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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Mapayao Integrated School


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
a. define mean and mode
b. construct frequency table for data ungroup data
c. demonstrate cooperation and
a. Topic: Frequency and Frequency Table
b. Competency: The learner illustrates a circle and the terms related to it: radius,
diameter chord, center, arc, chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
( M7GE-IIIg-1)
c. Reference: Math 7 Third Quarter Module 6 - pages 1-15
d. Materials: Learner’s Material, DLP, laptop, Visual Aids
e. Strategy: Discussion Strategy, Group Discussion Strategy, Collaborative Approach


Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
- Who will lead the prayer? - Father in heaven ……………..amen.

b. Greetings
- Good morning class. - Good morning ma’am.

c. Checking of Attendance
- Class secretary, who is absent today? - No one is absent ma’am.

d. Setting of Classroom Standards

- What are the things you need to do
when the class is going on?
- Listen attentively.
- Raise your hand if you want to answer.
- Participate to every group activities.
A. Reviewing the previous lesson
- Let us review the previous lessons
about polygons. Raise your right hand if you
want to answer.

Polygon No. of Sides /

Triangle 3
Quadrilateral - 4 sides ma’am
5 - Pentagon ma’am
Hexagon - 6 sides ma’am
7 - Heptagon ma’am
Octagon - 8 sides ma’am
9 - Nonagon ma’am
Decagon -10 ma’am
11 - Hendecagon or undecagon ma’am
Dodecagon - 12 sides ma’am

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Activity: “Circle Scavenger Hunt”

Today, we're going to go on a special
adventure called a "Circle Scavenger Hunt."
But first, let's talk about circles. Where have
you seen circles in your everyday life?
- In our house ma’am, our dining table is
-The shape of the clock is circle.
- Dart board.
Great! Circles are everywhere, aren't they?
Now, let's see just how many circles we can
find around us!
Here are the rules for our scavenger hunt.
You will be grouped into four and you're
going to search for as many circular objects
as you can find within three minutes inside
or outside our room. Remember to take note
of each circle you find.
(The students look around the room and go
outside to find circular objects.)

(After three minutes)

I hope you had fun searching for circles.
Now, share what you have found. Who
would like to tell us about a circular object
they discovered during the scavenger hunt?
- We have found lunch box that is circle.
-Eraser, packing tape, cap of bottle
Excellent job, everyone! Circles are all
around us, and they're more important than
we might realize. Now, let's get ready to
learn more about circles and their
mathematical properties in our lesson today.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the

new lesson
These are our objectives for today’s
lesson. Everybody please read.

(Students read the objectives.)

- At the end of the lesson, students are
expected to:
a. define, draw and name a circle and its
b. identify the various segments related to
a circle.
c. demonstrate enjoyment and
appreciation of the things that circles
have given to men.
The teacher would ask the following

1.What figure is suggested by the rims of - The figure is a circle ma’am.

car tires, cups, glasses, and bottles?

2. What is suggested by the cross section of - It suggests a segment ma’am.

an orange or lemon?

I will show you a circle and a dodecagon.

Compare the two figures and give any
similarity or difference between the two.

What are the figures? - The figures are circle and dodecagon.
How do these figures get their names? - The circle got its name because of its
characteristics; the circle is rounded, and the
dodecagon has 12 sides, and the sides are
called segments.
Are there similarities or differences of the -The circle has curve sides while the
two figures? dodecagon has line segments as its sides.
(Students give their own observation.)

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #1

I need one volunteer each group to draw (Each student draw circle of different sizes.)
circle of different sizes on the board.
Another volunteer to draw line segments (Each student draw line segments that will
that will touch the circle and pass its center. touch the circle and pass its center.)

Draw line segments that will touch the circle (Each student draw line segments that will
only. touch the circle only.

Good job class!

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2
(Students listens attentively to the
A circle is a closed curve, all points of discussion.)
which are equidistant from a fixed point
called the center.

Circles are named by their centers using

capital letters. The circle below is called
circle O. In symbols, O.

Lines related to circle:

1. A radius is a segment whose one endpoint

is in the center of the circle and the other
endpoint is any point on the circle.

2. A diameter is a chord which passes

through the center of the circle. It is twice
the length of a radius.

3. Chord is a segment whose endpoints are

any of two different points in the circle.
4. A secant is a line that contains a chord.

5. A tangent is a line in the plane of a circle

that intersects the circle at exactly one point.
This point is called the point of tangency.

F. Developing mastery (Leads to

formative assessment 3)
Now, you’ll be having a group activity.
Assign one representative to get the (Group representatives get the materials)
materials needed.
For the group 1, draw your own circle
illustrate the following.

1. Center A
2. Diameter PR
3. Radius AC
4. Tangent DF
5. Secant BD

For group 2, find circular object inside our

room then measure its diameter, radius,
assign a chord, tangent and secant.

For group 3, assign your groupmates to

represent different parts of circle. For
example, one student can be a center, two
can hold a rope to show the diameter, radius,
chord, and tangent. I will give you a note
card describing your role.

For group 4, you create a song about circle

and its part.

After 10 minutes, each group will present

their output.
(After 10 minutes)
Time’s up class.

(Students observe, study, and share their

ideas to the group.)
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living

I want you to give at least five concrete Group 1 - 4 present their work.
examples of objects in circular form which
are useful to man.

H. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson
- Buttons, plates, rings, coins, bottle caps,
Now, we're going to make some host, etc.
generalizations and abstractions about our
lesson to deepen our understanding.

What is a circle? - A circle is a closed curve, all points of

which are equidistant from a fixed point
called the center.

How is a circle named? - A circle is named by its center.

How does the chord of a circle differ from -A chord is a segment whose endpoints are
its radius and diameter? points on a circle.
- Radius is a segment whose one endpoint is
in the center of the circle and the other
endpoint is any point on the circle.
- Diameter is a chord which passes through
the center of the circle.

What relation exists between the radius and The radius is one-half the length of the
the diameter of a circle? diameter or diameter is twice the length of a

What is the difference of a secant and a -A secant is a line that contains a chord, and
tangent of a circle? a tangent is a line on the plane intersecting
the circle at exactly one point called the
point of tangency.

Can a diameter be considered a chord? The diameter is considered as a chord

Why? because the endpoint of the segment are
points on the circle.
I. Evaluating Learning
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter in the space
provided before the number.
_______ 1. What is a circle?
A. A circle is a closed curve, all points of which are equidistant from a fixed
point called the center.
B. A circle is named using the two endpoints and another point in the arc.
C. A circle is a plane figure with at least t three straight sides and angle.
D. A circle can be defined as open shape and has corners.
_______ 2. A _________is a segment whose one endpoint is in the center of the circle and
the other endpoint is any point on the circle.

A. diameter B. radius C. chord D. tangent

_______3. ___________ is a chord which passes through the center of the circle. It is twice
the length of a radius.

A. diameter B. radius C. chord D. tangent

_______ 4. _________ is a segment whose endpoints are any of two different points in the

A. diameter B. radius C. chord D. tangent

________ 5. It is a line that contains a chord.

A. Chord B. Tangent C. Secant D. Radius

________ 6. It is a line in the plane of a circle that intersects the circle at exactly one point.
This point is called the point of tangency

A. Chord B. Tangent C. Secant D. Radius

_______ 7. What is the name of the circle below?

8-10. Draw and label the parts of the circle

J. Additional Activities
Identify the parts of the circle. Write your answer in the space provided before each number.
________1. O
_______ 2. MT
_______ 3. PR
_______ 4. OM
_______ 5. QT


Subject Teacher

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