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Gurvinder Kaur


We see a woman, AMELIE, late 20s, arranging her bed; fluffing

her pillows. She then lies down on her bed, looks to her
right picks up her headphones, puts them on and listens to
her music, then cuts to a quick paced montage of her dancing,
singing to the music, trying to sleep.


STATIC SHOT of Amelie sitting on the sofa drinking red wine,

reading a magazine, all seems serene until we hear loud music
and noises that seems to be coming from the apartment above.
Amelie looks annoyed mow that her peaceful night has been
ruined. She looks at her ceiling to her front door a couple
of times, contemplating whether or not she should tell them
to keep the noise down. After a few moments she decides to
go, just as she reaches the door the noise stops. Amelie
pauses, waits, as if her moving could start the noise again.

She then decides to sit back down on the sofa. She goes to
sip from her wine that's on the coffee table until she hears
some low muffled commotion outside her door for a few
seconds, then silence followed by a piece of paper getting
passed under her door.

Amelie just stares at her door slightly confused, more so

scared at what the contents in the paper could be.


Amelie decides to see what was passed under her door, she
grab the paper quickly, moves away from the door and opens
the florescent green paper, in various font sizes and styles
it reads:

I have your wife and kids. Pay up or


Amelie frozen in shock, not knowing how to respond, turns on

her tv- and puts it on the lowest volume possible,
practically on mute- as so not to alert the mystery person
who could still be outside her door waiting for a response.
She sees that there's no breaking news of some rando-psycho
who's broken out of prison or a mental asylum who likes
messing with people or has a history of kidnapping people and
sending ransom notes.

She even writes out a text to send to her friends to see if

they've heard anything- because according to INEZ she's the
queen of everything news related- nothing is true unless it
comes from her mouth- but decides not to send it, as so to
not scare her or even worse invite her over so she can start
her own investigation on the mystery guy whose sending

Amelie looks at the door and back at the letter,

contemplating whether or not to open the door and see who
sent her this. Maybe it was those annoying kids across the
hall who always seem to be home and love playing pranks on
her, or even the old lady, DOROTHEA, on the third floor who
BETTY, 35,- the complex's own notorious gossip-, swears that
she's lived there forever and knows everyone's secrets by
just looking at them.

Amelie then decides to respond to the mystery person. She

gets plain pieces of paper, scissors, and her stack of old
magazine and gets to work on what she could say back.

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