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Media and Information Literacy

Quarter IV, Week 3


What are the implication of media

and information?
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a.Explain the principles in text and visual dimensions of
information and media
b.Determine the importance of text and visual content
and forms
c.Make your own infographics regarding the timely issue
on social media/ Create a meme regarding a recent
media issue in your locality
d.Spread positive and affirming information through
visual media
How well do you know?

1.Describe what you have observed on the road

sign. Is it easy to follow?

2. What are the message stated in these signs?

Lesson 3
Text and Visual
Dimensions of Information and
1. Enumerate the implications of media and
2. Identify media content that reflects these
3. Make a personal assessment of one’s
engagement in media and how this
engagement elicits personal change.
Text and Visual Dimensions of Information
and Media
Text may be defined as a simple and flexible format of presenting information
or conveying ideas whether hand-written, printed or displayed on-screen. It is
very powerful in disseminating information, providing direction and giving
Text is available in different sources, which may be categorized into two:
1. Formal- Example of these are news articles, published books,
newspapers, magazines, advertisements, research works, etc. Formal text
based materials are created and distributed by established institutions (such
as publishing companies, news agencies, etc.) and go through a rigorous
process of editing or evaluation and are usually governed by censorship of
the state.
Text and Visual Dimensions of Information
and Media
2. Informal- Examples of these are blogs, personal e-mails,
SMS or text messages, online messengers, social media
platforms, etc. They come from personal opinions or views on
different issues, processes.

Text can be as short such as a single sentence or phrase, or they

can be as lengthy as news articles or investigative reporting. No
matter how brief or lengthy, however, a text is always carefully written
with the intent of sending a very specific message to the target
Text and Visual Dimensions of Information
and Media
As consumers of text media and information, we need to ask
questions regarding the text content to ensure its reliability:
• Who or what institution is sending this message?
• What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?
• What is the language used by the writer?
• What views are represented? Are they balanced?
• How might the message be interpreted in different ways?
• What is omitted (removed), slurred (unclear) or added in the
Text and Visual Dimensions of Information
and Media

As producers of text media and information, we need to

review the media and information design framework:
• target audience, • author or sender,
• key content, • purpose,
• form/style, and • format.
The Use of Text Information
While it is true that “pictures paint a thousand words”, there are times when it
would be best to explain something using text. Regardless of how popular
the television and radio nowadays, there’s still a significant number of public
audience that prefers reading books and other forms of text information and
for a variety of reasons.
1.Learning/Gaining Knowledge: the spread of information throughout the
years had a lot to do with the use of text. Reading, regardless if its in print
or digital form, served a pathway to discover new information and gin
2.Entertainment: some readers liked the entertainment value provided by
reading. They enjoy the dramas of good stories or the suspense of
unfolding a good plot page by page. Some get immersed in a new world
finding themselves escaping the reality by reading stories and novels.
The Use of Text Information
3. Relaxation: some people prefer reading as their past time. They
enjoy a quiet and peaceful break by reading books, newspaper or
magazines or simply by browsing various articles or blogs they find

4. Coverage: Textual information comes in a wide range of topics

which means that anyone can easily find a text media that can
capture one’s interest. Moreover, textual information on different
persons of interest like famous Hollywood actors and great athletes
can become topics of conversation among people
Text as Visual

Typeface font, font type, or type) is the representation or style of a

text. A typeface is usually composed of alphabets, numbers,
punctuation marks, symbols and other special characters. Fonts in
digital format are installed in forms such as True Type Font (.ttf),
Open Type Font (.otf), etc. Fonts convey different emotions and
meaning, and you must be very careful in choosing the right font for
your content.
What is visual
What is visual information and
media? are materials, programs,
applications and the like that teachers
and students use to formulate new
information to aid learning through the
use, analysis, evaluation and production
of visual images. The following are types
of visual media:
Types of visual media:

• Screenshot • Infographic
• comic strips / cartoons • Meme
• Graphs / Charts • Visual note taking
types of visual media

types of visual media

types of visual media

types of visual media

Design Principles and Elements
Design Elements
Design Elements
Design Elements
1. Line - This describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be
thick or thin. Lines may be actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or
2. Shape - A geometric area that stands out from the space next to or around
it, or because of differences in value, color, or texture. Shape may also be
3. Value - The degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast between
black and white and all the tones in between. Value can be used with color
as well as black and white. Contrast is the extreme changes between values.
The primary purpose of visual information is to gain attention, create
meaning, and facilitate retention, but how can you create a striking visual?
First, you must consider the visual elements, or the basic units in the
construction of a visual image.
Design Elements
4. Texture - The way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Texture
can be added to attract or repel interest to a visual element.

5. Color - Determined by its hue (name of color), intensity (purity of the hue),
and value (lightness or darkness of hue). Color and color combination can
play a large role in the design. Color may be used for emphasis, or may elicit
emotions from viewers. Color may be warm, cool, or neutral. It plays a major
role in our visual perception, as it influences our reactions about the world
around us. It is therefore important to create color palettes that evoke the
appropriate audience reactions.

6. Form - A figure having volume and thickness. An illusion of a 3-

dimensional object can be implied with the use of light and shading.
Principles of Design
“let’s watch this”
Watch a video on the importance of text
information and media with the link
Discuss its importance to education
“let’s watch this”
“let’s analyze”
Direction: Using the infographics
provided, list at least 5 importance of
visual media
“let’s analyze”

Direction: Using the

infographics provided,
list at least 5
importance of visual
“let’s create”
Direction: Using the principles
discussed in text and visual dimensions
in information and media, accomplish
any the following task:
• Make your own infographics
regarding the timely issue on social
• Create a meme regarding a recent
media issue in your locality
Your answer will be graded based on the following rubric.

Score Description
5 points Includes little essential information and one or two
10 points Includes some essential information with a few
citations and facts
15 points Includes essential information and facts to give
viewers an understanding of the topic
20 points Covers the message completely and in depth with a
variety of resources
The learner will be tasked to share their knowledge
on the importance of text and visual media as a
means to improve lives completing the given
I am a media and information literate individual. I
believe the importance of text and visual media
The learners will write a
short essay on how they
will spread positive and
affirming information
through visual media.
They will write their answer
on sheet of paper.

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