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Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477

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Performance, kinetics behaviors and microbial community of internal

circulation anaerobic reactor treating wastewater with high organic
loading rate: Role of external hydraulic circulation
Gan Luo, Jun Li, Yan Li ⇑, Zhu Wang, Wen-Tao Li, Ai-Min Li
State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 The critical OLR for IC reactor effectively operation was close to 19 kgCOD/m /d.
 Withdrawal of external hydraulic circulation led to deterioration of IC reactor.
 Substrate metabolic pathway shifted from propionate to hybrid fermentation.
 Kinetics of substrate degradation and methane production was studied.
 High-throughput sequencing showed the shift of bacterial and archaea community.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Performance of internal circulation anaerobic reactor (IC) treating wastewater at high organic loading
Received 28 July 2016 rate (OLR) and role of external hydraulic circulation were evaluated. When the OLR was increased from
Received in revised form 5 October 2016 2.50 to 18.94 kgCOD/m3/d, COD removal decreased to 85% slightly and methane production increased to
Accepted 6 October 2016
4.49 L/L/d with the upflow velocity of 1.0 m/h resulted from the additional hydraulic circulation.
Available online 13 October 2016
Withdrawal of external hydraulic circulation led to decrease of COD removal to lower than 60% drasti-
cally and methane production by 81%. Accumulation of volatile fatty acids caused decline of pH to below
6.0 and the shift of substrate metabolic pathway to the hybrid fermentation. In addition, both maximum
Internal circulation anaerobic (IC) reactor
Volatile fatty acids (VFA)
methane production rate and maximum substrate degradation rate obtained from mathematical models
Kinetics behavior decreased significantly. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens including Methanobacterium and
Microbial community Methanocorpusculum predominated in the anaerobic sludge and the shift of microbial community was
High-throughput sequencing also observed.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction circulation system, IC reactor possesses many traits such as large

height-diameter ratio, effective biomass retention and improved
Anaerobic digestion has been widely applied for the treatment mixing intensity (Cui et al., 2011). Therefore, IC reactor offers a
of wastewater which characterized by high concentration of promising alternative for the industrial wastewater treatment with
organic matters from industries such as paper-making, food pro- high organic loading rate (OLR). Generally, the OLR applied for IC
cessing and pharmacy due to its low cost, little sludge production reactor could be 3–5 times higher than that for UASB reactor due
and recovery of energy in the form of methane (CH4). During the to the better mass transfer resulted from the internal circulation
past decades, many types of anaerobic reactor have been devel- of intermixture (Jiang et al., 2014).
oped, including up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), Anaerobic digestion consists of a series of microbial processes
expanded granule sludge bed (EGSB), internal circulation (IC) reac- including acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis which
tor and so on. IC reactor, which integrates two UASB vertically, is are operated by acidogenic bacteria, acetogenic bacteria and
an excellent representative of the third-generation anaerobic reac- methanogenic archaea, respectively. These microorganisms differ
tors. Due to its unique bilayer structure and gas-driven internal widely in terms of physiology, nutritional needs, growth kinetics,
and sensitivity to environmental conditions. They are interdepen-
⇑ Corresponding author. dent and interactional in anaerobic digestion and the balance of
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Li).
these microorganisms makes the whole process of anaerobic
0960-8524/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Luo et al. / Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477 471

digestion a dynamic equilibrium process. Relatively high methano- Table 1

genic activity of sludge is a precondition for efficient and stable Operation parameters applied in different stages.

pollutant removal and energy recovery, since methanogens that Stages Time (d) Influent COD OLR HRT Vup
are responsible for utilization of acetate and H2/CO2 for methane (mg/L) (kgCOD/m3/d) (d) (m/h)
formation have higher susceptibility to environmental factors I 1–58 5000 2.50 2.00 1.0
and lower substrate metabolism rate (Chen et al., 2008; II 59–81 5000 4.43 1.13 1.0
Hao et al., 2012). For instance, deterioration even failure often III 82–98 5000 7.58 0.66 1.0
IV 99–116 8000 12.12 0.66 1.0
occurred when anaerobic reactors are encountered with high con- V 117–193 10,000 15.15 0.66 1.0
tent of methanogenic inhibitors (Zhao et al., 2014). In addition, over- VI 193–239 12,500 18.94 0.66 1.0
loaded with organic matter or high organic load rate may also break VII 240–271 12,500 18.94 0.66 0.06
the balance, leading to the failure of anaerobic methanogenesis.
Good mass transfer between sludge and substrate plays a key
role in pollutant removal and methane production in anaerobic and 4.0 g/L NaHCO3 as pH buffer was fed by peristaltic pump into
reactor. Higher liquid up-flow velocity in anaerobic reactor con- the reactor from the bottom. Trace elements were added into the
tributes to thorough liquid–solid mixing (Ding and Wang, 2005; synthetic wastewater as described by our previous study
Wang et al., 2015b; Zhang et al., 2009). Although IC reactor can (Liao et al., 2013). The IC reactor was operated for 271 days contin-
treat wastewater with high OLR (Jiang et al., 2014; Xu et al., uously which covers 7 stages (Stage I–VII) according to the opera-
2013), to address the deterioration related with higher OLR, an tion parameters of hydraulic retention time (HRT), influent COD,
additional external hydraulic circulation could be applied for oper- OLR and Vup (Table 1). In Stage I, low COD content (5000 mg/L)
ation of IC reactor to elevate the up-flow velocity for enhanced and long HRT (2.0 d) was selected in favor of startup of the IC reac-
mass transfer, which could achieve higher COD removal rate and tor. Thereafter, considering the treatment capacity of IC reactor,
methane yield (Wang et al., 2014). However, previous studies the HRT was reduced from 2.0 d of Stage I to 0.66 d of Stage III
mainly focused on the improved performance of IC reactor with to elevate the OLR with a fixed influent COD content (5000 mg/
hydraulic circulation (Wang et al., 2014), lack of comprehensive L). To stress the role of external hydraulic circulation, shorter
evaluation on the effect of external circulation in terms of the HRT should be avoided because high influent flow rate also led
kinetics behavior of sludge and microbial community. Further- to an increased upflow velocity. Therefore, in the following stages
more, especially for a highly organic-loaded IC reactor, the influ- (Stage IV – VI), the influent COD concentration was elevated con-
ence of revocatory external hydraulic circulation on the tinuously from 5000 to 12500 mg/L with the fixed HRT of 0.66 d,
performance, consequent dynamic behavior and microbial com- leading to the increasing OLR from 7.58 to 18.94 kgCOD/m3/d.
munity remains unknown. The Vup was controlled by the flow rate of external hydraulic circu-
Therefore, in this study, a lab-scale IC reactor with an external lation. In the last stage (Stage VII) which had the same OLR and
hydraulic circulation was setup to study its performance in terms HRT with Stage VI, the external hydraulic circulation was with-
of COD removal and methane production under the increased drawn to evaluate its role at high OLR. A water bath was employed
OLR. At its tolerance OLR level, external hydraulic circulation was for a constant temperature of 35 ± 1 °C.
withdrawn to study its role on performance of IC reactor. Besides,
batch experiments and mathematical models were applied to elu-
cidate the kinetics of substrate degradation and methane produc- 2.2. Batch experiments and kinetics models
tion of the anaerobic sludge with and without external hydraulic
circulation. High throughput sequencing was also conducted for To evaluate the role of external hydraulic circulation on the
underlying microbiological mechanism of external hydraulic circu- microbial activity and dynamic behavior, anaerobic sludge was
lation on IC reactor. The study provided comprehensive under- extracted from IC reactor on the 227th day (stage VI, B1) and
standing for the IC reactor treating wastewater with high organic 270th day (stage VII, B2) for batch experiments, respectively. About
loading. 50 mL anaerobic sludge with VSS of 18.90 and 52.96 g/L for B1 and
B2 respectively was added into three identical serum bottles
(250 mL) respectively for parallel test. The anaerobic sludge was
2. Materials and methods then replenished to 200 mL with synthetic nutrient solution con-
taining 5000 mg/L COD (glucose) after washed three times. The ini-
2.1. IC reactor set-up tial pH was adjusted to 7.0 ± 0.1 and 2.0 g/L NaHCO3 was
supplemented to buffer the fluctuation of pH. Then, the bottles
A lab-scale IC reactor was established with a working volume of were placed in a constant temperature shaker setting at 35 °C
24L (Supplementary material, Fig. S1). The IC reactor consists of and 100 rpm after purging the oxygen out by nitrogen gas and seal-
five compartments: influent feed and distribution system, fluidized ing. The methane produced was collected and measured by a liquid
bed area, polishing treatment area, three-phase separation area displacement system of 30 g/L NaOH-NaCl solution. Liquid samples
and recirculation system that consisted of a biogas lifting pipe were collected at predetermined time points for the measurement
and a sludge downer-pipe (Habets and de Boerstraat, 1999). An of substrate and volatile fatty acids (VFA). The results were shown
external hydraulic circulation was applied to provide a proper in average values with the standard deviation between the three
up-flow velocity (Vup). Aerobic activated sludge collected from parallels below 10%.
Jiangxinzhou Wastewater Treatment Plant (Nanjing City, China) Three mathematical models to simulate the biogas production
was used as seed sludge with the initial mixed liquor suspended and substrate degradation were used, including the Modified Gom-
solid (SS) and mixed liquor volatile suspended solid (VSS) of pertz function (GM) (Eq. (1)), the Logistic model (LM) (Eq. (2)) and
5200 mg/L 3200 mg/L respectively according to the literature the Transference model (TM) (Eq. (3)). In these three equations, P is
(Kobayashi et al., 2009). represented for the cumulative methane production (mL) or sub-
The wastewater used in this study is synthetic wastewater and strate degradation amount (mg/L), Pm for the methane production
simulated the composition of actual molasses wastewater which is potential (mL/gVSS) or substrate degradation potential (mg/L/
a kind of typical high organic strength wastewater. Synthetic gVSS), Rm for maximum methane production rate (mL/h/gVSS) or
wastewater containing glucose, NH4Cl, KH2PO4 as basic nutriment maximum substrate degradation rate (mg/L/gVSS/h), k for lag time
472 G. Luo et al. / Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477

for methane production or substrate degradation (h) and t for reac-

tion time (h). Notably, the Pm and Rm was normalized to VSS after
eðk  tÞ
P ¼ Pm exp  exp Rm þ1 ð1Þ

P¼ ð2Þ
1 þ exp ð4Rm ðk  tÞ=Pm þ 2Þ
Rm ð t  k Þ
P ¼ Pm ð1  exp  ð3Þ

2.3. DNA extraction, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing

Anaerobic sludge was collected from the IC reactor at 227th day

(stage VI, S1) and 270th day (stage VII, S2). DNA was extracted by
Fig. 1. Effluent COD content (left axis) and its removal rate (right axis) during the
using FastDNAÒ SPIN Kit for Soil (MP Biomedicals, USA) and ampli- operation stages.
fied with the primers 27F/338R for bacteria (Ravel et al., 2011) and
524F_10ext/Arch958R for archaea (Pires et al., 2012), respectively
(Table S1). The PCR was conducted with a reaction system of was reported previously using granule or flocculent sludge as
20 lL containing 0.8 lL of each primers, 2 lL 10buffer, 2 lL inoculum (Wang et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2013). Longer startup stage
dNTPs, 0.2 lL rTaq Polymerase, 0.2 lL BSA, 10 ng template DNA in this study could be attributed to the unfavorable aerobic seed
and ddH2O. The amplification of DNA was performed under the sludge. In the following stages, a transient decline of COD removal
following procedures: 95 °C for 3 min, 27 cycles for bacteria (35 efficiency could be noticed after each OLR shock load. Higher OLR
cycles for archaea) of 95 °C for 30 s, 55 °C for bacteria (52 °C for applied led to a prolonged time for recovery of COD removal from
archaea) for 30 s, 72 °C for 45 s, and a final extension at 72 °C for the shock load. The effluent COD increased rapidly to 5452 mg/L
10 min. High-throughput sequencing was conducted at Majorbio after raising OLR from 15.15 to 18.94 kgCOD/m3/d and then grad-
Bio-pharm Technology Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China) on Illumina ually decreased to below 2000 mg/L with the adaption of the
Mi-seq platform. Corresponding sequence with specific barcodes sludge microorganisms. Stable COD removal efficiency over 90%
inside each sample was picked out by using Mothur (http:// was obtained for IC reactor at OLR ranging from 2.50 to Then data was denoised as described by 12.12 kgCOD/m3/d, while the COD removal decreased to around
previous study (Guo et al., 2015). After noise reduction, 32243 85% as the OLR increased to 15.15 and 18.94 kgCOD/m3/d. Besides,
reads for bacteria and 31587 reads for archaea were drawn ran- the effluent pH decreased from above 7.0 initially to around
domly from the samples for comparison at the same sequencing 6.5–6.8 at stage VI (Fig. S2). Similar phenomena were reported pre-
depth. Downstream taxonomic assignment was performed by viously. Shortening the HRT from 19.2 h to 2.5 h with fixed influent
Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) ( COD content, which led to OLR increasing from 2.5 to 19.5 kgCOD/
Classifier with confidence threshold of 50%. Mothur was applied m3/d, the IC reactor treating brewery wastewater could remove
for calculation of richness and diversity indices including opera- over 80% COD. However, further decrease of HRT to elevate OLR
tional taxonomic units (OTUs), Chaos and Shannon Index at 3% to 21.5 kgCOD/m3/d led to acidification of IC reactor featured by
cutoff level. the decreased COD removal to 70% and decline of effluent pH to
5.0 (Xu et al., 2013). For a UASB treating a mixture of VFA and alco-
2.4. Analytical methods hol, elevating OLR from 12.9 to 15.3 kgCOD/m3/d by reducing HRT
from 0.24 d to 0.20 d led to an obvious decrease of COD removal
SS, VSS and COD were determined by standard methods. VFA from 96% to 73% (Han et al., 2005). Thus, the tolerant OLR level
including acetate, propionate, butyrate and pentanoate were for IC reactor operation could be identified to be close 19 kgCOD/
detected with gas chromatography (7890A, Agilent, USA) equipped m3/d, a value higher than that of UASB.
with hydrogen flame ionization detector. A wet gas flow meter Fig. 2 shows the average volumetric production rate of biogas
(LMF-1, Changchun Automobile Filter, China) was used for the and methane in each stage. During the stages I–III, with the
measurement of biogas production in each operational stage of increasing OLR from 2.50 to 7.58 kgCOD/m3/d by shortening HRT
the IC reactor. The composition of biogas (CH4, CO2, H2) was eval- from 2 d to 0.66 d, the methane production rate (MPR) increased
uated by using a gas chromatography (SP7820, Rainbow Chemical from 0.44 to 1.88 L/L/d and the biogas production rate (BPR)
Instrument Co., Ltd, China) with a thermal conductivity detector. increased from 0.83 to 2.58 L/L/d. During stage IV–VI with a fixed
Glucose content in batch experiments was analyzed with the mod- HRT, further increase of MPR to 4.49 L/L/d as well as BPR to
ified Anthrone method by using glucose as the standard substance. 7.58 L/L/d were observed due to the gradually increased influent
COD to 12500 mg/L which led to the elevated OLR to
18.94 kgCOD/m3/d. A positive linearly correlation between MPR
3. Results and discussion
or BPR and OLR could be observed (R2 = 0.98). Furthermore, the
proportion of methane in biogas was ranging from 50% to 60% in
3.1. Overall performance
Stage I to VI. Previous study found that the MPR increased from
0.42 to 0.64 L/L/d when the elevated OLR from 10.2 to 26 kgCOD/
Fig. 1 shows the performance of IC reactor in terms of COD
m3/d was employed for an up-flow multistage anaerobic reactor
removal at varied OLR. During stage I, about 44 days were required
(Sun et al., 2012). Similarly, the BPR also exhibited a linearly
for the COD removal reaching up to 90%. The maximum COD
positive correlation with the OLR ranging from 1 to 8 kgCOD/m3/d
removal of 96.4% was observed on the 56th day, indicating setup
applied for a UASB reactor treating starch wastewater (Lu et al.,
of IC reactor. Cultivation stage shorter than 30 days for IC reactor
G. Luo et al. / Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477 473

decreasing from 1.0 m/h to nearly 0.06 m/h resulted from the flow
rate of influent. Consequently, the performance of the IC reactor
declined and a dramatic increase of effluent COD from 1959 mg/L
to 6234 mg/L was observed (Fig. 1). With the adaption of the
microorganism, their activity recovered partly and the effluent
COD gradually decreased and maintained over 5000 mg/L after-
wards. Meanwhile, the MPR dropped to 0.86 L/L/d remarkably
(Fig. 2), accompanied by the drop of methane content in biogas
to 16.2% and the increase of carbon dioxide proportion to 77.4%.
In comparison, the reduction of MPR (3.63 L/L/d) after withdrawal
of external hydraulic circulation was higher than the loss of BPR
(2.15 L/L/d), which could be attributed to that more CO2
(1.59 L/L/d) was produced and entered into the biogas. Further-
more, rapid accumulation of TVFA up to 4538 mg/L, of which pro-
pionic, butyrate and valeric acid increased to 1266, 831 and
1263 mg/L respectively was observed in ten days while acetic acid
Fig. 2. Production rate of methane and biogas in each stage.
maintained at around 1000 mg/L (Fig. 3). Consistent with the accu-
mulation of VFA, the effluent pH decreased from 6.5–6.8 to 5.9
2015). Thus, elevation of OLR levels within a specific tolerance (Fig. S2). Hence it can be concluded that deterioration or acidifica-
would lead to an enhanced methane and biogas yield. tion occurred in the IC reactor at high OLR without external
The concentration of VFA in effluent is depicted in Fig. 3. hydraulic circulation. Reinforced mass transfer in anaerobic system
Rapid accumulation of acetic, propionic and butyrate acid up to by hydraulic circulation has been proved previously (Ding and
4100 mg/L in total could be observed in the initial two weeks. Wang, 2005; Wang et al., 2015b). It could be speculated that the
Relatively low methane production activity of aerobic sludge in utilization of CO2/H2 for methane formation was limited in stage
anoxic condition might explained the VFA accumulation and worse VII due to the remarkable increase of CO2 proportion in biogas.
performance of the IC reactor in the earlier days (Gray et al., 2002). High dissolved amount of CO2 in sludge blanket led to the descent
At the OLR lower than 12.12 kgCOD/m3/d, except the momentary of pH which inhibited the methane formation in turn (Zhang et al.,
increase of acetic and propionic acid after a shock organic load, 2009). Effective elimination of H2 by methanogens plays an essen-
total VFA (TVFA) below 400 mg/L was detected in steady phase tial role in the conversion of propionic and butyrate acid to acetic
of stage I to IV with butyrate and pentanoate lower than 50 mg/L. acid (Morris et al., 2013). High hydrogen pressure inhibited the
Increasing OLR from 15.15 to 18.94 kgCOD/m3/d led to a short- formation of acetic acid from syntrophy oxidization of other
term accumulation of butyrate and pentanoate up to 477 mg/L short-chain fatty acids. Thus, external hydraulic circulation not
and 572 mg/L respectively, both of which decreased to the level only improves the mass transfer but also accelerates the release
below 100 mg/L after adapted while the content of acetic and pro- even utilization of gaseous products such as CO2 and H2, contribut-
pionic acid both maintained above 500 mg/L. Gradual accumula- ing to a favorable environment for anaerobic microorganism.
tion of TVFA up to 1500 mg/L with elevated OLR to 18.94 kgCOD/
m3/d led to a decrease of pH to 6.5–6.8 (Fig. S2), unfavorable pH
to methanogens. Besides, the ratio of propionate to acetate (P/A) 3.2. Substrate degradation and methane production in batch
as a critical parameter of anaerobic reactor operation also pre- experiments
sented an uptrend to around 1.0 at stage V and to nearly 1.4 at
stage VI (Fig. S3). A value of P/A below 1.4 was recommended for Batch experiments were conducted with anaerobic sludge at
stable operation of anaerobic reactors (Ahring et al., 1995). Thus, stage VI (B1) and stage VII (B2) to study the behavior of substrate
a critical OLR level of approximately 19 kgCOD/m3/d for IC reactor degradation and methane production under high OLR and evaluate
in this study was assured again. the role of external circulation on the activity of anaerobic sludge.
To study its role under high OLR level, external hydraulic Fig. 4 shows the methane production, substrate degradation and
circulation was withdrawn in the stage VII, which led to the Vup VFA content versus reaction time. A linear growth of methane yield
from 0 to 10 h in B1 and 2 to 7 h in B2 was obtained with the
correlation coefficient R2 both higher than 0.98 (Fig. 4). Specific
methanogenic activities (SMA) of anaerobic sludge calculated
based on the slope of linear region were 0.624 and
0.396 g CODCH4 =gVSS=d, corresponding to 270.19 and 171.47 mL
CH4/gVSS/d for B1 and B2 respectively. A similar SMA value of
210 mL CH4/gVSS/d was reported by Xu et al. (2013) at OLR of
19.5 kgCOD/m3/d. In this study, a decrease of SMA by 37.0% was
obtained after withdrawal of external hydraulic circulation. How-
ever, the MPR in stage VII was 80.8% lower than that in stage VI.
Lower loss of SMA compared with MPR might be ascribed to the
preferable pH value and better mass transfer in batch experiment.
It should also be noticed from Fig. 4 that ten hours were required
for almost complete uptake of substrate in B1 while six hours
needed in B2 due to the higher content of biomass applied in B2.
The degradation of substrate was accompanied with production
of VFA as the key intermediates of anaerobic digestion. Linear
Fig. 3. Effluent content of VFA: orange for TVFA, black for acetate, blue for
propionate, green for butyrate and red for pentanoate. (For interpretation of the
growth of TVFA up to 1743 and 2308 mg/L for B1 and B2 respec-
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of tively within the initial 12 h was obtained with the R2 nearly
this article.) 0.97 (Fig. 4). The TVFA both maintained at 2400–2800 mg/L after
474 G. Luo et al. / Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477

Fig. 4. Methane production, substrate degradation and VFA content versus reaction time in batch experiments.

fermentation for 18 h. Accumulation of four types of short-chain Table 2. All the models exhibited a good fitting with the R2 both
volatile fatty acids including acetate, propionate, butyrate and above 0.94 (Table 2).
pentanoate were detected with no ethanol measured. In B1, the For batch test B1, TM could best describe the biogas production
content of acetate, propionate, butyrate and pentanoate increased and substrate degradation due to R2 both higher than 0.99. The Pm
to 843, 594, 398 and 611 mg/L respectively within 16 h and and Rm gained with the LM was similar to the values with GM, both
remained at a close level afterwards (Fig. 4). Thus, an inflection lower than the values with TM. Interestingly, the maximum value
point of VFA accumulation could be identified to be around 16 h, of k for biogas production and the minimum value of k for sub-
a value approaching to the HRT applied in stage VI (Table 1). strate degradation both were obtained with the TM fitting. The
Besides, propionate and pentanoate occupied about 45–50% in estimated parameters of Pm, Rm and k with TM were 182.5 mL/
total of TVFA with a percentage of butyrate below 18% (Fig. S4). gVSS, 16.8 mL/gVSS/h and 0.231 h respectively for biogas produc-
Pentanoate could be converted into propionate and acetate tion, and 3981.6 mg/L/gVSS, 1266.8 mg/L/gVSS/h and 0.027 h
through anaerobic degradation. Thus, a fermentation process based respectively for substrate degradation. Similar results were
mainly on propionate with a butyrate-type supplement could be reported previously that the best agreement and highest value of
confirmed in B1 or stage VI. However, in B2, the ratio of butyrate the three parameters were both achieved with the TM fitting the
to TVFA was maintained at 23–30% with a close proportion of pro- biogas production by anaerobic digestion of grass (Li et al., 2012).
pionate and pentanoate at 25–35% altogether after fermentation Besides, the TM also fit the biogas production well from anaerobic
for 6 h (Fig. S4). Thus, hybrid fermentation on the basis of butyrate digestion of sewage sludge (Donoso-Bravo et al., 2010). In this
and propionate equally was demonstrated in B2 or stage VII. Fur- study, the TM not only agreed with the biogas production but also
thermore, the inflection point of VFA variation appeared in advance well described the substrate degradation of anaerobic sludge under
at the 12th hour at which point the methane production almost high OLR.
halted (Fig. 4). Butyrate and acetate were dominant products of For batch test B2, however, the best fit with GM for biogas pro-
glucose fermentation at acidic condition (Tamis et al., 2015; duction and substrate degradation was observed with the value of
Zoetemeyer et al., 1982). A higher propionate yield of glucose fer- R2 both above 0.99. In addition, the TM had the worst accordance
mentation was obtained at pH greater than or equal to 7.0 (Fang for both biogas production and substrate degradation. Likewise,
and Liu, 2002; Horiuchi et al., 2002). The anaerobic sludge applied the values of the two parameters Pm and Rm with the TM fitting
in B2 was collected at stage VII in which the effluent pH was below were higher than the close values gained with the other two mod-
6.0. Thus, decrease of pH resulted from accumulation of VFA due to els. The predicated values of Pm and Rm acquired by the GM mod-
the withdrawal of external circulation might account for the eling were 46.71 mL/gVSS, 7.29 mL/h/gVSS respectively for biogas
shifted metabolic pathway of glucose. production, lower than those obtained with B1 by 72.0% and
34.9% respectively. The loss of Rm was close to the decrease of
3.3. Kinetics and modeling SMA (37.0%). For substrate degradation, Pm and Rm of the GM
fitting were 1462.0 mg/L/gVSS and 448.9 mg/L/gVSS/h respec-
Three mathematical models were employed to obtain the tively, less than those of B1 by 62.7% and 43.0% respectively. On
kinetic parameters. Fig. 4 shows the models matching the biogas the contrary, the lag time k for biogas production and substrate
production and substrate degradation in B1 and B2. The estimated degradation in B2 was far longer than that in B1. Thus, lower value
values of parameters obtained from the models were listed in of Pm and Rm, as well as the longer lag time of anaerobic sludge at
G. Luo et al. / Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477 475

Table 2
Parameters obtained with the three models for methane production and substrate degradation.

Model Methane Production Substrate Degradation

Pm (mL/gVSS) Rm (mL/h/gVSS) k (h) R Pm (mg/L/gVSS) Rm (mg/L/h/gVSS) k (h) R2
B1 LM 162.7 10.8 0.008 0.977 3892.5 770.8 0.130 0.969
GM 167.0 11.2 -0.126 0.991 3918.3 787.2 0.033 0.969
TM 182.5 16.8 0.231 0.998 3981.6 1226.8 0.027 0.995
B2 LM 46.0 7.3 2.144 0.978 1458.3 418.0 0.950 0.997
GM 46.7 7.3 1.970 0.990 1462.0 448.7 0.940 0.9996
TM 51.3 7.6 0.898 0.948 1489.4 506.8 0.133 0.948

stage VII indicated the decreased activity of sludge after deteriora- study. Streptococcus, belonging to the order Lactobacillales, could
tion of the reactor. In previous studies, the modified Gompertz produce lactic acid as the major metabolic end product of carbohy-
model was usually used for simulation of hydrogen production drate fermentation (Pfeiler and Klaenhammer, 2007). Streptococcus
(Pan et al., 2008). Successful application of the GM for evaluation was reported to be able to ferment glucose for acid formation and
of inactivation on anaerobic methane production by heavy metals its acid production activity decreased at lower pH (de Soet et al.,
has also been reported by Altas (2009). According to the equation 2000). In this study, decreased abundance of Streptococcus in stage
of the GM, when the k is ignorable and t = 0, P converge to VII (19.1%) might be mainly due to the decline of pH resulting from
Pm/exp(e), which is a positive value. While the k > 0 and t = 0, P withdrawal of the external circulation which inhibited the activity
converge to 0 (Donoso-Bravo et al., 2010). Consequently, this equa- of Streptococcus. Further from Fig. 5, the Raoultella with rising
tion exhibited better fitting for experiments data in B2 due to the abundance from 1.4% in S1 to 35.8% in S2 had replaced the Strepto-
longer lag phase of sludge at stage VII (Table 2). Thus, this study coccus as the most dominant genus in S2. Besides, abundance of
revealed that the modified Gompertz model also could be applied Pilibacter and Aeromonas also increased to 8.7% and 5.8% in S2
to estimate methane production and substrate degradation by respectively. Raoultella could serve as potential H2 producer from
anaerobic sludge at acidifying state. anaerobic glucose fermentation with acetate as main liquid end
product (Marone et al., 2014) and was detected in the glucose-
3.4. Microbial community structure fed sludge (Sun et al., 2015).
For archaea community, the number of OTU, Chao and Shannon
In this study, high throughput sequencing was conducted to for S1 was 1209, 3479 and 4.7 respectively, while 1202, 4751 and
elucidate the effect of external hydraulic circulation on the micro- 4.6 respectively for S2. The phylum Euryarchaeota occupied over
bial community including bacteria and archaea in IC reactor at high 99% of total archaea in S1 and S2. For methanogenic archaea, 12
OLR. genera of methanogens was detected in S1 while 8 genera in S2.
For bacteria, the value of OTU, Chao and Shannon at 3% cutoff Among these genera, Methanobacterium predominated in S1
level was 791, 2964 and 2.89 respectively for S1, and increased (56.8%) and S2 (76.3%), followed by Methanocorpusculum with
to 899, 3558 and 3.29 respectively for S2, indicating that with- abundance of 36.7% in S1 and 20.7% in S2 (Fig. 5). These two genera
drawal of external hydraulic circulation led to an increase in rich- were both reported to be hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Yi et al.,
ness and diversity. At phylum level, Firmicutes, Thermotogae, 2016). Enrichment of Methanobacterium in S2 might be due to its
Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were detected with abundance stronger tolerance to wide range of pH values (Jablonski et al.,
above 1% in all the two samples (Fig. S5). In S1, the phylum 2015). Hydrogenotrophic methanogens belonging to the order of
Firmicutes predominated absolutely since its abundance reached Methanobacteriales could still exist when the anaerobic reactor
up to 82.5% with proportion of other phyla below 6%. However, running unstably at high OLR with the pH value below 5 (Kundu
the phylum Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were dom- et al., 2013). Two genera of acetoclastic methanogen detected in
inant in S2 with abundance of 51.7%, 32.8% and 10.5% respectively. this study were Methanothrix and Methanosarcina with total
Besides, proportion of Thermotogae decreased from 5.2% in S1 to abundance of 1.1% in S1 and 0.6% in S2. Declining proportion of
1.5% in S2. Dominance of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroide- acetoclastic methanogen might be attributed to the unsuitable
tes in simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis granular pH and inhibition of high amount of acetate (Kundu et al., 2013).
was found in previous report (Yi et al., 2016). Proteobacteria was
common in wastewater treatment plant (Zhang et al., 2012) and
also be reported to be dominated in EGSB reactor treating high-
nitrate wastewater (Liao et al., 2013). Some species belonging to
the Firmicutes and Thermotogae are known as syntrophic acetate-
oxidizing bacteria (Hao et al., 2011). In addition, the order Clostridi-
ales with abundance of 1.7% in S1 and 1.1% in S2 was detected, of
which some bacteria were reported to be butyrate and propionate
oxidizer (Muller et al., 2010). Decreasing abundance of Clostridiales
in S2 may be responsible for the accumulation of propionate and
butyrate at stage VII. At genus level, the Streptococcus had highest
abundance of 76.4% in S1 (Fig. 5), but decreased to 19.1% in S2
remarkably. Streptococcus plays an important role in an anaerobic
system under short HRT or high upflow velocity (Hung et al.,
2007). Badiei et al. (2012) reported that nearly 50% of the isolates
present were identified as Streptococcus in an anaerobic hydrogen
producing reactor. In comparison, the abundance of Streptococcus
(76.4%) in stage VI was relatively high, which might be related with
the short HRT and high upflow velocity applied in stage VI in this Fig. 5. Relative abundance of archaea (A) and bacteria (B) genera.
476 G. Luo et al. / Bioresource Technology 222 (2016) 470–477

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