Textbook The Sages Manual of Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery 1St Edition Danielle S Walsh Ebook All Chapter PDF

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The SAGES Manual of Pediatric

Minimally Invasive Surgery 1st Edition

Danielle S. Walsh
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The SAGES Manual

of Pediatric Minimally
Invasive Surgery

The SAGES Manual
of Pediatric Minimally
Invasive Surgery
Danielle S. Walsh • Todd A. Ponsky
Nicholas E. Bruns

The SAGES Manual

of Pediatric Minimally
Invasive Surgery
Danielle S. Walsh, MD, FACS, Todd A. Ponsky, MD, FACS
FAAP Associate Professor of Surgery
Associate Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Surgery Northeast Ohio Medical
East Carolina University College
Brody School of Medicine Division of Pediatric Surgery
Greenville, NC, USA Akron Children’s Hospital
Akron, OH, USA
Nicholas E. Bruns, MD
Research Fellow
Division of Pediatric Surgery
Akron Children’s Hospital
Akron, OH, USA
Resident in General Surgery
Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, USA

ISBN 978-3-319-43640-1    ISBN 978-3-319-43642-5 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43642-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016959450

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

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…find though she be but little, she is fierce.—Shakespeare

More than once pediatric surgeons have heard general

surgeons comment on their “fear” of caring for pediatric sur-
gical patients. The diminutive size of the patient can intimi-
date, but those of us flourishing in the pediatric world
recognize a well-kept secret—infants and children are fierce
in their desire to live, handling the surgical insults that would
cause many adults to give out, with determination of some-
times Olympic proportions. While they tolerate large inci-
sions for invasive procedures with aplomb, showing their
scars as badges of courage on the playground, we believe our
kids deserve to reap the same benefits from minimally inva-
sive techniques that the adult population embraces. This
book was developed to help current and future surgeons in
advancing their comfort in approaching children with lapa-
roscopy, thoracoscopy, and endoscopy.
The mission of the Society of American Gastrointestinal
and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) is to improve patient
care through education, research, innovation, and leadership,
principally in gastrointestinal endoscopic surgery. The pediat-
ric surgery community within SAGES has been grateful that
the leadership of SAGES has recognized the need to apply
this mission to not only the adult general surgical population
but to all patients, including our youngest and smallest. It is

vi Preface

with this in mind that these authors set out to educate ALL
surgeons, not just pediatric specialists, in the applications of
minimally invasive surgery to children through this
The focus of this text is on the technical knowhow of these
minimally invasive techniques. There are larger resources for
detailed information on pathophysiology and others review-
ing each and every alternative technique for managing a
particular disorder. However, this publication is for providing
a safe way of technically approaching a particular problem
utilizing percutaneous or per-orifice methods in a concise
compendium. It is appropriate for the trained professional
looking for a refresher on a less commonly performed inter-
vention, an adult MIS surgeon with a pediatric emergency
unable to be transferred, or a surgical student or resident in
need of critical teaching points for understanding.
This coeditor team greatly appreciates the support we
have received from SAGES and Springer in making this
endeavor come to fruition. We applaud the authors, col-
leagues, staff, families, and patients who contributed to this
book through either time, effort, patience, or use of their
surgical journey to build the knowledge and content within
these pages. It is our hope that many a student of surgery will
benefit from the herein pearls of wisdom as they endeavor to
improve the care of a pediatric surgical patient.

Greenville, NC, USA Danielle S. Walsh

Akron, OH, USA Todd A. Ponsky
Akron, OH, USA Nicholas E. Bruns

1 Physiologic Considerations for Minimally

Invasive Surgery in Infants and Children.................. 1
Brian T. Craig and Gretchen Purcell Jackson
2 Pediatric Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic
Instrumentation............................................................ 11
Sarah Gilmore and Colin A. Martin
3 Pediatric Endoscopic Instrumentation...................... 25
Timothy D. Kane, Folashade Adebisi Jose,
Danielle S. Walsh, and Nicholas E. Bruns
4 Minimally Invasive Approaches
to the Pediatric Thyroid and Parathyroid................. 41
Thom E. Lobe, Simon K. Wright, and Go Miyano
5 Bronchoscopy and Tracheobronchial Disorders...... 51
Ian C. Glenn, Domenic Craner, and Oliver Soldes
6 Thoracoscopic Thymectomy....................................... 71
Christine M. Leeper and Stefan Scholz
7 Thoracoscopic Ligation of the Patent
Ductus Arteriosus......................................................... 83
Laura Y. Martin and Jeffrey Lukish
8 Thoracoscopic Aortopexy........................................... 97
Azmath Mohammed and Nathan Novotny

viii Contents

9 Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy.................................. 107

Wesley Barnes, Zachary Hothem,
and Nathan Novotny
10 Thoracoscopic Treatment of Pectus Excavatum:
The Nuss Procedure..................................................... 127
Barrett P. Cromeens and Michael J. Goretsky
11 Thoracoscopic Approach to Eventration
of the Diaphragm......................................................... 145
Jingliang Yan and Federico G. Seifarth
12 Minimally Invasive Approaches to Congenital
Diaphragmatic Hernias................................................ 153
Kelly Arps, Priya Rajdev, and Avraham Schlager
13 Thoracoscopic Repair of Esophageal Atresia
and Tracheoesophageal Fistula................................... 171
Ibrahim Abd el-shafy and José M. Prince
14 Thoracoscopic Approaches to Congenital
Lung Lesions................................................................. 179
Robert L. Ricca and John H.T. Waldhausen
15 Thoracoscopic Lung Biopsies and Resections
in Children..................................................................... 197
Oliver J. Muensterer
16 Thoracoscopic Treatment of Pediatric
Chylothorax................................................................... 211
J. Eli Robins and Kevin P. Mollen
17 Treatment of Empyema in Children.......................... 225
Ashwini S. Poola and Shawn D. St. Peter
18 Thoracoscopic Approach to Pediatric
Mediastinal Masses....................................................... 239
Angela M. Hanna and Brandon VanderWel
19 Minimally Invasive Approaches to Esophageal
Disorders: Strictures, Webs, and Duplications.......... 261
Timothy D. Kane and Nicholas E. Bruns
Contents ix

20 Esophageal Replacement Surgery in Children......... 277

Ian C. Glenn, Mark O. McCollum,
and David C. van der Zee
21 Minimally Invasive Approaches to Achalasia........... 301
Timothy D. Kane and Nicholas E. Bruns
22 Minimally Invasive Approaches to GERD
and Hiatal Hernia in Children.................................... 315
Bethany J. Slater and Steven S. Rothenberg
23 Laparoscopic Pyloromyotomy.................................... 327
Lilly Ann Bayouth and Shannon W. Longshore
24 Minimally Invasive Gastrostomy................................ 339
Julietta Chang and Federico G. Seifarth
25 Laparoscopic Duodenoduodenostomy...................... 351
Jeh B. Yung and Federico G. Seifarth
26 Laparoscopic Approach to Intestinal Atresia........... 361
Cristina Mamolea, Jeh B. Yung,
and Federico G. Seifarth
27 Laparoscopic Resection of Abdominal Cysts
and Duplications........................................................... 373
Aaron P. Garrison and William Taylor Walsh
28 Anomalies of Intestinal Rotation:
Laparoscopic Ladd’s Procedure................................. 381
Eric J. Rellinger, Sarah T. Hua,
and Gretchen Purcell Jackson
29 Laparoscopic Exploration for Pediatric
Chronic Abdominal Pain............................................. 393
Ian C. Glenn and Aaron P. Garrison
30 Laparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions for Pediatric
Bowel Obstruction........................................................ 401
Melody R. Saeman and Diana L. Diesen
31 Laparoscopic Meckel’s Diverticulectomy................. 413
David Rodeberg and Sophia Abdulhai
x Contents

32 Laparoscopic Management of Pediatric

Inflammatory Bowel Disease...................................... 429
Kevin N. Johnson and James D. Geiger
33 Laparoscopic Management of Intussusception........ 443
Nicholas E. Bruns and Anthony L. DeRoss
34 Laparoscopic Appendectomy..................................... 451
Harveen K. Lamba, Nicholas E. Bruns,
and Todd A. Ponsky
35 Laparoscopic Approach to Enteral Access
for Chronic Constipation............................................. 465
Andrew T. Strong and Federico G. Seifarth
36 Laparoscopic-Assisted Pull-­Through
for Hirschsprung’s Disease.......................................... 481
Richard Cheek, Lauren Salesi, and Stefan Scholz
37 Laparoscopic-Assisted Anorectal Pull-Through
for Anorectal Malformations...................................... 499
Mohammad Ali Abbass and Federico G. Seifarth
38 Laparoscopic Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Repair...... 515
Nicholas E. Bruns and Todd A. Ponsky
39 Laparoscopic Epigastric Hernia Repair.................... 527
Anne-Sophie Holler and Oliver J. Muensterer
40 Minimally Invasive Approach to Pediatric
Pancreatic Disorders.................................................... 537
Meagan Elizabeth Evangelista
and Danielle S. Walsh
41 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Biliary
Dyskinesia, Cholelithiasis, and Cholecystitis............ 551
Moriah M. Hagopian and Diana L. Diesen
42 Laparoscopic Treatment of Biliary Atresia............... 565
Dominic Papandria and Stefan Scholz
43 Laparoscopic Treatment of Choledochal Cysts........ 581
Bethany J. Slater and Steven S. Rothenberg
Contents xi

44 Laparoscopic Splenectomy.......................................... 593

Alessandra Landmann, Juan L. Calisto,
and Stefan Scholz
45 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in Children................ 609
Craig A. Wengler, Heather R. Nolan,
and Joshua Glenn
46 Minimally Invasive Support for Placement
of Ventricular Shunts.................................................... 621
Celeste Hollands
47 Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents................................ 633
Robert Michael Dorman, J. Hunter Mehaffey,
and Carroll M. Harmon
48 Laparoscopic Management of Pediatric
Ovarian Disease............................................................ 649
Angela M. Hanna and Jose Alberto Lopez
49 Laparoscopic Management of Testicular
Disorders: Cryptorchidism and Varicocele............... 667
Armando Rosales, Gavin A. Falk,
and Cathy A. Burnweit
50 Laparoscopic Resection of Renal Masses................. 685
Neel Parekh and Curtis J. Clark
51 Minimally Invasive Management
of Urinary Reflux......................................................... 699
Charlotte Wu and Hans G. Pohl
52 Laparoscopic Approaches to Peritoneal
Dialysis Access.............................................................. 721
Ruchi Amin and Danielle S. Walsh

Index....................................................................................... 733

Mohammad Ali Abbass Pediatric Surgery, Cleveland Clinic

Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA
Sophia Abdulhai General Surgery, East Carolina University,
Greenville, NC, USA
Ruchi Amin General Surgery, East Carolina University,
Greenville, NC, USA
Kelly Arps Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta,
Wesley Barnes General Surgery, Beaumont Health System,
Royal Oak, MI, USA
Lilly Ann Bayouth General Surgery, East Carolina
University, Greenville, NC, USA
Nicholas E. Bruns Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s
Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Cathy A. Burnweit Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami,
Juan L. Calisto Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA,

xiv Contributors

Julietta Chang Digestive Diseases Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA
Richard Cheek General Surgery, Allegheny General
Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Curtis J. Clark Urology, Akron Children’s Hospital/
Northeast Ohio Medical University, Akron, OH, USA
Brian T. Craig Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at
Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, USA
Domenic Craner Pediatric General Surgery, Akron
Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
Barrett P. Cromeens General Surgery, East Carolina
University, Greenville, NC, USA
Anthony L. DeRoss Pediatric Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Children’s, Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Diana L. Diesen Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery,
Southwestern Medical, Children’s Health Dallas, Dallas, TX,
Robert Michael Dorman Pediatric Surgery, Women and
Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Ibrahim Abd el-shafy Pediatric Surgery, Cohen Children’s
Medical Center, Queens, NY, USA
Meagan Elizabeth Evangelista Pediatric Surgery, East
Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA
Gavin A. Falk Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami, FL,
Aaron P. Garrison Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s
Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
James D. Geiger Pediatric Surgery, Mott Children’s Hospital,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Contributors xv

Sarah Gilmore University of Alabama School of Medicine in

Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Ian C. Glenn Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s Hospital,
Akron, OH, USA
Joshua Glenn Pediatric Surgery, Mercer University School
of Medicine/The Medical Center – Navicent Health, Macon,
Michael J. Goretsky Pediatric Surgery, Carolinas HealthCare
System, Charlotte, NC, USA
Moriah M. Hagopian General Surgery, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Angela M. Hanna Pediatric Surgery, Swedish Medical
Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Carroll M. Harmon Pediatric Surgery, Women and Children’s
Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Celeste Hollands Surgery, University of South Alabama,
Mobile, AL, USA
Anne-Sophie Holler Pediatric Surgery, University Medicine,
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Zachary Hothem General Surgery, Beaumont Health
System, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Sarah T. Hua Pediatric Surgery, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s
Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, USA
Gretchen Purcell Jackson Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s
Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, USA
Kevin N. Johnson Pediatric Innovation, Pediatric Surgery,
Mott Children’s Hospital, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA
Folashade Adebisi Jose Pediatric Gastroenterology, East
Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA
xvi Contributors

Timothy D. Kane Surgery and Pediatrics, Children’s National

Medical Center, George Washington University School of
Medicine, Washington, DC, USA
Harveen K. Lamba Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s
Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
Alessandra Landmann General Surgery, University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK,
Christine M. Leeper Surgery, University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Thom E. Lobe Regeneveda, The Beverly Hills Institute of
Cellular Therapy, Chicago, IL, USA
Shannon W. Longshore Surgery, East Carolina University,
Greenville, NC, USA
Jose Alberto Lopez General Surgery, Swedish Medical
Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Jeffrey Lukish Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
Cristina Mamolea General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA
Colin A. Martin University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL, USA
Laura Y. Martin Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore,
Mark O. McCollum Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s
Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
J. Hunter Mehaffey General Surgery, University of Virginia
Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Go Miyano Pediatric Surgery, Shizuoka Children’s Hospital,
Shizuoka, Japan
Azmath Mohammed General Surgery, Beaumont Health
System, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Contributors xvii

Kevin P. Mollen Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Oliver J. Muensterer Pediatric Surgery, University Medicine
Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Heather R. Nolan General Surgery, Mercer University
School of Medicine/The Medical Center – Navicent Health,
Macon, GA, USA
Nathan Novotny Pediatric Surgery, Beaumont Health
System, Oakland University William Beaumont School of
Medicine, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Dominic Papandria Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery,
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Neel Parekh Urology, Akron Children’s Hospital/Northeast
Ohio Medical University, Akron, OH, USA
Shawn D. St. Peter Surgery, Children’s Mercy Hospital,
Kansas City, MO, USA
Hans G. Pohl Urology and Pediatrics, Children’s National
Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA
Todd A. Ponsky Surgery and Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery,
Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
Ashwini S. Poola Surgery, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas
City, MO, USA
José M. Prince Pediatric Surgery, Cohen Children’s Medical
Center of Northwell Health/Hofstra Northwell School of
Medicine, New Hyde Park, NY, USA
Priya Rajdev General Surgery, Emory University, Atlanta,
Eric J. Rellinger Pediatric Surgery, Monroe Carell Jr.
Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, USA
Robert L. Ricca Surgery, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth/
Uniformed Services University, Portsmouth, VA, USA
xviii Contributors

J. Eli Robins Surgery, East Carolina University, Greenville,

David Rodeberg Pediatric Surgery, East Carolina University,
Greenville, NC, USA
Armando Rosales Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami,
Steven S. Rothenberg Pediatric Surgery, Rocky Mountain
Hospital for Children, Denver, CO, USA
Melody R. Saeman Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern,
Dallas, TX, USA
Lauren Salesi School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Avraham Schlager Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s
Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
Stefan Scholz Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery,
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, School of
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Federico G. Seifarth Pediatric Surgery, Kalispell Regional
Healthcare, Kalispell, MT, USA
Bethany J. Slater Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children,
Denver, CO, USA
Oliver Soldes Pediatric Surgery, Akron Children’s Hospital,
Akron, OH, USA
Andrew T. Strong General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA
Brandon VanderWel General Surgery, Swedish Medical
Center, Seattle, WA, USA
John H.T. Waldhausen Division Chief Pediatric General and
Thoracic Surgery, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle,
William Taylor Walsh General Surgery, South Pointe
Hospital, Warrensville Heights, OH, USA
Contributors xix

Danielle S. Walsh Pediatric Surgery, East Carolina University,

Greenville, NC, USA
Craig A. Wengler Surgery, Mercer University School of
Medicine/The Medical Center – Navicent Health, Macon,
Simon K. Wright Minimally Invasive Head and Neck Surgery,
ENT Clinic of Iowa, West Des Moines, IA, USA
Charlotte Wu Urology, Yale–New Haven Hospital, Yale
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Jingliang Yan General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Cleveland, CT, USA
Jeh B. Yung General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Cleveland, OH, USA
Jeh B. Yung Pediatric Surgery, Kalispell Regional Healthcare,
Kalispell, MT, USA
David C. van der Zee Pediatric Surgery, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht,
The Netherlands
1.  Physiologic Considerations
for Minimally Invasive Surgery
in Infants and Children

Brian T. Craig and Gretchen Purcell Jackson

Laparoscopy and thoracoscopy have gained widespread acceptance
in the surgical approach to infants and children. Minimally invasive
procedures are routinely performed and often considered the standard of
care for common pediatric operations, such as appendectomy, pyloro-
myotomy, and ­fundoplication. Many pediatric surgeons employ laparos-
copy or thoracoscopy for advanced procedures including operations for
duodenal atresia, malrotation, anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung’s
disease, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and tracheoesophageal fistula
[1, 2]. Additionally, there are case reports of minimally invasive pancre-
atectomy, hepatectomy, and resections for neuroblastoma and Wilms
tumor in children. The general trend in pediatric surgical practice has
been increased adoption of minimally invasive approaches.
Safe application of minimally invasive surgery in pediatric patients
necessitates a thorough understanding of the physiologic effects of
­carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflation in this population. Regardless of the
operation being performed, two main effects produce the physiological
consequences of insufflation: (1) increased intra-abdominal or intratho-
racic pressure and (2) CO2 absorption through the visceral and parietal
peritoneum (Fig. 1.1). One series reported a 7 % rate of needing to stop
insufflation either transiently or permanently for children undergoing
laparoscopy [3, 4]. Patients who had insufflation-related incidents and
needed the procedure halted were younger with lower immediate preop-
erative body temperature, and the operations were longer and had higher

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 1

D.S. Walsh et al. (eds.), The SAGES Manual of Pediatric
Minimally Invasive Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43642-5_1
2 B.T. Craig and G.P. Jackson

Fig. 1.1. Two major stimuli produce the observed physiologic changes during
abdominal insufflation for laparoscopy: (1) increased intra-abdominal pressure
(blue arrows), which impedes full lung expansion and can decrease flow through
the aorta and vascular system, and (2) enhanced CO2 absorption (red arrows) by
the visceral and parietal peritoneum, which increases the necessary minute ventila-
tion to maintain acid-base balance. Figure courtesy of Sarah Hua.

insufflation pressures. Therefore, during minimally invasive operations,

pediatric surgeons and anesthesiologists frequently contend with acute
physiologic changes from abdominal or thoracic insufflation that may
significantly change the course of the procedure. They should anticipate
such changes and be prepared to manage them.
This chapter describes the effects of abdominal and thoracic insufflation
on the cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, and immune/inflammatory
systems, with a special emphasis on neonates and infants, as these
patients differ significantly from adults and older children both anatomi-
cally and physiologically. General principles for preoperative preparation
and postoperative care are addressed. Physiologic sequelae of abdominal
insufflation are discussed in context of the organ systems affected.

Preoperative Evaluation
As with any pediatric or neonatal operation, general fitness for a
planned minimally invasive operation is of paramount importance.
Appropriate history related to nutritional status and growth should be
obtained for every patient, and any symptoms or signs that could suggest
1. Physiologic Considerations for Minimally Invasive Surgery… 3

cardiac or pulmonary impairment must be elicited. Anesthetic management

plans need to be carefully formulated, especially in neonatal cases
with extended procedures, reverse Trendelenburg positioning, and higher
insufflation pressures [5]. General endotracheal anesthesia remains the
standard for pediatric laparoscopic and thoracoscopic operations to allow
the anesthesiologist to contend with the physiologic effects of ­hypercarbia
and increased intra-abdominal or intrathoracic pressures [2].
Several specific comorbidities warrant special consideration in preop-
erative planning. Minimally invasive procedures are increasingly being
performed in infants with congenital heart disease. These patients may
be more susceptible to changes in preload due to impaired venous return
or changes in systemic resistance associated with increased intra-abdominal
pressure [6]. Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic operations can be done
safely in these patients in experienced centers with dedicated pediatric
cardiac anesthesia teams [6–8].
Underlying pulmonary disease is another important comorbidity to
consider before undertaking a minimally invasive procedure in a child.
Excretion of excess CO2 that is absorbed through the visceral and parietal
peritoneum is a primary concern of the anesthesiologist managing the
infant undergoing laparoscopic or thoracoscopic surgery. Increasing min-
ute ventilation is the primary tool used to remove excess CO2. Any pulmo-
nary condition that may limit the ability to increase minute v­ entilation or
impair gas exchange could rapidly lead to a respiratory acidosis. If laparos-
copy is to be undertaken in a patient with baseline pulmonary dysfunction,
intensive postoperative monitoring should be utilized to limit risks of
hypoventilation from retained hypercarbia. A related problem is portal
hypertension, which has been shown to accelerate absorption of CO2 to a
level twice that of the already increased absorption displayed in children
[9]. Similar to the patient with pulmonary disease, patients with portal
hypertension should be managed with increased vigilance to limit the nega-
tive effects of hypercarbia in the postoperative period.

 hysiologic Effects of Pneumoperitoneum

by System
Cardiovascular System
Several studies have examined the cardiovascular effects of pneumo-
peritoneum in children. Direct measurement of flow in the thoracic aorta by
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in healthy 6- to 30-month-old
4 B.T. Craig and G.P. Jackson

infants and children undergoing laparoscopic assisted orchiopexy for

­undescended testicles with a maximum insufflation pressure of 10 mmHg
showed significantly decreased flow, decreased stroke volume, and incre­
ased systemic resistance. However, these changes resolved completely after
desufflation of the abdominal cavity. Significant changes in mean arterial
pressure (MAP) or end-tidal CO2 were not observed during these relatively
short procedures, nor were any clinically important sequelae [10]. In
another study of healthy 2- to 6-year-old children undergoing laparoscopic
inguinal herniorrhaphy, an initial insufflation to an abdominal pressure
of 12 mmHg decreased cardiac index (CI) as measured by TEE [11].
Interestingly, CI returned to baseline with a decrease in insufflation pressure
to 6 mmHg and did not decrease with a subsequent increase in abdominal
pressure to 12 mmHg, suggesting an adaptation to the change in afterload
induced by abdominal insufflation. A recent study exposed neonatal and
adolescent piglets to 180 min of abdominal insufflation, which caused a
decrease in CI and MAP that persisted well into the recovery period after
insufflation ended. This effect was more pronounced in the neonates [12].
The extended response to the pressure stimulus suggests a need for vigi-
lant monitoring in the postoperative period to ensure that hypotension
does not ensue. Prolonged exposure to higher insufflation pressures
(>8–10 mmHg) may also induce capillary microcirculatory changes and
impair venous return [1]. In contrast, a study using low-pressure insuffla-
tion no greater than 5 mmHg combined with reverse Trendelenburg
­positioning in children ages 6 to 36 months undergoing laparoscopic
fundoplication actually increased CI, heart rate, and MAP [13].
In summary, in the otherwise healthy infant or child, abdominal
insufflation pressures of 12 mmHg or less for short- to medium-length
procedures may cause changes in CI, MAP, or systemic resistance when
specifically measured but rarely (3.2 % of cases) produce clinically sig-
nificant effects requiring intervention [4]. The location of monitoring
may not affect the accuracy of blood pressure measurements. In a piglet
model, no difference was found between measured carotid and femoral
arterial blood pressures with up to 24 mmHg abdominal insufflation, a
level nearly twice that of the highest commonly used clinically [14].

Pulmonary System
The pulmonary effects of pneumoperitoneum in pediatric patients
are the result of anatomic and physiologic differences between adults
and children. The alveolar surface area to body surface area ratio in
1. Physiologic Considerations for Minimally Invasive Surgery… 5

infants and children is smaller than that of adults. Therefore, children

have a significantly higher minute ventilation and oxygen consumption
(up to twice that of an adult) even at baseline to maintain PaCO2 in the
normal range [1]. In patients younger than 1 year of age, the space-
occupying effects of abdominal insufflation lead to increased peak inspi-
ratory pressure, reduced tidal volume, and decreased compliance [15].
These changes in turn produce decreased functional residual capacity
(FRC), increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and increased shunt
fraction, which in combination with the increased CO2 absorption can
lead to hypercarbia if the minute ventilation is not increased concomi-
tantly [15].
Hypercapnia is a significant concern in minimally invasive surgery,
especially in children with underlying pulmonary disease. In one series
of laparoscopic and thoracoscopic procedures performed in neonates
(i.e., <1 month of age), h­ ypercapnia >45 mmHg was reported in 2.3 %
of cases [4]. The degree of hypercapnia depends on insufflation pressure
and duration of pneumoperitoneum. In piglet models, PaCO2 has been
shown to increase 25 % with stepwise increases in insufflation pressure
with associated increases in mortality from CO2 embolism [16]. In a
study of low-pressure (i.e., maximum 5 mmHg) insufflation for fundo-
plication, CO2 rose 28 % on average when patients up to 3 years of age
were exposed for more than an hour [17]. Careful monitoring for hyper-
capnia is warranted for all pediatric minimally invasive procedures, and
laparoscopic insufflation pressures should be limited, with a maximum
recommended pressure of 12 mmHg for neonates [15].
An important consideration for respiratory monitoring is that a gradient
will develop between the PaCO2 and the end-­tidal CO2 after abdominal
insufflation because of an increased CO2 and diminished functional resid-
ual volume. This gradient has been documented to increase significantly in
adults during the first 60 min of insufflation for laparoscopic colorectal
surgery but to stabilize or decrease thereafter [18]. In young children with
cyanotic congenital heart disease undergoing laparoscopic fundoplication,
the gradient increased by a factor of nearly 2.5 soon after initial insufflation
of the abdomen [19]. This gradient was shown to be as high as 8 mmHg in
one study of laparoscopic fundoplication in children without underlying
cardiac or respiratory disease; as in other studies, the gradient decreased
with longer insufflation stimulus [20]. Measuring CO2 elimination has also
been used to monitor this process. End-tidal CO2 increases disproportion-
ately for younger patients ­ compared to older children with the same
­insufflation pressures and dura­tion, and it remains elevated even after
6 B.T. Craig and G.P. Jackson

the conclusion of the procedure [15]. For these reasons, postoperative

monitoring of respiratory rate is critical to safely performing laparoscopy
in infants and neonates.
Another potential problem in infants undergoing laparoscopy is
hypoxemia. In neonates and infants, there is a close relationship between
functional residual capacity (FRC) and airway closing pressure. When
FRC decreases in response to the increased intra-abdominal pressure,
airway closure will exacerbate right-to-left intrapulmonary shunt and
can lead to hypoxemia [5].

Inflammatory/Immune System
In children, data from a study of procedures for acute abdominal pain
suggested that laparoscopic compared to open operations did not result
in differences in major inflammatory mediators such as cortisol and
IL-6 [21]. However, several subsequent studies have demonstrated a
lesser degree of increase in inflammatory mediators including IL-6,
CRP, TNF-α, and cortisol with laparoscopy compared to open approach
for a variety of operations [22–25]. Cellular responses are also affected
by laparoscopy, in a manner similar to the cytokine responses. Both
­macrophages and neutrophils are recruited to the peritoneal cavity with
insufflation, though the numbers are lower with CO2 insufflation com-
pared to air [26].

Compared with adults, children have a greater body surface area to
volume ratio [27] and thus are at increased risk for hypothermia. During
minimally invasive surgical procedures in infants and children, hypo-
thermia is reported to occur in 1.8 % of cases [4]. Temperature moni­
toring is especially important in newborns. Dry CO2 insufflation on
continuous flow of 5–8 L/min will lead to massive evaporative losses
relative to body size, and the accompanying heat loss can approach 40 %
of a neonate’s metabolic power capacity, despite their higher-per-kilogram
power capacity compared to adults [3]. Additionally, gas leaks around
port sites in a neonate can result in a much greater loss of insufflation
gas, thereby requiring higher flow rates and potentially exacerbating
hypothermia if non-humidified CO2 is used.
1. Physiologic Considerations for Minimally Invasive Surgery… 7

Reversible anuria during laparoscopy is a consistent observation in

the literature, occurring in 88 % of neonates and 14 % in older children.
Up to one-third of older children will experience oliguria [28].
Interestingly, these decreases in urine output are not responsive to vol-
ume challenge and do not reflect decreases in renal blood flow. Thus,
intraoperative fluid resuscitation during laparoscopic procedures should
not be governed by urine output alone.
Finally, potential catastrophic events can occur during laparoscopy,
and some of these severe complications may be more likely in children.
Venous air embolism due to cannulation and insufflation of a patent
umbilical vein has been reported in several instances and has sometimes
led to cardiac arrest [1]. CO2 pneumothorax is another rare complication
that has been reported in children. In one case, it was discovered at the
end of the procedure when the infant did not resume spontaneous respi-
rations with reversal of anesthesia, although the child eventually recov-
ered with no reported long-term effects [29].

Thoracoscopic Surgery Considerations

Many of the major pediatric thoracic operations have been performed
thoracoscopically, including resection for congenital pulmonary airway
malformation, repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and repair of
esophageal atresia with and without concomitant tracheoesophageal fis-
tula [1]. Thoracoscopy is routinely employed in pediatric surgical prac-
tice for other procedures such as decortication, sympathectomy, and lung
biopsies or resections. A knowledge of the physiology of minimally
invasive chest procedures is essential for their safe application.
Two potential effects of thoracoscopic surgery merit consideration.
First, single-lung ventilation produces ventilation/ perfusion (V/Q) mis-
match, which is most pronounced in neonates. Several factors make
neonates particularly susceptible to V/Q mismatch: a narrower window
between FRC and residual volume, a compliant chest wall, a lateral
decubitus positioning, and a neuromuscular blockade [5]. The end result
is hypoxia.
Second, there is a widely held belief that CO2 absorption is greater
during thoracoscopy compared to laparoscopy, which could lead to meta-
bolic acidosis, as reported during congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair [1].
In support of this hypothesis, end-tidal CO2 has been shown to increase
significantly after chest insufflation and persist after desufflation, and
8 B.T. Craig and G.P. Jackson

these changes are greater in younger patients and larger than those
observed during laparoscopy [30]. The data on these two responses are
far from conclusive, and more work is needed to identify specific situa-
tions that will produce clinically important changes in CO2 level and
acid-base status.

Postoperative Care
The most important consideration in the postoperative care of ­children
undergoing minimally invasive procedures is respiratory monitoring in
the first several hours after abdominal desufflation, when residual hyper-
carbia may be present and the potential for hypoventilation persists. This
risk is especially important in neonates, infants, and young children, and
we recommend these patients be monitored with continuous pulse oxim-
etry for at least the first several hours after laparoscopy. Further work will
be needed to accurately determine if a predefined, mandatory length of
stay in the anesthesia recovery area or in a monitored hospital unit is
necessary to prevent life-threatening hypoventilation.

• Laparoscopy is physiologically safe and effective approach in pediat-
ric patients of all ages and for many pediatric abdominal surgical
• Increased intra-abdominal pressure leading to impaired pulmonary
mechanics and increased CO2 absorption are the two primary stimuli
that lead to the array of physiologic sequelae during and after
• Cardiac index, mean arterial pressure, and aortic blood flow decrease
during abdominal insufflation but rarely with important clinical
• Increased minute ventilation must be achieved during minimally inva-
sive surgery, especially in neonates, to prevent hypercarbia and subse-
quent acidosis.
• Reversible anuria and oliguria occur with laparoscopy, and this effect
is more pronounced in younger patients.
• Increases in inflammatory mediators and cellular responses are decreased
during laparoscopic compared to open operations in children.
• Vigilant postoperative monitoring for neonates should be employed
as CO2 retention may persist after abdominal desufflation.
1. Physiologic Considerations for Minimally Invasive Surgery… 9

1. Lacher M, Kuebler JF, Dingemann J, Ure BM. Minimal invasive surgery in the new-
born: current status and evidence. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2014;23(5):249–56.
2. Ponsky TA, Rothenberg SS. Minimally invasive surgery in infants less than 5 kg:
experience of 649 cases. Surg Endosc. 2008;22(10):2214–9.
3. Blinman T, Ponsky T. Pediatric minimally invasive surgery: laparoscopy and thoracos-
copy in infants and children. Pediatrics. 2012;130(3):539–49.
4. Kalfa N, Allal H, Raux O, et al. Multicentric assessment of the safety of neonatal
video surgery. Surg Endosc. 2007;21(2):303–8.
5. Means LJ, Green MC, Bilal R. Anesthesia for minimally invasive surgery. Semin
Pediatr Surg. 2004;13(3):181–7.
6. Watkins SC, Morrow SE, McNew BS, Donahue BS. Perioperative management of
infants undergoing fundoplication and gastrostomy after stage I palliation of hypo-
plastic left heart syndrome. Pediatr Cardiol. 2012;95:204–11.
7. Slater B, Rangel S, Ramamoorthy C, Abrajano C, Albanese CT. Outcomes after lapa-
roscopic surgery in neonates with hypoplastic heart left heart syndrome. J Pediatr
Surg. 2007;42(6):1118–21.
8. Cribbs RK, Heiss KF, Clabby ML, Wulkan ML. Gastric fundoplication is effective in
promoting weight gain in children with severe congenital heart defects. J Pediatr Surg.
9. Bozkurt P, Kaya G, Yeker Y, et al. Arterial carbon dioxide markedly increases during
diagnostic laparoscopy in portal hypertensive children. Anesth Analg. 2002;95(5):
10. Gueugniaud PY, Abisseror M, Moussa M, et al. The hemodynamic effects of pneumo-
peritoneum during laparoscopic surgery in healthy infants: assessment by continuous
esophageal aortic blood flow echo-Doppler. Anesth Analg. 1998;86(2):290–3.
11. Sakka SG, Huettemann E, Petrat G, et al. Transoesophageal echocardiographic assess-
ment of haemodynamic changes during laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in small children.
Br J Anaesth. 2000;84:330–4.
12. Metzelder ML, Kuebler JF, Huber D, et al. Cardiovascular responses to prolonged
carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in neonatal versus adolescent pigs. Surg Endosc.
13. De Waal EEC, Kalkman CJ. Haemodynamic changes during low-pressure carbon diox-
ide pneumoperitoneum in young children. Paediatr Anaesth. 2003;13(1):18–25.
14. Aksakal D, Hückstädt T, Richter S, et al. Comparison of femoral and carotid blood
pressure during laparoscopy in piglets. J Pediatr Surg. 2012;47(9):1688–93.
15. Bannister CF, Brosius KK, Wulkan M. The effect of insufflation pressure on pulmo-
nary mechanics in infants during laparoscopic surgical procedures. Paediatr Anaesth.
16. Beebe DS, Zhu S, Kumar MVS, et al. The effect of insufflation pressure on CO(2)
pneumoperitoneum and embolism in piglets. Anesth Analg. 2002;94(5):1182–7.
17. McHoney M, Corizia L, Eaton S, et al. Carbon dioxide elimination during laparoscopy
in children is age dependent. J Pediatr Surg. 2003;38(1):105–10.
10 B.T. Craig and G.P. Jackson

18. Tanaka T, Satoh K, Torii Y, Suzuki M, Furutani H, Harioka T. Arterial to end-tidal

carbon dioxide tension difference during laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Masui.
19. Wulkan ML, Vasudevan SA. Is end-tidal CO2 an accurate measure of arterial CO2
during laparoscopic procedures in children and neonates with cyanotic congenital
heart disease? J Pediatr Surg. 2001;36(8):1234–6.
20. Sanders JC, Gerstein N. Arterial to endtidal carbon dioxide gradient during pediatric
laparoscopic fundoplication. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008;18(11):1096–101.
21. Bozkurt P, Kaya G, Altintas F, et al. Systemic stress response during operations for acute
abdominal pain performed via laparoscopy or laparotomy in children. Anaesthesia.
22. Ure BM, Niewold TA, Bax NMA, et al. Peritoneal, systemic, and distant organ inflam-
matory responses are reduced by a laparoscopic approach and carbon dioxide vs air.
Surg Endosc. 2002;16(5):836–42.
23. Wang L, Qin W, Tian F, et al. Cytokine responses following laparoscopic or open
pyeloplasty in children. Surg Endosc. 2009;23(3):544–9.
24. Montalto AS, Bitto A, Irrera N, et al. CO2 pneumoperitoneum impact on early liver
and lung cytokine expression in a rat model of abdominal sepsis. Surg Endosc. 2012;
25. Papparella A, Noviello C, Romano M, et al. Local and systemic impact of pneumo-
peritoneum on prepubertal rats. Pediatr Surg Int. 2007;23(5):453–7.
26. Moehrlen U, Ziegler U, Boneberg E, et al. Impact of carbon dioxide versus air pneu-
moperitoneum on peritoneal cell migration and cell fate. Surg Endosc. 2006;20(10):
27. Berdan EA, Segura BJ, Saltzman DA. Physiology of the newborn. In: Holcomb GW,
Murphy JP, Ostlie DJ, editors. Ashcraft’s pediatric surgery. 6th ed. Elsevier Saunders;
28. Gómez Dammeier BH, Karanik E, Glüer S, et al. Anuria during pneumoperitoneum
in infants and children: a prospective study. J Pediatr Surg. 2005;40(9):1454–8.
29. Lew YS, Thambi Dorai CR, Phyu PT. A case of supercarbia following pneumoperito-
neum in an infant. Paediatr Anaesth. 2005;15(4):346–9.
30. Bishay M, Giacomello L, Retrosi G, Thyoka M, Garriboli M, Brierley J, Harding L,
Scuplak S, Cross KM, Curry JI, Kiely EM, De Coppi P, Eaton S, Pierro A. Hypercapnia
and acidosis during open and thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
and esophageal atresia: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg.
2.  Pediatric Laparoscopic
and Thoracoscopic Instrumentation

Sarah Gilmore and Colin A. Martin

Early Experience
Pediatric minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has lagged behind its
adult counterpart. In 1973, a report in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery
by Gans and Berci described 16 early laparoscopic pediatric cases [1].
These early advances were ­possible in part by the Hopkins rod-lens opti-
cal system (Fig. 2.1). However, widespread adoption of pediatric lapa-
roscopy was initially met with criticism. The first adult laparoscopic
cholecystectomy was performed in 1985 [2] and was widely regarded as
experimental and dangerous. There has been no single procedure that has
propelled the advance of MIS in pediatric patients the way laparoscopic
cholecystectomies did with adult MIS. Training modules for teaching
laparoscopic cholecystectomy to adult surgeons were not well suited for
teaching the advanced skills required for pediatric surgery [3]. This pro-
cedure was not considered standard of care in pediatrics until many
years later. However, great strides have been made within the last 20
years. Today, it is common practice for neonates to undergo minimally
invasive surgery. A study conducted by Rothenberg et al. over a 51-month
period with 183 infants weighing 1.3–5.0 kg who underwent 195 proce-
dures using minimally invasive techniques “demonstrates that advanced
endosurgical techniques in infants is safe, effective, and associated with
the same benefit as that seen in older patients” [4].

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 11

D.S. Walsh et al. (eds.), The SAGES Manual of Pediatric
Minimally Invasive Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43642-5_2
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Title: Little Miss Oddity

Author: Amy Ella Blanchard

Illustrator: Ida Waugh

Release date: October 9, 2023 [eBook #71840]

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Original publication: Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs &

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“‘Tain’t Nothin’ but an Old Weed!”
Little Miss Oddity
Author of “A Dear Little Girl,” “Mistress May,” etc.


Copyright, 1902,
By George W. Jacobs & Co.
Published July, 1902.


IX. NEWS 157
X. PLANS 175

“’Tain’t nothin’ but an old weed” Frontispiece

Every now and then Flora was carried over and
Page 53
shown the geranium
They played all sorts of games ” 99
Cassy’s eyes opened wider and wider ” 133
“What do you think! News! News!” ” 163

It was a queer jumbled up place, that back yard of the house

where Cassy and Jerry Law lived; old barrels tumbled to pieces in
one corner, empty tomato cans rolled against cast-off shoes in
another; here bits of broken crockery wedged themselves in between
a lot of shingles, and there a pile of iron scraps crowded against a
bottomless chair; on a clothes-line flapped several pairs of overalls
and a stunted little tree bore upon its branches sundry stockings of
various sizes and conditions.
It was a discouraging looking place, but Cassy, intently bending
over a pile of dirt near the bottomless chair, did not heed anything
but the fact that two tiny green shoots were poking themselves up
from the unpromising soil. She was a thin-faced, bright-eyed child,
not pretty, but with an eager, wistful expression, and as her face lit
up with a sudden smile she looked unusually intelligent.
“Jerry, come here,” she cried; “I’ve got a garden.”
“Sho!” returned Jerry, “I don’t believe it.”
“I have so; just you come and look at it.” Cassy tossed back the
locks of brown hair that hung over her eyes and softly patted with her
two small hands the dry earth around the springing blades of green.
Jerry came nearer. “It’s truly growing,” Cassy went on. “I didn’t stick it
in the ground myself to make believe; just see.”
Jerry bent his sandy-colored head nearer to the object of his
sister’s admiration.
“’Tain’t nothin’ but a old weed,” he decided at last.
“How do you know?”
“I just believe it.”
“Well, you don’t know, and I think it is just as good to believe it will
grow to be a beautiful flower.”
“I wouldn’t count on that,” Jerry said.
“Why not?”
“But just maybe,” Cassy insisted pleadingly. “Why couldn’t it? I
don’t see why not.”
“’Cause,” repeated Jerry, “I never saw no flowers growing in this
back yard.”
“But Mrs. Boyle has some right next door, and oh, Jerry, Mrs.
Schaff across the street has some great big lovely red ones. Please
let’s hope this will be a flower.”
“Well,” replied Jerry, doubtfully, “I’ll pretend, but if it isn’t, you
mustn’t say: Now, Jerry, what made you let me believe in it?”
“I won’t; I truly won’t.”
“All the same,” said Jerry, “I don’t see how you can keep it from
being trampled on.”
Cassy looked alarmed.
“You see it’s right out here where anybody can pull it up or do
anything. Billy Miles would rather tear it to pieces than not if he
thought you wanted to keep it.”
Cassy’s distress increased. “Couldn’t we hide it or something?”
“We might for a little while, but if it should grow and grow why then
anybody could find it out.”
“Oh, dear,” sighed Cassy, “it’s like Moses when they had to put him
in the bulrushes. Maybe it will be a little wee bit of a flower and after
a while we could come and dig it up and set it in the window. I know
what I’ll do; I’ll set that old chair over it and then maybe nobody will
notice it.”
“There’s a piece of chicken wire off over there,” said Jerry, good-
naturedly. “I’ll get that and sort of twist it around the chair, then it will
make a fence for it. Sh! There’s Billy, and if he sees us he will play
the mischief with any fun of ours.”
Cassy arose hastily to her feet and faced the back door from
which Billy’s form was just issuing. There was no love lost between
Billy and the Law children.
“What yer doin’?” questioned Billy, looking suspiciously at Cassy’s
defiant attitude.
“Humph! I don’t believe ye.”
Cassy spread out her hands.
“Well, see, am I doing anything? Did you think I was eating
strawberries or swinging in a hammock?”
“You’re too smart,” returned Billy. He came over and peered
around. “You’ve got somethin’ in among those cans.”
Cassy tossed up her chin.
“You’re welcome to all you find in them.”
Billy turned one over with his foot, looked among the scraps of iron
and then said:
“You’re just bluffin’, but I’ll find out.” And he climbed the fence into
the next yard.
As soon as his stout legs had disappeared Cassy whirled the old
chair around till it stood over her treasured plant. Jerry disengaged
the strip of chicken wire from its surroundings and contrived a sort of
coop-like structure which did not attract the eye, yet kept the small
green shoots safely hidden without excluding the light and air.
“Now let’s go tell mother,” said Cassy, and took to her heels, Jerry
Up the shabby dark stairway they ran, Cassy stepping lightly,
Jerry, boy-like, with clattering tread. Mrs. Law glanced up from her
sewing as they entered. “We’ve got a garden,” said Cassy in a loud
“What do you mean?” inquired her mother, breaking off her thread
with a snap.
“We have truly,” Cassy insisted. “It’s under an old chair in the back
“That’s a queer place for a garden,” responded her mother,
rethreading her needle and taking swift stitches.
“Yes, but it happened itself, you know, and so we have to have it
there. We’re so afraid Billy Miles will pull it up. Jerry thinks maybe it’s
a weed, but we’re going to hope it’s a flower, a real flower. What
would you like it to be, mother, a rose?”
“I’m afraid that would be setting my hopes too high. Let me see,
perhaps it might be a morning-glory.”
“Are they pretty, morning-glories?”
“Yes, very.”
“What color?”
“All colors, but the common ones are generally purple or blue.”
“I’d like them to be blue. What do they look like?”
“They grow on a vine, and the flowers are little vase-like cups that
open first thing in the morning and close when the sun shines on
“But they open the next day?”
“No, not the same flower, but others do. They bloom very freely,
although each one lasts only a little while.”
“Do they smell sweet?”
“I never noticed that they did.”
Cassy was not entirely satisfied with this description and sat very
still thinking about it. After awhile she broke out with: “You don’t think
it could be any other kind of a flower?”
“Oh, I didn’t say so. Of course it might be. We can tell very soon. I
know the leaves of a morning-glory, and when I get time I will go
down and look at your plant. Yes, I know morning-glories well
enough. There used to be a great mass of them over the back fence
where we used to live; all colors, blue and pink and lovely white ones
striped. I used to think they were very beautiful.” She sighed and
worked faster. “Don’t go out, Jerry,” she said presently. “This work
must go home this evening.”
“May I go with Jerry?” asked Cassy.
Her mother hesitated and then replied, “Yes, but don’t stay.”
Spring was well on its way as open windows and doorsteps
swarming with children showed, but in this narrow street there were
no perfume-laden airs; it seemed instead that all the foul odors were
made more evident by the warmer weather, and as the brother and
sister made their way through the slovenly groups of loungers, there
was little to make them realize the beauty of a world where green
trees and sweetly smelling orchards made the heart glad.
They took their way along soberly enough, Jerry lugging the big
bundle and his sister trotting along by his side. From the narrow
street they turned into a broader one where shops of all kinds were
arrayed along the way. Into one of these the children turned,
delivered their bundle and hurried out. They never tarried long at the
place, for they did not feel comfortable under the old Jew’s sharp
eyes, and did not enjoy being stared at by the two big boys who
were always there, too.
“We did hurry,” said Cassy when they reached the corner. “And
see, Jerry, there are trees with tiny green leaves on them behind that
wall. I have always wanted so much to see what was behind that
wall. Do you believe you could climb it?”
“Yes, ’course I could, but the cops wouldn’t let me.”
“I do want to know so much,” repeated Cassy wistfully. “There is a
gate, you know, but it’s boards, and it’s always shut tight. Can’t we
walk around that way now? It won’t take us long and it’s so much
nicer than the other way.”
“I don’t know why,” said Jerry. “Brick walls ain’t so awful pretty.”
“No, but the trees are getting green; little bits of baby leaves are
coming out on them and we can see them above the wall. Let us go
that way.”
“All right,” agreed Jerry.
They trotted along till the brick wall was reached and then Cassy
exclaimed excitedly: “Oh, Jerry, I believe the gate is open; there is a
man there with a wheelbarrow. Oh, do hurry.”
She ran forward as fast as her legs would carry her and sure
enough the gate was open and beyond it smiled such a garden as
Cassy had never before seen. Tulips, red and yellow, flaunted
themselves in their little round beds, daffodils nodded sunnily from
the borders, primroses and pansies, flowering bush and early shrub
were all in bloom. Cassy drew a long breath of delight. Was ever
anything ever so beautiful? Her eager little face was bent forward
and her big eyes were taking in the whole scene when the gardener
came out trundling his wheelbarrow.
“Take care, sis,” he warned, “don’t stand in the way.”
“Oh!” Cassy exclaimed, scarcely noticing what he said. “Oh, isn’t it
The gardener smiled.
“’Tain’t so bad. You can step inside the gate out of the way, if you
want to.”
“And Jerry, too?” Cassy asked as her brother came up.
The gardener looked suspiciously at Jerry. He had reasons for not
thinking well of small boys.
“He’d better stay outside,” he said; but seeing Cassy’s
disappointed face he yielded. “If you’ll keep right there by the gate I
guess you’ll do no harm,” he told Jerry, and the two children stepped
Such a waft of sweet odors as met them, and such a glory of color.
The gardener glanced at Cassy’s rapt face as he trundled in his last
load of sand, and he looked pleased.
“You like it pretty well, don’t you?” he said. “If I had time I’d show
you about, but I’ve got to get some plants potted before night, and
I’ve got to shut the gate now,” he added regretfully.
Cassy turned slowly, her eyes still lingering upon the borders.
“She’s wanted to see the inside of this place more’n anything,”
Jerry confided to the gardener as Cassy’s steps lagged, “but the
gate ain’t ever been open before.”
“Then I’m glad it happened to be this time when you were by,” said
the gardener heartily. “Some day if you happen to see me when I’ve
got time I’ll take you all over the garden.”
“Oh, thank you, sir, thank you. I’d love that. Have you any
The man laughed.
“No, pesky things; they grow so fast that they’d get the best of me
in no time; though, now I think of it, there were some by the kitchen
door last year. The cook planted them, and I guess they’ll come up
again this summer too plentiful for my use. Do you like ’em, sis?”
“I never saw any,” Cassy told him. “But I want to.”
She turned away as the gardener made ready to shut the gate,
and all the way home she had scarcely a word to say. “It was like the
garden of Eden,” she said under her breath once.
“I think he might have given us some flowers,” said Jerry.
“Maybe he couldn’t,” returned Cassy. “They aren’t his. I think he
was very good to let us go in. Oh, Jerry, how happy, how happy
people must be who have a garden like that.”
There was excuse enough for their having tarried when they
reached home at dusk to find their simple little supper of mush and
molasses ready for them. Cassy could talk of nothing but the garden,
and all night long she dreamed of nodding flowers and green trees.
In the morning her first thought was of the two green shoots under
the old chair in the back yard. Perhaps the plant needed water; she
would go down and see before any one was up. Carefully carrying a
cupful of water she went down the rickety steps which led to the
back yard.
The little green shoots had stretched further up out of the dry
earth, to the child’s delight. Lifting the chair with a cautious look
around she poured the water upon the earth and watched it sink into
the ground. She crouched there for some time as if she would
discover the plant’s manner of growing.
At last she arose with a sigh. Such a poor little garden compared
to the one she had seen yesterday, but what possibilities did it not
hold? This tiny plant might yet show gorgeous blooms of red and
yellow, or send forth big bunches of pink. Her thoughts went rioting
along when they were interrupted by a hoarse laugh, and looking up
startled, she saw the grinning face of Billy Miles peering over the
“I caught ye,” he jeered. “I seen ye. What yer got buried there?”
“Nothing,” returned Cassy stoutly.
“Yer another,” retorted Billy, clambering over the fence. “What yer
got in that cup?”
Cassy turned the cup upside down, but Billy was not satisfied. He
came threateningly towards her, taking no heed of where he was
“Oh, take care,” cried Cassy, forgetting caution in her alarm lest
his heavy tread should crush her precious plant.
Billy looked down.
“Ye tried to fool me,” he cried, seeing the moist circle out of which
stretched the green shoots.
“I didn’t, either.”
Billy for answer gave a savage kick and snap went the little stalk.
Cassy burst into tears, picked up her treasured plant and went flying
up-stairs. She laid the tiny stalk before her mother, and hiding her
face in her hands sobbed bitterly.
Jerry, still frowsy and unkempt, issued from his bit of a room.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, looking at Cassy in concern. For
answer Mrs. Law held up the broken stalk, and Jerry looked his
“Never mind, don’t cry so, dear,” Mrs. Law said at last. “Very likely
it wouldn’t have lived anyhow.”
“How did it happen?” whispered Jerry.
“Billy Miles,” Cassy whispered back, choking down her sobs. “He
saw me watering it and he got mad and kicked it to death. Oh, my
poor little flower that was going to be a morning-glory. It was, wasn’t
it, mother?”
Mrs. Law examined the broken leaves.
“I think perhaps it was,” she replied.
“Won’t it live if I plant it in a box?” asked Cassy, this new hope
causing her tears to cease.
“I’m afraid not.”
“I’ll get even with Billy Miles,” muttered Jerry; then louder he said,
“Cheer up, Cass; I’ll get you a real, righty flower, see if I don’t.” He
looked at his mother for encouragement.
“How will you do it?” asked Cassy, interested.
“Never you mind. I will, honest, I will. I’ll tell mother.” And drawing
Mrs. Law to one side he confided to her his plan.
All day long Jerry was absent, and when Cassy asked where he
was, her mother only smiled, though if the truth were known he was
not very far away, for he was keeping watch by the gate in the
garden wall. If that gardener should but once appear Jerry knew well
what he meant to do. He did not come home even to dinner, but
munched a crust he had stuffed in his pocket, and kept his eye on
the gate.

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