Marpol Annex 1

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Marpol Annex 1 | Prevention of Pollution

From Oil At Sea

Last Updated on July 26, 2020, by Amit Abhishek

Marpol Annex 1 is the first and foremost important provision under the
Marpol 78 regulation. It deals with the pollution of the sea due to discharge
or oil at sea.

The law was made to limit the damage to the marine environment; due to
leakage or accidental oil discharge. While there was local law at the time
preventing such oil discharge; it was the first such law effective

Unlike any other thing, oil spreads quickly floating on top of water due to
a lack of density and immersible nature. Once it gets into the water it
spread more and more with passing time.

Thus negatively affecting the ecology of the reason. Since the majority of
oil carried are quite toxic and vicious; there is an even greater effect on
the food chain and coastal plains.
That is why such major international law was required to reduce and
contain the damage done to the environment.

Onboard, it is the responsibility of the fellow seafarer to follow the rules

described under Marpol Annex 1. It came into effect on 2nd October 1983
containing 7 chapters dealing with the aspects of oil pollution.

These laws and definitions under different chapters are amended from
time to time; by using MEPC resolutions. The Marpol Annex 1 was last
amended in 2016 under MEPC resolution 276 (70); which came into effect
on 1 March 2018. One can read about the official document from the link
over here on the IMO website.

Why Do We Need Laws Such As Marpol Annex 1 In First

Since the end of the second world war, the demand for oil has soot up and
up. First in America and much of western Europe and later in Asia; namely
Japan, Korea, India, and China. Today some 3,000 million tonnes ( approx
figure ) of oil is transported through the sea; of which a substantial part
came from the gulf.

Even in the mid-’70s, a large part of the oil was carried across the globe
in large oil tankers. In absence of any strict laws worldwide and huge
demand for oil; a large portion of tanker accidents happens in the 70s and
early 80s.

For example, the Amoco Cadiz oil spill that took place on 16 March 1979;
leads to an oil spill of over 70 million barrels across the coast of Brittany
in France.

Accidents such as these and they’re after-effects in form of damage to

marine environment and cost of cleaning; it was decided to make stricter
law governing oil discharge at sea.
The Marpol bring in rules that lead to structural and equipment changes
on board ship; in order to reduce such incident and accidental discharge.

Furthermore, it was made sure that the crew must be trained in hand to
deal with such a situation; containing the spill and damage due to the oil

Important steps such as the introduction of the double hull, oily water
separator, SOPEP, mandatory traffic separation, and segregated blast
tanks; was possible thanks to the stricter laws under Marpol.

Thanks to steps such as these under Marpol annex 1; the events of

accidents and subsequent damage to the environment due to oil spill have
reduced drastically.

The 7 Chapter Dealing With Different Aspects of Oil

The Marpol Annex 1 was divided into 7 different chapters and their sub-
chapters; which deals with the different aspects of oil pollution from
definition to control and containment. From IOPP certificates, emergency
plans, record books, slop tanks, limitations, ballast tanks, oil filtering,
certificates and exception it covers it all.

The significant thing out of all this laws, rules and guidelines within 7
different chapters; the thing that really sets apart is the designation of
special areas.

A special area is designated part of the word which needs more

consideration; either due to a closed ecological system or high maritime
traffic. These special areas have much stricter laws than the rest of the
world under Marpol regulation.

Under Annex 1 which states for Prevention of Pollution From Oil At Sea the
special area’s are namely; Mediterranean Sea, black sea, the Baltic region,
Red sea, Gulf, antarctic, Gulf of Aden, north west European waters etc.
Honestly there is few more places in the list which you can check out on
IMO official site; from link over here.

1 ) Chapter One – Definition, Application & Exceptions

 Definition of Oil: The term “oil” is referred to as any petroleum

protect either in its raw or refined form or an viscous fluid
containing petroleum products. This means all oil and its mixture
except the ones mentioned under annex 2 of the Marpol. Ex: crude
oil, diesel oil, bilges waters containing traces of oil and other petrol-
chemical products.
 Crude oil: A crude oil is the naturally occurring hydrocarbon
mixture in the liquid form suitable to be transported in raw or
refined form. It can be either of the form where certain distillates
are being added or of kind where some distillate fraction be removed.
 Oil Fuel: A liquid hydrocarbon mixture that is sued as a fuel in the
main propulsion and other auxiliary machinery on the ship.
 Oily Mixture: In simple words it meany any fuel oil mixture with
water or other liquids that contains any traces of oil fuel.
 Oil tanker: An oil tanker is a ship designed and constructed to carry
oil in bulk either in its natural or refined form. The tanker which
carry petroleum oil in much of its natural form are called crude oil
tankers. Similarly the tankers which carry refined petroleum are
called product tankers. Under the regulation it shall also include the
combination tankers such as NLS tanker as defined under the annex
 Rate of discharge: Rate of discharge or the instantaneous rate of
discharge is the ratio of oily mixture discharged per hour to the speed
of ship in nautical miles or knots.
 Tanks: A tank is the fixed enclosed structure within the ship with
specific intention to hold liquid in bulk. A tank can be in the form of
dedicated cargo tanks, wing tank, slope tank, center tank, bilge and
ballast tanks.

Application & Exceptions

Provisions of Marpol annex 1 is applicable to all ships unless mentioned

otherwise. All tankers related provisions are also applicable to non tankers
ships; which carry oil in bulk in a capacity of 200 m3 or more. Similarly
where a cargo subjected to annex 2 is carried on a tanker; the provisions
of annex 2 applies.

Furthermore provision 18.6 to 18.8 of the annex does not applicable to oil
tankers made or built before 1 June 1982. This exception is only given to
these ships provided; they operate within their national waters, special
areas and designated limits set by different organizations.

Similarly, an exception is given to ships allowing them to discharge oil or

oily mixture in the sea under emergency conditions.

These emergency exceptions are applicable in conditions when; there is an

imminent danger to the safety of ship and its crew and discharging oil or
oily water at sea is necessary to ensure their safety.

Similarly, ships are exempted from any legal action or fine if they can
prove the spill occurred due to damage to a ship or its equipment; provided
the ship’s crew take appropriate action to contain the spread of oil and its
damage to the environment.

2 ) Chapter Two – Surveys & Certification

All ships that is of 400 gross tonnage capacity and above or oil tankers
with capacity more than and equal too 150 grt; are subjected to surveys
under Marpol annex 1.

 Initial Surveys: All ships that to be accepted into service undergo an

initial Marpol annex 1 survey. Done before the issuance
of “International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate”. It include
complete survey of the ship including its equipment; systems,
structure, fittings and machinery.
 Renewal Surveys: A renewal survey is done for the ship on or after
the period of 5 years; after the issuance of International Oil Pollution
Prevention Certificate. These renewal surveys should be throw and
contains all main aspects such as; structural material, equipment’s,
machinery, system and fittings.
 Annual Survey: An annual survey including general inspection of
structure, material, fittings, equipment’s and machinery are done
within 3 months after each year from the day of issuance of
certificate. In some circumstances this survey can also be done
before 3 months before the next year.
 Intermediate survey: Intermediate surveys are done on second or
third anniversary of certificate date. This survey includes in depth
analysis of ship’s equipment, systems, fittings, structure and
machinery. This survey allows for three months extension before and
after the anniversary date; thus replacing the annual survey for the
 Additional survey: If there is any significant or major repair done
on any of the systems, machinery or ship’s structure; which came
under Marpol annex 1 need to have an additional survey after the
work is finished.

International Oil Prevention Certificate

IOPP or International Oil Prevention Certificate is issued to each new ship

after inspecting its systems; fittings, structure, machinery and
equipment’s in compliance to the Marpol regulations. Upon the throw
survey all tankers above 150 grt and other ships above 400 grt are issued
this certificate.

This certificate can be issued or endorsed by the authority itself or an

experienced person authorized by it. The certificate drawn must be either
in English, french or Spanish language.

Once issued they are valid for a maximum period of five years with the
renewal surveys to be finished; well within the three months from the date
of expiry.

These certificates can not be issued or renewed for a ship; which has or
had changed to a flag state not signatory to Marpol regulations. In case the
certificate is issued for less than 5 years; the authorities or authorized
surveyor have rights to extend the validity of the certificate up to 5 years
from the date of issuance.
3 ) Chapter Three – Requirements For Machinery Space of Ships

All ships of and above 400 grt must be equipped with a dedicated tank of
appropriate size. These tanks much be capable enough to handle all the
sludge ( oil residue ) generated during the voyage.

Such tanks that store oil residues that cannot be treated or discharged; as
per the Marpol regulations are called sludge tanks.

Typically oil residue in the engine room can be oil or sludge resulting from
the lube and fuel oil purifiers. Other than that any oil leakage from the
main or auxiliary engine is also considered to be as oil residue.

Other than the standard discharge connections there should be no pipping

connected to the sludge tank; that may lead them to overboard discharge.

Under Marpol annex 1 all ships above 400grt but less than 10,000 grt;
must be fitted with any form of oil filtering equipment ( Oily water
separator ).

A ship can only discharge oily mixture overboard using this filtering
device. As per Marpol regulations the processed mixture from such a
device; must not be more than 15 ppm of oil before final discharge.
Control of Discharge of Oil Under Marpol Annex 1

Under Marpol regulations any non-processed oil or oily mixture is not

allowed to be discharged overboard. Only oily mixture is allowed to be
discharged provided they are filtered by oily water separator and follow
the 15 ppm limit. For ships above 400 grt such discharge from engine room
is permitted provided:

1. The ship is in route.

2. Only certified oily water separators are used filter the oily mixture.
3. The final output from such filter should not contain oil particles more
than 15 ppm limit.
4. The oily mixture treated is only from the engine room bilges and not
from anywhere else; including but not limited to cargo holds / tanks.
5. Ship must be at least 12 nautical miles from the nearest land.
6. There must be no mixing of fuel or lube oil with the oily mixture.

For discharge under special areas any discharge from cargo space;
whether in form of oil or oily mixture treated or otherwise is prohibited.
On other hand treated oily mixture from machinery space is allowed as
long as the ship is in route; and the oily filter follows the minimum 15 ppm
limit. But in some special areas such as Antarctica discharge of any kind is

The discharging liquid should not contain any chemicals which is

detrimental to the marine ecosystem. In case the oily water separator has
undergone repairs; no discharge is allowed unless reified by the
authorities. In case the oily mixture not be discharged as per the
regulation; they must be handed over to the reception facilities.

Discharge of Oil From Cargo Space

Oily mixture from tank holds, pump room and bilges mixed with cargo oil
residue on tankers; must be discharged as per the regulation 34 of the
Marpol annex 1. For oil tankers above 150 grt such discharge from cargo
space and pump room is allowed provided:

1. The ship is in route.

2. It should be at least 50 nautical miles away from the closest land.
3. The ship must not be within any special area.
4. The ship must have dedicated oil content monitoring system with slop tanks
and filtering device.
5. Under no circumstance the discharge liquid should reach the limit of 30 litters
per hour.
6. The total oil discharged must not be more than 1/30000 of the total quantity.

4 ) Chapter Four – Requirements For The Cargo Area Of The Oil Tanker

There are many structural requirements for the cargo area of an oil tanker; to be in
compliance with the Marpol regulations. These structural features includes; double
bottom requirements, segregated ballast tanks, intact stability, slop tanks,
discharge arrangement, limitation of size, damage assumption and hypothetical oil

 Segregated Ballast Tanks: All crude oil tankers above 20,000 and product
tankers above 30,000 ton dead weight; that is build after 1882 are must to
have segregated ballast tanks. These tanks should be of sufficient capacity so
as to operate safely under ballast condition; without use of cargo tank space.
 Double Bottom or Double Hull Design: Under Marpol annex 1 all oil tankers
delivered on r after 6 July 1996; must be equipped with double hull structure.
It is a hull design where there is two watertight surfaces between the main
cargo tank and outside water. The regulation 21 of annex 1 clearly bans any
single hull ship from carrying heavy oil.
 Intact Stability: All oil tankers of 5,000 dead-weight or above that is being
delivered on or after February 1, 2002; need to comply with intact stability
criteria of the annex. Basically the metacentric height of the ship under 0 heel
position should not be less than .15 m in ports; and righting lever must not
be less than .20 m at angle of 30 degree heel.
 Slop Tank: Oil tankers above 500 grt that is delivered after 31st December
1979 must be equipped with dedicated slop tank. Furthermore adequate
means be given to effectively clean and transfer the tank oil residue to the
slop tank.
 Damage Assumption: Damage assumption for hypothetical oil flow is done
according to the regulation 24 of Marpol annex 1. The officer had to follow
the prescribed formulas under the annex to came up with the result.
Oil Discharge Monitoring & Control System

In subject to regulation 3 of the annex all tankers of and above 150grt must
be equipped with appropriate oil discharge, control and monitoring
system. The system used should be such it kept record of rate of discharge,
oil discharged, oil content, date and time. These records then should be
kept for the next three years for cross check or verification.

Control systems for such oil discharge and monitoring equipment should
be such that; in event of high oil concentration in the liquid the discharge
should automatically be stopped. Furthermore in event of any failure to
monitor or filter the mixture discharge should automatically be stopped.

In addition to them, every crude oil tanker which has 20,000 dead weight
or above; must be equipped with effective crude oil washing system. These
crude oil washing systems must then be as per the regulation 18.7 of the
annex 1. The systems must be operated as per the prescribed manual;
except when the crude oil it is carrying is unstable for the process.

Image Credit: NOAA | CC BY 2.0

5 ) Chapter Five – Prevention of Oil Pollution After An Accident

Under regulation 37 under Marpol annex 1 all ships above 400 grt and oil
tankers above 150 grt; must have a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
( SOPEP ) on board ship. These emergency plans need to be approved by
the concerned authorities and as per the guidelines of Marpol regulations.

The plan includes steps to be followed and precautions to be taken by each

crew on board the ship. Being the in charge of the SOPEP it is the duty of
the captain; to monitor and supervise the action plan. An exact SOPEP plan
can differ from one ship to another; based on the type of ship and cargo it

Other than action plan for each crew member it includes general
arrangement of the ship; methods to contain oil spill, reporting procedure,
authorities and ports to contact, Layout of tanks, guidance for report
keeping of the spill, emergency fire plan, SOPEP locker and its designated

All tanker ships with a dead-weight of 5000 or above should have access
to shore based; computerized damage assessment, monitoring and
stability calculation program. It is the duty of the officer in charge to keep
detail records of the events and steps taken; to control and reduce the
damage due to accident.

SOPEP Equipment’s

1. Absorbent Pads and Rolls

2. Wilden pump
3. Oil booms
4. Empty drum
5. Bucket
6. Saw dust
7. Scrappers
8. Gloves
9. Mask
10. Oil cleaning chemical

6 ) Chapter Six – Reception Facilities

Reception facilities are vital in better implementation of Marpol
regulations. According to the regulation all signatory parties to the
convention; must provide provision for repairs, oil loading and discharge
of oily mixture at ports. These reception facilities much be adequate in
number avoiding undue delays to ship.

In outside special areas reception facilities must be provide in accordance

to the regulations; in all ports where crude oil is loaded into tankers having
last ballast voyage not more than 72 hours or 1200 nautical miles.
Furthermore it should also be available in ports that load more than 1000
tonnes of oil per day to tankers.

Other than that these facilities must also be provide if the port handles
consistent amount of ships; which cannot discharge oily mixture as per the
required discharge criteria. All reception facilities that take oily water
discharged from the ships must be of sufficient capacity in good quantity.
7 ) Chapter Seven – Special Requirements For Fixed/Floating Platforms

Regulation 39 of the annex 1 applies to all floating or fixed oceanic

platforms including but not limited to; drilling rigs, Oil production
facilities, floating platform, Loading and discharging points etc. All such
off shore process that involves exploration, exploitation and processing
deep sea minerals; either floating or fixed must comply to the rules.

They must keep records of all their operations including their discharges
at sea or to some facilities. Such platforms must also be equipped as per
the guidelines of regulation 12 and 14 of the annex. These platforms or
exploitation / exploration units must have appropriate oily water filter
approved by the authorities.

Similar to the oily mixture discharge by the ships’ these platforms must
also comply with the 15 ppm discharge limit. The discharge at sea from
these fixed or floating platforms; must be in any of the following discharge
type: contaminated seawater; machinery space drainage, offshore
processing drainage, production water discharge and displacement water

Role of The Crew Under Marpol Annex 1

When it comes to proper implementation of Marpol annex 1 it is the crew
responsibility to follow suit. Marpol regulation requires ship’s crew to be
adequate trained to operate equipment and machinery came under the
regulations. They handles all the oil transfers and discharges maintaing no
oil spill what soever during bunkering operations.

Key annex 1 equipment such as OCM ( Oil Content Monitor ), OWS ( Oily
Water Separator ); and ODMCS ( Oil discharge monitoring control system
) is operated and maintained by the crew. They are also trained and
instructed of their individual role in case of emergency such as oil spill;
and how to contain its spread.

It is the duty of Captain and chief officer to train and familiarize its crew
with; oil pollution prevention techniques using drills and training. Every
crew must be familiarize with the SOPEP locker and how to use them when
needed. Junior crew and officers must also be trained in records keeping
for; sludge, bilge wells, transfer of oil and tank cleaning.

It is the duty of the chief engineer and captain to check and ensure all the
entries made in various records book; ex: oil record book must be correct
and countersigned. Furthermore it is also the captain’s duty to inform the
senior officials and local administration about any oil spill if what soever.

Record Keeping : Oil Record Book

Record keeping is an important aspects of Marpol regulations as it helps
in proper compliance of the law. Under annex 1 all oil tankers above 150
grt or all ships above 400 grt to carry oil record book. They need to be in
two form; one dedicated for the cargo tanks in oil tankers and other for
the machinery space.

Each record book contain some basic information such as; the name of the
ship, its IMO number, owners details, capacity of the ship in grt, official
numbers, some basic instructions and period of use. The part one of the oil
record book is mandatory for all ship types and applicable to its machinery

On another hand part two of the oil record book is only applicable to the
cargo and ballast space of oil tankers. These are to be carried on tankers
above 150 grt in addition to the ORB-part 1. These records are to be then
preserved for the next 3 years from the date of last entry made on ORB
part 1 and 2.
Content’s of Oil Record Book As Per Marpol Annex 1 – Part I

1. Bunkering operation – Fuel and Lube oil

2. All activity concerning oily mixtures
3. Date, quantity, tank name or number, operation type and position of
4. Ballasting, cleaning and deblasting of fuel tank
5. Storage or discharge of sludge
6. Manual discharge of Oily mixture overboard
7. Automatic Discharge through OWS
8. Accidental discharge if any
9. Transfer of bilges
10. Additional space for Adding Remarks.

Content’s of Oil Record Book As Per Marpol Annex 1- Part II

1. Internal transfer of oil from one tank to another.

2. Loading or discharge of crude oil
3. COW / Cleaning of cargo tanks
4. Blasting and deblasting of cargo tanks
5. Discharge of clean or dirty ballasts
6. Discharged of oily mixture from slop tank
7. Accidents or accidental oil discharge
8. Discharge to reception facilities
9. All major valve operation in the task
10. Any other disposal ex: residue disposal

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