IAD28 Fitness Center Waiver

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Fitness Center

13200 Woodland Park

Herndon Va.
Waiver Agreement

I, __________________________an employee of _________________, wish to make use of the fitness center located
on the first floor at 13200 Woodland Park Drive, Herndon, Virginia (the "Fitness Center"). In connection with my use of
the Fitness Center, I understand, agree, and acknowledge certain matters as follows:

1. I understand that One Dulles Associates, LLC, Madison One Dulles, EF One Dulles, LLC, FF One Dulles, LLC,
255 West One Dulles, LLC, Harbor Group Management Co., LLC and their respective affiliates, officers, directors,
employees, managers, and any assigns (hereinafter called the "Owner") is making the Fitness Center available to
Tenants of the Building; the Fitness Center shall be used only by such tenants and the employees of such tenants who
have signed a Waiver Agreement. No guests, family members, contractors, visitors, or children are permitted.
2. I understand and agree that my use of the Fitness Center, and the facilities and equipment located therein, is at my
own risk.
3. I understand and agree that the Owner will not provide any instruction, supervision or direction regarding the use
of the equipment, and that I will not use any piece of equipment with which I am not thoroughly familiar, and which I
do not know how to operate.
4. I understand that the Owner may make available, upon request, materials supplied by the manufacturer of such
equipment, but that the Owner is not required to maintain or provide such materials, and I agree that the Owner will
not be held liable or responsible in any way for the contents of or any omission from such material.
5. I acknowledge that the Owner has advised me to obtain a medical examination prior to utilizing any of the
equipment in the Fitness Center.
6. The Owner shall have the right, from time to time, to promulgate and establish rules and regulations relative to the
use and enjoyment of the Fitness Center, and I agree to comply with such rules and regulations.
7. The Owner has the right to close the Fitness Center temporarily for repairs and I or maintenance of the fixtures or
8. The Owner reserves the right to deny access to the Fitness Center to anyone who fails to comply with the terms of
this Agreement.
9. Lockers are for your use during your work out times only. You must take yow- personal belongings with you after
each work out session.
10. This Agreement shall be governed by Virginia Law. Any notice must be in writing and sent by certified or
registered mail. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their heirs, successors and assigns. This
Agreement shall not be binding or effective until signed by each of the parties hereto. This Agreement contains the
entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event any
part of parts of this Agreement are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such part or parts shall be severed and
the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to the full extent permitted by law.

I agree that the Owner shall not be held liable or responsible in any way should I be injured while using the Fitness
Center or any facilities, equipment and materials located therein, regardless of whether such injuries are caused by or
resulted from any negligence on ti1e p art of the Owner. Also, I agree to indemnify and hold ti1e Owner, harmless from
any and all lawsuits, claims, damages, including costs and attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from my use of the
Fitness Center.

I understand that the Owner is relying upon this Waiver Agreement in permitting me to use the Fitness Center, and the
facilities, equipment and materials located there in, and that this Waiver Agreement shall remain in effect until such time
as Owner has exercised its right under Paragraph 8 above, at which time I will no longer be permitted to utilize the
Fitness Center facilities, or I no longer am employed by a tenant at 13200 Woodland Park Rd, Herndon Virginia.

________________________________ Colleen Carter

Print Name Print Name

________________________________ __________________________________
Applicant Signature Applicant Signature

________________________________ __________________________________
Date Date

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