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Registered Office: 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021
CIN: L22210MH1995PLC084781
Tel: +91 22 6778 9595 e-mail: [email protected] Website:

Audited Consolidated Statement of Financial Results

(` crore)
Three month period ended Year ended
March 31, December 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
Revenue from opera ti ons 61,237 60,583 59,162 2,40,893 2,25,458
Other i ncome 1,157 862 1,175 4,422 3,449
TOTAL INCOME 62,394 61,445 60,337 2,45,315 2,28,907
Empl oyee benefi t expens es 35,138 34,722 33,687 1,40,131 1,27,522
Cos t of equi pment a nd s oftwa re l i cences 1,561 1,173 620 3,702 1,881
Fi na nce cos ts 226 230 272 778 779
Depreci a ti on a nd a morti s a ti on expens e 1,246 1,233 1,286 4,985 5,022
Other expens es 7,374 8,300 9,081 32,764 36,796
TOTAL EXPENSES 45,545 45,658 44,946 1,82,360 1,72,000
PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEM AND TAX 16,849 15,787 15,391 62,955 56,907
Exceptional item
Settl ement of l ega l cl a i m - 958 - 958 -
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 16,849 14,829 15 391 61,997 56,907
Tax expense
Current ta x 4,408 3,633 4,079 15,864 14,757
Deferred ta x (61) 99 (124) 34 (153)
TOTAL TAX EXPENSE 4,347 3,732 3,955 15,898 14,604
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 12,502 11,097 11,436 46,099 42,303
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Remea s urement of defi ned empl oyee benefi t pl a ns 63 (70) (15) (2) 350
Net cha nge i n fa i r va l ues of i nves tments i n equi ty s ha res (6) - (2) (6) (2)
ca rri ed a t fa i r va l ue through OCI
Income tax on items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit (15) 12 23 (11) (75)
or loss
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Net cha nge i n fa i r va l ues of i nves tments other tha n equi ty 208 54 41 237 (679)
s ha res ca rri ed a t fa i r va l ue through OCI
Net cha nge i n i ntri ns i c va l ue of deri va ti ves des i gna ted a s ca s h 9 (82) 102 1 (25)
fl ow hedges
Net cha nge i n ti me va l ue of deri va ti ves des i gna ted a s ca s h 15 - 99 13 32
fl ow hedges
Excha nge di fferences on tra ns l a ti on of fi na nci a l s ta tements of (478) 718 151 44 655
forei gn opera ti ons
Income tax on items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or (58) 5 (60) (39) 236
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 12,240 11,734 11,775 46,336 42,795
Profit for the period attributable to:
Sha rehol ders of the Compa ny 12,434 11,058 11,392 45,908 42,147
Non-control l i ng i nteres ts 68 39 44 191 156
12,502 11,097 11,436 46,099 42,303
Other comprehensive income for the period attributable to:
Sha rehol ders of the Compa ny (226) 609 351 299 493
Non-control l i ng i nteres ts (36) 28 (12) (62) (1)
(262) 637 339 237 492
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:
Sha rehol ders of the Compa ny 12,208 11,667 11,743 46,207 42,640
Non-control l i ng i nteres ts 32 67 32 129 155
12,240 11,734 11,775 46,336 42,795
Pa i d up equi ty s ha re ca pi ta l (Fa ce va l ue: `1 per s ha re) 362 362 366 362 366
Total reserves (including Non-controlling interests) 90,957 90,840

Ea rni ngs per equi ty s ha re:- Ba s i c a nd di l uted (`) 34.37 30.29 31.14 125.88 115.19
Dividend per share (Par value `1 each)
Interi m di vi dend on equi ty s ha res (`) - 27.00 - 45.00 91.00
Fi na l di vi dend on equi ty s ha res (`) 28.00 - 24.00 28.00 24.00
Tota l di vi dend on equi ty s ha res (`) 28.00 27.00 24.00 73.00 115.00
Tota l equi ty di vi dend percenta ge 2,800 2,700 2,400 7,300 11,500
Audited Consolidated Segment Information
(` crore)
Three month period ended Year ended
March 31, December 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023

Ba nki ng, Fi na nci a l Servi ces a nd Ins ura nce 22,759 22,667 22,628 90,928 86,127
Ma nufa cturi ng 6,137 5,931 5,550 23,491 21,236
Cons umer Bus i nes s 9,891 9,817 9,773 39,357 37,506
Communi ca ti on, Medi a a nd Technol ogy 10,291 9,932 9,696 39,391 37,653
Li fe Sci ences a nd Hea l thca re 6,758 6,726 6,585 26,745 24,605
Others 5,401 5,510 4,930 20,981 18,331
Total 61,237 60,583 59,162 2,40,893 2,25,458
Ba nki ng, Fi na nci a l Servi ces a nd Ins ura nce 6,305 5,951 5,869 23,574 22,345
Ma nufa cturi ng 2,100 1,869 1,522 7,268 5,842
Cons umer Bus i nes s 2,719 2,583 2,575 10,252 9,636
Communi ca ti on, Medi a a nd Technol ogy 2,669 2,833 2,889 10,918 10,667
Li fe Sci ences a nd Hea l thca re 2,067 1,926 1,831 7,611 6,894
Others 1,304 1,226 1,088 4,673 3,875
Total 17,164 16,388 15,774 64,296 59,259
Una l l oca bl e expens es * 1,472 2,421 1,558 6,721 5,801
Operating income 15,692 13,967 14,216 57,575 53,458
Other i ncome 1,157 862 1,175 4,422 3,449
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 16,849 14,829 15,391 61,997 56,907

Note: The assets and liabilities of the Group are used interchangeably amongst segments. Allocation of such assets and liabilities is not practicable and any forced
allocation would not result in any meaningful segregation. Hence, assets and liabilities have not been identified to any of the reportable segments.

*Includes settlement of legal claim of `958 crore.

Audited Consolidated Balance Sheet
(` crore)
As at As at
March 31, 2024 March 31, 2023
Non-current assets
Property, pl a nt a nd equi pment 9,376 10,230
Ca pi ta l work-i n-progres s 1,564 1,234
Ri ght-of-us e a s s ets 7,886 7,560
Goodwi l l 1,832 1,858
Other i nta ngi bl e a s s ets 510 867
Fi na nci a l a s s ets
Inves tments 281 266
Tra de recei va bl es
Bi l l ed 127 149
Unbi l l ed 16 199
Loa ns 2 173
Other fi na nci a l a s s ets 3,272 2,149
Deferred ta x a s s ets (net) 3,403 3,307
Income ta x a s s ets (net) 1,600 2,583
Other a s s ets 3,596 2,806
Total non-current assets 33,465 33,381
Current assets
Inventori es 28 28
Fi na nci a l a s s ets
Inves tments 31,481 36,897
Tra de recei va bl es
Bi l l ed 44,434 41,049
Unbi l l ed 9,143 8,905
Ca s h a nd ca s h equi va l ents 9,016 7,123
Other ba l a nces wi th ba nks 4,270 3,909
Loa ns 491 1,325
Other fi na nci a l a s s ets 1,703 1,319
Income ta x a s s ets (net) 151 8
Other a s s ets 12,267 9,707
Total current assets 1,12,984 1,10,270
TOTAL ASSETS 1,46,449 1,43,651
Sha re ca pi ta l 362 366
Other equi ty 90,127 90,058
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 90,489 90,424
Non-control l i ng i nteres ts 830 782
Total equity 91,319 91,206
Non-current liabilities
Fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es
Lea s e l i a bi l i ti es 6,516 6,203
Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es 365 353
Empl oyee benefi t obl i ga ti ons 686 536
Deferred ta x l i a bi l i ti es (net) 977 792
Unea rned a nd deferred revenue 482 1,003
Total non-current liabilities 9,026 8,887
Current liabilities
Fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es
Lea s e l i a bi l i ti es 1,505 1,485
Tra de pa ya bl es 9,981 10,515
Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es 8,362 9,068
Unea rned a nd deferred revenue 3,640 3,843
Other l i a bi l i ti es 6,524 4,892
Provi s i ons 140 345
Empl oyee benefi t obl i ga ti ons 4,519 4,065
Income ta x l i a bi l i ti es (net) 11,433 9,345
Total current liabilities 46,104 43,558
Select explanatory notes to the Statement of Audited Consolidated Financial Results for three month period and year ended
March 31, 2024

1. These results have been prepared on the basis of the consolidated audited financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024
and the consolidated audited condensed interim financial statements upto the end of the third quarter, which are prepared in
accordance with the Ind AS notified under the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015. These results have been
reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 12, 2024. The statutory
auditors have expressed an unmodified audit opinion on these results.

2. Consolidated Statement of Cash flows is attached in Annexure I.

3. The Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 12, 2024, has proposed a final dividend of `28.00 per equity share.

4. The results for three month period and year ended March 31, 2024, are available on the BSE Limited website
(URL:, the National Stock Exchange of India Limited website (URL: and on the Company’s
website (URL:

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Mumbai K Krithivasan
April 12, 2024 CEO and Managing Director
Annexure I
Audited Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(` crore)
Year ended
March 31, March 31,
2024 2023
Profit for the year 46,099 42,303
Adjustments for:
Depreci a ti on a nd a morti s a ti on expens e 4,985 5,022
Ba d debts a nd a dva nces wri tten off, a l l owa nce for doubtful tra de recei va bl es a nd a dva nces (net) 114 140
Ta x expens e 15,898 14,604
Net (ga i n) / l os s on l ea s e modi fi ca ti on (7) 2
Unrea l i s ed forei gn excha nge ga i n (17) (189)
Net ga i n on di s pos a l of property, pl a nt a nd equi pment (7) (26)
Net ga i n on di s pos a l / fa i r va l ua ti on of i nves tments (312) (224)
Interes t i ncome (3,781) (3,248)
Di vi dend i ncome (41) (15)
Fi na nce cos ts 778 779
Operating profit before working capital changes 63,709 59,148
Net change in
Inventori es - (8)
Tra de recei va bl es
Bi l l ed (3,327) (6,501)
Unbi l l ed (5) (1,182)
Loa ns a nd other fi na nci a l a s s ets (301) 261
Other a s s ets (3,160) (25)
Tra de pa ya bl es (632) 2,036
Unea rned a nd deferred revenue (740) 39
Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es (695) 1,417
Other l i a bi l i ti es a nd provi s i ons 1978 (254)
Cash generated from operations 56,827 54,931
Ta xes pa i d (net of refunds ) (12,489) (12,966)
Net cash generated from operating activities 44,338 41,965


Ba nk depos i ts pl a ced (9,471) (4,548)
Inter-corpora te depos i ts pl a ced - (8,293)
Purcha s e of i nves tments (141,011) (129,745)
Pa yment for purcha s e of property, pl a nt a nd equi pment (2,202) (2,532)
Pa yment i ncl udi ng a dva nces for a cqui ri ng ri ght-of-us e a s s ets (30) (213)
Pa yment for purcha s e of i nta ngi bl e a s s ets (442) (355)
Proceeds from ba nk depos i ts 8,089 6,252
Proceeds from i nter-corpora te depos i ts 846 13,654
Proceeds from di s pos a l / redempti on of i nves tments 147,204 1,22,687
Proceeds from s ub-l ea s e recei va bl e 3 2
Proceeds from di s pos a l of property, pl a nt a nd equi pment 17 37
Proceeds from di s pos a l of i nta ngi bl e a s s ets 7 -
Interes t recei ved 2,990 3,080
Di vi dend recei ved 26 13
Net cash generated from investing activities 6,026 39
Audited Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(` crore)
Year ended
March 31, March 31,
2024 2023
Repayment of leas e liabilities (1,614) (1,515)
Interes t paid (699) (779)
Dividend paid (25,137) (41,347)
Dividend paid to non-controlling interes ts (81) (63)
Trans fer of funds to buy-back es crow account (425) -
Trans fer of funds from buy-back es crow account 425 18
Expens es for buy-back of equity s hares (46) -
Tax on buy-back of equity s hares (3,959) (4,192)
Buy-back of equity s hares (17,000) -
Net cash used in financing activities (48,536) (47,878)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 1,828 (5,874)
Cas h and cas h equivalents at the beginning of the year 7,123 12,488
Exchange difference on trans lation of foreign currency cas h and cas h equivalents 65 509
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 9,016 7,123
Components of cash and cash equivalents
Balances with banks
In current accounts 2,804 2,114
In depos it accounts 6,212 4,999
Cheques on hand -* -*
Cas h on hand -* -*
Remittances in trans it -* 10
9,016 7,123

*Repres ents values les s than `0.50 crore.

Registered Office: 9 Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021
CIN: L22210MH1995PLC084781
Tel: +91 22 6778 9595 e-mail: [email protected] Website:

Audited Standalone Statement of Financial Results

(` crore)
Three month period ended Year ended
March 31, December 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023

Revenue from opera ti ons 51,488 50,844 49,780 2,02,359 1,90,354

Other i ncome 1,806 1,809 1,433 7,273 5,328
TOTAL INCOME 53,294 52,653 51,213 2,09,632 1,95,682
Empl oyee benefi t expens es 25,631 25,511 25,258 1,03,139 96,218
Cos t of equi pment a nd s oftwa re l i cences 1,484 1,120 463 3,347 1,416
Fi na nce cos ts 197 204 250 673 695
Depreci a ti on a nd a morti s a ti on expens e 975 964 1,008 3,887 3,940
Other expens es 9,827 9,850 11,189 40,026 41,723
TOTAL EXPENSES 38,114 37,649 38,168 1,51,072 1,43,992
PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEM AND TAX 15,180 15,004 13,045 58,560 51,690
Exceptional item
Settl ement of l ega l cl a i m - 958 - 958 -
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 15,180 14,046 13,045 57,602 51,690
Tax Expense
Current ta x 3,925 3,263 3,459 14,178 12,946
Deferred ta x (138) 30 (214) (135) (362)
TOTAL TAX EXPENSE 3,787 3,293 3,245 14,043 12,584
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 11,393 10,753 9,800 43,559 39,106
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Remea s urement of defi ned empl oyee benefi t pl a ns 53 (100) (15) (60) 54
Net cha nge i n fa i r va l ues of i nves tments i n equi ty s ha res - - - - -
ca rri ed a t fa i r va l ue through OCI
Income tax on items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit (12) 22 3 13 (12)
or loss
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Net cha nge i n fa i r va l ues of i nves tments other tha n equi ty 208 54 41 237 (679)
s ha res ca rri ed a t fa i r va l ue through OCI
Net cha nge i n i ntri ns i c va l ue of deri va ti ves des i gna ted a s ca s h 9 (82) 102 1 (25)
fl ow hedges
Net cha nge i n ti me va l ue of deri va ti ves des i gna ted a s ca s h 15 - 99 13 32
fl ow hedges
Income tax on items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or (57) 5 (60) (39) 236
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 11,609 10,652 9,970 43,724 38,712
Pa i d up equi ty s ha re ca pi ta l (Fa ce va l ue: `1 per s ha re) 362 362 366 362 366
Total reserves 71,758 74,172

Earnings per equity share:- Basic and diluted (`) 31.48 29.45 26.79 119.44 106.88
Dividend per share (Par value `1 each)
Interim dividend on equity shares (`) - 27.00 - 45.00 91.00
Final dividend on equity shares (`) 28.00 - 24.00 28.00 24.00
Total dividend on equity shares (`) 28.00 27.00 24.00 73.00 115.00
Total equity dividend percentage 2,800 2,700 2,400 7,300 11,500
Audited Standalone Balance Sheet
(` crore)
As at As at
March 31, 2024 March 31, 2023
Non-current assets
Property, pl a nt a nd equi pment 8,336 9,186
Ca pi ta l work-i n-progres s 1,450 1,103
Ri ght-of-us e a s s ets 6,154 5,695
Inta ngi bl e a s s ets 463 809
Fi na nci a l a s s ets
Inves tments 2,405 2,405
Tra de recei va bl es
Bi l l ed 127 125
Unbi l l ed 65 196
Loa ns 2 3
Other fi na nci a l a s s ets 626 532
Deferred ta x a s s ets (net) 2,524 2,464
Income ta x a s s ets (net) 1,062 2,115
Other a s s ets 3,016 2,410
Total non-current assets 26,230 27,043
Current assets
Inventori es 27 27
Fi na nci a l a s s ets
Inves tments 29,840 35,738
Tra de recei va bl es
Bi l l ed 38,591 35,534
Unbi l l ed 7,477 7,264
Ca s h a nd ca s h equi va l ents 3,644 1,462
Other ba l a nces wi th ba nks 2,955 3,081
Loa ns 317 332
Other fi na nci a l a s s ets 1,559 1,557
Income ta x a s s ets (net) 111 -
Other a s s ets 10,397 7,789
Total current assets 94,918 92,784
TOTAL ASSETS 1,21,148 1,19,827
Sha re ca pi ta l 362 366
Other equi ty 71,758 74,172
Total equity 72,120 74,538
Non-current liabilities
Fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es
Lea s e l i a bi l i ti es 5,128 4,698
Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es 315 340
Empl oyee benefi t obl i ga ti ons 144 95
Deferred ta x l i a bi l i ti es (net) 154 190
Unea rned a nd deferred revenue 226 642
Total non-current liabilities 5,967 5,965
Current liabilities
Fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es
Lea s e l i a bi l i ti es 1,017 961
Tra de pa ya bl es
Dues of s ma l l enterpri s es a nd mi cro enterpri s es 79 -
Dues of credi tors other tha n s ma l l enterpri s es a nd mi cro enterpri s es 14,520 13,768
Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es 6,286 6,948
Unea rned a nd deferred revenue 2,811 2,962
Other l i a bi l i ti es 4,458 3,113
Provi s i ons 71 279
Empl oyee benefi t obl i ga ti ons 3,332 3,022
Income ta x l i a bi l i ti es (net) 10,487 8,271
Total current liabilities 43,061 39,324
Select explanatory notes to the Statement of Audited Standalone Financial Results for three month period and year ended March 31,

1. These results have been prepared on the basis of the audited standalone financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 and
the audited standalone condensed interim financial statements upto the end of the third quarter, which are prepared in accordance
with the Ind AS notified under the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015. These results have been reviewed by the
Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 12, 2024. The statutory auditors have expressed
an unmodified audit opinion on these results.

2. Audited Standalone Statement of Cash Flows is attached in Annexure A.

3. The Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 12, 2024, has proposed a final dividend of `28.00 per equity share.

4. The results for three month period and year ended March 31, 2024, are available on the BSE Limited website
(URL:, the National Stock Exchange of India Limited website (URL: and on the Company’s
website (URL:

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Mumbai K Krithivasan
April 12, 2024 CEO and Managing Director
Annexure A
Audited Standalone Statement of Cash Flows
(` crore)
Year ended
March 31, March 31,
2024 2023
Profit for the year 43,559 39,106
Adjustments for:
Depreci a ti on a nd a morti s a ti on expens e 3,887 3,940
Ba d debts a nd a dva nces wri tten off, a l l owa nce for doubtful tra de recei va bl es a nd a dva nces (net) 97 110
Ta x expens e 14,043 12,584
Net (ga i n) / l os s on l ea s e modi fi ca ti on (2) 3
Net ga i n on s ub-l ea s e - (7)
Unrea l i s ed forei gn excha nge ga i n (11) (185)
Net ga i n on di s pos a l of property, pl a nt a nd equi pment (8) (27)
Net ga i n on di s pos a l / fa i r va l ua ti on of i nves tments (264) (209)
Interes t i ncome (3,382) (3,046)
Di vi dend i ncome (Incl udi ng excha nge i mpa ct) (3,288) (2,112)
Fi na nce cos ts 673 695
Operating profit before working capital changes 55,304 50,852
Net change in
Inventori es - (8)
Tra de recei va bl es
Bi l l ed (3,145) (5,817)
Unbi l l ed (82) (1,157)
Loa ns a nd other fi na nci a l a s s ets (291) 192
Other a s s ets (3,125) (384)
Tra de pa ya bl es 831 3,686
Unea rned a nd deferred revenue (567) 31
Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es (698) 1,222
Other l i a bi l i ti es a nd provi s i ons 1,498 (654)
Cash generated from operations 49,725 47,963
Ta xes pa i d (net of refunds ) (10,583) (10,934)
Net cash generated from operating activities 39,142 37,029


Ba nk depos i ts pl a ced (6,489) (3,528)
Inter-corpora te depos i ts pl a ced - (7,580)
Purcha s e of i nves tments (128,764) (122,721)
Pa yment for purcha s e of property, pl a nt a nd equi pment (1,720) (2,041)
Pa yment i ncl udi ng a dva nces for a cqui ri ng ri ght-of-us e a s s ets (17) (94)
Pa yment for purcha s e of i nta ngi bl e a s s ets (411) (340)
Proceeds from ba nk depos i ts 6,605 5,930
Proceeds from i nter-corpora te depos i ts - 12,966
Proceeds from di s pos a l / redempti on of i nves tments 1,35,375 1,15,825
Proceeds from s ub-l ea s e recei va bl e 10 5
Proceeds from di s pos a l of property, pl a nt a nd equi pment 14 29
Interes t recei ved 2,670 2,933
Di vi dend recei ved from s ubs i di a ri es 3,534 1,866
Net cash generated from investing activities 10,807 3,250
Audited Standalone Statement of Cash Flows
(` crore)
Year ended
March 31, March 31,
2024 2023
Repa yment of l ea s e l i a bi l i ti es (1,061) (1,006)
Interes t pa i d (590) (697)
Di vi dend pa i d (25,137) (41,347)
Tra ns fer of funds to buy-ba ck es crow a ccount (425) -
Tra ns fer of funds from buy-ba ck es crow a ccount 425 18
Expens es for buy-ba ck of equi ty s ha res (46) -
Ta x on buy-ba ck of equi ty s ha res (3,959) (4,192)
Buy-ba ck of equi ty s ha res (17,000) -
Net cash used in financing activities (47,793) (47,224)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 2,156 (6,945)
Ca s h a nd ca s h equi va l ents a t the begi nni ng of the yea r 1,462 8,197
Excha nge di fference on tra ns l a ti on of forei gn currency ca s h a nd ca s h equi va l ents 26 210
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 3,644 1,462
Components of cash and cash equivalents
Balances with banks
In current a ccounts 1,359 776
In depos i t a ccounts 2,285 686
Cheques on ha nd -* -*
Ca s h on ha nd -* -*
Remi tta nces i n tra ns i t -* -*
3,644 1,462

*Repres ents va l ues l es s tha n `0.50 crore.

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