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Much of the time spent talking about safety on the job is focused on educating workers to be able to recognize
or identify hazards on the job. Less time is spent discussing how to correctly mitigate those hazards. Part of
correctly mitigating a hazard in the workplace is taking ownership of it and seeing it through that it gets

By taking ownership of safety, staff are more likely to speak up when they see safety issues, correctly
report incidents, have a positive attitude towards safety and take new safety initiatives seriously.
For companies who want to improve safety, there needs to be a balance between the company doing the right
things for staff when it comes to safety (i.e. providing the right safety equipment, training, having clear
procedures etc.) and staff being fully accountable for their own safety. It's a two-way process.
In order to get around the human tendency of "it won't happen to me" or "it's not my responsibility" companies
need to focus on communicating:
1. Group identity - the importance of working as a company team and the need to look out for each other.
Staff work towards one safety goal and see one another as family. All talks use inclusive language such as
"We're XYZers the best at what we do. We can reach our safety goal of 10 safety reports a month!".
2. High candor - Studies have found that high performing companies encourage staff, at all levels, to openly
discussing issues and providing feedback to one another on performance. While low candor workplaces are
highly politicized, and people are too afraid to speak up. When people trust that they can freely talks about
safety risks, then you know that they are being responsible to themselves and others and that you have an open
workplace culture.
3. Positive safety attitudes - Negative workplace attitudes to safety can be contagious. Once negative safety
attitudes become viral, they're pretty hard to cure. It's important that staff are always told that safety is
achievable and that those who are negative about safety are quickly corrected. Companies that have a belief
that certain industries have more fatalities, tend to have more fatality. Likewise, companies who believe that
safety is achievable, do well with safety.
4.Friendly Supervisors - A good supervisor fosters positive safety attitudes and encourages sharing important
safety-related information. Various research studies have shown that positive communication relations
between supervisors and employees improves safety performance. Having great supervisors that expect people
to take ownership of their safety (while providing them support, training and resources) is empowering
5Tell Safety Stories - When it comes to changing people's mindsets that "it won't happen to me", the most
effective way is to get people who have been injured, to talk about what happened. After all, stories provide an
emotional connection to information and can show the effect of when safety is not taken seriously.

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