A1 Readings

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Reading: 1 A restaurant menu

Read a menu to practice and improve your reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).

Vocabulary Definitions
1. …… dressing a. cooked in the oven
2. …… served with b. a sauce to put on salad
3. …… homemade c. without meat
4. …… of the day d. not from a shop
5. …… roast e. comes with
6. …… vegetarian f. changes every day

Reading text: A restaurant menu

Tony’s Kitchen
★★★★★☆ 231 reviews
Chicken, Pizzas, Vegetarian
17 Broad Street
Opening at 11:30

Meat and fish

Grilled fish of the day £8.00
Steak with chips or salad £12.00
Sausage and roast tomato pasta £7.00
Chicken salad with garlic yoghurt dressing £7.00

Cheese and tomato pizza £7.00
Mushroom omelette £7.00
Vegetable chilli £7.00
Soup of the day with brown and white bread £4.00

Something sweet
Homemade carrot cake £3.50
Homemade banana cake £3.50
Chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce £3.50
Fresh fruit salad with grapes, mango, melon and apple, served with cream or ice cream £3.50

Cup of coffee £2.00
Cup of tea £1.50
Glass of wine, white or red £3.00
Beer £3.00
Water, still or sparkling £1.00
Orange juice £2.00

Task 1
Write the words in the correct group.
grilled sausage - red wine - chicken - homemade roast - coffee - steak - juice

meat drinks ways to prepare food

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false?
1. The fish is the same every day. True False
2. You can choose what comes with the steak. True False
3. The pizza has meat on it. True False
4. Soup is served with bread. True False
5. They make the ice cream themselves. True False
6. The cheapest drink is coffee. True False

Task 3. Writing paragraphs…

What would you like to have if you went to this restaurant? Why? When would you prefer to go? Who
would you like to go with?
Write 6 lines.
Reading: 2 Job adverts

Read the four job adverts to practice and improve your reading skills.
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).
Vocabulary Definitions
1. …… a driving licence a. to talk informally
2. …… experience b. something you’ve done before
3. …… marketing c. money you receive for working
4. …… an applicant d. the work of telling people about a product or
5. …… a salary service
6. …… to chat e. a person who applies for a job
f. a document that shows you can drive

Reading text: Job adverts

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?

1. You don’t need to talk to people to sell cars for Motor Ground. True False
2. Motor Ground sells new cars. True False
3. Groovy has shops in China and Japan. True False
4. The French teacher at LinguaFun will teach children above three years old. True False
5. The nursing job pays better than the marketing manager job. True False
6. You must have 50 years’ experience to apply for the nursing job. True False

Task 2
Complete the sentences with words from the box.

an hour - salesperson - teacher - licence - marketing - registered - hospital - a year

1. As a car ……………………………… for Motor Ground you will earn £200 a day and you need a
driving …………………………… .
2. As a ……………………………… manager for Groovy you will earn £50,000
……………………………… and you need to speak English.
3. As a French ……………………………… for LinguaFun you will earn £15
……………………………… and you need teaching experience.
4. As a nurse for a private ……………………………… you will earn £25,000 a year and you need to
be ……………………………… to work in the UK.

Task 3. Writing paragraphs…

What job would you like to apply for If you were an adult? What would you like to do when you grow
up, when, how add details.
Write 5 lines.

Reading 3. Student card application

Read an application form to practice reading official forms.
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Preparation task
Match the questions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6) that mean the same thing.
Vocabulary Questions
1. …… Nationality a. What’s your name?
2. …… Date b. What’s your surname?
3. …… First name c. When were you born?
4. …… Address d. Where are you from?
5. …… Last name e. Where do you live?
6. …… Date of birth f. What is today’s date?

Reading text: Student card application

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?
Answe False
1. Samia is from Australia. True False
2. Samia was born in 2018. True False
3. Samia has everything she needs for the application. True False
4. You can get a student card without a passport. True False
5. The card will arrive in six weeks. True False
6. The card will arrive at your university. True

Task 2
Put the words and phrases in order to make sentences.
1. provided the information correct. I declare that is
2. you need? everything got you Have
3. Your card within be issued 30 days. will
4. Your card will to be sent provided. the address

Writing paragraph…
Make a student card application with your personal information, like the one from the previous exercise.

Reading 4. Text messages to a friend

Read a text conversation between two friends to practice and improve your reading skills.
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Preparation task
Match the times (1–6) with the words (a–f).
Times Words
1. …… 10.55 a. a quarter to eleven
2. …… 11.40 b. five to eleven
3. …… 10.45 c. a quarter past eleven
4. …… 11.50 d. eleven thirty
5. …… 11.15 e. twenty to twelve
6. …… 11.30 f. ten to twelve

Reading text: Text messages to a friend

Tasks Task 1
Circle the best answer.
1. What does Neira want to do?
a. Go to a café
b. Go to a cinema
c. Go to a class

2. What time does Neira finish work?

a. Five o’clock
b. A quarter past five
c. A quarter to five

3. What time does Aziz want to meet?

a. Five o’clock
b. Five fifteen
c. Five forty-five

4. Why does Aziz like The Blue Café?

a. It’s new.
b. It’s got nice tea.
c. It’s got nice coffee.

5. What is the problem with The Blue Café?

a. It’s closed on Mondays.
b. It hasn’t got any tea.
c. There is no problem.
6. Where are they going to meet?
a. The Blue Café
b. Rocket Boy
c. The school

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false?
Answer False
1. Aziz writes to Neira first. True False
2. Neira is at work. True False
3. Neira can meet at 5.45. True False
4. The Blue Café is closed on Mondays. True False
5. Aziz knows Rocket Boy. True False
6. They are going to meet at 6.15. True
Writing paragraph…
Where do you meet your friends? What time do you usually meet? What do you usually to hang? …
Write 10 lines.

Reading 5. An email to confirm an appointment

Learn how to write an email to confirm an appointment.
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Preparation task
Write the words in the correct groups.

Who (people) When (days and times) Where (places)

An email to confirm an appointment
1. If you don’t know the person well, start your email with Dear + the person’s name.
2. For women, use Ms + surname unless you know they prefer to use Miss or Mrs.
3. Say thank you if you are replying to their email.
4. At the start of your email, say why you are writing: I’m writing to + verb +… .
5. Write the day (Thursday), date (14 March) and place (our Astana offices in the Emerald
Towers) clearly.
6. Explain clearly what they should do when they arrive for the appointment.
7. At the end of your email, you can say I/We look forward to meeting/hearing
from/seeing you soon.
8. Use Best regards or Best wishes and sign off with your name and your job title.

From: Arina Marat, HR Assistant

To: Jane Claret
Subject: Your appointment on 14 March
Dear Ms Claret,
Thank you for your email.
I am writing to confirm your appointment with our HR manager, Mrs Sofia Aronov.
Your appointment will take place at 3 p.m. on Thursday 14 March at our Astana offices
in Emerald Towers.
When you arrive, please go to the reception on the 26th floor and ask for me. I will take you to
Mrs Aronov’s office.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Best regards,
Arina Marat
HR Assistant
Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?

1. We don’t know if Jane is married or not. True False
2. Jane will have an appointment with Sofia. True False
3. The appointment is at 3 p.m. on Tuesday 12 March. True False
4. After she arrives, Jane should go to the reception first. True False
5. If you write to someone for the first time about a possible new job, you True False
should start your email with Hi!
6. When you write an email to ask for information, you can start with I’m True False
writing to ask for some information about …
7. It is correct to say I look forward to meet you soon. True False
8. Only use Best regards with people you know well. True False

Task 2
Put the words and phrases in order to make sentences.
1. , Ibrahim Ms Dear
2. your . for Thank email you
3. to I’m writing confirm your . appointment
4. Our meeting will take place on 2 September Monday .
5. you arrive, me please ask When for .
6. I look forward to . you meeting

Task 3
Write words to complete the email.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Your appointment on 14 March
(1) ……………………………… Ms Marat, (2) ……………………………… you for your email
confirming my (3) ……………………………… with Mrs Aronov. I’m (4)
……………………………… to check if I should bring any ID with me on Thursday 14 March. I look
(5) ……………………………… to meeting you soon.
Best (6) ………………………………,
Jane Claret.

Writing paragraph…
Write an Email to confirm a dinner date with your best friends, at a fancy restaurant.
Use the example above.

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