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Transformable Items The following list are things you can collect from animals and plants that can be transformed into the indicated useful items. Amur Kudzu (Plant): Transforms into Cold Medicine. Chinese Plantain (Plant): Transforms into Styptic. Ezo Comfrey (Plant): Transforms into Splint. Slav Horehound (Plant): Transforms into Disinfectant. European Rabbit (Animal): Transforms into Serum. Baikal Scaly Tooth (Mushroom): Transforms into Antidote. Russian False Mango (Fruit): Transforms into Digestive Medicine. Honey: Transforms into Ointment. Metal Gear Acid Passwords Bolshaya Past Base: If you interrogate ALL the enemy soldiers at the Bolshaya Past Base eventually one of them will tell you that 'VIPER' is the password. Graniny Gorki Lab 1F: Enter this area wearing the scientist disguise and interrogate the first guard you meet in the lobby until he tells you that 'JEHUTY' is the password. Unlockables Unlock Camouflage Download: This option is unlocked at the 'Main' menu of Disc 1 when you save the game during Disc 1 or by selecting the 'I Like MGS3!' option when you start a new game and then 'Save'. Unlock Duel Mode:

When starting a new game select the 'I Like MG3!' option and then 'Save' and Duel mode on Disc 2 will become unlocked. Unlockable Weapons Unlock EZ Gun: This weapon is unlocked by either capturing ALL 48 types of edible plants and animals or playing the game on the 'Very Easy' difficulty. The EZ gun is a silenced tranquilizer weapon which has infinite ammunition. Unlock Single Action Army Revolver: During the final duel select the Single Action Army on the right. Unlock Mosin Nagant Tranquilizer Sniper Rifle: Using only the Mk22 defeat 'The End'. Unlock Patriot Pistol: To get the Boss's gun complete the game. Facepaint, Camouflage and Uniforms Santa Camouflage: Download it to your memory card. Grenade Camouflage: Download it to your memory card. Mummy Camouflage: Download it to your memory card. Valentine Camouflage: Download it to your memory card. (JP and EU versions) Chocolate Chip Camouflage: Bolshaya Past South. Splitter Camouflage: Bolshaya Past South. Splitter Camouflage: Krasnogorje Mountain top Water Camouflage: Bolshaya Past Base. Snow Camouflage: Peschera Cave, on the right branch before the Pain. Ga-Ko Camouflage: Chyornyj Prud, underwater in northeast.

Camo Rain Drop: Dolinovodno, under the rope bridge on the far side. Fly Camouflage: Graniny Gorki Lab in the third bathroom stall on the second floor (it's locked so break the door down). Spirit camouflage: Last all the way through Sorrow's river Sneaking Suit Uniform: Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing. In the locker with the red stripe. Maintenance Uniform: Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab - East Wing in locker, same time as the Sneaking Suit. Uniform Officer: Steal it from Raikov. Scientist Uniform : Given to you by Eva. Snow Facepaint: Bolshaya Past Base, in the fox hole on the left side of the middle building. Water Facepaint: When you have spoken to Granin and fought 'The Fear', go all the way back to the beginning of Ponizovje South. Zombie Facepaint: Rassvet during snake eater mission. Behind the building. Oyama Facepaint: Graniny Gorky Lab, Exterior. In the air duct. Desert Facepaint: Ponizovje Warehouse. Kabuki Facepaint: Tikhogornyj, at the bottom of the pool before the waterfall. Infinity Face Paint (alternate method): Catch a live Tsuchinoko before torture scene. After you get your weapons, go back and capture it again just outside. Finish the game with it alive. Infinity Face Paint: Beat the game with the Foxhound Rank. Monkey Mask: Complete every level in Snake vs. Monkeys.

Weapon Locations M1911A1: Available from start. Survival Knife: Available from start. Directional Mic: Available from start. RPG-7: Krasnogorje Mountain. Mosin Nagant: Defeat 'The End' (non-lethal) Torch: Chyomaya Pecherea Cave Branch. Hankerchief: Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab, East Wing. Scorpion: Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab, East Wing. M63: Graznyj Grad Northwest Mk22: Rassvet. AK-47: Rassvet. XM16E1: Dolinovodno. Fork: Groznyj Grad Cell. Revolver: Graznyj Grad Torture Room. SVD: Ponizovje West M37: Chyomaya Peschera Cave

Cig-Gas Spray: Granin Research Lab, B1 Patriot: Complete the game once. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Cheats In-game reset: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select whilst playing a game. Slower stamina loss: Select the 'I liked MGS1' option when starting a game to get slower stamina loss and an introduction sequence which shows Snake without a beard. Raiden Mask: Select the 'I liked MG2' option when starting a game to get the Raiden mask and a different introduction sequence. Monkey Mask: To unlock Monkey Mask get the top five highest scores in the Snake Vs Ape minigame. Grenade Camouflage: The Grenade camouflage can be downloaded from the official website for the game. This camouflage will give Snake an endless supply of grenades. Mummy Camouflage: The Mummy Camouflage can be downloaded from the official website for the game. This camouflage allows Snake to take less damage. Banana Camouflage: To unlock the Banana camouflage get the highest score in each stage of the Snake Vs Ape mini-game. Fire Camouflage: To get the Fire Camouflage defeat Fury. You will not get burnt wearing this camouflage. Cold War Camouflage: To get Cold War camouflage defeat Volgen. The Cold War camouflage causes some enemies to hesitate whilst shooting. Fly Camouflage: To find the Fly camouflage go to Grainy Gorki Lab and the second floor and go to the bathroom. Break the door down of the third bathroom stall and it will be inside. Flies will swarm around you when you wear it. GA-KO Camouflage: To find the GA-KO camouflage go to the first swamp north of Sokolov's research facility and look in the shallow water in the northeast section. The GA-KO camouflage has the ability of making the Kirotan frogs call out to you once it is equipped.

Hornet Stripe Camouflage: To get the Hornet Stripe camouflage you must defeat The Pain. The Hornet Stripe camouflage will keep hornets, leeches, and spiders away and will enable you to tame hornets. Spider Camouflage: The Fear's Spider camouflage will raise your camouflage to 75-80% wherever you are but will also drain your stamina. It is advised only to use it in extreme circumstances. Animals Camouflage: To get the Animals camouflage defeat Oceot. The Animals camouflage helps reduce hand shaking when aiming guns. Moss Camouflage: Go equipped with the Spirit camouflage, AP sensor and the M37 shotgun then when you get shot at by The End his position will appear on the map as a red dot. Approach him from behind and point the M37 shotgun at his head about three times without shooting and he will give you the Moss camouflage. The Moss camouflage will restore your stamina when you are in the light and give you 100% camouflage in grassy areas. Snake Camouflage: To get the Snake camouflage you have to defeat the Boss. Sneaking Camouflage: Get your equipment from Eva under the waterfall and return to the locker where Major Raidenkov body is. Instead of Major Raidenkov's body inside the locker there will now be the Sneaking camouflage. There is also a workers costume across from the locker and two doors down which will allow you to plant the C3 without being detected. Note: Do not wear the mask as this will give you away. Stealth Camouflage: To unlock the Stealth camouflage find and shoot the hidden frog in every area. Completion Bonuses: To unlock the Patriot gun, bandana, Tuxedo camouflage, Spirit camouflage, camera and Extreme difficulty setting you must successfully complete the game. Non-lethal Force Bonus: Without using lethal force defeat all Bosses to unlock one of the following special camouflages Hornet Stripe Camouflage Snake Camouflage Fire Camouflage Spider Camouflage Cold War Camouflage

Kill The End before the actual boss battle As you come out of the dark ass cave after fighting ocelot there will be a movie seen with The Fear pushing The End out of the warehouse. Before this happens,look for an alternate route and you will come across a building. Search the building and the area around it for a sniper rifle(Dragonov. After finding the rifle go to the movie scene, as it ends two guards will begin to push The End inside shoot them both (headshots make it easier) then shoot The End in the head multiple times just in case. Walah no boss battle! Beat Sorrow Fast !!! At the very start of the "Fight", just drown your self, and take the revival pill. Beat the fear with Mk22 FAST if you beat the fear with your Mk22 tranq gun you will get his camo. this can be really frustrating since every time his stamina gets low, he gets food, and eventually you run out of ammo. you will need... thermal goggles Mk22 tranquilizer gun some kind of poisonous food to beat him fast, when you start the battle run straight forward to the first vine covered tree and climb it. go out onto the branch and equip the thermal goggles. you should be able to see the fear with the goggles on. whenever he jumps to one place just follow him with your gun in aim mode and shoot him every chance you get. when he indicates that he's going to get food just throw something poisonous from the tree and instead of hunting he'll just eat that and climb back up, his stamina unrecovered. then just keep shooting him. defeating the end What you have to do is save game in the middle of the battle with the end and once you have saved open the playstation lid and turn it back on.Switch the status to 2012 and load the saved game and there will a scene of the end dead from old age and snake will say to him "drop your weapons" hidden cutscene with the old sniper When you start the fight save the game then turn off the console , change the time on your playstation so it's a week ahead then load up your game when you load it should have a rather amuseing cutscene and you wont have to fight him. sorrow ( da boss ) When you come up against the sorrow just keep walking and when you hit the skellinton it will say snake is dead hold down L2 and select revivel pill and then you can continue with the game

The Sorrows(the boss) I don't know how other people used the fake death pill or the revival pill when you can't use them period. Once you walk past the skeleton it zaps you but then the sorrow is gone and you keep walking to the point where you see rays of light and then snake keeps walking but the viewer stops and snake walks out of view. I am stuck at this point. Does anyone have any info on this matter? Hidden Mini-Game Have you ever got bored and watched the credits, only to read a mini-game thats not Snake Vs Monkey (I think it's called Savage Man but like I know). Well to play it, save the game when your in the prison cell and para-medic will talk about vampires. Turn off your ps2 and load the game and you should have a weird black and white screen and this guy with 2 swords. Congrats on finding the mini-game. Kill all the guys until you kill enough of them or you die. Controls: Square - Normal attack Circle - Spin attack Also when you wake up, call Sigit for a hilarious story about a dream of his. Moss Camo & Moisen Naget All you have to do is wait until the end falls asleep, then pull out your directional microphone and find the snoring noise.Then slowly sneak up behind him and then use your M37, point it at his head until he gives you the Camo. Then proceed to kill him with the MK22 in order to get the Moisen Naget, a tranqulizer sniper rifle. The best thing is that the Moss camo regains your stanima while in the light, it also provides 100% camo in all light mossy(grassy) areas. Moss camo To get the moss camo you have 2 sneak(by using the diretional buttons) point your gun at The End and Snake should say FREEZE and the end should lay on his stomach point the gun at his head and he will say I don't think so do it again and he says it aagain do it a 3rd time he will give you the moss camo Snake throws - up If you press START and press R1 to open the 'viewer' then hold the right analogue stick to the left or right so it makes Snake spin around. Do this for a while (I'd say about 15-20 times) and when you un-pause Snake will throw up! PS: This makes you lose some stamina so make sure you have some food to replenish it. (Unless you can aim with a shakey gun) Once you have completed Metal Gear AC!D for PSP, you can link it to Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, via USB.

This will give you three special items, and are all available from the start. 1. EZ Gun. 2. Stealth Camoflague Device. 3. Infinity Face Paint. Invicibillity glitch When you are getting torcherd in the tourcher L2 and it pauses the game basicly so this glitch will take efect easly when col.volgin says "lets start shall we" hold L2 and you will not be efectted because the ps2 thinks that it didnt go through that part. so there for you have your health in good condition. Unlocking Cell To Unlock Cell after being tortured; radio 144.75 on Snake's codec. The cell door will open, so becareful.. Gettin Out Of Cell After being tortured, when Snake is in the cell. Go to your codec, put in 144.75 and the cell will open. Do it wisely... Easy the end fight Just equip thermal goggles Swarms....So What! When fighting "The Pain" you can use your'e Ez gun to shoot him while Being "swarmed" by his bees. The Ends Fast Exit Easier way to beat "The End" is to save the game while in battle with him, Turn off Ps2, reset system clock for 2 weeks, re-load the game and you Will get a scene of snake sneaking up on the end who is dead. You will not get anything for this but it is the fastest way I have found To "take care of " him and move on with the game. Find the End on the Survival Viewer Map! Find the End on the the Survival Viewer Map by press up up down down left right left right circle square. Enter the code as soon as you enter the map. DONT press any other buttons or you will have to start the process over. Find the End! When your fighting the End! Enter your Survival Viewer and enter the following code "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. This code really works!!!!

The end give away This cheat will tell you where the end is on the map, go to map then put in up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle it should come up on the map as enemy and a red dot thing, sometimes he will be in different areas so you can't see it but walk into another area then put that cheat and yuo should see him (there are three different areas you vs the end in) Unlockable: Mosin Nagant When you fight The End, beat him using only the MK22. You will get his Sniper Rifle, the Mosin Nagant. Keratoans: Extra Camouflage If you are the type of person who explores the whole area and take out every single enemy before continuing, you might as well try this. Throughout the game there are little 'frogs' hidden in certain spots. These frogs are called Keratoans and if you punch or shoot each one of them throughout the whole game you will get an EXTRA CAMOUFLAGE, which I believe is the stealth camuflage, at the end of the game. There are 60 Keratoans on the whole game so if you want the extra camouflage really bad, make sure you don't miss any of the 60. Any questions on the locations of the frogs just make them on the 'Questions' section adressing them to me and I would gladly answer them. Barfing Snake In the view snake mode in the start menu spin him around and around like 20 times, then go back out to start walking. Snake will hurl on his first step.

CONTROL The L1 and R1 buttons refer to the top buttons in the front of the controller. The L2 and R2 buttons refer to the bottom buttons in the front of the controller. The L3 and R3 buttons refer to pressing the corresponding analog stick down (as if pushing it into the controller itself). A '+' signifies the indicated buttons are to be pressed simultaneously. Left analog stick: Walk/run (if in normal view) Crawl (if in intrusion view or in prone position) Look around (if in first person view) Change frequency (if in radio mode) Right analog stick: Change camera view Directional pad: Stalk (if in normal view) X: Skip cutscene (if cutscene being viewed) Change body position to crouching (if standing/prone and button is pressed quickly) Change body position to prone (if standing/crouching and button is pressed and held) Change body position to standing (if crouching and pressed quickly or if prone and button is pressed and held) Roll (if running) Let go (if hanging) Submerge (if in water) Square: Aim weapon (if selected weapon is a gun) Ready grenade (if selected weapon is a gun) Un-aim weapon (if selected weapon is a gun and is being aimed and button is released slowly) Fire weapon (if selected weapon is a gun and is being aimed) Throw grenade (if selected weapon is a grenade and is ready) Note: Thrown distance based on how hard button is pressed Swing knife (if selected weapon is a knife and button is tapped) Thrust knife (if selected weapon is a knife and button is pressed & held) Zoom out (if applicable for selected weapon/item) Use enemy being held as human shield Set mousetrap Triangle: Skip radio communication (if in radio mode and button held) Climb (over obstacles, onto ledges, up/down ladders and trees, onto dry land) Open door Surface (if swimming underwater)

Zoom in (if applicable for selected weapon/item) Change weapon fire mode (if Weapons menu open and applicable for selected weapon) Adjust glasses (if wearing Scientist disguise) Salute soldiers (if wearing Officer uniform) Signal Eva to move to your location (if Eva is currently following) Circle: Confirm selection Use item (if Items menu open and applicable for selected item) Punch Punch-punch-kick combination attack (if button pressed repeatedly) Knock (if pressed against object) Grab enemy Cut throat of enemy being held (if button pressed and held) Break neck of enemy being held (if button pressed repeatedly) Begin radio transmission (if in radio mode) Attach suppressor to weapon (if Weapons menu open and applicable for selected weapon) Circle+L3: Throw enemy L1: Lock aim on target Shoulder aim (if applicable for selected weapon) Look through scope (if applicable for selected weapon) L2: Unselect current item (if item already selected) Reselect last selected item (if no item currently selected) Move left one step (if hanging, pressed against object or in first person view) Strafe left one step (if firing a weapon) Open Medicinal Treatment menu (if in Cure option on the Survival Viewer menu) L2 (press and hold): Open Items menu Peek around corner (if pressed against object and at corner) L3: Interrogate enemy being held Use active sonar (if active sonar is selected Item) R1: Change to first person view Look around (if in intrusion view) Enter Viewer mode (if applicable for current option on the Survival Viewer menu) R2:

Unselect current weapon (if weapon already selected) Reselect last selected weapon (if no weapon currently selected) Quick reload of ammunition (if applicable for selected weapon and button pressed twice) Move right one step (if hanging, pressed against object or in first person view) Strafe right one step (if firing a weapon) Open Surgical Treatment menu (if in Cure option on the Survival Viewer menu) R2 (press and hold): Open Weapons menu Peek around corner (if pressed against object and at corner) R3: Lock/unlock camera angle L2+R2: Stand on tiptoes (if in first person view) Perform a pull-up (if hanging) SELECT: Enter/exit radio mode START: Display Survival Viewer menu (pause) CAMOUFLAGE The following are the face paints that can be obtained, their abbreviation when picked up (if applicable), a brief description and best location for their use (if applicable). Woodland (N/A) - Stripes of brown and green useful in forest areas Black (N/A) - Entire face black useful in dark areas Water (FACE/WATER) - Stripes of dark blue useful underwater Desert (FACE/DESERT) - Stripes of brown and tan useful in mountainous areas Splitter (N/A) - Thin stripes of black useful in indoor areas Snow (FACE/SNOW) - White and green patches useful in white background areas Kabuki (FACE/KUBUKI) - Red and white pattern mimicking a Kabuki character Zombie (FACE/ZOMBIE) - Black and white pattern mimicking a zombie Oyama (FACE/OYAMA) - Red and white pattern mimicking a female Kabuki character Mask (FACE/MASK) - Mask resembling the face of Major Raikov Infinity (N/A) - Stripes of oriental letters that when worn gives all weapons infinite ammunition The following are the camouflage uniforms that can be obtained, their abbreviation when picked up, a brief description and best location for their use (if applicable). Olive Drab (N/A) - Pale green useful in forest areas Tiger Stripe (N/A) - Horizontal brown stripes useful in wooded/grassy Areas or against soil

Leaf (N/A) - Various shades of green similar to leaves useful in underbrush Tree Bark (N/A) - Vertical green and brown stripes useful in wooded areas Choco Chip (UNIFORM/CHOCO CHIP) - Tan with brown spots useful in desert and mountainous areas Splitter (UNIFORM/SPLITTER) - Blue with black stripes useful in indoor areas Raindrop (UNIFORM/RAINDROP) - Light blue with some red spots useful when raining Squares (N/A) - Red and black squares useful in brown background areas Water (UNIFORM/WATER) - Light blue useful when underwater Black (N/A) - Completely black useful in dark areas Snow (UNIFORM/SNOW) - White with green stripes useful in white background areas Sneaking Suit (UNIFORM/SNEAKING) - Black combat suit that when worn cuts the amount of injuries sustained by half Scientist (N/A) - Scientist disguise used while inside Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab and Graniny Gorki Officer (UNIFORM/OFFICER) - Officer disguise used while inside Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab Maintenance (UNIFORM/MAINTENANCE) - Shagohod maintenance worker disguise used while inside Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing Tuxedo (N/A) - Formal tuxedo obtained after completing the game Hornet's Stripe (UNIFORM/HORNET STRIPE) - Orange with black stripes that when worn will ward off bees and hornets Spider (UNIFORM/SPIDER) - Tan with white spider web pattern that when worn rapidly depletes stamina but increases camouflage percent Moss (UNIFORM/MOSS) - Dark green that when worn will increase stamina while standing in sunlight Fire (UNIFORM/FIRE) - Red and black pattern that when worn decreases amount of damage sustained by fire by half Spirit (UNIFORM/SPIRIT) - Dark gray pattern than when worn makes your footsteps silent Cold War (UNIFORM/COLD WAR) - Soviet flag on front and US flag on back that when worn enemy soldiers will not fire when you are facing them Snake (UNIFORM/SNAKE) - Blue and gray snake pattern GA-KO (UNIFORM/GA-KO) - Yellow smiley faces that when worn allows you to hear Kerotan frogs in the area Animals (UNIFORM/ANIMALS) - Multiple animal skins that when worn will stabilize your aim Fly (UNIFORM/FLY) - Orange, white and yellow pattern that when worn will make you smell bad and prevent soldiers from getting close Banana (N/A) - Banana pattern than when worn will make all food taste good (Note: This camouflage is obtained by getting first place on each level of the Snake vs. Monkey game.)

FOOD / ITEMS The following are the items that can be obtained as food, their abbreviation when turned into rations and picked up and an indication of the amount of stamina recovery that occurs. Animals European Rabbit (R.RABBIT) - Moderate Indian Gavial (R.GAVIAL) - Moderate Japanese Flying Squirrel (R.SQUIRREL) - Moderate Kenyan Mangrove Crab (R.CRAB) - Good Markhor (R.MARKHOR) - Good Rat (R.RAT) - Good Vampire Bat (R.BAT) - Low Birds Magpie (R.BIRD D) - Low Parrot (R.BIRD A) - Poor Red Avadavat (R.BIRD C) - Poor Sunda Whistling Thrush (R.BIRD E) - Good White-Rumped Vulture (R.BIRD B) - Very good Fish Arrowana (R.FISH C) - Good Bigeye Trevally (R.FISH A) - Low (poisonous) Maroon Shark (R.FISH B) - Good Frogs Otton Frog (R.FROG A) - Moderate Poison Dart Frog (R.FROG C) - Low (poisonous) Tree Frog (R.FROG B) - Poor Fruit Golova (R.FRUIT C) - Excellent Russian False Mango (R.FRUIT B) - Good Yabloko Moloko (R.FRUIT A) - Low Insect Cobalt Blue Tarantula (R.SPIDER) - Poor Emperor Scorpion (R.SCORPION) - Poor (poisonous) Packaged Calorie Mate (R.C MATE) - Very good Instant Noodles (R.NOODLES) - Excellent Russian Ration (RATION) - Good Miscellaneous Hornet's Nest (R.NEST) - Excellent Snakes Coral Snake (R.SNAKE D) - Good

Giant Anaconda (R.SNAKE G) - Very good Green Tree Python (R.SNAKE F) - Moderate King Cobra (R.SNAKE A) - Good Milk Snake (R.SNAKE E) - Poor Reticulated Python (R.SNAKE H) - Very good Snake Liquid (R.SNAKE I) - Full recovery Snake Solid (R.SNAKE J) - Full recovery Snake Solidus (R.SNAKE K) - Full recovery Taiwanese Cobra (R.SNAKE B) - Moderate Thai Cobra (R.SNAKE C) - Moderate Tsuchinoko (R.SNAKE L) - Excellent Vegetables Baikal Scaly Tool (R.MUSHROOM G) - Antidote Fly Agaric (R.MUSHROOM D) - Low (poisonous) Russian Glow Cap (R.MUSHROOM E) - Poor, recharges battery Russian Oyster (R.MUSHROOM A) - Low Siberian Ink Cap (R.MUSHROOM C) - Poor Spatsa (R.MUSHROOM F) - Low, become sleepy Ural Luminescent (R.MUSHROOM B) - Low (poisonous) Vine Melon (R.VEGETABLE) Good MEDICINE The following are the items that can be used for medical treatments, their abbreviation when picked up and a brief description. Medicinal Treatments Antidote (ANTIDOTE) - Used to neutralized poison that was eaten Cold Medicine (C MED) - Used to cure colds Serum (SERUM) - Used to neutralize snakebite poison Stomach Medicine (S MED) - Used to cure stomachache from eating rotted food Surgical Treatments Bandage (BANDAGE) - Used to treat cuts, burns, wounds and broken bones Cigar (CIGAR) - Used to burn off leeches Disinfectant (DISINFECT) - Used to treat cuts and gunshot wounds Ointment (OINTMENT) - Used to treat burns Splint (SPLINT) - Fastener to treat broken bones Styptic (STYPTIC) - Used to stop bleeding Survival Knife (KNIFE) - Used to treat gunshot wounds Suture Kit (SUTURE KIT) - Used to stitch cuts

WEAPONS The following are the weapons that can be obtained, their abbreviation when picked up and a brief description. Close range Fork (FORK) - A fork Survival knife (KNIFE) - A knife Pistols Easygun (EZGUN) - Novice tranquilizer gun available only on "Very Easy" M1911A1 (M1911A1) - .45 handgun M1911A1 Suppressor (SP/M1911A1) - Suppressor for M1911A1 Mk22 (Mk22) - Tranquilizer gun Mk22 Suppressor (SP/Mk22) - Suppressor for Mk22 Patriot (PATRIOT) - Automatic handgun available after completing the game Single Action Army (SSA) - Revolver Assault Rifles AK-47 (AK-47) - Assault rifle XM16E1 (XM16E1) - M-16 assault rifle XM16E1 Suppressor (SP/XM16E1) - Suppressor for XM16E1 Machine guns M63 (M63) - Machine gun Scorpion (SCORPION) - Small submachine gun Sniper Rifles Mosin Nagant (MOSIN N) - Tranquilizer sniper rifle SVD (SVD) - Sniper rifle Shotguns M37 (M37) - Shotgun Thrown Chaff Grenade (CHAFF G) - Disables electronic devices Grenade (GRENADE) - Fragmentation grenade RPG-7 (RPG-7) - Rocket launcher Smoke Grenade (SMOKE G) - Creates a smoke screen Stun Grenade (STUN G) - Flash-bang that renders nearby enemies unconscious White Phosphorus Grenade (WP G) - When explodes, bursts into flames and burns nearby enemies Explosives Claymore Mine (CLAYMORE) - Directional anti-personnel mine TNT (TNT) - Bomb operated by a switch Miscellaneous Book (BOOK) - Book containing sexy photographs Cigarette Shaped Narcosis Gun (CIG SPRAY) - Sleep gas disguised as a cigar Directional Microphone (MIC) - Microphone for listening in single direction Knockout Handkerchief (HANDKER) - Handkerchief containing sleeping agent

Magazine (MAGAZINE) - Empty ammunition magazine Mousetrap (MOUSETRAP) - Fixed trap for catching animals Torch (TORCH) - Stick with fire RADIO The following list is the various frequencies used during the game: 140.85 - Major Tom 141.80 - The Boss (available only during Virtuous Mission) 141.96 - Save 142.52 - Eva (available only during Operation Snake Eater) 145.73 - Para-Medic 148.41 - Sigint (available only during Operation Snake Eater)

Radio Frequencies that regain stamina The following radio frequencies can regain your stamina if you have run out of food or just want to listen to some 60's music. *Easy & Very Easy* Frequency Song Title Artist -147.08 -Surfing Guitar -66 Boys -140.52 -Rock Me baby -66 Boys -142.94 -Pillow Talk -Starry K -144..06 -Jumpin' Johnny -Chunk Rasberry -147.59 -Sailor -Starry K. -140.01 -Salty Catfish -66 Boys -141.24 -Sea Breeze -Sergei Mantis -149.53 -Don't Be Afraid -Rika Muranaka

Walkthrough 5.1.1 Dremuchji South Travel north along the path until receiving a call from the Major. After the call, follow the path west and then north. Crawl under the fallen tree and continue north until reaching the tree with ivy with your backpack hanging off a branch on the right. Climb the tree and walk onto the branch to retrieve the backpack. After the backpack has been retrieved, you will receive another call from the Major. After the call, follow the path north. Additional weapons/items in area: LF MED - From starting location, follow path east and north to top of hill Kerotan Frog - After retrieving backpack, re-climb the tree and face south. The frog is located next to the top of the hill to the southeast near a tree. 5.1.2 Dremuchji Swampland

Travel north along the path until reaching the swamp. The swamp contains quicksand that if entered, will cause you to slowly sink. Once it reaches your chest level, you will die. Move west around the edge of the swamp and slowly past the alligators (use the Mk22 to tranquilize the alligators if necessary). Pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] in the northwest corner of the swamp and continue moving around the edge of the swamp until reaching the path on the north side. When reaching the path, follow it north. Additional weapons/items in area: Mk22 BULLET - Next to tree on island in center of swamp GRENADE - In tall grass near tree on east side of swamp (near alligators) Kerotan Frog - After moving around the quicksand, follow the path north until reaching a group of trees on the right. The frog is located on the hill to the southeast of the trees. 5.1.3 Dremuchji North When entering the area, a cutscene will be seen and you will receive a call from the Major. Once the call is over, change the camouflage uniform to Leaf and the face paint to Woodland. Crawl into the hollow log to the left (northwest) and pick up the bug juice [BUG JUICE] inside. A soldier will approach from the north. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he approaches. After the soldier is asleep, proceed north until reaching the grass where the path continues straight (north) and right (east). There is a soldier patrolling in the section to the north. When he is out of view, go down the path on the right (east) until reaching the fallen trees on the right (south). Pick up the stun grenade [STUN G] behind the tree. There is a soldier patrolling in the section to the northeast. Move east until reaching the start of the grass. Use the Mk22 to shoot the soldier. Move around the fallen tree and then northeast until reaching the hollow tree trunk. Move inside of the tree trunk to pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET]. Move north along the cliff until reaching the downed, hollow tree trunk. Crawl through the trunk, picking up the thermal goggles [THERM G]. Another soldier will be patrolling in the section at the top of the hill to the north. Use the thermal goggles to locate him and use the Mk22 to tranquilize him. Once he is asleep, follow the cliff north until reaching the path on the right. There is another soldier patrolling to the west. When he moves to the west, follow the path. Be cautious since the patrolling soldier may see you or the body. Additional weapons/items in area: SVD - Next to cliff at end of path to the right (east) of starting location GRENADE - In hollow tree on left side of path when path continues straight and turns right Kerotan Frog - On top of the north side of the hollow tree trunk containing the Mk22 ammunition in the far eastern section 5.1.4 Dolinovodno

After the opening cutscene, there is a soldier patrolling near the rope bridge and two on the bridge. Shoot the hornet's nest (white ball) located in the trees to the right of the bridge when the soldier is near it. The hornets will attack the patrolling soldier who will then run across the bridge and cause the hornets to attack the soldiers on the opposite side. Once the soldiers are eliminated, quickly move across the center of the bridge. If you are too close to the edge, you will fall off and hang from the edge. After crossing the bridge, there is a soldier either moving along the path to the west or walking south toward the bridge from the tree where the path turns left. If the soldier is moving along the path to the west, Crouch and shoot him with the Mk22 when he is in view; otherwise shoot him with the Mk22 immediately after crossing the bridge before being spotted. Once he is asleep, follow the path to the north. Additional weapons/items in area: Mk22 BULLET - Under north side of rope bridge (Accessed by going down path on west and then moving east along ledge) XM16E1 - Under north side of rope bridge (Accessed by going down path on west and then moving east along ledge) PENTAZEMIN - Under north side of rope bridge (Accessed by going down path on west and then moving east along ledge) Kerotan Frog - On top of the left (west) bridge support post on the south side of the bridge 5.1.5 Rassvet When entering the area, a cutscene will be seen and you will receive a call from the Major. Once the call is over, there is a soldier standing on the path to the north of the wall and another soldier patrolling in the far north area. Quietly move north along the path and shoot the soldier with the Mk22. Once he is asleep, follow the fence to the east and then north. NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier walking along the east side of the building. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) Move to the ladder on the north end of the east side of the building. Climb up the ladder onto the roof. Walk south along the roof until it ends, jump down into the room and move toward the door on the north wall. When the door is approached, a series of cutscenes with Sokolov and the Ocelot unit will be seen. Once the cutscenes are over, move south out of the building and then follow the path west and then south. Additional weapons/items in area: LF MED - Northeast corner of northwest room of building M37 - Left side of crates in southwest room of building XM16E1 BULLET - Top of stairs in west area of building SP/XM16E1 - Top of stairs in west area of building Kerotan Frog - At the base of the stairs on the west side of the building, there is a hole in the wall to the north. The frog is located on the hill to the north. (Tip: Shoot the frog after the cutscenes with the Ocelot unit.)

5.1.6 Dolinovodno Riverbank After the opening cutscene with Sokolov, Volgin and The Boss, you will receive a call from Para-Medic and be on the riverbank with broken bones and deep cut injuries that you need to treat. Medical treatment is administered by selecting Cure from the Survival Viewer menu. You must treat the broken bones with a splint and bandage and the cuts with suture kit, styptic, disinfectant and bandage. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. Once all of your injuries have been treated, a final cutscene will be seen and you will be asked if you want to save the game. Additional weapons/items in area: None 5.2 Operation Snake Eater (Part 1) * 5.2.1 Dremuchji East Travel north along the path. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - When the path turns northwest before leaving the area, there are fallen trees on top of the hill on the left. The frog is located under the trees. 5.2.2 Dremuchji North Move northwest along the path and when reaching the ledge, jump off. Continue west on the path and a cutscene will be seen where you will lose your M1911A1. Shortly after the cutscene, two soldiers will patrol from the north and discover the crashed drone. When they do, a caution mode will occur. Immediately after the cutscene, move south along the path into Dremuchji Swampland to prevent or cancel the caution mode. (Note: You can also proceed south through Dremuchji Swampland into Dremuchji South to find a stun grenade [STUN G] and grenade [GRENADE] behind a tree in the southeast section. In addition, there is a Kerotan Frog located in Dremuchji Swampland behind the tree along the northwest section of the swamp. There is also a Kerotan Frog located in Dremuchji South on the hill in the far southwest corner of the area.) Return to Dremuchji North and travel north along the path until reaching the area where a path forks to the right for the second time (immediately after passing the crashed drone on the left). Use the survival knife to kill the snake in the grass before being bitten. There is a soldier patrolling in the section to the north. Get into the prone position in the grass and change the camouflage uniform to Leaf and the face paint to Woodland. Use the binoculars to locate and watch the soldier's movements. (HARD/EXTREME: There is also a soldier walking west toward the fork along the path to the right. Wait until the soldier turns around and starts walking to the east before proceeding.) When he turns away (north), begin to stalk behind him. He will walk north, briefly pause, begin walking northeast, briefly pause again and then turn around. Once behind him, use a CQC throw to knock him unconscious before he turns around. There is another soldier patrolling in the section to the east and moves up

the hill leading to the north path. Use the binoculars to see if the soldier is near the top of the hill. Once he is not in view (or walking away), move northeast until reaching the path between the rocks and follow the path north. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - When reaching the area when a path forks to the right for a second time, proceed east along the path until reaching the climbable tree and face west. The frog is on top of the hill. (Note: This frog cannot be shot until a weapon is obtained in Rassvet.) (Tip: Return to the area after receiving the Mk22 and the Ocelot unit battle in Rassvet since the weapon can be used to tranquilize the soldiers.) 5.2.3 Dolinovodno Follow the path north until reaching the tree at the top of the hill and get into the prone position. There is a soldier patrolling near the entrance to the rope bridge. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: When the soldier turns north and begins walking toward the bridge, move down the hill, stalk behind him and use a CQC throw to knock him unconscious. Once the soldier is unconscious, move across the bridge.) (EXTREME: There is also a soldier walking north/south next to the ledge on the left (west). Move or make noise to cause the soldier near the bridge entrance to become suspicious. He will move up the path on the hill on the west side. When he begins moving west, quickly go down the hill and move east next to the cliff. Follow the cliff north to the edge and then quickly cross the bridge.) If you are too close to the edge, you will fall off and hang from the edge. After crossing the bridge, continue until reaching the tree where the path turns left. (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing next to the edge of the cliff on the far right (east) side.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier moving along the path to the west that leads to the edge of the cliff. Crouch and wait for the soldier to begin moving south along the path. When he does, stalk behind him and use a CQC throw to knock him unconscious.) (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: Move to the end of the path at edge of the cliff. Press against the rocks on the right and quickly walk along the narrow ledge to the alcove under the rope bridge. Pick up the life medicine [LF MED], raindrop camouflage [UNIFORM/RAINDROP] and smoke grenade [SMOKE G]. Once the items are collected, move west along the ledge to the path and follow it north.)

Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the right (east) bridge support post on the north side of the bridge. (Note: This frog cannot be shot until a weapon is obtained in Rassvet.) (Tip: Return tothe area after receiving the Mk22 and the Ocelot unit battle in Rassvet since the weapon can be used to tranquilize the soldiers.)

5.2.4 Rassvet (Part 1) Follow the path north until reaching the building. Proceed to the east side and pick up the bug juice [BUG JUICE] near the gate in the northeast corner. Move to the north side of the building and pick up the zombie face paint

[FACE/ZOMBIE] in the southwest corner by the fence. Proceed to the ladder on the east side of the building and climb it to the roof. Jump off the west side of the roof into the room. Pick up the cardboard box [C BOX A] on top of the crates. Move through the door in the southeast corner into the room and pick up the mine detector [MINE D] in the southeast corner. Move through the door on the north wall into the room and pick up the thermal goggles [THERM G] in the locker in the southwest corner. Exit the room and a cutscene with Eva will be seen. She will give you an Mk22, M1911A1 and a scientist disguise and you will be asked if you want to save the game. Additional weapons/items in area: AK-47 - Top of stairs in west area of building Kerotan Frog - Under the stairs in west section of the building ****************************************************************************** 5.2.5 Rassvet (Part 2 - Ocelot unit battle) ****************************************************************************** After the opening cutscene with Eva, an evasion mode will occur. Members of the Ocelot unit will begin searching and four of them will breach the room and move into it. Quickly crawl under the bed and equip a stun grenade. Once the soldiers have moved into the room, throw a stun grenade so that it lands near the feet of the soldiers standing to the right of the door near the locker. This will knock one or more of the soldiers unconscious. Shoot the remaining soldiers with the Mk22. Once all of the soldiers are asleep, crawl out from under the bed, move to the trap door in the northwest corner and open it. Crawl south to the grated openings on the left. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: Shoot the soldier patrolling on the east side of the building with the Mk22.) (EXTREME: Two soldiers will move from the south side of the building to the east side. Shoot both soldiers with the Mk22.) Continue crawling south until reaching the opening in the south wall. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: A soldier will walk back and forth and momentarily stop on the right and left sides. Move to the left side of the opening and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he stops on the right side.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing along the fence to the far south. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) (HARD: There is also a soldier moving along the south side of the building. Crawl northwest into the west section and then south until reaching the opening in the south wall. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he passes between the gap in the wall to the south.) After shooting the soldier, crawl northwest to the opening in the north exterior wall of the building and crawl outside. A sniper is on the roof and he will stop at each corner. While staying close to the building, move to the northeast corner and wait for the sniper to move to the corner. When he moves away, quickly climb the ladder on the east side of the building and shoot the sniper with the Mk22 before he turns around. The shot must be to the head or

he will turn around and spot you! (Note: If the sniper falls off the roof, he will be killed and this will be counted as a kill.) (NORMAL/HARD: Once the sniper is asleep, jump off the west side of the roof into the room. Move south into the next room and then west into the room containing a set of stairs. To the west of the bottom of the stairs is an opening in the wall near the ground. There is a soldier standing outside of the wall. Get into the prone position and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 through the opening.) (EXTREME: Once the sniper is asleep, jump off the east side of the roof and move south along the fence until even with the south wall of the building (approximately 1/2 of the way before the fence turns west). There is a soldier standing on the far west side of the building and will begin walking east. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22. (Tip: Equip the thermal goggles since the soldier is difficult to see.) Move south along the fence until it turns west. Proceed west until reaching the tree before the barrels on the right. Crawl west until the soldier standing along the west fence can be seen. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) Once all of the soldiers are eliminated, move toward the gate in the northeast corner to trigger a cutscene with Ocelot and Eva. Once the cutscene is over, move through the gate. Note: Once a soldier is asleep or unconscious, he will not wake up. Additional weapons/items in area: SMOKE G - Northwest corner of northwest room of building M1911A1 BULLET - Top of stairs in west area of building Kerotan Frog - Under the stairs in west section of the building 5.3 Operation Snake Eater (Part 2) 5.3.1 Chyornyj Pond IMPORTANT NOTE: While in the water, leeches will attach to your body. Once attached, you will hear a brief sucking sound and they will begin draining the stamina gauge. You need to periodically use the Cure option from the Survival Viewer menu to check for leeches and if they are present, use the Cigar to remove them. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. Equip the M1911A1 and remove the suppressor. There are numerous Indian Gavial alligators in the lake. Use the thermal goggles when swimming to locate the alligator positions. Either swim around them or shoot them with the M1911A1. Move along the shore to the southwest section of the lake. Go into the water and pick up the white phosphorous grenade [WP G], smoke grenade [SMOKE G] and AK-47 ammunition [AK47 BULLET]. Swim north to the west section of the lake and swim under the green logs until reaching the shallow water. Pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and grenade [GRENADE]. Proceed north on the shore until receiving a call from Eva. After the call is completed, continue until reaching the tree with ivy on the right.

Beware of the trap located to the north of the tree (dark area on the ground - use the thermal goggles to see). Climb the tree and hang onto the rope. Move east across the rope until directly above another rope. Let go of the rope and immediately press the triangle button to grab the second rope. Move north across the rope until reaching the small island. Drop off the rope and pick up the crocodile cap [CROC CAP] on the south tip of the island. Jump off the south tip island into the water and pick up the stun grenade [STUN G] and M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET]. Proceed to the northeast corner of the lake to pick up the GA-KO camouflage [UNIFORM/GA-KO] and chaff grenade [CHAFF G]. Proceed west along the path. When the path turns north after passing the trees, there will be a trip wire across the path that when broken, will cause a large log with spikes to swing into the path. Move to the left side of the trip wire and shoot it. Move around the large log with spikes and follow the path north. Tip: There is limited food available in the next several areas. Shoot the Indian Gavial alligators or Arrowana fish in the lake to be sure you have an ample supply of food. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - Underwater inside of alcove along cliff to the north of the stun grenade and M1911A1 ammunition in the north section 3.2 Bolshaya Past South Follow the path north until reaching the electrical fence. Crawl under the right side of the fence along the path. Equip the thermal goggles to see the location of the five claymore mines in the near vicinity. Crawl northwest to the hole in the next fence on the hill (use the thermal goggles to see the hole's location). (Note: Crawling over a claymore mine [CLAYMORE] will pick it up). (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: After crawling through the hole in the fence, there is a guard dog sitting near the tree to the west.) (EXTREME: After crawling through the hole in the fence, there is a guard dog walking west along the cliff to the north.) (HARD/EXTREME: There is another guard dog walking to the left (west).) Crawl east, staying as close to the electrical fence as possible, until reaching the quicksand. Change the camouflage uniform to Tree Bark. A soldier will approach along the west side of the quicksand and walk across the strip of land between the quicksands. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he appears. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Move along the west side of the quicksand until reaching the body. Drag the body south along the west side of the quicksand and drop it when it is out of view of the north end of the quicksand.) Move along the west side of the quicksand until reaching the strip of land between the quicksands. Climb onto the ledge on the east side and move along the ledge to pick up the splitter camouflage [UNIFORM/SPLITTER]. There is a soldier to the west standing on the left side of the opening in the electrical fence. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is also a soldier standing on the right side of the opening in the electrical fence.) There is another soldier patrolling in the section north of the fence. (HARD/EXTREME: There is another soldier patrolling along the cliff on the far west side and a guard dog walking in the section northwest of the fence.) There is also a trip wire connected to a noisemaker between two trees to the south. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Move or make noise to make the soldier standing on the

right side of the opening to become suspicious. As soon as he begins moving toward the ledge, jump off and quickly run west and then south along the quicksand until small area, approximately 1/2 of the way to the strip of land between the quicksands. Crouch and shoot the soldier when he reaches the north end of the quicksand and stops to investigate. Once the soldier is asleep, move north along the quicksand and then east to the ledge. Slowly move north until the soldier standing to the left of the opening can be seen.) Shoot the soldier standing to the left of the opening with the Mk22. (HARD/EXTREME: Shoot the soldier patrolling along the cliff on the far west side when he sees the body and moves to investigate). Crawl toward the fence opening and tranquilize the north soldier when he comes into view. Be careful since he may see a body and move toward the opening. (HARD/EXTREME: Shoot the guard dog walking in the northwest section when it becomes visible.) Move through the opening in the electrical fence. Go left (west) along the fence until reaching the hollow tree stump. There is a trip wire connected to a noisemaker between two trees to the east of the stump. Pick up the chocolate chip camouflage [UNIFORM/CHOCO CHIP] inside of the stump and travel north until reaching the path at the cliff. Travel right (east) along the path. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - North side of the second to last tree on the east end of the last electrical fence (must be on north side of fence in order to see or shoot the frog). 5.3.3 Bolshaya Past Base After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Choco Chip and immediately get into the prone position. (VERY EASY/EASY: There is a soldier standing at the machine gun facing south.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling east along the fence and will stop at the machine gun). Shoot him with the Mk22. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL: There is another soldier patrolling counterclockwise around the helicopter in the east section.) (HARD: There is another soldier standing near the door on the east side of the building.) Move southwest to the cliff and then west until the door on the south side of the building can be seen. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier standing by the door.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing by the southwest corner of the fence who will turn and begin walking north along the fence.) Use the Mk22 to shoot the soldier. Move north toward the building over the wood board over the trench. Turn left (west) and crawl to the machine gun in the corner. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier standing to the northwest outside of the fence.) Climb into the west trench and pick up the snow face paint [FACE/SNOW] under the wooden board. Move to the south side of the building and climb up the ladder to the right leading to the roof. Climb onto the west section and get into the prone position. Crawl toward the northwest corner of the roof. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling around the wall to the north of the building. Be careful to not be seen by the soldier until he begins moving northwest.) (EXTREME: There is also a soldier standing outside of the fence to the far north.) Pick up the water camouflage [UNIFORM/WATER] in the northwest corner of the roof. Proceed back to the ladder and jump off the roof.

(EXTREME: Stalk east along the south side of the building until reaching the left (west) side of the window. There is a soldier patrolling inside of the room. When the soldier turns away (faces north), stalk east and shoot him with the Mk22.) Crawl east along the south side of the building until reaching the southeast corner. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/EXTREME: When the soldier patrolling around the helicopter is walking east on the south side, shoot him with the Mk22.) (HARD: When the soldier standing by the building's door is not looking south, stalk east until he is visible and shoot him with the Mk22.) Enter the building through the door on the east side. Pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] under the center cot, the mousetrap [MOUSETRAP] under the south cot and the M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] in the northeast corner of the room. Once all of the items have been collected, exit the building through the east door. (HARD/EXTREME: Crawl north until reaching the building's corner. A soldier will walk east along the wall to the north and then walk around to the north side of the wall. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22. There is a soldier standing next to the west side of the building to the right of the machine gun to the north. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) Move to the north side of the building and enter the small building through the door on the east side. Pick up the ration [RATION], calorie mate [R.C MATE] and mousetrap [MOUSETRAP] in the room. (NORMAL: After exiting the building, begin moving east. There is a soldier facing north standing next to the machine gun to the north. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) (EXTREME: Move northeast toward the machine gun. There is a soldier standing by the trees near the northwest corner of the electrical fence. Continue moving north and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he is visible.) Move north to the trench to the west of the machine gun. Pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] under the wooden board. Move through the opening in the electrical fence to the right of the machine gun and enter the building (medical supplies) through the door on the west side. Pick up the antidote [ANTIDOTE], life medicine [LF MED], digestive medicine [D MED] and bandage [BANDAGE] in the room. Exit the building, move to the south side and then to the southeast corner. (NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier standing in front of the building (armory) to the northeast. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing by the machine gun in the northeast corner of the area to the south of the building.) Move east toward the building enter it through the door on the south side. Pick up the M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET], stun grenade [STUN G] and TNT [TNT] in the room. After collecting the ammunition, exit the building and travel west until reaching the path (past the electrical fence). Follow the path north. Tip: Be sure the stamina gauge is full before leaving the area. Additional weapons/items in area: WP G - Inside of building in northeast corner of the base AK-47 BULLET - Inside of the building in the northeast corner of the base

Kerotan Frog - Under desk chair in southeast corner of room with cots in building in southwest corner of the base ****************************************************************************** 5.3.4 Bolshaya Past Crevice (Ocelot boss battle) ****************************************************************************** After the opening cutscene with Ocelot, his life and stamina gauge will be displayed, as well as an indicator of the number of shots he has left in each of his guns. Crouch behind the middle of rock to the left, remove the suppressor from the Mk22 and use the first person view. Ocelot will use the trees and rock for cover. He will peek out from around the rocks and occasionally stop in between them. When he stops or peeks out from cover, shoot him quickly; otherwise, he will have a clear shot. If he hits you, you will lose the aim and first person view. Once he has been hit, you need to move to avoid his counterattack (e.g., press the L2 button to move one step to the left). If you run low on ammunition, wait until Ocelot is reloading before attempting to retrieve it. As the battle progresses, Ocelot will be able to start ricocheting his shots. When you see or hear a ricocheting shot, begin moving to make it harder for him to aim. Occasionally the Ocelot unit soldiers to the south will fire at you, but Ocelot will tell them to stop. Once his life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over and a final cutscene will be seen where you will fall into the cave. Tip: When the Ocelot unit soldiers begin firing, Ocelot will stop shooting. This provides an opportunity to shoot him. Tip: When Ocelot is reloading his gun, he will sometimes stand in the open. This provides an opportunity to shoot him. Tip: If the cap is shot off Ocelot's head, he will stop to pick it up later in the battle. This provides an opportunity to shoot him. Tip: There are three hornet nests in the trees above Ocelot that can be shot to momentarily distract him. Additional weapons/items in area: Mk22 BULLET - Behind rock in northeast corner GRENADE - Behind rock in northeast corner M1911A1 BULLET - Behind rock in southeast corner AK-47 BULLET - Behind rock in southeast corner WP G - In tree in northeast corner Kerotan Frog - On the hill south across the crevice in the southeast corner (Tip: Move to the corner and shoot the frog while Ocelot is reloading.) ****************************************************************************** 5.4 Operation Snake Eater (Part 3) ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************

5.4.1 Chyornaya Pescheva Cave Branch ****************************************************************************** If Ocelot was defeated using non-lethal means, pick up the animals camouflage [UNIFORM/ANIMALS] on the rock ahead to the right. When worn, this camouflage will prevent your hand from shaking when aiming a weapon. Follow the tunnel on the right (northeast) until reaching the open section with three tunnels. Go through the tunnel on the left (north) and follow it until reaching the section with two waterfalls. There is an alcove between the two waterfalls. Pick up the torch [TORCH] and white phosphorous grenade [WP G] in the alcove. Go into the tunnel on the left side. Follow the tunnel until reaching the end. At the end, there is a small tunnel on the north side. Crawl through the tunnel until reaching the end in an open section. Pick up the cold medicine [C MED] and serum [SERUM] in the southeast corner. Crawl through the small tunnel in the east wall until reaching the end. Follow the tunnel south until reaching the large hole in the ground. Move around the hole to pick up the night vision goggles [NVG] on the south side. Jump into the hole and pick up the ration [RATION]. Swim through the tunnel on the west side until reaching the end. Swim east until reaching the ledge at the end of the water. Follow the tunnel and pick up the battery [BATTERY] and AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] at the end of the tunnel. Proceed back through the tunnel to the water. Swim west until reaching the end of the water and follow the tunnel to the open area (initial starting location). Follow the tunnel on the right (northeast) until reaching the open section with three tunnels. Crawl through the center tunnel (north) to the end at the top of the waterfalls. Pick up the serum [SERUM] to the left (south) of the tunnel exit and proceed through the tunnel to the north. When reaching the open section, pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] on the right side next to the skeleton. Pick up the bug juice [BUG JUICE] on the left side at the start of the next tunnel. Follow the tunnel north. Additional weapons/items in area: AK-47 BULLET - Northwest side of the hole in the ground where the NVG was picked up AK-47 BULLET - Next to the skeleton in the tunnel leading to the exit M1911A1 BULLET - From starting location, follow the tunnel on the right (northeast) until reaching the open section with three tunnels. End of right (northeast) tunnel. GRENADE - From starting location, follow the tunnel on the right (northeast) until reaching the open section with three tunnels. End of right (northeast) tunnel. Kerotan Frog - When reaching the large hole in the ground (with the night vision goggles on the south side), stand on the north side of the hole and look south. The frog is located on the ledge of the wall. (Tip: Use the night vision goggles since the frog is difficult to see.)

****************************************************************************** 5.4.2 Chyornaya Pescheva Cave ****************************************************************************** Follow the narrow tunnel on the right (northeast) and when reaching the open section, pick up the M37 [M37] and Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] in the center. Crawl through the tunnel in the north wall. When reaching the end, pick up the Snow camouflage [UNIFORM/SNOW]. Continue traveling north and crawl through the small tunnel. When reaching the end, proceed left (south) and pick up the smoke grenade [SMOKE G], M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] and AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] where the tunnel begins to widen. Before proceeding, be sure that the stamina gauge is full. Turn around and go north through the tunnel. When reaching the large, open section, a cutscene with The Pain will be seen. Tip: Be sure the stamina gauge is full before leaving the area. Additional weapons/items in area: None ****************************************************************************** 5.4.3 Chyornaya Pescheva Cave (The Pain boss battle) ****************************************************************************** After the opening cutscene with The Pain, his life and stamina gauge will be displayed. Change the camouflage uniform Water, equip the Mk22, remove the suppressor (if attached) and quickly shoot The Pain several times with the Mk22 until he covers himself with bees. When he is covered, he is impervious to bullets. The Pain will then begin to attack using several different methods: 1. Bee scent - He will throw jars that when broken will release a yellow gas that will attract the bees. 2. Bee grenades - He will form a ball of bees that will slowly move toward you and drop a grenade. 3. He will occasionally throw grenades at you. 4. Tommy gun - The bees form a gun and he will begin firing at you. 5. Bullet bees - When his stamina or life gauge reaches 50%, he will begin shooting bullet bees (with red trails). If hit, a cut injury will be sustained and you must treat it by selecting Cure from the Survival Viewer menu and cure it with the suture kit, styptic, disinfectant and bandage. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. He will always yell before using one of these attacks. When he performs an attack, quickly dive into the water and swim away to avoid the attack. The bees will also sometimes swarm attack you and if The Pain cannot find you, the bees will locate you and warn him.

After initially shooting him, swim to the rocks to the northeast of The Pain's platform (containing the two boxes of ammunition). Throw a grenade at him to cause him to temporarily lose the protection of the bees and then shoot him with the Mk22 while he is uncovered. Be sure to only fire when you are sure of a hit since you need to conserve your ammunition. Keep shooting him and throwing grenades (if he covers himself with bees) until he uses one of his attacks. When he does, dive into the water and begin swimming to avoid it. Once his attack is complete, climb back onto the rocks and continue the grenade/Mk22 attack pattern. He will also occasionally create a mirror image of himself on the platform. If this occurs, equip the thermal goggles to determine which is the real one and begin shooting at him. Be sure to keep the stamina gauge at 75% or higher since this will allow for staying underwater for a longer amount of time. There are numerous Maroon Sharks and Arrowana in the water that can be killed and used for food. Use the M1911A1 with suppressor to shoot the fish since this gun will not use the ammunition needed to defeat The Pain and the suppressor will not reveal your position. Once his life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over and a final cutscene with The Pain will be seen. After the final cutscene is complete, move toward the tunnel to the northeast. If The Pain was killed using nonlethal means, move into the tunnel; otherwise climb onto the ledge to the right (east) before entering the tunnel. Follow the ledge and roll onto the platform where The Pain had been. Pick up the hornet stripe camouflage [UNIFORM/HORNET STRIPE] and then move into the tunnel to the northeast. When worn, this camouflage allow bees to stick to you after shooting a hive and attack enemies. Additional weapons/items in area: Mk22 BULLET - On rock in northeast corner of area M37 BULLET - On rock in northeast corner of area AK-47 BULLET - On rock in southeast corner of area M1911A1 BULLET - Under water in southeast corner of area GRENADE - Underwater in center of area, south of The Pain's platform Kerotan Frog - After the battle, swim to the south platform (where the battle started). The frog is located on a ledge near the top of the north side of the large opening in the ceiling. ****************************************************************************** 5.5 Operation Snake Eater (Part 4) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5.5.1 Chyornaya Pescheva Entrance ****************************************************************************** Follow the tunnel until reaching the open section where you will see a

cutscene of soldiers flying overhead in hovercrafts. Continue following the tunnel until reaching the next open section. There is a bat cave alcove in the northwest corner of the area. Crawl into the alcove to pick up two claymore mines [CLAYMORE], M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] and Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET]. After retrieving the items, return to the open area and continue following the tunnel north to the cave entrance. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On the ledge above the entrance to the bat cave alcove (only visible when standing at the back of the alcove). ****************************************************************************** 5.5.2 Ponizovje South ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, there is a soldier to the northeast in a hovercraft with a searchlight over the east shore of the river, will move north and south and shine the spotlight on the river. (VERY EASY/EASY: There is another soldier in a hovercraft to the north of the first soldier along the east shore and will also shine the spotlight on the river.) (HARD/EXTREME: There is another soldier in a hovercraft along the west shore and will also shine the spotlight on the river.) Swim as quickly as possible through the area being searched. A soldier may catch a glimpse of you and become suspicious, but as long as you swim past his search area, you will not be seen. Continue swimming north along the river until reaching the section where it widens. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is another soldier in a hovercraft above the widened section.) Quickly swim north until reaching the split in the river. Proceed down the left (west) path. Tip: Wearing the crocodile cap will allow you to swim through the river without being detected, even when passing directly under the searchlights. Additional weapons/items in area: CHAFF G - West bank of river in area patrolled by second hovercraft soldier Kerotan Frog - Behind rock on left (west) side of the river just north of the south end (Note: Only a small portion of the frog's head is visible.) ****************************************************************************** 5.5.3 Ponizovje West ****************************************************************************** Move west toward the docks until reaching the tree in the water on the left. There is a soldier standing on the right (north) side of the dock who will begin walking to the left (south) side of the dock. Shoot him with the Mk22. There is another guard standing on the far right (north) side of the dock near the door to the armory. Continue moving west until the soldier can be seen and shoot him with the Mk22. (HARD/EXTREME: There is another soldier standing near the crates in the northwest corner of the dock. He will hear the first

shot, radio in and a caution mode will occur. However, no additional soldiers will arrive. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he sees the body of the first soldier and moves to investigate.) Once all soldiers are asleep, swim to the far south end and pick up the M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] at the bottom of the dock. Swim north until reaching the wooden dock and climb onto it. Pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] in the first boat on the right (east). Pick up the white phosphorous grenade [WP G] in the boat on the left (west). Pick up the stun grenade [STUN G] in the second boat on the right. Continue north along the dock until reaching the end and pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] in the northwest corner behind the crates. Proceed to the armory door in the northeast corner. Enter the building and pick up the sniper rifle [SVD], Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET], TNT [TNT], AK47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] and grenade [GRENADE]. After collecting the items, exit the armory and proceed south into the water. Follow the cliff south and then right (east) to exit the area. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - Underwater in drainage tunnel on the left (west) side of the concrete dock ****************************************************************************** 5.5.4 Ponizovje South ****************************************************************************** Follow the path until reaching the split in the river. Turn left (west) and follow the path. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Be cautious of the soldier in the hovercraft to the right (east) at the river split.) Additional weapons/items in area: CHAFF G - West bank of river in area patrolled by hovercraft soldier Kerotan Frog - Behind rock on left (west) side of the river just north of the south end (Note: Only a small portion of the frog's head is visible.) ****************************************************************************** 5.5.5 Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, a cutscene with Sokolov, Volgin, Ocelot, The Boss, The Fear and The End will be seen. Once the cutscene is over, a solider will wheel The End into the warehouse through the large, orange door to the northwest. There is a soldier standing on the wooden dock in the center of the area and will walk to the east side of the dock. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is also a soldier walking behind the crates on the west side of the dock.) (EXTREME: There is also a soldier standing to the north of the crates on the west side of the dock.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling near the warehouse entrance to the northeast.) Shoot the soldier standing on the wooden dock with the Mk22.

(NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Move west until the warehouse entrance can be seen and shoot the soldier when he stops at the top of the stairs near the entrance.) (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: The final soldier will see the body of the first soldier and move along the dock to investigate. Shoot him before he reaches the body and is able to wake the soldier.) (EXTREME: Move west until the soldier standing to the north of the crates on the west side of the dock can be seen. Shoot him with the Mk22.) Each soldier must be shot in the head or a caution mode will occur and the soldier will radio in. Once the soldier radios in, a support team will arrive and wake any sleeping soldiers. Once all of the soldiers are asleep, swim to the southwest corner and pick up the SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET] on the bottom. Swim under the boat on the right (east) side of the wooden dock and pick up the M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET]. Climb onto the dock and pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and stun grenade [STUN G] in the left (west) boat. Pick up the AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] in the right (east) boat. Go north to the end of the dock and pick up the smoke grenade [SMOKE G] located behind the barrels to the left. Proceed east until reaching the wooden dock along the wall. Dive into the water and pick up the M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] and M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] under the eastern section of the wooden dock. Climb onto the dock and go through the warehouse entrance in the northeast corner. Tip: You can skip the upcoming boss battle in Sokrovenno by using the SVD to kill The End. Additional weapons/items in area: M37 BULLET - On bottom by canal gate on east side Kerotan Frog - On top of right (north) post of canal gate in southwest corner ****************************************************************************** 5.5.6 Ponizovje Warehouse ****************************************************************************** After entering the warehouse, change the camouflage uniform to Splitter and the face paint to Splitter. Proceed up the stairs to the door leading into the warehouse. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling counterclockwise in the south section.) There is a soldier patrolling counterclockwise in the north section and another soldier patrolling on the floor at the top of the north stairs. (EXTREME: There is also a soldier patrolling on the second floor of the north stairs.) Crawl through the door, turn south and crawl to the corner. Pick up the antidote [ANTIDOTE] and serum [SERUM] in the corner. (VERY EASY/EASY: Look northwest through the railing into the warehouse and shoot the soldier in the north section when he stops near the crates on the west side.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Look west through the railing into the warehouse and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he stops in the southwest corner.) (EXTREME: The soldier patrolling in the north section will be between the north and south sections and will either take a defensive position or move to

investigate. If he moves to investigate, shoot him with the Mk22 before he is able to wake up the soldier. The soldier on the second floor to the north will see the body of the first soldier and move down the stairs to investigate. Wait until he moves between the north and south sections and shoot him with the Mk22 before he is able to wake up the soldier. If the soldier patrolling in the north section was not shot before, he will see one of the bodies and move to investigate. Shoot him with the Mk22 before he is able to wake up either of the sleeping soldiers.) Climb over the railing and drop down onto the floor. (NORMAL/HARD: Quickly move to the body and drag it out of view to the south side of the crates.) Pick up the bandage [BANDAGE] in the southwest corner and then pick up the Desert face paint [FACE/DESERT] in the southeast corner of the alcove with the large, orange door. (NORMAL/HARD: Move back to the south side of the crates and press your body against the crates to determine the location of the soldier patrolling in the north section. When the soldier is out of view (walking on either the north or east side of the crates), move north along the east side of the crates until reaching the south side of the crates against the east wall. When the soldier begins walking north, stalk around the crates behind him and shoot him with the Mk22 when he stops in the northeast corner.) Move up the stairs to the second floor and locate the soldier on the top floor. If he is stopped at the south end of the floor, wait until he moves north past the stairs. If he is moving toward the north hall or the south end of the floor, stalk up the third flight of stairs and shoot him with the Mk22 when he stops and before he turns around. Once the final soldier is asleep, go back down the stairs and go back down the stairs to the second floor. Go through the door to the north and pick up the mousetrap [MOUSETRAP], Russian noodles [R.NOODLES] and calorie mate [R.C MATE] inside of the room. Exit the room and retrieve the styptic [STYPTIC] and disinfectant [DISINFECT] on the south end of the floor. Climb over the west railing and drop onto the top of the crates. Pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22]. Proceed up the stairs to the top floor and follow the north hallway to the exit. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the center support beam near the ceiling on the right (east) side (climb onto the top of the crates in the south section to see it) ****************************************************************************** 5.5.7 Graniny Gorki South ****************************************************************************** Follow the path north until reaching the fork and then proceed along the right path. Continue traveling along the path until reaching the large rock in the center of the area. There is a trip wire on the right side connected to a tree on the right side of the rock that when broken, will cause a large log with spikes to swing into the path. Crawl under the trip wire and continue following the path north.

Tip: It is a good idea to hunt and pick up the poison dart frogs (R.FROG C) in the area since they will be needed during the next boss battle and it is easier to acquire them now instead of during the battle. The poison dart frogs have a red body and blue legs and there are six in the area: two in the south section near the area's entrance, two to the south of the large rock in the center of the area and two to the north of the large rock. Tip: Using the thermal goggles will make the trip wires and traps in the area easier to see. Additional weapons/items in area: LF MED - South side of a trap on a ledge on the east side (ledge can be accessed from the north end of it) BOOK - Southwest section near trip wire R.NOODLES - Northwest corner next to trip wire Kerotan Frog - On branch of the tree to the left (west) of path leading north out of the area. ****************************************************************************** 5.5.8 Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Black and the face paint to Black. There is a soldier standing to the right on the south side of the southeast corner of the wall. (HARD/EXTREME: There is another soldier walking on the east side of the southeast corner of the wall.) There is another soldier patrolling to the left near the southwest corner of the wall. There is also a guard dog walking along the center of the south wall. Shoot the soldier standing on the south side of the southeast corner of the wall with the Mk22. (HARD/EXTREME: Shoot the soldier on the east side of the southeast corner of the wall when he sees the body of the first soldier and moves to investigate.) Once the soldier is asleep, move east along the electrical fence to pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] (beware of the snake in the grass near the item). Move west along the cliff until reaching the path leading south into the previous area. Crawl west and after passing the first tree, change the camouflage uniform to Tiger Stripe and shoot the guard dog with the Mk22. If the soldier patrolling near the southwest corner of the wall comes to investigate, shoot him when he does. Otherwise, continue crawling west and shoot him (beware of the snake in the grass near the second tree). Once the soldiers and dog are asleep, move to the west end of the electrical fence. Crawl under the gap in the fence and travel north to the west wall. Pick up the M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] next to the wall and crawl through the opening on the west side of the southwest corner. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On hill between two trees to the left (west) of the southwest corner of the wall.

****************************************************************************** 5.5.9 Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Black. There is a soldier patrolling nearby to the north and another patrolling further north on the west side of the building. (HARD: There is a soldier patrolling east and west between the trucks and will walk in front of the building.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling east and west to the south of the trucks.) There is another soldier patrolling in front of the building by the right (southeast) corner. Crawl left to the edge of the grass, use the Mk22 to shoot the closest soldier and then shoot the soldier patrolling further north. Once both soldiers are asleep, change the camouflage uniform to Tiger Stripe. Crawl east under the truck on the right (south) and pick up the M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] and Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET]. (HARD: Shoot the soldier patrolling east/west between the trucks with the Mk22 when he is walking away.) (EXTREME: Shoot the soldier patrolling east/west to the south of the trucks with the Mk22 when he is walking west before he reaches the trucks.) Shoot the soldier patrolling by the southeast corner with the Mk22. Once the soldier is asleep, crawl out from under the truck and move to the east side of the building. There is a building (armory) with a silver door to the right of the main building. Go through the silver door into the armory and pick up the AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET], M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET], TNT [TNT], XM16E1 [XM16E1] and SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET]. Exit the armory and go to the front (south side) of the main building. Enter the building through the door on the right. Additional weapons/items in area: CLAYMORE - Behind northwest corner of main building SMOKE G - Behind northwest corner of main building Kerotan Frog - Inside of west window of small building along east wall ****************************************************************************** 5.5.10 Graniny Gorki Lab 1F ****************************************************************************** After entering the building, change the camouflage uniform to Scientist and face paint to none. Only if the scientist uniform is being worn, the soldiers will not notice you. However, if you bump into a soldier, he will look at you but as long as you do not move until he says to get back to work, he will ignore you. If another scientist spots you, he will move closer to look at you. When he does, turn your back towards him until he walks away. If your face is seen, he will cry out, an alert mode will occur and the alarm will be sounded. In addition, the normal weapons cannot be selected while wearing the scientist uniform. Proceed west through the lobby to the west hallway. There is a soldier patrolling in the hallway who also goes through the door in the corner at the

far end of the hall. Proceed north past the soldier and go through the door at the end into the foyer. There is a soldier patrolling counterclockwise through the foyer and another soldier patrolling on the second floor. Go east across the foyer until reaching the stairs and travel down the stairs. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of lockers in east hallway (Note: You will need to change the camouflage uniform, shoot the frog and then change the camouflage uniform back to Scientist.) ****************************************************************************** 5.5.11 Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West ****************************************************************************** When reaching the bottom of the stairs, follow the hallway until reaching the west hallway. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL: There is a soldier patrolling in the west hallway and he will go into the room on the right side of the hall. When the soldier is in the hallway, move through the door on the right into the room and pick up the cig gas spray [CIG SPRAY].) (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the south and west hallways and he will go into the room on the right side of the hall. Move through the door on the right into the room and pick up the cig gas spray [CIG SPRAY].) Equip the cig gas spray, return to the hallway and go through the wooden door on the left side of the hall. When entering the room, there is a scientist pacing at the north end of the room. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier walking counterclockwise around the room. Stand near the door and when the soldier passes by, move behind him and use the cig gas spray.) Crawl under the table to the north end. When the scientist stops on the left or right side, crawl out from underneath the table, move behind him and use the cig gas spray before he turns around. Once the scientist is asleep, open the left locker in the corner and pick up the knockout handkerchief [HANDKER]. Go through the door in the northeast corner into the computer room. After entering the room, there is a scientist who will move between two cubicles on the left (west) side. There is another scientist in the middle cubicle on the right who will occasionally walk to the north end of the room and then back to the cubicle. (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing near the northwest corner of the room.) Move to the southeast corner of the room and pick up the battery [BATTERY]. Move north until both scientists can be seen by moving slightly north and then immediately turning south. Once both scientists are in a cubicle, run north, pick up the XM16E1 suppressor [SP/XM16E1] in the last cubicle on the right and run through the door in the northwest corner. Continue traveling west and when approaching the office door, a cutscene with Granin will be seen where he will give you a key card [KEY A]. After the cutscene is over, slowly open the east door back into the computer room. After the door is open, IMMEDIATELY and quickly enter and run east and then south through the corridor leading between the cubicles to the door in

the southwest corner before being spotted by the scientists. Do not hesitate or one of the scientists will turn and spot you. Slowly open the door. There is a scientist walking in the north section of the room. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier walking counterclockwise around the room.) Quickly run to the door in the southeast corner and go through it into the hall before being spotted by the scientist. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL: There is a soldier patrolling in the west hallway and he will go into the room on the right side of the hall.) (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the south and west hallways and he will go into the room on the right side of the hall.) Move past the soldier, follow the hallway until reaching the stairs and go up the stairs. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of table near locker containing knockout handkerchief in room with first scientist ****************************************************************************** 5.5.12 Graniny Gorki Lab 1F ****************************************************************************** When reaching the top of the stairs, turn left and follow the hallway to the foyer. There is a soldier patrolling counterclockwise through the foyer and another soldier patrolling on the second floor. Proceed west across the foyer until reaching the wooden doorway. There is a soldier patrolling in the hallway who will also enter the foyer through the door. Slowly open the door and follow the hallway south until reaching the hallway on the right. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the hallway.) Follow the hallway until it turns north. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: A soldier patrols the hallway and through the red, metal door on the left into the courtyard.) On the right side of the hallway, there are several lockers. Pick up the cig gas spray ammunition [CIG SPRAY BULLET] in the second locker from the right (south). Proceed through the wooden door on the left side of the hall into the library. There is a scientist in the northwest section walking between the bookcases. Press your body against the first bookcase to determine the scientist's location. When he is walking away, move behind him and use the cig gas spray. Once the scientist is asleep, pick up the bandage [BANDAGE], ointment [OINTMENT], suture kit [SUTURE KIT] and serum [SERUM] in the room. Once all of the items have been collected, return to the hallway, proceed north to the stairs and go down the stairs. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of lockers in east hallway (Note: You will need to change the camouflage uniform, shoot the frog and then change the camouflage uniform back to Scientist.) ****************************************************************************** 5.5.13 Graniny Gorki Lab B1 East

****************************************************************************** When reaching the bottom of the stairs, follow the hallway south until reaching the door to the room on the right. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: A soldier patrols in the hallway and the room. Wait until the soldier is not in the room.) Proceed inside and pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET], antidote [ANTIDOTE], SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET] and M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET] under the south desk. Once the items have been collected, return to the hallway and follow it to the south hallway. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier patrolling in the south hallway.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling on the west end of the south hallway and a soldier patrolling on the east end of the south hallway.) Be careful of the poisonous tarantula on the floor at the east end of the hall. Proceed west through the hallway until reaching the second prison cell (with an open door). Pick up the life medicine [LF MED] under the bed. Move to the third cell and pick up the mousetrap [MOUSETRAP] in the northwest corner near the toilet. After collecting the item, return to the hallway and follow it east and then north until reaching the stairs. Proceed up the stairs until reaching the top floor. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of table in third cell (be sure the soldier walking in the west end of the hall is out of view before punching the frog) ****************************************************************************** 5.5.14 Graniny Gorki Lab 2F ****************************************************************************** When reaching the top of the stairs, turn left and follow the hallway into the foyer area. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the south and east hallways.) There is a soldier to the north in the east hallway who will enter the second door on the right. Proceed past the soldier and move west around the foyer to the hallway on the west side. Follow the hallway until reaching the end. Go through the red door and pick up the book [BOOK] on the roof. Proceed through the wooden door and pick up a calorie mate [R.C MATE] and two instant noodles [R.NOODLES] in the room. Once the items have been collected, return to the hallway and follow it to the east side of the foyer. Proceed through the first door (wooden) on the right into the library. Pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] next to the desk in the southeast corner of the room. Move back to the hallway and go through the second door on the right into the bathroom. When the soldier is not in the room, go to the last stall (that is locked) and punch/kick the door until it falls off. Pick up the Fly camouflage [UNIFORM/FLY] inside of the stall.

After collecting the camouflage, return to the hallway and follow it west into the locker room. Exit the room through the red door on the west wall. Additional weapons/items in area: XM16E1 BULLET - Inside of first locker from left (west) in locker room AK-47 BULLET - Inside of second locker from left (west) in locker room ****************************************************************************** 5.5.15 Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls ****************************************************************************** Climb over the railing and drop to the ground. Pick up the claymore mine [CLAYMORE] and smoke grenade [SMOKE G] next to the building. Change the camouflage uniform to Leaf, face paint to Woodland and move to the west side of the building. There is an opening in the wall in the grass. Crawl through the opening into the air vent. Continue crawling and when reaching the intersection, turn left and pick up the Oyama face paint [FACE/OYAMA]. Crawl back out of the vent. There is a soldier patrolling near the southwest corner of the building and another soldier patrolling further south near the southwest corner of the exterior wall. (HARD: There is a soldier patrolling east and west between the trucks and will walk in front of the building.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling east and west to the south of the trucks.) There is another soldier patrolling in front of the building by the southeast corner. Crawl south to the edge of the grass and shoot both soldiers with the Mk22. Be sure to shoot the second soldier before he sees the other soldier's body and is able to wake him. (HARD: If the soldier patrolling between the trucks is visible and is walking east, quickly begin moving southwest. Otherwise, shoot him with the Mk22 before moving.) Move southwest until reaching the southwest corner of the exterior wall and crawl through the opening in the wall. Additional weapons/items in area: M1911A1 BULLET - Under south truck Mk22 BULLET - Under south truck AK-47 BULLET - Inside of armory next to east side of main building M37 BULLET - Inside of armory next to east side of main building TNT - Inside of armory next to east side of main building XM16E1 BULLET - Inside of armory next to east side of main building SVD BULLET - Inside of armory next to east side of main building Kerotan Frog - Inside of west window of small building along east wall ****************************************************************************** 5.5.16 Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls ****************************************************************************** Move north and pick up the M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] next to the wall. Move south until reaching the corner of the wall. There is a soldier patrolling along the south side of the wall near the corner. There is also a guard dog walking near the center of the wall and another soldier patrolling west along the south side of the wall. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier

walking along the east side of the southeast corner of the wall.) Press your body against the wall at the corner to determine the soldier's location. When the soldier turns east and begins walking away, stalk around the corner and tranquilize him with the Mk22. Once the soldier is asleep, move southwest to the gap in the electrical fence and crawl under (beware of the snake in the grass near the tree after crawling under the fence). Change the camouflage uniform to Tiger Stripe. Crawl east and shoot the guard dog with the Mk22. If the soldier patrolling near the southeast corner of the wall comes to investigate, shoot him when he does. Otherwise, continue crawling east and shoot him. (HARD/EXTREME: Move east until reaching the path leading south. Crawl east and shoot the soldier walking along the east side of the southeast corner of the wall when he is in view.) Once the soldiers and dog are asleep, travel east along the electrical fence and pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] in the grass near the east corner. Turn around and go west until reaching the path leading south. Follow the path south. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On hill between two trees to the left (west) of the southwest corner of the wall. ****************************************************************************** 5.5.17 Graniny Gorki South (The Fear boss battle) ****************************************************************************** After the opening cutscene with The Fear, his life and stamina gauge will be displayed. You will have a poisoned crossbow arrow injury that you need to treat. Select Cure from the Survival Viewer menu, heal the poison with serum and the crossbow arrow with the survival knife, styptic, and bandage. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. The Fear is wearing camouflage that makes him appear invisible and he will jump from tree to tree. This jumping will drain his stamina gauge. Use the thermal goggles to see him, but watch the battery life indicator. Occasionally he will stop on a branch and shoot crossbow arrows at you. He will either shoot multiple arrows or shoot a single "special" arrow (flaming or with a grenade attached). Before attacking, he will always say something to you. When his stamina reaches 50%, he will say that he is hungry, move to the ground, find food and eat it. This will restore his stamina to full strength. Once the injuries are cured, hunt and pick up the poison dart frogs (R.FROG C) in the area if you did not do so when in the area previously. The poison dart frogs have a red body and blue legs and there are five in the area: two northwest of the large rock in the center, one southwest of the large rock and two in the south section near the area's south entrance. Once you have the frogs, remove all of them from the backpack and throw each of them into a single area. If The Fear says something indicating he is about to attack,

begin running and once the attack is completed, continue throwing the frogs. Once all of the frogs have been thrown, equip the Mk22 and remove the suppressor (if attached). Equip the thermal goggles and locate The Fear. If he makes a comment indicating he is about to attack, begin running and once the attack is completed, continue looking for him. Once he is located, follow his movements until he stops on a branch (indicating he is getting ready to shoot). Once he stops, shoot him with the Mk22. He will not attack and will begin jumping again. Continue this pattern of locating him and shooting him when he stops until his stamina gauge reaches 50% and he says he is hungry. Once The Fear says that he is hungry, he will move to the ground to find food. He will go for prepared food first (i.e., food that has already been turned into rations and can be picked up). Aim for the area where the poison dart frogs were thrown. When The Fear stops and begins eating, shoot him with the Mk22. When he eats the frogs, he will become sick (since they are poisonous), lose additional stamina and will move back into the trees. He will immediately come back down and try to find food again. Shoot him again when he comes to the poison dart frogs. Once his life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over and a final cutscene with The Fear will be seen. After the final cutscene is complete, if The Fear was defeated using non-lethal means, pick up the spider camouflage [UNIFORM/SPIDER] to the southwest. When worn, this camouflage will steadily decrease your stamina. Proceed south along the path. Additional weapons/items in area: AK-47 BULLET - Northwest corner next to trip wire M37 BULLET - Northeast corner next to cliff GRENADE - Southwest corner to the right of quicksand XM16E1 BULLET - East side in the center of trees Mk22 BULLET - Southeast corner on ledge near trip wire (ledge can be accessed from the north end of it) M1911A1 BULLET - Top of rock in center (rock can be accessed by climbing the tree on the south side, walking along the branch and dropping down onto the rock) Kerotan Frog - On branch of tree to left (west) of path leading north out of the area. ****************************************************************************** 5.6 Operation Snake Eater (Part 5) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5.6.1 Ponizovje Warehouse ****************************************************************************** After entering the warehouse, change the camouflage uniform to Splitter and the face to Splitter. While staying as close to the east and north walls as possible, SLOWLY move along the hallway until reaching the top of the stairs. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: A soldier patrols along the east side of the second

floor.) There are two soldiers patrolling on the ground floor: one around the crate in the north section and the other around the crate in the south section. (EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling along the ledge in the southeast corner.) Crawl 1/2 way down the stairs. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Shoot the soldier on the second floor when he stops near the south railing.) Shoot the soldier in the north section of the ground floor with the Mk22 and then shoot the soldier in the south section. (EXTREME: The soldier patrolling on the ledge will see the soldier in the south section being shot. Shoot him with the Mk22 before he is able to wake him.) Once all of the soldiers are asleep, proceed down the stairs to the second floor. Go through the door to the north and pick up the mousetrap [MOUSETRAP], Russian noodles [R.NOODLES] and calorie mate [R.C MATE] inside of the room. Exit the room and retrieve the styptic [STYPTIC] and disinfectant [DISINFECT] on the south end of the floor. Climb over the west railing and drop onto the top of the crates. Pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22]. Jump off the crate, travel to the southwest corner and pick up the bandage [BANDAGE] in the corner. Move to the stairs in the southeast corner. Go up the stairs and pick up the antidote [ANTIDOTE] and serum [SERUM] at the south end of the floor. Move through the open door on the right at the south end of the floor. Go down the stairs and follow the hallway. (Note: The following four sections are only needed in order to obtain the water face paint. If the water face paint is not wanted, go through the red door on the right instead of the open door and follow the hallway to Svyatogornyj South.) Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the center support beam near the ceiling on the right (east) side (climb onto the top of the crates in the south section to see it) ****************************************************************************** 5.6.2 Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, DO NOT MOVE! A soldier is standing on the dock to the south and he will walk south along the east dock. There is a soldier standing by the crates in the northwest corner. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: The soldier will walk south along the west dock.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is another soldier in the northwest corner that will walk up the stairs, stop and face south at the end of the hallway you are standing (you will not be spotted you unless you move south along the hallway). Wait for the soldier to stop at the end of the hallway and when he does, shoot him with the Mk22.) (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: When the soldier standing on the dock to the south turns and begins walking, slowly turn right and go down the stairs. Proceed south and jump into the water. Change the camouflage uniform to Water. Quickly swim to the bottom and swim south (under the wooden dock structure) until reaching the cliff. Do not surface before reaching the cliff or you will be spotted by one of the soldiers on the docks. Once the cliff has been reached, swim to the left (east).) (EXTREME: Move south until the soldier standing by the crates in the northwest corner can be seen. When the

soldier on the dock to the south begins walking south along the dock, shoot him with the Mk22 and then quickly shoot the soldier in the northwest corner. Turn right and go down the stairs. Proceed south and jump into the water. Change the camouflage uniform to Water. Swim southeast until reaching the exit.) Additional weapons/items in area: M1911A1 BULLET - Under the boat on the east side of the wooden dock Mk22 BULLET - Inside of west boat STUN G - Inside of west boat AK-47 BULLET - Inside of west boat SMOKE G - Behind barrels in northwest corner of dock SP/M1911A1 - Under the eastern section of the wooden dock M1911A1 BULLET - Under the eastern section of the wooden dock SVD BULLET - On bottom by canal gate in southwest corner M37 BULLET - On bottom by canal gate on east side Kerotan Frog - On top of right (north) post of canal gate in southwest corner ****************************************************************************** 5.6.3 Ponizovje South ****************************************************************************** Swim south and when reaching the end of the river, pick up the water face paint [FACE/WATER]. Swim north until reaching the split in the river and continue north. Additional weapons/items in area: CHAFF G - West bank of river in wide area south of split M37 BULLET - Right (east) bank of the river just north of the south end Kerotan Frog - Behind rock on left (west) bank of the river just north of the south end (Note: Only a small portion of the frog's head is visible.) ****************************************************************************** 5.6.4 Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior ****************************************************************************** There is a soldier standing on the wooden dock in the center of the area and will walk to the east side of the dock. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is also a soldier walking behind the crates on the west side of the dock.) (EXTREME: There is also a soldier standing to the north of the crates on the west side of the dock.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling near the warehouse entrance to the northeast.) Shoot the soldier standing on the wooden dock with the Mk22. (NORMAL/HARD: Move west until the warehouse entrance can be seen and shoot the soldier when he stops at the top of the stairs near the entrance.) (EXTREME: The soldier near the warehouse entrance will see the body and move to investigate. Shoot him before he reaches the body and is able to wake the soldier.) The final soldier will see the body of the first soldier and move along the dock to investigate. Shoot him before he reaches the body and is able to wake the soldier. Each soldier must be shot

in the head or a caution mode will occur and the soldier will radio in. Once the soldier radios in, a support team will arrive and wake any sleeping soldiers. Once all of the soldiers are asleep, swim to east dock. Climb onto the dock and pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and stun grenade [STUN G] in the left (west) boat. Pick up the AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] in the right (east) boat. Go north to the end of the dock and pick up the smoke grenade [SMOKE G] located behind the barrels to the left. Proceed through the warehouse entrance in the northeast corner. Additional weapons/items in area: M1911A1 BULLET - Under the boat on the east side of the wooden dock SP/M1911A1 - Under the eastern section of the wooden dock M1911A1 BULLET - Under the eastern section of the wooden dock SVD BULLET - On bottom by canal gate in southwest corner M37 BULLET - On bottom by canal gate on east side Kerotan Frog - On top of right (north) post of canal gate in southwest corner ****************************************************************************** 5.6.5 Ponizovje Warehouse ****************************************************************************** Proceed up the stairs to the door leading into the warehouse. (EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling just inside of the warehouse door. Shoot him with the Mk22 as he walks by.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling counterclockwise in the south section.) There is a soldier patrolling counterclockwise in the north section and another soldier patrolling on the floor at the top of the north stairs. Move north, go through the red door on the right, and follow the hallway. Additional weapons/items in area: ANTIDOTE - In corner to the south of the southeast entrance SERUM - In corner to the south of the southeast entrance BANDAGE - Southwest corner of warehouse SP/Mk22 - On top of crates in north section of warehouse STYPTIC - South end of second floor of warehouse DISINFECT - South end of second floor of warehouse MOUSETRAP - Inside of room at north end of second floor of warehouse R.NOODLES - Inside of room at north end of second floor of warehouse R.C MATE - Inside of room at north end of second floor of warehouse Kerotan Frog - On top of the center support beam near the ceiling on the right (east) side (climb onto the top of the crates in the south section to see it) ****************************************************************************** 5.6.6 Svyatogornyj South ****************************************************************************** Follow the path northeast until receiving a call from Eva. Once the call is

complete, follow the path up the hill. Pick up the book [BOOK] in the tall grass in the center of the three trees to the left. Continue following the path north. Additional weapons/items in area: Various medical supplies - Plants contain various medical supplies Kerotan Frog - South side of concrete above warehouse door ****************************************************************************** 5.6.7 Svyatogornyj West ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Tiger Stripe and the face to Woodland. Follow the path north until reaching the fork (after passing between the green tree on the left and red rock on the right shortly after entering the area). Take the path on the left and follow it until reaching a group of four trees. There is a hollow log to the northwest of the trees (beware of the trap between the trees and hollow log). Move around the trap and crawl into the hollow log. There is a soldier approaching along the path from the north (soldier is very hard to see). Shoot the soldier with the Mk22 as he approaches along the path. Proceed north along the path down the hill and follow the path until it turns east up a hill. Proceed up the hill until reaching the tall grass near a tree. There is a soldier patrolling in a counterclockwise circle to the southeast. Use the thermal goggles and when the soldier is out of view, proceed northeast along the cliff until reaching the path. When reaching the path, follow it north. (EXTREME: When the path turns east, there is a soldier patrolling along the path to the east. When the soldier is walking east, stalk around the corner and shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) Follow the path east and when it turns north again, follow it until reaching the fallen trees. There is a soldier walking around the top of the hill to the northeast. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier that will walk down the hill to the northwest.) Change the camouflage uniform to Leaf and crawl in the grass northeast up the hill until reaching the tree (beware of the trip wire between the two eastern trees that is connected to a large log with spikes). When the soldier on top of the hill moves to the east side, shoot him with the Mk22. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: The remaining soldier should be out of view at the bottom of the hill to the northwest.) Quickly crawl east until reaching the path and follow it east (beware of the snare trap connected to the tree on the right side of the path). Additional weapons/items in area: XM16E1 BULLET - South side of trap in northwest corner of northern section Kerotan Frog - On ledge to the left (west) of the north end of the hollow log along the west path in southern section ****************************************************************************** 5.6.8 Svyatogornyj East ******************************************************************************

After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Tiger Stripe. Directly ahead to the north there is a fork in the path. (VERY EASY/EASY: Proceed along the left (west) path.) (NORMAL/HARD: Two soldiers walking together will approach on the left (west) path. Quickly follow the right (east) path until reaching the climbable tree on the left next to the cliff. Climb the tree, walk onto the branch and jump onto the cliff. The two soldiers should be south of your position. Slowly move behind them, shoot the soldier in the rear with the Mk22 and then shoot the soldier in the front.) (EXTREME: Three soldiers walking together will approach on the left (west) path. Quickly follow the right (east) path until reaching the climbable tree on the left next to the cliff. Climb the tree, walk onto the branch and jump onto the cliff. The three soldiers should be south of your position.) Follow the path north until reaching the fork at the large rock. Proceed along the left (west) path until it ends at the roof of a building. Get into the prone position. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier inside of the building's west room and will be visible through the windows. Use the thermal goggles to locate the soldier and shoot him when he is visible in the window on the left. The soldier must be shot in the head or a caution mode will occur and additional soldiers will arrive.) There is a soldier walking along the west deck of the cabin to the east. When the soldier reaches the north end of the deck, shoot him with Mk22. Jump onto the roof of the building, jump off the south side and enter the building through the door on the south side. Pick up the ration [RATION] and two calorie mates [R.C MATE] inside of the room. After picking up the items, exit the building. Move east along the north cliff until reaching the climbable tree on the north side of the cabin (be cautious of the soldier patrolling near the front corner (southwest) of the cabin). Climb the tree, walk onto the branch and jump onto the roof. Change the camouflage uniform to Tree Bark. Move to the east side of the roof where there is a missing roof slat. A soldier will patrol in and out of the room below. Aim at the door and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he appears. Once he is asleep, crawl toward the southwest corner of the roof. After passing the peak of the roof, look south to see if the soldier is patrolling to the south of the cabin. Shoot him with the Mk22 if he is. Otherwise, continue crawling to the southwest corner. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he is walking along the deck or when moving south into the grass. Once the soldier is asleep, jump off the south side of the roof and enter the cabin through the door on the west side. (Alternate strategy: If the soldier is leaving the room when looking through the hole in the roof, jump off the east side of the roof and SLOWLY enter the cabin through the east door. SLOWLY open the door on the south wall and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 as he is walking on the south side of the room. Exit the cabin through the east door and crawl underneath it. Wait until the remaining soldier is walking in front of the cabin. Shoot him in the leg with the Mk22 and once he is asleep, crawl out from underneath the cabin and enter through the door on the west side.) Once inside of the cabin, pick up the M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET] by the window on the south wall, the SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET] in the southeast corner and the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] in the northwest corner. Proceed

through the west door into the barracks. (HARD/EXTREME: If the sleeping soldier has less that one Z over his head, shoot him with the Mk22.) Pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] and M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] along the south wall, the TNT [TNT] under the north bunk and the XM16E1 suppressor [SP/XM16E1] under the north bunk. Proceed back out the door into the room, pick up the XM16E1 ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET] in the northeast corner and go through the north door. Climb over the crates in the southwest corner and pick up the M63 [M63] in the corner. Climb back over the crates and exit the cabin through the door on the east side. After exiting the cabin, change the camouflage uniform to Tiger Stripe. Move to the south side of the cabin. (EXTREME: Look southwest and if the first three soldiers are approaching along the rocks, wait until they proceed between the rocks and begin traveling south along the path.) Proceed west along the path between the rocks until reaching the path leading south. Follow the path south until it turns west. (NORMAL/HARD: When approaching the area where the first two soldiers were tranquilized, look to see if they are still asleep. If either of them has less that one Z over their head, shoot them with the Mk22. Otherwise, they make awaken before you are out of view.) (EXTREME: Be cautious of the three soldier's position to avoid being detected.) Continue following the path south and as it turns west. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On third shelf at south end of west room (barracks) inside of cabin ****************************************************************************** 5.6.9 Svyatogornyj West ****************************************************************************** Tip: It is a good idea to save the game when entering this area. If the game is saved at the beginning of the next area when starting the boss battle, the battle will/ immediately be lost if the game is reloaded on a later day. Follow the path until reaching the tall grass by the tree on the right next to the cliff. Move to the east side of the tree and change the camouflage uniform to Leaf. There is a soldier on top of the hill to the south. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier walking in the northwest section. Aim west between the trees and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he appears.) QUICKLY run west until reaching the path and follow it north before being spotted by the soldier on the hill to the south. Additional weapons/items in area: XM16E1 BULLET - South side of trap in northwest corner of area Kerotan Frog - On ledge to the left (west) of the north end of the hollow log along the west path in southern section ****************************************************************************** 5.6.10 Sokrovenno South/North/West (The End boss battle) ******************************************************************************

After entering the area, an opening cutscene will be seen and a call will be received from Eva. After the call is over, select the Map option from the Survival Viewer menu to display a map of the area. The battle takes place in Sokrovenno South (current area), Sokrovenno North and Sokrovenno West. The map will contain white circles that represent the locations where The End may be. If The End shoots, the location will appear as a red circle on the map. The End fires powerful anesthetic needles that when will rapidly drain your stamina. If hit, select Cure from the Survival Viewer menu and use the survival knife to remove the needle. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. If your stamina gauge is empty, the battle will be over and you will wake up in the jail cell in Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West. The End's location must first be determined. The first is to run through the area to cause him to shoot his rifle (he will make a comment just before firing). Once he shoots, his location will appear on the Survival Viewer map. The second method is to check each possible location to see if he is there. Quietly move to each location, making sure to use the grass, trees and rocks to stay as hidden as possible. When near the location, equip the thermal goggles to see if he is there or use the directional microphone to listen for him making noises (breathing, talking, snoring, etc.). You can also use the binoculars to look at each location. Be careful since the lens will reflect in the sunlight and may reveal your location. However, the scope on his sniper rifle will also cause a reflection that will reveal his location. When the battle starts, the end is USUALLY in one of the sniping locations on the cliff in the northwest or northeast part of Sokrovenno South. Several methods can be used to determine The End's location. Once The End's position has been established, you need to approach him from behind. Unless he hears you approaching, he will always be facing toward the center of the area. BE SURE TO STAY OUT OF HIS LINE OF SIGHT! The following is a list of the possible locations in each area and the best route(s) to travel to reach the location undetected. Note that some of the locations require approaching from a different area. Sokrovenno South ---------------Northwest, top of cliff (4) 1. From Sokrovenno North, south on furthest left (west) path 2. From Sokrovenno West, east on center path in southeast section Northeast, top of cliff (2) 1. From Sokrovenno North, south on furthest right (east) path South, flat area 1. South along the cliff on the west or east side South central, flat area 1. East on path on west side Southwest, flat area 1. Follow cliff on each side south and then west

Sokrovenno North ---------------Southwest, top of cliff (4) 1. South on western most path 2. From Sokrovenno West, east on top (north) path in southeast section 3. From Sokrovenno West, east on center path in southeast section and follow path through Sokrovenno South Southeast, top of cliff (3) 1. South along east cliff until reaching path leading west between two rocks North, top of cliff (4) 1. North on furthest right (east) path near cliff and then west 2. From Sokrovenno West, east on northern most path East, top of cliff (4) 1. From Sokrovenno West, east on northern most path, continue east until reaching cliff on east side and then south

Sokrovenno West --------------Southeast, top of cliff (3) 1. From Sokrovenno North, west on furthest south path South, east side of river 1. From Sokrovenno South, west on furthest south path South, west side of river 1. From Sokrovenno South, west on furthest south path West, flat area 1. South on furthest left (west) path Northwest, east side of river 1. West on furthest north path Northwest, west side of river 1. North on furthest left (west) path North, top of cliff (4) From Sokrovenno North, west on furthest north path East, flat area next to cliff 1. From Sokrovenno North, west on furthest south path in northwest section and south along edge of cliff


Begin stalking when nearing a location. If The End is at the location, be sure to stay out of his line of sight and remain silent. Otherwise, he will see or hear you and shoot at you. Use the thermal goggles to help determine if he is at the location. If it begins to rain, The End will fall asleep. If this occurs, you can look for the Zs above his head at the location. Once you are behind him, point the Mk22 at his head. The End will raise his hands, lay down his gun and lie down on the ground. Once he is lying on the ground, point the gun at his head three times. The first two times, he will shake and say, "I don't think so.". However, the last time he will shake and drop the moss camouflage [UNIFORM/MOSS]. When worn, this camouflage will increase your stamina while standing in the sunlight. Once he does, quickly shoot him in the head three times, pick up the camouflage and change the camouflage uniform to moss. After he has been shot, he will throw a stun grenade and begin running to a new location. Once he throws the stun grenade, return to normal view (if in first person view), turn away from the stun grenade's location to avoid being blinded and begin running after him. The End will be able to outrun you so once you lose sight of him, follow the footprints that he leaves (using the thermal goggles will make them easier to see). Occasionally he will stop running to catch his breath. If he does, run behind him and shoot him with the Mk22 until he resumes running. Use the Survival Viewer map to determine which location he is heading. Since he makes sharp turns when running, this may need to be an educated guess. DO NOT FOLLOW HIS FOOTPRINTS TO THE LOCATION! This is because once he reaches the location, you will be shot if he sees or hears you. If his footprints disappear before determining his location, you will need to find him using the methods previously described. Once his new location is ascertained, approach him from behind, hold him up and shoot him three times with the Mk22. He will throw a stun grenade and run to a new location. Continue using this pattern of locating his position, moving to his location and shooting him until he is defeated. If The End's stamina is significantly low (down to approximately 25%), if he is not found quickly, he will begin speaking to the forest. A large beam of light will appear at his location and his stamina will be completely replenished. If the beam of light appears and you are close to its location, quickly run to the location and shoot The End with the Mk22 before the stamina is recharged. Once his life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over and a final cutscene with The End will be seen. After the final cutscene is complete, you will automatically be in Sokrovenno North. If The End was defeated using nonlethal means, pick up the Mosin Nagant [MOSIN N] in the center of the trees west of your position following the final cutscene. Proceed to the northeast corner and enter the tunnel. Note: If you killed The End in Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior, the areas will be filled with soldiers. Tip: If you save during the battle, set the console's clock head by one week, when reloading the game you will receive a call saying The End is dead. However, you will not be able to acquire the Mosin Nagant.

Additional weapons/items in area: TNT - Inside of building in west section of Sokrovenno South SVD BULLET - Inside of building in west section of Sokrovenno South Mk22 BULLET - Inside of building in west section of Sokrovenno South XM16E1 BULLET - Inside of building in west section of Sokrovenno South M37 BULLET - Inside of building in west section of Sokrovenno South Kerotan Frog - On hill behind (north side) of building in west section of Sokrovenno South Kerotan Frog - In opening at south end of stream in Sokrovenno West Kerotan Frog - From the second path from the west in the south section of Sokrovenno West, proceed north until the path widens. There is a tree on the right side of the path next to the cliff. The frog is located between the north side of the tree and the cliff. ****************************************************************************** 5.7 Operation Snake Eater (Part 6) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5.7.1 Krasnogorje Tunnel ****************************************************************************** Follow the tunnel until reaching the ladder. Climb up the very long ladder and when reaching the top, follow the tunnel to the exit. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - Left side of tunnel on the north side of the second archway ****************************************************************************** 5.7.2 Krasnogorje Mountain Base ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Animals and the face paint to Desert. Pick up the serum [SERUM] and smoke grenade [SMOKE G] in the corner to the northeast. Travel west until reaching the edge of the cliff. There is a solder with an RPG standing on the ledge of the cliff to the north facing south. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling right and left in the trench past the second small hill. Crawl north until reaching the top of the second small hill and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he stops on the left side of the trench.) Crawl north until reaching the top of the small hill after passing the rock on the left. There is a soldier patrolling right and left in the trench ahead to the north and another soldier walking in the trench to the right (east) near the cliff. Shoot the soldier to the north with the Mk22 when he stops on the left (west) side of the trench. Continue traveling north until reaching the rock formation that forms a triangle tunnel. Pick up the serum [SERUM], Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET] under the rocks. Crawl north to the base of the hill for the next trench. There is a soldier patrolling right and left in the

trench. When he begins walking to the right (east), crawl to the top of the hill and shoot him with the Mk22. (HARD/EXTREME: There is also a soldier walking in the trench to the right (east) near the cliff.) Continue north until reaching the path between the rocks. Additional weapons/items in area: CHAFF G - Top of ledge where soldier with RPG stands (Accessed by crawling through the tunnel with the entrance south of the ledge) GRENADE - Top of ledge where soldier with RPG stands (Accessed by crawling through the tunnel with the entrance south of the ledge) Kerotan Frog - Far left (west) side on top of rock over path at exit ****************************************************************************** 5.7.3 Krasnogorje Mountainside ****************************************************************************** (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier standing at the top of the slope to the northwest and he will walk down the slope.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing on the top level of the hill to the north. Move so that the soldier spots you and begins walking down the slope to investigate.) QUICKLY run up the slope until reaching the small alcove, ignoring the various items and weapons. Pick up the stun grenade [STUN G] in the alcove. Wait until the soldier passes from the right to left as he walks down the slope. When he does, slowly move out of the alcove and shoot him with the Mk22. After the soldier is shot, pick up the M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET], M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET], AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] and antidote [ANTIDOTE] inside of the large alcove (beware of the scorpion inside) and pick up the SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET] along the cliff to the south. (HARD/EXTREME: Drag the soldier's body north up the slope to that his head is visible from inside of the alcove. Move north up the slope until the soldier standing by the entrance to the small cave on the ledge above can be seen. Press your body against the cliff and knock. The soldier will hear the knock and begin moving to the slope to investigate. Quickly run back down the slope until reaching the small alcove. When the soldier reaches the slope, he will see the body of the soldier and walk down the slope to investigate. When the soldier stops at the body, shoot him with the Mk22 before he is able to wake up the sleeping soldier.) Move north to the top of the slope. Pick up the styptic [STYPTIC], white phosphorous grenade [WP G], XM16E1 ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET] and SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET] inside of the small cave to the right (be careful of the snake inside). After picking up the items, exit the cave and continue traveling northeast up the slope until reaching the ledge where it turns left. Climb onto the ledge and get into the prone position. A solder will patrol along the ledge to the north near the anti-aircraft gun. When he stops near the gun, shoot him with the Mk22. Continue north and pick up the XM16E1 ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET] in the alcove on the right across from the machine gun. Continue moving up the slope until reaching the next ledge.

After reaching the ledge, quietly travel east until reaching the edge of the large rock before the path leading to the next ledge. There is a soldier patrolling on the path. When the soldier is moving up the path, stalk behind him and either perform a CQC throw or hold him up and then shoot him with the Mk22. Once the soldier has been neutralized, move back down the path to the previous ledge and pick up the bandage [BANDAGE] in the alcove on the east end of the path. Proceed back to the path and follow it to the next ledge. Go to the east side of the ledge and climb onto the narrow path. Follow the narrow path until it turns north. When it turns north, crawl to the end of the path and pick up the mosin nagant ammunition [MOSIN N BULLET]. Turn around and move back to the bottom of the path to the ledge. Travel west on the ledge along the cliff and stop when it turns north. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the next area that walks between lower area and the building on the northeast corner of the hill. When the soldier moves to the lower area and stops, crawl around the ledge's corner and shoot him with the Mk22.) Move north until reaching the lower area. There is a soldier standing near the entrance to the building in the northeast corner. Crawl northwest until the soldier can be seen and shoot him with the Mk22. Move up the hill until reaching the first building (on the right). Go inside the building through the door on the west side and pick up the TNT [TNT] and RPG [RPG-7]. Exit the building and continue up the hill to the second building (on the left). Enter the building through the door on the south side and pick up the serum [SERUM], splint [SPLINT] and disinfectant [DISINFECT]. Exit the building and enter the third building (on the right) through the door on the east side. Pick up the calorie mate [R.C MATE] and three rations [RATION] inside. Once the items have been picked up, exit the building and move to the east side of the building (between the two buildings). There is a soldier standing to the left (west) behind the third building. Slowly crawl north until the soldier can be seen. When the soldier is visible, shoot him with the Mk22 and proceed north to the path between the rocks. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the southwest corner of the building in the northeast corner (need to stand by the anti-aircraft gun to the south of the building in order to see the frog) ****************************************************************************** 5.7.4 Krasnogorje Mountaintop ****************************************************************************** Get into the prone position immediately after entering the area. There is a soldier walking to the east directly to the north. Shoot him with the Mk22 while he is walking. Move northeast to the south side of the trench and proceed along the south side of the trench until reaching the area near the anti-aircraft gun. Proceed into the building next to the gun through the door on the south side and pick up the grenade [GRENADE], smoke grenade [SMOKE G] and M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET].

After picking up the items, crawl into the opening in the northeast corner and crawl through the tunnel. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling south in the trench at the tunnel's exit. Wait approximately 5 seconds before crawling out of the tunnel to be sure the soldier is in the trench to the left of the exit or is moving to investigate the body of the first soldier.) When exiting the tunnel in the trench, turn right and crawl into the opening into the tunnel. Continue crawling through the tunnel until reaching the end near the building (armory). (HARD: There is a soldier patrolling east and west in the trench to the south and will walk along the trench to the armory. Be sure the soldier is not walking near the armory before crawling out of the tunnel.) Enter the building through the door on the north side and pick up the TNT [TNT], SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET], RPG-7 rockets [RPG-7 BULLET] and M63 ammunition [M63 BULLET]. Once the items have been collected, exit the building and crawl into the opening to the left (west) into the tunnel. When reaching the end of the tunnel, stop after crawling into the trench. A soldier patrols between the anti-aircraft gun to the west and the anti-aircraft gun to the northwest. There is a soldier patrolling in the trench where it turns east. When the soldier walking by the anti-aircraft gun is not facing the trench, crawl north in the trench (be sure to stay in the prone position to avoid being spotted). Continue crawling in the trench until it turns right (east). (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: A soldier that patrols in the trench to the east and will walk up to the anti-aircraft gun to the northeast. Wait until the soldier is either moving east in the trench or standing by the anti-aircraft gun and is NOT walking toward the trench.) Follow the trench east and south. After moving approximately 1/2 of the way through the trench after it turns southeast (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: out of the previous soldier's view when he enters the trench), get into the prone position. There is a soldier patrolling on the south side of the trench near the anti-aircraft gun where the trench turns north. Crawl south and shoot the soldier with the Mk22 when he can be seen. Once the soldier has been tranquilized, follow the trench until reaching the red door. Additional weapons/items in area: BANDAGE - Inside of building in northwest section SUTURE KIT - Inside of building in northwest section OINTMENT - Inside of building in northwest section Kerotan Frog - On the cliff to the southeast of the southeast building ****************************************************************************** 5.7.5 Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, a cutscene will be seen with Eva where she will give you a key [KEY B]. Once the cutscene is over, another cutscene will be seen with Volgin, Ocelot and The Boss. Once the cutscene is over, move south through the door into the building. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On middle section just above the lights of the radio tower

in the southeast corner of the base (Note: You will need to use the SVD or Mosin Nagant in order to shoot this frog.) ****************************************************************************** 5.7.6 Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins ****************************************************************************** Pick up the two noodles [R.NOODLES] and proceed down the stairs. When reaching the bottom of the stairs, pick up the XM16E1 ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET] and claymore mine [CLAYMORE] mine on the east side of the room and the SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET], AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] and mosin nagant ammunition [MOSIN N BULLET] under the cot on the west side. Exit through the door on the south wall. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - In the southwest corner on a shelf above the bed ****************************************************************************** 5.7.7 Krasnogorje Mountaintop ****************************************************************************** Proceed south through the trench until it turns southwest. A soldier with a flamethrower will approach from the north and will climb out of the trench at the point where it turns. Shoot him before he climbs out of the trench. After the soldier is asleep, climb out of the trench and move to the east side of the anti-aircraft gun. Slide down the south cliff to the next ledge. A soldier patrols to the west on the ledge below the anti-aircraft gun. He will see your movement and go to investigate. Quickly slide down the cliff to the next ledge and go through the red door before being spotted by the soldier. Tip: Be sure the stamina gauge is full before leaving the area. Additional weapons/items in area: GRENADE - Inside of building in southeast section SMOKE G - Inside of building in southeast section M37 BULLET - Inside of building in southeast section TNT - Inside of building in north section SVD BULLET - Inside of building in north section RPG-7 BULLET - Inside of building in north section M63 BULLET - Inside of building in north section BANDAGE - Inside of building in northwest section SUTURE KIT - Inside of building in northwest section OINTMENT - Inside of building in northwest section Kerotan Frog - On the cliff to the southeast of the southeast building ****************************************************************************** 5.7.8 Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel (The Fury boss battle) ****************************************************************************** Proceed down the stairs and when reaching the bottom, pick up the XM16E1 ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET], M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET] and M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] in the corner at the south end of the hall. Travel north

through the hall and pick up the bandage [BANDAGE] and ointment [OINTMENT] on the right side when nearing the exit. When reaching the exit, turn right and pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] and AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] at the east end of the catwalk near the barrels. Follow the catwalk to the west and then north. When reaching the north end of the catwalk, change the camouflage uniform to Olive Drab and face paint to Black. Jump to the lower level and a cutscene with The Fury will be seen. After the opening cutscene with The Fury, his life and stamina gauge will be displayed and he will fly overhead to the south end of the area. The area is comprised of six aisles. Once reaching the south end, The Fury will begin slowly walking north up an aisle looking for you. If you are spotted, The Fury will fire his flamethrower at you. His flamethrower can shoot fire down the entire length of an aisle and some fire will remain on the aisle's walls and floor after he stops. He will also use his jetpack to fly around and shoot fire and will sometimes run down an aisle while shooting. Finally, he will sometimes begin counting down. When he reaches zero, he will use his jetpack to fly through the aisle, filling it with fire. He will stop his countdown if he is shot before he says "Ignition! Fire!". Numerous barrels are located throughout the area and will explode if hit with fire. There are also pipes overhead that are filled with water that if shot, will extinguish the flames. However, only certain pipes have water and the total amount of water is limited (i.e., second pipe shot will have less water than the first). If the flames hit you or you stop moving too close to the flames on the floor or wall, you will catch on fire and may be burned. If you catch on fire, begin running and rolling to extinguish the flames before being burned. If you are burned, you will need to treat it with ointment and bandage by selecting Cure from the Survival Viewer menu. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. Once the opening cutscene is over, run to the north end of the current aisle. Equip the thermal goggles and look down each aisle to determine The Fury's location. Once he has been found, shoot him in the CENTER of his helmet with the mosin nagant. After shooting him, unselect the mosin nagant (since you cannot move with the weapon selected) and VERY QUICKLY move west or east to another aisle since The Fury will shoot his flamethrower. Climb onto the ledge at the north end of the area, move into the north hallway with the red door and get into the prone position. Equip the Mk22 and remove the suppressor (if attached). Wait until The Fury appears at the north end of an aisle or lands on the ledge. Watching for flames shooting out of an aisle and the glow from his jetpack can help determine which aisle The Fury is in. When he appears, shoot him three times with the Mk22 (he will be knocked down on the third shot) and then he will use his jetpack to fly away. He may spot you if he is walking on the ledge. If you are spotted, quickly shoot him once, stand up and try to shoot him two more times. If he is not shot three times before he shoots his flamethrower, he will shoot flames into the hallway that will hit you. Quickly run south into the farthest west or east aisle, whichever is further away from him. Once he begins moving, watch for his location and once the flames in the hallway by the door are out, move back into the hallway and continue repeating this pattern. Whenever you are moving

in the aisles, make use of the right analog stick to change the camera view to see around corners and be sure to peek around a corner before moving around it. Once his life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over and a final cutscene with The Fury will be seen. After the final cutscene is complete, if The Fury was defeated using non-lethal means, pick up the fire camouflage [UNIFORM/FIRE] to your left. When worn, this camouflage will prevent you from being injured by fire. Proceed down the hall and pick up the disinfectant [DISINFECTANT] on the right side and the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] on the left side. When reaching the end of the hallway, pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] on the right side of the bridge. Go across the bridge and pick up the ointment [OINTMENT] and bandage [BANDAGE] on the left and right side of the catwalk, respectively. Climb up the ladder. Additional weapons/items in area: SVD BULLET - In left (west) corner of ledge at north end of area AK-47 BULLET - In right (east) corner of ledge at north end of area M1911A1 BULLET - On left (west) side of south end of area Mk22 BULLET - On right (east) side of south end of area XM16E1 BULLET - On ledge on west side of second aisle from east GRENADE - On ledge on east side of second aisle from west Kerotan Frog - While standing in the hallway with the red door at the north end of the area, face south. The frog is located on the west side of the red pipe across the center column. (Note: These items are only available during the boss battle.) ****************************************************************************** 5.8 Operation Snake Eater (Part 7) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5.8.1 Groznyj Grad Southwest ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Splitter. There is a soldier walking south between the shipping crates to the north and will turn east after passing them. (EXTREME: There is also a soldier patrolling along the north side of the shipping crates, will walk south between two crates and then walk east.) Immediately go west around the crates, proceed up the red ramp and quickly go northwest between the south two crates before being spotted by the soldier. Stop when reaching the edge of the crates. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier patrolling to the west near the truck on the south side of the building.) (EXTREME: There are two soldiers patrolling to the west near the truck on the south side of the building.) After passing the truck, the soldier will turn north and walk to the north wall. There is another soldier patrolling around the northeast corner of the northern building. Crawl west until the soldier by the northeast corner of the building can be seen (he should be walking north) and shoot him with the Mk22. After tranquilizing the soldier, move north along the east side of the

buildings. When reaching the north wall, travel west until reaching the orange door and proceed through the door. (Note: There is also a soldier patrolling in the front (east side) of the hangar in the southwest corner of the area. (HARD/EXTREME: There is also a soldier patrolling north in the road between the buildings.)) Additional weapons/items in area: GRENADE - Under platform at top of red ramp, west of entry point M1911A1 BULLET - Under platform at top of red ramp, west of entry point SMOKE G - Under platform at top of red ramp, west of entry point XM16E1 BULLET - Under platform at top of red ramp, west of entry point SVD BULLET - Under east shipping crate Mk22 BULLET - Under northeast shipping crate STYPTIC - Under center shipping crate CHAFF G - Under southwest shipping crate XM16E1 BULLET - Under west shipping crate BANDAGE - Under northwest shipping crate DISINFECT - Under northwest shipping crate SP/M1911A1 - Inside of rear of truck in northwest section Kerotan Frog - Inside of partially open door of middle hangar on west side ****************************************************************************** 5.8.2 Groznyj Grad Northeast ****************************************************************************** After moving through the door, there is a soldier patrolling around the northwest corner of the building to the right. Quickly move along the south side of the building until reaching the southeast corner. There is a soldier walking along the east side of the building, will walk west when reaching the end and then return. Move around the corner and shoot the soldier before he reaches the corner. Move north until reaching the corner of the building. (NORMAL: There is a soldier to the northwest walking in front of the truck on the right.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier standing on the left (west) side of the of the truck on the right who will begin walking west. There is also a soldier patrolling to the northwest in front of the truck on the left.) (NORMAL/EXTREME: Another soldier patrols on the north side of the crates and shipping containers to the northeast. When the soldier near the containers can be seen, shoot him with the Mk22.) (EXTREME: Shoot the soldier walking west near the truck on the right and the quickly shoot the soldier walking in front of the truck on the left before he see the sleeping soldier.) Crawl north until reaching the rear of the eastern truck. Climb into the truck and pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET], smoke grenade [SMOKE G] and white phosphorous grenade [WP G]. Get out of the truck and move to the east side. Move north to the building and then proceed west until reaching the orange door. Change the camouflage uniform to Scientist, face paint to none and proceed through the door. (Note: (NORMAL/HARD: There is also a soldier patrolling on the north and east side of the building in the southeast corner.) There is a soldier patrolling east/west in the northeast section and searchlights in the east, northeast and

northwest sections of the area.) Additional weapons/items in area: GRENADE - Rear of western truck CHAFF G - Rear of western truck SMOKE G - Rear of western truck R.C MATE (2) - Inside of building in northeast corner of area RATION - Inside of building in northeast corner of area Kerotan Frog - In the northwest corner of the area, there is a trench near the large, red door. Climb into the trench and follow it west and then south until reaching a tunnel on the right. The frog is behind the metal gate at the end of the tunnel. ****************************************************************************** 5.8.3 Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing ****************************************************************************** After entering the building, a soldier will walk into the lobby from the east hallway and then return. (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: Another soldier will move down the stairs in the east hall and enter the far north room (with the locked door) along the east wall.) (EXTREME: Another soldier will move down the stairs in the east hall and enter the far south room along the east wall, exit the room and then enter the far north room (with the locked door) along the east wall.) Shortly afterwards, Major Raikov (distinguished by his long, blonde hair) will walk down the stairs in the east hallway, briefly enter the first room along the west wall (library) and then proceed up the north stairs into the second floor rooms. Finally, a soldier will appear at the end of the far northeast hall and enter the last room along the east wall with the locked door. Go north down the hallway and wait for the soldier to walk into the room with the locked door. After the soldier enters the room, follow behind him before the door closes. Pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] in the southwest corner, XM16E1 ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET] on top of the crate along the north wall, Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] on top of the crate in the southeast corner, M63 ammunition [M63 BULLET] and M37 ammunition [M37 BULLET] on top of the crate in the center and the Scorpion [SCORPION] in the northeast corner. After picking up the items, exit the room through the west door and go south to the next room. Move inside of the room and pick up the antidote [ANTIDOTE] on top of the crate in the southeast corner and the suture kit [SUTURE KIT] and ointment [OINTMENT] on top of the crates along the north wall. Once the items have been collected, exit the room. Proceed north to the stairs and follow the stairs to the top. At the top of the stairs, move into the room with the desks and wait until Major Raikov arrives. When he does, move behind him and use the cig gas spray. Once he is asleep, drag him through the door in the southwest corner and continue south until reaching the locker room. When the locker room is reached, a cutscene will be seen of him being put into a locker. After the cutscene is over, you will have his uniform. Change the camouflage uniform to officer and face paint to mask. Exit through the door in the southwest corner.

Additional weapons/items in area: MOUSETRAP - Top of crate inside of southern most room in east hallway of first floor BOOK - Northwest corner of room (library) along west wall of first floor (be careful since there is a scientist along the west wall of the room) CIG SPRAY BULLET - Under second table from south in southeast room of second floor (be cautious since there are numerous scientists in the north section of this room) HANDKER - Under west table in northwest room on second floor RATION - Inside of third locker from the north on the east side of the center set in locker room on second floor SP/M1911A1 - Inside of second locker from the north on the far west set in locker room on second floor (need to punch/kick door until it falls off since it is locked) RATION - Inside of fourth locker from the north on the far west set in in locker room on second floor SP/XM16E1 - Inside of fifth locker from the north on the far west set in in locker room on second floor Kerotan Frog - Top of the bookshelf in northwest room on second floor ****************************************************************************** 5.8.4 Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing ****************************************************************************** Follow the hallway west and then north and move through the door at the end of the hall. Additional weapons/items in area: None ****************************************************************************** 5.8.5 Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor ****************************************************************************** Follow the hallway west and proceed through the door at the end, past the sentries. After entering the room, a cutscene with Eva, Sokolov, Volgin and The Boss will be seen. Once the cutscene is over, you will be asked if you want to save the game. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the pole with the siren speakers in the distance outside of the south window (Tip: After entering the hall, quickly shoot the sentries with the Mk22. Otherwise, they will see you, move towards you and trigger an alert mode.) ****************************************************************************** 5.8.6 Groznyj Grad Torture Room ******************************************************************************

The screen will be black, but you will hear Volgin torturing someone. Once he is complete, he will begin torturing you. When he says "Well then, let's get started...", press and hold the L2 button to avoid having your life gauge decrease during the torture. Once the torture is completed, a cutscene with Volgin, Ocelot and The Boss will be seen. During the cutscene, The Boss will shoot you with a bullet containing a fake death pill, Ocelot will implant a transmitter in your back and give you a Single Action Army gun [SAA]. Once the cutscene is over, you will be locked in a cell and will have lost all your weapons, camouflage and food. Pick up the fork [FORK] in the southwest corner of the cell and use it to remove the fake death pill and transmitter by selecting Cure from the Survival Viewer menu. Once this is complete, pick up the fake death pill [F.DEATH.P]. Use the fork to kill the rat in the cell to restore your stamina (currently at approximately 1/2). After eating the rat, move to the foot of the cot near the door in the northwest corner. There is a soldier walking near the cells and will walk into the room in the northwest corner through the door on the south side. He will occasionally throw a food items into the cell. (HARD/EXTREME: Pick up one of the food items thrown into the cell, but DO NOT EAT OR DISPOSE IT!) Watch the soldier and when he enters the room, enter the frequency of 144.75 into the radio to unlock the door. Crawl out of the cell and once out, you will receive a radio call from the major. Following the radio call, quickly crawl west across the hall and under the windows of the room. Continue crawling south until reaching the first hallway on the left. When reaching the hallway, quickly run west to exit the area. (Note: An alert will occur if the soldier sees the cell is empty before you have exited the area.) Additional weapons/items in area: CAMERA - Northwest corner of northwest room STYPTIC - Northwest corner of southwest room DISINFECT - Southeast corner of southwest room OINTMENT - Southeast corner of southwest room SUTURE KIT - Under cot in southwest room BANDAGE - Under cot in southwest room Kerotan Frog - Under desk on right (east) side of northwest room (Tip: Shoot the frog before being tortured.) ****************************************************************************** 5.8.7 Groznyj Grad Southeast ****************************************************************************** After exiting the building, press your body against the building's wall. There is a soldier patrolling in the northwest section of the area. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier standing near the crates along the far west wall.) (HARD: There is a soldier patrolling northwest of the building in the center of the area.) (EXTREME: There are two soldiers patrolling northwest of the building in the center of the area.) While staying pressed against the wall, move south along the wall until reaching the corner. (VERY EASY/EASY/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier standing on the south side of the building and he will begin walking east. When he starts moving east, stalk

behind him until reaching the corner of the south wall (near the front of the truck). Stalk south until the soldier has moved further east and is out of view.) (NORMAL: Move west until reaching the corner of the south wall (near the front of the truck.) Run south until reaching the pole in the southwest corner. Crawl through the opening in the wall near the ground. (Note: There is also a soldier walking along the east side of the building, a soldier in the north section and a soldier on the roof of the building.) Additional weapons/items in area: C BOX C - Next to east side of building Kerotan Frog - Climb the stairs on the west side of the building or the ladder on the south side of the building. The frog is located on the southeast corner of the roof. (Tip: Shoot the frog before being tortured.) ****************************************************************************** 5.8.8 Groznyj Grad Southwest ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, crawl north to the northeast shipping crate. Crawl west under the crate until reaching the west side (DO NOT CRAWL OUT FROM UNDERNEATH THE CRATE). A soldier will walk south between the shipping crates. When the soldier reaches the second row of shipping crates, continue crawling west under the next crate until reaching the west side (DO NOT CRAWL OUT FROM UNDERNEATH THE CRATE). (EXTREME: A soldier will walk south between the shipping crates, briefly stop and then begin walking east between the shipping crates. Wait until the soldier is walking east.) Crawl west under the next crate and pick up the disinfectant [DISINFECT] and bandage [BANDAGE]. When reaching the west side of the crate, move north until reaching the wall. There is another soldier patrolling around the northeast corner of the building. When the soldier moves to the north side of the building, move west to the area between the buildings. Press your body against the north building's south wall. When the soldier in the northeast corner is in view and begins walking south, quickly run west until reaching the truck and then run north until reaching the orange door. Proceed through the door. (Note: There is also a soldier patrolling in the front (east side) of the hangar in the southwest corner of the area. (HARD/EXTREME: There is also a soldier patrolling north in the road between the buildings.) (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: There is a soldier patrolling in the south section of the area.) (EXTREME: There are two soldiers patrolling in the south section of the area.)) Additional weapons/items in area: STYPTIC - Under center shipping crate SMOKE G - Under platform at top of red ramp in southeast corner of area GRENADE - Under platform at top of red ramp in southeast corner of area Kerotan Frog - Inside of partially open door of middle hangar on west side ******************************************************************************

5.8.9 Groznyj Grad Northeast ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, there is a soldier patrolling north on the east side of the building, a soldier patrolling near the northwest corner of the building and another soldier patrolling further north near the front of the west truck. Quickly move west until reaching the west wall. Move north and exit through the orange door on the left. (Note: (NORMAL/EXTREME: There is also a soldier patrolling on the north side of the shipping crates and containers to the northeast near the large building.) (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling on the north and east side of the building in the southeast corner.) There is a soldier patrolling east/west in the northeast section and searchlights in the east, northeast and northwest sections of the area.) Additional weapons/items in area: Mk22 BULLET - Rear of eastern truck SMOKE G - Rear of eastern truck WP G - Rear of eastern truck GRENADE - Rear of western truck CHAFF G - Rear of western truck SMOKE G - Rear of western truck R.C MATE (2) - Inside of building in northeast corner of area RATION - Inside of building in northeast corner of area Kerotan Frog - In the northwest corner of the area, there is a trench near the large, red door. Climb into the trench and follow it west and then south until reaching a tunnel on the right. The frog is behind the metal gate at the end of the tunnel. ****************************************************************************** 5.8.10 Groznyj Grad Northwest ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, there are two soldiers patrolling between the two columns of tanks in the west section and one of them will begin walking north. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier walking north along the east wall near the red, metal ramp.) (EXTREME: There is a soldier walking south near the bridge.) There is also a searchlight in the northwest section and a sleeping dog in the northwest corner near the searchlight. There is also a sleeping dog along the east wall near the shipping crates. (NORMAL/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the area near the building in the northwest corner.) (VERY EASY/EASY/NORMAL/HARD: Move north along the wall until reaching the corner (before it turns right near the red, metal ramp). (HARD: There is a soldier walking north along the east wall near the red, metal ramp. Stalk behind him and perform punch-punch-kick combinations until he is unconscious. Be sure to not let him get up or you will be spotted. Continue moving along the wall, slowly past the sleeping dog. After passing the dog, move around the barrels and go through the open gate.)

(EXTREME: QUICKLY run south to the wall and then west (be sure to run on the south side of the small fence by the shipping crates.) When reaching the section between the columns of tanks, briefly stop and then continue running west. When reaching the front of the truck, begin running northwest toward the rear of the tanks. Both of the soldiers should have noticed something and be moving to investigate (it is important that BOTH soldiers are moving south). Move to the rear (west) side of the tanks and run north until passing the third tank. Run east between the two tanks and when reaching the front, run northwest toward the truck. When reaching the truck, move to the shipping crates on its north side. Throw the food item picked up while in the cell in Groznyj Grad Torture Room west so that it lands near the red, metal ramp. The soldier patrolling nearby will hear the food item drop and will turn west and then south. After throwing the item, quickly move to the west side of the shipping crates to avoid being spotted when the soldier turns west. When the soldier turns south, quickly run northwest across the area, pass the sleeping dog, until reaching the open gate.) Crawl under the pipes and continue north until reaching the sewer entrance. Additional weapons/items in area: RATION - Under first tank from south on west side BANDAGE - Under first tank from south on east side STYPTIC - Under second tank from south on west side DISINFECT - Under second tank from south on east side SAA BULLET - Under third tank from south on east side GRENADE - Inside of building in northwest corner SMOKE G - Inside of building in northwest corner SAA BULLET - Inside of building in northwest corner TNT - Inside of building in northwest corner Kerotan Frog - Top of the staircase in southwest corner of the building near the west searchlight. ****************************************************************************** 5.8.11 Groznyj Grad Sewers ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, you will receive a call from Eva. Once the call is over, pick up the SAA ammunition [SAA BULLET] on the south end of the catwalk. Travel west and pick up the life medicine [LF MED] at the top of the stairs. Proceed down the stairs and when reaching the bottom, pick up the ration [RATION] under the north end of the stairs. There are guard dogs in the sewers who will chase you once they have seen you. Listen for their barking to determine where they are and their closeness. (Note: Shooting a dog is not counted as a kill.) Travel north through the sewer until reaching the metal gate. Climb onto the west ledge and crawl through the opening in the wall (under the light). Travel north until reaching the next metal gate and crawl through the opening in the wall to the right. Continue traveling north until reaching the deep water. Swim to the bottom of the water in the main tunnel and pick up the styptic [STYPTIC]. Swim into the alcove on the left and pick up the SAA ammunition [SAA BULLET] on the bottom in the center, the instant noodles [R.NOODLES] in the northwest corner and the ration [RATION] in the

southwest corner. Return to the main sewer tunnel and continue traveling north. Climb the stairs on the right side and crawl through the opening in the wall on the right. Continue north until reaching the metal gate and crawl through the opening in the wall on the left. Jump into the sewer and continue north until a cutscene with Ocelot is seen. Additional weapons/items in area: SAA BULLET - At opening in metal gate in east tunnel (Accessed by going up the stairs on the right side of the main sewer after passing the first metal gate, crawling through the opening in the east wall and traveling south) LF MED - On right (east) ledge near start of sewers (Accessed by going up the stairs on the right side of the main sewer after passing the first metal gate, crawling through the opening in the east wall, traveling south until reaching the metal gate, crawling through the opening on the left and proceeding south along the ledge) ****************************************************************************** 5.8.12 ? (The Sorrow boss battle) ****************************************************************************** After the cutscene with Ocelot is over, a cutscene with The Sorrow will be seen. Once the cutscene is over, his life and stamina gauge will be displayed, but will be empty (since he is actually dead). You will be in the river and The Sorrow will be floating above it to the north. Begin moving north through the river. The ghost of all soldiers that have been killed and the ghost of the previous bosses will begin to appear. Walk around the enemies and avoid being touched because if you are, your life gauge will decrease. The ghosts cannot be killed with a weapon, but shooting them will stun them momentarily, allowing you time to get past. In addition, The Sorrow will occasionally shoot an energy beam. While this causes no damage, it will knock you over and possible allow a ghost to touch you. When reaching The Sorrow's skeleton in the river, touch it and the "Snake is Dead" screen will appear. When this occurs, open the Items menu and use the revival pill. DO NOT SELECT CONTINUE OR EXIT! After being revived, a final cutscene with The Sorrow will be seen and you will receive a call from the Major and a call from Eva. Additional weapons/items in area: None ****************************************************************************** 5.9 Operation Snake Eater (Part 8) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5.9.1 Tikhogornyj ****************************************************************************** Proceed right (east) across the river until reaching the cliff. Travel north

and west along the cliff until reaching the log over the river. Climb onto the log and proceed across it. When reaching the end, jump north onto the small ledge. Once the ledge ends, jump into the river and follow it north until reaching the bank on the right (after passing the cliff when the river turns east). Move east until reaching the cliff and then follow the cliff north until reaching the river. Follow the river north until the water begins to get deeper (near the waterfall). Move onto the bank on the right (east) and follow the ledge to the waterfall. (Note: If you did not remove the transmitter while in the Groznyj Grad Torture Room, there will be Ocelot unit soldiers throughout the area.) Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - East side of the south end of the stream under the fallen tree ****************************************************************************** 5.9.2 Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, you will be asked if you want to save the game and a cutscene with Eva will be seen. During the cutscene, Eva will return all of your equipment (including the Spirit camouflage [UNIFORM/SPIRIT] which when worn, will prevent guards from hearing your footsteps) and give you a key [KEY C] and C3 [C3]. Once the cutscene is over, move south to the waterfall. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the pipe coming out of the wall in the room at the north end of the tunnel ****************************************************************************** 5.9.3 Tikhogornyj ****************************************************************************** Dive into the water and pick up the Kabuki face paint [FACE/KABUKI] at the bottom of the left (west) side of the waterfall. Swim to the right (east) side, climb onto the ledge and follow it to the waterfall. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - East side of the south end of the stream under the fallen tree ****************************************************************************** 5.9.4 Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall ****************************************************************************** Move north through the cave and pick up the Mk22 suppressor [SP/Mk22] and disinfectant [DISINFECT] on the left (west) and right (west) sides of the tunnel entrance, respectively. Move north into the tunnel and pick up the M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] in the first alcove on the right. Continue traveling north in the tunnel and pick up the styptic [STYPTIC] in the second

alcove on the right. Continue north through the tunnel and pick up the bandage [BANDAGE] on the right side after the tunnel angles right. Continue traveling north and pick up the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] in the first alcove on the left. Continue north through the tunnel and pick up the AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET] on the left side after the tunnel angles left. Continue traveling north until reaching the end of the tunnel and pick up the M1911A1 ammunition [M1911A1 BULLET] and cardboard box [C BOX B]. Go through the red door on the left (west) side of the tunnel to the south of the end. Pick up the ration [RATION] in the southwest corner of the room and the Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET] in the northeast corner. Climb up the ladder on the north wall. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the pipe coming out of the wall in the room at the north end of the tunnel ****************************************************************************** 5.9.5 Groznyj Grad Northwest ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Splitter and face paint to Splitter. There are several soldiers standing between the two columns of tanks (VERY EASY/EASY: three, NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: four). One of the soldiers will begin walking north and another will move east between the tanks. There is also a sleeping guard dog to the northwest of the tanks near the searchlight. (EXTREME: There is also a soldier near the crates in the southeast corner. Move south until reaching the south side of the truck. Shoot the soldier by the crates with the Mk22.) Quickly move south until reaching the fence. Move east until reaching the metal railing enclosing the area in the southeast corner containing barrels and shipping crates. Move north and east along the railing until reaching the truck parked near the east wall. (HARD: There is a soldier walking south in the area to the north. Move to the front of the truck and shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) Proceed north along the east wall until reaching the red, metal ramp. There is a guard dog sleeping to the north. Move northwest, slowly past the sleeping dog, until reaching the delivery truck. Climb into the rear of the truck and equip cardboard box A. A cutscene will be seen of a soldier approaching the truck, noticing the writing on the box and driving the truck away. Additional weapons/items in area: STYPTIC - Under second tank from south on west side DISINFECT - Under third tank from south on east side Mk22 BULLET - Under first tank from north on west side AK-47 BULLET - Rear of truck parked north of tanks Mk22 BULLET - Rear of truck parked north of tanks XM16E1 BULLET - Inside of building in northwest corner SCORPION BULLET - Inside of building in northwest corner M37 BULLET - Inside of building in northwest corner TNT - Inside of building in northwest corner Kerotan Frog - Top of the staircase in southwest corner of the building near the west searchlight

****************************************************************************** 5.9.6 Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing ****************************************************************************** After the cutscene from the previous area, you will be in the storeroom in the weapons lab. Unequip the cardboard box A, change the camouflage uniform to Scientist and face paint to none. Pick up the bandage [BANDAGE] on top of the crate in the southwest corner, the antidote [ANTIDOTE] on top of the crate in the southeast corner and the suture kit [SUTURE KIT] and ointment [OINTMENT] on top of the crate along the north wall. Once the items have been collected, exit the room. Proceed north to the stairs and follow the stairs to the top. At the top of the stairs, move into the room with the desks and exit through the door in the southwest corner into the locker room. Go to the second locker from the north on the east side of the center set and pick up the maintenance uniform [UNIFORM/MAINTENANCE] inside. Move to the fifth locker from the north on the east side of the center set (with a horizontal red stripe) and pick up the sneaking suit [UNIFORM/SNEAKING] inside. When worn, this camouflage will decrease the amount of injury received by half. Exit through the door in the southwest corner. Additional weapons/items in area: MOUSETRAP - Top of crate inside of southern most room in east hallway of first floor BOOK - Northwest corner of room (library) along west wall of first floor (be careful since there is a scientist along the west wall of the room) CIG SPRAY BULLET - Under second table from south in southeast room of second floor (be cautious since there are numerous scientists in the north section of this room) SP/Mk22 - Southwest corner of northern most room in west hallway of first floor XM16E1 BULLET - Top of crate along north wall in northern most room in west hallway of first floor Mk22 BULLET - Top of crate in southeast corner of northern most room in west hallway of first floor M63 BULLET - Top of crate in center of northern most room in west hallway of first floor M37 BULLET - Top of crate in center of northern most room in west hallway of first floor SCORPION BULLET - Northeast corner of northern most room in west hallway of first floor HANDKER - Under west table in northwest room on second floor RATION - Inside of third locker from the north on the east side of the center set in locker room on second floor SP/M1911A1 - Inside of second locker from the north on the far west set in locker room on second floor (need to punch/kick door until it falls off since it is locked) RATION - Inside of fourth locker from the north on the far west set in

in locker room on second floor SP/XM16E1 - Inside of fifth locker from the north on the far west set in in locker room on second floor Kerotan Frog - Top of bookshelf in northwest room on second floor ****************************************************************************** 5.9.7 Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing ****************************************************************************** After entering the area, you will automatically move west to the hangar door and receive a call from the Major and SIGINT. Once the call is complete, change the camouflage uniform to Maintenance. Only if the maintenance uniform is being worn, the soldiers will not notice you. However, if you bump into a soldier, he will look at you but as long as you do not move until he says to get back to work, he will ignore you. If another maintenance technician spots you, he will move closer to look at you. When he does, turn your back towards him until he walks away. If your face is seen, he will cry out, an alert mode will occur and the alarm will be sounded. In addition, the normal weapons cannot be selected while wearing the maintenance uniform. You need to plant a C3 explosive by each of the four liquid fuel tanks in the hangar. There is a tank on the ground floor on the right (east) side of the Shagohod, in the northeast corner of the hangar, in the northwest corner of the hangar and on the platform on the left (west) side of the Shagohod. If a soldier or maintenance technician sees you planting an explosive, the mission is a failure. After entering the hangar, there is a maintenance technician facing north at the control panel at the top of the stairs. Travel down the stairs and when reaching the bottom, pick up the mosin nagant ammunition [MOSIN N BULLETS] under the stairs by the crates. There is a maintenance technician on the ground level walking east and west and another technician walking on the catwalk in front of the Shagohod to the northwest. While staying close to the east wall, quickly begin traveling north. There is a soldier patrolling south down the incline and when reaching the bottom, he will turn around and move up the incline. Continue moving north until reaching the shipping crates at the top of the incline. When reaching the crates, move northwest to the south end of the first liquid fuel tank. A maintenance technician will approach the tank from the north and will walk to the control panel on the south side. When the technician reaches the top of the incline, quickly equip the C3 and place it by the fuel tank. Do not plant the C3 before the technician reaches the top of the incline or you will be spotted by the technician on the catwalk in front of the Shagohod. After the C3 charge is placed, quickly unequip it and move to the southeast corner of the crate to the right of the tank. The approaching technician may notice you but will not move toward you since he has lost sight of you. When the technician is walking along the left (west) side of the crate, move north along the right (east) side of the crate and proceed down the incline. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier patrolling in the area at the bottom of the incline.) Continue north until reaching the hangar door and then turn

right (east) to the second liquid fuel tank. Equip the C3 and place it by the control panel on the north side. After planting the C3, you will receive a call from Eva. Once the call from Eva is done, travel west until reaching the parked trucks. Crawl under the front of the truck on the right (east) and pick up the instant noodles [R.NOODLES]. Crawl under the front of the left (west) truck and pick up the life medicine [LF MED]. After picking up the items, move to the west side of the left truck. There is a soldier patrolling north and south in the area and a maintenance technician on the platform on the west side of the Shagohod that will walk between and stop at the control panels at the north and south ends. Move southwest to the north side of the third liquid fuel tank. Watch the soldier and when he is looking or walking away, equip the C3, place it by the control panel and unequip it. After the C3 charge has been planted, move to the west wall, go south through the narrow passage and continue traveling south until reaching the stairs. Go up the stairs and when reaching the top, move to the center of the west side of the final liquid fuel tank. A soldier is walking in the area to the far south. When the soldier is not facing north or is out of view, plant the final C3 explosive. Once the final C3 charge has been placed, a cutscene will occur and a call will be received from the Major. Once the call is completed, a cutscene with Volgin, Ocelot and The Boss will be seen. When the cutscene is over, you will be asked if you want to save the game. (Note: If the hallway is followed to the Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor, a life medicine [LF MED], M1911A1 suppressor [SP/M1911A1] and XM16E1 suppressor [SP/XM16E1] can be found at the west end of the hallway.) Tip: Be sure the stamina gauge is full before planting the last C3 charge. Additional weapons/items in area: RATION - West end of south catwalk MOSIN N BULLETS - South end of platform on west side of hangar Kerotan Frog - Behind railing in area between equipment on the northwest side of the Shagohod near the liquid fuel tank ****************************************************************************** 5.9.8 Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing (Volgin boss battle) ****************************************************************************** After the opening cutscene with Volgin, Ocelot, The Boss and Eva (during which the platform will be lowered), Volgin's life and stamina gauge will be displayed. A 5-minute timer will also be displayed, indicating the time until the C3 charges explode. If the timer reaches 0:00, you will be killed. Whenever there is an electrical charge around Volgin, he is invulnerable to bullets (he has an electric shield around him) and you will be injured if he is touched. He will begin to attack using several different methods: 1. Bolt of electricity - He will throw a bolt of electricity (one during the first half, multiple during the second half) in your direction. If a gun is

currently equipped, the bolt will be attracted to it, regardless of where you are at, and if hit, you will lose ammunition. This attack can be avoided by running perpendicular to the bolt (during the first half only) or getting into the prone position. 2. Rapid fire - He will raise his left arm overhead and when he lowers it, he will rapidly fire bullets at you. When he raises his arm, quickly run to the one side of the platform (preferably the right (east) side) and once he lowers his arm, run to the opposite side. You should be able to stay ahead of his shots. 3. Bullet spread - He will raise both arms overhead and when he lowers them, bullets will be fired in all directions. This attack can be avoided by getting into the prone position. After he shoots the bullets, he will be momentarily vulnerable and can be shot. 4. Multiple shots - He will make a quick thrust with an arm, firing several bullets in one direction. Quickly run to one of his sides to avoid these shots. 5. Rolling electricity - Volgin will bend down and cause electricity to move back and forth across the platform. Roll over the electricity to avoid it and shoot Volgin to stop the attack. 6. Punch/kick - Volgin will punch and kick you if you are too close and some will cause significant health loss. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not deplete all of the ammunition for a weapon or it will be unavailable in the upcoming areas where there is infinite ammunition. Once the opening cutscene is over, change the camouflage uniform to sneaking, quickly equip stun grenades and begin throwing them at Volgin. You need to throw them quickly so that once the first one explodes, the next one explodes before he is able to react and move. Continue throwing stun grenades until either you have one left or his stamina (or life gauge) reaches 1/2 (when another cutscene will be seen). Avoid his various attacks and keep moving until you are able to get behind him after one of his attacks. Once he has completed his attack, there should not be an electrical charge around him so quickly do a CQC grab. Once he has been grabbed, quickly perform a throw to knock him to the platform. Do not hold him too long or he will break free and will perform a punch/kick counterattack. Once he has been thrown, quickly shoot him once with the mosin nagant before he gets up, unequip the gun and then roll into him (which causes him to lose additional stamina). Quickly move away to avoid a counterattack. Whenever he needs to recharge his electrical energy, he will move to the electrical panel in the northwest corner of the platform. When he begins powering up, quickly shoot him. Continue repeating this pattern of CQC grabbing, shooting with the mosin nagant and rolling into him. Once his life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over. If Volgin was defeated using non-lethal means, he will drop the cold war camouflage [UNIFORM/COLD WAR]. When worn, this camouflage will prevent guards from shooting you when you are facing them. Quickly pick up the camouflage during the brief pause before the final cutscene is seen. A final cutscene of the C3 charges exploding will be seen.

Additional weapons/items in area: Mk22 BULLET - Northwest corner of platform XM16E1 BULLET - North side of platform SCORPION BULLET - Northeast corner of platform M1911A1 BULLET - Southwest corner of platform AK-47 BULLET - Southeast corner of platform (EXTREME: GRENADE, WP G - Ocelot will periodically throw them onto the platform) Kerotan Frog - On the ledge above the southwest corner of the platform and is visible when standing in the northwest corner (Tip: Shoot the frog between Volgin's attacks.) ****************************************************************************** 5.10 Operation Snake Eater (Part 9) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5.10.1 Groznyj Grad ****************************************************************************** This area is automatically entered while riding on the motorcycle with Eva during the final cutscene in Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing. Eva's life and stamina gauge will be displayed, along with the damage gauge for the Shagohod. While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition and only one shot is necessary to tranquilize an enemy, regardless of where the shot lands on the body. As soon as the area is entered, change the camouflage uniform to Cold War and equip the mosin nagant. A cinematic will be seen of the Shagohod breaking through a wall and beginning to chase you and Eva on the motorcycle. After the cinematic, Eva will begin driving. When she says "Snake, up ahead!", there are two soldiers directly ahead between the crates, soldier(s) between the crates to the right (NORMAL: one, HARD/EXTREME: two) and a soldier with an RPG in the tower to the far north. Shoot the soldier in the tower with the mosin nagant. Throw a stun grenade at the soldiers directly ahead between the crates and between the crates to the right before the next cinematic. (Note: The soldiers will not fire at you as long as you are wearing the Cold War camouflage uniform and are facing them.). Once Eva begins moving, use the first person view to face the front of the motorcycle. After passing through a hole in the wall, Eva will say "Up ahead". When she does, a soldier will move into the path from the crates on the right and another from the crates on the left. Eva will drive down the path and turn right after passing the crates. Throw a stun grenade at the soldier on the right as you approach and then throw a stun grenade and face the soldier on the left while turning the corner. Immediately after making the turn, quickly face the front of the motorcycle. Eva will say "Look up ahead" and three soldiers will move to the front of the building ahead. Another soldier will move toward you from between the second

and third buildings. Throw a stun grenade at the soldiers standing in front of the building before reaching them and Eva turns rights. While Eva is turning right, use the first person view to turn left so that you remain facing the soldiers. After Eva turns right, face the front of the motorcycle and throw a stun grenade at the soldier moving between the buildings. While passing the soldier, use the first person view to turn so that you are facing the soldier. After passing through a gate, Eva will stop near the tanks. There is a walkway bridge to the right with two soldiers on the ground below it and three soldiers on the walkway. Use the Mk22 or mosin nagant to shoot as many of the soldiers as possible. When Eva says "Snake, behind you!", she will start driving and a cinematic of the Shagohod chasing you and Eva will be seen. After passing under the walkway bridge during the cinematic, a cutscene of the Shagohod destroying the bridge and Ocelot chasing you will be seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On top of the searchlight in the tower to the north when Eva stops the first time ****************************************************************************** 5.10.2 Groznyj Grad Runway South ****************************************************************************** This area is automatically entered while riding on the motorcycle with Eva in the cutscene. While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition and only one shot is necessary to tranquilize an enemy, regardless of where the shot lands on the body. The RPG [RPG-7] will be automatically added to your backpack if you did not acquire it earlier. After passing the three soldiers at the entrance to the area, face the front of the motorcycle. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier standing by the wall directly ahead. Throw a stun grenade at the soldier before Eva turns left.) After Eva turns left, there is a canopy ahead with a soldier standing near the crates behind it. When reaching the canopy, throw a stun grenade at the crates. After passing under the canopy, Eva will turn left and proceed down the aisle in front of the buildings. Two soldiers will move into the aisle from between the two buildings on the right and another two soldiers will move into the aisle from the side of the last building on the right. When reaching the end of the aisle, Eva will turn around, drive back to the canopy and stop. A fifth soldier, carrying an RPG, will appear on the roof of the last building on the right. Use the Mk22 or mosin nagant to shoot the soldier on the roof first and then shoot the remaining soldiers. (Tip: While Eva is driving in the aisle, you can also throw stun grenades at the enemies.) After shooting each of the soldiers, equip the stun grenades. Eva will drive down the aisle, go around the last building on the right and into the next aisle. There is a soldier on the left near the center of the aisle, another soldier on the left at the end of the aisle, a third soldier on the right at the end of the aisle and a fourth soldier on the right behind you. After driving around the building, throw a stun grenade toward the enemy on the left

and throw a stun grenade at the left and one at the right side of the end of the aisle. When Eva reaches the end of the aisle, three more soldiers will appear from the left and she will drive back up the aisle and between the buildings on the left. Continue to throw stun grenades toward the end of the aisle until passing between the buildings. After passing between the buildings, Eva will stop. Several soldiers will proceed toward your location between the buildings. Use the Mk22 to shoot each of the soldiers. Once the soldiers have been tranquilized, Eva will drive down the aisle, go around the last building on the right and into the next aisle. Three soldiers will appear at the end of the aisle and another soldier with an RPG will appear on the roof of the last building on the left. While Eva drives down the aisle, throw stun grenades at the soldiers at the end and toward the soldier on the roof. When reaching the end of the aisle, Eva will turn around and drive back to the start of the aisle. (HARD/EXTREME: Two soldiers will move into the start of the aisle. Ignore these soldiers and continue throwing stun grenades at the soldiers at the end of the aisle.) When reaching the start, Eva will drive down the aisle, turn left and drive under the canopy into the third aisle. There is a soldier on the second floor of the first tower on the right and a soldier standing on the ground on the right before the awning of building on the right. There is also a soldier standing on the right after the building awning. (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier standing on the left after the building awning.) There is a soldier with an RPG on the second floor of the last tower on the right. (EXTREME: There is also a soldier on the first floor of the last tower on the right.) Face the front of the motorcycle and continually throw stun grenades at the soldiers as Eva drives down the aisle. After passing under the building awning, use the first person view to turn so that you are facing the soldier in the tower with the RPG as Eva drives through the gate and turns right. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On seat of forklift on left side of first aisle ****************************************************************************** 5.10.3 Groznyj Grad Runway ****************************************************************************** This area is automatically entered while riding on the motorcycle with Eva. While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition. After entering the area, a cutscene with the Shagohod and a helicopter will be seen. Once the cutscene is over, ten motorcycles will begin pursuing (four immediately after the cutscene, six later). Shoot the driver of each motorcycle with the Mk022 to force the motorcycle to crash. (Note: Even though the motorcycle will crash, the passenger's death will not be counted as a kill.) When reaching the plane sitting on the runway, another cutscene with the Shagohod will be seen. After the cutscene is over, the Shagohod and three motorcycles will begin pursuing. Ignore the motorcycles since they will be run over by the Shagohod

and equip the RPG-7. Once the motorcycles have been destroyed by the Shagohod, begin continually shooting the treads of the Shagohod with the RPG-7 to slow its pursuit. (Tip: After firing an RPG-7 shot, use the tactical reload since it provides a quicker reload than the manual reload.) The Shagohod will ram your motorcycle if it gets too close. Occasionally the Shagohod may fire missiles at you. If this happens, VERY QUICKLY throw a chaff grenade to confuse the missile's guidance system. Continue shooting the Shagohod tread until another cutscene with the Shagohod is seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - After Eva turns left, on top of the fifth runway marker on the left (first marker after crossing second taxiway) Kerotan Frog - After the Shagohod cutscene, on top of the fourth runway marker on the right 5.10.4 Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge (Shagohod battle) While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition. Following the Shagohod cutscene, you will be facing the bridge with the SVD automatically equipped. Eva has planted C3 charges (indicated by a blinking red light) on the support structures of the bridge. You need to shoot each of the charges before the Shagohod crosses the bridge or the mission is a failure. There is a charge on the right side of the support structures in the center of the bridge. (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: There is also a charge on the left side of the support structure in the center of the bridge.) on the blinking red light and listening to Eva's aiming directions. When lined up, shoot to explode the C3. Repeat for all but one of the charges. The last C3 charge must be detonated while the Shagohod is on the bridge. Aim for the last charge and shoot when Eva says, "It's here". Once the final charge is set off, a cutscene with the Shagohod will be seen. After the cutscene with the Shagohod, you will again be on the motorcycle with Eva. Change the camouflage uniform to Sneaking. Start continually shooting the treads of the Shagohod with the RPG-7 to force it to stop. When you are behind it, there is an area near the top that is damaged and may have smoke coming from it. Continually shoot this area with the RPG-7 until it can no longer be seen (either from Eva driving around or the Shagohod beginning to move). Once this happens, begin shooting the treads again. Continue this pattern of shooting the treads and damaged area until the Shagohod's damage gauge is empty. When this occurs, a cutscene with Volgin and the Shagohod will be seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On the left (east) side of the metal arch between the second and third vertical support beams from the north (must stand in order to see and shoot the frog) 5.10.5 Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge (Volgin boss battle) Once the cutscene with Volgin and the Shagohod is over, Volgin's life and stamina gauge will be displayed. You will on the ground and Volgin will begin chasing Eva in the Shagohod. Volgin attacks with the Shagohod using several different methods:

1. Crushing - When you get too close to the Shagohod, Volgin will say "I'll grind you into dust!" and attempt to run over you. This attack can be avoid by avoiding the treads or can be stopped by shooting one of the treads with the RPG-7. 2. Machine gun - Red shots will be fired from the Shagohod's heavy machine gun in the front. This attack can be avoided by running to one side or can be stopped by shooting one of the treads with the RPG-7. 3. Dual mounted guns - When at a certain distance from the Shagohod, Volgin will fire the guns mounted on the right and left side. This attack can be avoided by running to one side or can be stopped by shooting one of the treads with the RPG-7. 4. Missiles - Volgin will fire 2-3 missiles at your location. This attack can be avoided by running to one side or throwing a chaff grenade to confuse the missile's guidance system. While in this area, you do not have infinite ammunition for your weapons! Wait until the Shagohod is approaching from the left and when it does, shoot one of its treads with the RPG-7 to stop its movement. VERY QUICKLY shoot Volgin with the Mk22 or mosin nagant before the Shagohod begins moving. When the Shagohod begins moving, run TOWARDS it and then under it, slightly to the left or right of the center (be careful of the treads in case it begins moving). After passing under the Shagohod, turn around and shoot one of its treads with the RPG-7 to stop it. Shoot Volgin with the Mk22 and repeat the same pattern of shooting a tread and then Volgin. If the weapons are quickly equipped and fired, it is possible to complete the battle without the Shagohod moving again. When the Shagohod's damage gauge is empty, the battle is over and a final cutscene with Volgin and the Shagohod will be seen. The final cutscene will also include you and Eva getting back onto the motorcycle and beginning to be chased by soldiers in hovercrafts and on motorcycles. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - At the base of the northeast support of the radio tower in the southwest corner 5.11 Operation Snake Eater (Part 10) 5.11.1 Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge North This area is automatically entered while riding on the motorcycle with Eva. While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition. After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Cold War. Three motorcycles will begin pursuing. Throw a stun grenade at the motorcycles to force them to crash. (Note: Even though the motorcycle will crash, the riders' death will not be counted as a kill.) Additional motorcycles will begin pursuing as you pass each of the two buildings on the left side along the path. (Tip: Since the area is dark, equip the thermal goggles if necessary in order to see the pursuing motorcycles.) The path being traveled will take you through a tunnel. After exiting the tunnel, face the front of the motorcycle and a tall tower will be seen. At the base of this tower is an ambush site with several soldiers and trucks. When reaching the ambush site, continually turn to face toward the soldiers. When Eva begins traveling along the path, face the front of the motorcycle Shortly afterwards, you will come to a roadblock in the path with a truck and several soldiers. Continue facing the soldiers as Eva turns right into the forest.

Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On the ground between the center and left barricades at the roadblock 5.11.2 Lazorevo South When entering the area, three soldiers on hovercrafts will begin pursuing you. While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition. One hovercraft will be directly behind you, one will be to the right and one will be to the left. Use the Mk22 to shoot the soldier in the hovercraft. Concentrate on shooting the soldier in the center hovercraft. Do not worry about the hovercrafts on the right and left since turning toward one of them to shoot will cause the soldier in the other hovercraft to begin firing at you. When a hovercraft crashes, another will begin pursuing so that there are always three in pursuit. During the pursuit, Eva will say, "Snake, up ahead! Log!!" When she does, equip the RPG-7 and use it to shoot the log blocking the path. If the log is not destroyed, both you and Eva will lose a portion of the life gauge. Once the log has been destroyed, equip the Mk22 and resume shooting the soldiers in the hovercrafts. After passing between two cliffs, all of the pursuing hovercrafts will crash. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On the ground in front of the rock on the right immediately after passing the second log on the right 5.11.3 Lazorevo North When entering the area, numerous motorcycles will begin pursuing you. While in this area, all weapons will have infinite ammunition. Shoot the driver of each motorcycle with the Mk22 to force the motorcycle to crash. (Note: Even though the motorcycle will crash, the passenger's death will not be counted as a kill.) When Eva says "Here comes a jump. Hold on tight.", a cinematic of the motorcycle jumping over a ravine will be seen and the pursuing motorcycles will crash. Once the cinematic is over, a motorcycle crash cutscene will be seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On the top of the rock to the left of the path just after entering the area 5.11.4 Zaozyorje West This area is automatically entered during the final cutscene from the previous area. After the cutscene, you will have a deep cut and broken bone and Eva will have two deep cut injuries that you need to treat and will receive a call from Para-medic. Select Cure from the Survival Viewer menu, heal the broken bone with a splint and bandage and the cuts with suture kit, styptic, disinfectant and bandage. Refer to the Medical Treatment section for additional information. Once all of yours and Eva's injuries have been treated, a cutscene with Eva will be seen. Once the cutscene is over, you will receive a call the Major and Para-medic. Once the call is completed, pick up the mosin nagant ammunition [MOSIN N BULLET], SVD ammunition [SVD BULLET], AK-47 ammunition [AK-47 BULLET], grenade [GRENADE], smoke grenade [SMOKE G], stun grenades [STUN G], Mk22 ammunition [Mk22 BULLET], XM16E1

ammunition [XM16E1 BULLET], claymore mine [CLAYMORE] and two rations [RATION] near the tree immediately to the north. After collecting the items, change the camouflage uniform to Leaf and face paint to Woodland. Due to Eva's injuries, her stamina will continually drain quickly. When her stamina is completely gone, she will stop moving and sit down. Hunt and collect the Reticulated Python (R.SNAKE H) to the southeast of the starting location. After collecting the food, begin moving south along the path. After every few steps, push the triangle button to signal Eva to move to your location. Eva will not follow if she is unable to see your location. Continue following the path south and then west. When the path turns south, there is a Tree Frog (R.FROG B) near the pool of water and a Reticulated Python (R.SNAKE H) in the grass to the northeast of the water. Wait for Eva to reach your position and when she does, select Food from the Survival Viewer menu and feed her the collected items to replenish her stamina. (Note: You must be close to her in order to be able to feed her.) Be sure Eva's stamina gauge is full before proceeding down the path. Travel south along the path until a cutscene of soldiers finding the crashed motorcycle is seen. After the cutscene, a caution mode will automatically occur and a group of four soldiers will be moving along the path in the region where it turned south. Turn north and throw a stun grenade near the tree where the path turns south to delay the soldiers. After throwing the stun grenade, immediately begin moving south. Continue traveling south along the path until reaching the fork. Proceed along the left (west) path and follow it until down reaching the log across the ravine, collecting the two Russian False Mangos (R.FRUIT B) along the path. Cross the log and follow the path south and then east until reaching the area with several fallen tree trunks. Go east across the area until reaching the ledge and a call from the Major will be received. Once Eva reaches the ledge, a cutscene of you helping Eva onto the ledge will be seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - On the ledge on the south side of the ravine to the right (west) of the log crossing it 5.11.5 Zaozyorje East After entering the area, change the camouflage uniform to Tree Bark. Quickly, but quietly, move east until reaching the path leading north. Do NOT signal Eva to follow (i.e., leave her at the base on the ledge). (NORMAL/HARD/EXTREME: Shoot the soldier walking north along the path with the Mk22.) Move north along the path, approximately half way to the two trees at the end. There are two soldiers walking east on the north side of the area and they will continue traveling along the northeast path into the next section. Quickly shoot the soldier in the front with the Mk22 and then the soldier in the rear. If the first shot misses, it will stop both of them from walking, allowing a head shot to be taken on both. Be careful since one or both soldiers may move toward the path you are on if they hear or see you on the path. Once both soldiers are tranquilized, continue north on the path until reaching the two trees at the end. There are two soldiers patrolling counterclockwise in the northwest corner of the area. One of the soldiers will be walking on top of the ledge; the other one will be below it and behind the first soldier's position. When the soldier below the ledge is walking east, shoot him with the Mk22. Shoot the soldier on the ledge with the Mk22 or mosin nagant.

Once all of the soldiers are asleep, move back to Eva's position. Feed her and signal her to follow. Move north along the ledge on the west side, collecting the Reticulated Python (R.SNAKE H) in the grass. Continue following the ledge as it turns east until reaching the fork of the path in the northeast corner of the area. Proceed along the path on the left that goes north. When reaching the grass at the end of the path (at a ledge), change the camouflage uniform to Leaf. There are several stationary soldiers in the region. There are two soldiers in clear view, one on a ledge to the east facing north and the other behind a tree trunk to the north, facing south. The remaining two soldiers are well camouflaged and can only be seen with the thermal goggles. There is a soldier is lying prone facing south in the grass by a tree on the west side of the area, west of the first soldier's location. There is a soldier is lying prone facing east behind a log in the south section of the area (unable to be seen from the current location). (HARD/EXTREME: There is a soldier lying prone facing east just below the ledge. Shoot the soldier with the Mk22.) Shoot the soldier on the ledge to the east with the mosin nagant. This will cause the soldier lying prone nearby to investigate the body. When he moves to investigate, shoot him with the mosin nagant. Shoot the soldier to the north with the mosin nagant. Move back to Eva's location (if necessary), feed her and signal her to follow. Jump down the ledge and follow the cliff north and then east until reaching the ledge in the northeast corner. When reaching the ledge, a call from the Major will be received. Once Eva reaches the ledge, a cutscene of you helping Eva onto the ledge will be seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Various medical supplies - Plants contain various medical supplies Kerotan Frog - Between the very large tree and the cliff at the path fork in the northeast corner of the first area .11.6 Rokovog Berej (The Boss boss battle) After entering the area, a cutscene with Eva will be seen. Once the cutscene is over, a cutscene with The Boss will be seen. After the cutscene, her life and stamina gauge will be displayed. You have ten minutes to defeat The Boss or the mission is a failure. There is no onscreen indicator of the time remaining, but The Boss will say when there are five minutes, three minutes and sixty seconds remaining. Immediately after the opening cutscene, The Boss will rush toward you and try to CQC grab you. If she does, she will CQC throw you. You must counter her attack by continually pressing the circle button as soon as she starts to grab you. If you are able to break free, perform a CQC throw or punch-punch-kick combination on her to knock her to the ground and then shot her twice in the head with the Mk22. After shooting her in the head, change the camouflage uniform to Snow and face paint to Snow. Quickly begin running clockwise. When The Boss gets up, she will begin firing her patriot gun at you. Continue running until reaching the north end of the log in the north section and crouch. Once she stops shooting, she will start looking for you. She will hide behind a tree, peek out from one side and then move to the next tree. If she sees you, she will rush toward you and attempt a CQC grab if you are standing or a cartwheel stomp if you are lying prone. Equip the mosin nagant or Mk22 (with suppressor). While staying crouched, aim the weapon and stand on your tiptoes (by pressing L2+R2 while aiming). Search the area for The Boss' location.

(Tip: Watch for the ? and ! that will occasionally appear over The Boss' head and if necessary, use the thermal goggles to help locate her.) Once she has been found, shoot her with the gun. The mosin nagant is better if she is in the center or the far south end of the area since it can be zoomed to aid in aiming. The Mk22 is better if she is closer since it is silenced and will not reveal your position. After shooting her, immediately crouch behind the log while she fires her patriot. Use the right analog stick to change the camera view to watch where she runs to after she stops shooting. Continue using this pattern of locating her position, shooting and crouching until she is defeated. If she is moving toward you behind the trees on your right (east), move to the left (west) side of the log since she will see you once she reaches the last tree. Once she moves south, move back to the north end of the log. Once her life or stamina gauge is empty, the battle is over. If The Boss was defeated using non-lethal means, she will drop the snake camouflage [UNIFORM/SNAKE]. When worn, this camouflage will provide the best cover for the current surroundings. Quickly pick up the camouflage during the brief pause before the final cutscene with The Boss is seen. Additional weapons/items in area: Kerotan Frog - At the top of the tree in the center 5.11.7 WIG: Interior An initial cutscene will be seen on the WIG with Ocelot. Once the cutscene is over, you will be facing Ocelot and there will be two Single Action Army guns [SAA] on the ground in front of you. The gun on the left is loaded and the gun on the right is empty. Pick up the gun on the right and begin shooting it until the cutscene with Ocelot is seen. Since you selected the unloaded gun, Ocelot will tell you to keep the gun during the cutscene. Once the cutscene with Ocelot is over, the final cutscene with the WIG will be seen. Once the cutscene is complete, you will be asked if you want to save the game and the final cutscenes and credits will be displayed. When the credits are over, you will automatically receive the patriot [PATRIOT], tuxedo camouflage [UNIFORM/TUXEDO], stealth camouflage [UNIFORM/STEALTH] if you had no alerts and no kills or shot all of the Kerotan Frogs and the infinity face paint [FACE/INFINITY] if you completed the game in under five hours, with 25 or less saves, no continues, no alerts, no kills, 20 or less serious injuries (those treated using the Cure option on the Survival Viewer menu) and no special items or life medicines used. Note: The infinity face paint cannot be obtained on the Very Easy difficulty setting based on the game statistics. Additional weapons/items in area: None

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