DM PomerantzSubpoena

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Ind. No. 71543/2023


On April 4,2023, DonaldJ. Trump, the Defendant, was arraigned befote this Coutt on an
indictment charging him u/ith 34 counts of Falsi$dng Business Records in the First Degtee, in violation
of Penal Law $ 175.10. On March 78,2024, Defendant issued a subpoena duces tecun fteteinafter
"Subpoena") to former Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz (hereinafter
"Pomerantz") seeking vatious documents. Pomerantz 3/18/24 Subpoena. On April 3, 2024, the
People filed a motion to quash the Subpoena. Defendant responded on April 5, 2024. Pometafltz,
tlrrough his attotney Roberto Finzt, joined the People's motion on April 4,2024. From March 2022
through March 2024, the People have sought, teceived, and provided to Defendant a number of
documents and mateials ftom Pometantz that petain to the instant matter. People's Memo at pgs.

CPL S 610.20 ptovides that any party to a criminal proceeding may issue a subpoena. CPL S

610.20Q) specifically ptovides that an attorney for a defendant in a cdminal action may issue a

subpoena of any witness whom the defendant is entided to call in such action or proceeding. To
"sustain a subpoena," the issuing party must demonstrate "that the testimony or evidence sought is
teasonably likely to be relevant and material to the ptoceedings and that the subpoena is not overbroad

or unreasonably butdensome." See CPL S 610.20(4); see also, People u. KoTfowski, 1 1 NY3d 223, 242

[2008] (the propet purpose of a subpoena duces tecam is to compel the production of specific documents

that ate televant and material to facts at issue in a judicial proceeding). When disputes arise concerning
the "validity ot propriety" of a subpoena, the court must resolve whether the subpoena is enforceable.
See Application of Dads,88 Misc2d 938, 940 [Cri^. Ct. N.Y. Co.1976]; see also,People u. Natal,75 NY2d
379,385 [1990]. Because the subpoenaed matedals are returnable to the court, it follows that the coutt
tetains the ultimate authority on the outer parameters of the subpoena powers. See People a. D.N.,62
Misc3d 544 [Crim. Ct. N.Y. Co. 2018], interna@ citing Matur of Terry D., 81 NY2d 1042 11993).
The Court of Appeals has held that a subpoena is properly quashed when the patty issuing the
subpoena fails "to demonstrate any theory of relevancy and materiality, but instead, merely desire[s]

the opportunity fot an untestrained foray into confidential tecords in the hope that the unearthing of
some unspecified infotmation [will] enable [them] to impeach witness[es]." People u. Gissendanner,43

NY2d 543,549 11979). A subpoena duces lecum may not generally be "used for the pulpose of discovery

or to ascettain the existence of evidence." Id. at 557. Conversely, courts have denied a motion to
quash where the subpoena demands production of specific documents which are relevant and material

to the proceedings. See People u. Daran,32 Misc3d 225,229 [C.i-. I(ngs Co. 2071, Laporte, J] ("th"
defendant established that the solicited data is relevant and matedal to the determination of guilt or
innocence, and not sought solely in the speculative hope of finding possible impeachment of witness'

genetal credibility"); People u. Carupanella, 27 Misc3d 737 fDist. Ct. Suffolk Co. 2009, Horowitz, J].

When deciding a motion to quash a subpoena, "access must be afforded to relevant
and material to the detetmination of guilt ot innocence, as, for example, when a request fot access is

ditected toward revealing specific 'biases, prejudices or ultedor motives of the witness as they may
telate directly to issues or personalities in the case at hand' or when it involves othet information
which if known to the tder of fact, could very well affect the outcome of the trial .. . thete is no such

compulsion when tequests to examine records ate motivated by nothing more than impeachment of
witnesses'general credibility." Peopk a. Gissendannerat54S, quotingDauis u. Alaska,415 US 308,316

[1974). Thus, this Cout must determine, among othet things, whether the subpoena seeks information
to be used for impeachment of general credibiJity or is instead directed towards revealing specific
biases, ptejudrces or ulteriot modves related directly to personalides or issues in the instant matter;
whether the solicited information is material to the question of guilt ol innocence, or nothing more
than z 'fishing expedition.'

"An attorney for a defendant may not issue a subpoena duces tecum of the court directed to any
department, bureau, or agency of the state or of a political subdivisions theteof, or to any officer or
teptesentadve thereof, unless the subpoena is indorsed by the court and ptovides at least three days

for the ptoduction of the requested materials." CPL S 610.20(3).

Fot the following reasons, the People's modon to quash the instant subpoena is GRANTED
in its entfuety.
As a threshold matter, the People's motion is granted because the subpoena is not indorsed
by the court as tequired by CPL 5610,20(3).
Pomerantz was a Special Assistant District Attorney ('SADA") with the New York County
District Attorney's Offrce ('DANY') ftom February 2, 2027, unttl. February 23, 2022. Mark F.
Pometantz Affitmation Dated Match 29,2024 (heteinafter "Pomerantz Affrmaion"). The Subpoena
seeks materials from Pomerantz during his time as a SADA, with some requests seeking matedals up
until a month after his departute. Pomerantz 3/18/24 Subpoena Requests Nos. 1-4. The tequests
seeking documents and materials from Pomerantz between the time period of February 2,2027, and
February 23,2022, i.e., the time period of Pomerantz's tenure at DANY as a SADA, fall under the

rubric of CPL S 610.20(3). Because the subpoena was not indorsed as required by CPL S 610.20(3),

those tequests are quashed.

As an altemate holding, assuming argaendo that Defendant did comply with the requirement of
CPL S 610.20(3), the People's motion would still be granted. Defendant's Ftst Request is
impermissibly btoad and calls for infbrmation protected as privileged work product. This request
seeks: "all documents relating to the February 28,2021, memorandum evaluating, inter alia, whethet
(a) Stephanie Clifford a/k/a 'Stormy Daniels,' committed 'extordon' andf or 'larceny,' and (b) whether
President Trump was a 'victim of blackmail."' In seeking this memorandum, the Court finds that the

request runs afoul of CPL S 245.65. A prosecutor's work product "includes 'those portions' of
documents 'which are only the legal teseatch, opinions, theories or conclusions' of the People or its
attorney's agent." The date of the memorandum (February 27, 2021) as well as the topics the
memorandum coveis appear to pertain to the legal analysis related to the criminal investigation. In
fact, Defendant acknorvledges that the memotandum is likely the ptosecutor's "opinion, theory, ot
conclusion" on the topics tequested. Indeed, Defendant uses the term "evaluating" within the request.
Defendant's Second and Third Requests are far too broad and amount to an rmptoper fishing
expedition rnto general discovery. For example, Defendant's Second Request seeks "all Documents"
for a thirteen-month period from several individuals covertng r^fige of topics including "Cohen's
recollection of intetactions with President Trump" and "any fotm of bias or animosity towatd
President Trump." Further, in light of People's Exhibit 2 (lvIarch 29,2024, Afftmauon of Matk F.

Pomerantz) and given the amount of materials related to these requests akeady turned over to the
Defendant, thete is no reasonable likelihood that the Second and Third Requests would uncover any
information that is relevant and material to the proceedings. CPL S 610.20(4)

Finally, Defendant's Fourth Request seeks infotmation on topics that ate not relevant and
material to the facts at issue. The Request seeks "[F]ot the period from March 23,2022, through the

present ...all Documents rellecting communications with DANY personnel regarding the collection
of materials for pulposes of discovery, disclosure, or litigation n People u. Trump,Indrctment No.
77543-23." This appears to be an attempt to obtain DANY's internal communicauons about their
discovery obligations. The People's motion to quash this aspect of dre Subpoena is granted.

THEREFORE, it is hereby

ORDERED that tlle People's motion to quash is GRANTED in its entirety.

The fotegoing constitutes the Decision and Ordet of this Cout.

Neu'Yotk, New York

tingJustice of the Supreme Court

nI ,s.4: Judge of the Court of Claims


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