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Signaling Mechanisms
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Joseph Eichberg, Jr. and Michael X. Zhu
Series Editors

Published Titles
Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function,
Jonathan Soboloff and Dietmar J. Kappes
Gap Junction Channels and Hemichannels, Donglin Bai and Juan C. Sáez
Cyclic Nucleotide Signaling, Xiaodong Cheng
TRP Channels, Michael Xi Zhu
Lipid-Mediated Signaling, Eric J. Murphy and Thad A. Rosenberger
Signaling by Toll-Like Receptors, Gregory W. Konat
Signal Transduction in the Retina, Steven J. Fliesler and Oleg G. Kisselev
Analysis of Growth Factor Signaling in Embryos, Malcolm Whitman and
Amy K. Sater
Calcium Signaling, Second Edition, James W. Putney, Jr.
G Protein-Coupled Receptors: Structure, Function, and Ligand Screening,
Tatsuya Haga and Shigeki Takeda
G Protein-Coupled Receptors, Tatsuya Haga and Gabriel Berstein
Signaling Through Cell Adhesion Molecules, Jun-Lin Guan
G Proteins: Techniques of Analysis, David R. Manning
Lipid Second Messengers, Suzanne G. Laychock and Ronald P. Rubin
Signaling Mechanisms
Regulating T Cell Diversity
and Function

Edited by
Jonathan Soboloff
Dietmar J. Kappes
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Names: Soboloff, Jonathan, editor. | Kappes, Dietmar, editor.

Title: Signaling mechanisms regulating T cell diversity and function /
[edited by] Jonathan Soboloff and Dietmar Kappes.
Description: Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016040600| ISBN 9781498705080 (hardback :alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781498705097 (e-book)
Subjects: | MESH: T-Lymphocytes--immunology | Receptors, Antigen,
T-Cell--immunology | TCF Transcription Factors | Signal Transduction |
Thymus Gland--secretion
Classification: LCC QR185.8.T2 | NLM QW 568 | DDC 616.07/97--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016040600

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Series Preface............................................................................................................vii
Contributors............................................................................................................ xiii

Chapter 1 Consequences of Blocking the Choreography of Double

Negative Thymocyte Maturation..........................................................1
John B. Barnett

Chapter 2 In Situ Analysis of T Cell Receptor Signals during Positive

Selection.............................................................................................. 17
Nathalie Labrecque, Mengqi Dong, Aditi Sood,
and Heather J. Melichar

Chapter 3 Regulation of Negative Selection in the Thymus by Cytokines:

Novel Role of IL-23 to Regulate RORγt............................................. 41
Robert M. Lowe, Hao Li, Hui-Chen Hsu, and John D. Mountz

Chapter 4 Modulating Thymic Negative Selection with Bioengineered

Thymus Organoids.............................................................................. 53
Isha Pradhan, Asako Tajima, Suzanne Bertera,
Massimo Trucco, and Yong Fan

Chapter 5 ThPOK, a Key Regulator of T Cell Development and Function........ 67

Jayati Mookerjee-Basu, Sijo V. Chemmannur, Li Qin,
and Dietmar J. Kappes

Chapter 6 TCR Signaling Circuits in αβ/γδ T Lineage Choice........................... 85

Shawn P. Fahl, Dietmar J. Kappes, and David L. Wiest

Chapter 7 Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Regulatory

T Cell Populations............................................................................. 105
Louis-Marie Charbonnier and Talal A. Chatila

vi Contents

Chapter 8 Natural Killer T (NKT) Cells in Mice and Men............................... 119

Nicola M. Heller, Rosa Berga-Bolanos, Lynette Naler,
and Jyoti Misra Sen

Chapter 9 Transmission of T Cell Receptor-Mediated Signaling

via the GRB2 Family of Adaptor Proteins........................................ 147
Mahmood Y. Bilal and Jon C. D. Houtman

Chapter 10 Defining the Roles of Ca2+ Signals during T Cell Activation........... 177
Elsie Samakai, Christina Go, and Jonathan Soboloff

Chapter 11 Histone Methyltransferases and T Cell Heterogeneity......................203

Janaki Purushe and Yi Zhang

Chapter 12 Models of Regulatory T Cell Alterations and Systemic

Autoimmunity................................................................................... 231
Jonathan J. Cho, Kyle J. Lorentsen, and Dorina Avram

Index....................................................................................................................... 249
Series Preface
The concept of signal transduction is now long established as a central tenet of bio-
logical sciences. Since the inception of the field close to fifty years ago, the number
and variety of signal transduction pathways, cascades, and networks have steadily
increased and now constitute what is often regarded as a bewildering array of mech-
anisms by which cells sense and respond to extracellular and intracellular environ-
mental stimuli. It is not an exaggeration to state that virtually every cell function is
dependent on the detection, amplification, and integration of these signals. Moreover,
there is increasing appreciation that in many disease states, aspects of signal trans-
duction are critically perturbed.
Our knowledge of how information is conveyed and processed through these cel-
lular molecular circuits and biochemical switches has increased enormously in scope
and complexity since this series was initiated fifteen years ago. Such advances would
not have been possible without the supplementation of older technologies, drawn
chiefly from cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacol-
ogy, with newer methods that make use of sophisticated genetic approaches as well
as structural biology, imaging, bioinformatics, and systems biology analysis.
The overall theme of this series continues to be the presentation of the wealth of
up-to-date research methods applied to the many facets of signal transduction. Each
volume is assembled by one or more editors who are preeminent in their specialty. In
turn, the guiding principle for editors is to recruit chapter authors who will describe
procedures and protocols with which they are intimately familiar in a reader-friendly
format. The intent is to ensure that each volume will be of maximum practical value
to a broad audience, including students and researchers just entering an area, as well
as seasoned investigators.
It is hoped that the information contained in the books of this series will consti-
tute a useful resource to the life sciences research community well into the future.

Joseph Eichberg
Michael Xi Zhu
Series Editors

Considering the major industry that the study of T cell biology has now become, it
is interesting to realize that even the existence of T cells was not recognized until
relatively recently. Thus, the first proof that the thymus had an important immuno-
logical function came in 1961 from a seminal study by Jacques Miller showing that
neonatally thymectomized mice failed to reject allogeneic skin grafts.1 Before that
the thymus was generally viewed as an obscure evolutionary vestige like the appen-
dix. The next major advance, also by Miller and colleagues, was the recognition that
circulating lymphocytes were not a uniform population of cells but comprised dis-
tinct T (thymus-derived) and B (bone marrow-derived) cell subsets, responsible for
cell-mediated and humoral immunity, respectively.2 By cotransfer of thymus-derived
and bone marrow-derived cells into adoptive hosts, it was shown that the former
were necessary for development of an antibody response, giving rise to the concept
of “helper” T cells. Thus began the splitting of lymphocytes into ever smaller func-
tional subsets that continues to this day.
The next major breakthrough in T cell biology came in the 1970s, again using
adoptive transfer and grafting approaches, with the discovery that T cells recognize
specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alleles (MHC restriction) and that
this restriction is imposed during development in the thymus.3,4 Around the same
time, antibody-mediated depletion studies demonstrated that cell-mediated helper
and cytotoxic activities were mediated by distinct Ly1+ (CD4) and Ly2+ (CD8)
subsets.5,6 Thus, the phenotypic and functional separation of CD4 and CD8 T cells
became established.
Although it was by then well-appreciated that T cells used a clonotypic antigen-
specific receptor to recognize target cells, the nature of this T cell receptor (TCR)
remained obscure until the early 1980s when protein biochemical approaches led to
the identification of the disulfide-linked TCRab heterodimer on the surface of various
T cell hybridomas and tumors.7–9 This was followed shortly by the cloning of the cor-
responding genes.10–12 The cloning of the TCR chains in turn allowed the generation
of TCR transgenic mice expressing a single clonotypic TCR, which proved critical
to the dissection of thymic development and establishing the affinity model of thy-
mocyte selection. Thus, depending on the specificity and affinity of the transgenic
TCR, thymocytes were shown to undergo selection into the CD4 or CD8 lineages
by the process of positive selection13–16 or undergo deletion via negative selection.17,18
Subsequently, it has been established that differences in TCR affinity determine not
only thymic development of conventional CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets, but also of
other more specialized subsets including γδ T cells,19,20 Tregs,21 and iNKT cells.22
Around the mid-1980s the first evidence emerged that mature CD4 T cells con-
tinue their differentiation in the periphery and diverge into multiple functionally dis-
tinct subsets in response to differential stimulation by antigens and soluble factors.
Mosmann et al. were the first to show in 1986 that CD4 T cells could be subdivided
into IFNγ and IL-4 producing subsets,23 what we now know as Th1 and Th2 cells.
Since then, multiple additional T helper subsets have been reported with different

x Preface

cytokine profiles, and effector functions, including Th9,24 Th17,25 and Th22.26 The
processes by which naive CD4 T cells differentiate into these distinct functional
subtypes requires TCR engagement as well as the positive feedback loop triggered
by a major cytokine product of the differentiated cell itself to enforce a strong degree
of polarization.
The elucidation of the key signaling pathways mediated by TCR engagement
began with the realization that the TCR heterodimer lacks inherent signaling capac-
ity and is instead connected to the intracellular signaling machinery through an
associated complex of CD3 subunits.27 The CD3 subunits were found to contain
ITAM motifs that are targets for phosphorylation by the SRC family kinase p56-
LCK, which is brought into the vicinity of the TCR complex upon interaction with
peptide-MHC complexes via its association with the CD4 and CD8 coreceptors.28,29
Many other key components of the TCR signaling pathway have been subsequently
identified. Finally, in the mid-2000s several master transcriptional regulators of dif-
ferent T lineages have been identified, including Foxp3, ThPOK and Plzf for Treg,
CD4, and NKT lineages, that are selectively induced in and critical for both devel-
opment and function of their respective lineages.30–32 Similarly, T-bet, Gata3, and
RORγt were identified as the master regulators of Th1, Th2, and Th17 mature T cell
subtypes.33–35 Understanding the regulation of these factors during T cell develop-
ment and differentiation, in particular how they are controlled by different TCR
signals, remains a subject of intense interest.
The importance of signaling via the TCR and coreceptors for T cell development
and function cannot be overemphasized, and has led to an intense research effort to
understand this process that continues to the present day. In the present volume, we
have attempted to give a broad overview of the field, spanning the gamut from earliest
stages of thymic development to memory T cell differentiation. Hence, after implan-
tation of lymphoid progenitors in the thymus, early T cell development is primarily
driven by the interactions of a series of thymic epithelial cell-derived growth factors
and morphogens (discussed in Chapter 1). As these early T cells progress through
development, their maintenance switches to being predominantly dependent on TCR–
MHC interactions with intermediate signals driving development (positive selection;
discussed in Chapter 2) and the strongest signals leading to apoptosis (negative selec-
tion; discussed in Chapters 3 and 4). Chapter 5 discusses the role of ThPOK and TCR
signaling in driving cells to the cd4 versus cd8 lineages, while Chapter 6 considers
the control of αβ/δγ T lineage choice by TCR signals and other factors. Next, Chapter
7 discusses the predominant features of regulatory T cell development and function,
while Chapter 8 focuses on features defining NKT cell development. Once these vari-
ous T cell types have matured, activation is controlled via a complex signaling net-
work. Hence, several concluding chapters focus on regulation and function of mature
T cells. Chapter 9 discusses the role of the GRB2 family members in TCR signaling,
and Chapter 10 considers the role of Ca2+ signaling in T cell activation. Chapter 11
covers the role of epigenetic regulation in control of T cell memory, and Chapter 12
describes the contribution of regulatory T cell types in control of autoimmunity.
In conclusion, we wish to thank all of the authors for their contributions to this
volume. We hope that it will be useful for anyone wishing to understand the current
state of the field of T cell diversity and function.
Preface xi

1. Miller JFAP. Immunological function of the thymus. Lancet 1961; 2: 748–749.
2. Mitchell GF, Miller JFAP. Cell to cell interaction in the immune response. II. The
source of hemolysin-forming cells in irradiated mice given bone marrow and thymus
or thoracic duct lymphocytes. J Exp Med 1968; 128: 821–837.
3. Zinkernagel RM, Doherty PC. Restriction of in vitro T cell-mediated cytotoxicity in
lymphocytic choriomeningitis within a syngeneic or semiallogeneic system. Nature
1974; 248: 701–702.
4. Zinkernagel RM et al. On the thymus in the differentiation of “H-2 self-recognition” by
T cells: Evidence for dual recognition? J Exp Med 1978: 147: 882–896.
5. Cantor H et al. Functional subclasses of T-lymphocytes bearing different Ly antigens.
I. The generation of functionally distinct T-cell subclasses is a differentiative process
independent of antigen. J Exp Med 1975; 141: 1376–1389.
6. Kisielow P et al. Ly antigens as markers for functionally distinct subpopulations of
thymus-derived lymphocytes of the mouse. Nature 1975; 253: 219–220.
7. Allison JP et al. Tumor-specific antigen of murine T-lymphoma defined with monoclo-
nal antibody. J Immunol 1982; 129: 2293.
8. Haskins K et al. The major histocompatibility complex-restricted antigen receptor on T
cells. I. Isolation with a monoclonal antibody. J Exp Med 1983; 157: 1149–1169.
9. Meuer SC et al. Clonotypic structures involved in antigen-specific human T cell func-
tion. Relationship to the T3 molecular complex. J Exp Med 1983; 157: 705–719.
10. Chien Y et al. A third type of murine T-cell receptor gene. Nature 1984; 312: 31–35.
11. Hedrick SM et al. Isolation of cDNA clones encoding T cell-specific membrane-­
associated proteins. Nature 1984; 308: 149–153.
12. Yanagi Y et al. A human T cell-specific cDNA clone encodes a protein having extensive
homology to immunoglobulin chains. Nature 1984; 308: 145–149.
13. Berg LJ et al. Antigen/MHC-specific T cells are preferentially exported from the thy-
mus in the presence of their MHC ligand. Cell 1989; 58: 1035–1046.
14. Kaye J et al. Selective development of CD4+ T cells in transgenic mice expressing a
class II MHC-restricted antigen receptor. Nature 1989; 341: 746–749.
15. Kisielow P et al. Positive selection of antigen-specific T cells in thymus by restricting
MHC molecules. Nature 1988a; 335: 730–733.
16. Teh HS et al. Thymic major histocompatibility complex antigens and the alpha beta T-cell
receptor determine the CD4/CD8 phenotype of T cells. Nature 1988; 335: 229–233.
17. Kisielow P et al. Tolerance in T-cell-receptor transgenic mice involves deletion of non-
mature CD4+8+ thymocytes. Nature 1988b; 333: 742–746.
18. Sha WC et al. Positive and negative selection of an antigen receptor on T cells in trans-
genic mice. Nature 1988; 336: 73–76.
19. Haks MC et al. Attenuation of gammadelta TCR signaling efficiently diverts thymo-
cytes to the alphabeta lineage. Immunity 2005; 22: 595–606.
20. Pereira P et al. Blockade of transgenic gamma delta T cell development in beta
2-­m icroglobulin deficient mice. EMBO J 1992; 11: 25–31.
21. Jordan MS et al. Thymic selection of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells induced by an
agonist self-peptide. Nat Immunol 2001; 2: 301–306.
22. Moran AE et al. T cell receptor signal strength in Treg and iNKT cell development
demonstrated by a novel fluorescent reporter mouse. J Exp Med 2011; 208: 1279–1289.
23. Mosmann TR et al. Two types of murine helper T cell clone. I. Definition according to
profiles of lymphokine activities and secreted proteins. J Immunol 1986; 136: 2348–2357.
24. Schmitt E et al. IL-9 production of naive CD4+ T cells depends on IL-2, is syner-
gistically enhanced by a combination of TGF-β and IL-4, and is inhibited by IFNγ.
J Immunol 1994; 153: 3989–3996.
xii Preface

25. Harrington LE et al. Interleukin 17-producing CD4+ effector T cells develop via a lin-
eage distinct from the T helper type 1 and 2 lineages. Nat Immunol 2005; 6: 1123–1132.
26. Eyerich S et al. Th22 cells represent a distinct human T cell subset involved in epider-
mal immunity and remodeling. J Clin Invest 2009; 119: 3573–3585.
27. Letourneur F, Klausner RD. Activation of T cells by a tyrosine kinase activation domain
in the cytoplasmic tail of CD3 epsilon. Science 1992; 255: 79–82.
28. Barber EK et al. The CD4 and CD8 antigens are coupled to a protein-tyrosine kinase
(p56lck) that phosphorylates the CD3 Complex. PNAS 1989; 86: 3277–3281.
29. Rudd CE et al. The CD4 receptor is complex in detergent lysates to a protein-tyrosine
kinase (pp58) from human T lymphocytes. PNAS 1988; 85: 5190–5194.
30. He X et al. The zinc finger transcription factor TH POK regulates CD4 versus CD8 T
lineage commitment. Nature 2005; 433: 826–833.
31. Hori S et al. Control of regulatory T cell development by the transcription factor Foxp3.
Science 2003; 299: 1057–1061.
32. Kovalovsky D et al. The BTB-zinc finger transcriptional regulator PLZF controls the
development of invariant natural killer T cell effector functions. Nat Immunol 2008; 9:
33. Ivanov II et al. The orphan nuclear receptor RORgammat directs the differentiation
program of proinflammatory IL-17+ T helper cells. Cell 2006; 126: 1121–1133.
34. Szabo SJ et al. A novel transcription factor, T-bet, directs Th1 lineage commitment.
Cell 2000; 100: 655–669.
35. Zheng W, Flavell RA. The transcription factor GATA-3 is necessary and sufficient for
Th2 cytokine gene expression in CD4 T cells. Cell 1997; 89: 587–596.
Dorina Avram Jonathan J. Cho
College of Medicine College of Medicine
University of Florida University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida Gainesville, Florida

John B. Barnett Mengqi Dong

Department of Microbiology, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital
Immunology and Cell Biology Research Center
West Virginia University School University of Montreal
of Medicine Montreal, Canada
Morgantown, West Virginia
Shawn P. Fahl
Rosa Berga-Bolanos Fox Chase Cancer Center
National Institute on Aging Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
National Institutes of Health
Baltimore, Maryland Yong Fan
Institute of Cellular Therapeutics
Suzanne Bertera Allegheny Health Network
Institute of Cellular Therapeutics and
Allegheny Health Network Department of Biological Sciences
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mahmood Y. Bilal
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Christina Go
in Immunology Fels Institute for Cancer Research and
University of Iowa Molecular Biology
Iowa City, Iowa and
Department of Medical Genetics and
Louis-Marie Charbonnier Molecular Biochemistry
Department of Pediatrics Temple University School of Medicine
Harvard Medical School Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Boston, Massachusetts
Nicola M. Heller
Talal A. Chatila Department of Anesthesiology
Department of Pediatrics and Critical Care Medicine
Harvard Medical School Johns Hopkins University School
Boston, Massachusetts of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
Sijo V. Chemmannur
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

xiv Contributors

Jon C. D. Houtman Jayati Mookerjee-Basu

Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Fox Chase Cancer Center
in Immunology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Carver College of Medicine John D. Mountz
University of Iowa Department of Medicine
Iowa City, Iowa University of Alabama at Birmingham
Hui-Chen Hsu Birmingham VA Medical Center
Department of Medicine Birmingham, Alabama
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama Lynette Naler
National Institute on Aging
Dietmar J. Kappes National Institutes of Health
Fox Chase Cancer Center Baltimore, Maryland
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Isha Pradhan
Nathalie Labrecque Institute of Cellular Therapeutics
Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Allegheny Health Network
Research Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of Montreal
Montreal, Canada Janaki Purushe
Department of Microbiology and
Hao Li Immunology
Internal Medicine Temple University
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Boston, Massachusetts
Li Qin
Kyle J. Lorentsen Fox Chase Cancer Center
College of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida Elsie Samakai
Fels Institute for Cancer Research and
Robert M. Lowe Molecular Biology
Pediatric Rheumatology and
Children’s Specialty Center of Nevada Department of Medical Genetics and
Las Vegas, Nevada Molecular Biochemistry
Temple University School of Medicine
Heather J. Melichar Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital
Research Center
University of Montreal
Montreal, Canada
Contributors xv

Jyoti Misra Sen Asako Tajima

National Institute on Aging Institute of Cellular Therapeutics
National Institutes of Health Allegheny Health Network
and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Massimo Trucco
Medicine Institute of Cellular Therapeutics
Baltimore, Maryland Allegheny Health Network
Jonathan Soboloff Department of Biological Sciences
Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Carnegie Mellon University
Molecular Biology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Medical Genetics and David L. Wiest
Molecular Biochemistry Fox Chase Center
Temple University School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Yi Zhang
Aditi Sood Fels Institute for Cancer Research and
Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Molecular Biology
Research Center Temple University
University of Montreal Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Montreal, Canada
1 Consequences
of Blocking the
Choreography of
Double Negative
Thymocyte Maturation
John B. Barnett

1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................2
1.2 DN1 Stage..........................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Notch1....................................................................................................4
1.2.2 HES1......................................................................................................5
1.2.3 T Cell Factor-1 (TCF-1).........................................................................5
1.2.4 Wnt.........................................................................................................6
1.2.5 Shh/Ihh..................................................................................................7
1.2.6 Delta-Like 4...........................................................................................7
1.2.7 NFATc/NF-κB.......................................................................................7
1.2.8 IL-7........................................................................................................8
1.3 DN2 Stage..........................................................................................................8
1.3.1 BCL11b..................................................................................................9
1.3.2 GATA3...................................................................................................9
1.3.3 IL-7........................................................................................................9
1.4 DN3 Stage........................................................................................................ 10
1.4.1 IL-7...................................................................................................... 10
1.4.2 HEB/HEBAlt/HEBCan....................................................................... 10
1.5 DN4 Stage........................................................................................................ 11
1.5.1 CD3ε.................................................................................................... 11
1.5.2 Shh....................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Conclusion....................................................................................................... 12
References................................................................................................................. 12

2 Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

It is well recognized that thymocytes must undergo a progression of matura-
tion and differentiation stages on their journey to becoming a mature CD4+ or
CD8+ T cell. Early is this progression are four double-negative (DN) stages, so
named because they express neither CD4 or CD8 on their surface. These DN
stages have been further classified as DN1, DN2, DN3, or DN4 based on the
presence or absence of the specific cell membrane markers, CD25 and CD44.
The process of a cell progressing from one DN stage to another (and beyond) is
a complex “choreography” involving the action of numerous transcription fac-
tors, morphogens, and cytokines. The first critical component in this sequence
is the activation of the transmembrane receptor Notch1. Failure to engage the
Notch1 receptor at this stage shunts the cells into an entirely different pathway
that results in production of NK cells, B cells, or myeloid cells. However, if the
cell passes this critical step, it then begins the process of becoming a mature T
cell by the sequential action of the aforementioned transcription factors, mor-
phogens, and cytokines. In this chapter we discuss how these factors contribute
to the maturation of T cells by detailing the consequences of the loss of the
action of each of the factors involved in DN maturation.

Figure 1.1 provides a schematic of the normal progression of thymocytes from the
arrival of the multipotent stem cell (MSC) until the single positive (SP) CD4+ and
CD8+ T cell emerge. At each step in this schematic there are growth factors and mor-
phogens that are required to induce the cell(s) to move to the next stage of develop-
ment. In this chapter, the goal is to discuss the consequences of blocking one or more

NK cell ThPOK
po on

B cell TOX
eck ti

ch selec


Notch1 CD4+


CD25− CD25+ CD25+ CD25−
CD44+ CD44+ CD44− CD44− CD8+
Bcl11b Bcl11b Bcl11b TCF-1

Wnt Shh/Ihh Shh IL-7

Delta-like 4

FIGURE 1.1 Normal progression of thymocyte development and the factors that influence
each stage of development.
Consequences of Blocking the DN Choreography 3

of these important factors on the progression of the cells. This chapter will focus
on those thymocytes that lack CD4+ and CD8+, and are thus referred to as double
negative (DN) cells. Further, we will not cover the development of γδ T cells, which
appear to take a simpler pathway to maturation, that is, primarily dependent on Id3
to promote the γδ T cells’ fate.1
The β-selection checkpoint is also shown in Figure 1.1. β-selection refers to a step
when T cell receptor (TCR) rearrangement occurs. At the DN3 step, the TCRβ chain
is rearranged and is then paired with the pre-Tα chain to create the pre-TCR. Cells
must successfully rearrange the β-chain to produce a functional pre-TCR before pro-
gressing beyond the DN3 stage.
Methods to knock out or knock down specific genes as well as induce gain-of-
function and overexpression of specific genes in vivo and in vitro have provided the
tools to dissect this pathway. However, a given factor may be active at more than one
stage and that may not always be clearly shown by the phenotypic result. The action
of a factor may be very concentration dependent, as is the case with morphogens,
and a knock out of the gene expressing a factor, usually an all-or-none result, which
may not allow for concentration-dependent actions to be discerned. Nonetheless, use
of these molecular and genetic techniques has contributed a tremendous amount to
our understanding of the normal progression of thymocyte development, and much
of what we know about T cell development has come from these studies.
A recent editorial by Moon and Gough discusses the challenges of representing
pathways in a nonlinear manner, using the Wnt and β-catenin story to illustrate their
point.2 Figure 1.1 presents the thymocyte development in a very linear manner, yet as
Moon and Gough point out, there are crosstalk, codependencies and concentration-
dependent effects between different elements that drive developmental pathways.2
Illustrating these cross- and codependencies in this diagram would make it difficult
to decipher. Case in point in Figure 4 provided by Rothenberg and Anderson3 to
illustrate four different physiological conditions that would govern lymphopoiesis.
Therefore, the pathway is still illustrated in a linear fashion. However, partially to
the point presented by Moon and Gough,2 the action of a particular transcriptional-
activator often affects more than a single stage in the process, and there will be refer-
ences to multiple stages under any given heading.

In addition to the lack of CD4+ and CD8+ (hence double negative), the DN1 stage
of thymocyte development is defined by positive cell surface expression of CD44
without the expression of CD25 (CD44+CD25 –). Unlike the other cell stages, the
DN1 stage cells are heterogeneous and includes cells that can be as easily pro-
grammed to become B cells, NK cells, myeloid cells, and dendritic cells. Some
workers acknowledge this by referring to this population of cells as thymus seed-
ing progenitors (TSPs)4 rather than DN1 cells. To designate this fact, however,
we will use the convention of DN1 in this chapter. Two transitions occur in this
early T cell development that are of particular interest: the onset of T lineage gene
expression (specification), and the final exclusion of any fate other than a T cell
fate (commitment).5
4 Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

1.2.1 Notch1
Mammals have four Notch receptors (Notch1–4). However, Notch1 is the factor that
provides the signal for the DN1 cell to continue on the path to becoming a mature
T cell. Without Notch1 signaling, the DN1 cell is shunted toward becoming a non-T
cell such as a B cell, myeloid cell, or NK cell.6–9 Notch1 has been extensively studied
in hematopoiesis and has a well-studied role in marginal zone B cell development and
peripheral T cell development in addition to its critical role in thymic αβ T cell devel-
opment. The ligand for Notch1 in thymic T cell development is Delta-like 4 (DLL4),
as inactivation of Dll4 but not Dll1 in thymic epithelial cells (TECs) resulted in a
complete block in T cell development.7,10 Once Notch1 is bound to DLL4, after a suc-
cession of proteolytic cleavages, the intracellular portion of Notch1 is translocated to
the nucleus, heterodimerizes with a DNA binding transcription cofactor called CSL
(CBF-1 [RBP-J in mouse], Suppressor of Hairless, Lag-1) and it becomes part of a tran-
scription complex.11 This transcription complex also includes the Mastermind proteins
(MAML1-3) and MED8-mediator.11 One target gene of this transcription complex is
Hairy/enhancer of split (HES),11 the role of which will be addressed later. Notch con-
tinues to play a role in thymocyte development at several stages. Active Notch1 tran-
scription continues until the β-selection checkpoint between the DN3 to DN4 stages;
however, Notch1 protein levels continue to remain high until the ISP stage.12
In addition to directly knocking out Notch1, it is possible to interfere with Notch1
signaling by inducing transgenic expression of Notch modulators. Given the com-
plexity of Notch1 signaling,11 there are several targets that can be exploited to block
Notch1 signaling. Thymocyte signaling requires a “tuneable” approach, that is,
the influence of any signaling molecule is often not binary (all on or all off), but
more analog (concentration dependent) to provide a more precise regulation of its
action. The regulation of Notch1 is controlled at several levels and there are several
examples of negative regulators. The sensitivity (hence analog control) of Notch to
ligand-mediated activation is decreased by Fringe glycosyl transferases; and Numb
antagonizes intracellular signals of intracellular Notch.13 Conversely, the nuclear
factors SKIP and Mastermind enhance the activation of the transcription factor of
Notch, which is CSL.13
The Fringe glycosyl transferases act by adding N-acetylglucosamine to O-fucose
on the extracellular domain of Notch.14 There are three known variants of Fringe
called Lunatic (Lfng), Manic, and Radical.15 Mechanistically, the Fringe modifica-
tion of the Notch receptors alters the binding and response of Notch to its ligands.16
Lunatic fringe was first discovered to affect T cell development and Lfng is normally
expressed in DN progenitors.17,18 Increased expression of Lfng in DP thymocytes
causes increased binding to Notch ligands on stromal cells, blocking access of DN
T cell progenitors to the thymic stromal, thus, blocking DN progression. A distinct
class of Notch1 modulators are coded by the Deltex1 genes.13 In the Drosophila,
Deltex1 is a positive regulator that mediates or augments effects downstream
of Notch1.13 With these past results in mind, Izon et al. reconstituted mice with
BM-derived hematopoietic progenitors transduced ex vivo with Deltex1.13 In con-
trast to the Drosophila results, this treatment resulted in a significant reduction in
the number of thymocytes produced and in the small portion of thymocytes shown in
Consequences of Blocking the DN Choreography 5

the thymus, these cells were all DN.13 Thus, in mammals, Deltex1 gene products are
inhibitory. Deltex1 expression is high in DN1 cells, downregulated in DN2 cells, and
then markedly upregulated in DN3 cells.13 Subsequent mechanistic experiments sug-
gested that Deltex1 antagonized the recruitment of coactivators needed by a Notch1
transcription factor, CSL.13 Yun and Bevan extended these results by investigating
the effects of overexpression of Deltex1 as well as Notch-regulated ankyrin-repeat
protein (Nrarp).19 Nrarp is also an inhibitor of Notch1 that is expressed in all thymo-
cyte subsets.19 Yun and Bevan saw a significant increase in DN1 and DN2 cells when
Nrarp was overexpressed but not when Deltrex1 overexpression blocked Notch1.19
The block due to Nrarp overexpression was primarily in the DN1 to DN2 transi-
tion.19 Mechanistically, Nrarp inhibits Notch induction of CBF-1, a member of the
CSL transcription complex.19 Yun and Bevan also showed that although Deltrex1 and
Nrarp block T versus B cell commitment, only Nrarp was capable of blocking early
thymocyte development.19 An interesting contrast comes from research on Numb and
Numblike, which have shown to be Notch inhibitors for neuronal stem cell develop-
ment,20 but had no effect on thymic cell development in a double knockout system.21
The process of β-selection was described earlier. Wolfer et al. showed that when
Notch1 was knocked out, thymocytes show aberrant VDJβ rearrangement and
impaired pre-TCR-independent survival occurred.22 Further studies on the role of
Notch1 during the β-selection using a Mastermind-like 1 dominant negative con-
struct to inhibit transcription revealed that the “β-selection checkpoint in vivo is
absolute and independent of the pre-TCR.”23 Although there is a sharp downregu-
lation of Notch1 transcription after β-selection, the question of Notch1 expression
during thymopoiesis was addressed by Fiorini et al. using monoclonal antibodies
(mAbs) specific for Notch1 and Notch2.24 Their results show that Notch1 is expressed
at high levels on all DN cells and is downregulated at the DP and SP stages.24 They
also noted that the Notch1 positive DN2/3 cells localized adjacent to the thymus
capsule.24 This could seemingly facilitate the process of “thymus crosstalk” between
TEC and thymocytes raised much earlier by van Ewijk et al.25
In summary, activation by Notch1 is essential, first for the decision to proceed to
develop from a DN1 cell through the thymocyte differentiation pathway. Second, it is
essential for the progression from DN1 to DN2. Third, its influence continues at least
through the β-selection stage (DN3 to DN4) and possibly at the DN4 to ISP stage.

1.2.2 HES1
HES1 is a transcription factor regulated by Notch1. Although earlier described as a
cd4 silencer, analysis of thymocyte differentiation using thymic organ cultures did
not support this conclusion.26 More recent studies assign a positive role for HES1 in
development of thymic granulocytes.27 Thus, continuation of DN1 differentiation
into thymocytes requires transcriptional downregulation of HES1.

1.2.3 T Cell Factor-1 (TCF-1)

Tcf7 (TCF-1 gene28,29) is a direct target gene of Notch1. TCF-1 is a signal-dependent
transducer of the Wnt pathway; that is, when Wnt activates β-catenin, TCF-1 acts as
6 Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

an activator of target gene expression.30,31 But the direct targets of TCF-1 in thymo-
poiesis are gata3 and bcl11b (discussed later).28 TCF-1 loss of function experiments
indicate that it plays an essential role in thymopoiesis, probably by acting on Wnt
signaling.32 TCF-1 can bypass the need for Notch1 when expressed in high levels,
which are typically achieved during the DN3 phase. Normally, TCF-1 is at physi-
ologically low levels at the initiation of thymopoiesis, however, TCF-1 can synergize
with Notch1 at early stages.28 The exact role of TCF-1 in thymopoiesis is a subject of
intense interest and there are many unanswered questions.

1.2.4 Wnt
The canonical (linear) Wnt-β-catenin pathway has been beautifully illustrated by
Staal and Clevers.33 In the absence of Wnt, β-catenin binds to a “destruction com-
plex” consisting of AXIN (axis inhibitor), adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), and
the serine/threonine kinases casein kinase 1 (CK1) and glycogen-synthase kinase
3β (GSK3β). CK phosphorylates β-catenin, which allows β-transducin-repeat-
containing protein (βTRCP) to ubiquitylate β-catenin, which is then destroyed by
the proteasome.33 In the presence of Wnt, Wnt binds to its receptor Frizzled (Fzd)
and coreceptor, low-density-lipoprotein-receptor-related protein 5 or 6 (LRP5/6)
leading to the inactivation of GSK3β by disheveled (DVL).33 β-catenin now translo-
cates to the nucleus to participate in a transcription complex consisting of β-catenin,
pygopus homologue (PYGO), and legless homologue (LGS).33 “Wnt” is not a single
product but a family consisting of 19 members. Wnt proteins are produced by the
thymic epithelium cells (TECs), and Brunk et al. performed a comprehensive assess-
ment of Wnt expression in the TEC.34 The amount of expression varied depend-
ing on the source of the TEC (medullary [mTEC] or cortical [cTEC]) and whether
the mTEC expressed high (mTEChi) or low (mTEClow) levels of MHC-II. The Wnts
that were most abundant were Wnt4, Wnt5a, Wnt7a, Wnt7b, Wnt8b, Wnt9a, Wnt9b,
Wnt10a, and Wnt10b.34 The expression levels of Fzd was also determined and TECs
showed the highest level of expression with Fzd6 showing the highest level and was
expressed at approximately the same level in all TEC cells.34 These workers con-
cluded that TECs were both the source and target of Wnt.34 The Wnt pathway is also
controlled by the action of several naturally occurring decoys—secreted frizzled-
related protein­-1 (sFRP), Wnt inhibitory factor-1 (WIF-1), and Dickkopf (DKK)—
that bind to and block LRP5/6.34
There are three different Wnt pathways recognized: the canonical pathway, the
planar cell polarity pathway, and the Wnt-Ca2+ pathway. The role of the canonical
Wnt pathway in thymocyte development has been extensively researched. Primarily,
blocking the Wnt signal by overexpressing known natural inhibitors, such as DKK,33
results in a significant reduction in the number of DN2-4 thymocyte progenitors.
However, directly blocking β-catenin did not affect hemopoiesis.32 Thus, it is gener-
ally accepted that a major role for Wnt is to increase DN1 proliferation.35
Osada et al. knocked out kremen1 and examined the thymic epithelial architec-
ture.36 Kremen1 (Krm) inhibits Wnt by binding to DKK/LRP6 complex, trigger-
ing internalization and clearance from the cell surface.36 Loss of Krm results in
excessive Wnt signaling.36 Loss of Krm caused aberrant development of the thymus
Consequences of Blocking the DN Choreography 7

epithelium, demonstrated by a loss of separation of the cortical and medullary

regions of the developing thymus; however, there was no evidence of changes in
thymocyte number or frequency.36

1.2.5 Shh/Ihh
There are three hedgehog (Hh) proteins: sonic hedgehog (Shh), Indian hedgehog
(Ihh), and desert hedgehog (Dhh). These proteins share a common signaling path-
way, binding to a cell surface receptor Patched. The binding of Hh to Patched
releases the signal transduction molecule Smoothened to signal into the cell. This
signaling activates the Gli family of transcription factors, which consists of Gli1,
Gli2, and Gli3.37 Gli1 acts only as an activator of transcription, whereas Gli2 and
Gli3 can function as an activator or repressor of transcription.37 Whether Gli2
and Gli3 act as activators or repressors depends on the balance, in both strength
and duration, of Gli Repressor (Gli2R and Gli3R) and Gli Activator (Gli2A, Gli1)
in the cell.37 Smoothened-dependent signaling via Gli2 and Gli3 is required for
DN1 to DN2 transition and proliferation, but Gli1 is not.37 Shh and Ihh path-
way activation negatively regulate the DN3 to DP in a Gli2-dependent manner.37
The Gli proteins are not expressed equally in the thymocyte populations. Gli3 is
expressed exclusively in fetal thymocytes with the highest expression in the DN1
population.38 Gli1 and Gli2 are expressed equally in fetal and adult thymocytes.37
Gli2 expression is highest in the DN1 and DN2 populations, whereas Gli1 expres-
sion is highest in DN2 and DN3 cells and downregulated in DN4 and DP cells.37
These data have resulted in a model of Hh signaling in thymocyte differentiation
where Hh is required for DN1 to DN2 differentiation but must be repressed after
the pre-TCR signal transduction and has a negative regulatory function after pre-
TCR signaling.37
Hh also plays a role in thymocyte proliferation. In vitro studies by Ichim et al.
using OP9-DL1 cultures overexpressing orphan nuclear receptor v-erb-A related-2
(Ear-2, Nr2f6), which cause decreased expression of Gli1 and Gli2 among other
important targets, show decreased proliferation of DN1 cells during days 1 to 5.39
Ear-2 downregulation also caused reduced survival of DN4-DP cells.39

1.2.6 Delta-Like 4
See Section 1.2.1.

1.2.7 NFATc/NF-κB
Given the large number of gene targets for NFATc and NF-κB, it is not surpris-
ing that they have a role in the process of thymocyte differentiation. Activation of
NFAT is calcium (Ca2+) dependent and the requirements for extracellular Ca2+ influx
via the calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel for T cell activation has
been intensely studied. Because of their involvement in numerous gene activations,
experiments to embryonically knockout functional versions of these transcription
factors by targeting various substructures are often lethal.
8 Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

Aifantis et al. found low levels of nuclear NF-κB activity in DN1 cells and much
higher levels in DN4 cells in mice.40 These data are consistent with the conclusion
that NF-κB is required either during or prior to β-selection. Similar results were
obtained when assaying for nuclear NFAT levels. DN1 cells showed low nuclear
levels of NFAT whereas DN4 cells had much higher nuclear levels of NFAT. Use of
inhibitors for components of the canonical activation pathways of these transcription
factors, such as U73122, which inhibits PLCγ, prevented Ca2+ influx and thus NFAT
activation, but they did not study its effect on any DN cell types other than DN1 and
DN4. These studies40 preceded the structural identification of the components of
the CRAC channel and more recent work using STIM1–/– plus STIM2–/– knockout
animals showed no decrease in DP or peripheral T cells.41 Similarly, neither Orai1-
nor Orai2-deficient animals showed any effect on T cell development.42,43 It is not
clear from these studies whether there is a differential role for canonical NF-κB or
NFAT in any of the DN populations, and it is possible that the changes noted are due
to upregulation of transcription of other factors needed during the differentiation
process. Further discussion on the role of NFATc1 follows.

1.2.8 IL-7
Patra et al. reported higher expression levels of NFATc1 in DN2 and DN3 cells than
in the DN4 population.44 Similar results were found when measuring nuclear trans-
location of NFATc2 and NFATc3; NFATc2 and NFATc3 are the other forms of NFAT
found in immune cells.44 Although IL-2 signaling played no role in NFATc1 activa-
tion, IL-7 did influence NFATc1 activation.44 Patra et al. measured IL-7Rα expres-
sion and found that the expression levels paralleled the NFATc1 expression pattern,
that is, low in DN1, abundant in DN2 and DN3 cells, and absent in DN4 cells.44
They also found that IL-7 signals induced activation of NFATc1, and further analysis
using cyclosporin A (CsA) to attempt to block IL-7 activation of NFATc1 showed
no inhibition suggesting that this was calcineurin independent.44 Addition studies
using the Jak3 inhibitor WHI-P131 demonstrated that Jak3 inhibition levels resulted
in much less DN1-to-DN3 differentiation and in vitro kinase assays showed direct
activation of NFATc1 by Jak3.44 Bcl2 expression is induced by IL-7 in pre-T cells45,46
in cooperation with STAT5.44 Again, inhibition of Jak3 by WHI-P131 or another
inhibitor (e.g., PF-956980) prevented activation of NFATc1 and STAT5 as well as
reduced Bcl2 expression.44 NFATc1 knockout animals had arrested thymocyte dif-
ferentiation at DN1 similar to that of IL7­– /– and IL7r –/– animals.44 These workers
ascribe their results to an alternative NFAT-activation pathway in pre-TCR-negative

Blockage of the DN2 stage can result in the lymphopoietic pathway proceeding
toward the production of non-T cells, such as myeloid cells and NK cells. Such is the
case with inhibition of Notch1 as described earlier. However, there are factors that
are required to drive thymopoiesis forward from DN2, and these will be described
Consequences of Blocking the DN Choreography 9

next. We have already described numerous factors that are involved in driving dif-
ferentiation from DN1 through to later stages and these will not be repeated here.

1.3.1 BCL11b
BCL11b is a zinc finger protein that functions to ensure the commitment to T cell
production and bcl11b –/– mice die shortly after birth due to a loss of thymocytes.47
Bcl11b is a direct target of TCF-1 as discussed earlier.28 Expression of Bcl11b has a
sharp onset in the early DN2 stage.48 Expression then continues throughout T cell
development and because of this continuous expression, it is available to contribute
to T cell development as it progresses.
Blocking Bcl11b has several effects. First, loss of Bcl11b expression results in the
progenitor cells being shunted into NK cell production.48–50 Second, there is a block
in the development of the αβ T cells at the first TCR-dependent selection event.51
Third, there are impaired survival and abnormities of CD4+CD8+ TCRαβ cells.47
Fourth, Bcl11b downregulates a number of stem cell and progenitor cell genes that
inhibit the progression of DN2 at this pivotal stage.48 Finally, Bcl11b has tumor sup-
pressor activity and bcl11b+/– animals subjected to γ-irradiation develop thymic

1.3.2 GATA3
GATA3 is necessary for T cell development and peaks during the DN2 stage.53
Gata3 is also a direct target of TCF-1.28 Reduction of GATA3 by RNA interfer-
ence and conditional deletion resulted in death of DN1 cells, delayed progression
to the DN2 stage, and blocked the appearance of DN3 stage cells. Also noted was
a skewed DN2 gene regulation and gene expression analyses by quantitative PCR
and RNA sequencing showed that GATA-3-deficient DN2 cells quickly upregulated
genes, including Spi1 (PU.1) and Bcl11a, and downregulated genes, including Cpa3,
Ets1, Zfpm1, Bcl11b, Il9r, and Il17rb with gene-specific kinetics and dose depen-
dencies.53 GATA3 was able to block B cell development without Bcl11b help.53 As
indicated earlier, thymocyte signaling requires a tuneable concentration-dependent
analog approach, that is, not binary (all on or all off), to provide a more precise
regulation of its action. This was demonstrated by titration of GATA-3 activity using
tamoxifen-inducible GATA-3 in prethymic multipotent precursors, which showed
that GATA-3 inhibits B and myeloid developmental alternatives at different thresh-
old doses.53 Overexpression of GATA3 inhibited Notch1-induced specification to the
T cell lineage.54

Based on a global microarray meta-analysis that predicted that IL-18 would have
a role in thymopoiesis, Gandhapudi et al. investigated the action of IL-18.55 They
found that IL-18 alone significantly enhanced the expansion of early thymic progeni-
tor cells at a level comparable to IL-7 alone.55 Further, they showed the combination
10 Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

of high concentrations of IL-18 with IL-7 induced a “modest” effect on the expansion
of DN2 cells.55

A critical event that occurs during the DN3 to DN4 stage is β-selection where TCR
rearrangement occurs. Reports of the role of key mediators not previously discussed
that are necessary for this essential step are provided next.

1.4.1 IL-7
The role of IL-7 and IL-7R in earlier DN populations has been previously discussed.
The role of IL-7 at earlier stages of thymocyte development (DN2 to DN3a) is pri-
marily related to survival of TCRβ+ cells by inducing the expression of Bcl2.56,57
Boudil et al. recently described a role for IL-7 signaling in TCRβ+ cells DN3 and
DN4 cells.57 Early DN3 cells become quiescent and rearrange gene segments in loci
encoding the γ-chain, δ-chain, and β-chain of the TCR.57 Initiation of β-selection
requires successful rearrangement of the β-chain and expression of intracellular
TCRβ (iTCRβ) to form the pre-TCR signaling complex.57 TCR α-chain (Tcra) is rear-
ranged in DP cells.57 IL-7R expression persists through the early stages of β-selection,
and Boudil et al. addressed the importance of IL-7 signaling beyond the induction
of the pro-survival molecular Bcl-2 in this process.57 IL-7 signaled TCRβ+ DN3 and
DN4 thymocytes to upregulate genes that encode molecules involved in cell growth
and repressed Bcl6, a transcriptional repressor.57 Genes representing molecules
involved in the Jak-STAT, GTP binding, Ras-MAPK, and PI(3)K-mTOR signaling
pathways; as well as genes encoding receptors and involved in transcription were
assayed in DN3a (CD25+iTCRβ–), DN3b (CD25+iTCRβ+), and DN4 (CD25 –iTCRβ+)
cells in response to IL-7 stimulation of il7–/– thymocytes.57 Genes from all categories
were changed in response to IL-7 stimulation, however, the genes most markedly
upregulated in the transition from DN3a to DN3b were Socs3 (Jak-STAT), Igtp (GTP
binding), Sgk1 (PI(3)K-mTOR), Ctla4 (receptors), Gpr83 (receptors), and Fos (tran-
scription), although several genes from each category were upregulated during this
transition.57 As stated earlier, Bcl2 is a survival factor, and transgenic expression of
bcl2 did not reverse the effect of il7–/–,57 however, deletion of bcl6 partially restored
the self-renewal of DN4 cells.57 The conclusion of these workers was that IL-7 sig-
naling acted “cooperatively with signaling via the pre-TCR and Notch1 to coordinate
proliferation, differentiation, and tcra recombination during β-selection.”57

1.4.2 HEB/HEBAlt/HEBCan
HEB is an E-protein transcription factor that is required for thymocyte develop-
ment.58 The HEB gene encodes for two transcription factors: HEBCan, which is a
long form, and a shorter form called HEBAlt.58 HEBCan (not shown in Figure 1.1)
is expressed throughout T cell development, but HEBAlt is only expressed in the
DN stages.58,59 Using HEB–/– transgenic embryos (HEB–/– is embryonically lethal),
Braunstein and Anderson determined that HEB–/– precursors were blocked at the
Consequences of Blocking the DN Choreography 11

β-selection step,58 however, transgenic expression of HEBAlt restored the ability of

HEB–/– precursors to pass through the β-selection step. Earlier reports indicated that
another E-protein transcription factor, E2A, although known to prevent thymic pre-
cursors from passing through the β-selection checkpoint, was not able to block the
progression of Rag-1–/– precursors from forming DP cells.58,60 It was determined that
HEBAlt did not push cells beyond the β-selection stage in the absence of Rag-1.58
HEBAlt enabled T-cell precursors to respond to CD3ε stimulation; CD3ε is required
for progression beyond the DN3 stage.61 Taken together, these studies showed that
HEB factors are heavily involved in β-selection; HEBAlt was able to partially restore
the ability of HEB–/– precursors to pass through β-selection and enable T cell precur-
sors to respond to CD3ε stimulation. On the other hand, HEBCan is required to fully
restore production of DP and SP cells, implying that HEBAlt and HEBCan act as
nonredundant, critical, stage-specific components during T cell development.

DN4 is the final DN stage, and blocking this step results in few DP or more mature
forms of thymocytes. Two critical factors involved in this step are discussed next.
Of course, as diagrammed in Figure 1.1, there are several factors that are involved
in this step, however, their role in hematopoiesis have been discussed in previous

1.5.1 CD3ε
CD3 chain-specific transcripts are expressed at the DN1 stage, and by the DN3
stage, most thymocytes express high levels of CD3γε- and CD3δε-complex (CIC)
transcripts, although surface expression of CIC is negligible at this stage.62 There is
evidence that the various chains are translated and stored within the ER/Golgi, but
the fully assembled structure is not expressed until the CD3ζζ homodimer is inserted
into the complex.62 The effect of CD3 deficiency on thymocyte development depends
on the chain affected, that is, CD3δ deficiency impairs thymocyte development at
the DP stage, whereas, CD3γ, ζ, or ε deficiency prevents the pre-TCR-mediated DN
to DP transition.62 Reconstituting each of the transcriptionally inactivated subunit
chains individually suggests that the intracytoplasmic signaling motifs (ITAMs) are
functionally equivalent.63 Brodeur et al. approached the question of the role of CD3γ,
δ, and ε intracytoplasmic structures in thymocyte differentiation.62 Their data sug-
gest that CD3γ and CD3δ do not affect thymic differentiation except for reducing
thymocyte numbers and increasing TCR expression on DP cells, however, the intra-
cytoplasmic domain of CD3ε is required for DN3 to DP thymocyte development.62
Brodeur et al. were also able to assign distinct roles for various individual motifs
within the intracytoplasmic domain of CD3ε.62
Membrane surface expression of CD3ε is required for appropriate transition
from DN3 to DN4.64 To accomplish the membrane expression of CD3ε, a CD3ε
membrane­-proximal basic-rich stretch (BRS) is necessary for membrane binding to
the CD3ε cytoplasmic tail. Using mice with a CD3ε-BRS mutation, which reduced
or abolished membrane expression, Bettini et al. found that DN3 to DN4 transition
12 Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

was affected.64 They discovered a significant increase in DN3 thymocytes with a

loss of DN4 thymocytes.64 These CD3ε-BRS mutant mice also have defects in TCR
signaling, namely, TCR signaling in DN4 cells was significantly higher than wild-
type (WT) mice.64 These mutant mice had several other downstream defects, most
notably, defective TCR signaling.64,65

1.5.2 Shh
Using a substantially different approach, Barnett and coworkers66–68 investigated
the effect of prenatal exposure to cadmium (Cd) on the adult offspring. Offspring
(mixed sexes) less than 1 day old showed significantly more DN4 thymocytes and
a trend in fewer DP thymocytes.68 Shh activity was significantly decreased in the
thymic extracts68 and given that Shh is necessary for DN to DP transition,69 this
suggests a possible block in the transition from DN3 to DN4 due to reduced Shh.
Additional studies were conducted on 20-week-old offspring and there was a sig-
nificant increase in the DN1 populations in both males and females.67 Shah et al.
also showed that Shh activity was necessary for DN1 to DN2 transition.69 Females
showed an increase in DN3 cells with no difference in the DN4 population, however,
male offspring did not show any difference in the DN3 or DN4 population.67 It would
be reasonable to conclude that this sex difference is due to a differential effect of Cd
on the sexes and not a difference in thymocyte maturation requirements between the

As discussed, the maturation of thymocytes from the time an early thymic progenitor
cell arrives at the thymus until it becomes a DP cell and beyond is a tightly controlled
choreography of factors acting on the cells. The myriad of transcription factors that
participate in the expression of these key factors are not mentioned, with the excep-
tion of a few key transcription factors (e.g., NF-κB and NFATc). As mentioned in
the Introduction, it is important but difficult to discuss the many instances of cross-
talk between factors and concentration-dependencies of some factors in this process.
Nonetheless, this chapter provides a framework of this comprehensive process.

1. Lauritsen, J. P. et al. Marked induction of the helix-loop-helix protein Id3 promotes
the gammadelta T cell fate and renders their functional maturation Notch independent.
Immunity 31, 565–575, doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2009.07.010 (2009).
2. Moon, R. T., and Gough, N. R. Beyond canonical: The Wnt and β-catenin story. Science
Signaling 9, eg5, doi:10.1126/scisignal.aaf6192 (2016).
3. Rothenberg, E. V., and Anderson, M. K. Elements of transcription factor network
design for T-lineage specification. Dev Biol 246, 29–44, doi:10.1006/dbio.2002.0667
4. Shah, D. K., and Zuniga-Pflucker, J. C. An overview of the intrathymic intricacies of
T cell development. J Immunol 192, 4017–4023, doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1302259 (2014).
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Acabando estas razones
comenzó Marcelio á hacer tan
doloroso llanto y suspirar tan
amargamente, que era gran
lástima de vello. Quiso Diana
darle nuevas de su Alcida, porque
poco había que en su compañía
estaba, pero por cumplir con la
palabra que había dado de no
decillo, y también porque vió que
le había de atormentar más,
dándole noticia de la que en tal
extremo le aborrescía, por esso
no curó de decille más de que se
consolasse y tuviesse mucha
confianza, porque ella esperaba
velle antes de mucho muy
contento con la vista de su dama.
Porque si era verdad, como creía,
que iba Alcida entre los pastores
y pastoras de España, no se le
podía esconder, y que ella la
haría buscar por las más extrañas
y escondidas partes della. Mucho
le agradesció Marcelio á Diana
tales ofrescimientos, y
encargándole mucho mirasse por
su vida, haciendo lo que ofrescido
le había, quiso despedirse della,
diciendo que passados algunos
días pensaba volver allí, para
informarse de lo que habría
sabido de Alcida; pero Diana le
detuvo, y le dijo: No seré yo tan
enemiga de mi contento que
consienta que te apartes de mi
compañía. Antes, pues de mi
esposo Delio me veo
desamparada, como tú de tu
Alcida, querría, si te place, que
comiesses algunos bocados,
porque muestras haberlo
menester, y después desto, pues
las sombras de los árboles se van
haciendo mayores, nos
fuéssemos á mi aldea, donde con
el descanso que el continuo dolor
nos permitirá, passaremos la
noche, y luego en la mañana
iremos al templo de la casta
Diana, do tiene su assiento la
sabia Felicia, cuya sabiduría dará
algun remedio á nuestra passión.
Y porque mejor puedas gozar de
los rústicos tratos y simples
llanezas de los pastores y
pastoras de nuestros campos,
será bien que no mudes el hábito
de pastor que traes, ni des á
nadie á entender quién eres, sino
que te nombres, vistas y trates
como pastor.
Marcelio, contento de hacer lo
que Diana dijo, comió alguna
vianda que ella sacó de su zurrón,
y mató la sed con el agua de la
fuente, lo que le era muy
necessario, por no haber en todo
el día comido ni reposado, y luego
tomaron el camino de la aldea.
Mas poco trecho habían andado,
cuando en un espesso
bosquecillo, que algún tanto
apartado estaba del camino,
oyeron resonar voces de
pastores, que al son de sus
zampoñas suavemente cantaban;
y como Diana era muy amiga de
música, rogó á Marcelio que se
llegassen allá. Estando ya junto al
bosquecillo, conosció Diana que
los pastores eran Tauriso y
Berardo, que por ella penados
andaban, y tenían costumbre de
andar siempre de compañía y
cantar en competencia. Y ansí
Diana y Marcelio, no entrando
donde los pastores estaban, sino
puestos tras unos robledales, en
parte donde podían oir la
suavidad de la música, sin ser
vistos de los pastores,
escucharon sus cantares. Y ellos,
aunque no sabían que estaba tan
cerca la que era causa de su
canto, adevinando cuasi con los
ánimos que su enemiga les
estaba oyendo, requebrando las
pastoriles voces, y haciendo con
ellas delicados passos y
diferencias, cantaban desta

Pues ya se esconde el sol tras
las montañas,
dejad el pasto, ovejas,
las voces roncas, ásperas y
que estoy sin tiento ni orden
Oid cómo las míseras
se están en vivas llamas
con el ardor que enciende
en la alma insana
la angélica hermosura de

Antes que el sol, dejando el
caer permita en hierbas el
tú, simple oveja, y tú, manso
prestad grata atención al
canto mío.
No cantaré el ardor terrible y
mas el mortal temor helado
y frío,
con que enfrena y corrige el
alma insana
la angélica hermosura de

Cuando imagina el triste
la perfección tan rara y
la alma se enciende assí,
que claro siento
ir siempre deshaciéndose la
Amor esfuerza el débil
y aviva la esperanza
para que dure en mí el
ardiente fuego,
que no me otorga un hora
de sossiego.

Cuando me paro á ver mi bajo
y el alta perfección de mi
se arriedra el corazón
y un frío hielo en la alma
triste mora.
Amor quiere que viva
y estoilo alguna vez, pero á
al vil temor me vuelvo tan
que un hora de salud no me

Tan mala vez la luz ardiente
de aquellas dos claríssimas
la gracia, el continente y el
con que Diana es reina
entre las bellas,
que en un solo momento mi
se enciende en estos rayos
y centellas,
sin esperar remedio al fuego
que me consume y causa
extremo daño.

Tan mala vez las delicadas
de aquel marfil para mil
muertes hechas,
y aquellos ojos claros
tiran al corazón mortales
que quedan de los golpes
mis fuerzas pocas, flacas y
y tan pasmado, flojo y débil
que vence á mi deseo el
triste miedo.

¿Viste jamás un rayo
cuyo furor el roble antiguo
Tan fuerte, tan terrible y
es el ardor que la alma triste
¿Viste el poder de un río
que de un peñasco altíssimo
Tan brava, tan soberbia y
Diana me paresce estando
Mas no aprovecha nada
para que el vil temor me dé
pues cuanto más peligros,
más firmeza.

¿Viste la nieve en haldas de
una sierra
con los solares rayos
Ansí deshecha y puesta por
la tierra
al rayo de mi estrella está mi
¿Viste en alguna fiera y
cruda guerra
algún simple pastor puesto
en huida?
Con no menos temor vivo
de mis ovejas proprias
Y en este miedo helado
merezco más, y vivo más
que en el ardiente y loco

Berardo, el mal que siento es
de tal arte,
que en todo tiempo y parte
me consume,
el alma no presume ni se
mas como puede y debe
le da la propria vida al niño
y en encendido fuego alegre
y como allí recibe gran
no hay cosa de que pueda
haber recelo.

Tauriso, el alto cielo hizo tan
esta Diana estrella, que en
la tierra
con luz clara destierra mis
las más escuras nieblas
que si la estoy mirando
vencido y espantado, triste y
los ojos bajo luego, de
que no puedo, aunque
quiera, aventurarme
á ver, pedir, dolerme ni

Jamás quiso escucharme
esta pastora mía,
mas persevera siempre en
la dureza,
y en siempre maltratarme
continua su porfía.
¡Ay, cruda pena; ay, fiera
Mas es tal la firmeza
que esfuerza mi cuidado,
que vivo más seguro
que está un peñasco duro
contra el rabioso viento y
mar airado,
y cuanto más vencido,
doy más ardor al ánimo

No tiene el ancho suelo
lobos tan poderosos
cuya braveza miedo pueda
y de un simple recelo,
en casos amorosos,
como cobarde vil vengo á
No puedo defenderme
de un miedo que en mi
gobierna, manda y rige;
que el alma mucho aflige
y el cuerpo tiene ya medio
¡Ay, crudo amor; ay, fiero!
¿con pena tan mortal cómo
no muero?

Junto á la clara fuente,
sentada con su esposo
la pérfida Diana estaba un
y yo á mi mal presente
tras un jaral umbroso,
muriendo de dolor de lo que
él nada le decía,
mas con mano grossera
trabó la delicada
á torno fabricada,
y estuvo un rato assí, que
no debiera;
y yo tal cosa viendo,
de ira mortal y fiera envidia

Un día al campo vino
aserenando al cielo
la luz de perfectíssimas
las hebras de oro fino
cubiertas con un velo,
prendido con dorados
mil juegos y placeres
passaba con su esposo;
yo tras un mirto estaba,
y vi que él alargaba
la mano al blanco velo, y el
cabello quedó suelto,
y yo de vello en triste miedo

En acabando los pastores de

cantar, comenzaron á recoger su
ganado, que por el bosque
derramado andaba. Y viniendo
hacia donde Marcelio y Diana
estaban, fué forzado habellos de
ver, porque no tuvieron forma de
esconderse aunque mucho lo
trabajaron. Gran contento
recibieron de tan alegre y no
pensada vista. Y aunque Berardo
quedó con ella atemorizado, el
ardiente Tauriso con ver la causa
de su pena encendió más su
deseo. Saludaron cortésmente las
pastoras, rogándoles que, pues la
Fortuna allí los había
encaminado, se fuessen todos de
compañía hacia la aldea. Diana
no quiso ser descortés, porque no
lo acostumbraba, más fué
contenta de hacello ansí. De
modo que Tauriso y Berardo
encargaron á otros pastores que
con ellos estaban que los
recogidos ganados hacia la aldea
poco á poco llevassen, y ellos, en
compañía de Marcelio y Diana,
adelantándose, tomaron el
camino. Rogóle Tauriso á Diana
que á la canción que él diría
respondiesse; ella dijo que era
contenta, y ansí cantaron esta

Tauriso. Zagala, ¿por qué

no me miras, di,

Diana. Porque los ojos

lo que ofende al

Tauriso. ¿Qué pastora hay en

la vida
que se ofenda de
Diana. La que pretende
sin querer ni ser
Tauriso. No hay tan duro
que un alma tanto

Diana. Ni hay pastor que

tan adrede á la

Tauriso. ¿Cómo es esto que

no tuerza
el amor tu

Diana. Porque amor es

y en la voluntad no
hay fuerza.

Tauriso. Mira que tienes

de remediar mi

Diana. Esa mesma á mí me

á guardar mi

Tauriso. ¿Por qué me das tal

y qué guardas tu

Diana. Porque tú el seso y


Tauriso. Será porque sin

tu braveza me

Diana. Antes porque de

defiendo mi

Tauriso. Cata que no soy tan

como te cuidas,

Diana. Conténtate por agora

con que digo que
te creo.

Tauriso. ¿Después de darme

me escarnesces,
di, enemiga?

Diana. Si otro quieres que

te diga,
pides más de la
En extremo contentó la canción
de Tauriso y Diana, y aunque
Tauriso por ella sintió las crudas
respuestas de su pastora, y con
ellas grande pena, quedó tan
alegre con que ella le había
respondido, que olvidó el dolor
que de la crueldad de sus
palabras pudiera rescebir. A este
tiempo el temeroso Berardo,
esforzando el corazón, hincando
sus ojos en los de Diana á guisa
de congojado cisne, que cercano
á su postrimería, junto á las claras
fuentes va suavemente cantando,
levantó la debil y medrosa voz,
que con gran pena del
sobresaltado pecho le salía, y al
son de su zampoña cantó ansí:

Tenga fin mi triste vida,

pues, por mucho que lloré,
no es mi pena agradescida
ni dan crédito á mi fe.

Estoy en tan triste estado,

que tomara por partido
de ser mal galardonado
solo que fuera creído.

Mas aunque pene mi vida,

y en mi mal constante esté,
no es mi pena agradescida
ni dan crédito á mi fe.
Después de haber dicho Berardo
su canción, pusieron los dos
pastores los ojos en Marcelio, y
como era hombre no conoscido,
no osaban decille que cantasse.
Pero, en fin, el atrevido Tauriso le
rogó les dijesse su nombre, y si
era possible dijesse alguna
canción, porque lo uno y lo otro
les sería muy agradable. Y él, sin
dalles otra respuesta, volviéndose
á Diana, y señalándole que su
zampoña tocasse, quiso con una
canción contentallos de
entrambas las cosas. Y después
de dado un suspiro, dijo ansí:

Tal estoy después que vi

la crueldad de mi pastora,
que ni sé quién soy agora
ni lo que será de mí.

Sé muy bien que, si hombre

el dolor me hubiera muerto,
y si piedra, está muy cierto
que el llorar me deshiciera.

Llámanme Marcelio á mi,

pero soy de una pastora,
que ni sé quién soy agora
ni lo que será de mí.

Ya la luz del sol comenzaba á dar

lugar á las tinieblas, y estaban las
aldeas con los domésticos fuegos
humeando, cuando los pastores y
pastoras, estando muy cerca de
su lugar, dieron fin á sus cantares.
Llegaron todos á sus casas
contentos de la passada
conversación, pero Diana no
hallaba sossiego, mayormente
cuando supo que no estaba en la
aldea su querido Syreno. Dejó á
Marcelio aposentado en casa de
Melibeo, primo de Delio, donde
fué hospedado con mucha
cortesía, y ella, viniendo á su
casa, convocados sus parientes y
los de su esposo, les dió razón de
cómo Delio la había dejado en la
fuente de los alisos, yendo tras
una extranjera pastora. Sobre ello
mostró hacer grandes llantos y
sentimientos, y al cabo de todos
ellos les dijo que su
determinación era ir luego por la
mañana al templo de Diana, por
saber de la sabia Felicia nuevas
de su esposo. Todos fueron muy
contentos de su voluntad, y para
el cumplimiento della le
ofrescieron su favor; y ella, pues
supo que en el templo de Diana
hallaría su Syreno, quedó muy
alegre del concierto, y con la
esperanza del venidero placer dió
aquella noche á su cuerpo algún
reposo, y tuvo en el corazón un
no acostumbrado sossiego.

Fin del libro primero.


Es el injusto Amor tan bravo y

poderoso, que de cuanto hay en
el mundo se aprovecha para su
crueldad, y las cosas de más
valor le favorescen en sus
empresas. Especialmente la
Fortuna le da tanto favor con sus
mudanzas, cuanto él ha menester
para dar graves tormentos. Claro
está lo que digo en el desastre de
Marcelio, pues la Fortuna ordenó
tal acontescimiento, que de su
esposa Alcida forzado hubo de
dar crédito á una sospecha tal
que, aunque falsa, tenía muy
cierto ó á lo menos aparente
fundamento; y dello se siguió
aborrescer á su esposo, que más
que á su vida la quería, y en nada
le había ofendido. De aquí se
puede colegir cuán cierta ha de
ser una presunción, para que un
hombre sabio le deba dar entera
fe: pues ésta, que tenía muestras
de certidumbre, era tan ajena de
verdad. Pero ya que el Amor y
Fortuna trataron tan mal á
Marcelio, una cosa tuvo que
agradescelles, y fué que el Amor
hirió el corazón de Diana, y
Fortuna hizo que Marcelio en la
fuente la hallasse, para que
entrambos fuessen á la casa de
Felicia y el triste passasse sus
penas en agradable compañía.
Pues llegado el tiempo qué la
rubicunda Aurora con su dorado
gesto ahuyentaba las nocturnas
estrellas, y las aves con suave
canto anunciaban el cercano día,
la enamorada Diana, fatigada ya
de la prolija noche, se levantó
para emprender el camino
deseado. Y encargadas ya sus
ovejas á la pastora Polyntia, salió
de su aldea acompañada de su
rústica zampoña, engañadora de
trabajos, y proveído el zurrón de
algunos mantenimientos, bajó por
una cuesta, que de la aldea á un
espesso bosque descendía, y á la
fin della se paró sentada debajo
unos alisos, esperando que
Marcelio, su compañero, viniesse,
según que con él la noche antes
lo había concertado. Mas en tanto
que no venía, se puso á tañer su
zampoña y cantar esta
Madruga un poco, luz del claro
con apacible y blanda
para engañar un alma
Extiende, hermoso Apolo,
aquella lumbre,
que á los desiertos campos
da alegría,
y á las muy secas plantas
fuerza y vida.
En ésta amena silva, que
á muy dulce reposo,
verás de un congojoso
dolor mi corazón
por verse ansí olvidado
de quien mil quejas daba de
mi olvido:
la culpa es de Cupido,
que aposta quita y da
do ve que ha de causar
mayor tormento.

¿Qué fiera no enternesce un

triste canto?
¿y qué piedra no ablandan
los gemidos
que suele dar un fatigado
¿Qué tigres ó leones
no fueran á piedad oyendo

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