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1) Explain Features of MS-Word?

Microsoft Word :
 A Word processor is a computer program for processing words.
 A Word processor software provides a general set of tools for entering, editing,
and formatting text.
 A word processor has everything that a conventional typewriter has.
 It provides various useful features that cannot be done on a typewriter.

Features :

 Fast Typing: Text in a word processor becomes fast since there is no associated
mechanical carriage movement.
 Editing functions: Any type of correction (insert, delete, change, etc.) can be
easily done as and on demand.
 Permanent storage: Documents can be stored indefinitely. The saved
document can be called up at any time.
 Formatting functions: Entered text can be created in any form and style (bold,
italic, underline, different fonts, etc.). Graphics Provides the ability to insert
drawings into documents, making them more useful.
 OLE (Object Linking and Embedding): OLE is a program integration technology
used to exchange information between programs about objects. Objects are
entities stored as graphs, equations, video clips, audio clips, images, and so on.
 Alignment: You can align your text as you like, for example, left, right, or
centered. You can even make a box set, i.e, aligned from both sides.
 Delete errors: You can remove a word, line, or paragraph from a stroke, and the
rest of the subject will appear automatically.
 Line Spacing: You can set the line spacing from one to nine according to your
 Move-in Cursor: You can move the cursor from one word to another or from
one paragraph to another as needed.
 Naming a Document: You can name a document and retrieve it from your hard
drive at any time for editing, updating, correction, and even for printing.
 Page break: You can set a page break at any point in the text so that the next
page is printed when printing.
 Search and Replace: You can search for a specific word in the entire document
and replace it with another word.

 Thesaurus: you can exchange a word with one of its synonyms. This way you
can avoid the repetition of a single word in a document and add beauty to the
 Indentation: Refers to the space between the text boundaries and the margins
of the page. There are three types of indents: positive, negative, and hanging.
 Header and footer: A header or footer is text or a graphic, such as a page
number, a date, or a company logo, that is typically printed at the top or
bottom of each page of a document.
 Page orientation: Refers to whether the text is printed lengthways or across.
Above the printed side is called PORTRAIT and the side printed across is called
 Spell Checker: Not only can it check spelling mistakes, but it can also suggest
possible alternatives for misspelled words.
 Mail Merge: This is a function that allows you to print a large number of
letters/documents with more or less similar texts.

2) Explain MS-Word Window components?

MS Word Window :

 Title Bar: Displays the name of the file you are currently working on. It also
consists of three buttons, for example, The Minimize button reduces the
window to an icon, but the word remains active. The Restore button returns
the Word window to its original maximum size. The close button takes us out
of Word.

 Menu Bar: This consists of various commands that can be accessed by clicking
on the menu options under these menu headings.

 Standard Toolbar: Displays icons for common operations, such as Open, Print,
Save, etc., which can be done by clicking on the suitable tool.

 Formatting Toolbar: Displays the options that can be used to format our
document, such as The ruler indicating the width of the document. It can be
increased or decreased. You can see how many of the lines you wrote. Work
area This is the area where you can enter the text.

 Vertical Scroll Bar: For larger text in the document, you can scroll the vertical
bar to view the text in different positions.
 Horizontal scrollbar: Used to move from left to right of the document and vice
versa if the document is too wide to fit on the screen.

 Search Object Selection Button: This helps us select one of several tools used
to find something in a document.

 Normal View button: Helps us view the document very as it will be printed.
Arranges the text so that no document is hidden on the screen.

 Print Layout View: This option allows us to see how the document will be
printed. All headers, footers, and comments are displayed.

 Draw Toolbar: One of several toolbars that may be available on the screen.
This special is used to make drawings on the document.

 Status bar: This bar always shows you your current position as far as the text
goes. It shows you the current position of your in terms of the page number,
line number, etc.

3) Explain working with formatted text?

 Text formatting describes features within word processors that are used to
change the appearance of the text, such as its size and color
 Formatted text can draw the reader's attention to specific parts of a
document and emphasize important information.
 In Word, you have several options for adjusting text, including font, size,
and color.
 You can also adjust the alignment of the text to change how it is displayed
on the page.
To change the font size:
 Select the text you want to modify.
 Click on Home tab, click the Font Size drop-down arrow from font
 Select a font size from the menu.
 If the font size you need is not available in the menu, you can click the
Font Size box and type the desired size, then press Enter.
 The font size will change in the document.
 You can also use the Grow Font and Shrink Font commands to change
the font size.
To change the font style:
 By default, the font of each new document is set to Calibri.
 However, Word provides many other fonts you can use to customize text.
 Select the text you want to modify.
 Click on Home tab from navigation pane, click the drop-down arrow next to
the Font box from font group.
 A menu of font styles will appear.
 Select the font style you want to use.
 The font will change in the document.
 Along with Calibri, standard reading fonts include Cambria, Times New
Roman, and Arial.
To change the font color:
 Select the text you want to modify
 On the Home tab, click the Font Color drop-down arrow.
 The Font Color menu appears.
 Select the font color you want to use.
 The font color will change in the document.
 Your color choices aren't limited to the drop-down menu that appears.
 Select More Colors at the bottom of the menu to access
the Colors dialog box.
 Choose the color you want, then click OK.
To use the Bold, Italic, and Underline commands:

The Bold, Italic, and Underline commands can be used to help draw attention to
important words or phrases.

1. Select the text you want to modify.

2. On the Home tab, click the Bold (B), Italic (I), or Underline (U) command
in the Font group. In our example, we'll click Bold.

3. The selected text will be modified in the document.

To change text case:

When you need to quickly change text case, you can use the Change
Case command instead of deleting and retyping text.

1. Select the text you want to modify.

2. On the Home tab, click the Change Case command in the Font group.
3. A drop-down menu will appear. Select the desired case option from the

4. The text case will be changed in the document.

To highlight text:

Highlighting can be a useful tool for marking important text in your document.

1. Select the text you want to highlight.

2. From the Home tab, click the Text Highlight Color drop-down arrow.
The Highlight Color menu appears.

3. Select the desired highlight color. The selected text will then be
highlighted in the document.
To remove highlighting, select the highlighted text, then click the Text Highlight
Color drop-down arrow. Select No Color from the drop-down menu.

If you need to highlight several lines of text, changing the mouse into
a highlighter may be a helpful alternative to selecting and highlighting individual
lines. Click the Text Highlight Color command, and the cursor changes into a
highlighter. You can then click and drag the highlighter over the lines you want to

To change text alignment:

By default, Word aligns text to the left margin in new documents. However, there
may be times when you want to adjust text alignment to the center or right.

1. Select the text you want to modify.

2. On the Home tab, select one of the four alignment options from
the Paragraph group. In our example, we've selected Center Alignment.

3. The text will be realigned in the document.

Click the arrows in the slideshow below to learn more about the four text
alignment options.


Align Text Left: This aligns all selected text to the left margin. The Align
Text Left command is the most common alignment and is selected by
default when a new document is created.

Center: This aligns text an equal distance from the left and right

Align Text Right: This aligns all selected text to the right margin.

Justify: Justified text is equal on both sides. It lines up equally to the

right and left margins. Many newspapers and magazines use full

You can use Word's convenient Set as Default feature to save all of
the formatting changes you've made and automatically apply them to new
documents. To learn how to do this, read our article on Changing Your Default
Settings in Word.

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