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Pronouns are small words that take the place of noun. The word or
pharase replaced byba pronoun is called an antecedent.
For example:
When Robert was fixing the car, he cut his hand.
(Robert is a noun. He is a pronoun that refers to the antecedent. Robert )
When can use a pronoun instead of a noun .pronouns are words like :
he,you,ours,themselves,some,each,etc. If we didn’t have pronouns,we
would have to repeat a lot nouns.We would have to say things like:
 Do you like the president? I don’t like the president. The president is
too pompous.

With pronouns, we can say:

 Do you like the president ? I don’t like him. He is too pompous.

1. Personal Pronoun

Personal pronoun represent specific people or things. They are used

depending on:

 Number:singular (e.g.:I) or plural (e.g.:we)

 Person:1st person (eg:I). 2nd person (eg:you) or 3rd person (eg:he)
 Gender: male (eg: he), female (eg:she) or neuter (eg:it)
 Case: subject (eg:we) or object ( eg:us )

There are two cases of personal pronoun. They are subject pronoun and
object pronoun. Subject pronouns are the subject of a verb. They generally
appear BEEFORE the verb or after llinking verb. For examples:

She went to the store.

The winner is he
Object pronouns are the receiver of the action of the verb or for whom
after action was performed. They generally appear AFTER the verb after
preposition. For examples:

Joko bought her roses

Rahmat gave the ball to him

Here are the personal pronouns, followed by some example


Number person gender personal pronouns

Subject object

Singular 1st male/female I Me

2nd male/female you you

3rd male he Him

Female she Her

Neuter it It

Plural 1st male/female we Us

2nd male/female you You

3rd male/female/neuter they Them

Examples (in each case. The first example shows a subject pronoun, the
second an object pronoun):

 I like coffe.
 Jhon helped me.
 Do you like coffe?
 Jhon love you.
 He runs fast.
 Did ram beat him?
 She is clever.
 Does mary know her?
 It doesn’t work.
 Can the engineer repair it?
 We went home.
 Anthony drove us.
 Do you need a table for three?
 Did jhon and mary beat you at doubles?
 They played doubles.
 Jhon and mary beat them.

When you are talking about a single thing, you almost always use it.
However, there are a few exceptions. You may sometimes refer to an
animal as he/him or she/her, especially if the animal is domesticated or a
pet. Ships ( and some other vessels or vehicles) as well as some countries
are often treated as female and referred to as she/her. Here are some

 This is our dog rusty. He’s an alsation.

 The titanic was a great ship but she sank on her first voyage.
 My first car was a mini and I treated her like my wife.
 Thailand has now opened her border with Cambodia.

For a single person. Sometimes you don’t know whether to use he or

she. There are everal solutions to this:

 If a teacher needs help, he or she should see the principal.

 If a teacher needs help, he shold see the principal.
 If a teacher needs help, she should see the principal.

To introduce a remark. It is often used. See the examples below:


 It is nice to have a holiday sometimes.

 It is important to dress well.
 It’s difficult to find a job.
 Is it normal to see them together?
 It didn’t take a long to walk here.

It is also often used to talk about the weather,temperature,time,and


 It’s raining
 It will probably be hot tomorrow.
 Is it nice o’clock yet?
 It’s 50 kilometers from here to bukitinggi.

4. Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.the interrogative pronoun

represents the thing no known (what we are asking quation about). There are
four main interrogative pronouns: who,whom,what,which. Notice that the
possessive pronoun whose can also be an interrogative pronoun (an interrogative
possessive pronoun).

Subject object

Person who whom

Subject object

Thing what

Person/thing which
Person whose (possessive)

Notice that whom is the correct form when the pronoun is the object of the
verb, as in “whom did you see?” (“I saw john.”). however, in normal, spoken
English whom is rarely used. Most native speakers would say (or even
write):”who did yo see?”

Look at these example the sample answers,the noun pharase that
the interrogative pronoun represents is shown in bold.

Question answer

Who told you? John told me subject

Whom did you tell? I told mary. Object

What’s happened? An accident’s happened. subject

What do you want? I want coffe. Object

Which came first? The Porsche 911 came subject


Question answer

Which will the doctor see first? The doctor will see object

The patient In blue first

There’s one car missing. John’s (car) hasn’t arrived. Subject

Note that suffix “-ever” is sometimes used to make compounds from some of
these pronouns ( mainly whoever,whatever,whichever). When “-ever” is added,it
is used for emphasis. Often to show confusion or surprise. Look at these

 Whoever would want to do such a nasty thing?

 Whatever did he say to make her cry like that?
 They’re all fantastic!whichever will you choose?

7.indefinite pronoun

An indefinite pronoun does not fever to sny specific person, thing or amount.
It is vague and “not definite”. Some typical indefinite pronouns are:

 All, another,any, anybody/anyone. Anything, each,


Note that many indefinite pronouns also function as other parts of

speech. Look at “ another” in the following sentences:

 He has one job in the day and another at night.(pronoun)

 I’d like another drink, please.(adjective)

Most indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural. However, some of

them can be singular in one context and plural in another. The most common
indfinite pronouns are listed below,with examples. As singular,plural or

Notice that a singular pronoun takes a singular verb AND that many personal
pronoun should also agree (in number and gender). Look these examples:

 Each of th layers has a doctor.

 I met two has given me her phone number.

Similarly, plural pronouns need plural agreement:

 Many have expressed their views.

Some people say that “none” should always take a singular verb, even
when talking about countable nouns (e.g. five friends). They argue that “
none” means “ no one”, and “one” is obviously singular. They say that “I
invited five friends but none has come” is correct and “ I invited five friends
but none have come “ is incorrect. Historically and grammatically there is
little to support this view . ”none” has been used for hundreds of years with
both a singular and a plural verb, according to the context and the
emphasis required.

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