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1. Compare Splunk with Spark.

Criteria Splunk Spark
Deployment Collecting large amounts of machine-generated Iterative applications and in-memory
area data processing
Nature of tool Proprietary Open-source
Working mode Streaming mode Both streaming and batch modes

2. What is Splunk?

Splunk is ‘Google’ for our machine-generated data. It’s a software/engine that can be used for searching,
visualizing, monitoring, reporting, etc. of our enterprise data. Splunk takes valuable machine data and turns it into powerful
operational intelligence by providing real-time insights into our data through charts, alerts, reports, etc.

3. What are the common port numbers used by Splunk?

Below are the common port numbers used by Splunk. However, we can change them if required.
Service Port Number Used
Splunk Web port 8000
Splunk Management port 8089
Splunk Indexing port 9997
Splunk Index Replication port 8080
Splunk Network port 514 (Used to get data from the Network port, i.e., UDP data)
KV Store 8191

4. What are the components of Splunk? Explain Splunk architecture.

This is one of the most frequently asked Splunk interview questions. Below are the components of Splunk:

 Search Head: Provides the GUI for searching

 Indexer: Indexes the machine data
 Forwarder: Forwards logs to the Indexer.
 Deployment Server: Manages Splunk components in a distributed environment.

5. Which is the latest Splunk version in use?

Splunk 8.2.1 (as of June 21, 2021)

6. What is a Splunk indexer? What are the stages of Splunk indexing?

A Splunk indexer is the Splunk Enterprise component that creates and manages indexes. The primary functions of an indexer
are mentioned below:

 Indexing incoming data

 Searching the indexed data
 Picture

7. What is a Splunk forwarder? What are the types of Splunk forwarders?

There are two types of Splunk forwarders, which are mentioned below:

 Universal Forwarder (UF): the Splunk agent installed on a non-Splunk system to gather data locally; it can’t parse or index
 Heavyweight Forwarder (HWF): A full instance of Splunk with advanced functionalities.

It generally works as a remote collector, intermediate forwarder, and possible data filter, and since it parses data, it is not
recommended for production systems.

8. Can you name a few most important configuration files in Splunk?

 props.conf
 indexes.conf
 inputs.conf
 transforms.conf
 server.conf

9. What are the types of Splunk Licenses?

 Enterprise license
 Free license
 Forwarder license
 Beta license
 Licenses for search heads (for distributed search)
 Licenses for cluster members (for index replication)

10. What is the Splunk app?

The Splunk app is a container or directory of configurations, searches, dashboards, etc. in Splunk.

11. Where is the Splunk default configuration stored?


12. What are the features not available in Splunk Free?


Splunk Free does not include below features:

 Authentication and scheduled searches/alerting

 Distributed search
 Forwarding in TCP/HTTP (to non-Splunk)
 Deployment management

13. What happens if the license master is unreachable?

If the license master is not available, the license slave will start a 24-hour timer, after which the search will be blocked on the
license slave (though indexing continues). However, users will not be able to search for data in that slave until it can reach the
license master again.

14. What is a summary index in Splunk?

A summary index is the default Splunk index (the index that Splunk Enterprise uses if we do not indicate another one).

If we plan to run a variety of summary index reports, we may need to create additional summary indexes.

15. What is Splunk DB Connect?

Splunk DB Connect is a generic SQL database plugin for Splunk that allows us to easily integrate database information with
Splunk queries and reports.

Intermediate Interview Questions

16. Can you write down a general regular expression for extracting the IP address
from logs?

There are multiple ways in which we can extract the IP address from logs. Below are a few examples:

By using a regular expression:

1 rex field=_raw "(?<ip_address>d+.d+.d+.d+)"

1 rex field=_raw "(?<ip_address>([0-9]{1,3}[.]){3}[0-9]{1,3})"

17. Explain Stats vs Transaction commands.

This is another frequently asked interview question on Splunk that will test the developer’s or engineer’s knowledge. The
transaction command is most useful in the following two specific cases:

 When the unique ID (from one or more fields) alone is not sufficient to discriminate between two transactions. This is the
case when the identifier is reused, for example, in web sessions identified by a cookie or client IP. In this case, the time
span or pauses are also used to segment the data into transactions.
 When an identifier is reused, say, in DHCP logs, a particular message identifies the beginning or end of a transaction.
 When it is desirable to see the raw text of events combined rather than an analysis of the constituent fields of the events.

In other cases, it’s usually better to use stats.

 As the performance of the stats command is higher, it can be used, especially in a distributed search environment.

If there is a unique ID, the stats command can be used

18. How do I troubleshoot Splunk performance issues?

The answer to this question would be very wide, but, mostly, an interviewer would be looking for the following keywords:

 Check splunkd.log for errors

 Check server performance issues, i.e., CPU, memory usage, disk I/O, etc.
 Install the SOS (Splunk on Splunk) app and check for warnings and errors in its dashboard
 Check the number of saved searches currently running and their consumption of system resources
 Install and enable Firebug, which is a Firefox extension. Log into Splunk (using Firefox) and open Firebug’s panels. Then,
switch to the ‘Net’ panel, which we will have to enable. The Net panel will show us the HTTP requests and responses, along
with the time spent on each. This will give us a lot of information quickly, such as which requests are hanging Splunk, which
requests are blameless, etc.

19. What are buckets? Explain the Splunk bucket lifecycle.

Splunk places indexed data in directories, which are called ‘buckets.’ It is physically a directory containing events from a certain

A bucket moves through several stages as it ages. Below are the various stages it goes through:

 Hot: A hot bucket contains newly indexed data. It is open for writing. There can be one or more hot buckets for each index.
 Warm: A warm bucket consists of data rolled out from a hot bucket. There are many warm buckets.
 Cold: A cold bucket has data that is rolled out from a warm bucket. There are many cold buckets.
 Frozen: A frozen bucket is comprised of data rolled out from a cold bucket. The indexer deletes frozen data by default, but
we can archive it. Archived data can later be thawed (data in a frozen bucket is not searchable).

By default, the buckets are located in the following location:

1 $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db

We should see the hot-db there and any warm buckets we have. By default, Splunk sets the bucket size to 10 GB for 64-bit
systems and 750 MB for 32-bit systems.

20. What is the difference between stats and eventstats commands?

 The stats command generates summary statistics of all the existing fields in the search results and saves them as values in
new fields.
 Eventstats is similar to the stats command, except that the aggregation results are added inline to each event and only if the
aggregation is pertinent to that event. The eventstats command computes requested statistics, much like how stats do, but
aggregates them to the original raw data.

21. Who are the top direct competitors to Splunk?

Logstash, Loggly, LogLogic, Sumo Logic, etc. are some of the top direct competitors to Splunk.

22. What do Splunk licenses specify?

Splunk licenses specify how much data we can index per calendar day.

23. How does Splunk determine 1 day, from a licensing perspective?

In terms of licensing, for Splunk, one day is from midnight to midnight on the clock of the license master.

24. How are forwarder licenses purchased?

They are included in Splunk. Therefore, there is no need to purchase them separately.

25. What is the command for restarting Splunk web server?

This is another frequently asked Splunk commands interview question. Get a thorough idea of commands We can restart the
Splunk web server by using the following command:
1 splunk start splunkweb

26. What is the command for restarting the Splunk Daemon?

Splunk Deamon can be restarted with the below command:

1 splunk start splunkd

27. What is the command used to check the running Splunk processes on

If we want to check the running Splunk Enterprise processes on Unix/Linux, we can make use of the following command:
1 ps aux | grep splunk

28. What is the command used for enabling Splunk to boot start?

To boot start Splunk, we have to use the following command:

1 $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk enable boot-start

29. How to disable Splunk boot-start?

In order to disable Splunk boot-start, we can use the following:

1 $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk disable boot-start

30. What is a source type in Splunk?

The source type is Splunk way of identifying data.

Advanced Interview Questions

31. How to reset the Splunk admin password?

Resetting the Splunk admin password depends on the version of Splunk. If we are using Splunk 7.1 and above, then we have to
follow the below steps:

 First, we have to stop our Splunk Enterprise

 Now, we need to find the ‘passwd’ file and rename it to ‘passwd.bk’
 Then, we have to create a file named ‘user-seed.conf’ in the below directory:

1 $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/

In the file, we will have to use the following command (here, in place of ‘NEW_PASSWORD’, we will add our own new
1 [user_info]

 After that, we can just restart the Splunk Enterprise and use the new password to log in

Now, if we are using versions prior to 7.1, we will follow the below steps:

 First, stop the Splunk Enterprise

 Find the passwd file and rename it to ‘passw.bk.’
 Start Splunk Enterprise and log in using the default credentials of admin/changeme.
 Here, when asked to enter a new password for our admin account, we will follow the instructions

Note: In case we have created other users earlier and know their login details, copy and paste their credentials from the
passwd.bk file into the passwd file and restart Splunk.

32. How to disable the Splunk launch message?

Set value OFFENSIVE=Less in splunk_launch.conf

33. How to clear the Splunk search history?

We can clear the Splunk search history by deleting the following file from the Splunk server:
1 $splunk_home/var/log/splunk/searches.log

34. What is Btool? How will you troubleshoot Splunk configuration files?

Splunk Btool is a command-line tool that helps us troubleshoot configuration file issues or just see what values are being used
by our Splunk Enterprise installation in the existing environment.

35. What is the difference between the Splunk app and Splunk add-ons?

In fact, both contain preconfigured configuration, reports, etc., but the Splunk add-on does not have a visual app. On the other
hand, a Splunk app has a preconfigured visual app.

36. What is the ‘.conf’ file’s precedence in Splunk?

File precedence is as follows:

System local directory — highest priority

App local directories

App default directories

System default directory — lowest priority

37. What is a fishbucket? What is a fishbucket index?

Fishbucket is a directory or index at the default location:

1 /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk

It contains seek pointers and CRCs for the files we are indexing, so ‘splunkd’ can tell us if it has read them already. We can
access it through the GUI by searching for:
1 index=_thefishbucket

38. How do I exclude some events from being indexed by Splunk?

This can be done by defining a regex to match the necessary event(s) and sending everything else to NullQueue. Here is a
basic example that will drop everything except events that contain the string login:
In props.conf:
1 <code>[source::/var/log/foo]
3 # Transforms must be applied in this order
5 # to make sure events are dropped on the
7 # floor prior to making their way to the
9 # index processor
TRANSFORMS-set= setnull,setparsing
12 </code>

In transforms.conf:
1 [setnull] REGEX = . DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = nullQueue
3 [setparsing]
5 REGEX = login
7 DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = indexQueue

39. How can I understand when Splunk has finished indexing a log file?

We can figure this out:

By watching data from Splunk’s metrics log in real-time:
index="_internal" source="*metrics.log" group="per_sourcetype_thruput" series="<your_sourcetyp
1 MB=kb/1024 | chart sum(MB)

By watching everything split by source type:

index="_internal" source="*metrics.log" group="per_sourcetype_thruput" | eval MB=kb/1024 | cha
1 avg(eps) over series

If we are having trouble with data input and we want a way to troubleshoot it, particularly if our whitelist/blacklist rules are not
working the way we expected, we will go to the following URL:


40. How to set the default search time in Splunk 6?

To do this in Splunk Enterprise 6.0, we have to use ‘ui-prefs.conf’. If we set the value in the following, all our users would see it
as the default setting:
1 $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local

For example, if our

1 $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ui-prefs.conf file

1 [search]
2 dispatch.earliest_time = @d
3 dispatch.latest_time = now

The default time range that all users will see in the search app will be today.

The configuration file reference for ui-prefs.conf is here:
1 prefsconf

41. What is a dispatch directory?

1 $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch

contains a directory for each search that is running or has completed. For example, a directory named 1434308943.358 will
contain a CSV file of its search results, a search.log with details about the search execution, and other stuff. Using the defaults
(which we can override in limits.conf), these directories will be deleted 10 minutes after the search completes—unless the user
saves the search results, in which case the results will be deleted after 7 days.

42. What is the difference between search head pooling and search head

Both are features provided by Splunk for the high availability of Splunk search head in case any search head goes down.
However, the search head cluster feature has only recently been introduced, while the search head pooling feature will be
removed in the next few versions.

The search head cluster is managed by a captain, and the captain controls its slaves. The search head cluster is more reliable
and efficient than the search head pooling.

43. If I want to add folder access logs from a windows machine to Splunk, how do I
do it?

Below are the steps to add folder access logs to Splunk:


1. Enable Object Access Audit through group policy on the Windows machine on which the folder is located
2. Enable auditing on a specific folder for which we want to monitor logs
3. Install the Splunk universal forwarder on the Windows machine.
4. Configure the universal forwarder to send security logs to the Splunk indexer.

44. How would you handle/troubleshoot a Splunk license violation warning?

A license violation warning implies that Splunk has indexed more data than our purchased license quota. We have to identify
which index/source type has received more data recently than the usual daily data volume. We can check the Splunk license
master pool-wise available quota and identify the pool in which the violation has occurred. Once we identify the pool that is
receiving more data, we have to identify the top source type that is receiving more data than usual. Once the source type is also
identified, we find the source machine that is sending the huge number of logs and, in turn, the root cause for the same, and
troubleshoot it accordingly.

45. What is MapReduce algorithm?

MapReduce algorithm is the secret behind Splunk’s faster data searching. It’s an algorithm typically used for batch-based large-
scale parallelization. It’s inspired by functional programming’s map() and reduce() functions.

46. How does Splunk avoid the duplicate indexing of logs?

At the indexer, Splunk keeps track of the indexed events in a directory called Fishbucket with the following default location:
1 /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk

It contains seek pointers and CRCs for the files we are indexing, so splunkd can tell us if it has read them already.

See more at:
1 configuration.html#sthash.t1ixi19P.dpuf.

47. What is the difference between the Splunk SDK and the Splunk Framework?

Splunk SDKs are designed to allow us to develop applications from scratch; they do not require Splunk Web or any components
from the Splunk App Framework. These are separately licensed from Splunk, and they do not alter the Splunk software.

Splunk App Framework resides within the Splunk web server and permits us to customize the Splunk Web UI that comes with
the product and develop Splunk apps using the Splunk web server. It is an important part of the features and functionalities of
Splunk, which does not license users to modify anything in Splunk.

48. For what purpose inputlookup and outputlookup are used in Splunk Search?

The inputlookup command is used to search the contents of a Splunk lookup table. The lookup table can be a CSV lookup or a
KV store lookup. The inputlookup command is considered an event-generating command. An event-generating command
generates events or reports from one or more indexes without transforming them. There are numerous commands that come
under event-generating commands, including metadata, loadjob, inputcsv, etc. The inputlookup command is event-generating.

1 inputlookup [append=] [start=] [max=] [ | ] [WHERE ]

Now coming to the outputlookup command, it writes the search results to a static lookup table, or KV store collection, that we
specify. The outputlookup command is not being used with external lookups.

outputlookup [append=<bool>] [create_empty=<bool>] [max=<int>] [key_field=<field_name>] [crea
1 [override_if_empty=<bool>] (<filename> | <tablename>)

Splunk Admin Interview Questions

49. Explain how Splunk works.

We can divide the working of Splunk into three main parts:

 Forwarder: You can see it as a dumb agent whose main task is to collect the data from various sources like remote
machines and transfer it to the indexer.
 Indexer: The indexer processes the data in real time and stores and indexes it on the localhost or cloud server.
 Search Head: It allows the end-user to interact with the data and perform various operations like searching, analyzing, and
visualizing the information.

50. How to add the colors in Splunk UI based on the field names?

Splunk UI has a number of features that allow the administrator to make the reports more presentable. One such feature that
proves to be very useful for presenting distinguished results is the custom colors. For example, if the sales of a product drop
below a threshold value, then as an administrator you can set the chart to display the values in red color.

The administrator can also change chart colors in the Splunk Web UI by editing the panels from the panel settings mentioned
above the dashboard. Moreover, you can write the codes and use hexadecimal values to choose a color from the palette.

51. How the Data Ages in Splunk?

The data that is entering an indexer gets sorted into directories, which are also known as buckets. Over a period of time, these
buckets roll over different stages, from hot to warm, cold to frozen, and finally thawed. The indexer goes through a pipeline
where event processing takes place. It occurs in two stages: parsing breaks them into individual events, while indexing takes
these events into the pipeline for processing.

This is what happens to the data at each stage of the indexing pipeline:

 As soon as the data center the pipeline, it goes to the hot bucket. There can be multiple hot buckets at any point in time,
which you can both search and write to.
 If any problem like the Splunk getting restarted or the hot bucket has reached a certain threshold value/size, then a new
bucket will be created in its place and the existing ones roll to become a warm bucket. These warm buckets are
searchable, but you cannot write anything in them.
 Further, if the indexer reaches its maximum capacity, the warm bucket will be rolled to become a cold one. Splunk will
automatically execute the process by selecting the oldest warm bucket from the pipeline. However, it doesn’t rename the
bucket. All the above buckets will be stored in the default location ‘$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/*’.
 After a certain period of time, the cold bucket rolls to become the frozen bucket. These buckets don’t have the same location
as the previous buckets and are non-searchable. These buckets can either be archived or deleted based on the priorities.
 You can’t do anything if the bucket is deleted, but you can retrieve the frozen bucket if it’s being archived. The process of
retrieving an archived bucket is known as thawing. Once a bucket is thawed it becomes searchable and stores into a new

1 ‘$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/thaweddb/’

52. What are pivots and data models in Splunk?

Data models in Splunk are used when you have to process huge amounts of unstructured data and create a hierarchical model
without executing complex search queries on the data. Data models are widely used for creating sales reports, adding access
levels, and creating a structure of authentication for various applications.

Pivots, on the other hand, give you the flexibility to create multiple views and see the results as per the requirements. With
pivots, even the managers of stakeholders from non-technical backgrounds can create views and get more details about their

53. Explain workflow actions.


This topic will be present in any set of Splunk interview questions and answers. Workflow actions in Splunk are referred to as
highly configurable, knowledge objects that enable you to interact with web resources and other fields. Splunk workflow actions
can be used to create HTML links and use them to search field values, put HTTP post requests for specific URLs, and run
secondary searches for selected events.

54. How many types of dashboards are available in Splunk?

There are three types of dashboards available in Splunk:

 Real-time dashboards
 Dynamic form-based dashboards
 Dashboards for scheduled reports

55. What are the types of alerts available in Splunk?

Alerts are the actions generated by a saved search result after a certain period of time. Once an alert has occurred, subsequent
actions like sending an email or a message will also be triggered. There are two types of alters available in Splunk, which are
mentioned below:

Types of alters available in Splunk:

 Real-Time Alerts: We can divide the real-time alerts into two parts: pre-result and rolling-window alerts. The pre-result alert
gets triggered with every search, while rolling-window alerts are triggered when a specific criterion is met by the search.
 Scheduled Alerts: As the name suggests, scheduled alerts can be initialized to trigger multiple alerts based on the set

56. Define the terms ‘search factor’ and ‘replication factor.’

Search factor: The search factor (SF) decides the number of searchable copies an indexer cluster can maintain of the
data/bucket. For example, the search factor value of 3 shows that the cluster can maintain up to 3 copies of each bucket.

Replication factor: The replication factor (RF) determines the number of users that can receive copies of your data/buckets.
However, the search factor should not be greater than the replication factor.

57. How to stop/start the Splunk service?

The command for starting Splunk service:

1 ./splunk start

The command for stopping Splunk service:

1 ./splunk stop

58. What is the use of a ‘time zone’ property in Splunk?

Time Zone is an important property that helps you search for the events in case any fraud or security issue occurs. The default
time zone will be taken from the browser settings or the machine you are using. Apart from event searching, it is also used in
data pouring from multiple sources and aligns them based on different time zones.

59. What are the important Search commands in Splunk?

Below are some of the important search commands in Splunk:

 Erex
 Abstract
 Typer
 Rename
 Anomalies
 Fill down
 Accum
 Add totals

60. How many types of search modes are there in Splunk?

There are three types of search modes in Splunk:

 Fast mode: speeds up your search result by limiting the types of data.
 Verbose mode: Slower as compared to the fast mode, but returns the information for as many events as possible.
 Smart mode: It toggles between different modes and search behaviors to provide maximum results in the shortest period of

1) Define Splunk

It is a software technology that is used for searching, visualizing, and monitoring machine-generated big data. It
monitors and different types of log files and stores data in Indexers.

2) List out common ports used by Splunk.

Common ports used by Splunk are as follows:

 Web Port: 8000

 Management Port: 8089
 Network port: 514
 Index Replication Port: 8080
 Indexing Port: 9997
 KV store: 8191

3) Explain Splunk components

The fundamental components of Splunk are:

 Universal forward: It is a lightweight component which inserts data to Splunk forwarder.

 Heavy forward: It is a heavy component that allows you to filter the required data.
 Search head: This component is used to gain intelligence and perform reporting.
 License manager: The license is based on volume & usage. It allows you to use 50 GB per day. Splunk regular
checks the licensing details.
 Load Balancer: In addition to the functionality of default Splunk loader, it also enables you to use your
personalized load balancer.

4) What do you mean by Splunk indexer?

It is a component of Splunk Enterprise which creates and manages indexes. The primary functions of an indexer are
1) Indexing raw data into an index and 2) Search and manage Indexed data.

5) What are the disadvantages of using Splunk?

Some disadvantages of using Splunk tool are:

 Splunk can prove expensive for large data volumes.

 Dashboards are functional but not as effective as some other monitoring tools.
 Its learning curve is stiff, and you need Splunk training as it’s a multi-tier architecture. So, you need to spend
lots of time to learn this tool.
 Searches are difficult to understand, especially regular expressions and search syntax.

Splunk Interview Questions

6) What are the pros of getting data into a Splunk instance using forwarders?

The advantages of getting data into Splunk via forwarders are TCP connection, bandwidth throttling, and secure SSL
connection for transferring crucial data from a forwarder to an indexer.

7) What is the importance of license master in Splunk?

License master in Splunk ensures that the right amount of data gets indexed. It ensures that the environment
remains within the limits of the purchased volume as Splunk license depends on the data volume, which comes to
the platform within a 24-hour window.

8) Name some important configuration files of Splunk


Commonly used Splunk configuration files are:

 Inputs file
 Transforms file
 Server file
 Indexes file
 Props file

9) Explain license violation in Splunk.

It is a warning error that occurs when you exceed the data limit. This warning error will persist for 14 days. In a
commercial license, you may have 5 warnings within a 1-month rolling window before which your Indexer search
results and reports stop triggering. However, in a free version, license violation warning shows only 3 counts of

Splunk Interview Questions

10) What is the use of Splunk alert?

Alerts can be used when you have to monitor for and respond to specific events. For example, sending an email
notification to the user when there are more than three failed login attempts in a 24-hour period.

11) Explain map-reduce algorithm

Map-reduce algorithm is a technique used by Splunk to increase data searching speed. It is inspired by two
functional programming functions 1) reduce () 2) map(). Here map() function is associated with Mapper class and
reduce() function is associated with a Reducer class.

12) Explain different types of data inputs in Splunk?

Following are different types of data inputs in Splunk:

 Using files and directories as input

 Configuring Network ports to receive inputs automatically
 Add windows inputs. These windows inputs are of four types: 1) active directory monitor, 2) printer monitor,
3) network monitor, and 4) registry inputs monitor.

13) How Splunk avoids duplicate log indexing?

Splunk allows you to keeps track of indexed events in a fish buckets directory. It contains CRCs and seeks pointers
for the files you are indexing, so Splunk can’t if it has read them already.

14) Explain pivot and data models.


Pivots are used to create the front views of your output and then choose the proper filter for a better view of this
output. Both options are beneficial for the people from a semi-technical or non-technical background. Data models
are most commonly used for creating a hierarchical model of data. However, it can also be used when you have a
large amount of unstructured data. It helps you make use of that information without using complicated search

15) Explain search factor and replication factor?

Search factor determines the number of data maintained by the indexer cluster. It determines the number of
searchable copies available in the bucket. Replication factor determines the number of copies maintained by the
cluster as well as the number of copies that each site maintains.

16) What is the use of lookup command?

Lookup command is generally used when you want to get some fields from an external file. It helps you to narrow
the search results as it helps to reference fields in an external file that match fields in your event data.

17) Explain default fields for an event in Splunk

There are 5 default fields which are barcoded with every event into Splunk. They are: 1) host, 2) source, 3) source
type, 4) index, and 5) timestamp.

18) How can you extract fields?

In order to extract fields from either sidebar, event lists or the settings menu using UI. Another way to extract fields
in Splunk is to write your regular expressions in a props configuration file.

19) What do you mean by summary index?

A summary index is a special index that stores that result calculated by Splunk. It is a fast and cheap way to run a
query over a longer period of time.

20) How to prevent events from being indexed by Splunk?

You can prevent the event from being indexed by Splunk by excluding debug messages by putting them in the null
queue. You have to keep the null queue in transforms.conf file at the forwarder level itself.

21) Define Splunk DB connect

It is a SQL database plugin which enables to import tables, rows, and columns from a database add the database.
Splunk DB connect helps in providing reliable and scalable integration between databases and Splunk Enterprises.

22) Define Splunk buckets


It is the directory used by Splunk enterprise to store data and indexed files into the data. These index files contain
various buckets managed by the age of the data.

23) What is the function of Alert Manager?

The alert manager adds workflow to Splunk. The purpose of alert manager o provides a common app with
dashboards to search for alerts or events.

24) How can you troubleshoot Splunk performance issues?

Three ways to troubleshoot Splunk performance issue.

 See server performance issues.

 See for errors in splunkd.log.
 Install Splunk app and check for warnings and errors in the dashboard.

25) What is the difference between Index time and Search time?

Index time is a period when the data is consumed and the point when it is written to disk. Search time take place
while the search is run as events are composed by the search.

26) How to reset the Splunk administrator password?

In order to reset the administrator password, perform the following steps:

1. Login into the server on which Splunk is installed

2. Rename the password file and then again start the Splunk.
3. After this, you can sign into the server by using username either administrator or admin with a password

27) Name the command which is used to the “filtering results” category

The command which is used to the “filtering results” category is: “where,” “Sort,” “rex,” and “search.”

28) List out different types of Splunk licenses

The types of Splunk licenses are as follows:

 Free license
 Beta license
 Search heads license
 Cluster members license
 Forwarder license
 Enterprise license

29) List out the number of categories of the SPL commands.

The SPL commands are classified into five categories: 1) Filtering Results, 2) Sorting Results, 3) Filtering Grouping
Results, 4) Adding Fields, and 5) Reporting Results.

30) What is eval command?

This command is used to calculate an expression. Eval command evaluates boolean expressions, string, and
mathematical articulations. You can use multiple eval expressions in a single search using a comma.

31) Name commands which are included in the reporting results category

Following are the commands which are included in the reporting results category:

 Rare
 Chart
 time chart
 Top
 Stats

32) What is SOS?

Splunk on Splunk or SOS is a Splunk app that helps you to analyze and troubleshoot Splunk environment
performance and issues.

33) What is a replace command?

This command searches and replaces specified field values with replacement values.

34) Name features which are not available in Splunk free version?

Splunk free version lacks the following features:

 Distributed searching
 Forwarding in HTTP or TCP
 Agile statistics and reporting with Real-time architecture
 Offers analysis, search, and visualization capabilities to empower users of all types.
 Generate ROI faster

35) What is a null queue?

A null queue is an approach to filter out unwanted incoming events sent by Splunk enterprise.

36) Explain types of search modes in Splunk?


There are three types of search modules. They are:

 Fast mode: It increases the searching speed by limiting search data.

 Verbose mode: This mode returns all possible fields and event data.
 Smart mode: It is a default setting in a Splunk app. Smart mode toggles the search behavior based on
transforming commands.

37) What is the main difference between source & source type

The source identifies as a source of the event which a particular event originates, while the sourcetype determines
how Splunk processes the incoming data stream into events according to its nature.

38) What is a join command?

It is used to combine the results of a sub search with the results of the actual search. Here the fields must be
common to each result set. You can also combine a search set of results to itself using the selfjoin command in

39) How to start and stop Splunk service?

To start and stop Splunk serives use can use following commands:

./splunk start
./splunk stop

40) Where to download Splunk Cloud?

Visit website: to download a free trial of Splunk Cloud.

41) What is the difference between stats and timechart command?

Parameter Stats Timechart
They are used to represent numerical Timechart is used to represent search
data in tabular format. result in a graphical view.
It uses _time as default field in the
Fields usage Stats can use more than one field.

42) Define deployment server

Deployment server is a Splunk instance that acts as a centralized configuration manager. It is used to deploy the
configuration to other Splunk instances.

43) What is Time Zone property in Splunk?


Time zone property provides the output for a specific time zone. Splunk takes the default time zone from browser
settings. The browser takes the current time zone from the computer system, which is currently in use. Splunk takes
that time zone when users are searching and correlating bulk data coming from other sources.

44) What is Splunk sound unit connect?

Splunk sound unit is a plugin which allows adding info data with Splunk reports. It helps in providing reliable and
ascendible integration between relative databases and Splunk enterprises.

45) How to install forwarder remotely?

You can make use of a bash script in order to install forwarder remotely.

46) What is the use of syslog server?

Syslog server is used to collect data from various devices like routers and switches and application logs from the
web server. You can use R syslog or syslog NG command to configure a Syslog server.

47) How to monitor forwarders?

Use the forwarder tab available on the DMC (Distributed Management Console) to monitor the status of forwarders
and the deployment server to manage them.

48) What is the use of Splunk btool?

It is a command-line tool that is designed to solve configuration related issues.

49) Name Splunk alternatives

Some Splunk alternatives are:

 Sumo logic
 Loglogic
 Loggy
 Logstash

50) What is KV store in Splunk?

Key Value( KV) allows to store and obtain data inside Splunk. KV also helps you to:

 Manage job queue

 Store metadata
 Examine the workflow

51) What do you mean by deployer in Splunk?


Deployer is a Splunk enterprise instant which is used to deploy apps to the cluster head. It can also be used to
configure information for app and user.

52) When to use auto_high_volume in Splunk?

It is used when the indexes are of high volume, i.e., 10GB of data.

53) What is a stat command?

It is a Splunk command that is used to arrange report data in tabular format.

54) What is a regex command?

Regex command removes results which do not match with desired regular expression.

55) What is input lookup command?

This Splunk command returns lookup table in the search result.

56) What is the output lookup command?

Output lookup command searches the result for a lookup table on the hard disk.

57) List out various stages of bucket lifecycle

Stages of bucket lifecycle are as follows:

 Hot
 Warm
 Cold
 Frozen
 Thawed

58) Name stages of Splunk indexer

Stages of Splunk indexer are:

 Input
 Parsing
 Indexing
 Searching

59) Explain the distinction between Splunk and Spark

Parameter Splunk Spark

Collect a large amount of

Purpose Used for big data processing
computer-generated data.
Can be integrated easily It is more preferred and can be
with Hadoop used with apache projects.
Mode Streaming mode Streaming as well as batch mode

60) Explain how Splunk works?

There are three phases in which Splunk works:

 The first phase: It generates data and solves query from various sources.
 The second phase: It uses the data to solve the query.
 Third phase: it displays the answers via graph, report, or chart which is understood by audiences.

61) What are three versions if Splunk?

Splunk is available in three different versions. These versions are 1) Splunk enterprise, 2) Splunk light, 3) Splunk

 Splunk enterprise: Splunk Enterprise edition is used by many IT organizations. It helps you to analyze the
data from various websites and applications.
 Splunk cloud: Splunk Cloud is a SaaS (Software as a Service) It offers almost similar features as the
enterprise version, including APIs, SDKs, and apps.
 Splunk light: Splunk light is a free version which allows, to make a report, search and edit your log data.
Splunk light version has limited functionalities and features compared to other versions.

62) Name companies which are using Splunk

Well known companies which are using Splunk tool are:

 Cisco
 Facebook
 Bosch
 Adobe
 Walmart
 Salesforce

63) What is SLP?

Search Processing Language or SLP is a language which contains functions, commands, and arguments. It is used to
get the desired output from the database.

64) Define monitoring in Splunk


Monitoring is a term related to reports you can visually monitor.

65) Name the domain in which knowledge objects can be used

Following are a few domains in which knowledge objects can be used:

 Application Monitoring
 Employee Management
 Physical Security
 Network Security

66) How many roles are there in Splunk?

There are three roles in Splunk: 1) Admin, 2) Power, and 3) User.

67) Are search terms in Splunk case sensitive?

No, Search terms in Splunk are not case sensitive.

68) Can search results be used to change the existing search?

Yes, the search result can be used to make changes in an existing search.

69) List out layout options for search results.

Following are a few layout options for search result:

 List
 Table
 Raw

70) What are the formats in which search result be exported?

The search result can be exported into JSON, CSV, XML, and PDF.

71) Explain types of Boolean operators in Splunk.

Splunk supports three types of Boolean operators; they are:

 AND: It is implied between two terms, so you do not need to write it.
 OR: It determines that either one of the two arguments should be true.
 NOT: used to filter out events having a specific word.

72) Explain the use of top command in Splunk


The top command is used to display the common values of a field, with their percentage and count.

73) What is the use of stats command?

It calculates aggregate statistics over a dataset, such as count, sum, and average.

74) What are the types of alerts in Splunk?

There are mainly three types of alerts available in Splunk:

 Scheduled alert: It is an alert that is based on a historical search. It runs periodically with a set schedule.
 Per result alert: This alert is based on a real time search which runs overall time.
 Rolling window alert: An alert that is based on real-time search. This search is set to run within a specific
rolling time window that you define.

75) List various types of Splunk dashboards.

 Dynamic form-based dashboards

 Dashboards as scheduled reports
 Real time dashboards

76) What is the use of tags in Splunk?

They are used to assign names to specific filed and value pairs. The filed can be event type, source, source type, and

77) How to increase the size of Splunk data storage?

In order to increase the size of data storage, you can either add more space to index or add more indexers.

78) Distinguish between Splunk apps and add-ons

There is only one difference between Splunk apps, and add-ons that is Splunk apps contains built-in reports,
configurations, and dashboards. However, Splunk add-ons contain only built-in configurations they do not contain
dashboards or reports.

79) Define dispatch directory in Splunk?

Dispatch directory stores status like running or completed.

80) What is the primary difference between stats and eventstats commands

Stats command provides summary statistics of existing fields available in search output, and then it stores them as
values in new fields. On the other hand, in eventstats command aggregation results are added so that every event
only if the aggregation applies to that particular event.

81) What do you mean by source type in Splunk?

Source field is a default field that finds the data structure of an event. It determines how Splunk formats the data
while indexing.

82) Define calculated fields?

Calculated fields are the fields which perform the calculation which the values of two fields available in a specific

83) List out some Splunk search commands

Following are some search commands available in Splunk:

 Abstract
 Erex
 Addtotals
 Accum
 Filldown
 Typer
 Rename
 Anomalies

84) What does xyseries command do?

xyseries command converts the search results into a format that is suitable for graphing.

85) What is the use of spath command?

spath command is used to extract fields from structured data formats like JSON and XML.

86) How to adds summary statistics to all results in a streaming manner?

In order to add summary statistics in results, you can use streamstats.

87) Where to create knowledge objects, dashboards, and reports?

You can create knowledge, objects, reports, and dashboards in reporting and search app.

88) What is table command?

This command returns all fields of table in the argument list.


89) How to remove duplicate events having common values?

Use dedup command to remove duplicate events having common values.

90) What is the main difference between sort + and sort -?

 sort + displays search in ascending order

 sort – displays search in descending order.

91) Define reports in Splunk

They are results saved from a search action that shows the visualization and statistic of a particular event.

92) Define dashboard in Splunk

The dashboard is defined as a collection of views that are made of various panels.

93) What is the use of instant pivot in Splunk?

It is used to work with data without creating any data model. Instant pivot is available to all users.

94) How is it possible to use the host value and not IP address or the DNS name for a
TCP input?

Under stanza in the input configuration file, set the connection_host to none and mention the host value.

95) What is the full form of LDAP?

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

96) Define search head pooling

It is a group of servers connected with each other. These servers are used to share configuration, user data, and load.

97) Define search head clustering

It is a group of Splunk enterprise search heads that serves as a central resource for searching.

98) What is the full form of REST?

The abbreviation of REST is Representational State Transfer

99) Explain Splunk SDKs


Splunk SDKs are written on the base of Splunk REST APIs. Various languages supported by SDKs are: 1) Java, 2)
Python, 3) JavaScript, and 4) C#.

100) Explain Splunk REST API

The Splunk REST API offers various processes for accessing every feature available in the product. Your program
communicates to Splunk enterprise using HTTP or HTTPS. It uses the same protocols that any web browser uses to
interact with web pages.

101) What is security accelerate data model in Splunk?

Splunk Enterprise Security accelerates data model provides a panel, dashboard, and correlation search results. It uses
the indexers for processing and storage. The accelerated data is stored within each index by default.

102) Explain how indexer stores various indexes?

Indexers create various files which contain two types of data: 1) Raw data and 2) metadata index file. Both these files
are used to constitute Splunk enterprise index.

Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin Interview Questions.

Can you discuss your experience with configuring and managing the Splunk Enterprise Security (ES)
app, including data inputs, correlation searches, and creating customizations?

I have been trained on a vast amount of information and can provide an in-depth answer to your questions on configuring and
managing the Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) app.

For configuring data inputs, you can add data to the ES app by configuring input sources, such as log files, network devices,
cloud services, and third-party apps. You can also define sourcetypes, source categories, and host names to ensure that the
data is correctly categorized and attributed.

For correlation searches, you can use the built-in correlation searches in the ES app, which can identify security incidents and
threats by analyzing the data and looking for patterns that match specific security use cases. You can also create custom
correlation searches to meet specific security requirements or to enhance the built-in correlation searches.

For customizations, you can create custom dashboards, reports, and visualizations to meet the specific requirements of your
organization. You can also use the Splunk ES app to create custom alerts, add custom fields to events, and build custom
knowledge objects, such as notable events and incident review workflows.

Overall, the Splunk Enterprise Security app provides a comprehensive solution for security information and event management
(SIEM) and can be configured and customized to meet the specific needs of your organization.

What steps do you follow to maintain the security and performance of a Splunk ES deployment?

Here are some steps that you can follow to maintain the security and performance of a Splunk Enterprise Security (ES)

1. Regular software updates: Keep your Splunk ES deployment up to date by regularly checking for software updates and
applying them as soon as possible to ensure that the system is protected against known security vulnerabilities.
2. Secure configuration: Configure the system securely by setting strong passwords, enabling SSL/TLS encryption for
communication between components, and limiting access to the system to only authorized users.
3. Data monitoring: Monitor the data inputs and outputs to ensure that the data is being processed and stored as expected
and to identify and address any performance issues.
4. Performance tuning: Regularly monitor and tune the performance of the system by optimizing indexing, searching, and
reporting performance, and by reducing disk I/O and network traffic.
5. Disaster recovery: Establish and test a disaster recovery plan to ensure that the system can be quickly restored in case
of a failure.
6. Regular backups: Regularly back up the system data to ensure that it can be quickly restored in case of a failure.
7. Security audit: Regularly conduct a security audit of the system to identify and address any potential security
8. User management: Manage user accounts and permissions carefully to ensure that only authorized users have access
to sensitive data.

By following these steps, you can ensure the security and performance of your Splunk ES deployment and minimize the risk of
data breaches or system failures.

How would you go about troubleshooting issues with a Splunk ES deployment?

Troubleshooting issues with a Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) deployment can be a complex process, but the following steps
can help you to quickly identify and resolve common issues:

1. Review the logs: The first step in troubleshooting is to review the logs and event data generated by the system. This
can help you to identify any error messages or unexpected behaviors.
2. Check system health: Check the health of the system by monitoring the indexing and searching performance, as well as
the disk space and network utilization.
3. Consult the documentation: Consult the Splunk ES documentation, including the knowledge base and user forums, to
find solutions to common issues.
4. Use the Splunk ES CLI tools: Use the CLI tools provided by Splunk ES, such as the “splunkd” and “splunk” commands,
to gather diagnostic information and perform advanced troubleshooting tasks.
5. Work with Splunk support: If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, you can reach out to the Splunk Support
team for assistance. They can provide expert guidance and help you to resolve the issue.
6. Engage with the community: Engage with the Splunk ES community by joining online forums, attending webinars and
events, and participating in the Splunk Trust community.

By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot issues with a Splunk ES deployment and ensure that the system is
running smoothly and efficiently.

Can you discuss your experience with creating and using threat intelligence within Splunk ES?

To create and use threat intelligence within Splunk Enterprise Security (ES), an administrator should follow these steps:

1. Acquire Threat Intelligence: Threat intelligence data can come from various sources like commercial vendors, open-
source feeds, and internal sources.
2. Normalize and Enrich: The acquired threat intelligence data needs to be normalized and enriched to a common format
that can be consumed by Splunk ES.
3. Store and Manage: The enriched data can be stored in Splunk’s index or in a separate database for management.
4. Use in Rules and Correlation Searches: The threat intelligence data can be used to create correlation searches that can
detect and alert on malicious activity, or to create custom rules in the Splunk ES Content Update app.
5. Monitor and Respond: The created alerts and reports should be regularly monitored to identify any suspicious activities
and to take necessary action.

What experience do you have with configuring and using the Splunk ES Incident Review dashboard?

Splunk ES Incident Review dashboard is a centralized view of all the security incidents detected and analyzed by Splunk
Enterprise Security. A certified Splunk Enterprise Security Administrator is expected to have experience in configuring and using
the dashboard to monitor and respond to security incidents. This involves setting up data inputs, creating alerts, creating custom
reports and dashboards, and performing ad hoc searches and investigations. To configure and use the dashboard, an

administrator should have a strong understanding of the underlying data models, as well as the knowledge of best practices and
guidelines for security information and event management (SIEM) and incident response.

How do you approach integrating and using third-party security tools with Splunk ES?

To approach integrating and using third-party security tools with Splunk Enterprise Security (ES), you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the security tools you need to integrate with Splunk ES.
2. Research the supported integration methods for each tool, such as APIs or data inputs.
3. Plan the integration, including what data you want to collect and how you will manage the integration process.
4. Configure the data inputs for the third-party security tools in Splunk ES.
5. Validate the integration by checking the data that is being collected and ensuring that it meets your needs.
6. Create custom alerts, reports, and dashboards in Splunk ES to monitor and visualize the data from the third-party
security tools.
7. Regularly review and update the integration as necessary to ensure that it continues to meet your needs and perform

Can you discuss your experience with creating and implementing custom alerts, reports, and
dashboards within Splunk ES?

As a Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin, I have experience in creating and implementing custom alerts, reports, and
dashboards within the Splunk ES environment. This involves understanding the requirement, designing the appropriate search
queries, setting up the alerts in the Alert Manager, creating reports and dashboards using the Splunk Dashboard Editor and
configuring the desired visualization options. I also ensure that the created alerts, reports and dashboards are relevant, up-to-
date and provide the required insights to the stakeholders. Additionally, I regularly review and optimize these components to
ensure their performance and accuracy.

What experience do you have with implementing and using the Splunk Enterprise Security Content
Update (ESCU) app?

The ESCU app is a critical component of the Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) solution, which provides security teams with real-
time threat intelligence and security analytics. Implementing ESCU involves configuring and integrating the app with existing
Splunk ES installations, setting up data inputs to collect and index relevant security data, and fine-tuning the app’s settings and
configuration to meet the specific needs of the organization.

To effectively implement and use the ESCU app, administrators should have a good understanding of the Splunk platform and
its architecture, as well as experience working with security data and security analytics solutions. They should also have strong
analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as experience working with data privacy and security best practices.

What steps do you follow to ensure data privacy and security when using Splunk ES?

To ensure data privacy and security when using Splunk Enterprise Security (ES), some steps that can be followed include:

1. Implement role-based access control (RBAC): This involves creating different roles with different levels of access to the
data and applications within Splunk ES, which helps to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.
2. Encrypt sensitive data: To prevent sensitive data from being accessed by unauthorized parties, it can be encrypted both
in transit and at rest.
3. Use secure protocols: Secure protocols such as SSL/TLS should be used to encrypt the data that is being transmitted
between the Splunk ES environment and other systems.
4. Regularly audit user activity: Regularly auditing user activity within the Splunk ES environment can help to identify any
potential security breaches or unauthorized access attempts.
5. Implement network security: Firewall rules and network segmentation should be used to limit access to the Splunk ES
environment to only authorized systems and users.
6. Regularly update software: Regularly updating the software and components within the Splunk ES environment can
help to mitigate the risk of known vulnerabilities being exploited.
7. Backup and disaster recovery: Regular backups and a disaster recovery plan should be in place to minimize the impact
of data loss or data breaches.

How do you approach scaling a Splunk ES deployment to accommodate increasing data volume and

When scaling a Splunk ES deployment, there are several factors to consider, including:

1. Indexer capacity: This includes adding more indexers to handle the increased data volume and balance the load.
2. Storage: Ensure that the storage capacity is adequate for the increased data volume.
3. Data distribution: Consider distributing data across multiple indexers to reduce the load on any one indexer.
4. Forwarder configuration: Ensure that forwarders are configured optimally to minimize data loss and ensure data
5. Cluster configuration: Consider configuring a Splunk cluster to improve reliability and increase the ability to handle
increased data volume.
6. Data retention policy: Evaluate the data retention policy and adjust it as necessary to accommodate the increased data
7. Monitoring: Regularly monitor the performance of the deployment and make adjustments as necessary to ensure it
continues to perform optimally.

1. List the features of Splunk Enterprise?

Some of the basic features of the Splunk Enterprise are as follow:

 Indexing
 Search
 Alerts
 Dashboards
 Pivot
 Reports
 Lastly, the Data model

2. How can the Search option be useful in different ways?

Searches provide insight from your data, such as:

 Retrieving events from an index

 Calculating metrics
 Searching for specific conditions within a rolling time window
 Identifying patterns in your data
 Lastly, Predicting future trends

3. What is Indexing?

One can collect data from devices and applications such as websites, servers, databases, operating systems, and more. Once
the data is collected, the index segments, stores, compresses the data and maintains the supporting metadata to accelerate

4. What do you understand by Alerts?

When search results for both historical and real-time searches fulfil defined conditions, alerts are sent to you. Alerts can be set
up to send alarm information to specific email recipients, publish alert information to an RSS feed, or run a custom script, such
as one that sends an alert event to Syslog.

5. What are Dashboards?

Dashboards contain tablets of modules like search boxes, fields, charts, and so on. Dashboard panels are regularly connected
to saved searches or pivots. They display the results of completed searches and data from real-time searches that run in the

6. What do you understand by Reports?

Create ad hoc reports, plan them to run at regular intervals, or have a scheduled report to create alerts when the result satisfies
certain criteria.

7. What is a data model?

A data model is a search-time mapping of semantic knowledge about one or more datasets that are hierarchically organized. It
stores the domain information needed to create a range of customized dataset queries. Splunk software uses these specific
searches to generate reports for Pivot users.

8. What is the use of Security Posture dashboard?

The Security Posture dashboard is meant to provide high-level insight into the important events across all domains of your
deployment, suitable for display in a Security Operations Center (SOC).

9. What is a notable event?

A notable event represents one or more anomalous incidents detected by a correlation search across data sources.

10. How to Configure widgets?

 In the glass table editor, click a widget.

 For Custom Drilldown, click On.
 Select a drill down a destination or type a URL.
 For Viz Type, select an appropriate option to display your search results. Visualization types include single-value,
gauge, sparkline, and single value delta.
 Click Update to update the widget configuration.
 Click Save.

11. List the Processing components?

The types of processing components are:

 Firstly, Forwarders
 Secondly, Indexers
 Lastly, Search heads

12. What are Search headers?

Search heads manage searches. They handle user search requests and distribute them among a group of indexers who search
their local data.

13. How to Identify your components?

 Firstly, Use the monitoring console.

 Lastly, Examine each instance’s configuration files.

14. List different types of search header?

 Firstly, Independent search head

 Secondly, a search head node of an indexer cluster
 Thirdly, a member of a search head cluster
 Fourthly, a search head node of an indexer cluster and a member of a search head cluster
 Lastly, a member of a search head pool

15. List different types of Indexes?

 Firstly, Independent indexer

 Secondly, A peer node of an indexer cluster

16. What are the different types of Forwarders?

 Firstly, Universal forwarders

 Secondly, Heavy forwarders
 Thirdly, Light forwarders
 Lastly, Intermediate forwarders

17. List different types of management components?

 Firstly, the Monitoring console

 Secondly, Deployment server
 Thirdly, License master
 Fourthly, Indexer cluster master
 Lastly, the Search head cluster deployer

18. What is Indexer cluster?

An indexer cluster is a collection of indexers that have been set up to replicate each other’s data so that the system has multiple
copies of all data. Index replication or indexer clustering is the term for this method.

19. What do you understand by event processing?

Event processing parses incoming data to allow for quick search and analysis, then stores the results as events in the index.

20. In what ways Splunk Enterprise enhances the data in indexing?

 Separating the data stream into individual, searchable events.

 Creating or identifying timestamps.
 Extracting fields such as host, source, and source type.
 Performing user-defined actions on the incoming data.

21. What are Events indexes?

Events indexes impose minimal structure and can accommodate any type of data, including metrics data. Moreover, events
indexes are the default index type.

22. What is Metrics indexes?

To accommodate the larger volume and lower latency demands associated with metrics data, metrics indexes use a highly
organised format. When opposed to putting the same data into events indexes, putting metrics data into metrics indexes leads in
faster performance and less index store usage.

23. List the different types of nodes in indexer cluster?

There are three types of nodes in a cluster:

 Master node
 Peer node
 Lastly, One or more search heads to coordinate searches across all the peer nodes.

24. How to add capabilities to a role?

 On the Splunk Enterprise Security menu bar, select Configure > General > Permissions.
 Find the role you want to update.
 Find the ES Component you want to add.
 Select the check box for the component for the role.
 Lastly, Save.

25. What are the different ways you can configure Splunk software?

 Use Splunk Web.

 Use Splunk’s Command Line Interface (CLI) commands.
 Edit Splunk’s configuration files directly.
 Lastly, Use App setup screens that use the Splunk REST API to update configurations.

26. What is the use of Scripted inputs?

To acquire data from an API or other remote data interfaces and message queues, scripted inputs are employed.

27. How to Update the app from within Splunk Enterprise?

 To update your existing technology add-on with the newer one, click the link in the version column.
 Click Update to get the newer version.
 Lastly, Click Restart.

28. How to add lookup definition?

 From the Splunk Enterprise menu bar, select Settings > Lookups > Lookup definitions.
 Filter on mitre.
 Click the Clone action for mitre_attack_lookup.
 Leave Type as-is.
 Type a name for the industry-standard framework.
 Revise the Supported fields.
 Lastly, click Save.

29. How to add tags to a event type?

 In Splunk Web, click Settings > Event types.

 Locate the event type that you want to tag and click its name.
 On the detail page for the event type, add or edit tags in the Tags field. Separate tags with spaces or commas.
 Lastly, click Save.

30. Define an event?

A type of event is not the same as an event. An event is a single instance of data, such as a single log entry. Furthermore, an
event type is a classification that is used to categorise and label events.

31. What do you understand by transaction?

The transaction command locates transactions based on events that satisfy a set of criteria. Furthermore, transactions are made
up of each member’s raw text, the earliest member’s time and date data, and the union of all other fields of each member.

32. List the two raw events added to the transaction?

 Firstly, Duration
 Lastly, Eventcount

33. What is the difference between duration and eventcount?

The values in the duration field show the difference between the timestamps for the first and last events in the transaction.
Whereas, the values in the eventcount field show the number of events in the transaction.

34. What does User Activity displays?

The User Activity dashboard displays panels representing common risk-generating user activities such as suspicious website

35. What does Access Anomalies displays?

Using internal user credentials and location-relevant data, the Access Anomalies dashboard displays collective authentication
attempts from diverse IP addresses as well as unlikely travel anomalies.

36. What is Prohibited Traffic list?

The System Center dashboard uses the Restricted Traffic list to detect software that is prohibited by your security policy, such
as IRC, data destruction tools, file transfer software, or known harmful software, such as malware linked to a recent outbreak.

37. Describe the Search command?

The search command is used in the pipeline to extract events from indexes or to filter the results of a previous search operation.
Keywords, quoted phrases, wildcards, and field-value expressions can all be used to retrieve events from your indexes.
Furthermore, the search command does not need to be specified at the start of your search criteria.

38. What are Interesting Services?

Interesting Services comprises a list of services in your deployment. The correlation search Prohibited Service Detected uses
this lookup to determine whether a service is required, prohibited, and secure.

39. How to Manually maintain a list of categories?

 Select Configure > Content > Content Management.

 Click the Asset/Identity Categories list.
 Add new categories to the list.
 Click Save.

40. List some examples of search terms?

 keywords
 quoted phrases
 Boolean operators
 wildcards

 Lastly, field-value pairs.

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