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coaching manual

Introduc on 3

The purpose of the Junior netball coaching manual

coaching manual contents Get your girls ac ve with the game of netball

Understanding the game

The aim of netball

Planning your prac ce 4

Recommended prac ce frequency and dura on

How to structure a prac ce session

Warm-up drills and ac vi es 5

Suitable warm-up ac vi es for hockey

Skills development and training 7

A detailed descrip on of the skills required for the game

Ac vi es 17

A list and explana on of ac vi es, designed by SSISA,

which can be used to develop these skills

The Warm-down 29

Tips on how to warm down

Pu ng it together 29

Evalua on 29

A checklist you can use to evaluate your players’ skills

and abili es

Appendix: Rules, posi ons 32

and equipment
A summary of the rules, posi ons and equipment used
in netball.

A CATHSSETA-accredited training provider. 613/P/000126/2008

2 | Discovery Vitality
Introduc on
Junior netball Many factors in modern society have resulted in children and
coaching manual adults becoming increasingly inac ve and this has had an
alarming effect on their health. Regular physical ac vity plays an
important role in the preven on and treatment of many lifestyle-
related diseases such as coronary artery disease, strokes and
type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes). Sports are a
great way to encourage children to get more physically ac ve and
healthy, and that’s why Discovery Vitality has developed a series
of sports manuals for primary schools in South Africa.

The purpose of the Junior netball
coaching manual
o r T im N oakes

This manual provides teachers and coaches with relevant

informa on on how to coach netball so that children get the
We wish to change maximum benefits from doing the sport – to get physically
our na on’s children ac ve, healthy and fit. The focus of the manual is on developing
the basic skills needed for juniors (up to the age of 12) to
by ins lling in them be competent on the court. The main focus is on providing
the desire to be more exercises and drills to help you plan your prac ce and develop
skills, rather than to give a comprehensive framework of the
ac ve, not just now
rules of netball.
but for all their lives. Professor Tim Noakes of the Sports Science Ins tute of South
We aim to achieve this Africa has a dream to make South African children the fi est in
by teaching each child the world by 2020. He believes that through ini a ves like the
Vitality Schools Programme we can reach this goal. You too can
a competence in and play a part in making this vision a reality!
passion for at least one
sport. This we will do Get your girls ac ve with the game
by building a sports of netball
Netball is a game that girls of all ages and fitness levels can enjoy
coaching culture for and is one of the most popular female sports in South Africa.
our children ... Good teamwork is essen al for success in netball because the
player with the ball cannot control the flow of the game and
relies on her team mates to create opportuni es. Players catch,
throw and jump for a ball, and are required to run into and
create space. It is about doing the simple things correctly every
me. Not only is it fun, but it also builds fitness of the heart and
lungs and is good for overall muscular development.

Vitality HealthStyle (Pty) Ltd, registra on number: 1999/007736/07, trading as Discovery Vitality. An authorised financial services provider.

Discovery Vitality | 3
Understanding the game
The aim of netball
The aim of the game is to score more goals than the opposing
team. There are generally two phases of play: a ack and defence.
During a ack, the team that has the ball must move down the
court by passing the ball to each other, all the way to the goal
circle and then score in the ring. Defence happens when the other
team has the ball. The defending team must then try and get the
ball away from them and stop them from scoring.

Netball is not considered a contact sport. Nevertheless, the
likelihood of personal contact is high. Encourage players to
s ck to the rules and play a ‘clean’ game, to avoid unnecessary
contact and possible serious injury. Netball should be played
with skill and energy and always in good spirit.
The injuries most commonly suffered include sprained fingers
and sprained ankle ligaments. More serious injuries include
players injuring their knees. To lower the frequency and impact
of these injuries it is essen al that players are fit and thoroughly
understand the rules of the game.
To avoid the likelihood of being scratched, players are not
allowed to have long finger nails or wear jewellery when playing
netball. The umpire checks all players before star ng the game.

Planning your prac ce

Recommended prac ce frequency
and dura on
When trying to encourage children to par cipate in sport, it is
essen al that the sessions are fun. Training is not necessarily
about quan ty but rather quality, so we suggest that you have two
one-hour sessions a week.

Pu ng your prac ce together

As the coach, use your imagina on and crea vity to get the
most of your prac ce me. It is recommended that you s ck to a
framework that will help you cover all the important aspects of
netball training. The table on the following page summarises the
framework for how to set up a good prac ce session:

4 | Discovery Vitality
Phase Descrip on and principles Length
Warm-up* • Important for preparing the body for the more vigorous 10 minutes
exercise that follows
• Should be as varied as possible to maintain the interest
of the players
• As the children warm up, increase the intensity and
pace of ac vi es
• Make ac vi es netball-specific
Skills • Focus on introduc on and reinforcement of new skills 30 minutes
development • Time spent on specific skill development will depend
and training on the progress made by players. Don’t teach more
advanced skills un l mastering the basic skills
Match or • A short match is a great way to end off a prac ce session 15 minutes
game me and expose players to proper play
• Small-sided (5-a-side) games or ‘a ack vs. defence’
matches work well
Warm-down* • Gentle ac vity such as a slow jog leading to a walking pace 5 minutes
• Stretching of major muscle groups used during ac vity
• Opportunity to get all players together at the end and
reinforce key lessons of the prac ce
Total 60 minutes
All phases have drills and training games you can use to make sessions fun and enjoyable for your
players while also helping you teach the skills properly. The drills are explained in the following
sec ons.
* Refer to the General coaching manual for a list of dynamic and sta c stretches.

Warm-up drill and ac vi es

The warm-up ac vi es listed below have been selected not only to prepare the players for more
strenuous ac vity to follow, but also to create awareness among the players of certain skills required
to play the game.
Depending on the level of ability, some of the listed warm-up ac vi es may need to be adapted to
suit the players’ skill level.
We also recommend that you spend a few minutes doing the dynamic stretches found in the General
coaching manual.

Discovery Vitality | 5
Warm-up drills without the ball

Warm up Descrip on Coaching points

ac vity
Reac ons Players line up along the back line and slowly jog By randomly blowing the whistle, this
forward. The coach blows the whistle at random, at ac vity can become quite challenging.
which point each player jumps as high as possible. Encourage players to imitate catching a
This exercise can be repeated, but change the ac vity ball as they jump into the air and to land
as the whistle is blown. Other examples are: side step with bent knees to absorb the impact of
(le or right) on the whistle, touch the ground on the the ground. The footwork rule can also
whistle, run backwards on the whistle, etc. be prac sed during this ac vity.
Fast feet Divide players into pairs and let them face each other. Be sure that players don’t crush
One player must try to stand on her partner’s each other’s feet. Make small foot
toes. The other must try to avoid using fast-feet movements and make sure players
movements. Swap roles a er 30 seconds. don’t cover a large distance.
Bib tag Divide players into pairs. One partner tucks her bib Encourage players to use fast dodging
in the back of her skirt/shorts. Using quick footwork, movements, and to get a clean take
the other partner should try to take the bib. Once a of the bib while avoiding contact with
player gets the bib, swap over. the other player.
Touch Divide players into pairs. Partners stand behind one Encourage players to react quickly to
and go another on the sideline. One follows the other as the tap and turn quickly to catch their
they slowly jog across the court. The back partner partners.
randomly taps the front partner, who then turns and
tries to catch her as they sprint back to the sideline.
Relays Two groups of players line up about 5 m apart (increase The less players in each line,
space as players improve). One player in front of the line the be er.
passes the ball to the player in front of the other line.
The passer then follows the ball and joins the back of
the line at the opposite side.
Passing In threes This is a more advanced warm-up
down As in pairs, but as the player passes the ball, she follows drill – especially when done in groups
the court the ball, runs around the back of the receiver and takes of three.
the place of the receiver, ready to receive the next pass.
All normal netball rules apply.
Numbers Players huddle in a small circle with one ball. Each Encourage quick calling and catching
player has a number (usually from 1 - 7). The player so as to speed up the player’s reac on
with the ball holds the ball in the centre of the mes. If players are ba ling to catch
huddle about hip height. She calls a number and the ball, simply raise the level from
quickly releases the ball. The person whose number which the ball is released.
is called must try to catch the ball before it touches
the ground.

6 | Discovery Vitality
Skills development and training
Skills development and training should be the focus of your prac ce sessions so that the basic skills
of netball can be taught. The aim with young players is to spend about 70% of the me focusing on
skills development and only 30% on compe on. This way, training is fun and s mula ng and not too
compe ve.
It is important that players don’t have to wait in lines where they get bored – you should have a ‘no
queue’ policy during your prac ces! Make it a priority to teach the skills on both the le and right
side. Remember to get crea ve.

Netball skills
Skills for netball include individual skills and defensive and a acking skills.
Individual skills include:
• Catching • Passing
A acking and defensive skills include:
• Passing • Dodging
• Changing direc on • Changing pace
• Marking opponents • Shoo ng goals.
Each skill is explained in more detail in the next sec on.
Although it is beneficial for players to be versa le and to develop all these skills, the specific posi ons
in netball determine which skills are most important for each posi on.

Individual skills

Skill/a ribute Posi on

Height Goalkeeper and Goal Shooter
Speed Goal A ack, Wing A ack, Centre, Wing Defence and Goal Defence
Accuracy Goal Shooter and Goal A ack
Agility Goal A ack, Wing A ack, Centre, Wing Defence and Goal Defence
Explosive ver cal power Goal Shooter, Goal A ack, Goal Defence and Goal Keeper
An cipa on All
Balance and body control All
Teamwork All
Versa lity All
Communica on All
Calm and focused All
Note: These a ributes are not limited to specific posi ons, but are par cularly important for the
posi ons listed above.

Discovery Vitality | 7
Teaching correct technique

1 Catching the ball

Players need to learn to handle and control the ball. Ball handling
is about sensi vity and feeling, and when successfully achieved
gives the impression that the ball is a ached to the player’s
fingers and can easily be brought under control when received.
Encourage players to always catch with two hands in the
early stages.
• Players need to be able to judge the speed and direc on of
the ball in flight. Encourage players to keep their eyes on the
ball at all mes
• Players should keep both arms outstretched towards the ball,
with fingers spread wide and thumbs behind the ball
• When receiving the ball, the arms should bend at the elbows
so as to absorb the force of the ball as it is received
• O en players need to jump to catch the ball. Teach players to
absorb the force of the landing by bending their ankles, knees
and hips as they make contact with the ground.
Figures 1a and b show a player catching the ball with her arms
outstreched, fingers spread wide, thumbs back, and pulling the
ball in towards her chest.

Figure 1a Figure 1b

8 | Discovery Vitality
2 Passing the ball
In the game of netball different passing styles are used, but the shoulder pass is the most popular.
The accuracy of the pass greatly influences another player’s ability to catch the ball.

Shoulder pass
The shoulder pass is the most successful passing technique to use for long, accurate passes.
• Have a solid base of support, with feet shoulder-width apart and weight on the back leg. Stand
side-on to the direc on you are throwing. Make sure you have the opposite foot to your throwing
arm, forward
• With fingers spread wide and the ball held on one hand, bring the ball behind the body at
shoulder height
• Generate momentum through the shoulders, elbow, wrist and fingers as the arm extends in the
desired direc on of the pass
• Transfer body weight from back foot to front foot, with extra momentum generated from the
rota on of hips and torso
• Maintain contact between hand and ball for as long as possible. Follow through a er each pass
with fingers poin ng in the direc on of the pass
• Keep eyes focused on where you want to pass the ball.

Figure 2a Figure 2b

Discovery Vitality | 9
Chest pass
For shorter and quicker passes the chest pass is best:
• Hold the ball with both hands at chest height
• Spread fingers around the side of the ball and thumbs
towards the back, with elbows bent and tucked in
• With a quick thrust, pass the ball forward by straightening
the elbows, fingers and thumbs, giving a final push and
follow-through a er the ball is released
• As the ball is passed, the player should step forward into
the pass, transferring weight onto the front foot. Foot and
thumbs should point towards the ground
• Keep eyes focused on where you want to pass the ball.

Figure 3a Figure 3b

Figure 3c

10 | Discovery Vitality
Overhead pass
A two-handed pass is o en used to pass the ball quickly over the head of an opponent.
• With the ball in both hands, arms are extended above the head
• Fingers are spread each side of the ball and thumbs are placed behind the ball
• The ball is taken back, slightly behind the head
• Players should step forward and transfer their weight onto the front foot
• Release the ball with forearms, wrists and fingers directed towards the receiver
• Straighten elbows on the follow-through.

Figure 4a Figure 4b Figure 4c

Lob pass
A lob pass is a one-handed pass o en used to li the ball over the arms of an opponent.
• The shoulder pass ac on is used when performing a lob pass. However, the point of release
is different
• To gain height, extend the arm upwards, straighten the elbow, and release the ball with the wrist
and finger ps s ll following through
• Players should transfer their body weight from back foot to front foot, and keep their eyes
focused on where they want to pass the ball
• A good lob will have a high looping arc.

Discovery Vitality | 11
3 Footwork
Good footwork requires the player to s ck to the footwork rule
when receiving the ball. The footwork rule means that as you
catch the ball you need to land on one foot or both feet at the
same me. When turning to pass the ball, the landing foot must
remain grounded.
When catching the ball, players will usually jump to get the
ball and land on only one foot. Players should learn to land in a
balanced posi on to minimise the chances of making a footwork
infringement or ge ng injured.
• Describe and demonstrate the footwork rule in detail to all
• To minimise the chances of making a footwork infringement,
players must learn the following:
- When landing on one foot, they should bring the second
foot to the ground to give more support;
- Cushion the force of the landing for more stability by
absorbing the force through the toes, ankles, knees
and hips;
- Feet should be shoulder-width apart, which gives
more stability;
- Players should keep their head and eyes up to watch
the ball.

12 | Discovery Vitality
4 Goal shoo ng
Accurate goal shoo ng is a vital skill in netball as goals need to be scored to win a match. Accurate
shoo ng is all about balance, rhythm and technique. It’s about developing a sequence of ac ons
that, with regular prac se, become automa c and allow for more accuracy. Goal shoo ng is
considered a ‘closed’ skill, ie it can be prac sed in isola on from other game skills. So the GS and GA
should be encouraged to prac se shoo ng outside of formal team prac ce sessions.
• Players stand with feet shoulder-width apart and in line (one foot should not to be in front of the
other) and body facing the goal post. This ensures balance before taking the shot
• Players should extend their shoo ng arm upwards, holding the ball above their head, with their
elbow close to the ear and poin ng towards the ring
• Rest the ball on shoo ng hand, on all five finger ps. Make sure fingers are evenly spread
• Place free hand gently to the side of the ball as support to help balance the ball
• The shoo ng ac on is a rhythmical movement star ng with the bending of the knees and flowing
up through the hips, shoulders, arm and wrist, and eventually the ball is released with a flick of
the wrist and fingers
• Release the ball only when the arm is fully extended. The finger flick allows for a slight back spin
of the ball, with fingers following the high arc of the ball towards the post (Figure 5c)
• Make sure players keep their heads up and eyes focused above the ring. Players should always
aim for the same point to gain consistency.

Figure 5a Figure 5b Figure 5c

Figures 5a, b, c, show the shoo ng posi on and flow of movement as the ball leaves the shooter’s hand.

Discovery Vitality | 13
5 A acking skills
The team possessing the ball is in a ack. All seven
players should adopt an a acking style to move through
the court to the goal circle. When on a ack, each
player must try to make herself available or ‘get free’ so
that she can receive a pass. It is important that players
find space to move into so they can lose their
immediate opponents.

The following are different a acking strategies:

Dodging is a quick and sharp movement, usually from a
sta onary posi on, aimed at wrong-foo ng the opponent.
• Feet should be no more than shoulder-width apart. Keep
knees bent in prepara on for the quick movement and make
sure the head is kept up
• Dodging then consists of making one or two steps away from
the intended catching posi on.

Change of direc on
Being able to change direc on quickly will assist the player to
create space and o en wrong-foot their opponent.
• When changing direc on, players should push off using their
outside leg
• The dodge, pivot and a change of speed are useful skills used
in changing direc on.

Change of pace
Some mes players can’t beat their opponents using the dodge
or direc on change tac c. In such cases a change of speed is the
best way to get free.
• This tac c can be used when in a full sprint and the opponent
is managing to s ck with you
• The player can decide to adopt a very abrupt change of speed
(a sudden stop) leaving the opponent to con nue running
• The player can also sprint, slow down and then suddenly
sprint off again in a new direc on outsprin ng the opponent
who, not expec ng a second increase in speed, has also
slowed down.

14 | Discovery Vitality
6 Defending skills
When your team is not in possession of the ball, every team member switches to defence mode. The
primary aim of defensive play is to place the a acking opponents under pressure. This forces them to
make an error or otherwise create an opportunity for an intercep on.
There are two primary components in defensive play, the first is to prevent your opponent from
ge ng the ball (marking) and the second is defending the player when she gets the ball.
In most instances, and especially at the beginning stages of learning netball, a ‘one-on-one’
defending tac c is advised. In this tac c each player defends her own opponent.

Marking your opponent

By marking your opponent you are standing so close to her that she is not a safe op on for receiving
a pass. This is a primary objec ve in defence, that is preven ng your opponent from taking part in
the game.
As a defender your body posi on should at all mes allow you to see the flow of the game – the
movement of ball and opponent. To achieve this, one op on is to posi on yourself side-on to your
opponent, either slightly in front or slightly behind, depending on which direc on you would like to
prevent movement.
Figure 6 shows the Wing Defence in an effec ve defensive posi on marking the Wing A ack.
The defender needs to keep her feet shoulder-width apart, her head should be up at all mes, and
she must maintain extreme concentra on to an cipate the opponent’s movements.
When defending it is cri cal not to touch the opponent. The defender’s arms must stay close to her body.

Figure 6

Discovery Vitality | 15
Defending the player with the ball
If the opponent gets the ball despite the player’s a empt at
marking, the defender must quickly move into posi on to defend
the pass. The defender should take up the new posi on 0.9 m
from the landing foot of the opponent and apply pressure over
the ball in order to force a poor pass or shot.
• The player must quickly recover from marking and take up a
posi on 0.9 m from the opponent’s landing foot
• Once 0.9 m apart, the player should li both arms up and
forward and a empt to block the direc on of the pass. It
is important that defence is focused on the ball and not on
obscuring the vision of the opposing player (Figure 7a)
• When defending a shot at goal, the defender, knowing
the direc on of the shot, should focus all a en on on the
trajectory of the ball towards the goal post. The defender
generally needs good balance, shi ing all weight onto the
front foot, li ing the back foot off the ground, and reaching
upwards and forwards in an a empt to block the trajectory of
the ball (Figure 7b).

Figure 7a Figure 7b

16 | Discovery Vitality
Ac vi es
All the ac vi es below can be used to help you design prac ces for your team. As you grow in
experience and knowledge, you’ll be able to modify some of these ac vi es and make them more
challenging and more exci ng for players. Pay very close a en on to the proper technique for
each ac vity.

Ac vity summary
The table below shows all the ac vi es explained in the following sec on, indica ng which skills can
be taught using each ac vity.

Drill le er and name Catching Passing Passing Passing Catching An cipa ng Defending Teamwork
and while into different the ball the pass
defending on the space types of
move passes
A. Player in the circle P P
B. Short pass, long pass P P P
C. Short pass, drop and
over the head P P P
D. Side to side P P P
E. Three corners of
a square P P P
F. Defending the pass P P
G. Two balls in a circle P P
H. 10 catches P P
I. Quick reac ons P P
J. Catch from the side
and pass it forward P P

Discovery Vitality | 17
A Player in the circle

Set up
• Up to 10 players in a circle
• One player has the ball.

How to do the ac vity

• Players stand in a circle and hold hands
• Players let go and each take four steps backwards to create
a wide open circle
• One player has the ball and can throw to any of the players
in the circle
• On passing the ball she must follow her pass and defend
the next pass made.

Coaching points
• Vary the type of pass
• S ck to three-second rule
• Stay 0.9 m from passer and defend the ball.

• Stand further apart
• A second ball can be added to the circle.

18 | Discovery Vitality
B Short pass, long pass

Set up
• Two players with one ball.

How to do the ac vity

• Two players stand 2 m apart
• Player 1 passes a short quick chest pass directly to player 2 who catches and returns the ball
• Player 1 then passes a lob over the head of player 2 and into the space behind her
• Player 2 must keep her eye on the ball, turn body on an angle and run to get body under the
ball in order to catch it. Player 2 passes a shoulder pass back to player 1 and quickly returns
to her star ng posi on. Player 2 alternates between receiving short-pass passes and high
overhead passes
• Swap a er 30 seconds.

Coaching points
• Only one player moves at a me while doing this drill, the other is the passer
• The catcher must move quickly backwards and again forwards to her star ng posi on,
always keeping her eyes on the ball
• The catcher must not pre-empt the pass and move too soon.

Discovery Vitality | 19
C Short pass, drop and over the head

Set up
• Between six and eight players are ideal for this drill
• One ball for the group.

How to do the ac vity

• Players 1 - 7 stand as shown in the diagram
• Player 3 has the ball and passes using a shoulder pass to
player 1
• Player 3 moves to the X and receives a short chest pass
back, and then passes a chest pass to player 1
• Player 1, on receiving the ball, drops the ball at point Y
• Player 3 must run around the back of player 1 and catch
the ball before it bounces twice
• She then passes the ball to player 2, again using a chest pass
then runs around the back of player 2 to collect a lob pass
at point Z
• She passes the ball back to player 4 at the front of the line
who repeats the exercise.

Coaching points
• The more skilled the players, the faster the ball can be passed
• As players improve, the lob should be passed into the
space where the player is moving
• Players must be sure not to make a footwork infringement
when running to catch the ball
• Should players
fumble with the Figure 8
ball, encourage
them to complete
the drill a li le
slower and to
76543 X 1
keep their eyes Y
on the ball.

20 | Discovery Vitality
D Side to side

Set up
• Two players with one ball.

How to do the ac vity

• Players stand 2 - 3 m apart
• One player is the passer and the other the catcher
• They start off facing each other, and the passer throws the ball to the le of the catcher
• The catcher must quickly move from le to right catching and passing the ball
• Swap a er 30 seconds.

Coaching points
• Be sure that the passer is not passing the ball directly to the catcher but is actually passing
into the space to the le or right
• Similarly, the catcher must not an cipate and move ahead of the ball being passed
• It is impera ve that the catcher keeps her head up and eye on the ball at all mes. Her
footwork should consist of small, quick steps
• The catcher should prac se landing on the outside leg every me
• Here is the best way to remember which is your outside leg: When you lead to the le , you
land on the le leg. When you lead to the right, you land on the right leg.

Progression 1
• The passer passes at random between the two sides.

Progression 2
Set up
• Two passers, one catcher and two balls .

How to do the ac vity

• The two passers stand approximately 3 m apart, each with a ball
• The catcher moves from le to right, taking small steps and receiving the ball from
each passer.

Discovery Vitality | 21
Progression 3
Set up
• Two passers, two catchers and two balls.

How to do the ac vity

• The two passers stand approximately 3 m apart, each with a ball
• The catchers move from le to right, avoiding each other while receiving the ball from
each passer.

Figure 9a Progression 1 Figure 9b Progression 2

P1 P1
C C1

P2 P2 C2
P= Passer C= Catcher

22 | Discovery Vitality
E Three corners of a square

Set up
• Three players with one ball.

How to do the ac vity

• Players form three sides of a square, with the fourth side open
• Player 1 has the ball and passes into the empty corner as player 3 moves to this space and
catches the ball
• A new corner is le open into which player 2 now moves to get the ball from player 3, etc
• Players should perform this drill in both a clockwise and an an -clockwise direc on.

Coaching points
• Players should not move into the corner too early
• The ac vity is used to master the skill of accurately throwing into the space
• The more skilled the players, the greater the size of the square so that the long shoulder
pass can be prac sed
• Very skilled players with strong throwing arms should prac se using the centre third as
the square
• Make sure players are not making a footwork infringement when catching and landing
• Players should land on their outside leg when catching the ball.

Figure 10

P1 P2

X P3

Discovery Vitality | 23
F Defending the pass

Set up
• Four players with one ball.
How to do the ac vity
• Two players act as receivers
• The receivers are 3 m apart
• In between the receivers, also about 3 m away, is the passer
• The passer will pass from le to right to each receiver while the defender, who is standing
between the passer and the receivers, a empts to intercept the pass.

Coaching points
• The passer should be passing quick, hard passes
• The defender must an cipate the pass and a empt to intercept it before the receiver gets
the ball
• The defender should return to the middle a er each pass
• Rotate posi ons a er 30 seconds
• Encourage the defender to always a empt the intercept with two hands.

Progression 1
• The passer passes at random between the le and right receiver, even faking a pass at mes.

Progression 2
• The passer makes use of the chest pass, lob, overhead pass, bounce pass and shoulder pass.

Progression 3
• The defender starts slightly behind the two receivers
• The defender then runs across the path of the ball towards receiver 1 to intercept the pass
• The defender then moves around the back of receiver 1, always facing the passer, and back
to the star ng posi on
• This move is repeated around receiver 2 so the defender completes a figure of 8 movement
around the receivers
• At no stage can the defender make contact with either of the receivers.

24 | Discovery Vitality
Figure 11a Progression 1 and 2 Figure 11b Progression 3



D1 D1
R1 = Receiver 1 R2 = Receiver 2 D1 = Defender 1 P1 = Passer 1

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G Two balls in a circle

Set up
• Seven players with two balls.

How to do the ac vity

• Six players form a 3 m circle
• Player 7 stands in the middle
• The middle player and player 1 (part of the circle) each
have a ball
• Using quick passes, player 7 passes the ball to player 2
(next to player 1) and gets the ball from player 1
• Player 7 then passes to player 3 and receives from player 2
• Do drill fast un l player 7 has completed a full circle.

Coaching points
• Player 7 should try to move through the circle of players as
quickly as possible without losing accuracy
• She must learn to catch, pass and pivot in a very short
me frame
• The passers must make eye contact as a means to
communicate readiness.

• Add a third ball.

H 10 catches

Set up
• Eight to 12 players with one ball.

How to do the ac vity

• Two teams
• This is a mini game of passing in a third of the court

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• The team with the ball is on a ack and must successfully complete 10 consecu ve passes
• The other team is on defence and a empts to intercept or to force an error
• All normal netball rules apply. The ball may not be dropped. Any infringement results in the
opposite team ge ng the ball.

Coaching points
• Encourage players to create space in a confined area
• Players must work together to avoid clu er and ge ng in each other’s way
• Defenders should s ck to a one-on-one set-up
• The coach can instruct specific passes to be used during the drill.

I Quick reac ons

Set up
• Two players with one ball.

How to do the ac vity

• Player 1 has the ball and is the passer
• Player 1 is sta onary throughout the drill
• Player 2 stands 2 m away but facing away from player 1
• Player 1 calls either le or right and passes the ball in that direc on
• Player 2 rapidly spins around to the le or right and a empts to catch the ball.

Coaching points
• This skill must be well med
• The ball should not be passed too early and the catcher should not turn too quickly
• Beginner players should a empt this skill at a slower speed with the ball rolling on the
ground rather than being passed.

• The passer should use different passes at different heights.

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J Catch from the side and pass it
forward (crossovers)
Set up
• Eight or more players and two balls.
How to do the ac vity
• Players form a square with two players standing at each corner
• It is ideal to do this drill in the centre third, using the centre
circle as the cross-over point
• Players 1 and 3 each have a ball
• Players 2 and 4 run towards the centre circle and get the
ball from their le
• On ge ng the ball they pass it forward to the players
wai ng on the opposite corner (players 6 and 8)
• Players 1 and 3 then begin to run towards the centre circle,
get the ball on the le from players 6 and 8 and pass
forward to players 5 and 7.
Coaching points
• This drill requires high levels of concentra on
• Players must be able to get a ball on the move from one
direc on and pass it in another direc on without making
any footwork or handling errors
• As players progress, this drill should be done with more speed
• Players can progress to get the ball on the right, ie change
the direc on of the drill.

Figure 12

P5 and P1 P2 and P6


P8 and P4 P3 and P7

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The Warm-down
It is temp ng to finish your training sessions with a short match. However, a good way to wrap up
the session is to do a gentle ac vity such as a slow jog leading to a walking pace, as well as to stretch
the major muscle groups used during ac vity. Also reinforce the key skills and aspects of the session,
and give homework so learners can prac se at home. This can consist of developing one of the skills
you’ve taught them that day, such as passing or shoo ng skills. For more on the warm-down please
see the General coaching manual.

Pu ng it together
To put the prac ce session together we gave a number of examples of drills and ac vi es you could
choose from. These are guidelines only and you should feel free to adapt the drills and create new
ones depending on your players.

Evalua on
One of the most important things you will naturally learn to do is evaluate your players. At every
prac ce session you will watch and observe, looking for players who are learning the skills and those
who are ba ling with certain concepts.
For you to be a successful coach it is absolutely vital that you constantly no ce which of the players
are ba ling with skills so that you can address them early. The typical problems encountered will be
difficulty in execu ng the key components of a skill and a tendency to fall back into bad habits.
The checklist on the next page is a summary of some of the key coaching points that were explained
in detail in the skills and ac vi es sec ons earlier. We recommend that you pay very close a en on
to all those skill descrip ons, but use this checklist as a quick evalua on for individual players.


Ques on Yes No
Level 1: Is the player consistently able to catch the ball using both hands without fumbling or
dropping the ball?
Level 2: Is the player able to successfully catch the ball with only one hand, especially when
the pass has not been that accurate?
Level 1: Is the player able to execute an accurate shoulder pass, chest pass, lob and overhead
pass with and without defence?
Level 2: Is the player able to execute the different passes with defence in front of her?
Level 3: Is the player able to make the correct decision when it comes to the type of pass for
the specific situa on?
Level 4: Is the player successfully passing the ball into an open space, rather than directly to
the person?

Discovery Vitality | 29
Ques on Yes No
Level 1: Has the player understood and mastered the footwork rule? Is she able to catch and
pass the ball without making a footwork infringement?
Level 2: Has the defensive player effec vely mastered the ability to defend her opponent one-
on-one, minimising the opponent’s ability to get the ball?
Level 3: Is the defensive player quick to take her 0.9 m defensive posi on and effec vely
defend the next pass?
Level 4: Are the Goal Shooter and Goal A ack accurate in their a empts to shoot at goal?

Name Ques on Yes No

Catching It is important to actually look at the way in which players catch the ball to try
the ball to correct mistakes being made. Ask:
• What are the fingers doing? Are the players’ fingers spread wide and thumbs
behind the ball?
• What are the arms doing? Are the arms outstretched in an cipa on of
receiving the ball?
• As the ball is received, do the arms bend to absorb the impact of the ball?
• What are the player’s eyes focused on? Are the players keeping their eyes on
the ball un l it is safely in their hands?
Shoulder • Is the player balanced and standing side-on when execu ng the shoulder pass?
pass • How and where is the player holding the ball? Are her fingers s ll widely
spread with the ball on one hand behind her dominant side?
• Can you see that the player’s weight is transferred from her back foot to
the front foot, and does she generate momentum through her hips as she
extends her arm to pass the ball?
• Does the player follow through on her pass?
• Does the player keep her eyes focused on where she wants to pass the ball?
• Can the player throw with both le and right hands?
Chest • Is the ball being held with both hands, fingers spread and thumbs poin ng
pass behind the ball?
• Is power being generated from the elbows, hands and fingers when passing
the ball?
• Is a quick straight pass being generated?
Overhead • Is the ball being held above the head with both hands?
pass • Are the fingers spread wide and the thumbs behind the ball?
• Are the elbows bent, and do the wrists drop in prepara on to make the pass?
• Do the elbows, wrists and fingers extend in unison to generate momentum
for the pass?

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Name Ques on Yes No
Lob pass • Is the player balanced and standing side-on when execu ng the lob?
• Is the arm extended upwards and the elbow straight?
• Do the wrist and finger ps follow through when releasing the ball?
• Does body weight transfer from back foot to front foot and are eyes focused
on where the pass is going?
• Does the pass have a high looping arc?
Footwork • Is the player s cking to the footwork rule? If not:
- Does the player find her balance quickly a er landing on one foot, ie
bring her second foot to the ground?
- Are her feet too close or too far apart?
- Is the player absorbing the impact of her landing by bending her ankles,
knees and hips?
- Where are the player’s eyes focused?
Goal • Is the shooter comfortable and balanced in prepara on for the shot?
shoo ng • Are the player’s feet shoulder-width apart and is the body facing the goal post?
• Is the player holding the ball correctly? Is the ball comfortably res ng on all
finger ps? O en if players are shoo ng off centre, too much power is coming
from the ring and li le finger rather than the index and middle fingers.
• Is the shooter adop ng a rhythmical movement ini ated in the knees and
ending with the finger ps?
• Is the player consistently focused on only one point on the ring when shoo ng?
Dodge • Are the player’s feet shoulder-width apart? If too close or too far the player
will not successfully be able to dodge and get away from the opponent.
• Is the player taking one or two steps then pushing off on the outside leg in
the desired direc on?
Change of • Does the player use a variety of movements when changing direc on,
direc on including dodging, pivo ng and using a change of speed?
• Does the player push off using the outside leg when changing direc on?
Defending • Is the defender standing in such a way that she can see both her opponent
skills and the ball?
• Is the defender looking up and in a ready posi on to react to any a acking
movement, ie knees slightly bent?
Marking • Is the player quickly recovering and posi oning herself at least 0.9 m from
your her opponent?
opponent • Does the player quickly li her arms upwards and forwards, obscuring an
easy pass for the opponent?
• When defending a shot at goal, is the defender ge ng well posi oned and
able to balance for three seconds on one foot while extending one, or both
arms, upwards and forwards?

Discovery Vitality | 31
Appendix: Rules, posi ons
and equipment
General fitness for netball
A netball game consists of four quarters, each las ng 15 minutes.
For children, games are usually reduced to two halves, each
las ng 15 or 20 minutes. Netball is an interval-type game that
involves short bursts of high-intensity sprin ng, jumping and
changes of direc on, combined with slightly longer rest periods.

Star ng the game

The game is started with a toss of the coin with the captains
selec ng either first centre pass or direc on of play. The centre
pass is taken by the Centre, standing in the centre circle.
The general posi on of each player at the start of the game and
each centre pass a er this is shown in Figure 13 on page 35. On
the umpire’s whistle the Centre passes the ball to a team mate
who must catch/touch the ball in the centre third.
The aim is to pass the ball to the Goal A ack or Goal Shooter,
in the goal circle, who is responsible for shoo ng goals.
The opposing team aims to intercept the ball and pass it towards
the goal circle on the opposite end of the court. A er each goal,
play is restarted with a centre pass taken alternately throughout
the game by the two centres.

Out of court
The ball is considered out of court if it touches the ground
outside the court, or is held or touched by anyone making
ground contact outside the court. In both cases the team that
touched the ball last loses possession. Play is resumed when a
throw-in is taken by the opposing team where the ball crossed
the line.

On receiving the ball, the player can’t li and again put down
her ‘landing foot’ before passing the ball. The ‘landing foot’ is
the first grounded foot a er jumping to get the ball. A footwork
infringement results in a free pass being awarded to the
opposing team and happens when the:
• Landing foot is li ed and again grounded before the ball
is passed
• Player double hops on the same foot
• Player does not keep her landing foot sta onary.

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The player can:
• Pivot on her landing foot
• Li the landing foot (as long as she passes the ball before pu ng her foot back on the ground.
This technique is not advised for beginner players).
If the player lands on both feet when catching the ball, she can choose any foot as her landing foot.
Free passes are awarded in the following cases:

Held ball (three-second rule)

The player with the ball must pass the ball or take a shot at goal within three seconds. If she holds
the ball for longer, a free pass is awarded to the opposing team.

Short pass
When passing the ball, there must be room for a third person to move between the hands of the
thrower and catcher.

Playing the ball

If the player has control over the ball and then loses control, she can’t pick it up again and
con nue playing.

Over a third
The ball must be caught or at least touched by a player in each third of the court.
The player must be wholly in the third or at least have her landing foot in the third.
The ball must be caught or touched in the centre third when taking a centre pass.
Passing the ball over a third results in a free pass being awarded. The opposing team must take the
free pass in the third where the infringment took place.

No player, with or without the ball, can step outside their playing zones.

The playing area

The netball court is 30.5 m long and 15.25 m wide and is divided by transverse lines into three equal
thirds (Figure 13). There are five playing zones that influence where players are allowed.

Discovery Vitality | 33
Posi ons
Netball is played between two teams, each consis ng of seven
players. Each of the seven players has a very specific posi on,
and the court is divided into designated playing zones for each
posi on. The rules of the game do not allow any single player
access to the en re court.
Although each posi on is clearly defined as either a ack or
defence, each player must be able to perform both func ons
depending on which team has the ball. If the opposi on team
has the ball, all players must defend their immediate opponents
in an a empt to win the ball back. If the home team has the ball,
all players adjust their playing styles to an a acking game in an
a empt to get the ball to the goal circle and score.

The seven posi ons in netball

• Goal Shooter (GS)
Responsible for work in the goal circle and shoo ng and
scoring goals
• Goal A ack (GA)
Works with the Wing A ack and Centre to get the ball to the
Goal Shooter
• Wing A ack (WA)
Works with the Centre around the circle edge to feed the ball
to either the Goal Shooter or Goal A ack
• Centre (C)
The Centre works with the Wing A ack to feed the ball to
either the Goal Shooter or Goal A ack. The Centre will also
work with the Wing Defence to help defend the opposi on
goal circle
• Wing Defence (WD)
This player defends her immediate opponent and tries to
prevent her from feeding the ball to the opposi on
• Goal Defence (GD)
Also a defending posi on, in which the player defends her
immediate opponent, the GA, and tries to limit her goal-
shoo ng opportuni es. She also works with the Goal Keeper
in the goal circle
• Goal Keeper (GK)
Defends her immediate opponent, the GS, and tries to
prevent her from shoo ng goals. She is assisted by the GD.

34 | Discovery Vitality

Goal A ack Wing

(GA) Defence

Goal Goal
Shooter Keeper
(GS) (GK)

Wing A ack Goal Defence

(WA) (GD)

Offence Goal Third Centre Third Defence Goal Third

In certain situa ons there can be a simultaneous infringement of the rules such as simultaneous
possession, simultaneous offsides or even simultaneous contact between two opposing players.
In these instances a toss-up is necessary.
When taking a toss-up the two players involved in the simultaneous infringement stand facing each
other approximately 0.9 m apart with their hands by their sides. The umpire then holds the ball
midway between the two players, just below shoulder height of the shortest player (see Figure 14a).
The umpire holds the ball momentarily and then flicks it no more than 60 cm ver cally upwards while
blowing the whistle at the same me (Figure 14b). Both players a empt to catch or tap the ball.
Fellow players can’t be within 0.9 m of the toss-up.

Discovery Vitality | 35
Obstruc on with the ball
A player trying to defend an opponent with the ball must at all mes be a minimum of 0.9 m (as
measured on the ground) from the opponent’s landing foot. Should the opponent li her landing
foot, the minimum 0.9 m is measured from the place on the ground where the foot was first grounded.
At all mes the defending ac on should be aimed at the ball rather than the players, ie watching the
ball rather than the player. A defender can defend her opponent from the front, side or back. She may
not defend from outside the court. Should obstruc on occur, a penalty pass or shot is awarded.

Figure 14a Figure 14b

Players without the ball are constantly moving to create an opportunity to get the ball and this
increases their chances of making contact. Regardless of whether it’s deliberate or accidental, any
contact that interferes with an opponent’s ability to play, is penalised.
It is also considered contact if a player deliberately moves into the path of a player who is already
moving. The natural landing area of a player who has jumped and is airborne must be kept clear.
The ball is considered part of the player when held. So any contact with the ball is penalised as
contact, ie a penalty pass or shot is awarded. A player can’t bat the ball out of the hands of her
opponent or touch the ball held by the opponent.

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Ball sizes
• A universally accepted size is 5.
Your coaching sessions will also need:
• A whistle
• Bibs (two sets in two colours with posi ons labelled on front and back)
• First-aid kit
• Clipboard.

Discovery has endeavoured to ensure that all the informa on contained in this manual is accurate and based on credible clinical and
scien fic research. Discovery cannot however, be held responsible for any injury, loss or damages that may result from reliance on the
informa on, and by u lising the informa on you specifically waive any claim you may have against Discovery in this regard. You are
advised that each individual has their own unique clinical make-up and while the lesson plans were designed with all individuals in
mind, some may respond differently to others. You are therefore advised to take due cau on when par cipa ng in any of the
ac vi es recommended.

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Discovery Vitality | 39
Discovery Vitality | 155 West Street | Sandton | 0860 109 939 | | [email protected]


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