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Vol 443 | 26 October 2006 | doi:10.


Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of trophic
groups and ecosystems
Bradley J. Cardinale1, Diane S. Srivastava2, J. Emmett Duffy3, Justin P. Wright4, Amy L. Downing5, Mahesh Sankaran6
& Claire Jouseau7

Over the past decade, accelerating rates of species extinction have consequences of biodiversity loss are likely to be idiosyncratic, differ-
prompted an increasing number of studies to reduce species ing quantitatively and qualitatively between trophic groups and eco-
diversity experimentally and examine how this alters the efficiency systems20–23.
by which communities capture resources and convert those into After more than a decade of research, a sufficient number of stud-
biomass1,2. So far, the generality of patterns and processes ies have now emerged to permit rigorous testing of whether there are
observed in individual studies have been the subjects of consid- indeed general effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. Here
erable debate3–7. Here we present a formal meta-analysis of studies we present a formal meta-analysis of 111 field, greenhouse and labor-
that have experimentally manipulated species diversity to examine atory experiments that have manipulated the diversity of species for a
how it affects the functioning of numerous trophic groups in mul- wide variety of organisms and ecosystems (see Supplementary
tiple types of ecosystem. We show that the average effect of Information). We focused on experiments that varied the richness
decreasing species richness is to decrease the abundance or bio- of three or more species in a given trophic group t and measured
mass of the focal trophic group, leading to less complete depletion either of two response variables: the aggregate abundance or biomass
of resources used by that group. At the same time, analyses reveal of all species in t (referred to as ‘standing stock’) and/or the total
that the standing stock of, and resource depletion by, the most amount of resources depleted by t from a known resource pool (see
species-rich polyculture tends to be no different from that of the Methods). Data were summarized for four trophic groups: first,
single most productive species used in an experiment. Of the microalgal, macroalgal or herbaceous plants assimilating nutrients
known mechanisms that might explain these trends, results are or water; second, protozoan or metazoan herbivores consuming live
most consistent with what is called the ‘sampling effect’, which algal or herbaceous plant tissue; third, protozoan or metazoan pre-
occurs when diverse communities are more likely to contain and dators consuming live prey; and fourth, bacterial, fungal or metazoan
become dominated by the most productive species. Whether this detritivores consuming dead organic matter. Diversity effects were
mechanism is widespread in natural communities is currently quantified with two complementary metrics. First, for each experi-
controversial. Patterns we report are remarkably consistent for ment i, we calculated the proportional difference in the response
four different trophic groups (producers, herbivores, detritivores variable y between the mean value of the most species-rich polycul-
and predators) and two major ecosystem types (aquatic and ter- ture p and the mean value of these same species grown in monocul-
restrial). Collectively, our analyses suggest that the average species ture m  as the log response ratio LRm ~ ln (yip yim ). This unitless
loss does indeed affect the functioning of a wide variety of organ- metric allows us to test whether there is a significant change in y with
isms and ecosystems, but the magnitude of these effects is ulti- increasing richness when averaged across all species used in an
mately determined by the identity of species that are going extinct. experiment. We then calculated a complementary metric that quan-
Whereas one of the most striking features of our planet is its great tifies the proportional difference between the mean value of the most
variety of life, one of the most pervasive environmental changes of species-rich polyculture and that of the taxon having the highest 
our time is the global loss of this biological diversity8,9. Considerable (lowest) mean value of y in monoculture m ^ , as LRm^ ~ ln (yip yim^ ),
uncertainty exists about current rates of extinction, but estimates where yim^ is the highest (lowest) value when LRm w0 (, 0). Testing
place it somewhere between two and three orders of magnitude whether LRm^ w0 is analogous to tests for ‘transgressive’ overyielding,
higher than rates found in the fossil record10,11. Biologists have long which are widely used to assess whether diverse polycultures are any
pondered the environmental effects of species extinction. Even so, it more productive than the single most productive species24.
was not until the 1990s that research efforts began to formalize the Our analyses reveal quite general and consistent mean effects of
hypothesis that species diversity might influence the fluxes of energy species diversity on the aggregate abundance or biomass of species in
and matter that are fundamental to all ecological processes, including a trophic group, with cascading effects on the resources used by that
those that control the abundance, biomass and distribution of organ- group. For LRm , we found that species richness positively affected the
isms. Seminal studies suggested that species loss does, in fact, standing stocks of all four trophic groups considered, increasing the
decrease how productive communities are and how efficiently they abundance or biomass of plants, herbivores, predators and detriti-
capture and consume limited resources12–14. But the interpretation of vores (Fig. 1a). Higher diversity within each group was also asso-
these studies provoked considerable debate3–7, and subsequent work ciated with more complete depletion of resources (Fig. 1b).
produced several counterexamples that questioned the generality of Experimentally increasing plant, predator and detritivore diversity
these biodiversity effects15–19. As a result, it has been argued that the all led to greater decreases in nutrients/water, prey, and dead organic
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA. 2Department of Zoology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada. 3Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062, USA. 4Department
of Biology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA. 5Department of Zoology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio 43015, USA. 6Institute of Integrative &
Comparative Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. 7Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New
York, New York 10027, USA.
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
LETTERS NATURE | Vol 443 | 26 October 2006

matter, respectively. There was a similar tendency for increasing taxa. Note, however, that confirmation of this mechanism requires
herbivore diversity to decrease the amount of living plant matter data on the covariance between competitive dominance in polycul-
(P 5 0.08 for a mixed-model analysis of variance; see Methods). In ture and the performance of species in monoculture24,25—data that
total, 67 of 76 experiments recorded positive values of LRm for stand- are not generally reported. There has been much controversy about
ing stock (88%), and 54 of 70 recorded positive values for resource whether the sampling effect is best interpreted as a ‘real’ biological
depletion (77%). mechanism that operates in nature or as an artefact of experiments
When LRm was modelled as a function of trophic group, we found that use random draws of species to assemble experimental com-
no significant difference in the average diversity effect size between munities1,3,6. Until this debate is resolved, the relevance of the sam-
the four trophic groups for either response variable (Table 1). pling effect for predicting the functional consequences of extinction
Furthermore, we found no significant difference in the average is open to debate.
diversity effect size between studies performed in aquatic and terrest- Our use of log response ratios to quantify the effects of species
rial ecosystems (Fig. 1c, d and Table 1). This degree of consistency is diversity could be criticized on grounds that these ratios compare
remarkable given that the experiments spanned a wide variety of life only two ends of a continuum (highest versus lowest diversity).
forms (bacteria, fungi, plants and animals) and many of Earth’s Because the highest levels of diversity differ between experiments
major ecosystems (lakes, streams, oceanic coastal habitat, temperate (range 3–72 species) and tend to be higher in studies of terrestrial
grasslands and forests; see Supplementary Information). Although organisms than in those of aquatic organisms (t 5 4.64, P , 0.01;
studies are certainly not invariable in their conclusions, our results 12.2 6 9.6 species for terrestrial studies, 5.4 6 8.1 for aquatic studies
suggest that variation among studies is not consistent with previously (means 6 s.d.)), it is useful to ask how the general form of the
proposed differences between trophic levels or ecosystems19–22. diversity effect changes across levels of species richness. For 57 of
One of the major controversies in biodiversity research concerns 76 experiments that measured standing stock of a trophic group,
the fact that some species exert stronger control over ecological pro- and 51 of 70 experiments that measured resource depletion, species
cesses than others3. Thus, a primary question when interpreting the were manipulated at three or more levels of richness. This allowed us
average effect of species diversity is whether a diverse polyculture to fit data from each study to the Michaelis–Menten function
performs any differently than the single ‘best’ species (that is, the Y 5 YmaxS/(K 1 S), where Y is the standing stock of, or resource
species having the greatest influence over a process). Our analyses depletion by, a trophic group standardized relative to the mean value
show that the standing stock of, and resource depletion by, the most of all monocultures ym (that is, Y 5 yS/ym where yS is the value of y at
diverse species polyculture is statistically indistinguishable from that richness level S). Ymax is therefore the maximum proportion by
of the single species that achieves the highest level of these response which Y increases or decreases relative to the average one-species
variables in monoculture. Specifically, LRm^ did not differ from zero system, and K describes how quickly Y approaches Ymax with increas-
for any of the four trophic groups (Fig. 1a, b) or for either of the two ing diversity. This function was an excellent fit to the data (median
ecosystems (Fig. 1c, d). These conclusions hold true even if we apply a R2 5 0.84), and better than several other models (see Methods).
liberal test, considering only studies in which LRm w0 (P 5 0.13 for Thus, we used maximum-likelihood estimates of Ymax and K to com-
standing stock, 0.27 for resource depletion). Of the known mechan- pare key features of the diversity–function curves across systems.
isms by which species diversity can affect ecosystem functioning, We found no significant differences in Ymax or K between aquatic
these results are most consistent with what is called the ‘sampling and terrestrial ecosystems (Fig. 2 and Table 1), which indicates that
effect’ of biodiversity, in which communities comprising more spe-
cies have a greater chance of being dominated by the most productive Table 1 | Statistical comparison of diversity effect sizes
Variable Among trophic
Resource depletion by t groups
Standing stock of t
a b d.f. F Pr . F
Trophic group t (resource)
Effect size

Plants (nutrients or water)

Herbivores (live plant tissue) Standing stock of t 76 0.43 0.73
0 Predators (live prey) Resource depletion by t 70 0.09 0.96
Detritivores (dead organic matter) LRm^
Standing stock of t 74 0.98 0.41
Resource depletion by t 63 0.86 0.47
1 c Variable Among ecosystems
d.f. F Pr . F
Effect size

0 38 32
Standing stock of t 76 2.27 0.14
34 42 34 35
Resource depletion by t 70 0.13 0.72
40 28 LRm^
Standing stock of t 74 3.24 0.08
–1 Resource depletion by t 63 1.62 0.21
LRm LRm LRm LRm Standing stock of t
Ymax 55 1.93 0.17
Figure 1 | Effects of species richness on the standing stock abundance or K 55 2.74 0.10
biomass of trophic group t, and the depletion of resources consumed by t. Resource depletion by t
Data are means and 95% CI for two log response ratios that estimate the Ymax 50 1.73 0.19
diversity ‘effect size’ from experiments. LRm compares the mean value of the K 50 1.09 0.30
response variable y in a polyculture with the mean value of y averaged across Results for LRm and LRm^ are from separate mixed-model analyses of variance that compare how
the same species in monoculture. LRm w0 indicates that more diverse richness in trophic group t influences the standing stock abundance or biomass of t, and the
polycultures achieve higher standing stock (a, c) and deplete resources more depletion of resources consumed by t among trophic groups (plants, herbivores, predators and
detritivores) or ecosystems (aquatic and terrestrial). LRm is the log ratio comparing the mean
fully (b, d) than the average monoculture. LRm^ compares the mean value of y value of the response variable y in a polyculture with the mean value of y for the same species in
in a polyculture with that of the species with the highest (for LRm w0) or monoculture. LRm^ is the log ratio comparing the mean value of y in a polyculture with that of the
lowest (for LRm v0) mean value of y in monoculture (see the text). LRm^ ~0 species having the highest (for LRm w0) or lowest (for LRm v0) mean value of y in monoculture
(see the text). Results for Ymax and K compare the maximum-likelihood parameter estimates for
indicates that polycultures perform no differently than monocultures of the curves characterizing the diversity–-function relationship (see Fig. 2) in aquatic and terrestrial
most productive species. Results are divided between four trophic groups ecosystems. All F values are non-significant, indicating that the effects of species richness on
(a, b) and two ecosystem types (c, d). standing stocks and resource depletion do not differ between trophic groups or ecosystems.

©2006 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | Vol 443 | 26 October 2006 LETTERS

the qualitative form of the diversity–function relationship is consist- species do coexist by such niche differentiation, theory predicts that
ent across these habitat types (data were insufficient to make similar diverse polycultures will produce more biomass and capture a greater
comparisons among trophic groups). With few exceptions, the fraction of limited resources than even the ‘best’ species monocul-
curves were positive but decelerating, with values of Ymax being ture28,29. The balance of evidence from experiments does not seem to
greater than the null expectation of unity (that is, yS . ym , t 5 14.0 support this, and understanding why there is a divergence between
and t 5 11.9 for standing stock and resource depletion, respectively, empirical and theoretical conclusions is one of the foremost chal-
both P , 0.01) and values of K being greater than 0 (t 5 6.7 and lenges in this field. It may be that experiments have been performed at
t 5 5.5 for standing stock and resource depletion, respectively, both smaller spatial or shorter temporal scales than are the focus of theory,
P , 0.01). Asymptotic estimates of Ymax suggest that the most diverse or that experiments do not meet equilibrium assumptions of theory.
species polyculture would achieve 1.9-fold the standing stock of the Second, our results re-emphasize a long-standing dilemma in the
average monoculture (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.6–2.2) and 1.8- field of conservation biology—one that must soon be resolved.
fold the resource depletion (95% CI 1.5–2.1). Estimates of K indicate Biologists have long known that certain species exert much stronger
that half of the maximum value for both standing stock and resource control over ecological processes than others, but predicting which
depletion is achieved by the average species monoculture (mean for species these are in advance of extinction has proven difficult at best.
standing stock, 0.98 (95% CI 0.68–1.28); mean for resource deple- A key challenge for future research is to detail more accurately how
tion, 0.89 (95% CI 0.56–1.22)). However, the decelerating nature of the traits that determine vulnerability to extinction are related to
these curves suggest that although a small number of species can functional dominance in communities. Until that time, our finding
maintain more than half the function, a disproportionately high that key aspects of ecosystem functioning decline consistently with
number of species is required to maintain functions near maximal the average species loss suggests that a precautionary approach to
values. preserving as much biodiversity as possible is warranted.
Thus, our meta-analysis of 111 experiments conducted over more
than a decade reveals two consistent results. First, as researchers have Selection of studies. We searched the literature for studies that experimentally
experimentally reduced the richness of species of a variety of organ- manipulated the richness of three or more species in a given trophic group t and
isms inhabiting numerous types of ecosystems, the average effect of then measured a direct effect of richness on the standing stock of all species in t
diversity loss is to decrease the abundance or biomass of the focal and/or the total depletion of resources by t. Standing stocks were calculated as the
trophic group, leading to less complete depletion of resources used by aggregate abundance or biomass of all organisms in t per unit area or volume.
that group. Second, it is equally general that these average effects of Depletion of resources was calculated as an instantaneous rate of consumption
species diversity on ecosystem functioning are best explained by the (for example, metabolic estimates of consumption of organic matter by bacteria
loss of the most productive species from a diverse community. There or fungi), the difference between a known initial and a measured final resource
concentration (for example, the depletion of soil nitrogen by plants), or the
are at least two implications of these findings. First, from the per- difference between treatments and zero-species controls (for example, the cap-
spective of basic research, our results present a new challenge to ture of prey by predators). Because our focus was on how richness affects eco-
biologists. A fundamental tenet of biodiversity theory is that species system functioning at a given moment, we did not include studies focusing on
must use resources in different ways to coexist stably26,27. When community stability (that is, how diversity affects temporal variation in a
dependent variable or invasibility). In all, we reviewed 184 papers, amassing data
from digitized figures or tables or by acquiring original data from the authors of
58 studies reporting results from 111 experiments that met our criteria (see
Supplementary Information).
Analyses of the diversity ‘effect size’. We used two log response ratios to
3 quantify the diversity effect size in each experiment (see the text for the equa-
3 tions). LRm was used to characterize the mean effect of diversity, testing whether
2 the average of all replicates from the highest diversity treatment was different
2 from the average response of these same species when grown in monocultures. In
contrast, LRm^ was used to test whether the average response of the highest
1 0 diversity treatment was any different from that of the species having the highest
Function ( yS /ym)

Ymax K (if LRm w0) or lowest (if LRm v0) value in monoculture. Two or more replicates
0 of each monoculture were run for 59 of 63 experiments that measured resource
depletion (94%), and 62 of 74 experiments measuring standing stock (84%). For
b these, we used the average value of replicates in our calculation of LRm^ . For the
small remainder of studies that had only N 5 1 replicate for each monoculture,
4 we used the point estimate.
Log ratios are the most widely used metrics in meta-analyses for two reasons:
3 first, they estimate a proportional difference between treatments that can be
readily compared between studies, and second, they have sampling properties
1 that are known to be normal and that are robust to bias from small sample sizes30.
Mixed-model analyses of variance were used to test whether log response ratios
1 0 differed from zero and to compare the mean values of these response ratios
Ymax K
0 between trophic groups and ecosystem types. The general statistical model was
0 10 20 30 40 80 yi 5 m 1 ti 1 bi 1 ei, where yi is LRm or LRm^ for each response variable, ti is a
Species richness, S fixed categorical effect (trophic group or ecosystem type), bi is the random effect
associated with experiment i (with errors that are distributed normally and
Figure 2 | The general form of the diversity–-function relationship. Effects independently, N[0, sb2]), and ei is the residual error. An important decision
of species richness on the standing stock abundance or biomass of trophic in meta-analyses is whether to standardize effect sizes by the variance of an
group t (a), and the depletion of resources consumed by t (b). Each curve experiment, giving greater weight to studies with higher ‘certainty’. We per-
corresponds to data from a single study fitted to Y 5 YmaxS/(K 1 S), where Y formed analyses with and without weighting, and these led to identical conclu-
is the proportional change in the dependent variable with increasing richness sions. Here we present unweighted results because these allow the more realistic,
S, Ymax is the asymptotic estimate of Y, and K is the value of S at which but also more variable, field studies to have the same influence on our conclu-
Y 5 Ymax/2. Sample sizes are 18 and 27 aquatic (black circles and lines), and sions as greenhouse and laboratory studies that tend to have higher replication
37 and 23 terrestrial studies (grey circles and lines) in a and b, respectively. and smaller variance.
Insets show the mean and 95% CI for the maximum-likelihood parameter Curve fitting. To characterize the general form of diversity–function relation-
estimates (hatched, aquatic; grey, terrestrial). ships, we fit data from each study to three nonlinear functions that have
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
LETTERS NATURE | Vol 443 | 26 October 2006

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15. Wardle, D. A., Bonner, K. I. & Nicholson, K. S. Biodiversity and plant litter:
Experimental evidence which does not support the view that enhanced species Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
richness improves ecosystem function. Oikos 79, 247–-258 (1997). The authors declare no competing financial interests.
16. Downing, A. L. & Leibold, M. A. Ecosystem consequences of species richness and Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.J.C.
composition in pond food webs. Nature 416, 837–-841 (2002). ([email protected]).

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