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Temporomandibular Disorders: A

Translational Approach From Basic

Science to Clinical Applicability 1st
Edition Henry A. Gremillion
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A Translational Approach
From Basic Science to
Clinical Applicability

Temporomandibular Disorders
Henry A. Gremillion • Gary D. Klasser

A Translational Approach From Basic
Science to Clinical Applicability
Henry A. Gremillion Gary D. Klasser
School of Dentistry School of Dentistry
Louisiana State University Health Louisiana State University Health
Science Center Center
New Orleans New Orleans
Louisiana Louisiana

ISBN 978-3-319-57245-1    ISBN 978-3-319-57247-5 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017951906

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018

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We dedicate this book to our families who provided us with
their unconditional support in our efforts. We would also like to
dedicate this book to the various authors who unselfishly
contributed the vast amount of materials that allowed us in
bringing this book to print. Additionally, we dedicate the book
to the many practitioners who, on a daily basis, try their utmost
in improving and enhancing the quality of life of their patients
who are suffering from the pain and dysfunction of
temporomandibular disorders.

The diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders is one of the

most challenging problems confronting clinicians. The problems exist
because there is a diverse collection of disorders affecting the masticatory
system with similar symptoms and signs of pain and/or dysfunction. There
are several diagnostic classification systems, which are often nonspecific and
confusing. There is controversy about the appropriate treatment protocols
with treatments often based on one’s philosophy of etiology of the condition.
Often the approach to diagnosis and treatment of the patient is more compli-
cated than is necessary. This publication Temporomandibular Disorders: A
Translational Approach From Basic Science to Clinical Applicability covers
the topic from fundamentals and principles to management principles. The
topics are beneficial to all levels of care providers, be they students, residents,
academic, or clinical providers in a variety of disciplines.
This book is organized into four parts. The first part discusses the anatomy
and physiology of the masticatory system in a clinically applicable manner.
The second part focuses on the normal function of the masticatory muscles
and temporomandibular joint. This second part establishes the foundation for
discussing dysfunction of the masticatory system, which is done in Part III. In
Part III, myogenous and arthrogenous disorders are discussed in a scientific,
but at the same time, clinically relevant manner. Finally, in Part IV, the man-
agement of muscle-based conditions and temporomandibular joint as well as
psychosocial considerations in TMD is presented.
This publication provides clinical care providers with information on sev-
eral disciplines including dentistry, medicine, physical therapy, pharmacol-
ogy, and psychology as a comprehensive book on Temporomandibular
Disorders. It is evidence based and at the same time clinically relevant. This
publication should be in the library of every person providing care to patients
with TMD.

Gainesville, FL, USA M. Franklin Dolwick


When we discussed editing a book devoted to temporomandibular disorders

(TMD), a key question arose. This question revolved around the notion as to
whether or not the community of clinician-scientists needed an additional
resource regarding this condition. There are certainly many well-written
books both currently and historically that have broached this very subject.
Many of the leaders in the field of TMD, much to their credit, have provided
clinician-scientists with excellent resources to enhance their understanding of
the complexities of this disorder. Understanding this and knowing that we
have been lifelong students in this discipline, we decided to provide an evi-
dence-based approach to the understanding, diagnosis, and management of
TMD from a different paradigm. We envisioned the book as though one were
taking a journey and therefore constructed the book to have a beginning, mid-
dle, and end guided by following a translational approach from basic sciences
to clinical applications. We start the book with an exploration of the funda-
mental principles guiding the masticatory system to highlight the importance
and influence of embryology on the masticatory system during function and
dysfunction. We then transition into an in-depth overview of the anatomy and
physiology of this system. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion as
to the normal function of the masticatory system incorporating both muscles
and temporomandibular joints. Now that the reader has gained an apprecia-
tion and understanding for normal we feel confident in presenting details as
to the possible dysfunctions which may arise in the masticatory system.
Management principles ensue, following an evidence-based or best practices
approach, thereby enlightening the clinician-scientist as to the various alter-
natives to be considered when managing this multifactorial condition. The
book concludes with a chapter devoted exclusively to the psychosocial con-
siderations needed to better understand the complexities of the patients’ total
mind and body when confronted with the experience of pain.
Our goal for this book is to aid the novel practitioner in gaining recogni-
tion and an understanding of TMD to better provide assistance and direction
for their patients. We believe the book will also help the experienced practi-
tioner in enhancing their knowledge regarding the intricate mechanisms
involved in the etiopathogenesis of TMD and providing useful insights as to
various scientific-based interventions.
We hope that all who invest the time to read this book appreciate the
importance and relevance of its contents and can envision, as weaved through
our story, how basic science integrates and interplays with clinical

x Preface

a­ pplications. Overall, we are all health care providers who have the privilege
and duty to serve our patients who put so much trust in our abilities.

New Orleans, LA, USA Henry A. Gremillion

New Orleans, LA, USA Gary D. Klasser

Part I Fundaments and Principles

1 Embryology of the Masticatory System ��������������������������������������    3

Ronald C. Auvenshine
2 Anatomy of the Masticatory System��������������������������������������������   17
Homer Asadi and Alan Budenz
3 Physiology of the Masticatory System������������������������������������������   35
Greg M. Murray and Christopher C. Peck

Part II Normal Function of the Masticatory System

4 Musculature������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   67
James M. Hawkins, Istvan A. Hargitai,
and A. Dale Ehrlich
5 The Temporomandibular Joint����������������������������������������������������   91
Istvan A. Hargitai, James M. Hawkins,
and A. Dale Ehrlich

Part III Dysfunction of the Masticatory System

6 Myogenous Disorders�������������������������������������������������������������������� 111

Heidi Crow, Yoly Gonzalez, and Shehryar N. Khawaja
7 Arthrogenous Disorders���������������������������������������������������������������� 123
John H. Campbell, Yoly Gonzalez, and Heidi Crow

Part IV Management Principles

8 Muscle-Based Conditions�������������������������������������������������������������� 141

Steven L. Kraus, Steven D. Bender, and Janey Prodoehl
9 Temporomandibular Joints���������������������������������������������������������� 173
Christopher J. Spencer and John P. Neary
10 Psychosocial Considerations in TMD������������������������������������������ 193
Emily J. Bartley, John E. Schmidt Jr, Charles R. Carlson,
and Roger B. Fillingim

Part I
Fundaments and Principles
Embryology of the Masticatory
Ronald C. Auvenshine

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the most unique and complex joint in
the body. The anatomy of the TMJ varies among mammals depending upon
masticatory requirements. Masticatory system function demands that the
mandible be capable not only of opening and closing but also of forward,
backward, and lateral movements and combinations thereof. In humans, the
TMJ is described as a ginglymoarthrodial type of diarthrotic joint. This means
that it is not only capable of rotation (movement around a single axis) but also
translation (movement around more than one axis at a time). This chapter will
provide a review of the growth and development of structures of the mastica-
tory system with special emphasis upon the osseous components.

1.1  mbryology of the

Masticatory System

The temporomandibular articulation is a synovial

joint. The anatomy of the temporomandibular
joint (TMJ) varies considerably among mammals
depending on the masticatory requirement so that
R.C. Auvenshine, DDS, PhD a single all-embracing descriptive classification
MedCenter TMJ, is not possible (Nanci 2008). In humans, a differ-
7505 S. Main, Ste. 210, Houston, TX, 77030, USA ent situation exists. The masticatory process
Orofacial Pain Clinic, Michael E. DeBakey VA demands that the mandible be capable not only of
Hospital, Houston, TX, USA opening and closing movements but also protru-
Department of General Practice and Dental Public sive/retrusive and lateral movements and combi-
Health, University of Texas School of Dentistry, nations thereof. To achieve these complex
Houston, TX, USA
movements, the mandible undertakes translatory
Visiting Faculty, Department of Diagnostic Sciences, and rotational movements. Therefore, the human
Louisiana State University School of Dentistry,
New Orleans, LA, USA TMJ is described as a ginglymoarthrodial type of
e-mail: [email protected] diarthrotic joint (Moffett 1966).

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 3

H.A. Gremillion, G.D. Klasser (eds.), Temporomandibular Disorders,
4 R.C. Auvenshine

Carnegie Stage 13 Embryo

2nd Pharyngeal Groove

2nd Pharyngeal Arch
3rd Pharyngeal Arch
Cervical Sinus Maxillary Prominence
1st Pharyngeal Arch
Mandibular Prominence
Optic Vesicle
Heart Nasal Placode

Fig. 1.1 Stage 13, 4.5-week human embryo courtesy of Biology and Anatomy of LSU Health Sciences Center,
The Virtual Human Embryo Project. Production of the New Orleans, LA.
Computer Imaging Lab (CIL) in the Department of Cell (The Stages of Human Embryonic Development 2012)

The head and neck are formed by pharyngeal

(branchial) arches. The pharyngeal arches begin to Frontonasal
develop early in the fourth week as neural crest prominence
cells migrate into the future head and neck regions.
Nasal placode
They first appear as surface elevations lateral to the
developing pharynx. Soon after, other arches Maxillary
appear as obliquely disposed, rounded ridges on Stomodeum prominence
each side of the future head and neck. By the end Mandibular
of the fourth week, four pairs of pharyngeal arches
are visible externally. The fifth and sixth arches are arches.
rudimentary at this time and are not visible on the Cardiac bulge 2nd and 3rd
surface of the embryo. The pharyngeal arches are
separated from each other by the pharyngeal Fig. 1.2 Frontal view of a 4.5-week embryo showing the
mandibular and maxillary prominences and dissolution of
grooves. Similar to the pharyngeal arches, the the oropharyngeal membrane (Sadler 2000)
grooves are numbered in a rostrocaudal sequence
(Fig. 1.1) (The Stages of Human Embryonic The pharyngeal arches support the lateral walls
Development 2012; Auvenshine 2010). of the primordial pharynx, which is derived from
The first pharyngeal arch (mandibular) sepa- the cranial part of the foregut. The stomodeum
rates into two prominences: (primordial mouth) initially appears as a slight
1. The maxillary prominence gives rise to the max- depression on the surface ectoderm. It is separated
illa, zygomatic bone, and a portion of the vomer. from the cavity of the primordial pharynx by a
2. The mandibular prominence forms the man- bilaminar membrane, the oropharyngeal mem-
dible. The proximal mandibular prominence brane, which is composed of ectoderm externally
also forms the squamous temporal bone. and endoderm internally. The oropharyngeal
membrane ruptures at approximately 26 days
The second pharyngeal arch (hyoid) contrib- bringing the pharynx and foregut into communi-
utes, along with parts of the third and fourth cation with the amniotic cavity (Fig. 1.2) (Sadler
arches, to form the hyoid bone. 2000; Moore and Persaud 2008).
1 Embryology of the Masticatory System 5

1.2 Pharyngeal Arch 1. A pharyngeal arch artery that arises from the
Components truncus arteriosus of the primordial heart
2. A cartilaginous rod that forms the skeletal
Each pharyngeal arch consists of a core of mes- support of the arch
enchyme (embryonic connective tissue) and is 3. A muscular component that differentiates into
covered externally by ectoderm and internally by muscles in the head and neck
endoderm. Originally, this mesenchyme is 4. Sensory and motor nerves that supply the
derived from mesoderm, but by the fourth week mucosa and muscles derived from the arch
post-conception (PC), most of the mesenchyme
is derived from neural crest cells that migrate into (Table 1.1) (Fig. 1.3) (Sadler 2000; Moore and
the pharyngeal arches. It is the migration of the Persaud 2008).
neural crest cells into the arches and their differ- The mandible is derived from intramembra-
entiation into mesenchyme that produce the max- nous ossification of an osteogenic membrane
illary and mandibular prominences. Coincident which begins condensation at 36–38 days of
with the migration of neural crest cells, myogenic development. Bone formation takes place lateral
mesoderm from paraxial regions moves into each to Meckel’s cartilage (Fig. 1.4) (Nanci 2008).
pharyngeal arch forming a central core of muscle A single ossification center at each half of the
primordium. Endothelial cells in the arches are mandible arises in the 6-week embryo (PC) in the
derived from lateral mesoderm. Invasive angio- region of the bifurcation of the inferior alveolar
blasts also move into the arches. nerve and artery. Ossification spreads below and
A typical pharyngeal arch contains: around the growing inferior alveolar nerve to

Table 1.1 Structures of the Pharyngeal Arches

Arch Nerve Muscles Skeletal structures Ligaments
First (mandibular) Trigeminal (CN V) Muscles of mastication Malleus Anterior ligament of
Mylohyoid and anterior Incus
belly of digastric
Tensor tympani Sphenomandibular
Tensor veli palatini
Second (hyoid) Facial (CN VII) Muscles of facial Stapes Stylohyoid ligament
Stapedius Styloid process
Stylohyoid Lesser cornu of
hyoid bone
Posterior belly of Upper part of body
digastric of hyoid bone
Third Glossopharyngeal (CN Stylopharyngeus Greater cornu of
IX) hyoid bone
Lower part of body
of hyoid bone
Fourth and sixth Superior laryngeal Cricothyroid Thyroid cartilage
branch of vagus (CN X)
Levator veli palatini Cricoid cartilage
Recurrent laryngeal Constrictors of Arytenoid cartilage
branch of vagus (CN X) pharynx
Intrinsic muscles of Corniculate cartilage
Striated muscles of Cuneiform cartilage
6 R.C. Auvenshine

Fig. 1.3 Pharyngeal

arches (Sadler 2000) Pharyngeal pounch
Artery Endodermal epithelium
1st pharyngeal
Cartilage arch
Pharyngeal cleft
Ectodermal 2nd arch with nerve,
epithelium artery, and
3rd arch
Mesenchymal tissue
in 4th arch
4th arch

form a trough for the developing teeth. Spread of woven bone formed along Meckel’s cartilage is
the intramembranous ossification dorsally and soon replaced by the laminar bone, and typical
ventrally forms the body and ramus of the man- Haversian systems are already present at the fifth
dible. Ossification stops dorsally at the site that month (PC).
will become the mandibular lingula. From here,
Meckel’s cartilage continues into the middle ear
(Fig. 1.5) (Mendez 2017a). 1.3 Formation
The prior presence of a neurovascular bundle of the Temporomandibular
ensures formation of the mandibular foramen and Joint
canal as well as the mental foramen. Meckel’s
cartilage extends forward to almost meet its fel- A great deal of research has been published on
low of the opposite side in the midline. It diverges the development of the TMJ over the past several
dorsally to end in the tympanic cavity of each decades. However, there is disagreement about
middle ear and ossifies to form two of the audi- its morphological timing. The most controversial
tory ossicles, the malleus and incus (Fig. 1.6) aspects concern the moment of initial organiza-
(Merida-Velasco et al. 1999). The third ossicle, tion of the condyle and squamosal part of the
the stapes, is derived primarily from cartilage of temporal bone, the articular disc and capsule, and
the second pharyngeal arch (Reichert’s Cartilage also the formation of the joint spaces and onset of
(Merida-Velasco et al. 1999). condylar chondrogenesis (Moffett 1966).
Meckel’s cartilage is not found in the adult Merida-Velasco has identified three phases of
mandible. Its adult remnants are present in the TMJ development:
form of the sphenomandibular ligament and ante-
rior malleolar ligament. Meckel’s cartilage dorsal 1. Blastemic stage, weeks 7–8 of development
to the mental foramen undergoes resorption on its 2. Cavitation stage, weeks 9–11 of development
lateral surface at the same time as intramembra- 3. Maturation stage, after week 12 through term
nous bony trabecula are forming immediately
lateral to the cartilage. Thus, the cartilage from His study identified the critical period of TMJ
the mental foramen to the lingula is not incorpo- morphogenesis occurring between weeks 7–11 of
rated into ossification of the mandible. The inter- development (Merida-Velasco et al. 1999).
1 Embryology of the Masticatory System 7

Meckel’s cartilage provides the skeletal sup-

port for the development of the mandible. In
addition to skeletal support, Meckel’s cartilage
also provides the necessary stimulus for the ini-
tiation of cell differentiation through its relation-
ship with the developing trigeminal nerve
(Fig. 1.7) (Merida-Velasco et al. 1999).
The first structure to develop in the region of
the mandible is the mandibular division of the tri-
geminal nerve which precedes the ectomesen-
chymal condensation forming the first pharyngeal
arch. The prior presence of the nerve has been
postulated as a requisite for inducing cellular dif-
ferentiation by the production of neurotropic fac-
tors. In other words, it is the mandibular division
of the trigeminal nerve which activates Meckel’s
cartilage, bringing about the expression of mes-
senger RNA, which in turn initiates differentia-
tion of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells into
skeletoblasts (Fig. 1.8) (Auvenshine 1976). The
skeletoblasts further differentiate into connective
tissue precursors such as chondroblasts, osteo-
blasts, myoblasts, and fibroblasts.
The first evidence of TMJ development is the
appearance of two distinct regions of mesenchy-
mal condensation, the temporal and condylar
blastema. The temporal blastema appears before
the condylar blastema, and initially both are
positioned some distance from each other
(Nanci 2008).
The condylar blastema appears during the tenth
week (PC) as a cone-shaped structure in the ramal
region. This condylar cartilage is the primordium
of the future condyle. Cartilage cells differentiate
from its center, and the cartilaginous superior
aspect of the condyle increases by interstitial and
appositional growth. By the 14th week, the first
Fig. 1.4 Developing temporomandibular articulation, evidence of the chondral bone appears in the con-
coronal section through a 12-week fetus. Bone formation dyle region through the process of endochondral
has begun in the temporal blastema. The condylar blas- bone formation. The condylar cartilage serves as
tema is still undifferentiated. The membranous bone
an important center of growth for the ramus and
forming the body of the mandibular on the lateral aspect
of Meckel’s cartilage is apparent (Nanci 2008). (This fig- body of the mandible. Much of the cone-shaped
ure was published in Ten Cate’s Oral Histology: cartilage is replaced with bone by the middle of
Development, Structure, and Function, 7th ed, Nanci, A., fetal life. The condylar process persists into adult-
p. 363, Copyright Elsevier, 2008)
hood acting as a growth center for the mandible for
8 R.C. Auvenshine

Fig. 1.5 Ossification of Condylar cartilage

the mandible (Mendez
2017a) Coronoid cartilage

Mandibular nerve

Long buccal

Angular cartilage
ossicle Inferior alveolar nerve
Illustration by Michelle D. Mendez, Houton, TX 2017

Fig. 1.6 Schematic

drawing of the E
arrangement in the
posterior joint region of
the articular capsule (1)
and (2) discomalleolar
ligament. CD 1 D 1
mandibular condyle, K K
Meckel’s cartilage, E 2 1 CD
squamous part of the
temporal bone, D
articular disc, AT
anterior tympanic artery, K
H tympanic bone. H AT
Asterisk, retrodiscal
venous plexus (Merida-­
Velasco et al. 1999) AM

growth in length. Therefore, the mandible grows tema, while the condylar blastema is still con-
in length much like the long bones of the body. densed mesenchyme (Fig. 1.9) (Perry et al.
Changes in mandibular position and form are 1985). A joint space between the two appears at
related to the direction and amount of condylar 10 weeks (PC) as a cleft immediately appears
growth. Condylar growth increases at puberty, above the condensed condylar blastema and
peaks between 12.5 and 14 years, and normally becomes the inferior joint cavity. The condylar
ceases at about 20 years. However, the continued blastema differentiates into cartilage (condylar
presence of cartilage provides for continued cartilage), and then a secondary cleft appears in
growth which is realized in conditions of abnor- relation to the temporal ossification and becomes
mal growth, such as acromegaly. the upper joint cavity (Edwards et al. 1994).
The condylar blastema grows rapidly in a With the appearance of the superior secondary
dorsolateral direction to close the gap. cleft, the primitive articular disc is formed
Ossification begins first in the temporal blas- (Fig. 1.10) (Merida-Velasco et al. 1999).
1 Embryology of the Masticatory System 9

Between the 10th and 14th week of gestation, month (PC) to form a variable number of mental
another secondary blastema appears in the region ossicles at the symphysis.
of the coronoid process. Secondary cartilage of Shape and size of the fetal mandible undergo
the coronoid process develops within the tempo- considerable transformation during its growth
ralis muscle as its predecessor. The coronoid and development. The ascending ramus of the
accessory cartilage becomes incorporated into neonatal mandible is low and wide. The coronoid
the expanding intramembranous bone of the process is relatively large and projects well above
ramus and disappears before birth. In the mental the developing condyle. The body is merely an
region on either side of the symphysis, one of two open shelf containing buds and partial crowns of
small cartilages appear and ossify in the seventh the deciduous teeth. The mandibular canal runs
low in the mandibular body. The initial separa-
tion of the right and left bodies of the mandible at
the midline symphysis is gradually eliminated
between the 4th and 12th months (Merida-­
Velasco et al. 1999).

1.4  he Role of Spontaneous

and Evoked Activity on Joint

Functional contractile muscle activity in the

transduction of dynamic physical loads is
extremely important in the formation of bones
and joints. Developing limbs experience a
­relatively large range of movement with respect
to other skeletal elements. As such, they are par-
ticularly subject to altered mechano-stimulatory
cues and make for a striking example of the
Fig. 1.7 Human embryo GIV-4, week 7 (PC) of develop- importance of movement for proper embryonic
ment, frontal section. The condylar blastema (C) was patterning. In other words, one of the missing
associated with the lateral pterygoid muscle (P). A auricu- factors necessary for the formation of a joint cav-
lotemporal nerve, K Meckel’s cartilage, Z zygomatic pro-
ity is movement around two blastemas. In order
cess of the squamous part of the temporal bone, N
masseteric nerve, T temporalis muscle, (6) superficial to form a joint cavity, the process responsible for
temporal artery (Merida-Velasco et al. 1999) synovial development can be divided into two

K, Meckel’s

N, Nerve

Fig. 1.8 Rat fetus,

15 days (Auvenshine
10 R.C. Auvenshine

Fig. 1.9 Sagittal section of the temporomandibular joint

in a fetus showing the developing inferior joint cavity Fig. 1.10 Human fetus B-207, week 13 of development,
(arrow). Bone formation has begun in the temporal blas- frontal section. In the mandibular condyle, invagination of
tema, but the condylar blastema still consists of undiffer- the vascular mesenchyme (arrow) is visible. E squamous
entiated cells. Meckel’s cartilage is to the left of the part of the temporal bone, D articular disc, 1 articular cap-
developing joint (Perry et al. 1985) sule, P lateral pterygoid muscle, CD mandibular condyle.
Scale bar = 500 μm (Merida-Velasco et al. 1999)

phases. The first phase involves the formation of The temporal relationship between movement
cartilaginous anlagen and intervening interzones and skeletal development hints at a close func-
in which the joints will develop at a particular tional relationship between muscle activity and
location—that is limb patterning. joint formation.
The second phase involves the formation of the Synovial joint cavity formation must success-
articular cartilage synovium and other related struc- fully generate new non-adherent surfaces by a
tures within the joint. This depends on elaboration process involving the assembly of a cell-free
of the joint cavity containing synovial fluid, a pro- fluid-filled separation which will facilitate pain-
cess referred to as “cavitation” (Pitsillides 2006). less and almost frictionless articulation of the
A wealth of new information currently exists joint. As limb condensations are discrete, it is
to support mechanical stimulation as a vital fea- apparent that cavitation occurs between the ends
ture of healthy embryonic development particu- of predetermined cartilaginous elements to create
larly in the formation of joints. In the appendicular surfaces that are continuous with the synovial
skeleton, failure of synchronization between the lining and associated structures, including the
development of diarthroses and long bones menisci (Pitsillides 1999).
results in an embryo with limited movement. The Skeletal joint cavity development, or cavita-
embryo’s capacity to perform muscular move- tion, occurs along planes of the future articular
ments will effectively influence further develop- surfaces of synovial joints. A number of different
ment and later remodeling of the skeleton. Thus, markers have been shown to be present in the
proper skeletal formation is enabled by a full interzones at the time of cavitation, such as hyal-
range of embryonic movement. uronan and hyaluronan synthase. Fibroblast-like
Muscle-controlled movement begins early cells and adjacent chondrocytes with uridine
and continues throughout embryonic develop- diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase (UDPGD)
ment. In humans, the first fetal movement is activity contribute to glucosamine-glycan levels
recorded at 9 weeks (PC), just after innervation (increases in hyaluronan). These cells are located
of the forelimbs, as the skeletal rudiments are in the intimal surface of the synovial lining and
forming. Mouth opening has been demonstrated have been suggested as the possible cavitation
to occur (Hamburger and Balaban 1963) with mechanism switching from cellular cohesion to
evoked stimulation as early as 7.5 weeks (PC). disassociation (Edwards et al. 1994).
1 Embryology of the Masticatory System 11

A review of joint formation requires a brief (epiphysis) of adjacent rudiments and the inter-
overview of “limb patterning.” Limb patterning vening joint cavity, encapsulated by a synovial
involves dynamic relationships between the membrane. Thus, formation of the limb skeleton
thickened region of ectoderm, the apical ectoder- involves coordinated endochondral ossification,
mal ridge (AER), and the underlying distal limb differentiation of permanent cartilage at joint
mesenchyme or progress zone. The progress interfaces, and construction of functional cavi-
zone model predicts that the timing and location tated joints in addition to the development of
of the departure of each cell from the influence of associated structures such as tendons, ligaments,
the AER dictate its commitment to a specific fate. and menisci. As with the limb skeleton, the sec-
Therefore, limb patterning infers that different ondary blastema of the future condyle grows
limb segments are specified as distinct domains. through endochondral bone formation through
Therefore, when one considers the developing differentiation of permanent cartilage at the joint
TMJ, the two limb segments refer to the condylar interface. Joint cavitation is completed by move-
blastema and the squamosal or glenoid fossa. It is ment through muscle activity creating mouth
unclear why AERs develop at specific sites; how- opening.
ever, a major supposition is that the cavitation Research has now identified several important
process itself is achieved by a conserved mecha- factors necessary for interzones to remain iso-
nism in all joints. lated from neighboring chondrogenesis. These
The first evidence that the location for joint factors include stanniocalcin, parathyroid
formation has been specified involves elaboration hormone-­related protein, as well as alpha 5 β-1
of an interzone of mesenchymal cells defining the integrin and other factors. Current research
boundary between the opposed skeletal elements strongly supports the notion that interzones must
(Shea et al. 2015). The fundamental role of inter- act to restrict local cartilage differentiation. It
vening mesenchyme is evident when one consid- appears that the cellular origin of skeletal ele-
ers that their specification interrupts what might ments is initially homologous, only losing their
otherwise develop into a single cartilaginous capacity to change once they have responded to
anlagen. In other words, movement is required exclusive differential stimulus, such as muscle
around the two developing blastemas in order to activity resulting in movement at the location of
create interzones leading to joint cavities. the future joint. The joint cavitation process
The first sign of skeletal development, in limb within the interzone requires extremely precise
buds, is the condensation of mesenchymal cells spatial control over the position at which separa-
at the core of the bud and the location of the tion between elements will occur. This is referred
future skeletal elements. In the proximal forelimb to as the “plane of cleavage.”
bud, for example, a Y-shaped condensation repre- Synovial joint formation can be divided into
sents the future humerus, radius, and ulna. Distal three distinct stages (Pacifici et al. 2006): (1) def-
condensations are progressively added, and inition of the joint site (specification) is followed
future joint sites become apparent as increased by (2) differentiation of joint cell territories
cell density, called interzones. Mesenchymal ­(patterning) and finally (3) formation of a joint
condensations prefigure immediately subsequent cavity (cavitation) (Fig. 1.11) (Mendez 2017b).
pattern of cartilage differentiation (chondrogen- The influence of movement on the process of
esis) indicated first by the expressions of a tran- joint formation has been demonstrated by sev-
scription factor (Bi et al. 1999). The merging eral researchers (Murray and Drachman 1969;
cartilage cells (chondrocytes) build up an extra- Narayanan et al. 1971). These studies, though
cellular matrix (ECM) of collagens, primarily done in the chick embryo, clearly show that the
types I and II, and structural proteoglycans in an continuous movements of the developing
avascular environment. At the joint interzones, embryo are not random but are specific for joint
cells are organized in three territories which later formation. Subsequently, immobilization of the
form the permanent articular cartilage at the ends developing joint has shown to produce an
12 R.C. Auvenshine

Fig. 1.11 Process of cavitation (Mendez 2017b)

absence of joint cavities and further skeletal affecting earlier joint specification, outgrowth,
abnormalities. Few studies have demonstrated or patterning of the limb. Joint patterning is
lack of cavitation and joint formation by pure intrinsically regulated and independent of mus-
external immobilization. Most of the studies cular activity. However, cavitation appears to
which have been performed have utilized cer- be dependent on muscle activity.
tain drugs to bring about immobilization of the Animal models of embryonic immobilization
embryo. Auvenshine (1976) developed an intra- confirm that endochondral ossification in joint
uterine technique for immobilizing the TMJ by formation is profoundly affected by altered
physically preventing mouth opening in the rat movement. In both chick and mouse models,
fetus. A suture was placed through the snout of immobilization causes abnormal ossification
the 16-day-old rat fetus, preventing mouth (Nowlan et al. 2008) and mechanically substan-
opening. Mouth opening spontaneously occurs dard bone. In addition, failure of cavitation to
in the developing rat at 16.5 days. The animals occur will result in ankylosis of the joint and fail-
were reintroduced into the uterine horn and ure of the joint to move (Auvenshine 1976).
allowed to proceed in development for 24, 36, The influence of movement on the process of
and up to 72 h of gestation. Upon sectioning of joint formation has been demonstrated (Murray
the surgerized fetuses, it was clearly shown that and Drachman 1969; Drachman and Sokoloff
joint cavitation was not achieved and that anky- 1966), and immobilization has shown to produce
losis was present. In these surgerized fetuses, an absence of joint cavities and skeletal abnor-
the animal was unable to open its mouth even malities (Fig. 1.12) (Sperber 1989; Auvenshine
with evoked stimulation. This study suggests 1976). Similarly, joint movement stimulates con-
that movement does indeed contribute to the dylar chondrification (Perry et al. 1985; Sperber
alteration in ECM synthesis, which normally 1989), and the influence of the lateral pterygoid
accompanies tissue separation at the cleavage muscle on the process has been demonstrated
site. Immobilization inhibits cavitation without (Petrovic 1972).
1 Embryology of the Masticatory System 13

Fig. 1.12 Rat fetus,

19 days (PC),
T, Temporal
immobilized TMJ
leading to the absence of
joint space (Auvenshine

C, Condyle

Buccal movements are extremely important and feeding. The purpose for the early develop-
for the organization of the structures within the ment of these functions is that the newborn must
TMJ. In humans, buccal movements begin during immediately be able to feed. This also means that
the seventh and eighth week of development tactile stimulation around the perioral area must be
(Humphrey 1968). This movement first occurs at in place so the newborn must be able to identify
the level of the incudomalleolar joint (Merida-­ the mother’s mammary gland and begin sucking
Velasco et al. 1999; Merida-Velasco et al. 1990). and swallowing. These movements and reflexes
During the maturation stage, fascicles of the lat- cannot wait to develop late in gestation but develop
eral pterygoid muscle insert into the condyle and early so that they are mature and functioning at the
anteromedial two-thirds of the articular disc. moment of birth. The muscle activity required for
During the 13th week of development, invagina- suckling is complex, and coordination of 5 of the
tion of vascular mesenchyme in the external por- 12 cranial nerves necessitates the working in har-
tion of the condylar cartilage occurs. mony with one another.
The first joint space to form is the inferior By the 26th week (PC), all of the components
joint space. The process of joint cavitation is not of the TMJ are present except for the articular
synchronic since organization of the inferior joint eminence. Meckel’s cartilage still extends
cavity precedes that of the superior one. The infe- through the Glaserian fissure, but by the 31st
rior joint cavity begins to form at the end of the week, it has been transformed into the spheno-
ninth week (PC) with the appearance of small mandibular ligament. At first, the ligament
spaces or clefts between the articular discs and appears attached to the medial end of the tempo-
the condyle. The superior joint cavity begins to ral bone directly adjacent to the sphenoid bone,
form during week 11 of development and contin- but by the 39th week, ossification of the bones in
ues through week 12 (Merida-Velasco et al. 1999; the region has proceeded to the point where the
Merida-Velasco et al. 1990). ligament gains its apparent attachment to the
The trigeminal nerve is one of the first nerves to spine of the sphenoid bone just lateral and poste-
begin its development in embryogenesis. Both the rior to the foramen spinosum.
motor and sensory limb of the trigeminal nerve
and nuclear complex are markedly mature at the
time of birth. Movement of the TMJ begins during 1.5 Clinical Implications
the blastemic phase of development and continues
to mature through the cavitation and maturation A correct diagnosis is the key to managing orofa-
phases. Mouth opening and tongue thrusting are cial pain. Differentiating the many causes of oro-
important functions necessary for joint formation facial pain can be difficult for practitioners, but a
14 R.C. Auvenshine

logical approach to decision-making can be ben- is called glossopharyngeal or superior laryngeal

eficial and lead to a more accurate and complete neuralgia, respectively (Okeson 2014; QuBayer
diagnosis resulting in more effective manage- and Stenger 1979).
ment. Confirming a diagnosis involves a process The neuralgia will be experienced in the
of history taking, clinical examination, appropri- receptive field of the affected nerve. Therefore,
ate investigations, and a response to various ther- due to the segmentation of the trigeminal nerve
apies. Although a primary care dentist would not into three divisions, a neuralgia can be experi-
be expected to diagnose rare pain conditions, he enced in the ophthalmic division (V1), the maxil-
or she should be able to assess the presenting lary division (V2), and/or the mandibular division
pain complaint to such an extent that, if required, (V3). The receptive field for a geniculate neural-
an appropriate referral to secondary or tertiary gia is principally a small area of the external
care can be expedited. If the clinician possesses a auditory meatus and ear canal. The receptive field
basic understanding of embryology and develop- and expression of neuralgia of the glossopharyn-
ment of the head and neck, making an appropri- geal and superior laryngeal nerves are the ear,
ate and correct diagnosis becomes much more base of the tonsillar fossa, and below the angle of
simplified and orderly. the mandible. It can be precipitated by swallow-
Not all pain in the facial and oral regions is ing, talking, or coughing.
temporomandibular related. Knowledge of
embryology will help the clinician understand
the segmentation of the face and the distribution 1.7 Burning Mouth Syndrome
of the sensory innervation of the head and neck.
Even though the head develops from neuroecto- Burning mouth syndrome is characterized by
derm and maintains a close relationship to the continuous burning pain of the oral mucosa.
somatosensory and association cortex, there is a Symptoms include a burning sensation of the
segmentation of the face and head which is estab- tongue, palate, gingiva, lips, and pharynx. The
lished through embryological development. tongue, embryologically, is derived from the
The site of the pain is not necessarily the endodermal contributions of the four pharyngeal
source of the pain. This is a principle that is prev- pouches. The innervation of tongue consists of
alent in its clinical expression for orofacial pain. contributions from cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X,
Again, a knowledge of embryology will facilitate and XII. Knowledge of the formation and devel-
being able to accurately pinpoint the origin of the opment of the tongue enables the clinician to bet-
pain through various techniques such as diagnos- ter diagnose the origin of the pain through
tic nerve blocks. application of various techniques such as diag-
nostic nerve blocks (Fortuna et al. 2013; Klasser
et al. 2011).
1.6 Neuralgia

Neuralgia is defined as an irritation or inflam- 1.8 Temporomandibular

mation of a sensory nerve ganglion. Therefore, Disorders
the involved nerve must have a ganglion in order
to meet the criteria for neuralgia. Of the 12 cra- Temporomandibular disorders encompass pain
nial nerves, the trigeminal nerve (V cranial affecting the masticatory muscles and/or the tem-
nerve) has the largest ganglion. Therefore, the poromandibular joints. They consist of muscular
majority of cranial neuralgias are of trigeminal pain, TMJ disc-interference disorders, and TMJ
nerve origin. Other cranial nerves which have a degenerative joint disease to name a few.
ganglion are the VII, IX, and X. Neuralgia of Underlying causes of TMD are wide ranging and
the VII cranial nerve is called a geniculate neu- complex. The greater one’s understanding of the
ralgia. Neuralgia of the IX and X cranial nerve biomechanics and proprioception of jaw function
1 Embryology of the Masticatory System 15

through development, the more enabled the clini- of histopathological evidence of injury (Robinson
cian will be to better establish a more accurate et al. 2013).
diagnosis and, therefore, allow for a more rele- Even though the hyoid bone has no direct con-
vant management with predictable outcomes. tact with any other bone in the human body, it is
held in place by twenty muscles, ten on each side.
Therefore, the hyoid bone has connections with
1.9 Ear Symptoms muscles of the mandible, tongue, skull, thyroid
cartilage, sternum, and to the medial border of
Many patients appear in the office of an otolar- the scapula as well as the pharyngeal median
yngologist complaining of pain, pressure, stuff- raphe.
iness, hearing loss, dizziness, and ringing in the The hyoid bone, embryologically, is derived
ears. It is not uncommon for the specialist upon from the second pharyngeal arch with contribu-
examination to determine that there is an exter- tions from the third and fourth pharyngeal arches.
nal factor causing the symptoms for which the Due to the innervation in the area (both sensory
patient complains (Costen 1997). A referral is and motor), pain can be referred to locations dis-
then made to the dentist with the diagnosis of tant from the site of a possible injury or dysfunc-
TMD. Embryologically, the mandible develops tion (Stern et al. 2013).
from Meckel’s cartilage which contributes two
of the three middle ear ossicles: the malleus and
the incus. The adult remnant of Meckel’s carti- 1.11 Summary
lage is the condylar-malleolar ligament or
Pinto’s ligament. This ligament passes through Knowledge of the embryology of the head and
the petrotympanic fissure to the malleus. Thus, neck as well as that of the temporomandibular
an adult relationship is established between the joint forms the foundation or basic building
ear and the TMJ. One’s knowledge of this rela- blocks for a complete understanding of the adult
tionship will not only help to better render structure. This will allow the clinician to accu-
appropriate care but will enable the dentist to rately determine the root cause of the patient’s
better explain to the patient why their symp- complaints and enable the clinician to apply
toms are not within the ear itself but are associ- appropriate treatment modalities to resolve the
ated closely with a dysfunctional relationship problem. The fact that the TMJ is similar to other
of the TMJ. synovial joints allows it to be included in the
broad category of orthopedic disorders. These
disorders have no treatment that results in a com-
1.10 Hyoid Syndrome plete cure. Therefore, orthopedic problems must
be managed correctly in order for the patient to
The hyoid bone has been identified with a spe- enjoy as pain-free and functionally complete life
cific but not well-recognized pain syndrome for as possible. The clinician’s understanding of how
over 40 years (Lim 1982). The painful symptoms the head and neck develops is critical for treat-
are generally caused by trauma at the greater ment success and education of the patient.
cornu of the hyoid bone with pain radiating to
other sites. The pain usually radiates to the throat,
mandible, mandibular molar teeth, zygomatic References
arch, condyle, face, ear, and temporal region.
Anteriorly, it can radiate to the neck, clavicle, Auvenshine RC. Relationship between structure and func-
shoulder, arm, and scapula. The condition is not tion in the development of the squamosal mandibular
joint in rats. Unpublished dissertation, on file at LSU,
well known in medicine and dentistry for at least
Medical School, School of Graduate Studies. 1976.
two reasons: (1) the diffuse and seemingly unre- Auvenshine RC. Anatomy of the airway: an overview.
lated radiation of symptoms and (2) the absence Sleep Med Clin. 2010;5:45–7.
16 R.C. Auvenshine

Bi W, Deng J, Zhang Z, Behringer R, de Crombrugghe Nanci A. Ten cate’s oral histology: development, struc-
B. Sox9 is required for cartilage formation. Nat Genet. ture, and function. 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier;
1999;22:85–9. 2008.
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dent upon disturbed function of the temporomandibu- ment of spontaneous and evoked activity in the rat.
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burning mouth syndrome. Oral Dis. 2013;19(7):730–2. lage formation. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006;1068:74–86.
Hamburger V, Balaban M. Observations and experiments Perry HT, Xu Y, Forbes DP. The embryology of the tem-
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Anatomy of the Masticatory
Homer Asadi and Alan Budenz

In order to appreciate the normal function and dysfunction of any system,
and more specifically the stomatognathic system, the starting point should
involve a complete and thorough understanding of the anatomy of this
system. The masticatory system is composed of an array of rather complex
anatomical structures that often operate in unison to provide unique and
selective daily functions. The orchestration and coordination of the mus-
cles, bones, nerves, and vessels allow human beings to perform functions
only capable by our species. However, when this finely tuned arrangement
is upset, the outcome, in some individuals, may involve pathosis involving
dysfunction, dysregulation, and/or pain. This chapter provides a descrip-
tive anatomical review of the masticatory system. Ultimately, this knowl-
edge will assist the clinician in recognizing specific disorders, their signs
and symptoms, diagnosis and treatments, and the relationship to the ana-
tomic structures of this intricate system.

2.1 Osteology of the Mandible and the horizontally oriented body anteriorly on
each side of the mandible. The ramus has two
The mandible is a “u” shaped, one-piece bone, projections arising from its superior aspect, the
bilaterally symmetrical in its normal state. It con- condylar and the coronoid processes. The condy-
sists of the vertically oriented ramus posteriorly lar process arises from the ramus of the mandible

H. Asadi, DDS (*) A. Budenz

Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Department of Biomedical Sciences and Vice Chair
the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, of Diagnostic Sciences and Services,
155 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA San Francisco, CA 94103-2919, USA
Interim-Chair of Department of Preventive and Department of Dental Practice and Community
Restorative Dentistry, University of the Pacific, Service, San Francisco, CA 94103-2919, USA
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, e-mail: [email protected]
155 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 17

H.A. Gremillion, G.D. Klasser (eds.), Temporomandibular Disorders,
18 H. Asadi and A. Budenz

posteriorly and consists of a head and a neck. into the body of the mandible. The anterior bor-
There is a shallow depression on the anterior der of the ramus and oblique ridge on the external
aspect of the condylar neck, the pterygoid fovea, surface of the body are referred to as the external
which serves as the attachment for the inferior oblique line or ridge.
head (belly) of the lateral pterygoid muscle and The upper portion of the mandibular body
the majority of the superior head (belly). The contains the bony support for the teeth, the alveo-
anteriorly located coronoid process is the site of lar process, in which individual bony sockets
attachment of the temporalis muscle of mastica- house the mandibular teeth. Other features on the
tion. The curved depression between the two pro- external body of the mandible are the mental
cesses on each side is the mandibular (sigmoid) foramen and the mental ridges and prominences
notch (Fig. 2.1). The posterior-inferior corner of of the chin (mental region). Although there are
the mandible is the angle (gonion) of the mandi- variations, the mental foramen is usually found in
ble. Anterior to the gonial angle along the infe- close proximity to the apex of the second premo-
rior border of the mandible, there is an upward lar tooth (Fig. 2.2).
depression of the inferior border, the antegonial The inner surface of the mandibular ramus has
notch. The masseter muscle attaches to the entire a second ridge that descends vertically just inside
lateral surface of the ramus and may produce from the anterior border/external oblique ridge.
roughness at the sites of insertion or a tuberosity This second ridge is the internal oblique ridge.
at the insertion at the angle of the mandible. The The depression that lies between the internal and
internal surface of the ramus shows a similar external oblique ridges is the retromolar fossa.
roughness in the region of the gonial angle due to Like the external oblique ridge, the internal
the attachment of the medial pterygoid muscle of oblique ridge gently curves anteriorly and inferi-
mastication. orly as it blends into the body of the mandible.
The anterior border of the coronoid process This portion of the internal oblique ridge is also
descends vertically and becomes the anterior bor- known as the mylohyoid line or ridge because it
der of the ramus. This edge has a distinct curved is the origin of the mylohyoid muscle, which
indentation just below the coronoid process, the forms the floor of the mouth (Fig. 2.3). Inferior to
coronoid notch. As the anterior border continues the mylohyoid ridge and posteriorly is a depres-
inferiorly, it thickens into an oblique ridge that sion in the bone referred to as the submandibular
gently curves anteriorly and inferiorly as it blends fossa, which houses the superficial portion of the

coronoid condylar
process process

oblique liine mandibular


Fig. 2.1 Lateral view of the mandible Fig. 2.2 Anterior view of the mandible
2 Anatomy of the Masticatory System 19

submandibular gland. Anteriorly, on the medial it courses anteriorly to supply the mylohyoid and
aspect of the mandible in the mental region is a anterior belly of the digastric muscles.
small depression located inferior to the mylohy-
oid ridge which is termed the digastric fossa.
This is the location where the anterior belly of the 2.2  steology of the Temporal
digastric muscle attaches to the mandible. Bone
Superior to the mylohyoid ridge on either side of
the midline on the medial aspect of the mandible The bilateral temporal bones form the lower lateral
are two projections, a superior and an inferior surfaces of the cranium and the cranial base. Each
mental spine (genial tubercle). The superior spine temporal bone articulates with the zygomatic bone
is the site of attachment of the genioglossus mus- anteriorly, the frontal bone anterosuperiorly, the
cle, and the inferior spine is the site of attachment parietal bone posterosuperiorly, and the occipital
of the geniohyoid muscle. bone posteriorly. The temporal bones also articu-
The blood supply and innervation of the man- late with the condyle bilaterally (Fig. 2.4).
dibular teeth are from the inferior alveolar neuro- Based upon its embryological origins from
vascular bundle. This bundle enters the bone of three separate centers of ossification, the temporal
the mandible through the mandibular foramen, an bone is comprised of the squamous, the petrous,
opening on the medial surface of the ramus. The and the tympanic portions. The squamous portion
lingula is a bony projection just medial to the forms the flat lateral wall of the lower cranial vault
mandibular foramen which serves as the attach- and projects anteriorly as a thin process to form the
ment of the sphenomandibular ligament. Inferior zygomatic arch in combination with the zygomatic
to the mandibular foramen, a bony groove, the bone. The petrous portion forms the dense base of
mylohyoid groove, runs inferiorly and anteriorly, the cranial vault which houses the auditory and
housing the mylohyoid neurovascular bundle as vestibulocochlear structures and separates the pos-
terior cranial fossa from the middle cranial fossa.
The mastoid process, with its air cells communicat-
ing with the middle ear cavity, projects inferiorly
from the petrous portion of the temporal bone. The
anteriorly located tympanic portion of the temporal

process Mandibular
notch fontal bone parietal

temporal lines
temporal bone

mylohyoid bone
groove mastoid

mylohyoid mandible

Fig. 2.3 Medial (inner) view of the mandible Fig. 2.4 Lateral view of the cranium and mandible
20 H. Asadi and A. Budenz

division of the trigeminal nerve also provides the

sensory innervation for the mandibular mucosa
and teeth. The blood supply to the muscles of
mastication is via the maxillary artery, one of the
two terminal branches from the external carotid
mandibular fossa artery. As the external carotid artery rises above
articular eminence the gonial angle of the mandible posteriorly, it
enters into the parotid gland, which cups the pos-
terior border of the mandibular ramus and lies
process over its lateral surface. The external carotid artery
splits into its two terminal branches within the
parotid gland at a level slightly below the neck of
Fig. 2.5 Lateral view of the bones within the TMJ the condyle. The maxillary artery branch passes
structure anteriorly, deep to the ramus, while the superfi-
cial temporal branch continues superiorly in
bone contains the external auditory meatus and the close approximation to the anterior aspect of the
depression of the mandibular (glenoid) fossa just tragus. The superficial temporal branch provides
anterior to that. Lying between the external audi- cutaneous blood supply to the lateral scalp region
tory meatus and the mandibular fossa is the tym- and to the retrodiscal tissues.
panic plate, and anterior to the mandibular fossa is
the thickened bony prominence of the articular
eminence. The roof of the mandibular fossa is a 2.3.1 The Masticator Space
thin bone which is clearly not structurally suitable
as a load bearing surface with the condyle; rather, All of the muscles of mastication are contained
load bearing occurs against the posterior slope of within an envelope of investing fascia arising
the much thicker articular eminence (Fig. 2.5). from the deep cervical fascia. This investing fas-
cia splits into an inner and an outer layer of fascia
at the lower border of the mandible. The outer
2.3 Muscles of Mastication layer covers the superficial aspect of the masseter
muscle, attaches to the zygomatic arch, and then
The muscles of mastication are responsible for continues superiorly over the lateral surface of
chewing movements of the mandible. Because the temporalis muscle to blend into the gala apo-
these muscles are attached directly to the mandi- neurosis of the scalp. The inner layer of fascia
ble, they are sometimes referred to as the man- covers the deep, or medial, surface of the medial
dibular muscles. pterygoid muscle as it rises up to attach to the
Bilaterally, there are four pairs of muscles base of the skull. This fascial envelope, contain-
directly involved in mastication. The four mus- ing the muscles of mastication, is named the mas-
cles on each side are the masseter, the temporalis, ticator space. The masticator space also contains
the medial pterygoid, and the lateral pterygoid the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
muscles. Upper cervical muscles, or suprahyoid and the maxillary artery. The deep cervical
muscles, are also inferiorly attached to the man- investing fascia also forms the capsules of the
dible and are considered to be accessory mastica- parotid and submandibular salivary glands.
tory muscles because of their secondary role in Deep to the layer of investing fascia overlying
mandibular movement and stabilization. the temporalis muscle, often referred to as the
All four muscles of mastication are innervated parietotemporal fascia, is a very dense layer of
by the mandibular division of the trigeminal fascia, the temporalis fascia proper. The tempora-
nerve (cranial nerve V), which is described in lis muscle arises in part from this very dense fas-
greater detail later in this chapter. The mandibular cial layer, which originates from the superior
2 Anatomy of the Masticatory System 21

temporal line of the skull. At the lower end, as the der of the masseter muscle one to two finger-
temporalis fascia approaches the zygomatic arch, breadths below the zygomatic arch, and then
it splits into a superficial and a deep layer. The dives deep to pass through the buccinator muscle
superficial layer passes superficially over the to open into the buccal vestibule through the
arch, while the deep layer follows the temporalis parotid papilla adjacent to the first to second
muscle inferiorly to its attachment to the coro- maxillary molar tooth. The transverse facial
noid process of the mandible. The temporal fat artery, arising from the superficial temporal
pad is positioned between these two layers of the artery, is within a fingerbreadth inferior to the
temporalis fascia. zygomatic arch and also crosses the masseter
muscle. Additionally, branches of the facial
nerve (cranial nerve VII), motor branches to the
2.3.2 The Masseter Muscle muscles of facial expression, emerge from the
anterior border of the parotid gland to pass ante-
The masseter muscle arises from the inferior bor- riorly to enter the deep surfaces of the more cen-
der of the zygomatic arch from two heads. The trally located muscles of facial expression. The
larger, more superficial head arises from the ante- facial artery, the chief blood supply to the super-
rior two-thirds of the inferior border of the zygo- ficial face, crosses the inferior border of the
matic arch, and the smaller, deeper head arises mandible within the antegonial notch to traverse
from the more posterior one-third. The fibers of onto the face just anterior to the superficial mas-
the superficial head extend inferiorly and posteri- seter muscle.
orly from the arch to the ramus, while the more The neurovascular bundle supplying the
posterior deep head fibers run in a strictly vertical masseter muscle enters the deep surface of the
direction. The two heads of the masseter muscle muscle by passing through the mandibular
attach to the entire lateral aspect of the ramus, notch of the ramus. The masseteric nerve origi-
extending inferiorly to the gonial angle and the nates from the mandibular division of the tri-
inferior border of the mandible (Fig. 2.6a, b). geminal nerve. The masseteric artery is a
The masseter muscle is substantially covered branch of the maxillary artery within the infra-
by the parotid gland, which is cupped around the temporal fossa, and the masseteric vein drains
posterior border of the mandibular ramus and into the pterygoid venous plexus, which
projecting anteriorly over the masseter muscle. coalesces into the maxillary vein.
The parotid duct arises from the anterior border The masseter muscle is a primary elevator of
of the parotid gland, crosses to the anterior bor- the mandible. Because the fibers of the superfi-
cial head are also angled posteriorly, they aid in
protrusion of the mandible. The deep head of the
masseter, being more vertically oriented, also has
a minor role in retrusion of the mandible. It is
always important to remember that although the
muscles of mastication are bilaterally paired,
they all insert onto a single bone, the mandible,
and therefore all movements of the mandible
require coordination of both sets of masticatory

2.3.3 The Temporalis Muscle

Fig. 2.6 Masseter muscle, dissected view. DM deep mas- The temporalis muscle is often described as a
seter, SM superficial masseter large, fan-shaped muscle which originates from
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she is not shut up like an Arab woman.
Whilst the man journeys afar with the caravans, or on freebooting
expeditions, she remains at home to direct affairs. But this is not all,
for she studies old traditions, is highly enlightened, and far in
advance of the men in knowledge of old customs and manners, and
also of the art of reading and writing the Tuareg language. In short, it
is she who preserves their traditions and is acquainted with their
literature, and indeed sometimes ranks as the highest authority of
the tribe.
Duveyrier relates that amongst the eastern Tuareg the women
take part in the councils when the tribes assemble, just as did the
Iberian women in ancient days.
In the battlefield it is often dread of the women’s scorn which
drives the men to make the utmost efforts to return victorious.
“This trait reminds one of the Iberian maidens, who chose their
husbands from amongst the bravest warriors.”
Descent on the mother’s side alone ennobles, and the children
belong to the family of the wife.
For instance, the son of a nobly born woman and a slave is
acknowledged as free born, whereas the son of a slave and a free
man remains a slave. But, in favour of the latter, certain tribes have
created a particular caste called “Iradjenat,” who, though yet slaves,
are exempt from certain heavy labour.
It must be added that the women have entire control over their
own property.
Inheritance in the tribes goes from a man to his brother, and, in
default, to the son of a sister, but never to the direct progeny.
In such communities misconduct on the part of women is not
tolerated, it is simply punished with death. Captain Bissuel relates
that a native of the province of Setif killed his sister by order of his
father, they having learnt that she was leading a dissolute life. Both
father and brother mourned for the poor culprit, but were convinced
that they had only done their duty.
On the other hand, according to Duveyrier, the Tuareg lawfully
claim le droit du seigneur from their female slaves, before these
The same custom is mentioned by Herodotus as obtaining
amongst the Adyrmachidæ in the neighbourhood of Egypt.
The western Tuareg regard this custom as despicable.
The Tuareg have to give their wives a dowry, which varies in
amount. The western Tuareg, for instance, give at least six camels, a
negress, and a complete costume.
These are the principal features of Tuareg customs. They have
many points in common with those of the mystical Amazons and the
Iberians of antiquity.
Even now among the Basques the man plays a subordinate part.
The woman rules and controls the house. “The husband is her head
servant,” who brings to the house only himself and his labour,
together with a stipulation for progeny.

The Arabs.
The Arabs in Tunisia are, like those in Algeria, nearly all nomads.
They reside chiefly in the southern and central portions of the
They are recognisable by their tall, slender figures, their lean,
muscular build, and by their dignified nobility of carriage.
The Arab cast of countenance is narrow, the nose curved, the lips
thin and graced by a delicate black beard, the black eyes are lively,
but the expression crafty.
The Arab woman is endowed with a pretty, well-formed figure, but
she is of small stature. She is, on the whole, attractive, but fades
early, being old and ugly through hard work by the time she attains
her twentieth year. Unlike the Berber woman, she is usually obliged
to go abroad veiled.
As the Bey was too weak to collect his own taxes, he united the
various groups of nomad Arabs to form his auxiliary troops. These
tribes were thence designated “Mahzen,” were almost exempt from
taxation, or only paid in kind, such as oil, dates, etc. In return they
bound themselves to fight the robber bands (Jish) who frequently
harassed the country. Were they victorious, all spoils were theirs.
Their ostensible duty was to assist the Bey’s own soldiers to recover
the taxes. This collection resolved itself into sheer plunder. The least
of their perquisites was the right to “diffa” and “alfa,” which means
hospitality for themselves and their horses; of this they took
advantage to the greatest extent, often pillaging wherever they
For instance, the holy city of Kairwan was often compelled to raise
forced contributions under this pretext.
Their morals, as a rule, are very lax. The abduction of married
women and girls is common, and adultery a matter of course.
The upbringing that an Arab woman receives in a tent is not
exactly calculated to ensure in any way a moral tone. A young girl is
from the very outset of her innocent life apt to see and learn much
that to us appears offensive.
Whereas the man has every possible right of control over his wife,
she has only the “justice of God” (el hak Allah), meaning that he
must fulfil his obligations towards her as her husband, failing which
she can demand a divorce, not an infrequent occurrence.
After the enactment of the law emancipating slaves, the men in
some tribes married their negresses, with a view to thus evading the
law. But it befell that the former went into court and complained that
they were defrauded of their rights as wives.
Although the Arabs, as aliens, have always been in a minority in
the land of the Berbers, yet they were the masters until the arrival of
the French. They had steadily spread themselves over all the open
plains and lower tablelands, moving ever from east to west. Thus
each tribe continually changed its territory, one tribe ever pressing
another before it farther westward.
Long before Mohammed’s day this immigration had already
begun, but it was not until after his time that it made any real
headway, and the conquest of the country and its conversion to
Mohammedanism took place.
Not until much later, in the middle of the eleventh century, was the
great migration accomplished, in which both Mongols and Egyptians
were included. Such great waves, however, always cause a counter
wave. When the tribes reached the shores of the Atlantic on the
most distant coasts of Morocco, the tide turned. Thus the tribe that
claims to be the chief of all the tribes, namely, the Shorfa, or
“Followers of the Prophet,” is precisely that which, having been to
Morocco, returned eastwards.
Yet another receding wave brought back the “Arabs” who had
conquered Spain, and who were afterwards driven forth again.
These Spanish “Arabs” were for the most part Berbers who had
been carried westward by the tide, and who returned, after a long
sojourn on the Iberian peninsula, blended with other races—
Ligurians, Iberians, Celts, and Western Goths.
The greater proportion of these refugees, who are known in
Barbary as “Andaluz,” established themselves in the towns, where
they introduced a new strain into the already mixed race of Moors.
These Spanish Moors are more especially represented in Tunis.
It is quite natural that, in a country so often invaded and peopled
by foreigners who to this day have never really amalgamated, there
should be an entire lack of patriotism such as is found in Europe. It is
as Mussulmans that these races have united to make war against
the Christian. Amongst themselves they are often at enmity.

Though it is an undoubted fact that the various races of Berbers
and Arabs have preserved much of their identity, it is also noticeable
that, to a stranger arriving in the country for the first time, the
inhabitants appear, as it were, to be fused into one race. This fusion
is the result of their creed, for Mohammedanism has been drawn like
a veil over the whole country.
Mohammed, through the Koran, gave to even daily labour the
stamp of religion, and in a marvellous way moulded all the various
races, who thus became “the faithful,” into one mode of thought and
life, which gradually shaped them all to one pattern, although
hereditary inclinations and customs contended, and are still
contending, against such constraint.
The features which appear most strongly marked in these various
races who have become Mussulmans, are their individual absorption
in their religion and their family organisation.
The stubborn influence of Islamism on the community is entirely
expressed in the phrase “Mektub” (it is written). Fatalism has
destroyed all initiative, all progress. How men may act is immaterial.
“It is written.”
To the Mussulmans, authority is of divine origin. Their creed
ordains that everyone must bow to authority. This has given rise to
the most complete absolutism, alike from the Bey, whose title is “The
chosen of God and the owner of the kingdom of Tunisia,” down to
the lowest of officials.
But yet the yoke may prove too heavy—then the oppressed revolt,
as has so often happened.
The influence of religion is manifest in the treatment of the insane,
whose utterances are held as sacred. The number of real and
pretended lunatics is consequently very great. Hospitality is not
exactly gladly offered to such afflicted persons, but they are
permitted to take whatever they please from a house, a liberty often
very widely interpreted. Latterly a madman in Tunis declared several
houses to be under a ban. All the inmates at once fled, and could not
be persuaded to return. This individual was also inspired with the
sublime idea of erecting a barricade in one of the most populous
streets, by means of doors which he lifted from their hinges.
The Prophet organised the family on the lines best adapted to the
nomad tribes, who were destined to be great conquerors. He
ordained the absorption of the vanquished into the family; while the
males were killed or, if fortunate, made slaves, the women were
allowed to enter the family.
This was the foundation of the rapid conquest of North Africa by
To ensure unity in the family, composed of so many and varied
elements, the man is invested with the most absolute authority. He
does not marry but he buys his wife, who becomes his property. He
is unquestionably her lord and master, he can maltreat her, kill her if
she is untrue to him, without risking injury to a hair of his own head.
All that he owes her is the “hak Allah.”
Crimes against women are more rare now through fear of the
French; but as there is no legal census, many murders may be
committed which are never brought to light.
Religious influence first and foremost, also life in common under
equal conditions of many generations of different extraction, have
obliterated many of the characteristics of the natives of Tunisia.
Many Berber tribes have been entirely transformed into Arabs, and,
on the other hand, many Arab tribes have been Berberised. Indeed,
there are tribes forming a subdivision, of which it is well known some
are Berbers, some Arabs.
Of the religious brotherhoods, so numerous elsewhere under
Islam, there are comparatively few in Tunisia. We find the
“Tidyanya,” “Medaniya,” and the “Aissaua,” and, besides these,
many scattered “Shorfa.”
In the towns there is more fanaticism than in the country. In this
respect “those who can read and write are the worst.”
Yet many customs and reminiscences may be found of a former
age before Mohammedanism was forced on the Tunisians.
For instance, the people hang bits of rag all over sacred trees;
many fear the “evil eye,” or honour five as a peculiarly lucky number.
For this reason they set the mark of their own five fingers on their
houses to protect the latter. Indeed, it is not uncommon for a man
who has more than five children, if questioned as to their number, to
reply that he has five, rather than be obliged to name an unlucky
If rain is long delayed, they take refuge in exorcism, and will on
occasion even dip their kaid in a fountain so that his beard may be
wetted—that surely brings rain.

The Moors.
Nowhere has all origin of race been so entirely effaced as in the
towns. There have sprung up the Moors—quite a new race of town
dwellers, which may be said to have absorbed all others.
Whereas the population of the interior of the country to a great
extent escaped intermixture with the new elements, up to the time of
the arrival of the Arabs, it has been quite otherwise in the towns,
where foreign traders settled and intermingled with the native
Amongst the Moors in the towns are found, as has been said, the
so-called “Andaluz,” who were driven out of Spain. Several of these
distinguished families have carefully preserved the records of their
genealogy, and some of them still possess the keys of their houses
in Seville and Granada. They have certainly intermarried with other
families of different origin, but still cling to their traditions, and retain
and exercise to a certain extent the handicrafts and occupations of
their forefathers in Spain. The gardeners of “Teburka,” for instance,
are descendants of the gardeners of the Guadalquivir, and the
forefathers of the potters near Nebel were potters at Malaga.
The blood of slaves of all nationalities has also been introduced
into the people known as Moors.
The complexion of the Moor is fair, or, more rarely, olive; it
resembles that of the Southern Italian or Spaniard. The shape of the
head is oval the nose long, and they have thick eyebrows and very
black beards. Of medium height, they are well built, and their
carriage is easy and graceful. They are considered more honourable
than either Jews or Christians, and were noted formerly for their kind
treatment of their slaves. Though clever workmen and well educated,
their moral tone is not high. In old days the town of Tunis was the
great market frequented by the people of the Sudan; nothing was
considered worth having that had not been made by a Tunisian.
The Turkish element, as represented by the Bey and his
surroundings, has long since ceased to have any influence on the
Moorish race in Tunisia. No real Turks are now to be found in the
country. In the towns, however, are a few descendants of Turkish
soldiers and Tunisian women; they are called “Kurughis,” and are
lazy, vain, and ignorant, and consequently not much respected.
The Moors, or the town dwellers, on the whole, are, however, not
so vigorous and energetic as the nomads and the mountaineers;
their manners are more effeminate, and they are lazier.
Crimes against the person, such as assault or murder, are rare in
the towns, but drunkenness on the sly is common, and immorality is

The Jews.
The ancient conquerors of the country, the Carthaginians and
Romans, who covered it with towns, forts, and monuments, have left
no impress of themselves on the appearance of the present
inhabitants, nor do there survive amongst the tribes any traditions
concerning them.
No more remains to recall the Vandals and Goths, yet the latest
researches prove the existence in early days of other Semitic
peoples besides the Arab.
The earliest importation to the country of Semitic blood was
doubtless the Phœnician. To this is due the fact that many of the
types portrayed on Chaldaic and Assyrian ruins are now found
scattered throughout Tunisia.
At the same time as the Phœnicians may be mentioned the Jews,
the earliest of whom probably came to Barbary at the same time as
the former, but their number was largely added to later, after the
conquest of Jerusalem by Titus. Moreover, it is known that many
Berber tribes were converted to Judaism and remained Jews, even
after the Arab conquest. The classic type of European Jew is
therefore rarely met with in Tunisia.
After the Mohammedans the Jews are, numerically, most strongly
represented in Barbary. They form somewhat important
communities, not only in the town of Tunis, but also in all other
towns, even in the island of Jerba. Possibly with theirs has mingled
the blood of the ancient Carthaginians.
There are also a great number of Jews whose ancestors were
ejected from Spain and Portugal; these are called “Grana,” from their
former most important trading city in Spain.
These “Grana” were under the protection of the foreign consuls,
and therefore have had nothing to complain of; but the old Jews
were in a disastrous condition in former days, and suffered much, so
much that some isolated families abjured Judaism and became
Mohammedans; such they are still, but they always associate with
their former co-religionists. Other Jews—those of Jerba, for instance
—have modified their religious forms, pray to Mohammedan saints,
and hold their Marabouts in honour.
A peculiar head-dress distinguishes those Jews who are under no
protection, from those who are protected by the consuls. It is an
irony of fate that many Jews have placed themselves under Spanish
protection, because they knew that Spain was their home in old
days. Now they are protected by the country that formerly drove
them forth. Somewhat similar is the case of the Algerian Jews in
Tunis who seek French protection.
All the Jews of Tunis retain the ancient Spanish ritual. They are
peaceful and well behaved, and not so grasping as others of their
faith, but they are clever at taking advantage of a good opportunity
when there is a prospect of making money, or when their trade may
be extended. Commerce is therefore in great measure in their
In the whole Regency of Tunisia there are over fifty thousand
Jews, and their numbers increase rapidly. In the town of Tunis there
is a “ghetto,” the quarter formerly devoted to them, and where they
were compelled to dwell. It has long since become too small, and the
Jews have now spread over all the other quarters, and in the
bazaars have wrested from the Moors many of their shops.
This Jewish community is an interesting study, and one is
astonished to find how in many respects they so little resemble their
co-religionists in other countries.

The Dress of the Countrywomen (Arabs—


Over the whole of Tunisia the countrywomen, whether Arab or

Berber, wear a similar costume, which must be almost identical with
that worn by the Grecian women in olden days.
The dress of the women of ancient Greece consisted of what was
known as the “peplos”[8] (πέπλος), a white wrapper gathered in by a
belt about the waist (ζώνη), and supported on the shoulders by pins
(περόναι and ἐνεται). As head-dress, or for ornament, they wore a
kind of forehead band (χρήδεμνον) or veil, and, in addition to these,
earrings, necklets, bracelets, etc. etc.
The “peplos” was a large piece of stuff without seam, which was
folded round the body from one side.
The dress of a Tunisian woman of to-day is the same. It consists
of a “m’lhalfa,” which resembles the “peplos,” being a long narrow
piece of stuff, wound round the body in such a manner that it entirely
covers the back and shoulders. One end is brought over the breast,
and hangs down in front; the other end covers the lower limbs, and
forms a skirt. The piece is so long that it hangs in folds, which partly
conceal the sides. Whilst the Greek “peplos” was held together by
“fibulæ” on the shoulders, the clasps that confine the “m’lhalfa” are
placed rather forward—over the breast. The Grecian woman’s neck
was bare, her chest covered. But it is the contrary with the Tunisian
woman. In other words, the “m’lhalfa” is merely a “peplos” which has
been drawn forward. Many Tunisian women draw the “m’lhalfa” over
the breast, and arrange one end to form a full drapery; others, as in
the Matmata villages, omit this, but wear over their bosom a thin
square of stuff called “katfia.” This is secured by the clasps already
In a few places, such as the Khrumir mountains, the “m’lhalfa” is
composed of two pieces of stuff worn one in front and one behind,
held together by the breast clasp. Over the neck and shoulders is
laid a rather large towel. The “m’lhalfa” is always bound in at the
waist by a long woollen belt, generally white or of some bright colour.
The clothes for daily wear are, as a rule, of a dark blue woollen
material, but for festivals or weddings they wear red, yellow, or parti-
coloured garments of silk, cotton, or wool.
In most regions a kerchief is worn on the head (tadchira); round
this is wound a turban (assaba), composed of a long piece of stuff
ornamented with coins or trinkets. Over this again is thrown a large,
often embroidered, cloth, in which the face is enveloped (begnuk).
Generally speaking, the Tunisian women wear no underclothing,
at all events not in daily life in the country. On festive occasions,
especially in the towns of the oases, they assume a white shirt
(suïera). It has very short or no sleeves. A bride, as a rule, wears
one. The bridal shirt (gomedj) is generally embroidered about the
opening at the neck in silk or cotton, in stripes of black, yellow, blue,
and red.
In daily life they do not wear shoes, but go barefoot. At the feasts
the women put on yellow shoes without heels (balgha).
The ornaments worn by the poor are mostly of brass, copper, or
horn; by those in better circumstances, of silver; or sometimes by the
rich, of gold.
Round the neck are worn strings of glass beads, and in the ears
large slight earrings (“khoras,” from cross); on the wrists, broad open
bracelets (addide). Finally, they wear large heavy anklets called
“kralkral,” that are generally made not to meet.
To fasten the “m’lhalfa” on the shoulders large brooches are
commonly employed. These are in the form of an open circle,
through which passes a pin (khlel).
On the breast they wear a silver chain (ghomra), from which
depend coins or flat plates of metal. These chains are fastened to
the breast-pins. All these ornaments are made by the Jews of the
towns or oases, and are really artistic productions.
The women do not usually wear straw hats, though some may
amongst the Berbers of the island of Jerba. These hats are precisely
similar to those depicted on some of the Tanagra figures found in
In Jerba are worn crescent-shaped breast ornaments, said to
come from Tripoli; also ornaments in filagree work from Zarsis.
The women often carry a little looking-glass tied to their breast-
pins, and also the requisites for applying henna and kohol.
When they fetch water in their great pitchers they carry these
slung on their backs by means of a wide band round the forehead, or
in the end of their turban, loosened for the purpose.
Their hair is never plaited, but is covered by the cloth or turban. A
woman is rarely seen in stockings. In a few places where the roads
are bad they wear wooden shoes. The Khrumirs are proficient in
making these.
Much of the material employed in the women’s dress is woven or
made by themselves in the region in which it is worn, but some is
brought from Tripoli, the Sudan, or from Europe. As a rule, however,
the countrywomen wear only their own handiwork.
In the Matmata mountains and the neighbouring oases I was able
to collect and buy a complete costume, the whole of which had been
made in that region, and chiefly of native materials.
It must be mentioned that the Berber women have everywhere
more freedom than their Arab sisters, and are therefore often
unveiled. Yet many of the tribes have gradually adopted Arab
customs, and in this particular follow their example—at all events in
the vicinity of a town, for in the country the women all go unveiled,
only hiding their faces on occasion.
We will now examine the dress of the men, both Arabs and
In contradistinction to the Kabail of Algeria, the Arabs always
cover their heads. In Tunis, where the races are so mixed, nearly all
the men go covered. They wear white cotton caps under the red
“shashia,” allowing a narrow edge of white to appear beneath the
The Arabs always wear a haik or burnous; the Berbers, generally.
The burnous, as is known, consists of a cape united at the breast.
The “haik” is a piece of thinner stuff, which is worn as a drapery,
usually under the burnous, but also alone.
In the southern mountains of Tunisia I found that many of the
mountaineers wore, instead of burnous or haik, a piece of stuff
without hood or seam. In this they draped themselves so that the
head was covered. It was usually of brown or grey wool. The
burnous is as a rule white, as is also the haik. Many of the poorer
folk, especially amongst the Berbers, wear nothing else in daily life;
but they assume a shirt, waistcoat, and coat, as also a gala burnous
(sjebba) on festive occasions. This last is shorter than the real
burnous, and is made with short wide sleeves, of bright coloured
stuff, often embroidered in silk.
The people on the coast near Susa and to the south have a still
shorter brown-hooded garment in place of a haik or burnous, and
they wear trousers. This costume is convenient for fishermen.
A large broad-brimmed straw hat is worn by the denizens of the
plains. Shoes or sandals of morocco leather or hide are worn by
Red morocco leather boots, worn inside a shoe, are used by
riders, also spurs.
The purse is a long, narrow, knitted or woven bag.
The Berber often wears a shirt, and, in such cases, only a haik
over it, and no burnous.
The usual costume of the Arab is that worn in Algeria—the
burnous and the haik, the latter bound on with a camel’s-hair cord;
shoes (or boots). Of the Berber, shirt, haik, burnous, bare legs, and
uncovered head.
Such variations of these costumes as may exist in Tunisia have
been brought about by an altered mode of life and the admixture of
Dr. Bertholon declares that most of the costumes are of very
ancient origin. That of the Jews, for instance, he dates back to the
days of the Carthaginians; the burnous, he says, resembles the
hooded Roman cloak.
The Moorish woman’s dress is very pretty, but extremely
coquettish. It is overladen with ornaments.
“In the morning she wears a very scanty costume. If one has the
luck to catch a glimpse of her at an early hour as she moves hither
and thither in the harem, she is not easily forgotten. She is clad in a
simple shirt, with short sleeves, which leave her plump arms
exposed. Under this she wears trousers, so short that they scarcely
reach the knees; a little shawl, of which the ends are knotted in front
at the waist, replaces a skirt, and enfolds her pretty form. Her
bosoms are supported by a narrow bodice, and about her hair is
bound a silk kerchief, but her locks fall down over her neck” (Des
Godins de Souhesnes).
When she leaves the house she wears a “gandura,” a kind of
cloak of transparent material, fastened on the shoulders by gold or
silver pins. Besides this she has put on wrinkled white linen trousers
reaching to her ankles; over her head she throws a white kerchief;
and, lastly, she conceals her face with a long embroidered veil.
The Moorish woman blackens her eyebrows, enhances the
beauty of her eyes with antimony (khol), and stains with orange-red
henna the nails of her fingers and toes and the palms of her hands.
The dress of the Moor much resembles that of the Jew. He wears
a tasselled cap (shashia), surrounded by a turban, and a silken vest
or coat, embroidered in gold or silver.
The trousers are very wide, and fall in heavy folds; the lower part
of the leg is uncovered, and on his bare feet he wears broad shoes
of red or yellow morocco leather (babush).
The costume of the Jews, as worn by them before they were free,
to distinguish them from the Arabs, is very picturesque, and,
fortunately, still universal.
The men, who are generally handsome, wear a tasselled shashia,
often surrounded by a turban. Their wide, pleated Turkish trousers
reach a little below the knee, and are secured at the waist by a belt.
They wear also coat and waistcoat, stockings, and shoes.
Many have now adopted European attire, but the characteristic
Jewish type is easily distinguished.
The Jewish women are not veiled. They wear shirts, narrow
embroidered silk trousers, cotton stockings, shoes, and on their
heads a pointed cap.
These women, when young, are very pretty, but also very
immoral. They are generally spoilt by being too stout, young girls
being fed up to make them attractive for their wedding.
There is no native industry peculiar to Tunisia, but there are a few
which may be considered worth notice.
The holy town of Kairwan is famed for its beautiful carpets. In
Gefsa and Jerba also curious and beautiful carpets are woven.
Clay ware is a speciality of Nebel, where, to this day, pottery is
made that recalls that found in the Phœnician and Roman tombs
near Carthage. Pottery is also made at Jerba in the form of jars,
vases, etc., which are sent to different parts of the country—northern
Tunisia obtaining its pottery from Nebel; southern, from Jerba.
Amongst the tribes, pottery is also made by the women and
negresses, but generally without the aid of the potter’s wheel. The
Khrumir in particular are noted for their peculiar ornamented pottery.
In the towns, moreover, and especially in Tunis, there are
numbers of shoemakers, leather workers, saddlers, harness and
pouch makers, etc. etc. There are also excellent dyers and makers
of perfumes.
In the oases are made fans, and baskets of palm leaves and of
alfa straw; baskets, hats, and great crates for corn, which take the
place in these regions of the clay jars of the Kabail.
Tripoli lies quite close to Tunis, and there manufactures attain a
high level; a great quantity therefore of stuffs—carpets and worked
leather articles—are imported thence. The Jews are the goldsmiths,
and, even in the interior and in the southern oases, possess the art
of making pretty bracelets and ornaments.
The inhabitants of Zarsis are renowned for their peculiar filigree

The information adjoined regarding the number of souls included in

each of the Berber tribes, and of their domestic animals, came to
hand only after the first portion of my book had gone to press. I
therefore add it here. This information has been collected with great
pains throughout the Government of El Arad by the kindly help of M.
Destailleur, Contrôleur Civil to that Government. It is positively
reliable, the calculations which I was able to make in person during
my stay in several of the villages, with the same view, corresponding
exactly to those in the table. Only—as an outsider—I must aver that
the number of horses may not be quite correct, but for some places
appears computed too low. As for instance in Hadeij, where, it is
said, none are to be found, which was certainly not the case.
Possibly the explanation may be that the sheikhs feared that the
inquiry made by the Government arose from a desire to know how
many mounted men this tribe could place in the field in time of war.
Number of Sheep and
Names of Tribes and Villages. Asses. Oxen. Horses. Camels. Mules
Inhabitants. Goats.
Jara 1925 500 40 100 40 700 40
Menzel 2200 600 60 35 40 410 90
Shenini 1040 300 2 25 30 185 30
Ghenush 350 100 4 3 8 200 40
Bu Shma 50 20 10 30
Udref 750 280 70 8 120 450 2
Metuia 1800 200 20 10 100 600 60
Tebulbu 235 45 25 4 38 350 1
Zarat 165 45 55 3 12 1000
Ghraïra 450 100 8 390 1450
Alaia 232 30 20 351
Hazem 1229 210 4 36 240 2880
Hamernas 2100 600 57 37 300 2100 1
⎧ Gassur 900 140 70 20 50 350 10
⎪ Debdaba 1390 115 22 40 92 520 19
⎪ El Begla 1455 432 41 535 1830
Beni-Zider, ⎪ Shelahsha 1689 400 95 1400 10,000 4
South of ⎨
Matmata 1000 120 8 20 400 1800
the Shott. ⎪
⎪ Shehel 1100 150 25 1200 2500
⎪ El Heurja 1000 140 30 420 2000
⎩ Zauia 868 320 35 800 8000 4
Tujud 210 15 30 2 55 520

Zarua 604 55 27 1 207 713 2

⎪ Dehibat 100 20 3 2 50 1000
⎪ Ben Aissa 340 25 25 3 65 311
⎪ Guelaa Ben Aissa 495 40 45 3 115 410
⎨ Smerten 105 10 1 25 265
⎪ Beni Sultan 632 43 73 1 55 200 2
⎪ Tujan 1071 51 80 3 169 1000 1
⎪ Uled-Sliman-Hadeij 1300 200 200 300 2700 8

Lasheish 1020 120 223 6 263 2036 2

Tamezred 1082 50 100 7 400 4600 4
Urghamma. ⎧ Neffat 3830 826 46 221 3371 9926 3
⎪ Accara 5496 750 250 110 1335 6060
⎪ Tuasin 2461 1203 15 600 6945 15,263
⎪ Khezur 3411 890 150 142 1353 9745

Ghomrasen 1376 565 3 43 684 2848

Shenini-Duirat 410 80 20 3 300 1960 1

⎪ Guermasa 460 80 30 8 170 1150
⎪ Uderma. ⎧ Hamidia 287 60 25 255 890
⎪ ⎨ Uled-Debab 389 150 20 200 2000
⎨ ⎩
⎨ of Tribes and
⎩ Villages. Number of Sheep and
Names Asses. Oxen. Horses. Camels. Mules
⎪ Inhabitants. Goats.
⎪ Deghagha 585 250 10 34 300 300
⎪ Uled Shada 330 125 42 320 1200
⎪ Suabria-Duirat 153 7 2 2 32 800
⎪ Beni Barka 125 25 7 2 60 240
⎪ Zedra 117 25 12 1 14 360
⎪ Gatufa 130 30 15 4 11 400

⎧ Uled-Lazareg

Jelidat ⎨ Uled-Aun 302 100 4 50 300 1100

⎩ Uled-Ashiri
Quadid 125 30 4 4 80 600
Duiri 1357 63 54 10 280 3400

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