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& Development
CH 1 Geography | Class 10
Hand Written Notes
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Orif txhaudibiet� 0wne>tdiir


S��lc. �bl&tr, �n-ttnewaJk Communil 'j
Uttrviy (r-Jon-f.M"') ! / "'-.,. r(�onDl
(ot1lin140W 'Rt�\e, nof\-ft�c.lablt.
6)11 ,tt&w �- meta.u U- �srU
L'J· wlnd,

• Owner_qh�r :

1J 1:ndfvirJ14fd : e.,. iaHm,, hoc.ue tlJ. .

ill Commun1t� : e.,. te.mree, rark- • pe�9roun<A • etc .

@ NoJ.ronat All -Ifie, l.w,,i wiffitn potJticaL boundO>t� an,,( oteanic

area. upto 12. nautical mYlea .

.Iil-:!nttJfnaifontd : lhe oceQnk., roourcea b�ootl 2))0 rlaLdtcal m;£a 96

exclwive. econom1c, 5eW\.L., •

• gtaiw. 815 <J)eveQopmU1t ;

TI ?awitiat : lf&t c.dilisetL ti /ulie!t ( sof.wt to ��<Ulnan)

ill Develope.,1 � � WJL;t� and quanti� 1s dde,cmit'I� fr I.ULlQ�e .

e-�· Coal , petrol.eum.

Nf �toc.t : Nat ha\le suUfeieJ1t twinoeo,� �r Ldilistdiora .

e.-�· +f20 hcu two e&sentia..l qase.a +f2 and 0.2 but we can •t
Separate them with current technology .

ID Reserve : Can be used with present technology but is kept for

future .
Eg .

forest ,
dam water .

Why do we need development ?

1) Depletion of resources

ID Accumulation of resource in few hands

④ Exploration has caused global winning .

Due to these reasons ,
distribution of resources has become essential
for a sustained quality of life .

Sustainable development ( 9992) :

Development without damaging environment .

Rio earth summit :

900-1 heads First international

of state met earth summit

Agenda 29 :

Declaration signed by UNCED at Rio ,
which aims at achieving
global sustainable development .

Why Resource Planning ?

For balancing the use of resources at national state and
local level .

Eor Roe :

BIN Madhya Pradesh we have rich amount of minerals

, .

it On the other hand Arunachal Pradesh has good water resources

but lacks in infrastructure .

iii whereas , Rajasthan has good solar

energy but lacks water .
guwe.yT� , maprt� , ttualJt'j
at1c.( qu,mtiflj anal�dg

ill �volvtn� o plannin� .etrtAdwce. : 'frovtded UJiUi Offtop(ia:i:t tedwioeo9!1

sktlls and iristrtr.1tttono.l Selif

1fil f\aWiTn� raourw oleve&rmerit plans wfH. ovt11aJl. nattonai

cleA1elofme11t platt&.

Whal 'ft&"- kncL ttt»t� ,,t>M, Co/JJrJJJsallm f

• <geiourcu can co� to rJeiteiopme,,t onl� when -tti� GU1e
Octompaine& b� appropr'lale technologtCQ.£ dweiop med and indttuitionol
• Wt netof to CDVl9V1Ve re.&ourso btca.ute OVeJi lAtili9<Att&,\, ond T«t,ulM
O>n!wnrtf� 0/ re.&ourso Ma.&j €.ead to toclo wmomic and e.r111iro�mtNltal
• Gat\dht tai� his cone.em SaAjt� .»tat "Jiiuce iJ enou� ter t110t�bod�•s
ne.ecl t>tAt � �
Qn'JbOd� 's 9ruol:
• 1-fe, biClMU o/f.UAJ men r.tnd rnodf>fn tech � txp� 0/ re.io1»1tu-

La11J 1eJ6WllRJ
t �f iA importavit beca.wi moft &f oor c.tctivitie.& are. dependent �
4.:J economic octMt�, trangport , wilJe;te , �wun1t1, e1i,.
I 1
+allow lo.ritJ J/,J, sowri Aru.i
( 1.tvre;1t
ottieM -Hian
( ntt area iowh
wi-tfi c.ropt)
tallow IQnd current fa11Qf.c)
(unculti"'1tet:f latitA (uticultillOfeJ
iot lw thc,i tor 1-S �)
1 �eWt)

f own more -+nan

Sow� WftA.

1'h�tical � ad9'l9 -Hum9r, 6aclvrs

�- � 4"eo9r'l(n11 �-- v Porutation
lO gait c.\endilj
iiD Clirro:fe iO 1echno\o�'j
-1 L'an<A Ufe rcdtern ftl IV\r,Ha � 411ot<d ��rhtca.t �Q : .3. 2.i million2 km
Q -A 1/(.UlaMt � 9 3 1.
� Ifa fown alit(l : 54 ..,.
V011iu �em go7. to tfa11�aM. c I
ancA "PlAnjalr -lo 10 ,. iV\ -Ar,.macl\ol ��dm
Md Mil)Ofo.«\ •
ro'(ar .A,ett
� 33'1° is dui,a1r& ruitQ accortUnq il> nctb'ona.l ,ipru.t poflCAj ( 1�5z;).

iU �mrorlat1t Jor tcolofetd bQlance. •

n� :Dvebhoocl � million reortt Jqencb 9rl. f>Yeil .

� Wadt ea.vvL : �OCKVi�, �usut aY\CJ c»trd {.UfeQ,.

elW-dt et fa,rvJ '19r�

➔ '15 7. � bcaie, nud£ a,u itt-taJned Jem &wJ. .
➔ +fumaN\.. ac.tMtie.a •
➔ MiN'�� tawa df,6orul:attfM. and dud t, aimo1fhtk£ .
➔ Tvidu.&trial wtUtt i.& ruporisible � � and w� pollutio�.

total dejmc.led. evteQ. : 130 mtlli9f,\, hutre

28"1. 561.
fYeAt <½rarM Waw- eJlod,J.,

Trope11. m�eme,d- Bf �ra3��

1'� �elieJt &11

ft�ed et waiti ead
C�al Mlruc1 activitiu
frorek. JAci1W13e et
�ridudmaL wa.ile
� %�it:
IBf goit
� guJ,- goi£
� We.othe.retl pOHent ro�
-«. Unwe.aHlvcetA rwctMlt rorJ._

* Torw � V\.dwte such as funperalwte.. Qc.tifM.

di wr,t,«;�'ti 1j �rmoli9fl. � sdl .

A&.uvid S9il

}/,w oll.uvioi etd ofuvioi

( V!<AJ.aA.) ( �an�a,i)
· fa1ore �qJile · 1.ei.s 1ext1€t
· t1V\£ fW1ticw • /<.ru,ika,i, paxiide.A
➔ ft� ividupread [t\, T� .
➔ Covoo entlx.t ru>rthevn. pi�.
- 1>epositetl b� +t'imaflMjON\, vi11w (�� , �vi.Ju;,_)�

➔ tfi3hl j � exiiit
➔ G-ood IN\. potaJ-i , lime , phosphovit acld .
➔ Wnwt, SIA9WfOOM, padci�., CrOfj •

c; �uch goif tA common t

l �uCN , Cn9b and le11a1
�iacll Soa
[ 11,ijuit»i, Sea]
[ Bfo.c/G � SfJli]
� <j)e,ca.� tra, ref°"- 96 'D� p�, fataiwa, fafod��o. <fi.�U,
( t)ai;tfj9wJi.
➔ Mat1t Ob � �� .
_,, DeveiDp crocl<J dW1in9 iummeJL � Cle11q_-t,9r1.. •
� l l lUj f£1Hticlu , ��h moi.dw"i hofd CAf�� •
- �ch ifl CaC03 , M9 , P� and 1Jme.. •
- Poor ir1 p hosphori.u c.oVliu\.t •
- :Be.rt � co-tt1m, •
<R.ecl fAIAd Yelf� SeU
-+ 'Dwdor gr, r'1neow rotb. .
_,, ll)W rat�oll 9(5 e.o.Lte,m a.NL .!01.Uhe>c� pl»([ 9t 'DtCM-
plcduw , Ori�ll , C'1aftrs�OJ1ii .
➔ Re.deli� CDlol()I. WU t8 rr(M.. d ep o!liJ.
- 0CCWtJ �t(19w W�eN\ U lJ i.4'\.. �dJ<cdtc.{ 4'rm .

£�rtt gBlt
➔ tropical gul?trorica.l '(e�iOA. with aliv1� wet OKl.rl dr� 9� •
➔ Tt i.& � iAfUut leachi�9 diu � netw� 'f� •
- -A--tidlc t� vtaiWte. .
➔ OccWtA iN\. gouthe>tn sMt ,�� , Orim,l , Wea 'BM9oJ. .
- -Appropriaft te�� and. techni�a C.tlr\.. htlf W\. �vowi�� � awl.,
� i.v... � 66 ��, 1<.e>ctda, -r'amit Nod.IA.

< , NfAAA
� �u(
swfab{e r
futmite goit l"- -A�hr<A.
Clllhw nJit .
lam i£ W1e

ArrtL Sel1
- 11� t°Lmd W\, i{�� .
- <RetJ ti) brow� W\- tofi>Uh.,
� "lt {J Scuu¼ iN\. fex!uxe. ; f.oi;IAL W\. V\ld:WtL •
- hcb tiumi.u ruv1. moutWtL.
_. � sDU bewma- CMetillabie wtth ir,iffiOvL •
__.. �� a,u, �wl W\, &weJL hori3911v clui, tJ, Ca + coneuitra.ttBr\. •

hrd(- �ell,
- -rt a �9u.rJ, W\. mo� .
- 'It iJ loam� aKirJ. � W\. VQJ/.tJJ OKtd COW<U �ta.M., IN\. Uffe.t. s&pa •
- IM' toU expvdeneeA tlenurJ.ati� .
- Acicllc. �V\. vtaiWte, with low hwnu.& •
E>oll £ro1i6V\. anJ. Soll Conge,wt$�
qoli £roffl}rl,

Gu11� &nee.t erosilM..
Whui soil u When wcdvc. l<ow-s
wcuhe.d � W\. a& � ov� the
� Channe& · f"'1f ru.ea , it WIWI
ow� o. comp&tt �e1t.
� �-
� gell £ rosi91. : �ovai ij got( eov"' atvi. Wbie�uW WOU\inq down
� -top go•i.<..
S irwl alt� qull� e>10!iQt\. bte9me. un� � culti�aiffM. emd. knoll)t\.l
l ru bad kit!...
Z '1:n chambal brui"'-, ,guch batJ �d..& c.utt CaiJ.e,d. ravil,\£1. f
meihods � t<l'imi�� abs Cru.ut 2oil eJWW)t\. i.& p€o1L9hl�
Soll f!om0tv�
� eou� <f20U'ihin1
• ?lou��in9 aion1 -ffie counte1t. liV1£J CQ,t\, de.cdviate -ffie Gww � wale,r
down � q,f,opa.

� Strip crorrin�
• Strip £t �mu to be qrown bdwun -Hie. cr9rs.
· 1h019 breaJc& Uf -ttie. ,horu � wiAfl.

-+ s1 hette11 b db
· f lontinCj RJ� � tYw to creci1i. S�tltVt. •
· l�is htlf 1 � �fo.btlisi� sawf J..u.vw .
1 Mark Questions

1. Being a tropical country, India has enormous possibilities of

tapping solar energy. Suggest any one way to popularize its
maximum use.
[1M, 2021 Sample Paper]
A1. Making people aware about renewable energy .
. resources/use of rooftop solar panels/solar street lighting
. system/any other relevant point.

2. A concerted effort has to be made for sustainable development.

Suggest any one step in conserving our mineral resources for
the future.
[1M, 2021 Sample Paper]
A2. Improved technologies/ Recycling of metals/ Using scrap
. metals and other substitutes / Any other relevant point
3. Define Sustainable development.
[1M, 2020]
A3. Present generation fulfils its needs while considering the
. needs of the future generation as well.

4. Classify resources on the basis of origin

[1M, 2018]
A4. Resources classification on the basis of origin:

(i) Biotic resources: All living organisms in our environment

are known as biotic resources.
Example: Tree, animal, insects etc.

(ii) Abiotic resources: All non-living things present in our

environment are known as abiotic resources.
Example: earth, air, water, metals, rocks etc.

5. What do you understand by a ‘Resource’? Give examples

[1M, 2015]
A5. Everything available in our environment which can be used to
. satisfy our needs, is called a resource. It should be
. technologically accessible, economically feasible and
. culturally acceptable. Only then, it can be termed as a
. ‘Resource’. Examples are: minerals, forests, fossil fuels etc

6. Give any two examples of non-renewable resources.

[1M, 2015]
A6. Non-renewable resources are resources which once get
. exhausted, cannot be remade. They take a long geological
. period of time, i.e., millions of years, in their formation, e.g.,
. minerals, fossil fuels, etc.

7. Which factor is mainly responsible for maximum land

degradation in India?
[1M, 2015]
A7. Over-grazing is one of the main reasons for land degradation.
. States where over-grazing has resulted in land degradation are
. Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
8. In what broad category do the soils of Maharashtra fall?
[1M, 2014]
A8. Black soil region also known as regur soils.

3 Mark Questions

9. Suggest and explain any three ways to protect land from

degradation in various states of India.
[3M, 2021 Sample Paper]
A9. The ways are :
(i) Afforestation.
(ii) Proper management of grazing.
(iii) Planting of shelter belts of plants.
(iv) Stabilization of sand dunes by growing thorny bushes.
(v) Control of mining activities. (Any 3)
10. Write the classification of resources on four different bases.
[3M, 2015]
A10. Resources can be classified in the following four ways:
(a) On the basis of Origin:
• Biotic
• Abiotic
(b) On the basis of exhaustibility:
• Renewable
• Non-renewable
(c) On the basis of ownership:
• Individual (Personal)
• Community
• National
• International
(d) On the basis of status and development:
• Potential
• Developed
• Reserve
• Stock

11. Explain three stages of ‘resource planning.’

[3M, 2015]
A11. Three stages of resource planning:

1. Identification and inventory of resources across the

regions of the country. This involves surveying, mapping
and the qualitative and quantitative estimation and
measurement of the resources.
2. Evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate
technology, skill and institutional set up for implementing
resource development plans.
3. Matching the resource development plans with overall
national development plans.

12. Give the distribution of black/regur Soil.

[3M, 2015]
A14. This soil is typical of the Deccan Trap region.

• It is spread over north west Deccan plateau and is made up of

lava flows.
• This soil covers the plateaus of Maharashtra, Saurashtra,
Malwa, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh and extends along
the Godavari and Krishna Valleys.
13. “Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of
. resources in a country like India”. Justify this statement with
. two relevant points and an example.
[3M, 2013]
1. There are regions which are rich in certain types of
resources but are deficient in some other resources.
For example: Arunachal has abundance of water but
lacks in infrastructural development.
2. There are some regions which can be considered self
sufficient in terms of availability of resources. For
example: The states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and
Madhya Pradesh are rich in minerals and coal deposits.
3. There are some regions which have acute shortage of
some vital resources.
For example: The state of Rajasthan is well endowed with
solar and wind energy but lacks in water resources.

14. Explain the concept of resource conservation as voiced by

[3M, 2014]
A14. Gandhiji voiced his concern about resource conservation in
. these Words: “There is enough far everybody’s need and not
. for anybody’s greed.” He placed the greedy and selfish
, individuals as the root cause for resource depletion at the
. global level. He was against ‘mass production’ and wanted to
. replace it with ‘production by the masses’.
1. Indiscriminate use of resources by human beings has led
to the depletion of resources for satisfying the greed of few
2. Irrational consumption and over-utilization of resources
leads to socio-economic and environmental problems.

15. Explain three types of soil erosion mostly observed in India.

Mention human activities that are responsible for soil erosion.
[3M, 2013]
1. Gully erosion
The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes
deep channels,
called gullies. They make the land unfit for cultivation. Such
lands are called ‘Badlands’.
2. Sheet erosion
Sometimes water flows as a sheet over large areas down a
slope. In this case top layer of the soil is washed away.
3. Wind erosion
Wind blows off loose and dry soil from flat and sloping land
causing erosion.
5 Mark Questions

16. ‘The challenge of sustainable development requires control

over industrial pollution.’ Substantiate the statement with
[5M, 2020]
i. On one hand Industries lead to extensive industrial growth
and expansion, other hand these are also the cause of
environmental degeneration which prompt to the different
type of air, water pollution.

ii. There is an increasing requirement to use a further

sustainable model.

iii. Industries must produce eco-friendly products and dump

wastes responsibly.

iv. Use of latest technology can help industries to control

pollution and lead towards sustainable mode of operation.

v. Industries use- Reuse-Recycle-Refuse approach.

17. Write six characteristics of regur soils (black soils)
[5M, 2015]
1. They are made up of extremely fine, i.e. clayey material.
2. They have capacity to hold moisture that makes them ideal for
growing cotton.
3. They are rich in soil nutrients such as calcium carbonate,
magnesium, potash and lime.
4. These soils are generally poor in phosphoric contents.
5. They develop deep cracks during dry hot weather, which helps
in the proper aeration of soil.
6. These soils are sticky when wet and difficult to work unless
tilled immediately after the first shower.

18. Explain four types of resources based on ownership and give

one example of each type.
[5M, 2014]
A18. On the basis of ownership, there are four types of resources:
1. Individual Resources :- Resources, which are owned privately
by individuals, e.g., farmers own
pieces of land or houses. Plantation, pasture lands, water in
wells are some resources owned by individuals.
2. Community Owned Resources :- These resources are
accessible to all the members of the community, e.g., village
ponds, public parks, playgrounds in urban areas are
accessible to all the residents of that area.
3. National Resources :- All the resources within the political
boundary of a nation including the territorial water (oceanic
area upto 12 nautical miles from the coast) extending into the
ocean and resources therein belong to the nation, e.g., all
minerals, forests, wildlife, water resources, land etc.
4. International Resources :- There are international institutions
which own and regulate some resources, e.g., The oceanic
resources beyond 200 km of the Exclusive Economic Zone
belong to the open ocean and no individual country can utilise
these without the concurrence of international institutions.

19. Write some measures/ways to solve problems of land

[5M, 2014]
A19. Measures to conserve land:
1. Afforestation.
2. Proper management of grazing to control over-grazing.
3. Planting of shelter belts of plants.
4. Stabilisation of sand dunes by growing thorny bushes.
5. Control of mining activities.
20. Write the main characteristics of arid soils.
[5M, 2014]
1. Arid soils range from red to brown in colour.
2. They have a sandy texture.
3. They are saline in nature. In areas where salt content in high,
common salt is obtained by evaporation.
4. Arid soil lacks humus and is moisture deficient.
5. The lower horizons of the soil have kankars because of high
calcium content which restrict infiltration of water.
6. Proper irrigation helps make these soils cultivable, e.g.,
Western Rajasthan

21. “The future generation may not have sufficient resources as

compared to the present generation”. Justify the statement by
giving suitable examples.
[5M, 2012]
Present sources of energy in India are coal, petroleum, natural
gas, solar energy, wind energy, hydel power, electricity, wood
for fire, cow dung etc. Most of these are non-renewable
sources of energy which may get exhausted after some time.
These are available in limited quantities. The present rate of
consumption is higher than the rate at which these resources
are being replenished and should be preserved for our future

In fifty years’ time, India may depend largely on non-

conventional sources of energy which are available in
abundance such as solar energy, hydel energy, wind energy
etc. The total hydel power potential in India is estimated at
1,50,000 MW of which only one-sixth has been developed so
1. Development of a country needs to be continuous.
Every country would like to have the level of
development go up further.
2. Many scientists have warned that the present levels of
development cannot be sustained for the future as the
present rate of consumption of both renewable and
non-renewable resources is very high. Rapid
industrialisation has led to environment degradation.
3. Sustainability development aims at development
without damaging the environment and at the same
time conserving for the future.
4. Sustainability of development is essential not only for
the present generation but also for future generations
to ensure a good life.

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