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Prepare yourself to enter a world of battle and death, of violence and madness.

to enter a world of battle and death, of violence and madness. Chaos infects this world like a malignant

disease from which there can be no recovery. Logic, reason and sanity have no place here. Even the land and the air are

suffused with raw magic – ancient trees come alive, men devolve into monsters and mysterious citadels rise from the earth at

dusk, only to fade away by dawn. In this blasted realm, you will see wonders and horrors alike that you shall carry to the grave.

From the north, tribe upon tribe of barbarians and iron-clad Yet amidst all of the fire, flame and fury, it is a world of

immortals come, bringing death and destruction in honour of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and of great courage. These few

their dark gods. Under the heat of the southern sun, skeletal champions stand against the encroaching darkness, rallying

legions and armies of living statues rise from the desert sands their warriors with acts of valour and the hope of victory. The

to war eternally with their neighbours and reclaim their lost deafening roar of battle rises above them all, the sound of a

thousand times a thousand brave soldiers crashing body, blade

lands from hosts

and shield against

World, bestial

forests to besiege,

The fate of the

lead vast mobs

the balance.

ramshackle war

to distant coast.
This is a world

unyielding shieldwalls

daily for the surviva

This is Warhammer:

the far-off lands

battles in a world

sail to war, the

duelling Dragons.

Warhammer: The Rules

Magic .................................................. 106

The Old World

Wizards .................................................... 106

Overview of the Game ...................... 91 Casting Spells ......................................... 108

Introduction ........................................... 4 Dispel ......................................................... 110

What You Need ..................................... 6 General Principles ............................. 92 Spell Resolution ..................................... 111

Measurement ........................................... 92

The World Of Legend

Dice .............................................................. 93 Core Rules ......................................... 114

Templates .................................................. 95 The Turn Sequence .............................. 115

In the Beginning ................................. 10 The Strategy Phase ............................... 116

War Unending ..................................... 20 Model Profiles ..................................... 96 The Movement Phase ......................... 118

Times of Legend ................................. 22 Characteristics Profile .......................... 96 The 1 " Rule ........................................... 118

War & Conquest ................................. 31 Split Profiles .............................................. 97 Movement in Detail ............................ 123

The Rise of Men ................................. 33 Characteristics of Zero ......................... 97

The Coming of Sigmar ...................... 40 Characteristic Tests ............................... 97

Other Model Information .................. 98

Forming Units ................................... 100

Formation Types ................................... 100

Close Order Formation ...................... 100

Removing Casualties ....................... 102

Single Wound Models ........................ 102

Multiple Wound Models ................... 102

Removing Casualties

from Units ............................................... 102

Model & Unit Facing ....................... 103

Line of Sight ............................................ 103

Troop Types at a Glance ................. 104

Categories of Troop Type ................. 104

Troop Type Table ................................. 105

Unit Strength ......................................... 105

Thanks to Creative Assembly for the Cathay art on pages 86-87.

Warhammer: the Old World Rulebook © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023. Warhammer: the Old World, Citadel,

Forge World, Games Workshop, GW, Warhammer, the ‘winged-hammer’ Warhammer logo, and all associated logos, illustrations,

images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM,

and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-83779-168-2 Product Code : 60042799001

The Basic Land Movement of

Southern Manoeuvres No part Kingdoms

The The Enchanted Charge electronic,

Lords Unusual of Ulthuan Situations

The Accidental Ancestor

A Green F l e e ! ........................................................

Tomb Give Kings Ground

The Fall Lost Back British

& the in

The Oddball Beasts Stuff


The Terrain Wolves & of

Land The Shooting

of Ice &
Ruled Oddball by Dragons Stuff

The Combat

1. Choose

2. Calculate

3. Break Test

4. Follow Up

Oddball Stuff

Terrain &

The Psychology

Panic Tests
Advanced Rules ................................ 164 Battlefield Terrain ............................ 268 Campaign Battles ............................. 300

Special Rules ........................................... 165 How Much Terrain? ........................... 268 Campaign Trees .................................... 300

Unusual Formations ............................ 182 Placing Terrain ...................................... 268 League Campaigns ............................... 301

Open Order Formation .................. 182 Categories of Terrain .......................... 269

Skirmish Formation ......................... 184 Special Features ..................................... 272 Narrative Battles .............................. 302

Troop Types in Detail ........................ 188 Open Play ................................................ 303

Warhammer Armies ........................ 276 The Games Master .............................. 304

Points Values & Size of Game ......... 276 Forging a Narrative .............................. 305

The Muster List .................................... 276 Linked Battles ........................................ 307

Army Lists ............................................... 277

Percentages .............................................. 278 Realms of Magic ............................... 316

Number of Units .................................. 278

The Lores of Magic .......................... 319

Battle Magic ............................................ 320

Daemonology ......................................... 322

Dark Magic ............................................. 324

Elementalism .......................................... 326

Warhammer Battles ......................... 284 High Magic ............................................. 328

Setting up your Battlefield ................ 285

Deployment ............................................ 285

First Turn ................................................ 286

Game Length ......................................... 286

Magic Items ....................................... 336

Using Magic Items ............................... 336

Magic Weapons ..................................... 338

Magic Armour ...................................... 340

Talismans ................................................. 341

Magic Standards ................................... 341

Quick Reference ............................... 344

Index ................................................... 350

Victory Points

Mercenaries Infantry Item
Illusion ......................................................

Pitched Battle

Allied Cavalry ContingentsItems ..........................................

The Plain

Regimental Chariots .....................

Waaagh! Magic

The Doom

& MonstersDetachments ..........

Odo Todmeyer

War Machines

The Battle
Command Gro

The Drakwald


The Battle

Standard Bea

The Lonely


Characters ..........

The General
The Battle




Lone Characters


Weapons of

Combat Weapons

Missile Weapons

Armour ...............................
Unusual Armour


War Machines

Bolt Throwers

Stone Throwers

Organ Guns


Fire Throwers

elcome to the Old World. Sound the trumpets and beat loud the drums of war, for the weighty tome you hold in your

hands is your key to entering a dark and bloody land. It is a world of Daemons and sorcery, a brutal era of warfare

and conquest. Warhammer: the Old World – the game of fantasy battles – brings all the action onto your tabletop. You

The Old World is a land torn asunder by strife and conflict. that endlessly raid and make war for war’s sake, and by

From the fertile farmlands of civilised nations to the arid the corrupted beasts of the deep, dark forests, the children

wastelands of the untracked wilderness, armies march to the of Chaos.

beat of drums and the blaring of horns, beneath a canopy of

resplendent banners and gleaming standards. Across the oceans of the world, the High Elves of Ulthuan

fight a bitter centuries-long war against their twisted kin, the

command armies

Dark across Elves. the To

Tomb defend Kings th

from plundering and m

with the their Dark eternal Gods

From within,
The Warhammer Hobby
The Rules

This section lays out the full rules for how to move, shoot,

Warhammer: the Old World is a game unlike any other cast magic and fight with your models. In addition to the core

because it is so much more than a game. It is an engaging and ‘how to play’ rules, you will find advanced rules for monsters,

engrossing pastime – a hobby with a host of different aspects. heroes, weapon types, allies, army selection rules and, of
course, are how armies to

fantastical battlefields

endless gaming

This the glorious bounds

Citadel work miniatures
– it is !

examples from
How This
models from th

’Eavy Metal team.

inspire book anyone ! contains

play games of

For ease of navigation,

The final sections: section
and the models

and playingWarhammer your

scenarios Warhammer to play,

campaigns and strife.and

major epochs
the world during
What You Need

Between yourself and your opponent, you will need the following items to recreate the bloody battles of the Warhammer world:

Armies Of Citadel Miniatures 1() Tape Measure (3)

Both you and your opponent will need an army to lead into The bounce of a cannonball, the flight of a Griffon, the charge

battle. Warhammer: the Old World has many armies to of a regiment of Knights or the range of a Wizard’s fireball

choose from and each force is different and characterful in its are all measured in inches. A tape measure or ruler marked in

own right, but best of all, each army can be built in countless inches is therefore a necessity.

What You


A Battlefield
exploit a favourite

dictate. No two

Any flat surface

over. A dedicated
workbench, large

When wishfirst learning

consulting better this

games the bulk

you will soon

reference or find
Terrain (5) Dice (7)

For games of Warhammer: the Old World, you will need only Warhammer: the Old World uses six-sided dice to work

a few choice pieces of terrain, such as forests, rivers, or the out effects such as combat and shooting . A few differently

heaped skull-totems of a barbaric race. Warhammer armies, coloured dice are handy to work out specific rolls for heroes.

consisting of tightly regimented formations, prefer to do You will also need an Artillery dice and a Scatter dice to work
out certain across spell open

cunning general

Pen & Paper

a vulnerable flank

through rough

In the midst of
pen and paper

have been inflicted

been cursedweapons, with

with can the destroy

players can determine

The World Of Legend



The world of Warhammer is a battle-scarred and to thunderously beating drums, heads held high beneath

dangerous place. Around every corner, down every glittering pennants and ragged banners. Bold heroes stride

darksome alley and behind the bole of every twisted tree forth to battle the evil creatures that lurk in the wilds and

lurks deadly threats and evil things. For the unwary, the drive back the forces of chaos and destruction.

opportunities to encounter a sudden and gruesome end

are plentiful. The pages that follow explore the rich stories and dramatic
rivalries that

the battlefield, the Old

and offering glorious

may encounter. rival hosts
In The Beginning

he world has not always been ruled by the races that battle over it today. It was once a cold and desolate place, a home

to great beasts of forgotten legend. For unknown millennia, these creatures vied for supremacy and for millennia more,

this might have continued. Alas, when an enigmatic race of starfarers rode down from the heavens aboard flaming chariots,

The Time Of Dragons The Coming Of The Old Ones

The history of the world began long before Men forged their Mysterious in origin, and near-omnipotent in nature, the

empires upon the land, before Dwarfs carved their cavernous race known only as the Old Ones had plied the depths of the

domains beneath the mountains, even before Elves first plied cosmos in magnificent silvered ships since time itself began.

In the Beginning
the ocean waves.

the world was

cold and had distant looked

beasts; to be cold-blooded
good .

great important blind behemoths

leviathans vie for swam

of something
Far promise
from unthinking, of

own domains future,

shook would as titanic come

it was the intelligent

of Dragons how long that
soared afar, between laying

gargants, stuff made of reality,

realms of behemoths,

preying commencement upon

unseen in the

Yet below
despite make their
for the when arrival the

own gods meagre themselves reality.

presence proving

doom of the creatu

Re-forging The World The Young Races

At the poles of the world, great gates were constructed As the Lizardmen laboured, the Old Ones turned their

through which the servants of the Old Ones rode from realms attention to populating the paradise they were creating ,

unknown upon zephyrs of magical power. They brought with bringing many new races into being . Some believe they hoped
to determine great machines

successful which and they

races were geometries. created

some unknown

The first of these

First among yet the
dexterity, philosophical intelligence

of civilisation engineers

the constant interpreted flow

the polar instructions gates.

beings thought. in many

stalwart folk, t
and stone. the warming

this great undertaking ,

Surging in great were

the world ancient came pr

interested and in created
the ways of civilisation.

the mighty Slann in vehicles

and they had spawned

warriors. Vast

Later came face the

vital raisedand ingenious vast
environment. in

all the monstrous
Old Ones’

the Halflings the comi

strength, into but desperate

magical corners
The Cataclysm
that flowed endlessly through the gateways, these whispers

reached the ears of both those beasts that survived from the

Unbeknownst to the Old Ones, toiling upon their great works, bygone era and the young races alike. Where they were heard,

disaster loome d . these whispers seduced and corrupted the minds of many,

luring them into the worship of ruinous powers that crept into

To drive their world-building engines and facilitate their their dreams masquerading as beneficent gods.
interstellar travels,

Upon every mortal

drawn from an

fed hungrily and

the physical reality

their hunger,
past, the Old

barriers that sep

and tapped into
Under the unrelenting
long millennia

the portals above

gateways into

mountain, began
almost instantaneously

an epoch-shattering
assumption they

replaced by a
a great network

the otherworld
realm, linking
reality revealing
cosmic empire.

In that moment
What the Old

their tenuous
power of the be

finality. Whether
predatory creatures

event, or merely

can say. In the

their domain

a great void which

Old Ones’ alien

that remained

former greatness,
Creatures of pur

æther were drawn

world, and they

Old Ones. They

separated the

creatures that
The Coming Of Chaos
From the great roiling Storm of Magic that surged in the

heavens above, riding upon the unleashed Winds of Magic

Where once the polar gates had stood, an impossible wound that blew a hurricane gale about the doomed world, came a

in the fabric of reality now gaped, spewing raw chaos into the coruscating army of a billion fiends. These daemonic creatures

world, which coalesced upon contact with reality into the of the magical realm, servants of the ruinous powers that

unnatural black rock known as warpstone. So great was this dwelt within the æther, given life by the nightmares of mortals,
were set loose

eruption that

never have trod.

the young world

birth of this evil

As the disaster

the landmasses


growing tear in

of arcane might,
the worst had

realm. Wrestling

encountered be

From the tortured

erratic flight thr

trembling earth,

upon its correct

as they plummeted

They crashed
So great was the

and burying thems

even as they battle

earth. With each

died in the days

raw stuff of chaos.

their efforts to

the fertile soil,

remained possessed

se e p e d into the

elders – they
populated the

Ones, they were

traverse the interstella

As chaos permeated

arcane construction

malign energies.


woods thrashed

masters’ great

processes were

had inherited
fecundity. The

the world and

forest were somehow

mated again, g

Chaos had come


utterly overwhelmed.

The War Against Chaos The Children Of Grungni

With the Great Cataclysm, a terrible war began. Faced with In the Worlds Edge Mountains, Grungni, the first Dwarf and

annihilation, the remaining Slann rallied, mustering armies Ancestor God of his race, had long ago warned his people

of Lizardmen of such size their like has not been seen in the that a time of great peril might come. In his wisdom, he had

world since. commanded them to take refuge deep beneath the mountains
where they had

These armies

When the
that tempest spanned

once more lives. from Even

world primordialabove a
land barren. energies Mutat

prowled gulped the mounta

hungrily outside unleashed

to lay waste to

Yet the hordes

far from daemonic defenceless,
once worked. and the

Grungni weaken had

their weaponsgrew ever

the creatures of Magic

Grungni, they
of their of the
enemies unnatural

own use. As the

But it was Grimnir,

who the would war lead

wrathful Across champion

forth the from Dwarfs their
across the that continent-spanning

W orld, strongslaying

savages. defence Where of

hordes of Chaos
The Chosen Of Asur The Celestial Dragon

Far from the Worlds Edge Mountains, the salvation of the In the distant east, the lands that would one day come to be

Elves and their island nation of Ulthuan came in the form known as Grand Cathay found salvation in the form of a being

of Aenarion, a wanderer who had long travelled the world, more ancient and powerful than any mere god or Daemon.

witnessing first-hand the growing might of Chaos and

Since before to the

had ruled the war-torn

had Creator
bowed. When

world, changing offerings

Dragon the god had heard, chosen
others of his kind

their ways. in desperation,

with sacred magic, fire, he

hidden people. master By

flame unscathed

When the him, Ruinous f
into his slumbering had

Dragon he pondered

of coming destruction

now populating
the great

knew that oversaw
them through of Ulthuan’s

now crowned

So it was the that daemonic

the rampaging Indraugnir.

Moon mounted Dragon,

with the daemonic
the se
for theirhis efforts, king ,

and Daemons the foul

of Ulthuan.
The Fall Of Itza
Of all that long war, no battle was fiercer

than the one fought in the streets of Itza.

Despite many victories by the armies of Only an epic stand by Lord Kroak’s armies

order, the daemonic legions continued to prevented the Daemons from overrunning

assail the world and, as the war ground the Great Pyramid. For many days and

nights, Lizardmen warriors stood firm

R elic Priests

In the wake of the defence

of Itza, Lord Kroaks’ loyal

Skink attendants lamented

the death of their almighty

master, whose
on and decades

on the lofty Bridge

scattered far and

wave upon wave

Kroak gathered

Diligently, the
numerous than

the defenders

collected every
the servants of

incanted spells

that ravaged body

of the Slann were

gods and fire r

great reverence,
banishing Daemons

were swathed
to the ravages

stood still as the

wrappings. Thus
the shelter of

strained against

the first of many

they fought a

Yet eventually,

The Lizardmen
besieging enemy,

host of Greater

the spirits of dep

wards so potent

servants of the

so powerful that
ever breach them.
from all points

linger near their

Slann’s corporeal

bodies and in
Yet breach them

moment of primal

a Relic Priest
at first, the daemonic

from hidden cry

the defences of

So powerful was

once more the

the years wore

f d t b
refused to succumb

the Old Ones.

assaults increased,

mortal vessel.

the defences grew

will became a

the Slann waned.

power that descended

fall was Xahutec,

fury, scouring

a kaleidoscopic

light that was

temple-city fell,
First City was

until eventually,

Slann immediately

massed at the

that would banish

from the world

The First City

Slann’s arcane
the protection

Slann to have

the mightiest

energy surrounded

Kroak’s power,

as they railed
of strain, even

such mystic walls

final surge, the

outwards, flattening

leagues around.

Daemons were
the hundreds

swarmed into
The Wrath Of Grimnir
Upon hearing Grimnir’s plan, his kin were horrified. They saw

in his quest only death, and told him as much. But Grimnir

Far from Lustria, the armies of the Dwarfs appeared would not be swayed from his path, declaring that to atone for

undefeatable with Grimnir at their head. Where the Ancestor his failings and to avenge the many Dwarfs laid low fighting in

God le d , whole armies of Daemons were vanquished, and his name, he was honour-bound to seek a mighty doom.

“Put your trust in stone and iron – stone and iron have

always been true friends of the Dwarf”s.

Old Dwarf Saying

before his wrath

In preparation

rough shears a

Yet for every v

bright red hair

for every fallen

he stripped his

heart, filling him

of protection

brood, blaming

h f
he gave one of

people and questioning

firstborn son

melancholic becam

his father, insisting

wise counsel of

journey into the

grew ever darker.

quest. Reluctantly,

singing a mournful

In the depths

the woes of his

So it was that

further loss of

gods of Chaos,

their distant ally,

gates, of their

of Chaos that
that he would

of Chaos, the

his realm and

and, should he

portal from the

enter the world.

The Great Undertaking
It was Caledor Dragontamer, wisest and

most ancient of sorcerers, who would

In Ulthuan, the peace won by Aenarion’s devise a plan of salvation for his people.

armies was to prove both fragile and Fully aware of Aenarion’s incipient

short-lived. When Daemons overran the madness, and fearing that his king would

“Life is a spark of light in the

midst of endless darkness. We

cling to love and hate, joy and

pain, belief and fear, for they

make us feel alive. Some of

“We sons of Grungni may have

drunk deep from the bitter waters of

misfortune, but we yet survive. Whilst

a single Dwarf draws breath, we will

fight the evils that assail us, and we will

never, ever give
province lead of the
us will forge glorious

of Ulthuan and Caledo
and burn like

Hengst Stonebe
Worse, of a planthe
the darkness,

trace could they hoped
hope of life to

they had the world,

of Chaos. rode upon
But in the end,
plan, with little
up everything

So great was for cat
descend back

loss that it his preferable mind
dreamless darkness,

his madness the madness and
be forgotten.”

mounted Ulthuan, Indraugnir

Blighted faced Isle. certa

Altar of Khaine, hordes

and drew the

terrible Caledor’s power inst

in the black was stone

of time. careful As old plac
Widowmaker of a network

adeath node itself of power made

W eb,
the fell created weapon

Khaine, the Old capable Ones.

gods alike. Caledor

upon the Isle

aUpon great Aenarion’sritual t

embittered as the ritual

and the of unprecedented

court in the where dismal

a time, Aenarion. wielding
was all but undefeatable,

that slew enemies

led his grim warriors

armies. Yet, despite

daemonic hosts

on the borders
obvious to all

the war was lost

A New Age
Thousands of miles away in the Worlds

Edge Mountains, Dwarf throngs marched

Whether it was the arcane mastery of once more, hunting the mutant beasts and

Lord Kroak, the heroism of Grimnir, Chaos worshipping savages that lingered

or Caledor’s great ritual that turned the in their lands. They too would explore the

Rune Magic

Dwarfs are not magical

creatures and unlike other

races of the world, they have

not developed spellcasters

or shamans. In
tide of the long

world, pushing

have an innate
truth, either thank

more holds and,

magic – both
some unknown

their acquaintance

the overt corruptions

a humble but

built settlements

known to cause
these great acts

Old World.

races. Dwarf leg

Chaos converged,
their sturdy origins
that had raged

In Lustria, the

itself leaves the

years subsided.

impossible task

little to find purchase

rights. They knew

And while they

In the immediate

or what the future

with Wizardry,
great ritual, as

wisdom could

no equal when
the surviving

to set about ensuring

forging magic
the suddenly s

plans were enacted.

alone have mastered

wounded almost

of the oldest of

binding the Winds

Indraugnir once

conversed with

through runecraft.
would return

young Slann that

altar from which

truly comprehend

out, too shaken

lost masters’ plans,

they had fought

of the Old Ones

witnessed. Of

be realise d .

was no sign. Where

a vortex of arcane

And yet, perhaps

all the colours

Ones had dreamed

followed, seers

what they had

the task of trying

coming of Chaos,

and the vortex,

birthing of a worl

would battle,

Of Aenarion,

unfold and great

time, the Elves

play out. A world

to acknowledge

in the memories

King was lost

but which, in

selected – Bel

transcend beyond

would travel the

occupied and

Elven colonies
reveal new planes

other races.
War Unending

The world was once an ice-clad jewel in the heavens,

nurtured by beings older than time. To look upon this

War Unending
world was



blue oceans

The Great Cataclysm

its echoes still


gale of raw
that dwelt w

Today, the

adversity, th
barbaric and


Under storm-wracked

lines slam togeth

summon searing

whole battalions


The gods of
Times Of Legend

The history of the Warhammer world stretches over millennia and is littered with the detritus of a hundred thousand

battles. The bones of the dead lie scattered in shallow graves, each holding a tale of suffering and woe. Yet for all the

forgotten stories of fallen warriors, some events, those that shaped the world most profoundly, are well remembered.

-15000 -5600 -5000 to -4500

The Time of Creation begins with the The Great Cataclysm. For reasons In the company of their Ancestor Gods

arrival of the Old Ones. The Time of unknown, the polar gates collapse. In a the Dwarfs begin their slow colonisation

Dragons comes to an end. moment, the Old Ones are ripped from of the Worlds Edge Mountains, pressing

the world. Perished or banished, they will north as far as the borders of the Realm

Times of Legend
-15000 to
of Chaos, return. south Through

the Sour a torrent Sea, and

Sisters. servants As their Web of

ever deeper in Lustria of for the

minerals is The unleashedto landmasses
industries. continents into Grimnir warpst

Caledor is rain constructed, Dragontamer. from

moon, Morrslieb, the world,

above. fuelling Where great the

warped world and itself mutated.

The War bringing Storm against
Aenarion daemonic its is recognised

people arrival when for of he new

the the sacred to oldest raise flame and them

Shrine the of ways
Asuryan. by

Mountains, down. as

is besieged by hordes
beasts and primitive

God Grimnir mastered take

north, remaining journeying learns

Chaos to and desperately
rule beyondover

into east. the Realm
He incursions takes
Geomantic mate, and Web tog

and tear children. to accommodate

Realm of Chaos.

Aenarion are besieged

mightiest of Despite all

upon in the Lustria great
and wearing Yet more

King , Aenarion of Lizardmen

Dragonriders of Chaos, again

that besiege defending their

the seas.
masters. With

defeated a fragile
defeated, a fragile

Ulthuan and Aena

making her his

-4470 -4420 -4119

Aenarion’s peace is proven short-lived On the Isle of the Dead, Caledor Elven settlers and Dwarf prospectors meet

when the forces of Chaos attack Avelorn. Dragontamer unleashes a vortex that and renew the friendship formed between

The Everqueen is slain within her sacred will syphon the raging Winds of Magic Grimnir and Caledor Dragontamer. Trade

groves and her infant children, Yvraine and back into the Realm of Chaos, settling between the races is brisk and an alliance
is formed Storms to are of drive Magic

back into Powers. theStruck primord

colonies wounded Aenarion prosper, almost

to Ulthuan, is where to return he and draws

many new with
to the strongholds. this Bl
Celestial first Phoenix

-4000 to -3
the daemonic of bloody-handed host

Lustria, the shade

As invocation
the Dwarfs b

beneath north, the beyond surface,

Dwarfs his court
of of Grimnir the in W
becomes infrequent.
as his

believe a son. the Caledor

in distant to end lands. the

believing Age of themselveslegions, Recovery.

and new theirlash Phoenix Ulthuan

begins s
worship to of repair Hashut,
and the honour
of standing

The coronationUlthuan

against Chaos

As the of
power rebuilding of

the Celestial Dragon

Emperor Lustria, and the name

of Grand is finally Cathay. broke

of Lord
the Dwarfs Dragon Kroak. of f

north, or east, the hordes, journeying

Mourn, thousands
which its life,

the growing Greathindrance Skull nation.
Mountains its immortal of M

mineral-rich to Plainbanish

from the world

Bel Shanaar temple-cities. is

of Asuryan and,
Malerion make proclaims landfall

The the would-be Old World,

flames of Asuryan around

is found wanting

burned. Civil war

-2750 -2200 -1997

The Celestial Dragon Emperor uses his The armies of Ulthuan take the Blighted Hoping to avert war, the Dwarf High King ,

Astromancers to crash a warpstone Isle from the forces of Malerion but the Gotrek Starbreaker, sends an ambassador

meteorite into the lands of the Ogres, killing victory celebrations are short-lived. The to Ulthuan. Dwarf demands are met with

two-thirds of them and carving out the

arrogance fleet and is beset

Great Maw. The

of his beard
and many and

storms also create

war, known of the variously

forming a barrier

Beard the and coast the

edge of the Mountains

for several
Conqueror centuries.

World bear the

many Elven settlements

sacked and razed,

The Sundering.

back to the their coronation coastal

war upon Ulthuan,

port of Tpeace
or Alessi settles

to harness the p

Dwarfs chop of the down

Great Vortex and

fuel their ruined war lands, eff
Chaos once more.

the Dread-King ,

unleashes energies
in Naggaroth.

causing much of

by the ocean waves.

Snorri Halfhand,

treacherous armies

Starbreaker, is
after challenging Kar is



The Dwarfs of

Zharr, raise the

An Elven Great ship, Betrayal.


the ambushed
court of the
off-course by are storms

in Khemri. craftsmen Nagash

Morgrim, Dwarfs cousin believe

The Dawi Zharr

kills the attackers Elf Lord

Lands and the

of Oeragor.
Malerion to

conquering and

two races. Many

Goblin tribes to
travellers believing

network of mines

The Elves retaliate

and Mountains

Nagash to slays
muster the

seizes power.

Settra unifies the

Nagash is born

cities of Nehekhara,

greatest true human

-1950 to -1750 -1560 -1499

Nagash distils an elixir from human blood Caledor II is killed by Gotrek Starbreaker Karak Varn on the banks of the Black

that prolongs his fading youth, which at the Battle of Three Towers and the Water, flooded barely a year before when

he then shares with certain depraved Phoenix Crown is lost. Victorious, the earthquakes split the rock from which

nobles chosen to rule under him. Over

it was carved, return is

the following centuries

loathsome fight any ratmen more.

to see themselves

beneath over. the earth.

population as c

hold to fall, but

extends beyond
the years ahead.

they shun the light

places to hide in
Caledor’s heir,

Nagash orders

armies from the

Pyramid, one of

Orc Warlord unguarded. Argor

built by Man.

Dwarfs of that the if D

and establishes of Ulthuan,

Mount Many Bloodhorn. reluctantly
World but others

In Cathay, work
cities decline and,

Bastion. This imp

a quarter of a m
The gold mines

upon league along

and richest mines

presenting an insu
p g

Mountains, Time of fall Woes.

against the incursions

many years earthquakes of s

Khans and growing

strike. In Cathay,

humans that make

-1387 to -1367
Bastion collapse

tribes raid deep

-1750 to -1600
The Silver Edge Road Mountains,
Dwarfs disaster, and Goblins. comm

The many Priest

one in holds
five Dwarfen is los

a great confederation

the chaos
journey Karak through

more than a century

Deadrock the Gap. foul

power is broken

the hold through

north. The nobles

seismic activity.
away Nagash’s

Nagash uses his

his Dark Magic.

After more many warpstone years

battles, Many the Dwarfs of

of their
the Old mines World an

in search
the eastern of shelter rea
Nagash’s wanderings

Edge ruin. Mountains.

Peak. Here, Nagash

and begins to experim

raw stuff of chaos

potent magics.
-1350 -1185 -1147

Cripple Peak is attacked and besieged from Kadrin Redmane, the Dwarf Runesmith, The body of Alcadizaar, and with it

beneath by Skaven hungry for warpstone, leads an expedition into the ruins of Karak Nagash’s crown, is discovered by Kadon.

but Nagash has grown powerful in his exile Varn where he discovers a rich vein of Possessed by the shade of Nagash, the
shaman the and
founds petitions

allow Eventually
him to resettle

Miners flock Nagash to

begins to resources

Kadrin traded Redmane with

killed. warpstone His last
hammer far out

prevent itbrings falling

enemy. defeated Following by the

Dwarfs’ hold Mountain In on

increasingly plagues
and tenuous.

land, striking dow
Alcadizaar as the healthy Troll

alone in a land

The Winter legions of

and unopposed,
Orion become

the chains Woods. Morgrim to Cripple
southwards to

around Mad Dog

army heads east

The Great
Battle Gunbad. Ritual.
of Loren

of great Skulls, are ritual and
attacked that

Athel Nehekhara Loren. Dwarfs. into
treacherous Dwarfs continue

who, over
wielding and un

crafted by the is partially Sk

The flees
lands minor with surrounding holds

settled ancestors
bya potent people

tpfibti W Th fh it l d d ’
tribe. Woes They ofhas its learnended. owners

forest, and
unleashed fear

forest awakened itself. l

remain animated.

The nobles of Lahm

by their study of
into foul revenants

the blood of the

reach the other

Lahmia is invaded

Nagash are defeated

Kings led by Alcadizaar

-813 -370 -50

The Battle of Anguish. In Athel Loren, Orc Warboss Ugrok Beard Burner leads a Artur, king of the Teutogens, discovers

Morghur the Corruptor is slain following Waaagh! to the Dwarf capital of Karaz- the Fauschlag Rock (later known as

a great battle in what forever after will be a-Karak. The Dwarf High King Logan Ulricsberg), and enlists the aid of the
Dwarfs as to the build is Glade

known the as Orcs Middenheim. are

at the Battle of

invented Dwarf

Elven the Orc
seafarers defeat

Nagash Warboss their
is reborn. Ugrok). flocks
Kings former will Elf obey cities.

not and he is forced

Peak. Nagash fin

his enemies, Dwarfs andintensify

single ofnight. tribes
the Green

large Worlds in the Edge
month. are Mortal to become

Chaos battle are ferociously

Sigmar never for
is born control to

Unberogen tribe.


The Cult
fall of of Karak Chia’ n

King Kurgan
a in
century, the East)

is rescued invasion, the from aristocracy

the Unberogen in when Cathay.

aits great tunnels alliance Craktoof. filled
Dwarfs orders and Men

for rune-sealed,
his rescue the

Sigmar King the vows rune

Skull day. first Splitter, Black an

King’s clan. of the

Within 50 years
Within 50 years

out within Zharr-Naggrund.

Orcs escape
destroy to the

Upon Mountains thebut death abandon

becomes chief The of

Drazh, renaming
all the mountains

and Karak Eight

At the Battle
hands. of

Orc army is annihilated

of Sigmar and

Orc and Goblin

the lands.
Year 0 577 1115

A twin-tailed comet appears in The Bretonni tribes face a great incursion The death of Emperor Boris Goldgather

the heavens. of Orcs and Goblins that descends from from the Black Plague. His reign is

the Grey and Apuccini Mountains. memorable only for the high levels of

Orc Warlords demand tribute from the corruption and taxation it brought.

Bretonni tribes,

next 400 years

Sigmar is crowned

Orc hordes.

Priest of Ulric.

Van Hal is assassinated

within the Empire,

horde wiped out.

humans build
by war, are defeated

masons, carpenters

underground by

in demand, and

in Cathay. They
Slayer. Count Ma

admired everywhere.

jade and spices.

west begins to fl

1 to 15
King Guillaume

In search of his

Battle of Amandur

north where he

Gilles le Breton
Bretonnia once

army and attacks

Bretonnians into

At the Battle of

twelve battles and

is felled by Sigmar

one, conquering
completely destroyed.

Grey Mountains
Emperor Mandred

of Bretonnia.
assassinated. The


agree upon a successor

divides into self-governing

After a half century

relinquishes his
Norse raiders establ

the east. The system

island of Sartosa.

established whereby

Settra leads a larg

elect one of their

Bretonnia. He

a Bretonnian fleet


Unleashed by the
Lamorte. Settra’s
sweeps through
but he escapes,

The spreading

settlements are

first Grand Theogonist,

populations. In

Sigmar becomes

Frederick van H

Empire he founded.

army from the

Grand Duchess

and a long war

and a long war
declares herself


Skaven invaders.
between Talabecland

Marienburg is

during the reign

1494 1757 2145

Khan-Queen Miska, daughter of Radii Sartosa becomes the lair of pirates. Determined to end the threat of the

Bokha, leads the Gospodars through the Vampire Counts once and for all, the

High Pass, driving back the Ungol tribes. various factions of the Empire unite

and scour the dark forests of Sylvania.

Mannfred, the

In Sylvania, the

brought to battle

Carstein marries

defeated Khan-Queen and his

Drak. Over the

building the great

the remaining

Shoika, daughter

the province are

of Tzarina.

of Vampirism.

Louen Orc-Slayer,

declares his intention


Orcs. Over the

territory Count is gradually
of Mid

Far beneath the

s knights. Emperor.

the Skaven Under-Empire


Emperors, none

vicious and protracted

loyalty amongst

centuries, the loath

time, hostilities

vanish into myth,

Battle each of Black

doubt their existence

armies meet on state.

The Goblin Warboss,


is mortally wounded

but pulls his adversary

Magritta of Marienburg

the falls. Night of the

Emperor by those

returns to life once

claiming the crown

after he was slain

Grand Theogonist
night throughout

acknowledge the

In the stir north, and incursions

Imperial system

Chaos confusion warbands

and frequency. come


cults increase begin to
their reveal

the world,towns enemies
The Phoenix King ,

of nations. night of terror

lands at the Bretonnian

He travels extensively


World, opening

Bretonnia and

Waaagh! Ironclaw

through Black
through Black


southern corner

burned. Count

The Wars of the

and the Runefang

with the devastation

the Battle of Grunberg ,

armies of Vlad

is badly wounded

than a century,
impetus. The Orc

descendants torment

the eastern half

War & Conquest

Elves & Dwarfs The Seeds Of Treachery

Under the rule of Bel Shanaar, a great age of exploration and Unbeknownst to the Elves, Chaos had returned to Ulthuan

expansion began for the Elves of Ulthuan and many new in an insidious new guise, spreading through a web of secret

colonies were planted across the face of the world. In the Old cults of luxury and pleasure. At the centre of this web was

World, the Dwarfs were similarly engaged in conquest and Malerion, who had long harboured a deep jealousy of Bel

War & Conquest

n the aftermath

growth, pushing
and bel

and rediscovering

and west into to

Chaos was not

creeping evil,

Elves and Dwarfs

On the coast his assasso

known being as a Bretonnia,
the Aenarion friendship believ

and to
Grimnir step into

to hear of the Yet

the talescast from
of their

against Chaos.

and even Malerion’s ventured
Mountains a bitter to civil

kings. followers Malerion, to

there heldand abetween trusted

was decided that

As the Elves of Caledor

f k h h ld
of the the world, name w

Elven Conqueror. cities and

war, growing

beauty and had wonder Ca

Nagarythe swept

banner of their
engulf Ulthuan
The Sundering The War Of The Beard

The bitter war between the Phoenix Court and the followers In the Old World, news of the Elven civil war had reached

of Malerion was to rage for several centuries. As the conflict the ears of the Dwarfs, though they failed to comprehend the

ground on, the Dread-King brooded upon his many defeats, severity of the news. To the Dwarfs, treachery and kinslaying

“We have vanquished the daemonic hosts and driven back

the roiling clouds of Chaos that plagued the lands. Let

the world rejoice, for we have won its sanctity, and the air

bears not the foul tang of the Daemon. But at what cost to

us, the valorous and the brave of Ulthuan? What sacrifices

have been made upon this, the altar of hope?”

were alien mad concepts

aPhoenix king . Consequently, Crown

of the unthinkable conflict

Yet whenpacts warriors

the Dwarfs the laughter were
aggression, High of

to unbind
the court the of

of Caledor Ulthuan. the

recompense. Dragontamer Bu

frustrated of Malerion and

thrown from of a
This this terrible moment, ins

roused to anger. across

gathered Nagarythe,

W much In of the northern
besieged , earth all
quaked, falling

cities were of the razed coastli

With each victory,

entry the from land the of

which the Dread-King
all wrongs

land. Aboard
Yet there remained

Caledor into II life. was

Crown had claimed been

matter destruction
The Rise Of Men

hilst the Elves and Dwarfs were forging alliances in the Old World, the primitive and barbaric race of Man was

building its first cities in the hot and arid lands of the south. From the nomadic desert tribes of Nehekhara, the first

true human civilisation was forming .

Nehekhara Tylos

The ancient kingdom of Nehekhara was at its most powerful The cursed city of Tylos was founded between the Irrana

when other human tribes were still primitive and savage. Mountains and the Tilean Sea by savage tribes of primitive

Over long centuries Nehekhara, known to its people as the Men. These nomadic tribes had come to the rich and fertile

lands in pursuit of the great herds of migratory beasts

The Rise of Men

Great Land, had

they hunted and,

civilisation with

atop a broad hil

system of government.

to farmers, shepherds

cities, vast roads


connect each

were erected t
Mighty kings

Soon after, a wan

to fight in their

also found the

the City of Kings,

that lay within

considered first

formed an alliance.

governed by their

grew rapidly –

d b
paid tribute to

walls of dressed

tribes in the surrou

and, in their plac

ruled from the

The prosperity

At the height

Dwarfs, allowed

conquered lands

and culture within

known as the

jewel of the city

Southlands and

stand unrivalled

The kings’ armies

Old World and

before them, an

did above.

terrorised the
Strife In The Great Land Settra – The King Of Kings

Though Nehekhara prospered and its cities grew in wealth, When Settra came to the throne of Khemri , he was a vain and

its many kings thirsted for greater power. To this end , the egotistical man who demanded the adoration of his subjects,

kings began raising their armies and marching to war against but he was no fool. He listened to the counsel of his priests and

knew that only a king who commanded the respect of the gods
one another to

would earn the

Crown of Nehekhara.

humbled himself

over all of the

king . Dozens

In a great ritual,

names quickly

to its former glo

rivals. The next

As the cities warre

time in several

attacks from in

priesthood and

tribes of Men

by the gods. Settra

slaughtering ,

a ruler who commande

them. These inv

his people and

combined with

the gods.

River ran dry,

and famine came

Settra was also

those that had

by his courage

withered in the

cities of Nehekhara

front With every

front. With every

No single city’s

Before long , vast

starvation and

the kings of Nehekhara

the tide of invaders

fealty and acknowledging

kings refused

the land once

alliance, bend

Land united again

of domination
Nehekhara to

Man stood on

could not be uni

The Mortuary Cult The Rise Of Nagash

In his arrogance, Settra became obsessed with his own With the passing of Settra, the Mortuary Cult continued to

mortality and under his rule, the priesthood of Nehekhara grow in size and influence, whilst increasing its knowledge

became similarly obsessed. From this compulsion was born the and power. As the Cult grew, so too did the necropolises of

Mortuary Cult and Nehekhara’s greatest, and most powerful, the rulers of Nehekhara. Great tomb-cities sprang up around
the cities were of the tasked

each generation. of immortality

Into their this research,

Khetep to of extend
Khemri .
coveted priests both could

Khemri they which, continued

As he appointed
rose in

of acolytes to preserve

murdered of mummification. Thutep’s

within Magic, the devising pyramid
still staining which they his

took his They place believe

proper invocations,

For immortality. the people

time. The Usurper

subjects he desiring raged
subjects, he desiring raged

attain a vast
his own burial

dark magics, until the exte

to him be through reborn

began theto corruptKing

purposes. incantations
streets of Khemri with

the Settra Winds was of

shrouded of a city.
The Doom Of Tylos The Fall Of Nagash

In the land of Tilea, the elders of Tylos had commissioned In Khemri , Nagash had commanded that a vast black pyramid

their Dwarf allies to aid in the building of a mighty bell tower be built in his honour. Once complete, the structure would

which would climb from foundations far below the earth to dwarf even the tomb of Settra and the sorcerous powers of
stand higher would tha

years Magic and harnessed

they would geometries. never

But theas the tithe tower dem

raise the Nagashs’ mighty
of Tylos Kings lamented rebell

se eme d answered

offering to the raise P

stranger asked Nagash

dedication from to
the Nagashs’ stranger’s true

work unseen.
at the will

for many.

The following

of the after stranger, city

looked on the in ranksama
bell began bowing to to

time, the skies

corrupting was the

turning bend rich
the knee. farmla

people of of Tylos animated
them Mortuary barred.

overrun heroes. by an

Kings vanquished

Tylos was acolytes no

creatures would

Yet of the Great

Nagash had escaped
Cripple Peak The Vengeance Of Nagash

Fleeing from his enemies, Nagash wandered in the desert. In the city of Lahmia, allies of Nagash secretly studied his dark

Thirst parched his throat and hunger gnawed his gut, yet the arts from stolen tomes and, under his subtle influence, created

Great Necromancer trudged on, haunted by dark visions. an elixir which blessed them with long lives, great strength and
vitality, claim but cursed

the livingalone andreturning

Over time, time, Nagash these

rumours shadow spread of

Lahmia warpstone and the
these of
rumours, wind

athe long land, and mutating bloody

the Priest thing Kings

and the Lahmia Sour Sea, razed

power lay close,

With the fall

drawn long by years, instinct

Arriving Sea, at experimenting the

were night, welcomed he visited

undead, of raised
the region,

ready corpses to march of
his bidding . as

tirelessly alongside

But Nagash from had

Lahmia and had building

Land had grown

Alcadizaar Peak the

armies and of Nehekhara

battle bones after the battle

the desert to Cr

their failure.
The Land Of The Dead Mourkain & Strygos

Enraged, Nagash chose to end all life in Nehekhara so that he With the death of Nagash, Alcadizaar fled Cripple Peak,

might rule free from petty and rebellious mortals. To this end , taking with him the Great Necromancer’s crown. With his

he polluted the Great Vitae River with terrible contagions, sanity shredded by the horrors he had witnessed, the once

poisoning the land. Within weeks, those that had succumbed

mighty king wander

to plague outnumbered

dying of hunger

with corpses as

Blighted River.

Whilst his people

powerless, as u

Sometime later,

into K he mr i .

of Nagash, was
crown from the

With Nehekhara

head, Kadon’s

the next phase

Returning to

vast quantities

had the unknown

of his followers,

which was built

power, he began

built their dwellings.


Awakening, a

and as it grew

over and bind

settlements emerged

quickly as the

Even as Nagash

the form of armies

and kept alive

was born.

below Cripple
below Cripple

heavily cloaked

Drawn by the

warpstone, was

came to Mourkain.

stumbling towards

who slew Kadon

of will, Alcadizaar

Ushoran, Strygos

sword and cut

Waaagh! saw
as the terrible

by the potent

of his accursed

destruction of

across Nehekhara

the many tomes

shadowy unlife.

scattered far and

The Coming Of Sigmar

ar to the north of Nehekhara, a mighty warrior and bold leader would unite the warring tribes of Men against their

common enemies. Under his rule, the Orc and Goblin tribes were driven from the lands and in his name, an Empire was

founded that would endure until the world’s end.

The Heldenhammer Birth Of An Empire

West of the Worlds Edge Mountains, dense forests stretched Through this meeting , mighty bonds of friendship were forged

for league upon league, eventually giving way to salt-laden between the bold and brash young Sigmar and the gruff,

marshland where they met the distant coast. Here, lived many taciturn Kurgan Ironbeard. From this friendship was formed

The Coming of Sigmar

tribes powerful of barbarous alliance

survival the threat against

Goblins the and east Orcs

for Men plunder and andDwarfs

as the chieftain

As their tribes
to trade with

metalwork and

made weapons diplomacy

meeting tribes. that Together a

many wars against

Travelling lands. through Yet

his come bodyguards, and one

was attacked

but, Black greatly Fire outnumberedP

remained. lronbeard By

by their of chieftain’
and rushed to losses,

snatching of the the Or

and swinging from the

So grateful was

that he this gifted great

Ghal Maraz. Emperor
Sigmar’s Heirs An Empire At War

For fifty years, Sigmar ruled his Empire and under his rule, Under Sigmar’s rule, the territories of the tribal chieftains

his people prospered greatly. Mighty cities grew from tribal had each formed a self-governing province within his

strongholds, Dwarf engineers teaching their human allies the Empire. These provinces continued to grow in power and

craft of stoneworking and masonry, building great walls, roads influence, but they enjoyed little respite from anarchy and war.
and temples.
Rampaging Orc

down from the

At the age of e
years after Sigmar’s

relinquish his
the battlefields

Mountains. What
Beastmen rampaged
to visit his old
destroying whole

claim he had g
flesh of the slaughtered.

mettle against
frozen north t

pi l l agi ng . Marauding

Whatever the
Troll Country,

Empire to the
dark gods.
avoid infighting ,

number to stand
Alongside these

of loyalty and
Loathsome ratmen

his heart swelling


gifted Ghal Maraz

and wreaking
tunnels. Shambling

From this first


endure for millennia,

upon the living ,

manner, the descen

entire armies.

to be known by

elect one of their

These, and other
arose. Sigmar
every year in

loyal subjects
unbreakable allia

honour his name.

and with the in

armies of the

season, standing

courage and ingenui

stood united.
An Empire Divided The Age Of Three Emperors

For a thousand years, the Empire prospered and, with the The decades that followed saw a succession of Emperors, as

passing of each Emperor, the Elector Counts dutifully selected one pretender after another launched a bloody coup to claim

the best candidate to succeed to the throne. But with the the throne. There was even an era when there were two
untimely death
Emperors at the

the Elector Count

its greatest test.

position as Emperor

marked by corruption
Ottilia. In effect,

Boris died of a
and was joined

the Elector Counts

dissatisfied with
several years,

To make matters

During this time,

Middenland de

as armies of mutant
audacious proclamation

greatest cities.
of Three Emperors,

of Middenheim
of Middenheim,
supporters amongst

combination o

led the armies

The provinces

and united his


the loathsome
Counts fought

In recognition
numerous enemies
power of the El

looked more to

But upon Mandred’s

destroyed by w

ambitions and
of Burgomeisters,

more and they

and other wealthy

shed when these

to construct fortif
returned to their
armies, in effect

Elector Countess
and political stat

and declared
With Sigmar’s

of Stirland.
enemies gathered

eagerly testing
The Anarchy The Vampire Wars

In its weakened state, the Empire became easy prey to As the Age of Three Emperors had dragged on, a new threat

its enemies. Rampaging armies of destruction fell upon had grown within the dark and forested province of Sylvania.

several provinces which, finding themselves unable to rely Through a combination of deception, sorcery and bloody
upon support a Vampire

greatly. of
The the worst

Orc Warboss

Orcs and Vlad’s Goblins

ravaged of vampirism
the southern

that the his province undying
utterly ruled destroyed. over

slain, Solland at

the rampaging power struggl

of the Empire.
savage in

neighbouring his bi
By the year at 1979, the

the need and for a Oste

Through of the much Empire

Counts decades,
who foun

throne came was laid to
as Empress.

With Vlad’s passing

Unfortunately, to dust,

those Electors was

of the Cult in Sylvania of

aambitions. seat in the The Electora

who refused Mannfred outri

unite Vlad’s the descendants,

greater the armies hostilities

system common had enemy.completely

intents and purposes,

The Empire Today Faith & Gunpowder

It has been over two thousand years since Sigmar united the The Empire is arguably the most technologically advanced

tribes of the central Old World into a mighty nation. For a nation in the world; its use of gunpowder, mechanical tools

thousand of those years, the Empire grew and prospered, and advanced metallurgy second only to the Dwarfs. While
becoming well-drilled wealthy

nations fight benefitted with

Empire by mighty and its

Bretonnia andnot

with as
Sigmar’s the dreaded

Steam Tanks.
Yet strife and

have innovations
all taken

by politics and city

rulers, inventions the Empire

warring city and states

pretenders who

topple their as important rivals

own, certain and handgun

fractured clad nation.

upon powerful

Yet this endless of t
that were Fighting once

civil down
war costing by

Beastmen, and deadly Orcs,

find civilisation Some

borders, Panther,

all these province. threats
desires of only the

edges of fightingthe Old

these mastering threats, th

the world. of Morr

Empire’s god of
Principality Of Reikland

Prince Wilhelm I rules R eikland , the ancient and powerful

Centuries of unrest have seen the Empire regress politically, heartland of the Empire, born from Sigmar’s own tribal lands.

resembling the scattered tribes once united by Sigmar – Within Reikland’s borders, the Cult of Sigmar, governed by

chieftains replaced by dukes, princes and barons, kingdoms the Grand Theogonist, holds sway, and the forces of Chaos
have tribal the weakest lands

small part there

ruled ,
Heart atand least the

Orders travel

rooting out Of worship W

puts Reikland ruled
who the they most see, prosperous

elementalist derived witch

many Imperial

independent Duchy c

The largest power yet and

Duchy of Talabec

Ottilia. city Itand ostensibly has

Stirland, Averland,

practise her rivals many and

cities Coin, of Talabheim
as a refer

their own and right
hundreds of years,

Emperors, County backed

and rulers Sigismund of th

Emperorship. cover

in 1979, it the
meets Duchy

Claws. Politically,
Ostermark, Hochland

is a shadow of

of Middenheim

claimant to the

Wolf Emperors,
control of the

Count is little

though he claims

and beyond.
The Land Of Chivalry

The Land of Chivalry

retonnia is the land of chivalry. Its vast armies are without doubt among the greatest in the world and its warriors,

be they noble or peasant, are possessed of an unshakable faith in the righteousness of their cause. If there could be

Gilles Le Breton The Lady Of The Lake

Long before the coming of Sigmar, humans settled the lands In the long years before the time of Gilles, the Bretonni tribes

between the Grey Mountains and the Great Ocean, but it worshipped a host of different gods. Many of these were

was not until the arrival of the warlike Bretonni tribe that a similar to those revered by the tribes to the east – such as
but a single bastion

true nation the grim was

of Bretonnia.

customs different and no

remaining gods divided

These of battled the Lake.

from virtues the mountains, are

undead knights invaders to
would Grail. rise and

In the year she 976 has

Duke Enchantress of Bastonne,

fiefdom. Resting of poten
woman appeared the

her side
goodness, of the

and his army. guide

Grail – a drinking

it immortality.
their armies

at the notion
So blessed, Gilles knights

of the their Grail own and,

to his banner.they could

liberated from

rank of High

prospered as nev
The Might Of Bretonnia Knights Of The R ealm

The blessings of the Lady, and the longevity of Bretonnia’s The might of Bretonnia’s armies lies in its many ranks of

rulers, have been both a blessing and a curse for its people. knights. Organised by strict feudal hierarchy, these battle-

Though they enjoy great stability and safety, the realm has tempered warriors ride to war upon the finest of chargers

become trapped in time, its Dukes and Kings eschewing – intelligent, fiery and strong animals of heroic proportions
– clad in baroque
the technological

emblazoned with
true to the ideals

the disadvantages

A knight’s weapon
of chivalry, the

time is spent tr
reckoned with.
Bretonnia fight
her knights protection

charges piercing
filling their hearts

weapon for which

among the most

breaking apart

of the Dwarfs.
It is just as well

of Bretonnia is
Peasants O
without – greedy

intent on plunder

The bulk of a
within – the deb

feudal peasants.
burn in the name

peasants live a
all wars are those

protectors of
protectors of
against Duke.

Thus, when their

Fostered by mistrust,

Peasant bowmen
greed, this internecine

common hunting
more than any

many learn to
stop the bickering
strong and capable
and direct the

lord’s men-at-arms,
enemies. When

armed with heavy

ride out on noble

an honour not
realm or to far-off
The Great Crusades The Orc-Slayer

Throughout the centuries, vast hosts of knights have crossed The current ruler of Bretonnia is Louen Orc-Slayer, so named

the mountains that border fair Bretonnia, into the Empire, for his crusade to rid his nation of Orc and Goblin tribes.

Estalia, Tilea, the Border Princes and the Badlands. Others Hailed as the greatest king since Gilles le Breton himself,

have embarked upon great galleons that have carried the Louen has ruled for almost 80 years, thanks to the longevity
warriors and to him t

Araby, king , Albion he

The maintain purpose the o

of Bretonnia plaguing be

threaten of Bretonnia,
the hum
ambitious Imperial

In the as burning very mu

have done battle f

glorious with formations som

regiments in of theske

were entirely
More often than

Entire Orc shores and

crusading Bretonnians,

of galloping Bretonnia horse

the enemy skirmishes elite

Monumental often raid
Monumental often raid

foreign lands armies.

of the King , stability but

Bretonnia against cannot

though so far,

History a has handful proved
Bretonnian region. adage

lands have withered

weak rulers.
Southern Kingdoms

hough the Empire, Bretonnia and Kislev stand pre-eminent among the realms of Man that lie to the west of the Worlds

Edge Mountains, they are far from the only kingdoms in the Old World. To the south lie numerous, smaller countries,

The Border Princes

Others come to escape justice in their homelands, fleeing

ahead of outraged monarchs, furious magistrates and angry

There are few human realms outside of the Northern Wastes mobs. All hope to leave behind the headsman’s axe or the

as perilous as the Border Princes. Named for the countless hangman’s noose and forget the crimes and misdeeds of their

exiled lords and ladies that claim corners of the region as ignoble past.

their own, it has existed for hundreds Southern of years Kingdoms on the frontier
many as old if

Straddling the the civili

Border Princes of

beset by and armies cities,

numerous the people

its settlements
endless succession
armies or crusading change

personal retinues

security. the Border Consequently,

at any time, hostile Ma

descend upon either

often as of hard its multi
must fight of for ruins,

generations and of forgo
Beggar Lords

The most fascinating detail of life in the Border Princes is

the endless procession of rulers. Outcasts, criminals and even

the odd do- gooder who thinks of themself as the saviour of

the south, all come to the Border Princes because their own
lands will not

Border Princes

feat and involves

measure of violence.

fiefdoms of the
as one lord or

by the next. Occasiona

glorious generations,

however, treachery,

and the cycle

The civil war

Princes and many

its boundaries.

or Lord Gunter

Reikland and

recruiting veteran

patrons. Equally,

Lord of Paupers,

his task to keep

The Empire is
rogues inhabiting

knights such as

Adalene Monteaux,

Julien Pontenne,

shelter and aid

Some princes
mercenary nature,

known as the

of Queens. Estalian

Baron, or Lord

barely more trustwort

own kind.

Then there are


best avoided for

indulged in. That

Border Princes

it pays to know
The Free Cities Of Tilea
Tileans are, and always have been, an inventive and

adventurous people. While some would argue that they simply

To outsiders, Tilea is a chaotic land of ever-changing alliances dabble in new technologies in order to discover new ways of

and nefarious rulers, a kingdom riven by constant civil war further enriching themselves, it cannot be denied that many of

and treachery. In truth, it is a kingdom only in the eyes of its the most fabulous inventions of the Old World were conceived
neighbours, for
and crafted in

of rival city states

Remas, Pavona,

complex trade
great cities.

need for mutual

families locked
The people of

adventurous exp
At times in its
argue that this

around the prosperous

discover hidden

times, its merchant

trade. Whatever

own selfish interests,

far and wide acr

of a united nation
wondrous discoveries

the horror of
Man. Tileans
nobility and long
empire of Grand

caused by having
Great Ocean

mercantile dynasties,
always returning

upon the extent

of a hereditary
Dogs Of War
Unfortunately for their masters, Dogs of War armies can

be notoriously fickle, especially if the coin runs low or they

Whilst the many merchant princes of Tilea employ large receive a better offer. It is not unknown for an entire army to

retinues of guards to protect their interests, none of the change its allegiance, or even quit the field on the eve of battle

many city states maintain standing armies, relying in times – though most mercenary generals value their reputation
of need that
upon they

many mercenary a chance

extremely counter wellan

loyalty. These and

of War and, employer perhaps

nature having and been desire
their armies can

between more the untrustworthyfree

equally rooted

Sometimes, For a hundred

herself of to the lead Tilean

the world, hiring of
new Tilean shipping outpost

lucrative Far trade from

in Lustria, consider the

to serve for their the ser v

Tilea itself.
Kingdoms Of Estalia
Much like its fleet, the military might of Estalia is

decentralised, comprising the personal retinues of its many

Estalia, according to its long and storied history, was the kings, queens and lesser nobles, each of whom is responsible

first land settled by humans in the Old World. From its dry for recruiting and maintaining their own armies and, in many

and arid northern mountain ranges, to its fertile southern cases, small naval fleets. These armies exist to protect their
coasts, it is covered
homelands, and

proud cities, the

and invasion.

and Magritta
rarely do armies

cities share a lo
doing so in times

over hundreds

Even so, Estalian
and pike, and

Though the people

to that of the

with affairs beyond

regiments enjoy

extensive coastline,
cavalry formations,

the skill of its

mounted upon

small fleet of
being famed for
being famed for

from its harbours.

Templar Knights

kingdoms are
Knights of the

Marienburg and
members study

important position
its many aspects,

far flung corners

many markets.
Southern Wars
Several times in its history Estalia has come under attack

from, and even been occupied by, human invaders from

Sheltered as it is to the north by the lands of Bretonnia and to neighbouring lands. In particular, the Sultanates of Araby,

the east by Tilea, the Empire and Kislev, Estalia has enjoyed a an ancient and prosperous land that clings to the western

relatively peaceful existence when compared to other nations edges of the great southern continent and stands among the

southernmost outposts of humanity in the Old World. Several

of the Old World.

times has Araby

have all plagued

toward the rich

emerge regularly

sailed from great

wide tracts of

more than one

and destruction.

armies upon Est

Land of the Dead

and queens.
kings, or emerge

that lie scattered

As recently as

Calendar, invaders

One notable inva

parts of southern

the Vampire Lor

some of which

armies left devastation

into the sea by

unopposed across

Estalians. These

for Magritta,

today many of

of the Estalians

southern kingdoms

Vampire, reducing

ruled as hostile

Estalian kings.
The Enchanted Wood

he Wood Elves are the secretive defenders of the great forest of Athel Loren, their armies ever on the march, carrying

spear and bow against the agents of disorder and ruin. The sentinels of ancient sites across the Old World, the Elves of

Athel Loren fight a never-ending battle of vengeance against the lesser races that trespass upon their lands and the ever-

The Elves Of Athel Loren

That the Wood Elves were not consumed by the vengeful

spirits of Athel Loren is one of the peculiarities of history.

In their prime, the Elves of Ulthuan maintained colonies The alliance between Elvenkind and living forest was born

and outposts throughout the known world. Nowhere was out of a shared p e ri l , for at that time the Dwarfs of the Grey

this more true than within the bounds of Elthin Arvan, the Mountains pressed hard upon the forest’s borders, felling trees

The Enchanted Wood

to feed hungry

Old World –

spreading corruption

grudges. The

Malerion beset

many. Only through

Elves had little

and tree spirits

holdings and

they would ultimately

One dreadful

had settled in
flickering light

Most notable

the combined

colonies that d

spirits defending

who renounced

with grim desperation.

the cause of indepen

charged into the

become a realm

the woods se eme d

with vine and

But Athel Loren

When dawn cam

ago found vigour

of scorched ground

beings who swarmed

at all. For weeks

verdant majesty

Mountains, Dwarf

unbidden within
pioneering armies

tree spirits is m

the battle had

Children Of Nature A Hidden Nation

From that day forth, the fates of the Elves and the forest were The aloof Wood Elves are isolationist in the extreme, caring

intertwined. What began as a desperate alliance became naught for the affairs of other realms and races. Their concern

something far de e per and more pervasive. With every passing is solely for the survival of Athel Loren and its splintered

generation, the Wood Elves become in character more akin offshoots across the face of the world. Truly, the Wood Elves
to the little forest sadness they

the summer woodlands month

of winter. Wood Elves

Through the o

So too have they
distrustful signs

Elf will react,

are to all the such forest’s threats

outsider. toWhere weakness

Elves does became not

the is borders
so, for the of
upon those and who they

ancient groves

groves maximum are ever

Elves tribes become they

been continue sacrificed upon

the defences
world at large.

Man will drive

So it is that the

the is Woodfair to Elves’say

and their but ward;

outsiders that foolish
not only dictates. the wrath

who watch every

A Force For Good The Oak Of Ages

In recent years, the atavistic Beastmen have multiplied across At the heart of Athel Loren stands a tree like no other – the

the Old World and beyond, spawned from the dank hearts Oak of Ages. Prodigious in both height and breadth, it dwarfs

of Chaos-tainted woodlands. From the north come tribes of the surrounding forest and teems with life, its branches

filled with spirits and spites, its roots fashioned into halls
warlike Men,

and chambers.

squabbles of its

The Oak of Ages

For this reason,

is the centre of

in numbers greater

out across the

against those
The Wood Elves

they may be found

appearing suddenly

races who would

as if they were

Old World.

people to influence

the knowledge


The Wood Elven

and her consort,

The Wood Elves

of Isha, the ancient

Instead, an army

the most powerful

drawn from differen

enemies by controlling

in the dangerous

them by causing

seldom meet t

deadly surprise

While she is the

the clans will

of the Wild Hunt,

to aid them in

the seasons of

ranks, uprooting

consumed by

defence of their

is reborn into

themselves come

become the next

Elves soon forget.

continue his etern

Lords Of Ulthuan

aughty and proud, the High Elves rule over the vast island continent of Ulthuan. Steeped in ancient magics, and

possessed of unsurpassed martial skills, their prowess is such that no single enemy has ever truly defeated them.

Beyond their borders, their elegant fleets rule the high seas, carrying the armies of Ulthuan to every corner of the world.

Masters Of Magic A Martial People

First among the races the Old Ones created were the Elves, The history of the Asur since that time has been one of almost

called Asur in their own tongue. To provide a home for these constant battle and warfare. Many of these wars have been

peoples, the Old Ones made a kingdom for the Elves, raising valiant and noble, for the High Elves have always been the

the isle of Ulthuan up from the ocean floor. Here, the Elves mightiest opponent of the Ruinous Powers, but almost as

Lords of Ulthuan
would have prosper, been

primal energy of these

into those who

But the passage cruel

polar gates
for thousands collapsed
world, history.

entities. Yet the

challenge. wars As have

Ulthuan, known the E

Led the
by the supreme first

and protected
halted new then age turnedof

Despite citizens the ofblood

the early greatest age achieveme

victory, they for in can
of Khaine The , bringingskills

his descendants.
expert warriors

vanity and of ego de

themselves the backbone pre-eminent
The Armies Of Ulthuan Lords Of The Phoenix

Equipped with finely wrought armour, armed with bow or The armies of Ulthuan are led to battle by the greatest heroes

spear and shield, the glittering hosts of Ulthuan are possessed of the age. The general of a High Elf army will have studied

of a preternatural deadliness. Yet for all their prowess, these the art of war from infancy, committing to memory the
countless essays

Elf commanders

by the elite likes warriorsof

aHelms, High Elfthe general


undreamt every High of by

their enemies.
the shores
of Caledor, descendants

Furthermore, ages past. Riding

be bolstered from by

Mages. steeds Even butth

Mage can summon of

capable mages
p g

little to are fear matched from

The ever-silent

It is this demise combination by

and consummate

deadly the force. two-handed W
impose martial their wf

land or sea, as for their

Arrogant hew necks and

the manifold

about above using each unstoppab

know it is that their
betide the any time that

recent years, the

slumbers by the
Colonies Across The World The Shadow Of Chaos

Though time and the ascension of the As the power of Chaos once again waxes

younger races may have worn away at the strong and the armies of the Dark Gods

might of the High Elven empire, theirs gather in the north, the High Elves find

Finubar of Lothern

Following the coronation

of Finubar of Lothern as

Phoenix King , the realm of

Ulthuan underwent many

changes. Amongst these was

themselves one preparing of

the establishment

foe. As in custodians
the world.

across the coasts

least in their in owt

World. This was

its defence, and the

greater move

are once to coastal more

isolationism, w

among trade their hubs kind

G d lli
Guard patrolling

younger races the

between Ulthuan

is little to faith kings, among

World in an effort

able shores to hold of back A

away pirates and

Gods. Many, In i

thus keeping we

Chaos – over though the

into Elven cities.

believing rely upon they their
g y p y

of Chaos, seas of ultimately the

their enemiesthere being

murderous and madmen.

both above and

To this end , Elven

appear further across

knowledge the great and

It is the hope

envoys the that Fortress the

might bebetween forged

tide of Chaos, Wastes,
and Sun isolate and the the

island nation. to the

navy even grows more in

defences Ulthuan
of Ulthuan

blow Ind, from Nippon Chaos
World the will High inevitably

way to of the safe mystic harb

one end of the

as a presence

great ruler in
The Ancestor Gods

he Dwarfs are a venerable and proud race, born from a long distinguished line of warrior thanes and vengeful

kings. Craftsmen beyond compare, they dwell in great subterranean fortresses, far from the light of the sun. The

traditionalist Dwarfs have much in common with their stony kingdoms, for every one of their number is as stubborn and

Children Of The Ancestors

As the Dwarfs spread throughout the mountains, seeking out

new veins of precious metals, they founded many strongholds,

The history of the Dawi, as the Dwarfs call The themselves, Ancestor begins Gods each a small fortified realm centred around a productive mine,

with the awakening of the firstborn, their pantheon of gods, a bastion in the rocky wilderness. The largest of these became

chief amongst whom were Grungni, Grimnir and Valaya. known as Karaks, in the Dwarf tongue, and the glory of these

According to Dwarf tradition, these gods were carved by time great fortress-cities was fabled. Eventually, the Dwarfs reached
the northernmost
unyielding as

from the rocks

desolate region

believe that the

creatures. They

ancestors, inhabited

or the Great Skul

Mountains, migrating

for the harsh r

splitting into

although a few
living go d .

turning west in

east across the

In these ancient

Mountains of

were cave-dwellers

and eked out

Thus was founded

Then, as now,
Ankor. At its

Led by their gods

the Everpeak.

developed from

maintained contact

then steel, weapons

deeply beneath

taught them to

separated by a

terrors of the

was Grimnir,
marauding Orcs

was Valaya, the

the value of strong

and community
The Golden Age The Time Of Woes

The Dwarfs suffered greatly during the long centuries Following the protracted and bitter War of the Beard or, as

following the Great Cataclysm, and much was taken from the Dwarfs call it, the War of Vengeance, the Dwarfs stood

them that could never be reclaimed . Many holds fell and victorious. This hard-won victory should have ensured the

entire clans were lost. Worse, their ancestors disappeared, one Dwarfs’ dominion over the Old World for many centuries to
by ;
come one, however, during

marched boldly

The war Grungni, had b

their time vigour to the expende

and rebuild
came. their
disasters that

coming it was of that Chaos.

devastating the Dwarfs series

Worlds eager Edge to M

volcanic eruptions realm.

realm into disarray. were
of the world were

In the wake
Great of

left vulnerable
colossal unde

strongholds from

by Goblin interlopers

seeking the shelter Elves
centuries, Dwarfs the greeted

of long
invaders, age of yet

the great the holds High

of Grudges: lords the who

Dwarf race with are
lay shatteredat the elder

dominated hard won the

aElves handful would of incite


hundred years.
The Dawn Of A New Age The Silver Age

With the decline of their empire, there began a time of exodus. Despite enduring the decline of their once great empire, the

Many Dwarfs forsook their ancient homelands, leaving the Dwarfs remain a proud race, and their rigid sense of honour

familiar peaks of the Worlds Edge Mountains behind and has seen them gradually reclaim much of what was once

battling westward into the Grey Mountains, where they stolen. Seated upon his golden throne deep within Karaz-a-
Karak, the Everpeak,

arough-hewn prosperous ande

Kurgan grew Ironbeard and

And great he is works keen

enduring oaths
Though the the nations

warring amongst the

lands, and it old is

and artisans Travel thatwas

the young with race’s
industry a constant of the

mountains, of and

sound Dwarfs of hammers did

greater wonders. the two

shared ever more

Yet muchof metal of whatan
treasures of the

shattered a strange holds quirk

worse. Vengeful forged

powerful of the Thaneschieftain

ancestral strongholdswith
depths. With them

strike armiesentries would

victories, many had
A Green Menace

rcs and Goblins are destructive creatures. Interested only in fighting and breaking things, they are a scourge to all

lands and a bane to civilisation. They raid ceaselessly, carrying war and barbarism to every corner of the Warhammer

Unexpected Interlopers
Along the coast of the Old World, the migrating Orcs and

Goblins encountered Elves and, whilst their jeering hordes

Long ago, the first Orcs and Goblins appeared upon the world, watched the tall and strangely fragrant beings flee across the

much to the disappointment of the Old Ones, having crossed waves, they learned the joy of boats. Soon the adventurous

the interstellar deeps by stowing themselves away aboard the creatures were sailing the seas of the world in ramshackle craft.

Carried hither and yon by wind and current, they came upon

A Green Menace

In the frozen north of the Old World, they first encountered

the primitive tribes of Man. Great must their joy have been,

for these creatures se eme d as barbaric and warlike as any

Orc, and as cunning and vindictive as any Goblin. Where the

Dwarfs would bar their great iron doors against them and the

Elves would rain arrows on them from afar, in Man, the Orcs
world. Yet they

Old Ones’ magnificent

distant lands
and Goblins had

their enemies

vessels upon whic

invaded and,
battle, meeting

world, seeking

laid siege to great

keen to fight th
So numerous

Here, hidden

that, should they

forgotten about
conquest, they

warlike creatures

tide of violence.

the barren wastelands,

one another and

numbers grew,

volcanic plains,
finding fertile

importantly, new

In the mountains,

these hardy warriors,

of iron and steel,

weapons and

deep caves and

to inhabit and

hilarious side

altering intoxication).

finding hidden
finding hidden

the better to mak

Tribes Beyond Number Belligerence

Made Manifest

Orcs and Goblins live in warrior tribes or

warbands, sometimes forming into tribes If belligerence could be personified, it

that consist exclusively of one or the other, would look much like an Orc. Broader and

The Battle of Black Fire Pass

Through the Black Fire

Pass, between the Black

Mountains and the Worlds

Edge Mountains, runs the

Old Dwarf R oad ,
more muscular
but most often

the Empire to
skinned brutes
distinct differences

Dwarf capital
jaws, low brows
collective force.

Karak. The pass

They are dim-witted
from a few hundred

and bloody history,

dense hides that
hordes that cover

also the route

and thick skulls
of green flesh
invading Orc
perils of philosophy.

armies from the

They can be found

and it has been

But by far their
and, disconcertingly

many battles.
folk, there isn’t

ago, that the allied

live to fight. Indeed ,
adaptable creatures

Men and Dwarfs

by a maelstrom
the scorching

with a massive
Orcs quickly be
frozen steppes

and Goblin army.

into brooding
the Empire to

bring their superior

more adventurous
Edge Mountains,

to bear, the Orcs

crafting of crude
avoid them. Though

were defeated
reluctant mounts
do not have a
The ensuing victo
effigies from rock
own, there are

find such non-violent
they dominate

allowed Sigmar,
and before long
dangerous region

of the Men, to
ways to unleash
as the Badlands,

nation that would

To Orcs, there
southern Worlds

the Empire.
battling one’s
Black Mountains,
prove scarce,
is from here that

another Orc quic

World originate.

In Orc culture
Most tribes are

strongest quickly
to the fact that
their will through
everything within

shouting . Black
its camp. Thus,

demeanour and
on the move,

much as for their

to devastate and

the most notable

worth their rusty

of their kind can

anything visible
rightful stomping

Black Orcs, hungry

disagrees had

most notable

Orc warlords.
Vindictive Green Hordes Gork & Mork

Smaller and more nimble than Orcs, Goblins are Orcs and Goblins are extremely superstitious (and some

comparatively intelligent creatures with scrawny limbs and would say gullible) creatures. As such, they are willing to

irritating voices that never seem to cease. Whilst feeble believe in lesser deities and prone to following strange cults.
Yet for all their
to th

pantheon is history dominated

brother-gods defeat the

numbers. Vicious

The followers from behind,

aid in times
still, both of
less robust races

their infamous their

unn,in’ Mork together,

lives in the both. sure

or the
kunnin’ company enough

battle its in advantages. death.

stronger cousins

Amongst their

causes the and phenomenon

spiritual callingthe

frenetic energy.
magic being users, every are

is manifest alone for which

and the the power volcanic

harness Bretonnia, and manipul

their warriors the primordial

communication lurk.
mind of a Shaman, the

peculiar unrelenting habits.

who dare cross

Tomb Kings Of Khemri

ncient and vengeful, the Tomb Kings of the southern deserts have awoken from their millennial slumber. Theirs is

the wrath of the cheated, for they were promised an eternity of heavenly glory, but were imprisoned between life and

death. At the behest of the Tomb Kings, legions of merciless skeletal warriors rise from the sands of Nehekhara and march

The Land Of The Dead

As the punishing midday sun blazes down upon the

interlopers, the sands begin to shift; sun-bleached skulls

Despite being an enlightened and advanced civilisation when surface all around, dust spilling from their empty eye sockets.

the tribes of the Old World still dwelt in caves and mud huts, Holding curved khopesh blades, armoured forms awaken

Nehekhara was brought low by the megalomania of its kings from their slumber, forming up into elite regiments with

and the evil magics of Nagash, at whose hand Nehekhara preternatural discipline and coordination. Undead archers

Tomb Kings of Khemri

nock and and
forth to reconquer

there their
could graves be

barren from sea of the

morbid towards architecture

and deadly chariots.

Beneath the scarabs thin

trinkets sting buried and

thousand tombs tombscome

ransom in the jewellery foe

armies of the come

the heat-blasted metal,
wealth of the and

beneath their

more with unnatural the

abroad in the of

ancient and Nehekhara tame

lesser Wizards
Should the
a commander initial

into Nehekhara
protect the

the kings and then the
The Magic Of Death The Mortuary Cult

These vast armies are animated by the At its founding , the Mortuary Cult

will of the Tomb Kings and the power of was commanded to study the arts of

death itself. When the Great Necromancer mummification and communion with the

“In that dread desert, beneath

moons’ pale gaze, the dead

walk. They stalk the dunes

in that breathless, windless

night. They brandish their

weapons in mocking
Nagash Steadily, unleashed

to all life, and

world, Nehekhara

ghastly dry voices,

So prepared decay until for

rustling of sere
in death become were extreme

whisper the one

realm completely also

remember from
To this day incantations the
of their ancient,
in the
bind wastelands the souls

unnatural royal life bodies.

They whisper
countless the Mortuary thousands.

loyalty in order

It is said the that Liche

From the
blows especially Nehekhara.
p y

by A
and any living

w ill, , in time, Liche sic

linger could too long . not

life from the priesthood

the undead, behind and
Kings as are advisors at their

war Nehekhara, in the shadow

and fallen
to that cities. of

centuries since with

no army Tomb or Kings nation

Lands of the to Nehe
enough and to it try is

bones in preside. the endle

The addition magic of to

Nehekhara Priests is h
T the necropolis,
Kings as

doomed seals them

also allows maintaining them

upon both themselves an

At a the Tomb heart King’s of

the Mortuary continue
and centuries,

death, cursed

for immortality.
Gods Of The Desert Settra The Imperishable

So ancient is Nehekhara that its culture, architecture and The Land of the Dead is ruled in perpetuity by Settra the

gods are strange and alien to the younger nations of the world. Imperishable, King of Kings. He is a ruthless leader whose

Travellers brave enough to venture into the Lands of the thirst for conquest knows no bounds. The immortality he
lusted mightafter in find

in his absence gods, giga

lands and with forces

his might. Kings carry

coiled serpents,

Settra rides
long forgotten.
Crown of Nehekhara

bloodthirsty the current and

before tomb him walls without

every sweep
towering of

Kings, Geheb, knows the

their language
upon the
g gp

master grand their position magi

At Settra’s faces of side the

ruled long over dead Khemri warrio

ruled in for life her bowed
long centuries whose

have bent numerous most

for conquest
god of the and

their arrogance the god

uses these of the generals

and greed into of the indiv
against the these foes

fabulous wealth

their people.
The Lost & The Damned

eep within the immaterial realm of the æther reside the Ruinous Powers, beings of incomprehensible magnitude,

cruel deities that play with the lives and dreams of mortals as if they were mere toys to be cherished or discarded upon

The Tribes Of The North A Creeping Evil

North of the Empire, north even of Kislev, lies the R ealm of Whilst the tribes of the far north are the most prolific

the Gods. Here, where the colossal gateway of the Old Ones worshippers of the Ruinous Powers, they are by no means

once stood, leading to distant worlds, the thin veil between alone. Throughout the Old World, twisted individuals seek

reality and the æther has been torn

The asunder,
Lost & the and Damned the R ealm of one another out, banding together in secret places to worship
a whim. Barbaric

Chaos profane spills shrines into

mortals made

In the dark
secretive hinterlands

next, state, the Marauder

these tribes and differcity
appearance; against some

bristling shelter beards; to

hair and dark, to the

nomadic the persecution

nations of the

To these cults
Yet all of these

devotion in size to thewith

gods of Chaos

on the cusp of and

adoration. the imaginations

another ruin, of eternally, a world

year, tribes disciples. unite

spreading complexity, destruction

of civilised garrisons lands.

topple the thrones

The Gaze Of The Gods The Path To Glory

All who serve the Ruinous Powers strive for the attention of Sooner or later, the most devout servants of Chaos feel an

their dark masters. The devotees of the gods of Chaos perform urge to walk the Path to Glory. Following in the footsteps of

great and terrible deeds to prove their fealty, hoping to impress past pilgrims beyond counting , they turn their faces to the
north diabolical
and strike

top of the world.

loyal the followers, followers

through are the both lands,

warbands weak gods of rival

civilised lands.
Those gaze that of theprove

them. thoseThey favoured

their warbands
and supernatural

the all, fullness mutation. of

standing on the

reason gods is lost, delight
g g

its m e ani ng . of mutations.

uncommon to

Here, at or the that edge

challenge armour, lying thei

are able as their
to step
their second gods. skin Many

week, a month,

eternity these to mutations a mom

disabling , and

Of many those thatfew t

most are massjudged
the æther.
care; any But

rewarded, for to and comp

lead the ire. armies
The Ruinous Powers

The devotees of Chaos follow a staggering array of deities and spirits with varying degrees

of fervour. These many gods all exist within a wide pantheon, ruled over by the four

greater powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch – who vie eternally for seemingly


The Lord of Skulls; an angry, raging god of bestial strength and

merciless battle prowess, clad in brazen armour and wielding

a broad-bladed sword drenched in the blood of a billion fallen

enemies. Among the warlike Marauder tribes, Khorne has many

followers for he rewards bravery, might at arms and conquest.

“Only fools claim to

understand Chaos, for by

definition, Chaos is inhuman

and incomprehensible.

Mortal sages and mystics

who dare ponder its nature

unattainable do

are driven mad,

Khorne is also

to listen, neither

succeed only in
often depicted

dedicate their

attentions of its
his howl an inescapable

Many a wise sch

a terrible fury.

carried alive and

to the charnel

Realm of Chaos,
The Lord of Decay

writhe in eternal
the world. Known

the Daemons
the Marauder

crow, Nurgle a

Grand Theogonist
bloated creature,
by a dark cloud

gifts he bestows

followers revel

decay, disease

The Dark Prince;

Known under

Lanshor, they

beautiful and

excess and fount

include music,

those that worship

Pleasure appears

the passions, or

bringing dark

The Changer

Fate. Among

soaring high above

is known as Tchar.
into complex

his countless ca

his insane plans

patron of many

mastery of the
The Beasts Of The Forest

ithin the haunted woods and blighted forests that cover the Old World dwell the Beastmen, the true Children of

Chaos. Within the warped hearts of these grotesque hybrids of beast and man simmers intense hatred, a primal rage

that can only be sated by grievous acts of defilement and savagery. For the world once belonged to the Beastmen and they

The Domain Of The Beast The Nature Of The Beast

The Beasts of the Forest

When the polar gates collapsed and Chaos came roaring Creatures of animalistic lusts and vitriolic temperament,

into the world, the great forests became the domains of the Beastmen are a twisted reflection of the cruelty of nature.

Beastmen. For thousands of years, they ruled their realms They are the apotheosis of violence and destruction, as

unchallenged, preying upon the cowering young races as unreasoning and deadly as the flood that washes away the
hunger to take

wolves prey
the plague upon

last. harvest.
The scattered

the courage of

back Beastmen when the

increasing to ferocity, live
forcing to the anger, Beastmen

hostility, Beastmen

With each at defeat,

dark Beastman
forests, pursu

wake, their away victorious

ground, taming
was above
ruled by all, M

from behind of hatred tall

against sight the of Beasts a

or a magnificent

Yet, despite of order the

largely those
untamed. who
g y

pinpoints will invariably of light,

black sea of find trees.

forest echoes in the

and enact terrible

The Hordes Of Chaos
Although the great nations of the world are beset by hundreds

of minor invasions and raids each year, incursions of such

When the Ruinous Powers stir within the æther, the world magnitude are rare and, so far, the great hordes of Chaos

trembles. In the turmoil of the gods’ awakening wrath, the that arise at such times have always been halted and turned

magical realm is riven with storms and the Winds of Magic back by the armies of Men, Elves and Dwarfs. But with each

“They blend cunning and spite with a savage bestial fury ;

half man, half beast, yet wholly the servants of Chao”s.

Heiros Ghule, Quillmaster of the Drakwald

incursion, strong, the roili

greater Ones measure to rage

the north As grows

of the south cower, conced

and begins savage to beasts.

world, its shadow

W orse south. still, the

increasing . With

Chaos such becomes times,

any mere and gather

as the lost centuries beneath

inexorably their black-armoured

by the Winds one that

World, cultists

In civilised finalising lands,

the dire signs

They towns
know thatand
ruin, for in the

carried on the for

damned always – Asavar

powerful enchantments

crafted long ago

Storms of Magic
raw magic subside

shadow receding

the damned that

The Wolves Of The Sea

orth of the Old World lies the land of Norsca, a cold and inhospitable realm of mountains and valleys, haunted

by all manner of twisted beasts. Yet despite its perilous nature, Norsca is a populous land inhabited by hardy and

adventurous folk, known by other nations as both canny merchants and bold explorers, and as fearsome warriors and

Yet for all their warlike nature, Norscans will unify against a

common enemy and many times in history a tribal council has

Bordered to the south by the icy waters of the Sea of Claws, been cal le d , whereby the kings and queens of the various tribes

and to the north by the Kraken Sea and the shadowlands attempt to set aside their differences and unite in a shared

of the Chaos Wastes, the Norscan peninsula is a harsh and cause. Typically when such a council is cal le d , it will be headed

The Wolves of the Sea

by a single ruler

unforgiving land.
ruthless pirates.

to act as a figurehead.

Frozen Sea and,

eldest and most

west lies routes

often be gifted

to the adventurous

thus avoiding

There are no
When the armies

ruled by a single

they count many

bureaucracy. I

that dwell in the

their own region,

amidst the ranks

and stockades.

are as likely to

who answers

the old gods of

are rarely at peace

Chaos and are

neighbours’ lands

for smaller villages

within a single
Raiders & Merchants
For this reason, there are many Norscan

colonies dotted across the world.

Long have the tribes of Norsca been warlike Most are peaceful places populated by

and bothersome, constantly harassing the travellers and adventurers that chose

nations of Man. When Sigmar unified


In the western nations of

the Old World there are folk

stories of the mist-wreathed

isle of Albion and the

bleak settle island in a of more
the tribes of the

Prominent the bleak, in
his Empire, he

the towering distant hom
settled along hi

their surface centres car
beyond his borders,

strange runes and
way to their native

Scattered vital ports tales
them remain
twisted However,hags that
more. Unfortunately,

their hovels raiders into
and retribution

and the war. one-eyed, Add
the warlike Norscans

dwelling touched creatures by
their raids with

them. Chaos, Such often hags
as worthy foes

walk the or, paths in
dispatch shapeshifting , their
Each year, countless

kidnap and unfortunate taking
aboard sturdy

sacrifices that in foul N
waves in search

day, the with
tales cl
to pillage and

will spread Norscan the
isolated villages
the world against and
from the bounty

rule for eternity.

raids are so common

Most such colonies

the Old World

coasts of the Emp

numerous garrisons

the largest of
ravages of Norscan

Kislev, Manannheim
their people.
Skajadholm in

in far distant
But the many

months sailing
just raiders. They

of Norsca, in l
merchants, sailing

Tilea, Araby an
exotic goods and

Cathay, Khuresh
they are bold

lands to colonise.
Land Of Ice & Snow

Nor th of the Empire, the land turns cold and frozen plains, frigid lakes and forbidding

mountains stretch out towards the crest of the world and the R ealm of Chaos beyond.

The Kingdom Of Kislev The Eastern Steppes

Considered the northernmost outpost of In the east of Kislev, beyond the Worlds

civilisation in the Old World, and boasting Edge Mountains, outposts of the Kislevite

strength and stability to rival the Empire, empire reach all the way to the edges of

Kislev has grown rich from trade with the Grand Cathay. Here, great cities stand,

“If you kill one man, you are a Land of Ice & Snow

murderer. If you kill ten men,

you are a monster. If you kill a

hundred men, you are a hero.

If you kill ten thousand, you

are a conqueror!”
It is a land that

east and the south, western

and constant

from the the Warhammer wealth

mines. Southern

Kislevites of as old . savage

in truth they a
advanced the distant as any

trade city that

This assumption of

their the armies; Floating b

bear-mounted – the

war sleds, from all Rasputia
the Eastern
lands across Steppes.

when eastern

the Ungols to and the

the the Worlds end of Edge the

of these where lands, east

right, could not


like dozens the of presence

out Eastern
far to the Steppes

the Khan-Queen place

the growing raiders Kislevite

a constant threat.
must travel in

vast caravans

between them.
The Ice Queen Prince Alexis Of Kislev

Long has Kislev been ruled by the Khan- The young prince Alexis Romanoff is

Queens and their offspring . The current Mishenka’s only son and stands next in

ruler is Tzarina Mishenka Romanoff, often line to succeed her to the throne of Kislev.

“The strength of Kislev lies in

you all. The land has called

you all here, and it is here that

you will put that strength to

the test defying Chaos. There

is power in this
Though he
to as does

tomorrow it will
mastery the of magic, female

your veins. Use

warrior their mastery
and shrewd

lance and is drawn blade,

saddle been of said
a horse

Alexis has allowing
into Magic the north in startling

tribes, Orc and

raiders, has always to name b

Queens and history

Much to his were mothe

the Prince as they speaks
y p

to personally this magic

furthest Kislev, reaches Miska,

expanding rule. Both the

the north. attributed When

on the kingdom’sto Miska,
Sigmarite true. Empire

Mishenka is more

s’ ambitions. later,

of amystery need to and help

under a power a single she

time line when and maintain
and all Herthe nations

one army
to oppose of Kislev

Alexis can and tip his

someone hails with of

fractured perhaps southern
Witches are a

and motivation

the harder for

Ruled By Dragons

ar to the east of the Old World lies the vast empire of Grand Cathay. Stretching from the Warpstone Desert in the west

to the Far Sea in the east, from the Hinterlands of Khuresh to the south to the Great Steppes of the north, the empire of

Grand Cathay has endured and prospered for longer than any other human civilisation.

Grand Cathay The Dragon Emperor

Cathay is a land of wonders, with islands that hang in the Long before the coming of the Old Ones, the Celestial Dragon

sky, airships that glide across azure heavens and living statues Ruled ruled by the Dragons east. In time, humans populated his lands and

that stand sentinel over its borders and fortress gates. Cathay came to revere him for his power and wisdom. When Chaos
predates the almost world,

populous protected human

cities the and Dragon fortresses

mountains, plains

a mate, the Moon

Despite its to geographical
spite of thefrom vast

Cathayan empire

rebellion and

of Ind and are the many

borders, Dragons while have
and ancient the philosophy enemies

cities goesand coastal
so far

the horrors Dragon of

lands, though
of light,

the north and Yin

Together, they
Cathay endures
The Empty Throne The Great Bastion

In recent times, the great balance of Grand Cathay has been In the north, Miao Ying , the Storm Dragon, favoured

threatened and it faces danger like at no other time in its long daughter of her father, defends the Great Bastion that protects

history. For over two centuries, the Celestial Dragon Emperor Grand Cathay from the open steppes and the Chaos Wastes
beyond. the Moon
A feat

Bastion the empire climbs

walls and towers for

of soldiers. seem Such to

has never or, more fallen,

long history –
seismic events. the

scheme to take

The secret with of

Thousands Dragon, of

were little and more o
Dragon with was little fighting

Chaos invasions. the Sea

at the hands fleets of

he would glory. not Meanwhile

His solution the border was

thousands the while upon keepi
the mountains in the nearby

Mi ng ,
stand for the all Iron time.

his children research.poured

than merely a

and determination.
The Rules


This section is divided into three parts. The first This means you can get playing as quickly as

focuses upon some general principles for all players possible, learning to move, cast spells, shoot and

to be aware of. This includes commonly used terms, fight deadly combat with your models.

conventions, dice and other accessories, as well

as explanations of the models, their profiles and The third part expands upon the basics by

so forth. introducing more advanced rules for different

troop types, cha

there, is the followed only

your most dreams common
Overview Of The Game

his page summarises the sequence you will follow when playing a game of Warhammer: the Old World and points you

to the relevant parts of the book that explain how each stage works.

1. Muster Your Forces! 4. Deploy Armies

To play a game of Warhammer: the Old World, each player The rival armies are deployed facing each other across the

will need an army to command, so the first thing to do is battlefield, ready to fight. Details of how to deploy can

assemble your forces. You can simply use all the models in be found in the Warhammer Battles section. Each of the

Overview of the Game

your collection, battle

lists to ensure each

fought will battle. take

Armies section

5. To Battle!

2. Choose
The players fight

The Warhammer
army will

‘pitched combat.battle.s’

different rules type start

of forces the to standard a f
watchtower. Each pitched Playe

battle before they will

3. Set
Aftermath Up

Next, the you aftermath will
flat surface, side stands be

wargames to work table. ou

to fight is over, the side re

other it is featuresoften obviou

world. How
– dead to

section on pag
watchtower. Wha

you the chance

General Principles

efore going further, it is worth establishing some general principles regarding some commonly used terms,

conventions, dice and other accessories, and the game of Warhammer in general.

Take-backs & Changing One’s Mind Measurement

General Principles

It is not uncommon for players of any game to occasionally In games of Warhammer: the Old World, all distances are

second guess themselves, saying they are about to do measured in inches ("), using a ruler or tape measure, and can

something before immediately changing their mind. Players be measured at any time. Distances between models and all

should be tolerant of this in their opponents, as they will likely other objects (which can be other models, terrain features and

do on) it themselves. are always

to the closest

However, once

committed example, to

they ofcan an no enemy longer
before of each the other.dice

Moving Throug
Sometimes, units

ease. Nevertheless,

As a movementgeneral rule,

though measurements. there
be obliged to m

Directly Towards

Alternatively, unit may be

move from,
through another

it is acceptable line
rules will of themake un

As the unit moves,

Mod ify ing Dice Rolls

Dice To modify a dice roll, simply roll the dice and then add or

Warhammer: the Old World uses dice of different types subtract the modifier(s) shown, effectively changing the result

to determine the outcome of various actions and events. of the roll. If the rules ever instruct you to divide a dice roll,

These are : any fractions are rounded up, unless the rules state otherwise.

The Most Important Rule

Warhammer: the Old World is a complex game and,

as such, players will occasionally disagree in their

interpretation of the rules. Should disagreements

arise, players are encouraged to look up the rule(s) in

question, reach an agreement and move on. Should this

Modifiers are

prove impossible,



Natural most Rfrequently

What matters

marked 1 to 6.
The term ‘natural’

their game and

on many dice.
once a dice has

result before any

D3: The rules

R ol l i ng Off dice

and half the result,

The rules may

player rolls a d

Artillery &
the case of a tie,

R e-rolls dice

dice (marked
In some situations,

often used together

This is exactly

Sometimes, the
it again. You must

determine a random
worse than the
once, regardless

Dice Rolling

During a game,
If you re-roll

different dice
dice, unless the

or abbreviation

as follows:
Single Dice R olls:

single six-sided

Target Number
a specific number

.ro’l If you are

4, 5 or 6 on a D

would not.

Multiple Dice
3D6 and so forth.

D6 indicated

dice roll.
Permission to photocopy for personal use only.

© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023.


A rule may call for an object to be placed and then s‘cattered.’

In Warhammer: Templates the Old World, templates are used to To do so:

represent the effect of certain weapons:

1 Place the object on the battlefield, as instructed by the

• rule.
Blast R oll Templates a

other blast dice template

• (in
Flame inches). Templates

2 A
If a flame ‘Hit!’ templateis

move – leave

3 If an arrow
These inches) templates indicated

by andirection attack that


attack etc., uses unless a tem

and position how it mightdetermined

R i sk Of Being
To determine

hold it in place

underneath it :

• A model whose
template, or

template, is

• A model whose

hit on a D6
Model Profiles

Model Profiles

he Citadel miniatures used to play games of Warhammer: the Old World are referred to as ‘models’ in the rules that

follow. Models represent a huge variety of troops, each with its own skills and capabilities. To reflect this, each model

has its own characteristics profile.

Characteristics Profile

Each model in Warhammer: the Old World has a profile of nine characteristics:


Soldier Characteristics of the Empire Profile 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

These are used to describe the various attributes of different Toughness (T)

models. All characteristics are rated on a scale from 0 to 10 – This is a measure of a model’s ability to resist physical damage

they cannot go below 0 and only in the rarest of cases will they and pain, and reflects such factors as the resilience of a

rise above 10. These characteristics are : creature’s flesh and its ability to shrug off injury.

Movement (M) Wounds (W)

This shows the

succumbs to under its

single a Wound.

withstand more

Weapon Skill
This defines (I) how

This determined

Initiative dictates

Ballistic Skill

This shows (A) how

This as
shows bows the o
Most models

heroes may (S) be

more Attacks. gives

easily it can hurt


Leadership shows

controlled a model

Split Profiles Characteristic Tests

Some Split Profiles

models have two or more rows on their characteristics A model will sometimes be called upon to make a characteristic

profile, often with gaps in each (shown as a dash ‘ - ’). Each test. Such a test could be made against any characteristic the

row represents a different model, combined together into a model has. For example, a Toughness test is a characteristic test.

Characteristic Tests

Characteristics of Zero
single profile.

To makenext theira characteristic

to the inrelevant the advance

result is equal

the test is passed.

been fai l e d .
If a model has

Where a model in

characteristic, often with

ability to make

Automatic Pass

aIf natural
any model roll or

ato success, defend regardless


the model automatically

the test. or

and removed

At various times,

make a Leadership

in some way.

To make a Leadership

less than the mod

passed. If the

value, the test

the unit fleeing

Whenever Leadership
with different

warriors naturally

for guidance.

Automatic Pass

natural roll of
to be a fail, regardless

whereas a natural

considered to

Mod ify ing

The rules will

do this, simply

Other Model Information
Base Size

With very few exceptions, all models used in a game of

In addition to its profile, a model’s rules include other Warhammer: the Old World should be mounted upon a

information vital to the game. What this is varies from square or rectangular base, the dimensions of which are given

model to Other model, Model and in Information many cases not all of the following here in millimetres (mm). Sometimes, a range of sizes will be

Base Sizes (Designer’s note)

As stated above, all models used in a game of

Warhammer: the Old World should be mounted upon a

correctly sized and shaped base. However, many players

will have in their collections older models, the base sizes

of which can vary. Whilst it is possible to play a game of

given. In such
information will


correct base to
can use magic,

such models, i

to use correctly

Unit Size
Points Value

game are as fair

This tells you

Almost every

existing collection,

described on p
profile. Points
the Citadel Miniatures

a number followed

that a unit made

Most models

five models.
various optional

items, for example)

In some cases,
values of all of

indicating that
points value of

contain at least
play evenly matched

cases, most notably

monsters, this
Points values

1’‘ telling you

in greater detail

pag e 2 7 6.
Armour Value

Most models
Troop Type

determines their
All models have

the case of large

are five broad

monsters and
Chariots, Monsters

to determine.
further divided
models will have


brackets after

is a character,

an army.
Troop types and

104 , and in greater

are explained

pag e 2 0 2 .
Equipment Special Rules

Almost all models carry equipment of some sort, from a In addition to the special rules associated with their troop

simple sword or axe to an array of arms and armour. The type, many models have one or more special rules. These fall

equipment a model carries will be listed and is factored into into three broad categories:

its points value. Many models, particularly monsters, will

•have Universal natural wea

and all even armies, breath

into model battle. has

will be listed

•The Army rules Special


worn the by army models the

on army
pag e 2 special
1 2 .

its rules.

• Unique Special

In unique
Warhammer: to

powerful rules, these


will. Whilst not

that canthat have army

the Lore(s) list. of

‘Level of Wizardry’.

Magic Items

Magic models,is explained
their own unique

items will be de

Manys. models

number of weapons

armour, and
Equipment so

units, models
most have
to become not

items will be de

Forming Units

Forming Units

he models that make up your army must be formed into ‘units’ before battle commences, ideally when writing your

‘muster ,silt’ as described on page 276 . A unit usually consists of several models of the same type that have banded

together and adopted a specific formation.

Formation Types Close Order Formation

All units must adopt a formation. The type of formation a unit A unit arrayed Close in Order serried Formation ranks is said to be in a ‘Close Order’

adopts will influence how it acts in battle; how it moves, how formation. A unit in Close Order consists of two or more

it fights, and so on. Each type of formation has its own rules. models that are arranged in base contact with each other,

Formation Types edge-to-edge and front corner to front corner, as shown in Fig
The type(s) of

a special rule

also considered
one models
such special in

deployment, the anm

formation of byone
a number of vertic

Close Orderthe term form

the core ‘how

of more far as unusualpossible,

‘Open rank. Orde,r’ Where

rules has section. fewer
formation and fight
Unit Shape Combat Result Bonus: Whilst in Combat Order, a Close

The shape of a unit in Close Order is also important as Order formation may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point

such units gain bonuses in certain situations. Based upon (see pag e 1 5 1 ).

this, such units can be said to be in ‘Combat Order’ or in

‘Marching Coulm.n’ Marching Column

Disrupted Units

Disruption represents a unit having lost some of its

cohesion. A unit becomes Disrupted if:

It is engaged in the flank or rear by an enemy unit

with a Unit Strength of five or more.

This unit is wider than it is deep (i.e., it has more models per This unit is deeper than it is wide (i.e., it has more models per

rank than it has per file). Therefore, this unit is said to be in file than it has per rank). Therefore, this unit is said to be in

‘Combat Order’. ‘Marching Coulmn.’

A unit that is

It ends its
per file than Order per

its models

Marching Close Order Column.

low linear

Bonus more and models cannot

Movement that is square characteristic

A Disrupted un

as per rank) is
to count a ‘Rank

Note that enemy

cause Disruption.

R ank Bonus:

enough, it can

the first, up to
• How many

Bonus, as we

claim, is determined

and 1 8 8 ).

• Certain special
can claim b

troop type

Note that this

long as there are

become Disrupted
Removing Casualties

Removing Casualties

hroughout the course of a game, models will suffer ‘wounds’ from enemy attacks (in combat, from shooting , from

magic spells and so on). Some of these wounds will be saved by a model’s armour, but others will not.

Single Wound Models Removing Casualties From Units

Single Wound Models

Most models have only a single Wound on their profile. When When removing casualties, models are always removed from

this is lost, they are removed from the battlefield as a casualty. one end of the back
Removing rank, either
Casualties left to right or from right to

left, as the owning from player Units prefers, ensuring where possible that

Multiple Wound Models

Multiple W
the remaining
For each unsaved

Fig 102.1.
becomes a casualty

Some models

Should a unit Forward

as many whole models

are lost often by athe single
reduced front to or zero. ‘fighting’

so aon. unit You represents cannot

unit to avoid to fill c

For example, a model
profile combat) (W3), during

of its busy Wounds clambering

lose two Wounds,

Single R ank

If a unit contains

removed evenly
Model & Unit Facing

ost models have a front, flank and rear arc based on the direction they are facing . These arcs are used to determine

what the model can see, and to determine the direction of an enemy charge.

Model & Unit Facing

A model’s front, flank and rear arcs extend out from the Models can only draw a line of sight to things that lie within

corners of its base at 45° angles, forming four 90° quadrants, as their ‘vision . arc’ Unless stated otherwise, models have a 90°

shown in Fig 103.1 below. A unit’s facings are determined by vision arc, corresponding to their front arc.

the facing of its constituent models.

Whether a unit consists of one model or many, its facings are determined by its constituent models, as shown here.

Line Of Sight
Obscured Line Of Sight

Line of sight may be partly obscured by terrain features or by

You will often need to determine if one model or unit has other models. In such cases, the other model or unit is said to

a line of sight to another. To check a line of sight between be ‘in cove.r’ To check if a model or unit is in cover, stoop down

models, stoop down to look from the model’s point of view : to look from the first model’s point of view :

Line of Sight
• If the other

• If a straight,

cover (i.e.,

the model’s

• If up to half

is a line of

in partial cove

• If no such

• If more than

they are in

another model,

The benefits of

A model is always

detail under the

line of sight to

has a line of sight

unit can s‘ee’ the

unit can see the

Note that models

is normally only

line of sight.
Troop Types At A Glance

s mentioned previously, all models have a troop type. These, along with the type of formation units of such models adopt,

determine how they function throughout the rules (as well as providing an insight into the role such models fulfil upon

the battlefield). Troop types and their rules are explained in greater detail in the advanced rules, on page 188 . The following

Troop Types at a Glance

Categories Of Troop Type


A chariot is usually a wheeled war vehicle drawn into battle

There are five main categories of troop type, each of which is by beasts of some kind and crewed by warriors, armed to

further divided into sub-categories. For example, particularly the teeth. This category can also include large objects, such

large Infantry fall into the ‘Monstrous Infantry’ sub-category as mobile altars, that are pushed along or carried. Chariots

of Infantry. In such cases, when the rules refer to Infantry are split into two sub-categories: Light Chariots and

Categories of Troop Type

units, Monstrous
pages present

an exception i


Monsters model’s are

creatures models so powerfu
alone. In spite Rank

Order the units, ‘Unit rathe

Dragons, opposite. Gryphons



W ar
Infantry Machines includes
War machines
Ogres, Trolls

units on
fighting the field

breach and
stone is w

single, well-placed

rules that cover

the Warhammer
dealt term with cavalry
in th

– commonly w

war beasts on

function in a m

Cavalry is split
Cavalry, Monstrous
Troop Type Table

Troop Type Table

This table summarises the most important information for each troop type. More detail

is given in the Advanced Rules section. Referencing this table will help you to better

understand some of the rules contained in the core ‘how to play’ rules.

“Owt in shaden wodespan

dwelt the murdrus beaste,

Vitalling on the sack-for-

homes, gor-laden with

his feaste,

Unit Strength
Stalkering ’tween

glade, preying

Troop Type


Glutting the hardy

Regular Infantry
the poor, ee’n

Heavy Infantry

the meake”.






Light Cavalry

Heavy Cavalry
y y


War Beasts


Light Chariots

Heavy Chariots



War Machines

War Machines
*Note that this

or fewer models

at least this many

**Note that in
rules. The maximum

effects, or by terrain.

Unit Strength

Sometimes, you
number of reasons

units is outnumbered

account for the

this well.

To determine
multiply this b


he Warhammer world is an intrinsically magical place. In battle, magic is a force as real and potent as a sword blade,

its use limited only by the imagination and skill of the Wizard that wields it. Magic can be a subtle force, infusing allies

with strength and valour, or enemies with frailty and dread. More commonly, however, Wizards unshackle the raw power

It is therefore only right that magic should form a core part of Lores Of Magic

the game of Warhammer: the Old World as well. Wizards are The Lores of Magic are lists from which Wizards generate

able to cast spells of different types throughout the turn, and their spells. Each Lore of Magic represents a particular

players must protect them accordingly, ensuring they are able approach towards the study and use of magic, giving each

to cast the right spell at the right moment, or to thwart the its own character reflected by the spells within it. Different

casting attempts of their rivals. Wizards have access to different Lores of Magic.

that lies at the

That being the

important Magic they and

can skip spells over from

on will the be more stated mund
aof few given games Lores have

choose one of

pag e 2 7 6 ).

Only Lores beings of that M

hope presented to bend
would be consumed

terrible &energies. Spell

that can randomlycast sp

although armies specific

names Wizard, such as you

these choosing
and . others
Each Lore Of of WizardrM

Naturally, a seventh not

increases knows, through

through sheer re-rolling
into four spell(s) degrees

shortened simply

higher you wish,
a Wizard’s your

randomly generated

• Level of their 1: Wizards cho

your humble army mayability.

• Level 2: Wizards


• Level 3: Wizards

kind rarely

• Level 4: Wizards

Wizards, the
realms of sor
Spell Categories Magic Missiles: These are sorcerous projectiles hurled at

Spells fall into six categories. These determine during which the foe. Magic Missiles can only target enemy units and the

phase of the game they can be cast. These are : Wizard must have a line of sight to the target. A successfully

cast Magic Missile automatically hits its target; there is no

Enchantment: These spells empower the caster’s allies in need to make a roll To Hit.
some way. Enchantment

Magical friendly Vortex:

that may travel occasionally across

require same a Enchantment

placed onthe the same

and with its central

Hex : The
pl ace d , opposite

(unless in they some move

target enemy

Some occasionallyMagical

Magical Hex Vortex spell

to move turn it has
in th
battlefield, not

Note that bonuses

Enchantment :
Assailment spT

foe without warning

Wizards that
Conveyance: units that

successfully or cast

no need that to require

unit cannot be

than once per

Casting Spells
Casting R oll, Casting Result & Casting Value

To cast a spell, you must make a ‘Casting’ roll. To make a

When a spell can be cast depends upon its type : Casting roll, roll 2D6. This represents the Wizard’s attempts

Casting Spells to draw raw magical power from the æther and shape it to

• Enchantment and Hex spells can be cast during the their will.

Magic Resistance (-X)

Some models have the Magic Resistance (-X) special rule,

making them resistant to the magic of their enemies. The

Casting roll of any spell (including Bound spells) that

targets an enemy unit that includes one or more models

with this special rule suffers a modifier, as shown in


brackets after

The Conveyance casting Wizard’s

as ‘-X’).

roll Remaining
to give a ‘casting

makes Magic a Casting Missiles

Note that this

would a Wizard be 9 (1 is

models in a unit

of Wizardry).
any Combat

Keep the dice

be Wizard
ne e de d can
if your

turn. Wizards

Each spell has Wizards

casting value or h

•To If
cast the a casting

and value, its target the s

may subsequently

• If the casting A
Unless not cast.

choosing a target:

• The target

Wizard does

• The target
• Spells cannot

Note that different

some of these rules

R ange ‘S e l f ’ Spe

a target, instead

such spells have

As mentioned

whilst engaged
Miscasts & Perfect Invocations

Should a Wizard mispronounce a single word, the magic they are wielding might

shatter its bindings in a burst of energy. At other times, the Wizard may channel the

Winds of Magic with near-perfection, and the magic will burst forth irresistibly.

Bound Sp e l ls

Some models have ‘Bound’ spells, which may be contained within a magic item

or given by a special rule, and which they can cast in the usual manner. If a

‘Power Level’ is given, this is added to the result of the Casting roll to give the

casting result. If no Power Level is given, nothing is added – the result of the

Casting roll is itself the casting result. When casting a Bound spell, there is no
Perfect Invocations:

risk of a miscast

spell is cast regardless

Casting roll. A

You may attempt

destroy spells

Miscast : If a

spell, there is

of the casting
cast. R oll immediately

A model can o

unfortunate Wizar

does not make

Miscast Table

2D6 R esult

2-4 Dimensional



of -4.

5-6 Calamitous



of -2.

7 Careless


8-9 Barely

at the


10-12 Power



Dispel R ol l & Dispel R esult

To dispel a spell, you must make a ‘Dispel’ roll. To make a

Whenever Dispel your opponent casts a spell, you can make a Dispel roll, roll 2D6. This represents either the efforts of a

dispel attempt (unless, of course, the spell was cast with a Wizard to counter enemy magic, or the twists of fate that can

perfect invocation). The type of dispel you attempt will affect see the Winds of Magic suddenly dissipate.
its chances.

If you are attempting

Level to the result

Types Of Dispel

attempting a F

Before making

Dispel roll is itse

of your Wizards

trust to fate and

• If the dispel


Wizardly Dispel:

• If the dispel

single Wizard

the dispel a

Wizard that cast

the Level of the

Sometimes, no

• Level 1 and

the Winds of

• Level 3 and

unbind. At other

their opponent’s

Wizards that

magical e n e rg y :

are not on the

Unbinding : If

Fated Dispel:

any type of dispel,

able to make a

and immediately

the risk, you may

Note that a perfect

an unbinding.

Outclassed in

attempting a W

their opponent’s

to see what fate

c‘ ast’ to ‘dispel’
Spell Resolution
Wizards & Armour

Generally speaking , Wizards dislike armour. Its stifling

Once a spell has been successfully cast and if the enemy bulk creates a deadening aura about the Wizard’s physical

has failed their dispel attempt (or not even made a dispel body that blinds their Mage sight and makes it all but

attempt!), the casting is complete and the spell’s effect is now impossible for them to manipulate the Winds of Magic.

Spell Resolution
resolved. Each

all the information

To represent t

a shield. Should

Spell Duration

make any Casting

Many spells are

all armour and

straight away.
include barding

cast again. However,

their mount).

one or more phase

the end of the

Note, however,

last until the sta

rules, such as ‘Chaos

of the casting

Chaos army list),

Similarly, some

R emains In

way as to be exempt

Some spells are

in effect indefinitely

when the caster

can do at the
The casting Wizard

not the same


Dispelling R emains

dispelled when
in Play spell cast

sub-phase of an

attempt either

the Wizard making

Wizard that cast

Remains in Play

casting , and so

result if attempting

the minimum
Perfect Invocations:

perfect invocation

be dispelled in

turn, as described
Core Rules



The following pages cover the core rules of the game. for those troops to adopt. Where necessary, the rules will

Starting with an explanation of the turn sequence, you will reference these things and point you towards where to find

go on to discover how your units move, shoot and fight a more complete explanation in the advanced rules.

deadly combat against the enemy, how to rally your troops,

and much more. Note that the following pages introduce many terms that are

explained later in greater detail. So if you are not yet familiar

with the game,

For the most

as you read through

Close Order

there are a great

The Tur n Sequence

attle is a chaotic t hi ng . Units of bellowing warriors charge and counter-charge, hacking at the foe with axe, sword and

cleaver. The ground trembles to the hooves of galloping cavalry, archers blacken the skies with arrows and puissant

sorcerers wield devastating magics. The Turn Sequence

A Game Of Rounds & Turns The Turn Sequence

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is broken down into a Each player’s turn is split into four p‘has,es’ each consisting

number of r‘ound.s’ During each round, each player takes one of four steps referred to as s‘ub-phases.’ These sub-phases are

complete ,utrn
‘’ so that by the end of the game both players will explained in greater detail on the following pages:
have played the

1. The Strategy
turns until the

During the Strategy

Whenever a rule

rules, before attemp

If a rule encapsulates

state r‘oun.d’
2. The Movement

The Movement
First Turn

and of charge
Which player

units. After this

determined by

remaining movement
decided by rolling
are cast.

Game L e ngth

3. The Shooting
Most games last

During the Shooting

for seven rounds

units in their
game length varies

war machines,
Vortex spells.
Active & Inactive

A game of Warhammer:

4. The Combat
of rounds. During

During this phase,

During your tur

melee and Wizards

your opponent

Assailment spells.
back or become

all combats have

The Strategy Pha se

uring the Strategy phase, the active player begins to enact their plans for the turn ahead. Key to this is Wizards

channelling and manipulating the Winds of Magic and commanders rallying their forces through strict orders or

inspiring words.

The Strategy Phase

The Strategy Phase Sequence 1. Start Of Turn

Work your way through the sub-phases shown in the Some units will have special actions they have to perform or

summary below. The units in your army can generally act in tests they have to make at the start of the turn. Such rules

the order you choose within each sub-phase, providing that are not common, and their details will be clearly stated in

1. Start Of Turn

The rules will often call upon a player to make certain

tests or perform specific actions at the start of a turn.

These things are done now.

2. model’s
Command rules.

you complete

during this sub-phase,

Some characters

bold heroes seeking

Sometimes, a
abilities granted

start of each turn

used now.

has been achieved

3. Conjuration now, before

Many Wizards

This sub-phase
Others use it

to think between
Known respectively

casualties, errant
spells are cast

have accumulated.
4. R ally opponent, Fleeing

magic item does.

As warriors fall,

and an opponent
sub-phase, you

this natural pause

Those that are

that are not will

2. Command 4. R ally Fleeing Units

During this sub-phase, powerful abilities, both magical and During this sub-phase, the active player must attempt to rally

mundane, are unleashed in the form of special rules. any of their units that are fleeing by making a ‘Rally’ test for

each such unit. To make a Rally test, choose a fleeing unit

The active player chooses one of their models (usually a and test against its Leadership characteristic, as described on
pag e 9 7 : that

rules that can

•player If this states test whi

if necessary, continues which

•tests If required.
this test
all models in th

Then, during the active the

the process until

Note that, unless

rulea l l i e d once per Units Comman

A unit that passes

3. Conjuration
returns to the

perform a free

during Wizards
this turn

of shooting , of friendly but

spells, hindering

If a unit active has player suffered

fleeing .
models may
If that lack

the fray: the player

cast successfully,

•attempt. Any unit The that

repeating starting the number


• Any unit that

its starting

a roll of a nat
Fleeing Units

Units that fail

Movement phase,
The Movement Pha se

The Movement Phase

astery of the Movement phase is vital to victory on the battlefield. It is in this phase that you will attempt to

outmanoeuvre your foe, by moving archers into positions from which to dominate the battlefield, advancing cavalry

along a flank to exploit enemy weaknesses and positioning regiments to intimidate the enemy before charging boldly into

As movement is such a vital part of the game, this section is broken down into two parts. The first gives an overview of the

Movement phase itself. The second explains movement in greater detail. As always, if you are not yet familiar with the game, be

prepared to spend some time checking other sections of the rules as you read through this section.

The Movement Phase Sequence The 1" Rule

As with other phases of the game, the Movement phase is There is one rule The of movement
1" Rule that applies throughout the

broken down into four sub-phases. Work your way through game – the 1" rule. Quite simply, with the exception of units

these in the order shown below. The units in your army engaged in combat, no unit can end its movement within 1" of

1. Declare Charges & Charge R eactions

The active player declares which of their units will

charge, nominating one unit at a time and indicating

which enemy unit it will charge. Once all charges have

been declared, the inactive player declares and resolves

“The kinbands must march to war. Blood must be sp”ilt.

Naieth the Prophetess

each charged
can enemy act in whatever

combat when

providing that

2. Charge Moves
onto the a unit

Once all charges

during its move.

reactions have
the end of the

their charging
units. At times,
to nudge units

3. Compulsory
to maintain this

Sometimes, a
Both players sh

move a unit; for

neither gain any

a flee move. All

b h

4. R e maining

During this sub-phase,

battle line, moving

the Charge Moves

1. Declare Charges & Charge Reactions
Who Can Charge?

Not all units can charge. Units that are already engaged in

At the start of your Movement phase, the first thing you combat, that are fleeing , or that rallied during the Strategy

must do is declare which units (if any) will charge. Units phase of this turn cannot declare a charge or make a charge

are not normally obliged to charge unless a special rule move. Units that are in Marching Column can declare a
charge, otherwise. but cannot

may be prevented

charge move, is the

with the foe. If

Additionally, must charge

one that having
it cannot
unit lies beyond

(see declare page 121 a charge

impossible charging , for and

move into unit contact. is

Note that you if declare
Note that you if declare

chance must that be the ab

before the the charge charge

can be declared unit’s

declare the charge

You are always

your unit and More

Normally, and a should

enemy the unit. unit However,

intended decision target

other enemy u

each of those
considered to

resolve its own

controlling player).
Charge R eactions Flee : Any unit that is not already

Once the active player has declared all of engaged in combat may Flee as a charge

their charges, the inactive player declares reaction. Units already fleeing must Flee

a ‘charge reaction’ for each of the charge when charged.

targets. There are three charge reactions

“Shroud the eyes, shroud

the soul,

Turn to face the east,

Respect the dead
When a unit to the c

Morr’s bell tolls

charge, Shoot it and flees Fl

charging unit:

Or await the fan

Hold: The unit

•and Pivot receive the the unit

response page 125 for ) units

weapons away from
or those

chances enemy in unit.the

• After pivoting,

Fleeing immediate units

engaged in combat

Should Any a fleeing unit
y g

it may bereaction ‘run

charging unit

Stand & Shoot :

missile weapons Reactions

sight Multiple to the charging
A unit it willcan attempt

to one charge the di

multiple If the units. distance

declared, the characteristic

which the charging charged

The unit inwill time
charging instead. units.

If a unit charged even

chooses two units
to Flee,

from the of the enemy charged
Strength. unit If two wi

Unit (see Strength, page

the unit resolved, flees

and await the

Note not that, required in its

enemy e 1 6unit, 0 ). a un
enemy unit (see

Fleeing units

in combat when

& Shoot.
2. Charge Moves
Failed Charge

A unit that makes a failed charge has started towards the

With charge reactions declared and resolved, it is time to enemy, but is unable to cover the distance. The warriors in

see whether or not the charges are successful. Work through the unit simply lose impetus. If a unit makes a failed charge it

charges one at a time, in an order decided by the active player, moves directly towards the target a distance equal to the result

Unit A has declared a charge against unit B. Unit s ’A

Movement characteristic is 4" and a Charge roll of 1 and 5 has

been made, for a total charge range of 9." Alas, unit B is 10"

away, so the charge has failed. Unit A must now move 5" (the

highest result of the two dice rolled).

of the Charge each


How far a unit


rushing forward
basic Movement

To represent t

range’ is determined

a Charge roll,

highest result

the same result,

then added to

unit’s charge rang

With its charge


to complete its

and instead makes

The Charge Mov

complicated proc
is covered in gre

movement and

Maximum Possible

possible charge
possible result

Movement characteristic

that might apply

3. Compulsory Moves 4. Remaining Moves

Generally speaking , a player can move their units however With all charges and compulsory moves attended to, you

they wish within the confines of the rules. However, can now move the rest of your army. While it might lack the

sometimes units behave of their own accord. All compulsory drama of charging or the jeopardy of compulsory moves, the

Remaining Moves sub-phase is no less important.

movement is

been resolved,

During this sub-phase

units in order
Fleeing Units

attempt to deny

Units that failed

make. This is

continue to flee
Wizards so that

Fleeing units

areas of the battlefield,

phase, before

can be cast at

a compulsory

Note that units

Moving a fleeing

moved during t

this reason, fleeing


during this sub-phase.

132, after the

been completed.

explained in more

Other Types

Other units that

sub-phase follow

otherwise. Any

compulsory move

example, some

In other cases,

direction, or even
Whatever the

after all fleeing

can be resolved
Movement In Detail

oving an army is an important and often decisive part of the game. When opposing commanders are well matched,

move and counter move can become complex and challenging as the rival armies search for an advantage.

Movement in Detail

This section begins with the rules for basic movement and manoeuvre, before delving into the intricacies of charging and fleeing .

Finally, you will find an explanation of how different types of battlefield terrain can hinder, or even halt, movement.

Basic Movement

Basic Movement

Most units are able to m

‘ arc,h’ allowing them to move

The most basic move any model or unit can make is to move rapidly across the battlefield. A marching unit can double

forward a number of inches up to its Movement characteristic, its Movement characteristic. Whilst marching a unit can

as shown in Fig 123.1. If there is more than one Movement wheel to change direction, but cannot perform any other

The distance a model moves is measured from the front of its

base. The model is then moved and the front of its base placed

in line with the end of the tape measure.

characteristic H

of the cannot

casting Magic

Units arrayed

hard that
to change whilst

forward triple in its a straig
Enemy Sighted:

the enemy is clo

whilst within

are fleeing), it

failed , the unit

failed , the unit

this test is passed,

Note that if a un

to march and fails

controlling player
2. Turn

To execute a turn, all the models remain in place but

There are six types Manoeuvres of manoeuvre to choose from: wheel, turn, are turned through 90° or 180° to face their side or

move backwards, move sideways, redress the ranks and reform. rear. For every 90° it turns, a unit uses a quarter of its

During its movement, a unit may perform a single manoeuvre. Movement characteristic.

From its initial position in Fig 124.2, the unit may spend a

quarter of its movement to turn 90°, as shown in Fig 124.3, or

half of its movement to turn 180°, as shown in Fig 124.4.

Regardless of

When than a unit twice t

on the spot. Any

to Wheel
the rear of

‘ Wheeling ’ is

When a unit a unit i
models the it containsleading

the new one front of

rank, such models

When a unit w

as far as the outside

may use any move

y y

charging , a unit

can alternate
3. Move Backwards 6. Reform

Units can move backwards as well as forward, but tend A reform represents the most complex of manoeuvres a

to shuffle carefully rather than stride purposefully. To unit can perform on the battlefield, but on the tabletop it is

represent this, a unit that moves backwards must halve its quite straightforward. Reforming allows a unit to sacrifice its

Movement characteristic. entire movement in order to both pivot about its centre to


Sometimes, the rules will require a unit to p‘vio’t, usually

about its centre. This is exactly as it sounds. The unit

is not performing any of the manoeuvres previously

described – instead it spins on the spot, using its centre

as a pivot point, ignoring the presence of other units or

The Ends Of The World

It is important to note that the edge of the battlefield does not

represent the end of the world. It is perfectly acceptable for

a corner of a unit to cross beyond the edge of the battlefield

during a manoeuvre, provided the unit is able to end its

movement completely upon the battlefield.

This unit uses half of its movement to reduce its frontage by five models. As a result it goes from ten wide to five wide, gaining an

extra rank.

This unit uses half of its movement to increase its frontage by five models. As a result it goes from five wide to ten wide.
change its facing

terrain whilst

files Move as required Sideways

different can formation.

with caution in

represent this,

Movement characteristic
5. Redress The

Units can redress

their rear ranks

in their front

front rank (as

to its front rank

The models in

match the number

a correct formation.

number of models

fewer models.
The Charge Move

The Charge Move

1. Declare Charge.

2. Wheel to maximise contact.

3. Move in.

4. Align to the enemy.

As mentioned

be quite complex.

fulfil certain crit

1 A charging
as possible

models in

2 A charging

to reach its

3 A charging

as possible.
4 After moving ,

aligned against


Unless stated
turn, move backwards,

reform manoeuvre

However, a charging

maximum number

contact, which
To facilitate this,

during its move,

Note that a charging

doing so would

completion of a
Once a charging

completes its

charge target
Aligning To

Usually, moving

leave it and the

with an odd gap

quickly move

the gap – which

Once the charging

perform a second,

facing into flush

has been charged,

Fl ank & Rear Charges

Sometimes, your unit will be able to charge into the flank

or rear of an enemy unit. This is particularly beneficial

because an attack from an unexpected direction gives you an

advantage in combat.

Unit A has been charged by units B and C. Unit B is

completely within unit s ’A front arc. Unit C, however,

straddles unit s ’A flank and rear arc. Three of the models

in unit C’s front rank are in the flank arc, whilst only two

models are in the rear arc. Unit C is therefore considered to

be in unit s ’A flank and will charge accordingly.

A charging unit’s

determines whether

the enemy unit.

charge target
If the charging

charge is declared,

generally begin

common situation

However, if the
charge target

unit’s flank. If

charge target

unit’s rear.
Resolving Uncertainties:

straddle two arcs

the front rank

are more models

that arc.
If it is still unclear,

arc that gives

(see page 151 ).

a charging unit
Unusual Situations (Charging)
Charging Through Terrain

A charging unit must move by the shortest route possible to

Unusual situations can arise as units charge. The following reach its charge target. Therefore, charging units will often

pages attempt to deal with these. However, should a situation be obliged to move through difficult or dangerous terrain, or

ever arise that cannot Unusual easily Situations be resolved, (Charging) players should agree across low linear obstacles. This is perfectly acceptable, but a

Unit A charges unit B. It wheels to bring as many models After making contact, unit A cannot align to unit B – the

into base contact as possible, and to avoid the terrain before terrain is in the way. Unit B then wheels to align. Not being as

moving in. wide as unit A, it moves past the terrain and the gap is closed.
charge one made another th

often much
getting slower,

Before making To Al

any occasion,
part of the

terrain, charge or target,across
charge in the move. way.

when against
making the

will suffer a gap. a In -1

minimum of charg,e’ 1

Disordered if a unit Charge
y g

or more does of its not

low e linear 1 4 6 ). obstacle,

Rank Bonus.
Charging A Fleeing Enemy R edirecting a Charge: Once the charge target has completed

When a charged unit turns tail and flees, the charging unit has its flee move, the charging unit may attempt to redirect its

two options: attempt to ‘run down’ an enemy that flees from charge if there is an eligible alternative charge target, as shown

it, or attempt to ‘redirect’ its charge. in Fig 129.1. This can be:

• A unit which the charging unit could have declared a

Unit A declared a charge against unit B, which chose to Flee, and fled 3." Once unit B has completed its flee move, unit A attempts to

redirect its charge against unit C. To do so, it must make a Leadership test. Unit A passes this test with ease, and is free to redirect its

charge against unit C.

Running Down

charge against

completed its

• A unit that

move as normal.

fleeing unit.

fleeing unit, it

enemy, the fleeing

If the charging

removed from
Leadership test.

run down the

The charging

redirect, immediately

a Leadership t

reform. If this

The target of

In either case,

& Shoot, the on

Flee. Should it

If the charging

unit, it moves

When a charge

failed charge –

run down and

if there are no
Multiple Charging Units

When two or more units are charging into the same arc of a

single enemy unit, they are considered to move simultaneously

and both units must try to bring the maximum number of

models from both sides into base contact.

Units A and B have both declared a charge against unit

C. They use their movement to ensure that the maximum

number of models from each unit make base contact with

models in unit C.

Unit A wishes to charge unit C. However, due to the width of

unit A, it cannot do so without contacting both units B and

D as well. Unit A therefore declares a charge against all three

and all three declare their charge reactions.

Once unit A has moved, it is unable to align against units B

and D. Therefore, units B and D must align to unit A. Unit A

is considered to have made a disordered charge against units B

and D (but not against unit C).

Multiple Charge

A unit may be

making contact

charging unit

units it will contact,

charge reaction.

If the charging

enemy units once

the charging unit

align against it.

g g

disordered charge

that was obliged

Accidental Contact
Accidental Contact During A Charge

A charging unit might find its path unexpectedly blocked by

Sometimes, particularly during the push and pull of combat, another enemy unit, usually one that has fled from another

units Accidental make accidental Contact contact with enemy units. Should this charge. If the charging unit is able to wheel to avoid the unit

prove unavoidable, there are several ways to resolve this. and complete its charge, it should. If this is not possible, or if
doing so will ca

options a unit – is it contacted can

already engaged

Halting a Charge:

charge, Commit it is moved

stopping made 1"accidental away

halted having charge charged

• ‘Give Ground’

Continuing unwanted Ahea

ahead, the outcome

However, if a

•arc, If or a is charging itself

g g

must enemy move unit, it

aside unit by is the considered minimum

1" away unit and

from is

engaged unit’s in movement its

• If a charging

Running unit that Down is

A charginghaving redirected

target may make

When this happens,

redirected its
129 ) and the f

If the charging

more enemy uni

multiple charge
The Flee Move

To determine how far a fleeing unit moves, make a ‘Flee’ roll

Units flee for many reasons. Units that fail to rally during the after pivoting it (if required). To make a Flee roll, roll 2D6.

Strategy phase will flee in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase, The result of this roll is the distance in inches that the fleeing

others will flee from a charging enemy, and so forth. When a unit moves. A fleeing unit:

Flee !

1. Unit A is fleeing from unit B. Therefore, unit A pivots 2. Unit A then moves forward a distance equal to its Flee roll.

around its centre point until facing directly away from

unit B.
unit flees, it abandons

• Moves straight

most direct route

• Must move

take the unit

Direction Of

• May change

When a unit f

around impassable

by whatever cause
unit. Units that

Destruction o

their earlier flight,

unit move into

battlefield, the

Fleeing from

having been destroy

to flee directly

unit about its

centre of the en

132.1. After pivotin

as shown in Fig

Fleeing as a Comp
the Strategy phase

Moves sub-phase

their previous

it moves straight
Fleeing Through Friendly Units Fleeing Through Terrain

As fleeing units have broken formation, they are able to move A fleeing unit moves through difficult and dangerous terrain

through friendly units without stopping or slowing . If the flee without suffering any negative modifiers to its Movement

move would result in the fleeing unit ending up o‘ n top’ of a characteristic, though it must make any Dangerous Terrain

friendly unit, then it carries on fleeing straight forward until it tests required (see page 135) . Should a fleeing unit come

into contact with impassable terrain, it must pivot around

Unit A must flee through an enemy unit, causing eight models to make a Peril test.
is clear of the

its centre in order

possible route.

Fleeing Through

Sometimes, a

The Greater

This is obviously

If a unit is required

a fleeing unit’s

enemy units at
enemy units at

each model in

the enemy unit

shown in Fig 1

units have the

4+, the model

the unit flees

model is struck

The Limits

If the flee move

No matter how

o‘ n top’ of or wit

far a model can

straight forward

per phase of the

will then halt.

a second flee m

it does not pivot

Note that there

required to make
Give Ground & Oddball Stuff (Movement)

Fall Back In Good Order

Oddball Stuff (Movement)

Give Ground The movement rules are comprehensive and detailed. Despite

The rules will often call for units to ‘Give Ground’ or ‘Fall this, there will always be situations in which something

Back in Good Orde.r’ Most often, they will do this after losing is unclear.

a round of combat or after suffering heavy casualties from

Fall Back in Good Order

enemy shooting .

If any of the active

spells, Ground
they may

Remaining unit that Moves

its formation
distance Models between

Lone models,

units and a unit move G

enemy unit or

turning , pivoting Formations

The rules
stopping in this
formation. unit Units or

These within formations 1" of

Moving Back Off In

Except a in unit the F

pursuing retreat, units
p y g

the quickly battlefield. rally

in Good Order

following exceptions:

A unit that enters

the When
Compulsory making
arc Order
in full rolls

and dice where, roll will


facing A unit towards that

rallies at the

A unit pag e that 1 1 7 enters


counts as having
can otherwise

Terrain & Movement
Dangerous Terrain

Terrain & Movement Dangerous terrain hinders movement just like difficult terrain.

Terrain is covered in more detail in the Battlefield Terrain In addition, make a ‘Dangerous Terrain’ test for each model in

section. For now, it is sufficient to explain that terrain is the unit that either begins its movement in dangerous terrain,

divided into seven categories; open ground, hills, difficult, passes through dangerous terrain during its movement, or

dangerous and impassable terrain, linear obstacles (including ends its movement in dangerous terrain. To make a Dangerous
Terrain low test, and roll

negotiates the

roll of page 1, the focuses model

single Wound. Players

which category
Note that a model

each separate Ground dange

single part move. of the

open ground.

Open ground

Impassable terrain
it cannot be Terrain crossed

go any around part impassable

unit suffers a

High a minimum

linear begins obstacles its

treated as terrain impassable

difficult terrain.


For addition, the purposes a

difficult or or more dangerous

straddling a low
Battlefield De

Low Linear terrain Obsta

provide linear a vital obstacles

be expected are treated to

move through

than 2" across.

The Shooting Pha se

uring the Shooting phase, your army The lets Shooting

fly with the Phase missile weapons at its disposal, be they humble bows, fantastical

war machines or devastating spells. Most armies will contain a unit or two of archers, a war machine or a Wizard

that knows various deadly spells, and will use these to thin the enemy ranks. Other armies will field masses and masses of

This section covers the shooting rules for common weapons and the majority of troop types, including Wizards able to cast Magic

Missile or Magical Vortex spells, as described on page 107 . War machines and other, more peculiar, devices of destruction are

explained in greater detail in their own section (see page 222 ). However, even the most colossal trebuchet is governed by many of

the same rules as the humble bow and arrow, so it is worth reading through this section before unlimbering your organ gun.

The Shooting Phase Sequence

1. Choose Unit & Declare Target

Just like the other phases of the game, the Shooting phase The active player chooses a unit in their army that is able

is broken down into four sub-phases. However, unlike the to shoot. They then check the unit’s range and line of

Strategy and Movement phases, the Shooting phase sequence sight to any potential targets before declaring its target.

is followed in full for each unit, one at a time.

2. R ol l To Hit
The active player
missile units,

Sometimes, not
Simply choose

those that can,

sub-phases for

to their roll To
then choose anothe

have had a chance

3. R ol l To Wound

For each successful

Wound. For each

opponent may

4. Remove Ca
For each unsaved

Wound. Models

casualties. If enou

have to take a
1. Choose Unit & Declare Target
Check R ange

All missile weapons have a maximum range. A model cannot

The active player chooses one unit in their army that is able shoot at a target if it lies beyond this maximum range. Often,

to shoot and completes the Shooting phase sequence for that not every model in a unit will be within range of the target.

unit. This process is repeated until all units have had a chance Therefore, you must check the range for each model in a
unit shoot. individually.

The one Can exception Shoot?

Shoot all as units a charge are

assumed weapons to have

are fi re d . types
cannot shoot

Declare Target

With It charged
line of sight

must Movement declare w

shooting It is engaged unit.

• It is fleeing .

How Many

A unit can Line shoot

models order can to shoot

Attacks line of asight model

can make). in a unit
Therefore, when

of e sight Can’t for each All

Units cannot

Therefore, only any

sight to the sometimes target,

cannot to shoot. shoot.
to see what the
2. Roll To Hit

To determine whether a model hits its target, you must make a roll ‘To .H’ti To make a roll

To Hit, roll a D6 for each model that is shooting and look up the target number ne e de d on

the table below. Any dice that equal or beat the target number shown (after applying any


Throughout the Old World,

scholars and historians often

attribute the invention and

spread of gunpowder to the

Dwarfs, who cr

modifiers) have

wondrous things

their ‘Era of Invention


Ballistic Skill

for all the ingenuity

D6 roll To Hit

Dwarfs, others

black powder

Fast Dice Rolling

designs and knowledge

To speed the pr

from distant land

many models

east along the

of models, you

Tilea and Estalia,

of twisted, stunted

However, if your

marching to battle
Skill or Strength),

thunderous weapons

the target numbers

long been told

different batches

of Kislev.

the target number

R olls of a Natural
To Hit, a roll

BS Of 6 Or

If a model has

second roll usually

number given
Ballistic Skill

D6 roll To Hit

To Hit Modifiers
Many battlefield

a series of modifiers

To Hit modifiers

commonly encountered
• Moving and

• Firing at Long

• Standing and

• Target Behind

• Target Behind
In the case of

dice roll.

Note that it is

to others. Where
Range & Movement Modifiers 7+ To Hit

This page explains To Hit modifiers for shooting in greater Sometimes, the negative modifiers applied to a roll To Hit

detail. Shooting whilst on the move, over a great distance, or at may result in you needing to roll a 7 or more on a single

rapidly approaching enemies, can be particularly challenging . D6. For example, a model with BS2 normally hits on a roll

of 5 or above. But if you apply a -2 modifier to a roll of 5

“Fill the moat with the corpses of your comrades! Pile

the broken carcasses until they reach the ramparts! Bring

down their walls with the weight of the dead!”

Arbaal the Undefeated

it becomes a roll
Moving and S

7 to achieve the
reason during

speaking , possible
have less time

In such cases,
Firing at Long

as normal. Each
long range, so
chance of hitting
away than half

Hit modifier.

D6 R oll Will

Standing and

7 followed
charges ever close

8 followed
Stand & Shoot
9 followed

10 Impossible
Note that models

suffer any additional

To continue the

with BS2 suffered

Cover Modifiers
Hit as normal.
Cover is determined

and roll it again.

heavily obscured

is a hit.
and its target

Target Behind

model (if shooting

of the models

obscured, by te

Models shooting

Hit modifier.
Target Behind

model (if shooting

half of the models

unit) are obscured

cover. Models

Hit modifier.
3. Roll To Wound To Wound Chart

& Make Armour Saves

Target’s Toughness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For each successful roll To Hit, a hit has been caused on the

1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - -
target. However, hitting the target is not enough to wound

2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - -

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - -


Note that if you rolled different batches of dice when rolling To Hit, R olls of a Natural 1: No matter how powerful the weapon,

you must continue to roll dice in those same batches when rolling some shots just fail to make a mark. When making a roll

To Wound. Just like when rolling To Hit, you must make it clear To Wound, a roll of a natural 1 is always a fail, regardless

to your opponent what each batch of dice represents (hits caused of modifiers.

by models with different characteristics, or hits caused by weapons

with different profiles), and the target numbers you need. Too Tough to Wound: If your Strength is six or more points
it – sometimes

lower than your

4 2+ 2+

flesh wound.

wound them.

5 2+ 2+

R ol l To Wound

6 2+ 2+
To determine

roll ‘To Wound’

7 2+ 2+
7 2+ 2+

up each dice that

8 2+ 2+
the To Wound


9 2+ 2+

Any dice that

applying any m
10 2+ 2+
Profiles for the

on page 216 . Mor

found in the relev

Make Armour Saves Ward Saves

Few warriors enter battle without the protection of armour. A Ward save represents the magical protection offered by an

To represent this, your opponent can make an Armour

‘ enchanted talisman or suit of armour. The armour value of a

Save’ roll for each wound caused by your shooting . To make Ward save will always be shown either in the description of

an Armour Save roll, roll a D6 for the wounded model and the item that grants it, or in a special rule. The key difference

“The gods are great, but only a fool would forego sturdy

armour and entrust their life to a god!”

Borya Bearfinder, Priest of Ursun

between a the Ward resu

Ward save can

a• weapon. If the Armour

armour value,

More wound Than discarded .

A model If the that
Ward model’s save makes

modified is u‘nsave.d’ to the

model makes

R olls of a Natural

Note that of only armour

Ward roll saves (of cannot any

one Ward save, of mo


A model’s armour

Armour value
lower the value,

Armour Save

armour value

A model’s armour

of 2+) by other
improves its bearer’s

wearing light

armour value

Note that a model

have an armour

modifiers and a

Armour Piercing

A weapon’s Armour

its ability to cut

negative modifier,

For example,

an AP characteristic

need to roll a

would give a resul

4. Remove Casualties & Make Panic Tests
Fall Back in Good Orde r : If a unit still contains more than

half (50%) of the models it contained at the start of the battle,

Unsaved wounds are applied to the target unit, causing models it will Fall Back in Good Order. The unit moves directly away

to be removed as casualties. If a unit loses enough models, it from the enemy unit whose shooting caused it to make the

will have to take a ‘Panic’ test and may fall back or flee. Panic test, as described on pag e 1 3 4 .
Flee : If a unit

Remove Casualties

of the models

Each unsaved

immediately tu

one Wound to

from the enemy

model is reduced

Panic test, as d

is removed from
unsaved wounds

No Need For

models remaining

A unit is only

any Shooting

Make Panic

quarter of its

Rarely does shooting

passes its Panic

enemy’s numbers

test during that

nerve. When

more casualties

turn tail and fle

whilst shooting

units would shoot

If, during a single

casualties would

a quarter (25%)
that Shooting

test. To make


panic. If this test

not panic.
Fall Back Or

What happens

upon how many

suffered only

whereas a unit
casualties will
Oddball Stuff (Shooting)
Automatic Hits

Some attacks hit automatically, simply causing a number

Despite the detail of the previous pages, there will always be of hits with no roll To Hit required. In such cases, it is

situations in which something is unclear. This is especially true exactly as it sounds – do not make a roll To Hit, the attack

when more advanced rules are introduced. hits automatically.

Oddball Stuff (Shooting)

Hits That Missile Infl ict

Some any of
weapons the active

they Magical inflict Vortex

cases, roll during To H

any Armour Sav

Shooting Into
determine how

the model in rare hit.

on its engaged profile. in

excess far too wounds high.

Shooting With
Instant Kills With

Some attacks only t

models however, to be re

not only are no

otherwise), from but

completely fire, so can irrelevant.
on flat ground.

shoot with its Unusu

Some unusual

the Strategy Fire : orSome

the ‘Volley
steps outlined Fire’

the models in
two ranks if the

in front.

In either case,

models can fire,

Note that when

each model individually.

The Combat Pha se

ith the foe outmanoeuvred and weakened by spellcraft and shooting , it is time to finish the job ! The Combat phase

is when your warriors hack, slice The and Combat pummel Phase their way through the enemy ranks. A successful Combat phase can

completely change the fortunes of your army and, if you have prepared well in your earlier phases, victory is likely to be

The Combat phase heavily involves both players, although the active player will be the one choosing the order in which each of

the combats is fought and resolved. All combats must be resolved during this phase – a unit engaged in combat with the enemy

cannot choose not to fight.

The Combat Phase Sequence

End Of Turn

Once all combats have been resolved, the active player’s

As usual, the Combat phase is broken down into four sub- turn ends. Play then passes to the inactive player and their

phases. This sequence The Combat is followed Phase in Sequencefull for each combat (see turn begins. As each turn ends and a new one begins, it is

page 145 ), one at a time. worth making a note of how many turns and rounds have

been played.

1. Choose & Fight Combat

The active player chooses a combat and, starting with

the models with the highest Initiative, attacks are made,

wounds inflicted and casualties removed. Then, surviving

models with lower Initiative repeat this process until all

models involved in the combat have fought.

The active reward. player

2. Calculate
complete all four

With the fighting

this sequence

the combat and

‘round’ of combat

stalemate, one
another combat,
result’ points.
been fought.

3. Break Test

Each unit on t

Break test. The

the losing unit

or turns tail and

4. Follow Up

Units on the wi

follow up an ene

enemy that Falls

restrain from
1. Choose & Fight Combat
1. Choose & Fight Combat Who Can Fight?

It is rare that every model in a unit is able to fight. Usually,

The Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase is further broken only models in a ‘fighting rank’ can fight, whilst the models

down into four steps. These are : behind them press forward, ready to take the place of

the fallen.

Units A and B are engaged in combat. Every model in the front rank of unit A and several models in the front rank of unit B are in

base contact with enemy models. Therefore, the front rank of each unit is the ‘fighting .arnk’

Although not every model in the front rank of unit B is in base contact with an enemy model, those that are not would, in reality,

encircle the foe (rather than stand by and watch). Therefore, every model that belongs to the fighting rank of unit B can fight.
1.1. Choose Comb

Base Contact :

1.2. R oll model To Hit.

with its flank

1.3. the R oll corner. To Wound
The Remove

combat, any row

1.1. Choose
or more models

‘fighting ra.nk’

This represents

with units
the enemy that
y y

units are ‘engaged

Supporting two Attacko

weapons player that ch

make a supporting
to as

arepeated friendly until model

supporting attacks

can they be made

How Many Attacks? Simultaneous Combat

When a model fights in combat, it makes a number of at‘ac.ks’ If models on both sides of a combat have the same Initiative

How many is determined by its Attacks characteristic and its value (after modifiers), they will attack at the same time. To

proximity to the enemy : simplify this, the active player should resolve their attacks

first, followed by their opponent. Casualties caused by the

active player during simultaneous combat do not reduce the

• If a model

number of attacks

a number

Initiative value.

• If a model

enemy model,

“We Can’t All

Attacks characteristic.

Not every model

casualties before

Who Strikes

A model’s Initiative

Fallen Warriors:

Work your way

an enemy with

starting with

made its attack(s),

make attacks
Stepping Forward:

Charging Units:

which it stepped

advantage, which

its Initiative.

vulnerable flank

a charging unit

remainder of
• Charging

full inch moved

of +3.

• Charging

Initiative per
a maximum

Disordered Charge

become disordered.

does not gain

Multiple Units In Combat

A unit may find itself fighting multiple enemies, sometimes

even being engaged by enemy units in different arcs. In

such cases the models within that unit may have to divide

Fighting On Multiple Fronts

If engaged with enemy units in more than one of its arcs, as

shown in Fig 147.2, a unit will have more than one fighting

rank. For example, if a unit is engaged to both its front and a

flank, both its front rank and the file of models engaged in the

flank will be a fighting rank.

Unit A is in combat with two enemy units and must divide Unit A has two fighting ranks: one shaded red, the other

its attacks. The models shaded blue must attack the enemy shaded blue. The model on the corner (shaded purple) is in

they are in base contact with. One model, shaded red, is not in both fighting ranks and in base contact with both enemy units.

base contact with any enemy. As neither enemy is closer to this It may choose which enemy unit to direct its attacks against.

model than the other, it can choose which enemy to attack.

their attacks:

If a model is withi

Dividing Attacks

possible, direct

If a model is in

with, as the player

it can choose

with any enemy,

1 Attack, it can
enemy unit. If

before rolling

can choose which

If a fighting rank

as shown in Fig

if possible, direct

are in base contact

with the enemy

enemy unit. If

can choose which

1.2. Roll To Hit
Fast Dice Rolling

As with shooting , you can speed this process up by counting

Not all models are skilled fighters, meaning that not every how many models in your unit are fighting and how many

attack made has an equal chance of hitting the enemy. To attacks each of those models makes, and rolling one or more

complicate matters, the enemy will try to defend themselves, batches of dice.

To Hit Chart

Target’s Weapon Skill

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

2 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
s’ r e k c a t t A
meaning their

4 2+ 3+

into account. if your

different characteristics

5 2+ 2+

When a that model’s are

6 2+ 2+
of rolls To or Hit models

To make with a roll differen

7 2+ 2+
7 2+ 2+

cross-referencing To Hit

must 8 2+ 2+
with that roll different
of the

target number what

9 2+ 2+

the need.

10 2+ 2+

R olls of a Natural
blows struck ju

roll To Hit, a

of modifiers.

R olls of a Natural
sometimes land

making a roll

regardless of mo
1.3. Roll To Wound Make Armour Saves

& Make Armour Saves

As few warriors enter battle without the protection of armour,

your opponent can make an Armour Save roll for each wound

As described in the Shooting section, for each successful roll caused by your attacks. To make an Armour Save roll, roll a

To Hit, a hit has been caused. Unfortunately, causing a hit is D6 for the wounded model and compare the result to that

not always enough to cause a wound.

Note that, as with shooting , if you rolled different batches of dice

when rolling To Hit, you must continue to roll dice in those same

batches when rolling To Wound.

To Wound Chart

Target’s Toughness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - -

2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - -

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - -

“They might look like an undisciplined rabble to you

Sergeant, but a soldier fights twice as hard when they are

defending home and hearth.”

Captain Edwalst von Hilde

model’s ‘armour

4 2+ 2+

R ol l To Wound
• If the Armour

5 2+ 2+

To determine
armour value,

a roll To Wound
6 wound 2+ 2+ .

up each dice that

• If the result

7 2+ 2+
7 2+ 2+

the To Wound
model’s armour

is u‘nsave.d’
8 2+ 2+

Any dice that

9 2+ 2+

applying any m
R olls of a Natural

breached by a

10 2+ 2+

R olls of a Natural
(of any type),
blows just fail
of modifiers.

of a natural 1


The value of a

equipment it
Shooting section,
1.4. Remove Casualties
Set Casualties Aside

It is a good idea not to immediately remove casualties from the

Each unsaved wound is applied to the target unit, causing one battlefield during the Combat phase, but to temporarily place

Wound to be lost, as described on page 102 . When a model is them next to their unit. There are two reasons for this:

reduced to zero Wounds, it becomes a casualty and is removed

from play. This continues until there are no more unsaved • Firstly, when it comes to working out who has won the
wounds combat, to be you

remaining been inflicted to


Stepping as casualties. Forward

•In combat,
Secondly, casualties m
unit chance as normal, to a

rank(s) the current

that are

have casualties been removed i

represents of models members

gaps, their whilst unit, models

upon been the removedenemy.

Note that Casualties
a model

It can sometimes into the

than fighting it has models

casualties be in base are contact

caused in the
In such cases,

make supporting

number of supporting
Fight On!

With casualties

with a lower Init

are, repeat steps

no models left

2. Calculate Combat Result
Unsaved Wounds I nfl i c t e d

2. Calculate Combat Result Each side’s basic combat result is equal to the number of

Once every model engaged in the combat has fought, you unsaved wounds it caused during this Combat phase, plus any

must determine which side has won that round of combat. unsaved wounds a unit caused by shooting if it chose to Stand

If one side has been completely wiped out, the other side is & Shoot as a charge reaction during this turn. In other words,

automatically the winner, regardless of the rules that follow. each Wound the enemy side lost this turn due to a Stand &
Shoot charge

and is worth Result 1

To determine

Should and an attack

from play scored : as a
Wounds equal

was removed. Result

Unsaved wounds

NoteRank that Bonus it is

Standard than the

Battle than Standard one
Flank attack

R aRear
nk attack Bonus

High ground upon

canOverkill claim a Rank

Other up bonuses to the

many models

as well as the

determined by

Note that this

long as there are

cannot claim a
Standards O ve rk i l l

Warriors fight all the harder beneath the colours and symbols If a character fighting in a challenge kills their opponent

of their city, nation, tribe or god: and causes more unsaved wounds than their opponent has

Wounds remaining , then for each excess wound you may

• Standard: If your unit includes a standard bearer, you may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point, up to a maximum

claim a bonus of +1 combat result point. Standard bearers of +5.

are covered

• The Battle are

characters, Standard, and

pag result
e 2 1 0 . point,

standard. B
Other section Bonuses on

Many special

Fl ank
points. For & Rearexample,

Combat Order
a foe

Any special formed rules

criteria that this: must
points can be

• Flank Attack :

Who flank Is arc, The you

• R e ar both Attack: sides

be ablearc, you
to determine may
i.e., the side that

the loser that will these


The High Ground

Drawn the fighting Combat :

is a draw. that Inof the
the next the player’s crest

will fight point. another
Combat Results & Multiple Units In Combat Flank & R e ar Attacks: Bonuses for flank and rear attacks can

It is possible (indeed, it is highly likely) that more than only be earned once per enemy unit – having multiple units

two units will become engaged in a single combat. When engaging the same enemy unit in either its flank or in its rear

this happens, calculating the combat result can become does not grant additional bonuses.

quite complex. This page attempts to offer some clarity to

confusing situations. For example, if you have two units engaging a single enemy
unit in combat,

of that unit, you

R ank Bonus

However, if one

units engaged

other is engaging

Bonus for all o

flank attack and

grants the highest

The High Ground:

For example,

combat can claim

unit in combat,

high ground. T

other of which

position may

of +2 combat

units are tied

out and neither

Standards: Regardless

combat have st

Other Bonuses:

bonus granted

confer additional

standards grants

otherwise, these

do, for example),

example, a Close
may claim a bonus

As most armies

are engaged in

this is counted

bonus twice becaus

engaged in the

not state otherwise.

3. Break Test
3. Break Test Loser Breaks & Flees

The losing unit Breaks, immediately

Unless the combat is a draw (as described turning tail and fleeing , as described on

on page 152 ), each unit belonging to the page 132 . A unit that Breaks and flees

losing side must make a ‘Break’ test. To from combat flees directly away from

“The armies of this nation

are mine to command, just

as the world is mine for the

taking, just as I shall conquer

death himself. For I am

the winning a Break unit

Strength. by adding
If two

shall bow before

Unit winner’s Strength, and

the unit scores. flees


Then, Falls
Leadership Good Order characteristic

The losing
that contains unit

as described values on

away highest): from the

highest Unit Str

have If thethe same
determine than the which unit’s

‘Breaks’ and

However, If the result if the

outnumbers to or lower the

overwhelm but the modified

of the the winning
unit’s Lead

of the in Good
losing Order.side,

this If result the modified when

Break lower instead. than

the roll is a

Note Gives that Ground.

end of the Combat

and that that, where unlike

in a single to combat, make,

Unit Strength outcomes.

Strength way in of whichyour
forward and are

becoming Apart overwhelmed

If a unit that B

Order is still in

or more enemy

players should
smallest amount

1" rule. Both play

best to do this

unfair advantage.
Loser Gives Ground Most often this will mean that the losing

The losing unit Gives Ground, as described unit simply moves 2" backwards or

on page 134 , breaking contact with, and sideways, directly away from a single enemy

moving 2" directly away from, the enemy unit. At other times, especially if a unit is

unit(s) without turning , pivoting or engaged by enemy units in two adjacent

arcs (for example, a unit that has been

“Most bizarre of creatures is

the dreaded Chimera: it has a

body the size of a house, and

has wicked claws longer than

daggers. Its tail lashes like an

iron whip, as huge, leathery

Unit A must Give Ground. In order to move as directly as possible away from both units B

and C, it cannot simply move as shown by the red lines. Instead, it moves as shown by the blue

arrow, moving diagonally away from both enemy units.

otherwise changing

charged in both
wings carry it

stopping immediately

this will cause

the skies.

contact with an

away from two

continuing to

This loathsome

1" of another

three heads. One
unit is unable
the head of a ra

When a unit G

or more of the
head of a lion;

it must move

In such cases,
fearsome of all,

from all of the

immediately an
scaled dragon,

and must break

locked in place
and smoke.

victorious enemy

when they will

combat, exactly
Chimera hunt

a draw.
wastes, and meat

is its delicacy.

relentlessly, through

night, and day

upon its ”pery

upon its pery.

4. Follow Up & Pursuit
The Pursuit Move

When a unit makes a pursuit move, pivot it

Once Break tests have been made, but about its centre so that it is facing directly

before any units belonging to the losing towards the enemy unit it is pursuing and

side Give Ground or make a Flee roll, the make a ‘Pursuit’ roll. To make a Pursuit

4. Follow Up & Pursuit

“I order the execution of

the prisoners with extreme

prejudice. It is righteous

judgement upon these

barbarous wretches.”
roll, roll 2D6.

Baron Rikhardt
the distance
do next: in res

unit or moves, pursue. directly

is pursuing . by

R estrain
O ve rr un &
If a unit units completely may

,’ the rather Break

attempt pursuit to move, restrain

verru.n’ To make A unit

athe normal unit’s pursuit


directly is failed , forwards, the

up or pursue.

unit remains To Fow

A unit reform. may find

or pursue:

Follow Up
Still unit Engaged: can make

contact enemy with unit an

up or Gives pursue. Ground.

follow up move

Unable moving to Move : b

to complete units then its
presence more of and other

In such next cases, player’s

possible continue. before

Change Facing:
up move, a unit

performing a

or 180°).


A unit that won

single losing unit

Order or flees.

losing unit, the

which it is pursuing

are made. Once

completed their
made, one at a

the controlling
Catching The Curs! Pursuit Into A Fresh Enemy

Once the unit being pursued has completed its move, the Pursuing units will often make contact with an enemy unit

pursuing unit is moved. If the pursuing unit makes contact other than the one they are pursuing . In such cases, the

with the pursued unit, it has caught its enemy and halts: pursuing unit counts as charging the enemy unit it will make

contact with, wheeling to maximise contact if required and

wheeling to align as normal. The unit that was being pursued

• If the enemy

is not caught.


run down

Pursuit into

attempt to

contact with a

• If the enemy

run down exactly

become engaged
unit may then

in place until

continue. D

Pursuit into

having charged.

with an enemy

engaged in combat.

Pursuit Into

at the start of

Units making

fought, the pursuing

A pursuing unit

is fought (and

friendly unit or

pursue again th

and reform with

Pursuit Off

Should any part

Otherwise, the
cross beyond,

player’s turn whe

play but is not

the next turn,

during its controlling

phase as if it were

as close as possible
Oddball Stuff (Combat)
Incomplete Ranks

If a unit is fighting to its flank or rear, or has been joined by

Despite the Oddball detail of Stuff the previous

(Combat) pages, there will always be a character that does not fit neatly within its ranks (see page

situations in which something is unclear. This is especially true 207 ), its fighting rank might be incomplete. In such cases,

of combat. warriors from the middle of the unit would press forward to

complete the rank. To represent this, a fighting rank is always

assumed to contain

rank or file behind

If a Wizard that

spells, they may

Split Profiles

normal attacks

If a model with

their Initiative.

Initiative values,

Initiative value

Templates: Hits

make all of its

template are dis

model with a

unit – in other

attacks if all of

models within
Different Weapons

Sh r i nki ng Unit
It is not uncommon

The removal

equipped with

another to no

different batches

the units by the

making it clear

back into base

they are being

facing , nor is i

another unit.

Some models

No More Foes
of 0 and will find

In multiple combats,

If a model has

impossible for
whilst attacks

cases, a unit that

model has 0 Attacks,

enemy ceases
Terrain & Combat
Linear Obstacles

Terrain & Combat Linear obstacles can have a considerable impact upon combat,

Terrain is covered in more detail in the Battlefield Terrain depending upon their height.

section. This page explains how certain types of terrain affect

combat. Players should discuss before the battle begins which Low Linear Obstacles: Should a unit engaged in combat ever
find itself a straddling

high), such as

Open Ground

Defended ground Low

obstacle be can taken defen

contact with
results. th
as normal claim a but bonus.

Instead, the front

contact with Terrain th

the a Fly
quarter (X) special

defended difficult obstacle
becomes Disrupted

High Linear

high linear obstacles

impassable the purposes terrain.

woods are treated

Battlefield De
Some terrain

be expected a charging to

elements to the of presence terrain

well, made should a disordered

freely fight to around

ever interfere a gap
note of its position

convenient to
The Psychology Of W

he battlefield The Psychology is full of of War

noise, confusion and death. Faced with allies and comrades meeting grisly ends all around whilst

battling fearsome foes, you may find that your warriors succumb to panic and scatter, rather than fight on.

The psychological trauma of battle can cause even the bravest of warriors to panic, and when they do they are likely to flee.

Consequently, panic (and more importantly, resisting the urge to give in to panic) plays an important role in Warhammer: the

Old World.

Panic Tests
Fall Back in Good Orde r : If more than half (50%) of the

models the unit contained at the start of the battle still remain,

Panic tests have been covered briefly in previous sections, it will Fall Back in Good Order, as described on pag e 1 3 4 .

particularly in the Shooting section. On the following pages,

Panic tests and their causes are covered in greater detail. Flee : If only half (50%), or fewer than half, of the models the

unit contained at the start of the battle still remain, it will

Panic Tests
immediately tu

A Panic test is

nerve and follow

No Need For

more units from

A unit only needs

same time, the

game, even if

the tests are made.

Most Panic tests

Leadership characteristic:

you may find

a Panic test.

• If this test

must either

In addition, a

• If this test
enemy fire

• It is making

• It is engaged

What happens

• It is already

upon how many

has suffered only

rally, whereas
casualties will
Common Causes Of Panic Nearby Friend Flees Combat : If a unit with a Unit Strength

There are many special rules, spells and magic items that of 5 or more loses a combat and, after making its Break

can cause an enemy to make a Panic test. In such cases, the test, either Breaks and flees or Falls Back in Good Order, all

description of the special rule, spell or magic item itself will friendly units within 6" must immediately make a Panic test.

provide details. However, there are certain circumstances that

arise regularly in games which always cause units affected to Leave the friendly unit that caused the Panic test in place until
the tests are made

make a Panic

Once all tests

test will flee directly

Heavy Casualties:

is not itself fleeing .

Combat phase,

Unit Strength

Note that it does

Panic test.

flees or Falls Back

friendly units are

A unit that fails

flee directly away

Fled Through:

casualties. If the

friendly unit m

the unit will instea

good order. For

not itself fleeing .

unit before making

Note that heavy

A unit that fails

not cause Panic

flee directly away

enemy and driving

itself fleeing .
results and making

Note that this

Nearby Friend

unit can panic

of 5 or more is

panic and flee

immediately m

line is in total di
Leave the destroyed

order to give a

made, any unit

from the nearest

Advanced Rules



This section contains the advanced rules. Everything not Once you are comfortable with the core rules, you can

covered in the core ‘how to play’ rules is explained here. expand your games by introducing models that make use of

This includes the many universal special rules, rules for the the rules in this section. Doing so will greatly enhance your

most commonly seen formation types other than formed experience and bring the game of Warhammer: the Old

infantry, in-depth descriptions of the different troop types, World to life in ever more detail upon your tabletop.

rules for characters and command, and the rules and

profiles for a
Special Rules

Special Rules

game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible

and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have

special rules – uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

What Are Special Rules? What Special Rules Does It Have?

When a creature has an ability that deviates in some way from Whilst many special rules are given directly to a model, a

the core game rules, it is represented by a special rule. It is model can also gain special rules from its equipment. Most

through the use of the special rules that Dragons breathe fire, often, this will take the form of special rules attached to

Special rules fall into three broad categories:

• Universal Special Rules: These are rules that can appear

in all armies. They may be attached to a model itself, or to

an item of equipment it carries.

weapons, Army Special

loosening army the in
terror mode

part of the

•A model Unique might Special

that items has been of equipment

possibly These by will the

Where weapon this profile.

question will

Rule Priority

Sometimes, special
special rules take

rules associated

take precedence

or rules associated

Unless noted

way alters a characteri

other value (such

cumulative. This

of the same rule

For example,

grants it Armour

Armour Bane

Armour Bane
Universal Special Rules
Breath Weapon

Some creatures or constructs belch clouds of flame or noxious

On the following pages you will find a full description for each choking fumes at their foes. Dragons are the most famous of such

of the universal special rules. beasts, but they are by no means alone.

The flame template is placed with the narrow end touching

the model ’ s base edge, within its forward arc, and the broad

end over the target unit.

A model with

during the warriors Shooting

with unexpected its broad

touching the m

The unit template with this

Any model
be deployed whose
being round hit, two as describe

special sub-phases rules of

that s
creature’ is held rules. in

until your next

Breath weapons the battle

charge reaction,
g p

the battlefield,

be placed within

are still held in

arrive automatically.
Armour Bane

Some weapons

though they often

If a model with

a roll To Wound,
weapon is improved

the name of this

For example,

with a weapon
(1) special rule,

Armour Save

Armoured H

Many creatures

same protection
The hide of some

improves their

much armour

as shown in brackets

here as ‘X’).
Note that a model

an armour value

armour value.
Chariot Runners Cumbersome

Chariots are often accompanied by light troops that fight at their Some missile weapons are too cumbersome to be raised and aimed

side, protecting their vulnerable flanks from the enemy. at a charging foe.

Friendly models whose troop type is ‘chariot’ can draw a line Weapons with this special rule cannot be used when making a
Stand sight & over Shoot or

can move through

in Skirmish formation.

Large ending regiments up o‘ n

Chariot Runner

A unit space with for this
(see pag of e Chariot 2 8 2 ).

within 1" of one

unit for the A long purposes

Great war engines

Close Order

A model mainstay with

within cavalry. 1" of a

not fleeing and

its unit Movement consisting

Close Order form

Some regiments Charge

complex manoeuvres. bold

of defence.

Unless it is fleeing ,

the ranks special manoeuvre rule

manoeuvre models with is
arule Drilled is charged unit

without is c‘avalr’y, first h

Charge’ charge

Note that any

Counter as well.
charge. Measure

distance is less

Lacking physical unit,

mundane enemy weapons. charge

Ethereal creatures pivot
purposes towards of movement

inside pivoting,

addition, unit. Ethereal Both

attacks. turn. Characters

are, and vice vers

Fleeing units
charged cannot

Charge in response

by multiple units.

the inactive player

Counter Charge.
charging units.
Evasive Fast Cavalry

In the face of enemy fire, it is often wise to step A highly trained unit of cavalry is able to

back! Some warriors are particularly adept at perform complex manoeuvres, even at a

this manoeuvre. full gallop.

If all of the models (including characters)

Knights of the White Wolf

The ferocious and revered

Knights of the White Wolf

are devoted followers of Ulric,

based in Middenheim within

the Temple of
Once per turn,

within a unit

Knights of the
the target during

formation have

found throughout
phase, it may

may perform

but are far more

Order and will

even if it marched.

the northern
enemy unit shooting

to war bareheaded
has completed

their disdain o
may continue

Particularly large

meagre fighting

provoke terrible

their broad shoulders

Extra Attacks

in the pelts of
Through fury,

Models with t

wolves from the

the teeth, this wa

Forest. Knights
• If a unit wishes

Wolf bear the

A model with

against an

their banner, b
modifier to its

Fear and has

sometimes even
as shown in brackets

it must first

hafts. A white
this special rule

this test is

hammer always
this modifier

It does not
their banners.
a dice, roll when

have made

chosen during

passed, the


• If a unit is

unit that both

higher Unit
is chosen durin

Combat sub-phase,


any models

attacks against

suffer a -1
A unit only needs

turn. Models

to Fear. A unit

does not become

joined by a character

Feigned Flight

Some units are

foe and regrouping,

into careless charges

the distance.

If this unit chooses

as a charge reaction,

at the end of its

pag e 1 1 7 .
Fight In Extra Rank Flaming Attacks

Certain weapons, such as thrusting or Fire is a fearsome thing on the battlefield,

throwing spears, allow warriors not in but some creatures are more vulnerable to it

the fighting rank to attack from behind than others.

their comrades.

A Horrifying Reality

Most humans of the Old

World know little of its true

horrors, for most do not stray

far from their homesteads.

What little they
Any attack made

told in stories
with model this with

children into
weapon supporting or spell att

When war calls,

‘Flaming’ e 1 4 5 . attack.

citizens are drafted

this special rule

armies and sent

on page & Flee
168 )
battle all manner
war boldest
beasts’ of or

the battlefield
weapons will face

revealed – foul
Unless of otherwise fire, befo

the world their

special possible rule moment.

their hunger for

when shooting

is limitless.
spells unit cast with by this t
p y

are any with attacks missile

they it might will ‘Firebe

Fire & Flee : The

Some creatures fire be
Once enemy. flame hasIf

burn out with of control. missile

a line of sight

A model that with it

make Stand a Regeneration & Sh

caused ) before by a Flaming
the charge. However,

shooting at the

its Flee roll the

discards the lowest

the same result,

Note that, if the

the charging unit

characteristic of

must either Hold

First Charge

The thundering

armoured warriors,

battlefield and

to the cowering
If this unit’s first

successful (i.e.,

with the charge

becomes Disrupted

Combat phase
Fly (X) Frenzy

Many creatures of the Warhammer world can For warriors gripped by a fighting frenzy, all

fly, held aloft either by mighty pinions or by rational thought is consumed by a hunger

means of magic, soaring from one side of the for violence.

battlefield to the other.

“Where march you folk

of R eikland,

Where carry you halberds

and swords?
We march to
A Frenzied model

our Emperor,
Attacks model characteristic.

For Sigmar –
not apply that to the

and lord.
of a cavalry normally model),

it (in the case characteristic),

Tomorrow we
flying .
(in the How
case of many
to face the hosts
varies from model

In addition: in brackets

Tomorrow we
special rule (shown

In the cold graves

•that If choosethe majority to

await us.
are Frenzied,

• May
passes move any
p y y

And when this

is required march

And my body
• moving
If a unit on that

at night,
Frenzied are able model

charge during units

Hear my prayer,
Charge Reactions
Lord Sigmar, ta
it must whilst do

your ligh”t.
• unit
If the without majority

are Frenzied,

Old soldier’s song

• aMay charge end reaction,

to make will suffer

cannot end
Losing impassable Frenzy:

Frenzy within can 1" be of

model that loses

immediately that canlo

all of their movement

character with

join a unit without

vice versa.
Furious Charge Howdah

Some creatures charge with such fury, the very A howdah is an armoured platform built

ground shakes beneath their feet. atop a mighty behemoth. From here, a crew of

warriors rain missiles upon the enemy.

During a turn in which it made a charge

To represent its howdah and crew, a

The Floating Village

Deep within the Badlands

can be found the Floating

Village, the origins of which

are shrouded in mystery. The

primitive huts
move of 3" or

behemoth with

longhouse that
special rule gains

profile and follows

village itself float

Attacks characteristic.

(Chariots)’ and

feet above the

page 194 ). In

never seem to
Hatred (X)

is a behemoth.

the fierce winds

Enmity is rife in
across the region.
hatred is nurtured

Ignores Cover

day the village

Even dense cover

to the ground,
A model with

from a skilled ma

the ropes are r

any failed rolls

crafted weapon.

floats back into

enemy during

the sleeping inhabitant

If a model making

protected very
Which enemies

this special rule,

from the dangers

model to model

modifiers caused

lawless land.
brackets after

(shown here as

Immune To

a‘ ll enemie,s’ meaning

There are warriors

There are warriors

models equally.

jaded by the dangers

heed no peril.


Some troops find

If the majority

gathering in deep

are Immune to

together tightly.

or Terror tests

A unit with this

However, if the

the maximum

unit have this

determined by

choose to Flee
Note that this

a unit immune

Leadership not
Impact Hits (X) Large Target

The impact of a charge can itself cause severe Monstrous creatures tower above the

casualties amongst the foe. battlefield, visible to all for leagues around.

The number of Impact Hits caused varies Enemy models never suffer To Hit

Vanhasl’ Legacy

In 1111, the dead walked in

the Empire. Corpses marked

with the black blotches of

pl ague shambled about the

l an d , ne e d i ng
modifiers model for to

to guide them.
shooting brackets at after

it in the form
addition, (shown a model here

Frederick van
to a model with by

known as Vanhal
through other

After conquering
Resolving Impact
that e v e n t u a l ly
L evies
can only be made

Sylvania, he built
Many moved regiments 3"

fighters, pressed
with th

the height of th
attacks made

Death, Vanhal’s
Models Initiative with 10 t

d o ma i n expanded
the Inspiring
that hit automatic
p g

and would have

General nor Strength

do so but for th
of a model
. Standard.

of hi s apprentice,
expected from

von Diehl. Since

units that do n

ti m e , many noble-born
not required
eagerness toof
d e s ce nd ants of
alead friendly them intounit

devoted their
from combat.

service of Sigmar
If during the D

taking the oaths

Reactions sub-phase

Hunter in an
Some warriors one or

atone for the

preferring to declare to keep
heretical ancestor.
of 1-3, the unit

A character of 4+, the with

be your General

K illing
without this Blow spec

special most rule skilled cannot
without with this a spec

If a model Attacks

The Warhammer 6 when

place. an Consequently,
attack m

quite ‘Killing commonplace. Blow. ’
troop type is ‘in

Any attack an made

model (see with page this

using a saves
weapon can

‘Magical’ an enemy attack. model

‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’
Note that from all spellsa

this special rule,

magic items.

Note that if an

this special rule

Magic Resistance (-X) Monster Slayer

Some creatures are naturally resistant to Legends tell of warriors so mighty they can slay

magic, whilst others bear charms or fetishes terrible monsters with but a single blow!

intended to ward off its effects.

If a model with this special rule rolls a

Feeding an Army

An army marching to war is a

logistical nightmare involving

the transportation of arms

and armours, warding against

ambushes and
natural Casting 6 when roll

thousands of s
for an attack Bound m

crossing friendly
athat ‘Monster includes Slaying

food can be bought

whose troop
rule suffers type

local merchants,
permitted after an

lands of their
(see page here 176 as )
common. Groups
Blow (Ward save

are employed
normal). that If this an

and wide to forage

type or is more‘monster’ models

Although not
from use a Monster the highest

such concerns:
its remaining

need no sustenance,
the armies of
Note that if bands an

destruction simply
this special looking rule

they want, from

foreign lands.

they want.

Often, an army
units drawn from

mercenaries. A

in your army

Mercenaries ca

Presence rule

page 203 ) nor

rule of a Battle

Mercenaries ca

drawn from another

Monster Handlers
Colossal beasts

beastmasters hurrying

A monster with


representing its
deployment, po

anywhere that

contact with,

are found to be

of sight, simply
In combat, each

to those of the

suffers an unsaved

roll of 1-4 the

on a roll of 5+
wound instead.

from play, so a
Motley Crew Move & Shoot

Some regiments contain an assortment of Weapons that are easy to use when moving at

differently armed and armoured warriors. speed may lack power or range, but make up

for it with their versatility.

Units with this special rule may include

A weapon with this special rule can be used


“ nything you want, a

Marienburger already has”

is a common phrase in the

Empire – a matter of pride to

the people of W
models of the

in the Shooting

derision in other
differently to

equipped with

Within it lies
of different types

truth, for Marienburg

single unit. If

Move Or Shoot

a thriving centre
for such units

Artillery weapons

renowned for
brief explanation


and frequented

them impossible

ships from across

Different Weapons:

including Ulthuan
of a Motley Crew

A weapon with

far east. As a re
that are armed

be used in the

Westerlands are
such cases, the

model equipped

prosperous claimant
different batches
reason during

throne of the
models, making

and reforming).

their armies are

which model’s

where they are

Move Through

foreign mercenaries.
attacks are made

A well-trained

the individual

can traverse unhindered

densest terrain.

Different Armour:

Motley Crew

Models with t

values. In combat,

suffer any modifiers

the majority of


rank. Against
or dangerous

armour value

with this special

in the unit.

of 1 when making

Casualty R emoval:

Multiple Shots

shooting , casualty

Some weapons
divided as equally

sacrificing accuracy

the different mo

combat, casualties

A weapon with

among the majority

fire a single shot

make up the fight

fired a number

available models

brackets after
rear ranks to f

(shown here as

controlling player.

fired, each roll

-1 To Hit modifier.

equipped with

rule must fire

Shots. Where

Shots is generated

separately for
Multiple Wounds (X) Ponderous

The most powerful attacks strike with Many weapons are too unwieldy to be used

crushing force, causing massive damage to with any accuracy by a warrior on the move.

their victim.

A weapon with this special rule suffers

Pirates of the Black Gulf

From the Bay of Wrecks to

the very harbours of Barak

Varr, the Pirates of the Black

Gulf have been a thorn in

the side of merchants
aEach To Hit unsaved modifier

traders for years

Shooting , this specialrather

remembering .
number shown

of a motley fleet
of this special Shot

from Sartosan
W eapons example, designed

seafaring Orc
bear in that less than
Pirates of the
cause the target

are arguably the

A weapon the with number

reason that the

suffer the usual

defences of Barak
Moving unsaved and Shoo

vigorously maintained.
equipped with

continued presence
rule can that use excess them
the Ironclads
charge no reaction

navy to regularly
charging unitin which

gulf, and skirmishes

for Overkill. Excess

Dwarf and pirate

R ally ing
onto other modelsCry

frequent occurrence.
Striking a heroic
loyal followers Order

Many regiments

During the their Command

turn, if they are

character unit consisting may

friendly rule unit may th
range. The as

makes a Rally

unit may attempt Attacks

during toxins
the Rally c

injury into a mortal

If a model with

a natural 6 when

that hit will wound

otherwise stated,

rule may use it

and combat attacks.

model are unaffected,

made with magic

Note that if an

7+, or hits automatically,

cannot be used.
R andom Attacks Regeneration X

Not all creatures fight with discipline; many flail about in careless Foul and unnatural creatures, such as Trolls, Daemons and the

abandon with unpredictable results. Undead, can regenerate all but the most grievous of wounds

with ease.

Models with this special rule do not have a normal Attacks

characteristic. Instead, a dice roll is given (D3+1, for example). A model with this special rule can make a ‘Regeneration’
save. The
time armoura model

brackets dice to after determine

‘X+’). To A Hit Regeneration as

characteristic model with

armour save otherwise. and
by a Regeneration

R andom
calculating Movement

Some creatures

Note the that next. models

Flaming Attacks

Models with t
R egimental

Sometimes, large
a mod

smaller detachments.
roll the

A unit with with this t

detachments’ sub-phase.

They can wheel

other manoeuvres. Two

Many enemy weapons unit

order to pursuing ,use effectively.

The model aligns

A unit
model charged cannot

special rule during

against every wounds

phases unit. of the If

Random Movement

lowest result fo
Reserve Move Skirmishers

Warriors that excel at hit and run warfare advance quickly, Units of skirmishers move quickly and freely, harassing the

unleashing a deadly volley before withdrawing. enemy’s flanks.

Unless it charged, marched or fled during the Movement A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a

phase of its turn, a unit with this special rule may make a Skirmish formation, as described on pag e 1 8 4 .
R e s e r ve move

after all Attacks

Some creatures
moves as

its own. normally,
The number o

model, are and advance will

special vital rule locations (shown

the roll of a dice.

Units with this

Resolving from both
by a battlefield
model that

Attacks If are deployed attacks

Initiative their 1 (regardless first

using the unmodified

If both armies

which player First
p y

Some warriors their

whilst otherswho won bear

through the air.


During the an Combat imp
is engaged almost in co

to 10 (before

has both per this game, r

another this out. special

and that is equipped

Give Ground
Strike Last Stupidity

Some warriors are incredibly slow and ponderous by nature, Dull-witted creatures can often become hopelessly confused by the

whilst others may be encumbered by massive weapons that slow tumult of battle.

them down.

Unless it is engaged in combat, a unit with this special rule

must make the aCombat ‘S

phase engaged of its in turn. co

s Leadership any other

becomes rule andStupid. Str

• Moves during
•Elite Must troops move will

regardless any manoeuvres. of casualties.

• Cannot march

The first time

A unit or not mount to

i bj d i h
subject to even it when

(Stupidity twice is that contag

does not become

A Stubborn character

Mounted a unit thatwarriors,

swift and deadly,

unexpected speed.

A unit with this

charge range by

Pursuit roll, may

Terror Timmm-berrr !

There are creatures so fierce that their mere appearance can cause When a behemoth falls in battle, it can cause utter devastation.

the bravest to flee.

When this model is reduced to zero Wounds, the winner of

Models with this special rule cause Terror. Models that cause a roll-off chooses one of its arcs (front, flank or rear) for it to
fall into. also Any cause

contact with th

characteristic When a unit

are charge
resolved, target this

this test is

Unbreakable declare its

Some If the
warriors winning

the that
enemy. cause

must apply

If a when unit with making

required to make

Gi thGt d if h
Give that
Ground if a ch

that Leadership
are not Unbreaka

vice versa.

Models with t

Terror. Models

unit that does

Terror when j
Unstable Warband

Many evil creatures are not truly alive, but are driven instead by A warband is an unruly mob, keen for the fray but easily dismayed

magic. Should the tide of battle turn, this magic can quickly fail. when things go poorly.

If a unit with this special rule loses a round of combat, it loses Unless it is fleeing , a Warband gains a positive (+) modifier to
its Leadershipadditional

up lost. to a Thesemaximum W

cannot use but this

choose to make

of an the Unstable models

Charge roll. to the
wound. Any rem

Note that between unless

Leadership cannot

use either its own

aAn Warband army’s vanguard character,

W their comrades. character,

After deployment,

Creatures of move. the

physical beings in the

normally but
A model with

save both against armies a

characters moves that first.

are, and vice units vers

won the roll-off.


Veteran warriors

unsettle them.

If the majority
the unit may r

Note that a Break

Volley Fire

Bows and other

volley. Even warriors

general direction.

When a unit w

half of the models

(or front two

shoot (in addition

front rank, or

cannot Volley

turn (including

charge reaction.
Note that models

the front of their

Unusual Formations

As mentioned previously, the models that make up a Warhammer army must be

formed into ‘units’ Unusual before Formations battle commences and all units must adopt a formation. The

core rules cover in detail Close Order formations, which are by far the most commonly

The following pages introduce the rules for ‘Open Order’ and ‘Skirmish’ formations. These

are the two most frequently seen unusual formations, and every army will have the option

to include units that can adopt them. A wise general will make full use of such units to

exploit terrain, to harass the enemy from unexpected quarters and to protect their own

vulnerable flanks.

The Stir River Patrol

The mighty Stir River runs

from the Worlds Edge

Mountains to the Reik.

This watery highway, one

Open Order Formation

of the busiest

seen – but by

in the Old World,

constantly patrolled

All units must

wealthy merchant

can adopt are

attract attention

with more than

worst kind. The

page 285 ), and

Patrol operates

game (as described

harbours along

the great river,

Open Order

bravely on land

in battles beyond

A unit arrayed

formation; the

green and white

with a unit in

recognised and

arranged in base

and wide.

shown in Fig 1

All models in
addition, all models

more horizontal

As far as possible,

not possible, it
Highly Manoeuvrable
Combat Order

An Open Order formation that is wider

Open Order units tend to adopt a looser than it is deep (i.e., that has more models

formation. Where the warriors within a per rank than per file) or that is square (i.e.,

Close Order formation will fight shoulder has the same number of models per file as

Forest Patrols

Ancient, primordial forest

covers much of the Empire

with a canopy of darkness.

Roads theoretically connect

to shoulder, rank) is saidprotectin
the far-flung tow

shield units and spear,
villages, but contact

Order certain formation situations:
is tenuous at bes

manner, striking
protection a vast

R ank buckler, Bonus: or
of forts, fortified

handed weapons. is wide
watchtowers a
Order Bonus units are of
along the highways.

than up
Close to the Order
regularly travel

troop type :
stations, rotating

To represent t
duty with other

an Open
How manyOrder

following to claim abilities: a

b d h
band together,

from either side

Quick is determined Turn:

borders and in

charged, described marched

the wishes of

Open Certain Order special for
politicians, to

centre Rank to Bonus

expedition into
to seek out and

Dispersed type, as Rdescribed

bandits, nests

formation do
Beastman encampments.

Note that, or as dangerous normal

claimed for an

there are Shape sufficient
As with units

the shape of Colum

A unit that as is

that has situations.

rank) canis said be said
Marching ‘Marching Column

Bonus and cannot

but may triple

when Marching ,
Skirmish Formation
Facing & Line Of Sight

Skirmish Formation Unlike models in tightly ranked units,

A unit of models in Skirmish formation Skirmishers can see more of the battlefield

(often referred to as ‘Skirmishers’ in the around them. To represent this, whilst in

rules that follow) never consists of rigid Skirmish formation, models do not have

Dawi Rangers

The Dawi are famed for

living in great holds under the

mountains but not all do so. A

few clans dwell above ground,

A unit of Skirmishers. Note that whilst

there is more than 1" between some of the

models, each model is within 1" of at least

one other model in the unit.

establishing outposts
flank or and rear files. arc

businesses, such
103 ). Instead,
loose group

breweries, from
their front Skirmishers arc,

trade with the

vision advantage arc. Therefore,

To defend these
formation enemy. can

bands of Dwarfs
any direction
surrounding land
constraints Apart of

threats and settle

The models that

Known as Rangers,
Other units formation can

bands consist
Skirmish with formation o

warriors adapted
be drawn deployed between o

off the land far

The individual
but contiguous

and supplies.
as normal. model is

belonging to the


Coherency : A
end its movement

described above.

from a unit of

remove a model

the unit to lose

instead remove
Should it ever

Skirmishers has

must remove

until only a single,

In such cases,

assumed to have

cowardly fashion.
Movement & Manoeuvre Skirmishers In Combat

Each model within a unit of Skirmishers moves as an When engaged in combat, Skirmishers do not remain in

individual. The unit does not turn, wheel or otherwise their usual, dispersed formation. Instead, they will ‘form up’

manoeuvre (although it may reform to adopt a different into base contact with one another, edge-to-edge and front

formation, if possible). Instead, each model is free to move corner to front corner, against the enemy in order to create a

Skirmishers As Reinforcements

If a unit of Skirmishers enters the battle as reinforcements, it is

placed so that each model is within 1" of the battlefield edge.

Skirmishers & Shooting

As mentioned previously, Skirmishers can shoot in any

“Orgulous and grim, the Northmen would not give, for

they sought glory or death in the eyes of their bloody god”s.

From the Rise of Bretonnia and Gilles le Breton,

scribed by Adelrond of Couronne

fighting any direction rank.

direction. However,

themselves maintained. charged

Skirmishers do

this way once

includes the line

make base Through

fighting units rank cannot

Enemy Fire:

fighting a rank.unit
to make use of

through just like

unit of Skirmishers

Skirmishers will

Strength of 1

combat is over

at the end of a


again adopt Skirmish

Skirmishers cause
they be annihilated

Skirmishers &

160 . Skirmishers

engaged in combat,

flee through them

it becomes engaged

cause panic in

Close Order, O

Skirmishers &

flee through.

Disrupted when

in Skirmish formation.


Characters may

of the same sub-categor

character whose

Skirmishers that

of Skirmishers

the normal rules

Skirmishers & Charging

A unit of Skirmishers may charge an

enemy that is visible to at least one of

its models when charges are declared.

In which arc the enemy is charged is

1. The Skirmisher closest to 2. The remaining Skirmishers move.

the formed unit is moved into Seven can make base contact with

base contact. the enemy, forming a fighting rank.

The eighth model cannot make base

contact with the enemy so forms up

1. The formed unit is charging the unit of Skirmishers. It wheels and moves directly

towards the closest model in the unit of Skirmishers.

2. The formed unit completes its charge move.

3. The Skirmishers form up against the charging unit. One of the Skirmishers cannot

make base contact with the enemy, so forms up behind the fighting rank.
behind the fighting as

When a unit o

each model is

starting with

charge target,
Each model moves

towards the charge

make base contact

fighting rank.

base contact with

form up behind

shown in Fig 1

Formed Units

Charging Skirmishe

When a formed
it Close Order,

on) charges a

must endeavour

possible into con

visible model

usual, the charging

at any point, du

in Fig 186.3.

Once the charging

contact with th
wheel to align.

must form up

of the charging

186.4 and Fig

in the charged

than its Movement

Skirmishers that

contact must

the fighting rank.

Skirmishers Charging


When a unit of Skirmishers charges

another unit of Skirmishers, each model

is moved individually, starting with

1. The Skirmisher closest to a model in the charged unit is moved into base contact

with that model.

2. The rest of the models in the charging unit are moved forward and form up around

the first model moved. However, three of these models do not have sufficient movement

to join the fighting rank so must form up behind it.

3. Finally, the models in the charged unit are formed up against the charging unit,

making sure that none of them move further than their Movement characteristic.
the model closest

(which must m

possible to reach

Once the first

as shown in Fig

models in the
as directly as p

charge target

rank with the

as shown in Fig

this model is as

this rank as possible.


do not have sufficient

form part of the

form up behind

Once the charging

its charge move,

unit form up

fighting rank,

However, no m

can move further

cannot make

form up behind
Troop Types In Detail

A ll models have a troop type. These, along with Troop the Types
type of in formation Detail units of such

models adopt, determine how they function throughout the rules. Troop types were

explained in brief, on page 104 . The following pages cover them in greater detail

Categories Of Troop Type

There are five main categories of troop type, each of which is further divided into sub-

categories. For example, particularly large infantry fall into the ‘monstrous infantry’

sub-category of infantry. In such cases, when the rules refer to ‘infantry’ models or

units, monstrous infantry must also follow those rules unless an exception is stated for

“The Halfling is rotund and

hairy, and stands but half

as tall as a Man but hath a

greater appetite. Halflings do

dwell in their own land called

the Moot, where

and present any

monstrous infantry.

within holes burro


hills, often most

A model’s troop

except when ea

contain to claim

and telling bawdy

claim, and the

The Halfling

In most cases

shotte with a


not oft display

unit in battle

it harbours a str

Goblins and other


things that would

things that would

pantry. Should

Some models

approacheth the

that the model

provisions, then

because characters

grow most wrathful

they have a section

fiercely in defence
next mea”l.

Troop Type Tables
Unit Strength

Sometimes, you may be required to work out the ‘Unit

Each of the following categories is accompanied by a table Strength’ of a unit. There are a number of reasons you might

containing a summary of the important information ne e de d need to know this, for example, to determine if one of your

for that troop type : units is outnumbered by an enemy, and if they are, by how

much. Simply counting the number of models does not

account for the

Models Per

and ferocious

This is the minimum

Ranks can contain

To determine

but in order for

models currently

contain at least

Strength per mo
Maximum R

This is the maximum

cases this can


Infantry includes all units of foot troops and forms the backbone of most armies. Infantry

is split into four Infantry sub-categories, some of which are subject to their own rules:

Regular Infantry

The Swords of Ulric

The Swords of Ulric are one

of many regiments formed

by and funded by the Temple

of Ulric in Middenheim.
The formidable

the Swords of

This sub-category
not of parade

be they Men,
but of regular

the core of your

that venture deep

Regular infantry
Drakwald Forest.
hoping to join

Regular Infantry
accompany such

Due to their ubiqu

and only those

regular infantry,
with honour and

admitted. Since
founding in the

Troop Type
Count Mandred

Regular Infantry
Empire and became

the Swords of

Heavy Infantry
borne yellow

By tradition, eac
This sub-category
bears a variation

monstrously lar
device – a red

towards and that

Ulric embattled.

heavy infantry

Heavy Infantry
Steady in the

heavy infantry

heavy infantry

Disrupted when

ten or more.
Troop Type

Heavy Infantry
Monstrous Infantry

The monstrous infantry sub-category covers things like Trolls, Ogres and Minotaurs –

creatures that are (roughly) man-shaped and fight on foot, but that are two or three times

the size of regular or heavy infantry. Monstrous creatures vary wildly, from Ogres who

Dogs of War

Tilea is known across the

Old World as a land of

mercenaries. Local legends say

that an Orc invasion was once

defeated when the Tileans

fight as mercenaries

hired half of the

food and fight

attack the remainder;

how such an agre


negotiated is un

Clumsy: A unit

then, the use of

Smaller characters
has become ingrained

Tilean culture

flock to the nation

Troop Type

knowledge that

Monstrous Infantry

a commander

services to, be

Tilea or upon

Swarms are seething

to the battlefield

loose upon the

weight of numbers
bases. Each base

Swarm Rules


can be drawn

attempting to
No One Cares:

units, regardless

General (see pag

Troop Type


The term cavalry Cavalry refers to any riders mounted on war beasts – commonly warhorses or

similar creatures. It can also include war beasts on their own as packs of animals which will

often function in a manner more similar to cavalry than infantry. Cavalry is split into four

Heraldry of Bretonnia

Every knight in Bretonnia,

from the King down to the

Knights Errant, possesses

their own individual

heraldry. Each

arms that bears

and colours Cavalry that

knight’s allegiance,

heritage and,
Be they mounted

deeds of renown.
cavalry are fast
heraldry can ch
as scouts and

their lifetime;
back to their c

a Grail after becom

the foe.

Knight is a common

The heraldry
Light Cavalry

esteemed knights
Split Profile (
p (

throughout all
two models –

and commoners
cavalry models

a glimpse of them
as follows:

knights ride through

• Unless noted
apply to the

• The rider

Initiative and

• In combat,

• Impact Hits

• When this
• If the rider

Cavalry Support :

their mount cann

rider can attack,

Troop Type

Light Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry

Across the battlefields of the Old World, the thunderous charge of heavy cavalry turns

the bowels of even the bravest infantryman to water. Heavy cavalry are the heavily armed

and armoured knights of the Old Worlds’ armies, warrior elites mounted atop mighty

“Sir Balduin charged, with

greatsword raised

His downward stroke the

Ogre grazed,
warhorses, bellowing

The monster’s

time and time

arcing down

Heavy Cavalry

And landed hard

Split Profile (

Balduin’s crown,
Cavalry Support :

There came a

snapping sound,

Troop Type

The knight was

Heavy Cavalry

the ground,

But Balduin’s

end here,

Just as horse-sized

cousins. Monstrous

For in the mountains,

patience (or violence

is d”ea.r
stubborn muscle


Excerpt from

parody of a popular


folk story, sun

Split Profile (
Clumsy: See Mons

Troop Type

Monstrous Cavalry
War Beasts

Some armies

intelligent, such

incredible rate.
War Beast R


General (see pag

Troop Type

War Beasts


A chariot is usually a wheeled war vehicle drawn into battle by beasts of some kind and

crewed by heavily armed and armoured warriors. This category can also include large

objects, such as mobile altars, that are pushed along or carried. Chariots are split into two

Sigmar’s Hammer

Ghal Maraz, meaning Skull

Splitter, is the two-handed

hammer passed down from

Emperor to Emperor. It is
a magnificent

weapon that emb

Mankind’s Chariots triumph

forces of darkness.

the times it has

Fast moving and

the title Skull

skilled warriors
Empire’s rulers
the foe. They

their people to
flanks of the enem

the field of war.

Light Chariot

Split Profile (

crew and (usually)


this, a chariot

as follows:

• Unless noted

beasts) apply
• This model

no beasts,

• The crew a

and Attacks

• In combat,

• Impact Hits
• If the chariot

Iron Shod Wheels:

difficult terrain

addition, if this
Churning Wheels:

rule. Other characters

Firing Platform:

purposes of shooting
Troop Type

Light Chariots
Heavy Chariots

Built for strength and durability, heavy chariots deliver crushing charges deep into the

ranks of the enemy. Where light chariots move quickly and harass the foe, heavy chariots

move slowly, gradually building their speed before crashing like the fist of an angry god into

“l did seem lost for the

Bretonni, and the land

itself did weep and wail in

heart-grief as all life was

choked away. Greatly sought

upon was the safety of the

the quaking battle

castle strongholds,

swordswains o

Often, the charge

nation did stand

and crumple as

their lands were

them. The survivors

crewed by mighty
But lo ! In fair

which to slay

young lord Gilles

concede his land

Heavy Chariot

Upon a mighty

Split Profile (

rode out against

faithful to his

Scythed Wheels:

the lands upon

spikes and scything

of his proud knights

heavy chariot

and join the land,

the tip of Gilles’

Lumbering : Pe

canker devouring

animals and slow

was cleansed.”
To represent t

Close Order form

From the

and Gilles le

However, even


formed regiment

fle d , a Lumbering
Finally, a Lumbering

Iron Shod Wheels:

Firing Platform:

Troop Type

Heavy Chariots

Creatures so large and powerful that they normally do not form into units, but roam the

battlefield on their own. In Monsters spite of this, due to their size, they function as Close Order

units, rather than as Skirmishers. Monsters are split into two sub-categories:

Models Maximum Unit Strength

Troop Type per R a nk R ank Bonus per Model

Dragons Monstrous Creature - - As Starting Wounds

Dragons are amongst the

oldest of all living creatures.

They predate even the coming

of the Old Ones, and rode the Behemoths are the largest beings in the Warhammer world. This category includes such

terrors as mighty Dragons, be they noble or corrupted; Greater Daemons of Chaos, the

most accursed of the Dark Gods’ servants; towering Giants; lumbering constructs of

science and sorcery, and far more besides.

Models Maximum Unit Strength

Troop Type per R a nk R ank Bonus per Model

Behemoth - - As Starting Wounds

thermals of ancient

long before warm-blooded

Behemoth Rul

creatures ruled

Ridden Monster:

There are many

Every land has

large enough t
and folk tales

Lumbe r i ng : Se

infantry or monstrous
Dragons. In such
are formidable
are cruel and


tyrants, given

kick and stomp

of peoples and

Piercing characteristic

Ridden Monster:
of cities. Certainly,

(monstrous creature

are capable of

Lumbe r i ng : Se
they are massive
they are massive

of enormous str

to tear any foe

their formidable

fangs, and to imm

regiments of troo
blast of their fie
War Machines

War machines such as cannon and bolt throwers are powerful

weapons on the field of battle, able to pulverise whole

regiments, breach stone walls or even slay fearsome monsters

War Machines

“We ’ re Not Paid to Fight”: Should a war machine ever Break

and flee from combat, its crew will abandon it to be wrecked

by the enemy and beat a hasty retreat. Treat the model as

having been completely destroyed and remove it from play.

Note that a war machine that loses a round of combat may Fall

Troop Type Models per R a nk Maximum R ank Bonus Unit Strength per Model

War Machines - - As Starting Wounds

with a single,

Back in Good O

of war machine

their own section

Weapon of War:

category of troop

durable rather


War Machine

machines cannot
Split Profile (

move. Additionally,

several models

result of any Flee

operate it, together

war machine

However, a war

In game terms,

its turn (the better

up move as normal.

• This model

count as having


machine or

• In combat,

of the crew.
• When not


• For each Wound

its Attacks

• When this

crew’s armour
• If either the

Wounds, the
Command Groups

ot all models within a unit are created Command equal. It Groups

is quite normal for warriors to march into battle under the leadership

of a seasoned officer or brave champion, with banners flying proud in the mist-strewn air, the pounding of drums and

What’s In A Title?
Most units can include a command group of some kind, as

detailed in the relevant army list. Most can include what is

referred to as ‘full command’ – a champion, standard bearer In most army lists, the term ‘standard bearer’ is used

and musician – whilst others will only be able to include throughout, though the model in question might actually

perhaps one or two of these options. Command group models carry an icon, pennant or other such totem. Similarly, a

“The allied armies of this great Empire are like the walls

of a stout castle. These days, however, those alliances are

worn so thin that the castle looks set to fa”l.

Albert Kornhammer, Priest of Sigmar

‘musician’ always might

bellow of horns

or some in other a unit,

as the unit’s ‘comm

still be described

Note that, for t

Champions models differ

or name and specific
file models
they follow all

Position With

Except in rare

f f f h
forefront of the

otherwise, the

must be placed

centre of the ra

a standard bearer,

centre of the ra
other members

Not Enough

Sometimes there

command group

group models
any remaining

“Make Way!”

If the unit turns

pushes its way

has completed

command group
Champions Champions As Casualties

Unlike other members of their unit, a champion can only

Most units can include just one champion, but some can be removed as a casualty under specific circumstances. If a

include more. Champions are extremely skilled or tough, champion is removed as a casualty, the model is removed and

and comrades look to them for leadership and take pride in replaced with an ordinary rank and file model .
their prowess.

Shooting : A ch

caused by enemy

A unit’s champion

•than They their are fellows. the

• They are target

Equipment within a unit

•Usually, They champions


the other members

“Look on
Out, the Sir !”:

and option
if there to are

the champion of their

“Look Out, stated. Sir!”

hit. On a roll

champion’s place.

When a unit s

Combat: using A champion
caused by enemy


•In combat,
They are a thecha

•fights The as attacksnormal.

with models a champion in

they wish.
Note that any

Champions onto their &

challenges in t
Standard Bearers
Trophies Of War

The standards of defeated enemies are highly prized as

A unit often fights beneath a standard or banner of some kind; trophies, so an army will collect as many as it can, drawing

a glorious token of their allegiance, history and pride. Such a great satisfaction from their enemy’s shame. If a fleeing unit is

standard is much treasured by the warriors that fight beneath run down by an enemy unit, or if a unit is destroyed in combat

by an enemy unit, its standard is claimed as a trophy.

Standard Bearers
it and they will

Standards claimed


at the end of the

A standard bearer

been lost in this

the other models

considered to
Note that if a un

in their unit.

run down whilst

shooting , for example),

In reality, a model

trophy of war.

likely be equipped

replacing a weapon

Standard Bearers

deficiency in t
If a standard b

efforts of those

model belonging

group model,

Combat Result

Therefore, a unit

As described

and the champion

will be inspired

models in the
vanquish the

is targeted by

a unit includes

a unit to be targeted,

combat result

a template.

If the only other

the standard b

the champion.
Quick Time

Should a unit that contains a musician wish to march whilst

When an Musicians army marches, it does so to the inspirational beat of within 8" of an enemy unit, it may apply a +1 modifier to its

drums and blare of horns (or the doot of a spectral flute). For Leadership characteristic, up to a maximum of Leadership 10,

trained troops, a prearranged sequence of notes can carry as when making its Leadership test.
much information

Musicians As

clearly and with

If a musician

belonging to the


model, will retrieve

A musician always

place. Therefore,

models in their
standard bearer

be equipped in

models in the

by an attack that

In reality, a model

targeted, or finds

equipped differently,

of weapons. Any

If the only other

is compensated
and standard

protect the musician,

casualty before

bound horn or

in anger.

“Onwards To
If, once the combat

have the exact

a musician in

claim a bonus

If, however, the

redoubled efforts

out and neither

Steadying R hy t

If a fleeing unit

d f
modifier to its

to rally, up to

he Warhammer world would not be what it is without the presence of great lords, valiant heroes and mighty Wizards.

Such powerful individuals add a new dimension to your games of Warhammer: the Old World, either as inspiring

leaders or skilled warriors able to trounce hordes of lesser fighters. Such potent personages are called c‘’

Character Models
Characters are generally known by different names

appropriate to their nation or race. Orc characters, for

example, are known by suitably ‘Orcy’ names, such as Boss Characters Character models are a special type of unit that can either

and Warboss, whilst the leaders of the Empire are Captains, operate on their own, or that can join another unit belonging

Warrior Priests and Engineers. to their army. They usually have superior characteristic values

compared to ordinary members of their race, often have a

number of special
The types of cha

have more options

the personality

highly prized
world can call

wise Wizards

All character
of specialist character,
brackets after
characters that

character and,

Command R

All characters

often in conjunction
may have. A chara

Leadership characteristic

with a Leadership

range of .7"

General & Battle

in any army are

bold and inspirational

hold together

represent their

Bearer each have

Leadership characteristic.

If your General

special rule or

described on p

further; from
The General The Battle Standard

Every army The General

is led by a General, a heroic character to whom Armies often include a Battle Standard Bearer – a trusted

command of the army has been entrusted. The General model warrior who holds aloft the General’s personal heraldry. A

is a miniature representation of you as the controlling player Battle Standard Bearer is a rallying point for the army, from

The Battle Standard

“We stood with the Dwarfs as one that day. It was an

unspoken code of honour that would not go forgotten.”

Chief Ragni of the Jeutones

which they friendly
are your

heart of your

The Battle Sta

A Battle Standard Your

particularly General impressivei

option in your If
by a character value,

model writingthat carries

which model

Unlike normal

bearer that is slain a character

are in General. the same

Combat Result Presence :

of +1 gaze
combat of th

Standard friendly grants units

If, by some unusual
Standards first!). on

the bonus for

“Hold Your Groun

steadying presence,

fleeing , friendly
Command range

addition, friendly

Command range

test. However,

even if it is worse
Characters & Troop Type
Characters & Ridden Monsters

If a character is mounted upon a ridden

Just like any other model, character models monster (be it a ‘monstrous creature’ or a

have a troop type. In most cases, this will ‘behemoth’), the whole model is treated

be a sub-category of ‘infantry’, although as being of the mount’s sub-category of

Characters & Troop Type

Mounted Characters

Wizards of the Old World

The treatment of

practitioners of magic varies

greatly across the human

nations of the Old World. In

Bretonnia, gifted
troop characters,

become the Daughters

of Chaos, are

Grail, priestesses
Split will Profile be a (

revered and held

unlike any the other m

law. Elsewhere,
character in that some

land beset by
Monster type will will
and extreme env
described on p

practitioners o
works as follows:

valued commodities.

contrast, Wizards
•Many Unless characters noted

outcasts in the
mount rules of that some a

shunned and
will (characterbe something

for their deviant

like as a well.

employed clandestinely
•cases, This the model character

nobles who desire

ride characteristic
atop a monster

or counsel. Further
•from The elsewhere character

practitioners t
their own
wise advisors,
Characters Skill, Strength,

mages and skilled

If a characteristics,

but a few examples.

•(be In it ‘light
,’ ‘heavy’

the are model made is treate


mount’s Weapon sub-category Skill.

•Not Impact unlike Hitsany

a mounted the mount’s character

•profile, When as described


following Save roll, addition: it

the character’s

• When
is better. moving ,
• Movement
If the character

Wounds, the

Improved removed from


mounts are big

Improved mounted Characteristics:

monsters are Toughness
beasts, and being

increase within the character’

Wounds characteristics.

will be noted
Characters & Chariot Mounts

If a character is mounted upon a chariot (be it ‘light’ or ‘heavy’), the whole model is treated

as being of the chariot’s sub-category of troop type.

Split Profile (Chariot Mount): Not unlike any other chariot, a character that is mounted

The Creatures of the North

All manner of foul and

mutated creatures stalk

the northern wastes. The

Characters & Formations Marauder tribes hunt such

upon a chariot
beasts, the most

as follows:
warriors eager

greatest trophies.

• Unless noted
a beast alive often

crew or beasts)
greater renown

• This model
killing it and som
there are no
chieftains ride

• The character,
chariots pulled

Initiative and
wolves while th

• In combat,
to war within

• Impact Hits
towering mammoths.

• Enemy rolls


• When this


• If the chariot
Improved Characteristics:

bolstering their


with W3 is mounted

Character models

• A character

• A Lone character
• A character

their mount.
Lone Characters

Whilst many Lone characters Characters ride to battle aboard a chariot or atop a monster, many more bold

leaders and dangerous fighters prefer to move around the battlefield as individuals, fighting

a solitary battle against the fo e :

Warrior Priests

There are many gods

worshipped in the Empire,

some of whom require their

clergy to march to war.

Unit A wishes to shoot an enemy character. Characters 1 and 2 are both within 3" of a

friendly unit (unit B), but character 3 is not. However, despite being within 3" of a friendly

unit, character 2 is the closest target. Therefore, the unit can shoot at either character 2 or 3.
Priests that take

often referred
• Any character

Priests. The most


are those of Sigmar

but Morr and

During the course

large numbers
bringing their
servants who
a character ceases

restless dead and

of nature respectively.
A Lone character


Lone characters
engaged in combat,

making a pursuit

Before moving

passed, the character

away from any

enemy unit than

completes its

Targeting Lone

A Lone character
picking out any

least. Unless the

A Lone character

within 3" of a
the same troop

is the closest targ

Characters & Units
Fleeing units: Should a unit joined by

a character flee, the character must flee

Unless somehow prevented (by a special with it (regardless of any special rules the

rule or by their troop type, for example), character may have that would normally

most characters can join a friendly unit. prevent it from fleeing). If the unit is run

down by an enemy whilst fleeing , the

Characters & Units

The Mark of a Champion

Though the followers of

Chaos acknowledge and

worship the entire pantheon

of Chaos gods, many are

Unit A has been joined by two characters which are placed within the front rank of the unit,

displacing a total of three rank and file models to the rear rank.

Unit B ha s been joined by a character that will not fit neatly within its ranks. Therefore,

the character mo d el is positioned on the unit’s flank, a d j a c e nt to, and in base contact with,

the front rank.

A character can
drawn to a single

character is slain

Should one of

• During deployment,
Powers notice


with the unit.

would-be champion,

When a character

• During the
them as its own.

placed in its front

phase, by mov
moment, the c
more rank and

a unit that
deeds are observed

command group

or fleeing .
and, if the champion

as required, as

found worthy,

character’s base

A unit cannot
greatly rewarded.

the unit’s ranks,

a character during

unit’s flank, adjacent

sub-phase. However,

with, its front

as having moved

character moved

Should a unit

models within,

Note that a unit

rank must be

one character, b

to, the new front

one another to

movement is

Unit Strength:

If there is no ro

for as long as t

a unit’s front ra

character adds

rear rank.

of the unit.
Leaving A Unit

Spells: When

A character can

is under the effect

Remaining Moves

the entire unit,

moving away

likewise affected.

makes its own

is under the effect

cannot move

to affect a unit,

the character

likewise affected.

have moved away,

joined to the un
Measurement Movement

Distances to or from a unit that has been A unit that has been joined by a character

joined by a character are measured from moves as normal, the character model

the unit as a whole, taking into account any moving as part of the unit. A character

character models positioned adjacent to model that is positioned adjacent to the


A Waaagh! is the name the

nations of the Old World give

the massed invasions of Orcs,

derived from the creatures’

bellowing cries. They arise

Unit A, which has a character within its In this example, the character is adjacent

front rank, has been charged in its flank. The to unit Bs’ front rank. It moves through the

character moves through the ranks, into the ranks to take up a position adjacent to the

fighting rank. fighting rank.

unit unit. must remain

when a powerful

contact with,

conquers large

the end requiredof its

Orc tribes and

character (for

gaze upon the

A unit character’s that has

races. Then, an

always the uses model the
sea of green-skinned

of the slowest

swarms the land,

to any Facing

and razing all

to both. line For of sight

Eventually, a Wa

joined joined by a character

falter, be it due

only move
are determined .4"

fresh foes splintering

whole, taking

Orc horde or

models positioned Through

death of the Warboss.

A character whose

wake, nations

combat required may som

Waaaghs’! passage

‘move the through

scarring the land.

move the a spell),character
models itself as required) as

desired does space, not

appropriate sight. rank,

and 208.2.

If required to

A character character, that
ranks Into such

than sight within to the the

must return to

immediately on

engaged in combat.
Characters & Shooting Characters In Combat

If a character equipped with a missile Characters can always be found where the

weapon has joined a unit equipped with fighting is thickest. In combat, a character

missile weapons, both must shoot at the that has joined a unit:

same target, using their own characteristics.

Enemy Shooting : A character that has

joined a unit cannot be hit by enemy

shooting unless:

• They are targeted by an attack that

Liche Priests

The Mortuary Cult of

Nehekhara was commanded

by the Great Land’s monarchs

to conquer death and,

over the course of several

allows a specific
• May, if they

generations, their

be targeted.
Note rank that when this

proved successful.

• They find
not during
to Magic Step Missile

generation of

a template.
& Fight sub-phase,

not die, they mer

• There are

and aged until

models in
player, move
more than living

the fighting

Such was their

If there are fewer

• May, if they

over ritual and

models in the
rank, make


must first allocate


countless centuries,

one hit has been


their incantations

contains. Any
enemy, as d

Winds of Magic

equally as possible
• Can direct

and the unit.

divide them

models they

“Look Out, Sir !”:

• Can only be

a shooting attack,
more rank and
Attacks) that

character can
made by enemy

To make a “Look
contact with

On a roll of 1,
• Can only have

of 2+, a member
Attacks directed

character’s place
are fewer tha
the unit.
in the unit.

Note that characters

rank are considered

Too Many Characters:

contains only

rank cannot conta

it does rank and

or more must

retiring , a character:
• Moves through

position away

• Cannot make

attacks directed

• Confers no
form of Leadership,

anything else.

Excess Wounds

Excess wounds
‘spill over’ onto

joined it, and

R efusing A Challenge

A warrior that refuses a challenge will

Challenges between mighty characters invariably attempt to hide from the foe.

and brave unit champions are a dramatic Thus is their cowardice revealed to all as

feature of Warhammer: the Old World, they hastily retreat into the rear ranks of



Sigmar himself worshipped

Ulric, the god of war, wolves

and winter. Ulric is one of the

most ancient gods, revered by

their unit.
representing the
primitive human

opposing warlords
before the Unberogen

If the opposing
unusual for the
came to prominence.

a challenge, the
who wins a chal le nge !
it was Ar-Ulric,

challenge may

Priest of that

characters or
Issuing A Challen
who crowned
accepted it. The
Challenges are
first Emperor.

immediately ‘re
chosen during

retiring , the nomina

Combat & Fight

challenge can

• Moves through
active player ha

position away
a challenge first.

• Cannot make
inactive player

attacks directed

• Confers no
To issue a challenge,

form of Leadership,
nominate an el

anything else.
to be the challenger.
model must be

Once a character
fighting rank.

retired from com

eligible model,

cannot return

their unit is still

Accepting A

model that issued

Once a challenge
far too occupied
opposing player

character or champ

be eligible, the

adjacent to, the

does not have

cannot be accepte d .

Note that if there

champions in the

issued goes unanswered.

Nowhere To Run O ve rk i l l

Sometimes, a challenge is simply impossible Seeing a mighty hero hacked to pieces by a

to refuse. A character or champion cannot despicable foe will certainly have an effect

refuse a challenge if: upon a unit’s fighting spirit. If a character

fighting in a challenge kills their opponent

The Fauschlag

It is said that in times past

Ulric led the Teutogen tribes

to the heart of the deep forest,

smashing asunder the peak

of a tall mountain with his

and They causes are more not

fist and leaving

their the opponent last remaining

plateau in its p

then They for eachare part

known today

a bonus in all of four +1

rock and it is h

maximum completely of

great city of Middenh

thrives, holding

Note such that cases, this

the evils that s

Usually, nowhere only the to

Old World.

counted must for meet the

not the number

Fighting A

Once The a challenge Death!

If both combatants participants

the round against of com

continues Whilst into

the challenge models

challenges direct cannot
combat duelling until models.

been resolved.

If possible, the

challenge should

If either ranks participant

mounted, another, their the
crew of duel. a chariot) However,

against practical, the other

participant them in is

are made (because

Initiative, for
may be made

the purposes o
Weapons Of W

Across the grim and dangerous Old World and beyond, warriors employ many

different types of weapons Weapons against of War a multitude of foes. From the well-wrought

Weapon Profiles

Just like the models that carry them, all weapons have a profile. This includes the weapon’s

characteristics and lists any special rules it has:

R S AP Special Rules

Notes: A flail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.

The Sword of Khaine

Off the northern coast of Range (R) Armour Piercing (AP)

Ulthuan sits the Blighted Isle, All weapons have a Range characteristic, This shows how good the weapon is at

a dismal island upon which telling you at what distance the weapon punching through armour. This is always

resides the Sword of Khaine. can be used: a negative modifier, which is applied to

It is a weapon of terrible the dice rolled when making an Armour

• If the weapon’s Range is C

‘ omba,t’ Save roll.
axes of the Dwarfs

power that was

Flail the weapon

favoured weapons.

by Aenarion, Rules
combat, against

Many weapons Kings

engaged with.

It is usual for

of Ulthuan when
rule to attacks
• If the weapon’s

belonging to the

first unleashed
described on p
inches, the

ld I f
world. Its form

used to shoot

changing to fit

number given

set eyes upon

Some weapons

they can the be Shrine used

• If the weapon

which Elven the god wielder


modifiers awaits apply
of inches, th
wielder comes
first round of
the second

model that can will
a stone thrower

whose troop type

meaning it

addition, some
which lie betw

unique rules.

rules are contained

Strength (S)

The weapon’s

making rolls To

enemy. For missile

as a simple numerical
weapons this

that the Strength

as S‘ ’ with a modifier

meaning the Stre

but with a modifier

Combat Weapons

The following pages detail some of the many types of combat weapon found in the

Warhammer world. Combat Unusual Weapons weapons that are specific to individual races or armies are

covered in the army list for that particular race.

Tribes of the Badlands

Since the infamous Battle of

Black Fire Pass when Sigmar

and his foundling Empire

hurled back an enormous

invasion, the Badlands have


hand weapon
been infested

More Than

Goblins. Unable

Many models

permanent foothold

upon entering

lands of the Empire,

and Goblin tribes

• If a unit is
their lairs across

use when its

Princes, the Badlands

• The entire

vast mountain


encircle those


The Dragonback

• If a unit champion

in particular have

they can choose


a favoured stomping

• Unless the

for Orcs and Go

change weapons

the largest peak

combat. The

all, Mount Bloodhorn,

following a

become something

spiritual home
spiritual home

Hand Weapons

the area.

Even the most

a simple sword

claws, fulfil this

mount, is considered
Hand Weapon

Notes: Unless

Two Hand W
Not content with

to rain blows down


A flail is a cumbersome, heavy weapon used with both hands. It consists of heavy weights, often

spiked, attached to a pole or handle by heavy chains. A flail drains the user’s stamina quickly, but

is incredibly destructive nonetheless, its impact smashing shields and splintering bones.

R S AP Special Rules

The Old A lliance

The alliance of Men and

Dwarfs stretches back to the

time of Sigmar, before the

founding of the Empire. As

Morning Star

A morning star is a single-handed weapon that consists of one or more spiked balls on a chain. Like

the larger flail which it resembles, it is a tiring weapon and its advantage lies in the initial flurry

of combat.

R S AP Special Rules
a young man,

Morning star

Kurgan Ironbeard

Notes: A morning

Notes: A flail’s
High King of

leading both Man


Great Weapon
to pledge to aid

Consisting of one

Great weapons
in times of war.

a skilled user a
a skilled user a

great hammers,
came the Battle

added, it can inflict

a foe in half and

Pass, where Sigmar

Kurgan threw

horde of Orcs.


Great weapon
though tested

has remained
since with Man

marching side

The halberd is
their foes many

like a spear and

through armour

Often called the king of weapons, spears are the most diverse type of weapon found in

the Warhammer world. From long , elegant, thrusting spears favoured by serried ranks of

infantry, to short, heavy, throwing spears preferred by hunters and skirmishers.


Runic Magic

Dwarfs are not magical by

nature and only those Dawi

who dwell in the Dark Lands

prove capable of bending

the Winds of Magic to their

A lance is a long ,
whim. However,

the arm of its wield

have no equal

momentum of
and the binding

enemies, which
their creations.

bind the Winds

potent sigils that

and tame magic

Notes: Models
hampering its

turn in which th
tendencies. A

must use its hand

can enchant a

into a nigh-impenetrable
Cavalry Spear
raiment, bestow

Lighter than a
with runes that

more than make

metal veins and

bear against the

simple hammer

capable of sundering

mightiest fortress.
Cavalry spear

Notes: Models

and Armour Piercing

wielding a cavalry
Throwing Spear

Short, heavy throwing

battle, they can

often to devastating
Throwing spear

Notes: A throwing

subsequent turns

Thrusting Spea

The favoured weap

charge, thrusting

in multiple ranks

their impetus,
Thrusting spear

Notes: Models

make a supporting

charged in its front

against the charging

Missile Weapons

The following pages list many of the most popular types of missile weapons seen in the

Warhammer Missile Weapons world. Unusual weapons that are specific to individual races or armies are

covered in the army list for that particular race.

The Wurtbad Deathjacks

The Deathjacks are renowned

archers who can track a foe at

speed through any forest. First

recorded on the Wurtbad roll

of honour in the

the Deathjacks

More Than

ahead of the main

As with combat

army during the

between the Three

• If a unit is

Though dubbed
use when it

stickers or Thieving-jacks

• The entire

by their own co

always choose

their pillaging

have joine d .

ways, the Deathjacks

• If a unit champion

continued in se

they can choose

day, recruiting
archers and woodsmen


the Great Forest.

The humble bow

for the most part,

world use various


A longbow is capable

archer can hit a



Small, short-ranged

to use a longbow).

thanks to its compact



The most commonly

composite materials

archer directly

Black Powder Weapons

Considered the cutting edge of weapon technology in many human realms, black powder

has long been utilised by the Dwarfs and by several human nations. Black powder weapons

are overly large and noisy, though the craftsmanship that goes into their construction

is considerable.

The Carroburg Greatswords

The Carroburg Greatswords

first earned their reputation

during the Siege of Carroburg

in IC 1865. After holding the

breach for a full day against

Repeater pistol 12" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (3),

Quick Shot
the army of Middenlan


the surviving

A handgun is a

the regiment c

advanced versions

uniforms from

burning fuse soaked

Reikland to a

very hard, making

red to honour



Pistols are smaller

that, whilst their

effective clubs to

Brace Of Pistols

Warriors that

them to snap off

their pistols.
Brace of Pistols



Notes: A brace
Repeater Guns

Some believe that

gun consists of
Repeater handgun

A crossbow consists of a short, strong bow stave mounted on a wooden or metal stock.

They are heavy weapons that are slow to load, and it requires considerable strength to

wind back the string of a crossbow. They make up for this with their tremendous range

and power.


There is a night every year

that is viewed as an accursed

eve within the Old World

– Geheimnisnacht. It is the

only night of the year when

Brace of repeater

the moon of Morrs


is always full.

The average crossbow

sickly green moon

are quick and ea

brightly in the

weapon for large

the dead stir with

graves and the

dark gods roam


Each Geheimnisnacht,

ordinary folk

Repeater Crossbow

and windows,

To address how

high and pray

Sacrificing raw
f g

that they will

for a fresh bolt

the dawn.

Repeater crossbow
Repeater Handbow

Based on the same

weapon. Such w

more than compensated

arm themselves

are favoured by
Repeater handbow
Thrown Weapons

The most simple type of missile weapon is one that is thrown at the enemy. Yet for how

simple such weapons are in principle, great variety and ingenuity can be seen in their

design. Some are light, enabling the user to throw them a considerable distance; others are

heavy, intended to hit with huge impact. Still others employ a secondary lever, enhancing

the strength of the wielder’s arm.

The Southlands

Far to the south of the

Empire, past the ragged

Badlands and beyond

the parched Lands of the

Dead, lie the jungles of the

Southlands. In

Throwing Weapon
World, little is

Throwing weapons,
land, a fact which

they are favoured

the interest of

weapons can be
bands of treasure
the abandoned

Zorn; the lost

Throwing weapon
Zlatlan; the haunted

of the Temple

supposedly offers

to those brave
The javelin is a
dare the thick

hand fighting.
few return alive

enough amongst
foolhardy expeditions.


Not truly a throwing

is placed and then

how far a stone

shots with barely


Throwing Axe
Throwing axes

Despite this, even

throwing axe hits

Throwing axe

Few warriors venture onto the battlefield without some measure of protection, be it only a

padded leather jerkin or a gleaming suit of plate mail. Many creatures shun conventional

armour, protected instead by their own thickened skin or scaly hides.


Common Armour Types

Type of Armour Armour Value

Light armour 6+

The Wild Hunt Heavy armour 5+

Each summer, a horn echoes Full plate armour 4+

throughout Athel Loren. It

is a clarion cry that rouses Light Armour: Representing incomplete suits of mail, occasional plates of armour and

the fair folk to war, an even the thick, calloused hides of some creatures, light armour offers a degree of protection

to vital areas.

Heavy Armour : Some warriors own heavy coats of mail and quilted leather armour.

Others are protected by thick scales that cover their skin. Heavy armour provides good all-

around protection

The blood of t
Whatever the

with savagery
test made against

Full Plate Armour:

pound with restless

armour value

armour layered

Those who heed

described on p

whereas some

the Wild Hunt,

avatar of their
Armour Value

Maximum A

The earth thunders

Although in some

Regardless of

pounding of his
models is determined

an armour value

and all quake

rules, spells or

of Elves and forest

no effect.

that follow him,

from Athel Loren

No Armour

fire and ruin dow

A model that

mortal races.

purposes of Armour

represents the

jewellery it wears,
carries a shield,
Unusual Armour

In addition to the armour types listed here, many armies have access to unique materials or

spell craft which can enhance their armour still further. This is usually represented by an

army special ruleUnusual which Armour represents these types of armour.

Additional Equipment

Strange Structures

The wild and isolated

places of the Old World are

dotted with many strange

and eerie towers. Such

structures frequently house

Wizards & Armour

Wizards cannot wear armour. Should a Wizard ever do so, they would be unable

to make any Casting or Dispel rolls. This penalty applies to all armour and shields,

magical or otherwise, but does not include barding (which is worn not by the Wizard,

but by their mount).

Wizards and S


often persecuted

Many models

larger towns and

upon their armour

superstitious p

for a trusty mount

and intolerant
various gods, s

Note that, regardless

in solitude. Such

than 2+. Any bo

invariably appear

at first glance,

Shield: A shield


decorated thing

inspection does

and finished with

apparent that

are carried by

inhabited. Unfortunately,

close inspection

A model that

proves fatal as

equipped with

prone to protecting

shield, its armour

privacy with pot


deadly enchantments.

Note that if a m

cannot also use

Barding : Barding
forms, from heavy

often on the moun

challenge to tailor

A model that
model equipped

be barded, its

5+ to 4+.
War Machines

ar machines are mechanical constructions that hurl massive projectiles at the foe. Bolt throwers, cannon and stone

throwers are all war machines, and there are many other bizarre contraptions to be found in the Warhammer world.

War Machines

The following pages present the rules and weapon profiles

for the most commonly seen types of war machine. Still Basing War Machines

more exotic types can be found in the various army lists, Although war machines and their crew are treated as a

representing war machines unique to a certain race. For single model (as described on page 197 ), the models that

the most part, these exotic war machines will use the rules represent the crew are most often based individually,

presented here with a few minor alterations or additional separate to the war machine itself. Accordingly, a war

machine’s profile will give a base size for both the war
special rules, the
machine and its

crew separately

For clarity, any

can remove one

presented here

given as part of
During deployment,
machine’s crew

base contact with

in position, adjacent

models should

or when determining
However, many

and crew together

war machines

work. This is
Bolt Throwers

Bolt throwers are huge crossbows that shoot spear-sized missiles. They are relatively simple

weapons, Bolt far Throwers less prone to malfunction than many, supposedly more advanced, war machines.

Athel Loren

The forest of Athel Loren,

bordering the nations of

Bretonnia and the Empire,

holds many secrets. Legends

say that Elves make their

Repeater Bolt Thrower Special Rules

R apid Fire: Instead of shooting normally, a repeater bolt thrower can ‘rapid fire’ a

number of smaller bolts, with the profile given below. If this special rule is used, all

shots must be at the same target.

R S AP Special Rules

The bolt thrower lies within the enemy unit’s flank arc, causing one hit per file. As the

unit is five models wide, five hits are caused. Each hit after the first suffers a reduction to

its Strength.
homes within

Rapid Fire

Bolt thrower

boughs and trunks,

amongst the treeto

Repeater bolt

slaying any who

the forest. Other

of living trees

becomes manifest

Bolt Thrower

threaten the arbor

Through & Throug

Regardless of

target of a bolt

enter Athel Loren

on), and if the

death awaits,
dwells beneath

• One hit per

cares not for the

lies in the

lesser creatures.

• One hit per

However, a bolt
this, the bolt thro

the first.

Note that, should

are caused.
Stone Throwers

Stone throwers lob large rocks high into the air to come crashing upon enemy ranks. The very

largest can hurl a projectile big enough to flatten monsters and knock down city walls.

Stone Throwers

Northern R aiders

To the north of the Empire

and Bretonnia lies the land of

Norsca, inhabited by peerless

sailors that raid coasts

throughout the Old World

16 models lie underneath the blast template. 4 are hit automatically, 12 are hit on a D6 roll of 4+.
and the New.

Stone thrower

the world have

of the Norscans

Notes: This weapon

more than mere


are traders who

table. The Multiple

d h h
goods they have

underneath the

settlers of far-off

explorers of unmatche

Stone Thrower

Yet the lands


bathed in the

following steps:

the polar gates

worship strange,

1. Choose Target:

deities that demand

between its minimum

and sacrifice;

that its central

for war, the Norscan

will drown the

2. Scatter: Once

fire and blood.

Scatter dice:

• If a ‘Misfire’


• If a ‘Hit!’ is

shown on
• If an arrow

the roll of

3. Damage: Any

described on p
• A single model

struck by the


• All other hits

Piercing characteristi
Indirect Fire An indirect shot is not as accurate as one where the crew can

A weapon that shoots using the Bombardment special rule see their target:

can do so even if it cannot draw a line of sight to its target

by hurling a shot high into the sky, passing over intervening • If an arrow is rolled on the Scatter dice, resolve the scatter

regiments and even terrain. However, such indirect fire is as normal.

• If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, the shot does not

Stone Thrower Misfire Table

D6 R esult

1 Destroyed: The weapon cannot take the strain! Bits of wood and metal debris are thrown into the air and the stone

tumbles to the ground. The model is destroyed and immediately removed from play.

2-4 Malfunction: One of the crew has become caught in the firing mechanism. This problem can be fixed, but only by

partially dismantling the weapon, the crew member, or both. The crew immediately loses one Wound, the model fails to
inaccurate at

land on target

where their foe

5-6 Twang:
scatters less

by scouts.

of the crew.

to determine

If you wish to

template a

before taking
Artillery dice

not require a

(to a minimum

treated as a normal


Cannon are devastating , if sometimes unpredictable, weapons. When they work, cannon can

The Floating Isles

Legend tells that a squall of

screaming winds once came

wailing southwards from the

Realm of Chaos. Contained

within the darksome tempest

The first roll of the Artillery dice is a 2, meaning the cannonball strikes the ground 2" ahead

of the target point. The second roll is an 8, so the cannonball bounces .8"
shatter so much
an enemy’s m

that the very e

The break following apart.

the fury of the

unleashed that
Cannon rose

inverted mountains,

high into the ai

Great clouds

these floating

scudding southwards,
by the wind Cannon as

‘Cannon Whether Fire’ sp

aerial islands

none can say. Special

Cannon Fire :
1. Choose Target

maximum range.

Once you have

2. Fire: Once
• If a ‘Misfire’


• If a number

from the cannon

the ground.
3. Bounce : Unless

tearing through

another Artillery
• If a ‘Misfire’

• If a number

distance of
4. Determine Hits: Once the strike point and the distance of the bounce have been

established, it is time to determine which models (if any) have been hit :

• Any model whose base lies underneath the strike point is hit automatically.

• Any model whose base lies under the path of the bouncing cannonball is

The Imperial Gunnery

School of Nuln

The Imperial Gunnery

School, located in the city

Grapeshot of Nuln, is the foremost

Instead of firing normally, cannon crew can opt to fire grapeshot. They do this by manufacturer of black

loading the gun with canisters filled with rusty nails, handgun bullets and other small

projectiles – effectively creating a huge blunderbuss.

hit automatically.

powder weapons


Empire. It also

However, should

centre of erudition,

Notes: Cannon

new generations

• One model
Instead, they shoot

artillery crews

• One model
Powder Misfire
wielding soldiers,

the city a firm

Models that lie

Special Rules

in the civil war.

Needs More

Nulns’ knowledge

5. Crunch: Sometimes,
grapeshot, check

powder was learnt

Dwarfs, though

• If the cannonball
If a ‘Misfire’

years the Imperial

stops immediately.

School has laboured

• If the cannonball
If a number

forge new inventions

No further

varying success.
Organ Guns

The multi-barrelled organ gun is so called because its array of barrels resembles the pipes of a

musical organ. An organ gun lacks the range and power of a cannon, but fires a barrage of shots.

Organ Guns

The Wisdom of the Woods

The people of the Empire

have long feared and avoided

the dark swathes of woods

that surround their meagre

hamlets. Woodsmen

paths carefully
Organ gun

forests’ edges a

know not to follow

Notes: This weapon

too far into the

The messages
Organ Gun
superstitions a

scaring tales are

any rolls To Hit.

lurks in the woods,

are no mere fables…

• If a Misfire

one of its all

• If a Misfire

fault has occurred

exactly what.

After determining
Ballistic Skill


These short, heavy

This shell explodes

through even the

Notes: This weapon

using the ‘Bombardment’

Misfire table. The

underneath the
Fire Throwers

A fire thrower consists of an airtight copper-lined barrel and a fluid chamber filled with a sticky

alchemical sludge. When triggered, a fire thrower launches a torrent of noxious chemicals, which

ignite as they pass over an ignition flame in the weapon’s barrel, incinerating anyone and anything

Fire Throwers

The Geomantic Web

The Geomantic Web is a

great network of ley-lines

constructed by the Old Ones

to channel magic around

the world, powering their

Black Powder Misfire Table

D6 R esult

1 Destroyed: The weapon explodes with a thunderous noise, leaving a hole in the

ground and a cloud of black smoke hanging in the air. The model is destroyed and

immediately removed from play.

2-4 Malfunction: The charge misfires, terminally inconveniencing one of the crew
unfortunate enough


and maintaining

great enchantments.

Fire thrower

sprawling temple-cities
5-6 Pffft:

Lizardmen were

Notes: Fire throwers

upon points of

Fire’ special rule.

within this great

centre of each

the mighty Slann

Fire Thrower

commune with

Column of Fire:

and, through

narrow end so
magic, shape the

broad end so t

Old Ones wished.

number of inches

from the narrow

Note that this

maximum given

Once the flame

• If a ‘Misfire’

• If a number

fire thrower.

Any model whose

pag e 9 5 .
Black Powder

Black powder

spectacular fashion.

gun, mortar, fire

result immediately :
Empire Of Man
Accompanied by regiments of State Troops, the immense bulk of an Empire Steam Tank, ready for war,

emerges from the portcullis gate of an Imperial city.

Ahead of their knightly comrades, an elite regiment of Imperial Demigryph Knights

charges towards the swarming horde of Orcs and Goblins.

A unit of Empire State Troops, armed with halberds and displaying the colours of Marienburg .

A Lector of Sigmar mounted atop a gleaming War Altar.

Kingdom Of Bretonnia
A unit of Knights of the Realm, arrayed in the famed Lance formation of Bretonnia’s finest.

Mounted atop a noble Royal Pegasus, the Duke of Brionne delivers a rousing speech

to the regiments of humble Men-at-Arms under his command.

Safe behind lines of defensive stakes, a unit of Peasant Bowmen unleashes volleys of arrows upon the foe

whilst the crew of a trebuchet hurry to load their devastating war machine.

A unit of Bretonnian Men-at-Arms, armed with polearms and shields, displaying the heraldry of Duke Gastille of Brionne.
Wood Elf Realms
A unit of Wild Riders, armed with hunting spears and mounted upon Steeds of Kurnous.

Emerging from the forest alongside a wrathful Treeman, a troupe of Wardancers descends quickly upon those

that would invade and defile their woodland realm.

Appearing suddenly from above the forest canopy, a unit of Warhawk Riders unleashes a hail of enchanted arrows upon the

advancing ranks of their arrogant High Elf kin, convincing them of their folly.

A unit of Sisters of the Thorn, armed with Blackbriar javelins and wielding potent Battle Magic.
High Elf Realms
Led by a Sea Guard Prince, Lothern Skycutters swoop towards the enemy, over the heads of the elite Swordmasters of Hoeth and

White Lions of Chrace that hold the line against the invaders.

Within the ruins of an ancient tower, a High Elf Mage summons her power and casts a potent spell of protection

over the ranks of Lothern Sea Guard arrayed before them.

A High Elf Prince bearing the Battle A Lion Chariot of Chrace, drawn by two mighty War Lions and crewed by

Standard of his army. White Lion warriors wielding Chracian great blades.

A unit of Dragon Princes of Caledor, mounted upon barded Elven steeds and armoured in gleaming Ithilmar.
Orc & Goblin Tribes
An unruly mob of Orc Boyz, armed with choppas and shields.

A horde of cowardly Goblins, armed with shortbows.

An Orc Big Boss, armed with a An Orc Big Boss bearing the Battle An Orc Warboss, armed with a

great weapon. Standard of the Warboss. pair of choppas.

An enthusiastic Goblin volunteer waits impatiently for the crew of a Doom Diver Catapult to ready and fire their war machine,

launching him to soar ‘majestically’ through the heavens alongside his winged comrades.

Thundering ahead of the distant Boar chariots, a grunting and snorting mob of Orc Boar Boyz charges headlong

through volleys of enemy fire to crash into the foe’s ranks.

Dwarfen Mountain Holds
A unit of Irondrakes, armed with Drakeguns and armoured in full plate.

From his vantage point atop the tumbled ruins of ancient glory, a mighty Forgefather prepares to

unleash the powerful runic magics contained within the Anvil of Doom.
A unit of Longbeards, armed with Dwarf forged weapons and armoured in Gromril.

Arrayed before the gates of their hold, Dwarf Thunderers stand ready to repel invaders, confident in the power of the Dwarf

crafted weapons they wield and the might of the war machines at their back.
Tomb Kings Of Khemri
A unit of Tomb Guard, armed with deadly Khopesh swords and large shields.

Flanked by Skeleton Chariots and Spearmen, the terrifying bulk of a Necrosphinx, a great statue of stone and precious metals

brought to life by the magic of the Mortuary Cult, marches to war.

A unit of Skeleton Chariots, the pride of every Tomb Kings army.

A unit of Ushabti, armed with great weapons.

As arrows fly from the bows of Skeleton Archers, Sepulchral Stalkers emerge from the necropolis,

their petrifying gazes falling upon the enemy and turning flesh to stone.
Warriors Of Chaos
A unit of Chaos Marauders, armed with hand weapons and shields, carrying a blasphemous standard.

Mounted atop a ferocious Manticore, a powerful Sorcerer Lord gives the serried ranks of

heavily armed and armoured Warriors of Chaos the order to charge.

A unit of Chaos Trolls, armed with hand weapons, horrible mutations bursting through their calloused hides.

Crewed by mighty Chaos Warriors, the iron bulk of the Chaos Chariots thunders towards the enemy,

drawn by vicious Chaos Steeds and brutish Gorebeasts.

Battlefields Of Bretonnia

Lying between the Grey Mountains and the Great Ocean, The battle as shown is still in its early stages. The Bretonnian

Bretonnia is a rich and fertile land. Its many forests player has deployed to make use of the open space in the

and endless miles of green pasture are fed by numerous centre of the battlefield, while on their right flank the Pegasus

waterways, its meadows dotted with ponds and lakes. Knights skirmish through the terrain, hoping to outflank

the enemy.

The battlefield shown below reflects this in the terrain used.

The Wood have Elf been

hand side creating of the

and Bretonnian

left, the Wild farmstead;

charge. walls, What hedgerows

determining the
Both armies are

deployment zones,

point from which

the Wood Elves’

giving the impression

arboreal gloom.
The Pegasus Knights charge boldly forwards, towards the flank Ahead of the Warhawk Riders, the fast-moving Wardancers

of the Wood Elf army, into range of the waiting Waywatchers. skirmish through the water-filled glades, hoping to outflank

the Bretonnian Knights.

Battlefields Of The Empire

The Empire is a land of deep, dark forests, criss-crossed with In the battle shown below, a couple of turns have passed. On

roads and divided by many great rivers. Its walled towns and the left, a short and bloody fight between the skirmishing

cities rise up from the primordial woodlands like islands from Imperial Archers and the Goblin Wolf Riders, advancing

a green sea, and stand sentinel over the many small villages menacingly towards the Empire player’s cannon, has resulted

and hamlets that cling to existence on the frontiers between in the Imperial Archers fleeing .

civilisation and wilderness.

On the right,

engage battlefield the Trolls,

W a town of in all the th

h ouse ! In player the

prepare these, to charge e
gates, stand several

repair. Towards

outcrops, around

grown from the

way for the roads

Fleeing ahead of the victorious Goblin Wolf Riders, the Charging boldly into a large mob of Stone Trolls, the Imperial

Imperial Archers run for their lives, back towards the safety of Knights are caught unawares by the unexpected arrival of a

their own ranks. Snotling Pump Wagon.

Battlefields Of Nehekhara

Far to the south of the Old World lies Nehekhara, the Land In the final turns of the battle, a vicious melee swirls in the

of the Dead , home to the cyclopean tomb cities of Khemri centre of the battlefield and the legions of the Tomb Kings

and Numas. Legend tells that, many millennia ago, the folk stand ready to engulf the High Elves that have dared intrude

of these lands lived happy and normal lives. This came to an into their lands.

end though when their lands were destroyed by the evil of

Nagash. Today, all that remains are the haunted desert and On the right, Shadow Warriors flee before the Carrion. On the
left, sand-filled
the Sisters

Skeleton Horsemen

Bone this Dragon. page,

quickly grandeur surrounded.

arid plain rises

Yet hope remains, aisles
the Tomb rear Sphinx,

Kings wind-eroded army, whilst

stands poised and
As the High Elf Mage summons her magical powers, the In the centre of the battlefield, a Lion Chariot charges into

Sisters of Avelorn stand defiantly before the charge of the the raging melee, crushing Skeleton Warriors whilst the

Necrolith Bone Dragon. Swordmasters trade blows with the Khemrian Warsphinx.
Battlefield Terrain

Battlefield Terrain

errain plays an important role in games of Warhammer: the Old World, helping to set the scene and evoke the feeling

of a battle fought in a fantasy realm. Whilst battlefields need not be densely covered in terrain, carefully placed and

thematic terrain is essential, and cunning generals will learn to use it to their advantage.

How Much Terrain? Placing Terrain

If there is too much terrain, units will struggle to manoeuvre. Some scenarios include guidance on the terrain features to

If there is too little, the battlefield will be sparse and include and where on the battlefield they should be pl ace d .

uninteresting. How The best

Much guide Terrain? is to use one terrain feature Most of the time, especially if playing a simple pitched battle

per 12" of longest table edge (rounded up to the nearest (see page 287 ), the placement of the terrain is left to the

Placing Terrain
players. For The example, recom

should suffice.

1 Determine

The the Size size Of of

2 From
a rule, the a terrain ter
more features, than 12" up

3 Once at its
both widest

decoration’ places the rather

4 Players then

To from
determine all of

should features use, follow

set aside.

• Between 2"

Players terrain can feature. place

but Between
not within 8"

opponent, terrain features.


The More only than
y p

272 terrain
), which features. must

the battlefield.

Should the players

battlefield decorations
Categories Of Terrain
Dangerous Categories Terrain of Terrain

Some terrain can present a very real

Terrain is divided into seven categories: risk to life and limb. This might include

open ground, difficult, dangerous and particularly rocky ground, deep swamps,

impassable terrain, linear obstacles fast flowing rivers, and even unnatural

or magical terrain features. Particularly

“Be sure, my son, when you

swing your axe,

That the bough you strike

is dead ,
(including both

dense and dangerous

For though winter
and hills.

rock strewn hills

and the wind

dangerous terrain.

Open Ground

Though the air

Any terrain not

Dangerous terrain
the fire is low,
something else
like difficult terrai

ground. Open

(on its own or

You may find
anything – grassy

begins its movement

swings back,
parched earth,

passes through

its movement,
To crush your
Difficult Terrain

dangerous terrain
your back.
This includes
Terrain test. To

might cause those

test, roll a D6.

So you pay heed
to struggle. This

successfully negotiates
I’ve said.
ground, shallow

terrain without

thick mud. Most

model has suffered

And be sure the
difficult terrain.
loses a single W
is dead.”

If any part of

For the purposes

From a Bretonnian
terrain, that unit

terrain is treated

Movement characteristic

of 1). This modifier

Note that a model

the unit begins

Terrain test for

terrain, passes

feature it encounters

during its movement,

in difficult terrain.

Should a unit
terrain, it makes

by rolling 2D6,

highest result,

Therefore, when

the lowest result

Charge roll.
Finally, a unit

begins a Combat

(25%) or more

terrain becomes

claim a Rank
Impassable Terrain Woods

Impassable terrain is any terrain that completely blocks Woods (or forests) are one of the most commonly seen

movement. This includes rock spires, deep rivers, sheer cliffs battlefield terrain features. A wood might be classed as

and most buildings, as well as high linear obstacles such as difficult, dangerous or even impassable terrain, based upon

castle walls and fortifications. its size and density, and the feature as a whole will certainly
obscure line of

Impassable terrain

Woodland battle – units Boundaries:

have a clearly to align

removed ofand impassable

Regardless of

terrain & feature, High

partial category cover as

the models A low

terrain Anything feature’s
Arboreal Linear Gloom : Obsta

with linear branches obstacles

such unit arboreal engaged

lies between obstacle, two

wood, Bonus.a line of

Defended over Low

obstacle can defen

contact with th

as normal but

Instead, the front

contact with th

the Fly (X) special

defended low

High Linear
combat, high

as impassable
Hills Battlefield Decoration

Hills are tactically important positions. Not only do they offer Very small decorative elements of terrain less than 2" across

bonuses in combat to the unit that holds the high ground, they at their widest point, such as a stack of barrels or a roadside

confer bonuses to shooting , allowing an additional rank to shrine, are called ‘battlefield decorations’. Such small features

shoot. Hills in general are treated as open ground. can be added to the battlefield in the same way as terrain and
in the same quantities.

Vantage that Point: a

objectives is able or to as

this, a unit on

Due to their to smal

with a battle.
movement addition, and any

presence sight across of such

the positioning on

move unit it that aside, is en

However, they any

to a unit that
or models.

Whilst most te

Beyond will the not. Crest:

side ; a wooden line o

a hill lies between

Whenever hill , a line a terr

the players should

game starts. over In

of a hill is a steep

that side, the

Special Features
Special Features Occupanc y : This means that a special feature can only be

controlled by a unit that is within it. A unit can occupy a

Special features are terrain features that represent an special feature by moving into base contact with it during the

important landmark. Some scenarios will specify that a certain Remaining Moves sub-phase of its Movement phase. Once

special feature should be set up on the battlefield. Otherwise, its movement is complete, the unit is placed within the special
feature. can Whilst agree

the battlefield.

• Cannot charge.

• Can Special

Unless vision specified arc f

•should Can be be used. shot

rules Wizard) for the thatterrain

special However, rules.

All measurements Special

feature features
are made

the battlefield.
Special features

they can features only

the army the u

Unless can it control
is fleeing ,
it during the Rem

Benefits by of making Control:

Simply certain place benefitsth

is in same base army.

then ends. last only
Proximity: This

by a unit that

five or more and

enemy units are

controls it. If
‘contested’ and
Arcane Monolith Monument Of Glory

All across the world are areas where magical energy pools and Many nations and races of the world celebrate their grand

gathers. Over the years, many races have attempted to tap into this achievements or righteous beliefs by erecting monuments to their

mystical power source. An arcane monolith can take many forms, leaders and gods. A monument of glory can take many forms. It
could Elvenbe represented waystones

a group of Dwarfen

might be a gilded

triumphs arcane of monolith
a Ch

The pag list e is 2 7endless. 2 ).
Controlling Rules

“ monument
Tingle in the

on pag e strangely, 2 7 2 ).

funny taste in

monolith Rulesgains

An Inspirational

Locus look of upon

achievements seeps from

them the toarcane ever m

monument re-roll aof s

all units roll.
that be
Rally tests.

Victory Points:

Honour Thy achievement.

sense of righteous
this spe

monument awarded a of bonu

controlling the
enemies) special

Victory Points:

significant achievement.

controls this spe

is awarded a bonu
Dark Ruins
Defended Position: When an enemy unit charges a unit

within dark ruins, it charges the feature itself rather than the

The Old World is littered with dark and mysterious ruins, forgotten model(s) within it. When charged in this way a unit treats all

relics of bygone eras. A dark aura invariably surrounds such of its arcs as a front arc, meaning the enemy unit can claim

tumbled down stones, and coiling mists hang around their edges. no bonuses for a flank or rear charge. A unit that occupies
dark ruins
ruins might
is alwa

linear a forbidding obstacle.

tombs and mausoleums

Duck & Cover:

does not move.

normal ruins but, are rather
of the walls. by a

has a Unit Strength

In anycombat, troop a type.

or Fall Back them. in

and the combat

Break and Rules flee
Dark Aura: from If

or Terror, all en

Huddled Together: characteristic

template, Fear or every

be underneath ruins does
on page 95 to . both

walls of the feature,

the usual 4+.

“Incoming !”:

occupied, the
with an AP of

structure. The

Victory Points:

significant achievement.
controls this spe

is awarded a bonu
Duck & Cover: A unit that flees whilst occupying a tower

does not move. The unit counts as fleeing and must rally as

Erected along roads and rivers, on the borders between provinces normal but, rather than run away, will seek cover in the safety

and the outskirts of towns and forests, solitary towers are a common of the walls.

sight in the Old World. They exist for many reasons; some may
In watchtowers,
combat, a uni

Fall Back for in seclusion. Good

and the combat forts

Break and flee

removed from

A tower is a buildin
Huddled a unit whose

every Strength
model curre

underneath type is the ‘infa

page 95 . However,

of the feature,

usual 4+. Rules
Ey r i e : Protected

“Incoming !”: a tower

occupied, model

with withan AP the of

structure. The
When an enemy

Victory feature Points: itself

significant in achievement.

controls this (regardless spe

is awarded
the close a confines bonu

unit can join th

Panoramic Views:

those occupying

However, the

represent this,
sight across or

units can draw

across or through
Warhammer Armies

Warhammer Armies

uilding and painting a collection of models for Warhammer: the Old World is a satisfying experience and, it must

be said, often a long term project. But as your collection grows, you will want to use it in games – to command your

miniatures on the field of battle.

Points Values & Size Of Game

Recommended Size Of Game

Quite what size a game should be depends largely upon how

Prior to a game, Points the Values players & must Size decide
of Game how many ‘points’ long the players want their game to last. Armies of 2,000

their armies will be worth. The higher the points value, the points will give players familiar with the rules a game that

larger the game. The points value dictates the maximum will last a couple of hours. Games with smaller armies can be

played in less time, whereas a game with much larger armies

The Muster List

points you can

might occupy

players decide

games with different

value of each

they most enjoy.

possible without

Minimum Th
An army must

units, not including

beasts’ or ‘war

The General

All armies must

General. If an

General is selected

The Muster

A muster list
that make up

muster list should

models it contains

those models

included, be they
and so forth.

Most importantly,

points value of

ensuring that
Players should

before deployment.

More Detail:

detail in their
special rules, ev

such detail is

much time is

a game.
Army Lists
Understanding Army Composition Lists

An army composition list is broken down into a number of

Each faction in Warhammer: the Old World has an army list. categories, each listing the units that belong to it :

This gives profiles and rules for all of the models that make

up that faction. An army list is broken down into six parts, • Characters: The characters that lead your army, powerful

Army Lists

“I call you out, Magnus, son of Megnin, son of Murbad!

Gather your armies if you can, for your head is mine to

hew from its neck, just as your grandsire took my father’s

hand a century hence today !”

Thrundil Barrelbeard, settling an old debt

though individuals not all

•armies, Core : for The example,

might up the
shun bulk the

• Special: Skilled

• Characters
battle line

• Infantry
their own
• Cavalry
R are : The

• Chariots

• Monsters

• War Machines

In addition, many

both of Composition
the following

An a‘ rmy composition

• Mercenaries: your army

types drawn of army from

• Allies: Most

Grand from Army: another

each faction. U

muster list will

from and create

Army of Infamy:

army composition
a number of ways,

to the Grand

of unit or upon

a certain region.

to create more
tactical flexibility.
Percentages Number Of Units

Each category Percentages of a composition list is accompanied by a Next to the names Number of some of Units units as they appear in the various

percentage. This is the percentage of points that you either can army composition lists are numbers, and these require

or must spend on units drawn from that category. In the case some explanation.

“Betwixt the peaks, an ogre waits, with club and sack to fill

its plate. B’tween the trees, the goats walk tall with baying

maws, they ’ ll eat you all. From icy wastes, the dark ones

ride to steal you back across the tide. Hence spoil’d crypt,

the dead do stride, from lifeless eyes no one can hide.

Down below the Goblin crawls, your death betoken by

of Grand Army

twisted wrawls.

•uniform. In some For cases,

to Morr’s garden,


• Characters
may contain

• Core
type of (at model . least

• Special
In other (up cases,
• Rare
followed (up byto

• Mercenaries
army must

• Allies
of model . (up

• allied
In some contingent) rare

per 1,000 poin,t

This to means3 per 1,000 that,

spend no more
a minimum than

units. for By every contrast, full

would pag ebe 2 71,000 6 ).

If no such number
minimum or

type of model

Named Characters

Many armies

powerful leaders,

special rules. As

army can only

Misbehaving Mercenaries Table

Mercenaries D6 R esult

Some army composition lists include a ‘mercenaries’ section, 1 Heavy Night: The mercenaries spent the night

which lists a number of units from different army lists. These before the battle drinking their way through their

units can be ‘hired’ from those army lists to fight for your army pay. They arrive on time, but smelling like a brewery
as mercenaries. and

enhance the the appear

improve its Stupidity fighting


Any 2-3 mercenary You

‘Mercenaries’ not

Misbehaving grumbling

Hiring mercenaries mercenaries

can sometimes getting

employer, both no
represent a this, minimum

includes 4-5 prior “Sorry,


• On a roll arrival of

the contract, unexpected

is treated Ambushers
‘ ’ as
your own and

• On a roll If the of

unreliable. special

Mercenaries roll

the 6 betrayal: General

in their




A llied Contingents
Allied Contingent Special Rules

The following special rules apply to an allied contingent:

Most army composition lists include an ‘allies’ section, which

lists a number of different armies from which an ‘allied • Units belonging to an allied contingent can only be joined

contingent’ can be drawn. These are small armies within an by characters that belong to the same allied contingent.

Allied Contingents • Characters belonging to an allied contingent can only join

army that represent

units that

main bulk of y

• Units belonging

Inspiring Pres

Creating An

Hold your

An allied contingent

the main army.

own right. Accordingly,

• Units belonging
g g

the army composition

Presence rule

army composition

Hold your

an allied contingen

Points Limit :

• Army special

percentage of

army do not

composition list

• Army special

example, the m


within a 2,000

• For all other

2,000 points).

results, etc.),


The Allied General:

least one character

Number of Units:

minimum of o

to how many
Types Of Alliance Suspicious Allied Contingents

The vast majority of alliances between an army and an allied In rare cases, an alliance of necessity might be formed between

contingent are made between trusted allies. As such, most two forces that are openly hostile to one another. They might

allied contingents follow the rules already given. However, not be warring at present, but they certainly have been in the

sometimes an allied contingent may be noted as being ‘Uneasy’ past and, once the current threat is dealt with, could quickly

or even S‘ uspicious.’ In such cases, the allied contingent start warring again.
represents an

An allied be contingent

all the rules given

In addition: Allied

Sometimes alliances

•not Shouldopenly a hostile unit

p y

as firm flee through


other versa, – they it must just

through an

•An Unitsallied belonging


the modifier
normal rules to
of a unit belonging

• All units belongi



• Units belonging

the main army

vice versa.
Regimental Units & Detachments
Creating a Regimental Unit: Creating a regimental unit

is simple – when writing your muster list, simply create a

Some armies of the Old World are particularly well-drilled, unit with the ‘Regimental Unit’ special rule as you normally

their units acting in support of one another with a discipline would and make a note of the detachments that accompany

that shames their more chaotic and unruly foes. It is not that unit. A regimental unit can be accompanied by up to

Regimental Units

& Detachments
two detachments. to


Creating the a Detachment :vu

choose defence a unit

unit enemy. as follows:
• A detachment R egiments

In some
models army to

accompanied regimental

d•‘ etachments.’ The models

are upgrades
marked by listed
•that A can detachment be taken

‘Detachment’ command

A detachment
some cases,

means that
means every

assigned be either to a reg
muster however, list. A

one regimental
muster list

You should also

Detachments deployment.

from additional

these special rule

independent f

items and special

affect its detachments

Detachment Special Rules Supporting Actions: Detachments are trained to support

Detachments follow a number of special rules, representing their regimental unit in battle. When an enemy unit declares

the specialised way in which they function alongside their a charge against a regimental unit, and if that regimental unit

regimental units: does not Flee as a charge reaction, each of its detachments that

is within 3" of it, not engaged in combat and not fleeing can
Regimental a Supporting De pl

the same time

A detachment be deployed

per held turn: in reserve

well and will ar

• Supporting
Regimental weapons may

leadership detachment to

fleeing , a Stand a detachment &

its regimental
target. If the

example, if
Note – that
it cannot if the

• Supportinguse its own

make a Supporting

Regimental ‘Supporting Psych

alongside phase, their

a detachment

same and battlefield that is

special of-sequence rules listed

detachments into contact

• Frenzy

• Hatred (X)
Warhammer Battles

Two armies, met byWarhammer chance or by Battles design, must now battle for sup re ma c y ! Who knows

what grim deeds have brought them to this bloody ground? Whether they fight for

Prepare For Battle

Campaign Battles: Linking games

together, either by following an unfolding

Not all battles are the same – quite the narrative or simply to find the most

opposite in fact – and the rules given on the successful general within a group, is a great

following pages attempt to reflect this. This way to experience Warhammer: the Old

section is broken down into three parts, World. Campaign battles often require

A Deadly Legacy

There is a mystic power about

battlefields and ancient cairns,

or any grounds hallowed by

a great many dead. There, in

ages long past,
glory, vengeance,

more covering

of the primitive
upon the field,

the players, of Warhammer: but

spells of protection,
will bring it to

the played. effort. These

has always considered

great evil for the

Pitched page 300
Battles: yo

up and walk again.

guidelines of game. for

wards and curses

into play a campaign.a game,

to complex spirals

will present and selectfar

arranged hexstones,

rules, play. from Pitched simple

these prehistoric

map based armies campaigns

can still be found,

quests with
and campaigns

in the foundations
armies battle

in ruins scattered

earn rewards. page 287


battle scenarios.

secreted amidst

Narrative of how Battles:

deep in the wilderness.

category, different often

wise avoid such

la.y’ Each scenarios, of t
py p

lurks many unseen

includes rules game

recreation easily. of a


simplest form

recreates history.
battles is to see

forces to a different

imagined counterpart

books of this fa

On page 302 yo
taking your narrative

This includes

objectives, as

the role a g‘ ames

their presence
for everyone inv
Setting Up Your Battlefield Deployment

With your up your
armies Battlefield selected and the type of game you want to All scenarios include a map showing deployment zones and

play de cide d , the next thing you will need to do is to set up a include instructions for the deployment of armies. These

suitable battlefield using the terrain in your collection. instructions Deployment might describe a unique method, but most often

Size Of Battlefield

Size of Game Minimum Size of Battlefield

Up to 1,000 points 30"x44"

1,001 to 3,000 points 44"x60"

3,001 points and above 44"x90"

Placing Terrain

The placement of terrain is described in detail on page 268 .

For most games these guidelines are ideal. In addition, some

scenarios might describe certain terrain features to include

and give instructions for placing such features.

they will instruct

method. Of Battlefield

portion the average
of their

battlefield measuring

Alternating However, Uni

deployment by the of
which player measuring

turns, each recommended

deployment zone,

All of the war

the same time,

your deployment

deployed last,

different locations

R eser ves: Some

reserves. These

described on p

also apply:

• Units that

if they contain
0) are placed

• Characters

own or as

to determine

character is
make a single
First Turn Victory Points

How to determine First Turn which player takes the first turn is detailed Most scenarios use ‘Victory Points’ to determine the winner.

in each scenario. In most scenarios, the winner of a roll-off In order to win, one player must score at least 100 Victory

chooses who takes the first turn. Points more than their opponent – if one player scores twice

Victory Points

Game Length
as many Victory

Game Length
achieved a crushing

Victory games Points last

of rounds – where

Dead scenario. or Fled:
by destroying ,

Conceding : of enemy If

and victory goes

•available Each enemy


off the battlefield

Time equal Limit : to 100% A


•take Each several enemy hours,

and worth making a number


time cost limit. (rounding Once

current your phase


Victory Points
• Each enemy

its starting

a number


The King is Dead

the battlefield

bonus of 100

Trophies of War:

every enemy st
page 200 . Additionally,

is slain, has fled

ends, you win

Scenario Objectives:

objectives to com
Points bonus,

Special Features:

of a special feature,

included, the

win a Victory
rules and/or as
Pitched Battles
Choosing A Pitched Battle Scenario

There are two methods players can use to decide a pitched

The pitched battle scenarios presented on the following pages battle scenario prior to a game. The first method is for the

are designed for armies of roughly the same size. In each players to simply discuss the matter and agree which scenario

Pitchedscenario, Battle the Scenarios

situation in which the armies clash gives neither to use. This gives the maximum amount of choice and ensures

Pitched Battle Table

D6 Scenario

1 The Plain of A

(Open Battle, see pag e 2 8 8 )

2 The Doom of Odo Todmeyer II

(Break Point, see pag e 2 9 0 )

that a you particular don’t

3 The

particularly sides an wants


scenario special

4 The

The second method


consulting the Rec

5 The

As mentioned

guidance to recreate

6 The

In addition, the


description of

outcome. Here

with suggestions

order to represent

They may also

present special


These rules are

more narrative

to explore freely,

adhered to. The

the general on

a different outcome?
The Plain Of L ’ anguille

– Open Battle –

The Plain of LA
’ nguile

n the summer of the Imperial year 2241, the Bretonnian king , Louen Orc-Slayer (who felt he had not yet truly earned

For several seasons Orcs had beset fair Bretonnia; raiding, looting after wave of bow fire. This was quickly followed by the charge

and looking for war. The northern dukedoms had fared the worst of the knights, which crashed deep into the advancing Orc horde.

and, in late 2239, Couronne had been overrun; the once fair city Behind the knights marched massed ranks of men-at-arms. As they

sacked and left smouldering. From there the province of A

L’ngueli drew close, the already disarrayed Orc lines ruptured and brutish

had been invaded. It was here, at the provincial capital, that warriors streamed forth to meet them.

King Louen had amassed a magnificent host of knights and a far

Deployment Zone A



Deployment Zone B
this bold epith

The battle (though quickly

lasted manyface and hours.

across battle. a plain pil

would be no victory

distant armies hills. had As
his surviving the city warriors

As the
night sun fell climbed across

borne triumphantly whooping

was obscured as

Open Battle
In the Warhammer

bloody field of

up across a wide


often stand victorious,

fought battle

to count their

This scenario

rival armies meeting

Set-up Historical Recreation

Place terrain as described on pag e 2 6 8 . The Battle of LAngui

’ le Plain was fought between a vast

horde of Orcs and the glittering splendour of the knights

Deployment of Bretonnia. Both sides were led by mighty warlords

Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off – the Orcs by Warboss Durgath Spine Cracker and the

Bretonnians by King Louen Orc-Slayer. To reflect this,

chooses which

each army should

of this roll-off

acting as the Gen

B), as shown on

foot or may be

using the alternating

mounted on a

First Turn

In addition, and
Once deployment

splendour of th

the first turn.

played with armies

first adds +1 to

The bulk of Waaagh!

Game L e ngth

early, displaying

Before the game


enemy. However,

length game or

bow fire caused

and, eventually,

Fixed Game L

player will automatically

one side concedes,

any unit with

is reached, as

charge on a roll
R andom Game

of rounds or unti

fifth round, roll

number to the

ends immediately.
continues for

Scenario Special

This scenario

Vi c t o r y !
Vi c t o r y !

Once the battle

which player
The Doom Of Odo Todmeyer III

The Doom of

Odo Todmeyer III

– Break Point –

he Wolf Emperor Odo Todmeyer III of Osterlund fought a long and bitter campaign against the Beasts of the Forest of

In the spring of the Imperial year 2251, as had by now become There followed a series of defeats for the armies of Osterlund, and

tradition, bold Odo led his army forth from the great city of many of the Wolf Emperor ’ s most trusted advisors implored him

Middenheim into the surrounding forests. The forces at his disposal to retreat to the Fauschlag , to conscript more troops and build

were a mix of veterans, who showed little fear as they marched strength. But Odo would not hear it – if his forces retreated to build

along well-worn trails to camps built in previous years, and new their strength, they granted the Beasts of the forest freedom to do

likewise. There followed a long and vicious campaign; the armies of

9" Deployment Zone A 9"



Deployment Zone B
9" 9"
recruits who jumped

Osterlund fought

cough from the

regaining the upper


As summer turned

Beastmen numbers

plans for a final

Wolf Emperor
Sadly for Odo

flank attacks as

dragged from his

it quickly became

The remnants

and forest forts

Middenheim, wh

corpse was entombed

Break Point

Some battles a

offer no quarter

battle might end

back, a battle
side is literally

cut down by purs

seldom little trac

This scenario
battle not unlike

one side is forced

Set-up Historical Recreation

Place terrain as described on pag e 2 6 8 . The Doom of Odo Todmeyer III took place deep within

the Forest of Shadows. To represent this, you should

Deployment endeavour to include as many woods as possible when

Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off setting up the battlefield. The battle was fought between
the remnants
chooses which

Empire army)
of this roll-off

Grand Army
B), as shown on

III, who should

using the alternating

mounted on a

First Turn
The Beastmen
Once deployment

Osterlund. To
the first turn.

have at least 25%

first adds +1 to

than their opponent.

emerged from
Game L e ngth

Therefore, at
There is no turn
the Ambushers
will last until

should be held
side concedes.

Scenario Special

Break Point:
a quarter (25%)

start of the game.

simply add together

characters) in

rounding fractions
With each model

each unit destroyed,

If, during any

Strength of either

army is considered
ends as models

and so forth.

Note that units

battlefield and

for the purposes

its break point.

Vi c t o r y !

If the game ends

army achieves

below their break

to determine

pag e 2 8 6 .
The Battle Of Pine Crags

– Flank Attack –

n the Imperial year of 1890, famed Dwarf treasure hunter Grimi Goldgather led an expedition from the Grey Mountains

The Battle of Pine Crags

With little to guide his search but vague references to the ‘Pine As the Dawi unknowingly entered the Pine Crags, the Asrai rushed

Crags ’ , Grimi had little clue as to where his lost ancestors had made to confront them. Splitting their strength, the Wood Elves hoped

their last stand. He decided that the best way to find the Pine Crags that the main body of their force would halt the inexorable Dwarf

was to follow Grungni ’ s supposed route through the great forest advance and give time for a smaller flanking force to outmanoeuvre

towards the Wild Heaths. If this was where the famous Dwarf had the enemy, capturing them in a deadly trap.

been headed, his lost caravan must lie along this same route.

Deployment Zone A
Right Flank Left Flank


12" 18"

Left Flank Deployment Zone B Right Flank

into the heart

Yet much to the

More than happy

Rangers had roamed

many trees and

now circling back

road for their arm

main forces met

the Asrai, who

sides of the battlefield!

wanton destruction.

The battle quickly

the Asrai would

followers? They

their defeat had

hundred yards
ill-fated expedition.

Flank Attack

Sometimes a c
sending a portion

outflank the enem

are likely to deliver

an equally cunning

This scenario
assigned a number

As these flanking

there is as equal

another as there

the main enemy

Set-up Historical Recreation

Place terrain as described on pag e 2 6 8 . The battle of Pine Crags took place within a rocky ravine

deep in Athel Loren. To represent this, you should

Deployment endeavour to include as many woods and areas of rocky

Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off terrain (be they difficult, dangerous or impassable)
as possible when
chooses which

was fought between

of this roll-off

hunters and a
B), as shown on

Dwarf army shou

players secretly

as Hammerers,
force and the

machines or Rune
must contain
• A flanking

unit and can

The Wood Elves

of the army

surprise as it m
flanking force

down trees. To
• A flanking

include the
Once flanking

makes a note

deployed upon.

roll-off, the players

central deployment

as described on

Finally, after bot

forces, the players

deployed . Starting
players deploy

flank zone, using

First Turn

Once deployment
the first turn.

Game L e ngth

The battle will

or until the time

described on p
Scenario Special

Other than the

scenario has no

Vi c t o r y !
Once the battle

which player
The Drakwald Forest Incident

– Meeting Engagement –

The Drakwald Forest Incident

n spring of the Imperial year 2248, following the suspicious death of Duke Ludwig XI of the Grand Duchy of Talabec,

Forces of the Reikland, which had long crossed the border into the Rassel, might have agreed, but the Witch Hunter accompanying

neighbouring grand duchy on the pretence of patrolling the banks her, Dietrich Haslav, decided the matter. The fanatic demanded

of the River Talabec, had begun to push further into the Drakwald the Talabheimers clear the road so that he might be about Sigmar ’ s

Forest. Worse, many small towns within Talabecland reported work, threatening to have flogged any who refused his orders.

visitations from state troops of the Reikland accompanied by

Sigmarite Witch Hunters and missionaries bent on doing their god ’ s By way of reply, the Talabheimer troopers began forming battle lines

Deployment Zone A



Deployment Zone B
the chilly rel

around Rumours their captain.

grew heated.

as units village from of Garndorf

itself was short-lived.

force, response, but they Duke

Talabheimers in the area.
was captured,

the excuse the r

During a brief

Meeting Enga
Leonard van Obelmann,

their borders. A

It is roads not uncommon
unexpectedly rumoured hangings.

Columns into

starts while rear

towards the battlefie

time for careful

This scenario

armies, in which

arrival of reserve

be most uneven.

Place terrain as described on pag e 2 6 8 .


Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off

Historical Recreation

The Drakwald Forest incident was a battle fought

between two armies of the Empire from rival provinces

towards the end of a civil war that had raged for a

thousand years. The army of Reikland should include

a Witch Hunter, representing the firebrand Dietrich

chooses which

Haslav, whose

this roll-off must

addition, the R

as shown on the

unit of Greatswords

representing M

Before deploying

one unit of Flagellants

unit, including
followers. The

On a roll of 1,

captain, representing

below). Once

are not held in

Both armies shoul

armies using the

better to represent

pag e 2 8 5 .

include war machines

knights (of any

First Turn

any were present.

Once deployment

the first turn.

Finally, to better

first adds +1 to

arriving as reserves

or Open Order

Game L e ngth

Marching Columns.

The battle will

or until the time

described on p

Scenario Special
R eser ves: R e s e r ve s

battle. Instead

Moves sub-phase

controlling player’s

enter the battlefield

within their deploy


Vi c t o r y !

Once the battle

which player
The Battle Of Gisoreux Gap

– Mountain Pass –

ate in the Imperial year of 2141, battle came to the usually peaceful Gisoreux Gap, marking the culmination of several

The Battle of Gisoreux Gap

The Gap, a wide and easily navigable mountain pass between This pattern continued for several years, even once the outbreak

the Grey Mountains and the Pale Sisters, had long been a valued of plague had receded, with ever more ludicrous charges imposed

trade route linking Bretonnia and the Barony of Westerland. upon travel through the Gap. In response to complaints from

Consequently, the pass was guarded at either end by substantial merchants, each lord demanded loudly that their counterpart cease

forts, each heavily garrisoned. These forts would stop merchants imposing extortionate fees upon travel, whilst ignoring all pleas to

trying to enter or leave the pass and levy heavy tolls upon their do so themselves. In time, complaints turned to threats and threats

Deployment 12" 12" Deployment

Zone A Zone B
years of gro

turned to violence,
passage. For decades,

do battle.
considering the

grudgingly endured.

The battle itself

by the steep walls

This was to change
plans. Ultimately,
Bretonnia caused

conflict was eventually

greater remuneration.

lords, for Sir Desfleuve

punitive tax on

some weeks later

to cover the cost

the tolls.
Desfleuve imposed

into Bretonnia,
Imperial citizens

Many of the king

separated by to

crossed at the

are of vital strategic


the perfect

This scenario

The battlefield


in which
Set-up Historical Recreation

Place terrain as described on pag e 2 6 8 . The battle of Gisoreux Gap was a brutal affair fought

between two elite and well-equipped armies (all that toll

Deployment money had to go somewhere !). The Bretonnian army

Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off should contain a high number of units of Knights. Any
units of Men-at-Arms
chooses which

to represent the
of this roll-off

position as guards
B), as shown on

Empire army,
using the alternating

famed for its u

of units of Veteran
First Turn
Mercenaries sp
Once deployment

of the battle and

the first turn.

tail and flee, player

first adds +1 to

Stubborn special

Game L e ngth

Both armies shoul

The battle will
a warhorse, representing
side concedes.

Bergbrech respectively.
at the end of ea

that the two fough

roll. If the total

but, as the battle

the total is less

spare no efforts
one more round.
their Generals.

Scenario Special

Bottleneck : The

enclosed by high

edges count as

fleeing units or
the battlefield

Ethereal or Fly

Vi c t o r y !

Once the battle

which player
The Lonely Tower

– Command & Control –

The Lonely Tower

n early spring of the Imperial year 2123, a large force of Goblin wolf riders was reported to be raiding fishing villages

Neither the Duke of Couronne nor the Burghers of Marienburg completed. All told, within just three weeks of the most recent raid,

considered this to be their problem; the raids were a minor seven watchtowers had been erected and a considerable fighting

irritation they expected their neighbour to deal with. By contrast, force amassed. With their preparations complete, the peasants

the local peasants felt strongly that Goblins raiding and burning waited for a signal that the wolf riders had been sighted.

their homes was a terrible calamity. Reasoning that a long wait for

a foreign government to intervene when it suited carried with it a The rough towers proved their worth when mere days after their


Zone A




Zone B
completion, around risk of Reaver

Reaver Marienburg . hands. ’ s Point

to warn the nearby

march forth to Acting

At the closest tower,

followed, whilst

percussive boom

The forces battled

eastern horizon,

years that followed,

To this day, the

towers and employ

their own defence.

The Old World

be they watchtowers,

and more
Set-up Historical Recreation

Place terrain as described on page 268 . In addition, place a The battle of the Lonely Reaver’s Point watchtower was

single special feature (as described on page 272 ) in the centre by no means a grand affair. It was fought between lowly

of the battlefield (players should agree which special feature to peasants, eking a meagre existence as fishermen along the

use from the terrain available). hostile coastline of Bretonnia, and a ragtag warband of
Goblin raiders,

by Orc aggression.

then, should be
Once the battlefield

chooses which

The Bretonnian
of this roll-off

type – only peasant

B), as shown on
contain no Orcs
using the alternating

there are no restrict

Wizards will
First Turn

Once deployment

This should be
the first turn.

other discussed
first adds +1 to
abandon army

when recreating
Game L e ngth

by such rules
Before the game

will be.
length game or
Fixed Game L

one side concedes,

is reached, as

R andom Game

of rounds or unti
fifth round, roll

number to the

ends immediately.

continues for

Scenario Special
Scenario Special

This scenario

Vi c t o r y !

Once the battle

which player
player that controls

wins a bonus

controlling the
Campaign Battles

Campaign Battles

inking games through a story, map or some other method is considered the ideal way to enjoy Warhammer: the Old

World by many players. In such campaigns, each individual game represents but one battle fought in an ongoing war

and there are plenty of excuses to enjoy challenging and varied games.

Many stories of the Warhammer world are told through Campaigns can be complex, involving many battles over many

campaign books, supplements and other publications which months and including rules for lines of supply, sieges, allies

present exciting tales of epic deeds. Such publications present and spies, perhaps even random events such as plagues or

rules for recreating famous battles of history, translating them rampaging monsters. Alternatively, a campaign can be quite

from the page to the tabletop. a simple affair, with only a few parameters influencing the

scenarios used in a small number of linked games.

Campaign Trees

Play Meeting Engagement

Player A Player B

wins wins

Play Flank Attack Play Open Battle

Player B Player A Player B

Player A

wins wins wins


Play Command & Control

Play Mountain Pass Play Break Point

Player A Player A
Player A Player B Player B Player B

wins wins
wins wins wins wins

Player A Player B

Player A minor victory minor victory Player B

major victory ! major victory !

Often, campaigns

player controlling

in different regions.

own most
dominion, simple

and one holdings. that uses
march forth below. to

determines the

As victorious players

retreat, their regroup armies

strategic loss. and t

as well as the
League Campaigns
Taking It Further

For some added depth, the players within a league campaign

For many players, League finding Campaigns the time to devote to a long may be split into two opposing teams, or a‘liances.’ At the

and involved campaign can prove a challenge, with the end of the campaign, the alliance with the most Campaign

requirements of real life all too often making it difficult to Points is declared the winner and can be crowned alongside
the winning to for player

alliance). thought In this

their enemies a map,

can seem like

In conjunction

of each
such alliance
in each round In

games other played participant

allied keen players enough)

campaign, the

As the action the winn

strengthen over

lamenting their

enmities order to will determine

be built upon wins

future. based
Very quickly,

can provide more

involved Crushing campaign. Vi

• Victory

• Draw

• Loss

Should any players

particularly if

Victory Points

the most satisfying

between two w
Narrative Battles

Narrative Battles

he Warhammer world is a dark land of heroic deeds and astonishing tales. Adventurous players can use their battles to

fight out these incredible stories for themselves, or to tell their own stories, based upon the exploits of the cunning and

bold leaders of their own armies. The following pages aim to provide some ideas and suggestions to inform the reader and

Part of what makes Warhammer: the Old World great is the Historical Recreations

richly described and vibrant background of the Old World The simplest examples of a narrative battle are the historical

itself. Imagine your game taking place within a dark clearing recreations presented in the pitched battle scenarios. By simply

deep inside the Drakwald Forest, as morning mist curls following the guidance given there, by using appropriate

through the dense trees and the sun lies hidden behind the armies and terrain, you can attempt to recreate that

dark canopy, whilst all around dark things stir and foul forces historic event.
gather. What

inspire them

arrive in the midst

Custom Scenarios

by the carrion

Some players

lined edges to

by utilising different

your army.

or by creating
assembled to

The possibilities

narrative motives

into your games?

your own games.

What Is A

Narrative Scenari

There are many

The term ‘narrative

in Warhammer:

players to explore

unique deployment

the game or by

along with special


created along

fighting a battle

as to the forces

enjoyed in all

i d ib
scenario describes.

has a degree of

narrative scenarios

imagine the action

of armies.

mind’s eye. A

drawing both

This can be done

This can be done

that sets the backd

scenario special

from another

written by the

itself completes
Open Play
“ T hi nk Of Them More As Guidelines”

Open Play Another key aspect of open play is that it gives players

A term used often in conjunction with narrative battles is permission to change a rule if doing so will improve the

‘open pla,y’ but what does it mean? Open play means many experience in the moment. For example, a vital unit might

things, but in essence it refers to the philosophy wherein unexpectedly lose combat and Break, causing the game to
end suddenly treat the

of set things of constrictions and

players encountering

outcome ofOf the I

to instead key aspect Fall

game forego and, certain more
outcome narrative. in the

percentages and

By way of instead another

gloom of twilight.

be expected altogether, to

apurely rule, perhaps

to fit into
p y p p

additional -1

Range course, characteristic ignoring

match-up, and

Whatever This the is

one encouraged another well
to the fit. rulesHowever, before

enforce of the a narrative

and are rules in agreement, and

lead an to army some being tru

that army might

defeat and terrible

be to hold out

messenger sufficient

size of the invading

claimed as a victory
The Games Master
The Games Master An Arbiter of the Rules: For many, the

role of GM is of someone who forges and

One of the best ways to introduce new re-forges the rules throughout a game to

rules or ideas and to run a narrative maintain the flow of the action. When

scenario is with the help of a Games taken in conjunction with the telling of

Books of Nagash

In ancient times, Nagash,

first and greatest of

Necromancers, combined

Dark Magic with the

mortuary rites
an unfolding A Games st

and committed
unusual is events
an optional

knowledge to
truly memorable
a role somewhere

tomes. All were

a narrator and

destroyed when
An the Impartial rules, who

was overthrown,
aparticular group of battle.
millennia since,
aby wood setting have up distu

souls have claimed

terrible amending beast,

rediscovered o
an underground as needed.

his books, using

slumbering Dragon.

knowledge to
wandering Role Of

armies of death.
the GM. role aThere Games
just one book
involved group in theto

those who covet

by the
the points

power, inevitably
else entirely, as

a deadly war ben

Fates’ require.
Representative :

of night.
battle might need
An Unbiased direction,

of a becampaign, to simply

important. impartial In opin

choose arise. to helpPlayers

ways, GM, or to such hinder

should reinforcements only be
requires Scouts it.

a GM’s help, ent

The presence in secret.

extra levels to

A Narrator to &
until be they fortunate do j

can be or giftedwho

creation of unique

be utilised by

acting as GM,

players through
Should the game

a skilled GM

to accommodate

action back onto

Forging A Narrative

One enjoyable aspect Forging of narrative a Narrative battles is the creation of scenarios that help tell tales

of the noble and ignoble adventures of the armies in your collection. Creating a scenario

can be as simple as mixing and matching elements of different published scenarios.

The Great Book of Grudges

Matters of honour are

sacrosanct to the Dwarfs;

to break an oath or act

dishonourably is a grave

be forgiven –
victory conditions.

Every wrong do

Dwarfs, be it a
But what of the

the destruction
battle taking pla

unwelcome words,
aspects of any
in blood within

Kron: the Great

Narrative Locatio

Grudges. Each
The table below

of vengeance,
can create a thematic

all grudges will

encouraged) to

matter how long

Narrative Locatio

D6 R esult

1 Riverbank :




2 Forest



3 Mountain

of its



4 Underground





5 Marshland:




6 Desert



Narrative Motives

The Narrative Motives table presents six reasons why two armies are meeting in conflict.

When creating a narrative for the battle, the motive is extremely important. When

combined with the location, you are able to say almost everything that needs to be said

about the story behind the battle. All that remains is to learn the composition of the armies


In the year 1999 IC, a twin-

tailed comet of greenish

black stone slammed into the

Empire city of Mordheim,

reducing it to ruins. The

and the outcome

province of Ostermark

now maintains

Using the suggestions

around the city,

you can create


ruins from the

Narrative Motives

Despite this, the

D6 R esult

contenders to

1 Border

throne fund mercen


bands to venture

bloodshed ;

ruins to retrieve


substance allegedly

y g

great power. Glory

2 Lost

wealth await wi


walls of Mordheim


too do dark creatures

a cache

tainted souls.


3 Nowhere




4 Access

or river,

en route


5 Conquer


be represe



6 Property
all presen



in a

Linked Battles Campaign Narrative

Readers must by now have realised that there are strong

A battle is rarely an isolated event, but instead a single and binding ties between narrative battles and campaign

climactic Linked Battles

confrontation fought as part of a wider conflict. By battles, and vice versa. Indeed , a series of l i nke d , narrative

linking a series of battles together, it is possible to string a few battles can very much be considered a campaign. How

Example Narrative Scenarios

the players go
evenings’ worth

when forging
narrative that

certain to arise
annals of Warhammer

these games can

The idea of linking

The GM in a
one battle directly
campaign play
tactically challenging

the GM will like

story. Such linked

updated and ke
strategies and

to wield their
It becomes possible

well, steering
the ultimate victo

goal, one battle

The games create

the players will

redemption to

elements, it allows

can use smaller

explore different

The Dark Monolith

The following

narrative scenarios.

one another unexp

monument to

for control of

during the previous

that holds the

against enemy
This is a simple

leaving players

upon the end

monolith, or to

Deep within the

of Kislev ? How

roaming the wilde

powerful lords?

How they do

Note that each

isolation should
Surprise Encounter

ot all battles are carefully planned. Sometimes patrols foraging ahead of two armies will stumble upon each other,

encountering an enemy where none was expected. What starts as a bloody skirmish will quickly develop into a

full-blown battle, as additional troops from each side are drawn towards the sound of conflict.

First Linked Battle

In this conflict, two forces searching the land for the rumoured

whereabouts of a twisted monument to darkness come upon one

another unexpectedly. Battle is quickly joined and chaos descends Although this scenario is designed to be the first of three

upon the area. Reserves rush in from many different directions, linked battles, it can be played alone.

drawn by the sound of battle. Desperate to support their comrades,

these reserves join the swirling melee with all haste. Army Selection
If playing this

players scenario should requir

influence those the that

armies used to protect in

and keep third a keen scenarios.
before they themselves

However, in the

endure losses

might be considerably

have a significant

third game, one


the dark monolith.

That being the

of between 2,000

withstand a degree

Players can use

armies of the

rival forces, determined

force as an enemy
to their own,
Set-up Game L e ngth

Place terrain as described on pag e 2 6 8 . The battle will last for six rounds, until one side concedes,

or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached, as

Deployment described on pag e 2 8 6 .

Once terrain has been pl ace d , the battlefield is divided into six
equally sized Special z

Surprise Battle :

unexpected loser of enemy,

during the unit first

this testwinner is failed , of

aunit charge. so that it

unoccupied zones.

R e s e r ve s : until R e s e r ve s ea

battle. is Instead a single

Moves sub-phase

controlling the player’s

enter single the character battlefield

is completely units

which their controlling

the battle. Turn R oll

zones deployment

the first turn.

firstc t o r y ! adds +1 to

Once the battle

which player
The Dark Monolith

aving survived a surprise encounter with the enemy, the armies have retreated to regather their strength. Yet with the

dark monolith believed to be close, the commanders must press ahead in their search. With enemies discovered in the

locale and believing them to be about the same quest, the armies cannot waste time awaiting reinforcements.

The players enter this battle unsure of exactly how much of their Units that Suffered Casualties: For each unit that lost more

army will be available. Casualties suffered may not yet have than a quarter (25%) of its Unit Strength during the first

recovered or been replaced, and units fled and scattered may not yet battle, roll a D6:

have regrouped.

• On a roll of 1-3, remove:

- D3 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 5) if the


Zone A




Zone B
Second Linked

unit’s Unit

- D6 models

Although this

unit’s Unit

linked battles,

• On a roll of

wounded an

Army Selection
fielded at ful

If playing this


players must u

However, they

Destroyed Units:

casualties or was

for any reason

run down by
battlefield) during

• On a roll of

scattered to

be fielded

• On a roll of

of models

nearest model).
Set-up Scenario Special Rules

Place terrain as described on page 268 . In addition, place a Other than the army selection rules already given, this

single large hill (ideally more than 12" at its widest point) in scenario has no special rules.

the centre of the battlefield. Atop this hill , place either an

arcane monolith or a monument of glory special feature (as Vi c t o r y !

“The end is nigh; a storm of wrath is coming . Madness

will rain from the sky, and in its fury walk monsters. Our

doom cometh!”

Dammos, Disciple of the Red Redemption

Once the battle
on p

which player

player that controls

wins a the bonus battlefield

controlling which the

of this roll-off
B), as shown on

using the alternating

First Turn

Once deployment

the first turn.

first adds +1 to

Game L e ngth

The battle will

side concedes.
at the end of ea

roll. If the total

the total is less

one more round.

Heroic Last Stand

tanding victorious, one army claims the dark monolith. With little time to spare, priests and acolytes rush forward to

commence their bold plan and harness the power within the ancient stones. Meanwhile, enemy reinforcements arrive,

and battle lines are quickly drawn in an effort to halt the strange ritual.

The player that lost the second battle returns once more, their army Units that Suffered Casualties: For each unit that lost more

having been reinforced by fresh troops. Things look bleak for their than a quarter (25%) of its Unit Strength during the second

opponent, who must hold on and complete their plans! battle, roll a D6:

Third Linked Battle

• On a roll of 1-2, remove:

- D3 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 5) if the



Deployment Zone



Deployment Zone
Although unit’s this Unit

linked - D6 battles, models

unit’s Unit

• On a Selection
roll of

If playing wounded this an

loser fielded of the at second ful

in the characteristic first, representing

Destroyed winner Units: of

for any began reason that

run down now been
battlefield) suffered during c

second battle:

• On a roll of

scattered to

be fielded

• On a roll of

of models

nearest model).
Set-up Vi c t o r y !

Place terrain as described on page 268 . In addition, place a Victory in this scenario depends entirely upon how long the

single large hill (ideally more than 12" at its widest point) in defender can last – the longer they can fight, the more likely it

the centre of the battlefield. Atop this hill , place either an is their ritual will be completed:

arcane monolith or a monument of glory special feature, as

•described If the defender
on p

major victory.

• If the defender

In this minor scenario, victory.

•defender. If the defender


round three
•Once If the the defender

their round entire one army

zone, as shown

attacker deploys

more than 8"

First Turn

In this scenario,

first turn.

Game L e ngth
The battle will

concedes or is

Scenario Special

Other than the

scenario has no
Realms Of Magic

he raw stuff of magic enters the world directly

Realms fromof Magic the R ealm of Chaos, flowing through vast interdimensional gates

at the world’s poles. These gates, created by the Old Ones in an age long past, se r ve d both as doorways through which

The Cataclysm Salvation

Long ago a great cataclysm caused these gates to collapse, It was an act of great sacrifice that would restore some vestige

releasing a deluge of raw magic upon the world so great that it of order into the world. Amongst the Elves of Ulthuan,

instantly overburdened the delicate machinations of the Old powerful mages had worked long on a plan to draw the

uncontrolled magic out of the world. They hoped that by

the god-like Ol
Ones. In a moment,

constructing a

its power.
of mystical pathways

magic into a vortex

and control their

cracks formed

These waystones

runes – were

The raw stuff

far older stones,

reality, forming

Web. By extending

heavens above.

of wild magic

warping and mu

earth accumulated

With the creation

shone with a pu

was undertaken
world below to

purpose. Yet eve


Upon the back

many mages fell,

daemonic servants

remained knew

heralded the co

completion of

final crushing

reached its crescendo

reached its crescendo

were ripped from

remaining mages

and memories.

which they were

very existence

world itself crumbled

that was to last

A Brief Respite The Colours Of Magic

With the completion of the great ritual, the Elven vortex As the ætheric winds continued to flow, Elven mages began

instantly began to channel raw magic back into the R ealm of to perceive peculiar currents not visible before. More unusual

Chaos. As the storm of magic that had raged unchecked for still, these new currents were shot through with vibrant

“We all dream, but not equally. Those who dream by

night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake each dawn

refreshed, their vanity excised by their sleeping minds.

But the dreamers of the day are dangerous; their dreams

are dreams of power, of wealth and of glory. Those that

waste their waking hours dreaming of change are damned

colours than where a thousa

to fall into Chao”s.

awere silvery forced white to

of Chaos. saved, These but

material again. world

meaningful. To

around for all them the
green to wind draw bl e w ;

soldiers freely

endless not battlefields,

distinct hues which w

gifted with the

As this rarely phenomenon ceased ,
y p

they could vanishing , grasp

once only of
dreamed calm.

mages had to

magical wind ,

it at will. It was
ways in which

had been revealed.

Though the Elves

Web had fractured

Elves had built

of power clumsily

causing fractures

these wounds,

of ætheric energy

and separated
disperses into

With the coming

but when Chaos

more, the very

that change was

never be undone.
The Art Of Magic An Age Of Magic

In the centuries that followed, the mages of Ulthuan In the long millennia since the Elves enacted their great ritual,

studied the Winds of Magic, dedicating their long lives to their race has both prospered and declined whilst other,

understanding the different winds and how each could be younger races have matured and become dominant forces

“l life consists of highly organised matter, governed by

the laws of nature. Thus all life is a struggle against Chaos,

a struggle that is ultimately destined to be ol”st.

Albrecht of Nuln
in the world. T

gifted existed, with the and

powerful mere aspect users

pure wind of

In the
a mage lands with of

Daemonologists that through
their understanding
own devising ,

crafting spells

practise this their study

societies of mage-sight to share

and was militant one born pri

compiling came an tomes
p g y

and compounding that did

world had been

Dwarfs, remembering could

by daemonic a rent

Wizardry, nevertheless
craft spells the with

stuff of was magic a gift

safely. of Their
long study skill

of the world.

Strangest of all
Seemingly ignorant

shamans are som

with brute force

into a primordial
By and large,

cared little for

perform nonsensical

be it. High Magic,

Elves alone.
The Lores Of Magic

izards are a formidable force on the battlefield, able to wreak incredible destruction, weaken or strengthen other

warriors, or summon terrible The beasts Lores to fight of Magic at their side. The rules for using Wizards and casting spells in your

games have already been covered in detail in the ‘Magic’ section, found on page 106 . On the following pages, you will find

Each Lore of Magic represents a particular approach towards Spell Categories

the study and use of magic, giving each a particular character Spells fall into six categories. These determine during which

reflected by the spells within it. Different Wizards have access phase of the game they can be cast. These are :

to different Lores of Magic.

Enchantment: Spells that empower the caster’s allies,

Every Wizard’s rules include the Lore(s) of Magic they know.

protecting them

the Lores of Ma

In some cases,

enhancing their

single, given Lore

that they know

Hex : The opposite

Magic. Where

the enemy in

Lores when writing

sapping their
Spells & Spell


Each player randomly

movement or

Wizards before

more than one

Magic Missiles:

order of your

Wizard hurls
enemy units.

Each Lore of M

and a seventh

Magical Vortex:

Wizard knows,

that travel across

Wizardry, re-rolling

which spell(s)
p ()

Assailment : T

without warning .

If you wish, your

generated spells

chosen Lore of

may do this.
Note that Wizards

so individual spells

no single Wizard
Battle Magic

n the heat of battle, mighty Wizards summon columns of fire to burn through the enemy. In the deadly swirl of melee

combat, powerful warrior mages smite Battle their Magic

foes with fists that fall like hammers. In the Old World and beyond, Battle

Magic is one of the most widely practised magical arts, for here battle is the one constant in life.

Unlike many Wizards who spend long hours in darkened

rooms studying their arcane arts by candlelight, practitioners

of Battle Magic tend to be hardy individuals, as at home on

the battlefield as they are in their libraries. This is because,

unlike other lores that may be studied, Battle Magic is openly

offensive and tailored towards use upon the field of battle

Hammerhand (Signature Spell)

As the Battle Mage chants an invocation, their fists become

like hammers, falling upon their foes with great and

terrible power.
(which, given

Type: Assailment

and it is here t

Casting Value:

R ange : Combat


Effect: A single

all across the O

combat with su

often in high d
of -2.

undone by devastating

mist obscuring

the river that

arrows fell upon

Those that wield

whichever of

grasp at the red

rain upon the

with the strength

their foe, and

dangers of harnessing

little concern

ensuring swift
1. Fireball 4. Arcane Urgency

With a snap of the fingers, the Battle Mage summons forth a As the Battle Mage’s allies march, time around them slows,

roiling ball of magical flame and hurls it at a nearby foe. allowing them to cover great distance in the blink of an eye.

Type: Magic Missile Type: Conveyance

Casting Value:

R ange : 24"

Effect: The target

each with an A

special rule.
2. Curse Of

With a cry and

causing missiles
Type: Hex

Casting Value:

R ange : 21"

Effect: Until

re-roll any rolls

target enemy
3. Pillar Of

The Battle Mage

become a towering
towards the enemy.

Type: Magical

Casting Value:

R ange : 12"

Effect: Remains
so that its central

in play, the template

template moves

during every St

foe) the moving

D3+3 Strength
have the Flaming


hose that make study of the R ealm of Chaos – that twisted and warped nether world in which the Ruinous Powers

reside – are known as Daemonologists. These cursed souls are drawn to their study in the vain hope of gaining mastery

over the daemonic denizens of that realm and turning their power back against the Chaos gods. Seldom are such noble

When a denizen of the Old World thinks of Daemons, they

imagine the nightmare servants of the Chaos powers. Yet

the pantheon of daemonic beings is far greater than this.

Within the R ealm of Chaos there dwells an infinite number

of creatures that owe no allegiance to the Ruinous Powers.

Such creatures often manifest within the mortal realm, some

The Summoning (Signature Spell)

From the Realm of Chaos, the Daemonologist summons forth

daemonic beasts to strike at their foes.

Type: Magic Missile

masquerading realised,

Casting Value:

house and hearth,

R ange : 18"

their will.

Effect: The target

each with an A

In truth, denizens

rarely, fearful
this superstitious

Through rituals

secretive covens,

powerful of Daemons,

to their will. Som

servants into

even weapons

subservient to

with its master’s

their words and

believed they

For all their mysticism

wealth of arcane

enlightened seekers

They are mere

are no champions
1. Steed Of Shadows 4. Daemonic Vessel

Coal-black daemonic steeds materialise from the air, bearing At the Daemonologist’s bidding , otherworldly entities rush

warriors aloft on wings of shadow. forth to take possession of their allies, filling their bodies with

unnatural ferocity.

Type: Conveyance
Casting Value:

R ange : 15"

Effect: This spell

troop type is ‘infa

fleeing and has

phase, it gains

of Turn sub-phase.

2. Gathering

At the Daemonologist’s
the foe, their whispered

Type: Hex

Casting Value:

R ange : 12"

Effect: Until
target enemy


Leadership characteristic

use their General‘s

may target an
3. Daemonic

The Daemonologist’s

and biting with

Type: Assailment

Casting Value:

R ange : Combat

Effect: A single

with suffers 2D6

permitted (Ward
permitted (Ward

as normal).
Dark Magic

nce, only pure magic flowed into the world. Whole and unsullied, it was a natural force under the control of a race of

god-like beings. With the coming of Chaos, this was to change as a darker, more unstable form of magic was unleashed

into the mortal realm, one which refused to be chained by the hand of any mere mortal.

Dark Magic

With the collapse of the polar gates, Chaos came into the

world. As it d id , the pure and refined magic harnessed by

the Old Ones came into contact with its influence for the

first time within the mortal realm. Almost immediately, the

corrupting power of Chaos began to work upon it as surely as

it did the bodies and minds of mortals. Twisted and warped by

Doombolt (Signature Spell)

At the Dark Mage’s bidding , a bolt of black lightning tears

from the heavens and stabs at the earth.

Type: Magic

Chaos, the unseen

Casting Value:

merged and bled

R ange : 24"

to grow blackened

Effect: Place

hole is directly

Amongst the

unit. Any enemy


template risks

could be mastered

suffering a single

with its use. Quickly,

corrupted by

to master it –
Today, Dark Mag

touch of Chaos

twist and coalesce

feel compelled

careless abandon,

ease of its mastery.


are fools, for Dark

stuff of chaos,

eternal servitude.
1. Word Of Pain 4. Phantasmagoria

The Dark Mage chants incomprehensible syllables, each more Dark visions beset the enemy ranks, driving warriors into blind

torturous than the last. panic or suicidal rage.

Type: Hex

Casting Value:

R ange : 18"

Effect: Until

target enemy

Toughness characteristics
may target an

2. Stream

From the fingertips

flaying the flesh

Type: Assailment

Casting Value:

R ange : Combat

Effect: Place
touches the caster’s

unit they are e

foe) whose base

(as described

hit with an AP
3. Infernal

The Dark Mage

of Chaos.
Type: Conveyance

Casting Value:

R ange : 12"

Effect: This spell

may target characters

friendly character
remove it from

within 12" of

enemy models.

Note that this


ll across the Old World there dwell Wizards able to bend the Winds of Magic to their will to such an extent that they

can harness the power of the elements themselves to do their bidding . Such mages summon gale force winds and

torrential rains from the heavens, raise earthen ramparts, and even call forth elemental spirits to do their bidding .


Wizards that study Elementalism will often hide their art

from the uneducated masses, for the powers they wield can

easily be mistaken for darker arts such as Daemonology or

Necromancy, summoning as they do elemental spirits from

the ætheric netherworld. But for all the suspicion that haunts

their study, their abilities are often in great demand. Many a

Storm Call (Signature Spell)

The Elementalist channels the fury of a storm towards their

foes, causing strong winds and icy rains to batter against them.
Type: Hex

farming community

Casting Value

to end a period

R ange : 12"

a clear sky the

Effect: Until

harvest. Many

target enemy

ser vices for long

and Initiative
their charms c

spell is cast, the

restless ocean.

on the target u

Still other Elementalists

mundane façade.

manipulates the
glows within i

wonder. Other

powers to a different,

knowledge of

within the halls

In battle, the p

blessing , able

and defend their

burn with the

foes crumbles
1. Flaming Sword 4. Earthen Ramparts

With a simple gesture, the Elementalist summons a great, At the Elementalist’s summoning, mighty earthen ramparts rise

flaming sword with which to strike at their enemies. up about their allies.

Type: Assailment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value:

R ange : Combat

Effect: A single

with suffers D6+1

These hits have

2. Plague

As the Elementalist

its lustre, corroding

Type: Hex

Casting Value:

R ange : 21"

Effect: Until

enemy unit suffers

spell may target

3. Summon

The Elementalist

wind, water or
Type: Magical

Casting Value:

R ange : 15"

Effect: Remains

so that its central

in play, the template

which no line

D6" in a random

phase. Any enemy

moves over suffers

of -1.
High Magic

High Magic

n its purest form, magic glistens like a silver haze that fills the air, visible in and around all things to those gifted with the

mage-sight. It is a wondrous t hi ng , there to be manipulated by those with the talent and the le arni ng . With long decades

of study, a mage can manipulate pure magic to perform almost any deed imaginable, but the work is exhausting and the

With the collapse of the polar gates, a torrent of magic was

unleashed, the gentle clouds of silvery light becoming gusting

gales and swirling storms. Upon completion of the Elves’ great

ritual – performed to lessen the magic flooding the world – the

arcane works of the Old Ones shattered, causing the silver

light of magic to fragment, revealing the kaleidoscopic Winds

Drain Magic (Signature Spell)

As the High Mage draws the Winds of Magic to themselves,

other Wizards find themselves struggling to access

their powers.
of Magic.
rituals complex.

Type: Hex

Casting Value:

Students of High

R ange : Self

becoming intimately

Effect: Remains

potential over

Wizards that
the mage edges

attempting to

eventually, becomes

value by 2.

crafting High

This may seem

even to the lesser

Wizards grasp

into darker hues,

together, seeking

spells of such

dumb to witness.

burn hot with

by a High Mage

world and blinding

High Magic.
1. Walk Between Worlds 4. Corporeal Unmaking

The High Mage causes their allies to drift in and out of reality, The physical forms of the High Mage’s enemies begin to unravel,

enabling them to pass through terrain as if it was not there. turning to dust on the wind.

Type: Conveyance Type: Assailment

Casting Value:

R ange : Self

Effect: Until

and any unit th

Move special
2. Fiery Convocat

At the High Mage’s

the midst of the

Type: Magic

Casting Value:

R ange : 18"

Effect: Place

hole is directly

Once pl ace d ,
model whose

position risks

suffering a Strength

the Flaming Attacks

3. Tempest

The High Mage

centre of which

Type: Magical
Casting Value:

R ange : 12"

Effect: Remains

so that its central

play, the template

terrain. Whilst

open ground a

dangerous terrain.

he art of Illusion is a strange Lore of Magic. Where most Wizards wield their arcane might to change the world around

them in direct fashion, Illusionists prefer to change the world in subtle ways, hiding their power to control minds and

emotions behind the façade of stagecraft and trickery. For an Illusionist, it is the glamour and splendour of the casting


Many Illusionists travel the Old World, manipulating the

innocent and subjecting the unwary to their will. Others

find shelter within the entourage of a powerful lord or lady,

masquerading as entertainers before courtiers and guests.

Almost all maintain a pretence of stagecraft in everything they

do, carefully crafted charms working to befuddle the minds of

Glittering Robe (Signature Spell)

Shimmering light radiates from the Illusionist’s garb, dazzling

and confounding the enemy.

Type: Enchantment
itself, the use
those around
Casting Value:

like state in which

R ange : Self

that, no matter
Effect: Until

eyes, they are

units suffer a

the caster and

Behind this pretence,
cast, the effects

thrives upon de
on any of the

of Magic in subtle

mind with counterfeit

by these means

around them,
react to realities

Illusion is, perhaps,

those that practise

Illusionist can

the Winds of
into a world that
1. Mind R azor 4. Confounding Convocation

Torturous illusion grips the enemy. Only those with the strongest The enemy is bombarded by wild and disorienting images and

of wills can resist. dancing lights that render them all but blind to the world

around them.
Type: Magic

Casting Value:

R ange : 15"

Effect: The target

Leadership test.

3 hits, each with

suffers D3+3

2. Shimmering

An incorporeal

low to bear aloft

Type: Conveyance

Casting Value:

R ange : 12"

Effect: This spell

target friendly

moved during

special rule until

3. Column
The Illusionist

that see it believe

Type: Magical

Casting Value:

R ange : 9"

Effect: Remains

that its central

the template d

terrain over which



f all the mages that study the Lores of Magic, those that practise the art of Necromancy are the most shunned and

reviled, yet simultaneously often the most sought after. Necromancy is the study of death, and of more than death –

Necromancers make use of the darker Winds of Magic, the

purple wind of death and the grey wind of shadow most

often, melding them with the green wind of life and the

amber wind of beasts. From these disparate strands of ætheric

power they craft charms and incantations that grant them

a power to reach beyond death’s embrace. With this power,

The Dwellers Below

(Signature Spell)

Beneath the enemy the cold dirt parts, revealing spectral

hands that reach to grasp at the foe and pull them into
the underworld.


Morr’s dark rea

channelling the

Type: Assailment

with the l iving .

Casting Value:

R ange : Combat

Still others take

Effect: Place

the blackest of
hole is directly

foul warpstone

engaged in combat

force, using the

will scatter D3+1".

more closely abo

underneath the

energy into the

described on p

from cold, lifeless

with an AP of
For every Necromancer

communing with

certain to be an

disturbing the

means magical
untrusted and

Old World can

1. Deathly Cabal 4. Curse Of Years

From beyond the veil of death, unquiet spirits gather protectively As dead things draw near, they feed hungrily upon the vital

around the Necromancer, their presence causing the foe to recoil energy of the living , ageing them rapidly.

in fear and dread.

Type: Hex
Type: Enchantment

Casting Value:

R ange : Self

Effect: Until

and any unit th

any wounds suffered

enemy attack.

affected models

have the Fear

special rule.
2. Unquiet

Evil spirits gather

creeping beneath

Type: Magic
Casting Value:

R ange : 15"

Effect: The target

with no armour

saves can be attemp

3. Spiritual

The Necromancer

vortex into the

Type: Magical

Casting Value:

R ange : 12"

Effect: Remains

so that its central

l h l
play, the template

terrain. Whilst

suffer a -1 modifier

a minimum of

Presence special
Waaagh! Magic

hen Orc and Goblin tribes march to war (as they are given to do with alarming regularity), they are accompanied by

powerful shamans. These Waaagh!

‘Weirdboy’ Magic and ‘Oddgit’ shamans, as Orcs and Goblins call them, are each a living conduit

to Gork and Mork, the primitive gods of their kind, and each can wield such arcane might that even the most learned of

The power of Orc and Goblin Shamans does not come

primarily from the Winds of Magic, but from the raw

Waaagh! magic radiated by their kind. A potent force barely

understood by mages of other races, Waaagh! magic can

consume the Winds of Magic, absorbing them and deadening

the mage-sight of other Wizards. As Orcs and Goblins rush

Fist Of Gork (Or Mork)

(Signature Spell)

In response to the Shaman’s frantic hopping and gesticulating,

a great green fist materialises from the air and wallops the foe!
Elven mages
into battle, the

Type: Assailment

to drown entire

Casting Value:

leaving only wisps

R ange : Combat

Effect: Place

An Orc or Goblin

hole is directly
Mork) can focus

engaged in combat

(such as it is),

scatter D3"+1.

and Mork themselves.

underneath the

burst the skulls

described on p

death from their

with an AP of

appendages from
Yet with great

are a most peculiar

Waaagh! and

to become somewhat

are prone to driftin

are prone to driftin

spasmodic d anci ng ,

Of course, for

bonus – after

doesn’t act the

1. Vindictive Glare 4. Evil Sun Shinin’

Their brows furrowed and their teeth clenched, the Shaman’s The sun is out and there’s an enemy army over there – it’s a great

glare is so intense that their enemies visibly wither. day for a battle! A
ev’ at it Boyz!

Type: Magic Missile Type: Enchantment

Casting Value:

R ange : 21"

Effect: The target

with the Multiple

armour save perm

be attempted

unit engaged i

2. Hand Of

A huge green hand

flicks a hero across

Type: Conveyance

Casting Value:

R ange : 18"

Effect: This spell

but may target

immediately re

the battlefield

original location,

However, if a
and loses a single

Note that this

3. Bad Moon
The Shaman summon

Trembling under

their weapons!

Type: Hex

Casting Value:
R ange : 15"

Effect: Until

suffers a -D3 m

Magic Items

Magic Items

he Warhammer world is rich in magical artefacts and holy relics of great power. Soul-drinking swords, impenetrable

suits of armour, ancient tomes of sorcerous knowledge and lost rings of incalculable might – many a long war has been

Using Magic Items

Types Of Magic Item

There are six categories of magic item: magic weapons, magic

The pages that follow detail ‘common’ magic items. These armour, talismans, magic standards, enchanted items and

represent magic items of similar types that are crafted and arcane items.

used by all the races of the world and that share common

Magic Weapons: Most often swords, but also axes, maces,

Using Magic Items

fought solely

design, purpose

spears, bows and

common magic

a warrior.

In addition, each

Magic Armour :

items unique

full suits of armour,

and used by models

common magic

Talismans: Talismans,

popular ideas

of magical protection.

that accompany

specific items.

Magic Standards:

regiment, a fine

head of a mighty

If a model can

quite magical.

the options given

points can be

Enchanted Items:

only characters

design or of a

champions or

magic boots and

magic boots, and

magic items as

Arcane Items:

Any magic items

these are items

points added

enhance their

muster list.
Limitations & Uniqueness Single Use Magic Items

As a general rule, most magic items are considered to be quite Some magic items are noted as being ‘single .use’ Such magic

unique. Even common magic items are, for the most part, items can only be used once per game. Once used, the item’s

common only in that they are available to all races – they are magic is spent and it cannot be used again.

not so common as to be available to each and every character

“There are no problems which cannot be solved

with cannon.”

Chief Engineer Boris Kraus of Nuln

in your army. In A

The be magic included items

name that one describes

not mean a model

important are, of

that the are rules magic
any army – to something

but an appearance

Named Characters:

For Warhammer

make sense
equipment. for

but when from wielded a si
but when from wielded a si

look out of place.

an Orc that Warboss named

aunique large magic

and brutal item

points have been

Extremely a suitable Common
opponent more common

are written that

that contain magi

a Wizard’s conjuration;

of protection.
Any magic item

be extremely

and, as such, can

from the same

many duplicates
or even how many

the limit of how

magic items).
Magic Weapons

Magic weapons grant the wielder extra abilities, new special rules or an improved profile,

the better to slay enemies. Unless otherwise stated, the following rules apply to all

magic weapons:

Magic Weapons

Weapons of the Old World

In a place as riven by war

as the Old World, it should

come as no surprise that its

denizens forge many and

R S AP Special Rules

Dragon Combat S - Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer

Slaying Sword

Headsman’s Axe ............................................................................................. 45 points

A wide bladed axe, steeped in the blood of its countless helpless victims.

R S AP Special Rules

Headsmans’ Axe Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks,

R equires Two Hands

varied weapons.

perhaps a little
• A magic weapon

how many of

are attributed
• A character

properties. Whilst
For example,

certainly forged
great weapon
of magic, such
• If a character

weapons of the
will use when

the enchanted,

weapons of the
round of a

are blessed by
• If a character

enchanted by
will use when
their creation,

with powers that

Ogre Blade

be especially long
A broad and heavy

that may only

the hands of a
Others seem to
Ogre Blade

their wondrous

through their

taking on the
Sword Of Battle

A simple weapon,

that wields them.

Sword of Battle

Duellist’s Blades
Fine weapons,

Duellist’s Blades
Dragon Slaying

A mighty blade,
Spelleater Axe ................................................................................................. 35 points

Forged of rune-encrusted brass, the Spelleater Axe is anathema to the Winds of Magic.

R S AP Special Rules

Spelleater Axe Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2)

R S AP Special Rules

Sword Combat S - Magical Attacks, Strike First The Runefangs

of Swiftness Second only to Ghal Maraz

in renown, the Runefangs of

Berserker Blade .............................................................................................. 20 points the Empire are amongst the

Quenched in the blood of untold fallen enemies, the Berserker Blade eternally hungers for battle. most prized magical artefacts

R S AP Special Rules

Berserker Blade Combat S+1 - Frenzy, Magical Attacks

in all of the Old

Giant Blade

Sword Of Might*
the dawn of the

A broad and heavy

Dwarf around

blows, the Giant

the Mad forged

magical swords

twelve of
chieftains. Might
Giant Blade

masterpiece, req

Biting Blade
skill and ancient

of runecraft serrated length

Sword Of Swiftnes

Runefangs are

Crafted from magica

of unsurpassed

to Biting carve Blade through

plate and Dragon

Sword Of Striking
are amongst the

most treasured with

surviving precision. in the

and today the

synonymous w

power and of Striking authority

Empire’s : During rulers.

rolls To Hit.

Burning Blade*
Once unsheathed,

Burning Blade
Magic Armour
Spellshield* .......................................................... 25 points

The Winds of Magic lose their power when in the presence of the

Only a model that is equipped with (or that has the option to brass-bound Spellshield.

be equipped with) armour, a shield or barding may purchase

a magical equivalent. A model can only wear a single suit The Spellshield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+

Magic Armour Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a
of armour and

Magic Missile,

only wear a single

replaces any mund

Armour Of

equipped with.

This heavy armour

from the heavens.

Magic armour
equivalent (if

The Armour

armour will grant

value of 5+, which

nor can this armour

Armour Of

The potent Armour


most grievous of
g f

A finely crafted

harm time and

The Armour

its wearer has

The Enchanted

6+ Ward save


a non-magical
A gleaming helm

their blows to fal

Charmed Shield*

A simple shield

May be worn

good fortune. In

Bedazzling Helm

survives intact

maximum of
its attacks against

The Charmed

a -1 modifier

Charmed Shield

wound. Once

Armour Of

Shield is considered

Polished to a mirror
wearer from head

The Armour

wearer an armour

any way.
Glittering Scale

Each and every

of precious metal.

The Glittering

once per turn,

roll To Hit made

Shield Of The

A heavy shield

deadly of missiles.
The Shield of

bearer has a 5+

the Shooting p
Talismans Magic Standards

Talismans Magic Standards

Talismans are tokens of magical protection, worn by warriors Some units have the option to purchase magic standards.

to protect them from harm both physical and magical. To do so, the unit must include a standard bearer. The only

character that can carry a magic standard is your army’s Battle

Standard Bearer.

The magic trapped

shattered Of
armour I

No regiment that

ever fledbearer from of t

roll of a natural
A unit carrying

special rule. Of

A powerful magical

R az or
protecting Standard its wearer

Hung with hundreds

radiates Talisman outwards
against any wounds

A unit carrying

(2) special rule.

This heavy golden

R ampaging
s pocket
As a matter of

Banner use. are always

failed rolls To

When a unit c

charge, it may Lodestone*

An air of chill h
its presence. Blazing

An eternal flame

beneath model the may Blazing

A model that

A unit carrying (-1),
special and rule. a model

War Banner

A proud luck banner
be trapped

Banner fight with

Single use. The

When calculating Save

War Banner may

result point.
Enchanted Items
Potion Of Strength* ........................................... 25 points

A concoction of strength-giving vegetables and roots, mixed

The enchanted items category includes all manner of together with a touch of magic.

Enchanted Items Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the
bearer of a Potion

wonderful artefacts

of that turn, the

another category.


prized magical

Potion Of Toughn

Note that a model

Distilled by magical
per Command

all but invulnerable.

Single use. During

This splendid hat

bearer of a Potion

haunted by their

of that turn, the

The wearer is

generated spell
Potion Of Speed*

However, the

A powerful potion

hat are often c

and speeds the

subject to the
Single use. During

Flying Carpet
the bearer of a

Woven from the

of that turn, the

more than warm


Models whose
Potion Of Foolha
infantry’ only.

A magical brew

(8) and Swiftstride

actually just be

join a unit.

Single use. During

Healing Potion*
bearer of a Potion

Purveyors of magical
end of that turn,

they are true, some

special rule.

Single use. During

the bearer of a

immediately re
Ruby Ring

Uttering a simple

flaming ball of

The wielder of
spell from the

as a Bound spell,
Arcane Items
Power Scroll* ....................................................... 20 points

Unfurling a scroll bearing runes of power can greatly increase the

Arcane Arcane items Items are items that enhance a Wizard’s magical spell’s power.

powers in some fashion. Only Wizards can purchase

Arcane Items. Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting to
cast a spell. If

Casting roll Scroll

1When is rolled read on aloud,

towards the enemy

Dispel Scroll*

The Wizard use. The reads
enchanted dispel

spell has been

Single use. Wizard A W

Wizardly dispel.

the Dispel Of roll Transmogrif

double a Wizard, 1 is rolled
outclassed turning in a

Single use. Familiar The

Many Wizards dispel

arcane has knowledge. been
their master. than the

D6. Should they

The owner of

Lores of transmogrified,

the spells
spells, the cannot

separately. and
Wizard may to 1. dis

replacing roll a it D6 with

On a roll of 4+,

love of water). Rod

Inert metal runs

Wand Of Jet
W and
overloads Of safely Jet

Carved from brittle

Single broken. use. Should

Earthing R od

The bearer of

any of their Casting

any natural double

Wand of Jet is

Note that this

negate a roll of
Lore Familiar

By creating a magica

forgotten details

The owner of
their spells. Instead,

from their chosen

Quick Reference

Quick Reference

Turn Summary
Miscast Table

2D6 R esult

Each player’s turn is split into four phases: 2-4 Dimensional Cas c ade : The summoned magic

breaks free, creating an ethereal tornado. Centre a 5"

1. The Strategy Phase blast template over the Wizard. Every model (friend

2. The Movement Phase or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks

3. The Shooting Phase

4. The Combat Phase

Casting & Dispell i ng Spells ( page 106 )

Casting A Spell

To cast a spell, roll 2D6 and add the casting Wizard’s level :

• If the result is equal to or higher than the casting value, the

spell is beingcast.

• If a natural single

casting Calamitous

• If a natural from

cast. R oll template on


Dispell i ng being A

When your single opponent

attempt. 7 To Careless dispel

dispel, add a syllable,


• If the Strength

spell is Barelyd isp e l l e d .

• If a natural control

casting The result.

• If a natural of dispel

on the to Miscast cast


Wizardly 10-12 Power Dispel:

not fleeing summoned and

Wizardly calm
d ispel :

• Level 1 more and

• Level 3 and

Fated Dispel:

There is no range
Strategy Phase

The Strategy phase is broken up into several sub-phases:

1. Start Of Turn ( page 116 )

Movement Phase

The Movement phase is broken up into several sub-phases:

1. Declare Charges

& Charge Reactions ( page 119 )

Resolve any special

The active player

be resolved or

units are charging ,

2. Command

• A charging

Resolve any abilities

unit it wishes

used in the Command

• Units that

or fleeing ca

3. Conjuration

Wizards controlled

Charge Reactions:

or Hex spells.

several charge

4. R ally Fleeing
Hold: The unit

The active player

fail continue to

Stand & Shoot :

charging unit.

charging unit’s

cannot be de cl are d .
Flee : The unit

• Pivot the unit

away from
• After pivoting

• If a unit is

that a unit

a phase).
2. Charge Moves ( page 121 ) 4. R e maining Moves ( page 122 )

To complete a charge: Any remaining units may move during this sub-phase.

Wizards may cast Conveyance spells.

Determine Charge R ange : R oll two D6 and discard the

lowest, this is the Charge roll. Add the Charge roll to the unit’s Marching : A marching unit can move up to double its
Movement characteristic

and may wheel

Move manoeuvres.

an enemy the target

pag e 1 2 6 .

Failed the following

more target than unit, double

target a distance

• Wheel: The

Charging pivoting a around


• Turn: All
• If
180° the to charging face

uses wheels a quarter to

• charging
Move Backwards: unit

characteristic reform.

• If
Move the charging
characteristic it moves

• Redress the

3. Compulsory

All fromcompulsory its front

• R eform : The

to pivot about

different formati
Shooting Phase 4. Remove Casualties

& Make Panic Tests ( page 142 )

The Shooting phase is broken down into several sub-phases Remove Casualties: Unsaved wounds are applied to the unit,

and is followed in full for each shooting unit, one at a time : each causing a model to lose one Wound. When a model has

been reduced to zero Wounds, it is removed as a casualty.

Stone Thrower Misfire Table

D6 R esult

1 Destroyed: The weapon cannot take the strain! Bits

of wood and metal debris are thrown into the air

and the stone tumbles to the ground. The model is

destroyed and immediately removed from play.

To Wound Chart Black Powder Misfire Table

Target’s Toughness D6 R esult

1 Destroyed: The weapon explodes with a thunderous

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

noise, leaving a hole in the ground and a cloud

of black smoke hanging in the air. The model is

1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - -

destroyed and immediately removed from play.

2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - -

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - -
1. Choose Unit

Make Panic Tes

4 2-4 2+ Malfunction: 2+

A unit is selected

more than a quarte

inconveniencing the

5 2+ 2+
beginning of the


2. R ol l To Hit

described on p

6 2+ 2+
To determine


chart based on

Misfire 7 2+ Tables 2+
Misfire 7 2+ Tables 2+


If a ‘Misfire’ is

5-6 Twang:

8 2+ 2+
Ballistic Skill

machine, you

is not

D6 roll To Hit

Misfire tables:
9 2+ 2+



One or more
10 2+ 2+

roll(s) To Hit:
• Moving and

• Firing at Long

• Standing and

• Target Behind
• Target Behind

3. R ol l To Wound

R oll To Wound:

referencing the

on the below
Armour & Ward

make an Armour
Combat Phase
1.3. R oll To Wound & Make Armour Saves: For each

successful hit, roll To Wound and make Armour Save rolls as

The Combat phase is broken up into several sub-phases. described for Shooting attacks.

1. Choose & Fight Combat ( page 145 ) 1.4. Remove Casualties: Casualties are removed from the

To Hit Chart

Target’s Weapon Skill

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

2 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

s’ r e k c a t t A
rear rank of the
This sub-phase

4 2+ 3+

rear ranks stepping

A model cannot
1.1. Choose Comb

5 2+ 2+

forward, as described

6 2+ 2+
1.2. R oll To Hit.

7 2+ 2+
7 2+ 2+

1.3. R oll To Wound

8 2+ 2+

1.4. Remove

9 2+ 2+

1.1. 10 Choose 2+ 2+ Comb

active player ch
p y

Each combat

next one. Each

in a charging u

remainder of
• Charging

full 1" moved,

• Charging

Initiative per

Each model in
that are not in

make one attack

their profile.

1.2. R oll To Hit :


they are attacking:

2. Calculate Combat Result ( page 151 ) 4. Follow Up & Pursuit ( page 156 )

To determine your combat result score, consult the table Once Break tests have been made, but before any units

below and calculate how many ‘combat result points’ your Give Ground or make a Flee roll, the winning unit(s) must

unit(s) scored : decide what they will do next: restrain and reform, follow up

or pursue.
Combat Result

Unsaved &
wounds R eform :

makes a Restraint
Rank Bonus

this test is passed,


reform. Otherwise,
Battle Standard

Flank attack
Follow Up: If
Rear attack

move forwards
High ground

unit may perform


Other bonuses

Pursuit: If the

winning Break unit(s) Test
Each unit belonging

O verrun : If a
by rolling 2D6

making a pursuit
and the loser’s

Compare the
• If the result


• If the result

unit’s Leadership,

unit’s Leadership,

• If the modified

Gives Ground.

Certain entries are marked in BOLD, highlighting those sections players search for most often in the midst of battle,

such as spells, phases and magical items.

Miscasts .................................................... 109 Multiple Units in Combat ................ 147

Perfect Invocations .............................. 109 Rank Bonus ......................... 101, 151, 153

Active Player, the .................................... 115 Caval r y Support ...................................... 192 Simultaneous Combat ........................ 146

Allied Contingents ....................... 280-281 Champion(s) .............................................. 199 Stepping Forward ................................. 146

Special Rules ........................................... 280 Character(s) .............................. 202- 211 Supporting Attacks .............................. 145

Types of Alliance .................................. 281 Cavalry Mounts .................................... 204 Terrain & Combat ............................... 159
Ambushers Who
Chariot Strikes Mounts ................................

Combat Ridden R e sMonsters

Arcane Characters
Loser Breaks
Items &

Armour Lone
Combat Characters Result

Chal l e nge s Barding

Follow Up .....................................................
Common FBIGO Types a

No Armour Gives &

Shield is.........................................................
Surrounded a Challenge

Armour Issuing
Modifiers Bane
a Challenge

Armoured Overrun
Overkill .....................................................

Armour Refusing
Pursuit .......................................................
Piercing a Challe
Armour Save(s) ..................................................... M

Tol e e !
Maximum the ......................................... Death! Ar

Charge(ing) Random Lists Movement

Counter Accidental
Allied Contingents
Charge Co

Cover Aligning
Detachments .................................................. to

Cumbersome Grand
Charging Army Through
g g y g

Mercenaries Move

Percentage(s) Ch


Daemonology Charge Army

Dark Flank Tingle Magic & in Rear the ..
DeploymentMaximum (A) ...................

Alternating Charge

Reserves ....................................................

Detachment Redirecting .........

Ballistic Resolving
Regimental Skill Uncertainties

Higher than Down
Modifiers to ...............................

Battle Supporting Magic R e a c ti on

Beyond Flee .................................................................
the Crest

Disp e l Hold ...........................................................

Bound Multiple
Dispel Spells and Charging Perf
Break Stand
Dispelling test & ....................................................
Shoot Remains

Breath Dispel Weapon Roll
Runners ..........

Churning Fated Dispel Wheels

Close Wizardly Order Dispel ...................

Disrupted ......................................................... Units

Combat Fire
Phase ...........
Casting Combat ..........................................................
Spells Phase

Duck Combat
Bound & Cover
Spells Result

Casting Warriors Roll

Choosing Rank a

Magic Many Resistance
Inactive Player, the ................................. 115 Manoeuvres ................................... 124-125

In c omi ng ! ......................................... 274, 275 Marching ................................................. 123

El e me ntal ism ............................ 326-327 Index .................................................................. 3 Movement Phase Sequence .............. 118

Ethereal ....................................................... 167 Indirect Fire ............................................... 225 Remaining Moves ................................ 122

Enchanted Items .............................. 342 Initiative (I) ................................................. 96 Movement (M) .......................................... 96
si g n i f i c a nt ...........................................................
or Shoot

Move Shod through ......................................................... W h e e l s

Multi-barrelled Attacks

Multiple Shots

Multiple Units

Killing Dividing Blow Attacks ..........

Facing Fighting .................................................on

Multiple Charge Wounds

Fa l l
Musician(s) Back in .....................

Large C av a l r y Target ..........

Leadership ............................................................... (Ld)

Leadership Fl ig ht Test(s)
g p g ()

L evi e s
Necromancy in ..........................................................

Line & of More
Fl e e Sight .........................................N

Noo cus One ofPlatform Cares

Loner Charge ............................................................ ..........

Lumbering Attacks ...........................................
Flammable ...............................

O ddball Stuff

Combat .....................................................

Magical Direction
Movement Attacks of ..........

Magic Fleeing
Shooting A rmo ur from ...................................................

Open Fleeing OrderR e si stan c e through .........
Magic Fleeing Standards through

Magic Fleeing Weapons through

ManoeuvresFlee Move, t

Panic Ends (X) Test(s) of..........................................................

Forming Move
Common Backwards Units Causes
Pitched Disrupted
Move Sideways
Battle Units

Frenzy Redress
Break ..........................................................
Point the

Furious Reform
Command Charge ...................................................... &

Flank ...........................................................

Meeting ........................................................

Marching Mountain ....................................................

Give Enemy
Open Ground Battle Sighted

Pivot(ing) ....................................................

Poisoned Attacks .........

Ponderous Misbehaving ..................................................

Mis c ast (X) Table ...................................................

Hig h
Misfire Magic Tables of ..
Pursuit Black ...........................................................

Howdah Stone
Catching Thrower .......................................................
a Fle

Hud d l e d
Monster Pursuit H
a n d l e rs.

Monster Pursuit Slayer


Motley Pursuit Crew off the
Move & Shoot

Movement Cover Phase

Illusion Charging .................................................................................

Quick Charge Reference Reactions
to Psycholog

Quick Compulsory Shot Hits ..............................

Impetuous Flee (Move) .........................................

Standard Bearer(s) ................................. 200

Steady in the Ranks .............................. 190

R ally (Test) ....................................... 117 Stomp Attacks (X) ................................. 177 Vanguard .................................................... 180

Insurmountable Losses ....................... 117 Strategy Phase .................................. 116 Vantage Point ............................................ 271

R allying Cry .............................................. 175 Strength S() .................................................. 96 Veteran ........................................................ 180
Vi rcitkoeom
ry First Attacks
Points ...............................

r i k eom Dead L ast or Movement
Fled ........................................

Rank King is
Bonus Dead,..................................................... ..

Stupidity Maximum
Trophies ......................................................
of Ra

Sw i f tstr i d e Special Fire Features ...................................................

Volley Fire ...........................................
R e g i m e nt a l Unit

Removing Casualties

Talismans Multiple Wound..............................

Waaagh! Single Rank (Categories)Magic

Warband Single
Battlefield Wound ..................................................... Decoratio

R equires
W ar Combining Ma c h i n e s Two
q g

R eser ve Dangerous
Bolt Thrower Move Ter

Cannon ............................................

Fire Throwers Linear

Great ............................................................

Scatter Impassable
Mortars ................................................................................................................ T
Scouts Low
Organ Linear

Scythed Open
Repeater Ground W h e e l s Bolt

Shieldwal l Stone
Placing Thrower Terrain ...................................................

Shooting Size ............................................................. Phase

Weapon How
Woods Many .......................................................
of War

Weapons Shooting ........................................................... Phase
Through We
Black Can’t Powder & AllThrough

Bows of Battlefield

S kimr m im-
Ti sh be rs
e rCombat
rr! Weapons ..................

To Crossbows Hit Features
roll(s) .....................

Spears ........................................................
Thrown Ruins Weapons

Weapon Monument Skill (T)

Toer’e Occupancy Wound Not Paid roll(s)

Wi z a rd s Placement
Combat ..........................................................................

Casting Spells ...................................................

Troop Tower
Levels Type ........................................................
of Wizardry
Special Cavalry
Miscast Rules .............................................

Perfect Invocation ...........................................

Spell Generation ...........................................

Wizards Priority & ..........................................

Woodland Troop
W ar Machines Special Bound aries

Wounds Categories (W)
Assailment .........


Unbreakable Enchantment

Hex ...................................................

Unit Magical Si z e .......................................................

Unit Magic Stre ngth Missiles

Unstable Profile ...................................................... (Cavalry

Split Profile (Chariot

Split Profile (Chario

Split Profile (Ridd

Split Profile (War

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