Thesis Report MBA 36 (2) - 1

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Submitted by

Jamshed Ahmed (2035163)

Mir GhulamMurtaza (2035165)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of




FALL 2021
Declaration of Originality

We hereby undertake and disclose that we have conducted our project

according to all rules and regulations described by SZABIST in order to
complete our MBA Research Project. The project has been undertaken to
fulfill the requirements of the MBA degree program offered by SZABIST,
Moreover, we declare that this project is an original piece of work and
that all additional sources of information have been duly cited.
Furthermore, internet sources, published or unpublished works from
which we have quoted and drawn references have been cited. We
understand that failure to non-compliance of this will result in earning
“F” grade or cancellation of the Research Project.
We understand that we will be called for a presentation/viva and we are
duty bound to attend it. We acknowledge that it is our responsibility to
ensure our availability during presentation/viva period and we also
understand that this project will stand cancelled in case we fail to
submit the required information at time.

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Signature: _______________________________________ Date:

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Supervisor: _____________________________________


First and foremost, all thanks to Almighty ALLAH S.W.T for the blessings and strength to
complete the process of this study.
Me along with my fellow member would like to express a gesture of appreciation for all the
participants who have been involved and helped us to complete the research without them it won’t
be possible for us to gather data.
We are really thankful to our mentor “Sir Zuhaib Khokhar” Who has been guiding us through all
the sessions on that journey of learning. Due to his supervision and guidance we have been able to
complete our learning process at SZABSIT Hyderabad Campus.


CHAPTER01 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………....1
1.1Research Background…………………………………………………………..3
1.2 Organic food in Pakistan……………………………………………………….5
1.4 Significance…………………………………………………………………....6
1.5 Scope…………………………………………………………………………..6
1.6 Problem Statement…………………………………………………………....6
1.7 Research Objectives …………………………………………………………..7
1.8 Research Questions……………………………………………………….……7
1.9 Research Hypothesis ……………………………………………………….....7
1.10 Factor affecting……………………………………………….................8

CHAPTER 02 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………11

2.1 Theoretical Background ………………………………………………………11
2.1.1 User & Gratification Theory…………………………………………….....13
2.1.2 Brand Equity Theory………………………………………………………..14
2.2 Social Media Engagement……………………………….............................15
2.3 Social Media Entertainment……………………………..............................16
2.4 Perceived Personalization……………………………..................................17
2.5 Brand Experience……………………………………………………………..19
2.6 Brand Love……………………………………………………………….......20
2.7 Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………........20

CHAPTER 03RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………..………….......22

3.1 Research Approach…………………………………………..…………………22
3.2 Research Purpose ……………………………………...….………….….........22
3.3 Research Design ……………………………………..….…………..…..........22
3.4 Data Source …………………………………………….…………..………..…22
3.5 Population Sampling ………………………………………………..…...........22
3.6 Sampling Strategy……………………………………………….………..........22
3.7 Sample Size…………………………………………………….…………….....22
3.8 Research Instrument………………………………………….……………........22
3.9 Research Variables…………………………………………..………...............23

3.10 Data Analysis………………………………………………………....24
3.10.1 Descriptive Statistics…………………………………………….….24
3.10.2 Reliability Analysis………………………………………………....24
3.10.3 Regression Analysis………………………………………………...24
3.10.4 Correlation Analysis………………………………………………..24

CHAPTER 04 Data Analysis………………………………………….......26

4.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………...26
4.2 Descriptive Statistics ………………………………………………….26
4.2.1 Reliability Statistics………………………………........................27
4.2.2 Multiple Regression……………………………...........................27
4.2.3 Correlation……………………………………………………….....28
4.2.4 Model Summary…………………………………………………....29
4.2.5 ANOVA…………………………………………………………….30
4.2.6 Coefficient………………………………………………………….30
4.3 Hypothesis Testing…………………………………………………..30

CHAPTER 05 CONCLUSION……………………………………….….32
5.2. Conclusion………………………………………………………......32

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Layout of Questionnaire

Table 3.2 Hypothesis, Variables and Techniques
Table 4.2 Demographics
Table 4.2.1.Reliability Analysis
Table 4.2.3Correlation Coefficient
Table 4.2.4Model Summary
Table 4.2.5.ANOVA
Table 4.2.6 Coefficient
Table 4.2.7 Hypothesis

This research study finds the factors and effects of the social networking sites (SNS) among the

consumers of Hyderabad. The needed information/data was accumulated from our total 300s

responded and the method or technique that we used to gather data was online Google from. The

elements that we have analyze in this report were total 6 in numbers out which our 5 elements were

Independent (Brand experience, perceived personalization, Brand love, Customer engagement,

Entertainment value) and the last element was our Dependent variable (Brand Equity). The report

will give away data about the social media advertisement and its impact on organic food industry in

Hyderabad. The report has taken couple of writing surveys from various accessible sources to know

their past work on the comparative subject. It likewise incorporates the motivation behind study, the

research objectives, the research questions and research hypothesis.

The research study design depends on descriptive style. A quantitative mean for gathering the

information from participants is utilized in this research report. The report caries consultations and

research discoveries.

In this comprehensive report it is resulted that the customers of Hyderabad are very presented to the

utilization of web based life and it has its enduring effects, Web-based social networking makes

more informative consumers about different organic product availability in Hyderabad. It

additionally makes them aware and stays up with the latest about their favorite brand.

Keywords: Organic food, Social media advertisement, Consumers behavior, Entertainment value,

Customer engagement, Brand love, Brand experience, Perceived personalization, Food industry,

Hyderabad, Pakistan.


1.1. Research Background:

Today in 21st century where technology is advanced along with the commercial development,
organic food products are being modified with different chemical processes. It is not only affecting
the agriculture but as well the mass production their wealth and health. at this point it is necessary
to research on the organic food and its importance in our lives.
Because now a day’s organic food is on a trend due to health concerns and awareness after COVID-
19 situation. The concept of the health and wellness is rising among the consumers and demand for
the organic food is also taking place , acceptance of the organic food is increasing trend
(Michaelidou and Hassan, 2008; Benbrook and Baker, 2014; Ronald and Adamchak, )2017)
For now, it has been taken as a trend regarding health issues, but organic food just not only protect
consumers from several diseases also protects the environment i-e (land, water, soil) it gives
importance to ecology, in order to maintain sustainability between man and nature.
Previously, the information about organic food was provided through print media i-e newspapers,
magazines or TV to its consumers, it was only focused for a healthier life, but the value which
determines the organic food products relies on its production and manufacturing process. where the
final product gets ready , when a consumer buy an organic food product from the market they do
not get a full picture of it from the appearance of product (Janssen and Hamm, 2012). In a modern
world, where social media has become an important part of life between advertisers and consumers
where marketers can promote their goods, consumers gets all the information before making any
purchase decision basically it connects buyer & seller and it’s a strong communication tool between
them. According to the (Palen (2008), survivors of social disasters or victims of major crises are
often able to use social media to find others with similar experiences, to share their experiences, and
to generate the support and connections that are characteristics of a victim’s community. As social
media is very effective in gathering users with the same interest or background. (Allagui and
Breslow, 2016).

Different countries have made rules and regulations to encourage or motivate individuals or
companies to farm organic food in their countries. There is research conducted in 2019 it suggests
that there is 90% rise in demand of organic food in America and European countries, there is
another research conducted in 2017 that agricultural growth globally by 124.74 billion and till 2024
it will go to 323.09 billion which is rise of almost 14.56%. if we talk about Pakistan, Pakistan is
agricultural country and it is backbone of our country which contribute almost 18.5% in GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) and contribute to provide employment to the 38.5% population of

country but in this modern era we are using traditional methods of framing and using chemical
fertilizers and use dangerous pesticides which not only destroyed their crops but it also harmful for
human beings and other living things. Similarly, a recently published report by Zion Market
Research (ZION, 2018) witnessed global organic agricultural growth, which had an approximate
market value of USD 124.76 billion in 2017 and is likely to grow to about USD 323.09 billion by
the end of 2024. These figures indicate a 14.56% increase in the growth rate between these years.
Talking about recent years’ people are moving towards organic food which offered an edge on
traditional food framing a chemical and pesticide free to people which is good for their health and
through this Pakistan can earn a good revenue if Pakistan export it to other countries because it has
high demand now. For this Pakistan made a vital step by establishing a NIOA (National Institute of
Organic Agriculture) in 2008 which has motive to support small farms by teaching them with
modern ways of framing due to these steps taking by Pakistan it resulted increase in organic
agriculture land has grown from 6005 hectares in late 2017 to 51304 hectares in 2019.
Inside the worldwide food market, deals of natural food have seen sensational by and large
development: In 2016, for instance, overall deals of natural food developed by roughly 10%, to
USD89.7 billion. North America and Europe, two agent natural food markets, have constantly
added to overall deals in natural food, as these two mainland’s represent around 90% of overall deal
(Sahota 2018). Furthermore, some of data collected by different source’s suggested that organic
food market is growing rapidly in Asian countries (e.g. Bangladesh, China India, Iran, Japan, South
Kora) (FiBL and IFOAM- Organics International 2019).
Consumption growth is heralded as the solution to important global problems such as poverty,
unemployment and inequality. However, it is also dreaded as a cause of environmental degradation
due to dominant and increasing portion of climate gases and other critical emissions which is indeed
directly related to non-green and unsustainable consumption (John Therese, de Barcellos, Perin, &
Zhou, 2015). we all are witnessed in our early years of age that most of the brands advertised their
product either in magazine, newspapers or in television which has most of the very short or specific
information given but after the advancements or evaluation of social media most of the brands
transfer their advertisement on social media because it has high reach and its cheap as compare to
other traditional ways of advisement but it provide detail information about product to their
customers or readers, same thing done by most of the organic food producers. In last few years’
chemical food or other product related to the food are using mostly which cases most of the diseases
and bring other effects on our society or globally it’s just because people are not getting complete
information about those product or food, if we talk this Pakistan point of view its touches its peak at
that time but due the social media marketing now people start knowing about the benefits of organic

food and resulted that now people of Hyderabad, Sindh are farming organic food are demanding
that to reduce such effects.According to the latest research report from the Research Institute of
Organic Agriculture FiBL-IFOAM, 178 countries out of a total of 195 countries have undertaken
organic activities. A total area of 57.8 million hectares used for organic agriculture has been
recorded in 2016 as compared to 11 million hectares in 1999 (Willer et al., 2018).
Social media has very much impact our lives and businesses. In most recent years’ social media
emerged as powerful tool and social media marketing becomes most critical tool to advertised and
most of the brands use this to advertised their products there. In Pakistan now people realizing
about this and now in recent past few years few researches were conducted on impact of social
media marketing towards Organic food but in Hyderabad there is not so much work done on this
topic, though this research we will find the answers of our research questions and like how much
social media marketing effects on people perception towards organic food. Through this research
we get to know those reasons why brands want to advertised their products on social media mostly
and what’s people reaction on these advertisements when they watch these kind of advertisements
on social media pages. There is rise in organic food market that gives us gape to conduct a research
on this topic to explore the customer’s intensions towards organic food. Food safety issues have
also increased demand and ultimately increased scientific interest in organic food marketing
research in emerging Asian economies such as Thailand and China (Pedersen et al., 2018).
Traditional food advertising channels are television (all types), radio, print (magazines and
newspapers), and billboards. However, in the digital era, advertising takes place on social media
platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Social media advertising can be defined as “the utilization
of social media technologies, channels, and software to create, communicate, deliver and exchange
offerings that have value”. Social marketing, which aims to utilize marketing principles in order to
create behavior change for social good, also utilises social media. Social media is utilized by both
food and health industries as an advertising platform to increase brand and information reach.
Young adults are amongst the largest users of social media, with Australian 18 to 29-year-olds
spending on average the longest amount of time on different social media platforms. Due to the
pervasiveness of social media, young adults are also constantly exposed to advertising of EDNP
foods and beverages on social media. Furthermore, social media is frequently used by young adults
to communicate, gather, and share food- and health-related information.

1.2. Organic Food (agricultural) in Pakistan:

As we have already discuss in our research and all knowns that Pakistan is agricultural country and
its our main important and backbone of our economy. Organic food (agricultural) is not only fresh
and healthy source of food but it also eco-friendly and helps to boots the green revaluation by
promoting or using agro-diversity and knowledge and if we talk about this organic food
(agricultural) for developing county like Pakistan its win/win situation because it’s good for both
environment and also for human health. The extent of media reporting, the judiciary’s intervention
and rejection of exports orders are ample evidences of food safety issues in Pakistan. Meanwhile,
Akhtar, Sarker, & Hossain (2012) has also proposed that an extensive food safety infrastructure
leading to a safer supply of food need to be devised, designed, and implemented. Indeed, food
safety issues deals with wide range of concerns including public health, agriculture methods, food
modernization which require constructive intervention by policy makers (Havelaar et al., 2007). It
has been seen that the ecological and wellbeing impacts of hereditarily altered creatures, non-
regular chemical, and pesticide items utilized in traditional farming have made individuals intrigued
to purchase natural food varieties, Wang and Teng, (2015). It is being accepted by the clients that
natural food varieties are better, sager and nutritious, W and Teng, 2015. Clients are inferring a
more elevated level of utility from natural food varieties, Rana and Paul, (2012). As per the Organic
Trade Association, (2011), the market for organic food varieties has extended massively over the
most recent couple of many years. It is trusted that there is incredible potential in the organic
industry. By considering it, this observational examination has been conveyed to explore the
elements that impact the utilization of natural food varieties by Pakistani buyers.
In Pakistan people (consumers) are more conscious about their health and at the same time they
knowns the important of organic food (agriculture) and its effects on climate and society, but still
there is a lot of work that is done yet for that National institute of Organic Agricultural (NIOA) is
working and national Organic Program is in finishing process which will helps country to address
this problem in more clear way. As we already discussed above in our study organic food
(Agriculture) is in growing stage and if we compare the size in terms of hectares’ figures disclosed
by NIOA is that in Pakistan total organic food agricultural land is 1.51 million hectares as compare
to non-organic food agricultural land its 22.5 million.
Organic food can be defined as a natural food that is free from contaminants and does not present an
additional threat of food poisoning, and may contain more nutrients than preserved food (Chen,
2007; Heaton, 2001), and consumers prefer more organically labeled food than preserved food. Find
food better. (Granquist& Biel, 2001). Consumption of organic food has seen unprecedented growth
over the past two decades. Since, Pakistan is 26th largest economy with respect to purchase price
parity, thus, development of the organic food industry and promotion of organic food products
based on the findings of present research can assist in encouraging sustainable consumption—as
food consumption plays a dominant role in overall consumption. Therefore, we can argue that

present research makes a strong case to study the consumption pattern from a sustainable
perspective, as they exist within broader societal and global fabrics (Prothero et al., 2011).
In Pakistan 29 types of fruits are produced and exported to different markets in the world.
According to the recent data Pakistan has exported around 783 million tons of fruit. The area under
fruit production was 764 million hectares with estimated production of 7 million tons. In Khyber
Pakhtun, Pakistan different types of fruits are produced such as apples, guava, peach, melons, pear
and plum etc., (GoP,2016). In swat 40 types of apples are produced. It contains 14.9 percent
carbohydrate and vitamin A, B and C, 11 percent sugar, 0.4 percent fat 0.3 percent proteins (Syed
Asif, 2002).

1.3. Social Media Marketing in Pakistan:

In Pakistan usage of internet starts in early 90’s for e-mails only but after in Pakistan internet
evolved their selves and now everyone is using it in Pakistan. In last 10-15 years social networking
sites becomes most valuable and trustworthy for platform/ tool for advertisement or marketing not
in only Pakistan but at world level. These social media sites are cost effective, most useful, and are
popular among people of Pakistan and globally for reaching at consumers. (Duggan, Ellison,
Lampe, Lenhart& Madden, 2015 Nooijen&Broda 2016).As we all knowns that Pakistan is world 4 th
largest population and which is still increasing which means the usage of social media will be high
as compare to other countries which are less populated as compare to Pakistan. Pakistan is a country
who has most youngster’s lying in the bracket of (18 to 35) and according to Facebook numbers
Pakistan is ranked 4th number who has largest numbers of users and the number is 45 million. If we
talk about Instagram there are 3.16% of total Pakistani population using it and out that 65.18% are
male whose age is lying 18 to 24 years’ bracket. When a country like Pakistan has such a huge users
of social media that will definitely attract the different organic food brands to do advertising on
social media rather than doing it on other channels of advertisement and other reasons that
encouraged these organic food brands that social media advertisements are very cheap and they
have very high reach.For nearly two decades, to promote brands, social media platforms (e.g.,
Facebook, Twitter) have been progressively being used by the marketer’s in the industry to create a
great influence on their consumers’ response to a brand or a product. Sheared al. (2019), said brand
marketing activities on social media are the main reason for creating brand equity and changing
customer response.

1.4. Significance:

This research study will help out the students, brands or companies and general public. This study
helps students and brand, companies to known the impact of social media marketing towards
organic food that what are the trends currently going on in market. Through this research study/
paper companies and brands also known about their target market what they want/ looking for.
Moreover, this study paper will also fruitful for general public to get more information about
products which they are consuming in their daily lives that they are healthy to consume. Even
through this research general public and brands, companies will be in touch with each other 24/7.
The brands and companies will communicate easily and effectively with their customers and tell
them about their new upcoming products or tell them about current products their right usage etc.
After this research study of impact of social media marketing the organic food companies or brands
known when to do promotions of their products what information they add for their consumers
which helps them (consumers) to understand everything easily.
This research study will help students to know what brands, companies are doing to attract their
customers. Students will know after this research study that what is the strategy of these companies
about giving discounts to the consumers.
Furthermore, this research study/paper can be used for future study.

1.5. Scope:

However, the review was exploratory, the distinguished fragments of natural food purchasers can
improve our insight about contrasting qualities of natural food purchasers with regards to the nation
where the natural food industry is in the beginning phases of advancement. The discoveries of this
review will give natural food makers and advertisers a vastly improved system for making item,
evaluating, conveyance and promoting interchanges choice. In addition, the recognizable proof of
natural food buyer profiles will give an understanding into how policymakers should tailor their
public strategy and methodologies to grow the size of the natural food market.

1.6. Problem Statement:

We all are living in 21st century and all are very well educated that health is very basic unit to
survive now a day so no one cannot have underestimated the importance’s of eating organic food in
our lives. Health is primary factor if we maintain a good health we can do any work and its seen in
last 2 years when covid-19 hits the world and whole world went to the lockdown and in that
difficult time people of world realized the importance of organic food in their lives, same Pakistani
people come to realized that eating food is not only important but eating heathy and organic food is
also most important at same time. Before covid-19 people of Hyderabad, Sindh just eating what
they have desire without known either its healthy or not and even most of people were eating only
fast food always in their dinner and lunch time mostly but as we have already discussed above that
due to covid-19 people of Hyderabad and Pakistan realized that eating food is not only important
but eating organic and healthy food is also most and critical for them. Because of eating unhealthy
food in lunch, dinner they were facing lots of challenges in results what was happing was that
people were getting ill earlier and in some critical cases people were dying.
Social media helps people during covid-19 days to learn about organic food products of different
brands or companies who are serving in Hyderabad market. This research paper was conducted on
the impact of social media advertisement towards organic food in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.

1.7. Research Objectives:

O1: To determine the impact of social media marketing on brand equity.

O2: To explore the relationship between customer engagement on social media and brand love.
O3: To identifies the impact of social media entertainment and brand experience.

1.8. Research Questions:

Q1: What is the impact of social media marketing on brand equity?

Q2: How customer engagement on social media effects on brand love?
Q3: How social media entertainment effect brand experience?

1.9. Research Hypothesis:

H1: There is a positive relationship between customer engagement on social media and brand
H0: There is a no positive relationship between customer engagement on social media and brand
H2: There is a significant relationship between social media entertainment and brand love.
H0: There is not a significant relationship between social media entertainment and brand love.
H3: There is a positive relationship between Perceived Personalization of Social Media Ads and
brand equity.
H0: There is no positive relationship between Perceived Personalization of Social Media Ads and
brand equity.

1.10. Factors affecting on social media marketing (advertisement) of organic

food in Pakistan:

There are so many different factors affecting on it but we have point out some very critical factors
that have much influence on this i-e, customer engagement, social media entertainment and
perceived personalization these three variables were independent variable in our research while we
have only one dependent variable named brand equity with them we took two mediator variables
which helps to build relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. Mediator
variables of our research study are Brand Experience and Brand Love.

1.10.1. Independent Variables: Customer Engagement:

Customer engagement is basically how frequently customer visit organic brands website or how
frequently/effectively companies/brand create interaction with their customers through their social
media pages, chat and streams also. Customer engagement measured in so many different ways or
we can say that companies have different tools to measure customer engagement like as comments,
shares, likes, views, subscription etc. Social Media Entertainment:

A new study by Edelman shows that consumers believe social media offers more value than other
forms of entertainment. A new study by Edelman shows that consumers believe social media offers
more value than other forms of entertainment.

8 Perceived Personalization:

Personalization is the method of tailoring your audience's needs and wants so that you can sell the
right product and experience to the right person at the right time. That way, your customers will feel
they're listening better and you'll have more meaningful interactions. Brand Experience:

When constructing brand experiences, we start with consumer and marketing surveys that
investigate when experiences occur and how they affect judgments, attitudes and other aspects of
consumer behavior. Brand Love:

Brand Love is a marketing strategy that attracts loyal customers to your brand and turns them into
advocates or influencers for your brand. To achieve this culture, brands must contribute to customer
satisfaction, value and relationship marketing. Dependent Variable: Brand Equity:

Brand equity represents a premium to the value a company receives from a product with a
recognizable name compared to a generic product. Businesses can build brand equity by making
products memorable, recognizable, and superior in quality and reliability.

1.11. Limitations

 Due to the situation of Pandemic “COVID-19” and limited financial support this research
study is only comprises to Hyderabad City Sindh, Pakistan.

 This study is only for social media users and limited to 37 respondents in total due to time
limitations and limited geographical reach.

 This research is only limited to the specific age group 18-60 years old consumers of
Hyderabad city, but further researchers can also apply on different age group of consumers as

 Researcher also can perform this study further while considering different factors, brand
loyalty factor, economic factor etc.

 As this research only limited to a Hyderabad city, it also helps other researchers to conduct
research in other major areas of Pakistan.


2.1. Theoretical Background:

Pakistan's food sector is the world's eighth-largest food & commercial market. While it was the
country's second-largest manufacturing sector, it accounted for 27 percent of actual worth output &
16 percent of overall employment.It is reiterated that the region is home to around 70 worldwide
businesses, with newest franchisees coming from developed countries many of which can be said to
be less organic than it should be.
In comparison with the previous year, 2018, there has been a 5.6 percent increase in social-media
users.Improvements in everyday life and the growing demand for outdoor activities prompted
earlier researchers to pursue careers in this field.On the other hand, improvements in client routines
have led to an increase in the need for various dining activities and rapid innovations in the food
business. Because of the tangibles & diversity of goods, it is stated that product-based brand equity
requires changes to meet the needs of the food sector.Business uses branding to distinguish &
separate products in the user's concentrations appropriately and productively. It is an essential
marketing approach mainly used to improve or grow a company's efficiency. Although a brand is
just a name with no specific objectives, it is a valuable tool for evaluating a company's overall
effectiveness (Kwabena, 2019).
Furthermore, brands may shape value and loyalty, resulting in increased revenue. If brands
constantly and logically assess themselves, they may be more likely to achieve higher profitability
and better implementation. Changes in brand equity assessments can be viewed as a critical factor
in the growth & decline of a brand's performance. As a result, most of the company's leaders want a
strong brand, and it's expected that the variables affecting brand success will be better understood.
As a result, when it comes to the impact of brand love, experience, and equity metrics on social
media performance, they should likely be combined in a dynamic approach to providing purer &
more precise results of their relationship with each other in Pakistan. In today's modest marketing
environment, creating and maintaining a name is essential, and brand love, experience, and equity
result from branding activities (SA Qalati 2019).
To promote marketing tactics that are in keeping with users' values, the aspect of brand love,
experience, and equity should precisely assess purchasers' brand insights (G. Kwabena 2019. It is
true not only for users, purchasers, or customers who purchase and use a brand but also for
managers & marketing employees who evaluate the brand's success and devise influencing
strategies—as a result, assessing brand love, experience, and equity offers effective methods for
judging both end-user brand insights & marketing action(SA Qalati 2019). According to the author,
building great brand love, understanding, and equity is a crucial issue today (SA Qalati 2019).
Consumer-generated brand love, experience, and equity could contribute to more strong distribution
channels, product brand development, increased pricing flexibility. In underdeveloped countries
like Pakistan, researchers have studied the impact of brand love, experience, & equity on brands. In
prior literature, most researchers have well identified the effects of brand love, knowledge, and
equity on social media performance. Still, social media engagement, entertainment, & ad
personalization need to be explored further in the region of Pakistan and with reference to their
people and their thinking about it.
All businesses have favorable & bad aspects which might or might not be seen in comprehensive
branding strategy or fail to engage with consumers. Technologies exacerbate problems in such
situations. Furthermore, by utilizing social media, consumers may assist in developing the brand
strategy by offering real-time input on how it is performing. They give customers a more vital link
with managers, allowing them to influence how firms think behind doors, increasing the validity &
attraction of their brand. The specialist could successfully embrace & employ primary social-media
methods and traditional advertising to boost performance qualities, pleasure, and results, such as
trustworthiness, in the plan to enlarge brand position or brand equity (Qalati 2019).
Furthermore, it is suggested that in today's world, Facebook is a place to connect with dear ones and
a digital area for brand followers to engage with each other and with the business. Because of the
possibilities of social media platforms, a growing number of companies are launching brand pages
to build and maintain consumer interactions & brand loyalty (Qalati 2019). Users, it is believed, pay
close attention to brands through visits and disseminate good along with negative word of mouth
through social media. Users in Pakistan are more attracted towards non organic foods due to the
marketing and branding of such food items. Clearly organic foods are not marketed as non-organic
foods on social media and through ads.
Previous research has shown consideration for SM values for businesses. There are exact
incomplete conceptual schooling on concluding the impact of utilizing development of small and
medium enterprises in the food business, particularly in Pakistan, argue that academics should focus
on the compassion of factors and mediator that gather significant effect on firm performance rather
than focusing on SM values. (SA 2019). As a result, the goal of this study was to look into the
relationships between brand equity, brand love, and brand experience, as well as the regulating role
of social media in the Pakistani food business.

2.1.1. User & Gratification Theory:

The User & Gratifications Theory starts with the premise that media cannot impact someone who
has no "need" for it in their psychological and social lives. As we learned earlier Pakistan ranked
highest when it comes to usage of social media. therefore, according to the User & Gratifications
Theory, people's beliefs, preferences, affiliations, and social standards are powerful, according to
the User & Gratifications Theory, as people selectively modify what they see/hear to these
preferences (Katz, 1959). According to Katz &Blomler (1974), people select specific social-media
to fulfill their requirements. It can be any specific app of website. In Pakistan Facebook users are
said to be the highest as of now in social media. This theory describes how and why people seek
particular media apps to meet their needs. The query "what do individuals do with media?" is
central to this idea. When it refers to this theory (Katz,1974), there are a few considerations that are
a. Media competes with some other forms of need fulfillment.
b. Users are self-aware enough of their media-preferences, likes, or motivations to offer scholars a
complete picture of individual users.
c. Users can only evaluate the worth of material – that is, consumers choose to watch specific
social-media and place a price on it due to their choice.
According to Katz and Blomler (1974), the aims for media consumption area. Cognitive (mental)
needs, which include obtaining info, understanding, and reasoning. Therefore, one of the reasons
through which it can be assessed that people of Pakistan use social-media is by knowing their
cognitive requirements and why they spend more time on apps. This can help food brands market
effectively and efficiently in Pakistan.
Feeling, enjoyment, & emotions are examples of affective needs. Following needs (Blomer and
Katz 1974) can help us identify cognitive requirements better.
Integrated individual requirements, such as trustworthiness, security, and reputation
Requirements for social integration, such as socializing with friends and family.
Requirements for pressure relief, such as getaway & distraction.
The theory is a valuable communication technique since it can implement it in any mass
communication media, such as tv and the net.
This technique can assist communicators in the food industry make effective decisions when
selecting the right platform to reach their target customer group as technology is growing & user-
created media becomes more prevalent. Tech has exploded into customers' lifestyles all around the
world in recent times (Bui, 2014). The U&G Theory is a concept that remains to be renewed as new

media becomes accessible for consumers to pick, thanks to advancements in tech, the introduction
of innovative platforms, and the rapid proliferation of new media. The U&G Theory has recently
been tested in social media & networking platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Fb. Findings
demonstrate that individuals derive significant enjoyment from using these services (Bui, 2014).
According to the Theory, persons who may be more active on social media platforms are more
prone to gratify their need to feel attached, which is one of the aims of media use. Another study
implemented the User & Gratification Theory to the social websites Myspace& Fb. The study's
shows people's use of social networking sites, what qualities they share, and what u&g they gain
from them. The study was inspired by the idea that using the internet to improve contact between
individuals can help to create connections. Networking sites were still pretty recent in 2008, and
they were hugely common between high-school & school people at the time ((Blomer and Katz
1974) (Bui, 2014).

2.1.2. Brand Equity Theory:

Since the nineties, the brand image or brand equity has grown in strength not just in developed
countries but also in developing countries like Pakistan, and various researchers are now working to
define and establish it in different countries. Brand equity is the extra value that a company confers
on an item from an integrated approach. Can evaluate it from the company's, trade's, and consumer's
point of view (Leutheser, &Farquhr, 1989). It is described as the difference in brand understanding
& consumer attitude to the brand's advertising from a marketing point of view (Keler, 1993). You
(2000) defines take brand equity as the variation in consumer choice between a marketed and a non
- branded product with the same level of qualities.Although ongoing research includes significant
breakthroughs in the concept and definition of brand image/equity (Aker, 1996) and measurement
(Pappu& Keller, 2007), the literature on brand equity is divided, as ambiguous, and dynamic in the
marketing field as per some researchers (Christodulides 2010; Mohan & Sequera, 2016).
The notion of brand equity has been researched in several previous research’s, and its quantification
has primarily been stated as follows: Loyalty, value perception, association/differentiation, and
publicity (Bianchi, 2014; Norzh, 2015; Soo, 2016). Loyalty is a user's pledge to himself about his
conduct; it involves the possibility of future purchasing and the reduction of shifting towards
another previously bought, devoured, or even used product, services, or company (Berni, 1977).
According to specific research (Kiyani, 2012; Nguyn& Lim, 2013), loyalty is an essential factor in
achieving long-term profitability, retaining customers, &competitiveness.Perceived value is defined
as a user's assessment of an item's and service's quality and excellence (Zethaml, 1988) or as a

user's overall feeling of a company's and its products' comparative excellence or deficiency
(Bitnrand Huber, 1994). It is a conviction regarding the degree of excellence of a service or good,
according to authors like Castle-berry, Mc-Intyre (2011). In this regard, Markanon&Panjakjornsk
(2017) argue that users' perception of quality is influenced by their senses or experiences with
various products. In this study brand equity is taken as dependent variable to help understand it’s
contribution in marketing with other respect to other variables.

2.2. Customer Social Media Engagement:

As per Niti (2011), social-media offers a framework for social contact. Social network sites take
advantage of well-established internet technologies to quickly distribute & disseminate content and
information to the immense popularity of social-media (Ahmed, 2019). In today's world, digital
marketing allows for likely to improve connection with consumers at a lower expense than previous
marketing tools (Riaz& Ahmad, 2019). On the one hand, social platforms companies to share their
knowledge and skills, client engagement with the other users, and the maintenance of standards and
goodwill. According to Asad, Ruman (2014), marketing experts use modern social marketing
methods to successfully interact with online communities & persuade consumers that certain goods
and services are helpful. They use various valuable features, including social shares, connected
videos, websites, interests, images, social blogging, customer preference polls, questionnaires,
forums, and internet blogging.
According to Kim and Ko (2012), social-media is a place for communicating with a significant
number of current and potential clients. In this case, a corporation could enhance its brand and
customer foundation by contracting out to a vast audience. Schoenmuler&Schäfer (2012), on the
other hand, argue that social-media enables a business to facilitate two-way-contact with both
existing and new customers. In this light, organizations may be familiar with the needs and how you
might assist them. Furthermore, Keller and Jacob (2011) countered that social media connects
businesses with passionate clients about their products and helps them spread further. Advertisers
began to recognize the importance and potential of social media in their advertising strategies.
Businesses should allocate a significant amount of money to digital marketing. Customers can use
social-media to provide feedback and suggestions on the quality of the product that advertisers
create to meet their needs (M. H. 2019).According to Asad, H. Abu Ruman (2012), social-media
includes online forums, discussion, openness, information exchange, and notoriety. These engaging
chances allow companies to track out to prospective consumers right away and build trust and

loyalty by providing accurate information (Riaz& Ahmed, 2019). Therefore, food industry in
Pakistan can promote their products accordingly.

2.3. Social Media Entertainment:

Bloggers, YouTube personalities, vloggers, and gamers play a significant role in social media
entertainment, which is increasingly formalizing (Arshad& Ahmed, 2019). They connect with
worldwide fantasies on several channels for commercial and cultural value, and they work beyond
the traditional media's established institutions (Craig, 2019). Lately social media entertainment has
impacted the Pakistani food industry as well. Social media influencers in Pakistan are used as an
asset to promote food industry products. This has proven to increase brand sales with less expense
for the companies. Modern consumers spend a significant time on social-media (Windels 2018).
Spend a minimum of 130 minutes per day on social networks (Statista, 2017). As a result, we may
say that social-media applications have been ingrained in our everyday lives. Because consumers
spend a significant time on social media, the rising popularity of the internet has piqued advertisers'
interest. According to the latest stats, 91% of firms utilize multiple social media platforms, whereas
81% of small and medium-sized businesses use a little social media network for promotion
(Brandwatch, 2018).
On social networks, users are subjected to various promotion types, such as banner advertisements,
company accounts, even collaboration, among other things (Luna-Nevarez &Tore’s, 2015). Social
networks are also employed as venues for e-commerce activities about these promotional methods
(Han & Chen, 2018). It has been noted that media marketing is getting momentum in developed
nations and in developing countries Asia such as Pakistan (Zhang & Mao, 2016),(SBP, 2018).
Many inconsistent and contradictory findings exist in the context of social media marketing (Dufett,
2015; Hamuda, 2018). Advertisers still don't know how effective digital marketing methods are in
impacting users' attitudes and buy behaviors (Irshad, 2018; Zhang & Mao, 2016). A lot more can be
done using social media entertainment to promote food industry in Pakistan. Especially organic
The above attitudes apply to buyers' perceptions towards other aspects of clear and specific social-
media marketing or advertising, such as banner advertisements as well as advertising video content,
and also implied online marketing, such as fan brand accounts and business tweets, conveyed via
social media (Irshad, 2018; Taylor, Lewin, &Struton, 2011), so users' internet shopping motives
relate to users' decision to buy the goods that they see via social media ads (Irshad, 2018).
Martin, Costa,Gonçalves, &Branco (2019) define purchasing behavior as a measure that predicts
actions and reactions. However, there is a poor understanding of the factors that influence buyers'

online buying plans in the social media marketing environment. (Bebir, Milan, Toni, Eberl, 2017;
and Slongo, Irshad, & Ahmed, 2019)

2.4. Perceived Personalization of Social Media Advertisement:

Personalization is described as "customizing the offered collected data to customers' requirements,
limiting the access capability to consumers' aims & choices, including adjusting the web
presentation to used gadgets as well as style choices" to improve their productivity (Dilon, 2001).
While perceived use is defined as "the level to which a consumer uses social networking, and
hardware systems (Qudh, Shbl, Sayed, & Crista, 2020). Personalized advertising (PA), also referred
to as one-to-one or attention marketing, is a robust method that allows companies to leverage data
obtained from web users to target ads to specific individuals (Dodo, 2019). In recent times, this
design has attracted a lot of income and interest. For example, according to Restucia (2018), mass
ad campaigns are no longer effective compared to Personalized Ads techniques. The power of
social media has changed the way advertisements work in 21st century.
According to another study, this marketing is healthier for consumers because it precisely meets
their demands than ever before (Montgomry, 2009). It demonstrates how critical the personalized
ads have become. The customer experience on personalized-ads is investigated in this study by
looking at several factors such as perceived value and personalization. They examine various
concerns that may develop as part of the user experience. While personalization offers a unique
perspective, it also has a negative side. The Personalized Ad's negative side is how suppliers handle
information and data, which abuses consumers' security without their consent and, as a result, hurts
them explicitly/implicitly. According to Liu, there have been several computer securities on privacy
protection in prior years (Liu, 2018).In 2015, two security flaws affecting Federal govt: agencies
drew a lot of public attention to privacy issues. Another incident occurred in 2016 when e-
government networks were subjected to a data breach involving their consumers (Liu, 2018). As a
result, new measures have been implemented to decrease the personalized-ads without consumers'
consent on a variety of devices, including sites, forums, and apps. However, as social-media sites
grow in popularity, the opportunity for using users' public info becomes much more apparent (Ala,
2017; Walrave, 2016).
In the recent ten years, online social networks, often known as social media, have gotten much
attention. As per Global-digital 2019 statistics, this internet community has almost three billion
subscribers (Digital, 2019: Global Internet use Accelerates, 2019). Furthermore, individuals
willingly reveal a range of interesting information about themselves, such as social relationships,
selfish agendas, demography, feelings, actual whereabouts, etc.Furthermore, analyzing data like

remarks, postings, views, and favorites could assist businesses in gaining a comprehensive
understanding of their consumers' behaviors to give them the most relevant customized information
(Qudh, Shbl, Sayed, & Crista, 2020). As a result, other social network sites are looking to employ
Personalized-ads (Aguire, 2016). However, it is impossible to say whether or not the tailored
material is valuable, interesting, or personalized for the consumers. As a result, numerous scholars
have attempted to investigate the significance of Personalized-Ads content in the research. As a
result, people's impressions of PA on social-media can positively impact how relevant ads are
regarded. According to another study, consumers' approval of tailored adverts can be increased. The
same researchers delve deeper into several personalization strategies, such as simplicity of use,
personalization, or variety in a non-intrusive manner, and the effects on users' approval of focused
adverts (Al Qudh& 2015).
As previous research has demonstrated, the appropriateness of advertisements on social-media can
be a source of contention. On the other hand, the majority of studies supported the presence of
relevancy in social media ads. For example, Dodo and Wu (Dodo, 2019) look into how advertising
consumer’s impulse purchases when they buy something without preparing ahead of time. They
also look at the relationship between views and the propensity to purchase on impulses. The
findings revealed that the relevancy of marketing has a beneficial impact on the perceived
personalization of adverts on social-media. It indicates that the Personalized-Ads have a significant
effect on the consumers' digital impulse buying behavior. The researchers (Zhu,2015) looked into
online advertisements' appropriateness and need fulfillment, similar to the prior study. The study
discussed several topics related to the accurate understanding of content delivery to the right crowd.
Collaboration, connection, creative exercise,& consciousness are the four points. Some writers'
work can be classified into two parts: firstly, how the rejection of ads dropped if they were
appropriate, and secondly, how a group of consumers was concerned about security issues about
violation of reasonable offers, leading them to ignore them (Qudh, Shbl, Sayed, & Crista, 2020).
This demographic doesn't usually share their info, but they are addressed based on data of their
acquaintances, assuming they have similar interests (Curan, 2011). All this suggests that
advertisements are a valuable metric for assessing the influence of the level overall, particularly on
the internet. As a result, this study examines the Perceived Personalization of Social Media
advertisements in conjunction with other characteristics with respect to food industry.

2.5. Brand Experience:

Ever since the 1980s, brand experience has indeed been studied generally. Schmit, on the other
hand, defines brand experience as a series of contacts between a brand and its consumers, a
corporation, or a firm's division (Schmit, 2009). Psychological, behavioral, and mental (cognitive)
responses are triggered by particular forms such as style, image, packing, messaging, and the
context in which the brand is sold (Brak&Zarntonela, 2009). Many experts agree that brand
experience is one of the most revolutionary components of creating a marketing mix plan (Choi &
Hyun, 2011).Because it may use brand-equity experience to anticipate customers' behavior, many
marketing professionals feel that recognizing and understanding the consumer brand experience is
critical for building service and product marketing techniques (Brakus, 2009).It can occur in several
ways, either direct/indirect. Users have a personal experience with a product when they touch it, and
they have an indirect one via marketing messages/disinformation (Nejad, Samade, Ashraf, &Tolabi
2015). The duration of a brand encounter might be brief or extended. Furthermore, it could be
positive or negative (Ha & Perks 2005).

Brand experience, according to (Barkos 2009), is a four-dimensional structure with the following
- The perceiving section focused on users' visual, smell, taste, & tactile sensations. It demonstrates
how appealing a brand is to customers' emotions/perceptions.
- Customers' innermost emotions/feelings about a brand are reflected in the emotional aspect.
- Users' creative-thinking is included in the cognitive/mental domain. In reality, the mental process
demonstrates how well a brand can pique a consumer's interest, reasoning, 7 problem-solving
- Behavioral dimension focuses on users' real personal experiences and demonstrates the
company's rights to engage in physical activities.
The current brand experience study has focused far more on the outputs/inputs than its description
and measuring methods (Iglesias 2011). As a result, it's not surprising that one of the most
significant challenges in the area of brand experience is that one can use such brand experience to
anticipate some of the most essential mental/perceptive principles derived from brands, such as
brand image, attitude towards the brand, & brand reputation (Schmit, 2009 & Nejad, Samadi,
Ashraf, & Tolabi 2015).

2.6. Brand Love:

Users might develop affection for a brand (Carol, 2006; Batra, 2012) and place a higher value on it
(Roberts, 2005). Even though brand love has arisen as an essential element of the customer
experience, little is understood about the factors that lead to a committed relationship and the
implications of such a relationship (Noil&Merunka, 2013).Because brand love is a relatively new
concept in consumer behavior studies, further research is required to comprehend it (Yasin and
Shamim, 2013) fully.Salam,&Cho (2015) contend that brand love promotes devotion &, as a result,
the end outcome of brand image, among those research that links brand love &brand equity.
According to Gonçalves (2010), the most passionate and intense assessments (brand love) appear to
be the natural cause of cognitive (mental) evaluation (brand equity). Likewise, André (2015) argues
why there is a positive association between love & brand equity: when a customer likes a brand, he
is more likely to choose it over the rival, influencing brand equity. Therefore, as per Otero &
Wilson (2018), brand love has a significant and beneficial impact on the brand.

2.7. Theoretical Framework:

For understanding the direction of the study, following framework is built. Where independent
variables such as customer engagement, social media entertainment and perceived personalization
show their dependency relations with brand equity followed my mediator brand love and
brandexperience variables. To find out whether the relationship between these chosen variables is
positive or not.

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Social Media Marketing

Perceived Personalization

Entertainment Brand Equity

Brand Equity

Brand Love

Customer Engagement

Brand Experience


3.1 Research Approach:

There are two approaches to conduct a research, Qualitative approach & quantitative approach.In
this research quantitative approach has been used to collect data through questionnaire from online
google survey form, which follows interpretation of data measurement, testing, statistical
techniques included.
3.2 Research Purpose:
In this research, explanatory research purpose has been used which will help the reader to identify
the impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behavior towards organic food and this
study is restricted to the city of Hyderabad Sindh, Pakistan.
3.3 Research Design:
Research design can be divided in numerous forms such as descriptive, experimental, correlational,
review and many other forms. Descriptive method has been considered to this study to make better
use of primary data which is collected through questionnaire from the consumers in Hyderabad city.
3.4 Data Source:
Data source of this study is an primary research because of that all the data which has been gathered
is directly from participants through structured questionnaire that was adopted from Jun-Jer You
(2020) and form other various studies compacted on impact of social media advertisement on
consumer buying behavior towards organic food in Hyderabad City , Pakistan.
3.5 Population Sampling:
Population of this study is all the consumers using social media in Hyderabad city who, aims to
purchase or consume organic food between the age of 18-60 years.
3.6 Sampling Strategy:
In this study primary research has been conducted & it is very important to know about the
participators of this study. Due to limitations & continuous demand of the sampling of subset of
population considering this research, convenience sampling strategy has been used because of
limited approach & easily reachable to respondents and limited financial resources.
3.7 Sample Size:
(Roscoe1975) introduced the rule of thumb in which he determined the technique of most
acceptable way of sample size. In which number of items (variables) multiply to 10 in quantitative
approach.same method has been followed for this study, the total number of variables are 6 and

total items are 30, hence 30*10=300. So according to this, in total 60 participants at least were
aimed to be considered for this study to get reliable results.

3.8 Research Instrument:

This study acquires primary source of data through direct responses from the audience and
quantitative research has been conducted which relies on random sampling. All the data is gathered
by the 5-point Likert scale questionnaire from participants and selected a data collection tool for
research.The questionnaire has been taken from various sources. The table 3.1 explains the layout
of the questionnaire.

Table 3.1 Layout of Questionnaire

Section Variables No. of Five Point Likert Source
items Scale
1. Customer engagement 5 Likert Scale (Hollebook et., al 20014)
2. Social media entertainment 5 Likert Scale (dholakia 2004 , cheung
3. Perceived personalization 5 Likert Scale (Sirinavasan 2002)
4. Brand experience 5 Likert scale Dirsehan, T., &Çelik, M.
5. Brand love 5 Likert scale (Carroll &Ahuvia 2006)
6. Brand equity 5 Likert scale Yoo, B., &Donthu,N.

3.9 Research Variables:

A research project is defined by explaining the association between the variables. A variable is a
concept which is comprised of quantitative values of different nature. There are two types of
variables. (i) Independent variable and (ii) Dependent variable. Independent variable is that which
brings a change on another variable, and a dependent variable, which is affected by another
variable.(Kothari and Gaurav, 2014).
The table 3.2 define the variables and it will show us the relationship between the independent
variables and dependent variables also the statistical techniques used for measurement to know the
relationship between variables.

Table 3.2 Hypothesis, Variables and Techniques
S. No Hypothesis Variable Variable Techniques
(Independent) (Dependent)

1 H1 Customer Brand Equity Reliability Analysis,

engagement Multiple Regression Analysis,
Co-relation Analysis,
2 H2 Social mediaBrand Equity Reliability Analysis,
entertainment Multiple Regression Analysis,
Co-relation Analysis,
3 H3 Perceived Brand Equity Reliability Analysis,
personalization Multiple Regression Analysis,
Co-relation Analysis,
4 H4 Brand Love Brand Equity Reliability Analysis,
Multiple Regression Analysis,
Co-relation Analysis,
5 H5 Brand Brand Equity Reliability Analysis,
Experience Multiple Regression Analysis,
Co-relation Analysis,

3.10 Data Analysis:

3.10.1 Descriptive Statistics:
It is used to provide the basic summary of all the data and help to analyze the sample and measures.
It includes, Reliability analysis Cronbach Alpha, Correlation and Regression analysis.

3.10.2 Reliability Analysis:

In this study reliability analysis has been used to see the reliability of collected data, so the
derivations of results can be easily interpreting with reliable data.
3.10.3 Regression Analysis:
It is the statistical tool used to calculate the impact of one or more than one independent variables
on a dependent variable. In this research, these are the independent mediator and dependent

variables (customer engagement, social media entertainment, perceived personalization), (Brand
experience, brand love), (Brand equity).
3.10.4 Correlation Analysis:
It shows the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable, It relies between the
values of -1 to +1 where -1 indicates that the relationship is perfectly negative correlated and +1
indicates that the relationship perfectly positive correlated. And the values between these two
extremes show the level of relationship. Where:

 The value of 0 defines neither a positive nor a negative relationship

between variables.

 Value between ± 0.01 to ± 0.30 defines the (weak) positive or negative relationship
between variables.
 The value from ± 0.30 to ± 0.50 defines the moderate positive or negative relationship
between variables.
 The value from ± 0.50 to ± 0.70 defines the strong positive or negative relationship between
 And the value above ± 0.70 defines the perfect positive or negative relationship between


This entire chapter is made up of facts, inquiry, and analysis. The correlation coefficient is used to
determine the relationship between variables and its comprehension. This chapter used multiple
regression to examine the relationship between components and the effect of changes in the
independent variable on the dependent variable.

4.2. Descriptive Statistics:

Descriptive Statistics
Minimu Maximu Std.
N m m Mean Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Std. Std.
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Error Statistic Error
Gender 300 1 2 1.26 .438 1.120 .141 -.751 .281
Age 300 1 4 2.06 .943 .307 .141 -1.056 .281
Occupation 299 1 2 1.57 .496 -.278 .141 -1.936 .281
Qualification 300 1 4 2.48 .769 -.088 .141 -.375 .281
Valid N 299

Interpretation of descriptive table:

Most of our respondents who respond on our questionnaire were in between the ages of 20 years to
25 years old.

The ratio between male and female of our respondent is 74.3% which are 223 total of our sample
size were male and the remaining 25.7% which are 77 total if our sample size were female

4.2.1. Reliability:
Reliability statistics:

Scale Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items

Brand Equity .825 5
Entertainment Value .851 5
Brand Love .849 5
Brand Experience .830 5
Customer Engagement .834 5
Perceived Personalization .850 5
Total Scale .910 30

4.2.2. Multiple Regression:

Variables Entered/Removeda
Mo Remove Meth
del Variables Entered d od

1 BrandExperience, . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: BrandEquity

b. All requested variables entered.
The table of multiple regressions demonstrates that the variable entered and variables removed.
Every variable was entered at the same time period and no variable was removed. The technique
utilized was “enter method” which point out the type of multiple regressions i.e. standard.

4.2.3. Correlation:

Entertainm BrandEq BrandLo ersonalizat CustomerE BrandExpe
entValue uity ve ion ngagement rience
EntertainmentValu Pearson 1 .586** .687** .689** .593** .574**
e Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 300 300 300 300 300 300
BrandEquity Pearson .586** 1 .576** .581** .519** .426**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 300 300 300 300 300 300
BrandLove Pearson .687** .576** 1 .750** .685** .619**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 300 300 300 300 300 300
PerceivedPersonali Pearson .689** .581** .750** 1 .747** .712**
zation Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 300 300 300 300 300 300
CustomerEngagem Pearson .593** .519** .685** .747** 1 .775**
ent Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 300 300 300 300 300 300
BrandExperience Pearson .574** .426** .619** .712** .775** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 300 300 300 300 300 300
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

It clearly seen that there is correlation between entertainment and brand equity .586 that suggest that
there is moderate positive relationship among both variables. The correlation between brand equity
and brand love is .576 that again suggest that there is positive moderate relationship among
variables. The correlation between brand equity and perceived personalization is .750 which means
there is strong positive relationship among variables. The correlation between brand equity and
customer engagement is .747 which again suggests that there is strong positive correlation among
variables. The correlation between brand equity and brand experience is .775 which suggests again
strong positive correlation among variables.

Exactly –1. Means there is a perfect negative relationship between variables.

–0.70. It means there is a strong negative relationship between variables.
–0.50. It shows that there is moderate negative relationship among variables.
–0.30. It means there is weak negative relationship between variables.
0. Means there is neither positive nor negative relationship among variables.
+0.30. It shows a weak positive relationship between variables.
+0.50. It means that there is a moderate positive relationship among variables.
+0.70. It shows a strong positive relationship between variables.
Exactly +1. Variables have perfect positive relationship with each other.

4.2.4. Model Summary:

Model Summary
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Sig. F
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 .656a .430 .420 2.70750 .430 44.320 5 294 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), BrandExperience, EntertainmentValue, BrandLove, CustomerEngagement,

The Model summary table represents R, R square and adjusted R square. Which gives
results of correlation and variance among variables. As per the table, the R square is .430 variances
in Brand Equity is due to the changes in all other five predictor’s Brand experience, brand love,
perceived personalization, customer engagement and entertainment value. R is .656 which shows
the relationship between Brand Equity and other five predictors is moderate which means the shared
variance is a fit model.
4.2.5. ANOVA:

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1624.467 5 324.893 44.320 .000b
Residual 2155.181 294 7.331
Total 3779.647 299
a. Dependent Variable: BrandEquity
b. Predictors: (Constant), BrandExperience, EntertainmentValue, BrandLove,
CustomerEngagement, PerceivedPersonalization

4.2.6. Coefficients:

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.904 .961 3.023 .003
EntertainmentValue .299 .067 .290 4.428 .000
BrandLove .211 .083 .187 2.548 .011
PerceivedPersonalization .231 .087 .217 2.651 .008
CustomerEngagement .188 .092 .162 2.040 .042
BrandExperience -.157 .085 -.136 -1.840 .067
a. Dependent Variable: Brand equity

4.3.Hypotheses Testing:

Such as displayed in table standardized Beta of Entertainment value, Brand love, perceived
personalization, Customer engagement and Brand experience is, .290, .187, .217, .162, -.136
representing moderate contribution in explaining the dependent variable Brand Equity. And the t
value and significance (p) value which is 4.428 and .000 correspondingly.
H1: There is a positive relationship between customer engagement on social media and brand
experience is rejected because the t value of brand experience is -1.840 but it significance value is
greater than 0.05 so this hypothesis is rejected.
H2: There is a significant relationship between social media entertainment and brand love is
accepted because their t value is 4.428 and its significant value is less 0.05 which is .011 so this
hypothesis of study is accepted.

H3: There is a positive relationship between Perceived Personalization of Social Media Ads and
brand equity is also accepted its t value is 2.651 and significant value is again less than 0.05 which
is 0.08 so this hypothesis of research paper is also accepted.


5.1 Recommendations:

According to the finding and results of this study from the topic “Impact of social media marketing
on consumer buying behavior towards organic food in Hyderabad City Pakistan.” Here are some
 Fun and entertaining content campaigns are very useful to grab the attention of the
consumer’s. Brands should consider that fact.
 Marketers should design an easy method of interaction between brand and consumer and
enhance their services more to make two way communications more effective.
 Brands should consider social media marketing as tool of building an image of company
through providing high quality service, Reasonable price and variety of different organic
food products.
 Keeping in Hyderabad’s consumer perspective marketers should apply strategies according
to it as per most of the consumers are middle and lower class they should launch their
products in according to their income range to grab their attention.
 Talking about a brand equity, Brands should apply unique promotions and advertisement
activities on social media to make strong perspective of their brand in consumer’s mind by
making awareness of brandi.e. Importance of organic food, Health concerns
 This research would be helpful for the upcoming researchers in terms of information to
conduct their research in several cities of Pakistan as this study is only limited to Hyderabad.

5.2 Conclusion:

Social media marketing is now most effective tool for the brands and companies to promote organic
food and to reach out their customer by having two way communications in a less time and cost
effective way. In this study primary data has been gathered on impact of social media marketing on
consumer buying behavior towards organic food in Hyderabad City. All the information is gathered
through a data collection tool by using questionnaire, after that data was analyzed through several
statistical test; reliability test, multiple regression and correlation coefficient test Before this
research , many of the researchers have found results in favor of social media marketing, It is an
interactive and most effective tool to make influence on consumer buying behavior, Findings of this
study suggests that social media marketing has positive impact on brand equity , brand love ,
experience , perceived personalization and on entertainment also in growth of a company image.

But it also recommends that brands should work more on their social media marketing techniques to
observe the behavior of consumers to grab their attention.

As regards to objectives, three objectives were considered to identify the relationship between
independent variables and dependent variables.


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Respected Sir/Madam,
This study on“Impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behavior towards
organic food in Hyderabad City Pakistan” is part of our Master’s degree program. Kindly spare a
few minutes of your valuable time in answering the questions. Please give your frank and truthful
opinion to all questions. Please do not leave any question unanswered until and unless it does not
relate to you. Your answers will be kept confidential and your identity will not be revealed. The
response will be used for purely for academic purposes.

1. Sex
a. Male b. Female

2. Age
a. Below 20-25 b. 25-30 c. 30-35 d. Above 35

3. Occupation
a. Employed b. Unemployed

4. Qualification
a. Graduate b. Masters c. PHD

Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements by using scale of 1 to 5
where 1 = Strongly Disagree and 5 = Strongly Agree.

S# Description SD (1) DA (2)N (3) A (4) SA

Brand Equity
5 It makes sense to buy organic food instead of any other
brand, even if they are same.
6 Even if another brand has the same features as organic food,
I would prefer to buy organic food.
7 If there is another brand as good as organic food, I prefer to
buy organic food
8 If another brand is not different from organic food in any
way it seems smarter to purchase organic food.
9 I buy organic food because its fresher than other
conventional food.

Entertainment Value
10 Watching advertisement of organic food on SNSs (Social
Networking Sites) (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) provides me
with a lot of fun.
11 I have fun while visiting organic food pages on SNSs (Social
Networking Sites).
12 The process of organic food using SNSs (Social Networking
Sites) is pleasant.
13 Watching different advertisements of organic food on SNSs
(Social Networking Sites) (e.g. Facebook, Instagram do not
bore me.
14 SNSs (Social Networking Sites) helps organic food product
to create positive image.

Brand Love
15 Organic food makes me to feel good.

S# Description SD (1) DA (2)N (3) A (4) SA
16 I am passionate about organic food product
17 I'm very attached to this organic food.
18 Organic food is pure delight
19 Organic food have high quality.

Perceived personalization
20 These organic food ads makes purchase recommendation
that match my needs.
21 Organic products and inorganic products are alike.
22 I would agree to pay even extra price for environment
friendly products to save our environment
23 I prefer organic products over non-organic products.
24 Using organic food products gives a sense of satisfaction.

Customer Engagement
25 I use to buy organic food product very frequently.
26 Organic food products have high nutritional values.
27 Organic food products coming from organic agriculture are
28 Organic food products are produced with environmentally /
animal friendly technique's.
29 Organic food products must be highly subsidized so that
more companies can enter into manufacturing of organic

Brand Experience
30 Organic food products have more accessibility / availability
in a market
31 Organic food has better appearance and taste as compare to
other brands
32 Organic food products have longer shelf life as compare to

other brands products.
33 Organic food products are grown in harmony with nature
34 I would agree to pay even extra price for environment
friendly products to save our environment.


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