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Twice theTaste

What is a calorie? How many calories
A calorie is simply a unit of should I eat?
measurement for energy. The Your calorie requirements depend on
food and beverages we consume you and your goal. This information
contain calories which provide our is beyond the scope of this book.
body with energy to function and For this reason, we have simplified
perform daily tasks. this process for you by creating a
calculator that will estimate your
What are macronutrients? calorie requirements.
Macronutrients are the core
components that make up nutrition How do I achieve fat loss?
in food. The primary three are Fat loss on paper sounds simple.
Consume less calories than you burn
proteins, fats and carbohydrates -
AKA a calorie deficit. However, it’s
with each contributing their own
important you take an approach that
unique function towards optimising suits you. There are so many ways
body composition and performance. to achieve a calorie deficit. Thus, an
Alcohol is also considered its own individualised approach suited to you
macronutrient but shouldn’t be and your lifestyle is the approach that
considered when planning for is going to work the best.
optimal nutrition and performance.

How do I workout my
We have also simplified this process
for you. Our calculator will give you a
guide of where your macros should
be. The most important thing when
it comes to body composition is your
protein intake.
If you’re hitting your protein targets
it is fine to make adjustments to your
fat and carb intake.

Macronutrient (1g) Calories (kcal)

Protein 4

Fat 9

Carbohydrates 4

Alcohol 7
O r e o F r e n c h To a s t

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 min 10 Minutes 1

• 73g Bread White Thick (Mighty Soft) 1. Take the Oreo’s and blitz them in a food processor
• 2 Oreo to make a crumb, be careful not to make it to fine as
• 1 Egg (Extra Large) you want some texture still
• 20ml Almond Milk Unsweetened 2. Whisk the eggs with the almond milk and 1/2 of the
(Almond Breeze) Oreo crumb
• 20ml Thickened Cream Light 3. Whip the cream with the rest of the Oreo crumb and
• 10g Maple Syrup Sugar Free (Queen) add maple syrup
4. Place the bread into the egg mixture soaking it on
both sides
5. In a nonstick frypan, on med heat, sprayed lightly
with oil place the egg soaked bread and cook for 3-4
min on each side or until golden brown
6. Serve the french toast with the Oreo cream on top
and any left over cumb you have

Calories: 396 | Protein: 13g | Carbs: 50g | Fats: 14g 3
Scrambled Egg
and Smoked Trout Bagel

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 min 10 Minutes 1

• 2 Egg (Extra Large) 1. Cut the bagel into 2 and toast
• 1 Bagel 90g (Abe’s) 2. In a small bowl with a fork mix the eggs and skim
• 20ml Skim Milk milk with a pinch of salt
• 50g Smoked Trout (Ocean Blue) 3. In a non stick pan cook the egg mix slowly stirring
• 1 Salt & Pepper constantly. Take the eggs of the heat just before the
are cooked to your liking, as they will keep cooking
after you take them of the heat
4. Serve the eggs on the toasted bagel and the smoked
trout on top of the eggs

Calories: 475 | Protein: 33g | Carbs: 53g | Fats: 15g 4
Easy Potato Gnocchi

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 min 20 Minutes 1

• 160g Gnocchi Di Patate (Pastai) 1. Put a pot of salted water on the stove and bring to a boil
• 200g Canned Diced Tomatoes 2. Slice your onions tin and crush your garlic
• 60g Onion 3. In a large frying pan sauté your onions, garlic and
• 1g Garlic rosemary in a small amount of olive oil seasoned with
• 5g Rosemary salt and pepper
• 20g Cheese (Parmesan) 4. Once the onions are cooked add in your tin tomato and
• 10g Basil continue to cook for 10 to 15 minutes
• 5g Olive Oil 5. Cook your gnocchi in the boiling water for 4 to 5
minutes, Drain well and pour into your tomato sauce
6. Finished the source with the basil and garnish the
gnocchi on the plate with some Parmesan

Calories: 482 | Protein: 15g | Carbs: 76g | Fats: 13g 5
Pork Dumpling
& Noodle Soup

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 min 5 Minutes 1

• 230ml Chicken Stock (Campbell’s) 1. Get a large pot of salted water on to boil
• 20g Ginger 2. In a separate saucepan, put the chicken stock, ginger,
• 40g Spring Onion spring onions, soy sauce and bring to a simmer
• 20g Light Soy Sauce (Ayam) 3. Cook the noodles in the large pot of water until just
• 20g Miso Paste cooked and put the noodles into your serving bowl,
• 60g Vermicelli Rice Noodle Keep the water boiling and add the dumplings to the
• 50g Bok Choy water and cook for 5 minutes or until cooked through,
• 3 Pork & Chive Dumplings (Mr Chen’s) just before the dumplings are finished cooking add the
Bok choi and let cook for 1 minute
4. Take the veg and dumplings out of the water and place
on top of your cooked noodles
5. Turn the heat off under the broth and scoop out the
ginger and onions, whisk in the miso and pour over the
noodles, veg and dumplings
6. If you are a chilli freak sprinkle some chilli flakes into the

Calories: 402 | Protein: 11g | Carbs: 72g | Fats: 4g 6
Halloumi &
Roast Pumpkin Salad

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 min 3 Minutes 1

• 50g Cucumber 1. Turn your oven on to 180c
• 50g Onion 2. Cut the butternut pumpkin into bite size pieces, place
• 40g Balsamic Vinegar Fat Free flat on a roasting tray and season with salt and pepper.
• 10g Olive Oil Cook the pumpkin in the oven for 20 mins or until
• 2 Salt & Pepper cooked through
• 200g Butternut Pumpkin 3. Slice the haloumi thin and cook in a nonstick pan until
• 50g Halloumi Cheese golden brown on both sides
• 50g Lettuce 4. Mix the olive oil and balsamic vinegar together and set
5. Cut the rest of the veg and assemble the salad, dressing
it with the oil and vinegar dressing

Calories: 395 | Protein: 15g | Carbs: 37g | Fats: 23g 7
Te r i y a k i S a l m o n B i t e s
& Asian Greens

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

30 min 10 Minutes 1

• 130g Salmon Fillet Skinless 1. In a bowl mix the Soy sauce, lemon juice, crushed Ginger
• 30ml Soy Sauce (Woolworths) and Garlic, Chilli and a pinch of salt
• 5g Ginger 2. Cut the salmon into bite size pieces and put in the
• 5g Garlic marinade, leave in the fridge for 20-30 min
• 2ml Lemon 3. Cook your rice in a rice cooker or a pot on the stove
• 20g Maple Syrup Sugar Free (Queen) 4. Take the fish out of the marinade and set aside, poor the
• 1g Chilli Flakes marinade into a frypan and add the maple, turn the heat
• 1g Sesame Seeds on and let this sauce reduce by half
• 100g Bok Choy 5. Place the fish into the reduced sauce and cook for 8-10
• 50g Spring Onion minutes or the fish is cook almost all the way through
• 100g Rice Cooked (Any) making sure you are turning the fish on all sides so it is
glazed evenily
6. Blanch the Bok Choi in a pot of salted boiling water
7. Plate the cooked Fish and Bok Choi drizzling any sauce
left in the pan over the fish
8. Garnish with the spring onions and Sesame

Calories: 456 | Protein: 32g | Carbs: 34g | Fats: 19g 8
Butter Chicken Burger

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 min 30 Minutes 1

• 100g Chicken Breast (Weighed Raw) 1. Take your chicken breast and slice into large thin pieces
• 1 Burger Thins 2 Pieces 34g (Tip Top) through the middle, manrade in half of the butter
• 150g Low Carb Carisma Potatoes chicken sauce for 30 minutes at a minmin but over night
(Coles) is better
• 40g Cucumber 2. Cut the potatoes into wedges and microwave in a
• 30g Onion covered bowl for 5 minutes
• 10g Rocket 3. Spray the potatoes with oil and cook in a Air Fryer at
• 50g Plain Greek Yoghurt (Chobani) 180c for 20 minutes or until golden brown and crispy
• 40g Butter Chicken Sauce (Pataks) 4. Grill the chicken breast on the BBQ for 5 min each side
• 4g Canola Oil Spray (Woolworths) 5. Mix the yogurt with the leftover butter chicken sauce
6. Assemble the burger with the spiced yogurt on both
sides of the toasted bun, rocket, cucumber, chicken and
red onion sliced thin
7. Server with the wedges

Calories: 371 | Protein: 35g | Carbs: 41g | Fats: 8g 9
Triple Chocolate

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

1 min - 1

• 1 Cadbury Flake 14g 1. Scoop your Halo Top Brownie Batter ice cream into your
• 1 Halo Top Ice Cream Any Flavour 64g sundae bowl
• 25g Chocolate Topping (Natvia) 2. Top with whipped cream, choc sauce, peanuts, mini
• 25ml Thickened Cream Light flake and cherries
• 10g Peanuts
• 5g Glace Cherries

Calories: 292 | Protein: 7g | Carbs: 25g | Fats: 16g 10
Biscoff Donuts

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

5 minutes 15 minutes 1

• 50g Self Raising Flour Protein (Vetta) 1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Add flour, caster sugar and yeast
• 10g Caster Sugar into a bowl and make a well in the centre
• 2g Instant Dried Yeast 2. Mix yoghurt, egg, skim milk, and vanilla together until
• 50g Vanilla Yoghurt Yopro combined. Pour into the centre of the flour mixture and
• 25ml Skim Milk stir lightly until just combined
• 2g Vanilla Extract 3. Place mixture into a silicon non-stick donut tray, filling
• 2g Vanilla Extract approx 2/3 way up. Leave in a warm place for yeast to
• 5g Egg (Extra Large) proof for 15 minutes (mixture will increase in size)
• 20g Biscoff Spread (Lotus) 4. Place into oven and cook for 15 minutes or until donuts
spring back when touched lightly. Remove from oven
and set aside to cool
5. To make Biscoff glaze, take the smooth biscoff and heat
it in the microwave for 30 seconds or until runny
6. Take your cooled donut and place it into the glaze. Let
them set in the fridge

Calories: 417 | Protein: 21g | Carbs: 52g | Fats: 11g 11
Protein Shake

Prep Time Cook Time Servings

1 minute - 1

• 25g Biscoff Spread (Lotus) 1. This one couldn’t be easier!
• 35g Oats (Weighed Raw) Place all the ingredients in your blender and blend until
• 80g Banana (No Skin) smooth.
• 500ml Water
• 40g Protein Powder WPI Any

Calories: 512 | Protein: 35g | Carbs: 55g | Fats: 15g 12

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