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ISSN 1848-9257

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Journal of Sustainable Development

of Energy, Water and Environment

and Environment Systems

Year 2018, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414

Novel Approach for Estimating Monthly Sunshine Duration Using

Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study

Maamar Laidi*1, Salah Hanini2, Abdallah El Hadj Abdallah 3

Laboratory of Biomaterials and Transport Phenomena (LBMPT), University of Médéa, BD de L’A.L.N
Ain D’heb Médéa, Médéa, Algeria
e-mail: [email protected]
Laboratory of Biomaterials and Transport Phenomena (LBMPT), University of Médéa, BD de L’A.L.N
Ain D’heb Médéa, Médéa, Algeria
e-mail: [email protected]
Laboratory of Biomaterials and Transport Phenomena (LBMPT), University of Médéa, BD de L’A.L.N
Ain D’heb Médéa, Médéa, Algeria
Department of Chemistry, University of Saad Dahlab, Route de Soumaa BP 270, Blida, Algeria
e-mail: [email protected]

Cite as: Laidi, M., Hanini, S., Abdallah El Hadj, A., Novel Approach for Estimating Monthly Sunshine Duration Using
Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study, J. sustain. dev. energy water environ. syst., 6(3), pp 405-414, 2018,

This work deals with the potential application of artificial neural networks to model
sunshine duration in three cities in Algeria using ten input parameters. These latter are:
year and month, longitude, latitude and altitude of the site, minimum, mean and
maximum air temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. They were selected
according to their availability in meteorological stations and based on the fact that they
are considered as the most used parameters by researchers to model sunshine duration
using artificial neural networks. Several network architectures were tested to choose the
most accurate and simple scheme. The optimum number of layers and neurons was
determined by trial and error method. The optimized network was obtained using
Levenberg-Marquardt back-propagation algorithm, one hidden layer including
25 neurons with Tan-sigmoid transfer function. The model developed in this study has
the ability to estimate sunshine duration with a mean absolute percentage error value
equals to 2.015%, a percentage root mean square error of 2.741% and a determination
coefficient of 0.9993 during test stage.

Sunshine duration, Solar energy, Artificial neural networks, Root mean square error,
Meteorological parameters.

Sunshine duration is the period of time during which the ground surface receives
radiation by direct sunlight [1]. This sunshine duration period is defined by the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 2003 to be the length of time during which direct
solar irradiance exceeds a threshold of 120 W/m2 [2].

Corresponding author

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414

According to Stambouli et al. [3], the sunshine duration over the whole Algerian
territory exceeds 3,000 h annually and may reach 3,900 h in high plains and Sahara
region. This huge quantity of sunshine per year makes Algeria one of the countries with
the highest solar radiation levels in the world.
Knowledge of sunshine duration is mandatory for the design and optimization of
renewable solar energy systems, but its measurements are always not available due to
high costs and technical complexities.
Modeling and simulation of the nonlinear continuous variation of sunshine duration is
to know how this parameter will behave without doing experimental measurements.
Due to complexity of the relationship between sunshine duration and its dependent
operating parameters, computational intelligence models are often more flexible against
statistical models. Nowadays, a powerful method based on artificial intelligence namely
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Random Forest (RF), Extreme Gradient Boosting
(XGBoost), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference
System (ANFIS) in modeling complex phenomena has been successfully used [4, 5].
Therefore, various approaches have been proposed in literature to predict sunshine
duration data in some parts of the world.
Mohandes and Rehman [1] made a comparison between two algorithms, namely,
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to estimate the
sunshine duration of any region in Saudi Arabia. The best model was found with PSO
Kabaa et al. [6] evaluated the potential of SVM approach for estimating daily
sunshine duration using three different kernels of SVM, linear, polynomial, and Radial
Basis Function (RBF). Results have shown that the SVM methodology can be a good
alternative to those conventional and ANN methods for estimating daily sunshine
Rahimikhoob [7] designed a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to estimate sunshine
duration based on air temperature and humidity data under arid environment south- east
of Iran. Results show that modeling by ANN technique made satisfactory estimates.
Kandirmaz et al. [8] uses an ANN approach for estimating monthly mean daily values
of global sunshine duration for Turkey. Statistical indicators have shown that,
Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN) and MLP models produced better
results than the RBF model and can be used safely for the estimation of monthly mean
daily values of global sunshine duration.
In comparison to aforementioned methods, ANN can be used to model many complex
processes due to its robustness, simplicity, non-linearity and its ability to learn from
experimental samples without any prior assumptions about their nature.
To this date, there is no comprehensive ANN model that is able to estimate sunshine
duration. The novelty of this study is to investigate the feasibility of using three layers
feed forward back propagation ANN algorithm to model the nonlinear continuous
variation of monthly mean daily values of global sunshine duration in Algeria.
These sunshine duration data are desirable for calculating many important parameters
such as reference evapotranspiration and daily solar radiation.


The ANN implementation consists of several stages which are explained in detail
below and summarized in the flow chart shown in Figure 1 [9, 10]:
• In this study, data were arbitrarily split into 3 groups;
o 33% for training stage (11 × 124);
o 33% for testing stage (11 × 124);
o 33% for validation stage (11 × 124);

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414

• The training is carried out through the exposition of the network to a specific data
set of information as well as by applying a training algorithm to produce the
desired output from the network [11]. The efficiency of the trained network was
tested and validated by using new sets of input not used in the training stage;
• Back-propagation networks refer to a multi-layered, feed-forward preceptor
trained with an error back-propagation algorithm. Inputs are propagated forward
through each layer to appear as outputs. The error function (i.e. objective
function) between the latter and the desired ones are then propagated backward,
then the weights and thresholds are adjusted to minimize the sum Square Error
(MSE). Details of this algorithm are presented in the literature [12-14];
• In this study, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm [15] was adopted to minimize the
objective function;
• Despite the fact that there are some published methods showing how to initiate
weights [16], which are important factors of ANN, these suggestions are not
• To improve the learning speed, a linear normalization in the range of [−1, +1] has
been adopted in this study using eq. (1) and eq. (2) hereinafter summarized in
Table 1 [17];
• As ANNs are sensitive to the number of hidden neurons, their selection has to be
done by trial and error method independently of the number of inputs [18].
The ANNs need to remain the simplest possible (parsimony principle) [19];
• Different types of transfer functions are proposed in the literature [15].
The sigmoid activation function [Table 1, eq. (3)] in the hidden layers is
commonly used to introduce nonlinearity into the network and the purelin transfer
function [Table 1, eq. (4)] can satisfy the requirement in the output layer [20, 21];
• Each topology was repeated several times to avoid the overfitting of the designed
model caused by the initial random initialization of weights and thresholds
[22, 23];
• Percentage Root Mean Square Error (%RMSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error
(MAPE) and Coefficient of determination (R2), eq. (5) to eq. (7) respectively,
illustrating the performance of the ANN model [24], are listed in Table 1;
• To optimize ANN parameters, all the aforementioned steps will be programmed
using Matlab software [25].

1 Start

Database collection available in previous

Train data with various MLP architectures
periods: meteorological and geographical
data for three stations.
Test of the network with an unseen data

Define the input variables and their

The real (de-normalized) value of corresponding output variables
the ANN was computed

Splitting of data-base into three subsets with

Performance function: representative and random percentages:
Calculate Errors and R² • Training/validation ratio: 33%/33%
• Testing ratio: 33%

If max (errors) Preprocessing of data

(Output –Target) <= Desired error

Yes Identify the neural network architecture based on trial and

error method for testing data.
Select the best network architecture with
optimum parameters based on the lowest Activation (transfer) function
Neural network type
Root Mean Square Error and Mean
Absolute Percentage Error (~ = 0) and
Training algorithm type Number of iteration (epochs)
highest determination coefficient (~ = 1).
Number of hidden layers Learning rate, momentum
Analysis and comparison and the number of factor, performance function,
neurons per layer. weights, biases and so forth.


Figure 1. Flow chart of ANN training processes [28]

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414
Table 1. Summary of some mathematical equations used to calculate the ANN accuracy

Eq. Measure and Matlab code Calculation Nomenclature

= + −
Data normalizing equation −
(premnmx/tramnmx) [17, 26] X is the original data value (input) and Y is the

where: Xmin ≤ X ≤ Xmax and Ymin ≤ Y ≤ Ymax corresponding normalized variable. Tansig transfer

= − −
function ranges between [−1, +1], this implies that

De-normalizing (to real value) Ymin = −1 and Ymax = 1
(2) of data estimated by ANN

2 1− −
(postmnmx) [17, 26]

= −1 = =
Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid 1+ 1+ +

with −1 ≤ ≤1
(3) f denotes tansig transfer function
transfer function (tansig) [26]

(4) Linear function (purelin) [27] = g denotes purelin transfer function

1 100 ×
% = − ×
Percentage Root Mean Square
Error [8] Ti and Pi denote target and ANN predicted values

100 −
respectively and N denotes the number of data points

' % = ( (
in the used set
Mean Absolute Percentage Error
− ) − ∑!"#

∑!"# −
= ) is the average value of the experimental data
∑!"# − )
Coefficient of determination


The neural network toolbox of Matlab software (Matlab Version 7.9.0 R2009b) has
been employed to develop the desired feed-forward MLP network.
Due to paucity of data, ten parameters were selected as inputs for the ANN to model
the sunshine duration in three sites in Algeria.
In this work, meteorological data were obtained from the National Office of
Meteorology (ONM) Algiers-Algeria. Detailed geographic, climatic characteristics and
source of data used for training/validation and testing of ANN model are given in
Table 2. The experimental data gathered for the three selected cities were analyzed to
delete outliers manually. This stage has been done by plotting the variation of each
parameter in Matlab software. Results revealed that about 2% of data lie outside the
expected range due to the equipment failure and other technical problems.

Table 2. Geographic, climatic characteristics of the study stations

Sites Latitude (N°) Longitude (E°) Altitude [m] Climate [3, 29] Points Period
Médéa 36.45 2.75 1,030 Mediterranean 132 2000-2009 and 2011
Tlemcen 35.01 1.28 246 Mediterranean 120 1996-2005
Batna 35.45 6.19 822 Semi-arid climate 120 1996-2005

The distribution of measured sunshine duration data has been depicted in Figure 2.
Sunshine duration distribution for the selected stations (hours)








-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Number of data

Figure 2. Distribution of the monthly measured sunshine duration used to design the ANN

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414


The feed forward ANN type with Levenberg-Marquardt Back Propagation training
algorithm was chosen because it is suitable for modeling the relationship between input
and output variables [28].
In this paper, the performance of ANN with varying number of neurons (1-35) in the
hidden layer was investigated where each ANN- architecture was trained 10 times in
order to avoid random effects. Tests have been performed on two hidden layers and with
different parameters. However, no improvements have been reported.
Results demonstrated that architectures with one hidden layer were able to reach the
goal in term of errors and determination coefficient. Table 3 shows the structure of the
optimized ANN model. The accuracy of the networks was evaluated for each epoch in the
training through Mean Squared Error (MSE). The best validation performance is 10−3 at
epoch (iterations) 1,000 for the best network topology with overall MAPE of 2.0152%
and %RMSE of 2.7411%, indicating an accurate mapping of the data.

Table 3. Architecture of the optimized ANN model

Input Output
Hidden layer number: 01
Type of Training layer layer
network algorithm No. of No. of Activation No. of Activation
neurons neurons function neurones function
FFBP NN Hyperbolic Linear
(newff tangent sigmoid (purelin
backpropagation 10 25 01
Matlab (tansig Matlab Matlab
(trainlm Matlab
function) function) function)

The performance of the designed ANN is given in Table 4.

Table 4. Performances of MLP

MAPE [%] %RMSE [%] R2

Training 1.9547 2.6236 0.9994
Test 2.2567 2.9374 0.9991
Validation 1.8343 2.4557 0.9994
All 2.0152 2.7411 0.9993

Figure 3 shows a comparison between experimental and predicted values of sunshine

duration during training and test stage. As this plot shows, there is very good agreement
between target data and the results obtained from the ANN model with an overall R2 of
0.9993. The R2 value for the sunshine duration is close to 1.00 for the training, validation,
test and overall data sets showing that the model has captured the features quite
accurately. Results revealed that an accurate correlation exists between the correlated
data by ANN model and experimental ones.
Figure 4 shows a comparison between experimental data and NN predicted results.
This figure shows an excellent agreement between real data (shown as white face
markers) and the NN predicted results (shown as colored face markers). The predicted
data curves follow the same trend of the experimental data with slight difference. Overall,
results show a good predictive ability of the NN model for sunshine duration estimation.
The proposed approach can be used as a method to estimate sunshine duration in the
remote and rural locations in Algeria with no direct measurement devices at least in
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414
regions with similar weather conditions. An accurate preliminary statistical analysis of
the data used in this study with maximums, minimums, standard deviations, standard
error, variances, kurtosis and skewness has been done in Table 5.

Training stage: R2=0.9994 Test stage: R2=0.9991

400 400
Data points Data points
Best Linear Fit Best Linear Fit

Predicted monthly sunshine duration (hours)

Predicted monthly sunshine duration (hours)







50 100
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Experimental monthly sunshine duration (hours) Experimental monthly sunshine duration (hours)

(a) (b)
Validation stage: R2=0.9994 All data: R2=0.9993
400 400
Data points Data points
Best Linear Fit Best Linear Fit
Predicted monthly sunshine duration (hours)
Predicted monthly sunshine duration (hours)







100 50
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Experimental monthly sunshine duration (hours) Experimental monthly sunshine duration (hours)

(c) (d)

Figure 3. Experimental vs. predicted sunshine duration: for the training data set (a); for the test
data set (b); for the validation data set (c) and overall data set (d)

350 350

300 300
Monthly sunshine duration (hours)
Monthly sunshine duration (hours)



Batna city 150 Tlemcen city
Experimental data Experimental data
100 Predicted data using ANN Predicted data using ANN

0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Sample points Sample points

(a) (b)

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414
400 Medea city
Experimental data
Predicted data using ANN


Monthly sunshine duration (hours)






0 10 20 30 40 50
Sample points

Figure 4. Comparison between experimental data and NN predicted results during the test stage:
Batna city (a); Tlemcen (b) and Médéa city (c)

Table 5. Input and output parameters used in modeling

Variable Standard Standard

No. Parameters Unit Minimum Maximum Variances Kurtosis Skewness
category deviations error
1 Year [-] 1996 2011 3.8 0.2 14.1 2.564 0.322
2 Month number [-] 1 12 3.5 0.2 11.9 1.783 0.000
3 Longitude [°] 35.01 36.45 0.6 0.0 0.4 1.413 0.353
4 Latitude [°] 1.28 6.19 2.0 0.1 4.1 1.560 0.482
5 Altitude [m] 246 1,030 331.9 17.2 110,128.3 1.761 −0.553
Minimum air
Input 6 [°C] −3.6 22.3 6.6 0.3 43.9 1.801 0.174
Average air
7 [°C] 2.9 29.2 7.4 0.4 55.0 1.653 0.189
Maximum air
8 [°C] 5.7 39.3 8.7 0.5 76.1 1.761 0.094
9 Wind speed [m/s] 0.8 5.7 0.9 0.0 0.8 2.840 0.497
10 Relative humidity [%] 32 89 12.7 0.7 161.3 2.593 −0.502
Output 11 Sunshine duration [h] 91 390.2 66.1 3.4 4,370.6 2.155 −0.059

The developed model is given by the following formula [eq. (8)]:

  
S   2 
SD =  W0(l ,s )  K
− 1   + b2(l ) (8)
s =1   1 + exp( − 2( (W ⋅ In ) + b1 ))  
 
  
i (s ,k ) (k ) (s )
 k =1

where s is the number of neurons in the hidden layer (S = 25), k is the number of neurons
in the input layer (K = 10), l is the number of neurons in output layer (l = 1), Wi, W0 and
b1(s), b2(l) are weights and biases, respectively. The major disadvantage of this technique
is that it can be used only in the range in which it has been trained as it is empirical in
nature. For this reason, ranges of the used database for the model are shown in Table 5.
Once a satisfactory degree of input-output mapping was achieved. The network
training was stopped and a set of completely unknown test data was applied for
The performance of the herein developed ANN model is compared to the previously
developed ones in literature for prediction of sunshine duration [1, 7, 8]. Details of the

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water Year 2018
and Environment Systems Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 405-414
comparison are given in Table 6 in terms of R2 and different errors. Based on the obtained
results, the determination coefficient and the different errors obtained in the present study
are very acceptable than those ones published in literature.

Table 6. Review of the proposed ANN models for sunshine duration estimation using ANN

Authors Type R² test MAPE

Two NN algorithms:
[1] PSO algorithm 0.612 2.3%-22.9% overall average of 6.9%
SVM 0.668 2.7%-16.7% overall average of 6.5%
[7] MLP 0.81 %RMSE of 6.3%
GRNN 0.9530 9.88
[8] MLP 0.9563 9.36
RBF 0.8902 10.75
[6] SVM-RBF 0.8435 RMSE = 1.5105 h
Overall average MAPE of 2.0125%
This study MLP 0.9993
Overall average %RMSE of 2.7411%

In this study, a multilayer feedforward neural network with a learning scheme of the
BP of errors and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the adjustment of the
connecting weights were applied for modeling ground measurement sunshine duration.
The best network topology was obtained as (10-25-1) with the hyperbolic sigmoid as
transfer function for the hidden layers and linear transfer function of the output layer.
The neural network model presently developed gives an overall MAPE of 2.015% and
%RMSE of 2.741% which led to a significantly better estimation of sunshine duration.
This was further confirmed by the value of coefficient of determination which is 0.9993.
After the comparison between the predicted results and those of the four published
models, it has been shown that the proposed ANN models have a better performance than
the literature models. The optimized ANN can be used in these three cities to:
• Complete some missing data due to heavy power-cuts especially in summers;
• Complete data when it lies outside the expected range due to equipment failure
and other problems like (calibration problems, dirt on the sensor, accumulated
water, shading of the sensor by masts);
• Design and optimize solar appliances;
• Dispense with the use of a heliograph and finally.
As no model can be considered as the best one and with more available experimental
data the model can be improved to be applicable for many cities in Algeria.

The authors would like to thank the National Office of Meteorology, Algiers-Algeria
for providing data used in this study. Anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged
for their helpful suggestions that have led to improving the present manuscript.

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Paper submitted: 02.06.2017

Paper revised: 08.06.2018
Paper accepted: 09.06.2018


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