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We have stood at the forefront of the airborne radar market since the 1950s when the AI23 radar became the worlds first high power monopulse radar to enter squadron service. To maintain our leading position in the market, we have been developing Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) technology since the early 1990s. Vixen 500E is a compact, lightweight, AESA radar for Fighter and Lead-In Fighter Trainer aircraft. Building on over 50 years of fire control radar experience, Vixen 500E delivers greater performance and higher reliability than comparable mechanically scanned radars. EASE OF INSTALLATION Vixen 500E comprises three main Line Replaceable Units (LRUs), easing installation and reducing the system volume. Vixen 500E does not require any interconnecting waveguides, therefore making the radar installation a quick and simple procedure. OBSOLESCENCE PROTECTION The impact of future obsolescence arising is minimised by the use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf based processor cards with an open and expandable architecture and a software abstraction layer. This design enables hardware to be replaced without significantly impacting the radar software. CAPABILITY Vixen 500Es highly flexible Direct Digital Synthesis generated pulse compression waveforms support optimised performance in all modes of operation. Vixen 500E has been designed to meet the full spectrum of fire control radar operational requirements, detecting, identifying, prioritising and engaging targets, whilst remaining resistant to radar countermeasures. KEY FEATuRES Low cost ownership Superior performance Superior reliability Software driven Easy to install Easy to use Mode interleaving No waveguides Electronic Beam Steering Beyond visual range weapons compatibility.

Vixen 500E Active Electronically Scanned Fire Control Radar

Vixen 500E delivers a broad range of air-to-ground, air-to-air and air combat capabilities

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ground Mapping


X band

Scan Coverage
> 60

Scan Velocity
Instant beam switching

RELIABILITY The Vixen 500E radar minimises the impact of transmitter and receiver failure by using many solid state Transmit/ Receive Modules within the fixed array. As a result, component failures within the array display graceful performance degradation rather than complete system failure, delivering high operational availability when compared with conventional, mechanically scanned radar systems.

> 1000hrs

Modes Available
Air-to-Air Modes Air Combat Modes Track while scan Single target track HUD search Vertical scan Slewable scan Boresight Real beam ground map Sea Surface Search and Track Synthetic Aperture Radar mapping (standard and high resolution) Ground Moving Target Indicator Beacon interrogation Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Freeze Mode A number of situational awareness modes

Air-to-Surface modes

Interleaved Modes

Key Parameters
Track While Scan SAR Resolution Track Formation Range (look down) Track Formation Range (look up) > 10 Targets <3m > 25 nm > 35 nm

Common Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Processor

For more information please email [email protected] SELEx Galileo Ltd, A Finmeccanica Company 2 Crewe Road North, Edinburgh, EH5 2XS, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 131 343 8016, Fax: +44 (0) 131 343 8616 This publication is issued to provide outline information only and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part of it may be reproduced or used unless authorized in writing. We reserve the right to modify or revise all or part of this document without notice. 2010 Copyright SELEX Galileo Ltd SELEXGALILEO\UK\Dsh-019\011001\mjg

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