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Kami Hart

CRM Level 4
Black Power Movement vs. African American Civil Rights Movement

When one would think of the Black Power, they would often tie the Black Panthers to
them since the group formed from the Black Power. Stokely Carmichael was a very influential
person in the Black Panther group and for Black Power. He gave multiple influential speeches
promoting African American pride as well as the necessity for self-defense in violent situations.
Eventually, the group openly carried guns to show their willingness for protecting African
In the African American civil rights movement, there were many influential people
involved such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Ella Baker. There are multiple events tied to the civil
rights movement such as bus boycotts, marches, protests, and sit-ins, some of which these
people were involved in. These events were also often supported by organizations such as the
NAACP, SCLC, and SNCC. By spreading to multiple states and nations, the movements organized
by this group often led to changes in African American rights.
When comparing the Black Power movements and the African American civil rights
movements, there are some obvious differences in their methods. The Black Powers were pro-
violence when needed while the African American civil rights movement was often meant to be
peaceful. The Black Power and Black Panther had no issue starting violence if it meant
protecting their people while the civil rights movement tried to use methods like civil
disobedience and nonviolent resistance.
Despite these differences, there are some things the groups have in common. One of
these similarities would be a shared common goal. Changing the rights of African Americans
was what they were both fighting for in their own ways. Although some of the methods used
may not have been ideal, in the end, their goal was reached over time and African Americans
gained quite a few more rights.

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