.6.2 Total yield and total value of yield from Fig. 8.6.1 separated into an artisanal
and an industrial component (d. Table 8.6.4)

~ 1
'2 ... industrial value
::::l .. ..........

o "

............... -....- industrial yield
......... ..'

-- ...._.. ..... .. '

.. '

........ -- ....
..-..... ...... _-
: "

-~~-~- ......
2 - .:--..:.. - ... - - - -- - ...... -· artisanal value
:' .'
.' ---- ----- ------artisanal
: ,." e" yield

0.1{ 0' 10 1.'1. f .r 2.0 3.0

F-factor for the industrial fleet XI

Fig. 8.6.3 Assessment of the effect of changes in the industrial fishery while the artisanal
fishery is kept at a constant level (d. Table 8.6.5)

- 263 -
Example 29a: Short-term and long-term predictions

Immediately following a change of effort or mesh size there occurs a change in catches which
is not reflected in the steady state situation reached when all age groups in the population
have been exposed to the new effort or new mesh size during all their life. Example 29 dealt
with the estimation of the new steady state only.

In order to calculate the catches year by year after a change in effort (i.e., F) we continue
the cohort analysis (or VPA) into future years using the estimated numbers in each age group
at the end of the period with the old effort level, and the new values which F take on after
the change. The calculations begin with the youngest age group and proceed downwards in
the tables in contrast to VPA and cohort analysis. The recruitment cannot be predicted.
Constant recruitment is therefore assumed.

Returning to the whiting data of the age-based cohort analysis, Section 5.2, Example 19a, we
use the average recruitment of 2849 million for the years 1974-79, see Table 5.2.2. We shall
investigate the effect of doubling the effort. Thus, the factor X of Example 29 takes on the
value 2:

F(new,t,t+1) = F(1980,t,t+1)*2

However, the values of F at disposal for 1980 are "terminal F" values, i.e., they are guessed.
Actually, the estimates of F for the 1974 year class were used in Example 19a. Inspection
of Table 5.2.2 shows that there is little, if any, indication of an effort change over the years
of sampling. We therefore replace the original final F values by averages of the estimates for
the sampling years 1974-79 as given in the last column of Table 5.2.2. These we adopt as
F(1980,t,t+ 1).

Changing the final F values for 1980 requires also a recalculation of the numbers in the
population at the beginning of 1980. We use again the expression for the "final N" of
Example 19:

N(1980,t) = C(1980,t,t+1)

where F = F(1980,t,t+ 1), Z = F+M, with M = 0.2 as before. The results are given in the
first column of Table 8.6.6.

The doubling of effort is assumed to occur on 1 January 1981. In order to predict the effect
of this the numbers N(1981,t) must be calculated from the old F values and used as a starting
point. They are

N(1981,t+1) N(1980,t)*exp[-(F(1980,t,t+1) + M))

as for instance

N(1981,4) = 412*exp[-(1.02 + 0.2)) = 122

see Table 8.6.6. For N(l981,O) is inserted the average recruitment in 1974-79,2849 million,
from Table 5.2.2. With an X-factor of 2 we insert the new numbers into

N(1982,t+1) = N(1981,t)*exp[-(X*F(1980,t,t+1) + M))

such that

- 264-
N(1982,5) = 122*exp(-(2*0.91 + 0.2») = 16

and similarly for the following years. Keeping the X-factor and the recruitment constant the
population gradually stabilizes as the year classes present in 1980 are dying out. In 1987 the
numbers in age groups 0-6 years are all stabilized. The 1987 column represents the long-term
prediction of the effects of doubling the effort.

Similar calculations, Table 8.6.7, are made for the catches using Eq, 4.2.7:

C(y,t,t+1) = N(y,t)*(1 - exp(-Z) )*X*F(1980,t,t+1)/Z


Z = X*F(1980,t,t+1) + M

Thus, for age group 4 in 1981:

Z = 2*0.91 + 0.2 = 2.02

C(1981,4,5) = 122*(1 - exp(-2.02»)*2*O.91/2.02 = 95.

The weight of the annual yield is found by multiplying numbers by the weight of the
individual fish in each age group is shown in Fig. 8.6.5 as a drawn line. The catches in the
first year after the increase of effort are large because the stock is still adjusted to the previ-
ous situation with lower effort. In 1987 and later when a steady state has been reached the
catches of fish over 4 years old are almost negligible as seen in Table 8.6.7.

The results are influenced by the situation at the date of the change, 1st January 1981. The
same change effectuated in another year would give different short-term results depending on
the age distribution in the stock at that time whereas the long-term prediction would be the
same. To generalize the effects of an increase in effort a situation must be examined in which
the change is from one steady state to another. Fig. 8.6.4 shows such effects on the North
Sea stock of herring. In this case the effort was increased and the mesh reduced at the same
time. Changes of this kind usually occur when a fishery develops unregulated and is already
at an effort level beyond MSY.

The effect was an immediate increase in the numbers caught and in the total yield by weight
(Fig. 8.6.4, C and A) followed by a rapid decrease to a new level. The biomass and the mean
size of the fish decrease all the time until the new steady state is reached (Fig. 8.6.4, Band
D). The temptation to increase the effort, for instance by improving the efficiency of the gear
and by reducing the mesh size is obvious because the immediately observable effect is a
higher yield.

We return to the whiting example and examine the effect of reducing the fishing mortalities
(Table 8.6.6, column 3) to half their present value, i.e., X = 0.5 (Table 8.6.8, column 2).
A considerable increase in the number of old fish in the catch is anticipated such that it is not
advisable to neglect the fish of age group 7 and older. Age group 6 is therefore replaced by
a plus-group, 6+. This does not affect the calculation of numbers N(t) because the number
of 6-year-olds on the first day of the year is still the quantity needed. The catch in the plus-
grou p is defined by Eq, 5. 1. 7:

C(6+) = N(6) * F(6+)/Z(6+)

where the mortalities are defined by the "final F" of VPA multiplied by the X-factor which
is now 0.5.

- 265 -
Q) Q)
I c:
~ Su z r-
m 0\
Q) ..-t
>- o
• .-1

.... 83
o ~
• .-1
c z
i. t:1-------+----------1
~ ~ .... ~
m o
.5 Q)
III ~ tJ'I
~ c:
Q) z ~ m
~1----+-----1 .r::

c: .- ~ o


z ,...... ..-t
C ~ N..-t..-tO"l<XIOr--
e O"I"<l'LIl"<l'..-t..-t
..-t <XI00"<l'NOO
+ "<l'Or--OOONO N
4J •• .,'
, O..-t..-t N ..-t ..-t ..-t 0"1


(11 LIl<XILilN<XI"<l'
<XI o <'1 N..-t N<XI 1"'1 LIlLll..-tO
0\ 1"'1 0 r--O"I <'1 ('I
N..-t O\1D1"'1..-t


o <XI 1"'1 1"'10..-t0"l


- 266 -
160 immediate yield
I 40 -
~ I 10

long-term yield

s & 8 9

::: 1400
.Q 1200


S 6
• 9

'£, 1200
~ C
5 1100
C 1000

.Q,.. 800
c: 600

) 6 9



..... 110
o tJ
.c -100
~ "=
~ ,..
~ .= -~ 90


years after the change ill F

Fig. 8.6.4 Immediate and long-term effects of simultaneously increasing the effort and
reducing the mesh size. Transition from one steady state to another over nine
years. North Sea herring (Clupea harengus), Redrawn from Beyer and Sparre

- 261 -
If the mean number of all age groups in the plus-group is wanted it is given by:

N(6+) = N(6)/Z(6+)

The number of all ages in the plus-group on the first day in the year may be found as the sum
of a geometric progression with first term = N(6) and a quotient of exp(-Z(6+»:

N(6+) = N(6)/[1-exp(-Z(6+»] (8.6.3)

Any treatment of a plus-group is approximative. The above expressions assume that all year-
classes in the plus-group have had an identical history: that they had the same recruitment and
the same mortality in the years before they entered the plus-group. An effect of this is that
it seems as if a new steady state is reached when the last year-class born before the change
of effort joins the plus-group. If the plus-group were defined as 7 + instead of 6 + this would
happen one year later, in 1988. Adopting an 8+ group it would be in 1989, etc. Using 6+
as in this example means that we recognize the need to consider fish over 7 years old, but
deem it satisfactory to treat them cursorily.

Table 8.6.8 gives the numbers in the stock on January 1st. and the annual catches after
reduction of the fishing mortality to half its original value. After an immediate drop the
catches of large fish increase markedly. The broken line in Fig. 8.6.5 shows the development
of the yield (catch by weight) as obtained by multiplying the numbers caught by the mean
weight of the individual fish in each age group. The yield drops to half in the first year and
then increases beyond the original value. At first the fishing industry suffers an immediate
lack of material which may influence the price level. How the change would affect an


.,..0-------0- -----0- -----0




= 80

-= ~ increased F
0 60



1980 1982 1981. 1986 1988 1990


Fig. 8.6.5 Transition phase after a change in effort. North Sea whiting. Yield in thousands
of tonnes

- 268 -


Q) .c N
.c {) CO
MI'..-!CO111 II1ID
o (J'I (J'I..-!NI'M..-!..-!
.j.J ..-! N'<l'N

CO (J'INNI''<l'..-!..-!
..-! NN..-!


(J'I '<l'1D..-!0 '<l'CO 0
..-! COOMI'M..-!..-!

CO (J'I(J'I(J'I'<l'111 1I1(J'1
(J'I '<l'1D..-!I'OIl1M
..-! COOMM..-!

(J'I '<l'1D(J'I..-!OlD N
..-! COOIDN..-!


J; NIJlN..-!1I101l1



- 269 -
individual fishing vessel depends on how the reduction of effort was achieved. If the fleet
were reduced to half its former size there would be half as many boats to share the yield and
incidentally, the immediate drop was to half the yield of the year before (from 76,000 to
38,000 tonnes) such that the catch per unit effort would remain the same in the first year and
then increase in the following years. If on the other hand the reduction of effort was achieved
by putting a ban on particularly efficient gear types or by introducing closed seasons there
would still be the same number of boats to share the reduced yield in the first year. In that
case only after a few years would the catch per boat reach its former value, and beyond.

When in fish stock management a reduction of effort is considered it is paramount to look

into the problems likely to turn up in the transition period. A boat owner with little capital
will find no consolation in the prospect of an increased income in a few years' time if he goes
broke in the first meagre year.


The "length-based Thompson and Bell model" takes its inputs from a length-based cohort
analysis. The inputs consist of the fishing mortalities by length group (the so-called F-at-
length-array), the number of fish entering the smallest length group, and the natural mortality
factor H by length group, which must be the same as the ones used in the cohort analysis.
Additional inputs are the parameters of a length-weight relationship (or the average weight
of a single fish or shrimp by length group) and the average price per kg by length group.

The outputs are the same as for the age-based model, viz., for each length group the number
at the lower limit of the length group, N(LI), the catch in numbers, the yield in weight, the
biomass multiplied by At, i.e. the time required to grow from the lower limit to the upper
limit of the length group and the value. Finally, the totals of the catch, mean biomass * At,
yield and value are obtained. The calculations are repeated for a range of X values (F-factors)
and the final results (totals) are plotted in graphs. The principle is the same as that described
above for the age-based models, only the formulas are slightly different. They can be derived
from those used for Jones' length-based cohort analysis, Eqs. 5.3.4 and 5.3.7 as follows:

First Eq. 5.3.7 is rearranged:

F(LL L2)
C(L1,L2) = [N(L1)-N(L2) 1*Z(L1,L2) (8.7.1 )

then it is inserted into into Eq. 5.3.4 which gives:

N(L1) = [N(L2)*H(L1,L2) + Z(Ll,L2) *F(L1,L2) *H(L1,L2)

= [Lro-L1]M/2K
H(L1,L2) Lro-L2

which is the same factor as used in Jones' length-based cohort analysis (Eq. 5.3.3).

Solving this equation with respect to N(L2) gives:

1/H(L1,L2) - F(L1,L2)/Z(Ll,L2)
N(L2) N(Ll)* H(L1,L2) F(Ll,L2/Z(L1,L2) (8.7.2)

- 270 -
In order to calculate the yield (catch in weight) by length group the catch C (in numbers) has
to be multiplied by the mean weight of the length group, w(Ll ,L2), which is obtained from
Eq. 5.3.11 as follows:

w(Ll,L2) = q*[(Ll+L2)/2]b

where q and b are the parameters of the length-weight relationship.

The yield of this length group is then given by

Y(Ll,L2) = C(Ll,L2) * w(Ll,L2) (8.7.3)

The value of the yield is given by:

V(Ll,L2) = Y(Ll,L2) * v(Ll,L2) (8.7.4)

where v(Ll ,L2) is the average price per kg of fish between lengths Ll and L2.

During the time ~t(Ll,L2) that it takes a cohort to grow from Ll to L2, the number of
survivors decreases from N(Ll) to N(L2). The mean number of survi-vors of that length
group is calculated as follows:

N(Ll,L2) * At(Ll,L2) = [N(Ll)-N(L2)]/Z(Ll,L2) (8.7.5)

The corresponding mean biomass * ~t is:

- -
B(Ll,L2) * At(Ll,L2) = N(Ll,L2) * At(Ll,L2) * w(Ll,L2) (8.7.6)

The annual yield is simply the sum of the yield of all length groups:

The annual value is likewise the sum of the value of all length groups:

As discussed in Section 5.3

is an estimate of the average biomass during the life span of a cohort, or of all cohorts during
a year. In the age-based method, Section 8.6, it was not necessary to multiply each biomass
by ~t because this was constant and equal to 1112 of a year, or one month, but in this case
~t is variable.

Eqs. 8.7.1 to 8.7.6 have been presented for one specific length class (LI,L2). Like in the
age-based version, the following block of equations summarizes the formulas for the length-
based Thompson and Bell model in a general form, including X (F-factor). The index i refers
here to the length interval (Li,Li + I). The index Lj refers to the lower limit of that length
interval, while the index Li + I refers to the upper limit.

- 271 -
length interval: i = (Li,Li+1)

l/Hi - X*Fi/Zi
N(Li+1) = N(Li)* Hi - X*Fi/Z where

L -L. M/2K
Hi = [L:-L~+J



~ ~ = N.*At.*w.
~ ~ ~

Basic features of the length-based Thompson and Bell analysis

Since the length-based Thompson and Bell analysis is derived from Jones' length-based cohort
analysis (Section 5.3) which in turn is based on Pope's age-based cohort analysis (Section
5.2), the length-based Thompson and Bell method has the same limitations as Pope's age-
based cohort analysis. The approximation to VPA in the predictive mode is valid for values
of F*dt up to 1.2 and of M*dt up to 0.3 (pope, 1972). If the F's are high, nonsensical
results will come out of the analysis, such as negative stock numbers. If that is the case,
smaller length groups and hence, smaller dt values, are required.

The approximation is not necessary, however, because the forward version of the VPA does
not involve the iterative solution for F (Eq. 5.1.3). Using VPA technique in Thompson and
Bell requires the replacement of the second and third formula of Eq. 8.7.7 by Eq. 4.2.6 and



The mean body weight in the plus group is given by Eq. 5.3.16.

- 272 -
Example 30: Length-based Thompson and Bell analysis, hake, Senegal

As an example of a length-based Thompson and Bell analysis we use the data from Table
5.3.3 for hake (Merluccius merlucciusy caught off Senegal. The following input parameters
are used (cf. Section 5.3):

Loo = 130 ern, K == 0.1 per year, M = 0.28 per year, q = 0.00001 kg/cm3,
b = 3, N (first length group) = N(6) = 98919.3
Using the F-values and the natural mortality' factors, H, from Table 5.3.3 and the body
weights derived from Wi = q *[(Li + Li + 1)/2]b, the length-weight relationship, and some (in
this case arbitrarily selected) prices per kg for hake, the input may be summarized as in Table

Using Eqs. 8.7.7 with X = 1 and the input data from Table 8.7.1 we can calculate the
numbers in the subsequent length classes, the catch, yield, mean biomass * .6t and the value,
as presented in the following example:

N(12) = N(6)*[l/H(6,12) - F(6,12)/Z(6,12»)/[H(6,12) - F(6,12)/Z(6,12»)

98919.3*[1/1.0719 - 0.04/0.32)/[1.0719 - 0.04/0.32)


C(6,12) [N(6)-N(12»)*X*F(6,12)/Z(6,12)

[98919.3-84400.8)*1*0.04/0.32 = 1814.8

w(6,12) = q*(6+12)/2)b

0.00001*93 = 0.007290

Y(6,12) C(6,12)*w(6,12)

1814.8*0.007290 = 13.23

B(6,12)*l1t(6,12) [(N(6)-N(12»)/Z(6,12»)*w(6,12)

[(98919.3-84400.8)/0.32)*0.007290 330.7

V(6,12) Y(6,12)*v(6,12) = 13.23*1.0 = 13.23

Table 8.7.1 Input data for length-based Thompson and Bell analysis, hake, Senegal

length group F(Li'Li+1) H(Li'Li+1) w(Li'Li+1) v(Li'Li+1)

kg unit/kg
6-12 0.04 1.0719 0.0073 1.0
12-18 0.39 1.0758 0.0338 1.0
18-24 1.07 1.0801 0.0926 1.0
24-30 0.65 1.0850 0.196 1.5
30-36 0.49 1.0905 0.359 1.5
36-42 0.59 1.0967 0.593 2.0
42-48 0.65 1.1039 0.911 2.0
48-54 0.39 1.1122 1.33 2.5
54-60 0.29 1.1220 1.85 2.5
60-66 0.31 1.1337 2.50 2.5
66-72 0.40 1.1478 3.29 3.0
72-78 0.39 1.1652 4.22 3.0
78-84 0.11 1.1873 5.31 3.0
84-00 0.28 - 12.25 3.0

- 273 -
These calculations will then continue until the last length group is reached. Since that is a so-
called plus group a few additional assumptions have to be made: N( 00) = 0 and w(84, 00) =
w(84,90). The results are:

C(84,00) (N(84)-N(00))*F(84,00)/Z(84,00)

(92-0)*0.28/0.56 = 46

w(84,00) = w(84,130) = Q*[(84+130)/2]b

= 0.00001*1073 = 12.25


46*12.25 = 563.5

B(84,00)*At(84,00) = ((N(84)-N(00))/Z(84,00)) * w(84,00)

= ((92-0)/0.56)*12.25



563.5*3.0 = 1690.5

Following these procedures the final result will be like Table 8.7.2. However, it should be
noted that there are differences between the results of calculations presented above, calculated
by means of a pocket calculator, and those in Table 8.7.2 calculated by using 8 significant
digits in all calculations.

Notice that the values of N(t;) and C(Li,Li + 1) are exactly the same as those calculated by
Jones' length-based cohort analysis in Tables 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 respectively. Small differences,
like in the calculations of mean biomass *At can easily occur due to rounding of F and w.

Table 8.7.2 Output from length-based Thompson and Bell analysis, hake, Senegal, using the
F-factor X = 1.0. Weights are in tonnes (d. Table 5.3.4)

length F N(Li) C yield mean biomass value

group (Li'Li+1) (Li,Li+1) (Li,Li+1) *At (Li'Li+l)
'000 '000 B*At '000
em X = 1.0 number number tonnes tonnes units
6-12 0.04 98919.3 1823 13.3 330.7 13.3
12-18 0.39 84392.7 14463 488.1 1260.1 488.1
18-24 1.07 59475.8 25277 2336.3 2191.5 2336.3
24-30 0.65 27623.0 8143 1601.0 2475.2 2401.5
30-36 0.49 15967.8 3889 1397.6 2845.9 2096.4
36-42 0.59 9861.5 2959 1755.3 2970.1 3510.5
42-48 0.65 5500.5 1871 1704.9 2638.4 3409.9
48-54 0.39 2818.8 653 866.2 2247.1 2165.5
54-60 0.29 1691. 5 322 596.3 2069.4 1490.8
60-66 0.31 1056.6 228 570.1 1853.8 1710.3
66-72 0.40 621.0 181 594.6 1481.9 1783.8
72-78 0.39 313.7 96 405.0 1040.1 1215.0
78-84 0.11 148.7 16 85.0 772 .0 255.1
84-00 0.28 92.0 46 563.5 2012.6 1690.6
Total 59908 12977.2 26189.0 24567.1

The calculations can now be repeated for different values of X.

- 274 -
Table 8.7.3 shows the results corresponding to Table 8.7.2 but with the F-factor X = 2.0,
i.e. the prediction of catch, yield, mean biomass *.M and value under the assumption of a
doubling of fishing effort. In this case the effect of doubling the effort would be a dramatic
decrease in yield and value.

Table 8.7.3 Output from length-based Thompson and Bell analysis, hake, Senegal, using the
F-factor X = 2.0. (cf. Table 8.7.2)

length F N(Li) C yield mean biomass value

group (Li' Li+1) (Li'Li+1) (Li'Li+1) *l1t (Lit Li+1)
Li'Li+1 -
cm X = 2.0 '000 '000 tonnes tonnes '000 units

6-12 0.08 98919.3 3611. 6 26.3 327.6 26.3

12-18 0.77 82724.1 26041. 2 878.9 1134.4 878.9
18-24 2.13 47271.6 32863.1 3043.4 1427.4 3043.4
24-30 1.29 10092.9 5154.2 1014.5 784.2 1521.7
30-36 0.98 3823.1 1652.3 593.8 604.6 890.7
36-42 1.18 1699.7 881.6 523.0 442.5 1046.0
42-48 1.29 609.2 351.7 320.5 248.0 640.9
48-54 0.77 181.3 74.9 99.3 128.8 248.3
54-60 0.58 79.3 27.4 50.8 88.1 126.9
60-66 0.62 38.5 14.9 37.3 60.6 111. 9
66-72 0.80 16.8 8.5 27.9 34.7 83.6
72-78 0.78 5.4 2.8 11.9 15.3 35.8
78-84 0.22 1.5 0.3 1.7 7.5 5.0
84-00 0.56 0.8 0.5 6.7 12.0 20.2

Total 70685.0 6636.0 5315.9 8679.7

Table 8.7.4 Results of the length-based Thompson and Bell analysis, hake, Senegal.
MSY = Maximum Sustainable Yield.
MSE = Maximum Sustainable Economic Yield (value) (cf. Fig. 8.7.1)


F-factor total yield total mean biomass total value

X tonnes tonnes units
0.0 0 571297 0
0.2 18903 268193 18329
0.4 20717 135343 49701
0.6 18360 73209 40925
0.8 15474 42376 31836
1.0*) 12977*) 26189*) 24567*)
1.2 10999 17216 19168
1.4 9470 11976 15236
1.6 8287 8761 12370
1.8 7365 6697 10259
2.0**) 6636**) 5316**) 8680**)
2.2 6053 4357 7480
2.4 5580 3670 6554
2.6 5191 3163 5829
2.8 4868 2780 5253
3.0 4596 2484 4790

MSY = 20,919 t for F-factor X = 0.343 Biomass at MSY = 163,296 t

MSE = 51,544 t for F-factor X = 0.301 Biomass at MSE = 188,207 t

*) cf. Table 8.7.2

**) cf. Table 8.7.3

- 275 -
Table 8.7.4 shows the summary results for 16 different F-factors (X). Each row is based on
calculations like those illustrated by Tables 8.7.2 and 8.7.3. The total yield, mean biomass
and value given in the last row of these two tables can also be found in Table 8.7.4. The two
last rows of Table 8.7.4 show the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and the maximum
sustainable economic yield (value) (MSE) together with the corresponding F-factor and stock
biomass. When kg prices differ from one length group to another the F-factor giving MSY
usually differs from the F-factor giving MSE. Tables 8.7.2 to 8.7.4 were calculated by the
program "MIXFISH" in the LFSA package (Sparre, 1987). This program calculates MSY and
MSE by using an iterative technique.

The results of Table 8.7.4 have been plotted in Fig. 8.7.1. The graphs clearly show that the
present level of fishing effort is well above that giving the maximum sustainable yield and
the conclusion to be drawn from this analysis is that the stock is overfished because a
reduction in effort would give a higher yield.


20 60 600 • v •• ~ _ ••• _ • ~ ~ _ ••• _ ••• _ ••• _ •• _ •••• _ • , •••• _ ••• _ ••• _ ••••••• _ ••••••••••••

Q) co
"0 :J E
Q) \
co 0
>= > i::O \
10 30 300 .. \ - .- .. - .• 0.0 . _ _ _ _ _ .. _ ..... __ . . . . . ... _ ... __ .. __

\ .. ••.•.. -4- Total yield
,, ,.__Total value . ...
" " .......
.-Mean biomass *~t
o 1.0 2.0 F-factor X 3.0

Fig. 8.7.1 Graphic presentation of the results or the length-based Thompson and Bell
analysis, hake, Senegal (cr. Table 8.7.4)

In case of economic interaction, where several fleets are exploiting one resource the catches
predicted by the length-based Thompson and Bell analysis can be partitioned in exactly the
same way as shown in Section 8.6 (cf. Tables 8.6.3 to 8.6.5).

The assumption behind the length-based Thompson and Bell analysis (and behind Jones'
length-based cohort analysis) is that the stock remains in a steady state, with all parameters
(e.g. recruitment) remaining constant. Thus, we obtain a prediction of the "average long term
catches". Deviations from the predicted catches are therefore to be expected in individual years.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 276 -

The regulation of mesh sizes is an important management tool for many fisheries. It is,
therefore, important to be in a position to predict the result of a change of mesh size. Since
a change of mesh size will cause a change in the fishing pattern, the array of F-values, we
can use the formulas presented in Sections 6.6.1 and 6.6.2 to come to a prediction, in other
words use the "current" situation to predict a "new" situation.

We may express the current fishing mortality by the age-based or the length-based model (cf.




where Fm is the maximum fishing mortality and Stcurrent or SL current the selection curve
for the current gear, for example, if the gear has the trawl type of selection ogive:

Stcurrent = 1/[1 + exp(T1 - T2*t)) (8.8.3)


sLcurrent = 1/[1 + exp(Sl - S2*L)) (8.8.4)

The parameters Tl and T2 are defined by Eqs. and respectively, while Sl
and S2 are defined by Eqs. 6.1.6 and 6.1. 7 respectively.

The parameters t50% and t75% are the ages at which 50% and 75% of the fish are retained
by the gear, respectively. Usually we know the lengths L50% and L75% which correspond
to t50% and t75%.

With the known parameters L50% and L75% for the gear currently in use we are in a
position to calculate a new age-based or length-based selection curve for new values of L50 %
and L75% (or t50% and t75%). From the new selection ogive, and the Fm of the current
fishery, we can calculate a new array of fishing mortalities, using Eq.




The new F's are then used as inputs to the Thompson and Bell model, and the results for the
alternative F-patterns, F(current) and F(new), can be compared (Hoydal et al., 1980 and
1982). This method is a generalization of the methods suggested by Gulland (1961), Jones
(1961) and Kimura (1977).

- 277 -
Computer programs

The program "MIXFISH" in the LFSA package (Sparre, 1987) contains an option for mesh
assessment corresponding to the procedure described above. It produces an output table
showing the total yield for various combinations of effort and L50%, i.e. a table of the form
shown below:

Relative Effort

- 20% - 10% no + 10% + 20%


- 30%

Rela- - 15%
value no change YIELD
L50% + 15%
+ 30%

MIXFISH assumes L75 % to be proportional to L50%. MIXFISH allows you to test any
combination of L50% and effort, and thereby enables you to determine the optimum
combination of L50% and effort. The middle cell (marked "YIELD") corresponds to the
current fishing regime.

A similar program has also been incorporated in FiSA T.

- 278 -

In contrast to Chapters 3 to 8, Chapters 9 and 13 do not deal with "analytical models", but
with "holistic models" (cf. Fig. 1.8.1), wherein the stock is considered as one big unit of
biomass and wherein no attempt is made to model on an age or length base. The "surplus
production models" which are discussed in this chapter deal with the entire stock, the entire
fishing effort and the total yield obtained from the stock, without entering into any details
such as the growth and mortality parameters or the effect of the mesh size on the age of fish
capture etc. Surplus production models were introduced by Graham (1935), but they are often
referred to as "Schaefer-models" (see below).

The objective of the application of "surplus production models" is to determine the optimum
level of effort, that is the effort that produces the maximum yield that can be sustained
without affecting the long-term productivity of the stock, the so-called maximum sustainable
yield (MSY). The theory behind the surplus production models has been reviewed by many
authors, for example, Ricker (1975), Caddy (1980), Gulland (1983) and Pauly (1984).

Because holistic models are much simpler than analytical models, the data requirements are
also less demanding. There is, for example, no need to determine cohorts and therefore no
need for age determination. This is one of the main reasons for the relative popularity of
surplus production models in tropical fish stock assessment. Surplus production models can
be applied when data are available on the yield (by species) and of the effort expended over
a certain number of years. The fishing effort must have undergone substantial changes over
the period covered.


The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) can be estimated from the following input data:

f(i) = effort in year i, i = 1,2, ... ,n

Y/f = yield (catch in weight) per unit of effort in year i.

YIf may be derived from the yield, Y(i), of year i for the entire fishery and the corresponding
effort, f(i), by

Y/f = Y(i)/f(i), i = 1,2, ... ,n (9.1.1)

The simplest way of expressing yield per unit of effort, YIf, as a function of the effort, f, is
the linear model suggested by Schaefer (1954):

Y(i)/f(i) a + b*f(i) if f(i) s -alb (9.1.2)

Eq. 9. 1.2 is called the "Schaefer model" .

The slope, b, must be negative if the catch per unit of effort, Y/f, decreases for increasing
effort, f, (see Fig. 9.1.1). The intercept, a, is the Y/f value obtained just after the first boat
fishes on the stock for the first time. The intercept therefore must be positive. Thus, -a/b is

- 279 -
positive and YIf is zero for f = -a/b, Since a negative value of catch per unit of effort YIf
is absurd, the model only applies to f-values lower than -a/b.

An alternative model was introduced by Fox (1970). It gives a curved line when Y/f is
plotted directly on effort, f, (see Fig. 9.1.1), but a straight line when the logarithms of Y/f
are plotted on effort:

In (Y(i)/f(i)) = c + d*f(i) (9.1.3)

Eq. 9.1.3 is called the "Fox model", which can also be written:

Y(i)/f(i) = exp(c + d*f(i)) (9.1.4)

Both models conform to the assumption that YIf declines as effort increases, but they differ
in the sense that the Schaefer model implies one effort level for which YIf equals zero,
namely when f = -a/b whereas in the Fox model, Y/f is greater than zero for all values of f.

This can easily be seen in Fig. 9.1.1 where the plot of Y/f on f gives a straight line in case
of the Schaefer model and a curved line, which approaches zero only at very high levels of
effort, without ever reaching it (asymptotic) in the case of the Fox model.

In Section 8.3 it was demonstrated that CPUEw(t) = q*B(t) (Eq. 8.3.1). Since YIf is also
the catch per unit of effort in weight, we can write

Y(i)/f(i) q*B a + b*f(i) for the Schaefer model and

Y(i)/f(i) = q*B = exp(c + d*f(i)) for the Fox model

where B is the biomass and q the catchability coefficient (a constant).

Fig. 9.1.1 illustrates another basic feature of the two models. For f close to zero YIf takes
the maximum value and so does the biomass because YIf = q*B, and q is a constant. The
biomass corresponding to f = 0 is called the "virgin stock biomass" or the "unexploited
biomass", denoted by "Bv". Thus, replacing Y/fby q*Bv in Eqs. 9.1.2 and 9.1.4 gives:

.......... ...... ,.,.

-- -_ -- ---
o A -a/b effort f

Fig. 9.1.1 Illustration of the different assumptions behind the Schaefer model and the Fox

- 280 -
q*Bv = a or Bv = a/q (Schaefer)
q*Bv exp(c) or Bv = exp(c)/q (Fox)

The Bv for the two models must be the same. When increasing f from zero to level A (see
Fig. 9.1.1) the two curves are approximately equal, but to the right of A the differences
become larger. Thus, the choice between the two models becomes important only when
relatively large values of f are reached. It cannot be proved that one of the two models is
superior to the other. You may choose the one you believe is the most reasonable in each
particular case or the one which gives the best fit to the data. However, the Beverton and
Holt model is more in agreement with the Fox model, because they have a similar curvilinear
relationship between catch per_unit effort and effort (cf. Figs. 8.3.1 and 9.1.1) and between
the mean biomass per recruit BIR and F (cf. Figs. 8.3.2 and 9.1.1).

Example 31: Schaefer and Fox models, demersal fish, Java Sea

Fig. 9.1.2 shows an example of plots of CPUE, Y(i)/f(i), against effort, f(i), and of the yield,
Y(i), against effort. Data are from the demersal fishery off the North coast of Java during the
years 1969-1977 (from Dwiponggo, 1979). In this case yield, Y, refers to the annual catch
measured in units of 1000 tonnes and YIf refers to yield per thousand standard vessels each
year. Effort is given in units of standard vessels per year.






o '00 BOO 1200 1600 2000 f(iJ
Number of sfilnd.rd vessels

Fig. 9.1.2 Trends of yield, Y(i), and catch per unit of effort, Y(i)/f(i), off the North coast
of Java (based on data from Table 9.1.1)

- 281 -
Because the fleet consisted of a number of different boat types, the effort of each boat
category has been converted to a standard unit before summing to obtain total effort. Not
surprisingly, the trend of Y If shows a decline for increasing effort. Considering the stock
biomass as a limited resource shared by the boats participating in the fishery, we expect a
smaller share per boat the more boats enter the fishery.

There is no clear trend in the relationship between yield, Y, and effort, f, in this case. We
will now show how the two models can be applied to this type of data.

The estimation procedures for the parameters (Schaefer: a and b, Fox: c and d) will be
explained on the basis of the data given in Table 9.1.1 and Fig. 9.1.2. Since we are dealing

Table 9.1.1 The calculation procedure for estimating the MSY and fMSY by the Schaefer
model and by the Fox model using catch and effort data from the trawl fishery
off the North coast of Java (Dwiponggo, 1979) 1)

year yield effort SCHAEFER FOX

'000 no. of stan-
tonnes dard vessels
i Y(i) f(i) Y(i)/f(i) In(Y(i)/f(i))
(x) (y) (y)
1969 50 623 0.080 -2.523
1970 49 628 0.078 -2.551
1971 47.5 520 0.091 -2.393
1972 45 513 0.088 -2.434
1973 51 661 0.077 -2.562
1974 56 919 0.061 -2.798
1975 66 1158 0.057 -2.865
1976 58 1970 0.029 -3.525
1977 52 1317 0.039 -3.232

mean value 923.22 0.0667 -2.7648

standard deviation 485.14 0.02171 0.3873
intercept, a or c 0.1065 -2.0403
slope, b or d -0.00004312 -0.0007848

variance of slope
11 9
sb2 = [(sy/sX)2 - b2)/(9-2) 2.041*10- 3.087*10-

standard deviation of slope, sb 0.00000452 0.0000556

confidence limits of slope

b + t _ *sb t7 = 2.37 -0.000032 -0.00065
9 2
b - t _ *sb -0.000053 -0.00092
9 2

variance of intercept

sa2 = sb2*[sx2*(n-1)/n + 'j(2) 0.00002167 0.003277

standard deviation of intercept, sa 0.0049 0.0572

confidence limits of intercept

a + t9_2*sa 0.118 -1.90
a - t9_2*sa 0.095 -2.18

MSY Schaefer: -0.25*a2/b 65.8

Fox : -(1/d)*exp(c-1) 60.9
fMSY Schaefer: -0.5*a/b 1235
Fox : -l/d 1274

1) In the formulas given in this table a and b should be replaced by c

and d for the Fox-model

- 282 -
Y/f 60
-- -76
- .........................
- ......- ...... F:O)(
..... SO C)

' .... 40 \
0.09 71@7t 30~
-, "{
0.08 69\,,0 20 i5
0.07 73
~ 0.06
~ 0.05 400 800 1600 2000 -a/b
I/) 0.04
In Y/f
O.OJ Stly 076
0.02 "'t",
t~ -2.4
70 -2.6
200 1800 2200 -2.8 )(;
Effort, f
-3.0 l.I...




Fig. 9.1.3 The Schaefer and the Fox models illustrated by the demersal fisheries off the
North coast of Java (based on data from Table 9.1.1)

with a straight line in the case of the Schaefer model and a curve which has been linearized
by taking the logarithm in case of the Fox model, the determination of a,b and c.d requires

two linear regressions, of f(i) on Y(i)/f(i) and f(i) on In(Y(i)/f(i» respectively. The results of
the two regressions are presented in Table 9.1.1, including the standard deviations of the
slopes and the intercepts. The lines are shown in Fig. 9.1.3. We have thus determined the
relationships between catch per unit of effort and effort for both models.

The objective is, however, to obtain an estimate of the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and
to determine at which level of effort MSY has been or will be reached. To that purpose we
have to rewrite Eqs. 9.1.2 and 9.1.4 expressing the yield as a function of effort, by
multiplying both sides of the equation by f(i):

Schaefer: Y(i) a*f(i) + b*t(i)2 if f(i) < -alb (9.1.5)

or Y(i) = 0 if f(i) -alb

Fox: Y(i) f(i)*exp(c + d*f(i)) (9.1.6)

Eq. 9.1.5, the Schaefer model, is a parabola (see Fig. 9.1.3), which has its maximum value
of Y(i), the MSY level, at an effort level

- 283 -
fMSY = -0.5*a/b (9.1.7)

and the corresponding yield:

MSY = -0.25*a Ib (9.1.8)

Eq. 9.1.6, the Fox model, is an asymmetric curve with a maximum (the MSY level), with
a fairly steep slope on the left side and a much more gradual decline on the right of the
maximum (see Fig. 9.1.3).

The MSY and fMSY for the Fox model can be calculated by formulas which are derived from
Eq. 9.1.6 by differentiating Y with respect to f and solve dY/df = 0 for f,

fMSY = -lid (9.1.9)

MSY = -(1/d)*exp(c-1) (9.1.10)

The results of the calculations of the example are presented at the bottom of Table 9.1.1.

From Table 9.1.1 and Fig. 9.1.3 it can be seen that the two models give slightly different
results. According to the Fox model the MSY level is 60900 tons, at an effort level fMSY of
1274 standard vessels, while according to the Schaefer model the MSY level is much higher
(65800 tons) and at a lower fMSY of 1235 standard vessels. According to both models the
effort level surpassed fMSY in 1976 and the yield was below MSY (see Fig. 9.1.2).

So far we have dealt mainly with the computational procedure, which was straight forward.
One could now ask why we should be concerned with complicated models like the Beverton
and Holt yield per recruit model when estimates of MSY can be obtained so easily from the
surplus production models. One answer is that what we gain in simplicity with the surplus
production models has the cost of having to make a number of assumptions about the dyna-
mics of fish stocks, which may be (and nearly always are) impossible to justify. Some of
these assumptions are discussed below. The reasoning given below is based on the Schaefer
model, but it also applies to the Fox model.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

The assumption of an equilibrium situation

To explain the concept of an equilibrium situation we consider a situation where a virgin

stock starts to be exploited in, say, 1971 (see Fig. 9.1.4), by, say, 1000 boats. Suppose the
"Schaefer line" in Fig. 9.1.4 applies to this stock. According to the Schaefer model the yield
in 1971 corresponding to 1000 boats should be x.

However, it turned out to be y, i.e. a larger value than predicted by the model. This is
because when fishing started in 1971 the biomass was stilI the virgin stock biomass, Bv, and
only after a certain period of exploitation the biomass declines.

When fishing continued in 1972 the biomass was reduced due to the removal by fishing in
1971 and the 1972 catch therefore became smaller than that of 1971. Each year the resource
is reduced, the reduction being smaller the longer time has elapsed since the introduction of
the 1000 boats. Eventually, the system will stabilize at the Y/f-Ievel x. We say that the
system has reached an "equilibrium situation" after a "transition period".

- 284-

o 1000 -a/b Effort

Fig. 9.1.4 Illustration of the concepts of an equilibrium situation and the transition period
(for further explanations, see text)

For the equilibrium situation the production of biomass per time unit, equals the removal by
fishing, the yield per time unit, plus the amount of fish dying of natural causes. This has also
been illustrated in Fig. 9.2.1.

The "equilibrium situation" in the surplus production models is comparable to the" stabilized
constant parameter system" in the Beverton and Holt models (cf. Section 8.1).

The biological assumptions

The biological reasoning behind the model was adequately formulated by Ricker (1975) as

"1. Near maximum stock density, efficiency of reproduction is reduced, and often the
actual number of recruits is less than at smaller densities. In the latter event,
reducing the stock will increase recruitment.

2. When food supply is limited, food is less efficiently converted into fish flesh by
a large stock than by a smaller one. Each fish of the larger stock gets less food
individually; hence a larger fraction is used merely to maintain life, and a smaller
fraction for growth.

3. An unfished stock tends to contain more older individuals, relatively, than a

fished stock. This makes for decreased production, in at least two ways:

(a) Larger fish tend to eat larger foods, so an extra step may be inserted in
the food pyramid, with consequent loss of efficiency of utilization of the
basic food production.

(b) Older fish convert a smaller fraction of the food they eat into new flesh -
partly, at least because mature fish annually divert much substance to
maturing eggs and milt."

However, it is also possible to consider these models as purely empirical. For instance, if
observations of YIf plotted on f give a curve complying with the Fox model, this model may
be applied without any concern for a possible biological explanation.

- 285 -
Assumptions on the catchability coefficient

We assume that fishing mortality is proportional to effort (Eq. 4.6.1):

F = q*f

This assumption in itself is not controversial (if f is a reasonable measure of effort). The
problems come when f is measured in, for example, the number of boat days per year over
a series of years. In most cases the efficiency of the boats has changed over a long period;
often the boats have become larger and better equipped. Thus, 100 boat days in, say, 1978
may create a larger fishing mortality than 100 boat days in 1968. This means that q becomes
a function of time or rather, a function of the technical development which is usually a
function of time. It has proved very difficult to account for changes in q, caused by increased
fishing efficiency and usually it is assumed that q remains constant. Therefore, one should
be cautious not to include too long a time series of data in the surplus production analysis.
Alternatively, changes of q must be taken into 'account. In some fisheries on small pelagic
species in upwelling areas, for example, the anchoveta in Peru and Chile it occurs that the
fish concentrate in small areas because of changes in the environmental conditions. In such
cases there is no direct relationship between q, f and F, and surplus production models cannot
be applied.


In this section we consider the case of poorly investigated stocks. Time series of catch and
effort data are not available, but some estimates of overall biomass and the natural mortality
have been obtained.

Several empirical formulas have been developed with the objective of providing a first rough
estimate of the MSY based on such scanty data. These formulas have found wide application
after first estimates were obtained of the standing biomass after one or a series of exploratory
bottom trawl surveys and/or acoustic surveys. The first formula was developed by Gulland
(1971), a modification was proposed by Cadima (in Troadec (1977) and finally a set of
formulas strictly based on the Schaefer and Fox surplus production models was developed by
Garcia, Sparre and Csirke (1989).

Gulland (1971) suggested the following way of estimating maximum sustainable yield:

MSY = O.5*M*Bv (9.2.1)

where Bv is the virgin stock biomass and M the natural mortality.

This formula has been used especially on sparsely investigated and lightly exploited stocks.
Bv is often estimated by the "swept area method" (Chapter 13) and M is often a value
estimated for similar species in a sea area which is believed to be similar to the one under
investigation. As Gulland's formula requires an estimate of the virgin stock biomass, Bv, it
is in practice applicable only to unexploited stocks. There is no proper scientific justification
for Eq. 9.2.1 (Gulland, pers. comm.). However, the following statements which were made
already by Tiurin (1962) and Alverson and Pereyra (1969) appear reasonable:

- 286 -


~:':.\.: ..: 1'1':.:;.:.:::

::::deaths ,:.:
;-0' ' ••• ' .. ' .:: "

kept on
31 Oec.

AI: Virgin stock (Bv) BI: Virgin stock (Bv)

High M LowM
High net production Low net production

~.~:,\·:.·M .;:.:'.:.::';.:
: ~':"~atur'~l: .::.
:::.:deaths -:.:
:'::, :.0,: eo: .: :.: ..:.:

A2: Exploited stock (Bv/2) B2: Exploited stock (Bv/2)

High M LowM
High net production Low net production

Fag. 9.2.1 Illustration of Gulland's formula MSY = O.S*M*Bv

(for further explanation, see text)

- 287 -
1. MSY must depend on the virgin stock biomass, Bv

2. A high M corresponds to a high production (this is further discussed below)

3. If the biomass = 0.5*Bv and F = M under optimum exploitation Eq. 9.2.1 IS


Item 2 above is illustrated in Fig. 9.2.1. We consider the annual biomass budget for two
virgin stocks, Al with a high production rate and B1 with a low production rate. For stock
A 1 the loss caused by natural mortality is large and to maintain the stock the net production
must be of equal size. For stock B1 the loss due to natural deaths is small and only a small
net production is required to counter-balance this loss. The cases A2 and B2 deal with the
same two stocks but after they have been for a while under optimum exploitation and produce
the maximum sustainable yield. In A2 a large part of the natural deaths has been replaced by
deaths due to fishing. This is also the case for B2, but the potential for replacing natural
deaths by deaths due to fishing is smaller in case B2 than in case A2.

Although widely used, Eq. 9.2.1 has been criticized by a number of workers. Caddy and
Csirke (1983) showed that the third assumption, that F equals M under optimum exploitation,
does not apply in many cases, especially stocks of prey species (e.g. shrimps). Based on
simulation studies, Beddington and Cooke (1983) concluded, that Eq. 9.2.1 generally
overestimates MSY by a factor of 2 to 3. Thus, replacing "0.5" by "0.2" in Eq. 9.2.1 might
perhaps give a better (and consequently much lower) estimate of MSY.


A generalized version of Gulland' s estimator was proposed by Cadima (in Troadec, 1977) for
exploited fish stocks for which only limited stock assessment data are available.

Cadima's estimator has the form:

MSY = O.5*Z*B (9.3.1)
where_B is the average (annual) biomass and Z the total mortality. Since Z = F+M and Y
= F*B, Cadima suggested that in the absence of data on Z, Eq. 9.3.1 could be rewritten:
+ M*B)
MSY = O.5*(Y
_ (9.3.2)

where Y is the total catch in a year and B is the average biomass in the same year.

As most stocks in the world are now already being exploited this equation is quite frequently
used in developing and some developed fisheries, where catch and effort time series are not
yet available, but where biomass esti-mates are occasionally obtained from, for instance,
trawl- or acoustic surveys.


Based on the considerations in the foregoing section, Garcia, Sparre and Csirke (1989)
suggested two alternative ways to estimate the potential yield of exploited fish stocks which
have basically the same foundation and applications as the Gulland and Cadima estimators,
but which are consistent with the underlying models. The two estimators have been derived
from the Schaefer model and the Fox model.

- 288 -
Both methods assume that the observations:
B (average biomass) and Y (current yield)

are available for one year only. They also assume that natural mortality, M, is known and
that there is a relationship between M and fMSY of the form:

fMSY ;::k*M (9.4.1)

where k is a constant.
- -
As f = Y/B and Y/f = B, we can write the surplus production models Eqs. 9.1.2 and 9.1.3
in the form:
- -
Schaefer: B = a + b*(Y/B) (9.4.2)
InB = c + d*(Y/B)
- (9.4.3)

Suppose observations B1 and Y1 are available and we have a "guesstimate" of M, then

combined with the assumption of Eq. 9.4.1 we get:

Schaefer: B1 a + b*(Y1/B1) and fMSY = k*M -a/2b (9.4.4)

Fox: In B1 c + d*(Y1/B1) and fMSY = k*M = -l/d (9.4.5)

These equations can be solved for a and b, c and d in the Schaefer and the Fox model,

2*f MSY *B12

Schae fer: a = --::---=---'-"=::-~----::
2*fMSy*B1 - Yl b (9.4.6)

Fox: c = In (Bl) + Y1/(B1*fMSY) d = -l/fMSY (9.4.7)

Once we have (a,b) or (c,d) we can estimate the MSY by Eqs. 9.1.8 and 9.1.10:
Schaefer: MSY = -O.25*a /b

Fox: MSY -(1/d)*exp(c-1)

and draw the yield curves (cf. Eqs. 9.1.5 and 9.1.6).

The MSY expression corresponding to the Schaefer model is found by inserting Eq. 9.4.6
into Eq. 9.1.8:


The yield curve is determined by a and b (Eq. 9.4.6). When fMSY is not known (as is most
often the case) it may be replaced by k*M. In the special case where k = 1 and fMSY = M
we get:

MSY - (9.4.9)
2*M*B - Y

If the stock is un fished (i.e. when f = 0, Y = 0 and B = Bv) Eq. 9.4.9 becomes Gulland's
original formula (Eq. 9.2.1).

- 289 -
If the stock in question responds better to the Fox production model (Eq. 9.1.10), we get the
- -
MSY = fMSy*B*exp[Y/(fMSy*B) - 1)

The yield curve is determined by c and d (Eq. 9.4.7). In the special case where k = 1 and
fMSY = M, Eq. 9.4.10 becomes:
- - (9.4.11)
MSY = M*B*exp[Y/(M*B) - 1)

When Y = 0, the estimate of MSY comparable to Gulland's estimator becomes

- -
MSY = M*B*exp(-l) = 0.37*M*B (9.4.12)

Thus, one pair of observations (B 1,Y I) and assumptions on M and the relationship between
M and fMSY (fMSY = k*M) are sufficient information to get a first rough estimate of the
yield curve (Schaefer: a,b or Fox: c,d) from which a first rough estimate of MSY can be

The interested reader is referred to the original paper (Garcia, Sparre and Csirke, 1989) for
further details.

9.4.1 Validation of estimates of MSY based on empirical formulas

When working with mathematical models the fishery scientist should check whether the basic
assumptions of the models are fulfilled. This applies in particular to the above-mentioned
empirical formulas (Garcia, Sparre and Csirke, 1989). For example, the biomass (B) is meant
to be the exploited average biomass, and both the catch and the biomass referred to should
be comparable and have the same age (or size) structure. For instance, the biomass figure
should not include small sizes which are not available to the fishery. This biomass is the
annual biomass value and seasonal oscillations caused by change in growth, mortality or
recruitment, which are likely to be more important in short-lived species such as shrimps,
squids and anchovies, should be taken into account and as far as possible be levelled off to
obtain an appropriate annual average of the total biomass.

If seasonal oscillations of biomass are caused by migrations, then the peak biomass
representing the real size of the stock should be used. If another country is exploiting the
same stock at another season of the year, in another area, the catch of that country should be
included in the calculations and the MSY estimate should refer to the whole unit stock. The
estimated potential yield could also be validated by comparison with other similar stocks for
which better information might be available.

Some of the questions to be asked are: How does an estimate of the density, expressed as
MSY /km- stand with respect to similar estimates for other stocks of the same species in
ecologically similar areas exploited under similar fishing regimes? Does the size structure of
the catch provide support for assessment implying that the stock is heavily over-fished (e.g.
predominance of juveniles) or under-fished (e.g., predominance of large, old fish)?

It should be noted that a closer look at the length-frequency composition of the catch would
give some guidance on relative levels of exploitation and this should be among the first data
to be collected in any developing fishery in order to allow some estimation of the total
mortality rate for cross-checking with other methods (cf. Chapters 3 and 4).

- 290 -
If the stock in question has been exploited for some time it is likely that a time series of catch
data is available, which should also be examined. Even if no detailed effort data are available,
the indication that after a period of sustained increase, the total catch has been stable for some
time may mean that the MSY has been reached at least for the present regime of exploitation,
while if the catch has dropped from a previous high level it may mean that the stock is over-
fished and an average of the highest catches experienced in the past may provide an indepen-
dent approximation to the MSY. In interpreting catch time series as suggested above, one
assumes that such variations in catches are caused by changes in fishing effort and not by
environmental or socio-economic changes.


The surplus production models are usually applied to time series of CPUE and effort. Munro
and Thompson (1983 and 1983a), however, applied the surplus production model to a set of
data from the Jamaican coral reef fishery all collected in the same year but representing
different fishing grounds fished at different levels of effort. Fig. 9.5.1 shows a schematic map
of Jamaica divided into 9 areas, which except for area B coincide with the parishes of
Jamaica. The fishery studied by Munro and Thompson (1983) is a local trap fishery operated
from canoes. Coral reef fish are not considered to be very mobile and it was assumed that
each area (Fig. 9.5.1) has its own stocks which are independent of the neighbouring stocks
(little mixing). The basic assumption is that the "ecological regimes" in the sea areas opposite
the various parishes do not differ substantially around the island. Based on that assumption
it makes sense to further assume that the relation between the yield and fishing effort in the
different areas will follow the same model.

Table 9.5.1 shows the CPUE and effort data collected in the various parishes (Fig. 9.5.1) for
the Jamaican shelf fishery on shelf-dwelling species in 1968.

Effort is expressed in units of canoes per km- per year to accommodate the assumption that
each area has the same relative potentials, i.e. can support the same production per area unit.
Thus, if exploited at the same rate (same effort per unit area per year) all areas should have
the same yield per unit area per year (kg/km-/year) (cf. column D of Table 9.5.1).

The yield per unit area was based on the area of the shelf and the proximal banks of each
parish. For further details the reader is referred to the original papers (Munro and Thompson,
1983 and 1983a).

The relationship between CPUE and effort is here assumed to follow the Fox model (Eq.
9. 1.3). Fig. 9.5.2 shows the plot of In(CPUE) on effort as well as the yield per no. of canoes
per km>, Munro and Thompson had reasons to exclude area F from the regression analysis.

When applying a Munro and Thompson plot care should be taken to exclude all those fish
which can move freely between areas, such as large pelagics.

The Munro and Thompson plot may be useful in situations where only limited data are
available from certain parts of a region which have similar fisheries on coral reef stocks or
other resources with a similar low mobility,

- 291 -
Table 9.5.1 Input data for Munro and Thompson Plot (for further details, see text).
From Munro and Thompson (1983a)

A B C = lnB D = A*B
parish effort CPUE In(CPUE) yield
(stock) canoes kg per canoe Fox model kg per km2
per km2 per year per year

A 1.63 2367 7.769 3858

B 0.38 3279 8.095 1246
C 3.09 1407 7.249 4348
D 5.63 556 6.321 3130
E 4.43 974 6.881 4315
(F) 5.51 1306 7.175 7196
G 4.58 564 6.335 2583
H 4.20 767 6.642 3221
I 1.49 1875 7.536 2794

North Coast


Kingston A

Fig. 9.5.1 Schematic map of Jamaica showing the parishes used for the "Munro and
Thompson plot" (Fig. 9.5.2)


::s ~S
flJ.....7.0 )(

s .!!


0 2 3 , 5 6 7 0 2 3 , 5 6
Effort, no. of CBnOf!Spf!r km1 Effort, no. of CBnOf!S pf!r km1

Fig. 9.5.2 Munro and Thompson plot. Based on data in Table 9.5.1
(from Munro and Thompson, 1983)

- 292 -

In Section 4.3 it was suggested that effort is proportional to fishing mortality. This is true,
of course, if we define effort as something proportional to fishing mortality, but such a
definition has no practical application. In practice we will have to choose a measure for effort
which we believe is related to fishing mortality or rather "fishing power". There are many
possible choices. For a trawl fishery we may consider:

number of trawlers
number of trawler-days
number of standard trawlers (taking into account the boat type)
number of standard trawler-days
... etc.

For a handline fishery it may be more appropriate to consider the number of fisherman-days
or the number of hooks used times the number of days. In this case it may be necessary to
take into account that the fishermen on the same boat compete, so that effort is not a linear
function of the number of fishermen.

In general, a measure which can be shown to be linearly related to the catch rate is a suitable
measure. That is, if it can be shown that two units of effort catch twice as much as one unit
of effort when operating under equal conditions the effort measure is a suitable one. For
example, the number of fishing hours times engine horsepower may be a suitable measure
of effort in some bottom trawl fisheries, whereas in a gill net fishery the boat type and the
number of hours are likely to be less important than the number of gill nets set per day. In
both of the above mentioned cases the number of fishermen may not be linearly related to the
fishing power.

There are already considerable difficulties in defining suitable measures of effort for a single
gear as discussed above, but when trying to define the effort for combinations of gears
exploiting the same resources some rather really intricate problems are encountered. In
tropical fisheries many different gears are used to capture the same resources, therefore
several methods for standardization of effort units will be discussed here.

Relative effort

Before we start the discussion on standardization of effort units we notice that:

CPUE = effort as CPUE = yield/effort

In the following we shall be using this relation, not for yield and effort, but for quantities
proportional to yield, effort and CPUE, so that the final result is a measure proportional to
effort. Therefore we call it "relative effort". We also assume that all the effort units defined
are suitable ones.

- 293 -
Table 9.6.1 Example (hypothetical) to illustrate summation of effort for different effort units


year CPUE1(y) R1(y) = CPUE2(y) R2(y) =
rel. rel.
y Yl(y) f1(y) Yl/fl Y/f Y2(y) f2(y) Y2/f2 Y/f
1971 100 10 10.00 1.089 300 800 0.375 1.047
1972 200 21 9.52 1.037 250 669 0.374 1.043
1973 400 43 9.30 1.0l3 200 543 0.368 1.028
1974 700 81 8.64 0.941 150 430 0.349 0.974
1975 1200 142 8.45 0.920 100 307 0.326 0.909
CPUE1(y1,y2) = 9.18 CPUE2(y1,y2) = 0.358


year CPUE3(y) R3(y) = CPUE4(y) R4(y) =
rel. rel.
y Y3(y) f3(y) Y3/f3 Y/f Y4(y) f4(y) Y4/f4 Y/f
1971 40 10000 0.00400 1.11 350 200000 0.00175 1.04
1972 80 20900 0.00383 1.06 344 200000 0.00172 1.02
1973 120 31100 0.00386 1.07 339 200000 0.00170 1.01
1974 80 23200 0.00345 0.96 333 200000 0.00167 0.99
1975 40 13700 0.00292 0.81 320 200000 0.00160 0.95
CPUE3(y1,y2) = 0.00361 CPUE4(y1,y2) = 0.00169

Yi(y) = yield of gear i in year y. L = 1, •. ,4; Y = 1971, ••. ,1975

fi(y) = effort of gear L in year y

CPUEi(y) = Yi(y)/fi(y) = catch per unit of gear L effort in year y

Ri(y) = CPUEi(y)/CPUEi(y1,y2) = relative CPUE

year total relative total relative normalized

Y CPUE yield effort rel. effort

y YS(y) R(y) YT(y) YT(y)/R(y) E(y)

1971 790 1.0524 7900 7507 0.653
1972 874 1.0341 8740 8452 0.735
1973 1059 1.0213 10590 10369 0.902
1974 1263 0.9590 12630 13170 1.145
1975 1660 0.9224 16600 17995 1.565
Mean YT/R 11499
YS(y) = ,I: Yi(y) = sum of yields of gears for which effort
~= 1
is known (yield of sampled gears) , per year

R(y) = [Ri(y)*Yi(y)/YS(y)] = sum of relative CPUE weighted
by the yields in year y

YT(y) = total yield of all gears (including gears for which

effort is not known)

YT(y)/R(y) = relative effort of year y

E(y) = mean YT/R = normalized relative effort of year y

- 294 -
Example 32: Summation of effort for different effort units

In the example given in Table 9.6.1 we consider the effort of four gears measured in numbers
of units per year. As can be seen, the original effort units are not compatible. The yields
corresponding to the various efforts are also available from a sampling scheme. The four
sampled gears given in the Table are assumed to constitute only one tenth of the total catch
of the stock in question. To make the different gear types (effort units) compatible each unit
must be converted into CPUE, which then in turn is converted into "relative CPUE" as
shown in the Table. The relative catch per unit of effort of gear i in year y is defined as

= CPUEily)
Ri(y) (9.6.1)

--. 1 2 1 y2 CPUEl.·(J·)
where CPUEl.(y ,y ) = y2-y1 * j~y1

when a time period over the years y1,y1 +1, ... ,y2 is considered. (In Table 9.6.1, y1 = 1971
and y2 = 1975).

As the relative CPUE of a gear has no dimension you may say that we have obtained
compatible units of CPUE by the conversion into the relative CPUE. The relative CPUEs can
be summed.

In the hypothetical case that all CPUE observations were proportional to the population size
(cf. Section 4.3) the relative CPUEs would become identical for all gears.

However, in reality some gears are less important than others. The purse seine in Table 9.6.1
is the dominating one as far as development in yield is concerned, whereas the pole and line
fishery is rather unimportant in terms of yield. This is accounted for by calculating the sum
of the relative CPUEs weighted by the corresponding yields. For example for year 1971 (see
Table 9.6.1):

Dividing the total yield of the species under consideration, YT(y) , including the yield not
covered by the catch/effort sampling scheme, by the weighted sum of relative CPUEs gives
a figure proportional to the total effort, R(y), shown in the column "YT(y)/R(y)" in Table
9.6.1. The last column contains the normalized relative effort, E(y). (This concept is
introduced in order not to confound relative effort with absolute effort.)

The first gear in Table 9.6.1, the purse seine, is the important one, in the sense that the trend
in the yield of this gear is the same as the trend for the normalized relative effort. The beach
seine shows the opposite trend, but because it is a relatively unimportant gear it has less influ-
ence on the combined effort. If the purse seine catches had been only 10% of what they were
the trend would be changed as the beach seine would then become a relatively more important
gear. The E(y) values would then have the same trend as the yields of the beach seines (see
Table 9.6.2).

- 295 -
Table 9.6.2 Exploring the concept of normalized relative effort for several gears combined
(cf. Table 9.6.1)

from Table 9.6.1 if purse seine catches

were only 10% of those
given in Table 9.6.1
year E(y) E(y)

1971 0.653 1.014

1972 0.734 1.018
1973 0.903 1.035
1974 1.146 0.984
1975 1.564 0.949

The method described above has been used by the North Sea Round Fish Working Group of
ICES (ICES, 1980). This method does not require a direct comparison of the different boat
types. It requires only a type of data which is often available. The method can be questioned,
and in fact, the results achieved by the ICES working group were not "overwhelmingly con-
vincing" when the ICES working group correlated the normalized relative effort figures with
the fishing mortalities obtained from VPA.

Relative fishing power

A more direct (and probably more dependable) method to standardize effort is the one
suggested by Robson (1966) (discussed in Gulland, 1983). It does, however, require
additional data. The method works with the concept of "relative fishing power". With the
fishing power of vessel B relative to vessel A we mean:

CPUE of vessel B
PA(B) = CPUE of vessel A (9.6.2)

when the two boats are fishing under the same conditions (at the same time and in the same
area). Vessel A is often called the "standard vessel" .

Suppose the boats participating in a certain fishery can be divided into 5 homogeneous
groups, so that each group consists of boats with similar fishing powers. Suppose also that
the CPUE is in units of catch per time unit (e.g. catch per trawling hour), and further that
the following data have been collected:

Boat type A (standard) B C D E

Fishing power (PA) 1.0 PA(B) PA(C) PA(D) PA(E)
Number of boats (N) NA NB NC ND NE
Average number of
fishing days per dA dB dC dD dE
boat (d)

The total effort would then be estimated by:

total effort =
1.0*NA*dA + PA(B)*NB*dB + PA(C)*NC*dC + PA(D)*ND*dD + PA(E)*NE*dE

- 296 -
In certain cases it can be assumed that the fishing power is proportional to some characteris-
tics of the boat or gears which are relatively easy to obtain, such as GRT (tonnage) or HP
(horsepower) or their product for trawlers and, for example, the number or length of nets for
gill netters. As we are usually only interested in the relative effort, the PA's (fishing power)
in Eq. 9.6.3 can simply be replaced by the boat/gear characteristics.


A family of models which attempts to be a compromise between the surplus production

models and the age-structured models has been presented by, for example, Deriso (1980),
Ludwig and Walters (1985), Ludwig (1987) and Schnute (1985, 1987). These models,
however, have limited use in tropical areas as they were developed for long-lived (slow
growing) species, which are not exploited in the first part of their life. They are based on a
series of rather strong assumptions which make them inapplicable to certain species. Schnute
(1985) states about the models: "Among other things, they reflect the undeniable reality that
the population consists of cohorts that get one year older each year". This clearly shows that
these models are not intended for stocks where this "reality" can be denied, e.g. shrimps.
Actually, the methods give nonsense results for such species (e.g. negative biomass).

The theoretical biological basis for these models does not go beyond the models already
introduced (the basic reasoning is similar to that of Pope's cohort analysis), but the
mathematical theory applied for the estimation procedure is somewhat more sophisticated than
for most of the models presented in this manual. The main difference from the age-structured
models given in this manual is that the Ford-Walford equation replaces the von Bertalanffy
model for growth in weight (Eq.

The models are highly sophisticated and not quite simple to use. Their description in non-
mathematical language would require a very long chapter. The interested reader is therefore
referred to the above-mentioned papers by Deriso, Schnute and others.

- 297 -

So far, the models and methods described have dealt mostly with a single stock exploited by
one fleet. However, this situation is the exception rather than the rule. In most cases a fleet
exploits several stocks and several fleets compete in exploiting the same resources. In this
connection we operate with three main types of interaction between components of a multi-
species/multifleet system:

1. Biological interaction
2. Economic interaction
3. Technical interaction

Biological interaction is the interaction between fish stocks, and within fish stocks, caused
by predation and food competition.

Economic interaction is the competition between fleets, e.g. between an industrial fishery
and an artisanal fishery. The more one fleet catches of the limited resource the less will be
left for its competitors.

Technical interaction means that the fishery on one stock creates fishing mortality on other
stocks because the fishery is either a multispecies fishery or because of inevitable by-catches.

This chapter presents a brief discussion of some aspects of these three kinds of interaction.
It is not intended to explain the models at a level which would enable the reader to apply
them in practice. One good reason for not doing this is that many aspects of the models are
still not well investigated and not well understood. Therefore, most stocks also in temperate
waters are still assessed by means of single species models.

Various approaches to models taking interactions into account have been suggested during the
last decade. The majority of the models are extensions of the single species/single fleet
models presented in the foregoing chapters, so that the theory of the simple systems is a
necessary background to multispecies/multifleet theory. Multispecies/multifleet assessment
with special reference to tropical fish stocks is reviewed in e.g. FAO (1978), Pope (1979,
1980), Saila and Roedel (1980) and Pauly and Murphy (1982).



The simplest way to deal with the multispecies/multifleet system is to apply the surplus
production models (cf, Chapter 9) to the total catch of all species and the total effort by all
fleets. Fig. 10.1.1 shows a plot of the total yield of the Gulf of Thailand trawl fishery against
total trawl effort (from Pauly, 1984, after SCSP, 1978). Applying, for example, the Schaefer
model (Eqs. 9.1.2 and 9.1.5) to the yield of all species caught by all fleets would give an
estimate of the total MSY for the sea area in question. This approach, however, combines so
many complex interactions in such a simple model that its general applicability can be ques-
tioned. For example, the surplus production model assumes that the curve is reversible which
cannot be true if each stock follows the Schaefer model. This aspect is illustrated in Fig.
10.1.2 which shows a hypothetical fishery on three species. After effort level F 1 (see figure)
species A is eradicated and after level F2 species B has gone. Thus, going back in effort
from, say, level F3 would, according to the Schaefer model, be along the curve for species C.

- 299 -
BOO 73.

.-.. curve
(j') 600
I: 14·

0 400


..-, 200

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
index of effort
(trawling hours * 10-6)

Fig. 10.1.1 Catch and effort from the Gulf of Thailand trawl fishery (from Pauly, 1984.
Data derived from SCSP, 1978)

Further, if we assume each stock to conform to the Schaefer model, the total yield of all three
stocks may not be a parabola, but the descending part of the total yield curve will resemble
an exponential decay curve, as illustrated in Fig. 10.1.2.

In practice, however, a picture is often observed, as in Fig. 10.1.1, in which a steady

increase in effort does not produce a drop in total yield of all species combined. The curve
appears to have a continued upwards trend. This probably would come to an end at some high
effort level. Yet, it is difficult at the moment to find examples in tropical demersal fisheries
of a collapse of the total yield from all species. For a demersal multispecies fishery we expect
the following changes together with the effort increase (Pauly, 1984):

1. A decrease (perhaps extinction) of very large fish, which are easy to catch, old and

2. A decrease in the average size of fish caught

3. An increase in the relative contribution of low-value small-sized fish. The removal

of the large predators on the food fishes results in a reduced natural mortality

4. Increase of previously insignificant components of the system (e.g. squids or

jellyfish) which is also explained by removal of predators and food competitors

Thus, the interpretation of results from the simple surplus production model applied to a
multispecies fishery is not straightforward. For a further discussion of these aspects, see for
example, Caddy (1980), Marten and Polovina (1982), Ursin (1982) and Pauly (1984). The
surplus production models can, however, be extended so that species interaction is explicitly
accounted for in the model as will be discussed in the next section.

- 300-
F1 Fl FJ


Fig. 10.1.2 Illustration of the changes of yields in a fishery on three species according to the
simple Schaefer model


Several authors have more or less successfully extended single species assessment models to
cover biological interactions between species. This is done by introducing terms for mutual
predation and food competition. The most promising of these models probably is the
"Multispecies VPA" (Helga son and Gislason, 1979; Gislason and Helgason, 1985; Pope,
1979a; ICES, 1984, 1986, 1987 and Gislason and Sparre, 1987). Essentially, it consists of
a number of parallel VPAs, one for each fish stock in the sea area considered. The second
of the two VPA equations (Eqs. 5.1.5 and 5.1.6):
C = F*N (number caught) and
D = M*N (number of natural deaths) is extended to:
D = (Ml + M2) *N

where M2 is the "predation mortality" and M1 the "residual natural mortality" (i.e. natural
mortality caused by diseases, starvation, old age, etc.). Predation mortality for prey species
no. i, M2(i) is in principle derived from the following expression (Andersen and Ursin,

M2(i) (l/N(i» * E (predator j's consumption of prey no. i)

j (pred. )

while M1 has to be a "guesstimate" just like the total natural mortality (M) in an ordinary
VPA (see Section 5.1).

- 301 -
The consumption of prey by predators is estimated from data on stomach contents of
predators (Sparre, 1980 and Gislason and Sparre, 1987). In addition to catch data, the
multispecies VPA also requires stomach content data and data on food requirements (from
feeding experiments) as input. The multispecies VPA was tested in ICES for the North Sea
for the first time in 1984 (ICES, 1984; Sparre, 1984; Gislason and Sparre, 1987), but it has
not yet been used as the basis for management of the fisheries.

Pope (1980a) developed a version of multispecies VPA based on length data. This method
is the extension of Jones' length cohort analysis to multispecies length cohort analysis.

Pope (1979, 1980) also extended the surplus production model (the Schaefer model) to the
multispecies case by introducing biological interaction parameters. In the case of two species
Pope's model reads (cf. Eq. 9.1.2):

prey: Yl/fl al + bl*fl + cl*f2

predator: Y2/f2 a2 + b2*f2 - c2*fl

If the interaction parameters, c I and c2, have zero value we get two independent Schaefer
models. When the interaction parameters are positive (c l > 0 and c2 > 0) we can interpret
the two-species model as a predator/ prey system since the interaction term c I *t2 produces
a higher yield of the prey species when effort on the predator is increased, i.e. when the
predators are removed. The interaction term for the predator, c2*fl, has the opposite effect.
If effort on the prey is increased the predator gets short of food and the stock is thus less
productive, resulting in a reduction in yield from the predator stock.


The economic interaction of several fleets was already introduced with the age-based
Thompson and Bell model (Section 8.6) to which the reader is referred. Economic interaction
can also be described by the Beverton and Holt yield per recruit model (Beverton and Holt,
1957), but we shall not go into that here.


In fisheries the catch consists of a mixture of different species. Pauly (1984, p. 161) gives
a table showing a typical trawl catch from the Java Sea. It contains over 55 species distributed
over 29 different families. However, the ten most abundant species in that trawl haul
constituted 70% of the catch. The most abundant single species constituted 32 % of the total
catch in weight. Disregarding the rare species, we often end up with, say, 5 to 15 species
which are important from a commercial and/or ecological point of view.

10.4.1 A yield per recruit model for mixed fisheries

To illustrate the problem we consider a simple system of two species, A and B. A is a large
slow-growing species and B is small fast-growing species. A has a low natural mortality and
B a high one. The typical shapes of Y/R curves for species with the characteristics of A and
B are shown in Fig. 1O.4.1.l. If A is the target species of the fishery and B is the (inevitable)
by-catch then a Y/R-curve for B has little practical applicability. Management measures have
to be directed at the fishery for the target species, A. If there is a simple relationship between

- 302 -

Fig. A: Y/R-curve for a large slow-growing species with a low natural mortality
B: Y/R-curve for a small fast-growing species with a high natural

the fishing mortality of the two species, for example a linear one:

F(A) = k*F(B)

where F(A) and F(B) are the fishing mortalities on A and B respectively and k is a constant,
the effects of various fishing strategies on A can easily be transformed to B.

Two Y/R-curves cannot be added since they are in different units ("per A recruit" is
something different from "per B recruit").

If estimates of relative recruitment are available we can transform the Y/R curves into
comparable units (Sparre, 1980; Murawski, 1984). For example, if the number of recruits
of A (on an average) is 0.001 times that of B we can express the yield for A in "per recruit"
and the yield for B in "per 1000 recruits", and we can then add the two curves. However,
if the prices per kg of the two species are different it may make more sense from a
management point of view to multiply by the price before adding. If A preys on B the
situation becomes more complicated and simple adding of yield curves may lead to erroneous
conclusions (Sparre, 1979). To handle this situation a multispecies VPA (Sparre, 1980) might
be adequate.

Munro (1983) developed an alternative approach which is less data demanding than the
multispecies VPA approach. His model probably represents the simplest way of extending the
Beverton and Holt model to take into account species interaction. Murawski (1984) developed
an extension of the Beverton and Holt YIR analysis in which technical interaction in a mixed-
species fishery is accounted for.

- 303 -
10.4.2 Assessment of mixed fisheries based on length-frequency data

Suppose a certain type of commercial gear catches a mixture of three major species, called
A, B and C. One may think of a bottom trawl catching up to 50 different species of which
three make up the bulk of the catch. It may well be so that none of these species can be
considered the target species.

Thus, the catch consists of a mixture of species which is not determined by the fishing
operation but by the availability of the fish. The species in question inhabit the same fishing
grounds and are caught together. We assume length-frequency data from all three major
species to be available, and also that the prices per kg differ between species and between
size categories within species.

In this case one cannot treat each species separately and subsequently sum the results in terms
of yield. Before a summation makes sense the yield must be converted into units of value.
A fishery may for example catch shrimps as the target species and squid as a by-catch. From
the point of view of the fishermen the catch of shrimps is far more important than the catch
of squid. Moreover, even if yield is converted into value it is still not possible to sum the
results of single species assessments such as the length-based Thompson and Bell analyses.
It will usually be so that the effort level which for species A gives the maximum sustainable
economic yield, MSE, will not be the MSE level for species Band C.

The approach suggested below combines all species in the estimation of MSE. This
assessment of a mixed fishery based on length-frequency data works as follows:

Step 1: Do a single species length-based cohort analysis on each species separately. Thi s
gives estimates of the current fishing pattern for each species, e.g. if species A
ranges in length from 5 to 25 cm the F-pattern can be denoted:

FA(S,6) ,FA(6,7) ,FA(7 ,8), .•.•. ,FA(2S,oo).

Thus, species A is measured in 1 cm classes. If species B ranges from 15 to 100

cm and is measured in 5 ern classes the fishing pattern estimated from cohort
analysis may be denoted:

FB(lS,20),FB(20,2S),FB(2S,30), ...•. ,FB(lOO,oo)

and the results for species C may be

FC(lO,12),FC(12,14),FC(14,16), •.••. ,FC(SO,oo).

For each species we further get the numbers in the first length group (the recruit-
ment number) from length-based cohort analysis.

Step 2: Perform three separate length-based yield analyses of the Thompson and Bell type
for the three species, as illustrated by Table 8.7.4. Use the same F-factor for each
of the three fishing patterns in each prediction. Add up the values of the yields of
the three species. The result of this exercise is a table similar to Table 8.7.4. This
table contains the yield, biomass and value for each species together with the sum
of values.

You may, for example, calculate 16 predictions as is done in Table 8.7.4, where
each prediction is made as in Table 8.7.3 with the assumptions on fishing patterns
listed below:

- 304 -
First prediction:

0,0, .............•...........•..•......... 0
0,0, .....••..........•.......•...•........ 0
0,0, .•.•.•...........••......••..••....... 0

Second prediction:

0.2*FA(5,6),0.2*FA(6,7), ..••..••••. ,0.2*FA(25,OO)

0.2*FB(15,20),0.2*FB(20,2S), .••...• ,0.2*FB(100,oo)
0.2*FC(10,12),0.2*FC(12,14), •..•... ,0.2*FC(SO,oo)

Third prediction:

0.4*FA(5,6),0.4*FA(6,7), ,0.4*FA(25,oo)
0.4*FB(15,20),0.4*FB(20,2S), .....•. ,0.4*FB(100,oo)
0.4*FC(10,12),0.4*FC(12,14), •...... ,0.4*FC(50,oo)

Sixteenth prediction:

3.0*FA(5,6),3.0*FA(6,7), ...••...... ,3.0*FA(25,oo)

3.0*FB(15,20),3.0*FB(20,2S), ..•.... ,3.0*FB(100,oo)
3.0*FC(10,12),3.0*FC(12,14), •...... ,3.0*FC(50,oo)

Step 3: Use the sum of values to determine the optimum effort level.The assumption
behind the method is that when you increase the fishing mortality on species A by,
say, 20 % the fishing mortality on species B and C will automatically be increased
also by 20%.

This approach may, for example, be used to assess the combined effect of mesh size changes.
If selection ogives are estimated for each species you may use the logistic model (cf. Section
6.1) to determine the fishing pattern. That is, the fishing patterns for the three species are
determined by the 50% and 75% retention lengths and the fishing mortality Fm for size
classes under full exploitation (cf. Fig. multiplied by the F-factor, X. The effect of,
say, a 20% increase in mesh size is estimated by calculating three new fishing patterns, using
the parameters:

Species A: 1. 2*L50%A, 1.2*L75%A, X*FmA

Species B: 1.2*L50%B, 1.2*L 75%B, X*FmB
Species C: 1.2*L50%C, 1. 2*L 75%C, X*FmC

and then do the length-based Thompson and Bell analysis for a suitable range of X (F-factor)
values, enabling you to determine the F-level for MSE.

Computer programs

The above suggested computational procedure involves a large number of calculations and it
is recommended to use a computer. The LFSA-package contains the program "MIXFISH"
which can perform this assessment of a mixed fishery. The program carries out the single
species length-based Thompson and Bell analysis for each species as well as the combined
assessment and it calculates the MSE in each case, using iteration techniques. A similar
program has been incorporated in FiSAT.

- 305 -
10.4.3 Multifleet mixed Iisheries

We discussed in Section 8.6 the case of two competing fleets (economic interaction) and in
Section 10.4.2 the case where one type of boat caught several species (technical interaction
or mixed fishery). Most fisheries have features of economic interaction and technical inter-
action as well as biological interaction (Section 10.2). In this section we shall ignore the
biological interaction and consider only the combination of economic interaction and technical

Table shows an example of input data for a multifleet mixed fishery. We are
considering seven different pelagic species and four different gears (fleets). Here we assume
that only these four gears (fleets) exploit the seven stocks considered. The basic data are
numbers caught by size group (or age group):

C(y,s,g,i) = number of length class (or age group) i fish of species s

caught by gear (fleet) g during time period y

s = 1,2, ,7 g = a,b,c,d
i = 1,2, ,n(s) y = yl,yl+l, ... ,y2

Table actually shows only a small fraction of the data. It is just one table in a time
series, and each i-index symbolizes a whole length-frequency of i = 1,2, ... ,n(s) observations,
where n(s) is the number of length classes in the length range of species s. The right-hand
column of the table contains the total number caught:

c(y,s,i) l: C(y,s,g,i) number of length class (or age group) i fish
g=a of species s caught by all gears (fleets)
during time period y

These numbers by length (or age) group and by time period form the input for individual
cohort analyses or VPAs for each species.

Suppose in the following that we are working with length groups and have performed Jones'
length-based cohort analyses. We have used as input the average number caught over a time
period of several years and have estimated the average number in the population and the
overall fishing mortalities for each species. The output of the seven analyses of the example
can be summarized as shown in Table

Each entry in Table represents an array (a vector):

N....Lll = (N(s,1),N(s,2), ... ,N(s,n(s»

.E...l§.l = (F(s,1),F(s,2), ..• ,F(s,n(s»

where each vector element corresponds to a length group. Each such F of a length group
stems from the combined fishing mortality created by all four gears (fleets). The total F for
each of the length groups can be redistributed on the four gears (fleets) using:

F(s,g,i) = F(s,i)*C(s,g,i)/c(s,i)

Table illustrates the total fishing mortality partitioned into fishing mortalities by gear
(or by fleet). The type of data given in Table together with the estimate of the stock
numbers (Table form the input for a "length-based mixed fisheries Thompson and
Bell catch prediction". The first step is to make assumptions on the F-arrays for each gear
(fleet), as discussed in Section 10.4.2. This could, for example, be the assumption of a ten
percent increase of the gill net fishery, in which case all arrays in the gill net col umn should
be multiplied by 1.1. Other assumptions could be made for the other gears.

- 306 -
Table Example of catch input data for multifleet mixed fisheries for a single time
period (e.g. a year). C(s,g,i) = number of length class i fish of species s caught
by gear g.
s = 1,2, .••,7; g = a,b,c,d; * = sum of all gears i = 1,2, •.. ,n(s);

g a b c d total
\ gear catch
\ (fleet) gill long purse pole and VPA
s species \ net lines seine line input

1 Yellowfin tuna C(l,a,i) C(l,b,i) C(l,c,i) C(l,d,i) C(l,*,i)

2 Skipjack tuna C(2,a,i) C(2,b,i) C(2,c,i) C(2,d,i) C(2,*,i)

3 Kawakawa C(3,a,i) C(3,b,i) C(3,c,i) C(3,d,i) C(3,*,i)

4 Frigate tuna C(4,a,i) C(4,b,i) C(4,c,i) C(4,d,i) C(4,*,i)

5 Seerfish C(5,a,i) C(5,b,i) C(5,c,i) C(5,d,i) C(5,*,i)

6 Marlin C(6,a,i) C(6,b,i) C(6,c,i) C(6,d,i) C(6,*,i)

7 Sail-fish C(7,a,i) C(7,b,i) C(7,c,i) C(7,d,i) C(7,*,i)

Table Output from the seven individual length-based cohort analyses

population fishing
s species numbers mortality

1 Yellowfin tuna li1ll lill

2 Skipjack tuna li.Lll .E.Lll
3 Kawakawa li.W. .E.Lll
4 Frigate tuna li.Lll .u.4.l
5 Seerfish N..Lll .E.iti
6 Marlin li.L§j_ .E.i§.l

7 Sail-fish liLll f1.1l

The second step is to sum up the fishing mortalities for each species. The third step is to
make a length-based Thompson and Bell catch prediction on each stock. The fourth step is
to distribute the catches by length group between the fleets and convert the catches into
values. Finally, the values of catches of different species are summed up for each fleet and
for the total multi fleet fishery.

- 307 -
Table Fishing mortalities partitioned into gear (fleet) components estimated from
cohort analysis and the numbers caught by each gear

\ g a b c d total
\ gear fishing
\ (fleet) gill long purse pole and mort.
s species \ net lines seine line

1 Yellowfin tuna F(l,al F(l,b} F(l,cl F(l,d} F(l,*l

2 Skipjack tuna F(2,al F(2,b} F(2,cl F(2,d} F(2,*l

3 Kawakawa F(3,al F(3,bl F(3,c) F(3,dl F(3,*}

4 Frigate tuna F(4,a} F(4Ib) F(4,cl F(4,d} F(4,*l

S Seerfish F(S,a} F(S,b} F(S,c} F(S,d} F(S,*l

6 Marlin F(6,a} F(6,bl F(6,cl F(6,d} F(6,*}

7 Sail-fish F(7,a} F(7,bl F(7,cl F(7,dl F(7, *}

Computer program

The microcomputer package BEAM 4 (Bio-Econornic Analytical Model No. Four, Sparre and
Willmann, 1992) consists of two sub-models. The biological/technical sub-model of BEAM
4 is the age-based multifleet mixed fisheries version of the Thompson and Bell model.
Although BEAM 4 is based on age compositions, it contains options to convert input given
as length compositions or commercial size categories into age composition data.

The BEAM 4 model also has options to account for migration of fish and fleets between
geographical areas. The economic sub-model of BEAM 4 links the Thompson and Bell
analysis to a cost and earning analysis of the harvesting sector and the processing sector of
a fishery.

- 308 -

Several of the methods presented so far are often insufficient when applied to migratory or
schooling fish stocks. They were all based on the assumption that we can take representative
random samples of the stock, for example, the whole range of length-frequencies. When
stocks are not vulnerable to fishing, due to horizontal or vertical migrations to areas not
covered by the fleet or normal fishing gears during parts of their life span, it is usually not
possible to sample such stocks during these periods. This may simply lead to gaps in the
samples for shorter or longer periods, but it is also possible that the samples taken represent
different parts of the stock and in such cases it is likely that the data are misinterpreted. In
particular, the length-based methods, such as modal progression analysis and catch curve
analysis are difficult to apply in the case of migratory fish stocks.

The migrations of fish stocks which have been exposed to fisheries for centuries and to
fisheries research for some 100 years (the herring in the North Sea, for example) are
sufficiently well known to avoid bias in sampling and misinterpretation of results. The general
knowledge of most tropical fish stocks, however, is often very limited and therefore sampling
bias, incomplete coverage of the stock and misinterpretation of the data may easily occur.

In this chapter the problems related to migration will be illustrated. Some methods are given
which may help in the interpretation of the length-frequency data obtained from migratory
fish stocks. These methods should only be considered as first steps to solving complex pro-


Harden Jones (1968) recognized three types of "migratory movements": drifting with the
currents, random locomotory movements and oriented locomotory movements. In a later
paper Harden Jones (1984) stated: "I use the word migration in the sense of coming and
going with the seasons on a regular basis". Gerking (1953) defined the concept of "homing"
as "the return to a place formerly occupied instead of going to other equally probable places".
Homing is known to be an important feature of the migration of many fish stocks.

For fish stock assessment purposes, the explanation of why fish migrate is of little
importance. The important thing is to know where the fish are at which time of the year.

In this manual we shall look at migration primarily as a source of bias. Migration is here
defined as "any systematic type of movement of individuals belonging to a stock" (cf. the
definition of bias given in Section 7.1). Random movements are not considered migrations
in the present context because we are only interested in such types of migration that create
bias for a length-frequency sampling programme. If a fish moves at random the movement
will not change the relative probability of being sampled. The distinction between random
movements and systematic movements is not obvious. The fish might encounter concentra-
tions of food by moving randomly, and by random movement remain there until the food is
nearly exhausted. If the movement of the food items is systematic (e.g., determined by
current and other systematic oceanographic features) we would consider the above described
feeding movement as a migration, although it was composed of random movements.

Migration is also characterized by being predictable, e.g., for some stocks we are able to
predict at which time and where high concentrations can be found.

- )09 -
Most of the migrations causing bias are horizontal movements, along the coast,
inshore/offshore or even between rivers/lagoons and marine areas. However, also relatively
small vertical migrations and differences in distribution in the water column between different
size groups (ages) of the same species may cause bias in our data.

Migrations creating bias may be classified into five main types, of which some are illustrated
in Fig. 11.1.1.

la. Daily vertical migration (e.g., at the bottom during day and in the water column during

lb. Daily horizontal migration (e.g., skipjack tuna has been observed to move away and
return to a precise location each day (Yuen, 1970).

2. Spawning migration (i.e., annual return to spawning grounds followed by a movement

to a feeding ground, or in the case of some cephalopods and penaeid shrimps with only
one spawning during their life span, migration to the spawning grounds followed by
extinction. Homing may be an important feature of this type of migration.

3. Size-dependent vertical migration of adults (e.g., skipjack tuna, the younger year
classes occur in surface schools, whereas the older specimens move to greater depths).

4. Size-dependent horizontal migration (i.e., larger specimens move to deeper waters,

while still undertaking the migrations mentioned above).

5. Migration of juveniles. Often juveniles undertake migrations different from those of the
adults. The juveniles may remain in the upper layers day and night, whereas the adults
are at the bottom during the day. They may also occupy special nursery grounds where
the adults are not found. For many species a period in the estuarine or inshore waters
is a special phase of life (see for example, Blaber and Blaber, 1980).
---------_ ... --

Fig. 11.1.1 Schematic illustration of five types of potential bias created by migrations

- 310 -
An important feature of the migration/bias complex inherent in especially spawning migration
is the size-dependence. Often, schools with larger average body size arrive at the spawning
grounds earlier than the smaller specimens of the same cohort. In addition to the bias problem
in fish stock assessment there are other reasons why migration should be studied. One is that
of stock sharing between countries (cf. Section 1.2), which is also behind the UNCLOS
definition of highly migratory species.

The complex of problems involved in shared stocks contains the problems of stock
identification and migration routes. Shared stocks and their management are discussed in, for
example, Caddy (1982, 1987) and Caddy and Garcia (1986). Caddy (1982) classifies marine
resources based on their movements relative to the EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones) into
five categories:

1. Stocks that lie almost entirely within a single national jurisdiction.

2. Non-migratory resources lying across the boundary between adjacent zones, and
which are continuously available in each zone.

3. Migratory species moving across boundary areas only available in each zone on a
seasonal basis.

4. High sea stocks that are only occasionally or partially available inside national

5. High sea stocks which occur exclusively outside EEZs.

Especially for categories 3 and 4 the stock identification is a prerequisite for intelligent
management of shared stocks. Stock identification and stock assessment has to be based on
knowledge of the migration routes of the stock.

There are several ways to acquire knowledge about possible migrations of the species under
study. An obvious and cheap way is to tap the knowledge of the fishermen, who surely have
noticed seasonal or daily variations in the availability of the various target species.

Such fluctuations may also be reflected in the records of landings of various types of fishing
boats (statistics) and a general knowledge of the movements of the fleets. Common
echosounders are very useful for the detection of vertical migrations, while more sophisticated
acoustic equipment can be used to map the distribution and estimate the abundance, in
relatively short time, in particular of small pelagic fish.

The classical way to study movements (and growth) of fish and invertebrates is a tagging
programme. Identification tags are attached externally or placed in the body cavity, the fish
is measured and released at a known spot, and a reward is given for any tag returned with
information on the date and place of capture. Such tagging programmes, if successful, may
provide a lot of useful information on net displacements between the point of release and the
point of recapture. They do not provide information on what has happened in between those
moments and points.

Sophisticated acoustic and radio tags have been developed which allow the continuous
observation of the movements of single fish as followed from a research vessel. The latest
developments include tags that are released at a pre-set moment, pop to the surface and
transmit to a satellite (applied in tuna research) and tags that record the compass bearing and
tilt angle of an individual fish.

In Section 11.5 below some aspects of ordinary tagging programmes are discussed.

- 311 -

To illustrate the problem of bias caused by migration, consider a simplified hypothetical fish
stock as illustrated in Fig. 11.2.1. This hypothetical fish stock spends one half of the year on
the fishing grounds and the other half in an area where it is not exploited and which is also
its nursery ground. The stock is composed of two components A and B (you may think of A
as the fish recruited before the monsoon and B as the fish recruited after the monsoon). The
two components undertake the same migrations but at different times of the year, as shown
in Fig. 11.2.1. Suppose the species has a life span of only two years and suppose for
simplicity that the migrations take place on the 1st of January and the 1st of July. Samples
are available only from the fishing grounds.

fishing grounds area not

= exploited
sampling area (nursery grounds)

< <
( January-June July-December )
Component A:
> >

< <
Component B: July-December January-June )
> >

Age of O-group: 0.5 - 1.0 year 0.0 - 0.5 year

Age of I-group: 1.5 - 2.0 year 1.0 - 1.5 year

Fig. 11.2.1 Hypothetical simplified system to illustrate the main problem in obtaining
random samples from a migratory stock

Assume further that we do not know the migration pattern, but erroneously believe that the
entire stock is on the fishing grounds all year round. In this case we are in trouble when
sampling data for estimation of growth parameters because the important data for the first half
year of life are not available. We may wrongly explain the absence of small fish to be caused
by gear selection. We may also observe an apparent negative growth during the period from
June to August if we believe that the fish on the fishing grounds in June are the same as those
in August. In June component A consists of 1 and 2 year old A-fish, which in July are
replaced by 0.5 and 1.5 year old B-fish.

In this (not very realistic) example one would probably not need to sample the fishery for any
long period before one guessed the reason for the missing data for small fish and the apparent
negative growth. In reality pelagic fish stocks show a much more complex migratory
behaviour and the risk exists that we wrongly interpret phenomena caused by migration as
something else. One obvious example is to misinterpret migration as mortality. If, for
example, the fish at a certain body size moves to deeper waters where it cannot be caught by
the fishing gears it will appear to us as if the fish had died, because the larger fish do not
occur in the samples.

The usual situation is that on a given date on given fishing grounds samples can be taken only
from a certain fraction of the stock. Also the time of the day and the gear used may restrict
the fraction of the stock available for sampling. This section is partly based on the work by

- 312 -
Sousa (1988) who discusses sources of bias when assessing stocks of small pelagics, with the
scad Decapterus russelli in Mozambique waters as an example. The current knowledge of
migration patterns of small pelagics in Mozambique waters is limited, and tagging
experiments on small pelagics have not been conducted.

Severe difficulties, such as apparent negative growth were encountered when trying modal
progression analysis on length-frequency samples. Fig. 11.2.2 shows an example of such a
problematic time series of length-frequencies.

In the absence of exact data on migration routes, Sousa (1988) searched for plausible
explanations of some of the apparent inconsistencies in the time series of length-frequencies.
The first step was to suggest hypotheses for the migration pattern and the next, to test the
hypotheses on the available data.

The reasoning assumes the existence of the migration patterns illustrated in Figs. 11.1.1 and
11.2.3. The hypotheses behind Fig. 11.2.3 are:

1) There are two peak recruitments per year. They are denoted: "Autumn cohorts" and
"Spring cohorts".

2) Each year a certain time is spent on the fishing grounds, which are also the
spawning grounds. The remaining part of the year the fish are away from the
fishing grounds. The spring cohorts are not on the spawning grounds at the same
time as the autumn cohorts.

3) The first half year of life is spent outside the fishing grounds.

1979/80 -t, 1985

'-0 ~
~ n:12~t
10 JAN ,
o 1
~ n.7371fl\:1

1() ""1268 I'
o 1



n.1313 \
I~ 12 U II, 1516 1118 1920~ 72 I~ 12 0 141516 1'1 e 19 20 11 11 0 II, 15 6 11 e 1920 21 22 2J 24
lolal k'nolh em Iolallt'oolh.em total length, em

Fig. 11.2.2 Selected series of length-frequencies of commercial catches of Decapterus russeUi,

Sofala Bank, Mozambique, illustrating the problems with the interpretation of
modal progression (from Sousa, 1988)

- 313 -

~ CE---
DF ........





Fig. 11.2.3 Schematic illustration of the hypothesis of the migration of small pelagics. One
unrealistic simplification is that the cohorts do not overlap. For further
discussion see text (from Sousa, 1988)

The left-hand side of Fig. 11.2.3 illustrates the total population, where A, C and E are the
autumn cohorts and B, D and F are the spring cohorts. The right-hand side of Fig. 11.2.3
shows that part of the stock which is on the fishing grounds. In the autumn the C and E
cohorts are on their way to the fishing grounds and D and F are on their way out. Only a part
of C and D has arrived and only a part of E and F has left. In winter C and E only are
represented on the fishing grounds but all members of these cohorts are present. The graphs
for spring and summer should be explained along similar lines.

This theory could explain why there appears to be so little progression in the length-frequency
modes. The right hand side further illustrates the risk of connecting peaks from different cohorts.

- 314 -
____ Observed growth
__ True growth

to fishing AUTUMN


out of

fishing grou-rls


Fig. 11.2.4 Schematic representation of the bias caused by size-dependent migration. Dashed
zones indicate that part of the population that is not sampled (from Sousa, 1988)

growth curve

many small fish all large fish

not yet arr ived arrived

12 II, 18 20

sorne smal! fish some large fish

not yet arrived

have left

12 16 18 20

all small many large fish

fish arrived have It'lt
5OfTl(' small fish
have IE'ft

20 total 1E'fl9lh,Cm

Fig. 11.2.5 Schematic representation of possible reasons why apparent negative growth can
be observed (from Sousa, 1988)

- 315 -
In the simplified Fig. 11.2.3 (with no overlapping between cohorts) it is easy to connect the
peaks properly, but with a real data set the overlapping between cohorts would make it much
more difficult to do modal progression analysis.

Fig. 11.2.4 illustrates bias created by "size-dependent migration" in connection with

estimation of growth rates. The example deals with two cohorts. The shaded areas represent
the fractions of the two cohorts which are not in the sampling area (fishing grounds). You
may say that they are the bias-creating part of the stock. The assumption behind Fig. 11.2.4
is that the annual migration (spawning/feeding) is size-dependent.

We assume that the cohorts arrive on the fishing grounds during autumn and leave them in
the spring. In the autumn sample some of the small specimens (schools with small average
size) have not yet arrived on the fishing grounds. The effect will be an over-estimate of the
average body lengths of the two cohorts. In the spring sample the picture is reversed, all
small fish have arrived but some larger fish have left the fishing grounds. Now the effect is
an under-estimate of the average body lengths. The combined effect of these sources of bias
is an under-estimation of the growth rate. What we will observe is the growth rate
corresponding to the broken line, whereas the full line represents the true average population
growth rate.

Fig. 11.2.5 presents a plausible explanation of apparent negative growth along the same lines
as Fig. 11.2.4. Thus apparent negative growth may be explained as the combined effect of
annual migration and size-dependence. Other explanations are possible, however. Apparent
negative growth may also be caused by gear selection. If the fishery changes from season to
season, e.g. changes its geographical distribution and/or gear, the effect may be an under-
estimation of the growth rate. Selection may in some cases have the opposite effect, i.e. an
over-estimation of the growth rate.


200 300 400 500 700 800

AGE (dillYs)

,. .
. •
.' .(,:., .
~ • \
g 0 _~~.: _!'_ -/_-:. J:.:..!::;_:: __'e..!!._:._
" "'. " I • , •• ,
Q: -, " '. '.:,. . .,'
..... I't: II
-3~~ __ ~ __ +-~ __ ~ __ ~-+ __~'_
100 200 300 400 500 eoo 100 800

Fag. 11.2.6 Growth curve of Decapterus russelli on Sofala Bank, Mozambique, based on age
readings (daily rings) of fish sampled by the commercial bottom trawl fishery
and by a pelagic trawl survey, both in 1982 (from Sousa, 1988)

- 316 -
Fig. 11.2.6 illustrates bias caused by size-dependent vertical migration and/or gear selection.
Fig. 11.2.6A shows age/length data obtained from otolith readings of 118 D. russelli caught
by two different gears, bottom trawl and pelagic trawl (from Sousa, 1988). In this case daily
rings were observed so that the age of fish is counted in days. Smaller specimens were caught
by pelagic trawl and larger specimens by demersal trawl. The two groups appear to follow
different growth curves. This can be explained by size-dependence of the lifelong vertical
migration. The slower the individuals grow the longer they will remain in the upper layers.
If growth curves were estimated for each group of fish the result would be two quite different
growth curves. The growth curve shown superimposed on Fig. 11.2.6A is based on all
observations. The picture becomes clearer in Fig. 11.2.6B where the residuals (deviations
from the estimated growth curve in Fig. 11.2.6A) are plotted against age. Alternatively, it
is possible that the findings presented in Fig. 11.2.6 may be explained by higher swimming
speeds of larger specimens which reduces the catchability of the pelagic trawl for these size


The method presented in this section is a simple special case of the "general matched samples
method", which will be discussed in the next section. The "matched samples method" is a
simple method for the estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates of migratory
stocks. As other simple methods it is based on rather strong assumptions. The question is
whether these assumptions are reasonable approximations to the reality.

The method is based on the assumption that a fish stock follows a predictable migration route.
If this migration route is known (e.g. from tagging experiments) in time and space we are in
a position to follow the cohorts and to "match" samples so that they originate from the same

Consider a simple hypothetical model:

Area B(summer) -->--->--->--- Area C(autumn)

Area A(spring) --<---<--<-- Area D(winter)

A, B, C and D symbolize geographical areas. We assume the stock to undertake the same
migration each year and the timing for, say, the spring cohort is as indicated above. To
"match" samples in the above model for the spring cohort means to perform the analysis
based on samples taken:

In spring in area A, in summer in area B,

in autumn in area C and in winter in area D

The samples may originate from one area only, say, A, and In that case only samples
collected in the spring (in different years) should be matched.

This model may fit to small pelagics like scads and Indian mackerels and it is known to fit
the migration pattern of small pelagics in temperate waters (cf. Section 11.6). It can be used
to estimate growth parameters, as described below.

- 317 -
11.3.1 Estimation of growth parameters by the annual-return matched samples method

Fig. I L.3. L.l depicts a series of length-frequency samples taken every four months over a 2
years period. Note that the distributions in subsequent periods often indicate a negative
growth. Following the model we can connect the modes in the distribution for the
corresponding months in subsequent years (e.g. Jan. 1982, Jan. 1983 and Jan. 1984), as in a
normal modal progression.

The next step is then to use Chapman's method (Eq., as the time interval .1t is
relatively long, assumed to be one year throughout:

L(t+At)-L(t) = C*Loo - C*L(t) where C = 1 - exp(-At*K)

1 JAil.

Q,I I SEf'.

0" ,1t= 1 year

1 ]IJIJ.


,1L = LS-lA

Fig. Illustration of the estimate of growth parameters by the annual-return matched
samples method. For further details, see text

. J 18 -
There are four estimates of ~L/~t with ~t = I year, namely: (L5-LI), (L6-L2), (L7-L3) and
(L8-U). The mean value of the increments of these four observations is 8 cm while the mean
of the mean lengths of the first modes is (Ll +L2+L3+L4)/4 = 4.25 ern, Then we have:

the mean of L(t+l) - L(t) = 8 em and L(t) == 4.25 em

8 == e*Loo - e*L(t) = e*Loo - e*4.25 or

e = 8/(L
- 4.25) or as

K - (1/ At) * In (1-e) (see Section 3.3.2), we obtain:

K = -(1/1)*ln[1 - 8/(L co - 4.25)]

If we use 18 cm as a first rough estimate of L 00 we get:

K = -In(1 - 8/(18-4.25» = 0.87

Using Loa = 18 cm and K = 0.87 per year we obtain a modal progression from 4.3. to 12.2
cm at the ages 0.31 and 1.31 years (Fig.

L(0.31) 18*(1 - exp(-0.87*0.31» 4.3 em

L(1.31) = 18*(1 - exp(-0.87*1.31» = 12.2 em


This approach assumes that we have knowledge or a hypothesis of the migration route in time
and space, and therefore are able to "match" samples so that they originate (or can be
hypothesized to originate) from the same cohorts (cf. the beginning of the previous section).

To illustrate the features of the general matched samples method for estimation of total
mortalities a simple hypothetical example was constructed. This simplified example deals with
one cohort migrating through three areas, A, Band C. From A the cohort moves to B and
then to C where it stays for a while; it moves back to B and ends where it started in A.

> >


< <

Table 11.4.1 and Fig. 11.4.1 show the example in numbers caught per unit of effort. The
curves superimposed on the figure correspond to the growth parameters: Lao = 10 cm, K
= 2.0 per year and to = O. The arrows in Fig. 11.4.1 indicate the migration between areas.
Ignoring migration we would interpret the first part of the length-frequencies in area A as a
cohort becoming extinct in May and we would estimate the mortality rates as follows (cf.
Table 11.4.1):

- 319 -
Z(JAN) In(8465/5732) 0.39 per month

Z(FEB) = In(5732/2911) 0.68 per month

Z(MAR) In(2911/986) 1.08 per month

Z(APR) = In(986/167) 1. 77 per month

Table 11.4.1 Hypothetical example to illustrate the "matched samples method"

Area A (number caught per unit of effort)

length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total
JAN 8465 8465
FEB 5732 5732
MAR 1758 2911
APR 1153 986
MAY 629 357 167
JUN 125 42 0
SEP 4 15 11 30
OCT 104 123 32 259
NOV 201 355 152 708
DEC 178 424 264 866
Total 0 8465 5732 1758 1782 482 46 498 913 448 20124

Area B
length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total
FEB 1433 1433
MAR 1905 1249 3154
APR 2306 1308 3614
MAY 1870 634 2504
JUN 271 606 111 988
JUL 94 74 168
AUG 50 98 30 178
SEP 98 351 239 688
OCT 422 499 129 1050
NOV 212 375 161 748
DEC 43 103 64 210
Total 0 0 1433 1905 3555 3449 1482 1311 1246 354 14735

Area C
length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total
APR 341 193 534
MAY 1252 424 1676
JUN 738 1650 302 2690
JUL 1650 1297 2947
AUG 690 1350 418 2458
SEP 216 771 526 1513
OCT 233 276 71 580
NOV 28 49 21 98
Total 0 0 0 0 341 2183 4630 3981 1269 92 12496

- 320 -
The real mortalities (including the entire cohort in all three areas) are (cf.
Table 11.4.1):

Z(JAN) In(8465/(5732+1433))
In(8465/7166) 0.17 per month
Z(FEB) In«5732+1433)/(2911+3154))
In(7166/6065) = 0.17 per month
Z(MAR) In«2911+3154)/(986+3614+534))
In(6065/5134) 0.17 per month
Z(APR) In«986+3614+534)/(167+2504+1670))
= In(5134/4346) 0.17 per month

The differences between the two sets of Z-values are called "migration coefficients".


A B c


- .,
I \
\ \




~ .L, I ,,
C I ,

I ,


I .k I---_JU_L_

- ,

J.., .-. 1---


--- -




o 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10


Fig. 11.4.1 Hypothetical example to illustrate the estimation of mortality rates by the
"matched samples method". Note that the scales differ from one month to

- 321 -
Fig. 11.4.2 illustrates the difficulties often encountered when trying to estimate growth curves
for migratory species. Part C shows the migration route for the stock considered. In this
hypothetical example we assume that the samples are obtained from the fishing grounds only.
The fish are assumed to migrate to and from the fishing grounds depending on their size.
During the first year of life they will be available on the fishing grounds when they are at
lengths between Ll and L2 and for the second year between lengths L3 and lAo

A \ B



A\. I:Jo.

SEP f>

JAN JAN ~--~ __ ~~ _L_L~~~~

L1 L3 L'I Length

c: /J.I/III~

///Ilf//144f,r!1!(!:(~.• _
>-: .~L1·..:··
L 2:·::·~::; .'.....::"::.';::.::-...: "..':'.:".:.~:::.::;:::::
..' :::'::F\:~
d L ..4·:.. :.,':.,'., . : :.:..
~ :.., ,..,..~
:. ····:··:···':·3·
::". :":Li.' '.:- .

~ .'


Fig. 11.4.2 Illustration of bias problems when estimating the growth curve of a migratory
species from "unmatched" samples

- 322 -
Part A shows a time series of unbiased length-frequency samples and the growth curves we
would estimate from these samples. These samples could be obtained from a sampling scheme
which covers the entire distributional range in space and time. However, we would not be
in a position to obtain such unbiased samples if all samples were taken on the fishing grounds
only. If the fish arrived on the fishing grounds exactly at the lengths Ll and L3 and left
exactly at the lengths L2 and LA we would obtain the samples represented by the shaded parts
of the length-frequency distribution on Part A. In practice we would, of course, not observe
such a "knife-edge" recruitment to the fishing grounds, but something like the length-
frequency samples shown in Part B which show two distinct groups of fish without any
overlap in length-frequencies. The left-hand groups of small fish show some progression in
the modes, whereas the length-frequencies of the larger fish are open to any interpretation.
The intermediate length group is absent. This general pattern is often observed when sampling
length-frequencies from a restricted area, i.e. an area which is only a small part of the
distributional range of the stock in question.

The curves superimposed on Part B are the curves we would obtain from a modal progression
based on those length-frequencies. These curves are steeper than the true growth curves
drawn in Part A. The modes of the smallest fish of the samples in Part B show some
progression, but less than the progression in the modes of Part A, which represent the true
growth curve. The effect of size-dependent migration (cf. Section 11.2) is therefore an under-
estimation of the growth rate of the small fish.

The apparent modes of the large fish in Part B are difficult to interpret in terms of growth.
In practice, these modes may have little to do with growth but rather reflect random noise
and/or bias from the sampling procedure. In this case the growth curves fitted to the large
fish represent an under-estimate of the growth rate, but in other cases might produce an over-
estimate. In general, one should be cautious when interpreting modal progression for length
groups approaching the maximum length of the species.


The success of tagging experiments depends on the ability and willingness of the fishermen
and others dealing with the catch to report on where and when the marked fish was caught.
If the data are used also for estimation of growth parameters the size of the recaptured fish
should be reported as well. The fishery must cover a relatively large part of the distribution
in space and time of the stock to secure a reasonable number of recaptures for the estimation
procedure. It is assumed that the tagged fish constitute a representative sample of the
population, and thus have the same basic parameters as the untagged part. Models along these
lines were suggested by Gulland (1955), Paulik (1963), Seber (1973) and Jones (1977). Seber
(1973) presents a comprehensive discussion of the analysis of capture/recapture data.

Kleiber, Argue and Kearney (1983) suggested a model for assessment of Pacific skipjack tuna
based on tagging data. This is the traditional catch curve model (Eq. 4.2.7) with modifica-
tions to take into account mortality due to tagging, shedding of tags and missing reports on
recaptures. The basic equation of the model for estimation of population size, P, and
"attrition rate A", (see definition below) reads:

r(t) a*b*No*exp(-t*A)*P*A *[exp(A) - 1] (11.5.1)

- 323 -

a = fraction of short-term survivors, while l-a = short-term mortality, due to the

trauma of being tagged
A = attrition rate (includes mortalities (F and M) and shedding of tags, while growth out
of vulnerability to the gear and migration out of the area are also considered)
b = fraction of recaptured tags actually returned with usable recapture information
C(t) = catch in biomass units during time period t
No - number of fish tagged (at time t = 0)
p = standing stock in biomass units (assumed constant in time)
r(t) = number of tag returns during time period t
t = index of time period

To see that Eq. 11.5.1 is basically the same as the catch equation (Eq. 4.2.7) we introduce:

N(t) = N *exp[-(t-l)*A) = number of tagged fish at the beginning of time

o period t

F(t) = C(t)/P, fishing mortality

If we assume a = b = I and A = Z (no shedding or other type of attrition factors), after

substitution and rearranging Eq. 11.5.1 becomes:

r(t) = N(t)*z*[l - exp(-Z») i.e. the catch equation (Eq. 4.2.7)

The above description is only a short introduction of the basic equation. For a complete
description of the model the reader is referred to the original work.



As mentioned in Section 11.2, seasonally migrating species sometimes migrate earlier in the
season the older and bigger the fish are. The problem is analysed in well documented studies
of a stock of the North Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus. This stock lives north and west
of the United Kingdom and Ireland. The main migration route is shown in Fig. 11.6.1. The
stock undertakes an annual migration from the "over-wintering area" to the "spawning area",
from the spawning area to the "feeding area" and from the feeding area back to the over-
wintering area. The total distance travelled is in the order of 500-1000 nautical miles per
year. Spawning takes place from March to July in the area south of Ireland (see Fig. 11.6.1).

We shall concentrate here on aspects related to size-dependent migration as discussed in

Sections 11.2 and 11.3. Size-dependent migration of this stock has been demonstrated by, for
example, Dawson (1986) and Eltink (1987). The following is based on these two papers,
which arrive at similar conclusions from independent sets of observations.

Because it is a species of temperate waters it is relatively easy to read the age of Scomber
scombrus from the otoliths. The findings of Dawson (1986) and Eltink (1987) were based on
random samples of mackerel caught by commercial fishing vessels as well as research vessels
on the spawning grounds during the spawning period. Samples were taken on a monthly basis
and ages, lengths and maturity stages were recorded. The principal migration routes and the
spawning grounds were known beforehand from other investigations (e.g. tagging

- 324 -




10 5 o 5

Fig. 11.6.1 The main annual migration route of a stock of Atlantic mackerel iScomber
scomhrus) based on various sources including numerous tagging experiments
(redrawn from Eltink, 1987)


~ 38
c 36





Fig. 11.6.2 Average length of spent (maturity stage 6) Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scomhrus)
by month. Note that the biggest fish spawn first (redrawn from Eltink, 1987)

- 325 -

.c 30
---- MAY
.... I I JUNE
-._.-. JUL Y

o 6 8 10 12 16 18
age (years)

Fig. 11.6.3 Growth curves for Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) estimated from
age/length data of specimens sampled on the spawning grounds from March to
July - illustration of a bias problem (from Dawson, 1986)

The migration from the over-wintering area to the spawning grounds was found to occur in
an age-size succession in which the old fish arrive before the young and leave earlier than
they do. Even within an age group, the larger specimens arrive before the smaller ones. This
is illustrated in Fig. I 1.6.2 which shows the mean lengths of fish at maturity stage 6 of
random samples collected on the spawning grounds for each month during the spawning
season (Eltink, 1987). It shows that the bigger the fish are the earlier spawning occurs.

Fig. 11.6.3 (from Dawson, 1986) illustrates bias problems when estimating growth
parameters for a migratory stock. The five growth curves were each estimated by the matched
samples method (cf. Section 11.3). Each curve is estimated from data collected during a
particular month on the spawning grounds. As could be expected, the data from the beginning
of the spawning period (March) produce a curve for large slow-growing fish compared to the
data collected at the end of the spawning period, which give a steeper curve with a smaller L 00'

- 326 -

The stock and recruitment problem may be considered as the search for the relationship
between parental stock size and the subsequent recruitment in numbers or the year class
strength (cf. Section 8.3). This is a central problem of fish population dynamics, since it
represents nature's regulation of population size, whether or not the populations are being

This chapter presents some considerations on the stock/recruitment (SIR) relationship problem
although it does not present methods to solve actual problems. The reason why the SIR
relationship is given this kind of treatment is not that the subject is less important, but rather
that really convincing models to handle the problem have not yet been developed.

The following essay on the SIR relationship is based on Beyer and Sparre (1983) and Pauly
(1984). Discussions of the SIR relationship with special reference to tropical fish stocks are
given in, among others, Murphy (1982) and Pauly (1984).

To present the SIR relationship an exceptionally clear example has been chosen (Fig. 12.0.1).
It deals with the false trevally (Lac/anus lac/anus) in the Gulf of Thailand (Pauly, 1980a).
In this case there appears to be a well defined relationship between recruitment and spawning
stock size. However, as already mentioned in Section 8.3 (Fig. 8.3.2) this is not a typical
example of an SIR plot.


~ 250


E 'l00
e eye-fitted

o SOD fOOO fSCO 2000

spawning stock (in thousand tonnes)

Fig. 12.0.1 Stock and recruitment plot for the false trevally iLaaarius lactarius) in the Gulf
of Thailand (from Pauly, 1980a)

Fig. 12.0.2 shows the SIR plot for herring (Clupea harengusi in the North Sea for the years
1949-1978. The estimates of stock sizes and recruitment (numbers of one year old fish) are
derived from VPA (cf. Section 5.1). This example is more representative for SIR plots in

- 327 -



.D @
'-' @) @
til ®
."=:::I @ ® @ ® ® cpJ@ ®
@ ® @
@ ®
@~ ®
0.5 1.5 2 2.5

spawning stock biomass (106 tonnes)

Fig. 12.0.2 Stock and recruitment plot of North Sea herring (Clupea harengust. Number of
one year old herring vs spawning stock biomass. Data derived from VPA
(reproduced from Beyer and Sparre, 1983)

Obviously, there can be no recruits if no adult fish are left to mature, spawn and produce
eggs which hatch and grow to become recruits. The females of most fish species are
extremely fecund, producing thousands, even millions of eggs during their adult life. This
enormous fecundity has led many fishery biologists to believe that even a very small parental
stock should be able to rebuild the stock after each spawning season. It was assumed that
features of the abiotic environment (e.g. oceanographic conditions) were the major factors
determining how many of the spawned eggs would survive to become recruits. They believed
that the spawning stock biomass (biomass of mature fish) was virtually an irrelevant factor
for the determination or recruit numbers, except in cases of stock sizes close to zero. This
lack of an SIR-relationship was suggested, for example by Beverton and Holt (1957) (see also
Beverton, 1963). Later works (e.g. Parrish, 1973 and Saville, 1980) suggest that many fish
stocks do display an SIR-relationship. It has been suggested that most of the fish stocks that
collapsed in recent decades suffered from recruitment overfishing (cf. Section 8.3) (Murphy,
1966, 1977; Saville, 1980).

However, SIR relationships generally cannot be established directly by plotting the number
of recruits (or some index of recruitment) on spawning stock biomass. Rather, it is necessary
to simultaneously account for an SIR relationship and the biotic andlor abiotic factors which
may affect it. Csirke (1980) demonstrated a strong effect of oceanographic conditions on the
recruitment of the Peruvian anchovy.

- 328 -

It has been observed for many fish stocks that the mean recruitment level is almost constant
in a large intermediate domain of variation of the parental stock (see Figs. 12.0.2 and
12.1.1). In the case of the North Sea herring (Fig. 12.0.2) it has been estimated that this
intermediate range comprises at least an interval corresponding to 1012_1013 eggs. The mean
recruitment level is about 8* I09 one year old fish. Thus the probability of an egg developing
into a one year old recruit is about 0.0001.

Bevert on & Holt type


spawning potential
Fig. 12.1.1 The basic form of a recruitment curve. The shaded distribution indicates
variation in recruitment about the mean level



'Jl 8.0

E •
6.0 19~9
('l •
Col 1971 1961
Ol) •
~ 1973 1968·
..... • •
4.0 •
.-:: ~I965


0.0 L-_L--O.L. 2---'---0_L.4_~_-OL.6---L..--:O~.8=--_____"--:1. 0

pa rent st ock (in million t onues)

Fig. 12.1.2 Ricker curve fitted to the spawning stock. biomass and recruitment of southern
bluefin tuna. Data derived from cohort analysis (reproduced from Murphy,
1982, with permission)

- 329 -
It should be noted that this low rate of survival has nothing to do with fishing, since we are
considering mortality in the pre-exploited stage of the life-history (the fish younger than Tr,
cf. Section 4.1). The effect of fishing is a reduction of the spawning potential (i.e. growth
overfishing, cf. Section 8.2), not of the recruitment. It is only when the rate of fishing is
increased beyond a certain level that recruitment is affected (i.e. recruitment overfishing, cf.
Section 8.3). In the case of North Sea herring, such a transition from growth overfishing
seems to have taken place somewhere in the seventies. But, in principle, we do not know
very much about the proper location of this transition zone in the recruitment graph. There
is only one thing that is known for certain and that is the point of extinction. We know little
about the other extreme of the recruitment curve. Beverton and Holt (1957) suggest the
following type of SIR relationship:

R E * (12.1.1 )

where g is a parameter and where the number of recruits, R, increases towards an asymptotic
level, Rmax, when the egg production, E = (number of females) * (average egg production),
increases. This model is derived from a simple density-dependent mortality model:

dN(t)/dt = -M(t)*N(t) and M(t) = m1 + m2*N(t) (12.1.2)

where N(t) is the number of survivors at age t, M(t) the rate of natural mortality of juveniles
and m 1 and m2 are parameters. Thus, the more survivors there are at age t, the higher their
mortality. This mechanism evens out the differences in survival caused by other, biotic or
abiotic, factors.

It can be shown (Beverton and Holt, 1957) that Eq. 12.l.1 is the solution to the differential
equation 12.1.2.

This is an example of a model describing "density dependent mortality". Density dependent

mortality may be explained by food competition. If food is limited the number of starvation
deaths becomes a function of the number of specimens which have to share the food.

The characteristic shape of the Beverton and Holt SIR curve is shown in Fig. 12.1.l. The
SIR plot of Fig. 12.0.2 is difficult to describe by a curve, but if a curve were fitted it would
be of the Beverton and Holt type.

Ricker (1954) suggested a different mathematical model for the SIR-relation-ship (see Fig.

R = R1*E*exp(-R2*E) (12.1.3)

where Rl and R2 are parameters.

In this model the number of recruits decreases from a maximum level (of Rl/(e*R2) when
E = lIR2) towards zero as the production of eggs, E, increases. The recruitment decline is
explained by cannibalism of the young by the adults. These matters are described more fully
by Ricker (1954, 1975).

The eye-fitted curve in Fig. 12.0.1 is a Ricker type of SIR relationship. However, the
descending part of the curve is based on only one point. A few more observations for large
spawning stocks may change the picture. Fig. 12.1.2 shows a Ricker curve fitted to data for
southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) (Murphy, 1982). This example also illustrates the

- 330 -
difficulties often encountered when trying to fit an SIR curve. As Murphy (1982) says about
this plot: "there appears to be an underlying density dependent relationship overlaid by
considerable environmental variability".

Essentially, the Beverton and Holt model says that above a certain level of spawning stock
there is no relationship between parent stock and recruitment, whereas the Ricker model says
that this relationship exists for all sizes of the spawning stock, and that there is an optimum
spawning stock size (cf. Fig. 12.1.1).

Deriso (1980) and Schnute (1985) suggested a general stock/recruitment model:

R = Rl*E*[l - R2*R3*EJ1/R3

where Rl, R2 and R3 are parameters. For large values of the "shape" parameter R3, the
above model reduces to the Ricker model as we then get

R = Rl*E*exp(-R2*E)

If R3 = -1 we get the Beverton and Holt model by redefining the parameters to R1 = l/g
and R2 = l/(g*Rmax) as

R = Rl*E/[l + R2*EJ = (Rl/R2)/(E + 1/R2)

Most available data on stock and recruitment refer to the medium range of variation in the
spawners. It is here that most species appear to maintain a constant mean recruitment level
and this constitutes the motivation for the assumption of constant recruitment in classical fish
population dynamics. The most remarkable fact, perhaps, is that recruitment shows only
relatively small variations about this mean level considering the great reduction in numbers
from the egg stage until maturity (Ursin, 1982)


Table 12.2.1 gives relative recruitment variations for eleven commercially important North
Sea species in the period 1963-75 (Ursin, 1982). The table is derived from VPAs from
various ICES working group reports. We see for example, that the cod year classes show a
factor of six in their variation from the weakest to the strongest.

To consider this variation range in the light of the range of population reduction of cod during
the first year of life we may apply the following consideration as an approximation of the
situation in the seventies. The mature stock comprises about 200,000 tonnes of cod, half of
which are females. Once a year each female spawns 10% of her body weight as eggs, giving
a total annual production of 10,000 tonnes of eggs or 2* 1013 eggs, since each egg weighs
about 0.5 mg wet weight. The mean recruitment level, however, is only 2*108 one year old
fish. Thus on the average only one egg out of 100,000 survives and grows into a one year
old cod. The factor of six in recruitment variation implies that the probability of a fish dying
in the first year of life at most changes from 0.999,997 for a bad year class to 0.999,983 for
a good year class, or in other words the probability of a fish surviving changes from
0.000,003 to 0.000,017.

We could also consider stability in terms of recruitment to the mature stock. During her life-
time a female cod must produce an average of one mature female and one mature male. Only
extremely small deviations from this magic number 2 are feasible if the cod stock is to remain
at approximately the same level, as it apparently has done for the last ISO years or more.

- 331 -
Table 12.2.1 Recruitment variation in North Sea fish stocks 1963-1975. Numbers adjusted to
a value of 100 for the most outstanding year class of each species. "Ratio" is the
ratio between the numbers in the strongest and the weakest year class (after
Ursin, 1982)

gadoids flatfish clupeids others

year cod had- whi- sai- Nor- plai- sole her- sprat sand mac-
class dock ting the way ce ring eel ke-
pout re1
1963 52 1 14 17 4 100 100 100 - - 10
1964 49 1 26 23 6 29 21 53 - - 26
1965 70 2 30 18 0.5 28 11 47 - - 43
1966 63 12 37 50 7 25 11 66 59 - 62
1967 20 100 100 51 - 21 18 65 62 - 10
1968 19 6 33 55 2 27 9 36 37 - 16
1969 82 2 30 29 - 32 26 78 41 - 100
1970 100 14 33 29 45 25 6 62 20 100 11
1971 18 21 68 30 7 20 14 41 19 21 17
1972 35 4 90 40 16 62 19 19 46 47 4
1973 31 21 63 100 100 40 18 47 91 28 15
1974 51 40 92 27 38 25 7 - 100 86 11
1975 27 9 37 50 18 37 22 - 79 41 4
Ratio 6 100 7 6 200 5 17 5 5 5 25

This approximate one-for-one replacement between successive generations holds at least as

long as the mature stock is within the medium range of variation as referred to above. Thus,
whether we are considering a situation of heavy fishing, where the mature female cod on the
average lays about two million eggs in its short lifetime, or whether we are considering an
average production of 40 million eggs per female at a low fishing level, the number 2 still holds.

We do not know what causes this enormous reduction in numbers from the egg stage and
leads to the fine adjustment of the number of recruits to the number of mature fish. Note in
passing that the North Sea haddock and Norway pout show a remarkable instability in
recruitment (see Table 12.2.1). It could be that stabilizing mechanisms do not exist in the
North Sea for these two species.


It is difficult to attack the recruitment problem in a sensible way by means of statistical tools
only because of the small amount of useful data that in general seem to be available. We only
achieve one new data point per species each year. Thus, to explain recruitment variability
such as the occurrence of extremely strong year-classes, we may advance a great variety of
conflicting hypotheses, all of which lead to different conclusions but none of which can be
rejected on the basis of the available data.

The situation is no better with respect to explanations of recruitment stability. It is not

possible to discriminate between empirical recruitment models such as those given by Eqs.
12.1.1 and 12.1.3. Neither is it possible beforehand to sort out irrelevant mechanisms of
mortality regulation by means of data. Apparently we need to build more biological know-
ledge on the causes of natural mortality in the first year of life into the recruitment models.
See also Sinclair (1988).

- 332 -

Bottom trawl surveys are widely used for monitoring demersal stocks when only an index of
abundance is required. From unfished stocks (or stocks for which no or few data on the
fishery are available) biomass and annual yield estimates may also be derived by bottom trawl
surveys. The estimation of total biomass from the catch per unit of effort (or unit area),
however, involves several crucial assumptions, leaving such estimates rather imprecise.

The mean catch (either in weight or in numbers) per unit of effort or per unit of area is an
index of the stock abundance (i.e. assumed to be proportional to the abundance). This index
may be converted into an absolute measure of biomass using the so-called "swept area method"
(Section 13.5). This method falls under the so-called holistic methods (cf. Section 1.8).

Reviews of the theory are given in, for example, Gulland (1975), Saville (1977), Troadec
(1980), Doubleday (1980) and Grosslein and Laurec (1982). These reviews also give
guidelines for conduct of surveys (planning, design, data collection, data recording, analysis
and reporting), some of which are summarized in Sections 13.2 to 13.4), see also Butler et
al. (1986), ICOD (1991) and Stremme (1992).

This Chapter gives first a short description of demersal trawl survey planning and a few
guidelines for data recording and for field work (Sections 13.1 to 13.4). For more detailed
descriptions of these subjects the reader is referred to, among others, Alverson and Pereyra
(1969), Alverson (1971), Mackett (1973), FAO/UNDP (1975), Gulland (1975), Saville
(1977), Flowers (1978), Doubleday (1981), Grosslein and Laurec (1982) and Fogarty (1985).
The remainder of the Chapter (Sections 13.5 to 13.8) is a short account of the theory
necessary to perform a stock assessment based on trawl survey data.


The bottom trawl (Fig. 13.1.1) is a conical net bag with a wide mouth fitted with weights on
the ground-rope and floats on the head-rope. When the vessel is under way the net is kept
open by two otter boards, wooden or iron structures which are towed by the warps attached
forward of their centre so they tend to diverge. The two otter boards are connected to the net
by bridles. These may be up to 200 m long and sweep the sea bed over a wide area. They
frighten the fish towards the advancing net and so increase its effectiveness. The shape of net
varies depending on the kinds of fish to be caught and on the types of bottom. The ground-


otter board. (door)

Fig. 13.1.1 Bottom trawl

- 333 -
rope may be fitted with roller gear (bobbins) so that the trawl can be used on stony bottom
without being damaged. The tail end of the gear from which the captured fish are removed
is called the "codend", This is where most of the size selection takes place. In most cases a
relatively small mesh size is required in the codend, in order to obtain a representative sample
for the entire size range of the species under investigation (see Section 13.2).


Below is a list of some important items to consider before conducting a survey.

Definition of objectives
The objective(s) should be specified. Examples of objectives are:

1. Estimation of the total biomass and catch rates

2. Estimation of the biomass of selected species
3. Collection of biological data (e:g. length-frequencies) for estimation of growth and
mortality parameters
4. Collection of environmental data

Information about the survey area

Information about depth and bottom conditions to point out trawlable areas and decisions on
strata may be obtained from a preliminary survey with echo- sounding. Information from
local fishermen may be valuable. Information on seasonal winds, currents and migration
patterns of fish stocks are important as well.

Choice of gear
The design of the trawl should fit with the expected bottom conditions and the vessel used.
If rough bottom is prevalent the gear should be fitted with bobbins in order to avoid damage
to the gear. If semi-pelagic species are common a high-opening trawl should be used. The
mesh size in the codend should be chosen so that the entire size range of the fishable part of
the stock is retained by the trawl. Often 10-20 mm stretched mesh is appropriate. The mesh
size used for assessment surveys is usually much smaller than the size used by the
commercial fisheries, because samples of small fish are important for assessment methods
based on length-frequencies.

If different trawls are used parallel or alternate hauls should be carried out in order to
estimate correction factors for pooling of data.

Survey design
A procedure for the selection of stations should be decided on. A fixed grid of stations
ensures maximum information on the distribution throughout the area, but not necessarily the
most precise estimate of biomass. For estimation of stock sizes a completely randomized
design or a stratified random sampling design should be preferred. In most cases a stratified
sampling design should be chosen because fish are seldom uniformly distributed and in most
cases abundance is related to depth. Stratified sampling often gives a much more precise
estimate for the same (or even lower) cost than simple random sampling (cf. Sections 7.2 and

- 334 -
Allocation of hauls (stratification)
Strata are basically constructed in accordance with the density distribution of the fish, so that
areas with high/medium/low densities are separated. To do so, some information must be
available before the survey. Perhaps the first survey (or the first part of the survey) should
have a completely randomized survey design, or the trawl hauls might be evenly spaced. But
in the next part of the programme some information on densities and standard deviations of
density estimates will be available, and that information can be used for stratification. The
standard deviation of catch per unit area (CPUA) is often found to be proportional to the
CPUA and will therefore be higher in areas with high abundance.

The optimum allocation of a given number of hauls between strata will be to sample each
stratum in proportion to its standard deviation multiplied by the stratum size (cf. Sections 7.2
and 13.7). The distribution of hauls within strata should preferably be at random, but often
practical matters dictate the sample design. For example, obstacles on the bottom may not
allow a proper random distribution of stations.

Possible number of hauls

To estimate how many hauls it IS possible to make In a given period the following
information should be available:

Total number of days available N

Time spent going to and from the fishing ground (hrs) tl
Duration of one haul (hrs) t2
Time used for shooting and hauling the trawl (hrs) t3
Time to cover distance between stations (average, hrs) t4
Number of hours available per day (depending on crew,
behaviour of investigated species, navigation, etc.) T
Time used for preparations: loading of ice, food, water,
repair of gear and equipment (days) t5

Except for the first and the last day of a cruise, when T should be reduced by tl, the number
of hauls per day can be calculated from:

(number of hauls per day) = T/(t2+t3+t4)

(Total number of hauls) = (N-tl-t5)*(number of hauls per day)

+ (hauls made first and last day)

It is important to standardize the length of a haul throughout the survey, since the
catchability of species and sizes often depends on the duration of the haul. For survey
purposes hauls of 0.5 hour or 1 hour are usually the most adequate (see also Section 13.6).


When setting up a plan for a trawl survey a crucial point is to decide on the data items to be
recorded, the required precision and how often they should be recorded.

The data items to be recorded are determined by the models by which the objectives of the
survey can be achieved, e.g. the swept area method (cf. Section 13.6), length-frequency
analysis (cf. Chapter 3), mortality estimation (cf. Chapter 4). Such data items would usually
include specifications of the gear used, and for each haul the time and position at start and

- 335 -
at end of the haul, wire length, wingspread, bottom type and depth. The catch record should
include total weight, species composition by weight and length-frequencies (for selected species).

The required precision depends on the subsequent use of the data. However, often the
precision of a trawl survey is controlled by the number of hauls, which limits our ability to
decide on the precision.

It must be known how the data are going to be processed before data recording takes place,
particularly in cases where data reduction takes place before the recording stage.
Consequently, before you can design appropriate log sheets you must have a rather precise
idea of how data will subsequently be processed. When designing a log sheet, practical
considerations are important, e.g. where the data are entered, on the bridge, in the laboratory
or on the deck.

It is important that the data are well organized to facilitate processing, e.g. by computer. This
is especially the case when data from more than one vessel have to be combined. Properly
designed recording documents will make the correct recording much easier and more
dependable. Several documents are usually required to record all the information collected
during a survey. These are in the following categories:

I. A log which summarizes the whole cruise.

2. Details of individual stations (or hauls), the "fishing log", which will generally
provide information on the vessel's position, time of start and end of haul, gear
rigging etc. Summary information on the catch such as total weight and weight
composition by species should also be recorded on the fishing log.

3. Detailed information on the catch. This may be in terms of length, weight, sex,
maturity stage etc. for each specimen, or samples of length-frequency distributions.

A detailed description of a data processing system for demersal trawl surveys is given in
Flowers (1978) who reproduces forms suitable for the work specified as 1 to 3 above.


It is important, before the survey begins, to make sure that the equipment and working
conditions are such that the sampling can be carried out easily and without risk. Also, the crew
must be instructed not to remove any part of the catch before the sampling has been completed.

The following steps pertain to methods for sorting the catch of a fishery research vessel such
that the catch composition, both by weight and by number of each species (species group) can
be established. The procedure outlined here is from Pauly (1980, adapted from Losse and
Dwiponggo, 1977).

Step 1: Remove all sea snakes and other venomous or otherwise dangerous ani mals. Also
remove turtles, and if alive, return these to sea. Record number and kind of animals

Step 2: Remove inorganic debris and plant material. Record type of material removed.

Step 3: Remove the larger fish that are readily visible and place them in a box.

Step 4: Wash the remainder of the catch (of small fish) if necessary, and mix with shovels.

- 336 -
Step 5: Put the mixed catch in boxes, while continuing to remove larger fish and putting
them into the box mentioned in Step 3. The boxes should be filled simultaneously,
not one after the other, and it should be made certain that all boxes contain approxi-
mately the same weight of fish.

Step 6: Count the number of boxes with small fish and record.

Step 7: A rule of thumb is to take one box out of every five at random for subsampling.
Record number of boxes taken for subsampling as BI, B2, B3, ... etc.

Step 8: The box(es) taken for sub-sampling is (are) then treated as follows:

- Weigh the total catch in BI and record.

- Place fish of B1 on a sorting table and sort to species level as far as food fishes
and valuable crustaceans (e.g. shrimps) are concerned, and to taxonomic
groupings as well-defined as possible (e.g. genus, family, etc.) for other groups
(the non-edible fish and miscellaneous crustaceans).

- Repeat procedure, if appropriate, for the other boxes, B2, B3, ... etc.

Step 9: If more than one box was sorted, compute, for each species (or higher taxonomic
group) the total weight and number in all sorted boxes.

Step 10: Multiply the numbers and weight of fish and invertebrates by species (or higher
taxonomic group) by the ratio of the number of unsorted to sorted boxes.

Step 11: Weigh and count the larger fish mentioned in Steps 3 and 5, by species (very large
fish should be weighed individually and measured).

Step 12: Add, when there is an overlap (when the fish of a certain species occurred both in
the sorted boxes of small fish and in the large fish box) the weights and numbers
obtained in Step 11 to the weights and numbers in Step 10.

Step 13: Step 12 (as well as Step 11, when there is no overlap) provides estimates of total
catch, both in weight and number, by species or higher taxonomic groups. Record
the total, both in weight and numbers into an appropriate fishing log and convert
to catch per unit if fishing time was less or more than an hour. During surveys, this
step must be completed after each haul, or every evening at the latest, to preclude
loss of information.

Step 14: In addition to catch sampling, identifying and recording, the work of the fishery
scientist generally includes among other things:

- Collecting length-frequency data

- Collecting miscellaneous biological information on the fish caught, e.g.,
concerning their weight and maturity
- Collecting and preserving specimens for further studies onshore
- Collecting oceanographic data.

It is important to sort and sample the catch to the greatest extent possible. The extra cost
involved in sorting and sampling all the edible species is usually only a fraction of the total
costs of the survey.

- 337 -

From Fig. 13.5.1 it appears that the trawl sweeps a well defined path, the area of which is
the length of the path times the width of the trawl, called the "swept area" or the "effective
path swept". The swept area, a, can be estimated from:

a = D*hr*X2, o = v*t (13.5.1)

where V is the velocity of the trawl over the ground when trawling, hr is the length of the
head-rope (see Fig. 13.5.1), t is the time spent trawling. X2 is that fraction of the head-rope
length, hr, which is equal to the width of the path swept by the trawl, the "wing spread",
hr*X2 (see Fig. 13.5.1).

For southeast Asian bottom trawls values of X2 from 0.4 (Shindo, 1973) to 0.66 (SCSP,
1978) are reported. Pauly (1980) suggests X2 = 0.5 as the best compromise. In the
Caribbean a value of X2 = 0.6 was used by Klima (1976).

For the estimation of biomass we use the catch per unit area (CPUA), as will appear in the
next section. It is estimated by dividing the catch by the swept area (in square nautical miles
or square kilometers). This estimate thus depends on how accurately the swept area is
estimated. The swept area as defined in Fig. 13.5.1 assumes that the bridles have no herding
effect, which they are in fact known to exhibit. The wing spread is calculated as the fraction
X2 of the head rope length. The wing spread varies with hauling speed, weather conditions,
current velocity and direction and warp length and is therefore not well defined. It can be
accurately measured by special devices, but an approximate value can be calculated from
measurements of the distance between the warps at the gallows and at say, 1 m, towards the net.

When exact positions of the start and the end of the haul are available the distance covered
can be estimated in units of nautical miles (nm), by:

o = 60 *
~ (Lat1-Lat2) 2 + (Lon1-Lon2) 2*eos 2 (0.5*(Lat1+Lat2» (13.5.2)


Latl = latitude at start of haul (degrees)

Lat2 = latitude at end of haul (degrees)
Lonl = longitude at start of haul (degrees)
Lon2 = longitude at end of haul (degrees)

~ttj$MA Swept area

Fig. 13.5.1 Swept area (cr. Fig.

- 338 -
--- ......

Fig. 13.5.2 Vector addition of vessel and current course and velocity

If exact positions are not available, but only the velocity of the vessel and its course together
with direction and speed of the current, then the distance covered per hour can be calculated from:

D = ~VS2 + CS + 2*VS*CS*cos(dirV-dirC) (rum) (13.5.3)


VS = velocity of vessel (knots = nm/hr)

CS = velocity of current (knots)
dirV = course of vessel (degrees)
dirC = direction of current (degrees)

Eq. 13.5.3 is an application of "vector addition" (see Fig. 13.5.2).


Let Cw be the catch in weight of a haul. Then Cw/t is the catch in weight per hour, when
t is the time spent hauling (in hours). Let a be the area swept (cf. Eq. 13.5.1). Then a/t is
the area swept per hour, and

Cw/t _ Cw k / 2
aft - a g nm (13.6.1)

becomes the catch in weight per unit of area. Let X 1 be the fraction of the biomass in the
effective path swept by the trawl which is actually retained in the gear and let Cw/a be the
!!lean catch per unit area of all hauls. Then an estimate of the average biomass per unit area,
b, is:

b (Cw/a)/Xl kg/nm2 (13.6.2)

Let A nm2 be the total size of the area under investigation. Then an estimate of the total
biomass, B, in this area, A, is obtained from:

("CWIa1 *A
B = Xl (13.6.3)

- 339 -
It is difficult to estimate which proportion of the fish that is present in the area swept by the
trawl gear is actually retained by the gear, in other words it is difficult to give a precise
estimate of X 1. Underwater television recordings show that the reaction of fish to trawls
varies markedly between species. The value of Xl is usually chosen between 0.5 and 1.0. For
trawlers in southeast Asia a value of X 1 = 0.5 is commonly used in survey work (Isarankura,
1971, Saeger, Martosubroto and Pauly, 1980). Dickson (1974), on the other hand, suggests
Xl = 1. The difference between these two values of Xl is difficult to resolve. Using Xl =
0.5 doubles the estimate of biomass compared to that obtained by using Xl = 1.0.

The duration of the haul is proportional to the distance covered so the duration should have
no direct influence on the catch per unit of area. However, the catchability, Xl, of different
species may vary according to the duration of the haul because some species, when herded
by the trawl get tired soon and get captured while other species are able to swim in front of
the trawl for a long period and thus avoid being caught. It is therefore important to
standardize the duration of the haul so that results from different hauls can be compared. To
investigate the dependence of catchability on haul duration, parallel hauls of different duration
(e.g half an hour and one hour) could be made.

The total area surveyed can be estimated from a mercator projection by means of a
planimeter. Another method is to copy the area on transparent paper which then is cut out and
weighed. Then the weight of the paper is compared to the weight of a piece of similar paper
which corresponds to a known area. This method is not very precise.


Let the biomass estimate in Eq. 13.6.3 be obtained from n hauls, and let Ca(i) be the catch
(in weight) per unit of area of haul no. i, where i = 1,2, ... ,n. The estimate of B then


and the variance (cf. Eq. 2.1.2):

A 2 1 1 n -2
VAR(8) = [XlJ * n * n-1 *i~l[ca(i)-Cal (13.7.2)

Thus, a higher precision (a smaller variance) can be obtained by increasing the number of
hauls, n (cf. Section 7.1, Fig. 7.1.1). Another way of reducing the variance is to apply
stratified sampling (cf. Section 7.2). Suitable stratification may reduce the variance
considerably for the same number of hauls and thus improve survey efficiency for the
available research vessel time. The distribution of many fish species is determined by depth
and bottom type. Therefore stratification based on these factors is widely used. Fig. 13.7.1
shows an example of stratification based on depth.

The areas of the four strata in Fig. 13.7.1 are Al,A2,A3 and A4 and the total area A -
Al +A2+A3+A4. Let B(i) be the estimated biomass in stratum no. i calculated by Eq.
13.7.1. Then the estimate of the total biomass of the total area, A, becomes:

8 = 8(1)+8(2)+8(3)+8(4) (13.7.3)

- 340 -
\ \ \.

\ A2
A3 \ A4
\ :I
\ 'I
\ \ I,
Sm 10m 20m 50m
\ \ I :/"
\ \ A I '/

Fig. 13.7.1 Example of stratification

and the variance:

VAR(8) = VAR(8(1» + VAR(8(2» + VAR(8(3» + VAR(8(4» (13.7.4)

where VAR(B(i)) is calculated by Eq. 13.7.2. Ifwe work with densities, in units of biomass
per square nm. (cf. Eq. 13.6.2) the parallel to Eq. 13.7.3 becomes:

b = [b(I)*Al + b(2)*A2 + b(3)*A3 + b(4)*A4)/A (13.7.5)

and the parallel to Eq. 13.7.4 is

VAR(b) = VAR(b(I»*(Al/A)2 + ...+ VAR(b(4»*(A4/A)2 (13.7.6)

where Ai is the size of stratum no. i and A is the total area of all strata. Eq. 13.7.6 is then
seen to be analogous to Eq. 7.2.11 with A as N, Ai as N(j). Confidence limits of Band b can
be calculated as described in Section 2.3.

Stratification may be based on the total catch of a mixture of species or on the catch of a
single species. It is often desirable, however, to focus on several species, or groups of
species, each with its own type of distribution. In such cases a stratification procedure must
be decided on for each species, or for each group of species with similar distribution patterns
within the area surveyed.

For a more detailed description of the statistical aspects of a trawl survey see Fogarty (1985)
and Gavaris and Smith (1987). The latter discuss the effect of stratification by comparing the
precision obtained from stratified sampling to that of simple random sampling, using the
method of Sukhatme and Sukhatme (1970).

The above formulas all assume that the number caught per trawl hour is a normally
distributed random variable. A better description of survey data is often obtained by assuming
the so-called "delta-distribution" (Pennington, 1983). This distribution takes into account that
survey data often contain a large proportion of zero observations and that the non-zero
observations form a log-normal distribution rather than a normal distribution.

- 341 -
density function
of log-normal
dis fribution

Number caught per hour

Fig. 13.7.2 Delta-function

A log-normal distribution is asymmetric and skewed to the right hand side. Fig. 13.7.2 shows
a schematic delta-function. Note that the point zero has a positive probability. In his paper,
Pennington gives the expression for the unbiased estimators of the parameters of the delta-


Gulland's formula for virgin stocks (Eq. 9.2.1):

MSY = O.5*M*Bv

(M: coefficient of natural mortality; Bv: virgin stock) or Cadima's formulas for exploited
stocks (Eqs. 9.3.1 and 9.3.2):

MSY = O.5*Z*B or MSY = O.5*{Y + M*B)

have often been applied when estimating the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) per year from
the total biomass as estimated from exploratory surveys (see e.g. Saville, 1977, or Troadec,
1980). It may be better, however, to apply the modified Fox model (Garcia, Sparre and
Csirke, 1987) described in Section 9.4 using Eq. 9.4.10 or Eq. 9.4.11.

Anyway, these are crude methods and should be relied upon to give only the order of
magnitude (1,000 tonnes, 10,000 tonnes, etc.) of the fish stock. Yet, if nothing is known in
advance, even such an estimate of the order of magnitude may be valuable.

One problem is that M is usually not known before the surveys are carried out. When the
stock is virgin (unexploited) an estimate of M can be obtained by analyzing the catch curves
obtained during the exploratory survey (cf. Section 4.4) because when the stock is
unexploited, then F = 0 and thus Z = M. Pauly's empirical formula, Eq. (Pauly,
1980b) can be applied when growth parameters are available.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 342 -

Bottom trawl surveys are widely used for monitoring demersal stocks when only an index of
abundance is required. From unfished stocks (or stocks for which no or few data on the
fishery are available) biomass and annual yield estimates may also be derived by bottom trawl
surveys. The estimation of total biomass from the catch per unit of effort (or unit area),
however, involves several crucial assumptions, leaving such estimates rather imprecise.

The mean catch (either in weight or in numbers) per unit of effort or per unit of area is an
index of the stock abundance (i.e. assumed to be proportional to the abundance). This index
may be converted into an absolute measure of biomass using the so-called "swept area method"
(Section 13.5). This method falls under the so-called holistic methods (cf. Section 1.8).

Reviews of the theory are given in, for example, Gulland (1975), Saville (1977), Troadec
(1980), Doubleday (1980) and Grosslein and Laurec (1982). These reviews also give
guidelines for conduct of surveys (planning, design, data collection, data recording, analysis
and reporting), some of which are summarized in Sections 13.2 to 13.4), see also Butler et
al. (1986), ICOD (1991) and Stremme (1992).

This Chapter gives first a short description of demersal trawl survey planning and a few
guidelines for data recording and for field work (Sections 13.1 to 13.4). For more detailed
descriptions of these subjects the reader is referred to, among others, Alverson and Pereyra
(1969), Alverson (1971), Mackett (1973), FAO/UNDP (1975), Gulland (1975), Saville
(1977), Flowers (1978), Doubleday (1981), Grosslein and Laurec (1982) and Fogarty (1985).
The remainder of the Chapter (Sections 13.5 to 13.8) is a short account of the theory
necessary to perform a stock assessment based on trawl survey data.


The bottom trawl (Fig. 13.1.1) is a conical net bag with a wide mouth fitted with weights on
the ground-rope and floats on the head-rope. When the vessel is under way the net is kept
open by two otter boards, wooden or iron structures which are towed by the warps attached
forward of their centre so they tend to diverge. The two otter boards are connected to the net
by bridles. These may be up to 200 m long and sweep the sea bed over a wide area. They
frighten the fish towards the advancing net and so increase its effectiveness. The shape of net
varies depending on the kinds of fish to be caught and on the types of bottom. The ground-

hea.d. rope

otter board. (door)

Fig. 13.1.1 Bottom trawl

- 333 -
rope may be fitted with roller gear (bobbins) so that the trawl can be used on stony bottom
without being damaged. The tail end of the gear from which the captured fish are removed
is called the "codend", This is where most of the size selection takes place. In most cases a
relatively small mesh size is required in the codend, in order to obtain a representative sample
for the entire size range of the species under investigation (see Section 13.2).


Below is a list of some important items to consider before conducting a survey.

Definition of objectives
The objective(s) should be specified. Examples of objectives are:

1. Estimation of the total biomass and catch rates

2. Estimation of the biomass of selected species
3. Collection of biological data (e:g. length-frequencies) for estimation of growth and
mortality parameters
4. Collection of environmental data

Information about the survey area

Information about depth and bottom conditions to point out trawlable areas and decisions on
strata may be obtained from a preliminary survey with echo- sounding. Information from
local fishermen may be valuable. Information on seasonal winds, currents and migration
patterns of fish stocks are important as well.

Choice of gear
The design of the trawl should fit with the expected bottom conditions and the vessel used.
If rough bottom is prevalent the gear should be fitted with bobbins in order to avoid damage
to the gear. If semi-pelagic species are common a high-opening trawl should be used. The
mesh size in the cod end should be chosen so that the entire size range of the fishable part of
the stock is retained by the trawl. Often 10-20 mm stretched mesh is appropriate. The mesh
size used for assessment surveys is usually much smaller than the size used by the
commercial fisheries, because samples of small fish are important for assessment methods
based on length-frequencies.

If different trawls are used parallel or alternate hauls should be carried out in order to
estimate correction factors for pooling of data.

Survey design
A procedure for the selection of stations should be decided on. A fixed grid of stations
ensures maximum information on the distribution throughout the area, but not necessarily the
most precise estimate of biomass. For estimation of stock sizes a completely randomized
design or a stratified random sampling design should be preferred. In most cases a stratified
sampling design should be chosen because fish are seldom uniformly distributed and in most
cases abundance is related to depth. Stratified sampling often gives a much more precise
estimate for the same (or even lower) cost than simple random sampling (cf. Sections 7.2 and

- 334 -
Allocation of hauls (stratification)
Strata are basically constructed in accordance with the density distribution of the fish, so that
areas with high/medium/low densities are separated. To do so, some information must be
available before the survey. Perhaps the first survey (or the first part of the survey) should
have a completely randomized survey design, or the trawl hauls might be evenly spaced. But
in the next part of the programme some information on densities and standard deviations of
density estimates will be available, and that information can be used for stratification. The
standard deviation of catch per unit area (CPUA) is often found to be proportional to the
CPUA and will therefore be higher in areas with high abundance.

The optimum allocation of a given number of hauls between strata will be to sample each
stratum in proportion to its standard deviation multiplied by the stratum size (cf. Sections 7.2
and 13.7). The distribution of hauls within strata should preferably be at random, but often
practical matters dictate the sample design. For example, obstacles on the bottom may not
allow a proper random distribution of stations.

Possible number of hauls

To estimate how many hauls it IS possible to make In a given period the following
information should be available:

Total number of days available N

Time spent going to and from the fishing ground (hrs) tl
Duration of one haul (hrs) t2
Time used for shooting and hauling the trawl (hrs) t3
Time to cover distance between stations (average, hrs) t4
Number of hours available per day (depending on crew,
behaviour of investigated species, navigation, etc.) T
Time used for preparations: loading of ice, food, water,
repair of gear and equipment (days) t5

Except for the first and the last day of a cruise, when T should be reduced by tl, the number
of hauls per day can be calculated from:

(number of hauls per day) = T/(t2+t3+t4)

(Total number of hauls) = (N-tl-t5)*(number of hauls per day)

+ (hauls made first and last day)

It is important to standardize the length of a haul throughout the survey, since the
catchability of species and sizes often depends on the duration of the haul. For survey
purposes hauls of 0.5 hour or 1 hour are usually the most adequate (see also Section 13.6).


When setting up a plan for a trawl survey a crucial point is to decide on the data items to be
recorded, the required precision and how often they should be recorded.

The data items to be recorded are determined by the models by which the objectives of the
survey can be achieved, e.g. the swept area method (cf. Section 13.6), length-frequency
analysis (cf. Chapter 3), mortality estimation (cf. Chapter 4). Such data items would usually
include specifications of the gear used, and for each haul the time and position at start and

- 335 -
at end of the haul, wire length, wingspread, bottom type and depth. The catch record should
include total weight, species composition by weight and length-frequencies (for selected species).

The required precision depends on the subsequent use of the data. However, often the
precision of a trawl survey is controlled by the number of hauls, which limits our ability to
decide on the precision.

It must be known how the data are going to be processed before data recording takes place,
particularly in cases where data reduction takes place before the recording stage.
Consequently, before you can design appropriate log sheets you must have a rather precise
idea of how data will subsequently be processed. When designing a log sheet, practical
considerations are important, e.g. where the data are entered, on the bridge, in the laboratory
or on the deck.

It is important that the data are well organized to facilitate processing, e.g. by computer. This
is especially the case when data from more than one vessel have to be combined. Properly
designed recording documents will make the correct recording much easier and more
dependable. Several documents are usually required to record all the information collected
during a survey. These are in the following categories:

I. A log which summarizes the whole cruise.

2. Details of individual stations (or hauls), the "fishing log", which will generally
provide information on the vessel's position, time of start and end of haul, gear
rigging etc. Summary information on the catch such as total weight and weight
composition by species should also be recorded on the fishing log.

3. Detailed information on the catch. This may be in terms of length, weight, sex,
maturity stage etc. for each specimen, or samples of length-frequency distributions.

A detailed description of a data processing system for demersal trawl surveys is given in
Flowers (1978) who reproduces forms suitable for the work specified as I to 3 above.


It is important, before the survey begins, to make sure that the equipment and working
conditions are such that the sampling can be carried out easily and without risk. Also, the crew
must be instructed not to remove any part of the catch before the sampling has been completed.

The following steps pertain to methods for sorting the catch of a fishery research vessel such
that the catch composition, both by weight and by number of each species (species group) can
be established. The procedure outlined here is from Pauly (1980, adapted from Losse and
Dwiponggo, 1977).

Step 1: Remove all sea snakes and other venomous or otherwise dangerous ani mals. Also
remove turtles, and if alive, return these to sea. Record number and kind of animals

Step 2: Remove inorganic debris and plant material. Record type of material removed.

Step 3: Remove the larger fish that are readily visible and place them in a box.

Step 4: Wash the remainder of the catch (of small fish) if necessary, and mix with shovels.

- 336 -
Step 5: Put the mixed catch in boxes, while continuing to remove larger fish and putting
them into the box mentioned in Step 3. The boxes should be filled simultaneously,
not one after the other, and it should be made certain that all boxes contain approxi-
mately the same weight of fish.

Step 6: Count the number of boxes with small fish and record.

Step 7: A rule of thumb is to take one box out of every five at random for subsampling.
Record number of boxes taken for subsampling as BI, B2, B3, ... etc.

Step 8: The box(es) taken for sub-sampling is (are) then treated as follows:

- Weigh the total catch in Bl and record.

- Place fish of B I on a sorting table and sort to species level as far as food fishes
and valuable crustaceans (e.g. shrimps) are concerned, and to taxonomic
groupings as well-defined as possible (e.g. genus, family, etc.) for other groups
(the non-edible fish and miscellaneous crustaceans).

- Repeat procedure, if appropriate, for the other boxes, B2, B3, ... etc.

Step 9: If more than one box was sorted, compute, for each species (or higher taxonomic
group) the total weight and number in all sorted boxes.

Step 10: Multiply the numbers and weight of fish and invertebrates by species (or higher
taxonomic group) by the ratio of the number of unsorted to sorted boxes.

Step 11: Weigh and count the larger fish mentioned in Steps 3 and 5, by species (very large
fish should be weighed individually and measured).

Step 12: Add, when there is an overlap (when the fish of a certain species occurred both in
the sorted boxes of small fish and in the large fish box) the weights and numbers
obtained in Step II to the weights and numbers in Step 10.

Step 13: Step 12 (as well as Step II, when there is no overlap) provides estimates of total
catch, both in weight and number, by species or higher taxonomic groups. Record
the total, both in weight and numbers into an appropriate fishing log and convert
to catch per unit if fishing time was less or more than an hour. During surveys, this
step must be completed after each haul, or every evening at the latest, to preclude
loss of information.

Step 14: In addition to catch sampling, identifying and recording, the work of the fishery
scientist generally includes among other things:

- Collecting length-frequency data

- Collecting miscellaneous biological information on the fish caught, e.g.,
concerning their weight and maturity
- Collecting and preserving specimens for further studies onshore
- Collecting oceanographic data.

It is important to sort and sample the catch to the greatest extent possible. The extra cost
involved in sorting and sampling all the edible species is usually only a fraction of the total
costs of the survey.

- 337 -

From Fig. 13.5.1 it appears that the trawl sweeps a well defined path, the area of which is
the length of the path times the width of the trawl, called the "swept area" or the "effective
path swept". The swept area, a, can be estimated from:

a = D*hr*X2, D = v*t (13.5.1)

where V is the velocity of the trawl over the ground when trawling, hr is the length of the
head-rope (see Fig. 13.5.1), t is the time spent trawling. X2 is that fraction of the head-rope
length, hr, which is equal to the width of the path swept by the trawl, the "wing spread",
hr*X2 (see Fig. 13.5.1).

For southeast Asian bottom trawls values of X2 from 0.4 (Shindo, 1973) to 0.66 (SCSP,
1978) are reported. Pauly (1980) suggests X2 = 0.5 as the best compromise. In the
Caribbean a value of X2 = 0.6 was used by Klima (1976).

For the estimation of biomass we use the catch per unit area (CPUA), as will appear in the
next section. It is estimated by dividing the catch by the swept area (in square nautical miles
or square kilometers). This estimate thus depends on how accurately the swept area is
estimated. The swept area as defined in Fig. 13.5.1 assumes that the bridles have no herding
effect, which they are in fact known to exhibit. The wing spread is calculated as the fraction
X2 of the head rope length. The wing spread varies with hauling speed, weather conditions,
current velocity and direction and warp length and is therefore not well defined. It can be
accurately measured by special devices, but an approximate value can be calculated from
measurements of the distance between the warps at the gallows and at say, 1 m, towards the net.

When exact positions of the start and the end of the haul are available the distance covered
can be estimated in units of nautical miles (nm), by:

D = 60 *
~ (Latl-Lat2) 2 + (Lonl-Lon2) 2*cos 2 (0.5*(Latl+Lat2» (13.5.2)


Latl = latitude at start of haul (degrees)

Lat2 = latitude at end of haul (degrees)
Lonl = longitude at start of haul (degrees)
Lon2 = longitude at end of haul (degrees)

• . Swept area

Fig. 13.5.1 Swept area (cr. Fig.

- 338 -

Fig. 13.5.2 Vector addition of vessel and current course and velocity

If exact positions are not available, but only the velocity of the vessel and its course together
with direction and speed of the current, then the distance covered per hour can be calculated from:

D = ~VS2 + CS + 2*VS*CS*cos(dirV-dirC) (rum) (13.5.3)


VS = velocity of vessel (knots = nm/hr)

CS = velocity of current (knots)
dirV = course of vessel (degrees)
dirC = direction of current (degrees)

Eq. 13.5.3 is an application of "vector addition" (see Fig. 13.5.2).


Let Cw be the catch in weight of a haul. Then Cw/t is the catch in weight per hour, when
t is the time spent hauling (in hours). Let a be the area swept (cf. Eq, 13.5.1). Then a/t is
the area swept per hour, and

Cw/t _ Cw k / 2
aft - a g nm (13.6.1)

becomes the catch in weight per unit of area. Let X 1 be the fraction of the biomass in the
effective path swept by the trawl which is actually retained in the gear and let Cw/a be the
!!lean catch per unit area of all hauls. Then an estimate of the average biomass per unit area,
b, is:

b (Cw/a)/Xl kg/nm2 (13.6.2)

Let A nm2 be the total size of the area under investigation. Then an estimate of the total
biomass, B, in this area, A, is obtained from:

("CWIa1 *A
B = Xl (13.6.3)

- 339 -
It is difficult to estimate which proportion of the fish that is present in the area swept by the
trawl gear is actually retained by the gear, in other words it is difficult to give a precise
estimate of X I. Underwater television recordings show that the reaction of fish to trawls
varies markedly between species. The value of X I is usually chosen between 0.5 and 1.0. For
trawlers in southeast Asia a value of X I = 0.5 is commonly used in survey work (Isarankura,
1971, Saeger, Martosubroto and Pauly, 1980). Dickson (1974), on the other hand, suggests
Xl = 1. The difference between these two values of X 1 is difficult to resolve. Using Xl =
0.5 doubles the estimate of biomass compared to that obtained by using Xl = 1.0.

The duration of the haul is proportional to the distance covered so the duration should have
no direct influence on the catch per unit of area. However, the catchability, Xl, of different
species may vary according to the duration of the haul because some species, when herded
by the trawl get tired soon and get captured while other species are able to swim in front of
the trawl for a long period and thus avoid being caught. It is therefore important to
standardize the duration of the haul so that results from different hauls can be compared. To
investigate the dependence of catchability on haul duration, parallel hauls of different duration
(e.g half an hour and one hour) could be made.

The total area surveyed can be estimated from a mercator projection by means of a
planimeter. Another method is to copy the area on transparent paper which then is cut out and
weighed. Then the weight of the paper is compared to the weight of a piece of similar paper
which corresponds to a known area. This method is not very precise.


Let the biomass estimate in Eq. 13.6.3 be obtained from n hauls, and let Ca(i) be the catch
(in weight) per unit of area of haul no. i, where i = 1,2, ... .n. The estimate of B then


and the variance (cf. Eq. 2.1.2):

A 2 1 1 n -2
VAR(8) = [XlJ * n * n-1 *i~l[ca(i)-Cal (13.7.2)

Thus, a higher precision (a smaller variance) can be obtained by increasing the number of
hauls, n (cf. Section 7.1, Fig. 7.1.1). Another way of reducing the variance is to apply
stratified sampling (cf. Section 7.2). Suitable stratification may reduce the variance
considerably for the same number of hauls and thus improve survey efficiency for the
available research vessel time. The distribution of many fish species is determined by depth
and bottom type. Therefore stratification based on these factors is widely used. Fig. 13.7.1
shows an example of stratification based on depth.

The areas of the four strata in Fig. 13.7.1 are Al,A2,A3 and A4 and the total area A -
Al +A2+A3+A4. Let B(i) be the estimated biomass in stratum no. i calculated by Eq.
13.7.1. Then the estimate of the total biomass of the total area, A, becomes:

8 = 8(1)+8(2)+8(3)+8(4) (13.7.3)

- 340 -
\ \ \.

\ \. p ,
A2 A3 \ A4 '
\ 'I
\ \ I,
5m 10m 20m SOm
\ \ I :/"
\ \ A I '/

Fig. 13.7.1 Example of stratification

and the variance:

VAR(8) = VAR(8(1» + VAR(8(2» + VAR(8(3» + VAR(8(4» (13.7.4)

where VAR(B(i)) is calculated by Eq. 13.7.2. Ifwe work with densities, in units of biomass
per square nm. (cf. Eq. 13.6.2) the parallel to Eq. 13.7.3 becomes:

b = [b(I)*Al + b(2)*A2 + b(3)*A3 + b(4)*A4)/A (13.7.5)

and the parallel to Eq. 13.7.4 is

VAR(b) = VAR(b(I»*(Al/A)2 + ...+ VAR(b(4»*(A4/A)2 (13.7.6)

where Ai is the size of stratum no. i and A is the total area of all strata. Eq. 13.7.6 is then
seen to be analogous to Eq. 7.2.11 with A as N, Ai as N(j). Confidence limits of Band b can
be calculated as described in Section 2.3.

Stratification may be based on the total catch of a mixture of species or on the catch of a
single species. It is often desirable, however, to focus on several species, or groups of
species, each with its own type of distribution. In such cases a stratification procedure must
be decided on for each species, or for each group of species with similar distribution patterns
within the area surveyed.

For a more detailed description of the statistical aspects of a trawl survey see Fogarty (1985)
and Gavaris and Smith (1987). The latter discuss the effect of stratification by comparing the
precision obtained from stratified sampling to that of simple random sampling, using the
method of Sukhatme and Sukhatme (1970).

The above formulas all assume that the number caught per trawl hour is a normally
distributed random variable. A better description of survey data is often obtained by assuming
the so-called "delta-distribution" (Pennington, 1983). This distribution takes into account that
survey data often contain a large proportion of zero observations and that the non-zero
observations form a log-normal distribution rather than a normal distribution.

- 341 -
density function
of log-normal
dis tribution

Number caught per hour

Fig. 13.7.2 Delta-function

A log-normal distribution is asymmetric and skewed to the right hand side. Fig. 13.7.2 shows
a schematic delta-function. Note that the point zero has a positive probability. In his paper,
Pennington gives the expression for the unbiased estimators of the parameters of the delta-


Gulland's formula for virgin stocks (Eq. 9.2.1):

MSY = O.5*M*Bv

(M: coefficient of natural mortality; Bv: virgin stock) or Cadima's formulas for exploited
stocks (Eqs. 9.3.1 and 9.3.2):

MSY = O.5*Z*B or MSY = O.5*{Y + M*B)

have often been applied when estimating the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) per year from
the total biomass as estimated from exploratory surveys (see e.g. Saville, 1977, or Troadec,
1980). It may be better, however, to apply the modified Fox model (Garcia, Sparre and
Csirke, 1987) described in Section 9.4 using Eq. 9.4.10 or Eq. 9.4.11.

Anyway, these are crude methods and should be relied upon to give only the order of
magnitude (l,000 tonnes, 10,000 tonnes, etc.) of the fish stock. Yet, if nothing is known in
advance, even such an estimate of the order of magnitude may be valuable.

One problem is that M is usually not known before the surveys are carried out. When the
stock is virgin (unexploited) an estimate of M can be obtained by analyzing the catch curves
obtained during the exploratory survey (cf. Section 4.4) because when the stock is
unexploited, then F = 0 and thus Z = M. Pauly's empirical formula, Eq. (Pauly,
1980b) can be applied when growth parameters are available.

(See Exercise(s) in Part 2.)

- 342 -

The introduction to this manual contains flow-charts for fish stock assessment (Fig.
and for the organization of the manual (Fig. 1.8.1). The beginner in fish stock assessment
might have had some difficulties with the exact interpretation of parts of these figures. This
chapter attempts to give a resume of the methodology along the same lines as those of the
introduction, but now assuming that the reader is familiar with the theory presented in the
foregoing chapters.

The level of precision of fish stock assessments increases with the availability of data, which
is usually positively correlated to the development of the fishery. In the case of unexploited
stocks, assessments will have to be based on general ecological principles, or surveys with
fishery research vessels. As soon as exploitation starts, the fishery itself can provide the data
base for the application of more sophisticated assessments. In a very highly developed fishery
a large portion of the stocks is landed and therefore accessable to sampling.

The methodology of fish stock assessment and prediction changes according to increasing
availability of data. While preliminary assessments may be based on, for example, relation-
ship between primary and secondary production or comparisons between unexploited areas
and exploited areas with similar environmental characteristics, the first real assessments are
usually derived from resource survey data obtained with a fishery research vessel. Assess-
ments of the standing stocks of pelagic and demersal fish can be made by acoustic methods
and by a bottom trawl. Although surveys with other types of gear/equipment, such as traps,
gill nets and hooks yield data on catch rates, they can not be used directly for estimating the
standing. stock, because it is not known which area has been covered by the gear. The holistic
model (Fig. 1.8.1 B) most frequently used for assessment purposes at this stage, is the swept
area method, which was discussed in Chapter 13.

An intermediate level of stock assessment can be reached when time series of catch and effort
data are available from a developing fishery. Such data can be used in other holistic models,
the so-called surplus production models (Fig. 1.8.1B and Chapter 9).

Once a fishery has developed and biological sampling schemes have been set up, it is possible
to apply more sophisticated analytical models, which can be divided into two major
categories, viz. age-based and length-based models (Fig. 1.8.1A).

In areas where it is possible to determine the age of a fish from otoliths or other hard parts,
an age-length key can be established each year which can be used to assign ages to large
length-frequency samples taken from the commercial fisheries. This data is then used to
determine the number of fish in the sea per cohort or age group. Fairly reliable predictions
can be made on that basis.

In areas where ages of fish cannot be determined on a routine basis from otoliths etc. or for
resources which do not have structures that permit age-reading e.g. crustaceans, analyses have
to be mainly based on length-frequencies. As long as the routine age-reading of tropical fish
species is still under development most assessments in the tropical zone will depend on the
interpretation of length-frequencies.

Unfortunately, length-frequency data are easily affected by biases caused by gear selectivity,
migration and sampling errors, and this further complicates the assessment of tropical species.
In this manual a lot of space has been dedicated to the analysis of length-frequency data. This

- 343 -
does not mean, however, that the models used are fully length-based. In most of the methods
given, the length-frequency data are used to separate presumed cohorts from each other,
which are then assigned a relative age. The rest of the procedures is more age-based than
length-based. It may be useful to point out here that the determination of growth parameters
is only an intermediate step in assessments based on length-frequencies. The final objective
is always to determine the amount of fish per cohort and the level of fishing mortalities it is
subjected to. This is the basis for predictions of future yields and therefore the basis for
future development or management measures.


The main objective of fish stock assessment of exploited stocks is to predict what will happen
in terms of future yields, biomass levels (sustainability) and value of the catch, if the level
of fishing effort remains the same or if it is changed in one way or another.

Fig. 14.1.1 is an extended version of Fig., giving a number of examples for each
box. It shows both the final output of fish stock assessment and the methodology suggested
in the present manual to obtain that output. The methodology can be divided into two parts: firstly
the estimation of vital parameters, and secondly, the use of these parameters to predict future
catches and stock biomasses under various assumptions about the development of the fishery.

Fig. 14.1.1, however, does not contain unquantifiable features of fish stock assessment, such
as subjectivity of interpretation and bias in data. Essentially, the models by which historical
data are analysed assume that data are random samples, that is, unbiased. If data were exactly
as the models assume them to be, everything would be straightforward and any two persons
would independently of each other come to the same result. The more biased data are, the
more subjective is their interpretation.

Bias may have many causes, some of which can be eliminated, and some of which are very
hard to tackle. Bias caused by badly planned and/or executed sampling programmes should
be easy to overcome, while bias caused by migration and gear selectivity, may be difficult
to handle. Often the technical solution to such biological bias problems is to expand and
adjust the sampling programme, based on the first analyses. On top of the practical problems
mentioned above, there are statistical (or theoretical) problems in sampling. For example:
"How many fish should be sampled to secure a successful Bhattacharya analysis". There is
probably no exact solution to this problem, but it is evident that analyses based on length-
frequencies need a large amount of unbiased input data.

The prerequisites for any meaningful fish stock assessment are biological data on the
resources and technical data on the fisheries. There are two main types of data, which in
order of priority are:

I) Data sampled from the catches of commercial fisheries

2) Data from research vessel surveys

Essentially, fish stock assessments of exploited stocks can be made with data from the
commercial fisheries only. In the case of unexploited resources, research vessel data are
essential. However, the latter may also be very useful as a supplement to commercial
fisheries data. Samples from commercial fisheries are usually much cheaper and much easier
to obtain in large quantities than research vessel survey data, a feature that should be taken
into account when planning fishery research.

- 344 -
(Data preferably by stock or species)
Catch/effort of total commercial catch.
Length- or age-frequency data from com-
mercial fisheries or surveys with
research vessels.
Biological data (maturity stage, length/
weight etc) from research vessel surveys
and/or from sampling commercial fisheries
General knowledge of the biology of the
species (spawning season, migration,
etc.) and of the fisheries (area, gear,

PROCESS: Analyses of historical data:
Estimation of growth parameters
Catch curve analysis
Virtual population or cohort analyses
Surplus production models
swept area method (research vessel data)

OUTPUT: Von Bertalanffy growth parameters
(used as input for Length-weight relationship
the next process) Total mortality
Fishing mortality and natural mortality
Stock size (size composition of stock)

PROCESS: Predictions of yield:
Beverton and Holt's yield/recruit model
Thompson and Bell's model (for single
stock or for mixed fisheries)
Surplus production model
Swept area method combined with a
Gulland-type of model

(the optimum level of fishing mortality)
present position with respect to optima

Fig. 14.1.1 General now-chart for fish stock assessment (compare Fig.

- 345 -
The two types of data essentially contain the following elements:

Commercial fishery data:

Total catch (by species, area and type of gear)
Effort (by area and type of gear)
Length-frequencies (by species and sex)
Age-frequencies (by species and sex)
Biological data (e.g. maturity stages, length/weight relationship)
Data on fishing gear (e.g. mesh size) and fishing operations

Research survey data:

Catch and effort (e.g. number caught per hour by species)
Catch per unit area (for swept area calculation)
Length-frequencies (by species and sex)
Age-frequencies (by species and sex)
Biological data (e.g. maturity stages, length/weight relationship)
Data on fishing gear (e.g. mesh size)

Some data are easy to define and record such as the length of a fish and the number of fish.
Other data are more problematical to obtain, such as the age of a fish read from daily rings.
Finally, there are data which are very problematical to define, such as a measure for effort
that is proportional to fishing mortality. (This type of data problem may in certain cases never
be solved, and perhaps the way out is to search for alternative models, which require a
different type of input data.)

There is no systematic way to overcome the problems of defining data and the bias problems.
The choice of an adequate methodology is to a certain degree a matter of personal judgement
combined with skill and experience. This manual may appear as a kind of cookery-book with
pre-determined recipes for each case, but unfortunately, it cannot be used as such. The most
important background for a fish stock assessment worker is a profound knowledge of the
biology of the living resources and the fisheries exploiting them gained through continuous
sampling of as many (relevant) data as possible, year after year. A long time series, say
several decades, of fisheries data may contain data reflecting extreme situations, and thus
define the upper and lower limits for predictions of yield and stock size.

In some cases, only a part of the catch from a stock is covered by the sampling programme.
That happens, for example, when several countries exploit a shared resource and do not
exchange or pool their data, or when some countries do not collect data. In that case the
catches should in one way or another be raised to account for the total. The raising would be
based on certain assumptions, such as country B (which does not collect samples) has a
fishery which corresponds to, say, 20% of that of country A (which collects samples). In
such cases it is always better to make a qualified guess than to ignore an important component
of the catch taken from a stock.

Often there are doubts about the stock definition. If that is the case, remember that it is better
to make the mistake of pooling two small stocks than to make assessments of only a part of
a stock. Because, even when two stocks have been wrongly pooled, the conclusions for the
combined stocks may be correct also for each stock individually. If on the other hand, a stock
is being exploited by more than one fleet, say from different countries, and the fishing
mortality caused by the other fleet(s) is not taken into account when doing the assessments
and making the predictions, the effect of manage-ment measures may not be as expected. For
example, a decrease in fishing effort by one fleet may be offset by an increase in the other

- 346 -
fleet. Then the total fishing pressure may remain the same or actually increase and the
predicted improvements in yields may not occur.

Fisheries data may include other types of data than those dealt with in the present manual.
Such data may concern economic, sociological and environmental aspects. Although a fishery
biologist is concentrating on the biological/technical aspects of fisheries, she/he should also
be aware of progress in these other research fields. This applies in particular to bio-
economics, which is now developing rapidly (see Chapter 8).



One of the most difficult aspects of fish stock assessment is to decide which methods should
be used to analyze a particular data set. In this section a series of data sets are presented in
a systematic way, grouped at different levels of availability and quality. These sets will be
discussed at a case-by-case basis.

In the following five main levels of availability of data are considered, namely:

Level A: When only survey data are available

Level B: When only catch or catch/effort data are available
Level C: When only length-frequencies are available
Level D: When both catch/effort data and length-frequencies are available. (One case
with limited age-frequency data is also included.)
Level E: When all kinds of data are available, in particular time series of age-

The review starts at the lowest level of data availability and gradually moves to the highest
level. Within each main level, a number of cases is considered, which are categorized with
the aid of a small table where the existence/non-existence of data from the commercial fishery
and research survey data are indicated by the following:

No data collected
Single A single or a few samples collected
Single time series A time series for one year has been collected
Multiple time series: Time series for two or more years are available

Level A: When only survey data are available

Case A.I

A.1 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Conunercial fishery - - - -
Research survey Single - - -

- 347 -
This case and the following may apply to hitherto unexploited resources, or exploited
resources which have never been investigated by fish stock assessment workers. Case A.I
deals with a virgin stock. Use the swept area method for analysis (see Chapter 13) and the
Gulland formula for prediction of the potential yield (see Section 9.2). The result of this
exercise gives only the order of magnitude of the sustainable potential yield (that is: 100
tonnes or 1,000 tonnes, or 10,000 tonnes, etc.).

Case A.2

A.2 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Single - - -

Research survey Single - - -

In this case the resource is not a virgin stock, because there is a commercial fishery. Use the
swept area method (see Chapter 13) for the historical analysis and the Garcia et al. formula
for the catch prediction (see Section 9.4).

Level B: When only catch or catch/effort data are available

With this type of data only surplus production models can be used to predict the maximum
sustainable yield. The models at hand are mathematically very simple, and therefore large
deviations from the models can be expected.

Case B.I

B.1 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Single - - -

Research survey - - - -

This is the lowest possible level allowing for a sort of fish stock assessment. The method
suggested is the simplest possible one - it is so simple that it has not been mentioned earlier
in the manual. Prediction for future years equals the catch observed. Effort is difficult to use,
as nothing is known for sure about the state of exploitation. If only the catch is known (effort
not known) for a series of years, use the average catch for prediction. There is no real
historical analysis involved here.

Case B.2

B.2 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Multiple - - -

time series

Research survey - - - -

- 348 -
Use surplus production models (Schaefer or Fox models, see Chapter 9). If results of
alternative methods deviate substantially, select the result giving the best fit to the data. If
data are not by species, but by species group (family) the method may still be applied. The
models are applied for the historical analysis as well as prediction. If data are by fishing
grounds in the form of catch rates by area, for example in coral reef areas, the Munro and
Thompson plot should be used (see Section 9.5).

Level C: When only length-frequencies are available

The methodology of length-frequency analysis is based on the assumption that recruitment is

seasonal with one or at most two peaks per year (see Section 1.6). It assumes that samples
cover the entire range of lengths. Often, there are problems with the smallest length classes
due to gear selectivity and sometimes certain length groups are missing from the samples due
to the migratory behaviour of the species in question.

The length-based methodology depends on the life span of the species under investigation.
Naturally, only a short time series of data is needed for estimation of growth of a species
with a short life span. On the other hand, frequent samples (say monthly) are needed for
short-lived species like shrimps, while for long-lived species such as groupers one annual
sample may be adequate.

As a matter of routine, try various forms of data-massage, that is, see what happens, for
example, when doubling the size of the length class or when doubling the time period (see
Section 3.4.2). Samples where bias problems can be demonstrated may be excluded. In cases
of migration only data which are separated with a time period of one year should be used (see
Section 11.3.1). There are many different ways of combining massaged data, so do not
hesitate to try any sensible combination.

Be careful with computerized methods. Some computer programs give results irrespective of
the degree to which the data conform to the underlying model. Choose the methods which
provide a warning when data are in conflict with the model. Be critical of the results. Do not,
for example, accept a growth curve fitting, unless a modal progression can already be seen
in the original data. If the Bhattacharya and similar methods do not give convincing results
even after all possible massaging, then the only solution is to try to read ages from hard

The cases under C deal with situations where research on a resource has just been started.

Case C.I

In the first, most data-limited case (C. 1), data do not include total catches and effort of the
commercial fishery. Thus, no estimate of total catch is available, and all prediction results
consequently become relative.

C.l Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data
Commercial fishery - Single - Single
Research survey - - - -

- 349 -
Col Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Use length-frequency analysis for example, ELEFAN I or the Bhatta-
charya method (see Section 3.4.1) combined with (pseudo) modal progression analysis (see
Section 3.4.2) or some more sophisticated maximum likelihood method, to estimate growth
parameters from a single sample under the assumption that the normally distributed
components correspond to one or two recruitments per year.

Morlality rates: Use the length-converted catch curve to estimate Z (see Section 4.4.5), under
the assumption of constant recruitment and constant mortality. Use Pauly's formula for M
(Eq. and estimate F by subtracting M from Z. Estimate L50% from the catch curve
and convert it to age (150%) (see Section 6.5).

Col Catch prediction

Use Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model (Sections 8.2 to 8.3). Use 150% as the
"knife-edge-age". In cases where the length-weight relationship has an exponent significantly
different from 3, or Z was found not to be constant after recruitment is completed, use the
Thompson and Bell model (see Sections 8.6 to 8.7). If the fishery considered is a mixed
fishery (most tropical fisheries are) then use the method for mixed fishery (see Section
10.4.2) for as many species as possible combined. Whenever possible, try to make the catch
prediction for all fleets in one go (see Section 10.4.3) and calculate the value of all yields
combined (value of landings in weight).

Col Comments

In theory this procedure is possible when only one single length-frequency sample is
available. However, the results are subject to an unknown bias and uncertainty, and should
always be followed up by further investigations. Length-frequency analysis may be dubious
because the pseudo modal progression has to be based on the assumption that the single
sample can be used as an estimate for the entire life span of the species. If the species is
short-lived (for example shrimps) and therefore only shows one or at most two peaks, the
method may not be applicable at all. In the latter case the sampling must be continued to
obtain a time series (for example for each month of the year) before the estimation of growth
parameters can be started.

Case Co2

C.2 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data
Commercial fishery - Single - Single
Research survey Single Single - Single

- 350-
C.2 Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Use length-frequency analysis on samples combined from research

survey and from commercial fishery as under case C.I. The research survey data often
provide a better coverage of the smaller length groups than the data from the com mercial

Monality rates: Use the length-converted catch curve based on the survey data to estimate
Z, under the assumption of constant recruitment. The survey data are assumed to represent
the entire stock better than the commercial fishery, which does not attempt to collect random
samples. Use Pauly's formula for M and estimate F by subtracting M from Z. Do a length-
based cohort analysis (see Section 5.3) and compare the average F for the fully-exploited age
groups with the estimate obtained from the catch curve analysis. Estimate L50% from the
catch curve and convert it to age (t50%).

C.2 Catch prediction

If estimates of stock size (or absolute recruitment) are available, use the Thompson and Bell
model. The Beverton and Holt YIR model can be used if the estimated F-array looks like
knife-edged, and if the exponent in the length-weight relationship is not significantly different
from 3. In all other cases it is better to use the Thompson and Bell model.

Level D: When size distributions and catch/effort data are available

In this case it is possible to raise the size-frequencies to the total catch taken from the stock
in question. It is assumed that all major gear categories (fleets) have been sampled, and have
been raised and summed to represent the total catch taken from the stock. If only part of the
fishery is covered by the sampling programme, the estimate of total catch must be raised in
one way or another to account for all catches. A skilled guess on the unknown catches will
have to be used in the worst case.

Case D.l

D.1 Data catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Single Single - Single

Research survey - - - -

D.l Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Use length-frequency analysis on samples from the commercial fishery
as under case C. 2.

Monality rates: Use Pauly's formula for M and length-converted cohort analysis for the
estimation of F and stock size by length group. Note that the recruitment number is also

- 351 -
D.l Catch prediction

Use the length-based Thompson and Bell model. Use the recruitment estimated by cohort
analysis as input to predict the absolute yield and stock biomass. Use the Thompson and Bell
model for assessing the effect of changing the fishing pattern. Notice that in this case, the
resultant selection parameters are not explicitly estimated - they are embedded in the F-by-

Case D.2

In case D.2 there is a time series over one year, for example, length-frequency samples each
month of the year, for all major gear categories. In the case of short-lived species like
shrimps the time series may cover the entire life span of the species.

D.2 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Single time

Single time
- Single time

Research survey - - - -

D.2 Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Use length-frequency analysis on samples from the commercial fishery.
In this case it is possible to make a complete modal progression analysis for short-lived
species, but for long-lived species (life span of two or more years) the modal progression
becomes a mixture of pseudo and real cohorts.

Be critical of the results from growth curve fitting. If the time series contains parts with
apparent negative growth (see Section 11.2) or periods of no growth, the possibility of bias
in the data should be considered carefully, and perhaps a better way of sampling should be
found. Do not ignore the parts of the time series which do not show modal progression, and
do not use only those parts which show modal progression, unless there is a good rational
justification for so doing. Be aware that bias caused by migration may appear as seasonality
of the growth rate, and that it may be more or less impossible to separate the two phenomena.

Mortality rates: As for D.I. As input to the length-based cohort analysis, use all samples
summed over the year (properly weighted). In the case of a short-lived species it is possible
to make an age-based cohort analysis, if, for example, length-frequencies are available for
each month which have been resolved into age-group components.

It is possible to do an age-based cohort analysis or a VPA (see Section 5.1), using the age
groups estimated by the Bhattacharya analysis as input (see Fig. 7.6.5).

D.2 Catch prediction

Same as for D.l. For short-lived species the effect of a closed season can now also be
assessed (see Section 8.6).

- 352 -
D.2 Comments

As the entire analysis is based on only one year's data, the results should be taken with
reservation. Whether the year in question is an exceptional year or is close to the average
year is not known. For example, there is no information on the variability in recruitment. It
is of utmost importance to know if recruitment remains at a stable level or if it is highly vari-

Once length-frequency samples have been resolved it is possible to use only age-based
methods, which have the advantage of being easier to work with, while the results are easier
to interpret.

Case D.3

D.3 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data
Commercial fishery Multiple Multiple - Multiple
time series time series time series

Research survey - - - -

In case D.3 there is a multiple time series, for example, length-frequency samples each month
of the year, during, say, ten years, for all major gear categories. In the case of short-lived
species like shrimps the time series may cover the life span of the species many times, and
even for long-lived species some cohorts may be represented during their entire life span.

D.3 Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Use length-frequency analysis on samples from the commercial fishery.
In this case it is possible to make a complete modal progression analysis for both short-lived
and long-lived species.

Monality rates: The average annual length composition may be used as input for a length-
based cohort analysis, which would give the average fishing mortalities and stock size for the
period covered. An age-based cohort analysis, with age groups from the Bhattacharya analysis
as input may also be attempted. In the latter case the recruitment number will be estimated
for each cohort, and some understanding of the variability of recruitment will be gained.

0.3 Catch prediction

Use the length-based and/or the age-based Thompson and Bell model, depending on the
type(s) of cohort analysis made.

- 353 -
D.3 Comments

There may still be problems with the estimation of growth parameters, because certain length
groups may be lacking, for example, because of gear selection and/or migration. The
commercial fishery may not cover the entire distributional area of the resources, for example,
the boats may only be able to fish to certain depths or their range may be limited.

Case D.4

D.4 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Multiple time Multiple - Multiple

series time series time series

Research survey Single time Single time - Single time

series series series

D.4 Historical analysis

In this case there are two independent data collections and they may be used for mutual
verification, or to disclose bias problems.

Growth parameters: It may be necessary to decide to use only the survey data for estimation
of growth parameters, if the commercial data are suspected to be heavily biased. The two
types of data may also be combined. Missing data from the commercial fishery may be filled
in with research vessel data.

Moriality rates: Use cohort analysis or VPA. If the research vessel survey gave a swept area
estimate of biomass, it 111aybe possible to select a fishing mortality which produces a recruit-
ment number which in the cohort analysis produces the same stock biomass as estimated from
the survey. If this is not possible, then either the surveyor the commercial sampling
programme is biased. If both of them are biased it may not be possible to get agreement
between the two methods. Z may be estimated from the catch curve analysis and be compared
to the M plus the average F estimated from cohort analysis.

D.4 Catch prediction

Same as case 0.3.

D.4 Comments

With the data of case 0.4, there is no way to verify the estimates of growth parameters from

In case 0.5 a few age readings are available which can be used to verify the results based on
length-frequency analysis.

- 354 -
Case 0.5

D.5 Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data

Commercial fishery Multiple Multiple Single Multiple

time series time series time series

Research survey Multiple Multiple Single Multiple

time series time series time series

0.5 Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Use the least squares method to estimate growth parameters from
agellength data (see Section 3.3.4). If the results from the otolith data deviate from results
from the length-frequency analysis, check the otolith readings carefully, for example, by
comparison with other workers. If results still differ, use the otolith results rather than the
length-based results, unless there are really good reasons to prefer the length-based methods,
such as in the case where there are severe difficulties in reading the hard parts, while at the
same time the length-frequency analysis shows a beautiful modal progression. For some small
pelagic species it has proved to be very difficult to apply length-frequency analysis, and then
the only solution seems to be age readings on hard parts.

Try to create an agellength key (see Section 3.2.1) and use it to convert length-frequencies
into age-frequencies. This approach would replace the Bhattacharya method. However, as
agellength keys may vary from year to year, otoliths should preferably be collected and read
on a routine basis to apply this technique.

Morlality rates: Same as case D.4.

D.S Catch prediction

Same as case D.4.

D.S Comments

Some tropical fish deposit annual rings in otoliths or other hard parts, and for such species
otoliths should be collected on a routine basis. For many tropical species, only the daily rings
are useful for age determination, and then age reading becomes rather tedious and expensive.
The results of age reading from daily rings may also depend on the equipment used. In some
cases more rings can be observed when using a scanning electronic microscope than with a
light microscope (see Morales-Nin, 1991).

Level E: When all kinds of data are available

This is the ideal case, where any kind of data you may think of is available. Forget all about
von Bertalanffy growth curves, and do not use length-based methods. However, length-
frequencies may be used in connection with an agellength key, and also for an assessment of
gear selection. Mortality rates and stock sizes should be estimated with age-based methods.

- 355 -
If all these data are available several methods can be applied which are not described in the
present manual, such as "tuning" of VPA and multi-species VPA. Tuning of VPA means that
the VPA results are compared with independent observations which can be assumed to be
proportional to the VPA results. For example, effort is supposed to be proportional to fishing
mortality and catch per unit of effort (CPUE) from a research vessel survey is supposed to
be proportional to the stock numbers estimated from VPA. For pelagic species estimates
obtained by acoustic surveys may be useful for VPA tuning.

These are methods used in the North East Atlantic, where ICES (International Council for
the Exploration of the Sea) is the scientific body that provides advice to the managers of
fishery resources.

Case E.1

E.l Data Catch/Effort Length- Age- Biological

frequencies frequencies data
Commercial fishery Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple
time series time series time series time series

Research survey Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple

time series time series time series time series

E.1 Historical analysis

Growth parameters: Not really needed. The results of otolith readings provide a weight-at-
age-array, which can be used as input to the Thompson and Bell model. Actually, any growth
curve can be used. (The growth of some fish does not conform very well to the von
Bertalanffy growth model.)

Morlality rates: Use VPA. If stomach content data are available then predation can be
estimated and multi species VPA be applied. If effort data are available then use VPA-tunjng

E.1 Catch prediction

Use the multispecies and multi fleet Thompson and Bell model with all landings converted into

E.1 Comment

For some countries with large fisheries it is justifiable to organize expensive data collection
programmes, while for countries with small fishery resources it may be difficult to justify
large expenditures for fisheries research irrespective of the per caput income. For several
reasons, the fishery researcher's dream of an ideal supply of data may never materialize, and
that may not necessarily be a negative thing seen from the point of view of the entire society
of the country. In that case the researcher will have to manage with a less demanding

- 356 -

There are several microcomputer program packages which can be used in conjunction with
the present manual in particular the Length-based Fish Stock Assessment (LFSA) package
developed by FAO (Sparre , 1987) and the COMPLEAT ELEFAN package developed by
ICLARM (Gayanilo, Soriano and Pauly, 1988). These two packages complement each other
and files created for one package can be used in the other. The large amount of overlap and
the simultaneous use of both packages in FAO/DANIDA training courses on fish stock assess-
ment have led to the development of a new package, entitled "FAO-ICLARM Stock
Assessment Tools" or FiSA T, integrating the routines contained in the above-mentioned
packages and various other routines. The FiSA T package is expected to be ready for release
in 1993.


The LFSA (Length-based Fish Stock Assessment) package of microcomputer programs

(Sparre, 1987), written in BASIC, was designed to match the present manual. Most of the
programs follow exactly the procedures explained in the preceding chapters.

The LFSA package was originally developed for Apple II computers as indicated by the title
of its manual (Sparre, 1987). Later, these programs were converted for use on IBM
compatible computers. The IBM version has been updated and considerably expanded whereas
the Apple II version has not.

The LFSA package runs on Apple II and IBM (PC, XT or AT) microcomputers or their
compatibles with minimum memory, a monochrome screen and an 80 columns printer. The
graphics of the IBM version are based on the IBM Color Graphics Monitor Adapter (High
resolution graphics, 640*200).

The user is neither assumed to have knowledge of BASIC nor of the operation system used
(PRODOS for Apple n and MS-DOS for IBM). The programs are executed via self-
explanatory screen dialogues. The prompts often take the form of a "menu", from which the
user selects a "course". In addition to the programs dealing with the methods described in this
manual, the LFSA package also contains a number of utility programs for data handling, and
initial data processing.

Not every method given in this manual has been incorporated. Emphasis has been placed on
incorporating the time-consuming operations, such as the Bhattacharya analysis.

15.1.1 Length-frequency (LF) programs

Fig. 15.1.1 shows a flow-chart of the most important part of the LFSA package, namely the
sub-package for length-frequency analysis.

LFINPUT: LF data entry/edit program.

The program is used to enter/edit time series of length-frequencies and store these on a hard
disk or diskette (the type of data required for modal progression analysis, cf. Section 3.4.2).
LFINPUT automatically sorts the length-frequency samples in chronological order.

- 357 -
Fig. IS.I.l.l Flow-chart for the major programs of the LFSA subpackage for length-
frequency analysis (not all programs are included)

- 358 -
LFINF: LF additional data program (information).
This program is an optional continuation of LFINPUT, which allows the attachment of a
variety of additional data to each length-frequency sample. Such additional data may be
effort, total catch, position, depth, gear type, bottom type, .... etc.

LFTABLE: LF table program.

Produces tables of time series of length-frequencies formatted according to the user's choice.

LFBAR and LFGRPH: LF bar diagram programs.

LFSUM: LF data summing program.

This program contains a number of options for raising and adding up length-frequency
samples (cf. Chapter 7).

LFCONV: LF data conversion program.

In practice it may happen that data from different sources are incompatible, e.g. some
samples may be in units of fork length and some samples in units of total length (cf. Section
1.5). Although the formulas for conversion of one measurement into another appear quite
simple, it is not a simple thing to convert grouped data. LFCONV can solve this and some
similar problems. LFCONV can also be used to convert commercial size categories (e.g.
number of shrimp tails per pound) into length-frequencies. LFCONV is an extended version

LFMANI: LF data manipulation program.

This program offers a number of options, for example to calculate the weight of a sample
based on the length-weight relationship (cf. Section 2.6). It may also be used to convert from,
say, 1 em length classes into 2 cm length classes, to convert into relative frequencies, to
correct for gear selection (cf. Section 6.7) etc.

LFMERGE: LF file merging program.

This program is used to merge different files of time series. It merges files so that the
resulting file has its samples in chronological order.

LFSELEF A: File conversion LFSA/ELEF AN.

Converts length-frequency files of LFSA-format into COMPLEAT ELEFAN-format files and
COMPLEAT ELEFAN-files into LFSA-files.

BHATT AC: Bhattacharya analysis program.

Performs the Bhattacharya analysis as described in Section 3.4.1. The graphs are displayed
on the screen and can be converted into a hard copy.

BHGRAPH: Display of results of BHATTAC in high resolution graphics (only in IBM

The graphs produced by BHGRAPH resemble Fig.

MODALGR: Bhattacharya graph and results.

Produces a graph similar to Fig. and a corresponding table (cf. Table Input
to MODALGR is the output from program BHATTAC.

MODALPR: Modal progression analysis.

The analysis described in the first part of Section 3.4.2, i.e. the estimation of growth
parameters by the Gulland and Holt plot (cf. Table and Fig. based on the
results of the Bhattacharya analysis. Input to MODALPR is the output from program

- 359 -
VBMODAL: Interface to program VONBER.
This program is an alternative to MODALPR. The user is asked to group the components
found with BHA TTAC into cohorts (similar to modal progression analysis). The result of this
exercise is a series of pairs:

(L(1),t(1»,(L(2),t(2», ..... ,(L(n),t(n»


L (i) = length of fish no. i and t (i) = arbitrary age of fish no. i.

These data are in turn used as input to the program "VONBER", which estimates the growth

GHBIRTH: Birthday analysis.

The analysis described in the second part of Section 3.4.2, i.e. the estimation of approximate
birthday by the von Bertalanffy plot (cf. Table and Figs. and Input
to GHBIRTH is the output from program MODALPR.

CCURVE: Length-converted catch curve analysis.

The analysis described in Sections 4.4.5 and 6.5, i.e. estimation of Z and estimation of the
gear selection ogive from the catch curve.

JONZAL: Jones and van Zalinge method.

Estimation of Z as described in Section 4.4.6.

BHZWET: Beverton and Holt's Z-equation and the Powell-Wetherall analysis.

Esti~ation of Z as described in Section 4.5.2 and estimation of Loo and Z/K as described in
Section 4.5.4.

LCOHOR: Jones' length-based cohort analysis.

Estimation of stock size and fishing mortality as described in Section 5.3.

TBYR: Age-based Thompson and Bell model yield calculations.

This program uses a special version of the Thompson and Bell yield and stock prediction
model for the single stock single fishery situation (cf. Section 8.6). TBYR takes its starting
point in the stock numbers by length group calculated by LCOHOR and converts them into
age groups. The calculations are as described in Section 8.6. Because the conversion from
length groups to age groups (whole years) is problematic for short-lived species, this program
should be used only for long-lived species (5 years or more).

MIXFISH: Length-based Thompson and Bell model with option for analysis of a mixed
fishery (only in IBM version).
This program is based on the theory explained in Sections 8.7 and 10.4.1. It does essentially
the same as TBYR, but without the conversion of lengths into age groups. It may be used for
long-lived as well as short-lived species. Although designed for analysis of a mixed fishery,
MIXFISH contains the single species case as an option.

SIMULL: Monte Carlo simulation of length-frequency samples (only in IBM version).

The program SIMULL simulates length-frequency samples by simulating the life history of
each individual fish, using Monte Carlo techniques.

SIMMIG: Monte Carlo simulation of length-frequency samples accounting for migration

(only in IBM version).

- 360 -
The program SIMMIG simulates length-frequency samples the same way as SIMULL. It does
the simulation for several areas in parallel and simulates the movements of fish between the

15.1.2 Age/length analysis: estimation of growth parameters from age/length data

VONBER: Estimation of von Bertalanffy parameters.

This program estimates the growth parameters in the ordinary von Bertalanffy growth
equation (Eq. by non-linear regression analysis as described in Section 3.1. Because
the computation procedure is based on iteration techniques requiring a very large number of
calculations this method has not been dealt with as an example in this manual.

The input to VONBER is a series of pairs:

(L(l),t(l)), (L(2),t(2)), ..... , (L(n),t(n))


L (i) = length of fish no. i and t (i) = age of fish no. i.

The program VONBER determines the parameters, Loo, K and to so as to minimize the sum
of squares of deviations:

~ [L(i) - L *{l - exp(-K*(t(i)-t ))}]2
i=l 00 0

VBINPUT: Agellength (AL) data entry program.

Resembles program LFINPUT.

VBRESU: Results from VONBER.

VBGRAPH: Graph of results from VONBER.

VBMERGE: Agellength file merging program.

15.1.3 Miscellaneous programs

BHYR: Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit analysis.

The estimation of yield/recruit and biomass/recruit (Chapter 8).

PAULYM: Pauly's M-formula (Eq. (only in IBM version).

REGRES: Ordinary regression analysis.

As described in Sections 2.4 to 2.6, contains a options for linearization.

REGRAPH: Graph for ordinary regression analysis.

- 361 -

The COMPLEAT ELEF AN package was developed around the ELEF AN (Electronic LEngth
Frequency ANalysis) program developed by Pauly and David (1981), which now appears in
the package as the ELEFAN I program. This program has already been described in detail
in Chapter 3. Both the ELEFAN I program and the COMPLEAT ELEFAN package built
around it have undergone several modifications. The latest version is described by Gayanilo
et al. (1988). The package is menu-driven and very user-friendly. It contains the following
routines and sub-routines:

UTILITIES: Peripheral installation, disk copy routine, communication port installation, disk
formatting routine.

ELEFAN 0: Data entry and editing, print routine, probability of capture entry and file
correction, adjust class interval, delete file routine, pooling of samples, merging of files,
smoothing of samples, sample weight estimation.

ELEFAN I: Restructuring of data, curve-fitting-by-eye, automatic search, response surface

analysis, output routine.

ELEF AN II: Fitting selection curve, catch curve and probability of capture, recruitment
pattern, Powell/Wetherall plot, relative yield per recruit analysis.

ELEFAN III: Age-based VPA, length-based VPA, combined VPA, catch file creation.

ELEFAN IV: Estimation of M.

ELEFAN V: Response surface analysis, compatability plot, growth increment analysis.

MPA: Bhattacharya's method, means/standard deviation entry, linking of means and

coefficient of variance of Lao'


In 1990, FAO and the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
(ICLARM) agreed to develop a new program package for length-based fish stock assessment,
called FiSAT (FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools), Gayanilo et al., 1995. The package
is structured around an integration of routines incorporated in LFSA and the COMPLEAT
ELEFAN package, but it also contains a number of new routines. FiSAT overcomes various
problems of the two "parent packages".

Whenever possible, the models and their outputs are presented in graphical format for easy
interpretation, thus keeping the user-friendliness of the COMPLEAT ELEFAN package.
Examples of graphical outputs are given in Figs. 15.3.1 and 15.3.2.

Although the bulk of the routines manipulate and/or analyze length-frequency data, FiSAT
also works with other types of data, such as weight-frequencies, size-at-age data, mark-
recapture data, selection data (trawl and gill net) and other vector files. However, the
analyses that can be performed with that kind of data are more limited.

Other key features contributing to FiSAT's user-friendly interface are:

- 362 -
A spreadsheet-like "feel", with the file being processed at most with one click of a
button away

Distinctly grouped routines, for easy access through pull-down menus

Pop-up windows, with help messages and a description of the model and its main

Support of numerous micro-computer configurations (CGA, EGA, VGA, HERCULES,


The general layout of the package is given in Fig. 15.3.3. There are four major groups of


ASSESS contains the stock assessment programs, while the other three groups contain the
preparatory (FILE) and supporting routines (SUPPORT, UTll_,ITIES).

The program package contains some methods/models which have not been incorporated in
this manual, except in the list of references (see Appeldoorn, 1987; Ault and Ehrhardt, 1991;
Fabens, 1965; Munro, 1982; Pauly et al., 1992 and Shepherd, 1987). However, the manual
that will be produced for the users of the FiSA T program package (Gayanilo et al., in press)
will contain the necessary explanations.

'ress In, CAW t·~tr.~I ~ult If?' !""" I 1",lnle,

IFO ~IMI r nuncrlt ,.\',It~IFill dy"p ••• "1.,,.;
IF!it viell '''OI'M~ r,' in.,tc" 1F91 d·,,,"o" I' • '''''''1

Fig. 15.3.1 Facsimile representation of the results of a length-based VPA

Fig. 15.3.2 Yield isopleth diagram, using the Beverton and Holt model

- 363 -
Analysis ot .11e-al-age ...

f= With seB5Of'lality
WlthoUI seasonality
Shrimp-rail ooun~ Import nle, ..
Size-ai-age nle Modal progre.slon analy.I._ ..
Growth lna,"""nl
Mean and 5,0.
Probability nl.
Carch data nle
Values by Ille
XY "Ie
"I. f-
Linking or moanIliC,V.

or growth

or L_

data ...
§ ELEFAN me.
LFSII nle!
1-2-3 WKl'.


Gulland and HoI! plor

Munro'. menthod Y_a,b'X
LangllH,.queney "re Faben'. methOd Y_a',b"X
~ log (V) _ a , b . log (X)
Welg Ih-Irequeney "I. Appledoom's method
Stvirnp-lall ooun~ 1n(V) _ a , b • x
Slle-ar-ege lie 01,,,,,, nr or lJF data Y _ a , b • In (X)
Growth lncntmenl nre YfX _ a , b . X
Mean and S,O. nre ELEFAN I... In ((,·vyC _ Il , b . X Prlnr oUlj>Ul.,
Probell4Qty nre yAC _ a , b' X
Calch data
Values by .lZe
XV nle
Re.pon.e .urllKe
Scan or K value.
Auromalle search

Shephertl'l method
Y _ a , b . XAC

§ LPTl:

C Aespon38 surfaco
Scan or K values
Table display, ..

f= C<lIor
Dedmal poslnon
Powel~WetheraJl plol
MortaIldo._ ..

Z !rom steady-orare sample ...

Carch curve
Joneo' rumuratlll. plot
From mean length_ ..

t Bev8f1Cn and Holl model

Aull and Ehrhardl method

Z 'rom Hoenig" method

NahJraJ morlalldes, ..

f- Rlckhre< and EI""",,'. method


Pauly" M equaaon
L(new) _ a • b . L(ald) M !rom oelectlot1 data
L(new) _ a l(ald)b
Commerdal slz. " lJF Reaullmenl pene",
Age _ t" -(Ill<) • In( I .(lA...»)
Age _ t" -(Ill<) • In (I'«1l • WAbYl..J Probabilides ...

L lD age given .""-""MlIty

sample s.;
t Trawl me.h

Using CPUE Virtual popuratlon analy ..... ,

Using caldVsample welghl
Using. a>nStant ~ Age-SlnJClUred VPA

% or aample !DtaI
Squate root or aampIe !Dta!
t lenglh-.rrucbJred
Lengll\lllge VPA

DOS Shell PredICllon ...

Exlr Y'/R and B'/R anaIysls .._

t Knife-edge
SeIec1lon rurve

Thompson and Bell yield and slOd< ptedICllon ...

L SlnglelMultl-.pode s.,

t Single neel

Fig. 15.3.3 Systems identification of the FiSAT package

- 364 -

15.4.1 The ANACO package

The ANACG package contains two sets of programs related to VPA. It is supported by a
manual (issued in English, French and Spanish, Mesnil, 1989)

SIMUCO is primarily designed as a training tool to explore the mechanism and

properties of sequential analyses of catch-at-age data. It also includes a facility for
analyses of single-year data, with the possibility to correct for departures from
equilibrium conditions, and gives an introduction to sensitivity analyses.

VPBAS-COHORT-VPUTIL is software for real assessments, using time series of

catch-at-age data, as is common practice in many working groups and fishery
commissions. VPBAS and VPUTIL are used for construction and maintenance of
the data bases, and COHORT for the actual VPA computations.

15.4.2 The ANALEN package

The package consists of four programs, ANALEN, ANAJON, SENJON and MONOJO,
which can be used for the analysis of catch-at-length data and for the simulation of multi-gear
fisheries with sensitivity analysis. The package is supplemented with a manual in French
(Chevaillier and Laurec, 1990).

ANALEN is based on Jones' length-based cohort analysis.

ANAJON calculates, the yield per recruit and the mature biomass per recruit, for
different levels of exploitation. It also provides short-term and long-term forecasts
of catches.

SENJON is used for sensitivity analyses of the principal results.

MONOJO is used to evaluate technical interactions between fishing gear.

15.4.3 BEAM 1 and BEAM 2

BEAM 1 and BEAM 2 are programs for simple bio-econornic modelling of artisanal and
industrial sequential shrimp fisheries, based on an age-based Thompson and Bell yield per
recruit model and a simple input-output micro-economic model. BEAM 1 simulates results
by age groups, while BEAM 2 uses standard commercial categories. The manual is the first
of the FAG Computerized Information Series (Fisheries) (Coppola et al., 1992).

15.4.4 BEAM 3

This program provides a more powerful analysis of complex fisheries than BEAM 1 and 2.
It is a stochastic model that can handle up to four species (or both sexes of two species) and
many fleets operating sequentially or simultaneously. The manual was first produced in
French by Cochet and Gilly, 1990.

- 365 -
15.4.5 BEAM 4

This program by Sparre and Willmann (1992), is the most general and most complicated one
in the BEAM series. Its general features allow for more realistic simulations of real fisheries.
The data requirements are much higher than for the other programs.

All BEAM programs can, in principle, be used on any IBM PC or 100% compatible
computer with minimal requirements under PC-DOS or MS-DOS.

15.4.6 The NAN-SIS package

This package was developed by Stromme (1992) to process data generated by the surveys of
the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, in particular for the swept area method.

NAN-SIS is a Survey Information System for logging, editing and analysis of scientific trawl
survey data (trawl catch and length-frequency data). It provides summaries of selected subsets
of data defined by trawl station numbers, species, genera, families or user-defined species
groups. Its main outputs are:

Tables of catches, mean catch rates and variances for user-defined subsets of trawl

Swept-area calculations (mean densities per square nautical mile).

NAN-SIS contains routines for transferring data accessible to other program packages, such
as STATGRAPHICS, LFSA, COMPLEAT ELEFAN and FiSAT. The multi-tude of species
in tropical waters is handled through a mnemonic species code system, which converts codes
into scientific or local names in the printouts.

An expanded version of NAN-SIS includes programs for logging, editing and analysis of
acoustic data. These programs, however, are specific to certain models of acoustic equipment
and are not covered by the manual.


CLIMPROD (Freon et al., 1992) is a program that combines environmental variables with
surplus production models. It requires annual data-series on catch and effort of a fishery on
a single stock, and annual (or seasonal) data-series on an environmental variable known to
influence the abundance or the catchability of this stock. The data-set should span at least 12
years. The results of fitting the appropriate model to the data-set may explain how the
environment and fishing effort have governed the yields of the fishery in the period
considered. Based on estimates of effort and different environmental factors for the next two
years it is possible to make predictions.

CLIMPROD can also be used for fitting conventional surplus production models (linear,
exponential, generalized) without environmental data, or for fitting the relationship between
environment and production without fishing.

- 366 -

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Mahon, R. and S. Mahon, 1987. Seasonality and migration of pelagic fishes in the eastern
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Marquez M., R., 1990. FAO species catalogue Vol. 11. Sea turtles of the world. An
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Australia. ICLARM Conf.Proc. ,(9):360 p.

Mather, F.J., H.L. Clark and J.M. Mason, 1975. Synopsis of the biology of the white
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(675)Pt.3, Species Synopses:55-94

Mather, F.J., J.M. Mason and H.L. Clark, 1974. Results of sailfish tagging in the
Western North Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Tech.Rep.NMFS SSRF (Spec. Sci. Rep.-Fish.Ser.),
(675)Pt.2. Proceedings of the international billfish symposium, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 9-12
August 1992. Review and contributed papers: 194-210

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Matsumoto, W.M., R.A. Skillman and A.E. Dizon, 1984. Synopsis of biological data on
skipjack tuna, (Katsuwonus pelamis). FAa Fish.Synop., (136):92 p. Issued also as NOM
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McCombie, A.M. and F.E.J. Fry, 1960. Selectivity of gill nets for lake whitefish Core-
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analysis of catch data by age group on IBM PC and compatibles. FAa Fish. Tech.
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Mohamed, K.H., N.P. van Zalinge, R. Jones, M. EI-Musa, M. AI-Hossaini and A.R.
Abdul-Chaffar, 1979. Mark-recapture experiments on the Gulf shrimp, Penaeus semisul-
catus, De Haan, in Kuwait waters. Shrimp stock evaluation and management project,
Kuwait. Report TFIKUW-6/R-1O:59 p. (mimeo) (Also issued in 1981 as KISR Tech. Rep.
(401):62 p.

Morales-Nin, B., 1991. Determinacion del crecimiento de peces oseos en base a la micro-
estructura de los otolitos. [Determination of growth of bony fishes based on micro-structures
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of 100 tilapia (Cichlidae) populations. pp. 201-206 In: J.L. Maclean, L.B. Dizon and L.V.
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Williams, T.P., 1986. Ageing manual for Kuwait fish. KISR 1915. MB-44. Kuwait Institute
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Yuen, H.S.H., 1970. Behavior of skipjack tuna, Katsowonus pelamis, as determined by

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- 391 -
Zalinge, N. van and P. Sparre, 1986. Pakistan. Statistical systems and proposed sampling
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Ziegler, B., 1979. Growth and mortality rates of some fishes of Manila Bay, Philippines, as
estimated from analysis of length-frequencies. Thesis. KieJ University, J 15 p.

- 392 -
Subject: Section(s)

Age-at-first-capture, Tc 4.1, 8.1

Age-at-recruitment, Tr 4.1
Age-based Thompson and Bell model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6
Age determination or ageing 1.4
Agellength key 3.2.1
Age of massive maturation, Tm50% 4.7.3
Age-structured models 1.3.1
Age-transformed selection ogive, exact 6.4.3
Amplitude (ELEFAN), C 3.5.2
ANACO, computer program 15.4
ANALEN, computer program 15.4
Analytical models 1.3
Annual return matched samples method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 3
Arbitrary age 3.4.2
Assessment of mixed fisheries 10.4.2
Asymptotic length, Loo 3.1
Asymptotic weight, Woo' , 3.1.2
Attrition rate, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5
Available sum of peaks (ELEFAN), ASP 3.5.1
Average biomass, B , , . , 8.6
Average length of the entire catch, I:C 4.5.3
Average long-term catches _ 8.7
Average number of survivors (of a cohort), N 4.2
Average price, v 8.6

Baranov's equation "., 4.2

Beam I to 4, computer programs 8.6, 8.7, 15.4
Bell-shaped selection curve 6.2
Bertalanffy, von, growth equation 3.1
Bertalanffy, von, growth parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1
Bertalanffy, von, inverse growth equation 3.3.3
Bertalanffy, von, plot 3.3.3
Bertalanffy, von, seasonalized growth equation 3.5.2
Bertalanffy, von , weight-based growth equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. 2
Beverton and Holt's biomass per recruit model, B/R , 8.3
Beverton and Holt's stock/recruitment model 12. I
Beverton and Holt's relative yield per recruit model, (Y/R)' 8.4
Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model, Y/R , 8.2
Beverton and Holt's Z-equations 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3
Bhattacharya's method 3.4. I
Bhattacharya plot 2.6
Bias , 1.7,2.2,3.4,6.7,7.1
Biological interaction 10.2
Biomass estimation 5.1, 8.6, 13.6
Biomass per recruit (Beverton and Holt), B/R 8.3
Birthday, birth date 1.6, 3.2.1
Birthday, estimation of approximative 3.4.2
Body depth 2.4, 6.1

- 393 -
Subject: Section(s)

Bottom trawl 6.1, 13.1

Bottom trawl survey 13.2
By-catch 7.6

Cadima's formula 9.3

Carapace length 1.5
Cassie's method 3.4.3
Catch curve 4.4.2, 6.5
Catch curve, based on age composition (constant time interval) 4.4.3
Catch curve, based on age composition (variable time intervals) 4.4.4
Catch curve, based on length composition data 4.4.5
Catch curve, cumulated 4.4.4, 4.4.6
Catch equation (see Baranov's equation) 4.2
Catch per unit of area, CPUA 13.6
Catch per unit of effort, CPUE 4.3, 9.0, 9.5
Catchability coefficient, q 4.3, 4.6, 9.2
Chapman's method 3.3.2
Chi-squared criterion 3.5.3
Closed season 8.6
Codend 6.1, 13.1
Coefficient of variation, six 2.1
Cohort 1.3.1,4.1
Cohort analysis, age-based (Pope's) 5.2
Cohort analysis, length-based (Jones') 5.4
COMPLEAT ELEFAN package 15.2
Condition factor, q 3.1.2
Confidence interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3
Confidence limits 2.3
Confidence limits of correlation coefficient 2.5
Confidence limits of intercept (a) and slope (b) 2.4
Constant parameter system 4.4.1, 8.1
Correction for mesh selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.7
Correlation coefficient, r 2.5
Covariance, sxy 2.4
Covered codend method 6.1
Cumulated catch curve .4.4.4
Cumulated catch curve based on length composition data 4.4.6
Curvature parameter, K 3.1

Daily-ring 1.4
Data massage 3.4.2
Data recording 13.3
Deck sampling 13.4
Degrees of freedom, f 2.3
Delta function or delta distribution 2.2, 13.7
Density dependent mortality 12.1
Dependent variable 2.4
Deriso and Schnute's delay/difference model 9.7
Discards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6
Distribution, stock 1.1
Dynamics of a cohort 4.2

- 394 -
Subject: Section(s)

Economic interaction 10.3

Effective mesh size .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.6.2
Effort 1.1, 4.3, 4.6
Effort (standardization of effort) 9.6
ELEFAN I 3.5.1
Equilibrium situation 9.2
Explained sum of peaks (ELEFAN I), ESP 3.5.1
Exploitation rate, E = F/Z 4.2
Exploited phase (of the cohort's life) 4.1
Exploratory survey 13.0
Exponential decay model 4.2, 8.1

F-at-age-array 5.1
F-factor, X 8.6
Finite population correction factor 7.1
FiSAT package, computer programs 15.3
Fishing mortality coefficient, F 4.2
Fishing pattern 5.1, 6.6.2
Fishing power 9.6
Fleet 7.0
Ford-Walford plot 3.3.2
Fork length 1.5
Fox model 9.1
F-pattern 8.8
Fractiles of t-distribution (Student's distribution), tr 2.3
Frequency, observed, F 2.2
Frequency table 2.1
Frequency, theoretical, Fe 2.2
Functional regression analysis 2.5

Garcia et al., MSY estimators 9.4

Gear selection curve 4.5.3, 6.1, 6.4.2
Gear selectivity 6.0
General matched samples method 11.4
Gill net selection 6.2.1
Gonadal maturity 3.4.2
Growth curve 3.1
Growth overfishing 8.0, 8.2
Growth parameters I. I, 3.1
Growth rate 3.1
Gulland and Holt plot 3.3.1
Gulland's formula 9.2

Hanging ratio or hanging coefficient 6.2.1

Head rope 6.2.1, 13.5
Heincke's method or Heincke's formula 4.3.1
Historic or retrospective models 8.6
Holistic models 1.3
Homing 11.1
Hook selection 6.3
Hyperbolic tangent, tanh 2.5

- 395 -
Subject: Section(s)

Independent variable, x 2.4

Initial condition parameter (to' t-zero) 3.1
Initial guess 3.5.3
Instantaneous rate of fishing mortality, F 4.2
Instantaneous rate of natural mortality, M 4.6, 4.7
Instantaneous rate of total mortality, Z 4.2
Intercept, a .... ...! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.4
Interval midpoint, L(j) 2.1
Interval size, dL 2.1
Inverse regression analysis ~ 2.5
Inverse von Bertalanffy growth equation 3.3.3
Iterati ve process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.3

Jones and van Zalinge method 4.4.6

Jones' length-based cohort analysis 5.3

Knife-edge recruitment 8.1

Knife-edge selection 6.4.1, 8.1

Least squares method (2.4), (3.3), 3.3.4

Length-at-age data 3.3
Length-at-first capture, Lc .4.5.3
Length-based Thompson and Bell model 8.7
Length-based cohort analysis (Jones') 5.3
Length, body, carapace, fork, standard, total 1.5
Length composition of the catch 7.6
Length-converted catch curve 4.4.5
Length-weight relationship 2.6, 3.l.2
LFSA package 15.1
Linear regression 2.4
Linearized catch curve equation 4.4.2
Linearized catch curve equation with constant time interval 4.4.3
Linearized catch curve equation with variable time interval 4.4.4
Linearized length-converted catch curve 4.4.5
Linearization of a normal distribution 2.6
Linear transformation 2.6
L-infinity, Loo' asymptotic length 3.1
Logistic curve 6.1, 6.2.2
Log-normal distribution 13.7
Log sheets 13.3
Longevity 4.7.1

Matched samples method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.3, 11.4

Maximum fishing mortality, Fm 6.6.1
Maximum likelihood methods 3.5.3
Maximum relative error, € ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7.1
Maximum sustainable economic yield, MSE 8.7
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) l.1, 4.5, 8.2, 9.1-9.7, 13.7
Maximum sustainable yield per recruit, MSY/R 8.2
Mean value, x 2. 1
Mean value from frequency sample 2.1

- 396 -
Subject: Section(s)

Mesh selection experiments 6.1, 6.2

Mesh size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1
Mesh size change 8.8
Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7, 11.1
Migration coefficient 11.4
Mixed fisheries, assessment of 10.4.2
Modal progression analysis 3.4.2
Models 1.3
Monte Carlo simulation technique 3.5.4
Mortality parameters .. 1.1
Mortality rates 1.1, 4.2, 4.7
Moving average 3.5.1
Multifleet mixed fisheries 10.4.3
Multispecies VPA 10.2
Munro and Thompson plot 9.5

NAN-SIS, computer program 15.4

Natural mortality, M 4.1
Natural mortality coefficent, M 4.7
Neyman allocation (optimum stratified sampling equation) 7.2
Normal distribution 2.2
NORMSEP, computer program 3.5.3
Number of survivors (from a cohort), N 4.2
Number of recruits, R, N(Tr) 4.1

Optimum length for being caught, Lm 6.2

Optimum stratified random sampling equation (Neyman allocation) 7.2
Overfishing, growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 3.1, 8.
Overfishing, recruitment 1.3.1, 8.0, 8.3, 12.0
Passive gear 6.2
Parabola method 3.4.3
Parameter 1.2, 1.3, 2.4
Pauly's empirical formula for M 4.7.2
Phi prime test (cJ>') .••.•••••••••...•.••..•....•.•••.•.••.•••• 3.4
Plot of Z on effort 4.6
Powell-Wetherall method (3.3.2), 4.5.4
Predation mortality 10.2
Prediction models 8.0, 8.6
Pre-recruitment phase 4.1
Probability 2.2
Probability paper method (Cassie method) 3.4.3
Proportional sampling 7.3
Pseudo-cohort 4.4.1

Raising factors 7.1, 7.4, 7.6

Random sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7, 7. 1
Random variability .. 3.5.4
Recruit 1.6
Recruitment, R = N(Tr) 1.6, 4.1
Recruitment, age of, Tr 4.1

- 397 -
Subject: Section(s)

Recruitment curve 6.4.2

Recruitment intensity 1.6
Recruitment overfishing 8.0, 8.3
Recruitment pattern 1.6
Recruitment season 1.6
Reference F-at-age array 8.6
Regression 2.4
Regression line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4
Relative CPUE, effort, fishing power 9.6
Relative standard deviation, six ' 2.1
Relative yield per recruit (Beverton and Holt), (Y/R)' 8.4
Residual natural mortality 10.2
Resultant curve 6.4.2
Retrospective or historic models 8.0, 8.6
Reversed logistic curve, SR 6.2.2
Ricker'S stock/recruitment model (Ricker curve) 12.1
Rikhter and Efanov's formula 4.7.3
Robson and Chapman's method 4.3.2

Sampling 7.0, 13.0

Sampling commercial catches 7.4
Scatter diagram 2.4
Schaefer model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 1
Schaefer model, multispecies 10.1
Selection curve 6.4
Selection factor 6.1
Selection range 6. I
Separation index, I 3.5.4
Shared stock 1.1
Simple random sampling 7. I
Size-dependent migration 11.2
Slope, b 2.4
Standard deviation, s 2.1
Standard error, s!Vn 2.3
Standardization of effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6
Standard length 1.5
Steady-state model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 1
Step function (gear selectivity) 6.6.1
Stock concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1
Stock/recruitment relationship 8.0, 12.0
Stratified random sampling 7.2,13.1,13.7
Stratified random sampling, optimum 7.2
Stratum 7.2, 13.7
Student's distribution or t-distribution 2.3
Summer-point (ELEFAN), ts 3.5.2
Surplus production models 1.3.2, 9.0
Surplus production models, multispecies 10.1, 10.2
Survival rate, s 4.2
Swept area method (4.3), 13.5

- 398 -
Subject: Section(s)

Tagging data 11.5

Technical interaction 10.4
Terminal F 5.2
Thompson and Bell model, age-based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6
Thompson and Bell, length-based 8.7
Total length 1.5
Total mortality coefficient, Z 4.2
Trap selection 6.3
Trawl selection 6.1
t-zero, to (initial condition parameter) 3.1

Unexploited biomass, Bv 9.1

Unit stock 1.1

Variable parameter ystem 4.4.1

Variance or VAR, s 2.1
Variance about the regression line 2.4
Variance of estimates of intercept (sa2) and slope (sb2) " 2.4
Virgin stock biomass, Bv 8.3, 9.1
Virtual population Analysis (VPA) 5.1
Virtual population Analysis, multispecies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2

Weight-at-age array 8.6

Wing spread 13.5
Winter-point (ELEFAN), tw 3.5.2

Year-ring 8.6
Yield 8.6
Yield per recruit, Beverton and Holt's, YIR 8.2
Yield per recruit, Beverton and Holt's relative, (Y/R)' 8.4
Yield per recruit model for mixed fisheries 10.4.1
Yield per recruit, Thompson and Bell's 5.3, 10.3

- 399 -







- 400-

Length-weight relationship
. . b
W(~) = q*L(~) (2.6.1)

Von Bertalanffy growth equation


Growth rate, von Bertalanffy growth equation

At = K*(Lro-L(t)) em/year (

Weight-based von Bertalanffy growth equation

Wet) = W *[1 - exp(-K*(t-t ))) (
ro 0

Inverse von Bertalanffy growth equation

teL) = t (

Exponential decay model (1)

At = -Z*N(t) (4.2.1)

Exponential decay model (2)

N(t) = N(Tr)*exp[-Z*(t-Tr)] (4.2.2)

Baranov's equation or catch equation (1)

C(tl,t2) = Z*[N(tl)-N(t2)] (4.2.4)

Catch equation (2)

C(tl,t2) = N(tl)*f*[l - exp(-Z*(t2-tl))] (4.2.7)

- 401 -
Average number of survivors (from t1 to t2)

- 1 - exp(-Z*(t2-tl))
N(tl,t2) = N(tl) * Z*(t2-tl) (4.2.9)

Total mortality from CPUE data

1 CPUE(tl)
Z t2-tl*ln CPUE(t2) (

Linearized length-converted catch curve

1n C(L1.L2)
At(Ll,L2) (

Pauly's formula for M (In-based)

In M = -0.0152 - 0.279*ln L
+ 0.6543*ln K + 0.463*ln T (

VPA equations (age-based)

C(y,t,t+l) F(y,t,t+l) [ ]
N(y+l,t+l) M+F(y,t,t+r) * exp[F(y,t,t+l)+M] - 1 (5.1. 3)

N(y,t) = N(y+l,t+l) * exp[F(y,t,t+l)+M] (5.1.4)

Pope's age-based cohort analysis (numbers)

N(t) = [N(t+At)*eXP(M*At/2) + C(t,t+At)]*eXP(M*At/2) (5.2.3)

Pope's age-based cohort analysis (fishing mortalities)

1 [N(t) ]
F(t,t+At) = At*ln N(t+At) - M (5.2.4)

Jones' length-based cohort analysis (numbers)

N(Ll) = [N(L2)*H(Ll,L2) + C(Ll,L2)]*H(Ll,L2) (5.3.4)

Length-based catch equation

C(Ll,L2) = N(Ll)*f*[l - eXP(-z*At)] (5.3.5)

- 402 -
Jones' length-based cohort analysis (flshing mortalities)

F(L1,L2) (5.3.6)

where the exploitation rate F/Z is derived from:

C(Ll, L2)
F(L1,L2)/Z(L1,L2) (5.3.7)
N(L1) - N(L2)

Logistic curve for gear selectivity (length-based)

1 + exp(Sl - S2*L) (6.1.1)

Set of formulas for age-based Thompson and Bell analysis

Zi = M + X*Fi

N(ti+4t) = N(ti)*exp(-zi*4t)

ci [N(ti)-N(ti+4t»)*X*Fi/zi
wi w(ti+4t/2) (8.6.1)

Bi Yi/[Fi*4t*X)

Vi Yi*vi

- 403 -
Set of formulas for length-based Thompson and Bell analysis



w·~ q* [ (Li +Li+1) /2 J


~*At. ~

~ ~ ~

Schaefer model

Y(i)/f(i) = a + b*f(i) if f(i) s -a/b (9.1.2)

Fox model

In (Y(i)/f(i)) c + d*f(i) (9.1.3)

- 404 -

. M

. <'I





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. ...,. ...,
\D \D
..., ..., "'" "'" "'" "'"
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- 111 '@

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- 405 -
10 <,
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{I r-t N
. M r-t N M
. ..
r-t III


. r-t
. qo
. r-t


~ ~rc
~ If-!~
.Q If-!~ +
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8 8

- 406 -

date no. of days fraction date no. of days fraction

(CI.Ul1Ulated) of year (CI.Ul1Ulated) of year

1 Jan 0 0.00 15 Jan 14 0.04

1 Febr 31 0.08 15 Febr 45 0.12
1 March 59 0.16 15 March 74 0.20
1 April 90 0.25 15 April 104 0.28
1 May 120 0.33 15 May 135 0.37
1 June 151 0.41 15 June 165 0.45
1 July 181 0.50 15 July 196 0.54
1 Aug 212 0.58 15 Aug 227 0.62
1 sept 243 0.67 15 sept 257 0.70
1 Oct 273 0.75 15 oct 288 0.79
1 Nov 304 0.83 15 Nov 318 0.87
1 Dec 334 0.92 15 Dec 349 0.96

1 Jan 365 1.00 15 Jan 365 1.00

1 Febr 396 1.08 15 Febr 379 1.04
1 March 424 1.16 15 March 407 1.12
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.


degrees fractiles degrees fractiles

of of
freedcm 90% 95% 99% freedcm 90% 95% 99%
f tf tf tf f tf tf tf

1 6.31 12.71 63.66 15 1.75 2.13 2.95

2 2.92 4.30 9.93 16 1.75 2.12 2.92
3 2.35 3.18 5.84 17 1.74 2.11 2.90
4 2.13 2.78 4.60 18 1.73 2.10 2.88
5 2.02 2.57 4.03 19 1.73 2.09 2.86
6 1.94 2.45 3.71 20 1. 73 2.09 2.85
7 1.90 2.37 3.50 25 1.71 2.06 2.79
8 1.86 2.31 3.36 30 1.70 2.04 2.75
9 1.83 2.26 3.25 40 1.68 2.02 2.70
10 1.81 2.23 3.17 50 1.67 2.01 2.68
11 1.80 2.20 3.11 60 1.67 2.00 2.66
12 1. 78 2.18 3.06 80 1.67 1.99 2.64
13 1.77 2.16 3.01 100 1.66 1.98 2.63
14 1. 76 2.15 2.98 OJ 1.65 1.96 2.58

- 407 -

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