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At the airport

At the check in counter

Check- in Clerk: Good morning.

Passenger: Good morning.
Check-in Clerk: May I see your ticket, please?
Passenger: Oh yes. Here it is.
Check-in Clerk: Thank you Mr. Robinson.
Passenger: I was wondering if I could have a smoking seat, please.
Check-in Clerk: I´m afraid this is a non-smoking flight, Sir. Would you prefer an aisle
seat or a window seat?
Passenger: Well, I´m not sure. You see, it´s the first time that I will be flying by airplane
and I´m feeling a bit uneasy about it. What I really want is the safest seat.
Check-in Clerk: Oh I see, well there´s really nothing to worry about. Let´s see, I can
give you an aisle seat right next to one of the exits. Then you´ll have more leg room,
Passenger: Oh good! That sounds alright.
Check-in Clerk: And could I see your passport, please?
Passenger: Oh yes, here it is…….


Aisle: a walkway between or along sections of seats in a theater, classroom or airplane.

Aisle seat: seat located in the aisle part.
Flight attendant: a person who attends and offers service in the duration of the flight.
Going through customs and immigration

Customs officer: Would you mind putting your baggage on here, please ma’am?
Where are you traveling from?
Page: From Marseille.
Customs officer: Marseille. Are you resident in France, or do you live in the United
Page: I live in France.
Customs officer: Can I see your passport, please? Thank you. How long are you
staying in the USA?
Page: For 5 days.
Customs officer: And what's the purpose of your visit ma’am?
Page: I'm here on business.
Customs officer: I see. Well then, you understand that you've come into the Green
Channel, which means you have nothing to declare.
Page: Yes.
Customs officer: Is this all your baggage?
Page: Yes, that's all.
Customs officer: Is anybody else traveling with you, ma’am?
Page: No, I'm traveling alone.
Customs officer: OK then. What type of goods have you got; cigarettes, cigars...?
Page: No, I don't smoke.
Customs officer: Nothing else at all in the tobacco line?
Page: No.
Customs officer: Any drinks at all? Spirits? Liquors? Wine?
Page: Just two bottles of red wine.
Customs officer: Were those bottles purchased in the duty-free shop, or...?
Page: Yes, at Marseille airport.
Customs officer: I see. Are you bringing any gifts for anybody in the States?
Page: Well, the wine is a present, but that's all.
Customs officer: Any other valuable items - jewelry, laptop?
Page: No, just my personal things.
Customs officer: OK. Thank you, ma’am. Would you let me have a look in there...Is the
laptop going back to France with you?
Peter: Yes, of course. It's my working tool.
Customs officer: Do you have a camera?
Page: No, I don't.
Customs officer: That's fine. Thank you very much. Have a pleasant stay!


1. Baggage claim area- a place where you get your baggage.

2. Boarding area- a place where you enter a plane.
3. Boarding pass- a sheet of paper needed to board an airplane.
4. Carry-on luggage- things that are being carried onto and stowed in the passenger
compartment of an airplane.
Complaining for poor service

Receptionist: Good evening. This is Kathy at the help desk. How may I help you?
Guest: I would like to complain about the room temperature. The room’s unheated
and it’s freezing here!
Receptionist: I’m really sorry about that Ma’am. May I know your name and from what
room are you?
Guest: This is Victoria. I’m in Room 731.
Receptionist: I would like to apologize for the inconvenience it caused you Ma’am
Victoria. But we will send someone in your room immediately.
Guest: Make it soon because it’s so uncomfortable! It’s already late and I need to go
to bed.
Receptionist: ASAP Ma’am. Rest assured this will not happen again.
Guest: Please make sure of that. I still have a night to spend here.
Receptionist: Yes ma’am. I’m very sorry again for the inconvenience. Is there anything
else that I can assist you with?
Guest: No, that would be all. Thank you.
Receptionist: Okay Ma’am. Someone will be there any minute now. Please wait for a
little while. Thank you for calling. Goodbye!
Guest: Bye.
Language function
How may I help you? = how can I help you?
I would like to = I want to
Complain about
I'm really sorry about = I apologize for = I regret about
May I know = can I know = could I know ..?
Make it soon
It's already late = it's really late = it's almost late
ASAP= As Soon As Possible
Rest assured – be sure
I'm sorry for
Assist with
That would be all – that’s all
Any minute now – soon
Wait for a little while – hold on for a while – for a short period of time
Match Column A with Column B

1. Receptionist a. cozy
2. Guest b. irritation
3. Apologize c. visitor
4. Inconvenience d. clerk
5. Comfortable e. sorry
Scrambled sentences
Can - I - passport - ,please - see – your?
How - do - in - intend - long - States - stay - the - to - United – you?
Is - of - purpose - the - visit - what – your?
declare - anything - do - have - to – you ?
your - enjoy – stay .
In the restaurant

Waiter: Welcome to Chef’s Place Ma’am and Sir. Did you make a reservation?
Mr. Customer: No.
Waiter: Okay. Do you want a table for two?
Mr. Customer: Yes please.
Waiter: Please follow me. Here’s the menu. I’ll return to take your order.
Customers: Thank you.
Waiter: Are you ready to order Sir and Ma’am?
Ms. Customer: Yes. I’ll have a beef steak. Do you serve maki here?
Waiter: Sorry Ma’am. We don’t serve maki here.
Ms. Customer: I see. Just serve me with half cup of rice and a glass of lemonade
Waiter: Okay Ma’am. How about you Sir?
Mr. Customer: Fried chicken, a cup of rice and iced tea.
Waiter: Bottomless or regular?
Mr. Customer: Bottomless.
Waiter: What would you like for dessert?
Ms. Customer: Strawberry ice cream, medium size, please.
Waiter: Is there anything more that you like?
Mr. Customer: None.
Waiter: Let me repeat your order: beef steak, fried chicken, one and a half cup of rice, a
glass of lemonade, bottomless iced tea and one strawberry ice cream, medium size.
Customers: Yes. That’s right.
Waiter: Your food will be served in 10 to15 minutes.
Mr. Customer: Okay.
(After 15 minutes)
Waiter: Here’s your order.
Customers: Thank you.
Ms. Customer: The beef isn’t cooked well. Could you have the chef cook it a little more?
Waiter: Right away Ma’am.
Ms. Customer: Can I ask for a glass of water please?
Waiter: Yes Ma’am… Here it is.
Ms. Customer: Thank you.
Mr. Customer: And please, send me the check.
Waiter: Right away sir.

What will you do if after a few minutes of waiting for your order and the waiter will
approach you and tell you that your order isn’t available?

Some useful questions

 Could you wrap them separately?

 Will you pay in cash or by credit card?
 Could you put your signature here?
 We provide shipping all over the world.
 How long would it take to ship it to Japan?
 Do you want me to wrap it?
At duty free shop

Passenger: Excuse me; I’d like to ask you about this liquor.
Clerk: Sure. What would you like to know?
Passenger: Is it popular as a souvenir?
Clerk: Yes, very popular. It is produced in a traditional way and it has a very mild and
soft taste. For example, this one.
Clerk: This one is as sweet as a soft drink, but it contains a rather high alcohol
Passenger: I see. I'll take three bottles, then.
Clerk: Very well, sir.
Passenger: Could you wrap them separately if possible?
Clerk: Sure, no problem. Will you pay in cash or by credit card?
Passenger: Do you accept international credit cards?
Clerk: Of course. Could you put your signature here?
Passenger: Alright.
Clerk: Thank you. Would you like to pay in Japanese yen or dollars? You can choose.
Passenger: In that case, I'd like to pay in yen, please.
Clerk: Certainly. Here you are. Thank you for shopping with us, and have a safe trip!
Passenger: Thanks.

Alejandro is at a duty-free shop

Shop Clerk: Good evening! Are you (1) for something specific? Can I help you,
Alejandro: Oh, yes. I’m thinking of buying this vase as a (2), but it might be a bit difficult
to carry, as it's quite big and heavy.
Shop Clerk: We provide shipping all over the world. Perhaps that would be easier.
Alejandro: Oh, really? How long would it take to ship it to Mexico?
Shop Clerk: It would take no longer than two weeks.
Alejandro: Fine. Then, I'd like to (3) this bowl, too.
Shop Clerk: Sure. Do you want me to wrap it?
Alejandro: Yes, please. But, could you wrap them (4)?
Shop Clerk: Certainly. Would you like a ribbon on this?
Alejandro: That’d be perfect.
Shop Clerk: No problem, sir. Do you (5) anything else?
Alejandro: No, that’s all.
Shop Clerk: Okay. Just a (6), I’ll have it wrapped. Will you pay in cash or (7)?
Alejandro: Can I pay by traveler’s check‫؟‬
Shop Clerk: Of course, sir. Could you just put your (8) here? Thank you!


1. Have you ever bought something at a duty-free shop abroad?

2. What do you think about the prices in duty-free shops?
3. Do you usually buy souvenirs during your trip or just before you go back home?
4. What is your opinion about spending a lot of money on souvenirs?
5. Have you ever used a traveler’s check? If so, where and why did you use it?
A Receptionist and a Client

Receptionist: Hi, welcome to the Grammar Bank Hotel. How can I help you?
Client: Hi, I would like a room for tonight. Do you have any vacancies?
Receptionist: Yes sir, would you like a single room, or a double room?
Client: A single room, please.
Receptionist: How long will you be staying?
Client: For three nights.
Receptionist: Okay, would you like a king size bed or a queen size?
Client: Well, king size bed, please.
Receptionist: Smoking, non-smoking?
Client: Non-smoking.
Receptionist: Sure, and would you rather have a room with a view of the ocean or the

Client: It doesn't really matter to me, whichever one is cheaper.

Receptionist: Sure, it's going to be $55 per night. Can I have your ID, please?
Client: Here it is.
Receptionist: Alright, Could you sign here, please?
Client: No problem. Do you accept American Express?
Receptionist: Sure, any Visa, Master Card or American Express.
Client: Perfect, here is my card.
Receptionist: Thank you. Is there a phone number where you can be contacted?
Client: Yes, it is 333-3333.
Receptionist: Okay. Here's your key. Your room number is 276. It's on the 2nd floor;
you can take the elevators behind us. If you need anything, just dial 9 for the
Client: Thank you for your help.
Receptionist: My pleasure. Enjoy your stay!
At the hotel

Dialogue 1
Receptionist: Hello, Plaza Hotel. May I help you?
Guest: Good morning, I'd like to book a single room for two nights please.
Receptionist: When for, sir?
Guest: Next Monday, April 3rd.
Receptionist: Let me just check...Yes we have one single room available.
Guest: Great. How much is the charge per night?
Receptionist: Seventy euro, sir.
Guest: OK, that's fine.
Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Guest: Yes, it's Caulson. Robert Caulson. That's C-A-U-L-S-O-N
Receptionist: OK, I've got that. What time will you be arriving?
Guest: Around 8pm.
Receptionist: Thank you and have a nice day.

Dialogue 2

Receptionist: I'd like to check out, please. My name is Caulson, room 302. Here's
the key.
Guest: Just a moment, sir...Here's your bill.
Receptionist: Can you tell me what this charge is for?
Guest: That's for the drinks you ordered last night.
Receptionist: OK. Can I pay by credit card?
Guest: Yes, of course.
Receptionist: One more thing. I have a train to catch in a few hours. Can I leave
my bags somewhere till then?
Guest: Certainly. You can leave them in the storeroom over there.
Receptionist: Thank you. Goodbye.
Dialogue 3

?F1: (phone ringing) Majestic Hotel, can I help you

.M1: Yes, I’d like to find out about your room rates in July, please

.F1: One moment, please. I’ll put you through to reservations

?F2: (click) Reservations, can I help you

.M1: Yes, I’m enquiring about room rates in July, please

?F2: Yes, of course, sir. Do you have specific dates in mind

M1: Yes, we’re thinking of coming up the weekend of the 6th of July and staying
.for about a week, going back on Saturday the 13th or Sunday the 14th

?F2: I see, sir. And for how many people would that be

.M1: Well, there’s myself, my wife and our two children. They’re 9 and 5

F2: Well, there are various options. (Typing) We could do a double for you and
.your wife, and a room with two singles for your children. Not adjacent though

?M1: Is it not possible to have a family room for all of us

F2: Yes, that is a possibility. Just let me check those dates for you. It is a very
busy time of year, as I’m sure you realize!

M1: Yes, I appreciate that.

F2: Mmm (typing), ah. Well, I can offer you a family room for the nights of
Saturday the 6th through to the night of Thursday the 11th, but I’m afraid there are
no family rooms for the second weekend. They’re all booked already, I’m afraid.

M1: Oh dear. Er, so that would mean either leaving on Friday or moving to two
rooms for the last one or two nights, would it?

F2: Yes, I’m afraid so... but I see we do have a suite available for all the nights
you’re interested in. That would give you two separate bedrooms, a sitting room,
bathroom of course, and the one we have available also has a large balcony and a
terrific sea view.

M1: Oh! That sounds wonderful. But, what about the price? Can you do any
special deals on that?

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