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Department of Education

Region 2
Division of Cauayan City

Isabela College InC.

Cauayan City Isabela
(S.Y. 2022-2023)








i. ESSENTIALSM………………………………………………………………….

ii. BEHAVIORSM………………………………………………………………….

iii. EXISTENTIALISM…………………………………………………………

iv. PERENIALISM……………………………………………………………

v. PROGRESSIVISM……………………………………………………….

vi. CONSTRUCTIVISM…………………………………………………….

vii. CONSERVATISM………………………………………………………………

viii. HUMANISM…………………………………………………………….







VII. RESPONSE OR ACTION PLAN…………………………………………………...

VIII. META ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………….


this philosophy contends that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge,
skills and values
What to teach – Essentialist programs are academically rigorous. The emphasis is on
academic content for students to learn the basic skills or the fundamental r’s Reading,
‘riting, ‘rithmetic, right conduct – as these are essentialist curriculum includes the
“traditional disciplines.
How to teach – Essentialist teachers emphasize mastery of subject matter. They are
expected to be intellectual and moral models of their students. To gain mastery of basic
skills, teachers have to observe “core requirements, longer school days, a longer
academic year”


How to teach – behaviorist teachers “ought to arrange environmental conditions so that

students can make the responses to stimuli. Physical variables like light, temperature,
arrangement of furniture, size and quantity of visual aids have to be controlled to get the
desired responses from the learners. Teachers’ ought to make the stimuli clear and
interesting to capture and hold the learners’ attention. They ought to provide appropriate
incentives to reinforce positive responses and weaken or eliminate negative ones.”


Why teach – the main concern of the existentialists is “to help students understand and
appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their
thoughts, feelings and actions”. The existentialist teacher’s role is to help students define
their own essence by exposing them to various paths they take in life and by creating an
environment in which they freely choose their own preferred way.
What to teach – “in an existentialist curriculum, students are given a wide variety of
options from which to choose.” students are afforded great latitude in their choice of
subject matter. The humanities, however, given tremendous emphasis to “provide
students with vicarious experiences that will help unleash their own creativity and self-


Perennialism values knowledge that transcends time. This is a subject-centered

philosophy. The goal of a perennialism educator is to teach students to think rationally
and develop minds that can think critically. A perennialism classroom aims to be a
closely organized and well-disciplined environment, which develops in students a
lifelong quest for the truth. Perennialists believe that education should epitomize a
prepared effort to make these ideas available to students and to guide their thought
processes toward the understanding and appreciation of the great works; works of
literature written by history’s finest thinkers that transcend time and never become
outdated. Perennialists are primarily concerned with the importance of mastery of the
content and development of reasoning skills. The adage “the more things change, the
more they stay the same” summarizes the perennialists’ perspective on education. In this
philosophy skills are developed in a sequential manner. Here, the teachers are the main
actors on the stage.


Progressivists believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one's
education. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their
lives, progressivists center their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and
abilities of students. Progressivists like romantics, believe that education should focus on
the whole student, rather than on the content or the teacher. They emphasize on group
activity and group problem solving so that the students learn through cooperative learning
strategies. It is antiauthoritarian, experimental and visionary and aims to develop
problem- solving ability. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test
ideas by active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise
through experiencing the world. Progressivism was developed by John Dewey's
pedagogic theory, being based on Pragmatism. Experience represented the core concept
of his philosophy. Some American schools also follow this philosophy.


Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just
passively take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon those
experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new information into
their pre-existing knowledge (schemas).


A conservative education preserves the traditional curriculum, aiming to transmit

information to the students as a means of bringing them into an already established
culture. Conservatists are wary of individualism and change and foster assimilation and
acceptance into society. They believe the primary role of education is academics and that
schools should not assume nonacademic, custodial, therapeutic, and social functions.
Such functions are believed to weaken education.


Humanistic teachers believe that knowledge and feelings go hand-in-hand in the learning
process. Cognitive and affective learning are both important to humanistic learning.
Lessons and activities should focus on the whole student and their intellect and feelings,
not one or the other. A safe learning environment.

Humanism seeks to engage the learner as a whole, where their intellect, feelings, social
capacities, artistic and practical skills are given attention in the learning process. The
purpose of education is for learners to progress towards autonomy and the realization of
one's full potential (referred to as self-actualization).
Humanism places a great deal of emphasis on learner choice and control over their
education. Learners are encouraged to focus on a specific subject of interest for any
amount of time they choose, within reason. Learners must be motivated and engaged in
the material they are learning, and this happens when the topic is something the students
need and want to know.


As a prospective educator, my life philosophy is to be a competent

communicator. These qualities in a teacher will benefit students in a variety of ways. You
are aware of the needs and desires of your pupil. Your patience as a teacher will be put to
the test in this circumstance because every pupil behaves differently. When emotions are
too intense to handle, it is possible that your interactions with your students won't be
healthy. For this reason, honing your communication skills can assist you and us in the
future resolve and prevent problems between you and your future pupils. Being a teacher
requires having this kind of mentality since it will help us develop strong bonds and
relationships with our incoming pupils. And I believe it's crucial to let kids discover
things on their own. They decide what information is significant and ought to be
remembered in this way. The focus should always be on the students when it comes to
learning. The teachers' sole purpose is to guide and develop a student's abilities. My first
goal would be never overpowering my students. Being a teacher should not be a job, it
should be a passion. I will focus my classroom around the student’s needs, rather than my
own. The classroom will revolve around the students. I will be their guiding hand through
education. Another goal of mine is to have the students interact in a positive way. Social
interaction is very important. As students combine with peers, they share knowledge and
learn how to solve problems.

Integrity It’s necessary for a teacher to be honest with his/her job role and
responsibility. Students always follow what teacher does and reflect on them. As a future teacher
we should be careful about what we also make sure of fulfilling commitments and makes. Once a
student finds teacher not sticking to his/her words then the student shall also start ignoring the
teacher. Pretending to know everything might not be a good idea for teachers. Teachers could be
doing so to make sure students always follow him/her but should there be any confusion to
teacher himself/herself, he/she should have integrity to explain the situation. The teacher can tell
the student that he/she will get back with the solution.

1. Did you choose it freely?

2. Did you choose among the alternative?

3. Did you choose it after reflection?

4. Did you prize and cherish it?

5. Did you affirm it publicity?

6. Did you incorporate it into actual behavior?

7. Did you act repeatedly in one life?

Values are the things that we should hold in terms of how we live and our
priorities should be based on them. We have the ability to choose our decision in life. Being
true to oneself and one's own values is crucial in life, in my opinion. I myself have made the
decision to live by a set of values and principles that are in line with who I am; these
principles encapsulate who I am and guide me as I strive to accomplish the goals I have set
for my life. Being persistent is a part of my essence and core principles. Being honest and
persistent in everything is essential to many of my parents' and friends' ideas. But the value
of perseverance aligns with my objectives and serves as a launching pad for becoming a fully
realized person. I was meant to determine this value of my life on my own as I grew older.
Being true to oneself and one's own beliefs is very important in life, in my opinion. I
personally have chosen to live by a certain set of morals and values that connect to my
personality; these principles embody who I am and direct me as I work toward achieving my
life's objectives. My essence and values include being persistent. My parents and friends
have a lot of ideals that revolve around being honest and persistent in everything. However,
the value of persistence is compatible with my goals and can be a step toward realizing them.
As I get older, I was supposed to establish this value of my life on my own. With a few
exceptions, I think this value has largely been steady throughout my life. I have this favorite
line of quotes that give me a positive vibe in life that no matter what happen always choose
the right direction even you are lost. “A highly developed values system is like a compass.
It serves as a guide to point you in the right direction when you are lost.”


1. What is life?
Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating,
metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to
external stimuli.

2. Who am I?
I am someone who cannot deal with negativity and trying hard as I can to be positive
most of the time.

3. Why am I here?
I believe that each of us has a role and in our life that needs to be done, I’m here to win
my battle and be the girl that God want to be.

4. What am I living for?

We live because we want to find out things, and learn, and become able to do things that
we would like to do. We live because others want us to, and we want them to live along
with us. We live because we have hope, and want to see what happens next.
5. What is reality?
Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed
to that which is only imaginary. The term is also used to refer to the ontological status of
things, indicating their existence. In physical terms, reality is the totality of a system,
known and unknown.

6. Is the universe real?

Yes, because we are living and we got enjoy to its creation. What exist and what will
exist it is all about the universe that we live in.

7. How should I live life meaningfully?

Be surrounded by good people and has that courage to say no when you feel like it
getting your way. Cutting connection with the people who give you negative vibes is
not bad because as you grew older you realized that it is a part of your journey. May
we lose some friends but we got to get a good friend.



1. What is PPST?
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers defines teacher quality in the
Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers' increasing levels
of knowledge, practice and professional engagement.
The PPST shall be used as a basis for all learning and development programs for
teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to effectively implement
the K to 12 Program. It can also be used for the selection and promotion of
teachers. All performance appraisals for teachers shall be based on this set of
2. Why do we need the Philippine professional standards for teacher?
This set of standards makes explicit what teachers should know, be able to do and
value to achieve competence, improved student learning outcomes, and eventually
quality education. It is founded on teaching philosophies of learner-centeredness,
lifelong learning, and inclusivity / inclusiveness, among others.

3. What basically is the PPST for and why is important?

The PPST is a framework for teacher quality and teacher development. Among
other, the Philippine professional teacher to technology for teaching and learning
are can be used in maintaining an efficient documentation process associated with
achievement of the indicators across career stages.

4. What are the domains of PPST?

 Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
 Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
 Positive use of ICT
 Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
 Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
order thinking skills
 Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
 Classroom communication strategies.
 This domains PPST focuses on teacher personal growth and professional
development. It accentuates teacher propers and high personal regard for the
profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as
caring attitude, respect and integrity.

5. What is the purpose of PPST?

They provide focused teaching programs that meet curriculum and assessment
requirements. They display skills in planning, implementing and managing
learning programs. They actively engage in collaborative learning with the
professional community and other stakeholders for mutual growth and

set out clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of

professional development from beginning to distinguished practice;

engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency;

and apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs, and
provide support for professional development.


1. Take care of your thoughts they become your actions take care of your actions they
become your habit take care of your habits they became your character take care of your
character it becomes your destiny.

It is really difficult for us to have perfect control over our thoughts. When you are
faced with a challenging scenario, it's common to have worries that you might fail
or that you aren't good enough. Our thoughts frequently go amok. Most of the
time, you can ignore them, but when you say that you're going to fail or that you
"can't do it," something serious happens. As human beings, we have our
imperfection and what the quotes are trying to say is we need to have control over
what we do and what we choose to have. Because at the end of the day our actions
are capable of the things we have done, when we fail there’s nothing to blame
because our selves are capable of doing our own future. And if you want to have a
bright future, we have to a good decision making. If we can become aware that
we can control our thoughts that is the first step to being able to choose the
positive thought that will move you forward rather than allowing your inner voice
to tell you unproductive things. If thoughts are left unchecked, they can become
words and you can actually speak things into existence.
2. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.

Some people focus on the things they need to accomplish in order to achieve in
life or gain recognition, but they may not have understood what is essential. Some
more materialistic folks put in a lot of effort just to blend in with this generation.
They do this in order to maintain a desirable physique and fuel people's
imaginations about them. They are less interested with what's inside and more
with keeping their outside appearance. They desire so many upgrades that they
become invisible in the process.

3. Try not become a man of success but rather try to became a man value.

Success is now regarded as one of the greatest achievements. If you are

prosperous, you can support the requirements and preferences of your family.
Purchase pricey items or perhaps a present. Build your own home and purchase
stylish vehicles. However, I believe that a truly successful life is one that is
devoid of those hedonistic possessions. People will remember the things you did
for them rather than the money you received because if we have values, we can
readily recognize what is best and what should be done in our lives. the
straightforward details you shared with them. Even though I may not have a lot of
money, I do possess a virtue that helps me succeed in life.

4. It is not only with the heart that one can see rightly what is essential is invisible to the eye.

There are certain things we refrain from doing and keeping private. Sometimes it
is impossible to share what ought to have been done. If your motivation is clear,
you won't act in a way that will just get them to notice you. Keep in mind that the
Creator sees and appreciates us in whatever we do.

1. when do you say that the teacher or person has a good moral character? Code of ethics
for professional teacher.

Teachers commit to the norms and ethics of their work. Teachers manage their
duties responsibly. Teachers develop their work and expertise and assess their
own actions. Teachers' teaching styles reflect their personalities, so it is both their
right and responsibility to nurture their uniqueness. And also, Educators must
have good moral character to be a role model for their students. By behaving in
unethical ways, teachers may convey their students the wrong cues about how
they should behave. Those who are role models must teach pupils the importance
of honesty.


It has been a decade-old debate whether professional qualities or a befitting

personality is more important for success in life. There are innumerable people with exceptional
professional qualities who never achieved success as per their skills. Similarly, there are
innumerable people with magnetic personalities, who have always been eluded by success but
could not have it in their grasp. Although professional qualities can be the same, their magnitude
of expertise varies from individual to individual. But personality is unique to each. We can
generalize personalities of multiple individuals as charming, bright or highly positive, but there
is no perfect proportion of professional prowess and personality in an individual that makes
him/her perfect. So, although it may seem there is no right answer to this ever-lingering question,
a nuanced understanding of both reveals that being more gifted in one area has significant
For a teacher, both the professional and personal traits are crucial. Without either of
them, a teacher, in my opinion, is incomplete. Personal attributes like good communication and
interpersonal skills are necessary so that instructor can understand the needs of the pupils and
they may also easily contact the teacher. Professional qualities are important to master the basics
of ways of teaching, techniques and hands on training to handle all kinds of pupils from all the
parts of the society. And also, to give certification for teaching. Additionally, a teacher needs to
maintain up-to-date knowledge of their fields because students may ask us anything.
Summarizing, a teacher is a comprehensive package of knowledge, kindness, sincerity and


Intelligence Isn't Always a Boon

Most believe that intelligent people have a greater chance of success than those who are
considered to be average. While it is a preconceived notion that an intelligent person will acquire
professional qualities more easily and, thereby, will create better chances of success, this relative
equation seldom comes true. Bill Gates revealed that intelligence in people after a certain
threshold diminishes their ability to lead successfully. Hence many fresh graduates in their final
year of college or university needn't fear competition from their brainier peers as many of the
former may lack personalities that allow them to step into leadership roles. Generally, people
with stratospheric IQs over 160 lack sound leadership skills.

Employers Can Easily Evaluate Professional Qualities

Every fresh college graduate and working executive knows that during interviews,
employers try to decipher whether they have the right professional qualities. It is relatively easy
for employers to learn what professional qualities a candidate has. Every candidate's educational
qualification, work experience (if any), seemingly impressive answers to the interviewer’s
questions and their overall demeanor reveal their professional qualities. However, it is important
to remember that interviewers find it harder to discern a candidate’s personality. It is because a
befitting personality does not have a predetermined definition, and the interviewer is no
psychoanalyst. Therefore, a candidate who wants to highlight his or her personality should
attempt to do so during an interview by dressing well, displaying appropriate behavior, and being
articulate about his/her craft.

Education is the process of acquisition of knowledge as well as instruction, notably in

schools. It involves the transmission of skills and knowledge from the teacher to the students.
Furthermore, exemplary student performance is the main priority of schools all over the world.
To achieve this goal, the schools must ensure that the schools have competent teachers who can
relate well with the students and impact knowledge.

Going Beyond Professional Qualities

Fresh graduates and seasoned executives should know that professional qualities aren't
everything. They should understand that during interviews, personality goes a long way. If a
candidate has good interpersonal skills, he or she is likely to be a better fit for an organization.
And when two candidates with similar professional qualities interview for a job, the one with a
more fitting personality is likely to get the job. But what is a fitting personality? Usually, an
executive or graduate who makes good eye contact, has a firm handshake, is likable and willing
to help others has traits that are likely to impress interviewers. A survey by the Institution of
Engineering and Technology revealed that nearly 65% of mid-sized companies in India choose
to impart soft-skill training over technical training to employees.

Professional Qualities can be Learned

There are other unique advantages to having a fitting personality. For instance, it's much
harder to change and develop one's personality than it is to learn new skills. So, college
graduates who have charming personalities have more advantage over those who only have
sound professional qualities. A person who has a charming personality can learn new skills while
someone who has good professional qualities but a poor personality will find it difficult to
transform their personality into a charming one.
The Power to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn

Professional skills are valuable, but the same becomes a drawback when employees
grow complacent at work. An executive who has several years of professional experience may be
adept at his job but, along the way, he has acquired harmful work habits that are difficult to
unlearn. Hence in many roles, fresh graduates are preferred because while they may have less
impressive professional qualities, they don't have any harmful work habits that get in the way of
the work they perform for a new employer. Every fresh graduate and executive should
understand that the future belongs to those who can learn, unlearn, and relearn new skills. This
view is shared by the esteemed futurist Alvin Toffler.

A Fitting Personality Produces Great Teams

Young graduates and executives with good personalities have increased chances to
thrive in professional roles catering to customer relations. One of the heightened advantages of a
charming personality is that they attract people. It can be clients, customers or team members.
The scope to step into leadership roles, therefore, increases for these individuals.

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