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Legal Education and RM 2 MCQs [set-1]

1. We review the relevant literature to know:

A. what is already known about the topic
B. what concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
C. who are the key contributors to the topic
D. all of the above
Answer: D

2. A deductive theory is one that:

A. allows theory to emerge out of the data
B. involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis

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C. allows for findings to feed back into the stock of knowledge
D. uses qualitative methods whenever possible . c
Answer: B
3. What does 'sampling cases' mean?
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A. sampling using a sampling frame
B. identifying people who are suitable for research
C. literally, the researcher\s brief-case
D. sampling people, newspapers, television programmes etc.
Answer: D

4. Which of the following is not a data-collection method?

A. research questions
B. unstructured interviewing
C. postal survey questionnaires
D. participant observation
Answer: A

5. Why is data analysis concerned with data reduction?

A. because far too much data is collected than is required
B. because we need to make sense of the data
C. because of the repetitions in answers to questionnaires
D. because the sample size has been exceeded
Answer: B

6. The core ingredients of a dissertation are:

A. introduction; data collection; data analysis; conclusions and recommendations.
B. executive summary; literature review; data gathered; conclusions; bibliography.
C. research plan; research data; analysis; references.
D. introduction; literature review; research methods; results; discussion; conclusion.
Answer: D

7. Which of the following is a component of ethnographic research?

A. being immersed in a social group or setting
B. participant observation, interviews, and/or documentary analysis
C. a written account of an ethnographic study
D. all of the above
Answer: D

8. What is a key informant?

A. a group member who helps the ethnographer gain access to relevant people/events
B. a senior level member of the organisation who refuses to allow researchers into it
C. a participant who appears to be helpful but then blows the researcher\s cover
D. someone who cuts keys to help the ethnographer gain access to a building
Answer: A

9. What is the name of the role adopted by an ethnographer who joins in with the
group's activities but admits to being a researcher?
A. complete participant
B. participant-as-observer
C. observer-as-participant
D. complete observer
Answer: B

10. Is it okay to break the law in order to maintain a "cover"?

A. yes, provided it is not very serious
B. no, never under any circumstances
C. yes, because otherwise data on criminal activity would never come to light
D. yes, provided it doesn\t cause physical harm to someone
Answer: B

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11. What is the difference between "scratch notes" and "full field notes"?
A. scratch notes are just key words and phrases, rather than lengthy descriptions
B. full field notes are quicker and easier to write than scratch notes
C. scratch notes are written at the end of the day rather than during key events
D. full field notes do not involve the researcher scratching their head while thinking
Answer: A

12. What are the two main types of data that can be used in visual ethnography?
A. positivist and interpretivist
B. qualitative and quantitative
C. nominal and ordinal
D. extant and research-driven
Answer: D

13. Which of the following makes qualitative interviewing distinct from structured
A. the procedure is less standardized
B. "rambling" off the topic is not a problem
C. the researcher seeks rich, detailed answers
D. all of the above
Answer: D

14. Which of the following is not a type of qualitative interview?

A. unstructured interview
B. oral history interview
C. structured interview
D. focus group interview
Answer: C

15. What is a "probing question"?

A. one that inquires about a sensitive or deeply personal issue
B. one that encourages the interviewee to say more about a topic
C. one that asks indirectly about people\s opinions
D. one that moves the conversation on to another topic
Answer: B

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16. What can you do to reduce the time consuming nature of transcribing
A. use a transcribing machine
B. employ someone to transcribe for you
C. transcribe only selected parts of the interviews
D. all of the above
Answer: D

17. Which of the following is not a type of life story?

A. naturalistic life stories
B. researched life stories
C. true life stories
D. reflexive and recursive life stories
Answer: C

18. Which of the following is an advantage of qualitative interviewing relative to

participant observation?
A. it allows you to find out about issues that are resistant to observation
B. it is more biased and value-laden
C. it is more likely to create reactive effects
D. none of the above
Answer: A

19. Which of the following is a disadvantage of qualitative interviewing relative to

participant observation?
A. it has a more specific focus
B. it is more ethically dubious, in terms of obtaining informed consent
C. it may not provide access to deviant or hidden activities
D. it does not allow participants to reconstruct their life events
Answer: C

20. The introductory section of a research report should aim to:

A. identify the specific focus of the study
B. provide a rationale for the dissertation, or article
C. grab the reader\s attention
D. all of the above
Answer: D

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21. What is the purpose of the conclusion in a research report?
A. it explains how concepts were operationally defined and measured
B. it contains a useful review of the relevant literature
C. it outlines the methodological procedures that were employed
D. it summarizes the key findings in relation to the research questions
Answer: D

22. Which of the following is not normally included in a written account of

qualitative research?
A. an introduction, locating the research in its theoretical context
B. an explanation of the design of the study
C. a discussion of the main findings in relation to the research questions
D. a decision to accept or reject the hypothesis
Answer: D

23. Before submitting your dissertation, you should ensure that:

A. your writing is free of sexist, racist and disablist language
B. other people have read your final draft
C. you have proofread it thoroughly
D. all of the above
Answer: D

24. Probability sampling is rarely used in qualitative research because:

A. qualitative researchers are not trained in statistics
B. it is very old-fashioned
C. it is often not feasible
D. research questions are more important than sampling
Answer: C

25. The two levels of sampling used by Savage et al. (2005) for the Manchester
study were:
A. random and purposive
B. convenience and snowball
C. statistical and non-statistical
D. contexts and participants
Answer: D

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