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● A Network Interface Card (NIC) or Network Interface Controller is an internal

physical component which enables computers and other devices to connect to a
● They are also known as network adapters
● NICs have a built in ethernet port and can be connected to a network via an
Ethernet cable
● The primary function of a NIC is to send and receive data packets between the
computer or device and the network
● The NIC converts data to be sent into signals that can be sent across the
transmission medium
○ If this is through a wired network, the signals will be voltages through an
ethernet wire or pulses of light through a fibre
○ If this is through a wireless network, the signals will be radio waves
● NICs are likely to be integrated into the motherboard but can be added as an
expansion card

MAC Address

● A Media Access Control/MAC address is used to identify a device on a network

● It is a unique code which consists of six pairs of hexadecimal codes separated
by a colon
● Each pair of hex digits is a Byte of data. So in total a MAC address is 6 bytes or
48 bits long
● An example MAC address is b4:71:ac:f3:21:a2
● The MAC address is assigned to the NIC by its manufacturer
● The first three pairs are the manufacturer ID number and the last three pairs is
the serial number of the NIC and identifies the device on the network

An example MAC address - the first part identifying the manufacturer and the second part
identify the device

● A MAC address cannot be changed. It is static

A table listing the differences between an IP address and a MAC address


Permanently assigned to Can be used to identify devices on a

a NIC and cannot be network but are dynamic and can be
changed changed

MAC addresses are IP addresses are written in denary

written in hexadecimal

MAC addresses are 6 IP addresses are 4 bytes long

bytes long

MAC addresses are used MAC addresses are used to identify a

to identify a device on a device on a WAN

Difference between IP public and private

Dynamic IP:
● Each time the computer rejoins a network its IP address changes

Static IP:
● When a computer leaves and rejoins a network the IP address doesn’t change
● A router is an important piece of network hardware. It connects one network to
another network
○ This means it can be used to connect a local area network (LAN ) to the
internet, which is a wide area network(WAN )
● An important role of the router is to analyse data packet and direct them on to
their destination

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