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Practical File
Submitted for the Partial fulfillment of the Requirement
of the Award of Degree of Master of Business

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow


Submitted To:- Submitted By:-

Mr. Nitin Rana Tanushi Yadav
(Asst. Professor) MBA IInd Sem
Roll No:2201290700111

Forte Institute of Technology

Mawana Road Meerut

Chapter 1: How to create a pivot Table

1. Select the cells you want to create a PivotTable from.

Note: Your data should be organized in columns with a single header row. See the Data format
tips and tricks section for more details.

2. Select Insert > PivotTable.

3. This will create a PivotTable based on an existing table or range.

Chapter 2. How To Analysing Data Using Goal Seek
and Solver in Pivot table

Goal Seek is already built into Excel. It's under the Data tab, in the What-If Analysis menu:

For this example, we'll be using a very simple set of numbers. We have three quarters' worth of sales numbers
and a yearly goal. We can use Goal Seek to figure out what the numbers need to be in Q4 to make the goal.

Here's how to use Goal Seek, step by step:

1. Click Data > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek. The Goal Seek window will pop up.
2. Put the "equals" part of your equation in the Set Cell field. This is the number that Excel will try to
optimize. In our case, it's the running total of our sales numbers in cell A5.
3. Type your goal value into the To value field. We're looking for a total of 250,000 units sold, so we'll
put "250,000" in this field.
4. Tell Excel which variable to solve for in the By changing cell field. We want to see what our sales in
Q4 need to be. So we'll tell Excel to solve for cell D2. It'll look like this when it's ready to go:

5. Hit OK to solve for your goal. When it looks good, just hit OK. Excel will let you know when Goal
Seek has found a solution.

6. Click OK again, and you’ll see the value that solves your equation in the cell that you chose for By
changing cell.

In our case, the solution is 135,294 units. Of course, we could have just found that by subtracting the running
total from the annual goal. But Goal Seek can also be used on a cell that already has data in it. And that's
more useful.
Note that Excel overwrites our previous data. It's a good idea to run Goal Seek on a copy of your data. It's
also a good idea to make a note on your copied data that it was generated using Goal Seek. You don't want to
confuse it for current, accurate data.
So Goal Seek is a useful Excel feature, but it's not all that impressive. You can only use it on a single cell at a
time. If you want to use Excel's Goal Seek on multiple cells simultaneously, you'll need a much more powerful
tool. Fortunately, one such tool comes with Excel. Let's have a look at the Solver add-in.

 What Does Excel's Solver Do?

In short, Solver is like a multivariate version of Goal Seek. If you were wondering how to use Goal Seek in
Excel for multiple cells at once, this is it. It takes one goal variable and adjusts a number of other variables
until it gets the answer you want.
It can solve for a maximum value of a number, a minimum value of a number, or an exact number. And it
works within constraints, so if one variable can't be changed, or can only vary within a specified range, Solver
will take that into account.
It's a great way to solve for multiple unknown variables in Excel. But finding and using it isn't straightforward.
Let's take a look at loading the Solver add-in, then jump into how to use Solver in Excel's current Microsoft
365 version.
 How to Load the Solver Add-In
Excel doesn't have Solver by default. It's an add-in, so you have to load it first. Fortunately, it's already on
your computer.
Head to File > ( More... >) Options > Add-Ins. Then click on Go next to Manage: Excel Add-Ins.
If this dropdown says something other than "Excel Add-Ins," you'll need to change it:

In the resulting window, you'll see a few options. Make sure the box next to Solver Add-In is checked, and
hit OK.

You'll now see the Solver button in the Analysis group of the Data tab:

If you've already been using the Data Analysis Toolpak, you'll see the Data Analysis button. If not, Solver
will appear by itself.
Now that you've loaded the add-in, let's take a look at how to use it.
 How to Use Solver in Excel
There are three parts to any Solver action: the objective, the variable cells, and the constraints. We'll walk
through each of the steps.
1. Click Data > Solver. You'll see the Solver Parameters window below. (If you don't see the solver
button, see the previous section on how to load the Solver add-in.)

Set your cell objective and tell Excel your goal. The objective is at the top of the Solver window, and it has
two parts: the objective cell and a choice of maximize, minimize, or a specific value.

2. If you select Max, Excel will adjust your variables to get the largest number possible in your objective
cell. Min is the opposite: Solver will minimize the objective number. Value Of lets you specify a
specific number for Solver to look for.
3. Choose the variable cells that Excel can change. The variable cells are set with the By Changing
Variable Cells field. Click the arrow next to the field, then click and drag to select the cells that Solver
should work with. Note that these are all the cells that can vary. If you don't want a cell to change,
don't select it.

4. Set constraints on multiple or individual variables. Finally, we come to the constraints. This is where
Solver is really powerful. Instead of changing any of the variable cells to any number it wants, you can
specify constraints that have to be met. For details, see the section on how to set constraints below.
5. Once all of this information is in place, hit Solve to get your answer. Excel will update your data to
include the new variables (this is why we recommend you create a copy of your data first).
You can also generate reports, which we'll look at briefly in our Solver example below.
 How to Set Constraints in Solver
You might tell Excel that one variable has to be greater than 200. When trying different variable values, Excel
won't go under 201 with that particular variable.

To add a constraint, click the Add button next to the constraint list. You'll get a new window. Select the cell
(or cells) to be constrained in the Cell Reference field, then choose an operator.
Here are the available operators:
 <= (less than or equal to)
 = (equal to)
 => (greater than or equal to)
 int (must be an integer)
 bin (must be either 1 or 0)
 AllDifferent

AllDifferent is a little confusing. It specifies that every cell in the range that you select for Cell
Reference must be a different number. But it also specifies that they must be between 1 and the number of
cells. So if you have three cells, you'll end up with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 (but not necessarily in that order)
Finally, add the value for the constraint.
It's important to remember that you can select multiple cells for Cell Reference. If you want six variables to
have values over 10, for example, you can select them all and tell Solver that they must be greater than or
equal to 11. You don't have to add a constraint for each cell.
You can also use the checkbox in the main Solver window to ensure that all the values you didn't specify
constraints for are non-negative. If you want your variables to go negative, uncheck this box.

Chapter 3. How to create a summary repot using pivot table.

To aggregate (sum) values in a PivotTable, you can use summary functions like Sum, Count, and Average.

The Sum function is used by default for numeric value fields you place in your PivotTable, but here’s how to
choose a different summary function:

In the PivotTable, right-click the value field you want to change, and then click Summarize Values By.

1. A numeric value field in a PivotTable uses Sum by default

Click the summary function you want.

Note: Summary functions aren’t available in PivotTables that are based on Online Analytical Processing
(OLAP) source data.

2. Use this summary function:

To calculate :

 Sum

The sum of the values. It’s used by default for value fields that have numeric values. If your field contains
blanks or nonnumeric (text, date, or Boolean) values when you place it in the Values area of the Field List,
the PivotTable uses the Count function for the field.

After you've placed the field in the Values area, you can change the summary function to Sum, and any blank
or nonnumeric values are changed to 0 in the PivotTable so they can be summed.

 Count
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The number of nonempty values. The Count summary function works the same as the COUNTA function.
Count is used by default for value fields that have nonnumeric values or blanks.

 Average

The average of the values.

 Max

The largest value.

 Min

The smallest value.

 Product

The product of the values.

 StDev

An estimate of the standard deviation of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population.

 StDevp

The standard deviation of a population, where the population is all of the data to be summarized.

 Var

An estimate of the variance of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population.

 Varp

The variance of a population, where the population is all of the data to be summarized.

 Distinct Count

The number of unique values. This summary function only works when you use the Data Model in Excel.

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Chapter 4. How To Validating And Auditing Data In Pivot Table
How To Set, Edit Validation Criteria For Data Entry In A Cell Range Like:
Number, Decimal, Date, Time

Select the cell(s) you want to create a rule for.

1. Select Data >Data Validation.

2. On the Settings tab, under Allow , select an option:

 Whole Number - to restrict the cell to accept only whole numbers.
 Decimal - to restrict the cell to accept only decimal numbers.
 List - to pick data from the drop-down list.
 Date - to restrict the cell to accept only date.
 Time - to restrict the cell to accept only time.
 Text Length - to restrict the length of the text.
 Custom – for custom formula.
3. Under Data , select a condition.
4. Set the other required values based on what you chose for Allow and Data .
5. Select the Input Message tab and customize a message users will see when entering data.
6. Select the Show input message when cell is selected checkbox to display the message when the user
selects or hovers over the selected cell(s).
7. Select the Error Alert tab to customize the error message and to choose a Style .
8. Select OK .
Now, if the user tries to enter a value that is not valid, an Error Alert appears with your customized message.

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Chapter 5. How to Set, Edit, Validation Criteria for Data entry in cell Range
Like Whole Number, Decimal, Date, Time.

Display numbers as dates or times

You can format dates and times as you type. For example, if you type 2/2 in a cell, Excel automatically
interprets this as a date and displays 2-Feb in the cell. If this isn't what you want—for example, if you would
rather show February 2, 2009 or 2/2/09 in the cell—you can choose a different date format in the Format
Cells dialog box, as explained in the following procedure. Similarly, if you type 9:30 a or 9:30 p in a cell,
Excel will interpret this as a time and display 9:30 AM or 9:30 PM. Again, you can customize the way the
time appears in the Format Cells dialog box.
1. On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Number.

You can also press CTRL+1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
2. In the Category list, click Date or Time.

3. In the Type list, click the date or time format that you want to use.
Note: Date and time formats that begin with an asterisk (*) respond to changes in regional date and time
settings that are specified in Control Panel. Formats without an asterisk are not affected by Control Panel
4. To display dates and times in the format of other languages, click the language setting that you want
in the Locale (location) box.

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The number in the active cell of the selection on the worksheet appears in the Sample box so that you can
preview the number formatting options that you selected.

Create a custom date or time format

1. On the Home tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Number.

You can also press CTRL+1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
2. In the Category box, click Date or Time, and then choose the number format that is closest in style to
the one you want to create. (When creating custom number formats, it's easier to start from an existing
format than it is to start from scratch.)
3. In the Category box, click Custom. In the Type box, you should see the format code matching the date
or time format you selected in the step 3. The built-in date or time format can't be changed or deleted,
so don't worry about overwriting it.
4. In the Type box, make the necessary changes to the format. You can use any of the codes in the
following tables:
Days, months, and years
To display Use this code
Months as 1–12 m
Months as 01–12 mm
Months as Jan–Dec mmm
Months as January–December mmmm
Months as the first letter of the month mmmmm

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To display Use this code
Days as 1–31 d
Days as 01–31 dd
Days as Sun–Sat ddd
Days as Sunday–Saturday dddd
Years as 00–99 yy
Years as 1900–9999 yyyy
If you use "m" immediately after the "h" or "hh" code or immediately before the "ss" code, Excel displays
minutes instead of the month.
Hours, minutes, and seconds
To display Use this code
Hours as 0–23 h
Hours as 00–23 hh
Minutes as 0–59 m
Minutes as 00–59 mm
Seconds as 0–59 s
Seconds as 00–59 ss
Hours as 4 AM h AM/PM
Time as 4:36 PM h:mm AM/PM
Time as 4:36:03 P h:mm:ss A/P
Elapsed time in hours; for example, 25.02 [h]:mm
Elapsed time in minutes; for example, 63:46 [mm]:ss
Elapsed time in seconds [ss]
Fractions of a second h:mm:ss.00

AM and PM If the format contains an AM or PM, the hour is based on the 12-hour clock, where "AM" or
"A" indicates times from midnight until noon and "PM" or "P" indicates times from noon until midnight.
Otherwise, the hour is based on the 24-hour clock. The "m" or "mm" code must appear immediately after the
"h" or "hh" code or immediately before the "ss" code; otherwise, Excel displays the month instead of minutes.
Creating custom number formats can be tricky if you haven't done it before. For more information about how
to create custom number formats, see Create or delete a custom number format.

Tips for displaying dates or times

 To quickly use the default date or time format, click the cell that contains the date or time, and then
 If a cell displays ##### after you apply date or time formatting to it, the cell probably isn't wide enough
to display the data. To expand the column width, double-click the right boundary of the column
containing the cells. This automatically resizes the column to fit the number. You can also drag the

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right boundary until the columns are the size you want.
 When you try to undo a date or time format by selecting General in the Category list, Excel displays a
number code. When you enter a date or time again, Excel displays the default date or time format. To
enter a specific date or time format, such as January 2010, you can format it as text by selecting Text in
the Category list.
 To quickly enter the current date in your worksheet, select any empty cell, and then press CTRL+;
(semicolon), and then press ENTER, if necessary. To insert a date that will update to the current date
each time you reopen a worksheet or recalculate a formula, type =TODAY() in an empty cell, and then
press ENTER.

Use the Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal Buttons

For numbers you've already entered in a worksheet, increase or decrease the number of decimal places
displayed by using the toolbar buttons.
1. Open Excel to your current worksheet
2. Select the cells you want to format.
3. On the Home tab, select Increase Decimal or Decrease Decimal to show more or fewer digits after the
decimal point

Each selection or click adds or removes a decimal place.

4. Your new decimal places setting is now in effect.
Apply a Built-In Number Format
In desktop versions of Excel, create custom decimal rules for the various built-in number types using
the Number Format dialog box.
1. On the Home tab, in the Number group, select the arrow next to the list of number formats, and then
select More Number Formats.
2. In the Category list, depending on the type of data you have, select Currency, Accounting, Percentage,
or Scientific.

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3. In the Decimal places box, enter the number of decimal places you want to display.
4. Your new decimal places setting is now in effect.
Set a Default Decimal Places Number
If you have a preference and want to set the number of decimal places to display automatically:
This feature isn't available in Excel for web.
1. Select Options. (In older versions of Excel, select the Microsoft Office Button > Excel Options.)
2. In the Advanced category, under Editing options, select the Automatically insert a decimal
point checkbox.

3. In the Places box, enter a positive number for digits to the right of the decimal point or a negative
number for digits to the left of the decimal point.
4. Select OK.
The Fixed decimal indicator appears in the status bar.
5. On the worksheet, click a cell, and then type the number that you want.
The change doesn't affect any data entered before you select a fixed decimal.
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Chapter 6. How To Create Application In
Spreadsheet And Macros
Before you record a macro

1. Macros and VBA tools can be found on the Developer tab, which is hidden by default, so the first
step is to enable it. For more information, see Show the Developer tab.

2. Record a macro
1. In the Code group on the Developer tab, click Record Macro.
2. Optionally, enter a name for the macro in the Macro name box, enter a shortcut key in
the Shortcut key box, and a description in the Description box, and then click OK to start

3. Perform the actions you want to automate, such as entering boilerplate text or filling down
a column of data.
4. On the Developer tab, click Stop Recording.

3. Take a closer look at the macro

You can learn a little about the Visual Basic programming language by editing a macro.
To edit a macro, in the Code group on the Developer tab, click Macros, select the name of the
macro, and click Edit. This starts the Visual Basic Editor.
See how the actions that you recorded appear as code. Some of the code will probably be clear to
you, and some of it may be a little mysterious.
Experiment with the code, close the Visual Basic Editor, and run your macro again. This time, see
if anything different happens!

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Chapter 7&8. How To Create A Column Or Bar Chart

 Create a column chart, follow these steps:

1. Enter data in a spreadsheet.
2. Select the data.
3. Depending on the Excel version you're using, select one of the following options:
 Excel 2016: Click Insert > Insert Column or Bar Chart icon, and select a column chart option
of your choice.

 Excel 2013: Click Insert > Insert Column Chart icon, and select a column chart option of your

 Excel 2010 and Excel 2007: Click Insert > Column, and select a column chart option of your

You can optionally format the chart a little further. See the list below for a few options:
Note: Make sure you click on the chart first before applying a formatting option.
 To apply a different chart layout, click Design > Charts Layout, and select a layout.

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 To apply a different chart style, click Design > Chart Styles, and pick a style.
 To apply a different shape style, click Format > Shape Styles, and pick a style.
Note: A chart style is different from a shape style. A shape style is a formatting option that applies to the
chart’s border only, whereas the chart style is a formatting option that applies to the entire chart.
 To apply different shape effects, click Format > Shape Effects, and pick an option such
as Bevel or Glow, and then a sub option.
 To apply a theme, click Page Layout > Themes, and select a theme.
 To apply a formatting option to a specific component of a chart (such as Vertical (Value)
Axis, Horizontal (Category) Axis, Chart Area, to name a few), click Format > pick a
component in the Chart Elements dropdown box, click Format Selection, and make any
necessary changes. Repeat the step for each component you want to modify.

Note: If you are comfortable working in charts, you can also select and right-click on a specific area on the
chart and select a formatting option.

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Chapter 9. How To Create A Line Chart

Create a line chart

So, how did we create this line chart? The following procedure will help you create a line chart with similar
results. For this chart, we used the example worksheet data. You can copy this data to your worksheet, or
you can use your own data.
1. Copy the example worksheet data into a blank worksheet, or open the worksheet that contains the
data that you want to plot into a line chart.
1 A B C
2 Date Daily Rainfall Particulate

3 1/1/07 4.1 122

4 1/2/07 4.3 117

5 1/3/07 5.7 112

6 1/4/07 5.4 114

7 1/5/07 5.9 110

8 1/6/07 5.0 114

9 1/7/07 3.6 128

10 1/8/07 1.9 137

11 1/9/07 7.3 104

2. Select the data that you want to plot in the line chart.
3. Click the Insert tab, and then click Insert Line or Area Chart.

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4. Click Line with Markers.
5. Click the chart area of the chart to display the Design and Format tabs.
6. Click the Design tab, and then click the chart style you want to use.

7. Click the chart title and type the text you want.
8. To change the font size of the chart title, right-click the title, click Font, and then enter the size that
you want in the Size box. Click OK.
9. Click the chart area of the chart.
10. On the chart, click the legend, or add it from a list of chart elements (on the Design tab, click Add
Chart Element > Legend, and then select a location for the legend).

11. To plot one of the data series along a secondary vertical axis, click the data series, or select it from a
list of chart elements (on the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Chart Elements).

12. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection. The Format Data Series
task pane appears.
13. Under Series Options, select Secondary Axis, and then click Close.
14. On the Design tab, in the Chart Layouts group, click Add Chart Element, and then do the following:
a. To add a primary vertical axis title, click Axis Title >Primary Vertical. and then on the

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Format Axis Title pane, click Size & Properties to configure the type of vertical axis title
that you want.
b. To add a secondary vertical axis title, click Axis Title > Secondary Vertical, and then on the
Format Axis Title pane, click Size & Properties to configure the type of vertical axis title
that you want.
c. Click each title, type the text that you want, and then press Enter
15. Click the plot area of the chart, or select it from a list of chart elements (Format tab, Current
Selection group, Chart Elements box).
16. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button , and then click the effect that
you want to use.

17. Click the chart area of the chart.

18. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button , and then click the effect that
you want to use.
19. If you want to use theme colors that are different from the default theme that is applied to your
workbook, do the following:
a. On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, click Themes.

b. Under Office, click the theme that you want to use.

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Chapter 10. How To Create A Pie Chart
1. In your spreadsheet, select the data to use for your pie chart.
For more information about how pie chart data should be arranged, see Data for pie charts.
2. Click Insert > Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart, and then pick the chart you want.

3. Click the chart and then click the icons next to the chart to add finishing touches:

 To show, hide, or format things like axis titles or data labels, click Chart Elements .

 To quickly change the color or style of the chart, use the Chart Styles .

 To show or hide data in your chart click Chart Filters .

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Chapter 11. How To Create A XY Scatter Chart

Create a scatter chart

So, how did we create this scatter chart? The following procedure will help you create a scatter chart with
similar results. For this chart, we used the example worksheet data. You can copy this data to your worksheet,
or you can use your own data.
1. Copy the example worksheet data into a blank worksheet, or open the worksheet that contains the data
you want to plot in a scatter chart.
1 A B
2 Daily Rainfall Particulate

3 4.1 122

4 4.3 117

5 5.7 112

6 5.4 114

7 5.9 110

8 5.0 114

9 3.6 128

10 1.9 137

11 7.3 104

2. Select the data you want to plot in the scatter chart.

3. Click the Insert tab, and then click Insert Scatter (X, Y) or Bubble Chart.

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4. Click Scatter.
Tip: You can rest the mouse on any chart type to see its name.
5. Click the chart area of the chart to display the Design and Format tabs.
6. Click the Design tab, and then click the chart style you want to use.

7. Click the chart title and type the text you want.
8. To change the font size of the chart title, right-click the title, click Font, and then enter the size that
you want in the Size box. Click OK.
9. Click the chart area of the chart.
10. On the Design tab, click Add Chart Element > Axis Titles, and then do the following:

a. To add a horizontal axis title, click Primary Horizontal.

b. To add a vertical axis title, click Primary Vertical.
c. Click each title, type the text that you want, and then press Enter.
d. For more title formatting options, on the Format tab, in the Chart Elements box, select the title
from the list, and then click Format Selection. A Format Title pane will appear. Click Size &
Properties , and then you can choose Vertical alignment, Text direction, or Custom angle.
11. Click the plot area of the chart, or on the Format tab, in the Chart Elements box, select Plot Area from
the list of chart elements.

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12. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button , and then click the effect that
you want to use.
13. Click the chart area of the chart, or on the Format tab, in the Chart Elements box, select Chart
Area from the list of chart elements.
14. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button , and then click the effect that
you want to use.
15. If you want to use theme colors that are different from the default theme that is applied to your
workbook, do the following:
a. On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, click Themes.

b. Under Office, click the theme that you want to use.

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Chapter 12. How To Create A Bubble Chart

Create an elaborate bubble chart

So, how did we create this bubble chart? The following procedure will help you create a bubble chart with
similar results. For this chart, we used the example worksheet data. You can copy this data to your worksheet,
or you can use your own data.
1. Copy the example worksheet data into a blank worksheet, or open the worksheet that contains the data
that you want to plot in a bubble chart.
To copy the example worksheet data
a. Create a blank workbook or worksheet.
b. Select the example in the Help topic.
Note: Do not select the row or column headers.

c. Press CTRL+C.
d. In the worksheet, select cell A1, and press CTRL+V.
1 Number of Products Sales Percentage of Market Share
2 5 $5,500 3%
3 14 $12,200 12%
4 20 $60,000 33%
5 18 $24,400 10%

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6 22 $32,000 42%
Note: Make sure that your worksheet has at least four rows or columns of data. When you create a bubble
chart from three or fewer rows or columns of data, the chart does not plot the bubbles correctly.
2. Select the data that you want to plot in the bubble chart.
Note: It is best not to include row or column headings in the selection. If you select the headings with your
data, the chart may produce incorrect results.
3. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the arrow next to Scatter Charts.

4. Select the bubble with the 3-D effect icon.

5. Click the chart area of the chart. This displays the Chart Tools.
6. Under Chart Tools, on the Design tab, in the Chart Styles group, click the chart style that you want to
7. If you see a legend on the chart, click the legend, and then press DELETE.
8. To change the size of the chart, on the Format tab, in the Size group, select the shape size that you
want in the Shape Height and Shape Width box, and then press ENTER.
For our bubble chart, we used 3.5" for both shape height and shape width.

9. To format and position a chart title on the chart, click the chart area, and then do the following:
a. In the chart, click the chart title, and then type the text that you want.
For our bubble chart, we typed Industry Market Share Study.
b. To reduce the size of the chart title, right-click the title, select Font, and then enter the size that
you want.
For our bubble chart, we used 12.
c. To align the chart title with the plot area, click the chart title, and then drag it to the position
that you want.
10. To add a horizontal axis title, click the chart area of the chart, and then do the following:
a. Click the plus sign next to the chart
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b. Select Axis Titles, and then select Primary Horizontal.
c. Select the Axis Title text box, and then enter your text.

For our bubble chart, we typed Number of products.

11. Click the vertical axis, or select it from a list of chart elements (Format tab, Current
Selection group, Chart Elements box).
12. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection.
13. Under Axis Options, do the following:
a. For Minimum, type 0 (zero).
b. For Maximum, type the number that you want.
For our bubble chart, we typed 80000.
14. In the Format Axis dialog box, click Number.
15. Under Number, in the Decimal places box, type 0 (zero), and then click the down arrow in the upper-
right corner, and click Close.
16. To apply a special formatting effect to the plot area, chart area, chart title, or vertical axis of the chart,
click that chart element, or select it from a list of chart elements (Format tab, Current
Selection group, Chart Elements box), and then do the following:
a. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button next to Shape Effects.
b. Click the effect that you want to use.

17. If you want to use theme colors different from the default theme that is applied to your workbook, do
the following:
a. On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, click Themes.

b. Click the theme that you want to use. (Hover over each theme to see a preview of how the
theme will appear when applied to your chart.)

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Chapter 13. How To Create A Combined Chart Like:
Column And Line, Column And Area

Change the chart type of one or more data series in your chart (graph) and add a secondary vertical (value)
axis in the combo chart.
Create a combo chart with a secondary axis
In Excel 2013, you can quickly show a chart, like the one above, by changing your chart to a combo chart.
1. Click anywhere in the chart you want to change to a combo chart to show the CHART TOOLS.
2. Click DESIGN > Change Chart Type.
3. On the All Charts tab, choose Combo, and then pick the Clustered Column - Line on Secondary
Axis chart.
4. Under Choose the chart type and axis for your data series, check the Secondary Axis box for each
data series you want to plot on the secondary axis, and then change their chart type to Line.
5. Make sure that all other data series are shown as Clustered Column.

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Chapter 14. How To Add, Delete A Data Series In A

After you create a chart, you can change the data series in two ways:
 Use the Select Data Source dialog box to edit the data in your series or rearrange them on your chart.
 Use chart filters to show or hide data in your chart.
Edit or rearrange a series
1. Right-click your chart, and then choose Select Data.

2. In the Legend Entries (Series) box, click the series you want to change.
3. Click Edit, make your changes, and click OK.
Changes you make may break links to the source data on the worksheet.
4. To rearrange a series, select it, and then click Move Up or Move Down .
You can also add a data series or remove them in this dialog box by clicking Add or Remove. Removing a
data series deletes it from the chart—you can’t use chart filters to show it again.
If you want to rename a data series, see Rename a data series.
Filter data in your chart
Let’s start with chart filters.
1. Click anywhere in your chart.

2. Click the Chart Filters button next to the chart.

3. On the Values tab, check or uncheck the series or categories you want to show or hide.

4. Click Apply.
5. If you want to edit or rearrange the data in your series, click Select Data, and then follow steps 2-4 in
the next section.

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Chapter 15. How to Display an Image in Chart Area

Insert a picture in a chart

1. Click the chart area of the chart.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Pictures.

3. Locate the picture that you want to insert, and then double-click it.
Tip: To add multiple pictures, hold down CTRL while you click the pictures that you want to insert, and then
click Insert.
4. To change the size of the picture, drag a sizing handle away from or toward the center of the picture
while doing one of the following:
 To keep the center of the picture in the same place, hold down CTRL while you drag the sizing
 To maintain the proportions of the picture, hold down SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle.
 To both keep the center of a picture in the same place and maintain its proportions, hold down
CTRL+SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle.
You can also resize a picture to an exact height and width by selecting the picture and then entering the size
that you want in the Shape Height and Shape Width boxes (Format tab, Size group).
5. To move the picture, drag it to the location that you want.
Note: Pictures that you insert in your chart are embedded in your chart and therefore increase the file size. To
reduce the file size, you can link to a picture instead of inserting it. In the Insert Picture dialog box, click the
picture that you want to insert, click the arrow next to Insert, and then click Link to File.

Fill a chart element with a picture

1. On a chart, click the chart area, the plot area, the data marker, the legend, the 3-D wall, or the 3-D floor
that you want to fill with a picture.
This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.

2. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill .
3. Click Picture.
4. Locate the picture that you want to insert, and then double-click it.

Copy a picture to a chart or chart element

1. Select the picture that you want to copy, and press CTRL+C.
2. Click to select the chart area or the chart element into which you want to paste the picture.
3. Press CTRL+V to paste your selection.

Remove a picture from a chart

Do one of the following:
 To remove a picture that was inserted in the chart, click that picture, and then press DELETE.
 To remove a picture that was filled into a chart element, select that chart element, and then do the
a. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection.
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b. On the Fill & Line tab , expand Fill, and then select Automatic.
Tip: To remove the picture and any other fill effects that are applied to the selected chart element, click No

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