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The Canyon Ridge High School

Riverhawk Review
300 N. College Rd. W Twin Falls, ID 83301
The ultimate form of patriotism is on display here at Canyon Ridge as students dedicate their lives to the military.


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Volume 3, Issue 2

Discover ten simple ways to get the lady of your dreams.



Milken Foundation honors CRHS principal

mr. Dickinson. In fact, only three people had known about where and who we on october 26, 2011, were headed to before the the Idaho State Department rest of us. of Education came to It was surely a shocker CRHS under the pretence for mr. Dickinson to win such of a celebration with our a recognizing award. But, veterans. since everybody We live in a was expecting Surprising all faculty and country where a veterans students, mr. dreams come true, Celebration Tom Tom luna luna said, We awarded our so dream big! use the veterans principal, -mr. Tom luna C e l e b r a t i o n mr. Brady to recognize Dickinson, educators. with the milken Foundation my own admiration is Award of $25,000! for those who serve our mr. luna explained the country; including those veterans ceremony ruse, from the past and now. At The main reason was for the assembly about five the award we gave to your veterans took a stand to be principal Brady Dickinson. recognized for their service We get winners from all to the country. around Idaho, and when I Canyon Ridge found out where we were being a new school and going this year, which doing amazing things was just one week before academically impressed today, we had followed me. The focus here isnt

Azia Nutting Staff Writer

mr Dickinson addresses the audience.

Tom luna prepares to present the award to mr. Dickinson.

just on those who struggle, but to help others grow too. Schools take some time to grow and Brady Dickinson got this school going so fast and positively, commented mr. luna. Thumbs up Canyon Ridge! Were improving this school in amazing ways and we all owe our thanks to mr. Dickinson, nice job! As many know, this assembly was filmed and a lot of good things were caught, but many will not be broadcast. luna said, Not for re-broadcasts, we may in the future, but not this time. The assembly was put together in such a short time by the CRHS administrators with the help of mrs. Goodrich and the choir students. Additionally, the CRHS student council stepped in to help organize the festivities. mr. Tom luna also

stated that, Theyre two reasons for this assembly, one being to realize that we live in such a great country and great opportunity comes with responsibility, and we still have the question, oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave, or the land of the free and the home of the brave. yes, we may still have that question running through our heads, but we know our flag still stands and it is because of our veterans and sometimes we may take our freedom for granted. But mr. luna continued, And second, to see that we have great schools recognizing our Education Department, and you have one of the greatest in the country as well as the principal. We live in a country where dreams come true, so dream big!mr. Tom luna

The milken Foundations representative actively interacts with the crowd.

Brady Dickinson accepts his $25,000 dollar award, accompanied by Wiley Dobbs, the milken representative, and Tom luna.

Canyon Ridges choir stuns the crowd with it beautiful vocal performance.

Tom luna surprises the school by continually adding zeroes to the cash award.
Photo collection by monnette Easter

CRHS blood drive inspires student donors

Jared Berry Staff Writer
on october 18, 2011, it was a complete bloodbath at Canyon Ridge High School. The blood was literally draining out of students arms right and left, but for some extraordinary reason the Canyon Ridge High School faculty and administrators did nothing to stop this shedding of blood. That was because the RedCross was at Canyon Ridge conducting the first blood-drive of the year. The drive was held in the upstairs gym and many students eagerly signed up to donate blood. lane Barker, one of the first students to donate blood, said it just felt like a little pinch when they stuck in the needle. He donated blood because he wanted to and because that little sacrifice on his part can, save the lives of others. When asked if he would do it again for the next blood drive his answer was, Definitely yes. many wonder what happens after the blood has been collected and drained into blood bags; where does it go? A nurse at the scene graciously took some time to address these questions and give some background information on what goes on behind the scenes of an American Red-Cross Blood drive. After the blood has been collected it goes down to Salt lake City, uT to go through stricter testing. From there it is shipped all over the Pacific Northwest. The blood collected from the drive is generally out in use in the communities anywhere from 3 to 30 days. After 42 days the blood is not usable anymore and is tossed out. At every blood-drive conducted by the RedCross about 10-15% of people that show up are not allowed to donate blood for various reasons. It can be because the donor has a cold or flu, low blood-iron level, or various other health problems. many of these problems can be avoided. once again the Red Cross nurse took some time to address this issue. Her advice is, In order to have a good donating experience make sure that you drink lots of water, avoid caffeine the couple days before donating, and eat a good healthy meal the night before donating. The next Red-Cross blood drive at Canyon Ridge will be held in the spring, so get ready to donate.

Photos by Jared Berry

lane Barker, top, and Nick Kytle, bottom, proudly donate a pint of their blood to the Red-Cross organization. All blood collected will travel to Salt lake for further screening. Then it will be distributed to those that need it.

Photo by Jared Berry

The Red-Cross blood drive staff prepares the gym for the incoming donors.

The Thanksgiving Bowl

Michael Chapple Humor Editor
Another year comes around and the event that everybody has been waiting for is here. The famous Thanksgiving Bowl is the yearly game played between the main Courses and the Sides/Desserts. This years game is sure to be an exciting one. lets go down to Betty Crocker on center field to bring you this games key players. For the main Courses, they will have to rely on their star quarterback the Turkey. He has been having a great year throwing for over 2,000 yards. The opposing team will use the talent of Whipped Cream their defensive end. He will be looking for ways to slow down the Turkey and ultimately cream him. Now back to the announcers for the start of the game. The main courses will receive the ball after winning the coin flip. We will be keeping you updated on all the highlights throughout the game. Soon after the kickoff Whipped Cream snuck through the line and ripped a leg off the Turkey for a loss of 10 yards. The very next play Turkey handed it off to the Gravy who took it up the middle did a quick spin move around the Dressing and leaped over the yams smashing into the Potatoes for the first score. The Sides/Desserts answered right back with a long bomb to the Cranberry Sauce who was left untouched the entire meal. This made the sweet pea cheerleaders go nuts. oh wait a minute, that is the almonds in the crowd, but that didnt last for long. The main dishes went on a rampage after this

scoring three more times and only allowing a field goal. Gravy was named player of the game with over 400 rushing yards. With this honor he will get first priority in where he is placed for the dinner. Please tune in next year for another Thanksgiving Bowl brought to you by Harolds Whipping Cream. Soft and creamy till the last bite.


A&E: HASTINGS REmoDElED The local Twin Falls branch of Hastings has received drastic renovations. Staff writer Autumn myers provides the details. page 05

HumoR: FRoSTy TEAm ADvENTuRES The Frosty Team returns to battle Jack Frost in the quaint village of Hidden valley Ranch in this bone-chilling sequel. page 07

News ............02 Arts & Entertainment .04 opinion ..............06 Humor ....................07 Features .......................................09 Sports ........................................11

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

Military students at CRHS

Autumn Myers Staff Writer
Where do high school students end up after high school? Many go to college, others are still playing Farm Town on Facebook in their parents basement, and others may choose to go into the military. A lot of people who decide to enter the military sign up right away and schedule to leave shortly after completing high school. Here at Canyon Ridge, we have various students planning to serve our country, but before one decides to enter, one should strongly consider each branch. Jacob LeBlanc, a senior, explains that he will be entering the Navy. When asked why he chose to enter the military, he says, I want to serve my country. Also, my brother is in the Navy, so Id like to follow his actions. He decided to do this February of last year, and will be sent June 19th, 2012. McCaleb Rees has always wanted to join the military. When asked why, McCaleb responds, Everyone in my family has joined, and they help pay for college. He plans to join the National Guard for at least eight years, and then become an auto body worker. At a recent assembly, McCaleb was brought down in his uniform, bringing his enrollment to attention to the student body. The Civil Air Patrol is a building located next to the Twin Falls Airport. It is a civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force that prepares anyone 12 18 for the military. This program offers forms of training for all branches, although it is most helpful for those planning to enter the Air Force. Jordan Tubbs, sophomore, says, Im here because it helps me get ready to go into the Air Force and it looks good for college. This also gives me something to look forward to each week. They not only inform the students with military information, but they quiz them on other things one should know. Such as asking what plants and insects are harmful and that they should avoid. If they are incorrect with their answer, they are told to do an exercise, such as pullups or sit-ups. They are also given many opportunities throughout the program, such as flying an aircraft. Flying helps those who are unsure if they would like to be in the Air Force, and helps those wanting to be in the Air Force gain experience. If someone is interested in joining the military, the Civil Air Patrol is more than happy to help with any questions. Thanks to the students we have, Canyon Ridge has become a more honorable school. If someone would like to serve our country,


Riverhawk Review
Managing Editor


Kameron Yeggy

they will always have many options. They can also visit the Civil Air Patrol if they are looking for any help or advice in their decision. Serving your country can be a difficult, yet brave decision for many to make. With both McCaleb Rees and Jacob LeBlanc, it is shown that joining the military can start a chain reaction. Making the choice to enter the military can influence others to follow in the footsteps of the brave.

Assistant Managing Editor/Sports

Chase Petty

News Editor
Heaven Marsh

Co News Editor
Cody Cunningham

Arts & Entertainment Editor

Shayde Alves

Features Editor
Alexis Bowler

Humor Editor
Michael Chapple

Opinion Editor/ Photography

Justice Straub

Advertisement Coordinator
Sara Buddecke
Photo by Kameron Yeggy

Seniors McCaleb Rees and Levi Molt have proudly dedicated their lives to the United States military. Both have signed up to serve in the National Guard.

Staff Writers
Jared Berry Courtney Bertoni Aaron Burton Alexis Cederstrom Blake Maughan Monnette Mickael-Easter

Thanks to our Generous Sponsors

Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


National Guard

Kylar Moore Autumn Myers Azia Nutting

need money for College. need a part time job?

Aaron ODell Sarah Pak Nicole Savage Eryka Schroeder

SFC Jesus E. Gonzalez R&RNCO 208-420-2458 [email protected]

Riverhawk Review Advisor

Mrs. Brenda Reichenbach

Mrs. Gayle Bean

The Riverhawk Review will report fairly and accurately while striving to include coverage of the different populations at Canyon Ridge High School. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/KRT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Unsigned editorials found in Riverhawk Review represent the consensus of the newspaper staff. Signed editorials represent individual views and are not meant to express the opinions of the advisor, school, administration or Twin Falls School District. As an open forum, Riverhawk Review welcomes brief letters to the editor. All letters must be signed, though names may be held in certain circumstances. Riverhawk Review reserves the right to edit all letters for clarity and available space. No letter that is obscene or libelous will be printed. Letters should be left in Brenda Reichenbachs mailbox or sent to Canyon Ridge High School, 300 N. College Rd. W., Twin Falls, ID 83301.

Advertising Advisor

Canyon Floral

Finest in Flowers, Design & Service

North Bridge Plaza 1563 Fillmore Street, Unit 1-C Twinfalls, Idaho 83301 208-733-9292 1-877-355-9292 Fax: 208-733-9797

Send a little sunshine to a friend!

Shayde Alves Arts & Entertainment Editor
Yams, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, stuffing, and of course the turkey are the typical foods that American families eat on Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday of November. Its a time for people to fill up on food, stretch their waste bands a little bit more, and spend quality time with family. Thanksgiving has been around and celebrated for centuries now, so why is it that much of what we know about this holiday is based on false information? According to, www.oyate. org, there are many myths about Thanksgiving that people believe to be true. Myth number one: The first Thanksgiving occurred in 1621, when the pilgrims came over; this is completely

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving myths TFs economy

false. No one knows exactly when the first Thanksgiving occurred because people have been giving thanks for as long as mankind has existed. There is proof that there was a celebration and that it did occur in 1621, but there is no proof that this was the first Thanksgiving. The one that happened in 1621 was just the first ever recorded Thanksgiving. Myth number two: The Pilgrims, as we have called them for centuries now, were not the people that came across on the Mayflower. Pilgrims as many people know came across in search of religious freedom; the first people from Europe to come over werent searching for this, and they were referred to as Saints. Saints are people who had broken away from the Church of England because of a difference of opinion with the church and what it stood for. So rather than stay in England, they decided to start up in the new land, have the ability to express their beliefs. Myth number three: The Saints shared their food with the Native Americans. Sorry, this one is false as well. The new settlers barely had enough food to provide for themselves and their families, so it makes it extremely hard to believe that they would be willing to share their food with complete strangers when they had so little to begin with. Thanksgiving is a time when many people give thanks for what they have and celebration. Its also a time for the three Fs: food, family, and fun. Although the myths live on and continue to be passed down, Americans will carry on by celebrating this time-honored tradition.

Aaron Burton Staff Writer

In todays economy, income fluctuates, citizens lose their jobs, and anything steady is hard to find. Twin Falls small business owner, Lebron Burton from the Mail Room, says that he is never sure what is going to happen next. Truthfully, I am afraid every day of being put out of business. I have already had one business fail in the past, and it is a very hard place to be. Losing a business is not taken lightly under any circumstances, but the loss can be very drastic on a family and very frustrating to a father who knows it is his job to provide. When spectators think of the word economy, they think of stock market, Wall Street, government, etc, but one word that would describe economy to most business owners is life. My survival and my family are absorbed around

me bringing in the income, says Lebron. The economy is not a fancy thing; it is not hard to understand. It is simply how people live. Unfortunately today the world is absorbed around currency. Without it, nothing could function. In todays world, there is no easy way. If one would like to live a profitable life style then he/she needs to go out and earn it. The economy is more than big numbers and big words that come out of political mouths to an everyday citizen. The economy is what drives America, and whether this idea is liked or not for now it cannot be changed. There should be no moping or whining due to the fact that a job is hard to find, because its simply not true. In this life one cannot always start on the top. Someone once said, Freedom is not free. There is something else that is not free. Anything! As Lebron Burton puts it, Go out and earn it!

American debt update Career center

Sara Buddecke Advertising Coordinator
So as I am sure most everyone has heard that the Debt Ceiling Bill was passed. This is unfortunately true. And even worse, our debt has increased A LOT! As of October 5, 2011 the total debt for the US is $14.86 trillion! That is a $162 billion increase in the past three days! Which (if you are a percent person) means that our debt increased 98.9% in three days. Wow. Needless to say, our national debt (as of October 5) is $14,856,859,498,405.73 , a new record high. $20 billion increase overnight, $67 billion in the past two days and $162 billion in the past three days. When asked how they felt about our national debt, CRHS students responded like this: Freshman Parris Gomez commented, America is in debt? Well we should really take care of it rather than avoid it. Hailey Sandison, sophomore, said, Our national debt is that much? Thats crazy! Why dont we do something about this? Junior Kennedy Bell replied with, I have been following up on the debt. It is absolutely ridiculous how much debt we have to not only the people but to foreign countries as well. Stop foreign trade until we get this debt taken care of! Senior Michelle Keyes said, I believe that the National Debt has become a major political and economical issue that in recent years has become an ever present dilemma in the United States.

Aaron ODell Staff Writer

Sadly, the CRHS career center lost its coordinator this fall. Mrs. Stuhlberg left CRHS and as a result of her absence there was an opening to fill, but fret no more students, the career center is now under the guidance of Cari Reybourn, the new CRHS Geer Up coordinator. Having two degrees from CSI and a bachelor degree from California State University, Mrs. Reybourn is well qualified to be in

charge of the career center. Mrs. Reybourn comments, I feel like I can relate to students that are scared to go to college. My number one passion is to encourage students to go to college and that started long ago. I have been giving out snacks, providing students with supplies and anything else that they need. Other than a new instructor there will not be much change to the career center. It will stay as a place where students can go get their homework or research done.

Weird and wacky news Panda Express

Cody Cunningham News Editor
Many odd things happen around the world; whether man, beast, or nature is at fault, it will always be fascinating to most. All of the following weird and wacky stories are straight from the archives of A man was heard screaming on the morning of October 25, 2011, near a creek bed in Laguna Hills, California. Once authorities arrived on the scene, they found a middle-aged man stuck inside of a tree trunk up to his chest. The tree extended four or five feet into the ground and it took firefighters about 90 minutes to extract the man. It is unknown exactly what possessed the man to climb into a tree. Michigan State Police performed a traffic stop on Interstate 94 after a man driving a pickup was following too close and changing lanes improperly. The officer noticed many black, brick shaped bags in the bed of the pickup and became suspicious. A K-9 unit then detected drugs inside more than 100 of the black bricks which later turned out to be filled with cocaine. A total of 228 pounds was recovered and the 87 year old man was charged with possession with intent to deliver. In a recent story, the Florida Highway Patrol was in chase of a car during a high speed pursuit. The unusual part of the story was the man being pursued was a Miami police officer in his patrol car. He was accused of speeding at 120 mph on a turnpike. The patrol car finally pulled over and was arrested at gunpoint. His excuse was that he was late for his off duty job as a security officer at a school. A Miami police spokesman told The Associated Press that administrative action towards the officer speeding away depends on the outcome of the case. Many weird things happen all around the world to many different types of people. There are legitimate excuses for some, but most are just simply ridiculous.

Kylar Moore Staff Writer

Canyon Ridge has many new things sprouting up around it. Twin Falls will be receiving a new First Federal Bank branch, and rumor has it that there may be a Panda Express over by WalMart. Some students are excited, considering there are not many places around CRHS to get a quick lunch. With limited options for lunch on this side of town, CRHS students find themselves cheering for the new restaurant. The Panda Express is expected to be about 2,448 square feet, and will be very convenient for high school kids to use because of the drive through. Bayley

Seigworth, sophomore, said, I am so excited for Panda Express! I have always wanted one in Twin Falls since the first time I ate there, I will go there often. It seems like most CHRS students are very excited for this new restaurant. Vincent Burke, sophomore, says, If we get a Panda Express I will be broke, because it taste so good because and I will spend all of my money. Its almost better than Chicken. Another Student, Tallon Shinn, sophomore, says Of course Im excited about the Panda Express. Its good food, and who doesnt love pandas? This rumored Panda express has caused a lot of talk and excitement at Canyon Ridge High School, Its obviously going to be a big hit.

Steve Jobs dead at 56 Construction

Blake Maughan Staff Writer
Steve Jobs, the cofounder of the Apple Corporation has died. He was born on the 24th of February in the year 1955 in San Francisco, CA to Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble. Because her father opposed their love, they chose put Steve up for adoption. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. His adoptive father worked for a company that made lasers, so Steve learned from a young age to work with basic electronics. He was eventually kicked out of Apple and developed the NeXT Computer Company with only $7 million. He was running out of money quickly and had no product ready to be sold, so Ross Perot made heavy investments into the company. With this funding, he developed the NeXT computer, which was pretty advanced for its time. Eventually, he got bored and bought what became known as Pixar. While it was originally selling computers, he made a deal with Disney and started making animated films. After all his success, Apple decided to buy out his NeXT Company, rather than ask him to come back. The technology he developed made its way into Apple products, and he became chief when the CEO was removed from his position. He resigned in August of this year, and many blame his not-so-great health. He still remained in the board at the company to have a little piece of it with him. He was diagnosed with cancer in his pancreas, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, and the need for a liver transplant. He died in his home in California at about 3 p.m. on October 5th, 2011. The relapse from pancreatic cancer that resulted in respiratory arrest was the cause of his death, and his family said that he died in peace rather than in agony. His life will be cherished in memory, and he is missed the world over.

Cody Cunningham News Editor

One of the biggest access roads to CRHS for students and staff is Washington Street North. For the past three years, this road has undergone some major construction. There have been many dates set in the past for the construction to end that have all have been a letdown; that is until now. Washington is now open to traffic. The slowdown was been blamed on many things; the most used excuse being weather. Its beginning to seem like they gave deadlines just to hold everyone off and get

their hopes up. Many have most likely noticed that the construction on Washington Street North is mostly completed. It seemed like it was done for a long time between the intersection of North College Road and Falls Avenue West; but the cones were still there. There must be more than meets the eye when it comes to road construction. Not only does the road construction on Washington Street and throughout Twin Falls affect people who are trying to get from point A to point B, it also affects the businesses located on the roads still under construction and minimal access roads.

Jared Berry Staff Writer

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

Ice Sculpting Pawn Stars craze

The art and competition of ice sculpting is becoming rapidly more popular and well known across the globe. People of all ages are getting involved in watching as well as participating in this beautiful art form, but Ice Sculpting can almost be considered a sport. There are competitions held all over the northern hemisphere, each with specific divisions and rules. The most famous competition is the World Ice Art Championships, held in Fairbanks, Alaska. The sculptures created there can weigh anywhere from 7,000 pounds to over 20 tons and can stand more than 25 feet tall! The history of Ice Sculpting all starts back in 600 B.C. with Chinese farmers in the northwestern part of China. During the winter these farmers would routinely flood their fields and then after they were frozen they would cut blocks of ice out and store them to keep things cold in the summer. This led to native Chinese fishermen filling buckets of water, dumping the ice out, cutting a hole in it, and putting a candle in it to create an ice lantern. These soon became very popular around China. The first account of a person ever staying in an ice building came in 1740 when a bride and groom spent their wedding night together in an ice castle. Today Ice Sculpting is an internationally recognized art form and is beginning to take the world by surprise. Amateurs and professionals alike are all getting involved in this amazing form of art. So what draws people to creating such unique works of art? It is probably the fact that one is creating something so beautiful out of something so fragile, or maybe it is the fact that it takes amazing skill to be able to chisel such intricate features in such a delicate substance. Regardless, Ice Sculpting is a stunning form of art that people of all ages can get involved in and have fun! Since the beginning of time, people have been trading things that they dont need for things that they do need whether that it be for food, clothing, herbs, and/or money. As pawn stars on the history channel, Rick Harrison, Richard The Old Man Harrison, Corey Harrison, and Austin Chumlee Russell, have made trade a part of their job description. The Pawn Stars craze has been going strong since 2009, when the show first debuted. The Gold &Silver

Arts & Entertainment

and figure out if something is authentic or just a really good knock off. In 2011 Pawn Stars was the 2nd highest rated show, behind Jersey Shore, and it was the History Channels highest rated show ever. The success of the show was so great that there have been many spin off shows of Pawn Stars, such as American Restoration. Americans just cant seem to get enough of it, its looking like the entire nation is hooked on Pawn Stars.

Shayde Alves Arts & Entertainment Editor

pawn shop located in Las Vegas, Nevada, is probably Americas most famous pawn shop. Being that its Vegas, one never knows exactly what someone is going to bring into the pawn shop. Wacky things such as an enormous bell, cartoon drawings, and a giant collection of Transformers, have all been seen on the show. The Pawn Stars will trade for just about anything, as long as they have some historical background to them. These stars are picky; they only want the best of merchandise to receive and sell. When in doubt, they call in the professionals to try

A Passion for Music

Monnette Mickael-Easter Staff Writer
A passion for music is what one might see or hear any given day walking down the music hall in Canyon Ridge High School in both the morning with band and the afternoon with choir. Although there are a few hundred music students at Canyon Ridge High School, one stands out loud and clear, McKay Beard. McKay Beard is currently a junior at Canyon Ridge High School and an amazing music student. With over twelve years experience of playing the piano and over ten years of singing in choirs, she isnt just a normal student. Music is a way of living my life. She says. Music gives her inspiration, hope, and things to look forward to in life. McKay has participated in multiple choirs from school sponsored, to church sponsored choirs for years. She has also had multiple band experiences from school to private lessons. Furthermore, she played the drums for roughly six months and taught herself how to play guitar in just a little under a year. My life has always been music based, and my parents help me to live it that way, says McKay when questioned about how long she has been interested in music. She continues, I love the history and the concept of music; I love the harmony, the rhythm, and the beat. In addition to her love of music, McKay has always been a generous and caring person who looks out for the community; she says, There are so many kids in our community that

Midway Ice Castles encourages viewers to get a hands on look at ice sculptures.

Photo by Amanda McNeil

New TV Shows
New series come to television quite often, and many tend to be weird and inappropriate; however, some of those shows are the ones that get the most viewers. For instance, the new series American Horror Story is far from normal. The word normal may have some diverse meanings to some people, but this show screams irregular to all. American Horror Story follows the lives of a young family who has had a rough past and wants to start fresh. They travel to a new town and move into a new beautiful home not knowing its haunted. As the show continues, strange events begin to happen:

Alexis Bowler Features Editor

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Created by advertising students

Contact: Gayle Bean Room 300 [email protected]

cupboards randomly open, people just show up inside their home when the doors were locked, and things just gradually get worse from there. Senior, Levi Molt says This show is pretty weird. I dont think Ive ever really seen anything like it. I cant stop watching it though. This show is like a train wreck that one cant look away from; the stranger it gets, the more intrigued the viewers become. Another strange show that viewers cant get enough is the new show Once Upon a Time. Emma Swan is a 28 year old, independent woman who has everything figured out. When her son, whom she had given up for adoption many years before, enters her life again, things start to take an unexpected turn. Her son believes his mother is Snow White and Prince Charmings missing daughter. As weird as this sounds, it gets worse. In the town where her son lives, there are fairy tale characters everywhere that all have curses on them. Emma is unknowingly forced to break the curse. Classic fairy tales that everyone has loved have been changed and retold in a different light. Over the next few months, viewers and ratings will decide if these two new shows will stand the test of time and live on.

dont have anything but music, and they live their life accordingly. Music gives them a structure, just like it helps me to have a structure. There is a sense of pleasure and always something to look forward to. Not only does it give me structure, but it is my passion, some people have passion for sports or art but music is my passion. As well as being a gifted musician, McKay is an excellent student who has strong aspirations for her future such as, wanting to be an engineer. I most likely wont major in music, but I will always participate in music classes. Music will also help me to be a great mother, and help my children to live a music based life; like my parents helped me to do.

CDs VS. iTunes

Throughout time, music has remained constant cultural form of expression, but the way we obtain it has drastically changed. Originally, one had to go see a live performance to encounter music, but in 1930, it all changed with the vinyl record. This allowed for people to listen to their favorite artists from the comfort of their own sofa. Then the radio came along, presenting people with the opportunity to listen to their jams whenever and wherever. Today, the main methods of obtaining music are through CDs and online music sites, such as iTunes. There are many ways to buy music. One old fashioned way is buying CDs. If you are unable to find a CD in a store, you could order it online, or just purchase the MP3 version. With iTunes, it can be a lot

Autumn Myers Staff Writer

easier to find the music Now, a CD is only one of desired. Alyssa Rowley, many options. Although junior, comments, I use iTunes can be useful, there iTunes. I mean why buy a are many requirements to CD when you just like one use iTunes. You must first or two songs? install the software to your With the purchase computer, which can take of iTunes music, listeners quite a lot of time. Also you are free to take the music have to have a credit or debit anywhere. card in order to I use iTunes. I mean purchase from That is, if they transfer the why buy a CD when iTunes. If you do music files you just like one or two not own one of to a blank songs? these, an iTunes - Alyssa Rowley, 11 card is always disk or MP3 player. an option, If one is which can be not good technology wise, purchased at any local store. this can be a difficult task. It So either way, you would takes time and patience to have to be making a trip to learn about ones MP3. Also, the store. with transferring files, there If one purchases is always the possibility of music, he/she has a choice: transferring in the wrong CDs or iTunes. Some use format. For those computer both, considering some whizzes, iTunes can be much underground bands may more of a convenience. be more likely to be on Music has developed iTunes than have a CD. quite a lot over time. Years Either way, the purchase of ago, the only way to have music is always a good one, music was to buy a CD. no matter how it is done.

Twin Cinema 12 fall selection

Eryka Schroeder Staff Writer
The Twin cinema 12 has many new releases. If movie goers are looking for a night out, go and see Footloose. Its a movie about a small town banning together to try and change the unfair laws that the town judge has made. Its a movie thats great for teens seeking inspiration on how to take a stand. Moneyball is based upon a true story about the Oakland As baseball team and their inspirational coach played by none other than Brad Pitt. Another movie option is to watch 50/50, a movie about a young man who is diagnosed with cancer. This movie is intensely emotional, effortlessly effective and a laugh-out-loud comedy. If one is looking for a couples fright night movie date, go for Paranormal Activity 3. The movie is supposedly based upon true happenings that occurred to young sisters, Kristi and Katie. The movie is a prequel to the first two Paranormal Activitys and helps to fill in a lot of holes that the other two movies left. Finally, The Thing introduces viewers to Kate Lloyd who takes an adventure of a lifetime as she finds a creature preserved in the ice of an extraterrestrial ship. As the colder weather moves in, movie goers will find that the Twin Cinema 12 has many hot winter movie selections to offer up, so grab a friend and get to the theater.

New Theater Update

The Odyssey is officially gone, and along with it Tilt. Last year we reported that there was going to be a new theater built in place where the Odyssey and Tilt had currently occupied, and since that edition, the actual theater itself has started to be built. Progress is finally starting to show, and if one drives past the back parking lot of Shopko, progress can be seen. The date for which the theater will be complete has been constantly changing, so opening date is still a complete mystery; the only for sure thing that we know is that the theater will be done and ready to go by 2012. Contrary to what many people believe, this will not be another Edwards theater. The companies that have joined together to own this theater come out of California and Kansas, and they are The Cinema West Company. This theater will offer amenities that the Orpheum and Twin Cinema 12 theaters in Twin Falls do not currently offer. Currently the plans include stadium seating, IMAX theaters, 3D IMAX theaters,

Arts & Entertainment

Shayde Alves Arts & Entertainment Editor

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

Photo illustration by Kameron Yeggy

being able to purchase tickets online, and D-BOX. D-BOX simply means that there are settings on a persons seat that allows the seat to move with the action that goes on in the movie. These amenities are what people normally see in very large cities, so the fact that Twin Falls is getting such an extravagant theater is somewhat surprising. Brady Stites, a former assistant manager at the Odyssey, was asked about what he saw the new company doing in preparation for when the Odyssey closed down. They came in and started taking measurements for when they started to build the new theater; they had blocked off the back parking lot, and started tearing it up, he commented. When asked if he thought the theater would live up to the hype that everyone has been giving it, Brady responded by saying, I really do; the guy that owns the new theater has a few of them scattered throughout most of the Midwest. Ive done my research and they all live up to the hype that we have been hearing. Being that he was a former employee of Interstate Amusement, Brady was asked if he was

eager for a new company and theater to be coming to Twin Falls, Im beyond excited; Twin Falls has been in dire need of something newIn my opinion, the experience will be worth the extra dollar or two. The new theater is coming soon, and hopefully it wont disappoint. The citizens of Twin Falls are getting more and more anxious as opening date gets closer and cannot wait to see all the new things that The Cinema West Company has to offer.

Pearl Jam
Kameron Yeggy Managing Editor
As the 1980s came to a close, music underwent a drastic transformation. No longer would the attention be on high energy pop-rock and hair metal. The 90s brought around an era of dark, passionate rock music known as grunge. Multiple bands, such as Nirvana and Alice In Chains, emerged from this era as legends, but none have quite achieved the success of the legendary Pearl Jam. The great PJ consists of Eddie Vedder (vocals), Mike McCready (lead guitar), Stone Gossard (rhythm guitar), Jeff Ament (bass), and Matt Cameron (drums). The bands musical talent is more than extraordinary. McCready will often whip out catchy guitar riffs, which are beautifully complimented by Stone Gossards sense of rhythm and groove. While the guitarists are jamming out, Cameron and Ament play off of each other to create a pure sense of drive within the song. To top it all off, Vedder overwhelms the listeners when he belts out touching lyrics with his lovely growling voice. Pearl Jam released their first and most renowned album, Ten, in 1991. This album was composed of passionate instrumental patterns and dark lyrics that correlated to vocalist and front man Eddie Vedders past. After the public caught wind of Ten, Pearl Jams popularity exploded. Since then, the band has carried on their great success and has released 8 more albums. Through the years, Pearl Jam has experimented with their musical style and has found a way to appeal to nearly everyone. Their first two albums, Ten and Vs., consisted of heavier grunge rock, but the following albums have contained everything from very experimental music, such as in Vitalogy, to New Wave rock, as in Backspacer. Every album contains its own unique sound and theme, each of which is more than impressive both lyrically and instrumentally. Of all bands that have truly proven their passion for music, Pearl Jam tops the list. Their songs are deeply sincere and continue to touch and amaze people worldwide.

Photo by Shayde Alves

The view from Pole Line as one drives down the road

The poles show the outline of the building, helping to show its vast size.

Photo by Shayde Alves

The Walking Dead

Are zombies trying to bite your face off? Well, no one cares because The Walking Dead is back on television and people are pumped with zombie stomping adrenaline. With new episodes every Sunday night at seven on AMC, viewers should be able to get all the zombie sweetness that they can handle. The Walking Dead is an action packed show that instantly grabs ones attention right from the

Chase Petty Asst. Managing Editor/ Sports

beginning. Rick Grimes, his family, his partner, Shane, and a random group of people all join together to try and get life back to normal. Rick steps up and instantly becomes a leader to the people. He makes all of the tough decisions that he thinks is for the good of the group. Rick puts his life in jeopardy many times to get the essentials to keep living. After being overrun in their camp one night, Rick takes the people to the CDC where he thinks there will be plenty of supplies and people working on a cure. They end up finding only

one person left and that they have time winding down until the building explodes. Some stay to die but the rest barely escapes the building. Now Rick and the people are driving toward Ft. Benning, Georgia, in hopes of finding more people to unite with. Many zombies, or walkers, stand in their way so they have a challenge ahead of them. The Walking Dead is a gripping show that makes viewers wonder what people would actually do when their life is in danger. Every episode leaves one wanting more.

Extreme Couponing
Alexis Bowler Features Editor
Clipping coupons takes on a whole new level when watching TLCs Extreme Couponing. The amount of time and dedication it takes to cut the coupons, figure out what theyre used for, and how much money will be saved on the groceries is nothing less than amazing. The show follows the lives of people who go insane about coupons. Each house usually contains a basement where all the food and other products are stored. Couponers have a variety of items ranging from a few hundred bags of candy to bottles upon bottles of shampoo. These crazy coupon cutters can easily be known as hoarders, although they would disagree. In their eyes, they are providing happy faces and full bellies to their family members while saving a few bucks along the way. As they walk into the grocery store each individual has different methods on how they shop, some bring their families and have them line up in single form and put all the food on the list into the carts. Some like to go on their own and take their time finding ever item on the list, and others bring a mentor to help them with their fun filled trip to the store. As one cart is being filled six more are as well. Although many may believe women are the main sex to go crazy about coupons, in all reality men go just as crazy along with teenagers. At the end of the day when the shopping is done and the items need to be scanned the grocer becomes overwhelmed with the amount of groceries and coupons right in front of them. Usually when everything has been scanned and bagged the total amount comes up to around six hundred dollars, but with the coupons it totals around thirty dollars and in some cases the store may owe them money back. Senior, Victoria Vance says, The people are a little nuts, I dont see why people need to buy 20 bottles of Tobasco sauce and spend hundreds of dollars just hoping the coupons work. On a similar note, Kolton Kestie, senior, says, Its a crappy show and Ill never watch it again, the people are boring. Although these people may appear to be slightly crazy, they all have something in common they like to save lots of money and they enjoy doing it!

Hastings: Remodeled
Autumn Myers Staff Writer
A magical land of entertainment is located right here in Twin Falls, Idaho. Its the gift that keeps on giving. What could this wonderful place be? None other than Hastings Entertainment! Just recently, this wonderful store went through a remodel, gained a new look and a coffee bar. For those who have never been to Hastings, it is a store that satisfies all entertainment needs. From movies to video games and music to books, Hastings is for anyone and everyone. Upon entering, returning customers will instantly notice big changes. The walls are now painted a more appealing color, and signs hang from the ceilings to help shoppers easily locate desired locations. The music section is in the center of all this entertainment, with video games/DVDs on the left, and books on the right. With so much to choose from, one who is naive may feel that each section of entertainment is small and lacks variety. This is not true, considering the music section contains thousands of CD choices. With such They also provide you with a large quantity, one may the choice to rent or buy have quite a difficult time DVDs and video games picking what he wants, within the store. Like music but theres something for and DVDs but cant just everyone. choose one? Hastings even Many people have has a section for music taken a liking to Hastings DVDs. PC gamer perhaps? remodel. Hendrik World of Warcaft players Wohlgemuth, junior, states have no need to worry, Hastings looks freakin those are also provided. awesome now. Its like they Looking for something took all my favorite stores bigger? Within the store, and combined them into stereos, iPods, earphones, one! Considering that and cases can be found. Hastings also contains This store fulfills all skateboards from Zumiez, entertainment needs, and it and band shirts, like ones looks all that more awesome. from Hot Topic. It looks a Hastings Entertainment has lot more inviting, and looks a lot to offer. as though they have expanded and added more merchandise. Nic Schmid, senior, says, I go to Hastings about two or three times a week. I go there for my CDs and books.Those who are always looking for entertainment will notice that Hastings has lower prices than other competitors. If the wallet is thinning, one may always find something in the desired price range. Hastings sells Photo by Shayde Alves new and used Hendrk Wohlegmuth gives a thumbs-up to merchandise, with the newly remodeled Hastings. Hastings quality guaranteed. now has a bigger T-Shirt selection and a coffee bar .

For more information talk to Mrs. Bean in room 300 or any BPA member.

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Compete, have fun, new experiences, Mr. CRHS, Hawk Shop, travel, become a business professional!

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

thanks, way to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There arent just fake Santas on the street, there are thousands of them in department stores everywhere, and the sweetest thing is that they are so excited to have little children freak out and climb all over them. These Santas dont even try to hide boredom or disgust for small children. These Santas give a bad name to Santas everywhere. They glare at the kids, ask them what they want for Christmas in a sarcastic and bored tone, take a picture, give them a cheap candy cane, and shove them off their lap, sending the children home with thoughts of getting a pony when that will never happen. What kind of Santa fills kids with false hope? Thats sending a bad image of Santa to children. All of these annoying things that happen during the Christmas season make you think, Deck the Halls? Id Rather Deck Your Face. -Kameron Yeggy

Blondes and brunettes

Azia Nutting Staff Writer
says, Blondes are naturally better than brunettes at any activity, but brunettes arent naturally stupid! I think in our society has also gotten a little up there for thinking about attractiveness! Kiefer states, A lot of blondes dont think before they act, they just do it. So they will usually have more intentions of doing whatever it is theyre doing. Thats why they do it better and why theyre dumb! Brunettes will usually think beforehand. Nick explains that, Blondes have certain power over males, and brunettes, not so much. Its like a tractor beam through their eyes! Okay men, has any one of you ever thought that its not the fact that blondes are dumb, but that its just a state of mind? Maybe these dumb blondes are really just flirting or making an embarrassment of themselves to make you laugh and then they feel special. Blondes and brunettes can easily dye their hair, so next time you want a hot blonde or a smart brunette, you may just want to find out what their true hair color is.

Decking the halls, bad

Sara Buddecke Advertising Coordinator
Christmas is a time for joy, laughter, giving, hot chocolate, and lots of good food, but there are always those annoying little things that come every Christmas season; the biggest one is fruitcake. Who in their right mind likes fruitcake?!? That stuff is the most revolting thing to ever pass for a dessert. Who likes dried chewy processed fruit shoved into a cake made of synthetic material that could pass for plastic? Yet every year, parents or grandparents try to convince you that it is good and end up forcing that sorry excuse for cake down your throat and ruin your appetite for the next three days. Then of course there are those annoying Christmas Carolers who come to your house at midnight and make you stand in the freezing cold and listen to them sing off key. I mean I could be sleeping in my nice warm bed right now rather than listen to that screeching that you call music come out of your mouth, but then again I dont want to be rude so I stand there politely and listen with a fake smile literally frozen onto my face. Then my toes and other parts of my body become numb and just when I think I might freeze to death, they finally end their song and I am allowed to go back into the safety of my quiet home. Now, am I the only one who gets really annoyed when I hear that ding-aling every time I walk out of a store? Standing there is some person dressed up as a Santa Clause or an elf ringing that dang bell, trying to get people to drop their spare change. Then if you pass by without putting something in, they give you the dirtiest look, like you are the worst person on this earth and deserve a plaque that declares you are the biggest jerk on the planet. Congratulations, to me. Gee

In our society, many people (guys) will say blondes are stupid or brunettes are better. So, lets take a look at what some males have to say about the subject of blondes vs. brunettes. Nick Ridgeway, 11, says, In girls, blondes are better because the blonde hair compliments the eyes, but if its a guy and were just hanging out, brunette because I dont like talking to a dude with no common sense and a small vocabulary. With a different side, Kiefer Starks, 11, says, Brunette, because I wouldnt have to dumb down my level of thinking for them! Ha-ha what a couple of typical guys! Its said though that blondes would look better with the pinkish skin tone that adds brightness to their looks. That is why blondes are more noticeable. In brunettes, youll just look better with thinner hair. Theres a rumor that blondes do it better, but brunettes will remember it tomorrow. Nick Ridgeway

Eighteen, is being an adult all it is cracked up to be?

Alexis Bowler Features Editor
Eighteen: The official age of becoming an adult. It seems that people cant wait to get older. Yet, when people finally grow up, they want to go back to their childhood; its almost like theres no happy medium. As the age of eighteen finally approaches, teens tend to take full advantage of it. This may include buying cigarettes, voting, and purchasing lottery tickets. These adult activities can lead to some adult problems. Smoking a cigarette may be sweet to some people, but in the end there is nothing sexy about lung cancer and a tube going through ones throat. Lottery tickets are also pretty nice, but going broke by trying to actually make money is not the way to go. Senior Jeremy Nebeker says. I like being 18, but I dont do anything that 18 year olds do. Im too busy. Some may also think they are super cool and move out of their parents house and rent an apartment of their own, later realizing they cant afford many of the things they once saw as a necessity. The ending result of this is usually having the young adults moving back in with their parents to have them provide for their expensive lifestyle. However, moving out also has its perks; it prepares one for the real world and shows a newly-18 year old what is really out there. This gives one the satisfaction of saying Hey, I finally did something for myself. The down side to eighteen is that one may get sued, go to jail as an adult, and regret many stupid decisions made. No matter what the case may be everyone deserves to have a fun time even if it may get them in a little trouble! So all in all, is 18 really overrated? Yeah, it just might be.

The great or hamburgers?

Possibly one of the greatest of simple choices on deciding which is overall the best, pizza or hamburgers? This question has been asked many times through many different households on a daily basis, but is there even an answer? When asked which is better, Bayley Seigworth, sophomore, says Pizza, it is easy to order and can be on your plate in no time. Its true that it is very easy to pick up a phone, dial seven digits, hit the call button, tell the pizza place which pizza sounds best and then have it show up at the front door in a matter of no time. Eric Bryan, sophomore,

Cody Cunningham News Editor

says, Thats a hard choice, but I think Im going with hamburgers because it fills me up more. This is also considered to be a plausible answer. According to, a traditional pizza serving of 106 grams has about 272 calories and a traditional hamburger serving of 85 grams, not including bun and condiments, has about 235 calories and 22 grams of protein. Most people would agree that both pizza and hamburgers taste good, it just comes down to what sounds best at the time, how healthy one wants to be, and how much effort one is willing to put out to get the food on his plate.

Idaho Digital Learnin at CRHS

IDLA stands for Idaho Digital Learning Academy. IDLA provides online courses that one would take on a computer instead of a live class, and this is helping many high school kids graduate early and help prepare for college classes. Some IDLA classes are six weeks and some are twelve weeks in length. IDLA covers all the standards a live classroom does. Success or failure in an IDLA class all gets down to students motivation.

Kylar Moore Staff Writer

Worst Holiday Foods

If one is not motivat- negative issues. It could ed, then he/she will not be potentially be bad because successful. Whitney Dillon, students dont socialize difreshman, said, All I have to rectly with other students, but on the othsay for it is to pay er hand it can attention and take All I have to say help some kids your time it gets easier if you just for it is to pay atten- get away from tion and take your bullying and or focus. IDLA is a time it gets easier if graduate early. A big issue work at your own you just focus. - Whitney Dillon, 9 involving the pace kind of thing, expanded use which means learners can work at any- of IDLA is that some schools time of the day, but have to are firing teachers and reget it in by midnight on the quiring IDLA. Does it work? deadline. The jury is still out with that IDLA has positive and verdict.

Yams 56

Fruitcake 46

Cranberries 29

The best holiday,an on-going debate

Courtney Bertoni Staff Writer
Since the beginning of time, there has been an ongoing debate; which holiday is the best? From Turkey Day to the card company made Valentines Day, the intense dispute really gets students riled up. The huge variety of holidays only makes the argument harder to settle; for example, Thanksgiving, the day where everyone eats way past the point of just unbuckling their belts. This holiday is more than just a celebration of Indians and pilgrims, its a stuff their face day. Sure, there is the rush of carving that perfectly cooked, juicy, golden-brown turkey, but what else is there? Up next in the arena is the jolly holiday one knows as Halloween. This one day out of the year when everyones allowed to dress up like they were a little kid all over again. Brooke Bertoni, sophomore, says, Some kids should not be trick-or treating still The ghoulish spirits are allowed to run about along with the fairy tale princesses. And dont forget about the pumpkin carving! Removing a pumpkins insides to allow a candle to burn is always a tradition. Then as the night falls, one goes from door to door singing that one saying Trick-or-Treat, automatically receiving candy. As the night progresses so do obesity statistics in America. Another holiday up to bat is the lovely heartfilled holiday known as Valentines Day. This holiday is best known for the exchange of valentines, candy hearts, and big red roses; however, for most, this day is a reminder that one has yet to get up off the couch, put down those video games, and go on a date. Sure, its quite funny to see a co-worker or friend send flowers and valentines to themselves, but what is the true meaning of this holiday? Yet another popular holiday in this somewhat intense debate is Christmas; a day where all the kids of the world get a visit from ole Saint Nick. This day is not only a day for waking parents at three in the morning to rip open presents but to have yet another feast and to stuff themselves yet again. However one may feel about this holiday debate, there is a special place for each holiday in everyones heart. Yes, there are downsides to many, but the holiday season is a time for cheer. Even though a person may gain 10 pounds, there is still cause for celebration, right?

Probably fat because you could change that without having major health problems -Jessica Baker

Fat because skinny people are GROSS!! -Dylan McGrath

I think I would rather be fat because I love food -Christian Williams

I would rather be skinny because its easier to go from skinny to average, rather than obese to average -Chantry Woods

? ?? ? ?
Would you rather be skinny or fat?

tudents Say...

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

Buddy: Evasive maneuvers team! Dont let him freeze you with his magical staff. Jack Frost: Suck it Buddy! Youre the worst elf ever. Jack freezes Buddy and the team is horrified! Filled with anger Frosty does a deep squat and lunges at Jack. Frosty: This is for Buuuuuuuuuddy! Jack attempts to freeze Frosty as well but with no success as Frosty is immune to the cold. Frosty sits on Jack and Jack writhes in pain. Jack Frost: Youre so fat Frosty: Why dont you go out in the sun and melt a couple pounds, Fatty! Frosty: Thats cold! Nutcracker comes over and cracks Jacks staff in half. While all of this was going on, Rudolph had no idea what was happening and was defrosting Cindy with his nose. Gingy: Nobody messes with these gumdrop buttons Frost. Buddy (After being defrosted): Good job team, yet another catch for the incredible Frosty Team. Lock him up in the snow cave and throw him next to Chedda. The second ever adventure for the Frosty Team was a complete success. Jack Frost is now serving a five year snow cave sentence for man freezing. No criminal could ever outsmart them. They all work so well together and thats what people need to do with each other. Tune in next time for the next adventure with the Frosty Team.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19) A new bond may form in this holiday season with a friend. Try asking them out to a coffee house or quiet place to talk and get to know each other even better. This new relationship could be a very good thing! Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20) A lot seems to be changing that may or may not be due to the chilly winter weather. You may feel confused about what to do in a situation you havent been faced with before. Really consider your Pros and Cons.

Frosty Team Adventures

Chase Petty Asst. Managing Editor/ Sports
Frosty Team, Frosty Team, theyre coming to get you. If you do something bad and ruin kids winter fun, then the Frosty Team, Frosty Team, is gonna get you. Frosty, Gingy, Rudolph, Buddy the Elf, and new addition to the team, the Nutcracker, all come together and form into, the Frosty Team! It was cold, a little too cold for the likings of the citizens of the town called Hidden Valley Ranch. A blizzard was on the horizon and everyone knew what that meant. Jack Frost was coming and coming for vengeance. People tried to prepare to keep Frosty boy out, but they werent fast enough, and he penetrated the walls of the quaint town of Hidden Valley Ranch. Frosty: Happy Birthday! Buddy: I thought I told you to shut up with your Happy Birthdays Frosty. You say it again I will punch ya in your fat snow. Gingy: Get it together guys. I heard that Jack Frost was in town and he already got himself a victim. Rudolph: Oh no! Jack Frost is a legit criminal unlike our last man Chedda Cheeks. Nutcracker: We better get started. I reckon he first struck at Cindy Lou Whos house because I heard a lot of screaming going on over there and didnt bother to pull out my peashooter and see what was going on. Buddy: Youre a world class citizen Nutcracker. Now lets roll. All of the members of the team jumped into their toboggan and rode down the iced filled streets of Hidden Valley Ranch. There were only minimal crashes and injuries on the way over. Rudolph: Here we are boys, Cindy Lou Whos house! Frosty: I heard she is pretty hot. Buddy: As of lately she has been pretty cold however, Jack Frost hit her pretty hard. Rudolph: There she is guys. Jack Frost froze her while she was going for the blow dryer Nutcracker: Want me to crack her open? Gingy: Hold on you crazy Nutcracker. Something doesnt seem right here; there is ice leading all the way up to the attic. Rudolph: Lets check it out. I will light up the way. Just as Rudolph started to head up the ice chute, Jack Frost leaps from the refrigerator wielding his ice staff in one hand and leg of ham in the other. He throws the leg of ham and hits Buddy right in the jingle bells.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20) Things seem really disillusioned recently, and youre feeling negative about almost everything. The holidays are here! So make sure you take a little time to really think about the things you appreciate and that make you happy.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22) During this holiday season, all you want to do is stay home and cozy up to the fire. When friends invite you to outings, you feel uncomfortable. You will soon form a bond with a friend that will bring you out of your shell.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22) You truly want to share the love and good feelings this season, but people seem to be taking it as arrogance. You have good intentions so try talking one-onone with them and find out what you can do to help.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) This holiday season brings about friends that may feel lonely or without someone to share the cheer with. With your creative outlook, you are skilled at lifting someones mood. So write a letter to a friend in need.

Jack Frost: Ha! You fell into my trap gay boys. Now taste the wrath of the Frostinator!

Apple and Berries: A guide to a healthier lifestyle.

Michael Chapple & Jared Berry Humor Editors
Dear A&B: Whenever I eat turkey I tend to fall asleep in the weirdest places and positions, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Help Me! Dear Sleepy: There is a very simple solution to your precarious predicament. Make sure to always pack your emergency pillow when youre about to dig into some turkey so youre always prepared for the unexpected. Dear A&B: When Thanksgiving comes a knocking all that I can think about is stuffing. The issue with this craving is that whenever I ingest stuffing it always seems to result in flatulence. How can I avoid this stinky problem and enjoy stuffing this Thanksgiving? Dear Stinky: Find a secret place in your house that nobody ever visits, and whenever you feel a big one comin on head down and let it rip. Dont be ashamed to enjoy your stuffing! Dear A&B: On Thanksgiving every year I like to wear my turkey suit, but my friends seem to disapprove and complain that it just gets in the way. Should the turkey suit stay or go? Dear Turkey-man: The turkey suit definitely needs to go. Try to surprise your friends and catch them off guard by dressing as a different thanksgiving food this year. Try a heaping bowl of mashed potatoes with a little brown gravy and a spoon. They wont know what to say! Dear A&B: Every year I eat my cousins piece of pumpkin pie when he is not looking, and I always get punched in the face for it. I am planning on stealing it again this year, so how can I avoid getting the hammer to the noggin again? Dear Schnoz: Well, although the bigger issue here is your need to steal pumpkin pie when it is so plentiful, it is safe to say that you need to be prepared for the attack this year. Don a helmet and buckle down for the big hit. Dont be afraid to laugh when your cousin breaks his fist. Dear A&B: Each time thanksgiving comes around my grandma always buys the smallest turkey in the store, and we always end up running out before I get some. I keep trying to tell her that we need a bigger turkey, but she never listens. What should I do? Dear Turkey-less: When youre in the grocery store shopping for a turkey with her, distract her by knocking down the nearest shelf, dumping bags of flour on her head. This way you have powdered her wig as well as distracted her. Then while she is panicking, trying to clean up the mess, run and switch the small turkey for a larger one. She will never notice.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) You may discover that you have hidden talents that you want to try out. If things dont go exactly the way you expect, dont be too hard on yourself. Someone will notice your efforts.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Youve recently been faced with a few awesome opportunities, but youre so distracted by everything else going on in your life that you dont know how to choose what path to take. So make a solid decision and see where it takes you.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Throughout your life youve been simply going through the motions. This season is a time in your life when you need to make a big decision, rather than letting luck guide you.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) A relationship you have with someone seems to be depending only on your actions. You arent getting anything in return. Try talking to the person and if that doesnt work, get out of the situation.

The weather man is at it again

Watch out, there is another unusual wave of weather coming up from the south. This will be something that no one has ever experienced before. We at headquarters are astonished with what is on our horizon for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend . Wednesday November 23, everyone better get their flotation devices ready and have a little battle gear on the side. The Kraken is on the rise with a huge

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Youre love may not be like a rollercoaster baby, but your life sure is. Slow down and take a break. A little rest will be the best thing for you.

Chase Petty Asst. Managing Editor/ Sports

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Youve been feeling really aggressive with other people and maybe a little pushy. Something that helps this is to step back and take a breather. Once youre calm, people will feel more comfortable with you.

wave that is carrying some horse riding knights on it. These knights are looking to smash some buildings and take over the city. The Kraken is looking for a nice meal, and these knights arent going to be it. So grab your swords and fight for Narnia! Oh, it will be a rainy day. Thursday November 24, an unidentified group will be rain dancing on the Canyon Ridge football field. They want all to come witness this. The rain dance will form a hurricane of disoriented confusion as rain turns into snow. Dress in layers as the temperature

will change frequently. Friday November 25, a massive earthquake will come into town and make a huge hole in the Snake River Canyon. For reasons unknown, people will start jumping in this hole and realize that they have just discovered the center of the earth and that Atlantis was down here the whole time.

Photo illustration by Kameron Yeggy

Michael Chapple Humor Editor
The defeat of the devious leprechaun named St. OStank went down as the biggest, messiest, and hairiest of all cases. The sewers beneath Canyon Ridge High School have continued to stay peaceful. The team has been relaxing for months, especially the Easter Bunny who is in hibernation. Michelangelo continues to live in the Bahamas with his pot of gold and has no plans of returning any time soon. All this relaxation and peacefulness was about to come to an end when the Sewer Team got an unexpected call. Betty Crocker: My Turkey! Somebody has stolen my turkey! Leonardo: Whoa! Calm down and tell us what happened. Crocker: I was just about to stuff the turkey when I turned around and it disappeared! Leonardo: Alright, we will get right on this investigation. With the absence of Michelangelo, the team decided to hire some new recruits. They decided to ask their good pals Fat Albert and Bill Nye the Science the Guy. Fat Albert: Hey, hey, hey whats wrong today? Leonardo: Somebody has stolen Betty Crockers turkey! Bill: What! No Way! Who would do such a thing? Leonardo: That is why I

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

Sewer Team Adventures: the missing turkey

am here. I need you guys to help find the evil villain. Fat Albert: Hey, hey, hey I am here to save the day. Leonardo: What about you Bill? Bill: Nobody steals Bettys turkey and gets away with it! Leonardo: Alright boys get some sleep and be ready for work tomorrow. Not able to sleep, Bill decided to go to his lab and create some new weapons he could use on the mission. This was the day he created the Insta-Cooker. This device is able to cook any food item with just one zap. Bill felt accomplished for the night and decided to finally get some sleep. Leonardo: Get up guys we got some new leads on the case. Bill: Jeez, do you know how to knock? Leonardo: Sorry, I am kinda in a hurry! Fat Albert: Hey hey hey stop arguing and lets get ready for the day. Leonardo: Whoa, put on some clothes fatty! Fat Albert: Hey hey hey that was not nice to say. Bill: Alright guys enough lets get going! The team packed up and headed to the far end of the sewer. No one ever goes to this end because it is known as the danger zone. Bill: Why is this called the danger zone? Leonardo: Well, danger is just another word for crap zone. Bill: Oh well it looks like Albert is delivering a new load. Leonardo: Come on Albert stay on task! Albert: Hey hey hey when I got to go, I got to go! Leonardo: Ok guys, please no more distractions! I think we are getting close. The team traveled about another hundred yards when the smell of pork filled the air. They started to creep closer and peaked around the corner. Standing there was none other than Porky Pig holding Bettys turkey. Bill: Give me my InstaCooker and stand back. Bill then approached Porky and pointed the InstaCooker at him. Bill: Give us the turkey Porky and no one will get hurt. Porky: Never! There will be no more turkey for Thanksgiving. Ham will be the new item on the menu! Bill: Alright Porky, you give me no choice. Bill loaded the InstaCooker and fired it right at Porky. With just the one shot porky was roasted to perfection. The team came around the corner and started cheering. Team: Ohhhhh, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill! Another victory for the team and Bill became the teams new weapon creator. The Insta-Cooker went down as one of the best weapons in history. Fat Albert, on the other hand, took the roasted Porky and disappeared. Many say he joined Michelangelo in the Bahamas, but to this day it hasnt been proven.

10 ways to...
Pick up chicks
Ride a moped

Show them your Probe

Pretend to have money

Show the guns

Flex the cheeks

Pretend to have a life threatening disease

Extreme prank wars gone wild

Azia Nutting Staff Writer
Every year teens have one day to celebrate all the prankin that they can to someone, April Fools Day, but why is it that most only do their pranks on this one day instead of getting their fools any other day? Every day is an opportunity to prank Let the Prank Wars begin! So what exactly is a prank war? Well Nick Perius, 11, and his team of friends (Jacob Newton,11, and Robert Stearns,11), all got together to prank some girls theyve been giving a hard time, (Sarah Pak,11, Elizabeth Hill, 10, Sara Basham,11, and Aaron Burton,11; who later switched sides). Nick explained that, It started with Jacob Newton and Robert Stearns always hitting Sarah Paks locker and knocking down her perfect height wise mirror, just little things like that. Then one day Sarah decided she had wanted to get us back. She then had teamed up with her girls and Aaron. As it all became to a game, Nick also explained that, Sarah started the whole prank war by messing with Jacobs room. They messed it up (which he had just cleaned), and put glitter EVERYWHERE! They put it in his clothes, closet, sheets and his shoes. Nick said, We kind of took turns at first. After Sarah got Jacobs room, we got her back! About two weeks later, we had an hour lunch for something and Jacob just by chance knew her unlock code to her truck. So, we decided to sticky note post-it in the entire interior of it. We got everything from the seats to the windows and doors! After that we didnt really get each other back. But then we had this one great idea! We had Sarahs mom take her out for about an hour or so, it was nice that her parents got involved! We had gone to Sarahs room and just DESTROYED it! We filled it with tons of balloons and confetti everywhere! We re-laced her shoe laces backwards and then tied them together! We made a huge mess of it! If prank-surfers log onto and search in Prank Wars, they can find some short prank gilled videos by two guys, Amir and Streeter who prank each other. Many may have seen these before, but if you havent, check it out! These prank wars they have arent just messing with each others room or cars; its much more extreme! The lesson to be learned here is dont save it for April 1st. Pull a prank when it is least expected and start a prank war of your very own.

Pretend to have a serious injury

Lick your lips

Give them a wink


Send out a mating call

Photo by Azia Nutting

Jacob Newton comes home to find a surprise awaiting him.

Bop itwhere is it now and who cares

Aaron ODell Staff Writer
Imagine this; a game to take away all of your frustration. Feeling angry? Whip out your Bop It! You can slap it, twist it, pull it, and basically manhandle it! This was one of the musthave toys of the 90s when it caught everyones attention and found its way into every childs hands; but look around now. What do you see? Im pretty sure its not Bop It. Whered it go? Bop it is a game of reflexes and how fast you can react to the commands from the tiny little voice inside the game. If the wrong action is done then you lose. Be on your toes or failure is sure to find you. Jeremy Abramowski, junior, and Austin Gardner, junior, were asked a few questions about this game. Has it changed? Has it gotten any better? Have you played it? Were you good at it? Do you think it was a good toy? Jeremy had this to say Yea it has changed a little bit. Yea its really thuggin now. I have bopped it before; Ive bopped the crap out of it! I still sucked, but it was a pretty thuggin toy. As one could see Jeremy must have been into Bop It by his thuggin comments. Austin responded Yes it has changed a lot! It hasnt really gotten any more popular; no one plays it nowadays. Yes I played it, and ohhhhhhh yea I was good at it. I kicked everyones butt at it. It was a very popular game, but that was years back. I am going to bring bop it back. Then it will be popular and everyone will play it.Good luck in bringing bop it back Austin! Bop Itwhere is our beloved toy? Like many other toys it has become unloved and forgotten. However the creative minds behind the game are still working on ways to transform it into a new kind of game and put it back in the hands of todays children. The job now lies in Austins hands to change that.
An angry rebel, John dropped out of school and enlisted in the Army, not knowing what else to do with his lifeuntil he meets the girl of his dreams, Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the woman who has captured his heart. But 9/11 changes everything. John feels it is his duty to re-enlist. And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else. Dear John, the letter readand with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true loveand face the hardest decision of his life.

Hawk Shop
Open @ lunch!
y Cand Nachos Chocolate

& Much much more!

Preparing for the SAT&ACT

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

time and think questions through. If stress and anxiety start to take over, simply take a moment to retain composure and then dive right back into the test. Be sure to eat a big, nutritious breakfast, as a rumbling tummy could be a monstrous distraction. Fortunately for Canyon Ridge High School, Gear Up has been providing students with a yearly opportunity to take the ACT for free. Amanda Miller, an ACT survivor, reveals her secrets to studying, I used the little exam booklet that the school gave to me for free and I timed the test so I knew how to pace myself. I skipped anything I didnt know right away and then guessed quickly at the answers that were not filled in when I was running out of time method. My best advice? Pay attention in class. The more general knowledge one has, the better they will do. With the proper study materials, practiced test taking abilities, and the proper mentality, one should be able to achieve his goal score on these tests. If one puts in the effort to prepare for the ACT or SAT, success is assured.

Health and Wellness Column: Healthy Eating

Has anyone ever noticed one of the biggest problems in this country, is that the eating habits of the generations youth has gotten out of control? It is also seen in adults, but the main target would be teens and younger. The main questions are: How can one make eating healthy appealing? We all know no one is going to eat their fruit and veggies just the way they are, and how does one break the bad eating habits? For starters, maybe try getting a group of friends to be a support system. That way, one is more likely to succeed. Mrs. Holloway says, The biggest keys are eating a balanced diet. Making sure youre eating foods in every food group, and portion size is really important. As for eating on a limited budget when not at home, students could bring their own lunch or simply stay at the school. The schools lunch believe it or not, is well portioned. If this is not agreed with, dont forget that there is now a salad bar! Debbie Straubhaar says, One of the most difficult tasks is having the students take the food that is required then to actually eat it rather than throwing it away. The lunches are portioned out to ensure healthy and nutritious meals for students. Having trouble figuring out what is tasty, but also good for the body? Talk to your family about discouraging the junk foods and ask them to buy healthy snacks to munch on. Kids learn from a young age by watching the habits of those that surround them,

Sarah Pak Staff Writer

Photo illustration by Kameron Yeggy

Lauren Shotwell gets a jump on her ACT studying as she prepares for the December exam.

College is the key to ones future, but what is the key to getting into college? The ACT and SAT. These two tests are possibly the most essential aspects of gaining admission into a college or university. Many schools have minimum test score entry requirements, so it is important to prepare for these exams. The most common method of studying for these exams is through the use of online or written test prep guides. SAT/ACT prep guides can be purchased from book stores and online through shopping websites

Kameron Yeggy Managing Editor

and the official testing site. These guides are excellent to use as a studying reference. They provide test-taking strategies along with multiple practice tests and question/answer guides. The practice tests allow for testers to master the art of time management, while the guides will provide knowledge on various topics that may be introduced during the test. Other than simply attaining knowledge, a proper attitude will contribute greatly to ones success. By maintaining a calm mental state, students will be able to more effectively manage their

Sleepless nights
Autumn Myers Staff Writer
Since school has been back in session, many peoples schedules have undergone adjustments. For some, this can be difficult to adjust to considering many people already have a busy schedule as it is. Having to balance school, work, and after school activities along with social time can take its toll. With so much to do, some may accidently mix up their priorities by replacing sleep with something else, such as a football game or staying out late with their friends. Although at the moment it may seem that sleep is just a nuisance, it really is essential. Theres a lot more to sleep deprivation than many know. Sleep deprivation is the condition of not sleeping well, or not enough. Having this disorder can quickly take its affect on the body. It affects health, daily performance, and even the safety of oneself and others. It can cause weight difference, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue. Lack of sleep affects the brain and cognitive function, the ability to be aware of surroundings and process thoughts. Mary Harshman, Health teacher, Being sleep deprived Occupations can also be the cause responds, Yes I have. I of everyday stress and used to work the night shift mental health conditions. while trying to go to school, Insufficient sleep can be and ended up cutting too linked to car accidents, many hours of sleep from where many adults admit myself. She then continued to unintentionally falling explaining that sleep is asleep behind the wheel. very important, especially It is estimated by The to students. The purpose National Department of of school is to learn, and Transportation that driving since sleep deprivation while listless is responsible affects daily performance, a for 1,550 fatalities and students education can be 40,000 nonfatal injuries taken away from them. Those who are not well each year. Having long term rested report trouble with sleep deprivation is often concentration and memory, due to sleep disorders which leads back to the that went unrecognized. effect to cognitive function. One may feel that they These unrecognized disorders include Insomnia, need to cut their sleeping Delayed sleep phase hours short in order to syndrome, Narcolepsy and accomplish more tasks, but Sleep Apnea. All of these this action proves more disorders are different, yet harmful than efficient. similar in many ways. To be diagnosed, it is best to see a doctor and explain your condition; it could be useful to keep a sleep diary. The consequences of untreated long term sleep deprivation can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, ADD, mood disorders, and overall a poor quality of life. Photo by Autumn Myers When asked if she Jacob LeBlanc, after a long night of has ever experienced Modern Warfare, catches a few Zs in sleep deprivation, Mrs. Hamiltons math class.

because of this, it can be harder to break bad habits later on. If youre in the snack mood, trail mix, fruits (even dried fruits), and veggies are a great way to stay on track. The human body is very adaptable, meaning the more you train yourself to not eat the sugary foods and beverages, the less your body will crave them. Also remember that when you buy produce make sure you buy only what youre going to eat right away or within a couple of days. Its better to buy the local produce instead of the imported goods. Why? Produce loses its nutrients as soon as it is picked from the vine, so the sooner you eat it, the more nutrients the body receives. Beverages are also another culprit to unhealthy eating. Sodas and juices contain large amounts of sugar, and are terrible on the body. The sugar is hard on the teeth and the digestive system. Youre definitely not building strong healthy bones by drinking liquid sugar. Just because something has the label juice doesnt mean it is going to be healthy! Water is what the body is in desperate need of. The human body is made up of a great percentage of water, so it is going to need it to stay hydrated. Water also flushes out all the toxins stuck in the body and keeps a steady metabolism. It also fills you up, and sometimes when one feels hungry, drink water instead because youre most likely a little dehydrated. If still hungry afterwards, go for a fruit or some trail mix. If this is too much to keep in mind, just remember: the more water you drink, the better youll feel.

Photo by Sarah Pak

Photo by Sarah Pak

Instead of going to Wal-Mart and getting the lunch to go, how about stopping and getting a nice piece of fruit.

Maybe stop by and get a ripe vegtebale on your way out of the grocery store.

Albion haunts:
As spooky as it gets
Justice Straub Opinion Editor/ Photography
Every year Albion Normal College is opened for the public as a haunted house. The new owners, who are currently in the process of remodeling the campus to become a bed and breakfast retreat, have taken three buildings, and newly this year a fourth, unchanged from the 60 plus years of vandalism and decay. Since I moved here four years ago, I have heard all about the haunted campus. Stories of how there have been paranormal investigators and mysteries surrounding the campus. People have told me some pretty interesting things, like about a girl hanging herself by a chain, or about witchcraft being practiced in the gym, or even murders. Now, obviously I would have no idea what is true, but some other stories that have been brought to my attention seem to be a little eccentric. Regardless of whether or not the stories are true, Albion offers the thrill seeker a great Halloween adventure. This was my second year in a row going and each year has been more fun than previous. This year owners opened Cammish Hall for the first time, and it has been said to be the most haunted building on the campus. As a high school student who loves scary movies and ghost stories and all that creepy stuff. I would highly recommend going next season. Whether or not youve been before, always bring someone who gets scared easily, it makes the visit much more enjoyable.

Crazy fall fashions

Sara Buddecke Advertising Coordinator
Fall is here, that means its time to pack away all the summer tank tops and short shorts. Isnt that just common sense? Most people would agree, but there are some people out there who insist on wearing outrageously unseasonal outfits everywhere despite the weather or what other people say. One may be able to see these crazy outfits walking down the street, in the supermarket, in the mall, and even here at school. Some other crazy fashions can be seen in fashion shows for Vogue or Gucci. I mean, these outfits are out of this world. It would take a very secure person (who isnt paid to walk on a runway) to wear those outfits out in public. Who finds a fur sweater that makes you look like the Michelin man flattering? Sometimes, one sees a person wearing those ten inch heels while shopping at the supermarket. Most people cant wear those because they make one feel as though they are going to fall and shatter their faces into a million pieces. No thank you. Come on people, we are not at the Grammys, we are grocery shopping. Now that it is fall, its time for sweaters and jeans. Not short shorts, tank tops, and halter tops. And FYI people, Halloween is now over. Crazy hair and strange outfits are no longer necessary. Nice try though. Although some people will argue that they are being unique and making a statement, you dont need to dress like a psychomaniac to make a statement or be different. Nothing is wrong with being unique, but the crazy outfits will get you nowhere. Sophmore Deisi Martinez comments, Sometimes people try too hard to make people notice them. I know you want to be noticed but that doesnt mean you have dress like a Halloween decoration. Some things are okay but others look like they just grab the first thing they saw in their closet.

Photo by Sara Buddecke

Local fashion enthusiast Jocee Hodges poses for a picture showing off her unique clothing style.


Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18 , 2011

there could have been serious consequences. This young boy put not only his own life in danger, but his families and his communitys by using meth. The same young boy is still struggling with the aftermath of meth. Although he is clean, he still struggles with the daily reminders of his old life. Once a person has tried methamphetamines, he may be addicted for life. Unfortunately, meth users are not the only ones that suffer these effects. Teens all over the U.S. are dealing with addiction and many other health problems. Mr. Gemar says, Drugs are made out to be almost glamorous The problem with movies and other drug advertisement; they dont show a person the effects after years of use, or the issues it creates within a home. A drug life is in fact, not much of a life at all.

BPA: join the club

Kameron Yeggy Managing Editor
They proudly run the Hawk Shop and host the Mr. CRHS event. This years Mr. CRHS event has potential to be the best yet, states Mrs. Bean. The audience will be more involved through the helping decide the winner of the Peoples Choice Award, and we have nine great contestants to boot. Our earnings will go towards buying outdoor picnic tables for the school. Whether one wishes to pursue a career in the business field or simply join the club for fun, the Business Professionals of America will welcome any newcomers with open arms. Stop by Mrs. Beans room (Room 300) for further details on how to become a part of BPA!

The Dangers Of Drugs

All young people have been taught the effects of drugs and the consequences of using them. There have been countless fund-raisers and awareness projects such as The Meth Project, Red Ribbon Week, and many, many more. However, sometimes this isnt enough for some students to get the point that drugs are bad. Statistics say that over 33% of teens have tried marijuana at least once in high school. Many believe that marijuana is harmless, yet the real problem is that complacent pot use leads to other more dangerous drug abuse and severe issues. Canyon Ridges very own vice-principal has had first-hand experience with the effects of drugs on teens, specifically the effects of meth. One night, Mr. Gemar was sitting at home as a police car pulled up in front of his house. Since Mr.

Interested in pursuing a career in business? Where can a high school student find the knowledge and obtain the experience to prepare for future business occupations? Look no further than Canyon Ridges own Business Professionals of America. This club, headed by Mrs. Bean, brings students together and allows them to compete in a multitude of business-related events. These competitions include events relating to accounting, interview skills, computer proficiency, software and internet programming, and much more. Melanie Day, senior, expresses her feelings about the BPA experience and competitive events. I love BPA! The people, experiences, and memories that Ive met through BPA will last a lifetime. I love it! BPA also greatly contributes to Canyon Ridge through various fund raisers and social events.

Courtney Bertoni Staff Writer

Photo illistration by Kameron Yeggy

Ana Pelayo poses by the BPA gear downstairs.

Gemar was friends with this particular policeman, he thought the officer was just dropping by to say hello. It turns out, this wasnt the case. In this unfortunate scenario, the policeman came for Mr. Gemars help. A boy had barricaded himself into his own room with a loaded gun. This troubled teen refused to speak to anyone but Mr. Gemar. This boy was dealing with the effects of meth. He couldnt control his actions or anything else he did. Sadly, the meth was overtaking the students actions. Fortunately, Mr. Gemar, with the help of another unnamed individual, coaxed the boy to hand over his gun. He was then subdued and arrested for his own safety. This students story, regrettably, is another statistic. The side effects and dangers of meth, or drugs in general for that matter, are a serious matter. Had Mr. Gemar not been there to talk the boy into giving him the gun,

CRHS debates
Alyxis Cederstrom Staff Writer
Everyone has a talent. Canyon Ridge High School tries its best to have something for everyone. Whether it is singing, dancing, or volunteering, there is a club for it. So it should not be a surprise that there is a club at CRHS that requires quick thinking, long tournaments, and good arguing skills. You got it, folks. This special club is Debate. In debate, there are four different types of debate positions that students can choose from. There is Lincoln-Douglas, or LD, Public Forum, or PuFo, Policy, and Congress. In LD debate, the topics mainly involve ethics and morals. In Public Forum, it mainly involves political issues. In Policy, it also involves political issues. In Congress, it is mainly making laws.

Thanksgiving, a multi-cultural tradition

Sarah Pak Staff Writer
Although Thanksgiving is an American holiday, that doesnt mean there is any particular way of celebrating. The diverse population at Canyon Ridge High School houses offer up numerous Thanksgiving celebratory traditions. For some, Thanksgiving may just be a time to give thanks for the good times you have with the family. Stefano, 11, says, In my family, Thanksgiving is a religious celebration. Seeing my family members, friends, and family still alive, we make a feast with special foods we dont often eat. We thank God for the good time we have and for keeping us alive. People can testify if they have testimony. Some students have their own cultural foods brought to the table, not just the standard turkey and mashed potatoes. Leo Campos, 11, says, We cook a ham every Thanksgiving and eat a lot of tamales and just have a good time. In the south, they have an herb roasted turkey, pecan pumpkin pie, and broccoli pudding. If youre one on a vegan diet, Elizabeth Hill, 10, says, I enjoy a Tofurkey roast with the stuffing and a bunch of other good stuff. With all the different ways of celebrating Thanksgiving, its always a good time with family and friends. There are many ways to be thankful for the joys in life, and Thanksgiving is a great way of celebrating, no matter where you come from. All the different foods and cultures bring us together this holiday season as one and give us the opportunity to learn about ourselves and our loved ones.

In the debate team this year, there are a couple people debating LD, about six teams debating Public Forum, and there are no teams debating policy or Congress. Mr. Hall, instructor of the debate team, comments, This is the best group of debaters I have ever had. They are the strongest group. So far, the debate team has participated in four competitions. One in Woodriver, one in Jerome, one in Idaho Falls, and one at Canyon Ridge. When asked how he feels when a student places in a debate, Mr. Hall comments, It is always a nice thing to see people succeed in their area of debate. Debate is a wonderful and exciting experience that everyone can enjoy. Mr. Hall will be accepting applications in the spring for the 2012/2013 debate team.

Popular X-Mas gift wishes revealed

Shaking every present ever so slightly in fear that it might break it if its shaken to hard, comparing one presents size to another, trying to guess what it is while the wrapping paper still covers it; thats right, Christmas is just around the corner, and its time to start thinking about what one wants for Christmas and what would be the ideal Christmas gifts to receive. The most obvious answer for a teen is some form of electronic. Whether it is the laptop that one has been asking for since age nine, or the new and ever popular Ipad, electronics are hot this year. Plasma TVS have been around for years now, but the excitement of getting one will never fade. People have wanted the XBOX 360 and/or the Play Station 3, since they came out, but even more now since the invention of the Kinect which makes those presents even sweeter. Jewelry isnt typically asked for by teens, but to receive it would make a wonderful Christmas. Its more popular in the girl department, but boys
Shayde Alves Arts & Entertainment Editor

A fun game of laser tag

Kylar Moore Staff Writer
Laser Mania, an exciting new attraction in Twin Falls, opened August 20th, 2011. Laser mania is for all ages. They have a Laser tag area and 3D miniature golf. They also have an arcade full of a variety of new and exciting games best suited for ages 10 and under. Laser Mania is a great place to hang out with friends and family. Laser mania is located in the Lynwood shopping center. Many students have been to laser mania. Whitney Dillon, freshmen, said, It was way fun! Viki Para, sophomore, said, I had a blast, it was the best place in the universe! Kayla Kahle, freshman, said If you like to shoot people with laser guns and play golf in the dark then I recommend you go to Laser Mania. Its awesome, especially with a lot of people. The owner Rodney Waite said, When my son said that since Treasure Cove closed there was no place to play laser tag in Twin Falls, so we decided to open this (Laser Mania) up and see where it goes. We have been packed ever since! Laser Manias activities are for everyone. The owners are happy to host parties and events for interested individuals. Call (208) 404-8544 to schedule your event today.

Forever Proud Forever United Forever Riverhawks.. .

buy a yearbook today!
Purchase your memories from Mrs. Larson in the bookkeepers o ce.

enjoy jewelry just the same. Knowing that someone took the time and effort to pick out a specific piece of jewelry makes the gift so much more sentimental. Samantha Jackson, Junior, says Heck yes, I would love jewelry for Christmas! The ever popular cash is always an acceptable gift during Christmas; it lets one know that the gift giver had absolutely no idea what to get, and allows one to buy something that one will actually enjoy, instead of getting stuck with something never to be used. Some people are hoping that on Christmas morning they find a present that has holes punched in the sides of it, and that the present is moving ever so slightly hearing that cute little whimper of a puppy inside the box just waiting to be released. Music is a part of everyones life in some way shape or form, so to get beats headphones by Dr. Dre would only help to enhance ones music experience. Being the most high tech and most expensive of all headphones, to receive these as a present would put a smile on most teens

faces. The normally lame present of clothes is actually a more wanted present as one gets older. Rather than having to pay for the clothes that one already wants, its convenient to just receive them as a gift, and not spend ones precious money on clothes. Just dont let grandparents buy the clothes, one will end up with all sorts of funky items that one wont know what to do with. The ultimate present for anyone is one that doesnt fit under the tree but fits perfectly in the driveway; a car is as sweet as it gets for a present. Jessica Renaldi, Junior, commented, A nice car would be the ultimate gift, preferably a Camaro. CRHS students better start getting their Christmas lists written. Christmas is only a month away, and that doesnt give one much time to prepare. If one doesnt hurry one will get stuck with all the peculiar presents that even a dog wouldnt find entertaining. Keep presents reasonable; however, theres nothing worse than waking up on Christmas morning, opening up all of ones presents and being disappointed.

Preparing for winter driving in Idaho takes time, dont wait

Kylar Moore Staff Writer
Snow is always fun to play in and have snowball fights in, but when it comes to driving, it is no game. One needs to be extra cautious while driving and one would need a blanket and non- perishable food in their vehicle in case of breaking down. Driving in the snow requires being aware of conditions and driving carefully. One should put sand bags in the bed of their truck and always have chains and a shovel. Jenna Atkins, sophomore, said, It was scary at first but you start to get used to it. Gaige Kepner , sophomore, said, Spinning cookies is the best part of driving in the winter! According to some tips for driving on wintery roads are, dont assume your vehicle can handle it, dont pass snow plows, and be extra careful on bridges because bridges can be icy.


Some say that NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) isnt a sport, but many others could disagree, so the real question is, well is NASCAR a sport? The definition of a sport is an athletic activity that is governed by a set of rules and often engaged in competition that requires skill. To keep control over a sharp left turn or speeding non-stop to win, is still skill. NASCAR does have rules too, the drivers cant just crash into another car on purpose because they had felt like it. NASCAR racers dress down just like football players and basketball players do, the racers also compete for first place and best times. Hmm, doesnt it sound like any other sport? On, I lifted a poll as my status saying, Okay everybody, I have an article to do and need your opinions! Do you think NASCAR is or isnt a sport and why? Anna Nutting, 10, commented, Yes, it is because you have to race. Racing on bikes is a sport, so why not in cars? Plus in sports you sweat, those drivers get pretty dang sweaty too! Sabina

Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

Opinion: NASCAR, is it a sport or not

Azia Nutting Staff Writer
Sabic, 11, also believes its a sport by saying, I think it is a sport because theyre competing just like football players, they both compete in different ways. NASCAR is competing in a car on a track, and football players are competing on a field with a ball. These opinions both have really good points and make sense, but Payton Rojas, 11, says, Whats going to happen next?! Oh, wait another left turn, and another. I dont think so. So if opinions of random people dont matter and arent getting anywhere with this argument, then lets take it to the next level and hear it from a NASCAR driver from Twin Falls Jeff Pohlman, age 38. Pohlman is the owner of the number 24 car that races at The Magic Valley Speedway. Pohlman has been racing now for seven years and his wife, Jessica Pohlman, gets involved with it too. Jessica says, The most exciting about racing for me is going fast! And the most difficult thing is waiting my turn! Jessica has only raced twice here at The Magic Valley Speedway, once many years ago in the Hornet class. She finished the race but didnt do very well. Her second race was this season, Jeff put me in his Hornet car this year. It was a fast car and I had a grin from ear to ear the entire race. I was also laughing out loudeven when I had hit the wall! The turn out of this race actually became a really good ending, I had won the race after the person that finished first was disqualified. Not the way I wanted to win, but I will still take the win! Jessica Pohlman sure got into it for one race, but Jeff Pohlman gets into it every Saturday night, but why does he really race? Whats the excitement for it? Pohlman says, I race because I love the competition, and since Im such a motor head and love fast cars and horsepower, what a better way to enjoy it then racing cars. Jeff Pohlman obviously believes NASCAR is a sport. He explains it by saying, Racing is a sport because it takes skill, patience, knowledge, and competitive fire, just like any other sport. Like any other sport, theres always the ups and downs. Just like in NASCAR; sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Pohlman states, The most difficult thing about racing is losing, understanding why you lost, and what it will take to win again. Im pretty sure losing is a difficult concept with other sports too. You have to figure out new plays and ideas to help your team catch up again to get that last thrilling point. Jeff lastly explained that, The most thrilling thing about racing is winning of course. Knowing you are better than all your competition. Jeff Pohlman has won 8 races, (out of 16), in the Late Model, one race,(out of two), in the Super Stock, and he had won the race of the Champions. Thats a total of ten races won out of nineteen! Jeff Pohlman seemed to have a great year and its only going to get better! So, does anybody else still think NASCAR isnt a sport?


Photo by Azia Nutting

Photo by Azia Nutting

Jeff Pohlmans logo for his 24 racing car that he used at the Magic Valley Speedway.

Jeff Pohlman and his crew celebrating his win at the Magic Valley Speedway.

Season Stats for Canyon Ridge Bowling Team

Cross Country Fastest Official Times: Garrett Lott- 19:29 Annie Romney- 21:29

Fall Sports

Girls Soccer Top Goal Scorer: Ellie Packham 11 goals, 3 assists Top Defenders: Michelle Keyes and Juana Aguilar Boys Soccer All conference offensive player of the year with 17 goals, Suren Thapa All conference first team, Josh Clark and Hadir Saad Football Top Defensive: Brandon Bradshaw 68 tackles Cameron Bartlett 55 tackles, 2 fumble recoveries, 1 defensive touchdown Top Offensive: Braydon Metcalf 978 total yards, 8 touchdowns Nick Kytle 363 total yards, 5 touchdowns Volleyball Defensive player of the year- Kennedy Bell Offensive player of the year- Staci Baird Coaches Award- Lexi Crawford Most Valuable Player- Kylee Denney

Canyon Ridge High School has many sports teams, but whoever doesnt join track, or basketball, or any of those teams, may join the CRHS bowling team. Bowling officially started on November 16, 2011. Bowling is a skill based game consists of 10 frames; each pin counts for one point each, and a perfect game has a score of 300 points total. Getting a perfect score takes hard work and practice. Many people enjoy it for the fun and some enjoy bowling for

Alexis Bowler Features Editor

competition. Mrs. Hoge is proud to be a coach; she states, I was a coach at Twin Falls High School for four years, and Ive been here (at CRHS) ever since we opened. Although she is the head coach, she also has some help. Coaching a team is hard work, so Nancy Craig helps her out. Anyone is allowed to join; there are no tryouts unless there are too many people on the team. Hoge also says, Bowling runs through a full season like any other sport, it lasts until February. This sport may be

harder than it appears gaining more knowledge and preparing could easily help one to achieve higher scores. Although bowling may not be a contact sport, it is still a great game for everyone to enjoy.

Cardinals 2011 World Series Champs

After months and months of hard work, two teams have proven themselves worthy to the nation and have made the World Series. One team had more of a struggle to get here than the other but their effort and hard work as the season was winding down earned them a playoff spot as a wild card. The Saint Louis Cardinals rallied to take the wild card spot from many games back as the Braves lost their spot to the playoffs. The Rangers were in first place for their division and had an easier road to the playoffs. The Cardinals had to play the best team in all of baseball, the Phillies, in their

Chase Petty Asst. Managing Editor/ Sports

first series. They overcame the obstacle and beat them 3-2 in a best of 5 series. After the Phillies, they had to take on the hard hitting sluggers from Milwaukee. The Brew Crew couldnt handle the Cardinals pitching and St. Louiss Cinderella story continued to the World Series. For the Rangers, they took out the team who was on a hot streak, the Tampa Rays, with ease winning 3-1. They then had to take on the Detroit Tigers, who had just beaten the Yankees. After losing the first one, they bounced back and tamed the Tigers by beating them 4-2. In the World Series, the teams battled to get a lead on the other. The Rangers went up 3-2 and everything looked as if the Rangers were going to win

it all. The Cardinals rallied though and took it to extra innings. Then in the tenth, Josh Hamilton hits a 2 run homer to go up 9-7. The Cardinals found a way to tie it up again and then after shutting out the Rangers in the eleventh, David Freese steps up to the plate and smashes a walk off home run to tie the series at 3-3. The Rangers were mentally crushed in game 7 and the Cardinals won the World Series in 7 games. Trae Bishop, Junior, says The Cards are the best team ever. I knew they were going to win it all from day one. The Cardinals worked hard to make it to the playoffs and deserved the win. So give it up to the Cardinals for being the 2011 World Series Champs.

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Riverhawk Review - Twin Falls, ID - Friday, November 18, 2011

is a necessary force. Kytle mentions, I regret through high school not being in the weight room all that I could. To Hawk football players now and future, Kytle says there is so much within that one phrase, Weight Room. Freshman quarterback Teague Sweesy agrees with Kytle when he says the word discipline. He says, This program will be successful in the future because Coach Slotten handles his organization well, and the fact that we have a well-rounded team helps. Everyone is a blocker, and in this offense there can be few to none mistakes. Some might argue on the other hand that the offense has small to do with the teams success. This could be because in the home opener against Filer, the Hawk defense scored two fumble recoveries for touchdowns to gain an early lead. This was only the preview of the great yet simple Hawk defense which proved to be very successful this year. For this team the future is brighter. Canyon Ridge has yet to see the potential that the football team really does hold. Future Hawks, according to Dave Slotten, You can look forward to success, just pay your dues and keep your noses clean. We are the Elite.

Athlete Profiles: Nathan and Kylee Football Transformation

Aaron Burton Staff Writer
lack of time to prepare some might say that if he had played the position more than just ninth grade football and senior year football that the team could have had more success. Nonetheless the foundation in the program was set for what a quarterbacks job is in the Hawk football program. Nathan Sterner proved to be the athlete that the football program needs, a mind set on hard work and dedication. Nathans quirky personality also enlightened the team always when they needed it. If you tickle a tiger, he will probably bite you, comments Nathan about himself. Kylee is a definite asset to the team as she plays a big role for such a little person. Of course in some cases the smallest person plays with the biggest heart. She has the most to lose. Kylee is a senior on this years school volleyball team. CRHS volleyball landed third in conference falling short of districts, but all season they had a great time playing the game she loves. Her favorite memory is beating Jerome for the first time at Canyon Ridge. Kylee believes in the off season and would want to send a message to any future volleyball players that the off season is critical. Get in the gym and do your work, she says. Her fun loving and competitive personality fueled her team this year in volleyball. As of now she is not planning on going anywhere with volleyball in college but would take the opportunity up if she got the chance to grab it. If it is important to you, then you will find a way. If not, youll find an excuse, she says. This attests to Kylees competitive personality, and from the look of it she is headed to high places. Leaving the past in the past; where it belongs. In one short word running back Nick Kytle can describe what the new Hawk football program is, Discipline. Discipline is not something Kytle would just say, but something that he has bought into, the CRHS program and its beliefs. No longer can you do what you want, Kytle says. As spring rolled around before the end of the 20102011 school year, all of the Hawk football players were aware who the new head coach was. Dave Slotten had previously coached at Twin Falls High School, where his son, the first player to ever wear the Service Bowl helmet, Zack, played football. Everyone knew that the program would change here at Canyon Ridge with the addition of Coach Slotten, but how? Coach Slotten comments, Our goal here is to develop a program. To be successful in this game, it requires dedication and the weight room. Make it your best friend. Slotttens words of wisdom are not to be taken lightly, for if you want to be part of the new Hawk program. It became evident this season that strength

Aaron Burton Staff Writer

At first he was apprehensive, but Nathan is a natural leader through example, not to mention a great athlete, comments Coach Jacoby Fox shedding some light on how much work Nathan Sterner puts into his team. That is exactly what it was; his team. The quarterback of a team has a natural leadership role in football. He is the commander on the field, who starts every play with the ball. Nathan was told the news of his position in the spring of 2011. No one, not even the coaches knew where they were headed with the offense, but they trusted Nathan as a great enough athlete to adjust. Coach Fox adds, It is always a good thing to have a mobile quarterback, who can spread the field and make plays. Due to Nathans

Is being a setter demanding physically and mentally? When asked, Kylee Denney explained, Every second ball is my responsibility, and whether it is good or bad, I have to set up for the next one and keep a short memory.

CRHS basketball preview

As fall sports come to an end, its time for basketball season to start gearing up. Basketball is an exciting fast paced sport and a lot of people look forward to the season. CRHS freshmen, JV and Varsity teams are flocking to get out there and prove that they are winners on the court. Coach Fox has a positive outlook on this years prospects. He comments, Sure there will be adequate talent. Everyone has talent

Aaron ODell Staff Writer

they can bring to the table. Of course, as this is my first head coaching position its exciting to implement my overall philosophy. We will continue to build upon foundation laid in the last two years and continue to grow as competitors. Coach Holloway responded, Absolutely, every kid out there has something they can bring to the table, and its our job to accurately access that. Yeah, I love this game and we definitely have high hopes and expectations

for these girls. We will continue to build on the positive things that have happened in the last two years, and continue to help these girls to learn to play basketball the right way; with passion, discipline, and especially attention to the fundamentals. Fox and Holloway are excited, and the players should be too. It will be exciting to see Coach Foxs philosophy in action. It will also be interesting to see old traditions continue and new ones start.

Photo by Monnete Easter

The Canyon Ridge High School Riverhawks huddle together to pump each other up before the start of the game against Wood River.

Azia Nutting
1 2 3 4 6 5 7

Storage Wars
Storage Wars is where groups of people compete with one another to buy a storage locker that hasnt been paid for in a while. These individuals find many rare things from classic art to miniature pianos. Some lockers are not worth anything, but some can make quite a profit. The question still remains,; however, is it a sport? Although Storage Wars doesnt require any physical exertion at all except for a lot of yelling, there is still some fierce competition going on amongst the bidders. Everyone tries to beat Dave Hester because he makes super bank with most of his bids. So they always try to outbid him or just drive up his price every time. Dave once made over $85,000 and since then, no one has liked

Chase Petty Asst. Managing Editor/ Sports

9 12 13




15 16 17

1 5 8 9 11 13 15 17

7 10 12 14 16

Across: 1. Angel 5. Snowman 8. Stockings 9. Elf 11. Carolers 13. Snowflakes 15. Decorations 17. Ornaments

5 6

Down: 2. Ginger Bread Man 3. Presents 4. Christmas 5. Sleigh 6. Mistletoe 7. Reindeer 10. Wreath 12. Candy Cane 14. Santa 16. Joy

Across A winged person that sits on top of a tree. Big rolled up balls that kids dress up. Cloth Pieces that hang on fireplace mantle. Little people that make toys. People that sing around town. White, fluffy, cold things that fall from the sky. Things/stuff to make that house pretty. Tree balls for decorations.

2 3 4

Down Cookies to look like a little man. Objects under the tree. The best of Winter Holidays. Santa's hot rod. Thing that people kiss while under it. Animals that help fly. Round object make of fake green pine needles. White and red stripped hook. Fat guy in red. To be happy.

him. The other competitors always have great pride when they outbid Dave and they rub their victory in his face when they get a good locker. Although the definition of sport says that they engage in physical activity, it does also talk about the competitive nature of others involved. Some might say that there is no way to win but that is wrong. Whoever makes the most money is the victor. Cody Gates, junior, says Storage Wars is a great show but definitely not a sport. There isnt any physical activity going on. Storage Wars has a lot of competition but to call it a sport would be a little extreme. There is really no skill that needs to be used except having a firm voice for screaming Yep! Although the show is very entertaining to watch, it is nothing like rooting for your favorite team against a rival.

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