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Product manual
IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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Product manual
IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
Design 14

Document ID: 3HAC047137-001

Revision: R

© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damage to persons
or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Keep for future reference.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
Original instructions.

© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 9
Product documentation .................................................................................................................... 13
Network security ............................................................................................................................... 15

1 Safety 17
1.1 Safety information ............................................................................................. 17
1.1.1 Limitation of liability ................................................................................. 17
1.1.2 Safety data ............................................................................................. 18
1.1.3 Requirements on personnel ...................................................................... 21
1.2 Safety signals and symbols ................................................................................. 22
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual ...................................................................... 22
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels ............................................................ 24
1.3 Robot stopping functions .................................................................................... 27
1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop ........................................................... 27
1.3.2 About emergency stops ............................................................................ 29
1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality ............................................... 30
1.4 Robot operating modes ...................................................................................... 31
1.4.1 About the manual mode ........................................................................... 31
1.4.2 About the automatic mode ........................................................................ 33
1.5 Installation and commissioning ............................................................................ 34
1.6 Operation ........................................................................................................ 37
1.7 Maintenance and repair ...................................................................................... 38
1.8 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 39
1.9 Decommissioning .............................................................................................. 40

2 Installation and commissioning 41

2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 41
2.2 Installation activities .......................................................................................... 44
2.3 Transporting and handling .................................................................................. 45
2.3.1 Unpacking the controller ........................................................................... 45
2.3.2 The unit is sensitive to ESD ....................................................................... 48
2.4 On-site installation ............................................................................................ 49
2.4.1 Air channel for PMC large ......................................................................... 49
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller ................................................. 50
2.5 Connections ..................................................................................................... 57
2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller ............................................................. 57
2.5.2 Power supply system requirements ............................................................ 62
2.5.3 Connecting power supply to PMC small ....................................................... 65
2.5.4 Connecting power supply to PMC large ....................................................... 67
2.5.5 Connecting power supply to the control module ............................................ 71
2.5.6 Connecting communication cables between IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module
and control module .................................................................................. 73
2.5.7 Connecting fan unit to IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module .............................. 76
2.5.8 Connecting a FlexPendant ........................................................................ 78
2.5.9 Connectors on the computer unit ............................................................... 79
2.5.10 Connecting a serial channel to the controller ................................................ 82
2.5.11 Closing the Automatic Stop circuit .............................................................. 84
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit .................................. 85
2.5.13 Programmable stop functions .................................................................... 91
2.5.14 Connection of external safety relay ............................................................. 94
2.5.15 Connection of Drive Module Disconnect, by limit switch ................................. 95
2.5.16 Connecting a Limit switch override push button ............................................ 99
2.6 Drive system .................................................................................................... 101
2.6.1 Drive functions, general ............................................................................ 101
2.7 Memory functions .............................................................................................. 103
2.7.1 Memory functions .................................................................................... 103

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Table of contents

2.7.2 Connecting a USB memory ....................................................................... 104

2.8 I/O system ....................................................................................................... 106
2.8.1 Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5 .................................................................... 106
2.8.2 DeviceNet I/O units .................................................................................. 110
2.8.3 Conveyor tracking module ........................................................................ 112
2.9 Installation of add-ons ........................................................................................ 114
2.9.1 Installation of additional Drive Module ......................................................... 114
2.9.2 Installation of external operator's panel, IRC5 ............................................... 115
2.9.3 Installation of external enabling device ........................................................ 118
2.9.4 Installation of DeviceNet I/O, Gateways and encoder interface units, IRC5 ......... 120
2.9.5 Installation of conveyor tracking module ...................................................... 121
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches ................ 123
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647 .................................................... 130
2.10 Testing ............................................................................................................ 139

3 Maintenance 141
3.1 Maintenance schedule, controller IRC5 ................................................................. 141
3.2 Inspection activities ........................................................................................... 142
3.2.1 Inspection of the controller ........................................................................ 142
3.3 Cleaning activities ............................................................................................. 143
3.3.1 Cleaning of the controller cabinet ............................................................... 143
3.3.2 Cleaning the FlexPendant ......................................................................... 144
3.4 Function tests ................................................................................................... 146
3.4.1 Function test of emergency stop ................................................................ 146
3.4.2 Function test of mode switch ..................................................................... 147
3.4.3 Function test of three-position enabling device ............................................. 148
3.4.4 Function test of motor contactors K42 and K43 ............................................ 149
3.4.5 Function test of brake contactor K44 .......................................................... 150
3.4.6 Function test of auto stop ......................................................................... 151
3.4.7 Function test of general stop .................................................................... 152
3.4.8 Function test of superior stop ................................................................... 153
3.4.9 Function test of limit switch ....................................................................... 154
3.4.10 Function test of reduced speed control ........................................................ 155

4 Repair 157
4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 157
4.2 Replacement of panel board ................................................................................ 159
4.3 Replacement of I/O units and Gateways ................................................................ 162
4.4 Replacement of backup energy bank .................................................................... 164
4.5 Replacement of computer unit ............................................................................. 166
4.6 Replacement of PCIexpress boards in the computer unit .......................................... 170
4.7 Replacement of expansion board in the computer unit ............................................. 174
4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit .............................................. 177
4.9 Replacement of fan in computer unit ..................................................................... 182
4.10 Replacement of SD-card memory in computer unit .................................................. 185
4.11 Replacement of drive unit for PMC small ............................................................... 188
4.12 Replacement of Main Drive Unit for PMC large ....................................................... 191
4.13 Replacement of Axis computer ............................................................................ 194
4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches ...................... 197
4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647 ........................................................... 202
4.16 Replacement of Contactor Interface Board ............................................................. 207
4.17 Replacement of drive system fans ........................................................................ 211
4.18 Replacement of transformer unit .......................................................................... 213
4.19 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC small .............................................. 215
4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large ............................................... 219
4.21 Replacement of power supply .............................................................................. 224
4.21.1 Replacement of customer I/O power supply ................................................. 224
4.21.2 Replacement of control power supply ......................................................... 227
4.21.3 Replacement of drive system power supply .................................................. 230

6 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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Table of contents

5 Decommissioning 233
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 233
5.2 Environmental information .................................................................................. 234

6 Reference information 237

6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 237
6.2 Applicable standards ......................................................................................... 238
6.3 Unit conversion ................................................................................................. 240
6.4 Screw joints ..................................................................................................... 241
6.5 Weight specifications ......................................................................................... 242
6.6 Standard toolkit, IRC5 ........................................................................................ 243
6.7 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions .............................................................. 244

7 Spare parts 245

7.1 Controller parts ................................................................................................. 245
7.2 FlexPendant parts ............................................................................................. 251
7.3 Manipulator cables ............................................................................................ 252
7.3.1 Manipulator cables .................................................................................. 252
7.3.2 Fan cables ............................................................................................. 257
7.3.3 CP/CS Harness ....................................................................................... 258
7.3.4 Cables customer power/customer signal ..................................................... 259
7.3.5 Other customer cables ............................................................................. 262
7.3.6 Additional cables ..................................................................................... 263

8 Circuit diagrams 265

8.1 Circuit diagrams ................................................................................................ 265

Index 267

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Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual
This manual contains instructions for:
• installing the controller, mechanically as well as electrically.
• maintenance of the controller.
• mechanical and electrical repair of the controller.

This manual should be used during:
• installation and preparation work.
• maintenance work.
• repair work.

Who should read this manual?

This manual is intended for:
• installation personnel.
• maintenance personnel.
• repair personnel.

Maintenance/repair/installation personnel working with an ABB Robot must:
• be trained by ABB and have the required knowledge of mechanical and
electrical installation/repair/maintenance work.


Reference Document ID
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC047136-001
Operating manual - Emergency safety information 3HAC027098-001
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant 3HAC050941-001
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Operating manual - Getting started, IRC5 and RobotStudio 3HAC027097-001
Operating manual - Troubleshooting IRC5 3HAC020738-001
Application manual - MultiMove 3HAC050961-001
Application manual - Force Control 3HAC050377-001
Application manual - SafeMove1 3HAC050974-001
Application manual - Electronic Position Switches 3HAC050996-001
Application manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2 3HAC052610-001
Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and 3HAC050917-001
Data types
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Product specification - Controller IRC5 3HAC047400-001

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Overview of this manual

Reference Document ID
See Circuit diagrams on page 265.


The document numbers that are listed for software documents are valid for
RobotWare 6. Equivalent documents are available for RobotWare 5.


Revision Description
- First edition.
Released with the new computer unit, DSQC1000.
A • Added information on how to install an additional drive module, see
Installation of additional Drive Module on page 114.
B • Added the MultiMove switch to the spare parts list, see Controller parts
on page 245.
• Added information on how to route the cables at installation.
C • New computer unit, DSQC1018, with two PCI slots and no knockout
plates. No functional change, but affects illustrations.
• Added new section, Additional cables on page 263, with drive module
• Clarified the use of the WAN port in section Connectors on the com-
puter unit on page 79.
D • Some changes on how the ports can be configured and used is de-
scribed in section Connectors on the computer unit on page 79.
E Release 15.2.
• Minor corrections.
• Added safety-related information related to mode switch keys, Install-
ation of external enabling device on page 118, Function tests on page 146,
and Refurbish.
• Updates in section Applicable standards on page 238.
• Added section Safety data on page 18.
F Release 16.2.
• Added IRB 1200 and 8700 to lists of robots in different places in the
• Changed recommended line fusing for some robots at low voltage.
• Simplified procedure in section Replacement of fieldbus adapter in
the computer unit on page 177.
• Added information that function tests should be performed after repla-
cing a component.
• Changes in the article names for some spare parts.
• Updated cable list with revised option numbers in section Cables
customer power/customer signal on page 259.
• Removed section Refurbish.

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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
G Release 17.1.
• Added sections Function test of reduced speed control on page 155,
and About emergency stops on page 29.
• Updated descriptions of stops in section Protective stop and emergency
stop on page 27.
• Updated section Safety data on page 18.
• Updated list of labels in section Safety symbols on controller labels
on page 24.
• New computer unit DSQC1024 is introduced, see Computer unit parts
on page 249.
• Added limitation about SafeMove in section Connection of Drive
Module Disconnect, by limit switch on page 95.
• Minor corrections.
H Release 17.2.
• Updated list of applicable standards.
• Removed all references to computer unit DSQC1024.
J Release 18.1.
• Added section FlexPendant parts on page 251.
• Safety section restructured.
• Added information about disposal of storage media.
• Clarified the limitations for Isolated Lan 3 in the section Isolated LAN
3 or LAN 3 as part of the private network (only for RobotWare 6.01 and
later) on page 81.
K Release 18.2.
• New computer unit DSQC1024 added, see Computer unit parts on
page 249.
• Added note in section Replacement of SD-card memory in computer
unit on page 185, that SD-card from DSQC1018 cannot be used in
L Published in release 19B. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Updated spare parts numbers for manipulator cables.
• Added sections Conveyor tracking module on page 112, Installation of
conveyor tracking module on page 121, and Power supply system re-
quirements on page 62.
• Outer dimensions for local I/O units added in section Scalable I/O
devices on page 248.
• Added information in Connecting cables to the controller on page 57.
• Added information about delays on safety inputs in Protective stop
and emergency stop on page 27.
M Published in release 19C. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Added information about FlexPendant cables, see Handling the Flex-
Pendant cables on page 78.
N Published in release 19D. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Section Installation of additional Drive Module on page 114 updated
with limitations regarding drive unit installations.
P Published in release 20B. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Information regarding power supply system requirements has been
improved in sections Isolation transformer on page 63 and Mains line
filter on page 64.

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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
Q Published in release 20D. The following updates are made in this revision:
• SD card 3HAC061416-003 that is used with computer DSQC1024 added
in spare part list for Computer unit parts on page 249.
• Article numbers for signal cables updated in Manipulator cables on
page 252.
R Published in release 21A. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Minor corrections in section Connectors on the computer unit on
page 79.
• Local I/O replaced by Scalable I/O in entire manual.
• Information added about China RoHS, see Environmental information
on page 234.
• Spare part numbers corrected for manipulators IRB 1600 and 2400 in
section Manipulator cables on page 252.
S Published in release 21B. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Added a new section on Closing the Automatic Stop circuit, see Closing
the Automatic Stop circuit.

12 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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Product documentation

Product documentation
Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.


All documents can be found via myABB Business Portal,

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with corresponding figures (or references to separate spare
parts lists).
• References to circuit diagrams.

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics
products, for example lubrication, the RAPID language, and system parameters.

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.
• Examples of how to use the application.

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Product documentation

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and troubleshooters.

14 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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Network security

Network security
Network security
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is your sole responsibility to provide, and
continuously ensure, a secure connection between the product and to your network
or any other network (as the case may be).
You shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as, but not limited
to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption
of data, installation of anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, the network,
its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized
access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB
Ltd and its entities are not liable for damage and/or loss related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft
of data or information.

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1 Safety
1.1.1 Limitation of liability

1 Safety
1.1 Safety information

1.1.1 Limitation of liability

Limitation of liability
Any information given in this manual regarding safety must not be construed as a
warranty by ABB that the industrial robot will not cause injury or damage even if
all safety instructions are complied with.
The information does not cover how to design, install and operate a robot system,
nor does it cover all peripheral equipment that can influence the safety of the robot
In particular, liability cannot be accepted if injury or damage has been caused for
any of the following reasons:
• Use of the robot in other ways than intended.
• Incorrect operation or maintenance.
• Operation of the robot when the safety devices are defective, not in their
intended location or in any other way not working.
• When instructions for operation and maintenance are not followed.
• Non-authorized design modifications of the robot.
• Repairs on the robot and its spare parts carried out by in-experienced or
non-qualified personnel.
• Foreign objects.
• Force majeure.

Spare parts and equipment

ABB supplies original spare parts and equipment which have been tested and
approved. The installation and/or use of non-original spare parts and equipment
can negatively affect the safety, function, performance, and structural properties
of the robot. ABB is not liable for damages caused by the use of non-original spare
parts and equipment.

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1 Safety
1.1.2 Safety data

1.1.2 Safety data

About this section

This chapter describes the necessary safety data required by standard EN ISO

Prevailing directives and standards

For the use of industrial robots and how to protect personnel from being injured,
special regulations must be fulfilled as described in the following directives and
• Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
• EN ISO 10218-1:2011
• EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (when explicitly called forth by EN ISO 10218-1:2011
as ISO 13849-1:2006)
• EN ISO 13849-1:2015

Performance level and category

EN ISO 13849-1, which is a B-standard, describes the general concept of
performance level (PL) and category. Each machine or machinery is potentially
dangerous and can cause personal injury. Based on severity of injury and probability
of accident, when using the machine, a certain level of safety performance, so
called required performance level (PLr) can be defined, where level a represents
the lowest risk and level e the highest. According to this, the machine must be
equipped with safety related parts, meeting the required performance level, to
reduce the risk to accepted low level. As specified in EN ISO 10218-1, normally
PL d is required for robots, but depending on the applications a higher requirement
could be needed if a risk analysis will result in PL e.
To comply with a certain PLr, in this case d, the safety related parts of the robots
and controllers must be structurally designed according to specific structure
categories and using reliable components.
In EN ISO 13849-1 it is in detail specified what category and components data,
which must be met, to fulfill PL d. These are:
• Category 3, which is normally fulfilled using double channels
• MTTFD (Mean Time To dangerous Failure) – high
• DC (Diagnostic Coverage) – low or medium
• CCF (Common Cause Failures) – better than 65 scores according to Annex

Performance level for ABB IRC5 controller

To verify that robots and controller comply with at least PL d a self assessment
has been carried out and documented in a Technical Report. The essential
conclusions are accounted for below.
The safety related parts of robot and controller are e.g. the following stop circuits:
• Enabling device
• Emergency stop on operator panel
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1 Safety
1.1.2 Safety data

• Emergency stop on FlexPendant

• Limiting robot motion
• Protective stops
• SafeMove
• SafeMove2
For the overall design and structure, the category 3 has been verified and meeting
the requirements of CCF.
Each of the stop circuits includes different components like enabling switch, panel
board, contactor board, relays etc. For each of these the MTTFD and DC have been
calculated according to EN ISO 13849-1 Annex C, D and E resulting in the values
as specified in the following table.
See the SISTEMA/ABB FSDT libraries for details of the safety functions.

IRC5 Single and IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Safety function Calculated MTTFD DCavg

Emergency stop inputs 112 Medium
Automatic stop input 120 Medium
General stop input 120 Medium
Superior stop input 120 Medium
Limiting switch input 176 Medium
(without customer connection)
Three-position enabling device inputs 75 Medium
Emergency stop status outputs 263 Medium
lSafeMove (option) (without customer connections) 58 Medium
Electronic Position Switches (option) (without 105 Medium
customer connections)
SafeMove2 functions (option)
Protective stop category 0 93 Medium
Protective stop category 1 370 Low
Emergency stop category 0 93 Medium
Emergency stop category 1 370 Low
Emergency stop safe fieldbus output 370 Low
Speed supervision category 0 93 Medium
Speed supervision category 1 370 Low
Speed supervision safe fieldbus output 370 Low
Position supervision category 0 93 Medium
Position supervision category 1 370 Low
Position supervision safe fieldbus output 370 Low
External power control 88 Low

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1 Safety
1.1.2 Safety data

Based on the values from the previous table of MTTFD values, the corresponding
PFHD can be calculated using the Annex K, table K1 of EN ISO 13849-1:2008.
These are shown in the following table.

IRC5 Single and IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Stop circuit Calculated PFHD PL

Emergency stop inputs 4.29x10E-08 e
Automatic stop input 4.29x10E-08 e
General stop input 4.29x10E-08 e
Superior stop input 4.29x10E-08 e
Limiting switch input 4.29x10E-08 e
(without customer connection)
Three-position enabling device inputs 6.62x10E-08 e
Emergency stop status outputs 4.29x10E-08 e
SafeMove (option) (without customer connections) 1.03x10E-07 d
Electronic Position Switches (option) 4.29x10E-08 e
SafeMove2 functions (option)
Protective stop category 0 4.94x10E-08 e
Protective stop category 1 1.01x10E-07 d
Emergency stop category 0 4.94x10E-08 e
Emergency stop category 1 1.01x10E-07 d
Emergency stop safe fieldbus output 1.01x10E-07 d
Speed supervision category 0 4.94x10E-08 e
Speed supervision category 1 1.01x10E-07 d
Speed supervision safe fieldbus output 1.01x10E-07 d
Position supervision category 0 4.94x10E-08 e
Position supervision category 1 1.01x10E-07 d
Position supervision safe fieldbus output 1.01x10E-07 d
External power control 1.35x10E-07 d

Conclusion according to EN ISO 13849-1:2015

The IRC5 controller safety system has a safety category 3 with performance level
PL d according to EN ISO 13849-1 using the simplified method of chapter 4.5.4 of
EN ISO 13849-1 and thus fulfils the safety performance requirement of the robot
safety standard EN ISO 10218-1.
The Common Cause Failure (CCF) is met according to the standard requirements.

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1 Safety
1.1.3 Requirements on personnel

1.1.3 Requirements on personnel

Only personnel with appropriate training are allowed to install, maintain, service,
repair, and use the robot. This includes electrical, mechanical, hydraulics,
pneumatics, and other hazards identified in the risk assessment.
Persons who are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicating
substances are not allowed to install, maintain, service, repair, or use the robot.
The plant liable must make sure that the personnel is trained on the robot, and on
responding to emergency or abnormal situations.

Personal protective equipment

Use personal protective equipment, as stated in the instructions.

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1 Safety
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

1.2 Safety signals and symbols

1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

Introduction to safety signals

This section specifies all safety signals used in the user manuals. Each signal
consists of:
• A caption specifying the hazard level (DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION)
and the type of hazard.
• Instruction about how to reduce the hazard to an acceptable level.
• A brief description of remaining hazards, if not adequately reduced.

Hazard levels
The table below defines the captions specifying the hazard levels used throughout
this manual.
For more information, see standard ISO 13849.
Symbol Designation Significance
DANGER Signal word used to indicate an imminently hazard-
ous situation which, if not avoided, will result in ser-
ious injury.

WARNING Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious

ELECTRICAL Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

SHOCK situation related to electrical hazards which, if not
avoided, could result in serious injury.

CAUTION Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in slight

ELECTROSTATIC Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

DISCHARGE (ESD) situation which, if not avoided, could result in severe
damage to the product.

NOTE Signal word used to indicate important facts and


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1 Safety
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

Symbol Designation Significance

TIP Signal word used to indicate where to find additional
information or how to do an operation in an easier

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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

Introduction to symbols
This section describes safety symbols used on labels (stickers) on the controller.
Symbols are used in combinations on the labels, describing each specific warning.
The descriptions in this section are generic, the labels can contain additional
information such as values.


The symbols on the labels on the product must be observed. Additional symbols
added by the integrator must also be observed.

Types of symbols
Both the manipulator and the controller are marked with symbols, containing
important information about the product. This is important for all personnel handling
the robot, for example during installation, service, or operation.
The safety labels are language independent, they only use graphics. See Symbols
on safety labels on page 24.
The information labels can contain information in text.

Symbols on safety labels

Label Description
Read the user manual before use.


CE label


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

Label Description
UR certified (component)


UL certified (robot with controller)


Rating label (example)


Lifting instruction for the IRC5 controller.


Required installation space.


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

Label Description
Electrical shock


Disconnect incoming mains before servicing the controller.


Disconnect incoming mains before servicing the controller

(only for welding equipment).

Disconnect incoming mains before servicing the controller (for

controllers without UL mains switch).


High voltage inside the module even if the main switch is in

the OFF position.


ESD sensitive components inside the controller.


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1 Safety
1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop

1.3 Robot stopping functions

1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop

Robot stopping functions

The robot has an emergency stop function and at least one protective stop function.
These functions have provision for the connection of external emergency stops
and protective devices.
The emergency stop function is a complementary protective measure and shall
not be applied as a substitute for safeguarding measures or safety functions.
The stop categories can be re-configured as defined by standards EN ISO
10218-1:2011 and IEC 60204-1:2016.
Emergency stop and protective stop functions are activated through dedicated
safety inputs or safety protocols.
For example, an output from a safety rated presence sensing device output can
be connected to a safety input on the robot controller. This is to initiate a protective
stop of the robot.

Stop categories

Stop category 0 As defined in IEC 60204-1, stopping by immediate removal of

power to the machine actuators.
Stop category 1 As defined in IEC 60204-1, a controlled stop with power avail-
able to the machine actuators to achieve the stop and then re-
moval of power when the stop is achieved.

Safety inputs to initiate a protective stop or an emergency stop

Protective stop and emergency stop inputs will initiate a stop, selectable of category
0 or category 1.
Safety inputs to initiate a Description
Emergency stop (ES) The Emergency Stop is operational in both automatic and
manual mode.
The default configuration is stop category 0. For deviations,
see the product manual for the manipulator.
Automatic stop (AS) The safety input Automatic Stop is only operational in automatic
The default configuration is stop category 1.
General stop (GS) The safety input General Stop is operational in both manual
mode and automatic mode.
The default configuration is stop category 1.
Superior stop (SS) The safety input Superior Stop is operational in both manual
mode and automatic mode.
The default configuration is stop category 1.

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1 Safety
1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop


For IRC5, a safety input on the panel board that is initiated, must remain active
for at least 1.5 s.

Stop category configuration for IRC5

The stop category for the safety input can be configured, see Technical reference
manual - System parameters.
Safety inputs System paramet- Description
er Function
Emergency Stop SoftES SoftES is used to configure the emergency stop in
automatic and manual mode. The default configuration
is FALSE (stop category 0).
Automatic Stop SoftAS SoftAS can be used to configure the protective stop
in automatic mode either as stop category 0 or cat-
egory 1. The default configuration is TRUE (stop cat-
egory 1).
General Stop SoftGS SoftGS can be used to configure the protective stop
in automatic and manual mode, either as stop category
0 or category 1. The default configuration is TRUE
(stop category 1).
Superior Stop SoftSS SoftSS can be used to configure the protective stop
in automatic and manual mode, either as stop category
0 or category 1. The default configuration is TRUE
(stop category 1).

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1 Safety
1.3.2 About emergency stops

1.3.2 About emergency stops

The emergency stops

The purpose of the emergency stop function is to avert actual or impending
emergency situations arising from the behavior of persons or from an unexpected
hazardous event.
The emergency stop function is to be initiated by a single human action.
The emergency stop function is a complementary protective measure and shall
not be applied as a substitute for safeguarding measures and other functions or
safety functions.
The effect of an activated emergency stop device is sustained until the actuator
of the emergency stop device has been disengaged. This disengagement is only
possible by an intentional human action on the device where the command has
been initiated. The disengagement of the device shall not restart the machinery
but only permit restarting.
After actuation and before disengaging the emergency stop device, the machinery
shall be inspected in order to detect the reason for actuation.

Recover from emergency stops

1 Make sure the hazardous situation that resulted in the emergency stop
condition no longer exists.
2 Locate and reset the device or devices that initiated the emergency stop
3 Press the Motors On button to recover from the emergency stop condition.

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1 Safety
1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality

1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality

Three-position enabling device


The person using the three-position enabling device is responsible to observe

the safeguarded area for hazards due to robot motion and any other hazards
controlled by the robot.
The three-position enabling device will when continuously held in center-enabled
position permit robot motion and any hazards controlled by the robot. Release of
or compression past the center-enabled position will stop the hazard, for example,
robot motion.


For safe use of the three-position enabling device, the following must be
• The three-position enabling device must never be rendered inoperational
in any way.
• If there is a need to enter safeguarded space, always bring the three-position
enabling device. This is to enforce single point of control.

Hold-to-run function in manual full speed mode

The hold-to-run function for manual full speed allows movement in conjunction
with the three-position enabling device when the button connected to the function
is actuated manually. This hold-to-run function can only be used in manual full
speed mode. In case of hazard, release or compress the three-position enabling
How to use the hold-to-run function for manual full speed mode is described in the
operating manual for the controller.


The manual full speed mode is not available in all markets.

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1 Safety
1.4.1 About the manual mode

1.4 Robot operating modes

1.4.1 About the manual mode

The manual mode

Manual mode is a control state that allows for the direct control by an operator.
The operator will through positioning the three-position enabling switch to the
center-position allow for movement of the manipulator.
There are two manual modes:
• Manual reduced speed mode
• Manual high speed mode (optional)

Safeguard mechanisms
• Protective stops through
- Three-position enabling switch
- General Stop, GS

The manual reduced speed mode

In manual reduced speed mode the movement of the TCP is limited to 250 mm/s.
In addition, there is a limitation on the maximum allowed speed for each axis.
This mode is used for jogging, teaching, programming and program verification of
the robot; it may be the mode selected when performing some maintenance tasks.
Manual control of the robot from inside the safeguarded space shall be performed
at the reduced speed in conjunction with the TPU consisting of the three position
enabling switch.


Wherever possible, the manual mode of operation shall be performed with all
persons outside the safeguarded space.

Tasks normally performed in manual reduced speed mode

The following tasks are normally performed in manual reduced speed mode.
• Set or reset I/O signals
• Creating and editing RAPID programs
• Modify system parameter values
• Starting, stepping, and stopping program execution
• Jog the manipulator.
• Teach or tune programmed manipulator positions

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1 Safety
1.4.1 About the manual mode

The manual high speed mode

In manual high speed, speeds up to programmed speeds can be achieved e.g. a
speed greater than 250 mm/s. The initial speed limit is up to, but not exceeding,
250 mm/s. This is achieved by limiting the speed to 3% of the programmed speed.
Through manual control the speed can be increased up to 100% of the programmed
This mode is used for program verification only.
The three-position enabling switch must be pressed to the center-position and the
hold-to-run button must be pressed to allow start of program execution.


Wherever possible, the manual mode of operation shall be performed with all
persons outside the safeguarded space.


• When the three-position enabling switch is released or fully compressed,

the speed is reset to 3% of programmed speed but not exceeding 250 mm/s.
• Editing RAPID programs and jogging the manipulator are disabled.

Tasks normally performed in manual high speed mode

The following tasks can be performed in the manual high speed mode.
• Starting and stopping program execution for program verification
• Stepping program execution
• Setting speed (0–100%)
• Setting program pointer (to Main, to routine, to cursor, to service routine,

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1 Safety
1.4.2 About the automatic mode

1.4.2 About the automatic mode

The automatic mode

Automatic mode is an operating mode in which the robot control system operates
in accordance with the task program(s) and therefore not in direct control by an

Tasks performed in automatic mode which might affect safety

The following tasks are typically performed in automatic mode:
• Remote clients can load, start, stop, and modify RAPID programs.
• Increase or decrease the speed in the interval zero to programmed speed
of the manipulator.
• Restore backups. Only possible when robot is at stop.
• Return to operation after protective stops or emergency stop, including regain
to path.

Limitations in automatic mode

See the integrator's documentation for the machinery/robot system for details on
which tasks are to be performed in automatic mode.

Safeguard mechanisms
• Protective stop through
- Automatic Stop, AS
- General Stop, GS
- Superior Stop, SS

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1 Safety
1.5 Installation and commissioning

1.5 Installation and commissioning

National or regional regulations

The integrator of the robot system is responsible for the safety of the robot system.
The integrator is responsible that the robot system is designed and installed in
accordance with the safety requirements set forth in the applicable national and
regional standards and regulations.
The integrator of the robot system is required to perform an assessment of the
hazards and risks.

The robot integrated to a robot system shall be designed to allow safe access to
all areas during installation, operation, maintenance, and repair.
If robot movement can be initiated from an external control panel then an emergency
stop must also be available.
If the manipulator is delivered with mechanical stops, these can be used for reducing
the working area.
A perimeter safeguarding, for example a fence, shall be dimensioned to withstand
the following:
• The force of the manipulator.
• The force of the load handled by the robot if dropped or released at maximum
• The maximum possible impact caused by a breaking or malfunctioning
rotating tool or other device fitted to the robot.
The maximum TCP speed and the maximum velocity of the robot axes are detailed
in the section Robot motion in the product specification for the respective
Consider exposure to hazards, such as slipping, tripping, and falling.
Hazards due to the working position and posture for a person working with or near
the robot shall be considered.
Consider hazards from other equipment in the robot system, for example, that
guards remain active until identified hazards are reduced to an acceptable level.

Allergenic material
See Environmental information on page 234 for specification of allergenic materials
in the product, if any.

Securing the robot to the foundation

The robot must be properly fixed to its foundation/support, as described in the
product manual.
When the robot is installed at a height, hanging, or other than mounted directly on
the floor, there will be additional hazards.

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1 Safety
1.5 Installation and commissioning

Electrical safety
The mains power must be installed to fulfill national regulations.
The power supply wiring to the robot must be sufficiently fused and if necessary,
it must be possible to disconnect it manually from the mains power.
The power to the robot must be turned off with the main switch and the mains
power disconnected when performing work inside the controller cabinet. Lock and
tag shall be considered.
Hazards due to stored electrical energy in the controller must be considered.
Harnesses between controller and manipulator shall be fixed and protected to
avoid tripping and wear.
Wherever possible, power on/off or rebooting the robot controller shall be performed
with all persons outside the safeguarded space.


Use a CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) extinguisher in the event of a fire in the robot.

Safety devices
The integrator is responsible for that the safety devices necessary to protect people
working with the robot system are designed and installed correctly.
When integrating the robot with external devices to a robot system:
• The integrator of the robot system must ensure that emergency stop functions
are interlocked in accordance with applicable standards.
• The integrator of the robot system must ensure that safety functions are
interlocked in accordance with applicable standards.

Other hazards


Hazards due to the use of brake release devices and/or gravity beneath the
manipulator shall be considered.
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage
The risk assessment should also consider other hazards arising from the
application, such as, but not limited to:
• Water
• Compressed air
• Hydraulics

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1 Safety
1.5 Installation and commissioning

Verify the safety functions

Before the robot system is put into operation, verify that the safety functions are
working as intended and that any remaining hazards identified in the risk
assessment are mitigated to an acceptable level.

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1 Safety
1.6 Operation

1.6 Operation

Lock and change of operating mode

To prevent hazard, it is the responsibility of the integrator to make sure that keys
used to lock or change the operating mode are handled only by authorized
An IRC5 controller with a physical key for the mode selector, is designed so that
the key fits on all IRC5 controllers, unless unique keys are ordered.

Safety actuators not in use

Devices with safety actuators that are not connected to the robot or robot system
cannot initiate emergency stops or protective stops. These must be stored out of
reach and sight so that they cannot be mistaken for being in use.

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1 Safety
1.7 Maintenance and repair

1.7 Maintenance and repair

Corrective maintenance must only be carried out by personnel trained on the robot.
Maintenance or repair must be done with all electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic
power switched off, that is, no remaining hazards.
Never use the robot as a ladder, which means, do not climb on the controller,
manipulator, including motors, or other parts. There are hazards of slipping and
falling. The robot might be damaged.
Make sure that there are no loose screws, turnings, or other unexpected parts
remaining after work on the robot has been performed.
When the work is completed, verify that the safety functions are working as

Hot surfaces
Surfaces can be hot after running the robot. Touching the surfaces may result in
Allow the parts to cool down before maintenance or repair.

Hazards related to batteries

Under rated conditions, the electrode materials and liquid electrolyte in the batteries
are sealed and not exposed to the outside.
There is a hazard in case of abuse (mechanical, thermal, electrical) which leads
to the activation of safety valves and/or the rupture of the battery container. As a
result under certain circumstances, electrolyte leakage, electrode materials reaction
with moisture/water or battery vent/explosion/fire may follow.
Do not short circuit, recharge, puncture, incinerate, crush, immerse, force discharge
or expose to temperatures above the declared operating temperature range of the
product. Risk of fire or explosion.
Operating temperatures are listed in Operating conditions on page 45.
See safety instructions for the batteries in Material/product safety data
sheet - Battery pack (3HAC043118-001).

Related information
See also the safety information related to installation and operation.

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1 Safety
1.8 Troubleshooting

1.8 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting requires work with power switched on, special considerations
must be taken:
• Safety circuits might be muted or disconnected.
• Electrical parts must be considered as live.
• The manipulator can move unexpectedly at any time.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by

personnel trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.
A risk assessment must be done to address both robot and robot system specific

Related information
See also the safety information related to installation, operation, maintenance, and

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1 Safety
1.9 Decommissioning

1.9 Decommissioning

See section Decommissioning on page 233.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.1 Overview

2 Installation and commissioning

2.1 Overview

There are two versions of the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller(PMC). PMC small is
used for small robots and PMC large is used for large robots. The controller always
consists of one control module and one drive module.
PMC small PMC large

xx1300001963 xx1300001964


C xx1300001965


A Control module (with air channel for PMC large).

B Drive module (different design for PMC small and PMC large).
C Fan unit (for PMC large this is a part of the drive module.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.1 Overview

The control module contains the computer unit, communication interfaces,

FlexPendant connection, service ports and also the system software which includes
all basic functions for operation and programming.
The drive module contains the drive system.


When replacing a unit in the controller, report to ABB:

• the serial number
• article number
• revision
of both the replaced unit and the replacement unit.
This is particularly important for the safety equipment to maintain the safety
integrity of the installation.

The following parts can be delivered with the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller:
Part. no. Description Note
3HAC024244-005 Ethernet cable Standard
3HAC027818-001 Connection Power supply Standard
3HAC037824-001 Mains line filter (PMC small) Standard for PMC small
3HAC024322-001 Mains line filter (PMC large) Standard for PMC large
3HAC027201-001 Transformer unit Standard
3HAC028357-001 GTPU 3, 10m cable Option 701-1 and 701-3
3HAC031683-004 TPU cable, 30m Option 701-3
3HAC021914-001 Harness - TPU jumper plug Option 702-1
3HAC14178-1 Customer I/O power supply DSQC 609 Option 727-1
3HAC13398-2 Power supply Option 728-1
3HAC025600-005 Harness - Drive/Control 4m Option 761-1
3HAC038406-001 Fan unit Standard for PMC large
Option 882-1 for PMC
3HAC026486-001 Additional module Digital 24V Option 816-1
3HAC2588-2 Additional unit Que TRack unit Option 826-1
3HAC038403-001 EPS board Option 810-1
3HAC038402-001 SafeMove board Option 810-2
3HAC024180-001 Multi volt transformer Option 931-1

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.1 Overview


Because the parts of the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller can be mounted with
varying space apart, there is no guarantee that the standard cables are long
enough. In some cases there may be a need to create your own customized

Wrist strap button

The location of the wrist strap button is shown in the following illustration.


A Wrist strap button

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2 Installation activities

2.2 Installation activities

The following section details the main steps on how to unload, transport, install
and connect the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller modules.

Overview of the installation

Action Detailed in
1 Unpack the delivered IRC5 Panel Mounted Unpacking the controller on page 45
2 Install the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller. Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
on page 50
3 Connect the manipulator to IRC5 Panel
Mounted Controller.
4 Connect power supply to the IRC5 Panel Connecting power supply to PMC small on
Mounted Controller. page 65
Connecting power supply to PMC large on
page 67
5 Connect the FlexPendant to the IRC5 Connecting a FlexPendant on page 78.
Panel Mounted Controller.
6 Install the safety functions, for example, Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS
the emergency stop. OFF circuit on page 85
Connection of external safety relay on
page 94
Closing the Automatic Stop circuit on
page 84
7 Miscellaneous connections. How to connect buses, for example Devi-
ceNet, is detailed in the respective applic-
ation manual.
How to connect to a network is detailed in
section Connectors on the computer unit
on page 79.
8 If used, install add-ons. How to install add-ons is detailed in section
Installation of add-ons on page 114
9 When the installation is complete, perform
the function tests in section Function tests
on page 146 to verify that the safety fea-
tures work properly.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Unpacking the controller

2.3 Transporting and handling

2.3.1 Unpacking the controller

Read the safety regulations and other instructions before unpacking the controller,
see Safety on page 17.
The installation must be done by qualified installation personnel and should conform
to all national and local codes.
When unpacking the cabinet, inspect that it was not damaged during transport.


If the controller is going to be stored before unpacking and installation, read the
following information regarding storage conditions.

Storage conditions
The table below shows the recommended storage conditions for the IRC5 controller:
Parameter Value
Min. ambient temperature -25°C (-13°F)
Max. ambient temperature +55°C (+131°F)
Max. ambient temperature (short periods, +70°C (+158°F)
max 24 h)
Max. ambient humidity Maximum 95% at constant temperature.

After storage, the operating conditions must be met for at least 4 hours before
switching on the controller (see Operating conditions on page 45).

Operating conditions
The table below shows the allowed operating conditions for the IRC5 controller:
Parameter Value
Min. ambient temperature 0°C (32°F)
Max. ambient temperature +45°C (113°F)
Max. ambient humidity Maximum 95% at constant temperature.

Weight of controller
The table below shows the weight for the IRC5 controller:
Controller Part Weight
PMC small Complete controller max. 40 kg
Control module 12 kg
Drive module 22.5 kg

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Unpacking the controller

Controller Part Weight

PMC large Complete controller max. 60 kg
Control module 14 kg
Drive module 40 kg

Weight of additional equipment

The table below shows the weight for equipment used with the IRC5 Panel Mounted
Equipment Weight
Transformer 13 - 51 kg
Inductor 5.2 kg

Protection class
The table below shows the protection classes for the IRC5 controller and the
Equipment Protection class
IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller IP20
FlexPendant IP54

The Panel Mounted Controller modules must be mounted in a water-proof and

air-proof cabinet. Internal cooling is recommended but if that is not possible, a
filter shall be used. When used in industrial environment, the cabinet should fulfill
IP54. When used in foundry environment, the cabinet should fulfill IP67.

Cabinet cooling
If the cabinet where the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller is mounted needs cooling
depends on the power dissipation and the surface area of the cabinet. A heat test
is necessary to get any exact answers. A rough estimation can be made using the
following calculations.
The drive system efficiency is roughly 90%, so the power loss in the drive system
is at least near 10%. Note that the power loss in the drive system will increase
significantly if the motion cycle contains many frequent and sharp decelerations,
which cause very high bleeder power loss. Other equipment in the PMC typically
generates another 240W power loss.
For example, a customer RAPID program that creates 2000W output power may
generate a power loss of 220W in the drive system. Total power loss is then
approximately 460W.
The natural convection from a sheet metal cabinet is calculated as:
Qs=A*k* T
Qs = Heat emitted by the enclosure surface (W)
A = Enclosure area (m 2 )
k = Heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 K), where k is approximately 5.5 for a metal
sheet cabinet
ΔT=Ti-Tu = Temperature difference (K)

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Unpacking the controller

If the natural convection of the enclosure is to small, cooling equipment is needed

with cooling capacity according to following formula:
Qe = Qv - Qs
Qe = Required cooling output from the cooling unit
Qv = Installed heat loss

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.2 The unit is sensitive to ESD

2.3.2 The unit is sensitive to ESD

ESD (electrostatic discharge) is the transfer of electrical static charge between two
bodies at different potentials, either through direct contact or through an induced
electrical field. When handling parts or their containers, personnel not grounded
may potentially transfer high static charges. This discharge may destroy sensitive

Safe handling
Use one of the following alternatives:
• Use a wrist strap. The wrist strap button is located inside the controller.
Wrist straps must be tested frequently to ensure that they are not damaged
and are operating correctly.
• Use an ESD protective floor mat.
The mat must be grounded through a current-limiting resistor.
• Use a dissipative table mat.
The mat should provide a controlled discharge of static voltages and must
be grounded.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.1 Air channel for PMC large

2.4 On-site installation

2.4.1 Air channel for PMC large

Mount PMC large on the air channel

For PMC large, there is an air channel that must be mounted behind the controller.
Make sure that the air can flow freely in the air channel behind the controller as
well as through the controller.
If the control module is mounted separately, it can be mounted without the air
channel. If it is mounted on top of the drive module, it must be mounted on the air
channel so it does not obstruct the air flow.

The air flow

The fan to the right creates an air flow though the air channel behind the controller,
where the brake resistor bleeder is located. The two fans to the left creates an air
flow though the controller modules.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Dimensions for PMC small

The illustration below shows the required installation space for the PMC small.
290 498





25 (6x)




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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Dimensions for PMC large

The illustration below shows the required installation space for the PMC large.
M5 (8x)





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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller


Dimensions for transformers

258 - 384



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2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Dimensions for inductor





Dimensions for line filter






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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Dimensions for external operator's panel

128 200




Installation conditions
For the air flow to function properly, the Control Module and the Drive Module of
PMC small must be mounted according to following figure.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

For the air flow to function properly, the Drive Module of PMC large must be
mounted in an upright position according to following figure.



Do not mount the Control Module or Drive Module on a painted surface. The
frame of the modules must be connected to earth.


The Control Module and Drive Module must be mounted and connected to the
same earth.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Installation, IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Installing the modules in a cabinet

The IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller modules should be mounted on a rack system
in a cabinet. The recommended minimum depth of the cabinet is 400 mm for PMC
small and 500 mm for PMC large. The cabinet must fulfill the requirements specified
in Protection class on page 46.
The following procedure details how to install the IRC5 Panel Mounted modules.
Action Note/Illustration
1 Fit the module on pre-mounted M5 screws (4 pcs).


• A: M5 screws (4 pcs)
2 Secure the module with new M5 screws (4 pcs).


• B: M5 screws (4 pcs)
3 Fasten the module (M5 screw, 8 pcs) Tightening torque 4,5 Nm.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller

2.5 Connections

2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller

A good and proper electrical installation of the robot system is necessary to ensure
the best performance and prolong the lifetime of the whole robot system.
This section includes important information on how to connect cables and signals
to the controller.

Signal classes
Different rules apply to the different classes when selecting and laying cables.
Signals from different classes must not be mixed.
Signal class Description
Power signals Supplies external motors and brakes.
Class 4 (noisy) Applies to the cables associated with the power inputs and outputs
of variable speed drives. Cables carrying strongly interfering signals
such as motor cables, DC-link load sharing, unsuppressed inductive
loads, DC motors, welding equipment, etc.
Control signals Digital operating and data signals (digital I/O, protective stop, etc.).
Class 3 (slightly Applies to cables carrying slightly interfering signals: AC power
noisy) supply (<1 kV), DC power (24 V), power to equipment with RFI/EMI
filters, control circuits with resistive or suppressed inductive loads
(such as contactors and solenoids), direct-on-line induction motors,
Measurement signals Analog measurement and control signals (resolver and analog I/O).
Class 2 (slightly sens- This class covers ordinary analogue signals such as analogue sig-
itive) nals (4-20 mA, 0-10V, or signals below 1 MHz), low-speed digital
signals (RS232, RS485), digital (on/off) signals, limit switches, en-
coders, etc.
Data communication Gateway (fieldbus) connection, computer link.
signals Applies to cables carrying very sensitive signals. Signals with a full-
Class 1 (sensitive) scale range less than 1 V or 1 mA, and/or a source impedance >1
kOhm, and/or a signal frequency >1 Mhz. For example high-speed
digital communication (Ethernet), thermocouples, thermistors, strain
gauges and flowmeters.

Selecting cables
All cables laid in the control cabinet must be capable of withstanding 70°C. In
addition, the following rules apply to the cables of certain signal classes:
Signal class Cable type
Power signals Shielded cable with an area of at least 0.75 mm² or AWG 18.
Control signals Shielded cable.
Measurement signals Shielded cable with twisted pair conductors.
Data communication Shielded cable with twisted pair conductors. A specific cable
signals should be used for field bus connections and Ethernet, according
to the standard specification of the respective bus.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller


Any local standards and regulations concerning insulation and area must always
be complied with.

Route the cables

Routing of cables shall be done in a professional way.
• Cables of different classes, such as signal cables and power cables, must
not be routed together as the power cables may introduce noise in the signal
cables. The greater the separation distance, the lesser the risk for interference
between the cables.
• Robot controller mains supply input cable and robot power cable should be
separated even though they belong to the same class.
• If crossing cables from different classes, cables should cross at an angle
close to 90 degrees.
• All external cables that are to be connected inside the controller must be
shielded in the chassis before entering the cabinet.
Separation distances can be reduced if e.g. dividers are used between cables
classes. Manufacturers of cable duct systems can provide information on how
reduced separation distances can be achieved using their specific products.
Signal class Cable type
Power signals • These signals generate a lot of interference and must be
laid separate from control, measurement, and communica-
tion signals.
• The shielding must be connected to a paint-free part of the
panel chassis of the cabinet at both ends of the cable. Any
unshielded cable must be as short as possible.
• The manipulator power cables are routed on the floor and
along the left side of the controller cabinet.
• Cables should not be wound up like coils. This could cause
an magnetic field disturbing the signals. There will also be
a risk of overheating depending on the load.
Control signals • These signals are very sensitive to interference. To protect
these signals they should not be laid along with the power
Measurement signals signals.
Data communication • In the cable, each signal must be twisted with a neutral wire.
signals • The shielding must be connected directly to the chassis at
both ends of the cable.

Shielding cables
When peripheral devices are connected to the robot system, a shielded cable is
necessary to reduce coupling of the inner cable conductors to the environment
they pass through.

Shielding cable requirements

• The best method for shielding is to ground the shield at both ends of the
cable, provided the ends grounding are at the same potential.
• If the grounding points have different electric potentials - grounding both
ends will create a ground loop allowing unwanted current to flow in the shield.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller

In such cases one end grounding may be used. The grounding point should
then be at the robot controller side.
• Cables carrying analog low-level signals is another exception where the
shield should be grounded at only one end.
• Most data network and field bus types have defined grounding topologies.
If such grounding schemes exist, they should be followed.
• In complex interference environments, two-layer shielding may be required.
The inner shield should be grounded at the controller side only end and the
outer shield should be grounded at both ends. The optimum shielding is a
combination of foil and braid screens.
• The best connection is one in which the shielding is extended up to and
makes a solid 360° connection (shown below) with the ground plane or

Shielding example
The below example shows the shielding of a d-type connector:


A A dimpled connector body makes multiple bonds to the mating connector

body all around its periphery, 360° bonding.
B Metal, or metallized, back shell makes 360° bond to the connector body.
C The cable shield is exposed and 360° clamped to the back shell. A tight fit
is a must.
Many other 360° bonding methods and types of 360° shielded connectors are also

Shield pigtail termination

Shield pigtail termination, as shown below, shall be avoided. If a pigtail connection
cannot be avoided, make it as short as possible.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller

Ground and screen connections

The task of the grounding system is twofold - protective and functional. The primary
task is to serve as protective earth (PE) for personal and equipment safety. The
secondary task is to serve as a return path for common mode current.
For further information refer to EN 60204-1 and UL 1740.

Grounding requirements
The controller cabinet ground must come from the mains power supply PE.
• The grounding cable color shall be green-yellow.
• The ground for the controller cabinet, robot manipulator and peripheral
devices must be the same, preferably an equipotential ground grid (mesh).
• Ground connection points must have stable inter-metallic bonding, like screw
fixation. Paint, dirt, rust, and other insulating material must be removed from
the contacting surfaces.
For requirements on the marking of the supply ground connection inside the control
cabinet refer to UL 508C. For further details on how grounding systems should be
designed refer to IEC 61000-5-2. For details of cross-sectional area of PE refer to
IEC 60204-1.

Grounding installation
For information on how to install the ground for the manipulator, see the
corresponding product manual.

The following figure shows 2 examples on how the ground and the signal cable
screens can be connected:

Control cabinet External unit

Example 1

Example 2


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.1 Connecting cables to the controller

Example 1:
• Where a good ground is available on all units, the best shielding is obtained
by grounding all screens at both ends on all units.
Example 2:
• If the cable is terminated where a good ground is not available a noise
suppression capacitor can be used. The screens of the 2 cables must be
connected as shown in the figure, but not connected to the chassis of the

Interference elimination
Internal relay coils and other units that can generate interference inside the control
cabinet are neutralized. External relay coils, solenoids and other units must be
clamped in a similar way. The illustration below shows how this can be done.
Note that the turn-off time for DC relays increases after neutralization, especially
if a diode is connected across the coil. Varistors give shorter turn-off times.
Neutralizing the coils lengthens the life of the switches that control them.

+24 V DC 0V



+24 V AC/DC 0V



1 The diode should be dimensioned for the same current as the relay coil, and
a voltage of twice the supply voltage.
2 The varistor should be dimensioned for the same energy as the relay coil,
and a voltage of twice the supply voltage.
3 When AC voltage is used, the components needs to be dimensioned for >500
V max voltage and 125 V nominal voltage.
The resistor should be 100 Ω, and the capacitor should be 1W 0.1 - 1 µF
(typically 0.47 µF).

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.2 Power supply system requirements

2.5.2 Power supply system requirements

Definition of the power supply system

IEC 60364 defines three different types of mains grounding using the two-letter
codes. These are TN, TT, and IT.
First letter Type of ground connection
T Direct connection of one point to ground.
I Not connected to ground or connected to ground via a high impedance.

Second letter Connection between ground and the device being supplied
T Direct connection of one point to ground.
N Direct connection to neutral at the origin of installation, which is connec-
ted to the ground

In the following section the transformer configuration refers to the transformer

secondary side. Configuration of the transformer primary side is not discussed in
this context.

Recommended power supply systems

The following systems are recommended by ABB:
TN−S system TN−C system
PE and N are separate conductors that are A combined PEN conductor is used as both
connected together only near the transformer. a PE and an N conductor.
L1 L1

L2 L2

L3 L3




Not recommended power supply systems

The following systems are not recommended by ABB:
TT system (separate ground rods) Resistance grounded secondary system
If this kind of system must be used, the If this kind of system must be used, the
grounding path resistance between ground voltage variations between any line and PE
1 and 2 shall not exceed 0.1 Ohm, for more should not exceed ±10% of the nominal line
information refer to UL1740. voltage, for more information refer to EN

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.2 Power supply system requirements

TT system (separate ground rods) Resistance grounded secondary system

L1 L1

L2 L2

L3 L3


xx1700001312 xx1700001313

Not allowed power supply systems

The following systems are not allowed by ABB:
Un-symmetric system IT system (ungrounded secondary)
These transformers provide un-symmetric The voltage between phases and ground is
phase voltages with respect to ground. Inher- undefined and may cause damage to both
ent phase imbalances with respect to ground drive system and mains line filter (if installed).
would put the drive system and mains line
filter (if installed) under unacceptable stress.






Isolation transformer
A three-phase isolation transformer between the mains supply and the control
cabinet is required for any of the below conditions:
• Not allowed power supply system used, as mentioned in Not allowed power
supply systems on page 63.
• When the mains supply is shared with a pressing machine, frequency
converter, or other large industry equipment that may cause the power supply
characteristics out of standard limits. To some extent, isolation transformers
will filter out harmonics, spikes and surges.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.2 Power supply system requirements

For further information refer to regional power supply standards.

Allowed isolation transformer types

The following isolation transformer types are allowed by ABB:
Delta-Wye isolation transformer (△/Y) Wye-Wye isolation transformer (Y /Y)

xx1700001318 xx1700001319

A Primary/input
B Secondary/output

Mains line filter

A mains line filter is included in the IRC5 Panel Mounted controller, ensuring
compliance with EN/IEC 61000-6-4.
Additional types of external filters may be used, provided they are approved by
regional standards. For further information refer to regional power supply standards.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.3 Connecting power supply to PMC small

2.5.3 Connecting power supply to PMC small



A Incoming power (3 phase)

B Line filter
C Transformer
D Power supply 3x262V
E Power supply 230V (2 phase)
F Power supply 230V from the drive module to the control module

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Incoming power cable
Line filter See Miscellaneous parts on page 250.
Mini-Fit Jr Handcrimp tool Recommendation:
16-24AWG Molex art. no. 063819090
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section
Standard toolkit, IRC5 on page 243.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.3 Connecting power supply to PMC small

Connecting incoming power to the Drive Module

Use this procedure to connect power supply to the drive module.
Action Note/illustration
1 Place the line filter and transformer
near to the drive module and they
must be on the same ground.
2 Connect the incoming power to the
Line filter (LINE).


3 Route, strap and connect the three

phase wires to XT16:1, 2 and 3.


• A: incoming power 3x262V 10A wires

• B: incoming 230V wires
• C: incoming earth cable
• D: outgoing 230V to the Control Module
4 Route, strap and connect the two
phase wires to XT16:4 and 5. CAUTION

Separate the power supply 2-phase wires from

the 3-phase wires. These are disturbing on the
Line filter LOAD side.

5 Route, strap and connect the earth

cable to PE.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.4 Connecting power supply to PMC large

2.5.4 Connecting power supply to PMC large

The controller is shown lying down in order to show the cables. Please note that
the PMC large must be mounted in an upright position.



A Incoming power (3 phase)

B Line filter
C Transformer
(can be left out for 3-phase if using incoming 3-phase of 400-480V)
(can be left out for 2-phase if using incoming single phase of 230V)
D Inductor
E Power supply 3 x 400-480V
F Power supply 230V (2 phase)
G Power supply 230V from the Drive Module to the Control Module

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.4 Connecting power supply to PMC large

Rated voltage and current

To find the rated voltage, rated current and interrupting capacity of the IRC5 Panel
Mounted Controller, see the name plates on the side of the control module and
drive module.


A Controller name plates

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Incoming power cable
Line filter See Miscellaneous parts on page 250.
Mini-Fit Jr Handcrimp tool Recommendation:
16-24AWG Molex art. no. 063819090
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section
Standard toolkit, IRC5 on page 243.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Recommended cables

Cable Dimensions
230V 1.5-4 mm 2 (AWG 16-12)
400-480V 4-10 mm 2 (AWG 12-7)

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.4 Connecting power supply to PMC large

Connecting incoming power to the Drive Module

Use this procedure to connect power supply to the drive module.
Action Note/illustration
1 Place the line filter and transformer
near to the drive module and they
must be on the same ground.
2 Connect the incoming power to the
Line filter (LINE).


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.4 Connecting power supply to PMC large

Action Note/illustration
3 Route, strap and connect the three
phase wires to the 3-phase automatic
fuse (F1).



• A: incoming power 3x400V 16A wires

• B: incoming 230V wires
• C: incoming earth cable
• D: outgoing 230V to the Control Module
4 Route, strap and connect the two
phase wires to the 2-phase automatic CAUTION
fuse (F2).
Separate the power supply 2-phase wires from
the 3-phase wires. These are disturbing on the
Line filter LOAD side.

5 Route, strap and connect the earth

cable to PE.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.5 Connecting power supply to the control module

2.5.5 Connecting power supply to the control module

Connecting power supply 230V to the control module

The power to the control module can be provided from the drive module with cable
3HAC038835-001 (rolled up inside the drive module at delivery) or from an external
Use this procedure to connect power supply to the control module.
Action Note/illustration
1 If using the power supply from the drive PMC small:
module, roll out the power cable from
the drive module.


PMC large:


• D: 230V power supply from the drive

module to the control module

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.5 Connecting power supply to the control module

Action Note/illustration
2 Route and strap the power supply 230V Control module:
10A cable as the illustration to the right A B


A Incoming earth
B Power supply 230V 10A
3 Connect the power supply 230V 10A
cable to the control power supply con-
nector X1.
• phase 1 to G2.X1:1
• earth to G2.X1:3
• phase 2 (N) to G2.X1:5
4 Connect incoming earth to PE.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.6 Connecting communication cables between IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module and control module

2.5.6 Connecting communication cables between IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module
and control module

PMC small:


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.6 Connecting communication cables between IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module and control module

PMC large:


A Ethernet cable
B Panel board/Contactor interface board cable

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Ethernet cable 3HAC024244-005

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.6 Connecting communication cables between IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module and control module

Equipment Art. no. Note

Panel board/Contactor interface 3HAC024201-001
board cable
Standard toolkit Described in section Standard
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Connecting the Ethernet cable

Use this procedure details connect the Ethernet cable between the drive module
and control module.
Action Note/Illustration
1 Connect the cable to the Axis computer board con-
nector A42.X2, route and strap the cable as shown
in the illustration above.
2 Connect the cable to the Main computer connector

Connecting the Panel board/Contactor interface board cable

Use this procedure to connect the panel board/contactor interface board cable
between the drive module and control module.
Action Note/Illustration
1 Connect the cable to the Contactor interface board
connector A43.X1, route and strap the cable as
shown in the illustration above.
2 Connect the cable to the Panel board connector

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.7 Connecting fan unit to IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module

2.5.7 Connecting fan unit to IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module


For PMC large, the fan unit is already connected at delivery.



A Control module
B Drive module
C Fan cable
D Fan unit

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.7 Connecting fan unit to IRC5 Panel Mounted Drive Module

Connecting fan unit to drive module

Use this procedure to connect the fan unit to the drive module.
Action Note/Illustration
1 Connect fan unit to drive module



The fan unit must not be covered.

Check that nothing covers or block the
fan unit.

3 Temporarily turn the power supply to

the modules on.
Inspect all fans to make sure they
function correctly.
Turn the power supply back off.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.8 Connecting a FlexPendant

2.5.8 Connecting a FlexPendant

Location of FlexPendant connector

The FlexPendant connector on the Panel Mounted Controller is located on the front
of the controller.


Always inspect the connector for dirt or damage before connecting it to the
controller. Clean or replace any damaged parts.


A FlexPendant connector

Connecting a FlexPendant

Action Information
1 Locate the FlexPendant socket connector The controller must be in manual mode.
on the controller or operator’s panel.
2 Plug in the FlexPendant cable connector.
3 Screw the connector lock ring firmly by
turning it clockwise.

Handling the FlexPendant cables

FlexPendant cables are allowed to be rolled up by hand with a minimum bending
radius of 10 times the cable diameter. This also applies to the extension cable. For
example, if the cable is 9.5 mm then it is allowed to roll it with a radius of 95 mm.
Extension cables are not allowed to be used in chains.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.9 Connectors on the computer unit

2.5.9 Connectors on the computer unit

Overview of the computer unit

The following illustration shows an overview of the computer unit.


X1 Power supply
X2 (yellow) Service (connection of PC).
X3 (green) LAN1 (connection of FlexPendant).
X4 LAN2 (connection of Ethernet based options).
X5 LAN3 (connection of Ethernet based options).
X6 WAN (connection to factory WAN).
X7 (blue) Panel unit
X9 (red) Axis computer
X10, X11 USB ports (4 ports)


It is not supported to connect multiple ports of the main computer (X2 - X6) to
the same external switch, unless static VLAN isolation is applied on the external

Service port test middle

The service port is intended for service engineers and programmers connecting
directly to the controller with a PC.

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2.5.9 Connectors on the computer unit

The service port is configured with a fixed IP-address, which is the same for all
controllers and cannot be changed, and has a DHCP server that automatically
assigns an IP-address to the connected PC.


For more information about connecting a PC to the service port, see section
Connecting a PC to the controller in Operating manual - RobotStudio.

WAN port
The WAN port is a public network interface to the controller, typically connected
to the factory network with a public IP address provided by the network
The WAN port can be configured with fixed IP-address, or DCHP, from the Boot
application on the FlexPendant. By default the IP-address is blank.
Some network services, like FTP and RobotStudio, are enabled by default. Other
services are enabled by the respective RobotWare application.


The WAN port cannot use any of the following IP-addresses which are allocated
for other functions on the IRC5 controller:
• - 255
• - 255
• - 255
• - 255
• - 255
• - 255
The WAN port cannot be on a subnet which overlaps with any of the above
reserved IP-addresses. If a subnet mask in the class B range has to be used,
then a private address of class B must be used to avoid any overlapping. Please
contact your local network administrator regarding network overlapping.
See the section about topic Communication in Technical reference
manual - System parameters.


For more information about connecting a PC to the WAN port, see section
Connecting a PC to the controller in Operating manual - RobotStudio.

LAN ports
The LAN 1 port is dedicated for connecting the FlexPendant.
The LAN 2 and LAN 3 ports are intended for connecting network based process
equipment to the controller. For example field buses, cameras, and welding

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2.5.9 Connectors on the computer unit

LAN 2 can only be used as private network to the IRC5 controller.

Isolated LAN 3 or LAN 3 as part of the private network (only for RobotWare 6.01 and later)
The default configuration is that LAN 3 is configured as an isolated network. This
allows LAN 3 to be connected to an external network, including other robot
controllers. The isolated LAN 3 network has the same address limitations as the
WAN network.


The isolated LAN 3 cannot be used to connect to any HMI device (RobotStudio,
Robot Web Services, or PC SDK client) since it does not support the protocol
needed for communication.

Robot Controller

Private Isolated Public


Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN


An alternative configuration is that LAN 3 is part of the private network. The ports
Service, LAN 1, LAN 2, and LAN 3 then belong to the same network and act just
as different ports on the same switch. This is configured by changing the system
parameter Interface, in topic Communication and type Static VLAN, from "LAN 3"
to "LAN". See Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Robot Controller

Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN



For more information and examples of connecting to different networks, see

Application manual - EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter or Application
manual - PROFINET Controller/Device.

USB ports
The USB ports are intended for connecting USB memory devices.


It is recommended to use the USB ports USB 1 and USB 2 on the X10 connector
for connecting USB memory devices.
The USB ports on the X11 connector are intended for internal use.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.10 Connecting a serial channel to the controller

2.5.10 Connecting a serial channel to the controller

The serial channel is an option. To be able to connect a serial channel to the
controller, the main computer needs to be equipped with the expansion board
The expansion board has one RS232 serial channel, COM1, which can be used to
communicate with process equipment.
The expansion board also enables the connection of a fieldbus adapter. For more
information on how to connect a fieldbus adapter, see Definition of fieldbuses,
IRC5 on page 106.

The serial channel connector is located on the expansion board in the computer
unit as shown below.





The CONSOLE connector is used for debugging purposes only.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.10 Connecting a serial channel to the controller

Conversion of the RS232 channel

The RS232 channel can be converted to RS422 full duplex with an optional adapter,
DSQC 615.
The RS422 enables a more reliable point to point communication (differential) over
longer distances, from RS232 = 15m to RS422 = 120m.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Connect the adapter to the serial channel A cable is needed between the serial
connector. channel connector and the adapter.


A cable
B adapter

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.11 Closing the Automatic Stop circuit

2.5.11 Closing the Automatic Stop circuit

Closing the Automatic Stop circuit

The controller is shipped with a default configuration so that the automatic stop
circuit is open and the general/superior stop circuit is bypassed (short-circuited).
The system can only work in manual mode.
To enable the controller without any additional/external safety equipment, connect
the safety circuit. To bypass Automatic stop circuit, 3-pole jumpers are enclosed
in bag 3HAC078549-001 with corresponding instruction 3HAC078652-001. See the
circuit diagram, 3HAC026871-020.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

Outline diagram
The MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit is made up of two identical chains of
The diagram shows one of the chains with the available customer connections,
AS, GS, SS, and ES.




J &



A ES (emergency stop)
B LS (Limit switch)
C Solid state switches
D Contactor
E Mains
F Drive unit
G Second chain interlock
H GS (general mode safeguarded space stop)
J SS (superior stop, same function as GS)
K AS (Automatic mode safeguarded space stop)
L ED (FlexPendant three-position enabling device)
M Manual mode
N Automatic mode
O Operating mode selector

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

T Motor


Make sure the polarity is correct and that the voltage is not more than 24 V.

Function of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

The circuit monitors all safety related equipment and switches. If any of the switches
is opened, the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit switches the power to the motors
As long as the two channels of AS, GS, SS, and ES are not in identical state, the
robot will remain in protective stop and MOTORS OFF mode.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

Connection of safety chains

The diagram below shows the dual channel safety chain.
The supply from internal 24V and 0 V is displayed. For external supply of GS and
AS check the circuit diagram.

Terminal Location

X5, X6 Control Module

X22, X24 Drive Module


Technical data per chain

Limit switch Load: 300 mV
Max. voltage drop: 1 V
External connectors Load: 10 mA
Max. voltage drop: 4 V
GS/AS/SS load at 24 V 25 mA
GS/AS/SS closed "1" >18 V
GS/AS/SS open "0" <5V
External supply of GS/AS/SS Max. + 35 VDC
Min. - 35 VDC
GS/AS/SS Filter time 2.0 ms i

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

Technical data per chain

Max. potential in relation to the 300 V
cabinet earthing and other signal
Signal class Control signals
i When connecting for example a safety PLC to a safety stop, make sure that the safety check pulses
not exceeds 2.0 ms, otherwise a safety relay must be connected in between. See the following


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

Connection of ES1/ES2 on panel unit

The diagram below shows the terminals for the emergency circuits.
The supply from internal 24V (X1:4/X2:8) and 0V (X1:8/X2:4) is displayed. For an
ext. supply, X1:3 / X2:7 is connected to ext. 24V, and X1:7 / X2:3 is connected to
ext. 0V.

24V 0V
X1:4 X1:3

X1:8 X1:7


0V 24V
X2:4 X2:3

X2:8 X2:7

X2:2 0V




A Internal
B Ext stop
C FlexPendant
D Cabinet
E ES1 internal
F Run chain 1 top
G Internal
H ES2 internal
J Run chain 2 top
ES1 Emergency stop output 1
ES2 Emergency stop output 2

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.12 Connection of the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF circuit

Technical data
ES1 and ES2 max output voltage 120 VAC or 48 VDC
ES1 and ES2 max output current 120 VAC: 4 A
48 VDC L/R: 50 mA
24 VDC L/R: 2 A
24 VDC R load: 8 A
External supply of ES relay 24 VDC ± 10% between terminals X1:3,
7 and X2:7, 3 respectively.


In case of interference, the external sup-

ply must be properly filtered.

Rated current per chain 40 mA

Max. potential in relation to the cabinet earthing 300 V
and other signal groups.
Signal class Control signals

Connection to operating mode selector

The illustration below shows the connection of terminals for customer use.


A Mode selector

Technical data
Max. voltage 48 VDC
Max. current 4A
Max. potential in relation to the cabinet earthing 300 V
and other signal groups.
Signal class Control signals

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.13 Programmable stop functions

2.5.13 Programmable stop functions

Stopping functions
There are different methods to stop the robot, in addition to manually initiated
• Stop with system input signals
• Stop with RAPID instructions
• Other stops

Stop with system input signals

In the control system, it is possible to define system input signals to be set/reset
through different interactions, for example, through I/O signals. See Application
manual - Controller software IRC5.
The RAPID program cannot be started when any of the system input signals is
Pre-defined system input Description
Stop The RAPID program execution is stopped, and the manipulator
is stopped on path with no deviation. This stop is similar to a
normal program stop using stop button on the FlexPendant.
SoftStop This is a faster stop of the manipulator than Stop. This stop is
more stressing for the mechanics than normal stop, therefore
there might be a minor deviation on path.
QuickStop This is a faster stop of the manipulator than Stop and SoftStop.
This stop is more stressing for the mechanics than normal stop
or SoftStop, therefore there might be a deviation on path.
Stop at End of Cycle Stops the RAPID program when the complete program is ex-
ecuted, that means when the last instruction in the main routine
has been completed.
Stop at End of Instruction Stops program execution after the current instruction is com-

All of these stops are performed without using the brakes, and the power is never
disconnected. The program execution can be continued directly, for example by
activating a start signal if the stop signal is set low.


Only safety rated input signals are allowed to be used for safety.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.13 Programmable stop functions

Stop with RAPID instructions

There are several RAPID instructions available that stops the robot.
Instruction Description Arguments
SystemStopAction Stops all robots in all tasks imme- \Stop: similar to a normal pro-
diately. gram stop with stop button.
\StopBlock: as above, but to re-
start the PP has to be moved.
\Halt: this is like a category 0
stop, i.e. it will result in motors off
state, stop of program execution
and robot movements in all motion
tasks. The Motors on button must
be pressed before the program
execution can be restarted.
Stop The current move instruction will \NoRegain: the robot will not re-
be finished before the robot stops. turn to the stop point when restar-
A restart will continue the program ted, e.g. after having been jogged
execution. away.
\AllMoveTasks: all robots will be
StopMove The current move instruction will \Quick: the stop will be a soft
be stopped immediately as a nor- stop on path, as described for
mal program stop but the program system input SoftStop, otherwise
execution will continue with the similar to a normal program stop.
next instruction. StartMove must \AllMotionTasks: all robots will
be executed to get the robot mov- be stopped.
ing again.
DebugBreak The current move instruction and
the program execution will be
stopped immediately as a normal
program stop. A restart of the pro-
gram will continue the program
EXIT The current move instruction and
the program execution will be
stopped immediately as a normal
program stop. After stop the Pro-
gram Pointer is lost and has to be
reset to Main.
EXITCYCLE The current move instruction and
program execution will be stopped
immediately. The Program Pointer
will be moved to Main and if run-
ning mode is continuous, the pro-
gram will be restarted.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.13 Programmable stop functions

Instruction Description Arguments

SearchX Search instructions can be pro- \Stop: the robot will stop as fast
grammed with arguments to stop as possible. This stop is per-
the robot movement close to the formed by ramping down motion
point where a search hit was no- in each motor separate from each
ticed. The program execution will other, and as fast as possible.
continue with the next instruction. Since it will be without any coordin-
ation, the robot may slide off path
fairly much.
\PStop: the robot will stop like
after a normal program stop.
\SStop: the robot will stop on path
but quicker than a normal program
stop. This is similar to a system
input SoftStop.
\Sup: the robot will continue to the
ToPoint. If more than one search
hit is found, an error will be repor-

RAPID instructions are described in Technical reference manual - RAPID

Instructions, Functions and Data types.

Other unexpected stops

Type of stop Description

SysFail In the control system there is a surveillance and monitoring
function that can detect abnormal situations. In such cases a
stop will be initiated. The robot controller must be restarted.
Power fail In the control system there is a monitoring function that can
detect power failure. In such cases a stop will be initiated.
Stop at collision In the control system there is a monitoring function that can
detect collisions. In such cases a stop will be initiated.


Special care must be taken when restarting a machine that is

stopped due to a collision. The robot might make a limited
move when restarted.


The revolution counters might need to be updated after a colli-

sion to ensure path accuracy.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.14 Connection of external safety relay

2.5.14 Connection of external safety relay

The motor contactors K42 and K43 in the controller can operate with external
equipment if external relays are used.

Connection example
The following figure shows an example of how to connect an external safety relay.


C Robot 1
D Robot 2
F ES (emergency stop) relay
G External Safety relay
H To other equipment
J Safety gate
K Cell ES (emergency stop)

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.15 Connection of Drive Module Disconnect, by limit switch

2.5.15 Connection of Drive Module Disconnect, by limit switch

This function enables you to temporarily disconnect a drive module and deactivate
any robot or additional mechanical units connected to this module. The procedures
are detailed below.
It is also possible to connect a remote switch to enable a Drive Module Disconnect.
The required equipment and procedure for connection of a switch are specified


The system diagnostics monitors the connection and disconnection of drive

modules, and event log messages regarding these events will be stored in the
event log when required. These messages are accessible using the FlexPendant
or RobotStudio.


This functionality cannot be used together with SafeMove, option 810-2.

The contactor interface board unit is located in the Panel Mounted Drive Module
as shown below.
PMC small:


A Contactor interface board

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.15 Connection of Drive Module Disconnect, by limit switch

PMC large:


A Contactor interface board

Required equipment
The table below details the required equipment.
Equipment Note
Wire AWG20
Switch 24V 0.5A
Operating manual - RobotStudio
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant
Standard toolkit
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Enabling Drive Module Disconnect in RobotStudio

The following procedures details how to enable the system for Drive Module
1 In the Configuration editor in RobotStudio, select the topic Motion.
2 Select the type Drive Module User Data.
3 Set the parameter for selected drive module to YES.
4 Restart the system.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.15 Connection of Drive Module Disconnect, by limit switch

Enabling Drive Module Disconnect with the FlexPendant

The following procedures details how to enable the system for Drive Module
1 In the Control panel on the FlexPendant, tap Topics, and select Motion.
2 Tap the type Drive Module User Data, and then tap to select the drive module.
3 Set the parameter for selected drive module to YES.
4 Restart the system.

Disconnecting the drive module

Use this procedure to disconnect a drive module.
Action Note/illustration
1 Make sure that the system is in the MO-
TORS_OFF state.
2 Disconnect the connector X22. It is also possible to use connector X21,
but this is typically used for limit switches
on the robot.


Reconnecting the drive module

Use this procedure to reconnect the drive module.
Action Note/illustration
1 Make sure that the system is in the MO-
TORS_OFF state.
2 Reconnect the X22 connector.


3 Move the program pointer to main in the

RAPID-program where the disconnected
mechanical units are active.

Connect a remote switch

The following procedures details how to connect a remote switch.
Action Note/illustration
1 Make sure that the system is in the MO-
TORS_OFF state.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.15 Connection of Drive Module Disconnect, by limit switch

Action Note/illustration
2 Disconnect the jumpers from the connector
3 Connect the wires to the connector X22
according to the diagram on the right.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.16 Connecting a Limit switch override push button

2.5.16 Connecting a Limit switch override push button


The Limit switch override is used to disconnect safety limitations. Make sure the
Limit switch override function is not active longer than absolutely necessary.
If the option SafeMove is implemented, Limit switch override must never be used
at all. The SafeMove safety controller has its own override function.

The override circuit enables the possibility to jog an axis out of a forbidden (limited)

The switch has to be placed inside the controller to eliminate the risk of electrical

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no Note

Contact block (2 pcs) 3SFA 611 610 R1001 ABB CW Control
Push button 1SFA 611 102 R1105 ABB CW Control
Connector X23 3HAC021085-001
Wire Cable AWG 20 Blue
Standard toolkit This is detailed in section
Standard toolkit, IRC5 on
page 243.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on
page 265.


The parts needs to be ordered separately from ABB and are not part of an option

The following procedure details how to connect a Limit switch override circuit in
the controller.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.16 Connecting a Limit switch override push button

Action Note/illustration
2 Attach two additional contact blocks on the
existing push button (Motors on).


• A: Additional contact blocks

• B: Existing contact, lamp blocks
• C: Holder
• D: Push button
3 Connect wires from the contact blocks to
the connector according to the diagram to
the right.


4 Fit the connector to the X23 connector on

the contactor interface board.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.1 Drive functions, general

2.6 Drive system

2.6.1 Drive functions, general

The robot is powered by power electronics found in the IRC5 Panel Mounted

Location of drive unit

PMC small:


A Main Drive Unit

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.1 Drive functions, general

PMC large:


A Main Drive Unit

Replacing drive system parts

How to replace the drive unit for PMC small is described in section Replacement
of drive unit for PMC small on page 188.
How to replace the drive unit for PMC large is described in section Replacement
of Main Drive Unit for PMC large on page 191.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.7.1 Memory functions

2.7 Memory functions

2.7.1 Memory functions

The controller is fitted with an SD-card memory containing ABB Boot Application
software. The SD-card memory is located inside the computer unit.
For more information on how to replace the SD-card memory, see Replacement
of SD-card memory in computer unit on page 185.


Only use SD-card memory supplied by ABB.


Reformatting the SD-card or modifying the disk partition can cause irreparable
boot-up problems.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.7.2 Connecting a USB memory

2.7.2 Connecting a USB memory

Handling USB
Handling of USB memory is described in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

Location on FlexPendant
The location of the USB port on the FlexPendant is shown by the following


A USB port (located behind rubber cover)

Location on main computer

The location of the USB ports on the main computer is shown by the following


A USB ports

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.7.2 Connecting a USB memory


It is recommended to use the USB ports USB 1 and USB 2 on the X10 connector
for connecting USB memory devices.
The USB ports on the X11 connector are intended for internal use.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.1 Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5

2.8 I/O system

2.8.1 Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5

The IRC5 Controller may be fitted with a number of different fieldbus adapters and
fieldbus master/slave boards.
In the standard form, no fieldbus is mounted to the controller.

Fieldbus master/slave boards

On the main computer unit there are slots available for installing a master/slave


A Slot for PCIexpress boards

B Slot for safety module (option SafeMove Pro or SafeMove Basic)

The following master/slave boards are available:

Description Art. no. Type designation
PROFIBUS Master PCIexpress 3HAC044872-001 DSQC1005
DeviceNet Master/Slave PCIexpress 3HAC043383-001 DSQC1006

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.1 Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5

Expansion board for fieldbus adapters

An expansion board needs to be installed to be able to fit a fieldbus adapter. On
top of the main computer unit, there is one slot available for installing the expansion
The expansion board is also equipped with a serial channel. For more information
on how to connect to the serial channel, see Connecting a serial channel to the
controller on page 82.


A Assembled expansion board for fieldbus adapters, without adapter.

Description Art. no. Type designation

AnybusCC / RS232 expansion 3HAC046408-001 DSQC1003

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.1 Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5

Fieldbus adapters
The fieldbus adapters are inserted into the expansion board on top of the main
computer unit. There is one slot available for installing a fieldbus adapter.


A Slot for AnybusCC fieldbus adapters

Following fieldbus adapters are available:

Description Art. no. Type designation
AnybusCC DeviceNet slave 3HAC045973-001 DSQC1004
AnybusCC PROFIBUS slave 3HAC026840-001 DSQC 667
AnybusCC Ethernet/IP slave 3HAC027652-014 DSQC 669
AnybusCC PROFINET slave 3HAC031670-001 DSQC 688

For more information on how to install and configure the fieldbuses, see the
respective fieldbus manual:
Manual title Art. no.
Application manual - DeviceNet Master/Slave 3HAC050992-001
Application manual - DeviceNet Anybus Slave 3HAC050993-001
Application manual - EtherNet/IP Anybus Adapter 3HAC050997-001
Application manual - EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter 3HAC050998-001
Application manual - PROFIBUS Anybus Device 3HAC050965-001
Application manual - PROFIBUS Controller 3HAC050966-001
Application manual - PROFIenergy Device 3HAC050967-001

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.1 Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5

Manual title Art. no.

Application manual - PROFINET Anybus Device 3HAC050968-001
Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device 3HAC065546-001

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.2 DeviceNet I/O units

2.8.2 DeviceNet I/O units

The IRC5 controller may be fitted with DeviceNet I/O or encoder units. These are
configured in an identical way.



A I/O or encoder units

B Mounting rail
C Connection terminal XT31

Standard configuration
In the standard form, no fieldbus is mounted to the controller.
It is possible to connect any type of DeviceNet compliant I/O unit on the DeviceNet
- master bus. All I/O units should comply with the DeviceNet standard and be
conformance tested by ODVA.

DeviceNet I/O units and parts

The table below specifies the DeviceNet I/O units:
See Spare parts on page 245 for the spare part numbers.

Encoder interface units

The table below specifies the encoder interface units:
Description Art. no. Note
Encoder interface unit for conveyor 3HNE 01586-1 DSQC 377B

Further information
The table below gives references to additional information:
Information: Found in:
How to install the DeviceNet I/O Fit the expansion board and/or field bus adapter ac-
units mechanically and electrically. cording to Replacement of expansion board in the
computer unit on page 174 and/or Replacement of
fieldbus adapter in the computer unit on page 177.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.2 DeviceNet I/O units

Information: Found in:

Allowed configurations of Devi- Technical reference manual - System parameters
ceNet I/O units and how to setup
the configurations.
How to install the DeviceNet I/O unit The application manual for the different I/O buses re-
software related in a new system. spectively, see listing in Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5
on page 106.
Detailed descriptions of all available The application manual for the different I/O buses re-
DeviceNet I/O units. spectively, see listing in Definition of fieldbuses, IRC5
on page 106.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.8.3 Conveyor tracking module
RobotWare - OS

2.8.3 Conveyor tracking module

The conveyor tracking module, DSQC 2000 CTM-01, is a network based conveyor
interface that provides connections for 4 encoders and 8 cameras. The camera
connections can also be used for other sensor types, for example photocells. The
module uses network communication to share conveyor speed and position data
with one or more robot controllers.


Encoder interface units

The table below specifies the encoder interface units:
Description Art. no. Note
DSQC2000 CTM-01 3HNA027579-001 Conveyor tracking
CONNECTOR KIT - DSQC2000 3HNA029345-001 Connector kit


The connector kit in-

cludes contacts for 2
encoders and 4 camer-
Two connector kits
are needed to handle
additional encoders
and cameras.

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2.8.3 Conveyor tracking module
RobotWare - OS

Further information
The table below gives references to additional information:
Information: Found in:
How to install and configure Convey- Application manual - Conveyor tracking,
or Tracking. 3HAC050991-001

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.1 Installation of additional Drive Module

2.9 Installation of add-ons

2.9.1 Installation of additional Drive Module

To be able to use a MultiMove system, an additional Drive Module is needed. The
Panel Mounted Controller is prepared for up to three additional Drive Modules.



For PMC, drive units for additional motors cannot be installed.

For more information about installing additional Drive Modules, see Application
manual - MultiMove. For more information about stacking modules and process
modules, see Product specification - Controller IRC5.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.2 Installation of external operator's panel, IRC5

2.9.2 Installation of external operator's panel, IRC5

External operator’s panels can be either simply a panel or a panel box. See
illustrations below.


When ordering the external operator's panel as an add-on, the external operator's
panel is delivered empty together with labels and blanking plugs.
When installing, the following components must be moved from the controller
to the external operator's panel:
• Mode switch
• Motor ON button
• Emergency stop button

External operator’s panel (option 733-3)





A Front panel
B FlexPendant connector
C Blanking plug for actuator red
D Emergency stop button
E Motor ON button
F Mode switch

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.2 Installation of external operator's panel, IRC5

External operator’s panel box (option 733-4)





A Wall cabinet
B Front panel
C Blanking plug for FlexPendant
D Blanking plug for actuator red
E Emergency stop button
F Motor ON button
G Mode switch
H External operator's panel harness
I FlexPendant connector

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

External operator's panel (733-3) 3HAC040643-003
External operator's panel box (733-4) 3HAC040644-003
External operator's panel cable 3HAC038767-001 7 m
3HAC038768-001 15 m
3HAC038769-001 30 m
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in
section, Standard toolkit,
IRC5 on page 243
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on
page 265.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.2 Installation of external operator's panel, IRC5

The procedure below details how to install the external control panel.
Action Info/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Disconnect the cable from the ethernet

connector for FlexPendant on the computer
3 Disconnect signal cabling from the panel
board unit.
• A21.X9
• A21.X10


4 Connect the ethernet connector A31.X3 for

the FlexPendant to the computer unit.
5 Connect the signal connectors A21.X9 and
A21.X10 to the connector X9 and X10 on
the panel board unit.
6 Strap the cabling to the existing cable
strapping inside the controller.
7 Fit the following components to the correct
positions on the external operator's panel:
• S21.1, Mode switch
• S21.2, Motor ON button
• S21.3, Emergency stop button
8 Fit the cabling to the panel box with the four
attachment screws.
9 Attach the XS4 connector to the external See Circuit diagrams on page 265.
operator's panel, and connect the free ends
of the harness to the components on the
external operator's panel.
10 Connect the earth cable.
11 Strap the cabling on the external operator's
12 Power on the controller and test the func-
tionality of the Mode switch, Motor ON
button, and the Emergency stop button.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.3 Installation of external enabling device

2.9.3 Installation of external enabling device

IRC5 is delivered with one enabling device but have the possibility to connect one
additional external enabling device (cannot be ordered from ABB Robotics).
When an external enabling device is used together with the three-position enabling
device on the teach pendant, both enabling devices must be enabled to be able
to operate the manipulator in manual mode.

Connecting the external enabling device

The external enabling device must be connected to the panel board connector X6
pin 7-10 as shown in the figure below.


Panel board (A21)

Connector X6

External enabling
X6.7 (EN1_1A)

X6.9 (EN2_1B)

X6.10 (EN2_1A)

X6.8 (EN1_1B)


The enabling device chain is enabled if X6 pin 7 is short circuited with X6 pin 8 at
the same time as X6 pin 9 is short circuited with X6 pin 10.

Requirement on the external enabling device

The external enabling device connected to IRC5 must have the following
• Redundant channels.
• Three-position enabling device. When the enabling device is pressed to the
center position the enabling device chain must be enabled. When the enabling
device is released or pressed to third position, the enabling device chain
must be disabled.
• The enabling device must have a B10 value of at least 100000 cycles (less
than 10% chance of failure before 100000 cycles).
• The mean time to dangerous failure (MTTFd) of the external enabling device
must be high enough to ensure that the external enabling device together

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118 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.3 Installation of external enabling device

with IRC5’s enabling device chain is above 55 years. See safety related
performance for the enabling device chain below.

Performance of IRC5 original enabling device chain

The safety-related performance of the enabling device chain, without the external
enabling device, is as follows:
• MTTFd for IRC5 enabling device chain is 80 years.
• IRC5’s enabling device chain’s calculated average probability of dangerous
failure per hour (PFHd) is 6.62x10E-08.
• IRC5’s enabling device chain’s design and structure is category 3.
• IRC5’s enabling device chain’s Diagnostic Coverage is medium (90% < DCavg
< 99%).
• The Common Cause Failure (CCF) is met according to the standard

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.4 Installation of DeviceNet I/O, Gateways and encoder interface units, IRC5

2.9.4 Installation of DeviceNet I/O, Gateways and encoder interface units, IRC5

The DeviceNet I/O units, Gateway or encoder interface units to be installed are
shown in the illustration below.



A I/O units, Gateways or Encoder interface units

B Mounting rail
C Connection terminal XT31

Required equipment

Equipment Article number Note

DeviceNet I/O units, Gateways or en-
coder interface units
Application manual - DeviceNet Mas- 3HAC050992-001
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on
page 265.

The procedure below details how to fit the units.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Fit the DeviceNetI/O unit by snapping it

onto the mounting rail.
3 Connect the DC supply to the board.
4 Connect wires to the inputs and output Described in the Application manual for
connectors as required. the respective busses.

120 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.5 Installation of conveyor tracking module
RobotWare - OS

2.9.5 Installation of conveyor tracking module

The conveyor tracking module must be powered by a 24V power supply and
connected to the Ethernet.


A X1, Power inlet 24VDC

B X20, Optional camera power inlet 24VDC
C X7 WAN, Ethernet connection

Required equipment

Equipment Article number Note

DSQC 2000 CTM-01 3HNA027579-001
CONNECTOR KIT - DSQC 2000 3HNA029345-001
Application manual - Conveyor 3HAC050991-001
Standard toolkit See Standard toolkit, IRC5
on page 243.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.5 Installation of conveyor tracking module
RobotWare - OS

Equipment Article number Note

Circuit diagram - IRC5 Panel 3HAC026871-020
Mounted Controller


The connector kit includes contacts for 2 encoders and 4 cameras. Two connector
kits are needed to handle additional encoders and cameras.

The procedure below details how to fit the units.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Connect 24VDC power supply to X1 (power External 24VDC power supply is needed
inlet, main functions) and X20 (optional for option 1551-1.
camera power inlet) on the conveyor
tracking module.
4 Connect the Ethernet cable to the connect- The WAN port of the CTM must be con-
or X7 WAN on the conveyor tracking mod- nected to the same Ethernet network as
ule. the robot controllers.
5 Connect wires to the encoder and camera Described in the Application manual - Con-
connectors as required. veyor tracking.

122 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

To use the option Electronic Position Switches you need to install an EPS board
in the robot controller. The procedure below will show how to install this board.


It is not possible to have the options EPS and SafeMove installed at the same
time - that is, only one of these two options can be installed and used.


The safety controller has passive monitoring, i.e. it does not stop the robot. If an
axis is outside its configured range, an output signal goes low. It is the
responsibility of the installation personnel to connect the output signals in such
a way that the robot is stopped if there is a risk of a dangerous situation.

The EPS board should be mounted behind the axis computer.
PMC small:


A EPS board
B Axis computer

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

PMC large:


A EPS board
B Axis computer

The procedure below details how to install an EPS board.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabin-

et, disconnect the mains power. For
more information, see Electrical safety
on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 48.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
3 If not already in place, fit the EMC strips
on the EPS board.


4 Connect the short SMB cable and both

Ethernet cables to the EPS board before
mounting the board. These connections
may be difficult to reach once the board
is mounted.
The two Ethernet connectors on the EPS
board are interchangeable (it does not
matter which is connected to the main
computer and which is connected to the
axis computer).


5 Remove the attachment screws of the

axis computer. Lift out the axis computer
so that the EPS board can be fitted be-
hind the axis computer.


• A: axis computer
• B: attachment screws

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
6 Only for PMC small:
Attach two mounting brackets on the
drive module, so that the EPS board can
be mounted on these brackets.


• A: mounting brackets
• B: attachment screws
7 Fit the EPS board in the same place as A
the axis computer was before.



• A: EPS board
• B: attachment screws

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
8 Fit the axis computer on the EPS board.



• A: axis computer
• B: EPS board
• C: attachment screws
9 Remove the existing Ethernet cable from
the axis computer and connect it to the
EPS board. Connect the short Ethernet
cable between the EPS board and the
axis computer.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
10 Remove the SMB cable from the axis
computer and connect it to the EPS
Connect the SMB cable from the EPS
board to the axis computer.


11 Remove the power cable from the axis

computer and connect it to the split
Connect the split cable to the EPS board
and the axis computer.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.6 Installing the EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
12 Connect signal cables to the plug con-
tact, which is then connected to the I/O
connector of the EPS board.
• Connect a power supply, 24 V to
pin 1 and 0 V to pin 2. Check with
a voltmeter that the voltage is 24
V between pin 1 and 2 on the
Phoenix connector. A
• Connect the output signals from C
the EPS board (pin 3-12). B
• Connect the sync switch signals
to pin 13 and 14. If dual channel 1
wiring is not used, connect only
pin 14.



• A: I/O Connector
• B: Plug contact
• C: Power supply
• D: 5 safe outputs (10 signals)
• E: Sync switch (dual signal)

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

To use the option SafeMove you need to install a SafeMove board DSQC 647 in
the robot controller. The procedure below will show how to install this board.


It is not possible to have the options SafeMove and EPS installed at the same
time - that is, only one of these two options can be installed and used.

The SafeMove board should be mounted behind the axis computer.
PMC small:


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

PMC large:


A SafeMove board
B Axis computer

The procedure below details how to install the SafeMove board.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabin-

et, disconnect the mains power. For
more information, see Electrical safety
on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 48.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
3 If not already in place, fit the EMC strips
on the SafeMove board.


• A: EMC strips
4 Connect both SMB cables and both
Ethernet cables to the SafeMove board
before mounting the board. These con-
nections may be difficult to reach once
the board is mounted.
The two Ethernet connectors on the
SafeMove board are interchangeable (it
does not matter which is connected to
the main computer and which is connec-
ted to the axis computer).


• A: SMB1 cable
• B: SMB2 cable
• C: Ethernet cables

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
5 Remove the attachment screws of the
axis computer. Lift out the axis computer
so that the SafeMove board can be fitted
behind the axis computer.


• A: axis computer
• B: attachment screws (4 pcs)
6 Only for PMC small:
Attach two mounting brackets on the
drive module, so that the SafeMove
board can be mounted on these brack-


• A: mounting brackets
• B: attachment screws

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
7 Fit the SafeMove board in the same A
place as the axis computer was before.



• A: SafeMove board
• B: attachments screws (4 pcs)
8 Fit the axis computer on the SafeMove


• A: Axis computer
• B: SafeMove board
• C: attachment screws (4 pcs)

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
9 Remove the existing Ethernet cable from
the axis computer and connect it to the
EPS board. Connect the short Ethernet
cable between the SafeMove board and
the axis computer.


10 Disconnect the SMB cables from the

axis computer and connect them to the
SafeMove board.


• A: SMB1 cable (robot)

• B: SMB2 cable (external axes)

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
11 Connect the SMB cables from the Safe-
Move board to the axis computer


• A: SMB1 cable
• B: SMB2 cable
12 Disconnect the power cable from the
axis computer and connect it to the split
Connect the split cable to the SafeMove
board and the axis computer.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
13 Connect the limit switch cable between SafeMove board:
the SafeMove board (X13) and the con-
tactor interface board (X21)


Contactor interface board:


• A: limit switch cable

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.7 Installing the SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
14 Mount the plugs in the limit switch over- The limit switch override contact must be
ride contact (X23) at pin 1 and 4 on the plugged and not used when using SafeMove.
contactor interface board.


• A: plug (2pcs)
15 Connect signal cables to the plug con- X12 X11 A
tacts, which is then connected to the I/O
connector of the SafeMove board.
1 1

10 10
1 1

12 12

X10 X9

• A: Power supply
• B: 8 safe outputs (16 signals)
• C: 8 safe inputs (16 signals)
• D: Sync switch (dual signal)
• E: Override operation input (dual sig-

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.10 Testing

2.10 Testing

Function tests
When the installation is complete, perform the function tests in section Function
tests on page 146 to verify that the safety features work properly.

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3 Maintenance
3.1 Maintenance schedule, controller IRC5

3 Maintenance
3.1 Maintenance schedule, controller IRC5

The controller must be maintained at regular intervals to ensure its function. The
maintenance activities and their respective intervals are specified below:
Certain activities to be performed as specified in the Maintenance Schedule are
not all detailed in this chapter, but in the Repair chapter.
Please refer to the Repair chapter of the equipment in question.


Equipment Maintenance Interval Note

Complete controller modules Inspection 12 months * Inspection of the controller on
page 142.
FlexPendant Cleaning When needed Cleaning the FlexPendant on
page 144.
Emergency stop (operating Function test 12 months Function test of emergency
panel) stop on page 146
Emergency stop (FlexPend- Function test 12 months Function test of emergency
ant) stop on page 146
Mode switch Function test 12 months Function test of mode switch
on page 147
Enable device Function test 12 months Function test of three-position
enabling device on page 148
Motor contactors K42, K43 Function test 12 months Function test of motor contact-
ors K42 and K43 on page 149
Brake contactor K44 Function test 12 months Function test of brake contact-
or K44 on page 150
Auto stop (tested if used) Function test 12 months Function test of auto stop on
page 151
General stop (tested if used) Function test 12 months Function test of general stop
on page 152
Superior stop (tested if used) Function test 12 months Function test of superior stop
on page 153
Limit switch (tested if used) Function test 12 months Function test of limit switch
on page 154
Reduced speed control Function test During com- Function test of reduced
missioning speed control on page 155.

*) The time interval depends on the working environment of the equipment: a

cleaner environment may extend the maintenance interval and vice versa.

Function test after replacement of component

In addition to performing the function tests according to the intervals, function tests
should be performed after replacing a component in the controller.

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3 Maintenance
3.2.1 Inspection of the controller

3.2 Inspection activities

3.2.1 Inspection of the controller

The procedure below describes how to inspect the IRC5 controller.


Please observe the following before commencing any repair work on the IRC5
controller, or units connected to the controller:
• Switch off all electric power supplies with the power switch!
• Before handling, make sure you are grounded through a special ESD wrist
bracelet or similar. Many components inside the module are sensitive to
ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) and can be destroyed if exposed to discharge.
See the Safety chapter, The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48

Action Note/Illustration
1 Inspect all sealing joints and cable
glands to make sure they are airtight
in order to prevent dust and dirt from
penetrating into the controller cabinet.
2 Inspect connectors and cabling to
make sure they are securely fastened
and cabling not damaged.
3 Inspect the drive system fans and air
channels in the controller to make sure
they are clean.

The fan unit must not be covered.

Check that nothing covers or block the
fan unit.

5 After cleaning:
• Temporarily turn the power sup-
ply to the modules on.
• Inspect all fans to make sure
they function correctly.
• Turn the power supply back off.
6 Replace any malfunctioning fans as
described in Replacement of drive
system fans on page 211.

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3 Maintenance
3.3.1 Cleaning of the controller cabinet

3.3 Cleaning activities

3.3.1 Cleaning of the controller cabinet

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Note

Vacuum cleaner ESD protected

Internal cleaning

Action Note/Illustration
1 Clean the cabinet interior with a vacuum cleaner if

Cleaning considerations
This section specifies some special considerations when cleaning the controller.
• Always use ESD protection.
• Always use cleaning equipment as specified above. Any other cleaning
equipment may shorten the life of paint work, rust inhibitors, signs, or labels.
• Always make sure that all protective covers are fitted to the controller before
• Never use compressed air or spray with a high pressure cleaner.
• Never leave the door open when cleaning the exterior.

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3 Maintenance
3.3.2 Cleaning the FlexPendant

3.3.2 Cleaning the FlexPendant

The surfaces to clean are shown in the illustration below.


A Touch screen
B Hard buttons

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Note

Soft cloth ESD protected
Water/Mild cleaning agent

Clean the touch screen

This section describes how to clean the touch screen.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Lock the screen.


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3 Maintenance
3.3.2 Cleaning the FlexPendant

Action Info/Illustration
2 It is safe to clean the FlexPendant
when the Lock screen appears.


3 Clean the touch screen and hard-

ware buttons using a soft cloth and
water or a mild cleaning agent.
4 Unlock the screen, by tapping the


Cleaning considerations
The section below specifies some special considerations when cleaning the
• Use ESD Protection
• Use cleaning equipment as specified above. Any other cleaning equipment
may shorten the life time of the touch screen.
• Check that all protective covers are fitted to the device before cleaning.
• Make sure that no foreign objects or liquids can penetrate into the device.
• Do not remove any covers before cleaning the FlexPendant.
• Do not spray with a high pressure cleaner.
• Do not clean the device, operating panel and operating elements with
compressed air, solvents, scouring agent or scrubbing sponges.

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3 Maintenance
3.4.1 Function test of emergency stop

3.4 Function tests

3.4.1 Function test of emergency stop

Perform this test on the emergency stop button both on the operating panel and
on the FlexPendant.

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Make a visual inspection of the emergency If any damage is found on the emergency
stop button to make sure it is not physically stop button, it must be replaced.
2 Start the robot system.
3 Press the emergency stop button. The test is passed if the event message
10013 Emergency stop state appears on
the FlexPendant.
If the event message 10013 Emergency
stop state does not appear, or if the event
message 20223 Emergency stop conflict
appears on the FlexPendant, the test is
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.
4 After the test, release the emergency stop
button and press the motors on button to
reset the emergency stop state.

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3 Maintenance
3.4.2 Function test of mode switch

3.4.2 Function test of mode switch

2-position mode switch

Action Note
1 Start the robot system.
2 Start with the mode switch in manual mode This test is passed if it is possible to run
and then switch the mode switch to auto the robot in auto mode.
mode. Run the robot in auto mode. If it is not possible to run the robot in auto
mode, this test is failed and the root cause
of the failure must be found.
3 Switch the mode switch to manual mode. This test is passed if the event message
“10015 Manual mode selected” appears in
the FlexPendant log.
If the event message “10015 Manual mode
selected” is not shown in the FlexPendant
log, the test failed and the root cause of
the failure must be found.

3-position mode switch

Action Note
1 Start the robot system.
2 Start with the mode switch in manual mode This test is passed if it is possible to run
and then switch the mode switch to auto the robot in auto mode.
mode. Run the robot in auto mode. If it is not possible to run the robot in auto
mode, this test is failed and the root cause
of the failure must be found.
3 Switch the mode switch to manual full This test is passed if it is possible to run
speed mode. Run the program in manual the program in manual full speed mode.
full speed mode. If it is not possible to run the program in
manual full speed mode, this test is failed
and the root cause of the failure must be
4 Switch the mode switch to manual mode. This test is passed if the event message
“10015 Manual mode selected” appears in
the FlexPendant log.
If the event message “10015 Manual mode
selected” is not shown in the FlexPendant
log, the test failed and the root cause of
the failure must be found.

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3 Maintenance
3.4.3 Function test of three-position enabling device

3.4.3 Function test of three-position enabling device

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and turn the mode
switch to manual mode.
2 Press the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the event message
to the middle position and then hold the 10011 Motors ON state appears in the
enabling device in this position. event log.
If the event message 10011 Motors ON
state does not appear, or if the event
message 20224 Enabling device conflict
appears in the event log, then the test has
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.
3 While still holding the three-position en- This test is passed if the event message
abling device pressed, press the enabling 10012 safety guard stop state appears in
device harder to the enable the device's the event log.
third position. If the event message 10012 Safety guard
stop state does not appear, or if the event
message 20224 Enabling device conflict
appears in the event log, then the test has
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.

148 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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3 Maintenance
3.4.4 Function test of motor contactors K42 and K43

3.4.4 Function test of motor contactors K42 and K43

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and turn the mode
switch to manual mode.
2 Press the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the event message
to the middle position and then hold the "10011 Motors ON state" appears in the
enabling device in this position. FlexPendant log.
If the event message "37001 Motor on ac-
tivation error" appears on the FlexPendant
log, the test is failed and the root cause of
the failure must be found.
3 Release the three-position enabling device. This test is passed if the event message
"10012 safety guard stop state" appears
in the FlexPendant log.
If the event message "20227 Motor contact-
or conflict" appears in the FlexPendant
log, the test is failed and the root cause of
the failure must be found.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 149

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3 Maintenance
3.4.5 Function test of brake contactor K44

3.4.5 Function test of brake contactor K44

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and turn the mode
switch to manual mode.
2 Press the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the brakes is disen-
to the middle position and then hold the gaged and the manipulator can be moved.
enabling device in this position. If the Event message "50056 Joint colli-
While having eye contact with the manipu- sion" appears in the FlexPendant log, the
lator, move the joystick slightly in any dir- test is failed and the root cause of the fail-
ection to disengage the brakes. ure must be found.
3 Release the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the event message
to engage the brakes. "10012 safety guard stop state" appears
in the FlexPendant log.
If the event message "37101 Brake failure"
appears in the FlexPendant log, the test is
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.

150 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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3 Maintenance
3.4.6 Function test of auto stop

3.4.6 Function test of auto stop

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and change the op-
erating mode to auto mode.
2 Activate the auto stop, for example by The test is passed if the event message
opening the connected robot cell door, 20205 Auto stop open appears in the event
which has interlock connection with auto log.
stop. If the event message 20205 Auto stop
open does not appear or if the event mes-
sage 20225 Auto stop conflict appears in
the event log, then the test has failed and
the root cause of the failure must be found.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 151

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3 Maintenance
3.4.7 Function test of general stop

3.4.7 Function test of general stop

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system.
2 Activate the general stop. The test is passed if the event message
“20206 General stop open” appears in the
FlexPendant log.
If the event message “20206 General stop
open” does not appear or if the event
message “20226 General stop conflict”
appears in the Flexpendant log, the test is
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.

152 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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3 Maintenance
3.4.8 Function test of superior stop

3.4.8 Function test of superior stop

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system.
2 Activate the superior stop. The test is passed if the event message
“20215 Superior stop open” appears in the
FlexPendant log.
If the event message “20215 Superior stop
open” does not appear or if the event
message “20220 Superior stop conflict”
appears in the Flexpendant log, the test is
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 153

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3 Maintenance
3.4.9 Function test of limit switch

3.4.9 Function test of limit switch

Testing limit switches on manipulator

This must be tested on all the axes that has mounted limit switches.
Action Note
1 Start the robot system.
2 Jog the axis under test to the limit switch The test is passed if the event message
activation position. ”20214 Limit switch open” appears in the
FlexPendant log when the axis reaches the
limit switch activation position.
If the event message ”20214 Limit switch
open” does not appear or if the event
message “20222 Limit switch conflict” ap-
pears in the FlexPendant log, the test is
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.
3 After the test the robot must be jogged out
of the limit switch activation position again.
This is done by jogging the robot after
pressing the limit switch override push
button. See Connecting a Limit switch
override push button on page 99.

Testing limit switches for a SafeMove system

Perform validation of the function Safe Axis Speed. See Application
manual - SafeMove1. If this test is passed the limit switch works as intended.

154 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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3 Maintenance
3.4.10 Function test of reduced speed control

3.4.10 Function test of reduced speed control

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and change the op-
erating mode to manual.
2 Create a test program where the robot The distance and speed must be adapted
moves along a known distance with a pro- to the current installation and robot model.
grammed speed higher than 250 mm/s.
3 Start the program in manual mode and This test is passed if the speed of the robot
measure the time it takes for the robot to does not exceed 250 mm/s, otherwise the
travel the distance. test is failed and the root cause of the fail-
ure must be found.

To get accurate results, use sensors or I/O

signals to measure the time.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 155

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This page is intentionally left blank
4 Repair
4.1 Overview

4 Repair
4.1 Overview

There are two versions of the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller. PMC small is used
for small robots and PMC large is used for large robots. The controller always
consists of one control module and one drive module.
The control module contains the computer unit, communication interfaces,
FlexPendant connection, service ports and also the system software which includes
all basic functions for operation and programming.
The drive module contains the drive system.
PMC small PMC large

xx1300001963 xx1300001964


C xx1300001965


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 157
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4 Repair
4.1 Overview

A Control module (with air channel for PMC large).

B Drive module (different design for PMC small and PMC large).
C Fan unit (for PMC large this is a part of the drive module).


When replacing a unit in the controller, report to ABB:

• the serial number
• article number
• revision
of both the replaced unit and the replacement unit.
This is particularly important for the safety equipment to maintain the safety
integrity of the installation.


When replacing a part on the IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller, report to your local
ABB the serial number, the article number, and the revision of both the replaced
unit and the replacement unit.
This is particularly important for safety equipment to maintain the safety integrity
of the installation.

158 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.2 Replacement of panel board

4.2 Replacement of panel board

The panel board unit, DSQC 643, is located as shown in the illustration below.


A Panel board unit

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Panel board unit DSQC 643
See Spare parts on page 245.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

The procedure below details how to remove the panel board unit.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, discon-

nect the mains power. For more information, see
Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 159
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4 Repair
4.2 Replacement of panel board

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the

unit read the safety information in section The unit
is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Disconnect all connectors.


Make a note of any connections.

4 Remove the lower attachment screws, and remove

the Panel Unit.


• A: fixed attachments
• B: hole for attachment

The procedure below details how to refit the panel board unit.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, discon-

nect the mains power. For more information, see
Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the

unit read the safety information in section The unit
is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Refit the panel board unit.

Continues on next page

160 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.2 Replacement of panel board

Action Note/Illustration
4 Refit the lower attachment screws.


• A: fixed attachments
• B: hole for attachment
5 Reconnect all connectors.
6 Perform the function tests in section Function tests
on page 146 to verify that the safety features work

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 161

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4 Repair
4.3 Replacement of I/O units and Gateways

4.3 Replacement of I/O units and Gateways

A number of I/O units and gateway units may be installed in the controller. These
are specified in DeviceNet I/O units on page 110.
How to configure the I/O units is detailed in Operating manual - RobotStudio.

The location of the I/O units, gateway units, or encoder interface units are shown
in the illustration below.



A I/O units, Gateways or Encoder interface units

B Mounting rail
C Connection terminal XT31

Required equipment

Equipment Note
A number of units are available. Specified in section DeviceNet I/O units on
page 110.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Continues on next page

162 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.3 Replacement of I/O units and Gateways

The procedure below details how to remove the I/O units or gateway units.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more inform-
ation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in section
The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Identify the I/O unit or gateway unit to be re-

4 Disconnect the connectors from the unit. Note which connector goes where, to
facilitate reassembly.
5 Tip the unit away from the mounting rail and
remove it.

The procedure below details how to refit the I/O units or gateway units.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Hook the unit back onto the mounting rail and snap it gently in position.
4 Reconnect all connectors disconnected during removal.
5 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 163

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4 Repair
4.4 Replacement of backup energy bank

4.4 Replacement of backup energy bank

The illustration below shows the location of the backup energy bank in the IRC5


A Backup energy bank

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Backup energy bank DSQC 655
See Control module parts on page 245.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Continues on next page

164 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.4 Replacement of backup energy bank

The procedure below details how to remove the backup energy bank.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more inform-
ation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Remove the attachment screws and pull the

front with the Panel Board Unit in the arrow


A attachment screws
3 Disconnect the connector X4 from the distri-
bution board.
4 Remove the attachment screw.
5 Pull the backup energy bank out.

The procedure below details how to refit the backup energy bank.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Refit the new backup energy bank.

3 Refit and tighten the attachment screw.
4 Reconnect the connector to the control power supply connector X4.
5 Refit the front with the Panel Board Unit.
6 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 165

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4 Repair
4.5 Replacement of computer unit

4.5 Replacement of computer unit

The computer unit is located as shown in the illustration below.


A Computer unit

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Computer unit See Spare parts on page 245.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Continues on next page

166 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.5 Replacement of computer unit

The procedure below details how to remove the computer unit.


If possible, do a backup of the system before removing the computer unit. For
information on how to do a backup see Operating manual - IRC5 with

Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more inform-
ation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in section
The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Disconnect all connectors from the computer

4 Remove the attachment screws and pull the
front with the Panel Board Unit in the arrow


A attachment screws
5 The computer unit is suspended by latches
and attachment screws.


A Latches
B Attachment screws

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 167
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4 Repair
4.5 Replacement of computer unit

Action Note/illustration
6 Support the computer unit beneath by hand
and loosen the attachment screws.


A Attachment screws
7 Pull the computer unit in the arrow direction.



Prevent the computer unit from falling

down due to gravity by supporting the
computer unit from beneath by hand.

The procedure below describes how to refit the computer unit.


After replacing the main computer, the RobotWare system can be reset. It is then
necessary to restore a backup. For information on how to restore a backup see
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 35.

Continues on next page

168 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.5 Replacement of computer unit

Action Note/illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety informa-
tion in section The unit is sensitive to ESD
on page 48.

3 Fit the computer unit in position

4 Tighten the attachment screws.
5 Reconnect all connectors to the computer
6 Refit the front with the Panel Board Unit.
7 Perform the function tests in section
Function tests on page 146 to verify that
the safety features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 169

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4 Repair
4.6 Replacement of PCIexpress boards in the computer unit

4.6 Replacement of PCIexpress boards in the computer unit

The following PCIexpress boards may be fitted in the slots in the computer unit as
shown in the figure below:
• DeviceNet Master/Slave
• Safety module (second generation SafeMove safety controller)


A Safety module DSQC1015

B PCIexpress slot for other devices.

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Profibus-DP Master 3HAC044872-001 DSQC1005
Profibus communication is de-
scribed in Application manu-
al - PROFIBUS Controller.
DeviceNet Master/Slave 3HAC043383-001 DSQC1006
DeviceNet communication is de-
scribed in Application manual - Devi-
ceNet Master/Slave.
Safety module 3HAC048858-001 DSQC1015
SafeMove (2nd generation) is de-
scribed in Application manual - Func-
tional safety and SafeMove2.
Standard toolkit The contents are described in sec-
tion Standard toolkit, IRC5 on
page 243.

Continues on next page

170 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.6 Replacement of PCIexpress boards in the computer unit

Equipment Art. no. Note

Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.


Equipment Art. no. Note

Application manual - PROFIBUS 3HAC050966-001 Contains information on how to
Controller configure the system for PROFIBUS
Application manual - DeviceNet 3HAC050992-001 Contains information on how to
Master/Slave configure the system for DeviceNet
Circuit diagram See Circuit dia-
grams on page 265.

The procedure below details how to remove a PCIexpress board.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Disconnect any cables to/from the PCIex-

press board. Tip

Make a note of which cables are disconnec-


4 Open the computer unit by removing the

attachment screws and lift off the upper
cover. Disconnect the fan connector.


Be careful with the fan cable when opening

and removing the upper cover. The fan
cable must not be stretched.


A Attachment screws (4 pcs.)

B Upper cover

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.6 Replacement of PCIexpress boards in the computer unit

Action Note/Illustration
5 Remove the attachment screw on top of
the PCIexpress board bracket.



A Attachment screw
B PCIexpress board
6 Gently pull the board straight out.

Always grip the board around the edges to

avoid damage to the board or its compon-


Immediately put the board in an ESD safe

bag or similar.

The procedure below details how to refit a PCIexpress board.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

Continues on next page

172 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.6 Replacement of PCIexpress boards in the computer unit

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fit the PCIexpress board in position by
pushing the PCIexpress board into the
socket on the motherboard.



A Attachment screw
B PCIexpress board


Always grip the board around the edges to

avoid damage to the board or its compon-

4 Refit the attachment screw on top of the

PCIexpress board bracket.
5 Reconnect any additional cables to the
PCIexpress board.
6 Refit the fan connector and close the com-
puter unit.


Be careful with the fan cable when closing

the upper cover. The fan cable must not be


A Attachment screws (4 pcs.)

B Upper cover
7 Make sure the robot system is configured
to support the installed PCIexpress board.
8 Perform the function tests in section
Function tests on page 146 to verify that the
safety features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 173

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4 Repair
4.7 Replacement of expansion board in the computer unit

4.7 Replacement of expansion board in the computer unit

To connect a serial channel or a fieldbus adapter to the controller, the main
computer must be equipped with the expansion board DSQC1003.
The expansion board is located in the computer unit as shown below.


A Expansion board with serial channel and one slot for AnybusCC fieldbus adapter.

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Expansion Board 3HAC046408-001 DSQC1003
Standard toolkit The contents are described in
section Standard toolkit, IRC5 on
page 243.

The following procedure describes how to remove the expansion board from the
computer unit.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

174 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.7 Replacement of expansion board in the computer unit

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Disconnect any cables to/from the fieldbus

4 Open the computer unit by removing the
attachment screws and lift off the upper
cover. Disconnect the fan connector.


Be careful with the fan cable when opening

and removing the upper cover. The fan
cable must not be stretched.


A Attachment screws (4 pcs.)

B Upper cover
5 If there is a fieldbus adapter, remove it. See Replacement of fieldbus adapter in
the computer unit on page 177.
6 Remove the attachment screws on the
computer unit.


A Attachment screws (2 pcs)

7 Grip the expansion board and gently pull
it straight out. CAUTION

Always grip the expansion board around

the edges to avoid damage to the board
or its components.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 175
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4 Repair
4.7 Replacement of expansion board in the computer unit

The following procedure describes how to refit the expansion board in the computer
Action Note/Illustrator

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 48.

3 Fit the expansion board in position by

pushing the expansion board into the CAUTION
connector on the motherboard.
Always grip the expansion board around the
CAUTION edges to avoid damage to the board or its
Push carefully so no pins are damaged.
Make sure that the expansion board is
pushed straight into the connector.

4 Secure the expansion board in the com-

puter unit with the attachment screws.
5 Refit the fan connector and close the
computer unit.


Be careful with the fan cable when clos-

ing the upper cover. The fan cable must
not be squeezed.

6 Reconnect any cable to the fieldbus ad-

7 Perform the function tests in section
Function tests on page 146 to verify that
the safety features work properly.

176 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit

4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit

One of the following fieldbus adapters may be fitted in the slot in the computer unit
as shown in the figure below:
• AnybusCC EtherNet/IP slave
• AnybusCC PROFIBUS slave
• AnybusCC PROFINET slave
• AnybusCC DeviceNet slave


A Slot for AnybusCC fieldbus adapters

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

AnybusCC EtherNet/IP slave 3HAC027652-001 DSQC 669
fieldbus adapter Ethernet/IP communication is de-
scribed in Application manual - Eth-
erNet/IP Anybus Adapter
AnybusCC PROFIBUS slave 3HAC026840-001 DSQC 667
fieldbus adapter PROFIBUS communication is de-
scribed in Application manu-
al - PROFIBUS Anybus Device
AnybusCC PROFINET slave 3HAC031670-001 DSQC 688
fieldbus adapter PROFINET communication is de-
scribed in Application manu-
al - PROFINET Anybus Device

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit

Equipment Art. no. Note

AnybusCC DeviceNet slave 3HAC045973-001 DSQC1004
fieldbus adapter DeviceNet communication is de-
scribed in Application manu-
al - DeviceNet Anybus Slave.
Standard toolkit The contents are described in
section Standard toolkit, IRC5 on
page 243.


Equipment Art. no. Note

Application manual - EtherNet/IP 3HAC050997-001 Contains information on how to
Anybus Adapter configure the system for Ether-
net/IP Fieldbus Adapter DSQC 669.
Application manual - PROFIBUS 3HAC050965-001 Contains information on how to
Anybus Device configure the system for PROFIB-
US Fieldbus Adapter DSQC 667.
Application manual - PROFINET 3HAC050968-001 Contains information on how to
Anybus Device configure the system for
PROFINET Fieldbus Adapter
DSQC 688.
Application manual - DeviceNet 3HAC050993-001 Contains information on how to
Anybus Slave configure the system for DeviceNet
Fieldbus Adapter DSQC1004.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams
on page 265.

The following procedure details how to remove the fieldbus adapter from the
computer unit.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Disconnect any cables to/from the fieldbus


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit

Action Note/Illustration
4 Loosen the attachment screws (2 pcs) on
front of the fieldbus adapter to release the
fastening mechanism.


Only loosen the attachment screws. Do not

remove them.


A Attachment screws (2 pcs)

B Fastening mechanism
5 Grip the loosened attachment screws and
gently pull the fieldbus adapter straight out.


A Fieldbus adapter

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit

The following procedure details how to refit the fieldbus adapter in the computer
Action Note/Illustrator

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 48.

3 Fit the fieldbus adapter in position by

pushing the fieldbus adapter along the
rails on the motherboard.


Push carefully so no pins are damaged.

Make sure that the adapter is pushed
straight onto the rails.


A Fieldbus adapter


Always grip the fieldbus adapter around the

edges to avoid damage to the adapter or its

Continues on next page

180 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.8 Replacement of fieldbus adapter in the computer unit

Action Note/Illustrator
4 Secure the fieldbus adapter with its at-
tachment screws (2 pcs).


A Attachment screws (2 pcs)

B Fastening mechanism
5 Reconnect the cable to the fieldbus ad-
6 Make sure the robot system is configured
to reflect the fieldbus adapter installed.
7 Perform the function tests in section
Function tests on page 146 to verify that
the safety features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 181

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4 Repair
4.9 Replacement of fan in computer unit

4.9 Replacement of fan in computer unit

The computer fan is located under the upper cover as shown in the figure below.


Required equipment

Equipment Note
Fan See Spare parts on page 245.
Cable straps
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

The procedure below details how to remove the fan in the computer unit.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

182 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.9 Replacement of fan in computer unit

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Open the computer unit by removing the
upper cover attachment screws and lift off
the upper cover.


A Upper cover attachment screws (4

B Fan attachment screw
C Upper cover
4 Disconnect the fan connector and remove
the cable straps. CAUTION

Be careful with the fan cable when opening

and removing the upper cover. The fan
cable must not be stretched.

5 Remove the fan attachment screw.

6 Remove the fan from the upper cover.


The procedure below details how to refit the fan in the computer unit.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 183
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4 Repair
4.9 Replacement of fan in computer unit

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Refit the fan on the upper cover.

4 Refit the attachment screw.
5 Strap the fan cable to the upper cover.

When strapping the cable make sure that

the cable is not stretched or squeezed, and
that the cable does not get caught in the

6 Refit the fan connector and close the com-

puter unit. CAUTION

Be careful with the fan cable when closing

the upper cover. The fan cable must not be

7 Perform the function tests in section

Function tests on page 146 to verify that the
safety features work properly.

184 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.10 Replacement of SD-card memory in computer unit

4.10 Replacement of SD-card memory in computer unit

The location and orientation of the SD-card memory is shown by the following



A Slot for SD-card memory

B SD-card memory


Only use SD-card memory supplied by ABB.


The SD-card from the computer unit DSQC1018 cannot be used in the computer
unit DSQC1024. Use the backup and restore function to move data from
DSQC1018 to DSQC1024.


Reformatting the SD-card or modifying the disk partition can cause irreparable
boot-up problems.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 185
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4 Repair
4.10 Replacement of SD-card memory in computer unit

Required equipment

Equipment Note
SD-card 2GB See Spare parts on page 245.


Only use SD-card memory supplied by

Includes ABB Boot Application software
to correctly reboot the robot controller.

Standard toolkit The content is described in section

Standard toolkit, IRC5 on page 243.

Use the following procedure to remove the SD-card memory.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the unit read the safety information
in section The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Gently push the SD-card memory with your finger until it clicks, and then pull it
straight out.

Use the following procedure to refit the SD-card memory.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.


Make sure that the SD-card memory is correctly oriented before inserting it. Otherwise
the SD-card memory or the SD-card memory slot may be damaged.

Continues on next page

186 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.10 Replacement of SD-card memory in computer unit

4 Gently push the SD-card memory with your finger until it clicks into place.
5 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 187

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4 Repair
4.11 Replacement of drive unit for PMC small

4.11 Replacement of drive unit for PMC small

The illustration below shows the location of the drive unit in PMC small.


A Main Drive Unit

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Main Drive Unit See Drive module parts for PMC small on
page 246.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section
Standard toolkit, IRC5 on page 243.
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to
See references to these procedures in the step- the tools required.
by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Continues on next page

188 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.11 Replacement of drive unit for PMC small

The procedure below details how to remove the drive unit from PMC small.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 35.

2 Loosen the attachment screws and pull

the front (axis computer/drive system
power supply unit) in the arrow direction.


• A: attachment screws
3 Disconnect all connectors from the unit
to be replaced.
4 Remove the drive unit after unscrewing
its attachment screws .


• A: drive unit
• B: attachment screws

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 189
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4 Repair
4.11 Replacement of drive unit for PMC small

The procedure below details how to refit the drive unit to PMC small.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Fit the unit in its intended position and orientation. Secure it with its attachment
3 Reconnect any connectors disconnected at removal.
4 Refit the front (axis computer/drive system power supply unit)
5 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

190 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.12 Replacement of Main Drive Unit for PMC large

4.12 Replacement of Main Drive Unit for PMC large

The illustration below shows the location of the Main Drive Unit in PMC large.


A Main Drive Unit

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Main Drive Unit See Drive module parts for PMC large on
page 247.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section
Standard toolkit, IRC5 on page 243.
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to
See references to these procedures in the step- the tools required.
by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 191
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4 Repair
4.12 Replacement of Main Drive Unit for PMC large

The procedure below details how to remove the Main Drive Unit from PMC large.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 35.

2 Loosen the attachment screws and pull

the front (axis computer/drive system
power supply unit) in the arrow direction.


• A: attachment screws
3 Disconnect all connectors and remove
all cables from the unit to be replaced. Tip

Loosen the cable from the Main Drive Unit

by turning the cable straps in the arrows


Continues on next page

192 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.12 Replacement of Main Drive Unit for PMC large

Action Note/illustration
4 Remove the drive unit after unscrewing
its attachment screws .


• A: drive unit
• B: attachment screws

The procedure below details how to refit the Main Drive Unit to PMC large.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Fit the unit in its intended position and orientation. Secure it with its attachment screws.
3 Reconnect any connectors disconnected at removal.
4 Refit the front (axis computer/drive system power supply unit)
5 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 193

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4 Repair
4.13 Replacement of Axis computer

4.13 Replacement of Axis computer

The illustration below shows the location of the axis computer in the controller.
PMC small:


PMC large:


Continues on next page

194 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.13 Replacement of Axis computer

The procedure below details how to remove the axis computer.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, discon-

nect the mains power. For more information, see
Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the

unit read the safety information in section The
unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Disconnect all connectors from the axis com-

puter. Tip

Make a note of the connections.

4 Remove the attachment screws.


• A: axis computer
• B: attachment screws
5 Remove the axis computer.

The procedure below details how to refit the axis computer.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Fit the new axis computer.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 195
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4 Repair
4.13 Replacement of Axis computer

3 Refit the attachment screws.
4 Reconnect all the connectors.
5 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

196 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

An Electronic Position Switches safety controller, EPS board, is mounted if the
option Electronic Position Switches is used.


After replacement of the safety controller, the Electronic Position Switches

configuration must be downloaded to the new safety controller and then validated.
For more information, see Application manual - Electronic Position Switches.

The EPS board is mounted behind the axis computer.
PMC small:


A EPS board
B Axis computer

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 197
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4 Repair
4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

PMC large:


A EPS board
B Axis computer


Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

Continues on next page

198 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
3 Disconnect the following cables connected
to the EPS board and axis computer:
• Plug contact in I/O connector
• Power cables
• SMB cables
• Ethernet cables


A: Plug contact in I/O connector

B: Power cables
C: SMB cables
D: Ethernet cables
4 Remove the attachment screws of the axis
computer and remove the axis computer.


• A: axis computer
• B: attachment screws

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 199
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4 Repair
4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
5 Remove the attachment screws of the EPS A
board and remove the EPS board.



• A: EPS board
• B: attachment screws


Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in sec-
tion The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 If not already in place, fit the EMC strips on

the EPS board.


Continues on next page

200 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.14 Replacement of EPS board DSQC 646 for Electronic Position Switches

Action Note/illustration
4 Connect the short SMB cable and both Eth-
ernet cables to the EPS board before
mounting the board. These connections may
be difficult to reach once the board is
The two Ethernet connectors on the EPS
board are interchangeable (it does not mat-
ter which is connected to the main computer
and which is connected to the axis com-


5 Refit the EPS board and the axis computer.

6 Refit all the cables.
7 After replacement of the safety controller,
the EPS configuration must be downloaded
to the new safety controller and then valid-
ated. For more information, see Application
manual - Electronic Position Switches.
8 Perform the function tests in section Func-
tion tests on page 146 to verify that the basic
safety features (e.g. emergency stop) work

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 201

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4 Repair
4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647

4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647

A SafeMove safety controller, SafeMove board, is mounted if the option SafeMove
is used.


After replacement of the safety controller, the SafeMove configuration must be

downloaded to the new safety controller and then validated. For more information,
see Application manual - SafeMove1.

The SafeMove board is mounted behind the axis computer.
PMC small:


A SafeMove board
B Axis computer

Continues on next page

202 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647

PMC large:


A SafeMove board
B Axis computer

The procedure below details how to remove the SafeMove board.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 Disconnect the cables connected to the

SafeMove board and the cables between
the SafeMove board and the axis com-

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 203
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4 Repair
4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
4 Remove the attachment screws of the axis
computer and remove the axis computer.


• A: axis computer
• B: attachment screws (4 pcs)
5 Remove the attachment screws of the A
SafeMove board and remove the SafeMove



• A: SafeMove board
• B: attachment screws (4 pcs)

The procedure below details how to refit the SafeMove board.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

204 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before hand-

ling the unit read the safety information in
section The unit is sensitive to ESD on
page 48.

3 If not already in place, fit the EMC strips on

the SafeMove board.


• A: EMC strips
4 Connect both SMB cables and both Ether-
net cables to the SafeMove board before
mounting the board. These connections
may be difficult to reach once the board is
The two Ethernet connectors on the Safe-
Move board are interchangeable (it does
not matter which is connected to the main
computer and which is connected to the
axis computer).


• A: SMB1 cable
• B: SMB2 cable
• C: Ethernet cables
5 Refit the SafeMove board and the axis
6 Refit all cables.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.15 Replacement of SafeMove board DSQC 647

Action Note/illustration
7 After replacement of the safety controller,
the SafeMove configuration must be
downloaded to the new safety controller
and then validated. For more information,
see Application manual - SafeMove1.
8 Perform the function tests in section Func-
tion tests on page 146 to verify that the basic
safety features (e.g. emergency stop) work

206 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.16 Replacement of Contactor Interface Board

4.16 Replacement of Contactor Interface Board

The illustration below shows the location of the contactor interface board in the
PMC small:


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 207
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4 Repair
4.16 Replacement of Contactor Interface Board

PMC large:


A Contactor interface board

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Contactor Interface board DSQC 611
See Spare parts on page 245.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section
Standard toolkit.
Other tools and procedures may be required. See These procedures include references
references to these procedures in the step-by-step to the tools required.
instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

The procedure below details how to remove the contactor board.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

208 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.16 Replacement of Contactor Interface Board

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in sec-
tion The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Loosen the attachment screws and pull the PMC small:

front (axis computer/drive system power
supply unit) in the arrow direction.


PMC large:


• A: attachment screws
4 Disconnect all connectors.

Make a note of any connections.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 209
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4 Repair
4.16 Replacement of Contactor Interface Board

Action Note/Illustration
5 Remove the attachment screws.


• A: contactor interface board

• B: attachment screws
6 Remove the contactor interface board.

The procedure below details how to refit the contactor board.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in section
The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 48.

3 Refit the contactor interface board.

4 Refit the attachment screws.
5 Reconnect all connectors.
6 Refit the front (with axis computer/drive
system power supply unit).
7 Perform the function tests in section Func-
tion tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

210 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.17 Replacement of drive system fans

4.17 Replacement of drive system fans

The illustration below shows the location of the fan unit in the controller.
PMC small PMC large


B xx1300001965


A Drive Module (different design for PMC small and PMC large).
B Fan unit (for PMC large this is a part of the Drive Module.

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Fan See Spare parts on page 245.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be re- These procedures include references to the
quired. see references to these procedures tools required.
in the step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.


Action Note/illustration
1 Disconnect the fan cable.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 211
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4 Repair
4.17 Replacement of drive system fans

Action Note/illustration
2 Remove the attachment screw.


• A: attachment screw
• B: fan
3 Push the fan unit upwards and remove
4 Remove attachment screws and re-
move the cover from the fan.


1 Refit the fan to the cover.
2 Refit the fan unit.
3 Reconnect the fan cable.
4 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

212 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.18 Replacement of transformer unit

4.18 Replacement of transformer unit

The illustration below shows the transformer unit.


Required equipment

Equipment Note
Transformer unit 13kVA, 6kVA, 4.2kVA, 1.2kVA
See Spare parts on page 245.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Standard
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

The following procedures details how to remove the transformer unit.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, dis-

connect the mains power. For more informa-
tion, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The transformer weighs between 15 and 40 kg,

use a hoist and lifting slings.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.18 Replacement of transformer unit

Action Note/illustration
3 Disconnect the two grounding wires (gnye,
4 Disconnect the mains power supply wires.

Make a note of the terminal to which

each of the wires are connected. This
will facilitate reconnection to the same

5 Remove the two transformer attachment



• A: attachment screw (2pcs)

6 Lift the transformer unit out with lifting slings
and a hoist.

The following procedure details how to refit the transformer unit.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.


The transformer weighs between 15 and 40 kg, use a hoist and lifting slings.

3 Fit the new transformer in place with a hoist and lifting slings.
4 Refit the attachment screws.
5 Reconnect the mains power supply wires and grounding wires.
6 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

214 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.19 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC small

4.19 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC small

The illustration below shows the location of the brake resistor bleeder in the PMC
small. Note! The brake resistor bleeder is placed on the back of the drive module.


A Brake resistor bleeder

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Brake resistor bleeder See Drive module parts for PMC large on
page 247.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Stand-
ard toolkit
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

The following procedure details how to remove the brake resistor bleeder.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 215
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4 Repair
4.19 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC small

Action Note/illustration
2 Remove the attachment screws and pull
the front (axis computer/drive system
power supply unit) in the arrow direction.


• A: attachment screws
3 Disconnect all the cables from the drive NOTE! Make a note of any connections.
4 Remove the drive module.
5 Remove the Contactor interface board. See Replacement of Contactor Interface
Board on page 207
6 Disconnect the brake resistor bleeder


• A: brake resistor bleeder cable

Continues on next page

216 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.19 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC small

Action Note/illustration
7 Remove the attachment screws for the
brake resistor bleeder unit and remove the


• A: attachment screws


8 Remove the attachment nuts.


• A: bleeder
• B: attachment nut (2 pcs)
9 Remove the bleeder.

The following procedure details how to refit the brake resistor bleeder
1 Refit the bleeder and attachment nuts.
2 Refit the brake resistor bleeder unit to the drive module.
3 Refit the attachment screws (10 pcs)
4 Reconnect the brake resistor bleeder cables.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 217
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4 Repair
4.19 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC small

5 Refit the Contactor interface board.
6 Refit the drive module.
7 Reconnect all connectors and cables to the drive module.
8 Refit the front (axis computer/drive system power supply).
9 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

218 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large

4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large

The illustration below shows the location of the brake resistor bleeder in the PMC
large. The brake resistor bleeder is located in the air channel behind the drive


A Brake resistor bleeder

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Brake resistor bleeder See Drive module parts for PMC large on
page 247.
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in section Stand-
ard toolkit
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the tools required.
step-by-step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on page 265.

The following procedure details how to remove the brake resistor bleeder.
Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large

Action Note/illustration
2 Remove the attachment screws and pull
the front (axis computer/drive system
power supply unit) in the arrow direction.


• A: attachment screws
3 Disconnect all the cables from the drive
module. Note

Make a note of any connections.

4 Disconnect the brake resistor bleeder

cables from the connector to let the cables
though the cable gland.



• A: brake resistor bleeder cable

• B: cable gland

Continues on next page

220 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large

Action Note/illustration
5 Remove the drive module from the air


• A: attachment screws (4 pcs)

6 Remove the air channel.


• A: attachment screws (4 pcs)

7 Remove the plate on the back of the air



• A: attachment screws

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large

Action Note/illustration
8 Loosen the attachment screws for the
brake resistor bleeder.


• A: attachment screws
9 Lift and remove the brake resistor bleeder.


The following procedure details how to refit the brake resistor bleeder
Action Note/illustration
1 Refit the bleeder to the air channel plate.
2 Tighten the attachment screws for the
brake resistor bleeder.

Continues on next page

222 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.20 Replacement of brake resistor bleeder for PMC large

Action Note/illustration
3 Guide the brake resistor cables though the
cable gland of the air channel.


Cable gland
4 Refit the plate on the back of the air chan-
5 Refit the air channel.
6 Guide the brake resistor bleeder cable
through the cable gland into the drive


Cable gland into drive module

7 Refit the drive module on the air channel.
8 Reconnect all connectors and cables to the
drive module.
9 Perform the function tests in section Func-
tion tests on page 146 to verify that the
safety features work properly.

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4 Repair
4.21.1 Replacement of customer I/O power supply

4.21 Replacement of power supply

4.21.1 Replacement of customer I/O power supply

The customer I/O power supply is shown in the following illustration.


Required equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Customer I/O power supply 3HAC14178-1 DSQC 609
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in
section Standard toolkit.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include
may be required. See refer- references to the tools re-
ences to these procedures in quired.
the step-by-step instructions
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on
page 265.

The procedure below details how to remove the customer I/O power supply.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, discon-

nect the mains power. For more information, see
Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Loosen the terminal screws for each connected

wire. Remove wires from the terminals.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.21.1 Replacement of customer I/O power supply

Action Note/Illustration
3 Loosen the DIN-lock fixing screw.


• A: DIN-lock fixing screw

• B: DIN-lock lever
4 Pull the DIN-lock lever downwards to release the
power supply unit.
5 Remove the power supply unit.

The procedure below details how to refit the customer I/O power supply.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, discon-

nect the mains power. For more information, see
Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Refit the new power supply unit on the DIN-rail.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.21.1 Replacement of customer I/O power supply

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fasten the DIN-lock fixing screw.


• A: DIN-lock fixing screw

• B: DIN-lock lever
4 Refit all wires in the screw terminals.
5 Fasten the screw terminal screws with correct
6 Perform the function tests in section Function tests
on page 146 to verify that the safety features work

226 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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4 Repair
4.21.2 Replacement of control power supply

4.21.2 Replacement of control power supply

The control power supply is located as shown the illustration below.


A Control power supply

Required equipment

Equipment Spare part no. Note

Control Power Supply 3HAC12928-1 DSQC 604
Standard toolkit The contents are defined in
section Standard toolkit!
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on
page 265.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.21.2 Replacement of control power supply

The procedures below details how to remove the control power supply.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, dis-

connect the mains power. For more informa-
tion, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Remove the attachment screws and pull the

front with the Panel Board Unit in the arrow


A attachment screws
3 Disconnect the connectors X1 - X4 on the
control power supply.
4 Loosen the attachment screw and push the
power supply up to release it from the cap nut.


A cap nut
B attachment screw
5 Remove the power supply unit.

The procedures below details how to refit the control power supply.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

Continues on next page

228 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.21.2 Replacement of control power supply

2 Refit the control power supply.
3 Lock the unit in place by tighten the attachment screw.
4 Reconnect the connectors X1 - X4.
5 Refit the front with the Panel Board Unit.
6 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

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4 Repair
4.21.3 Replacement of drive system power supply

4.21.3 Replacement of drive system power supply

The illustration below shows the location of the drive system power supply in the
IRC5 controller.
PMC small:


PMC large:


Continues on next page

230 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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4 Repair
4.21.3 Replacement of drive system power supply

A Drive system power supply

Required equipment

Equipment Spare part no. Note

Drive system power supply 3HAC026289-001 DSQC 626A
Only for PMC small.
Drive system power supply 3HAC020466-001 DSQC 627
Standard toolkit The contents are defined
in section Standard
Other tools and procedures may be These procedures include
required. See references to these references to the tools
procedures in the step-by-step in- required.
structions below.
Circuit diagram See Circuit diagrams on
page 265.

The procedure below describes how to remove the drive system power supply.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more inform-
ation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Disconnect all connectors from the unit.


A drive system power supply

B cup nut (2 pcs)
C attachment screw (2 pcs)
3 Loosen the attachment screws.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.21.3 Replacement of drive system power supply

Action Note/Illustration
4 Pull the power supply unit to the side to re-
lease it from the cap nuts, and remove it.

The procedure below details how to refit the drive system power supply.

Before doing any work inside the cabinet, disconnect the mains power. For more in-
formation, see Electrical safety on page 35.

2 Refit the power supply by sliding the recesses in beneath the cap nuts.
3 Tighten the attachment screws.
4 Reconnect all connectors to the unit.
5 Perform the function tests in section Function tests on page 146 to verify that the safety
features work properly.

232 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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5 Decommissioning
5.1 Introduction

5 Decommissioning
5.1 Introduction

This section contains information to consider when taking a product, robot or
controller, out of operation.
It deals with how to handle potentially dangerous components and potentially
hazardous materials.

All used grease/oils and dead batteries must be disposed of in accordance with
the current legislation of the country in which the robot and the control unit are
If the robot or the control unit is partially or completely disposed of, the various
parts must be grouped together according to their nature (which is all iron together
and all plastic together), and disposed of accordingly. These parts must also be
disposed of in accordance with the current legislation of the country in which the
robot and control unit are installed.

Disposal of storage media

Before disposal of any storage equipment (anything from an SD card to a complete
controller), make sure that all sensitive information has been deleted.


To remove all data from the SD card, use the Clean Disk function (part of
Recovery Disk function) in RobotStudio. See Operating manual - RobotStudio.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 233

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5 Decommissioning
5.2 Environmental information

5.2 Environmental information

The following symbol indicates that the product must not be disposed of as common
garbage. Handle each product according to local regulations for the respective
content (see table below).


Hazardous material
The table specifies some of the materials in the product and their respective use
throughout the product.
Dispose components properly according to local regulations to prevent health or
environmental hazards.
Material Example application
Aluminium Heat sinks on power supplies and drive units
Batteries, Lithium Main computer
Brominated flame retardants Electronics
Copper Cables
Lead Electronics
Plastic/rubber Cables, connectors, etc.
Steel Cabinet structure, plates, screws, etc.

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5 Decommissioning
5.2 Environmental information

China RoHS symbol

The following symbol shows the information to hazardous substances and the
environmental protection use period of IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller according
to "Management Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Products (SJ/T 11364-2014) ".


Green symbol with "e" in it: The product does not contain any hazardous substances
exceeding concentration limits and is a green environmentally friendly product
which can be recycled.

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6 Reference information
6.1 Introduction

6 Reference information
6.1 Introduction

This chapter includes general information, complementing the more specific
information in the different procedures in the manual.

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6 Reference information
6.2 Applicable standards

6.2 Applicable standards


The listed standards are valid at the time of the release of this document. Phased
out or replaced standards are removed from the list when needed.

The product is designed in accordance with ISO 10218-1:2011, Robots for industrial
environments - Safety requirements -Part 1 Robots, and applicable parts in the
normative references, as referred to from ISO 10218-1:2011. In case of deviations
from ISO 10218-1:2011, these are listed in the declaration of incorporation which
is part of the product delivery.

Normative standards as referred to from ISO 10218-1

Standard Description
ISO 9283:1998 Manipulating industrial robots - Performance criteria and related
test methods
ISO 10218-2 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial
robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration
ISO 12100 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk as-
sessment and risk reduction
ISO 13849-1:2006 Safety of machinery - Safety related parts of control systems
- Part 1: General principles for design
ISO 13850 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design
IEC 60204-1:2005 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part
1: General requirements
IEC 62061:2005 Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related elec-
trical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems

Region specific standards and regulations

Standard Description
ANSI/RIA R15.06 Safety requirements for industrial robots and robot systems
ANSI/UL 1740 Safety standard for robots and robotic equipment
CAN/CSA Z 434-14 Industrial robots and robot Systems - General safety require-

Other standards used in design

Standard Description
ISO 9787:2013 Robots and robotic devices -- Coordinate systems and motion
IEC 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic
standards – Immunity standard for industrial environments
IEC 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic
(option 129-1) standards – Emission standard for industrial environments

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6 Reference information
6.2 Applicable standards

Standard Description
ISO 13732-1:2008 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Part 1
IEC 60974-1:2012 i Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources
IEC 60974-10:2014 i Arc welding equipment - Part 10: EMC requirements
ISO 14644-1:2015 ii Classification of air cleanliness
IEC 60529:1989 + A2:2013 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
i Only valid for arc welding robots. Replaces IEC 61000-6-4 for arc welding robots.
ii Only robots with protection Clean Room.

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6 Reference information
6.3 Unit conversion

6.3 Unit conversion

Converter table
Use the following table to convert units used in this manual.
Quantity Units
Length 1m 3.28 ft. 39.37 in
Weight 1 kg 2.21 lb.
Weight 1g 0.035 ounces
Pressure 1 bar 100 kPa 14.5 psi
Force 1N 0.225 lbf
Moment 1 Nm 0.738 lbf-ft
Volume 1L 0.264 US gal

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6 Reference information
6.4 Screw joints

6.4 Screw joints

This section details how to tighten the various types of screw joints on the controller.
The instructions and torque values are valid for screw joints comprised of metallic
materials and do not apply to soft or brittle materials.

Tightening torque
Before tightening any screw, note the following:
• Determine whether a standard tightening torque or special torque is to be
applied. The standard torques are specified in the tables below. Any special
torques are specified in the Repair, Maintenance or Installation procedure
description. Any special torque specified overrides the standard value.
• Use the correct tightening torque for each type of screw joint.
• Only use correctly calibrated torque keys.
• Always tighten the joint by hand, and never use pneumatical tools.
• Use the correct tightening technique, i.e. do not jerk. Tighten the screw in a
slow, flowing motion.
• Maximum allowed total deviation from the specified value is 10%!
The table below specifies the recommended standard tightening torque for
oil-lubricated screws with slotted or cross-recess heads.
Dimension Tightening torque (Nm)
Class 4.8, oil-lubricated
M2.5 0.25
M3 0.5
M4 1.2
M5 2.5
M6 5.0

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6 Reference information
6.5 Weight specifications

6.5 Weight specifications

In all repair and maintenance instructions, weights of the components handled are
sometimes specified. All components exceeding 22 kg (50 lbs) are high-lighted in
this way.
To avoid injury, ABB recommends the use of lifting equipment when handling
components with a weight exceeding 22 kg.

Below is an example of how a weight specification is presented:


The transformer weighs 55 kg! All lifting equipment used must be sized

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6 Reference information
6.6 Standard toolkit, IRC5

6.6 Standard toolkit, IRC5

All service (repair, maintenance and installation) instructions contain lists of tools
required to perform the specified activity. All special tools, that is, all tools that are
not considered as standard tools as defined below, are listed in their instructions
This way, the tools required are the sum of the Standard Toolkit and any tools
listed in the instructions.

Contents, standard toolkit, IRC5

Tool Remark
Screw driver, Torx Tx10
Screw driver, Torx Tx20
Screw driver, Torx Tx25
Ball tipped screw driver, Torx Tx25
Screw driver, flat blade 4 mm
Screw driver, flat blade 8 mm
Screw driver, flat blade 12 mm
Screw driver Phillips-1
Box spanner 8 mm

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6 Reference information
6.7 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions

6.7 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions

Many repair and maintenance activities require different pieces of lifting accessories,
which are specified in each procedure.
The use of each piece of lifting accessories is not detailed in the activity procedure,
but in the instruction delivered with each piece of lifting accessories.
This implies that the instructions delivered with the lifting accessories should be
stored for later reference.

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7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

Control module parts

The illustration below shows the placement of the control module parts in the
recommended spare part list.



Spare part no. Description Note

A 3HAC024488-001 Panel board unit DSQC 643
B 3HAC025562-001 Backup energy bank DSQC 655
C 3HAC12928-1 Control power supply DSQC 604
D See Computer unit parts on page 249.
E 3HAC045976-001 DSQC1007 Eth. switch (MultiMove) DSQC1007
3HAC024244-001 Ethernet cable cross conn
3HAC021377-001 Bridge connector for panel board
3HAC024000-001 Bridge connector for panel board X1
3HAC024000-002 Bridge connector for panel board X2
3HAC024000-003 Bridge connector for panel board X6
3HAC024000-004 Bridge connector for panel board X5

Continues on next page

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7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

Drive module parts for PMC small

The illustration below shows the placement of the drive module parts in the
recommended spare part list.



Spare part no. Description Note

A 3HAC026289-001 Drive system power supply DSQC 626A
3HAC020466-001 Drive system power supply ext. DSQC 627
B 3HAC029157-001 Axis computer unit DSQC 668
C 3HAC035301-001 Main Drive Unit DSQC 618
D 3HAC13389-2 Contactor interface board DSQC 611
3HAC038808-001 Brake resistor bleeder IRB 140, 340,
3HAC037753-001 Brake resistor bleeder IRB 260
3HAC038440-001 Harness-Power supply/Drive
3HAC024254-005 Ethernet cable strait con

Continues on next page

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7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

Drive module parts for PMC large

The illustration below shows the placement of the drive module parts in the
recommended spare part list.



Spare part no. Description Note

A 3HAC020466-001 Drive system power supply ext. DSQC 627
B 3HAC029157-001 Axis computer unit DSQC 668
C 3HAC029818-001 Main Drive Unit DSQC 663
D 3HAC13389-2 Contactor interface board DSQC 611
3HAC032586-001 Brake resistor bleeder
3HAC038440-001 Harness-Power supply/Drive
3HAC024254-007 Ethernet cable strait con

DeviceNet I/O System parts

The table below details parts in the recommended spare part list.
Spare part no. Description Type
A 3HAC025784-001 ADCombi I/O unit DSQC 651
A 3HAC025917-001 Digital I/O unit DSQC 652

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7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

Scalable I/O devices

The illustration below shows the base device and connected add-on devices.


Spare part no. Description Type

3HAC058663-001 Digital base, 16 digital inputs, 16 di- DSQC1030
gital outputs
3HAC058664-001 Digital add-on, 16 digital inputs, 16 DSQC1031
digital outputs
3HAC058665-001 Analog add-on, 4 analog inputs, 4 DSQC1032
analog outputs
3HAC058666-001 Relay add-on, 8 digital inputs, 8 re- DSQC1033
lay outputs

The main dimensions for the I/O devices are 75x36x101 (Length x Width x Height).
Additional parts
Spare part no. Description
3HAC060919-001 Connectors digital base/add-on
3HAC060925-001 Connectors analog add-on
3HAC060926-001 Connectors relay add-on
3HAC062073-001 DIN bracket

Ext I/O parts

The table below details parts in the recommended spare part list.
Spare part no. Description Note
3HAC026486-001 Additional Module Dig 24V
3HAC026486-002 Additional Module AD Combi

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7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

Computer unit parts

The illustration below shows the placement of the computer unit parts in the
recommended spare part list.


Spare part no. Description Type

A 3HAC042766-001 Computer unit (1 PCI slot) DSQC1000
A 3HAC050363-001 Computer unit (2 PCI slots) DSQC1018
A 3HAC058366-001 Computer unit (2 PCI slots) DSQC1024
Recommended for RobotWare 6.08
and later versions.
B 3HAC047184-003 Mass Memory with boot loader 2GB DSQC1008
Used with computer
B 3HAC061416-003 SD card Used with computer
C 3HAC046408-001 Expansion Board complete DSQC1003
D 3HAC031670-001 PROFINET Slave Fieldbus Adapter DSQC 688
D 3HAC026840-001 PROFIBUS Slave Fieldbus Adapter DSQC 667
D 3HAC027652-001 Ethernet/IP Slave Fieldbus Adapter DSQC 669
D 3HAC045973-001 DeviceNet Slave Fieldbus Adapter DSQC1004
E 3HAC043383-001 DeviceNet Master/Slave PCIexpress DSQC1006
E 3HAC044872-001 PROFIBUS-DP Master PCIexpress DSQC1005
F 3HAC026525-001 Fan -
- 3HAC14944-1 RS-232/422 Converter DSQC 615

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7 Spare parts
7.1 Controller parts

Miscellaneous parts
The table below shows parts in the recommended spare part list.
Spare part no. Description Note
3HAC029105-001 Fan
3HAC037824-001 Line filter for PMC small
3HAC024322-001 Line filter for PMC large
3HAC037015-001 Transformer unit 400-480V 1.2 kVA
3HAC037016-001 Transformer unit 200-220V 4.2 kVA
3HAC037017-001 Transformer unit 400V 4.2 kVA
3HAC037018-001 Transformer unit 440-600V 4.2 kVA
3HAC024180-001 Transformer unit 200-600V 6 kVA
3HAC024138-001 Transformer unit 200-600V 13 kVA
3HAC024144-001 Inductor (Reactor unit)
3HAC024125-001 Harness-XP10/T1
2CDS253001R0104 3-pol automatic fuse
1SCA02235R6610 Switch
3HAC026222-003 Main switch
3HAC026222-003 Handle for 6 mm switch
3HAC021914-001 Harness-TPU Jumper plug
3HAC14178-1 Customer I/O Power supply DSQC 609
3HNE 01586-1 Conveyor Tracking Unit DSQC 377B
3HNA027579-001 CTM-01 Conveyor Tracking Module DSQC2000

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7 Spare parts
7.2 FlexPendant parts

7.2 FlexPendant parts

FlexPendant parts

Article number Description

3HAC028357-001 FlexPendant with cable 10 m
3HAC031683-001 Cable 10 m for FlexPendant
3HAC031683-004 Cable 30 m for FlexPendant
3HAC055665-002 FlexPendant extension cable 15 m i
3HAC055665-003 FlexPendant extension cable 22 m i
3HAC055665-004 FlexPendant extension cable 30 m i
3HAC033498-001 FlexPendant holder
3HAC033596-002 FlexPendant holder upper part
i Cannot be used together with external operator's panel (option 733-3 or 733-4).

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7 Spare parts
7.3.1 Manipulator cables

7.3 Manipulator cables

7.3.1 Manipulator cables

Signal cables, IRB 120

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC035320-001 Robot cable, signal 3 m 210-1
3HAC2493-1 Robot cable, signal 7 m 210-2
3HAC2530-1 Robot cable, signal 15 m 210-3

Signal cables, IRB 1200, 1410, 1520, 1600, 2600, 460, 4600, 6700, 8700

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC2493-1 Control cable signal 7 m 210-2
3HAC2530-1 Control cable signal 15 m 210-3
3HAC2540-1 Control cable signal 22 m 210-4
3HAC2566-1 Control cable signal 30 m 210-5

Signal cables, IRB 260, 660, 760, 2400, 4400, 6600, 6650, 6620, 6640, 6660, 6650S, 7600

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC7998-1 Control cable signal 7 m 210-2
3HAC7998-2 Control cable signal 15 m 210-3
3HAC7998-3 Control cable signal 22 m 210-4
3HAC7998-4 Control cable signal 30 m 210-5

Cable packages for IRB 140 (including signal, power and customer cables)

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC7996-1 Control cable power 3 m 210-1
3HAC7996-5 Control cable power 7 m 210-2
3HAC7996-6 Control cable power 15 m 210-3
3HAC7996-7 Control cable power 22 m 210-4
3HAC7996-8 Control cable power 30 m 210-5

Power cables, IRB 1410, 1600 (version A) 1

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC2492-1 Control cable power 7 m Standard: 210-2 and 287-4
3HAC2529-1 Control cable power 15 m Standard: 210-3 and 287-4
3HAC2539-1 Control cable power 22 m Standard: 210-4 and 287-4
3HAC2564-1 Control cable power 30 m Standard: 210-5 and 287-4
1 IRB 1600/1660ID in standard protection has two versions, A and B. For details about the robot version, see product manual
for the robot.

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252 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
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7 Spare parts
7.3.1 Manipulator cables

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC9038-1 Control cable power 7 m Foundry: 210-2 and 287-3
Wash: 210-2 and 287-5
3HAC9038-2 Control cable power 15 m Foundry: 210-3 and 287-3
Wash: 210-3 and 287-5
3HAC9038-3 Control cable power 22 m Foundry: 210-4 and 287-3
Wash: 210-4 and 287-5
3HAC9038-4 Control cable power 30 m Foundry: 210-5 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

Power cables, IRB 1200, 1520

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC040503-007 Control cable power 3 m 210-1 (only for IRB 1200)
3HAC040503-001 Control cable power 7 m 210-2
3HAC040503-002 Control cable power 15 m 210-3
3HAC040503-003 Control cable power 22 m 210-4 (only for IRB 1200)
3HAC040503-004 Control cable power 30 m 210-5 (only for IRB 1200)

Power cables, IRB 120

Cable Art. no. Option no.

3HAC032694-001 Robot cable power 3 m 210-1
3HAC032695-001 Robot cable power 7 m 210-2
3HAC032696-001 Robot cable power 15 m 210-3

Power cables, IRB 260, 1600 (version B) 2

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC9038-1 Control cable power 7 m Foundry: 210-2 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-2 Control cable power 15 m Foundry: 210-3 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-3 Control cable power 22 m Foundry: 210-4 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-4 Control cable power 30 m Foundry: 210-5 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

Power cables, IRB 360

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC029903-001 Control cable, power and signal 3 m (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)

2 IRB 1600/1660ID in standard protection has two versions, A and B. For details about the robot version, see product manual
for the robot.

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Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 253
3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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7 Spare parts
7.3.1 Manipulator cables

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC029903-002 Control cable, power and signal 7 m (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
3HAC029903-003 Control cable, power and signal 15 m (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
3HAC029903-004 Control cable, power and signal 22 m (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
3HAC029903-005 Control cable, power and signal 30 m (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
3HAC038411-001 Control cable, power and signal, (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
stainless contact screws, 3 m
3HAC038411-002 Control cable, power and signal, (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
stainless contact screws, 7 m
3HAC038411-003 Control cable, power and signal, (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
stainless contact screws, 15 m
3HAC038411-004 Control cable, power and signal, (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
stainless contact screws, 22 m
3HAC038411-005 Control cable, power and signal, (435-80 or 435-81 or 435-82)
stainless contact screws, 30 m

Power cable, IRB 2400


Depending on whether the manipulator is built before or after 2018-05, the

connection interface differs and, the choice of manipulator cable must be made
accordingly. Check the interface and select cable according to the following

Before May 2018

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC2492-1 Control cable power 7 m Standard: 210-2 and 287-4
3HAC2529-1 Control cable power 15 m Standard: 210-3 and 287-4
3HAC2839-1 Control cable power 22 m Standard: 210-4 and 287-4
3HAC2564-1 Control cable power 30 m Standard: 210-5 and 287-4
3HAC9038-1 Control cable power 7 m Foundry: 210-2 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-2 Control cable power 15 m Foundry: 210-3 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-3 Control cable power 22 m Foundry: 210-4 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-4 Control cable power 30 m Foundry: 210-5 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

Continues on next page

254 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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7 Spare parts
7.3.1 Manipulator cables

From May 2018

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC9038-1 Control cable power 7 m Standard: 210-2 and 287-4
Foundry: 210-2 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-2 Control cable power 15 m Standard: 210-3 and 287-4
Foundry: 210-3 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-3 Control cable power 22 m Standard: 210-4 and 287-4
Foundry: 210-4 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
3HAC9038-4 Control cable power 30 m Standard: 210-5 and 287-4
Foundry: 210-5 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

Power cables, IRB 4400

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC2512-1 Control cable power 7 m Standard: 210-2 and 287-4
Clean room: 210-2 and 287-1
3HAC2535-1 Control cable power 15 m Standard: 210-3 and 287-4
Clean room: 210-3 and 287-1
3HAC2560-1 Control cable power 22 m Standard: 210-4 and 287-4
Clean room: 210-4 and 287-1
3HAC2572-1 Control cable power 30 m Standard: 210-5 and 287-4
Clean room: 210-5 and 287-1
3HAC8182-1 Control cable power 7 m Foundry: 210-2 and 287-3
Wash: 210-2 and 287-5
3HAC8182-2 Control cable power 15 m Foundry: 210-3 and 287-3
Wash: 210-3 and 287-5
3HAC8182-3 Control cable power 22 m Foundry: 210-4 and 287-3
Wash: 210-4 and 287-5
3HAC8182-4 Control cable power 30 m Foundry: 210-5 and 287-3
Wash: 210-5 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

Power cable, IRB 460, 660, 760, 2600, 4600, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6650, 6650S, 6660, 6700, 7600, 8700

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC026787-001 Control cable power 7 m (435-6 or 435-18 or 435-24 or
435-36) and 210-2
3HAC026787-002 Control cable power 15 m (435-6 or 435-18 or 435-24 or
435-36) and 210-3
3HAC026787-003 Control cable power 22 m (435-6 or 435-18 or 435-24 or
435-36) and 210-4

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Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 255
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7 Spare parts
7.3.1 Manipulator cables

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC026787-004 Control cable power 30 m (435-6 or 435-18 or 435-24 or
435-36) and 210-5


IRB 8700 requires two power cables.

256 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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7 Spare parts
7.3.2 Fan cables

7.3.2 Fan cables

IRB 6600 and IRB 7600

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC022723-001 Harness - Axis 1&2 cooling (87-1 or 88-1 or 89-1) and
3HAC022723-004 Harness - Axis 1&2 cooling (87-1 or 88-1 or 89-1) and
3HAC022723-005 Harness - Axis 1&2 cooling (87-1 or 88-1 or 89-1) and
3HAC022723-006 Harness - Axis 1&2 cooling (87-1 or 88-1 or 89-1) and
3HAC022708-001 Harness - axis 1/2/3 cooling (87-1 or 88-1 or 89-1) and
274-1 or 274-2 or 274-3 or

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 257

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
7 Spare parts
7.3.3 CP/CS Harness

7.3.3 CP/CS Harness

CP/CS for IRB 2600, 460, 4600, 660, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6700, 760, 7600

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC022957-001 Harness CP/CS L=7m 94-1
3HAC022957-002 Harness CP/CS L=15m 94-2
3HAC022957-006 Harness CP/CS L=22m 94-3
3HAC022957-003 Harness CP/CS L=30m 94-4

CP/CS/Profibus for IRB 2600, 460, 4600, 660, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6700, 760, 7600

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC022988-001 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB L=7m 92-2
3HAC022988-002 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB L=15m 92-3
3HAC022988-006 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB L=22m 92-4
3HAC022988-003 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB L=30m 92-5

CP/CS DeviceNet for IRB 2600, 460, 4600, 660, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6700, 760, 7600

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC022978-001 Harness CP/CS, DeviceNet L=7m 90-2
3HAC022978-002 Harness CP/CS, DeviceNet L=15m 90-3
3HAC022978-006 Harness CP/CS, DeviceNet L=22m 90-4
3HAC022978-003 Harness CP/CS, DeviceNet L=30m 90-5

Ethernet/PROFINET cable for IRB 2600, 460, 4600, 660, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6700, 760, 7600, 8700

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC031924-001 Connection of Ethernet, L=7m 859-1
3HAC031924-002 Connection of Ethernet, L=15m 859-2
3HAC031924-003 Connection of Ethernet, L=22m 859-3
3HAC031924-004 Connection of Ethernet, L=30m 859-4

Ethernet/PROFINET cable for IRB 1200

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC055518-001 Connection of Ethernet, L=3m 859-9
3HAC055518-002 Connection of Ethernet, L=7m 859-1
3HAC055518-003 Connection of Ethernet, L=15m 859-2
3HAC055518-004 Connection of Ethernet, L=22m 859-3
3HAC055518-005 Connection of Ethernet, L=30m 859-4

258 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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7 Spare parts
7.3.4 Cables customer power/customer signal

7.3.4 Cables customer power/customer signal

IRB 1200

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC049089-001 Cable CP/CS 3 m 16-1 and 94-6
3HAC049089-004 Cable CP/CS 7 m 16-1 and 94-1
3HAC049089-005 Cable CP/CS 15 m 16-1 and 94-2
3HAC049089-006 Cable CP/CS 22 m 16-1 and 94-3
3HAC049089-007 Cable CP/CS 30 m 16-1 and 94-4

IRB 1400

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC3346-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m 16-1 and 17-5 and 94-1
3HAC3347-1 Cable CP/CS 15 m 16-1 and 17-5 and 94-2
3HAC3348-1 Cable CP/CS 22 m 16-1 and 17-5 and 94-3
3HAC3349-1 Cable CP/CS 30 m 16-1 and 17-5 and 94-4

IRB 2400


Depending on whether the manipulator is built before or after 2018-05, the

connection interface differs and, the choice of manipulator cable must be made
accordingly. Check the interface and select cable according to the following

Before May 2018

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC3353-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m Standard: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-4
3HAC3354-1 Cable CP/CS 15 m Standard: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-4
3HAC3355-1 Cable CP/CS 22 m Standard: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-4
3HAC3356-1 Cable CP/CS 30 m Standard: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-4
3HAC8183-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m Foundry: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-5
3HAC8183-2 Cable CP/CS 15 m Foundry: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-5
3HAC8183-3 Cable CP/CS 22 m Foundry: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-5
3HAC8183-4 Cable CP/CS 30 m Foundry: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

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Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 259
3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
7 Spare parts
7.3.4 Cables customer power/customer signal

From May 2018

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC8183-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m Standard: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-4
Foundry: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-5
3HAC8183-2 Cable CP/CS 15 m Standard: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-4
Foundry: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-5
3HAC8183-3 Cable CP/CS 22 m Standard: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-4
Foundry: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-5
3HAC8183-4 Cable CP/CS 30 m Standard: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-4
Foundry: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-5
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

IRB 4400

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC3353-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m Standard: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-4
Clean: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-1
3HAC3354-1 Cable CP/CS 15 m Standard: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-4
Clean: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-1
3HAC3355-1 Cable CP/CS 22 m Standard: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-4
Clean: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-1
3HAC3356-1 Cable CP/CS 30 m Standard: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-4
Clean: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-1
3HAC8183-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m Foundry: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-5
Foundry Prime: 94-1, 16-1 and 287-6
3HAC8183-2 Cable CP/CS 15 m Foundry: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-5
Foundry Prime: 94-2, 16-1 and 287-6
3HAC8183-3 Cable CP/CS 22 m Foundry: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-5
Foundry Prime: 94-3, 16-1 and 287-6
3HAC8183-4 Cable CP/CS 30 m Foundry: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-3
Wash: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-5
Foundry Prime: 94-4, 16-1 and 287-6
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

IRB 1600

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC8183-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m 94-1, 16-1 and 17-5
3HAC8183-2 Cable CP/CS 15 m 94-2, 16-1 and 17-5

Continues on next page

260 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
7 Spare parts
7.3.4 Cables customer power/customer signal

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC8183-3 Cable CP/CS 22 m 94-3, 16-1 and 17-5
3HAC8183-4 Cable CP/CS 30 m 94-4, 16-1 and 17-5

IRB 260

Art. no. Description Option no.

3HAC8183-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m 94-1 and 16-1
3HAC8183-2 Cable CP/CS 15 m 94-2 and 16-1
3HAC8183-3 Cable CP/CS 22 m 94-3 and 16-1
3HAC8183-4 Cable CP/CS 30 m 94-4 and 16-1

IRB 360

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC14860-1 Cable CP/CS 7 m 218-9 and 94-1
3HAC14860-2 Cable CP/CS 15 m 218-9 and 94-2
3HAC14860-3 Cable CP/CS 22 m 218-9 and 94-3
3HAC14860-4 Cable CP/CS 30 m 218-9 and 94-4
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 261

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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7 Spare parts
7.3.5 Other customer cables

7.3.5 Other customer cables

IRB 360

Art. no. Description Option no. i

3HAC030198-001 Internal Customer cable 3 m 218-5 and 94-6
3HAC030198-002 Internal Customer cable 7 m 218-5 and 94-1
3HAC030198-003 Internal Customer cable 15 m 218-5 and 94-2
3HAC030198-004 Internal Customer cable 22 m 218-5 and 94-3
3HAC030198-005 Internal Customer cable 30 m 218-5 and 94-4
i The option number depends on the protection type of the manipulator.

262 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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7 Spare parts
7.3.6 Additional cables

7.3.6 Additional cables

Drive module cables

Cable Art. no. Option no.

3HAC025600-001 Cable between control module and drive
module: L=1.7 m
3HAC025600-005 Cable between control module and drive 761-1
module: L=4 m
3HAC025600-006 Cable between control module and drive 761-3
module: L=30 m

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 263

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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This page is intentionally left blank
8 Circuit diagrams
8.1 Circuit diagrams

8 Circuit diagrams
8.1 Circuit diagrams

The circuit diagrams are not included in this manual, but are available for registered
users on myABB Business Portal,
See the article numbers in the tables below.


Product Article numbers for circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram - IRC5 3HAC024480-011
Circuit diagram - IRC5 Compact 3HAC049406-003
Circuit diagram - IRC5 Panel Mounted Con- 3HAC026871-020
Circuit diagram - Euromap 3HAC024120-004
Circuit diagram - Spot welding cabinet 3HAC057185-001


Product Article numbers for circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram - IRB 120 3HAC031408-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 140 type C 3HAC6816-3
Circuit diagram - IRB 260 3HAC025611-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 360 3HAC028647-009
Circuit diagram - IRB 460 3HAC036446-005
Circuit diagram - IRB 660 3HAC025691-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 760 3HAC025691-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 1200 3HAC046307-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 1410 3HAC2800-3
Circuit diagram - IRB 1600/1660 3HAC021351-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 1520 3HAC039498-007
Circuit diagram - IRB 2400 3HAC6670-3
Circuit diagram - IRB 2600 3HAC029570-007
Circuit diagram - IRB 4400/4450S 3HAC9821-1
Circuit diagram - IRB 4600 3HAC029038-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 6620 3HAC025090-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6620 / IRB 6620LX 3HAC025090-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6640 3HAC025744-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6650S 3HAC13347-1

Continues on next page

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8 Circuit diagrams
8.1 Circuit diagrams

Product Article numbers for circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram - IRB 6660 3HAC025744-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6700 / IRB 6790 3HAC043446-005
Circuit diagram - IRB 7600 3HAC13347-1
Circuit diagram - IRB 14000 3HAC050778-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 910SC 3HAC056159-002

266 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
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Index emergency stops, 29

enabling device, 30, 118
function test, 148
A EN ISO 13849-1, 18, 20
additional drive module, 114
environmental information, 234
allergenic material, 34
EPS board, 123, 197
disposal, 234
damage elimination, 48
assessment of hazards and risks, 34
sensitive equipment, 48
automatic mode, 33
esd elimination, 43
auto stop
expansion board, replace, 174
function test, 151
external enabling device, 118
auto stop jumper, 84
external operator’s panel, 115
B external safety relay, 94
backup energy bank, repair, 164
fieldbus adapter, replace, 177
disposal, 234
fire extinguishing, 35
PMC large, 219
connecting, 78
PMC small, 215
function tests, 146
brake contactor, 150
fuse, 70
brake resistor bleeder
PMC large, 219 G
PMC small, 215 general stop, 152
brominated flame retardants
disposal, 234 H
C installed hanging, 34
cabinet depth, 56 hazard levels, 22
cabinet lock, 35 hazardous material, 234
carbon dioxide extinguisher, 35 heat release, 46
category 0 stop, 27 height
category 1 stop, 27 installed at a height, 34
category 3, 18 hold-to-run, 30
CCF, 18 hot surfaces, 38
cleaning of the controller, 143 HRA, 34
cleaning the FlexPendant, 144
climbing on robot, 38 I
Common Cause Failures, 18 I/O units and gateways, repair, 162
connecting a USB memory, 104 Inspection of controller, 142
connection Installation Activities, 44
FlexPendant, 78 Installation of I/O, Gateways and encoder units, 120
contactor interface board, repair, 207 integrator responsibility, 34
controller IP class, 46
symbols, 24 IRC5 controller modules, 44
control power supply, repair, 227 ISO 13849-1, 18
cooling, 46
copper K
disposal, 234 key of the mode switch, 37

DC, 18 labels
Diagnostic Coverage, 18 controller, 24
dimensions, 50 lead
disposal of storage media, 233 disposal, 234
Drive functions, 101 limitation of liability, 17
drive system fan, repair, 211 limit switch, 154
drive system power supply, repair, 230 Lithium
drive unit disposal, 234
PMC large, 191 lock and tag, 35
PMC small, 188
E Main Drive Unit
Electronic Position Switches, 123, 197 PMC large, 191
emergency stop, 27, 146 PMC small, 188
definition, 27 manual full speed mode, 32

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 267

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

manual high speed mode, 32 SD-card memory, 185

manual mode, 31 report replacements, 158
manual reduced speed mode, 31 required performance level, PLr, 18
memory, 185 responsibility and validity, 17
memory functions, 103 risk of burns, 38
mode switch, 147 rubber
mode switch key, 37 disposal, 234
motor contactors, 149
MTTFD, 18–19 safeguarding, 27
MultiMove, 114 safeguard mechanisms
automatic mode, 33
N manual mode, 31
national regulations, 34 SafeMove, 170
network security, 15 safety
emergency stop, 27
O ESD, 48
operating conditions, 45 fire extinguishing, 35
operating mode signals, 22
automatic mode, 33 signals in manual, 22
manual full speed mode, 32 stop functions, 27
manual mode, 31 symbols, 22
manual reduced speed mode, 31 symbols on controller, 24
operator’s panel, 115 safety controller, 123, 197
original spare parts, 17 safety devices, 35
safety module, 170
P safety signals
panel board, repair, 159 in manual, 22
Panel Mounted Controller, 157 safety standards, 238
overview, 41 SD-card memory, replace, 185
PCIexpress boards, replace, 170 signals
pedestal safety, 22
installed on pedestal, 34 size, 50
performance level, PL, 18 standards, 238
personnel ANSI, 238
requirements, 21 CAN, 238
PFHD, 20 EN IEC, 238
PL, performance level, 18 EN ISO, 238
plastic steel
disposal, 234 disposal, 234
PMC large, 157 stop category 0, 27
overview, 41 stop category 1, 27
PMC small, 157 stops
overview, 41 overview, 27
power supply storage conditions, 45
control module, 71 superior stop, 153
PMC large, 67 symbols
PMC small, 65 safety, 22
PPE, 21 system integrator requirements, 34
product standards, 238
protection class, 46 T
protective equipment, 21 temperature, 45
protective stop three-position enabling device, 30
definition, 27 function test, 148
protective wear, 21 tightening torque, 241
R safety, 39
recovering from emergency stops, 29
reduced speed control U
function test, 155 USB ports, 104
regional regulations, 34 users
replacements, report, 158 requirements, 21
contactor interface board, 207 V
expansion board, 174 validity and responsibility, 17
fieldbus adapter, 177
PCIexpress boards, 170

268 Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

3HAC047137-001 Revision: R
© Copyright 2007-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

W wrist strap, 43
weight, 45

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 269

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Robotics & Discrete Automation
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Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

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Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666

ABB Inc.
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Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
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Specifications subject to change without notice.

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