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Technology In Action, Rental Edition,

17th Edition Alan Evans

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17th Edition

in Action
Alan Evans • Kendall Martin • Mary Anne Poatsy
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Evans, Alan (Alan D.), author. | Martin, Kendall (Kendall E.),
author. | Poatsy, Mary Anne, author.
Title: Technology in action : complete / Alan Evans, Kendall Martin, Mary
Anne Poatsy.
Description: 17th edition. | [Hoboken] : Pearson, [2022] | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020048317 | ISBN 9780136903666 (paperback) | ISBN
Subjects: LCSH: Microcomputers. | Computer science. | Computer networks. |
Information technology.
Classification: LCC QA76.5 .E9195 2021 | DDC 004.16–dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020048317


ISBN-10: 0-13-690366-5
ISBN-13: 978-013-690366-6
Contents at a Glance

Chapter 1
The Impact of Technology in a Changing World.......................................................................... 2

Chapter 2
Looking at Computers: Understanding the Parts ..................................................................... 36

Chapter 3
Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web’s Resources................................................... 82

Chapter 4
Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play.................................................. 122

Chapter 5
System Software: The Operating System, Utility Programs, and File Management.................. 160

Chapter 6
Understanding and Assessing Hardware: Evaluating Your System.......................................... 200

Chapter 7
Networking: Connecting Computing Devices.......................................................................... 242

Chapter 8
Managing Your Digital Lifestyle: Challenges and Ethics........................................................... 276

Chapter 9
Securing Your System: Protecting Your Digital Data and Devices............................................ 326

Chapter 10
Behind the Scenes: Software Programming............................................................................ 372

Chapter 11
Behind the Scenes: Databases and Information Systems....................................................... 416

Chapter 12
Behind the Scenes: Networking and Security in the Business World....................................... 460

Chapter 13
Behind the Scenes: How the Internet Works........................................................................... 502

Appendix A
The History of the Personal Computer.....................................................................................A-1

Appendix B
Careers in IT............................................................................................................................B-1

Glossary................................................................................................................................. G-1

Index........................................................................................................................................ I-1


Chapter 1
The Impact of Technology in a Changing World ...................................................... 2
Part 1: Technology in Society ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Learning Outcome 1.1 You will be able to discuss the impact of the tools of modern technology on national
and global issues.
Technology in a Global Society.............................................................................................................................. 4
Impact of Tools of Modern Technology................................................................................................................... 4
Objective 1.1 Describe various technological tools being used to impact national and global issues.
Global Issues ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Objective 1.2 Describe various global social issues that are being affected by technology.
Technology Connects Us with Others................................................................................................................... 6
Technology Impacts How and Why We Connect and Collaborate .......................................................................... 6
Objective 1.3 Describe how technology is changing how and why we connect and collaborate with others.
Technology Impacts How We Consume ................................................................................................................ 7
Objective 1.4 Summarize how technology has impacted the way we choose and consume products and services.
The Importance of Computer Literacy.................................................................................................................. 8
Computer Literacy ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Objective 1.5 Characterize computer literacy and explain why it is important to be computer literate.
HELPDESK: Technology Impacts ............................................................................................................................................. 8
SOUND BYTE: Virtual Computer Tour....................................................................................................................................... 9
TRY THIS: What Does Facebook Know about You?.............................................................................................................. 11
MAKE THIS: TOOL: IFTTT.com (If This Then That) .................................................................................................................. 12

Part 2: Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Computing ....................................................................................................... 13

Learning Outcome 1.2 You will be able to describe emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and how
technology creates new ethical debates.
Artificial Intelligence ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Artificial Intelligence Basics................................................................................................................................... 13
Objective 1.6 Describe artificial intelligence systems and explain their main goals.
HELPDESK: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence ...................................................................................................................... 13
BITS&BYTES: Hands-On Artificial Intelligence......................................................................................................................... 13
BITS&BYTES: Machine Learning to Create New Instruments.................................................................................................. 15
ETHICS IN IT: Ethics in Computing......................................................................................................................................... 16
Working with Artificial Intelligence and Other Information Technologies ....................................................... 16
The Impact of Technology on Your Career............................................................................................................ 16
Objective 1.7 Describe how artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies are important in many careers.
BITS&BYTES: Is It AI or Human? Take a Turing Test!............................................................................................................... 18
DIG DEEPER: XR Extended Reality......................................................................................................................................... 20
Ethical Computing................................................................................................................................................. 21
Defining Ethics...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Objective 1.8 Define ethics and examine various ethical systems.
SOUND BYTE: How to Debate Ethical Issues ......................................................................................................................... 21
Personal Ethics .................................................................................................................................................... 22
Objective 1.9 Describe influences on the development of your personal ethics.

iv Contents
Ethics and Technology ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Objective 1.10 Present examples of how technology creates ethical challenges.
SOLVE THIS WITH WORD: How Technology Is Used on the World Stage and in Your Personal Life ...................................... 35

Chapter 2
Looking at Computers: Understanding the Parts.................................................... 36
Part 1: Understanding Digital Components ...................................................................................................................... 38
Learning Outcome 2.1 You will be able to describe the devices that make up a computer system.
Understanding Your Computer............................................................................................................................ 38
Computers Are Data Processing Devices............................................................................................................. 38
Objective 2.1 Describe the four main functions of a computer system and how they interact with data and information.
Binary: The Language of Computers.................................................................................................................... 39
Objective 2.2 Define bits and bytes, and describe how they are measured, used, and processed.
SOUND BYTE: Binary Numbers Interactive............................................................................................................................. 39
Types of Computers............................................................................................................................................. 41
Objective 2.3 List common types of computers, and discuss their main features.
ACTIVE HELPDESK: Understanding Bits and Bytes............................................................................................................... 41
BITS&BYTES: Today’s Supercomputers: Faster Than Ever...................................................................................................... 45
Input Devices......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Physical Keyboards and Touch Screens............................................................................................................... 45
Objective 2.4 Identify the main types of keyboards and touch screens.
Mice and Other Pointing Devices.......................................................................................................................... 47
Objective 2.5 Describe the main types of mice and pointing devices.
BITS&BYTES: Foldable Glass Is Making Foldable Phones Better!............................................................................................ 48
Image, Sound, and Sensor Input.......................................................................................................................... 48
Objective 2.6 Explain how images, sounds, and sensor data are input into computing devices.
Output Devices...................................................................................................................................................... 50
Image and Audio Output...................................................................................................................................... 50
Objective 2.7 Describe options for outputting images and audio from computing devices.
BITS&BYTES: Teraflops in Your Living Room: Gaming on Overdrive........................................................................................ 52
Printers................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Objective 2.8 Describe various types of printers, and explain when you would use them.
BITS&BYTES: CPUs That Fight Back...................................................................................................................................... 55
TRY THIS: What’s Inside My Computer?............................................................................................................................... 57
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................... 58

Part 2: Processing, Storage, and Connectivity ................................................................................................................... 59

Learning Outcome 2.2 You will be able to describe how computers process and store data and how devices
connect to a computer system.
Processing and Memory on the Motherboard ................................................................................................... 59
The Motherboard and Memory............................................................................................................................. 59
Objective 2.9 Describe the functions of the motherboard and RAM.
SOUND BYTE: Smartphones Are Really Smart....................................................................................................................... 60
Processing........................................................................................................................................................... 60
Objective 2.10 Explain the main functions of the CPU.
Storing Data and Information............................................................................................................................... 61
Storage Options on Computing Devices............................................................................................................... 61
Objective 2.11 Describe the various means of storing data and information with computing devices.
ETHICS IN IT: What Is Ethical Computing?............................................................................................................................. 63
TRENDS IN IT: Green Computing (Green IT)........................................................................................................................... 64
Contents v
Connecting Peripherals to the Computer........................................................................................................... 65
Computer Ports ................................................................................................................................................... 65
Objective 2.12 Describe common types of ports used today.
HELPDESK: Exploring Storage Devices and Ports .................................................................................................................. 65
Power Management and Ergonomics................................................................................................................. 66
Power Controls and Power Management ............................................................................................................. 66
Objective 2. 13 Describe how to manage power consumption on computing devices.
BITS&BYTES: Smart Coral Reefs............................................................................................................................................ 67
DIG DEEPER: Building Your Own Gaming Computer.............................................................................................................. 69
Setting It All Up: Ergonomics................................................................................................................................ 70
Objective 2.14 Define ergonomics, and discuss the ideal physical setup for using computing devices.
SOLVE THIS WITH EXCEL: Technology Wish List.................................................................................................................. 80

Chapter 3
Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web’s Resources................................ 82
Part 1: Collaborating and Working on the Web ................................................................................................................. 84
Learning Outcome 3.1 You will be able to explain how the Internet works and how it is used for collaboration,
communication, commerce, and entertainment purposes.
The Internet and How It Works ........................................................................................................................... 84
The Origin of the Internet...................................................................................................................................... 84
Objective 3.1 Describe how the Internet got its start.
How the Internet Works........................................................................................................................................ 86
Objective 3.2 Explain how data travels on the Internet.
Collaborating and Communicating on the Web ................................................................................................. 87
Collaborating with Web Technologies................................................................................................................... 87
Objective 3.3 Evaluate the tools and technologies used to collaborate on the web.
BITS&BYTES: Social Media Influencers................................................................................................................................... 89
SOUND BYTE: Blogging......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Communicating over the Web.............................................................................................................................. 91
Objective 3.4 Summarize the technologies used to communicate over the web.
Conducting Business on the Web........................................................................................................................ 93
Being Productive with Cloud Technologies........................................................................................................... 94
Objective 3.5 Describe how cloud technologies are used to create, store, and share files.
DIG DEEPER: Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing....................................................................................................... 95
Conducting Business Online ................................................................................................................................ 95
Objective 3.6 Describe how business is conducted using the Internet.
BITS&BYTES: Looking for Extra Money? Try a Side Hustle ..................................................................................................... 96
E-Commerce Safeguards..................................................................................................................................... 96
Objective 3.7 Summarize precautions you should take when doing business online.
HELPDESK: Doing Business Online........................................................................................................................................ 96
BITS&BYTES: Bitcoin: A Form of Virtual Currency................................................................................................................... 97
TRY THIS: Use OneDrive to Store and Share Your Files in the Cloud..................................................................................... 99
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 100

Part 2: Using the Web Effectively ..................................................................................................................................... 101

Learning Outcome 3.2 You will be able to describe the tools and techniques required to navigate and search the web.
Accessing and Moving Around the Web........................................................................................................... 101
Web Browsers ................................................................................................................................................... 101
Objective 3.8 Explain what web browsers are and describe their common features.
URLs, Protocols, and Domain Names ............................................................................................................... 102

vi Contents
Objective 3.9 Explain what a URL is and discuss its main parts.
Navigating the Web............................................................................................................................................ 104
Objective 3.10 Describe tools used to navigate the web.
BITS&BYTES: Maintain Your Privacy While Searching the Web ............................................................................................. 105
Searching the Web Effectively ........................................................................................................................... 106
Using Search Engines........................................................................................................................................ 106
Objective 3.11 Describe the types of tools used to search the web and summarize strategies
used to refine search results.
SOUND BYTE: Finding Information on the Web .................................................................................................................... 108
Evaluating Websites .......................................................................................................................................... 108
Objective 3.12 Describe how to evaluate a website to ensure it is appropriate to use for research purposes.
HELPDESK: Evaluating Websites.......................................................................................................................................... 108
TRENDS IN IT: Linked Data and the Semantic Web.............................................................................................................. 109
BITS&BYTES: Why Isn’t Wikipedia Good to Use as a Source for a Research Paper?............................................................ 110
Using the Web Ethically...................................................................................................................................... 110
Deepfakes ......................................................................................................................................................... 110
Objective 3.13 Demonstrate an understanding of Internet-related ethical issues such as deepfakes.
Personalized Marketing ...................................................................................................................................... 111
Objective 3.14 Demonstrate an understanding of Internet-related ethical issues such as personalized marketing.
BITS&BYTES: Human-Implanted Data Chips: Protection or Invasive Nightmare?.................................................................. 112
ETHICS IN IT: Cyber Harassment......................................................................................................................................... 113
SOLVE THIS WITH WORD: Create a Report: Conducting Research on the Web ................................................................. 121

Chapter 4
Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play.............................. 122
Part 1: Accessing, Using, and Managing Software ......................................................................................................... 124
Learning Outcome 4.1 You will be able to explain the ways to access and use software and describe how best
to manage your software.
Software Basics .................................................................................................................................................. 124
Application vs. System Software ........................................................................................................................ 124
Objective 4.1 Compare application software and system software.
Distributing Software ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Objective 4.2 Explain the differences between commercial software and open source software and describe models for
software distribution.
BITS&BYTES: Portable Apps ............................................................................................................................................... 125
Managing Your Software ................................................................................................................................... 125
Purchasing Software.......................................................................................................................................... 125
Objective 4.3 Explain the different options for purchasing software.
TRENDS IN IT: Artificial Intelligence in Health Care ............................................................................................................... 126
HELPDESK: Buying and Installing Software .......................................................................................................................... 127
Installing and Uninstalling Software .................................................................................................................... 127
Objective 4.4 Describe how to install and uninstall software.
BITS&BYTES: Ridding Your Computer of Bloat .................................................................................................................... 127
Upgrading Software .......................................................................................................................................... 128
Objective 4.5 Explain the considerations around the decision to upgrade your software.
DIG DEEPER: How Number Systems Work.......................................................................................................................... 128
Software Licenses ............................................................................................................................................. 129
Objective 4.6 Explain how software licenses function.
SOUND BYTE: Where Does Binary Show Up? ..................................................................................................................... 129

Contents vii
ETHICS IN IT: Can I Use Software on My Device When I Don’t Own the License?................................................................ 131
TRY THIS: Citing Website Sources...................................................................................................................................... 133
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 134

Part 2: Application Software ............................................................................................................................................. 135

Learning Outcome 4.2 Describe the different types of application software used for productivity and multimedia.
Productivity and Business Software ................................................................................................................. 135
Productivity Software.......................................................................................................................................... 135
Objective 4.7 Categorize the types of application software used to enhance productivity and describe their uses
and features.
BITS&BYTES: Productivity Software Tips and Tricks ............................................................................................................. 135
BITS&BYTES: How to Open Unknown File Types ................................................................................................................. 136
BITS&BYTES: Going Beyond PowerPoint ............................................................................................................................. 140
SOUND BYTE: Programming for End Users ......................................................................................................................... 143
Business Software ............................................................................................................................................. 144
Objective 4.8 Summarize the types of software that small and large businesses use.
Multimedia and Educational Software .............................................................................................................. 146
Multimedia Software .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Objective 4.9 Describe the uses and features of multimedia software.
BITS&BYTES: Scalable Vector Graphics: Text-Based Images ............................................................................................... 148
Audio Software .................................................................................................................................................. 148
Objective 4.10 Describe the uses and features of audio software.
HELPDESK: Choosing Software ........................................................................................................................................... 148
App Creation Software....................................................................................................................................... 149
Objective 4.11 Describe the features of app creation software.
BITS&BYTES: Mirror, Mirror . . . ............................................................................................................................................ 150
Educational and Reference Software ................................................................................................................. 150
Objective 4.12 Categorize educational and reference software and explain their features.
SOLVE THIS WITH EXCEL: Analyzing Benchmark Data....................................................................................................... 159

Chapter 5
System Software: The Operating System, Utility Programs,
and File Management............................................................................................. 160
Part 1: Understanding System Software ......................................................................................................................... 162
Learning Outcome 5.1 You will be able to explain the types and functions of operating systems and explain
the steps in the boot process.
Operating System Fundamentals ...................................................................................................................... 162
Operating System Basics................................................................................................................................... 162
Objective 5.1 Discuss the functions of the operating system.
Operating Systems for Personal Use ................................................................................................................. 162
Objective 5.2 Explain the most popular operating systems for personal use.
BITS&BYTES: Quick Assist................................................................................................................................................... 164
BITS&BYTES: Operating Systems for the Smart Home......................................................................................................... 164
Operating Systems for Machinery, Networks, and Business............................................................................... 165
Objective 5.3 Explain the different kinds of operating systems for machines, networks, and business.
ETHICS IN IT: The Great Debate: Is macOS Safer Than Windows? ..................................................................................... 166
What the Operating System Does ..................................................................................................................... 167
The User Interface.............................................................................................................................................. 168
Objective 5.4 Explain how the operating system provides a means for users to interact with the computer.
Hardware Coordination ..................................................................................................................................... 168
viii Contents
Objective 5.5 Explain how the operating system helps manage hardware such as the processor, memory, storage,
and peripheral devices.
SOUND BYTE: Using Windows Task Manager to Evaluate System Performance................................................................... 168
Software Application Coordination ..................................................................................................................... 171
Objective 5.6 Explain how the operating system interacts with application software.
TRENDS IN IT: Are Personal Computers Becoming More Human?....................................................................................... 171
Starting Your Computer...................................................................................................................................... 172
The Boot Process .............................................................................................................................................. 172
Objective 5.7 Discuss the process the operating system uses to start up the computer and how errors in the
boot process are handled.
HELPDESK: Starting the Computer: The Boot Process ........................................................................................................ 173
TRY THIS: Using Virtual Desktops in Windows 10............................................................................................................... 176
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 177

Part 2: Using System Software ......................................................................................................................................... 178

Learning Outcome 5.2 You will be able to describe how to use system software, including the user interface, file
management capabilities, and utility programs.
The Windows Interface....................................................................................................................................... 178
Using Windows 10............................................................................................................................................. 178
Objective 5.8 Describe the main features of the Windows interface.
BITS&BYTES: Snip and Sketch ............................................................................................................................................ 179
File Management ................................................................................................................................................ 181
Organizing Your Files ......................................................................................................................................... 181
Objective 5.9 Summarize how the operating system helps keep your computer organized and manages files and folders.
BITS&BYTES: Save Files in the Cloud................................................................................................................................... 183
BITS&BYTES: File Extension Help ........................................................................................................................................ 184
HELPDESK: Organizing Your Computer: File Management ................................................................................................... 185
Utility Programs................................................................................................................................................... 186
Windows Administrative Utilities ......................................................................................................................... 187
Objective 5.10 Outline the tools used to enhance system productivity, back up files, and provide accessibility.
SOUND BYTE: Hard Disk Anatomy....................................................................................................................................... 189
DIG DEEPER: Windows Tricks.............................................................................................................................................. 191
SOLVE THIS WITH EXCEL: Operating Systems: Analyzing Market Share............................................................................. 199

Chapter 6
Understanding and Assessing Hardware: Evaluating Your System..................... 200
Part 1: Evaluating Key Subsystems ................................................................................................................................. 202
Learning Outcome 6.1 You will be able to evaluate your computer system’s hardware functioning, including
the CPU and memory subsystems.
Your Ideal Computing Device ............................................................................................................................ 202
Moore’s Law...................................................................................................................................................... 202
Objective 6. 1 Describe the changes in CPU performance over the past several decades.
Selecting a Computing Device ........................................................................................................................... 203
Objective 6. 2 Compare and contrast a variety of computing devices.
Evaluating the CPU Subsystem ......................................................................................................................... 205
How the CPU Works.......................................................................................................................................... 205
Objective 6. 3 Describe how a CPU is designed and how it operates.
Measuring CPU Performance............................................................................................................................. 208
Objective 6. 4 Describe tools used to measure and evaluate CPU performance.
BITS&BYTES: Liquid Cooling................................................................................................................................................ 209
Contents ix
Evaluating the Memory Subsystem................................................................................................................... 211
Random Access Memory................................................................................................................................... 211
Objective 6.5 Discuss how RAM is used in a computer system.
HELPDESK: Evaluating Your CPU and RAM ......................................................................................................................... 213
Adding RAM ...................................................................................................................................................... 213
Objective 6.6 Evaluate whether adding RAM to a system is desirable.
SOUND BYTE: Installing RAM............................................................................................................................................... 213
BITS&BYTES: Telepresence Robots Coming to a Workplace Near You ................................................................................ 214
TRY THIS: Measure Your System Performance ................................................................................................................... 216
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 217

Part 2: Evaluating Other Subsystems and Making a Decision ...................................................................................... 218

Learning Outcome 6.2 You will be able to evaluate your computer system’s storage subsystem, media subsystem,
and reliability and decide whether to purchase a new system or upgrade an existing one.
Evaluating the Storage Subsystem ................................................................................................................... 218
Types of Storage Drives ..................................................................................................................................... 218
Objective 6.7 Classify and describe the major types of nonvolatile storage drives.
SOUND BYTE: Installing an SSD Drive ................................................................................................................................. 219
DIG DEEPER: How Storage Devices Work . . . and Fail! ......................................................................................................... 220
Storage Needs................................................................................................................................................... 220
Objective 6.8 Evaluate the amount and type of storage needed for a system.
BITS&BYTES: Surveillance Drives: Do You Need One?......................................................................................................... 223
Evaluating the Media Subsystems .................................................................................................................... 224
Video Cards....................................................................................................................................................... 224
Objective 6.9 Describe the features of video cards.
BITS&BYTES: How Hot Is My GPU?..................................................................................................................................... 225
BITS&BYTES: Make Your Tablet a Second Monitor............................................................................................................... 226
TRENDS IN IT: Thunderbolt and USB Ports: Which Ones Do I Need?................................................................................... 227
Sound Cards...................................................................................................................................................... 228
Objective 6.10 Describe the features of sound cards.
HELPDESK: Evaluating Computer System Components ...................................................................................................... 228
Evaluating System Reliability and Moving On ................................................................................................. 230
Maintaining System Reliability............................................................................................................................. 230
Objective 6.11 Describe steps you can take to optimize your system’s reliability.
Getting Rid of Your Old Computer...................................................................................................................... 232
Objective 6.12 Discuss how to recycle, donate, or dispose of an older computer.
ETHICS IN IT: Bridging the Digital Divide: Hardware for the Masses ..................................................................................... 233
SOLVE THIS WITH EXCEL: Laptop Alternatives .................................................................................................................. 241

Chapter 7
Networking: Connecting Computing Devices ....................................................... 242
Part 1: How Networks Function ....................................................................................................................................... 244
Learning Outcome 7.1 You will be able to explain the basics of networking, including the components needed to create a
network, and describe the different ways a network can connect to the Internet.
Networking Fundamentals ................................................................................................................................. 244
Understanding Networks.................................................................................................................................... 244
Objective 7.1 Describe computer networks and their pros and cons.
HELPDESK: Understanding Networking ............................................................................................................................... 246
Network Architectures ....................................................................................................................................... 246

x Contents
Network Designs ............................................................................................................................................... 246
Objective 7.2 Explain the different ways networks are defined.
DIG DEEPER: P2P File Sharing ............................................................................................................................................ 249
BITS&BYTES: Watch Out for Wi-Fi 6E .................................................................................................................................. 250
Network Components ........................................................................................................................................ 250
Transmission Media............................................................................................................................................ 250
Objective 7.3 Describe the types of transmission media used in networks.
Basic Network Hardware ................................................................................................................................... 252
Objective 7.4 Describe the basic hardware devices necessary for networks.
SOUND BYTE: Installing a Home Computer Network ........................................................................................................... 253
Network Software .............................................................................................................................................. 253
Objective 7.5 Describe the type of software necessary for networks.
Connecting to the Internet ................................................................................................................................. 253
Broadband Internet Connections ....................................................................................................................... 253
Objective 7.6 Summarize the broadband options available to access the Internet.
BITS&BYTES: Who’s Not on Broadband? ............................................................................................................................ 255
Wireless Internet Access ................................................................................................................................... 255
Objective 7.7 Summarize how to access the Internet wirelessly.
BITS&BYTES: Net Neutrality ................................................................................................................................................ 256
TRY THIS: Testing Your Internet Connection Speed ............................................................................................................ 258
MAKE THIS: TOOL: Ping and Telnet ..................................................................................................................................... 259

Part 2: Your Home Network .............................................................................................................................................. 260

Learning Outcome 7.2 You will be able to describe what is necessary to install and configure a home network
and how to manage and secure a wireless network.
Installing and Configuring Home Networks ..................................................................................................... 260
Planning Your Home Network ............................................................................................................................ 260
Objective 7.8 Explain what should be considered before creating a home network.
BITS&BYTES: Power Your Devices—Wirelessly .................................................................................................................... 261
Connecting Devices to a Network ..................................................................................................................... 261
Objective 7.9 Describe how to set up a home network.
BITS&BYTES: Mesh Networks: An Emerging Alternative ...................................................................................................... 263
TRENDS IN IT: How Smart Is Your Home?........................................................................................................................... 265
Managing and Securing Wireless Networks .................................................................................................... 265
Troubleshooting Wireless Network Problems ..................................................................................................... 265
Objective 7.10 Describe the potential problems with wireless networks and the means to avoid them.
BITS&BYTES: Analyzing Network Problems ......................................................................................................................... 266
Securing Wireless Networks .............................................................................................................................. 266
Objective 7.11 Describe how to secure wireless home networks.
SOUND BYTE: Securing Wireless Networks ......................................................................................................................... 267
HELPDESK: Managing and Securing Your Wireless Network................................................................................................ 267
SOLVE THIS WITH WORD: Home Networking Guide .......................................................................................................... 275

Chapter 8
Managing Your Digital Lifestyle: Challenges and Ethics....................................... 276
Part 1: The Impact of Digital Information ....................................................................................................................... 278
Learning Outcome 8.1 You will be able to describe the nature of digital signals; how digital technology is used
to produce and distribute digital texts, music, and video; and the challenges in managing a digital lifestyle.
Digital Basics....................................................................................................................................................... 278

Contents xi
Digital Convergence and the Internet of Things .................................................................................................. 278
Objective 8.1 Describe how digital convergence and the Internet of Things have evolved.
Digital versus Analog ......................................................................................................................................... 280
Objective 8.2 Explain the differences between digital and analog signals.
Digital Publishing ................................................................................................................................................ 282
E-readers........................................................................................................................................................... 282
Objective 8.3 Describe the different types of e-readers.
HELPDESK: Managing Digital Media .................................................................................................................................... 283
Using e-Texts ..................................................................................................................................................... 283
Objective 8.4 Explain how to purchase, borrow, and publish e-texts.
Digital Music........................................................................................................................................................ 284
Creating and Storing Digital Music ..................................................................................................................... 284
Objective 8.5 Describe how digital music is created and stored.
Distributing Digital Music.................................................................................................................................... 286
Objective 8.6 Summarize how to listen to and publish digital music.
Digital Media........................................................................................................................................................ 287
Digital Photography............................................................................................................................................ 287
Objective 8.7 Explain how best to create, print, and share digital photos.
SOUND BYTE: Enhancing Photos with Image-Editing Software............................................................................................ 288
Digital Video....................................................................................................................................................... 288
Objective 8.8 Describe how to create, edit, and distribute digital video.
BITS&BYTES: Professional Video-Editing Tools . . . For Free! ................................................................................................. 291
TRENDS IN IT: Digital Asset Managers Needed!................................................................................................................... 292
Managing Your Digital Lifestyle ......................................................................................................................... 293
Digital Challenges and Dilemmas ....................................................................................................................... 293
Objective 8.9 Discuss the challenges in managing an active digital lifestyle.
DIG DEEPER: Deep Web versus Dark Web: Are There Places You Shouldn’t Go? ............................................................... 295
BITS&BYTES: Goodbye Net Neutrality . . . Hello Bandwidth Throttling................................................................................... 297
TRY THIS: Creating and Publishing a Movie........................................................................................................................ 299
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 300

Part 2: Ethical Issues of Living in the Digital Age ........................................................................................................... 301

Learning Outcome 8.2 You will be able to describe how to respect digital property and use it in ways
that maintain your digital reputation.
Protection of Digital Property ............................................................................................................................ 301
Intellectual Property ........................................................................................................................................... 301
Objective 8.10 Describe the various types of intellectual property.
Copyright Basics ............................................................................................................................................... 302
Objective 8.11 Explain how copyright is obtained and the rights granted to the owners.
HELPDESK: Understanding Intellectual Property and Copyright ........................................................................................... 304
Copyright Infringement....................................................................................................................................... 305
Objective 8.12 Explain copyright infringement, summarize the potential consequences, and describe situations
in which you can legally use copyrighted material.
BITS&BYTES: Software Piracy: It’s More Than Just Downloading and Copying .................................................................... 307
BITS&BYTES: Your Tax Dollars at Work: Free Media Without Permission! ............................................................................. 309
Living Ethically in the Digital Era ....................................................................................................................... 310
Plagiarism ......................................................................................................................................................... 310
Objective 8.13 Explain plagiarism and strategies for avoiding it.
SOUND BYTE: Plagiarism and Intellectual Property .............................................................................................................. 312
Hoaxes and Digital Manipulation ........................................................................................................................ 312
Objective 8.14 Describe hoaxes and digital manipulation.
Protecting Your Online Reputation...................................................................................................................... 315
Objective 8.15 Describe what comprises your online reputation and how to protect it.

xii Contents
BITS&BYTES: Celebrity Photographic Rights........................................................................................................................ 317
ETHICS IN IT: Acceptable Use Policies: What You Can and Can’t Do................................................................................... 318
SOLVE THIS WITH POWERPOINT: Intellectual Property and Copyright Basics .................................................................. 325

Chapter 9
Securing Your System: Protecting Your Digital Data and Devices........................ 326
Part 1: Threats to Your Digital Assets .............................................................................................................................. 328
Learning Outcome 9.1 You will be able to describe hackers, viruses, and other online annoyances and the threats
they pose to your digital security.
Identity Theft and Hackers................................................................................................................................. 328
Identity Theft...................................................................................................................................................... 329
Objective 9.1 Describe how identity theft is committed and the types of scams identity thieves perpetrate.
Hacking ............................................................................................................................................................. 329
Objective 9.2 Describe the different types of hackers and the tools they use.
BITS&BYTES: Next Generation White Hat Hackers .............................................................................................................. 330
Computer Viruses ............................................................................................................................................... 333
Virus Basics ....................................................................................................................................................... 333
Objective 9.3 Explain what a computer virus is, why it is a threat to your security, how a computing device catches
a virus, and the symptoms it may display.
SOUND BYTE: Protecting Your Computer ............................................................................................................................ 334
Types of Viruses ................................................................................................................................................ 335
Objective 9.4 List the different categories of computer viruses, and describe their behaviors.
Online Annoyances and Social Engineering..................................................................................................... 336
Online Annoyances ............................................................................................................................................ 336
Objective 9.5 Explain what malware, spam, and cookies are and how they impact your security.
Social Engineering ............................................................................................................................................. 340
Objective 9.6 Describe social engineering techniques, and explain strategies to avoid falling prey to them.
BITS&BYTES: I Received a Data Breach Letter . . . Now What?............................................................................................. 340
ETHICS IN IT: Working from Home . . . and Being Watched from Home................................................................................ 341
Ransomware and Scareware ............................................................................................................................. 342
HELPDESK: Threats to Your Digital Life ................................................................................................................................ 342
TRENDS IN IT: Spear Phishing: The Bane of Data Breaches ................................................................................................ 343
TRY THIS: Testing Your Network Security............................................................................................................................ 345
MAKE THIS: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ............................................................................................................................ 346

Part 2: Protecting Your Digital Property ........................................................................................................................... 347

Learning Outcome 9.2 Describe various ways to protect your digital property and data from theft and corruption.
Restricting Access to Your Digital Assets ........................................................................................................ 347
Firewalls............................................................................................................................................................. 347
Objective 9.7 Explain what a firewall is and how a firewall protects your computer from hackers.
HELPDESK: Understanding Firewalls ................................................................................................................................... 349
Preventing Virus Infections ................................................................................................................................. 349
Objective 9.8 Explain how to protect your computer from virus infection.
Authentication: Passwords and Biometrics ........................................................................................................ 352
Objective 9.9 Describe how passwords and biometric characteristics can be used for user authentication.
BITS&BYTES: CAPTCHA: Keeping Websites Safe from Bots................................................................................................ 352
BITS&BYTES: Chrome Safety Check.................................................................................................................................... 353
Anonymous Web Surfing: Hiding from Prying Eyes ............................................................................................ 354
Objective 9.10 Describe ways to surf the web anonymously.

Contents xiii
BITS&BYTES: Multi-Factor Authentication: Don’t Rely Solely on Passwords! ........................................................................ 356
Keeping Your Data Safe...................................................................................................................................... 356
Protecting Your Personal Information.................................................................................................................. 356
Objective 9.11 Describe the types of information you should never share online.
SOUND BYTE: Managing Computer Security with Windows Tools........................................................................................ 357
Backing Up Your Data........................................................................................................................................ 357
Objective 9.12 List the various types of backups you can perform on your computing devices, and explain
the various places you can store backup files.
Protecting Your Physical Computing Assets ................................................................................................... 360
Environmental Factors and Power Surges .......................................................................................................... 360
Objective 9.13 Explain the negative effects environment and power surges can have on computing devices.
Preventing and Handling Theft ........................................................................................................................... 361
Objective 9.14 Describe the major concerns when a device is stolen and strategies for solving the problems.
DIG DEEPER: Digital Forensics: How It Works...................................................................................................................... 363
SOLVE THIS WITH WORD: Computer Security ................................................................................................................... 371

Chapter 10
Behind the Scenes: Software Programming ......................................................... 372
Part 1: Understanding Programming .............................................................................................................................. 374
Learning Outcome 10.1 You will be able to describe the life cycle of a software project and identify the stages
in the program development life cycle.
Life Cycle of an Information System ................................................................................................................. 374
The Importance of Programming........................................................................................................................ 374
Objective 10.1 Describe the importance of programming to both software developers and users.
System Development Life Cycle......................................................................................................................... 374
Objective 10.2 Summarize the stages of the system development life cycle.
BITS&BYTES: The Agile Scrum ............................................................................................................................................ 376
Life Cycle of a Program ...................................................................................................................................... 376
The Program Development Life Cycle ................................................................................................................ 376
Objective 10.3 Define programming and list the steps in the program development life cycle.
The Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 377
Objective 10.4 Describe how programmers construct a complete problem statement from a description of a task.
SOUND BYTE: Using the Arduino Microcontroller ................................................................................................................. 377
HELPDESK: Understanding Software Programming ............................................................................................................. 378
Algorithm Development...................................................................................................................................... 379
Objective 10.5 Explain how programmers use flow control and design methodologies when developing algorithms.
BITS&BYTES: Build a Coding Portfolio ................................................................................................................................. 382
DIG DEEPER: The Building Blocks of Programming Languages: Syntax, Keywords, Data Types, and Operators................... 384
Coding............................................................................................................................................................... 385
Objective 10.6 Discuss the categories of programming languages and the roles of the compiler and the integrated
development environment in coding.
Debugging......................................................................................................................................................... 391
Objective 10.7 Identify the role of debugging in program development.
BITS&BYTES: Coding with a Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 392
Testing and Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 392
Objective 10.8 Explain the importance of testing and documentation in program development.
TRY THIS: Programming with Corona ................................................................................................................................. 394
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 395

xiv Contents
Part 2: Programming Languages....................................................................................................................................... 396
Learning Outcome 10.2 You will understand the factors programmers consider when selecting an appropriate
programming language for a specific problem and will be familiar with some modern programming languages.
Many Programming Languages......................................................................................................................... 396
Need for Diverse Languages.............................................................................................................................. 396
Objective 10.9 Discuss the driving factors behind the popularity of various programming languages.
SOUND BYTE: Programming with the Processing Language ................................................................................................ 396
Selecting the Right Language ............................................................................................................................ 397
Objective 10.10 Summarize the considerations in identifying an appropriate programming language for a specific setting.
BITS&BYTES: Learn Programming with Patch Cords............................................................................................................ 397
ETHICS IN IT: When Software Runs Awry............................................................................................................................. 398
Exploring Programming Languages.................................................................................................................. 399
Tour of Modern Languages ................................................................................................................................ 399
Objective 10.11 Compare and contrast modern programming languages.
BITS&BYTES: Repl.It............................................................................................................................................................ 400
TRENDS IN IT: Emerging Technologies: Unite All Your Video Game Design Tools.................................................................. 407
Future of Programming Languages .................................................................................................................... 407
Objective 10.12 State key principles in the development of future programming languages.
HELPDESK: A Variety of Programming Languages ............................................................................................................... 408
SOLVE THIS WITH EXCEL: Time Sheets ............................................................................................................................ 415

Chapter 11
Behind the Scenes: Databases and Information Systems.................................... 416
Part 1: Database Fundamentals ....................................................................................................................................... 418
Learning Outcome 11.1 You will be able to explain the basics of databases, including the most common types
of databases and the functions and components of relational databases in particular.
The Need for Databases..................................................................................................................................... 418
Database Basics................................................................................................................................................ 418
Objective 11.1 Explain what a database is and why databases are useful.
Database Types................................................................................................................................................... 420
Flat Databases................................................................................................................................................... 420
Objective 11.2 Describe features of flat databases.
Relational Databases ......................................................................................................................................... 422
Objective 11.3 Describe features of relational databases.
BITS&BYTES: Normal Forms................................................................................................................................................ 423
HELPDESK: Using Databases .............................................................................................................................................. 423
Object-Oriented Databases ............................................................................................................................... 423
Objective 11.4 Describe features of object-oriented databases.
Multidimensional Databases............................................................................................................................... 423
Objective 11.5 Describe features of multidimensional databases.
BITS&BYTES: Use a Graph Database to Track Social Network Data .................................................................................... 424
NoSQL Databases............................................................................................................................................. 424
Objective 11.6 Describe how dynamic, web-created data is managed in a database.
Using Databases ................................................................................................................................................. 425
Relational Database Components and Functions ............................................................................................... 425
Objective 11.7 Describe how relational databases organize and define data.
SOUND BYTE: Creating and Querying an Access Database................................................................................................. 428
BITS&BYTES: Music Streaming Services Use Databases ..................................................................................................... 429

Contents xv
Inputting and Managing Data ............................................................................................................................. 429
Objective 11.8 Describe how data is inputted and managed in a database.
DIG DEEPER: Structured Query Language (SQL) ................................................................................................................. 434
BITS&BYTES: Data Dashboards: Useful Visualization Tools .................................................................................................. 436
TRY THIS: Using Excel’s Database Functions ..................................................................................................................... 438
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 439

Part 2: How Businesses Use Databases ........................................................................................................................... 440

Learning Outcome 11.2 You will be able to explain how businesses use data warehouses, data marts, and data
mining to manage data and how business information systems and business intelligence are used to make
business decisions.
Data Warehousing and Storage......................................................................................................................... 440
Data Warehouses and Data Marts ..................................................................................................................... 440
Objective 11.9 Explain what data warehouses and data marts are and how they are used.
HELPDESK: How Businesses Use Databases ...................................................................................................................... 440
BITS&BYTES: Data Warehouses Are Going to the Cloud...................................................................................................... 441
Data Mining........................................................................................................................................................ 442
Objective 11.10 Describe data mining and how it works.
BITS&BYTES: Hadoop: How Big Data Is Being Managed..................................................................................................... 443
ETHICS IN IT: Data, Data Everywhere—But Is It Protected? ................................................................................................. 445
Using Databases to Make Business Decisions................................................................................................ 445
Business Information Systems ........................................................................................................................... 445
Objective 11.11 Describe the main types of business information systems and how they are used by business managers.
SOUND BYTE: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI Suite ............................................................................................... 450
BITS&BYTES: Virtual Agents: Expert Systems Replace People on the Web .......................................................................... 450
TRENDS IN IT: Mobile Business Intelligence......................................................................................................................... 451
SOLVE THIS WITH ACCESS: College Database ................................................................................................................. 459

Chapter 12
Behind the Scenes: Networking and Security in the Business World.................. 460
Part 1: Client/Server Networks and Topologies .............................................................................................................. 462
Learning Outcome 12.1 You will be able to describe common types of client/server networks, servers found
on them, and network topologies used to construct them.
Client/Server Network Basics............................................................................................................................ 462
Networking Advantages..................................................................................................................................... 462
Objective 12.1 List the advantages for businesses of installing a network.
Comparing Client/Server and Peer-to-Peer Networks......................................................................................... 463
Objective 12.2 Explain the differences between a client/server network and a peer-to-peer network.
Types of Client/Server Networks ........................................................................................................................ 464
Objective 12.3 Describe the common types of client/server networks as well as other networks businesses use.
BITS&BYTES: Make Your Browser Protect You! ................................................................................................................... 467
Servers and Network Topologies ...................................................................................................................... 468
Servers .............................................................................................................................................................. 468
Objective 12.4 List the common types of servers found on client/server networks.
HELPDESK: Using Servers ................................................................................................................................................... 469
TRENDS IN IT: Protecting Privacy in Your Home Office......................................................................................................... 471
Network Topologies ........................................................................................................................................... 471
Objective 12.5 Describe the common types of network topologies and the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

xvi Contents
SOUND BYTE: Network Topology and Navigation Devices ................................................................................................... 474
TRY THIS: Sharing Printers on a Network Using Windows .................................................................................................. 478
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 479

Part 2: Setting Up Business Networks ............................................................................................................................. 480

Learning Outcome 12.2 You will be able to describe transmission media, network operating system software,
and network navigation devices and explain major threats to network security and how to mitigate them.
Transmission Media ........................................................................................................................................... 480
Wired and Wireless Transmission Media ............................................................................................................ 480
Objective 12.6 Describe the types of wired and wireless transmission media used in networks.
BITS&BYTES: Encryption: Not Just for Businesses Any Longer............................................................................................ 482
Network Adapters and Navigation Devices ..................................................................................................... 482
Network Adapters.............................................................................................................................................. 482
Objective 12.7 Describe how network adapters help data move around a network.
MAC Addresses................................................................................................................................................. 484
Objective 12.8 Define MAC addresses, and explain how they are used to move data around a network.
Switches, Bridges, and Routers ........................................................................................................................ 485
Objective 12.9 List the various network navigation devices, and explain how they help route data through networks.
HELPDESK: Transmission Media and Network Adapters ...................................................................................................... 486
Network Operating Systems and Network Security........................................................................................ 486
Network Operating Systems .............................................................................................................................. 487
Objective 12.10 Explain why network operating systems are necessary for networks to function.
BITS&BYTES: Extending Smart Homes: Smart Yards Coming Soon!.................................................................................... 488
DIG DEEPER: Intent-Based Networking (IBN): Networks That Think for Themselves ............................................................ 489
Client/Server Network Security........................................................................................................................... 489
Objective 12.11 List major security threats to networks, and explain how network administrators mitigate these threats.
SOUND BYTE: A Day in the Life of a Network Technician ..................................................................................................... 490
ETHICS IN IT: How Should Companies Handle Data Breaches?........................................................................................... 493
BITS&BYTES: Logging on? Try Finger Vein Recognition ....................................................................................................... 494
SOLVE THIS WITH WORD: Cyber-Security Flyer and Mail Merge ........................................................................................ 501

Chapter 13
Behind the Scenes: How the Internet Works......................................................... 502
Part 1: Inner Workings of the Internet ............................................................................................................................ 504
Learning Outcome 13.1 You will be able to explain how the Internet is managed and the details of how data
is transmitted across the Internet.
Internet Management and Networking ............................................................................................................. 504
Management ..................................................................................................................................................... 504
Objective 13.1 Describe the management of the Internet.
Networking Components ................................................................................................................................... 505
Objective 13.2 Explain how the Internet’s networking components interact.
Data Transmission.............................................................................................................................................. 506
Objective 13.3 List and describe the Internet protocols used for data transmission.
BITS&BYTES: A Free Cloud-Based Server for You ............................................................................................................... 506
BITS&BYTES: Packet Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 508
Internet Identity ................................................................................................................................................... 509
IP Addresses ..................................................................................................................................................... 509
Objective 13.4 Explain how each device connected to the Internet is assigned a unique address.

Contents xvii
BITS&BYTES: What’s Your IP Address? ............................................................................................................................... 510
HELPDESK: Understanding IP Addresses, Domain Names, and Protocols ........................................................................... 510
BITS&BYTES: Amazing Applications of IoT........................................................................................................................... 510
SOUND BYTE: Creating Web Pages with Squarespace ....................................................................................................... 511
DIG DEEPER: Connection-Oriented Versus Connectionless Protocols.................................................................................. 512
Domain Names.................................................................................................................................................. 513
Objective 13.5 Discuss how a numeric IP address is changed into a readable name.
TRY THIS: Ping Me............................................................................................................................................................. 517
MAKE THIS: TOOL: App Inventor 2 or Thunkable ................................................................................................................. 518

Part 2: Coding and Communicating on the Internet ...................................................................................................... 519

Learning Outcome 13.2 You will be able to describe the web technologies used to develop web applications.
Web Technologies............................................................................................................................................... 519
Web Development ............................................................................................................................................. 519
Objective 13.6 Compare and contrast a variety of web development languages.
BITS&BYTES: CodePen: An Editing Community for Web Designers ..................................................................................... 520
Application Architecture...................................................................................................................................... 522
Objective 13.7 Compare and contrast server-side and client-side application software.
SOUND BYTE: Client-Side Web Page Development ............................................................................................................. 523
BITS&BYTES: Editors for Web Development ........................................................................................................................ 525
Communications over the Internet ................................................................................................................... 525
Types of Internet Communication....................................................................................................................... 525
Objective 13.8 Discuss the mechanisms for communicating via e-mail and instant messaging.
BITS&BYTES: AI and Your Inbox .......................................................................................................................................... 527
Encryption ......................................................................................................................................................... 528
Objective 13.9 Explain how data encryption improves security.
BITS&BYTES: Random Numbers: We Wouldn’t Have Encryption Without Them! ................................................................. 529
ETHICS IN IT: Do We Really Want Strong Encryption? ......................................................................................................... 530
HELPDESK: Keeping E-Mail Secure ..................................................................................................................................... 530
TRENDS IN IT: Cognitive Computing ................................................................................................................................... 531
SOLVE THIS WITH NOTEPAD: Creating an HTML Document ............................................................................................. 539

Appendix A
The History of the Personal Computer .................................................................. A-1

Appendix B
Careers in IT.............................................................................................................B-1
Glossary........................................................................................................................................................................ G-1
Index............................................................................................................................................................................... I-1

xviii Contents
Learn Technology by Using
Technology in Action 17e

Technology in Action continues to be the best-selling title because it delivers an engaging approach to teaching the topics and skills
students need to be digitally literate. The text provides an engaging approach to learning computer concepts in which students learn by
using practical content, hands-on projects, and interactive activities.
To ensure every type of learner and instructor can choose the approach that best fits their style, Technology in Action is available in
three formats:
1. Print Rental for Technology in Action: For courses focused on a more traditional, instructor-led approach, the
print title is available as a rental option. The instructor resources provide everything needed to teach an in-person
or online class in which students read the text and perform objective-based testing.
2. MyLab IT for Technology in Action: For courses that teach computer concepts and Microsoft Office skills, us-
ing the MyLab IT option is the right choice. This option provides students and instructors with an interactive etext
and assignable activities that assess students’ understanding in a variety of ways. By combining trusted author
content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab IT personalizes the learning experience and helps stu-
dents absorb and retain key course concepts while developing skills that employers seek. All of the instruction,
practice, review, and assessment resources are in one place, allowing instructors to arrange their course from
an instructional perspective that gives students a consistent and measurable learning experience from chapter to
chapter. New to this edition are Prebuilt Learning Modules that allow instructors to quickly assign author curated
content in every chapter for quick course set up.
3. Revel Technology in Action: For courses focused on computer concepts only, Revel is an excellent, fully digital
experience in which students read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Students read a little and
then interact with the content through videos, Check Your Understanding self-check questions, and a variety of
interactives. Revel prepares students for meaningful class participation and provides the skills they need to be
digitally literate in the workplace and their everyday lives. Revel replaces the traditional textbook by presenting an
affordable, seamless blend of author-created digital text, media (videos, Helpdesks, Sound Bytes, and IT Simula-
tions), and assessments based on learning science.
As with previous editions, we have thoroughly reviewed and updated the 17th edition to ensure coverage of the latest in technology.
We have included topics such as Ransomware as a Service, CPUs that fight back against malware, and bandwidth throttling, as well
as new Dig Deeper articles such as “Building Your Own Gaming Computer.”
We made these updates with the instructor in mind—just know the content is timely and check out the transition guide, which pro-
vides the specifics on what we have updated or changed. We have retained popular 16e features, including the web-based survey
activities that encourage students to engage with their peers and develop critical thinking skills through the What Do You Think?
questions. These activities, along with the Tech in the News updates at the beginning of each chapter in the etext or Revel, videos,
interactive Helpdesk activities, Sound Byte lessons, IT Simulations, and a variety of hands-on projects all help students learn the con-
cepts and skills they need in order to be digitally literate in today’s workplace. And, if they are using MyLab IT, they can earn the Digital
Competency badge to demonstrate their skills to potential employers.

• Engaging question-and-answer writing style that • Hands-on learning with projects throughout each
approaches topics as students do. chapter:
• Ethics coverage throughout, including in end-of-chapter • Try This projects allow students to practice and
activities, Point/Counterpoint ethical debate content found demonstrate their proficiency with important topics. In
in relevant chapters, and a Sound Byte lesson on how to MyLab IT and Revel, how-to videos accompany each
discuss and debate ethical issues. project.

Learn Technology by Using Technology in Action 17e xix

• Solve This projects put the concepts students are • Review and Quizzes
learning into action through real-world problem • Check Your Understanding Quizzes provide a self-check
solving using Microsoft Office programs. MyLab IT covering objectives in each part of the chapter so that
provides Grader project versions of most of these students can see how well they are learning the content.
• The Chapter Quiz provides a way for students to test that
• Make This projects provide activities where students they have learned the material from the entire chapter.
build programs that run on their mobile devices. Twelve
• “Chew on This” critical thinking questions require that
of the chapters have activities that build fully functional
students demonstrate their understanding through
mobile apps, compatible with either Android or iOS.
written answers that are manually graded.
Each project includes instructions and a how-to video in
MyLab IT and Revel. • Testbank Exams provide customizable prebuilt, autograded,
objective-based questions covering the chapter objectives.
• Interactive activities in MyLab or Revel engage
students in active learning and demonstration of • Videos
understanding: • Chapter Overview Videos provide an objective-based
• Helpdesk interactive activities provide a review of review of chapter content.
chapter objectives by having students play the role of a • Try This and Make This project videos walk students
helpdesk staffer assisting customers via a live chat using through these projects.
a decision-based simulation with a quiz. • Helpful Resources
• Sound Byte lessons provide coverage of additional • PowerPoint and Audio Presentations can be used in
topics related to the chapter, including a brief quiz. class for lecture or assigned to students, particularly
• IT Simulations provide an in-depth chapter scenario online students, for instruction and review.
that students work through in an active learning • Instructor Chapter Guides provide teaching tips;
environment and complete with a brief quiz to homework and assessment suggestions; a brief
demonstrate their understanding. These now include a overview of each chapter’s Try This, Make This, and
“presentation mode” so instructors can walk through the Solve This exercises; as well as select Sound Byte
simulation in class or with students. talking points and ethics debate starters.

What’s New?
• For the MyLab IT version, Prebuilt Learning Modules Chapter 1:
have been created by the authors for each chapter. These • We have added a new Bits&Bytes showing hands-on tools
will help instructors quickly set up their course to cover a to let students explore AI applications in natural language
range of resources to provide effective learning and processing and vision recognition.
assessment of the concepts. The modules are especially
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes taking students into the
helpful when teaching fully online.
world of machine learning through sound synthesis.
• Key terms have been scaled back by eliminating terms
• We have added a new discussion of digital forensics.
that the majority of today’s students reported they already
knew. • We have added material focused on the challenges and
successes of technology when faced with the global
• The Technology in the News widget helps instructors
COVID-19 pandemic.
keep their class current with weekly technology news. This
currency widget is included in the in the MyLab IT • We have added an ethics discussion on the impact of
interactive etext and Revel versions of Technology in Action COVID-19 on the social equity issue of the digital divide.
throughout the semester. • We have added a presentation on how to donate CPU time
• Images and quizzes have been updated throughout. to the @home effort for vaccine discovery.
• Team Time exercises have been updated and designed Chapter 2:
for working in online environments like Microsoft Teams or • We have streamlined the key terms to eliminate terms most
Zoom. students already know.
• We have added a new Dig Deeper: Building Your Own
Summary of Chapter Updates Gaming Computer.
All chapter Learning Outcomes and Learning Objectives have • We have removed the Dig Deeper: How Touch Screens Work.
been revised as needed and throughout the text, figures and
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Foldable Glass Is
photos have been updated with new images, current topics,
Making Foldable Phones Better!
and state-of-the art technology coverage.

xx Learn Technology by Using Technology in Action 17e

• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Teraflops in Your Living Chapter 5:
Room: Gaming on Overdrive. • We have updated the text and screenshots to reflect
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Smart Coral Reefs. updates to Windows 10 and its newest features.
• We have deleted the Bits&Bytes: Distributed Computing: • We have added a new Bits&Bytes on Quick Assist to
Putting Your Computer to Work While You Sleep. control a computer remotely.
• We have deleted the Bits&Bytes: Foldable Phones Are • We have added content on using Storage Sense to monitor
Here, and have added the content to the body of the space and free up storage automatically.
text. • We have added a new Bits&Bytes on finding the program
• We have deleted the Bits&Bytes: Coming Soon: USB 4 and appropriate to any file extension.
DisplayPort 2 and have added the content to the body of • We have added a new Dig Deeper outlining the usefulness
the text. of many Windows key shortcuts.
Chapter 3: Chapter 6:
• We have added a new Learning Objective to accommodate • We have retitled and expanded the Dig Deeper: How
cloud computing, which we moved from the previous Dig Storage Devices Work so that it is now How Storage
Deeper into the body of the text. Devices Work . . . and Fail.
• We have updated the content on online collaboration and • We have removed the Dig Deeper: The Machine Cycle (it is
file sharing tools. still discussed sufficiently in the text).
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes on social media • We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Telepresence Robots
influencers. Coming to a Workplace Near You.
• We have moved content from the Bits&Bytes: Secure • We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Surveillance Drives: Do
Messaging Apps into the body of the text. You Need One?
• We have added content in the E-Commerce Safeguards • We have replaced the Trends in IT: USB 3.2 C Ports: One Port
section about mobile wallets. to Rule Them All with Trends in IT: Thunderbolt and USB Ports:
• We have added a new Dig Deeper about AI and cloud Which Ones Do I Need? to cover the latest port standards.
computing. Chapter 7:
• We have updated content on web browsers. • We have updated the Dig Deeper: P2P File Sharing.
• We have deleted content about Google specialized search • We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Watch Out for Wi-Fi 6E.
• We have updated the Bits&Bytes: Net Neutrality.
• We have added content about predictive search results.
• We have added a new table comparing Wi-Fi standards.
• We have moved the Bits&Bytes: Digital Assistants and
Predictive Search Bits&Bytes into the body of the text. Chapter 8:

• We have replaced the Digital Activism and Geolocation • We have revised the sections on Digital Photography and
ethics topics with Deepfakes and Personalized Marketing. Digital Video to be more phone camera centric.
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Professional Video
Chapter 4:
Editing Tools . . . For Free!
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Portable Apps, which
• We have removed the Bits&Bytes: The Rise of Wearable
replaces the Bits&Bytes: Finding Alternative Software.
• We have added a new Trends In IT: Artificial Intelligence in
• We have added information on wearables into the body of
Healthcare, which replaces Mobile Payment Apps: The
the text.
Power of M-Commerce.
• We have updated Ethics: Can I Use Software on my Device Chapter 9:
When I Don’t Own the License? • We have added discussion of ransomware and examples of
• We have added new content about Microsoft Teams to the its occurrence during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Productivity Software section. • We have added a new key term, Ransomware as a Service.
• We have moved the Bits&Bytes: Need to Work as a Team? • We have added a new focus on employee monitoring
Try These Collaboration Tools content into the body of the software with emphasis as more employees are sent home
text. to telecommute.
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: PDF: The Universal File • We have updated references to operating system tools for
Format. security.
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Scalable Vector • We have added a coverage of new identity theft scams like
Graphics: Text-Based Images. using caller ID to pose as government agencies.

Learn Technology by Using Technology in Action 17e xxi

• We have updated coverage of audio captcha and more Chapter 12:
sophisticated analytical captcha techniques. • We have moved the content in Trends In IT: Virtualization:
• We have updated coverage of password managers. Making Servers Work Harder into the body of the text.
• We have added coverage of hardware keys like the Yubi • We have added a new Trends In IT: Protecting Privacy in
key for multifactor authentication. Your Home Office.
• We have added new information on Chrome extensions that • We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Encryption: Not Just For
enable you to work securely on public or private computers. Businesses Any Longer.
• We have updated the content on mobile alarm software/ • We have added a new Dig Deeper: Intent-Based
hardware solutions. Networking (IBN): Networks That Think for Themselves.
• We have updated our digital forensics coverage, including • We have moved the Dig Deeper: The OSI Model:
implications of IoT devices and cloud storage on data Defining Protocol Standards content into the body of
gathering for forensics. the text.
Chapter 10: • We have deleted the Bits&Bytes: Guidance on Green
Computing as the content is covered sufficiently in
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Max/MSP: Learn
Chapter 2.
Programming with Patch Cords.
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes on Repl.IT. Chapter 13:
Chapter 11: • We have added a new Bits&Bytes on packet analysis.
• We have added a new Bits&Bytes: Use a Graph Database • We have added a new Bits&Bytes on recommended editors
to Track Connected Data. for web development.

Digital Approaches to Technology in Action

MyLab IT learning and practice, and then go back to their

assignments to take the chapter quizzes.
To maximize student results in courses covering computer
concepts and Microsoft 365 applications, we recommend MyLab IT Features
using Technology in Action with MyLab IT. By combining Technology in the News
trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform,
Provide regular currency updates to the beginning of each
MyLab IT personalizes the learning experience and will help
chapter throughout the semester to deliver the latest tech-
students learn and retain key course concepts while develop-
nology news stories to use in the classroom. The update is
ing skills that future employers seek.
live in the interactive etext and Revel, so no matter where
With MyLab IT for Technology in Action, students have students are in the content, instructors will have this weekly
access to all of the instruction, practice, review, and update to use for in-class discussion or as a reading
assessment resources in one place. There are two ways assignment and can also use the discussion questions or
instructors can set up their course: activities included in most postings.
1. Instructors can choose to use the new Prebuilt Solve This Projects
learning modules that allow them to create ac- These exercises Solve This with Word MyLab IT Grader

How Technology Is Used on the World Stage and in Your Personal Life

tivities in the order they want students to com- integrate and

In this activity, you’ll use Microsoft Word to reflect on how technology is affecting the world as well as you, personally and
professionally. Reflect on the content in Chapter 1 as you work through this exercise.

You will use the following skills as you complete this activity:

plete them, providing a consistent, measurable reinforce chapter

• Open and Modify a Document Template • Insert Text

• Apply Styles and Advanced Font Formats • Apply Themes

• Use Format Painter • Create a Header and Footer

learning experience from chapter to chapter. concepts with Instructions

1. Open TIA_Ch1_Start.docx. Save the document as TIA_Ch1_LastFirst.docx, using your own Last and First names.

Microsoft 365
2. Double-click the Title placeholder, type Technology, and then double-click the Heading 1 placeholder and type
Introduction. Press Enter and then type the following: Political and global issues are showing that technology is ac-

2. Instructors can take a second approach for an

celerating change around the world and galvanizing groups of people in new ways. Technology allows us to refine
how we connect with each other, and it also impacts our daily personal and professional experiences. Press Enter.

3. Type How Technology Impacts Society, press Enter, and then type a few sentences that describe how technology is

impacting global events such as political revolutions, health care, the environment, and the digital divide. In addition, ad-
dress how businesses are using social media. Press Enter.

interactive learning experience, where students 4. Type How Technology Impacts Me Personally and Professionally, press Enter, and then type a few sentences that de-
scribe how technology is impacting your personal life. You should address the importance of being computer literate. You
should also address the kinds of technology being used in the industry of your current or desired career.

5. Click anywhere in the heading Introduction. With Format Painter, apply the Heading 1 format to the paragraph headers:

use the interactive etext to read and learn actively

How Technology Impacts Society and How Technology Impacts Me Personally and Professionally.
Hint: Format Painter is in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.

6. Change the Document Theme style to the Slice Theme.

Hint: Document Themes are found on the Design tab, in the Document Formatting group.

with Helpdesk activities, Sound Bytes, IT Simula- 7. Select the title Technology and then format the font as Small caps. Center align the title.
Hint: Click the dialog box launcher in the Font group on the Home tab to access the Small caps font effect.

8. Apply the Whisp header style to the document. Click to add Today’s date in the Date header and delete the Document

tions, Technology in the News currency updates,

title header. Add a File Path to the document footer. Select the footer text and change the font size to 8. Close the Header
and Footer.
Hint: Headers are found on the Insert tab in the Header & Footer group. File Path is found in Document Info in the
Insert group on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab.

9. Save the document and submit based on your instructor’s directions.

What do You Think? surveys and critical thinking

questions, hands-on projects, videos, accessible
PowerPoint presentations, and more. Instructors Chapter Review 35

assign the etext chapter, students engage in

xxii Learn Technology by Using Technology in Action 17e

Helpdesk Activities Sound Bytes
The Helpdesk training con- Sound Bytes expand
tent, created specifically for student mastery of
Technology in Action, en- complex topics through
ables students to take on engaging lessons with a
the role of a helpdesk staff- brief quiz to check their
er fielding questions posed understanding.
by computer users so that
students demonstrate their
understanding in an active IT Simulations
learning environment. Each
These detailed interac-
Helpdesk ends with a quiz,
tive scenarios cover a
ensuring students have
core chapter topic in a
grasped the content.
hands-on environment
where students can apply
what they have learned
and demonstrate under-
standing through active

Revel across all registered devices automatically, giving students

great flexibility to toggle between phone, tablet and laptop.
For courses focused on computer concepts only, Revel is an
excellent, fully digital experience in which students read, prac- Revel Functionality for Instructors
tice, and study in one continuous experience. Students read a • Adding notes to precise locations within the narrative
little and then interact with the content through videos, Check content allows instructors to include reminders, study tips,
Your Understanding self-check questions, and a variety of and links to additional resources for students.
interactives. Revel prepares students for meaningfully class
• Revel course management tools allow instructors to
participation and provides the skills they need to be digitally lit-
indicate precisely which chapter readings must be
erate in the workplace and their everyday lives. Revel replaces
completed on which dates. This clear, detailed schedule
the traditional textbook by presenting an affordable, seamless
helps students stay on task by eliminating any ambiguity as
blend of author-created digital text, media (videos, Helpdesks,
to which material will be covered during each class.
Sound Bytes, and IT Simulations), and assessments based on
learning science. • The Performance dashboard enables instructors to view
assignment completion, time on task, points earned on
Revel Functionality for Students chapter quizzes, how the class is trending, student
• Full chapter audio allows student to listen and learn in an performance by learning outcome, and more.
alternative format. • At a glance performance insights enable instructors to
• Interactive exercises, such as IT Simulations, allow access student progress at a glance with the new Educator
students to engage with concepts and take an active role in Dashboard. Instructors can see how well students are
learning. preparing for class, the average grade distribution, who is
struggling, and what’s due next.
• Videos in each chapter help explain key topics that can be
hard to comprehend from a static photo or description. • Enhanced Grades view allows instructors to easily see
how their students are doing, from performance on specific
• Flashcards and study tools provide practice with
assignments to overall grades. New visual indicators help
important key terms.
instructors identify struggling students.
• Chapter quizzes test students’ knowledge. These are
• Learning management system integration provides
graded instantly for immediate feedback and scores are
easy access to Revel courses via Blackboard Learn™,
tracked in the instructor dashboard.
Canvas™, Brightspace by D2L, and Moodle. With single
• Highlighting, note taking, and a glossary let students sign-on, students can be ready to access Revel on their
read and study in a variety of ways. first day. Flexible, on-demand grade synchronization
• The Revel mobile app lets students read, practice, and capabilities allow instructors to control exactly which grades
study anywhere, anytime, on any device. Content is should be transferred to their LMS Gradebook.
available both online and offline, and the app syncs work

Learn Technology by Using Technology in Action 17e xxiii

Instructor Teaching Resources
This program comes with the following teaching resources.

Supplements available to instructors at

www.pearsonhighered.com/techinaction Features of the Supplement

Accessible PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoints meet accessibility standards for students with
disabilities. Features include, but are not limited to:
• Keyboard and Screen Reader Access
• Alternative Text for Images
• High Color Contrast between Background and Foreground Colors
Audio PowerPoint Presentation This is a full audio version of the Accessible presentation.

End-of-Chapter Answer Key, Check Your Understanding Answers to all end-of-chapter questions.
Answer Key, Chapter Quiz Answer Key
Image Library Every image in the book.

Instructor Chapter Guide • Content Instruction

• Student Preparation and Review
• Active Learning Options
• Chapter Assessment
• End-of-Chapter Exercises
• Currency Topics
• Soft Skills and Team Work
• Instructor Resources

Make This Projects Activities where students build programs that run on their mobile
devices. Each project includes instructions and a how-to video.

Objectives Mapping Outline of the objectives in every chapter.

Solve This Projects Real-world problem solving using Microsoft 365 programs. Grader
versions of most of these projects are in MyLab IT.

Syllabus Template Sample syllabus for help in setting up the course.

Test Bank (Textbook, Helpdesk, Sound Bytes) Over 1,000 multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, and
matching questions with these annotations:
• Difficulty level (1 for straight recall, 2 for some analysis, 3 for
complex analysis)
• Objective, which provides location in the text
Provided for:
• Textbook
• Helpdesk
• Sound Byte

Computerized TestGen TestGen allows instructors to:

• Customize, save, and generate classroom tests
• Edit, add, or delete questions from the Test Item files
• Analyze test results
• Organize a database of tests and student results

Transition Guide Detailed explanation of changes between the previous and current

Web Projects Discussion questions and additional projects that can be done on
the Internet.

xxiv Learn Technology by Using Technology in Action 17e

Letter from the Authors

Our 17th Edition—A Letter from the Authors

Why We Wrote This Book
The pace of technological change is ever increas-
ing. In education, we have seen this impact us
more than ever recently—the Maker movement, the
Internet of Things, MOOCs, touch-screen mobile
delivery, and Zoom streaming for online education
are now fixed parts of our environment.
Even the most agile of learners and educa-
tors need support in keeping up with this pace of
change. Our students have easier access to more
information than any generation before them. We
recognize the need for them to be able to think
critically and investigate the data they see. We encourage instructors to use the chapter-opening
features called What do you think? to promote students’ critically thinking about a chapter topic.
Students then follow up at the end of the chapter by answering additional related critical thinking
questions in a What do you think now? feature. These make great topics for online course dis-
cussion forums.
We have also integrated material to help students develop skills for web application and
mobile programming. We see the incredible value of these skills and their popularity with stu-
dents and have included Make This exercises for each chapter. These exercises gently bring
the concepts behind mobile app development to life. In addition, there is a Solve This exercise
in each chapter that reinforces chapter content while also applying Microsoft 365 skills. These
projects help to promote students’ critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, which employers
value highly.
The Helpdesk and Sound Byte training modules and IT Simulations continue to provide
students with an active learning environment in which they can reinforce their learning of chapter
objectives. In this edition, we continue to put the spotlight on critical thinking with integrated
real-time surveys on important technology topics to foster classroom discussion and analytical
skills. We have also included additional material on key challenges of a digital lifestyle, such as
the impact of COVID-19 on the social equity issues of the digital divide.
We also continue to emphasize the many aspects of ethics in technology debates. Some
of the Helpdesks and IT Simulations support instruction on how to conduct thoughtful and
respectful discussion on complex ethical issues.
Our combined 73 years of teaching computer concepts have coincided with sweeping inno-
vations in computing technology that have affected every facet of society. From setting up your
Instacart order from your phone to attending your classes over Zoom, the use of digital tech-
nology is more than ever a fixture of our daily lives—and the lives of our students. But although
today’s students have a much greater comfort level with their digital environment than previous
generations, their knowledge of the machines they use every day is still limited.
Part of the student-centered focus of our book has to do with making the material truly en-
gaging to students. From the beginning, we have written Technology in Action to focus on what
matters most to today’s student. Instead of a history lesson on the microchip, we focus on tasks
students can accomplish with their computing devices and skills they can apply immediately in
the workplace, in the classroom, and at home.
We are constantly looking for the next technology trend or gadget. We have augmented the
etext with weekly Technology in the News automatic updates. These updates are in each chap-
ter, so regardless of where students are in the text, instructors will have current topics to talk
about in class related to the latest breaking developments.

Letter from the Authors xxv

We also continue to include a number of multimedia components to enrich the classroom
and student learning experience. The result is a learning system that sparks student interest
by focusing on the material they want to learn (such as how to integrate devices into a home
network) while teaching the material they need to learn (such as how networks work). The se-
quence of topics is carefully set up to mirror the typical student learning experience.
As they read this text, students will progress through stages and learning outcomes of in-
creasing difficulty:
• Thinking about how technology offers them the power to change their society and their world
and examining why it’s important to be computer fluent
• Understanding the basic components of computing devices
• Connecting to and exploring the Internet
• Exploring application software
• Learning about the operating system and personalizing their computer
• Evaluating and upgrading computing devices
• Understanding home networking options
• Creating digital assets and understanding how to legally distribute them
• Keeping computing devices safe from hackers
• Going behind the scenes, looking at technology in greater detail
We strive to structure the book in a way that makes navigation easy and reinforces key con-
cepts. We continue to design the text around learning outcomes and objectives, making them a
prominent part of the chapter structure. Students will see the learning outcomes and objectives
in the chapter opener, throughout the text itself, as well as in the summary so they understand
just what they are expected to learn.
We also continue to structure the book in a progressive manner, intentionally introducing on a
basic level in the earlier chapters concepts that students traditionally have trouble with and then
later expanding on those concepts in more detail when students have become more comfort-
able with them. Thus, the focus of the early chapters is on practical uses for the computer, with
real-world examples to help the students place computing in a familiar context. For example, we
introduce basic hardware components in Chapter 2, and then we go into increasingly greater
detail on some hardware components in Chapter 6. The Behind the Scenes chapters venture
deeper into the realm of computing through in-depth explanations of how programming, net-
works, the Internet, and databases work. They are specifically designed to keep more experi-
enced students engaged and to challenge them with interesting research assignments.
In addition to extensive review, practice, and assessment content, each chapter contains
several problem-solving, hands-on activities that can be carried out in the classroom or as
• The Try This exercises lead students to explore a particular computing feature related to the
• The Make This exercises are hands-on activities that lead students to explore mobile app
development in both the Android and iOS environments.
• The Solve This exercises integrate and reinforce chapter concepts with Microsoft 365 skills.
Throughout the years we have also developed a comprehensive multimedia program to
reinforce the material taught in the text and to support both classroom lectures and distance
• Chapter-opening features called What do you think? allow students to critically think about
a chapter topic. Students then follow up at the end of the chapter by answering additional
related critical thinking questions in a What do you think now? feature.
• Chew on This critical-thinking questions require that students demonstrate their
understanding through written answers that are manually graded.
• The Helpdesk training content, created specifically for Technology in Action, enables
students to take on the role of a helpdesk staffer fielding questions posed by computer
users so that students can demonstrate their understanding in an active learning
• Sound Bytes expand student mastery of complex topics through engaging lessons with a
brief quiz to check understanding.

xxvi Letter from the Authors

• IT Simulations are detailed, interactive scenarios covering the core chapter topic. As
students work through the simulation, they apply what they have learned and demonstrate
understanding in an active learning environment.
• The Technology in the News (formerly TechBytes Weekly) is a weekly currency update that
delivers the latest technology news stories to instructors for use in the classroom. In
addition, the currency items have discussion points or activities included. The update is live
in the etext chapters, so no matter where students are in the content, instructors will have
this weekly update to use for an in-class discussion or reading assignment.

Letter from the Authors xxvii

About the Authors

Alan Evans, MS, CPA

[email protected]
Alan is currently a faculty member at Moore College of Art and Design and
Montgomery County Community College, teaching a variety of computer
science and business courses. He holds a BS in accounting from Rider
University and an MS in Information Systems from Drexel University, and
he is a certified public accountant. After a successful career in business,
Alan finally realized that his true calling is education. He has been teaching at the college
level since 2000. He enjoys attending technical conferences and exploring new methods of
engaging students.

Kendall Martin, PhD

[email protected]
Kendall is a full professor of Computer Science at Montgomery County
Community College with teaching experience at both the undergraduate
and graduate levels at a number of institutions, including Villanova
University, DeSales University, Ursinus College, and Arcadia University.
Her education includes a BS in electrical engineering from the University
of Rochester and an MS and a PhD in engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. Kendall
has industrial experience in research and development environments (AT&T Bell Laboratories)
as well as experience with several start-up technology firms.

Mary Anne Poatsy, MBA

[email protected]
Mary Anne is a senior faculty member at Montgomery County
Community College, teaching various computer application and
concepts courses in face-to-face and online environments. She
enjoys speaking at various professional conferences about innovative
classroom strategies. Mary Anne holds a BA in psychology and
education from Mount Holyoke College and an MBA in finance from Northwestern University’s
Kellogg Graduate School of Management. She has been in teaching since 1997, ranging from
elementary and secondary education to Montgomery County Community College, Gwynedd-
Mercy College, Muhlenberg College, and Bucks County Community College, as well as training
in the professional environment. Before teaching, Mary Anne was a vice president at Shearson
Lehman Hutton in the Municipal Bond Investment Banking Department.

xxviii About the Authors

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
has sido tan amada, y separarte de estos chicos que has criado y que
como a madre te miran?...
El padre Alelí fijó en ella sus ojos, ávidos de leer en los de la joven
lo que de su alma saliese al rostro, si es que algo salía. El buen fraile
que a pesar de su decrepitud, ocasionada a perturbaciones mentales
conservaba algo de su antigua penetración, creyó ver en Sola una
pena muy viva. Esto le hacía sonreír, diciendo para su sayo: «mujercita
—Don Benigno no se casará —dijo ella—. ¿Será posible que caiga
en tan mala tentación? Yo de mí sé decir que si salgo de esta casa me
moriré de pena; tan tranquila, tan considerada y tan feliz he vivido en
ella. Y luego, estos diablillos del cielo, como yo les llamo; estos
muchachos, a quienes quiero tanto sin ser míos, y no tengo mejo
gusto que ocuparme de ellos... No, digo que don Benigno no se
casará. Sería un disparate; ya no está en edad para eso.
—¿Qué dices ahí, tontuela? —exclamó Alelí incorporándose con
enojo—. ¿Conque mi amigo no está en edad de casarse? ¿Es acaso
algún viejo chocho? ¿Está por ventura enfermo? No, más sana y
limpia está su persona y su sangre noble que la de todos esos
mozuelos del día.
Esto decía, cuando Juan Jacobo, cansado de estarse quieto tanto
tiempo y no teniendo interés en la conversación, empezó a tirarle de
los bigotes al gato, que dormido estaba en la falda del fraile. Sentirse
el animal tan malamente interrumpido en su sueño de canónigo y
empezar a dar bufidos y a sacar las uñas, fue todo uno. Alborotose e
fraile con los rasguños, y dio un coscorrón al chico; Sola le aplicó dos
nalgadas, y todo concluyó con enfadarse el muchacho y coger el gato
en brazos y marcharse con él a un rincón, donde le puso el sombrero
del mercedario para que durmiera.
—Eso es, sí, está mi sombrero para cama de gatos —refunfuñó
—¡Jesús qué criatura!... Le voy a matar —dijo Sola amenazándole
con la mano—. Trae acá el sombrero.
Juan trajo el sombrero, y aprovechándose del interés que en la
corversación tenían el fraile y la joven, rescató su molinillo y su
bandeja y bajó a la tienda para escaparse a la calle.
—Vaya con la tonta —dijo Alelí continuando su interrumpido tema
—. ¡Si Benigno es un muchacho, un chiquillo...! ¡Si me parece que fue
ayer cuando le vi arrastrándose a gatas por un cerrillo que hay delante
de su casa...! ¡Qué piernazas aquellas, qué brazos y qué manotas
tenía! ¡Y cómo se agarraba al pecho de su madre, y qué mordidas le
daba el muy antropófago! Yo le cogía en brazos y le daba unos
palmetazos en los muslos... Sabrás que fui al pueblo a restablecerme
de unas intermitentes que cogí en Madrid cuando vine a las elecciones
de la Orden. Entonces conocí al bueno de Jovellanos, un Voltaire
encubierto, dígase lo que se quiera, y al conde de Aranda, que era un
Pombal español, y a mi señor don Carlos III, que era un Federico de
Prusia españolizado...
—Al grano, al grano.
—Justo es que al grano vayamos. Cuando Nicolás Moratín y yo
—Al grano.
—Pues digo que Benigno es un mozalbete. ¿No ves su arrogancia
su buen color, sus bríos? Bah, bah... Oye una cosa, hijita: Benigno se
casará, tú te quedarás sola, y entonces será bien añadir a tu nombre
otra palabra, llamándote Sola y Monda en vez de Sola a secas. Pero
aquí viene bien darte un consejo... ¿Sabes, hija mía, que me está
entrando un sueño tal, que la cabeza me parece de plomo?
—Pues deme su reverencia el consejo y duérmase después —
repuso ella con impaciencia.
—El consejo es que te cases tú también, y así, del matrimonio de
Benigno no podrá resultar ninguna desgracia... ¡Qué sueño, santo
Sola se echó a reír.
—¡Casarme yo!... Qué bromas gasta el padrito.
—Hija, el sueño me rinde... no puedo más —dijo Alelí luchando con
su propia cabeza, que sobre el pecho se caía, y tirando de sus propios
párpados con nervioso esfuerzo para impedir que se cerraran cua
pesadas compuertas.
—Otro cigarrito.
—Sí..., chupetón..., humo —murmuró Alelí, cuya flaca naturaleza
era bruscamente vencida por la necesidad del reposo.

Sola corrió a buscar el despertador, y a su vuelta encontró al pobre

religioso más que medianamente dormido, la cabeza inclinada a un
lado, la boca entreabierta, roncando como un viejo y sonriendo como
un niño. No quiso despertarle, aunque tenía curiosidad por saber en
qué pararía aquel asunto del casamiento de su protector. Sospechaba
la intención del fraile y todo el intríngulis de aquella conferencia
cortada por el sueño, y se reía interiormente, considerando los rodeos
y la timidez de su protector.
Acomodó la cabeza del anciano en la almohada, le puso una manta
en las piernas para que no se enfriase, y le dejó dormir. Sentada en
una silla al pie de La Creación, le miró mucho, cual si en el semblante
frailesco estuvieran estampadas y legibles las palabras que Alelí había
dicho y las que no había tenido tiempo de decir. Profundo silencio
reinaba en el comedor. Oíase, sin embargo, el paseo igual y sereno de
la péndula y un roncar lejano, profundo, que tenía algo de la trompa
épica, y era la melopea del sueño de doña Crucita, cantada en tonante
estilo por sus órganos respiratorios. Los del reverendo Alelí no
tardaron en unir su voz a la que de la alcoba venía, y sonando primero
en aflautados preludios, después en rotundos períodos, llegaron a
concertarse tan bien con la otra música, que no parecía sino que e
mismo Haydn había andado en ello.
Entre las dos ventanas de la pieza, que recibían de un patio la poca
luz de que este podía disponer, había un armario lleno de loza fina, tan
bien dispuesta, que bastaba una ojeada para enterarse de las distintas
piezas allí guardadas. Las copas, puestas en fila y boca abajo
sustentando cada cual una naranja, parecían enanos con turbante
amarillos. En todas las tablas, las cenefas de papel recortado caían
graciosamente formando picos como un encaje, y de este modo los
arabescos de la loza tenían mayor realce. Algunas cafeteras y jarras
echaban hacia fuera sus picos como aves que, después de toma
agua, estiran el cuello para tragarla mejor, y las redondas soperas se
estaban muy quietas sobre su plato, como gallinas que sacan pollos
En el chinesco juego de té que regalaron a don Benigno el día de su
santo, las tacitas puestas en círculo, semejando la empolladura recién
salida y piando junto a la madre. Un alto y descomedido botellón, cuya
boca figuraba la de un animalejo, era el rey de toda aquella
muchedumbre porcelanesca; diríase que amenazaba a las piezas
vasallas con cierta ley escrita en el fondo de una fuente. Era un letrero
dorado que decía: «Me soy de Benigno Cordero de Paz. Año de
Junto al armario había una silla de tijera, en la cual estaba Sola con
los brazos cruzados. Miraba a Alelí, a la lámpara de cuatro brazos, a
La Creación, al monumento de Toledo y al suelo cubierto de estera
común. También fue objeto de sus miradas el aguamanil, cuya
llavecita, un poco desgastada, dejaba caer una gota de agua a cada
diez oscilaciones de la péndula. La caja de latón en que estaba e
agua tenía pintado un pajarillo picando una flor, con tan desdichado
arte, que más bien parecía que la flor se comía al ave. También miraba
Sola al techo, donde había cuatro ligeras manchas de humo
correspondientes a los cuatro quinquets de cada uno de los brazos de
la lámpara. Tales manchas eran las únicas nubes que empañaban e
azul de aquel cielo de yeso, que en verano se estrellaba de moscas.
A todas estas partes dirigía la joven sus ojos, cual si estuviese
buscando sus pensamientos perdidos y desparramados por la
estancia. Creeríase que habían salido a holgar, volando como
mariposas a distintos parajes, y que su dueña los iba recogiendo uno a
uno, o dos a dos, para traerlos a casa y someterlos al yugo de
Y así era en efecto. Ella tenía que concertar algo en su cabeza y
discurrir. Convidábanla a ello la soledad en que estaba y la suave
sombra que empezaba a ocupar el comedor, dominando primero los
ángulos, el techo, y extendiéndose poco a poco y avanzando un paso
al compás de los que daba la péndula. Las voces, o dígase ronquidos
se apagaron un momento, cual si los músicos que las producían
descansasen para tomar más fuerza. La de doña Crucita empezó
luego a crecer, a crecer, desafiando a la del padre Alelí. La de este
sonaba entonces en el registro del caramillo pastoril, y parecía
convidar a la égloga con su gorjeo cariñoso.
Y en tanto, el murmullo de Crucita se tornaba de llamativo en
provocador y de provocador en insolente, cual si decir quisiera: «en
esta casa nadie ronca más que yo».
Indudablemente Sola discurría con muy buen juicio en medio de
estas músicas. Pensaba que era un disparate vivir tanto tiempo en un
mundo quimérico. La edad avanzaba; la juventud, aunque todavía
rozagante y lozana en ella, había dejado ya atrás una buena parte de
sí misma. Su vida marchaba ya muy cerca de aquel límite en que
están la razón y la prudencia, las posibilidades y las prosas, de ta
modo que las ilusiones se iban quedando atrás envueltas en brumas
de recuerdos, mal iluminados por la luz vespertina de esperanzas
desvanecidas. La fantasía se cansaba de su trabajo estéril, de aquella
fatigosa edificación de castillos llevados del viento y descompuestos
en aire como las bovedillas de la espuma, que no son más que juegos
del jabón, transformándose por un instante en pedrería de mil matices
Llegaba doña Sola y Monda a la edad en que parece verificarse en la
mente un despejo de todas las jugueterías y figuraciones que traemos
de la niñez, y queda aquel aposento de nuestro espíritu limpio de las
telarañas, que parecen tapices por capricho de la luz filtrada.
El sentimiento de la realidad empezaba a hacer en ella su tardía y
radical conquista, y así sentía la imposición ineludible de ciertas ideas
¿Cómo vivir más tiempo por y para un fantasma? ¿Cómo subordina
toda la existencia a lo que tal vez no tenía ya existencia real, o si la
tenía estaba tan distante que su alejamiento equivalía al no existir?
¿No podía suceder que, sin quererlo ella misma, se destruyesen en su
alma ciertos afectos, y que de las ruinas de estos nacieran otros con
menos intensidad y lozanía, pero con más condiciones de realidad y
Tan abstraída estaba, que no advirtió cuán bravamente aceptaba la
voz del padre Alelí el reto de los lejanos bramidos de doña Crucita, y
dejando el tono pastoril, iba aumentando en intensidad sonora hasta
llegar a un toque de clarines que habrían infundido ideas belicosas a
todo aquel que los oyera. Los cañones respiratorios del reverendo
decían seguramente en su enérgico lenguaje: «cuando yo ronco en
esta casa, nadie me levanta el gallo». Acobardada y humillada por tan
marcial alboroto, doña Crucita se recogió y se fue aplacando, hasta
que su música no fue más que un murmullo como el de los perezosos
beatos que rezan dentro de una vasta catedral, y luego se cambió en
el sollozo de las hojas de otoño arrancadas por el viento y bailando
con él.
A su vez, el victorioso ronquido de Alelí remedó el fagot de un coro
de frailes, y después dejo oír varias notas vagas, suspironas, fugitivas
como los murmullos del órgano cuando el organista pasa los dedos
sobre el teclado en tanto que el oficiante le da con sus preces la seña
de empezar. La música roncadora se había hecho triste, coincidiendo
con la oscuridad casi completa que llenaba la pieza.
Pero el alma de doña Sola y Monda no estaba triste. Había echado
una mirada al porvenir y lo había visto placentero, tranquilo, honroso y
honrado. Su corazón, al declararse vencido por las realidades un poco
brutales, como conquistadoras que eran, no estaba vacío de
sentimientos, antes bien se llenaba de los afectos más puros, más
delicados, más nobles. La vida nueva que se le ofrecía, debía
inaugurarse, eso sí, con un poco de tristeza; pero ¡cuánta dignidad en
aquella nueva vida!, ¡qué hermoso realce en la personalidad!, ¡qué
ocasión para mostrar los más nobles sentimientos, tales como la
abnegación, la constancia, la fidelidad, el trabajo!, ¡qué ocasión para
perfeccionarse constantemente y ser cada día mejor, realizando e
bien en todas las formas posibles y gozando en el sostenimiento de
esa deliciosa carga que se llama el deber!
¿Pero qué estruendo, qué fragor temeroso era aquel que Sola
sentía tan cerca y que interrumpía sus discretos pensamientos en lo
mejor de ellos? Sonaban ya sin duda las trompetas del Juicio final
pues no de otro modo debían llamarse los destemplados y altísonos
ronquidos de Crucita y el padre Alelí. Los de este se detuvieron
bruscamente, cual si fuera a despertar, y oyose su voz que entre
sueños decía:
—Vete, vete de mi celda, terrible democracio... ¿Qué buscas aquí?
¿a qué vienes a España y a Madrid, si no es a que te ahorquen?..
¡Vuélvete a la emigración de donde jamás debiste salir!..
¡Conspirador..., vagabundo!
Doña Sola y Monda se acercó al fraile para oír mejor lo que entre
dientes seguía diciendo.
Alelí extendió los brazos, quedándose un buen rato como un
crucifijo en sabroso estiramiento de músculos, y con voz clara y entera
dijo así:
—Esproncedilla..., busca-ruidos..., mequetrefe, no me
comprometas..., vete de mi celda.
Sola se acercó y le tomó una mano.
—¿Pero qué osscuridad es esta? ¿En dónde estoy?
—¡Vaya un modo de dormir y de disparatar! —replicó Sola riendo.
—¿Pues qué, he dormido yo?... Si no he hecho más que
aletargarme un instante, cinco minutos todo lo más... Vaya, que se
pone pronto el sol en esta dichosa casa... Chiquilla, dame m
sombrero, que me voy.
—Primero voy a traer luz —dijo la Hormiga saliendo.
Al poco rato volvió con una lámpara, cuyos rayos ofendieron la vista
del fraile.
—Yo creí que ya habían empezado a crecer los días... ¿Qué hora
es? Las cinco y media... Lo dicho, dicho, querida señorita..
¿Reflexionarás en lo que te he manifestado?
—¿Pues qué he de hacer sino reflexionar?
—¿Y comprenderás que se te entra por las puertas la fortuna, y que
vas a ser la más dichosa de las mujeres?
—Pues claro que sí.
—¡Bendita seas tú y bendito quien te trajo a esta casa! —exclamó
Alelí con acento muy evangélico.
Abriose con no poco estrépito la puerta del comedor, y apareció
Crucita de malísimo talante, diciendo:
—No he podido pegar los ojos en toda la tarde con la dichosa
conversación de la niña y el fraile.
—Quita allá, Cruz del Mal Ladrón —replicó Alelí—. Lo que ha sido
es que con la trompeta de tus roncamientos no me has dejado a m
descabezar un mal sueño.
—Sí, porque a fe que el padrito toca algún cascabelillo sordo
cuando duerme... Me habéis tenido toda la tarde despabilada como un
lince, primero con la charla de sus mercedes y luego con los
piporrazos de su reverencia... ¡Qué importunidad, Santo Dios! Busque
usted un momento de tranquilidad en esta casa.
—Cállate, serpiente del Paraíso, que así guardas silencio dormida
como despierta, y no hables de eso, que el que más y el que menos
todos, todos repicamos, y abur.
Echáronse a reír Sola y el fraile, y al fin también se rio un poco
Crucita, pues su genio arisco también tenía flores de cuando en
cuando, si bien estas eran como las plantas marinas, que están en e
fondo y casi siempre en el fondo mueren.

En la tienda, don Benigno preguntó con gran interés a su amigo po

el resultado de la conferencia que con Sola había tenido.
—Muy bien —dijo Alelí—, admirablemente bien.
Después se quedó perplejo, con los ojos fijos en el suelo y el dedo
sobre el labio, como revolviendo en el caótico montón de sus
recuerdos; y al cabo de tantas meditaciones, habló así:
—Pues, hijo, ahora caigo en que no llegué a decirle lo más
importante, porque me acometió un sueño tal, que no lo hubiera
podido vencer aunque me echaran encima un jarro de agua fría... Ya la
tenía preparada; ya, si no me engaño, había ella comprendido e
objeto de mi discurso, y manifestaba un gran contento por la felicidad
que Dios le depara, cuando... Yo no sé sino que me desperté en la
oscuridad de tu comedor, que parece la boca de un lobo... Y qué
quieres, hijo..., lo demás puedes decírselo tú, o se lo diré yo mañana
Quédate con Dios y con la Virgen.
Marchose Alelí, y don Benigno se quedó muy contrariado y ofendido
de la poca destreza de su amigo. Juró no volver a confiar misiones
delicadas a un viejo decrépito y medio lelo, y al mismo tiempo se
sentía él muy cobarde para desempeñar por sí mismo el papel que
había confiado al otro. Cuando subió, después de cerrar la tienda, en
compañía de Juan Jacobo, que había entrado de la calle con un
chichón en la frente, dijo a Sola:
—Ya estoy convencido de que ese estafermo de Alelí es el bobo de
Coria... Apreciabilísima Hormiga, quisiera hablar con usted...
—¿Hablar conmigo?... Ahora mismo; ya escucho —dijo ella
sonriendo de tal modo que a Cordero se le encandilaron los ojos.
Pero en el mismo instante le acometió la timidez de tal modo, que
no se atrevió a decir lo que decir quería, y solo balbució estas
—Es que conviene ponerle a este enemigo una venda y dos cuartos
sobre el chichón, que es el mejor medio de curarlo.
Aquella noche don Benigno estuvo muy triste y se pasó algunas
horas en su cuarto, sin leer a Rousseau, aunque bien se le acordaba
aquel pasaje del libro quinto del Emilio:

«Emilio es hombre, Sofía es mujer... Sofía no enamora a

primer golpe de vista, pero agrada más cada día. Sus encantos
se van manifestando por grados en la intimidad del trato. Su
educación no es ni brillante ni estrecha. Tiene gusto sin estudio
talento sin arte, y criterio sin erudición... La desconformidad de
los matrimonios no nace de la edad, sino del carácter...».

Y luego añadía, alterando un poco el texto:

«Sofía había leído el Telémaco, y estaba prendada de él; pero

ya su tierno corazón ha cambiado de objeto y palpita por el buen

Después Cordero se reía de sí mismo y de su timidez, haciendo

juramento de vencerla al día siguiente, pues lo que él sentía era un
afecto decoroso, un sentimiento de gratitud y de respeto, y no pasión
ni capricho de mozalbete.
Al día siguiente, Sola mostraba excelente humor que rayaba en
festivo, lo que dio muy buena espina al héroe de Boteros. Canturreaba
entre dientes, cosa que no hacía todos los días, y en su cara se
notaba animación, si bien podía observarse que tenía los ojos algo
encendidos. Sin duda había visto y aceptado la posibilidad de un
destino nuevo, honrado y honroso en extremo, y se complacía en él
creyéndolo dispuesto por Dios con extraordinaria sabiduría. Pero si no
se entra en la vida sin llanto, también parece natural que no se entre
en las felicidades nuevas sin algo de lágrimas. Los nuevos estados
aunque sean muy buenos y hermosos, no siempre seducen tanto que
hagan aborrecible la situación vieja por detestable que haya sido. De
aquí venía, sin duda, el que estando de tan buen humor, tuviese en lo
encendido de sus ojos el testimonio de haber lloriqueado algo.
O quizás la alegría que mostraba venía más bien de la voluntad que
del corazón, como si su espíritu, tan hecho a la observancia de los
deberes, hubiese resuelto que convenía estar alegre. La razón sin
duda lo mandaba así, y la razón iba siendo la señora de ella... No hay
más sino que se dominaba maravillosamente, y lograba alcanzar tan
grande victoria sobre sí misma, que era al fin, si es permitido decirlo
así, un producto humano de todas las ideas razonables, una
conciencia puesta en acción.
Su protector le dijo que aquella tarde se verían los dos en su cuarto
para hablar a solas. El héroe se atrevía al fin. Prometió ella se
puntual, y esperó la hora. Pero Dios, que sin duda por móviles
altísimos o inexplicables quería estorbar los honestos impulsos de
héroe, dispuso las cosas de otra manera. Ya se sabe lo que significan
todas las voluntades humanas cuando Él quiere imponer la suya.
Sucedió que poco antes de la hora de comer, Juanito Jacobo
todavía vendado por los chichones del día anterior, andaba enredando
con una pelota. Trabáronse de palabras él y su hermano Rafaelito
sobre a quién pertenecía el tal juguete. Hay indicios y aun
antecedentes jurídicos para creer que el verdadero propietario era e
pequeñuelo, y así debió sentirlo en su conciencia Rafael; que tanto
imperio tiene la justicia en la conciencia humana aunque sea
conciencia en agraz.
Pero de reconocerlo en la conciencia a declararlo, hay gran
distancia, y si tal distancia no existiera, no habría abogados ni curiales
en el mundo. Por eso Rafael, no sintiéndose bastante egoísta para
apandar la pelota, ni bastante generoso para dejársela a su rival, hizo
lo que suelen hacer los chicos en estas contiendas, es a saber; cogió
la pelota y la arrojó a lo alto del armario del comedor, donde no podría
ser alcanzada ni por uno ni por otro.
¡Valiente hazaña la de Rafaelito!... Pero el pequeño Hércules no
había nacido para retroceder ante contrariedades tan tontas. ¡Bonito
genio tenía él para acobardarse porque el techo esté más alto que e
suelo!... Arrastró el sillón hasta acercarlo al armario; puso sobre e
sillón una silla, sobre la silla una banqueta, y ya trepaba él por aquella
frágil torre, cuando esta se vino al suelo con estruendo, y rodó el chico
y se abrió la cabeza contra una de las patas de la mesa.
El laberinto que se armó en la casa no es para descrito. Salió don
Benigno, acudió Sola, puso el grito en el cielo Crucita, ladraron todos
los perros, maldijo la criada todas las pelotas habidas y por haber, lloró
Rafael, gimieron sus hermanos, y el herido fue alzado del suelo sin
conocimiento. Pronto volvió en sí, y la descalabradura no parecía
grave, gracias a la mucha sangre que salió de aquella cabezota. En
tanto que Sola batía aceite con vino, y la criada, partidaria de otro
sistema, mascaba romero para hacer un emplasto, doña Crucita, que
en todas estas ocasiones se remontaba siempre al origen de los
conflictos, repartía una zurribanda general entre los muchachos
mayores, azotándoles sin piedad uno tras otro. Los perros seguían
chillando, y hasta la cotorra tuvo algo que decir acerca de tan
memorable suceso.
Toda la tarde duró la agitación y nadie tuvo ganas de comer, porque
el muchacho padecía bastante con su herida. Vino el médico y dijo
que, sin ser grave, la herida era penosa y exigía mucho cuidado. No
hubo, pues, conferencia entre Cordero y Sola, porque la ocasión no
era propicia. Por la noche Juanito Jacobo se durmió sosegadamente
Sola, que en la misma pieza puso su cama, estaba alerta vigilando a
enfermito. Ya muy tarde se despertó este intranquilo, calenturiento
pidiendo de beber y quejándose de dolores en todo el cuerpo. Sola se
arrojó del lecho medio vestida, y echándose un mantón sobre los
hombros salió para llamar a la criada. Levantose esta, y entre las dos
prepararon medicinas, encendieron la lumbre, fueron y vinieron por los
helados pasillos. A la madrugada, cuando el chico se durmió, a
parecer sosegado y repuesto, Sola sintió un frío intensísimo con
bruscas alternativas de calor sofocante. Arrojose en su lecho y a
punto sintió una postración tan grande que su cuerpo parecía de
plomo. La respiración érale a cada instante más difícil, y no podía
resistir el agudo dolor de las sienes. La tos seca y profunda añadía
una molestia más a tantas molestias, y en su costado derecho le
habían seguramente clavado un gran clavo, pues no otra cosa parecía
la insufrible punzada que la atormentaba en aquella parte.
La criada, que al punto conoció lo grave de tales síntomas, quiso
llamar a don Benigno y a Crucita; pero Sola no consintió que se les
molestara por ella. Era la madrugada. Mientras llegaba el día, la
alcarreña preparó no sé cuántos sudoríficos y emolientes, sin
resultado satisfactorio. Al fin, cuando daban las siete, Crucita dejó las
ociosas plumas, y enterada de lo que pasaba, reprendió a la enferma
por haberse puesto mala voluntariamente; que no otra cosa significaba
el haber tomado aires colados, hallándose, como se hallaba desde
hace días, con un catarro más que regular. La avinagrada señora echó
por la boca mil prescripciones higiénicas para evitar los enfriamientos
y otros tantos anatemas contra las personas que no se cuidaban
Cuando Cordero se levantó, Crucita, que gozaba en anunciar los
sucesos poco gratos, fue a su encuentro y le dijo:
—Ya tenemos otro enfermo en campaña. Sola se ha puesto muy
—¿Qué tiene? —dijo el héroe con repentino dolor, como
presagiando una gran desgracia.
—Pues una pulmonía fulminante.
Si lo partiera un rayo, no se quedara don Benigno más tieso, más
mudo, más parado, más muerto que en aquel momento estaba. Creía
ver su dicha futura, sus risueños proyectos desplomándose como un
castillo de naipes al traidor soplo del Guadarrama.
—Veámosla —dijo recobrando la esperanza; y corrió a la alcoba.
Sola le miró con cariñosos y agradecidos ojos. Quiso hablarle, y la
violenta tos se lo impedía. Nada pudo decir don Benigno, porque
indudablemente el corazón se le había partido en dos pedazos, y uno
de estos se le había subido a la garganta. Al fin hizo un esfuerzo
quiso llenarle de optimismo, y echó una forzada sonrisa diciendo:
—Eso no será nada. Veamos el pulso.
¡Ay!, el pulso era tal que Cordero, en la exaltación de su miedo
creyó que dentro de las venas de Sola había un caballo que
—Que venga don Pedro Castelló, el médico de Su Majestad —dijo
sin poder contener su alarma—. Que vengan todos los médicos de
Madrid... Veamos, apreciable Hormiga: ¿desde cuándo se sintió usted
—Desde ayer tarde —pudo contestar la joven.
—¡Y no había dicho nada!... ¡Qué crueldad consigo mismo y con los
—¡Ya se ve..., no dice nada!... —vociferó Crucita—. ¡Bien merecido
le está!... ¿Hase visto terquedad semejante? Esta es de las que se
morirán sin quejarse... ¿Por qué no se acostó ayer tarde, por qué?
¡Bendito de Dios, qué mujer! Si ella tuviese por costumbre, como es su
deber, consultarme, yo le habría aconsejado anoche que tomara un
buen tazón de flor de malva con unas gotas de aguardiente... Pero ella
se lo hace todo y ella se lo sabe todo... Silencio, Otelo... Vete fuera
Mortimer... No ladres, Blanquillo.
Y en tanto que su hermana imponía silencio al ejército perruno, e
atribulado don Benigno elevaba el pensamiento a Dios Todopoderoso
pidiéndole misericordia.
Sin pérdida de tiempo hizo venir al médico de la casa, y a todos los
médicos célebres, precedidos por don Pedro Castelló, que era la
primera de las celebridades.

Mientras que esto pasaba en casa del vendedor de encajes, doña

Jenara y Pipaón andaban atortolados por el ningún éxito de sus
averiguaciones, y los días iban pasando y la sombra o fantasma que
ambos perseguían se les escapaba de las manos cuando creían
tenerla segura. El terrible democracio albergado en la Trinidad resultó
ser el más inocente y el más calavera de todos, hombre que jamás
haría nada de provecho fuera de las hazañas en el glorioso campo de
arte; gran poeta que pronto había de señalarse cantando dolores y
melancolías desgarradoras. No sabiendo cómo lo recibiría la
Superintendencia, acogiose a los frailes trinitarios por indicación de
Vega, que en aquella casa cumplió seis años antes su condena
cuando el desastre numantino. Influencias de su familia y amigos le
consiguieron pronto el indulto, y decidido a ser en lo sucesivo todo lo
juicioso que su índole de poeta permitiera, solicitó una plaza en la
Guardia de la Real Persona, que le fue concedida más adelante.
Bretón, desesperado por las horribles trabas del teatro, marchó a
Sevilla con Grimaldi, autor de la Pata de cabra. Vega, que luchaba con
la pobreza y era muy perezoso para escribir, quería hacerse cómico y
aun llegó a ajustarse en la compañía de Grimaldi. Considerando esto
los amigos como una deshonra, pusieron el grito en el cielo; pero
como los lamentos no podían sacar al poeta de sus apuros, fue
preciso echar un guante para rescatarle, por haber cobrado con
anticipación parte del sueldo de galán joven. Grimaldi era un
empresario hábil que sabía elegir la gente, y en su memorable
excursión por Cádiz y Sevilla, dio a conocer como actriz de grandísima
precocidad a una niña llamada Matilde, que a los doce años hacía la
protagonista de La huérfana de Bruselas con extraordinario primor.
En Madrid, después de la marcha de Grimaldi, el teatro se
alimentaba de traducciones. Algunas de estas fueron hechas por un
muchacho carpintero, de modestia suma y apellido impronunciable
Era hijo de un alemán, y hacía sillas y dramas. Fue el primero que
acometió en gran escala la restauración del teatro nacional, para saca
al gran Lope del polvoriento rincón en que Moratín y los clásicos le
habían puesto, juntamente con los demás inmortales del siglo de oro
El infeliz ebanista, que no podía ver representadas sus obras
originales, traducía a Voltaire y a Alfieri, refundía a Rojas y al buen
Moreto. Pero su mala estrella no le permitió abrirse camino ni hace
resonar su nombre en la república literaria. Pocos años después, la
víspera del estreno de su gran obra original, que le llevó de un golpe a
las alturas de la fama, el lenguaraz satírico de la época, e
malhumorado y bilioso escritor a quien ya conocemos, decía: «Pues s
el autor es sillero, la obra debe de tener mucha paja». El enrevesado
nombre del ebanista nacido de alemán y criado en un taller, fue, desde
que se conocieron Los amantes de Teruel, uno de los más gloriosos
que España tuvo y tiene en el siglo que corre.
Y el satírico seguía satirizando en la época a que nos referimos
(1831); mas con poca fortuna todavía, y sin anunciar con sus escritos
lo que más tarde fue. Se había casado a los veinte años, y su vida no
era un modelo de arreglo ni de paz doméstica. Recibió protección de
don Manuel Fernández Varela, a quien se debe llamar El Magnífico po
serlo en todas sus acciones. Su corazón generoso, su amor a la
esplendidez, a las artes, a las letras, a todo lo noble y antivulgar, su
trato cortesano, las cuantiosas rentas de que dispuso, hacían de él un
verdadero prócer, un Mecenas, un magnate, superior por mi
conceptos a los estirados e ignorantes señorones de su época, a los
rutinarios y suspicaces ministros. Era la figura del señor Varela
arrogante y simpática, su habla afabilísima y galante, sus modales
muy finos. Vestía con magnificencia, y adornaba el severo vestido
sacerdotal con pieles y rasos tan artísticamente, que parecía una
figura de otras edades. En su mesa se comía mejor que en ninguna
otra, de lo que fueron testimonio dos célebres gastrónomos a quienes
convidó y obsequió mucho. El uno se llamaba Aguado, marqués de las
Marismas, y el otro Rossini, no ya marqués, sino príncipe y emperado
de la Música.
El señor Varela protegió a mucha y diversa gente, distinguiendo
especialmente a sus paisanos los gallegos; fundó colegios, desecó
lagunas, erigió la estatua de Cervantes que está en la plazuela de las
Cortes, ayudó a Larra, a Espronceda y dio a conocer a Pastor Díaz.
Cuando vino Rossini en marzo de aquel año, le encargó una misa
Rossini no quería componer misas... «Pues un Stabat Mater», le dijo
Varela. El maestro compuso en aquellos días el primer número de su
gran obra religiosa que parece dramática. El resto lo envió desde e
extranjero. Cuentan que Varela le pagó bien.
Algunos números del célebre Stabat se estrenaron aquella Semana
Santa en San Felipe el Real, dirigidos por el mismo Rossini, y hubo
tantas apreturas en la iglesia, que muchos recibieron magulladuras y
contusiones, y se asfixiaron dos o tres personas en medio del tumulto
Rossini fue obsequiado, como es de suponer, atendida su gran fama
Tenía próximamente cuarenta años, buena figura, y su hermosa cara
un poco napoleónica, revelaba, más que el estro músico y el aire de la
familia de Orfeo, su afición al epigrama y a los buenos platos.
Habiendo recibido en un mismo día dos invitaciones a comer, una
del señor Varela y otra de un grande de España, prefirió la del primero
Preguntada la causa de esta preferencia, respondió:
—Porque en ninguna parte se come mejor que en casa de los
En efecto: la mesa de este generoso y espléndido sacerdote era la
mejor de Madrid. A sus salones de la plazuela de Barajas concurría
gente muy escogida, no faltando en ellos damas elegantes y
hermosas, porque, a decir verdad, el señor Varela no estaba por e
ascetismo en esta materia.
Pero allí la opulencia del señor y su misma gravedad de eclesiástico
no permitían la confianza y esparcimientos de otras tertulias. La de
Cambronero, por el contrario, era de las más agradables y divertidas
dentro de los límites de la decencia más refinada.
Era el señor don Manuel María Cambronero varón dignísimo, de
altas prendas y crédito inmenso como abogado. Durante muchos años
no tuvo rival en el foro de Madrid, y todos los grandes negocios de la
aristocracia estaban a su cargo. Fue en su época lo que
posteriormente Pérez Hernández y más tarde Cortina. Su señora era
castellana vieja, algo chapada a la antigua, y sus hijos siguieron
diversos destinos y carreras. Uno de ellos, don José, casó por aquellos
años con Doloritas Armijo, guapísima muchacha, cuyo nombre parece
que no viene al caso en esta relación, y, sin embargo, está aquí muy
en su lugar.
El primer pasante de Cambronero era un joven llamado Juan
Bautista Alonso, a quien el insigne letrado tomó gran cariño, legándole
al morir sus negocios y su rica biblioteca. Alonso, que más tarde fue
también abogado eminente, político y filósofo de nota, tuvo en su
mocedad aficiones de poeta, y, por tanto, amistad con todos los poetas
y literatos jóvenes de la época. Él fue, pues, quien introdujo en las
agradabilísimas y honestas tertulias de Cambronero a Vega
Espronceda, Felipe Pardo, Juanito Pezuela, y, por último, a
misántropo, al que ya se llamaba con poca fortuna Duende satírico, y
más tarde se había de llamar Pobrecito hablador, Bachiller Pérez de
Murguía, Andrés Niporesas, y, finalmente, Fígaro.
El entrometido Pipaón iba también a casa de Cambronero. Jenara
sin que se supiese la causa, había disminuido considerablemente sus
tertulias; recibía poquísima gente, y solo daba convites en muy
contados días. En cambio, frecuentaba la tertulia de Cambronero
donde hallaba casi todo el contingente de la suya, y además otras
personas que no había tratado hasta entonces; tales como don Ánge
Iznardi, don José Rives, don Juan Bautista Erro, el conde de Negri y
otros varios.
También se veía por allí al joven Olózaga, pasante, como Alonso
en el bufete de Cambronero, si bien menos asiduo en el trabajo
Desde los principios del año andaba Salustiano tan distraído, que no
parecía el mismo. Iba a las reuniones como por compromiso o po
temor de que al echarse de menos su persona, se le creyese
empeñado en conspiraciones políticas. Su mismo padre, don
Celestino, se quejaba de sus frecuentes ausencias de la casa. Ta
conducta no podía atribuirse sino a dos motivos: política o amores. La
familia y los conocidos, inclinándose siempre a lo menos peligroso
presumían que Salustiano andaba enamorado. Su buena figura, su
elocuencia, sus distinguidos modales, la misma exaltación de sus
ideas políticas y otras prendas de mucha estima, dándole desde su
tierna juventud gran favor entre las damas, justificaban aquella idea.
De repente, Jenara dejó de asistir también con puntualidad a las
tertulias. El público, que todo lo quiere explicar según su especia
modo de ver, comentó aquellas ausencias con cierta malignidad, y
hasta hubo quien hablara de fuga al extranjero en busca de apartadas
y placenteras soledades, propicias al amor. Se daban pormenores, se
referían entrevistas, se repetían frases, y, sin embargo, todo esto y lo
demás que se dijo y que no es para contado, era un castillo aéreo
levantado por las delicadas manos de la chismografía. Pero acontece
que tales obras, con ser de aire, son mucho más fáciles de levanta
que de destruir, y aquella iba tomando consistencia de día en día y
alzándose más, y engalanándose con torreones de epigramas y
chapiteles de calumnias.

Mediaba el mes de marzo cuando estas hablillas llegaron a su más

alto grado. Jenara no recibía a nadie; pero no estaba enferma, porque
a menudo se la veía en la calle o paseando en coche, y visitando a
personajes de alto copete.
Un día se encontraron ella y Pipaón en la antesala de la Comisión
Militar. Jenara salía, Pipaón entraba. Eran las cinco de la tarde, hora
excelente para el paseo en aquella estación.
—Iba a su casa de usted —le dijo don Juan—, para prevenirla de
peligro que corre...
—¡Yo! —exclamó la dama con gesto de orgullo—. ¿También yo
corro peligro?
—¿Y por qué?
—Salgamos de esta caverna, señora, que si en todas partes oyen
las paredes, aquí oyen las ropas que vestimos, hasta la sombra que
hacemos sobre el suelo. Vámonos.
—¿Qué hay? —dijo la señora extraordinariamente alarmada—
Quiero ver a Maroto.
—No recibe ahora... Salgamos y hablaremos. Principiaré diciendo a
usted que hemos errado en todos nuestros cálculos. Buscábamos a
nuestro amigo en casa de Cordero, en el convento de la Trinidad, en la
cárcel de Corte, en el parador de Zaragoza, en el sótano de la botica
de la calle de Hortaleza, en la habitación del jefe del guardamangier de
palacio, y ahora resulta que no estaba en ninguno de estos parajes
—¿En dónde, en dónde?
—Salgamos de esta casa, señora —añadió Pipaón poniendo el pie
en el último peldaño.

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