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is am are

1. We ________ a new English teacher. I hope she's nice.

2. My boss ________ such a bad temper.

3. I never ________ breakfast in the morning because I'm never hungry.

4. The houses all ________ blue windows.

5. An elephant ________ four legs and a big trunk.

6. Many poor people ________ no money to spend.

7. The child ________ red hair and very white skin

8. Those two women both ________ three children.

A. Direction: Read the following each sentences carefully. Choose

your answer inside the box. Write it in the box provided

is are am

Fill in the blank.

1. My brother knows how to fly an airplane. He____ a pilot.

2. Oh, no!_____ I late for the final history.

3. You ____ very hungry!

4. Eunice _______ in the beach.

5. I _____ ten years old.

6. The students ________ very happy.

7. Clara and Emily___ sad.

8. My cellphones ____ new.

9. The cat and the dog ____playing.

9. ____I tall?

10. I ___ not a doctor.

11. He ___not sleepy.

12. The ants ___hardworking.

13. The party ____tonight.

14. Come, it___ over there.

15. It ___sunny day.

A. Direction: Read the following each sentences carefully. Choose

your answer inside the box. Write it inside the box provided.

am is are was were

1. Josh and Jeremy ______my best friends in school, we hang out every
day after class.

2. Mr. Rodrigo _______ our president

3. I _______ Arlene Anoche a teacher.

4. She _____ always singing

5. Yesterday, Eunice ______ on the beach.

6. ______ he tea still hot or I can get you another one?

7. Our neighbor's dog ______ loud last night.

8. It ______snowing yesterday at around this time.

9. The little kitty ______ running after the mouse two minutes ago.

10. The children______ not listening to the teacher when she came in.

11. I ________ the school president last year.

12. You _______ my classmate last year.

13. I ____ doing my assignment right now.

14. The boys __________ starting singing.

15._______ you always eating chocolate?

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with either “has” or “have”:

I ____ invited you here to talk to you.

You ____ one hour to get ready.
Joshua ____ learned an important lesson from his trip.
She doesn’t ____ time for this.
My roommate ____ a bottle of wine on the shelf.

Exercise 3: Circle the correct verb:

Our dog (have/has) white fur.
I (have/has) three siblings.
He (has/have) a cool smartphone.
The cat (have/has) caught a fast mouse.
Trevor (have/has) a new skateboard.

Fill in the blanks with "have" or "has". Click here to

download free worksheets.
1. I a car. 9. Sam a kite.
2. She a bag. 10. The girls three pens.
3. They a house. 11. They four apples.
4. It two legs. 12. Manee a dog.
5. He a pencil. 13. We ten eggs.
6. You a ruler. 14. Lek a van.
7. We three books. 15. I an umbrella.
8. The dog two eyes. 16. My teachers black hair.

Spanish three times per week.

2. 2.

a wonderful day last Monday.

3. 3.
My neighbors
a party yesterday.
4. 4.

piano lessons every day.

5. 5.
My sister

a lot of toys.
6. 6.

a dog when I was a child.

7. 7.
Sara and Peter

guests every Friday.

8. 8.
My mother usually

a lot of housework.
9. 9.

pizza for dinner two days ago.

10. 10.

two brothers and a sister.

11. 11.

a red car. I love it.

12. 12.

a cup of tea this morning.

13. 13.
When Sammy was little, he

a green bike.
The baby is innocent, isn’t it?
Nothing comes out of nothing, does it?
The glass contains little water, does it?
In our class everybody knows everybody, don’t they?
The mother rose in her, didn’t it?
None can do this, can they?
I am happy, aren’t I?
The universities have opened recently, haven’t they?
They have tried but failed, haven’t they?
Everyone should respect the teachers, shouldn’t they?
The team is qualified, isn’t it?
He never goes out with his dog, does he?
She could have been more discreet, couldn’t she?
He locked the papers in the safe, didn’t he?
For the boys the task was easy, wasn’t it?
You broke the machine, didn’t you?
Come and see me tomorrow, will you?
He can go to college by bus, can’t he?
The girl cried for help, didn’t she?
We didn’t play very well today, did we?

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