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Diagnostic Radiology

Diagnostic Radiology Lab answer sheet
Dr. _____________________________ M.D.
Congratulations, Doctor! Now that you have passed the Radiology Board Exam, you can
begin diagnosing your patients. Use this answer sheet for “The Patients” section of the
Diagnostic Radiology Lab.

Patient 1 Patient 5
1. ________________
2. ________________ 22. _______________
3. ________________ 23. _______________
4. ________________ 24. ________________
5. ________________ 25. ________________
6. ________________ 26. ________________
7. ________________

Patient 2 Patient 6A

8. ________________ 27. _______________

9. ________________ 28. ___________________
10. ________________ ___________________
11. ________________ 29. ________________
12. ________________ 30. ________________
31. ____________________________________

Patient 3
Patient 6B
13. ________________
14. ________________ 32. _______________
15. _______________________________ 33. _______________
_______________________________ 34. ________________
16. _______________________________ 35. ________________
_______________________________ 36. ________________
17. _______________________________

Patient 7
Patient 4
18. a__________ b__________
c__________ d__________ 37. _______________
19. ______________________ 38. _______________
20. ______________________________ 39. ________________
21. ______________________________
Diagnostic Radiology Diagnostic Radiology Lab answer sheet
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Patient 8 Patient 12

40. __________________ 56. A _______________ 1

41. __________________ B_______________
42. __________________ C_______________
43. __________________ D_______________
__________________ 57. ______________________
__________________ 58. ______________________

Patient 9 Patient 13

44. ________________ 59. _______________

45. ________________ 60. ___________________
46. ________________ 61. ________________
47. ________________ 62. ______________________
48. __________________________________ ______________________
63. ______________________

Patient 10
Patient 14
49. __________________
50. A ________________ 64. _______________
B ________________ 65. _______________
C ________________ 66. _____________________
D ________________ _____________________
51. __________________________________ 67. _____________________
__________________________________ _____________________

Patient 15
Patient 11
68. _______________
69. _______________
52. _______________ 70. ________________
53. _______________ 71. ________________
54. __________________________________ 72. ____________________________________
55. __________________________________ ____________________________________
Diagnostic Radiology Diagnostic Radiology Lab answer sheet
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Patient 16 Patient 19
73. __________________
74. __________________ 95. ____________
75. __________________ 96. ____________
76. __________________ 97. _____________
77. __________________ _____________
78. __________________ _____________
79. __________________ _____________________________________

Patient 17 Patient 20
80. ________________
81. ________________ 98. _______________
82. ________________ _______________
83. ________________ 99. _______________
84. ________________ 100. _______________
85. ________________ _____________________________________

Patient 18A
Patient 21

86. ________________
101. ______________
102. ______________
103. _______________
104. _______________
87. _________________
105. _______________
106. ______________________________________

Patient 18B 18B

Patient 22
88. ______________
89. ______________ 107. _______
90. ______________ 108. _______________________
91. ______________ _______________________
92. ______________ 109. _______________________
93. ______________ _______________________
94. ______________
Diagnostic Radiology Diagnostic Radiology Lab answer sheet
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Patient 23 23 Patient 25
110. __________________
122. ________________
111. __________________
123. ________________
112. __________________
124. ________________
113. __________________
125. ________________
114. __________________
126. ________________
115. __________________
127. _________________
116. ________________________________
Patient 24 24

117. ____________________
118. _______________________
119. __________________________________ Patient 26
120. _________________________________
121. _________________________________ 133. ________________
134. ________________
Patient Information Survey (just for fun) 135. ________________
136. ________________
________ Horse was attacked by a killer skunk. 137. ________________
________ Elephant sat on her leg. 138.__________________
________ Inhaled judge’s pen.
________ Tumbled off uneven parallel bars. __________________

________ Stuck arm into elevator door.

________ Caught by the big toe with a fishing hook.

________ Fell from tree and stuck out arm to break fall. A. Leonard Karpofolitz
________ Won consolation prize … a new pair of glasses.
B. Arnold Schwartzensniffler
C. Miles Giles
________ Broke his collar bone.
D. Yoloff Svenson
________ Suffered a spiral fracture. E. Polly Perkowitz
________ World’s most astonishing medical mishap. F. Lenny Crawford
G. Yolanda Flugelhoffer
________ Suffered a badly broken femur.
H. Yoloff’s grandson
________ Broke his humerus but is not laughing.

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